+ ./ya make . -T --test-size=small --test-size=medium --stat --test-threads 52 --link-threads 12 -DUSE_EAT_MY_DATA --build release --sanitize=address -DDEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY --bazel-remote-store --bazel-remote-base-uri http://cachesrv.internal:8081 --bazel-remote-username cache_user --bazel-remote-password-file /tmp/tmp.TdqK65RFot --bazel-remote-put --dist-cache-max-file-size=209715200 -A --retest --stat -DCONSISTENT_DEBUG --no-dir-outputs --test-failure-code 0 --build-all --cache-size 2TB --force-build-depends --log-file /home/runner/actions_runner/_work/ydb/ydb/tmp/results/ya_log.txt --evlog-file /home/runner/actions_runner/_work/ydb/ydb/tmp/results/try_1/ya_evlog.jsonl --junit /home/runner/actions_runner/_work/ydb/ydb/tmp/results/try_1/junit.xml --build-results-report /home/runner/actions_runner/_work/ydb/ydb/tmp/results/try_1/report.json --output /home/runner/actions_runner/_work/ydb/ydb/tmp/out Output root is subdirectory of Arcadia root, this may cause non-idempotent build Configuring dependencies for platform default-linux-x86_64-release-asan Configuring dependencies for platform tools [2 ymakes processing] [7682/7682 modules configured] [2225/4734 modules rendered] [2 ymakes processing] [7682/7682 modules configured] [4633/4734 modules rendered] [2 ymakes processing] [7682/7682 modules configured] [4734/4734 modules rendered] Configuring dependencies for platform test_tool_tc1-global [0 ymakes processing] [7688/7688 modules configured] [4734/4734 modules rendered] Configuring tests execution Configuring local and dist store caches Configuration done. Preparing for execution |33.3%| CLEANING SYMRES |17.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior/libpy3sdk-python-enable_v3_new_behavior.global.a |18.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/clients/libpy3tests-library-clients.a |19.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/certs/libcerts.a |21.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/api/service/protos/libpy3api-service-protos.global.a |20.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/protos/libpy3library-login-protos.global.a |23.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/protos/libpy3dq-actors-protos.global.a |23.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/api/service/protos/libapi-service-protos.a |24.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/mkql_proto/protos/liblibrary-mkql_proto-protos.a |25.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/protos/liblibrary-login-protos.a |27.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/protos/liblibrary-formats-arrow-protos.a |24.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/mkql_proto/protos/libpy3library-mkql_proto-protos.global.a |26.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/folder_service/proto/libpy3library-folder_service-proto.global.a |26.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/services/libydb-library-services.a |27.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/defaults/protos/libscheme-defaults-protos.a |27.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/defaults/protos/libpy3scheme-defaults-protos.global.a |28.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/services/libpy3ydb-library-services.global.a |28.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ydb_issue/proto/libpy3library-ydb_issue-proto.global.a |28.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/protos/liblibrary-actors-protos.a |30.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/common/protos/libcolumnshard-common-protos.a |30.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/antlr3_cpp_runtime/libcontrib-libs-antlr3_cpp_runtime.a |30.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/common/protos/libpy3columnshard-common-protos.global.a |31.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/protos/libpy3core-scheme-protos.global.a |31.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/draft/libpy3api-grpc-draft.global.a |32.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/folder_service/proto/liblibrary-folder_service-proto.a |32.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/schemeshard/libcore-protos-schemeshard.a |32.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/proto/libpy3providers-s3-proto.global.a |32.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ydb_issue/proto/liblibrary-ydb_issue-proto.a |33.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/protos/libcore-scheme-protos.a |33.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyHamcrest/py3/libpy3python-PyHamcrest-py3.a |33.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/schemeshard/libpy3core-protos-schemeshard.global.a |33.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/config/protos/libpy3core-config-protos.global.a |34.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libunwind/libcontrib-libs-libunwind.a |34.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/2d_array/libcpp-containers-2d_array.a |34.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior/libpy3sdk-python-enable_v3_new_behavior.a |35.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/plain32/liblibs-base64-plain32.a |35.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/libpy3libs-config-protos.global.a |35.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/libpy3api-grpc.global.a |35.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/protos/libcolumnshard-engines-protos.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/proto/libpy3yql-dq-proto.global.a |36.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/proto/libyql-dq-proto.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/annotations/libapi-protos-annotations.a |35.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/windows/libpy3library-python-windows.global.a |35.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/libpy3api-protos.global.a |36.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/proto/libproviders-s3-proto.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/tools/enum_parser/enum_serialization_runtime/libtools-enum_parser-enum_serialization_runtime.a |36.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/protos/libpy3library-actors-protos.global.a |37.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/symbols/registry/libpython-symbols-registry.a |37.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/recipes/common/libpy3library-recipes-common.a |37.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/annotations/libpy3api-protos-annotations.global.a |37.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/symbols/python/libpython-symbols-python.global.a |37.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/recipes/common/libpy3library-recipes-common.global.a |38.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/libpy3ydb-tests-library.a |38.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/nghttp3/libcontrib-libs-nghttp3.a |38.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/config/liblibrary-cpp-config.a |39.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/windows/libpy3library-python-windows.a |39.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/func/libpy3library-python-func.global.a |39.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/reservoir_sampling/libpy3library-python-reservoir_sampling.a |39.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/libpy3ydb-core-protos.global.a |40.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/symbols/module/libpy3python-symbols-module.global.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/apache/orc-format/liblibs-apache-orc-format.a |34.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/libpy3ydb-tests-library.global.a |35.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/yatest_lib/libpy3python-testing-yatest_lib.a |35.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/clients/libpy3tests-library-clients.global.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/malloc/system/libsystem_allocator.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/malloc/api/libcpp-malloc-api.a |37.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/oss/canonical/libpy3tests-oss-canonical.a |38.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/llhttp/libcontrib-restricted-llhttp.a |38.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/resource/liblibrary-cpp-resource.a |39.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pluggy/py3/libpy3python-pluggy-py3.a |39.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/symbols/module/libpy3python-symbols-module.a |40.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/protos/libdq-actors-protos.a |40.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/protobuf/py3/libpy3python-protobuf-py3.global.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/platformdirs/libpy3contrib-python-platformdirs.global.a |41.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/liblibs-config-protos.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ydb/py3/libpy3python-ydb-py3.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/multidict/libpy3contrib-python-multidict.global.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/iniconfig/libpy3contrib-python-iniconfig.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/util/libyutil.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/liblibs-cxxsupp-libcxx.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/packaging/py3/libpy3python-packaging-py3.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/certifi/libpy3library-python-certifi.a |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/protobuf/py3/libpy3python-protobuf-py3.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/grpcio/py3/libpy3python-grpcio-py3.global.a |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/six/py3/libpy3python-six-py3.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/certifi/libpy3library-python-certifi.global.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/comptable/liblibrary-cpp-comptable.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/colorizer/liblibrary-cpp-colorizer.a |46.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pycparser/py3/libpy3python-pycparser-py3.global.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/case_insensitive_string/liblibrary-cpp-case_insensitive_string.a |47.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/fastlz/libblockcodecs-codecs-fastlz.global.a |47.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/cache/liblibrary-cpp-cache.a |47.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pytest/py3/libpy3python-pytest-py3.global.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/draft/libapi-grpc-draft.a |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/archive/liblibrary-cpp-archive.a |49.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/random/librestricted-boost-random.a |49.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/bzip/libblockcodecs-codecs-bzip.global.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/http-parser/libcontrib-restricted-http-parser.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cffi/py3/libpy3python-cffi-py3.a |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_append.cpp |49.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/atomic/librestricted-boost-atomic.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/chrono/librestricted-boost-chrono.a |50.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-sdkutils/librestricted-aws-aws-c-sdkutils.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/iostreams/librestricted-boost-iostreams.a |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/status/libabseil-cpp-absl-status.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-compression/librestricted-aws-aws-c-compression.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-event-stream/librestricted-aws-aws-c-event-stream.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/binsaver/liblibrary-cpp-binsaver.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/random/libabseil-cpp-absl-random.a |50.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/time/libabseil-cpp-absl-time.a |50.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-mqtt/librestricted-aws-aws-c-mqtt.a |50.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-cal/librestricted-aws-aws-c-cal.a |50.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/synchronization/libabseil-cpp-absl-synchronization.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/numeric/libabseil-cpp-absl-numeric.a |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/hash/libabseil-cpp-absl-hash.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-s3/librestricted-aws-aws-c-s3.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/debugging/libabseil-cpp-absl-debugging.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-crt-cpp/librestricted-aws-aws-crt-cpp.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/synchronization/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-synchronization.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/random/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-random.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/status/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-status.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-http/librestricted-aws-aws-c-http.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-auth/librestricted-aws-aws-c-auth.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/container/libabseil-cpp-absl-container.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg_factory.cpp |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/program_options/librestricted-boost-program_options.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-common/librestricted-aws-aws-c-common.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/libapi-grpc.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/libabseil-cpp-absl-strings.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-c-io/librestricted-aws-aws-c-io.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/debugging/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-debugging.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/base/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-base.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/strings/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-strings.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/s2n/librestricted-aws-s2n.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/yaml/libcontrib-libs-yaml.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/utf8proc/libcontrib-libs-utf8proc.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/xxhash/libcontrib-libs-xxhash.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/profiling/libabseil-cpp-absl-profiling.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/flags/libabseil-cpp-absl-flags.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/snappy/libcontrib-libs-snappy.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/zstd/libcontrib-libs-zstd.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/lzmasdk/libcontrib-libs-lzmasdk.a |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/log/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-log.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/JSON/liblibs-poco-JSON.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/t1ha/libcontrib-libs-t1ha.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/X86/Disassembler/libTarget-X86-Disassembler.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/libopt-physical-effects.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/lz4/libcontrib-libs-lz4.a |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/libminikql-comp_nodes-llvm16.a |45.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/tcmalloc/malloc_extension/liblibs-tcmalloc-malloc_extension.a |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/kqprun_recipe |46.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/libTarget-X86-AsmParser.a |46.8%| PREPARE $(VCS) |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/re2/libcontrib-libs-re2.a |46.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libevent/event_core/liblibs-libevent-event_core.a |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/container/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-container.a |47.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/flags/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-flags.a |47.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Linker/libllvm16-lib-Linker.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/time/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-time.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/MC/MCDisassembler/liblib-MC-MCDisassembler.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libaio/static/liblibs-libaio-static.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxxrt/liblibs-cxxsupp-libcxxrt.a |43.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/plain64/liblibs-base64-plain64.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/grpc/third_party/address_sorting/libgrpc-third_party-address_sorting.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/fastlz/libcontrib-libs-fastlz.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/builtins/liblibs-cxxsupp-builtins.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/neon32/liblibs-base64-neon32.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/crcutil/libcontrib-libs-crcutil.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/brotli/common/liblibs-brotli-common.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/farmhash/arch/sse42_aesni/libfarmhash-arch-sse42_aesni.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/AsmParser/libllvm16-lib-AsmParser.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/neon64/liblibs-base64-neon64.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cctz/tzdata/liblibs-cctz-tzdata.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/grpc/third_party/upb/libgrpc-third_party-upb.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/numeric/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-numeric.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/brotli/dec/liblibs-brotli-dec.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/aws/aws-checksums/librestricted-aws-aws-checksums.a |38.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/hash/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-hash.a |38.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/clang18-rt/lib/asan_static/libclang_rt.asan_static-x86_64.a |38.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/brotli/enc/liblibs-brotli-enc.a |39.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/base/libabseil-cpp-absl-base.a |39.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/farmhash/libcontrib-libs-farmhash.a |39.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxxabi-parts/liblibs-cxxsupp-libcxxabi-parts.a |39.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_container.cpp |39.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Bitcode/Writer/liblib-Bitcode-Writer.a |40.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/fmt/libcontrib-libs-fmt.a |38.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/double-conversion/libcontrib-libs-double-conversion.a |38.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_exists.cpp |38.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/hdr_histogram/libcontrib-libs-hdr_histogram.a |38.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/liburing/libcontrib-libs-liburing.a |38.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/avx2/liblibs-base64-avx2.a |38.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/expat/libcontrib-libs-expat.a |38.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libidn/static/liblibs-libidn-static.a |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libevent/event_thread/liblibs-libevent-event_thread.a |36.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_func.cpp |36.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/log/libabseil-cpp-absl-log.a |36.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/clang18-rt/lib/asan/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.a |36.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_compress.cpp |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libbz2/libcontrib-libs-libbz2.a |36.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_getelem.cpp |36.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_decimal.cpp |37.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/linuxvdso/original/liblibs-linuxvdso-original.a |37.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Demangle/libllvm16-lib-Demangle.a |35.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_just.cpp |35.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/backtrace/libcontrib-libs-backtrace.a |35.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/DebugInfo/MSF/liblib-DebugInfo-MSF.a |35.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libevent/event_openssl/liblibs-libevent-event_openssl.a |35.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/types/libabseil-cpp-absl-types.a |35.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/profiling/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-profiling.a |33.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/clang18-rt/lib/asan_cxx/libclang_rt.asan_cxx-x86_64.a |33.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libevent/event_extra/liblibs-libevent-event_extra.a |34.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/flatbuffers/libcontrib-libs-flatbuffers.a |34.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libiconv/static/liblibs-libiconv-static.a |34.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/antlr4_cpp_runtime/libcontrib-libs-antlr4_cpp_runtime.a |34.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_local_partition_reader |34.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cctz/tzdata/liblibs-cctz-tzdata.global.a |34.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/linuxvdso/libcontrib-libs-linuxvdso.a |34.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/farmhash/arch/sse42/libfarmhash-arch-sse42.a |34.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/certs/libcerts.global.a |34.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_skiptake.cpp |34.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_element.cpp |34.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_logical.cpp |34.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_dictitems.cpp |34.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_decimal_mod.cpp |34.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_decimal_mul.cpp |34.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_if.cpp |35.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/hyperscan/runtime_corei7/liblibs-hyperscan-runtime_corei7.a |35.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/curl/libcontrib-libs-curl.a |35.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_map_join.cpp |35.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_guess.cpp |35.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_flatmap.cpp |35.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_iterable.cpp |35.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/hyperscan/runtime_avx2/liblibs-hyperscan-runtime_avx2.a |35.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_top.cpp |35.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_check_args.cpp |35.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/apache/avro/liblibs-apache-avro.a |35.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_nop.cpp |35.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/DebugInfo/CodeView/liblib-DebugInfo-CodeView.a |35.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_map.cpp |35.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/liblibs-aws-sdk-cpp-aws-cpp-sdk-core.a |35.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/context/fcontext_impl/libboost-context-fcontext_impl.a |35.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cffi/py3/libpy3python-cffi-py3.global.a |35.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_coalesce.cpp |36.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/exception/librestricted-boost-exception.a |36.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/context/impl_common/libboost-context-impl_common.a |35.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_grace_join_imp.cpp |36.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/container/librestricted-boost-container.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/CodeGen/AsmPrinter/liblib-CodeGen-AsmPrinter.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/ytalloc/api/libcpp-ytalloc-api.a |36.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/xml/init/libcpp-xml-init.a |36.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/xml/document/libcpp-xml-document.a |36.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Bitcode/Reader/liblib-Bitcode-Reader.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/apps/version/libversion_definition.a |36.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/apache/orc/liblibs-apache-orc.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/util/draft/libutil-draft.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/base/generated/libcore-base-generated.a |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/hyperscan/runtime_core2/liblibs-hyperscan-runtime_core2.a |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/libcore-backup-impl.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/exception/libcpp-yt-exception.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/cursors/libunwind/libbacktrace-cursors-libunwind.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/graph/librestricted-boost-graph.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/cpu_clock/libcpp-yt-cpu_clock.a |36.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/libydb-core-kqp.global.a |37.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libxml/libcontrib-libs-libxml.a |36.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/cache_block/libvdisk-hulldb-cache_block.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/local_rpc/libkqp-gateway-local_rpc.a |36.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/libproviders-yt-provider.a |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/constructor/libreader-sys_view-constructor.a |36.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/CodeGen/GlobalISel/liblib-CodeGen-GlobalISel.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/backtrace/libcpp-yt-backtrace.a |36.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/liblibrary-ncloud-impl.a |36.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/db_pool/protos/liblibrary-db_pool-protos.a |36.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/show_create/libcore-sys_view-show_create.a |37.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Passes/libllvm16-lib-Passes.a |37.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/http_proxy/authorization/liblibrary-http_proxy-authorization.a |36.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/common/proto/libbackup-common-proto.a |36.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/audit/libydb-core-audit.a |37.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/IPO/liblib-Transforms-IPO.a |37.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/mkql_proto/libydb-library-mkql_proto.a |37.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/operation/libclient-yc_private-operation.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/extensions/solomon_stats/libclient-extensions-solomon_stats.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/libtx-replication-ydb_proxy.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/libydb-core-actorlib_impl.a |37.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/expr_nodes_gen/libessentials-core-expr_nodes_gen.a |37.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/X86/liblib-Target-X86.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/common/libcore-backup-common.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/error/libcpp-yt-error.a |37.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/rewrapper/re2/libjsonpath-rewrapper-re2.global.a |37.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos/libcontrib-libs-googleapis-common-protos.a |37.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/rewrapper/hyperscan/libjsonpath-rewrapper-hyperscan.global.a |37.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_public/events/libclient-yc_public-events.a |37.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/tvm/libyt-library-tvm.a |37.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/pg_catalog/proto/libparser-pg_catalog-proto.a |37.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/nc_private/accessservice/libclient-nc_private-accessservice.a |37.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/client/query_tracker_client/libyt-client-query_tracker_client.a |38.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/base/libydb-core-base.a |38.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/undumpable/libyt-library-undumpable.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/controller/libcore-backup-controller.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/facade/libessentials-core-facade.a |38.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/proto/libproviders-yt-proto.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/ytflow/expr_nodes/libproviders-ytflow-expr_nodes.a |38.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/mkql_dq/libproviders-yt-mkql_dq.a |38.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/global/libcpp-yt-global.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/libcore-kqp-gateway.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/logging/libcpp-yt-logging.a |38.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/liblib-CodeGen-SelectionDAG.a |38.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/client/arrow/libyt-client-arrow.a |38.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/memory/libcpp-yt-memory.a |39.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/config_clusters/libyt-lib-config_clusters.a |38.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/skiff/libyt-lib-skiff.a |38.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/schema/libyt-lib-schema.a |38.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/logging/libmapreduce-interface-logging.a |38.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/misc/libcpp-yt-misc.a |38.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/yson_string/libcpp-yt-yson_string.a |39.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/logging/plain_text_formatter/libyt-logging-plain_text_formatter.a |39.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/host/libcore-kqp-host.a |39.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/malloc/libcpp-yt-malloc.a |39.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/comp_nodes/llvm16/libyt-comp_nodes-llvm16.a |39.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/libcpp-mapreduce-common.a |39.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/providers/stat/expr_nodes/libproviders-stat-expr_nodes.a |39.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/proto_parser/libsql-v1-proto_parser.a |39.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/yson/libcpp-yt-yson.a |39.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/system/libcpp-yt-system.a |39.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/client/formats/libyt-client-formats.a |39.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/threading/libcpp-yt-threading.a |39.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/lexer/antlr3/libv1-lexer-antlr3.a |39.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/types/binary_json/libessentials-types-binary_json.a |39.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/string/libcpp-yt-string.a |39.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/support/libpublic-udf-support.a |40.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/http_client/libcpp-mapreduce-http_client.a |40.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/service/exception_policy/libudf-service-exception_policy.global.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/http/libcpp-mapreduce-http.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/schema/parser/libcommon-schema-parser.a |40.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/terminate_handler/liblibrary-cpp-terminate_handler.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/liblibs-aws-sdk-cpp-aws-cpp-sdk-s3.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/issue/libessentials-public-issue.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/schema/mkql/libcommon-schema-mkql.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/charset-normalizer/libpy3contrib-python-charset-normalizer.global.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/config/libessentials-providers-config.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yson/liblibrary-cpp-yson.a |40.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/python-dateutil/py3/libpy3python-python-dateutil-py3.a |40.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/udf_resolve/libproviders-common-udf_resolve.a |40.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yson/json/libcpp-yson-json.a |40.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yson_pull/libyson_pull.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/tdigest/liblibrary-cpp-tdigest.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/zlib/libblockcodecs-codecs-zlib.global.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/common/libcpp-testing-common.a |40.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/uriparser/libcontrib-restricted-uriparser.a |40.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg_count.cpp |40.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/unittest_main/libcpp-testing-unittest_main.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yson/node/libcpp-yson-node.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/terminate_handler/liblibrary-cpp-terminate_handler.global.a |40.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_tobytes.cpp |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gmock_in_unittest/libcpp-testing-gmock_in_unittest.global.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gmock_in_unittest/libcpp-testing-gmock_in_unittest.a |41.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gtest_extensions/libcpp-testing-gtest_extensions.a |41.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/hook/libcpp-testing-hook.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/context/ucontext_impl/libboost-context-ucontext_impl.a |41.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/libapi-protos.a |41.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/atomic/libcpp-threading-atomic.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/requests/py3/libpy3python-requests-py3.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/unittest/libcpp-testing-unittest.a |41.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/libpy3contrib-python-requests-oauthlib.global.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/blocking_queue/libcpp-threading-blocking_queue.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/coroutine/librestricted-boost-coroutine.a |41.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/cancellation/libcpp-threading-cancellation.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/codec/libproviders-common-codec.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/python-dateutil/py3/libpy3python-python-dateutil-py3.global.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/equeue/libcpp-threading-equeue.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/activation/libproviders-common-activation.a |41.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_size.cpp |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/user_data/libessentials-core-user_data.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blob_depot/agent/libcore-blob_depot-agent.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/url_preprocessing/interface/libcore-url_preprocessing-interface.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/thread/librestricted-boost-thread.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/arrow/libessentials-minikql-arrow.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/cron/libcpp-threading-cron.a |42.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_seq.cpp |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/dq_integration/libessentials-core-dq_integration.a |42.1%| PREPARE $(YMAKE_PYTHON3-4256832079) |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/credentials/libessentials-core-credentials.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/regex/librestricted-boost-regex.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/locale/librestricted-boost-locale.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/dq_integration/transform/libcore-dq_integration-transform.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/boost/serialization/librestricted-boost-serialization.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/cbo/libessentials-core-cbo.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/bg_tasks/abstract/libservices-bg_tasks-abstract.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/tablet/libydb-services-tablet.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/client/libcpp-mapreduce-client.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/deprecated/persqueue_v0/api/protos/libapi-protos-persqueue-deprecated.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/status/libclient-types-status.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/metadata/libservices-ext_index-metadata.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/bg_tasks/protos/libservices-bg_tasks-protos.a |39.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/manager/libservices-metadata-manager.a |39.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/discovery/libydb-services-discovery.a |40.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/credentials/libclient-types-credentials.a |40.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/issue/libsrc-library-issue.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/libsrc-client-topic.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt_proto/yt/client/libyt_proto-yt-client.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Analysis/libllvm16-lib-Analysis.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/deprecated/persqueue_v0/api/grpc/libapi-grpc-persqueue-deprecated.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/grpc/client/libsdk-library-grpc-client-v3.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/libclickhouse_client_udf.global.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/common/libclient-topic-common.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/maintenance/libydb-services-maintenance.a |40.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/table/query_stats/libclient-table-query_stats.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/ss_tasks/libsrc-client-ss_tasks.a |40.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/codecs/libclient-topic-codecs.a |40.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/proto/libsrc-client-proto.a |40.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/retry/libimpl-ydb_internal-retry.a |40.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/session_pool/libimpl-ydb_internal-session_pool.a |40.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/make_request/libimpl-ydb_internal-make_request.a |40.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/plain_status/libimpl-ydb_internal-plain_status.a |40.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v0/libproto_ast-gen-v0.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/kqp_session_common/libimpl-ydb_internal-kqp_session_common.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/params/libsrc-client-params.a |40.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/logger/libimpl-ydb_internal-logger.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/common/libimpl-ydb_internal-common.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/deprecated/persqueue_v0/libservices-deprecated-persqueue_v0.a |40.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/scheme/libsrc-client-scheme.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/dump/files/libydb_cli-dump-files.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/query/impl/libclient-query-impl.a |40.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/db_driver_state/libimpl-ydb_internal-db_driver_state.a |40.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/out/libapi-protos-out.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/iam/libsrc-client-iam.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/rate_limiter/libsrc-client-rate_limiter.a |41.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/ydb_discovery/libydb_cli_command_ydb_discovery.a |41.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/grpc_connections/libimpl-ydb_internal-grpc_connections.a |41.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/public/ydb_issue/libyql-public-ydb_issue.a |41.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/utils/actor_log/libyql-utils-actor_log.a |41.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/gateway/libproviders-solomon-gateway.a |41.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/base/libpublic-lib-base.a |41.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/serializations/libproviders-s3-serializations.a |41.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/credentials/libproviders-s3-credentials.a |41.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/query/libsrc-client-query.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/client/liblib-deprecated-client.a |41.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/scheme_types/libpublic-lib-scheme_types.a |41.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/cm_client/libproviders-pq-cm_client.a |41.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/deprecated/kicli/liblib-deprecated-kicli.a |41.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/sdk_core_access/libydb_sdk_core_access.a |41.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/value/libpublic-lib-value.a |41.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/actors/events/libdq-actors-events.a |41.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/compressors/libproviders-s3-compressors.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/peephole_opt/libessentials-core-peephole_opt.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/yson_value/libpublic-lib-yson_value.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/json_value/libpublic-lib-json_value.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/libcpp/libgeneric-connector-libcpp.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/proto/libproviders-solomon-proto.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/include/ydb-cpp-sdk/client/topic/libydb-cpp-sdk-client-topic.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/common_client/impl/libclient-common_client-impl.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/adapters/issue/libcpp-adapters-issue.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/iam_private/libsrc-client-iam_private.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/dump/util/libydb_cli-dump-util.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/common_client/libsrc-client-common_client.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/table/impl/libclient-table-impl.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/decimal/libsrc-library-decimal.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/experimental/libpublic-lib-experimental.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_stats/libclient-impl-ydb_stats.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_endpoints/libclient-impl-ydb_endpoints.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/value_helpers/libimpl-ydb_internal-value_helpers.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/impl/ydb_internal/thread_pool/libimpl-ydb_internal-thread_pool.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/import/libsrc-client-import.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/resources/libsrc-client-resources.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/result/libsrc-client-result.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/common/libcommon.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/provider/exec/libdq-provider-exec.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/resources/libsrc-client-resources.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/fq/libpublic-lib-fq.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/exceptions/libclient-types-exceptions.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/operation/libsrc-client-operation.a |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat.cpp |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/coordination/libsrc-client-coordination.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/credentials/login/libtypes-credentials-login.a |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowInputFormat.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/TSKVRowInputFormat.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/TSKVRowOutputFormat.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/RawBLOBRowInputFormat.cpp |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/credentials/oauth2_token_exchange/libtypes-credentials-oauth2_token_exchange.a |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ParquetBlockOutputFormat.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/parseQuery.cpp |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/api/protos/libdq-api-protos.a |43.3%| PREPARE $(LLD_ROOT-3808007503) |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ParquetBlockInputFormat.cpp |43.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/table/libsrc-client-table.a |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ORCBlockInputFormat.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ArrowBlockInputFormat.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.cpp |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/impl/libclient-topic-impl.a |43.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/ydb-tests-functional-compatibility |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Executors/PollingQueue.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/parseUserName.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/ConcatProcessor.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Chunk.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/queryToString.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/parseIntervalKind.cpp |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/icu/libcontrib-libs-icu.a |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/IInputFormat.cpp |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserShowGrantsQuery.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSettingsProfileElement.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserRolesOrUsersSet.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSelectWithUnionQuery.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSetQuery.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSetRoleQuery.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserProjectionSelectQuery.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserRenameQuery.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserBackupQuery.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDictionaryAttributeDeclaration.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserOptimizeQuery.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserPartition.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSelectWithUnionQuery.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSampleRatio.cpp |44.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/ydb-tests-functional-tenants |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/interconnect/liblibrary-actors-interconnect.a |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSelectQuery.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDescribeTableQuery.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTDictionary.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTColumnsMatcher.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTQueryWithTableAndOutput.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTQueryWithOutput.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTQueryParameter.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTQueryWithOnCluster.cpp |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTConstraintDeclaration.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTCreateQuery.cpp |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTColumnsTransformers.cpp |44.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/ydb-tests-fq-common |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTColumnDeclaration.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/TablesStatus.cpp |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/CodeGen/libllvm16-lib-CodeGen.a |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/QueryThreadLog.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.cpp |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/provider/libproviders-s3-provider.a |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTDatabaseOrNone.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/MMappedFileDescriptor.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadBufferFromFileBase.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadBufferFromFile.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/Progress.cpp |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/impl/libclient-persqueue_public-impl.a |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/ProfileEventsExt.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/IFunction.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/MMapReadBufferFromFileWithCache.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/DoubleConverter.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/ProtobufWriter.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDate.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/NestedUtils.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationArray.cpp |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeDate.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/IDataType.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeCustomIPv4AndIPv6.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeCustomGeo.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/ICompressionCodec.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeLowCardinality.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/SizeLimits.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/materializeBlock.cpp |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/BlockStreamProfileInfo.cpp |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressionCodecNone.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressionCodecMultiple.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/ColumnGathererStream.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/SettingsEnums.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/thread_local_rng.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressionCodecLZ4.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressedWriteBuffer.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressedReadBuffer.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/quoteString.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/parseAddress.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ThreadStatus.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressedReadBufferBase.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/RemoteHostFilter.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ProcfsMetricsProvider.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeFunction.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/escapeForFileName.cpp |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressedReadBufferFromFile.cpp |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ProfileEvents.cpp |47.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/grpc/libcontrib-libs-grpc.a |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/PipeFDs.cpp |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/PODArray.cpp |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/IPv6ToBinary.cpp |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ClickHouseRevision.cpp |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/MaskOperations.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/MemoryTracker.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/IColumn.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/Allocator.cpp |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/getThreadId.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnNullable.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnMap.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/AlignedBuffer.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/getPageSize.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/DateLUTImpl.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnFunction.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/mremap.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionFactory.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/shift10.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/DateLUT.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnAggregateFunction.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/StringRef.cpp |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/common_opt/libessentials-core-common_opt.a |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/errnoToString.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/JSON.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/demangle.cpp |48.1%| PREPARE $(PYTHON) |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/getResource.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/sleep.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/preciseExp10.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnConst.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnCompressed.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnFixedString.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/base/common/getFQDNOrHostName.cpp |48.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/FilterDescription.cpp |48.4%| PREPARE $(CLANG_FORMAT-2212207123) |48.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/castColumn.cpp |48.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnDecimal.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnArray.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnLowCardinality.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/FieldVisitorWriteBinary.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnTuple.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnString.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnsCommon.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/Epoll.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/Exception.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/CurrentThread.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/CurrentMetrics.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/CurrentMemoryTracker.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/Config/AbstractConfigurationComparison.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/FieldVisitorToString.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/DNSResolver.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/formatReadable.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/IntervalKind.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ErrorCodes.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ThreadProfileEvents.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ThreadPool.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Columns/ColumnVector.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/hex.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/checkStackSize.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/TaskStatsInfoGetter.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/ZooKeeper/IKeeper.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/TimerDescriptor.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/FieldVisitorDump.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/OpenSSLHelpers.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/Throttler.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/formatIPv6.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/createHardLink.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/isLocalAddress.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/BlockInfo.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/getMultipleKeysFromConfig.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/NamesAndTypes.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/Field.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/LZ4_decompress_faster.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/NativeBlockInputStream.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/ColumnWithTypeAndName.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Compression/CompressionFactory.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/BaseSettings.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/hasLinuxCapability.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/randomSeed.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Common/setThreadName.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/SettingsFields.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/Block.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeInterval.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeFixedString.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeDecimalBase.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/ExecutionSpeedLimits.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime64.cpp |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeEnum.cpp |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeDate32.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeNothing.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeFactory.cpp |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeAggregateFunction.cpp |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeLowCardinalityHelpers.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataStreams/NativeBlockOutputStream.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeNumberBase.cpp |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeNested.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeMap.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationAggregateFunction.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeUUID.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/ProtobufReader.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.cpp |50.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/opt/libyql-dq-opt.a |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypeString.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/EnumValues.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/NativeFormat.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationString.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationCustomSimpleText.cpp |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/DataTypesDecimal.cpp |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/extractTimeZoneFromFunctionArguments.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationNumber.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Core/Settings.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteHelpers.cpp |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/verbosePrintString.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/FunctionHelpers.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/SynchronousReader.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/AsynchronousReadBufferFromFileDescriptor.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/ISerialization.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/AsynchronousReadBufferFromFile.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/registerFormats.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/toFixedString.cpp |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/MMapReadBufferFromFile.cpp |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferFromFileDescriptorDiscardOnFailure.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor.cpp |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/libydb-core-protos.a |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/PeekableReadBuffer.cpp |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/FunctionFactory.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/OpenedFile.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferFromPocoSocket.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadSettings.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/QueryLog.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTOrderByElement.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadBufferFromPocoSocket.cpp |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadBufferFromMemory.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTAlterQuery.cpp |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/CompressionMethod.cpp |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ReadHelpers.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/ThreadPoolReader.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/MMapReadBufferFromFileDescriptor.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferFromFile.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/WriteBufferFromFileBase.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/MMappedFile.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/UseSSL.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/readFloatText.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/parseDateTimeBestEffort.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/TimeoutSetter.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/createReadBufferFromFileBase.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/InternalTextLogsQueue.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTLiteral.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSetRoleQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTFunction.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTExpressionList.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Interpreters/ClientInfo.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/IO/copyData.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTDropQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTNameTypePair.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTDictionaryAttributeDeclaration.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTIndexDeclaration.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTKillQueryQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTIdentifier.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTFunctionWithKeyValueArguments.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTInsertQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTProjectionDeclaration.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTQualifiedAsterisk.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTBackupQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTAsterisk.cpp |51.7%| [CP] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/common_test.context |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTOptimizeQuery.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/IAST.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTProjectionSelectQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserAlterQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTPartition.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTWindowDefinition.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSubquery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSystemQuery.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSetQuery.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTShowTablesQuery.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTSettingsProfileElement.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTUserNameWithHost.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTTablesInSelectQuery.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTRolesOrUsersSet.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/CommonParsers.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTWithElement.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTWithAlias.cpp |51.6%| [CF] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/sandbox.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/Lexer.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/InsertQuerySettingsPushDownVisitor.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/FunctionsConversion.cpp |51.7%| PREPARE $(FLAKE8_PY3-715603131) |51.7%| [CF] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/build_info.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTShowGrantsQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ExpressionElementParsers.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDataType.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ExpressionListParsers.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDictionary.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ASTTTLElement.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserCase.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDatabaseOrNone.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserCheckQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserInsertQuery.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/liblibs-apache-arrow.a |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserExternalDDLQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserExplainQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserDropQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserKillQueryQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Functions/CastOverloadResolver.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSelectQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/IParserBase.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserShowPrivilegesQuery.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserShowTablesQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSampleRatio.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserQuery.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/parseDatabaseAndTableName.cpp |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/CSVRowOutputFormat.cpp |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/parseIdentifierOrStringLiteral.cpp |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/IProcessor.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/AvroRowInputFormat.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserCreateQuery.cpp |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/pytest/libpy3library-python-pytest.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/pytest/plugins/libpy3python-pytest-plugins.global.a |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONAsStringRowInputFormat.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONEachRowRowInputFormat.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ArrowBufferedStreams.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/CSVRowInputFormat.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/libsrc-client-types.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/include/libclient-persqueue_public-include.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/operation/libclient-types-operation.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/murmur/libcpp-digest-murmur.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/md5/libcpp-digest-md5.a |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_fromyson.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_callable.cpp |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/enumbitset/liblibrary-cpp-enumbitset.a |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/CHColumnToArrowColumn.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/Impl/ArrowColumnToCHColumn.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/disjoint_sets/liblibrary-cpp-disjoint_sets.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/crc32c/libcpp-digest-crc32c.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/libcpp-digest-argonish.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/html/escape/libcpp-html-escape.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/value/libsrc-client-value.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/lower_case/libcpp-digest-lower_case.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/execprofile/liblibrary-cpp-execprofile.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/int128/liblibrary-cpp-int128.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/iterator/liblibrary-cpp-iterator.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/easy_parse/libcpp-json-easy_parse.a |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_chain_map.cpp |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/dns/liblibrary-cpp-dns.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/http/io/libcpp-http-io.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/dwarf_backtrace/liblibrary-cpp-dwarf_backtrace.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/old_crc/libcpp-digest-old_crc.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/yson/libcpp-json-yson.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/http/server/libcpp-http-server.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/internal/proxies/sse41/libinternal-proxies-sse41.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/internal/proxies/ref/libinternal-proxies-ref.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lfalloc/dbg_info/libcpp-lfalloc-dbg_info.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/logger/liblibrary-cpp-logger.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/persqueue/obfuscate/libsdk-library-persqueue-obfuscate-v3.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/internal/proxies/sse2/libinternal-proxies-sse2.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/internal/proxies/avx2/libinternal-proxies-avx2.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/config/libcpp-messagebus-config.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/persqueue/topic_parser_public/libsdk-library-persqueue-topic_parser_public-v3.a |51.7%| PREPARE $(TEST_TOOL_HOST-sbr:8193784322) |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/getopt/small/libcpp-getopt-small.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/operation_id/libsrc-library-operation_id.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/http/fetch/libcpp-http-fetch.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/protos/libcpp-lwtrace-protos.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/getopt/liblibrary-cpp-getopt.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/auth/libydb-services-auth.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/scheduler/libcpp-messagebus-scheduler.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/oldmodule/libcpp-messagebus-oldmodule.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/histogram/hdr/libcpp-histogram-hdr.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lfalloc/alloc_profiler/libcpp-lfalloc-alloc_profiler.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/json/libmonlib-encode-json.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/config/libydb-services-config.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/mon/analytics/liblwtrace-mon-analytics.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/libcpp-monlib-encode.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/html/pcdata/libcpp-html-pcdata.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/operation_id/protos/liblibrary-operation_id-protos.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/backup/libydb-services-backup.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/spack/libmonlib-encode-spack.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/messagebus/libcpp-monlib-messagebus.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/mon/libcpp-lwtrace-mon.global.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/http/misc/libcpp-http-misc.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/tablesorter/libservice-pages-tablesorter.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/resources/libservice-pages-resources.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/metrics/libcpp-monlib-metrics.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/uuid/libsrc-library-uuid.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/common/libcpp-json-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/string_utils/helpers/liblibrary-string_utils-helpers.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/ipmath/liblibrary-cpp-ipmath.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/libcpp-json-fast_sax.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/writer/libcpp-json-writer.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/io/libcpp-openssl-io.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/init/libcpp-openssl-init.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/method/libcpp-openssl-method.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/packers/liblibrary-cpp-packers.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/interop/libcpp-protobuf-interop.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/regex/hyperscan/libcpp-regex-hyperscan.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/regex/pcre/libcpp-regex-pcre.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/util/libcpp-protobuf-util.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/logger/global/libcpp-logger-global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/buffered/libmonlib-encode-buffered.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/logger/liblibrary-cpp-logger.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/brotli/libcpp-streams-brotli.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/lzma/libcpp-streams-lzma.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/text/libmonlib-encode-text.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/base64/libcpp-string_utils-base64.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lua/liblibrary-cpp-lua.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/csv/libcpp-string_utils-csv.a |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_rh_hash.cpp |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/json/liblibrary-cpp-json.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/libydb-services-cms.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/common/libpersqueue-ut-common.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/url/libcpp-string_utils-url.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/ztstrbuf/libcpp-string_utils-ztstrbuf.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/poor_man_openmp/libcpp-threading-poor_man_openmp.a |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_round.cpp |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/actor/libmessagebus_actor.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/liblibrary-cpp-unified_agent_client.global.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/task_scheduler/libcpp-threading-task_scheduler.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/protobuf/libmessagebus_protobuf.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/yt/assert/libcpp-yt-assert.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/monitoring/libcpp-messagebus-monitoring.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/crypto/chacha_512/libblobstorage-crypto-chacha_512.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/libcpp-monlib-dynamic_counters.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/common/libcore-blobstorage-common.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/uri/liblibrary-cpp-uri.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/mime/types/libcpp-mime-types.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/deprecated/json/libmonlib-deprecated-json.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/debug/libydb-core-debug.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/crypto/libcore-blobstorage-crypto.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/docapi/libydb-core-docapi.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/control/libydb-core-control.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/protos/libblobstorage-vdisk-protos.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_config_base/libcore-driver_lib-cli_config_base.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/config/validation/libcore-config-validation.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/recovery/libvdisk-hulldb-recovery.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/common/liblibrary-formats-arrow-accessor-common.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/util/libcms-console-util.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/version/libversion.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/plain/libarrow-accessor-plain.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/sparsed/libarrow-accessor-sparsed.global.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/switch/libformats-arrow-switch.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/transformer/libformats-arrow-transformer.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/serializer/libformats-arrow-serializer.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/program/libformats-arrow-program.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/sub_columns/libarrow-accessor-sub_columns.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/serializer/libformats-arrow-serializer.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/abstract/libarrow-accessor-abstract.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/common/libservices-ext_index-common.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/audit/libfq-libs-audit.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/sparsed/libarrow-accessor-sparsed.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/localrecovery/libblobstorage-vdisk-localrecovery.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/metadata/extractor/libext_index-metadata-extractor.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/reader/libformats-arrow-reader.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/prometheus/libmonlib-encode-prometheus.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/minikql/libcore-engine-minikql.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_base/libcli_base.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/mon/libcpp-lwtrace-mon.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/erasure/libydb-core-erasure.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_storage/proto/liblibs-control_plane_storage-proto.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/libydb-core-external_sources.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_config/events/liblibs-control_plane_config-events.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_storage/events/liblibs-control_plane_storage-events.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/libydb-core-engine.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/compute/common/liblibs-compute-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/local_discovery/libydb-services-local_discovery.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/proto/liblibs-checkpoint_storage-proto.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/metadata/extractor/libext_index-metadata-extractor.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/exception/libcpp-monlib-exception.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/repl/libblobstorage-vdisk-repl.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/libcore-formats-arrow.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/hmac/libfq-libs-hmac.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/service/libservices-ext_index-service.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpointing/libfq-libs-checkpointing.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/health/libfq-libs-health.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_config/libfq-libs-control_plane_config.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/mock/libfq-libs-mock.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/libfq-libs-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/dictionary/libformats-arrow-dictionary.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/scrub/libblobstorage-vdisk-scrub.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/graph_params/proto/liblibs-graph_params-proto.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/ut/coordinator_ut.cpp |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/ut/row_dispatcher_ut.cpp |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/libfq-libs-checkpoint_storage.a |51.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/ut/leader_election_ut.cpp |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/protos/libfq-libs-protos.a |51.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/ut/topic_session_ut.cpp |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/librun.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/quota_manager/events/liblibs-quota_manager-events.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/compute/ydb/liblibs-compute-ydb.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/common/libformat_handler-ut-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/libydb-services-dynamic_config.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_proxy/actors/liblibs-control_plane_proxy-actors.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/program/libformats-arrow-program.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/quota_manager/proto/liblibs-quota_manager-proto.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/libcpp-monlib-service.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/private_client/libfq-libs-private_client.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/cli_utils/libcli_utils.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/rate_limiter/events/liblibs-rate_limiter-events.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hullop/libblobstorage-vdisk-hullop.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/rate_limiter/utils/liblibs-rate_limiter-utils.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/libfq-libs-actors.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/libfq-libs-result_formatter.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/common/libkqp-ut-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/quota_manager/libfq-libs-quota_manager.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/rate_limiter/quoter_service/liblibs-rate_limiter-quoter_service.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/filters/librow_dispatcher-format_handler-filters.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/liblibs-row_dispatcher-format_handler.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/metadata/libservices-ext_index-metadata.global.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/parsers/librow_dispatcher-format_handler-parsers.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/library/jwt/libsrc-library-jwt.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/resources/libservice-pages-resources.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/tablesorter/libservice-pages-tablesorter.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/signer/libfq-libs-signer.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/purecalc_compilation/liblibs-row_dispatcher-purecalc_compilation.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/tasks_packer/libfq-libs-tasks_packer.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/shared_resources/libfq-libs-shared_resources.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/test_connection/events/liblibs-test_connection-events.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/datastreams/libydb-services-datastreams.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/big_integer/libcpp-openssl-big_integer.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/crypto/libcpp-openssl-crypto.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/service/libcore-graph-service.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/openssl/holders/libcpp-openssl-holders.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/random_provider/liblibrary-cpp-random_provider.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/retry/liblibrary-cpp-retry.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/lib/actors/libservices-lib-actors.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/cancelation/libcore-grpc_services-cancelation.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/zstd/libcpp-streams-zstd.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/json/libcpp-protobuf-json.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/sse/liblibrary-cpp-sse.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/lib/sharding/libservices-lib-sharding.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/bzip2/libcpp-streams-bzip2.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/zc_memory_input/libcpp-streams-zc_memory_input.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/libfq-libs-row_dispatcher.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/sliding_window/liblibrary-cpp-sliding_window.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/libydb-services-metadata.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/counters/libcore-grpc_services-counters.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/common/libservices-metadata-common.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/scheme/liblibrary-cpp-scheme.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/skiff/liblibrary-cpp-skiff.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/light_rw_lock/libcpp-threading-light_rw_lock.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_reverse.cpp |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/queue/libcpp-threading-queue.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/skip_list/libcpp-threading-skip_list.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/abstract/libservices-metadata-abstract.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/time_provider/liblibrary-cpp-time_provider.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/base/libcore-blobstorage-base.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/hot_swap/libcpp-threading-hot_swap.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/test_helper/libtx-columnshard-test_helper.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/accessor/libmetadata-secret-accessor.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/issue/libessentials-core-issue.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/kesus/libydb-services-kesus.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/type_info/liblibrary-cpp-type_info.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/proto/libcpp-unified_agent_client-proto.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/libcore-blobstorage-dsproxy.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/libcore-blobstorage-vdisk.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/future/libcpp-threading-future.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unified_agent_client/liblibrary-cpp-unified_agent_client.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_scalar_apply.cpp |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hullop/hullcompdelete/libvdisk-hullop-hullcompdelete.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/cluster_ordering/libservices-persqueue_cluster_discovery-cluster_ordering.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/ingress/libblobstorage-vdisk-ingress.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/libservices-metadata-secret.global.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/cancelation/protos/libgrpc_services-cancelation-protos.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/ds_table/libservices-metadata-ds_table.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/io_formats/ydb_dump/libcore-io_formats-ydb_dump.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/io_formats/cell_maker/libcore-io_formats-cell_maker.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/keyvalue/libydb-services-keyvalue.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/jaeger_tracing/libydb-core-jaeger_tracing.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/monitoring/libydb-services-monitoring.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/control/lib/libcore-control-lib.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/libydb-services-persqueue_cluster_discovery.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/buffer/libkqp-common-buffer.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/libservices-metadata-initializer.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/events/libkqp-common-events.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/libfq-libs-ydb.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/protos/libcore-keyvalue-protos.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/libservices-metadata-secret.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/simple/libkqp-common-simple.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/backpressure/libcore-blobstorage-backpressure.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/generic/libvdisk-hulldb-generic.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/libcore-kesus-proxy.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_storage/libfq-libs-control_plane_storage.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/expr_nodes/libcore-kqp-expr_nodes.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/health_check/libydb-core-health_check.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/external_data_source/libgateway-behaviour-external_data_source.global.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/resource_pool/libgateway-behaviour-resource_pool.global.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/finalize_script_service/libcore-kqp-finalize_script_service.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/federated_query/libcore-kqp-federated_query.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/external_data_source/libgateway-behaviour-external_data_source.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/libcore-cms-console.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/libcore-kqp-common.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyasn1-modules/py3/libpy3python-pyasn1-modules-py3.global.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/cityhash-1.0.2/libcontrib-restricted-cityhash-1.0.2.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/proto/libkqp-proxy_service-proto.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_sort.cpp |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/base_utils/libbase_utils.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/run_script_actor/libcore-kqp-run_script_actor.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_skip.cpp |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/services/mounts/libcore-services-mounts.global.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/query_data/libcore-kqp-query_data.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/libcore-kqp-workload_service.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/replication/libydb-services-replication.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/peephole/libkqp-opt-peephole.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/metering/libydb-core-metering.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/tables/libkqp-workload_service-tables.a |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_source.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/libydb-core-keyvalue.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/fq/libydb-services-fq.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/log_backend/libydb-core-log_backend.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_squeeze_state.cpp |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/config/libcore-persqueue-config.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/compute_actor/libcore-kqp-compute_actor.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mon_alloc/libydb-core-mon_alloc.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/partition_key_range/libcore-persqueue-partition_key_range.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/libtx-schemeshard-ut_helpers.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/view/libydb-services-view.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/libcore-kqp-proxy_service.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/pgproxy/protos/libcore-pgproxy-protos.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/composite/liblibrary-formats-arrow-accessor-composite.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/pgproxy/libydb-core-pgproxy.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/resource_pools/libydb-core-resource_pools.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/actors/libservices-persqueue_v1-actors.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/plain/libarrow-accessor-plain.global.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/libydb-core-scheme.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/protos/libcore-public_http-protos.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/nodes/libcore-sys_view-nodes.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/dragonbox/libdragonbox.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme_types/libydb-core-scheme_types.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_take.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/googletest/googlemock/librestricted-googletest-googlemock.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/ast/serialize/libessentials-ast-serialize.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_time_order_recover.cpp |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/arrow_kernels/registry/libcore-arrow_kernels-registry.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/events/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-events.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/common/libformats-arrow-common.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/arrow_kernels/request/libcore-arrow_kernels-request.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/manager/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-manager.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/counters/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-counters.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/protos/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-protos.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/quoter/libydb-core-quoter.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/common/libtx-columnshard-common.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/issue/libessentials-core-issue.global.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_squeeze_to_list.cpp |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/transactions/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-transactions.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/libtx-columnshard-blobs_action.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/libydb-core-kafka_proxy.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/request/libservices-metadata-request.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/splitter/libformats-arrow-splitter.a |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_switch.cpp |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/local_db/libcolumnshard-data_accessor-local_db.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/common/context/libdata_sharing-common-context.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/events/liblibs-checkpoint_storage-events.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_reader/libtx-columnshard-data_reader.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/initiator/controller/libdata_sharing-initiator-controller.global.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/modification/events/libdata_sharing-modification-events.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/bs/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-bs.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/libcore-kqp-runtime.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/libydb-services-persqueue_v1.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/source/events/libdata_sharing-source-events.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/modification/tasks/libdata_sharing-modification-tasks.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/destination/events/libdata_sharing-destination-events.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/modification/transactions/libdata_sharing-modification-transactions.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/processor/libcore-sys_view-processor.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/tier/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-tier.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/common/libchanges-compaction-common.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_locks/manager/libcolumnshard-data_locks-manager.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/filelock/libpy3library-python-filelock.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/counters/libengines-changes-counters.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/wardens/libpy3tests-library-wardens.global.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/plain/libchanges-compaction-plain.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/sparsed/libchanges-compaction-sparsed.global.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/libcore-sys_view-query_stats.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/wardens/libpy3tests-library-wardens.a |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyJWT/py3/libpy3python-PyJWT-py3.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/minsketch/libessentials-core-minsketch.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpointing_common/libfq-libs-checkpointing_common.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/libcore-kqp-executer_actor.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyasn1/py3/libpy3python-pyasn1-py3.a |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_timezone.cpp |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/abstract/libengines-changes-abstract.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/abstract/libengines-reader-abstract.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/common_reader/iterator/libreader-common_reader-iterator.global.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/pg_settings/libessentials-core-pg_settings.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/common_reader/constructor/libreader-common_reader-constructor.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/runtime_py3/libpy3library-python-runtime_py3.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/libydb-core-load_test.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ymq/libydb-services-ymq.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/abstract/libreader-sys_view-abstract.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/libydb-core-mind.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/source/transactions/libdata_sharing-source-transactions.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/bloom/libstorage-indexes-bloom.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/compute/ydb/synchronization_service/libcompute-ydb-synchronization_service.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/portions/libcolumnshard-engines-portions.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/portions/extractor/libindexes-portions-extractor.a |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_toindexdict.cpp |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/categories_bloom/libstorage-indexes-categories_bloom.global.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/count_min_sketch/libstorage-indexes-count_min_sketch.global.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/qplayer/storage/interface/libqplayer-storage-interface.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blob_depot/libydb-core-blob_depot.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/common_reader/iterator/libreader-common_reader-iterator.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/qplayer/udf_resolver/libcore-qplayer-udf_resolver.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lbuckets/planner/liboptimizer-lbuckets-planner.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/portions/libstorage-indexes-portions.a |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_tooptional.cpp |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lbuckets/planner/liboptimizer-lbuckets-planner.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/abstract/libstorage-optimizer-abstract.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/common/liboptimizer-sbuckets-common.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/bloom_ngramm/libstorage-indexes-bloom_ngramm.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/counters/liboptimizer-sbuckets-counters.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/googletest/googletest/librestricted-googletest-googletest.a |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_todict.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lcbuckets/constructor/liboptimizer-lcbuckets-constructor.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/logic/abstract/libsbuckets-logic-abstract.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_common/libtx-datashard-ut_common.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/logic/slices/libsbuckets-logic-slices.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/rsa/py3/libpy3python-rsa-py3.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/writer/buffer/libengines-writer-buffer.a |52.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_tostring.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/services/libessentials-core-services.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/services/mounts/libcore-services-mounts.a |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg.cpp |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/sql_types/libessentials-core-sql_types.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_storage/internal/liblibs-control_plane_storage-internal.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/actor/libcolumnshard-export-actor.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/protos/libcolumnshard-export-protos.a |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_udf.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/libcore-kqp-opt.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/storage/tier/libsession-storage-tier.global.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/lib/libpy3tests-sql-lib.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/logical/libkqp-opt-logical.a |52.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_unwrap.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/libcolumnshard-export-session.global.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/brotli/libblockcodecs-codecs-brotli.global.a |52.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_varitem.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/rate_limiter/control_plane_service/liblibs-rate_limiter-control_plane_service.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/insert_table/libcolumnshard-normalizer-insert_table.global.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/common/librow_dispatcher-format_handler-common.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/tables/libcolumnshard-normalizer-tables.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/subscriber/abstract/events/libsubscriber-abstract-events.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/abstract/libcolumnshard-splitter-abstract.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/protos/libtx-coordinator-protos.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/read_rule/libfq-libs-read_rule.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/libydb-services-rate_limiter.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/tablet/libtx-columnshard-tablet.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/limiter/service/libtx-limiter-service.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/locks/libcolumnshard-transactions-locks.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/thrift/libcontrib-restricted-thrift.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/operators/libcolumnshard-transactions-operators.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/operations/libtx-columnshard-operations.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/conveyor/usage/libtx-conveyor-usage.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/libtx-columnshard-transactions.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/transactions/libcolumnshard-transactions-transactions.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/public/libtx-coordinator-public.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/subscriber/abstract/subscriber/libsubscriber-abstract-subscriber.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/bit_io/liblibrary-cpp-bit_io.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/url_lister/interface/libcore-url_lister-interface.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyrsistent/py3/libpy3python-pyrsistent-py3.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/operators/libcolumnshard-transactions-operators.global.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pycparser/py3/libpy3python-pycparser-py3.a |52.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_visitall.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/operators/ev_write/libtransactions-operators-ev_write.global.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/libydb-core-tx.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/limiter/grouped_memory/usage/liblimiter-grouped_memory-usage.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/data_events/libcore-tx-data_events.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/base32/libcpp-string_utils-base32.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/public/libtx-long_tx_service-public.a |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_way.cpp |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/codegen/llvm16/libminikql-codegen-llvm16.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/locks/libcolumnshard-transactions-locks.global.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/common/libtx-replication-common.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/bg_tasks/events/libolap-bg_tasks-events.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/bg_tasks/protos/libolap-bg_tasks-protos.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/bg_tasks/adapter/libolap-bg_tasks-adapter.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/bg_tasks/transactions/libolap-bg_tasks-transactions.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/program/libcore-tx-program.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/column_families/libschemeshard-olap-column_families.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/libcore-kqp-provider.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/ast/libyql-essentials-ast.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/columns/libschemeshard-olap-columns.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/manager/libschemeshard-olap-manager.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/layout/libschemeshard-olap-layout.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/bg_tasks/tx_chain/libolap-bg_tasks-tx_chain.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/computation/llvm16/libminikql-computation-llvm16.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/config_shards/libalter-in_store-config_shards.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/liboperations-alter-in_store.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/datetime/libessentials-minikql-datetime.a |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_apply.cpp |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/resharding/libalter-in_store-resharding.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/protos/libcore-graph-protos.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_caching/libydb-core-grpc_caching.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/standalone/liboperations-alter-standalone.a |52.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/ydb-core-control-ut |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_weakmember.cpp |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/libcore-tx-tx_allocator.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/hive/libcore-mind-hive.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/store/libschemeshard-olap-store.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/ttl/libschemeshard-olap-ttl.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceproxy/public/libtx-sequenceproxy-public.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/libcore-tx-coordinator.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/dom/libessentials-minikql-dom.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/public/libtx-sequenceshard-public.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/portion/libcolumnshard-normalizer-portion.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/legacy_zstd06/libblockcodecs-codecs-legacy_zstd06.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/lz4/libblockcodecs-codecs-lz4.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/libcore-tx-sharding.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/tier/libtx-tiering-tier.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/libessentials-minikql-jsonpath.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tracing/usage/libtx-tracing-usage.a |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_while.cpp |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/libcore-tx-time_cast.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/libcore-tx-sharding.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/schema/libalter-in_store-schema.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/events/libcore-wrappers-events.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/libyql-essentials-core.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/libcore-tx-sequenceshard.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/proto/libcore-ymq-proto.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/queues/fifo/libymq-queues-fifo.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/queues/common/libymq-queues-common.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/queues/std/libymq-queues-std.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/accessor/libydb-library-accessor.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/http/libcore-ymq-http.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/aclib/protos/liblibrary-aclib-protos.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/libydb-core-wrappers.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/libydb-core-ydb_convert.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/pg_dummy/libessentials-sql-pg_dummy.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/json/libcore-viewer-json.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/operators/ev_write/libtransactions-operators-ev_write.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/type_ann/libessentials-core-type_ann.a |52.7%| PREPARE $(OS_SDK_ROOT-sbr:243881345) |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/parser/libminikql-jsonpath-parser.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/sorted_vector/libcpp-containers-sorted_vector.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/proto_parser/antlr4/libv1-proto_parser-antlr4.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/proto_parser/antlr4_ansi/libv1-proto_parser-antlr4_ansi.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/types/uuid/libessentials-types-uuid.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/aiosignal/libpy3contrib-python-aiosignal.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/helpers/liblibrary-actors-helpers.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/dnscachelib/liblibrary-actors-dnscachelib.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/core/harmonizer/libactors-core-harmonizer.a |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_chain_map.cpp |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/libcore-tx-columnshard.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/ring_buffer/libcpp-containers-ring_buffer.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/transactions/protos/libcolumnshard-transactions-protos.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/intrusive_avl_tree/libcpp-containers-intrusive_avl_tree.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/abstract/liboperations-alter-abstract.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/util/libydb-core-util.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/log/libessentials-utils-log.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/subscriber/events/tables_erased/libsubscriber-events-tables_erased.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/fetch/libessentials-utils-fetch.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/aiosignal/libpy3contrib-python-aiosignal.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/indexes/libschemeshard-olap-indexes.a |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_combine.cpp |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/limiter/usage/libtx-limiter-usage.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/http/liblibrary-actors-http.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/log/proto/libutils-log-proto.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/disjoint_interval_tree/libcpp-containers-disjoint_interval_tree.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/url_mapper/libyt-lib-url_mapper.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/jsonpath/libproto_ast-gen-jsonpath.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/library/user_job_statistics/libmapreduce-library-user_job_statistics.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/shutdown/libkqp-common-shutdown.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/cores/libpy3library-python-cores.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/lzma/libblockcodecs-codecs-lzma.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/io_formats/arrow/scheme/libio_formats-arrow-scheme.a |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_chopper.cpp |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/importlib-resources/libpy3contrib-python-importlib-resources.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ruamel.yaml.clib/py3/libpy3python-ruamel.yaml.clib-py3.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/setuptools/py3/libpy3python-setuptools-py3.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/computation/libessentials-minikql-computation.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/py/py3/libpy3python-py-py3.a |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_condense.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/libydb-services-ydb.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/common/libcore-sys_view-common.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/snappy/libblockcodecs-codecs-snappy.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/setuptools/py3/libpy3python-setuptools-py3.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/compile_service/libcore-kqp-compile_service.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/py/py3/libpy3python-py-py3.global.a |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_filter.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/expr_nodes/libproviders-yt-expr_nodes.a |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_multimap.cpp |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/oss/ydb_sdk_import/libpy3tests-oss-ydb_sdk_import.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/plain_reader/constructor/libreader-plain_reader-constructor.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/libessentials-parser-proto_ast.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/libcore-tx-tx_proxy.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/ut_helpers/libproviders-common-ut_helpers.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/yt/yt/client/libyt-yt-client.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/attrs/py3/libpy3python-attrs-py3.global.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/actualization/construction/libchanges-actualization-construction.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/zstd/libblockcodecs-codecs-zstd.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/job/libproviders-yt-job.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyYAML/py3/libpy3python-PyYAML-py3.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/oss/ydb_sdk_import/libpy3tests-oss-ydb_sdk_import.global.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/arrow_resolve/libproviders-common-arrow_resolve.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/codec/arrow/libcommon-codec-arrow.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/graph_reorder/libyt-lib-graph_reorder.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/hash/libyt-lib-hash.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/local_db/libcolumnshard-data_accessor-local_db.global.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/lambda_builder/libyt-lib-lambda_builder.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/plain_reader/iterator/libreader-plain_reader-iterator.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_match_recognize_measure_arg.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/key_filter/libyt-lib-key_filter.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/codec/libproviders-yt-codec.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/resource_pool/libgateway-behaviour-resource_pool.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/libcore-kesus-tablet.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/config/libproviders-common-config.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/codecs/libcore-persqueue-codecs.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/comp_nodes/libproviders-common-comp_nodes.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/memory_controller/libydb-core-memory_controller.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/local_pgwire/libydb-core-local_pgwire.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/res_pull/libyt-lib-res_pull.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/libcore-kqp-rm_service.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_match_recognize_list.cpp |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/events/libcore-persqueue-events.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/future/py3/libpy3python-future-py3.a |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jsonschema/py3/libpy3python-jsonschema-py3.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/query_compiler/libcore-kqp-query_compiler.a |52.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ttl |52.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/oss/canonical/libpy3tests-oss-canonical.global.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/charset-normalizer/libpy3contrib-python-charset-normalizer.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/comp_nodes/dq/llvm16/libcomp_nodes-dq-llvm16.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/liblibrary-cpp-blockcodecs.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/k8s_api/libpy3tools-cfg-k8s_api.a |52.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/purecalc/libcore-persqueue-purecalc.a |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_safe_circular_buffer.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/gateway/dummy/libpq-gateway-dummy.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/k8s_api/libpy3tools-cfg-k8s_api.global.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/row_spec/libyt-lib-row_spec.a |52.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_match_recognize.cpp |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/libydb-core-public_http.global.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/out/libcore-protos-out.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/ytflow/integration/interface/libytflow-integration-interface.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pytest/py3/libpy3python-pytest-py3.a |52.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/libcore-security-ldap_auth_provider.a |52.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/client/arrow/fbs/libclient-arrow-fbs.a |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_length.cpp |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/blockcodecs/core/libcpp-blockcodecs-core.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/build/libyt-yt-build.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/raw_socket/libydb-core-raw_socket.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/libpy3ydb-tools-cfg.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/charset/liblibrary-cpp-charset.a |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_join_dict.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v1_ansi_antlr4/libproto_ast-gen-v1_ansi_antlr4.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/common/libkqp-workload_service-common.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/libpy3ydb-tools-cfg.global.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/farmhash/arch/sse41/libfarmhash-arch-sse41.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/in_mem/libcolumnshard-data_accessor-in_mem.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/protos/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-protos.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/cgiparam/liblibrary-cpp-cgiparam.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/core/misc/isa_crc64/libisa-l_crc_yt_patch.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/libfq-libs-config.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/libydb-core-public_http.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/pg_tables/libcore-sys_view-pg_tables.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/shards_resolver/libkqp-executer_actor-shards_resolver.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/libydb-core-grpc_streaming.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/session/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-session.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/libcore-sys_view-partition_stats.a |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v1/libproto_ast-gen-v1.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/walle/libpy3tools-cfg-walle.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/writer/libcore-persqueue-writer.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/core/https/libyt-core-https.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v0_proto_split/libproto_ast-gen-v0_proto_split.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/events/liblibs-row_dispatcher-events.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/events/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-events.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v1_ansi/libproto_ast-gen-v1_ansi.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/cfg/walle/libpy3tools-cfg-walle.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/ydbd_slice/libpy3ydbd_slice.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.context/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.context.global.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v1_antlr4/libproto_ast-gen-v1_antlr4.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/tablet/libcore-grpc_services-tablet.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/local/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-local.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/protos/liblibs-row_dispatcher-protos.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v0/libessentials-sql-v0.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/storages_manager/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-storages_manager.a |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_hopping.cpp |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/abstract/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-abstract.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/column_converters/libyt-library-column_converters.a |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_hasitems.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/in_mem/libcolumnshard-data_accessor-in_mem.global.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/test_connection/libfq-libs-test_connection.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/libcore-statistics-aggregator.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_proxy/events/liblibs-control_plane_proxy-events.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/abstract/libcolumnshard-data_accessor-abstract.a |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_group.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/profiling/resource_tracker/liblibrary-profiling-resource_tracker.a |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_user_attributes |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/quantile_digest/libyt-library-quantile_digest.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/libydb-core-grpc_services.a |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/native/libyt-gateway-native.a |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/client.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/counters/libtx-columnshard-counters.a |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.global.a |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index_build |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/options.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/distributed_table_client.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/client_common.cpp |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_serverless |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/helpers.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/check_type_compatibility.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/name_table.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/string/libstring_udf.global.a |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/journal_writer.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/validate_logical_type.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/row_buffer.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/row_base.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/record_helpers.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/record_codegen_cpp.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/public.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/key_bound.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/schema.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/columnar_statistics.cpp |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/libkqp-opt-physical.a |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/adapters.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/object_client/public.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/helpers.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/node_tracker_client/public.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/object_client/helpers.cpp |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_split_merge/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_split_merge |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chaos_client/replication_card_cache.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/kafka/requests.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/node_tracker_client/helpers.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chaos_client/helpers.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chaos_client/config.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/shuffle_client.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/security_client.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chaos_client/replication_card.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/public.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/transaction.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/file_writer.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/public.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/wire_row_stream.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/journal_client.cpp |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/libydb-core-viewer.a |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/query_tracker_client.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/journal_reader.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/queue_transaction_mixin.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/etc_client.cpp |52.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/delegating_client.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/helpers.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/delegating_transaction.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/dynamic_table_transaction_mixin.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/client_cache.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/address_helpers.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/helpers.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/internal_client.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/connection.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/row_stream.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/election/public.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rowset.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/row_batch_writer.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/table_reader.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/helpers.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/table_writer.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/distributed_table_session.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/timestamp_provider.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/hive/timestamp_map.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/transaction.cpp |53.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/ydb-core-tx-sharding-ut |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/skynet.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/file_reader.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/row_batch_reader.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/bundle_controller_client/bundle_controller_client.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/chunk_replica.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/infinite_entity.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/table_mount_cache.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/data_statistics.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/sticky_transaction_pool.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/public.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/table_client.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/config.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/operation_client.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/ut/ydb-tools-stress_tool-ut |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/ready_event_reader_base.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/config.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/read_limit.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/connection_impl.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/persistent_queue.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/check_yson_token.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/time_text.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/bundle_controller_client/bundle_controller_settings.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/cypress_client/public.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/merge_complex_types.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/journal_client/config.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/uuid_text.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/job_tracker_client/public.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/job_tracker_client/helpers.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/hydra/version.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/misc/config.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chaos_client/replication_card_serialization.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/file_client/config.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/kafka/protocol.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/chunk_client/config.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/journal_client/public.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/kafka/packet.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/misc/method_helpers.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/complex_types/yson_format_conversion.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/transaction_impl.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/misc/io_tags.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ydb-core-tablet_flat-ut |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/ydb-core-kesus-tablet-ut |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/misc/workload.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/node_tracker_client/node_directory.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/signature/validator.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/locks/ut_range_treap/ydb-core-tx-locks-ut_range_treap |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/security_client/helpers.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-row_dispatcher-ut |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/client_base.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/query_client/query_statistics.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/helpers.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/query_client/query_builder.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/scheduler/operation_cache.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/queue_rowset.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/config.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/security_client/public.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/common.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/core-tx-replication-controller-ut_assign_tx_id |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/partition_reader.cpp |53.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/producer_client.cpp |53.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_storage_tenant |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/scheduler/operation_id_or_alias.cpp |53.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/ut/ydb-core-graph-ut |53.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/libydb-core-persqueue.a |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/security_client/acl.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/signature/signature.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/scheduler/spec_patch.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/security_client/access_control.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/signature/generator.cpp |53.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/libcore-mind-bscontroller.a |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/column_sort_schema.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/queue_client/consumer_client.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/columnar.cpp |53.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/column_rename_descriptor.cpp |53.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/check_schema_compatibility.cpp |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_serverless_reboots |52.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/invoke_builtins/llvm16/libminikql-invoke_builtins-llvm16.a |52.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/benchmark/core_tablet_flat_benchmark |53.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ydb-core-tx-tiering-ut |53.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_compaction/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_compaction |53.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/formats/libyt-library-formats.a |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/chunk_stripe_statistics.cpp |53.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/blob_reader.cpp |52.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/comparator.cpp |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/composite_compare.cpp |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/pipe.cpp |52.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/libcore-ymq-actor.a |52.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/key.cpp |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/key_bound_compressor.cpp |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/merge_table_schemas.cpp |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/logical_type.cpp |52.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/serialize.cpp |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/config.cpp |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/unordered_schemaful_reader.cpp |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/schemaless_row_reorderer.cpp |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/timestamped_schema_helpers.cpp |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/schemaless_dynamic_table_writer.cpp |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/config.cpp |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/table_output.cpp |52.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/table_upload_options.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/versioned_io_options.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/table_consumer.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/unversioned_value.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/versioned_reader.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/schema_serialization_helpers.cpp |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/table_mount_cache.cpp |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/noop_timestamp_provider.cpp |52.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/watermark_runtime_data.cpp |52.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/filelock/libpy3library-python-filelock.global.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/helpers.cpp |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/row_batch.cpp |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/fs/libpy3library-python-fs.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/wire_protocol.cpp |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/versioned_row.cpp |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/config.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/re2/libyt-library-re2.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/websocket-client/libpy3contrib-python-websocket-client.a |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/remote_timestamp_provider.cpp |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_aggrcount.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/ydbd_slice/libpy3ydbd_slice.global.a |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/timestamp_provider_base.cpp |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/unversioned_row.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/codecs/greedy_dict/libcpp-codecs-greedy_dict.a |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/common/compilation/libkqp-common-compilation.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/ypath/rich.cpp |52.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/metrics/libfq-libs-metrics.a |52.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/table_mount_cache_detail.cpp |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_fromstring.cpp |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/tracing/libyt-library-tracing.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_accessor/libtx-columnshard-data_accessor.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_grace_join.cpp |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/ytprof/api/liblibrary-ytprof-api.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/hash/libformats-arrow-hash.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/typeguard/libpy3contrib-python-typeguard.a |52.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/rewrapper/libminikql-jsonpath-rewrapper.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/proto/libpy3core-file_storage-proto.global.a |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/proto/libcore-file_storage-proto.a |52.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/table_client/value_consumer.cpp |52.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/source/session/libdata_sharing-source-session.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/issue/protos/libcore-issue-protos.a |51.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/tablet_client/public.cpp |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/scan/libcpp-string_utils-scan.a |51.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_fold.cpp |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/loading/libcolumnshard-engines-loading.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/actualization/controller/libchanges-actualization-controller.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/sub_columns/libchanges-compaction-sub_columns.global.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/lib2/py/libpy3python3-lib2-py.global.a |51.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/protos/libcolumnshard-data_sharing-protos.a |52.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/ypath/parser_detail.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/lexer_common/libessentials-parser-lexer_common.a |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/transaction_client/batching_timestamp_provider.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/charset/lite/libcpp-charset-lite.a |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_filter.cpp |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/issue/protos/libpy3core-issue-protos.global.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/abstract/libchanges-compaction-abstract.a |51.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/expr_nodes/libessentials-core-expr_nodes.a |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_factory.cpp |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/manager/libcolumnshard-data_sharing-manager.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/sub_columns/libarrow-accessor-sub_columns.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/antlr4/libparser-proto_ast-antlr4.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/plain/libchanges-compaction-plain.global.a |51.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt_proto/yt/formats/libyt_proto-yt-formats.a |51.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/libengines-changes-compaction.a |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_frombytes.cpp |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/config/init/libcore-config-init.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/libydb-core-cms.global.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/defs/libcore-file_storage-defs.a |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/compaction/sub_columns/libchanges-compaction-sub_columns.a |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_dynamic_variant.cpp |51.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/download/libcore-file_storage-download.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/antlr3/libparser-proto_ast-antlr3.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/protos/libpy3yql-essentials-protos.global.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/http_download/libcore-file_storage-http_download.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/protos/libyql-essentials-protos.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/http_download/proto/libfile_storage-http_download-proto.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/insert_table/libcolumnshard-engines-insert_table.a |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_ensure.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/client/api/rpc_proxy/client_impl.cpp |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/proto_ast/gen/v1_proto_split/libproto_ast-gen-v1_proto_split.a |51.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/common/libengines-reader-common.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/libtx-columnshard-engines.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/extract_predicate/libessentials-core-extract_predicate.a |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/simple_reader/constructor/libreader-simple_reader-constructor.a |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_discard.cpp |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_contains.cpp |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/codecs/liblibrary-cpp-codecs.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/predicate/libcolumnshard-engines-predicate.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/proto/libpy3providers-common-proto.global.a |51.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/MarkupSafe/py3/libpy3python-MarkupSafe-py3.global.a |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/libpy3contrib-python-requests-oauthlib.a |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/tenacity/py3/libpy3python-tenacity-py3.global.a |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/chunks/libreader-sys_view-chunks.global.a |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/discovery/libsrc-client-discovery.a |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/bloom_ngramm/libstorage-indexes-bloom_ngramm.a |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/issue/protos/libpublic-issue-protos.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/proto/libproviders-common-proto.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/categories_bloom/libstorage-indexes-categories_bloom.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/simple_reader/iterator/libreader-simple_reader-iterator.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyJWT/py3/libpy3python-PyJWT-py3.global.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/granule/libengines-storage-granule.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/max/libstorage-indexes-max.global.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/export/libsrc-client-export.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/pg_catalog/libessentials-parser-pg_catalog.a |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/issue/protos/libpy3public-issue-protos.global.a |50.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/json/proto/libprotobuf-json-proto.a |50.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/indexes/portions/extractor/libindexes-portions-extractor.global.a |50.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/types/libessentials-public-types.a |50.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jsonschema/py3/libpy3python-jsonschema-py3.a |50.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/utils/plan/libyql-utils-plan.a |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_combine.cpp |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/util/proto/libprotobuf-util-proto.a |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_coalesce.cpp |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lcbuckets/planner/liboptimizer-lcbuckets-planner.global.a |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_chopper.cpp |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/protobuf/builtin_proto/protos_from_protoc/libpy3protobuf-builtin_proto-protos_from_protoc.global.a |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_returning.cpp |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/compproto/liblibrary-cpp-compproto.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lcbuckets/planner/liboptimizer-lcbuckets-planner.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/types/libpy3essentials-public-types.global.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/constructor/liboptimizer-sbuckets-constructor.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/draft/libsrc-client-draft.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/lbuckets/constructor/liboptimizer-lbuckets-constructor.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/selector/backup/libsession-selector-backup.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/retry/libpy3library-python-retry.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/retry/libpy3library-python-retry.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_public/common/libclient-yc_public-common.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_map.cpp |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/logic/one_head/libsbuckets-logic-one_head.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/www/libcpp-messagebus-www.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/optimizer/liboptimizer-sbuckets-optimizer.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_public/iam/libclient-yc_public-iam.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/events/libcolumnshard-export-events.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/common/libcolumnshard-export-common.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/selector/abstract/libsession-selector-abstract.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/libcolumnshard-export-session.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/resourcemanager/libclient-yc_private-resourcemanager.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/validation/liblibrary-formats-arrow-validation.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/transform/libproviders-common-transform.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/switch/liblibrary-formats-arrow-switch.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/rsa/py3/libpy3python-rsa-py3.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/scalar/liblibrary-formats-arrow-scalar.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/protobuf/builtin_proto/protos_from_protobuf/libpy3protobuf-builtin_proto-protos_from_protobuf.global.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/writer/libcolumnshard-engines-writer.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/optimizer/sbuckets/index/liboptimizer-sbuckets-index.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ruamel.yaml.clib/py3/libpy3python-ruamel.yaml.clib-py3.global.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/liblibrary-formats-arrow.a |50.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/hooks/abstract/libcolumnshard-hooks-abstract.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_withcontext.cpp |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyYAML/py3/libpy3python-PyYAML-py3.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/TargetProcess/libExecutionEngine-Orc-TargetProcess.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/grpc/server/liblibrary-grpc-server.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_zip.cpp |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/operations/common/libcolumnshard-operations-common.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/libcore-tx-datashard.a |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_wide_top_sort.cpp |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/filter/libpy3python-testing-filter.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/portion/libcolumnshard-normalizer-portion.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/resources/libtx-columnshard-resources.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/logger/libydb-library-logger.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/schema_version/libcolumnshard-normalizer-schema_version.global.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/deprecated/split/libcpp-deprecated-split.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/tablet/libcolumnshard-normalizer-tablet.global.a |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/resource_subscriber/libtx-columnshard-resource_subscriber.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/deprecated/accessors/libcpp-deprecated-accessors.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/IRPrinter/libllvm16-lib-IRPrinter.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/parse_size/libcpp-string_utils-parse_size.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/quote/libcpp-string_utils-quote.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/granule/libcolumnshard-normalizer-granule.global.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/operations/batch_builder/libcolumnshard-operations-batch_builder.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/conclusion/libydb-library-conclusion.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/dq/libproviders-common-dq.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/svn_version/libpy3library-python-svn_version.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/IRReader/libllvm16-lib-IRReader.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Jinja2/py3/libpy3python-Jinja2-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/db_pool/libydb-library-db_pool.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/liblib-ExecutionEngine-RuntimeDyld.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.functools/py3/libpy3python-jaraco.functools-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/metrics/libproviders-common-metrics.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/gateway/libproviders-common-gateway.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/metrics/protos/libcommon-metrics-protos.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/libydb-library-login.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/MC/MCParser/liblib-MC-MCParser.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/operations/slice_builder/libcolumnshard-operations-slice_builder.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/folder_service/mock/liblibrary-folder_service-mock.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/packaging/py3/libpy3python-packaging-py3.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/lzma/libcontrib-libs-lzma.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper/libcpp-string_utils-relaxed_escaper.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/indent_text/libcpp-string_utils-indent_text.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/pytest/libpy3library-python-pytest.global.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Jinja2/py3/libpy3python-Jinja2-py3.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/tx_reader/libtx-columnshard-tx_reader.a |49.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/pytest/plugins/libpy3python-pytest-plugins.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/requests/py3/libpy3python-requests-py3.global.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/schema/expr/libcommon-schema-expr.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/MarkupSafe/py3/libpy3python-MarkupSafe-py3.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/conveyor/service/libtx-conveyor-service.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/schema/libproviders-common-schema.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/frozenlist/libpy3contrib-python-frozenlist.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/structured_token/libproviders-common-structured_token.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/libcore-tx-datashard.global.a |49.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/dot_product/liblibrary-cpp-dot_product.a |49.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/schema/skiff/libcommon-schema-skiff.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/pg/expr_nodes/libproviders-pg-expr_nodes.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/priorities/usage/libtx-priorities-usage.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/locks/libcore-tx-locks.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/mkql/libproviders-common-mkql.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cachetools/py3/libpy3python-cachetools-py3.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/PyHamcrest/py3/libpy3python-PyHamcrest-py3.global.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/deprecated/kmp/libcpp-deprecated-kmp.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/result/expr_nodes/libproviders-result-expr_nodes.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/find_root/libpy3library-python-find_root.global.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/liblibrary-cpp-lwtrace.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/decimal/libessentials-public-decimal.a |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_insert_index.cpp |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/pg/provider/libproviders-pg-provider.a |49.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/provider/libproviders-common-provider.a |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_update_index.cpp |49.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/arrow/libpublic-udf-arrow.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/result_format/libessentials-public-result_format.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/libessentials-public-udf.a |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/testlib/liblibrary-actors-testlib.a |49.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/priorities/service/libtx-priorities-service.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/pdisk_io/protos/liblibrary-pdisk_io-protos.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/tz/libpublic-udf-tz.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/log_backend/liblibrary-actors-log_backend.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/prof/liblibrary-actors-prof.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/memory_log/liblibrary-actors-memory_log.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/libtx-replication-service.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/transfer/libalter-in_store-transfer.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/testlib/common/libactors-testlib-common.a |49.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/result/provider/libproviders-result-provider.a |48.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_clickhouse/Common/liblibrary-arrow_clickhouse-Common.a |48.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_clickhouse/DataStreams/liblibrary-arrow_clickhouse-DataStreams.a |48.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/chunks_limiter/libydb-library-chunks_limiter.a |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_uniq_helper.cpp |48.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/csv/converter/libarrow-csv-converter.a |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/hash/liblibrary-formats-arrow-hash.a |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_kernels/libydb-library-arrow_kernels.a |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/persqueue/counter_time_keeper/liblibrary-persqueue-counter_time_keeper.a |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/persqueue/deprecated/read_batch_converter/libpersqueue-deprecated-read_batch_converter.a |48.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/kv/liblibrary-workload-kv.a |48.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/protobuf_printer/libydb-library-protobuf_printer.a |48.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/persqueue/topic_parser/liblibrary-persqueue-topic_parser.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_clickhouse/Columns/liblibrary-arrow_clickhouse-Columns.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/libydb-library-schlab.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/mon/liblibrary-schlab-mon.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/libschemeshard-olap-operations.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/mon/liblibrary-schlab-mon.global.a |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/yt_download/libyt-lib-yt_download.a |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/query_actor/libydb-library-query_actor.a |48.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/schema/libschemeshard-olap-schema.a |48.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/pretty_types_print/protobuf/liblibrary-pretty_types_print-protobuf.a |48.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_clickhouse/libydb-library-arrow_clickhouse.a |48.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/data_events/common/libtx-data_events-common.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/options/libschemeshard-olap-options.a |48.3%| PREPARE $(JDK17-472926544) |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/common/libschemeshard-olap-common.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/table/libschemeshard-olap-table.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/abstract/libtx-tiering-abstract.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v0/lexer/libsql-v0-lexer.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/profiling/resource_tracker/liblibrary-profiling-resource_tracker.global.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/lexer/antlr3_ansi/libv1-lexer-antlr3_ansi.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tracing/service/libtx-tracing-service.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/str_map/libcpp-containers-str_map.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/settings/libessentials-sql-settings.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/format/libsql-v1-format.global.a |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_listfromrange.cpp |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut_helpers/libcore-wrappers-ut_helpers.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/lexer/antlr4/libv1-lexer-antlr4.a |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_multihopping.cpp |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/coroutine/listener/libcpp-coroutine-listener.a |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_delete_index.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_range.cpp |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/lexer/antlr4_ansi/libv1-lexer-antlr4_ansi.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/coroutine/engine/libcpp-coroutine-engine.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/lexer/libsql-v1-lexer.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/libcore-tx-tiering.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceproxy/libcore-tx-sequenceproxy.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/aclib/libydb-library-aclib.a |48.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/actor_type/liblibrary-actors-actor_type.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/stack_vector/libcpp-containers-stack_vector.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/proto_parser/antlr3/libv1-proto_parser-antlr3.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/proto_parser/antlr3_ansi/libv1-proto_parser-antlr3_ansi.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/aiohttp/libpy3contrib-python-aiohttp.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/intrusive_rb_tree/libcpp-containers-intrusive_rb_tree.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/libcore-tx-tx_allocator_client.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/types/dynumber/libessentials-types-dynumber.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/stack_array/libcpp-containers-stack_array.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/util/actorsys_test/libcore-util-actorsys_test.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/format/libsql-v1-format.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/typing-extensions/py3/libpy3python-typing-extensions-py3.global.a |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_update.cpp |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/backtrace/libessentials-utils-backtrace.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/aiohttp/libpy3contrib-python-aiohttp.global.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/in_store/common/libalter-in_store-common.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/fq_runner/libpy3tests-tools-fq_runner.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/fq_runner/libpy3tests-tools-fq_runner.global.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/paged_vector/libcpp-containers-paged_vector.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/compact_vector/libcpp-containers-compact_vector.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/olap/operations/alter/common/liboperations-alter-common.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/comptrie/libcpp-containers-comptrie.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/base/libcore-ymq-base.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/atomizer/libcpp-containers-atomizer.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/libyql-essentials-utils.a |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/auth/libcore-sys_view-auth.a |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_pickle.cpp |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/threading/libessentials-utils-threading.a |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/limiter/grouped_memory/service/liblimiter-grouped_memory-service.a |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/simple_reader/constructor/libreader-simple_reader-constructor.global.a |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_reduce.cpp |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/codec/codegen/llvm16/libcodec-codegen-llvm16.global.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/bitseq/libcpp-containers-bitseq.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/six/py3/libpy3python-six-py3.global.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ruamel.yaml/py3/libpy3python-ruamel.yaml-py3.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/yaml/libcore-viewer-yaml.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/protos/libcore-viewer-protos.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/libcore-tx-long_tx_service.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/loading/libtx-columnshard-loading.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/dnsresolver/liblibrary-actors-dnsresolver.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/codec/codegen/llvm16/libcodec-codegen-llvm16.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/failure_injector/libessentials-utils-failure_injector.a |47.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/io/libcpp-mapreduce-io.a |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_queue.cpp |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/attrs/py3/libpy3python-attrs-py3.a |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/actor/libengines-reader-actor.a |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_prepend.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_random.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/plain_reader/constructor/libreader-plain_reader-constructor.global.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/libcore-tx-mediator.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/storage/abstract/libsession-storage-abstract.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/core/liblibrary-actors-core.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/initiator/controller/libdata_sharing-initiator-controller.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_next_value.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/lib/libyt-gateway-lib.a |46.9%| PREPARE $(JDK_DEFAULT-472926544) |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/initiator/status/libdata_sharing-initiator-status.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/qplayer/libyt-gateway-qplayer.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/counters/common/libcolumnshard-counters-common.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/normalizer/abstract/libcolumnshard-normalizer-abstract.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_upsert_index.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_now.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/changes/libcolumnshard-engines-changes.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/destination/session/libdata_sharing-destination-session.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/libtests-fq-pq_async_io.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cachetools/py3/libpy3python-cachetools-py3.global.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/chunks/libengines-storage-chunks.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_locks/locks/libcolumnshard-data_locks-locks.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/common/libproviders-yt-common.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/init_yt_api/libyt-lib-init_yt_api.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_null.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_reader/libtx-columnshard-blobs_reader.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/common/session/libdata_sharing-common-session.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/base64/ssse3/liblibs-base64-ssse3.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/common/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-common.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/libcpp-mapreduce-interface.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_match_recognize_rows_formatter.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/mkql_helpers/libyt-lib-mkql_helpers.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/libydb-core-viewer.global.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/urllib3/py3/libpy3python-urllib3-py3.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/log/libyt-lib-log.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cctz/libcontrib-libs-cctz.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/expr_traits/libyt-lib-expr_traits.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/libtx-columnshard-splitter.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ruamel.yaml/py3/libpy3python-ruamel.yaml-py3.global.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/data_sharing/destination/transactions/libdata_sharing-destination-transactions.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/ytflow/integration/proto/libytflow-integration-proto.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/libtx-replication-controller.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/util/charset/libutil-charset.a |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/grpc/libfq-libs-grpc.a |46.9%| PREPARE $(CLANG-1922233694) |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/gateway/libfq-libs-gateway.a |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/libffi/libcontrib-restricted-libffi.a |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_logical.cpp |47.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/c-ares/libcontrib-libs-c-ares.a |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_condense.cpp |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/blobs_action/transaction/libcolumnshard-blobs_action-transaction.a |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/opt/libproviders-yt-opt.a |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg_sum.cpp |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/yson_helpers/libyt-lib-yson_helpers.a |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/compute/ydb/control_plane/libcompute-ydb-control_plane.a |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/quoter/public/libcore-quoter-public.a |47.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/libcore-security-certificate_check.a |47.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/libcore-statistics-service.a |47.0%| PREPARE $(WITH_JDK17-sbr:7832760150) |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_lookup.cpp |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/database/libcore-statistics-database.a |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mon/libydb-core-mon.a |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_lazy_list.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/topics/libcore-kqp-topics.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_iterator.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/frozenlist/libpy3contrib-python-frozenlist.global.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/counters/libcore-kqp-counters.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_heap.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/libcore-mind-address_classification.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_map_join.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/actors/libkqp-gateway-actors.a |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/decimal/libyt-library-decimal.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/actors/libkqp-workload_service-actors.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/logs/libfq-libs-logs.a |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_if.cpp |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cryptography/py3/libpy3python-cryptography-py3.global.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/google-auth/py3/libpy3python-google-auth-py3.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/erasure/libyt-library-erasure.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/shared_resources/interface/liblibs-shared_resources-interface.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/protos/libgraph-shard-protos.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/auth/libyt-library-auth.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_invoke.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/numeric/libyt-library-numeric.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_ifpresent.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/iniconfig/libpy3contrib-python-iniconfig.global.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libc_compat/libcontrib-libs-libc_compat.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/cryptography/py3/libpy3python-cryptography-py3.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/events/libfq-libs-events.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/schemu/liblibrary-schlab-schemu.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/protos/liblibrary-schlab-protos.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/init/libfq-libs-init.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/util/liblibrary-actors-util.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/security/libydb-core-security.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/schoot/liblibrary-schlab-schoot.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/schine/liblibrary-schlab-schine.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/security/libydb-library-security.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/profiling/libyt-library-profiling.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/abstract/liblibrary-workload-abstract.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/tenacity/py3/libpy3python-tenacity-py3.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/libydb-core-sys_view.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/kv/liblibrary-workload-kv.global.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/table_creator/libydb-library-table_creator.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/libcore-graph-shard.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/purecalc_no_pg_wrapper/liblibs-row_dispatcher-purecalc_no_pg_wrapper.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/stock/liblibrary-workload-stock.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ydb_issue/libydb-library-ydb_issue.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yaml_config/public/liblibrary-yaml_config-public.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ydb_issue/libydb-library-ydb_issue.global.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yaml_json/libydb-library-yaml_json.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/common/libdq-actors-common.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/libyql-dq-actors.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/driver/libsrc-client-driver.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/libyql-essentials-sql.a |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yaml_config/protos/libyaml-config-protos.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/audit/events/liblibs-audit-events.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/db_id_async_resolver_impl/libfq-libs-db_id_async_resolver_impl.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/common/libyql-dq-common.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/session_actor/libcore-kqp-session_actor.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/object_storage/libcore-external_sources-object_storage.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/comp_nodes/libyql-dq-comp_nodes.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/grpcio/py3/libpy3python-grpcio-py3.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/library/skiff_ext/libyt-library-skiff_ext.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/task_runner/libdq-actors-task_runner.a |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/state/libyql-dq-state.a |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_upsert_defaults.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/codicil_guarded_invoker.cpp |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libfyaml/libcontrib-libs-libfyaml.a |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/cancelable_context.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_pool.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt/core/http/libyt-core-http.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/local_bypass.cpp |46.3%| PREPARE $(WITH_JDK-sbr:7832760150) |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_join.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/retrying_periodic_executor.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/token.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/action_queue.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/protobuf_helpers.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/utilex/random.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/stack.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/helpers.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/tracing/public.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/tracing/allocation_tags.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/threading/spin_wait_slow_path_logger.cpp |46.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/cloud_audit/libfq-libs-cloud_audit.a |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/request_queue_provider.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/threading/thread.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/protocol_version.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/per_key_request_queue_provider.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/null_channel.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/message.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/type_registry.cpp |46.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/libessentials-sql-v1.a |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/local_address.cpp |46.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_proxy/libfq-libs-control_plane_proxy.a |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/load.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/schemas.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/listener.cpp |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/config.cpp |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/relaxed_mpsc_queue.cpp |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/dispatcher.cpp |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/runtime/libyql-dq-runtime.a |45.7%| PREPARE $(GDB) |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker_profiler.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker_statistics_producer.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/utf8_decoder.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/coro_pipe.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/bzip2.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_invoker_queue.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_queue_scheduler_thread.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/public.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/ssl_helpers.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_invoker_pool.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_detail.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_util.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/cancelation_token.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/execution_stack.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/ssl_context.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_action_queue.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/current_invoker.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/dispatcher.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/public.cpp |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/future.cpp |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/snappy.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/server.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/brotli.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/client.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/codec.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/packet.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/lz.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_semaphore.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/dispatcher_impl.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/connection.cpp |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/dictionary_codec.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/config.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_stream_pipe.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/zlib.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/stream.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_barrier.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/config.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_rw_lock.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/coroutine.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/delayed_executor.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_looper.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/stream_log_writer.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/invoker_alarm.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/zstd.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/propagating_storage.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/lease_manager.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber_manager.cpp |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/libydb-core-http_proxy.a |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/profiling_helpers.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_stream.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_thread_pool.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/config.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/notify_manager.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/config.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/lzma.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber_scheduler_thread.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/periodic_yielder.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fls.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/nonblocking_batcher.cpp |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/pollable_detail.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/periodic_executor.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/invoker_queue.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/ares_dns_resolver.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_throttler.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/single_queue_scheduler_thread.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/scheduled_executor.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_affinity.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool_poller.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/system_invokers.cpp |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/quantized_executor.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/suspendable_action_queue.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/scheduler_thread.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/tls.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/config.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool_detail.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/serializable_logger.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/random_access_gzip.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/two_level_fair_share_thread_pool.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/crypto.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/helpers.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/dns_resolver.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/throughput_throttler.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_parser.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/config.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_writer.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_callbacks.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/logger_owner.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/formatter.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/fluent_log.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/file_log_writer.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/log_writer_detail.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bloom_filter.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/compression.cpp |45.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/system_log_event_provider.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/stream_output.cpp |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/zstd_compression.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/adjusted_exponential_moving_average.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bit_packed_unsigned_vector.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bit_packing.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/arithmetic_formula.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/codicil.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/backoff_strategy.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bitmap.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/blob_output.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/config.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/checksum.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/public.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/id_generator.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/shutdown.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/cache_config.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/configurable_singleton_def.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/digest.cpp |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/proc.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/hazard_ptr.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/fs.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/histogram.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/hedging_manager.cpp |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/error.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/pool_allocator.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/pattern_formatter.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/linear_probe.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/memory_usage_tracker.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/random.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/parser_helpers.cpp |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/process_exit_profiler.cpp |44.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/statistic_path.cpp |44.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/slab_allocator.cpp |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/statistics.cpp |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker.cpp |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/serialize.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/signal_registry.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/dialer.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/profiling/timing.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/public.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/context.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/connection.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/helpers.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/socket.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/descriptors.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/authentication_identity.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/address.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/authenticator.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/type_def.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/bus/server.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/local_server.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/client.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/channel_detail.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/caching_channel_factory.cpp |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/balancing_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/local_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/static_channel_factory.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/hedging_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/message_format.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/peer_discovery.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/helpers.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/public.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/roaming_channel.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/service.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/bus/channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/response_keeper.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/retrying_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/service_discovery/service_discovery.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/dynamic_channel_pool.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/serialized_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/throttling_channel.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/tree_visitor.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/yson_builder.cpp |44.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/hyperscan/libcontrib-libs-hyperscan.a |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/config.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/server_detail.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/viable_peer_registry.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/depth_limiting_yson_consumer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/tokenizer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/async_consumer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/attribute_consumer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/bindings.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/attributes_stripper.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/producer.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/lexer.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/async_writer.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/consumer.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/list_verb_lazy_yson_consumer.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/forwarding_consumer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/config.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/stream.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/service_detail.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/ypath_designated_consumer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/null_consumer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop_unknown_fields.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_filter.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop_options.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_builder_stream.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/token.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/stream.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/pull_parser.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/pull_parser_deserialize.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/parser.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/tokenizer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/syntax_checker.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/ypath_filtering_consumer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_merger.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/token_writer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/writer.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/request_complexity_limits.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/exception_helpers.cpp |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attribute_consumer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/statistics_producer.cpp |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attributes.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ephemeral_attribute_owner.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attribute_filter.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/convert.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/config.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/node.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/interned_attributes.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/helpers.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/permission.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/service_combiner.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/request_complexity_limiter.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct_update.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ephemeral_node_factory.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/static_service_dispatcher.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/tree_builder.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_resolver.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/system_attribute_provider.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/serialize.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/node_detail.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct_detail.cpp |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/yatest_lib/libpy3python-testing-yatest_lib.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/arrow/interface/libcommon-arrow-interface.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_detail.cpp |43.8%| PREPARE $(CLANG-2518231432) |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_client.cpp |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/virtual.cpp |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_decimal_div.cpp |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/future/py3/libpy3python-future-py3.global.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_service.cpp |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/accessor/composite_serial/libarrow-accessor-composite_serial.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/client/scheme_cache_lib/libcore-client-scheme_cache_lib.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/google-auth/py3/libpy3python-google-auth-py3.global.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/object_storage/inference/libexternal_sources-object_storage-inference.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/table/libgateway-behaviour-table.global.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/testlib/actors/libcore-testlib-actors.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/tablestore/libgateway-behaviour-tablestore.global.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/clickhouse/expr_nodes/libproviders-clickhouse-expr_nodes.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/tablestore/operations/libbehaviour-tablestore-operations.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyasn1/py3/libpy3python-pyasn1-py3.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/clickhouse/proto/libproviders-clickhouse-proto.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/ngtcp2/libcontrib-libs-ngtcp2.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/stock/liblibrary-workload-stock.global.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/arrow/libproviders-common-arrow.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/infer_schema/libyt-lib-infer_schema.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/db_id_async_resolver/libproviders-common-db_id_async_resolver.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/view/libgateway-behaviour-view.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/resource_pool_classifier/libgateway-behaviour-resource_pool_classifier.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/token_accessor/client/libcommon-token_accessor-client.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/clickhouse/provider/libproviders-clickhouse-provider.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/token_accessor/grpc/libcommon-token_accessor-grpc.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/openldap/libcontrib-libs-openldap.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/pushdown/libproviders-common-pushdown.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/config/libproviders-dq-config.a |43.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/common/libproviders-dq-common.a |43.6%| [BI] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/buildinfo_data.h |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg_minmax.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_fold1.cpp |43.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yt_proto/yt/core/libyt_proto-yt-core.a |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_flow.cpp |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/proto/libproviders-pq-proto.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/jsonpath/rewrapper/proto/libjsonpath-rewrapper-proto.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/filestore/core/libcore-filestore-core.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/runtime/libproviders-dq-runtime.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/planner/libproviders-dq-planner.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/task_runner_actor/libproviders-dq-task_runner_actor.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/worker_manager/interface/libdq-worker_manager-interface.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/validators/libcms-console-validators.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/worker_manager/libproviders-dq-worker_manager.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/discovery/libydb-core-discovery.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/pg_catalog/libessentials-parser-pg_catalog.global.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/task_runner/libproviders-dq-task_runner.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/pushdown/libproviders-generic-pushdown.a |43.3%| PREPARE $(CLANG18-3363451693) |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/idna/py3/libpy3python-idna-py3.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/proto/libproviders-generic-proto.a |43.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/api/grpc/libdq-api-grpc.a |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_exists.cpp |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/helper/libproviders-dq-helper.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/libproviders-generic-actors.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/pg_wrapper/interface/libparser-pg_wrapper-interface.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/opt/libproviders-dq-opt.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/compute/libdq-actors-compute.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/gateway/native/libpq-gateway-native.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/actors/libproviders-dq-actors.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/mkql/libproviders-dq-mkql.a |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.functools/py3/libpy3python-jaraco.functools-py3.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/range_helpers/libproviders-s3-range_helpers.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ydb/py3/libpy3python-ydb-py3.global.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/events/libproviders-solomon-events.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/libllvm16-lib-ExecutionEngine.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/statistics/libproviders-s3-statistics.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.text/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.text.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/solomon_accessor/client/libsolomon-solomon_accessor-client.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/path_generator/libproviders-s3-path_generator.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/async_io/libproviders-pq-async_io.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/object_listers/libproviders-s3-object_listers.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/ydb/proto/libproviders-ydb-proto.a |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_extend.cpp |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blockstore/core/libcore-blockstore-core.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/common/libproviders-s3-common.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/idna/py3/libpy3python-idna-py3.global.a |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_enumerate.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/build_info.cpp |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/typing-extensions/py3/libpy3python-typing-extensions-py3.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/thread_local/libcpp-threading-thread_local.a |43.1%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(S)/library/cpp/svnversion/svn_interface.c |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/solomon_accessor/grpc/libsolomon-solomon_accessor-grpc.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/change_exchange/libydb-core-change_exchange.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/importlib-resources/libpy3contrib-python-importlib-resources.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/wheel/libpy3contrib-python-wheel.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/reservoir_sampling/libpy3library-python-reservoir_sampling.global.a |43.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/libcore-client-minikql_compile.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/arrow/save_load/libformats-arrow-save_load.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/client/metadata/libcore-client-metadata.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/transform/libyql-dq-transform.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/symbols/libc/libpython-symbols-libc.global.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/typeguard/libpy3contrib-python-typeguard.global.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/libproviders-solomon-actors.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/urllib3/py3/libpy3python-urllib3-py3.global.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/mock/libblobstorage-dsproxy-mock.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/libessentials-core-file_storage.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/diff/liblibrary-cpp-diff.a |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/libyql-essentials-minikql.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/fresh/libvdisk-hulldb-fresh.a |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_condense1.cpp |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/BinaryFormat/libllvm16-lib-BinaryFormat.a |43.0%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(S)/library/cpp/svnversion/svnversion.cpp |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/type_ann/libyql-dq-type_ann.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/retry/protos/libcpp-retry-protos.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/utils/actors/libyql-utils-actors.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/string_utils/levenshtein_diff/libcpp-string_utils-levenshtein_diff.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/sighandler/liblibrary-cpp-sighandler.a |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_collect.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_mapnext.cpp |43.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/synclog/libblobstorage-vdisk-synclog.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/service/pages/libmonlib-service-pages.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/libcolumnshard-engines-scheme.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/libExecutionEngine-Orc-Shared.a |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_effects.cpp |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/on_disk/chunks/libcpp-on_disk-chunks.a |43.0%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/sandbox.cpp |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/ydb/provider/libproviders-ydb-provider.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/packedtypes/liblibrary-cpp-packedtypes.a |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_chain1_map.cpp |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Bitstream/Reader/liblib-Bitstream-Reader.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/extension_common/libsrc-client-extension_common.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/www/libcpp-messagebus-www.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/servicecontrol/libclient-yc_private-servicecontrol.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/provider/libproviders-generic-provider.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/actors/libproviders-s3-actors.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/provider/libproviders-solomon-provider.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/syncer/libblobstorage-vdisk-syncer.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/PerfJITEvents/liblib-ExecutionEngine-PerfJITEvents.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/legacy_protobuf/protos/libencode-legacy_protobuf-protos.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/accessservice/libclient-yc_private-accessservice.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lcs/liblibrary-cpp-lcs.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/query/libblobstorage-vdisk-query.a |43.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/l2_distance/liblibrary-cpp-l2_distance.a |42.9%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(S)/library/cpp/build_info/build_info_static.cpp |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/websocket-client/libpy3contrib-python-websocket-client.global.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/liblib-ExecutionEngine-MCJIT.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/transformer/liblibrary-formats-arrow-transformer.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/liblibrary-cpp-messagebus.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/simple_builder/liblibrary-formats-arrow-simple_builder.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/provider/libproviders-pq-provider.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/http/simple/libcpp-http-simple.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/splitter/liblibrary-formats-arrow-splitter.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/fyamlcpp/libydb-library-fyamlcpp.a |42.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_blocks.cpp |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/iam/libclient-yc_private-iam.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/ipv6_address/liblibrary-cpp-ipv6_address.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/resource/libpy3library-python-resource.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.collections/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.collections.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/DebugInfo/Symbolize/liblib-DebugInfo-Symbolize.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/func/libpy3library-python-func.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/datastreams/libsrc-client-datastreams.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/yatest_common/libpy3python-testing-yatest_common.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_cache/libcore-tx-scheme_cache.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/modifier/liblibrary-formats-arrow-modifier.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/http_proxy/error/liblibrary-http_proxy-error.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/grpc/server/actors/libgrpc-server-actors.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/dbg_output/liblibrary-cpp-dbg_output.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/DebugInfo/PDB/liblib-DebugInfo-PDB.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/liblib-Frontend-OpenMP.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/DebugInfo/DWARF/liblib-DebugInfo-DWARF.a |42.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_insert.cpp |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/client/server/libcore-client-server.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Remarks/libllvm16-lib-Remarks.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/account_lockout/liblibrary-login-account_lockout.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.collections/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.collections.global.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.context/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.context.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/fatal_error_handlers/libclient-types-fatal_error_handlers.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/Lib/libpy3tools-python3-Lib.global.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/yatest_common/libpy3python-testing-yatest_common.global.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/svn_version/libpy3library-python-svn_version.global.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/resource/libpy3library-python-resource.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/libblobstorage-vdisk-skeleton.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/naming_conventions/libydb-library-naming_conventions.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/folder_service/libydb-library-folder_service.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/nayuki_md5/libcontrib-libs-nayuki_md5.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/libydb-core-tablet_flat.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/deprecated/enum_codegen/libcpp-deprecated-enum_codegen.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/cpuid_check/liblibrary-cpp-cpuid_check.global.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/runtime_py3/libpy3library-python-runtime_py3.global.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/openldap/libraries/liblber/libopenldap-libraries-liblber.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/wheel/libpy3contrib-python-wheel.global.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/export/session/storage/s3/libsession-storage-s3.global.a |42.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_indexes.cpp |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/protos/libpy3library-formats-arrow-protos.global.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/common/libtx-schemeshard-common.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/column/libengines-scheme-column.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/strings/libpy3library-python-strings.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/abstract/libengines-scheme-abstract.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Object/libllvm16-lib-Object.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/libcore-tx-schemeshard.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jaraco.text/libpy3contrib-python-jaraco.text.global.a |41.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/granules/libreader-sys_view-granules.global.a |41.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/common/libengines-scheme-common.a |41.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/defaults/common/libscheme-defaults-common.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/optimizer/libreader-sys_view-optimizer.global.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/yarl/libpy3contrib-python-yarl.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/tiering/libengines-scheme-tiering.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/argonish/internal/proxies/ssse3/libinternal-proxies-ssse3.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/transaction/libengines-reader-transaction.a |41.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/yarl/libpy3contrib-python-yarl.global.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/X86/TargetInfo/libTarget-X86-TargetInfo.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/libydb-core-cms.a |42.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/indexes/abstract/libscheme-indexes-abstract.global.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/ProfileData/libllvm16-lib-ProfileData.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/interconnect/mock/libactors-interconnect-mock.a |42.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_addmember.cpp |42.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_replicate.cpp |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/pcre/pcre32/liblibs-pcre-pcre32.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/libllvm16-lib-Target.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/password_checker/liblibrary-login-password_checker.a |42.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/counters/libstorage-actualizer-counters.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/index/libstorage-actualizer-index.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/filter/libpy3python-testing-filter.global.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/MC/libllvm16-lib-MC.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/find_root/libpy3library-python-find_root.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/indexes/abstract/libscheme-indexes-abstract.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/common/libstorage-actualizer-common.a |42.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/CFGuard/liblib-Transforms-CFGuard.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/abstract/libstorage-actualizer-abstract.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/bg_tasks/abstract/libcolumnshard-bg_tasks-abstract.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/wilson/liblibrary-actors-wilson.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/TextAPI/libllvm16-lib-TextAPI.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/versions/libengines-scheme-versions.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/AggressiveInstCombine/liblib-Transforms-AggressiveInstCombine.a |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/resource_pool_classifiers/libcore-sys_view-resource_pool_classifiers.a |42.3%| PREPARE $(CLANG16-1380963495) |42.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/arrow_parquet/libydb-library-arrow_parquet.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyasn1-modules/py3/libpy3python-pyasn1-modules-py3.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/libcore-tx-scheme_board.a |42.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/scheme/libstorage-actualizer-scheme.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/reader/sys_view/portions/libreader-sys_view-portions.global.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/more-itertools/py3/libpy3python-more-itertools-py3.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/sessions/libcore-sys_view-sessions.a |42.5%| {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/sanitizer/plugin/sanitizer.py.pyplugin |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/config/protos/libcore-config-protos.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/TargetParser/libllvm16-lib-TargetParser.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/tablets/libcore-sys_view-tablets.a |42.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Target/X86/MCTargetDesc/libTarget-X86-MCTargetDesc.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/schlab/probes/liblibrary-schlab-probes.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/storage/libcore-sys_view-storage.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/storage/actualizer/tiering/libstorage-actualizer-tiering.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Support/libllvm16-lib-Support.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/multidict/libpy3contrib-python-multidict.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/libcore-tx-balance_coverage.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/protos/libcore-tablet_flat-protos.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pluggy/py3/libpy3python-pluggy-py3.global.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/input_transforms/libdq-actors-input_transforms.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/service/libcore-sys_view-service.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tracing/libydb-core-tracing.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/more-itertools/py3/libpy3python-more-itertools-py3.global.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/pdisk_io/libydb-library-pdisk_io.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/ObjCARC/liblib-Transforms-ObjCARC.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/Coroutines/liblib-Transforms-Coroutines.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/kubernetes/libpy3contrib-python-kubernetes.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/testlib/basics/libcore-testlib-basics.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/Crypto/liblibs-poco-Crypto.a |42.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_block_agg_some.cpp |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/resource_pool_classifier/libgateway-behaviour-resource_pool_classifier.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/kubernetes/libpy3contrib-python-kubernetes.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/oauthlib/libpy3contrib-python-oauthlib.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/tasks/libyql-dq-tasks.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/protos/libpy3columnshard-engines-protos.global.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/cores/libpy3library-python-cores.a |42.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/formats/libydb-core-formats.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yaml_config/libydb-library-yaml_config.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/lua/libcontrib-libs-lua.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/tablestore/libgateway-behaviour-tablestore.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/spilling/libdq-actors-spilling.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/nghttp2/libcontrib-libs-nghttp2.a |42.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/mkql_removemember.cpp |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/test_tablet/libydb-core-test_tablet.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/strings/libpy3library-python-strings.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/absl_flat_hash/libcpp-containers-absl_flat_hash.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/liblibrary-ycloud-impl.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/liblib-Transforms-Vectorize.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/oauthlib/libpy3contrib-python-oauthlib.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/zlib/libcontrib-libs-zlib.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/view/libgateway-behaviour-view.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/Lib/libpy3tools-python3-Lib.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/pcre/pcre16/liblibs-pcre-pcre16.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/opentelemetry-proto/libcontrib-libs-opentelemetry-proto.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/libydb-core-kqp.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/common/http_gateway/libproviders-common-http_gateway.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/behaviour/tablestore/operations/libbehaviour-tablestore-operations.global.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/sasl/libcontrib-libs-sasl.a |42.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/IR/libllvm16-lib-IR.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/utils/libkqp-gateway-utils.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/interface/libproviders-dq-interface.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/counters/libproviders-dq-counters.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/liblib-Transforms-Instrumentation.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/yajl/libcontrib-libs-yajl.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyrsistent/py3/libpy3python-pyrsistent-py3.global.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/lib2/py/libpy3python3-lib2-py.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/db_schema/libfq-libs-db_schema.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/groupinfo/libcore-blobstorage-groupinfo.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/node_service/libcore-kqp-node_service.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/liblib-Transforms-InstCombine.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/expr_nodes/libproviders-generic-expr_nodes.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/fs/libpy3library-python-fs.global.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/pcre/libcontrib-libs-pcre.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/lwtrace_probes/libcore-blobstorage-lwtrace_probes.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/api/service/libconnector-api-service.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/libcontrib-libs-yaml-cpp.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/incrhuge/libcore-blobstorage-incrhuge.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/defrag/libblobstorage-vdisk-defrag.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/common/libproviders-pq-common.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/expr_nodes/libproviders-pq-expr_nodes.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/base/libvdisk-hulldb-base.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/barriers/libvdisk-hulldb-barriers.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/NetSSL_OpenSSL/liblibs-poco-NetSSL_OpenSSL.a |42.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/XML/liblibs-poco-XML.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/testlib/libydb-core-testlib.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/Util/liblibs-poco-Util.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet/libydb-core-tablet.a |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/operation_queue_timer.h_serialized.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__background_cleaning.cpp |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/provider/libproviders-dq-provider.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/Net/liblibs-poco-Net.a |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_populator.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__clean_pathes.cpp |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/huge/libblobstorage-vdisk-huge.a |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_build_index.cpp |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/zstd06/libcontrib-libs-zstd06.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/openssl/libcontrib-libs-openssl.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/poco/Foundation/liblibs-poco-Foundation.a |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import__cancel.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_index.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export_scheme_uploader.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_finalize_build_index.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_lock.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_pq.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_indexed_table.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__describe_scheme.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_index.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_resource_pool.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_solomon.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_subdomain.cpp |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_replication.cpp |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/Utils/liblib-Transforms-Utils.a |42.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/libcontrib-tools-python3.a |42.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__fix_bad_paths.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__data_erasure_manager.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_pq.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_continuous_backup.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__find_subdomain_path_id.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__list_users.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_root.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_cdc_stream.cpp |43.0%| RESOURCE $(sbr:4966407557) |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__borrowed_compaction.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__login.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_kesus.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_backup_incremental_backup_collection.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__notify.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_bsv.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_login.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__backup_collection_common.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__make_access_database_no_inheritable.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__conditional_erase.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__monitoring.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_external_table.cpp |43.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__delete_tablet_reply.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_external_data_source.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_external_data_source.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_resource_pool.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_assign_bsv.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_fs.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_user_attrs.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_sequence.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__background_compaction.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_extsubdomain.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_apply_build_index.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_backup_backup_collection.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_subdomain.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_blob_depot.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_bsv.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_cancel_tx.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_cansel_build_index.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init_schema.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_alter_table.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_external_table.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_continuous_backup.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_bsv.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_consistent_copy_tables.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_cdc_stream.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common_pq.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_backup_collection.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_common.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_sequence.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_extsubdomain.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_fs.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_copy_table.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_cdc_stream.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_external_data_source.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_backup.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_external_table.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_external_data_source.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_view.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_memory_changes.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_resource_pool.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_subdomain.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_kesus.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_replication.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_restore_incremental_backup.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_solomon.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_restore.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_sequence.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_rtmr.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_continuous_backup.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_backup_collection.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_view.cpp |43.3%| PREPARE $(FLAKE8_LINTER-sbr:6561765464) |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_db_changes.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_create_table.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_cdc_stream.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_bsv.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_resource_pool.cpp |43.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/llvm16/lib/Transforms/Scalar/liblib-Transforms-Scalar.a |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_fs.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_pq.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_external_table.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_extsubdomain.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_index.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_lock.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_kesus.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_indexed_table.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__init.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_solomon.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_table.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_sequence.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_replication.cpp |43.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-olap_workload-tests |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_billing_helpers.cpp |43.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/ydb-core-ymq-actor-ut |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_subdomain.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_drop_unsafe.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__pq_stats.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_mkdir.cpp |43.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_just_reject.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_move_index.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_initiate_build_index.cpp |43.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/ydb_recipe |43.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydbd/ydbd |43.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/ydb-tests-functional-query_cache |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_modify_acl.cpp |43.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_part.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_move_sequence.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_move_tables.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_move_table_index.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_rmdir.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_bg_tasks__list.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_restore_backup_collection.cpp |43.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_move_table.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_upgrade_subdomain.cpp |43.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_proxy/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-control_plane_proxy-ut |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_audit_log.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__publish_to_scheme_board.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__state_changed_reply.cpp |43.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_split_merge.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__sync_update_tenants.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__operation_side_effects.cpp |43.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpointing/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-checkpointing-ut |43.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/tablet/ut/ydb-core-grpc_services-tablet-ut |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__tenant_data_erasure_manager.cpp |43.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sequence |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__root_data_erasure_manager.cpp |43.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_range_ops/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_range_ops |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__table_stats.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__table_stats_histogram.cpp |43.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_backup.cpp |43.6%| [SB] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/psql/psql |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__upgrade_access_database.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_audit_log_fragment.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__unmark_restore_tables.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__upgrade_schema.cpp |43.6%| PREPARE $(BLACK_LINTER-sbr:8107723363) |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export_flow_proposals.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_domain_links.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_cdc_stream_scan.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_cdc_stream_common.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__get.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__forget.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__cancel.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__create.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export__get.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__list.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index_tx_base.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_effective_acl.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export__list.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export__cancel.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_identificators.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_svp_migration.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_shard_deleter.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export__forget.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_self_pinger.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_path_element.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_xxport__helpers.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_types.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_validate_ttl.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_export__create.cpp |43.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_types.h_serialized.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard__serverless_storage_billing.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/user_attributes.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import__create.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_path_describer.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_info_types.h_serialized.cpp |43.7%| [ld] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/tools/flake8_linter/flake8_linter |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_build_index__progress.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_utils.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import__forget.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import__list.cpp |43.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import__get.cpp |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/pq/task_meta/libproviders-pq-task_meta.a |43.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/bulksst_add/libvdisk-hulldb-bulksst_add.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_path.cpp |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import_scheme_query_executor.cpp |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import_flow_proposals.cpp |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/actors_factory/libproviders-s3-actors_factory.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/expr_nodes/libproviders-s3-expr_nodes.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/platformdirs/libpy3contrib-python-platformdirs.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/protobuf/libcontrib-libs-protobuf.global.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_import_scheme_getter.cpp |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/expr_nodes/libproviders-solomon-expr_nodes.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_info_types.cpp |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp-tstring/y_absl/types/libabseil-cpp-tstring-y_absl-types.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/command_base/libydb_cli_command_base.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/other/libcore-blobstorage-other.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/ydb/expr_nodes/libproviders-ydb-expr_nodes.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/hulldb/compstrat/libvdisk-hulldb-compstrat.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/stack-data/libpy3contrib-python-stack-data.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/events/libproviders-s3-events.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/libpy3contrib-python-matplotlib-inline.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/simdjson/libcontrib-libs-simdjson.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/wcwidth/py3/libpy3python-wcwidth-py3.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/import_tracing/lib/libpy3python-import_tracing-lib.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/mock/libblobstorage-pdisk-mock.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/traitlets/py3/libpy3python-traitlets-py3.global.a |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/matplotlib-inline/libpy3contrib-python-matplotlib-inline.a |43.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/backup/impl/local_partition_reader_ut.cpp |43.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/stack-data/libpy3contrib-python-stack-data.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/decorator/py3/libpy3python-decorator-py3.global.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ipdb/py3/libpy3python-ipdb-py3.global.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/balance/libblobstorage-vdisk-balance.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/anubis_osiris/libblobstorage-vdisk-anubis_osiris.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/common/libblobstorage-vdisk-common.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/parso/py3/libpy3python-parso-py3.global.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/psutil/py3/libpy3python-psutil-py3.global.a |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/schemeshard_impl.cpp |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ipython/py3/libpy3python-ipython-py3.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py3/libpy3python-prompt-toolkit-py3.global.a |43.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/ydb-tests-fq-pq_async_io-ut |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_cache_s3fifo_ut.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ut_object.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/quoter_resource_tree_ut.cpp |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_gclogic_ut.cpp |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/rows/libtest-libs-rows.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/common/libpy3tests-stress-common.a |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/test/libs/table/libtest-libs-table.a |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut_helpers.cpp |43.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/objcopy_8649dacdf340abe7c53df69638.o |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/libpy3stress-olap_workload-workload.a |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_proto.cpp |43.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/objcopy_9be8b6745d0fa150928bab4206.o |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/libpy3stress-olap_workload-workload.global.a |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_btree_index_nodes.cpp |43.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/common/libpy3tests-stress-common.global.a |43.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/objcopy_8e19d47784789c55156c57f816.o |43.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_compaction.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_database_ut.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/attributes_md5_ut.cpp |44.0%| [ld] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/tools/black_linter/black_linter |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/sha256_ut.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/message_delay_stats_ut.cpp |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/lib/cmds/libpy3tools-lib-cmds.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/libpy3ydb_recipe.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/lib/cmds/libpy3tools-lib-cmds.global.a |44.0%| [UN] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/psql/psql |44.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/objcopy_c55121179eeb3b5753498290c4.o |44.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/objcopy_f8b2cbafb1fed0e25bf9683c2d.o |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_data_cleanup.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/infly_ut.cpp |44.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/ut/metering_ut.cpp |44.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/objcopy_e31620202d3ba8df14ff2a18e1.o |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/unicode_base/lib/libcommon-unicode_base-lib.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/digest/sfh/libcpp-digest-sfh.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/hyperscan/libhyperscan_udf.global.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/ydb_topic/include/libclient-ydb_topic-include.a |44.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_rs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_rs |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/containers/top_keeper/libcpp-containers-top_keeper.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/sqlite3/libcontrib-libs-sqlite3.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/hyperloglog/liblibrary-cpp-hyperloglog.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/highwayhash/arch/avx2/libhighwayhash-arch-avx2.a |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/highwayhash/libcontrib-libs-highwayhash.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/histogram/adaptive/protos/libhistogram-adaptive-protos.a |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/apps/ydbd/main.cpp |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/keys/libydb-library-keys.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/topfreq/libtopfreq_udf.global.a |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpointing/ut/checkpoint_coordinator_ut.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_services/tablet/rpc_change_schema_ut.cpp |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/timezone_conversion/liblibrary-cpp-timezone_conversion.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unicode/normalization/libcpp-unicode-normalization.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/tld/liblibrary-cpp-tld.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unicode/set/libcpp-unicode-set.a |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_services/tablet/rpc_restart_tablet_ut.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_services/tablet/rpc_execute_mkql_ut.cpp |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sequence/datashard_ut_sequence.cpp |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/xz/libcpp-streams-xz.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/quota_manager/ut_helpers/liblibs-quota_manager-ut_helpers.a |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/apps/ydbd/export.cpp |44.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/ut/ydb-core-tx-long_tx_service-ut |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/regex/pire/libcpp-regex-pire.a |44.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/ydb-tests-fq-http_api |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/compress_base/lib/libcommon-compress_base-lib.a |44.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/ydb-tests-functional-encryption |44.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/libcore-blobstorage-nodewarden.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/roaring/libroaring.global.a |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_ut.cpp |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/math/lib/libcommon-math-lib.a |44.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_range_ops.cpp |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/stat/static/libcommon-stat-static.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/hyperloglog/libhyperloglog_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/digest/libdigest_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/ip_base/libip_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/compress_base/libcompress_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/protobuf/libcontrib-libs-protobuf.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/topfreq/static/libcommon-topfreq-static.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/knn/libknn_udf.global.a |44.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/ydb-tests-tools-kqprun-tests |44.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/objcopy_1a397c908c9859dc40a771ddf1.o |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/json/libjson_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/pire/libpire_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/datetime/libdatetime_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/stat/libstat_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/re2/libre2_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/math/libmath_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/libpy3ydb_recipe.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/highwayhash/arch/sse41/libhighwayhash-arch-sse41.a |44.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_reassign/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_reassign |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/logs/dsv/libdsv_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/json2/libjson2_udf.global.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/unicode/punycode/libcpp-unicode-punycode.a |44.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/ip_base/lib/libcommon-ip_base-lib.a |44.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/url_base/lib/libcommon-url_base-lib.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/histogram/libhistogram_udf.global.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pure-eval/libpy3contrib-python-pure-eval.global.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/croaring/libcontrib-libs-croaring.a |44.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/ydb |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_self.cpp >> test_clickbench.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tpcds.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tpch.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ut_ttl_utility.cpp |44.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_followers/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_followers |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/set/libset_udf.global.a |44.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/histogram/adaptive/libcpp-histogram-adaptive.a |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/yson2/libyson2_udf.global.a |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_db_scheme.cpp >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/ydb-tests-sql |44.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/pdisk/libcore-blobstorage-pdisk.a |44.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_redo.cpp >> test_cms_erasure.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_postgres.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_cms_restart.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_pdisk_format_info.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_cms_state_storage.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_replication.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_restarts.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_cp_ic.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> utils.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_sausage.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/benchmark/b_part.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_part_multi.cpp |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/unicode_base/libunicode_udf.global.a >> test_dispatch.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_self_heal.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tablet_channel_migration.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_retry.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_retry_high_rate.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/url_base/liburl_udf.global.a |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_pages.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_memtable.cpp >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/objcopy_dcbdf62672440a626e79a64e14.o |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/datetime2/libdatetime2_udf.global.a |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_row_versions_ut.cpp |44.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/kqprun |44.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_replication/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_replication >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_crud.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> scenario.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_inserts.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> hive_matchers.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_kv.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_create_tablets.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_drain.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_kill_tablets.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_actorsystem.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_case.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_db_iface.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_slice.cpp |44.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ydb-tests-stress-simple_queue-tests |44.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/ut/ydb-core-tx-time_cast-ut |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/libpy3kqprun_recipe.a >> conftest.py::black [GOOD] >> test_join.py::black [GOOD] |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_decimal.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/dq_pq_read_actor_ut.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_compaction_multi.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/dq_pq_rd_read_actor_ut.cpp |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/executing/libpy3contrib-python-executing.global.a |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/dq_pq_write_actor_ut.cpp >> conftest.py::black [GOOD] >> test_clickhouse.py::black [GOOD] >> test_greenplum.py::black [GOOD] >> test_join.py::black [GOOD] >> test_postgresql.py::black [GOOD] >> test_ydb.py::black [GOOD] |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_proxy/ut/control_plane_proxy_ut.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ut_index_build.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_versions.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/ut_user_attributes.cpp |44.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_stat.cpp |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/traitlets/py3/libpy3python-traitlets-py3.a |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/hooks/testing/libcolumnshard-hooks-testing.a |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/asttokens/libpy3contrib-python-asttokens.a |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ut_tiers.cpp >> base.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> data_correctness.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> data_migration_when_alter_ttl.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> ttl_delete_s3.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> ttl_unavailable_s3.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> unstable_connection.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ipython/py3/libpy3python-ipython-py3.global.a |44.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/objcopy_3e8bf44ed681ff82ae143aaec3.o |44.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part8/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ut_helpers/libtx-replication-ut_helpers.a |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_compaction.cpp |44.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/objcopy_c5b20018a92eda3a193740e3d9.o |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/top/libtop_udf.global.a |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/executing/libpy3contrib-python-executing.a |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/asttokens/libpy3contrib-python-asttokens.global.a |44.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/objcopy_4246ee6b3505ab22753eb44ce7.o |44.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/objcopy_0c4ce75555cfd5c0dd63e9dfbd.o |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/fixtures/libpy3tests-library-fixtures.global.a |44.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_datetime.cpp |44.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part19/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/load/flake8 >> test_tpch.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ttl.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/wcwidth/py3/libpy3python-wcwidth-py3.global.a |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/cms/flake8 >> utils.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/objcopy_5a4a401f33f46c70417a65f584.o |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/flake8 >> test_postgres.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part15/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part5/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ut_helpers.cpp |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/objcopy_3d6916930a438b51675ef6dda7.o |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/pg/libessentials-sql-pg.a >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_auditlog.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_encryption.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_rs.cpp |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/restarts/flake8 >> test_restarts.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/objcopy_b34c6a8a5501db208eebc5d8e4.o |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/flake8 >> test_retry_high_rate.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/objcopy_a7eeae26b167cbf464a4b689ac.o |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/tablet_ut.cpp |44.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/locks/range_treap_ut.cpp |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/objcopy_93654eb2c4a8d2b5873beffdc7.o |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/google/benchmark/librestricted-google-benchmark.a >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> allure_utils.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> results_processor.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> utils.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> ydb_cli.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> ydb_cluster.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/join/flake8 >> test_case.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/libpy3python-Pygments-py3.a |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/http_api_client/libpy3fq-libs-http_api_client.a |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/objcopy_3209cda00462f2963f3cbbc912.o |44.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/objcopy_ec3163328cb5ab8f222e66dd41.o |44.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/datastreams_helpers/libpy3tests-tools-datastreams_helpers.global.a |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/objcopy_a5c82b9ecb3bf738ea9e628123.o |44.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/datastreams_helpers/libpy3tests-tools-datastreams_helpers.a |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/flake8 >> test_actorsystem.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/objcopy_7eade8c49389813f8c36b72b5b.o |44.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jedi/py3/libpy3python-jedi-py3.global.a |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/objcopy_d1ba757d227a70ff4910717854.o |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/flake8 >> test_tablet_channel_migration.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/long_tx_service_ut.cpp |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/objcopy_4f92526e13553482736b942b2c.o >> helpers.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_base.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_query.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_s3.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tpcds.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tpch_spilling.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_datetime.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive_with_schema.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part14/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/sql/flake8 >> test_kv.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/objcopy_93dc3386250916dfae1ecb9b13.o |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/hive/flake8 >> test_kill_tablets.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/serializable/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/objcopy_340b457b8174f6293d5748588e.o |44.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/objcopy_5923b362516b6632b9769a5db2.o |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless_reboots/ut_serverless_reboots.cpp >> test_account_actions.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_acl.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_counters.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_format_without_version.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_garbage_collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_multiplexing_tables_format.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ping.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_queue_attributes_validation.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_queue_counters.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_queue_tags.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_queues_managing.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_throttling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/black >> test_ydb.py::black [GOOD] |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_reassign.cpp |44.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/black >> test_join.py::black [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/http_api_client/libpy3fq-libs-http_api_client.global.a >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_alter_compression.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_alter_tiering.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insert.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_scheme_load.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_simple.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/lz/libcpp-streams-lz.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/antlr4-c3/libcontrib-libs-antlr4-c3.a |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_split_merge/ut_split_merge.cpp |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/psutil/py3/libpy3python-psutil-py3.a |44.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/objcopy_6b37760fb6a28054d0feafd61d.o >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/gen/tpcds-dbgen/libbenchmarks-gen-tpcds-dbgen.a |44.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/flake8 >> unstable_connection.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/transfer_workload/libtransfer_workload.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/restricted/patched/replxx/librestricted-patched-replxx.a >> test_config_with_metadata.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_generate_dynamic_config.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpcds/liblibrary-workload-tpcds.global.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/boto3/py3/libpy3python-boto3-py3.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/factory/open_common/libstreams-factory-open_common.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/commands/libcommands.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Werkzeug/py3/libpy3python-Werkzeug-py3.global.a >> test_common.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_yandex_cloud_mode.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_yandex_cloud_queue_counters.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_datetime.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_quota_exhaustion.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/ttl/flake8 >> test_ttl.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part10/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/bucket_quoter/liblibrary-cpp-bucket_quoter.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/factory/open_by_signature/libstreams-factory-open_by_signature.a |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/lz/lz4/libstreams-lz-lz4.a |44.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/apps/ydb/main.cpp >> test_liveness_wardens.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_serverless.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_example.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/streams/lz/snappy/libstreams-lz-snappy.a |44.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/objcopy_774cbd1f10ee287899289ecb3f.o |44.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/queries/tpcds/libbenchmarks-queries-tpcds.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/tbb/libcontrib-libs-tbb.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/local_executor/libcpp-threading-local_executor.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Werkzeug/py3/libpy3python-Werkzeug-py3.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/import/liblib-ydb_cli-import.a |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/flake8 >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/flake8 >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/audit/flake8 >> test_auditlog.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/encryption/flake8 >> test_encryption.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/mkql_simple_file/libproviders-common-mkql_simple_file.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/gen/tpcds-dbgen/libbenchmarks-gen-tpcds-dbgen.global.a >> test_crud.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_schemeshard_limits.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_discovery.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_execute_scheme.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_indexes.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insert.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_isolation.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_public_api.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_read_table.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_session_grace_shutdown.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_base.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_session_pool.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_http_api.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/gen/tpch-dbgen/libbenchmarks-gen-tpch-dbgen.a |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/sql/lib/flake8 >> test_s3.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part17/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/lib/flake8 >> ydb_cluster.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/csv/table/libarrow-csv-table.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/queries/tpch/libbenchmarks-queries-tpch.global.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/runlib/libtools-kqprun-runlib.a >> test_alter_ops.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_copy_ops.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_scheme_shard_operations.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/src/proto/libkqprun-src-proto.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/boto3/py3/libpy3python-boto3-py3.global.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/backup/libkikimr_backup.a |44.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/queries/tpcds/libbenchmarks-queries-tpcds.global.a |45.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_replication.cpp |45.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/flake8 >> test_tpch_spilling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/benchmarks/queries/tpch/libbenchmarks-queries-tpch.a >> test_sql.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_bulkupserts_tpch.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insert_delete_duplicate_records.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insertinto_selectfrom.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tiering.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_workload_manager.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/kqprun.cpp |44.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/postgresql/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |44.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/ydb-tests-functional-serializable |45.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/flake8 >> test_throttling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/objcopy_bf6c9c02784d65e20a01685ce8.o |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/responses/py3/libpy3python-responses-py3.a |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jmespath/py3/libpy3python-jmespath-py3.global.a |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/s3transfer/py3/libpy3python-s3transfer-py3.global.a |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jmespath/py3/libpy3python-jmespath-py3.a |45.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/objcopy_2492aafb6862566a2398c9f27e.o |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/src/libtools-kqprun-src.a |45.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_data_cleanup/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_data_cleanup |45.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/ut/ydb-core-graph-shard-ut |45.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/supp/ydb_supp |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/responses/py3/libpy3python-responses-py3.global.a |45.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/scenario/flake8 >> test_simple.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/monlib/libpy3library-python-monlib.a |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/libpy3stress-simple_queue-workload.global.a |45.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/objcopy_2de2accab39327e9b10680901f.o |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pytz/py3/libpy3python-pytz-py3.a |45.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pytz/py3/libpy3python-pytz-py3.global.a |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/flake8 >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/config/flake8 >> test_generate_dynamic_config.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part11/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/objcopy_3df021aac8504049c53286aea0.o |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/monlib/libpy3library-python-monlib.global.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/unistat/libmonlib-encode-unistat.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/libpy3stress-simple_queue-workload.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/lib/libpy3tests-sql-lib.global.a >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/xmltodict/py3/libpy3python-xmltodict-py3.global.a |45.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/time_cast_ut.cpp |45.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/ut/ydb-core-tx-coordinator-ut |45.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/objcopy_2f0e0ac8198858b9ec9901778e.o |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/test_meta/libpy3tests-library-test_meta.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/gateway/file/libyt-gateway-file.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/s3transfer/py3/libpy3python-s3transfer-py3.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/xmltodict/py3/libpy3python-xmltodict-py3.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpc_base/liblibrary-workload-tpc_base.global.a |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/test_meta/libpy3tests-library-test_meta.global.a >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> docker_wrapper_test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/log/liblibrary-workload-log.global.a |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part4/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/objcopy_f738234258cd034cd5383f92ad.o |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/clickhouse/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/flake8 >> test_quota_exhaustion.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/flake8 >> test_yandex_cloud_queue_counters.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_stats/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_stats |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/benchmark_base/liblibrary-workload-benchmark_base.a |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/clickbench/liblibrary-workload-clickbench.global.a >> test_alloc_default.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_dc_local.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_result_limits.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_scheduling.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> alter_compression.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> base.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_clickbench.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_2_selects_limit.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_3_selects.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_bad_syntax.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_base.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_big_state.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_continue_mode.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_cpu_quota.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_delete_read_rules_after_abort_by_system.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_eval.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tpch.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_invalid_consumer.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_kill_pq_bill.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_mem_alloc.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_metrics_cleanup.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_pq_read_write.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_public_metrics.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_read_rules_deletion.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_recovery.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_recovery_match_recognize.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_recovery_mz.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_restart_query.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpc_base/liblibrary-workload-tpc_base.a |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/wardens/flake8 >> test_liveness_wardens.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/stat_visualization/libpublic-lib-stat_visualization.a |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/example/flake8 >> test_example.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/clickbench/liblibrary-workload-clickbench.a |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpch/liblibrary-workload-tpch.a |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/serverless/flake8 >> test_serverless.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/log/liblibrary-workload-log.a |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/interactive/libydb_cli-commands-interactive.a >> test_row_dispatcher.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_select_1.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_select_limit.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_select_limit_db_id.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_select_timings.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_stop.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_watermarks.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_yds_bindings.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_yq_streaming.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insert_restarts.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_datetime_with_service_name.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive_with_service_name.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_update_script_tables.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpcds/liblibrary-workload-tpcds.a |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/limits/flake8 >> test_schemeshard_limits.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/http_api/flake8 >> test_http_api.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/ydb-tests-olap-column_family-compression |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/flake8 >> test_scheme_shard_operations.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/api/flake8 >> test_session_pool.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_disk.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tablet.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/memory_controller/ut/ydb-core-memory_controller-ut |45.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/ydb-tests-example |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/workload/tpch/liblibrary-workload-tpch.global.a |45.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/ydb-core-kafka_proxy-ut |45.2%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/viewer/tests/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/sql/v1/complete/libsql-v1-complete.a >> tablet_scheme_tests.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_join.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/libtopic.a |45.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/keyvalue/ut/ydb-services-keyvalue-ut |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/topic_workload/libtopic_workload.a >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/ydb-tests-olap-ttl_tiering |45.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/quoter/ut/ydb-core-quoter-ut |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/moto/py3/libpy3python-moto-py3.global.a |45.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/sql/large/flake8 >> test_workload_manager.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/config/libsrc-client-config.a |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/botocore/py3/libpy3python-botocore-py3.a |45.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/canonical/flake8 >> test_sql.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_followers.cpp >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_datetime.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> collection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_datetime.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> select_positive.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/monitoring/libsrc-client-monitoring.a |45.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/cms/libsrc-client-cms.a |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/ut_sharding.cpp |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/runtime_py3/main/libpython-runtime_py3-main.a >> test_compatibility.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_followers.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_leader_start_inflight.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_unknown_data_source.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/objcopy_ec26719059356a1caab57f8bba.o |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pexpect/py3/libpy3python-pexpect-py3.a >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/fixtures/libpy3tests-library-fixtures.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/debug/libsrc-client-debug.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/dump/liblib-ydb_cli-dump.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/recipe/libpy3python-testing-recipe.global.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/proto/libtools-stress_tool-proto.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/moto/py3/libpy3python-moto-py3.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/lib/libydb_device_test.a |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_cache_switchable_ut.cpp |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part13/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/4129dc9878c2058404494fb088_raw.auxcpp |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/flake8 >> docker_wrapper_test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/antlr_ast/gen/v1_antlr4/libantlr_ast-gen-v1_antlr4.a >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/device_test_tool_ut.cpp |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/Modules/_sqlite/libpy3python3-Modules-_sqlite.global.a |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/import_tracing/constructor/libpy3python-import_tracing-constructor.global.a |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/flake8 >> test_tpch.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_commit.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/antlr_ast/gen/v1_ansi_antlr4/libantlr_ast-gen-v1_ansi_antlr4.a |45.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/objcopy_9a3dabea847c21e0b4fa4cda26.o |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/flake8 >> test_scheduling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/restarts/flake8 >> test_insert_restarts.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/flake8 >> base.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ptyprocess/py3/libpy3python-ptyprocess-py3.global.a |45.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/objcopy_5831cbd77ecc92a241b6cf1ea2.o >> test_timeout.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> common.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_rename.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/yql_testlib/libydb-core-yql_testlib.a |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yds/flake8 >> test_yq_streaming.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/flake8 >> test_quoting.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/objcopy_3ea8aa67e7c24c4f0e3b0406b9.o |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/ydb_serializable/lib/libpy3tools-ydb_serializable-lib.global.a |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/flake8 >> test_tablet.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/oracle/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/flake8 >> test_update_script_tables.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/ydb_serializable/lib/libpy3tools-ydb_serializable-lib.a |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/serializability/libpy3tests-library-serializability.global.a >> test_multinode_cluster.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_recompiles_requests.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/objcopy_445797246443360525d31550d1.o |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/serializability/libpy3tests-library-serializability.a |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gbenchmark/libcpp-testing-gbenchmark.a |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/tools/python3/Modules/_sqlite/libpy3python3-Modules-_sqlite.a |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/import_tracing/constructor/libpy3python-import_tracing-constructor.a >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_auth_system_views.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_create_users.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_create_users_strict_acl_checks.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_db_counters.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_dynamic_tenants.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_publish_into_schemeboard_with_common_ssring.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_storage_config.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_system_views.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_tenants.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_users_groups_with_acl.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> __main__.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_kqprun_recipe.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/jedi/py3/libpy3python-jedi-py3.a |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/flake8 >> test_join.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_btree_index_iter_charge.cpp |45.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/flake8 >> tablet_scheme_tests.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/objcopy_cca8dcd66462c9ca3c57fcb78e.o |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/graph/shard/ut/shard_ut.cpp |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/ydb/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> column_table_helper.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> thread_helper.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> ydb_client.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_clickhouse.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_greenplum.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_join.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_postgresql.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> __main__.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> parser.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_data_cleanup.cpp |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/botocore/py3/libpy3python-botocore-py3.global.a |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/mysql/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_stats_mode.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/flake8 >> test_followers.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/ms_sql_server/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_query_cache.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/parso/py3/libpy3python-parso-py3.a |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/graph/ut/graph_ut.cpp |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/decorator/py3/libpy3python-decorator-py3.a |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part0/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part6/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/assign_tx_id_ut.cpp |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/common/flake8 >> test_unknown_data_source.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/flake8 >> test_leader_start_inflight.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_init/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_init |45.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part1/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_volatile_ut.cpp |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ptyprocess/py3/libpy3python-ptyprocess-py3.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pexpect/py3/libpy3python-pexpect-py3.global.a |45.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/coordinator/coordinator_ut.cpp |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/import_tracing/lib/libpy3python-import_tracing-lib.a >> test_fifo_messaging.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_generic_messaging.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_polling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pure-eval/libpy3contrib-python-pure-eval.a |45.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/testing/recipe/libpy3python-testing-recipe.a |45.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_background_compaction/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_background_compaction |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_stats.cpp |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_public/iam/libpy3client-yc_public-iam.global.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/helpers/libpy3olap-scenario-helpers.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/allure-pytest/libpy3contrib-python-allure-pytest.global.a |45.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part3/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos/libpy3contrib-libs-googleapis-common-protos.global.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/lib/libpy3tests-olap-lib.global.a |45.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/ydb-core-kqp-ut-sysview |45.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/ut/ydb-core-public_http-ut |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/lib/libpy3tests-olap-lib.a |45.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/objcopy_5525925030ba2866c1b1040841.o |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_public/common/libpy3client-yc_public-common.global.a |45.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part16/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> s3_helpers.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_bindings_0.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_bindings_1.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_compressions.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_early_finish.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_empty.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_explicit_partitioning_0.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_explicit_partitioning_1.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_format_setting.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_formats.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_inflight.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_insert.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_public_metrics.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_push_down.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_s3_0.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_s3_1.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_size_limit.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_statistics.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_streaming_join.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_test_connection.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_over_fq.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_yq_v2.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/commands/libclicommands.a |45.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/objcopy_c623700776b43ee95ec93c56f9.o |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/allure-python-commons/libpy3contrib-python-allure-python-commons.global.a |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/allure-pytest/libpy3contrib-python-allure-pytest.a |45.7%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/flake8 >> test_timeout.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export_reboots_s3/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_export_reboots_s3 |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part9/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/allure-python-commons/libpy3contrib-python-allure-python-commons.a |45.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/objcopy_2b682e146a665bfa19210b0fd9.o |45.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/ut_kafka_functions.cpp |45.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/threading/chunk_queue/libcpp-threading-chunk_queue.a |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/test/test_import/libtest_import_udf.so |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/rename/flake8 >> test_rename.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_transfer |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/query_actor/ut/ydb-library-query_actor-ut |45.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/ydb-core-kqp-ut-opt |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/flake8 >> test_recompiles_requests.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/ut_utils/libpersqueue_public-ut-ut_utils.a |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/ydb-tests-functional-serverless |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/solomon/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/tenants/flake8 >> test_users_groups_with_acl.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/ut_serialization.cpp |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/flake8 >> __main__.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/metarequest_ut.cpp |45.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/objcopy_d1da8f48b4e80ef5678b1197a3.o |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/flake8 >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/pire/libpire_udf.so |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/ydb-services-dynamic_config-ut |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scan/ydb-core-kqp-ut-scan |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/ydb-core-kqp-ut-pg |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/keyvalue/grpc_service_ut.cpp |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/solomon_emulator/bin/solomon_emulator |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/ydb-services-ydb-backup_ut |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/ydb-tests-stress-kv-tests |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/flake8 >> test_ydb.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/flake8 >> test_kqprun_recipe.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/common/flake8 >> ydb_client.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-common |45.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/objcopy_0664e2ab2eb37ae9f02538e483.o |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_ut.cpp |45.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/helpers/libpy3olap-scenario-helpers.global.a |45.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/port_discovery_ut.cpp |45.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/objcopy_52647c3535f2451207dfa29a87.o |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/flake8 >> parser.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part2/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/flake8 >> test_workload.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part12/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/common/libpy3tests-olap-common.global.a |45.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/objcopy_f42b1add98328abd34a53e4aef.o |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/plans/flake8 >> test_stats_mode.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_monitoring |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/ydb-tests-fq-generic-analytics |45.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/objcopy_3bdea7737a87c43bfaa0aaf4c3.o >> conftest.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_backup.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_flame_graph.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_impex.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_scheme.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_scripting.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_sql.py::flake8 [GOOD] >> test_ydb_table.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/ut_helpers.cpp |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/ydb-core-mind-ut_fat |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/re2/libre2_udf.so |45.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ncloud-impl-ut |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/hive/ut/ydb-core-mind-hive-ut |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceproxy/ut/ydb-core-tx-sequenceproxy-ut |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/datetime/libdatetime_udf.so |45.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/flake8 >> test_query_cache.py::flake8 [GOOD] |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/ydb-tests-functional-ydb_cli |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/kesus_quoter_ut.cpp |46.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part7/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/ut/ydb-core-external_sources-hive_metastore-ut |46.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part18/flake8 >> test.py::flake8 [GOOD] |46.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/objcopy_1ab2a5a6dd84a6c9ff5d5c50b0.o |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sample_k/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sample_k |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/table_creator/ut/ydb-library-table_creator-ut |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_replication_reboots |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_upload_rows |45.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/common/libpy3tests-olap-common.a |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_replica/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_replica |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/idx_test/ydb-core-kqp-ut-idx_test |45.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_base |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-query_stats-ut |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/ydb-services-metadata-initializer-ut |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/dqrun/dqrun |46.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/ydb-tests-functional-config |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/memory_controller/memory_controller_ut.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/control/immediate_control_board_actor_ut.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_other.cpp |46.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/objcopy_9f29b589555ed64086e5eadccf.o |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_executor_leases_ut.cpp |46.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kafka_proxy/ut/ut_protocol.cpp |46.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/flake8 >> test_polling.py::flake8 [GOOD] |46.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/ipdb/py3/libpy3python-ipdb-py3.a |46.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_handle_ut.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/memory_controller/memtable_collection_ut.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_range_cache_ut.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_rename_table_column.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_cxx_database_ut.cpp |46.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/checkpoint_coordinator.pb.{h, cc} |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/ut_serverless.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_bloom.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/flat_test_db.cpp |46.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/fq/s3/flake8 >> test_yq_v2.py::flake8 [GOOD] |46.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/ydb-core-kqp-ut-tx |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/flat_table_part_ut.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_charge.cpp |46.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/ydb-tests-fq-generic-streaming |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_forward.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_slice_loader.cpp |46.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py3/libpy3python-prompt-toolkit-py3.a |46.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/libpy3kqprun_recipe.global.a |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ut_ttl.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_comp_gen.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/df691ac52d0b755cb039db39b5_raw.auxcpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_shared_sausagecache.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/shared_cache_clock_pro_ut.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserSystemQuery.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ut_vector_index_build.cpp |46.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/storage_tenant_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_screen.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_iterator.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ut_part.cpp |46.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/libpy3python-Pygments-py3.global.a |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink_type_ann.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_init.cpp |46.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/audit.pb.{h, cc} |46.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/persqueue_error_codes.pb.{h, cc} |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_background_compaction.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/public_http/http_router_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/kqp_sys_col_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export_reboots_s3/ut_export_reboots_s3.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_write.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/formatAST.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Port.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_horizontal_join.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/kqp_sys_view_ut.cpp |46.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/external_sources.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_push.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/ut_transfer.cpp |46.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/objcopy_7c81cbfa6b5ce112674cb0a849.o |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_agg_ut.cpp |46.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/objcopy_79fff48e52404c1611400b8a2c.o |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/b9d4e191a9fd03221b46c5af49_raw.auxcpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/query_actor/query_actor_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/dynamic_config_ut.cpp |46.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/objcopy_e2acb41e7099c0db4fe54a1587.o |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_extract_predicate_unpack_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_sqlin_ut.cpp |46.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/objcopy_71d73932c95681fccfc7215041.o |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ut_helpers/libpublic-lib-ut_helpers.a |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_kv_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_returning_ut.cpp |46.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_merge_ut.cpp |46.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/tornado/tornado-4/libpy3python-tornado-tornado-4.global.a |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_sort_ut.cpp |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/objcopy_5294a064c14cf5a49516321590.o |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/objcopy_c7c229be41e9b028572ad1aab3.o |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scan/kqp_flowcontrol_ut.cpp |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/objcopy_0a1f127d9343562caddfbacf79.o |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/tornado/tornado-4/libpy3python-tornado-tornado-4.a |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/objcopy_178e64ce5db822fc6aa8b3e608.o |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/objcopy_79d897640a3a634a87f173e2f4.o |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/sqs/libpy3tests-library-sqs.global.a |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/pg_catalog_ut.cpp |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/library/sqs/libpy3tests-library-sqs.a |46.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/objcopy_a54664d42025a3be375f961b82.o |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_ranges_ut.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/ISource.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scan/kqp_split_ut.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationMap.cpp |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/simplejson/py3/libpy3python-simplejson-py3.a |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/utils/libpy3connector-tests-utils.a |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/LimitTransform.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/RowInputFormatWithDiagnosticInfo.cpp |46.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/monitoring_ut.cpp |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/utils/libpy3fq-generic-utils.a |46.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/flake8 >> test_ydb_table.py::flake8 [GOOD] |46.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/yson/libpy3python-yt-yson.global.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/prctl/libpy3library-python-prctl.global.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/yson/libpy3python-yt-yson.a |46.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/objcopy_1007df29dec27b0b7a1587d49f.o |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/blobstorage_node_warden_ut_fat.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_not_null_ut.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/ydb_backup_ut.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/utils/libpy3connector-tests-utils.global.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scan/kqp_scan_ut.cpp |46.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/objcopy_3505d99c4c5dcee86804fd8d27.o |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/ut/common.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/ut/hive_metastore_fetcher_ut.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/table_creator/table_creator_ut.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/lib/yt_url_lister/libyt-lib-yt_url_lister.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/kqp_ne_ut.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/utils/bindings/libyql-utils-bindings.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/libpy3py3-numpy-random.global.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyarrow/libpy3contrib-python-pyarrow.global.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_sample_k.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/qplayer/storage/memory/libqplayer-storage-memory.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/utils/network/libessentials-utils-network.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/e01aded916ad04e888f13223cf_raw.auxcpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/dq_task_preprocessor/libproviders-yt-dq_task_preprocessor.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/libf2c/libcontrib-libs-libf2c.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/clickhouse/actors/libproviders-clickhouse-actors.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication_reboots/ut_replication_reboots.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_upload_rows.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/ut/hive_metastore_client_ut.cpp |46.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_cluster_discovery-ut |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ut_table_decimal_types.cpp |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ut_info_types.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/stats_collector/libproviders-dq-stats_collector.a |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ut_commit_redo_limit.cpp |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/url_lister/libessentials-core-url_lister.a |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_replication |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/url_preprocessing/libessentials-core-url_preprocessing.a |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/actors/libproviders-yt-actors.a |46.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_pq_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_pq_reboots |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/local_gateway/libproviders-dq-local_gateway.a |46.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/ydb/actors/libproviders-ydb-actors.a |46.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_ut |46.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/ut_init.cpp |46.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet/ut/ydb-core-tablet-ut |46.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_table |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/s3/ut/ydb-core-external_sources-s3-ut |46.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/objcopy_6f577a0a3d7a659599df51626e.o |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/ydb/comp_nodes/libproviders-ydb-comp_nodes.a |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/ydb-core-wrappers-ut |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/e294827eb799173498fe26d398_raw.auxcpp |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_sink_mvcc_ut.cpp |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_topic_splitmerge |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_snapshot_isolation_ut.cpp |46.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/objcopy_49bad8251d240ad7c49d384b91.o |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_errors/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_errors |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/pg_ext/libessentials-core-pg_ext.a |46.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/objcopy_181bdcd1743e9a1a78fafe4b60.o |46.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_sink_locks_ut.cpp |46.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/qplayer/storage/file/libqplayer-storage-file.a |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_sink_tx_ut.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_locks_ut.cpp |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/cblas/libcontrib-libs-cblas.a |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_tx_ut.cpp |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/ydb-core-mind-address_classification-ut |46.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_reshuffle_kmeans/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_reshuffle_kmeans |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_data_erasure_reboots |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_locks_tricky_ut.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/tools/dqrun/dqrun.cpp |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/utils/actor_system/libyql-utils-actor_system.a |46.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/objcopy_f364ff47dd846bb94c3e83f2a8.o |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_ftol/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut_ftol |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/kqp_pg_ut.cpp |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-federated_topic-ut |46.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/objcopy_ae5b9f6e7a00f305f01a3dde87.o |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/kqp_mvcc_ut.cpp |46.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/objcopy_a3fc9153ce93c876df4c755b36.o |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_write |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/numpy/py3/numpy/random/libpy3py3-numpy-random.a |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_reboots |46.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_encrypted_storage |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/dq/service/libproviders-dq-service.a |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/replica_ut.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ut_table_pg_types.cpp |46.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/query_stats_ut.cpp |46.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/clapack/part2/liblibs-clapack-part2.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/python/prctl/libpy3library-python-prctl.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/idx_test/ydb_index_ut.cpp |46.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/objcopy_c77713875cf17988efd8fc0fb3.o |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.cpp |46.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/objcopy_fab8b7643e4f24e45a3680af85.o |46.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/objcopy_f1ad243e6909bb2fe522538c38.o |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/libcore-external_sources-hive_metastore.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/simplejson/py3/libpy3python-simplejson-py3.global.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/idx_test/libpublic-lib-idx_test.a |46.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_restore/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_restore |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/storage_pool_info_ut.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceproxy/sequenceproxy_ut.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/utils/types/libpy3tests-utils-types.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/utils/libpy3fq-generic-utils.global.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/c52bef66453eb652f14989b79d_raw.auxcpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/utils/types/libpy3tests-utils-types.global.a |46.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/objcopy_5309010d16487b3f4dcf314c15.o |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/sequencer_ut.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/object_distribution_ut.cpp |46.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/objcopy_7cbdf366fff58ab43b08c0aaa3.o |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/scale_recommender_policy_ut.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_impl_ut.cpp |46.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/common.pb.{h, cc} |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/libpy3yt-python-yt.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/libpy3yt-python-yt.global.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/type_info/libpy3python-yt-type_info.global.a |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/python/yt/type_info/libpy3python-yt-type_info.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_kqp.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/access_service_ut.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDecimal.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/getLeastSupertype.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserTablePropertiesQuery.cpp |46.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/pyarrow/libpy3contrib-python-pyarrow.a |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDateTime64.cpp |46.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_kqp_stream_lookup.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/JSONEachRowUtils.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/numpy/py3/libpy3python-numpy-py3.global.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/clickhouse_client_udf.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationTuple.cpp |46.9%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/base/generated/runtime_feature_flags.h |46.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/health_config.pb.{h, cc} |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ut_base.cpp |46.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/row_dispatcher.pb.{h, cc} |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_provider.cpp |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/parser/pg_wrapper/libessentials-parser-pg_wrapper.a |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/ut/ydb-services-rate_limiter-ut |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/python/libpy3src-arrow-python.a |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_merge.cpp |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/hive/hive_ut.cpp |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/ut/ydb-core-driver_lib-run-ut |46.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/activation.pb.{h, cc} |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut_ycsb/ydb-core-load_test-ut_ycsb |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_physical_optimize.cpp |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut_bscontroller |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ru_calculator/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ru_calculator |46.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_forwarding_gateway.cpp |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/kqp/kqp_query_session/ydb-tests-functional-kqp-kqp_query_session |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_large/ydb-core-sys_view-ut_large |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_login |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/ydb-core-kqp-ut-spilling |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/ydb-core-actorlib_impl-ut |46.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/clapack/part1/liblibs-clapack-part1.a |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_vector_index_build_reboots/tx-schemeshard-ut_vector_index_build_reboots |46.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_subscriber/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_subscriber |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-actors-ut |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/folder_service/proto/config.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/ut_replication.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/pipe_tracker_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_req_blockbs_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_resolver_ut.cpp |47.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/common/libut-federated_query-common.a |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/cluster_discovery_service_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_pq_reboots/ut_pq_reboots.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_metrics_ut.cpp |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login_large/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_login_large |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipecache_ut.cpp |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/pending_fetcher.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/bootstrapper_ut.cpp |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-describes_ut |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/read_actors_factory.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_olap |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_disk_color.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-result_formatter-ut |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_pipe_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/wrappers/s3_wrapper_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_read_table.cpp |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/protos/dq_stats.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/external_sources/s3/ut/s3_aws_credentials_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/tablet_counters_aggregator_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/ut_topic_splitmerge.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tablet/resource_broker_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_kqp_errors.cpp |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/login/protos/login.pb.{h, cc} |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure_reboots/ut_data_erasure_reboots.cpp |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/ydb-core-kqp-ut-join |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_data_source |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_ut/sdk_sessions_ut.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_reshuffle_kmeans.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/net_classifier_ut.cpp |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_rtmr |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/cost/ydb-core-kqp-ut-cost |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut/ydb-core-tx-sequenceshard-ut |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/libsrc-client-federated_topic.a |47.1%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/expr_nodes/kqp_expr_nodes.{gen.h ... defs.inl.h} |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/protos/services_common.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/protos/interconnect.pb.{h, cc} |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_cdc_stream_reboots |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_request_reporting_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_ftol/dsproxy_fault_tolerance_ut.cpp |47.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_counters_ut.cpp |47.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_olap_reboots |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-ut |47.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/services/services.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.1%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/expr_nodes/dq_expr_nodes.{gen.h ... defs.inl.h} |47.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_value.pb.{h, cc} |47.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/memory_controller_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_quorum_tracker_ut.cpp |47.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/datetime2/libdatetime2_udf.so |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp |47.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/node_whiteboard.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/string/libstring_udf.so |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_patch_ut.cpp |47.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_common.pb.{h, cc} |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut |47.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_scheme.pb.{h, cc} |47.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/impl/libclient-federated_topic-impl.a |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/ut/ydb-core-grpc_services-ut |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_bandwidth_test/quoter_service_bandwidth_test |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/encrypted_storage_ut.cpp |47.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_sequence_ut.cpp |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/ydb-core-grpc_streaming-ut |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_column_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_column_build |47.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-solomon-actors-ut |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_topic_reader/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_topic_reader |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data_integrity |47.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_monitoring.pb.{h, cc} |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_locks |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_reboots/ut_reboots.cpp |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_put_ut.cpp |47.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/bind_channel_storage_pool.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_export |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-messaging |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationIP.cpp |47.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/protos/yql_mount.pb.{h, cc} |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ut_helpers.cpp |47.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/external_sources/hive_metastore/hive_metastore_native/libexternal_sources-hive_metastore-hive_metastore_native.a |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut/dsproxy_get_ut.cpp |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_write.cpp |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/s3_recipe/s3_recipe |47.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/feature_flags.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_op_hash.cpp |47.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_table_reboots |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blob_depot_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut/ydb-core-mind-ut |47.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_schemereq |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationLowCardinality.cpp |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/proto/gateways_config.pb.{h, cc} |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/IAccumulatingTransform.cpp |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_disk.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_io_discovery_walk_folders.cpp |47.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_vdisk/lib/libblobstorage-ut_vdisk-lib.a |47.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasource_constraints.cpp |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/datashard_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/http_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/compile_service_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/memory_stats.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/index_builder.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/persqueue_common.pb.{h, cc} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/cms.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/netclassifier.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/proto/dq_transport.pb.{h, cc} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/kqp.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/numpy/py3/libpy3python-numpy-py3.a |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/persqueue_error_codes_v1.pb.{h, cc} |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_issue_message.pb.{h, cc} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tenant_slot_broker.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_coordination.pb.{h, cc} |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/table_service_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_table.cpp |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/common/proto/udf_resolver.pb.{h, cc} |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/flat_scheme_op.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_sort.cpp |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/whiteboard_disk_states.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/pq_read |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/yql_translation_settings.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/gateways.pb.{h, cc} |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/rate_limiter_ut.cpp |47.4%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/providers/result/expr_nodes/yql_res_expr_nodes.{gen.h ... defs.inl.h} |47.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/udf/service/stub/libudf-service-stub.global.a |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/solomon_emulator/recipe/solomon_recipe |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ru_calculator/ut_ru_calculator.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/ydb-tests-functional-autoconfig |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-multinode |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_restore/ut_restore.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/auto_config_initializer_ut.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/table_split_ut/ydb-services-ydb-table_split_ut |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_backup/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_backup |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/load_test/ut_ycsb.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_common.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/actor_bootstrapped_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_vector_index_build_reboots/ut_vector_index_build_reboots.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_large.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/main.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/actor_tracker_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_partition.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/actor_activity_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/kqp_scan_spilling_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_interconnect_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/database_resolver_ut.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/server/ut/ydb-core-client-server-ut |47.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/testlib/service_mocks/ldap_mock/libtestlib-service_mocks-ldap_mock.a |47.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/token_accessor.pb.{h, cc} |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data |47.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/db_pool.pb.{h, cc} |47.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/kqp_stats.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login_large/ut_login_large.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source_reboots/schemeshard-ut_external_data_source_reboots |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/QueryWithOutputSettingsPushDownVisitor.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/subscriber_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserWithElement.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserTablesInSelectQuery.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/test_protocols_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/ic_cache_ut.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_populator |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/result_formatter_ut.cpp |47.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/opentelemetry-proto/opentelemetry/proto/common/v1/common.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDate32.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/ydb-tests-functional-wardens |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/describe_topic_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/ut_olap.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-row_dispatcher-format_handler-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/kqp_flip_join_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/ut_external_data_source.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/generator |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_data_erasure |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login/ut_login.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/ut_rtmr.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/kqp_index_lookup_join_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut_helpers.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/kqp_join_order_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/cache_eviction_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/kqp_join_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap_reboots/ut_olap_reboots.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tools/query_replay_yt/query_replay_yt |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut_sequenceshard.cpp |47.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/objcopy_1d0482d354dc270d18e7123281.o |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/pqtablet_mock.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/make_config.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/microseconds_sliding_window_ut.cpp |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/ydb-tests-tools-pq_read-test |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream_reboots/ut_cdc_stream_reboots.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/metering_sink_ut.cpp |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-generic-actors-ut |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_iterator |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/type_codecs_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/utils_ut.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/ydb-tests-functional-limits |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut_sequence/ydb-core-blobstorage-nodewarden-ut_sequence |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/user_info_ut.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/quota_tracker_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/fetch_request_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_services/operation_helpers_ut.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ydb-core-statistics-aggregator-ut |47.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/compute.pb.{h, cc} |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_bandwidth_test/main.cpp |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-medium |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_bandwidth_test/quota_requester.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/internals_ut.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/health_check/ut/ydb-core-health_check-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/quoter/quoter_service_bandwidth_test/server.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/list_all_topics_ut.cpp |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/ydb-core-kqp-ut-query |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_services/rpc_calls_ut.cpp |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_subdomain |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/ydb-core-kqp-ut-yql |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/dq_solomon_write_actor_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/cost/kqp_cost_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/ut_helpers.cpp |47.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/grpc/libgrpc_streaming-ut-grpc.a |47.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/objcopy_7211c23d9494c46f0f60063e9e.o |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/counters_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_column_build/ut_column_build.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/partitiongraph_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/partition_chooser_ut.cpp |47.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_scan |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/topic_reader_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/common_ut.cpp |47.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/objcopy_1a75593bdb000d1e31dd6e96d5.o |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/grpc_streaming_ut.cpp |47.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/objcopy_791e2f78c18891d943ecce5e41.o |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/pqrb_describes_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/pqtablet_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_locks.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/tenant_ut_local.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table_reboots/ut_external_table_reboots.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/tenant_node_enumeration_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/sourceid_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/compress_executor_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/retry_policy_ut.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/ut/ydb-core-client-ut |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/ydb-services-cms-ut |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/tenant_ut_pool.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/partition_ut.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/moto/bin/moto_server |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq_ut.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/ydb-core-ydb_convert-ut |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/ut_export.cpp |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/proto/dq_state_load_plan.pb.{h, cc} |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/pq_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/read_session_ut.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/node_broker_ut.cpp |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/scheme/defaults/protos/data.pb.{h, cc} |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationEnum.cpp |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/file_storage/proto/file_storage.pb.{h, cc} |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/base.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/objcopy_994fcbd53c4e2174c302bdb5ab.o |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/objcopy_4c839b0fc6ee60e0bb4adc7079.o |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/objcopy_10b0cfa01297f7d7392eb4d9e4.o |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/objcopy_7c328c2741f9dd7697a2e0e8b1.o |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/objcopy_b306c2955ce13e6db6cae73363.o |47.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/objcopy_1c18035bb4b3759d5e029db746.o |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/channel_purpose.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/bootstrap.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_table_split_ut.cpp |47.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/annotations/validation.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/protos/dq_events.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/node_broker.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserUseQuery.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_incremental_backup.cpp |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_intent_determination.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/kqp_read_null_ut.cpp |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/msgbus_kv.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source_reboots/ut_external_data_source_reboots.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.cpp |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/objcopy_1555e67a3dd43a3e7f09bf8eee.o |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/objcopy_0665be2c60952715f39eb25568.o |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/objcopy_488333b1ebd4c1d6d8ec5bcb8f.o |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/populator_ut.cpp |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_cms.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_clickhouse_internal.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/protos/clickhouse.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_status_codes.pb.{h, cc} |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_bsvolume |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/libpy3olap-docs-generator.a |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/mkql_proto/protos/minikql.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_vdisk_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/libpy3olap-docs-generator.global.a |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/format_handler_ut.cpp |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ycloud-impl-ut |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_tests |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/topic_filter_ut.cpp |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/objcopy_ac8dbe7f54a2cb7efb6636f75f.o |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/dread_cache_service/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-dread_cache_service-ut |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_cdc_stream |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index_build_reboots |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserUserNameWithHost.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/ut_data_erasure.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_pq_metarequest_ut.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/topic_parser_ut.cpp |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_pdisk_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/Formats/OutputStreamToOutputFormat.cpp |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-slow |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/dynamic_prototype/libcpp-protobuf-dynamic_prototype.a |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_peephole.cpp |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/replication/ydb-tests-functional-replication |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/streaming/libstreaming_udf.global.a |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_trace |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/compaction.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-ut_with_sdk |48.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/alloc.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/protobuf/libprotobuf_udf.global.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/protobuf/yql/libcpp-protobuf-yql.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/protobuf_udf/libessentials-minikql-protobuf_udf.a |48.0%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/yql_kikimr_expr_nodes.{gen.h ... defs.inl.h} |48.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/objcopy_023a23fcfdf79043d814bb8aab.o |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay_yt/main.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/ydb-tests-functional-canonical |47.8%| [PR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/expr_nodes/yql_expr_nodes.{gen.h ... defs.inl.h} |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/objcopy_45b6981aed17dda33d43217f52.o |47.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/follower_group.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay_yt/query_replay.cpp |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/objcopy_5051832ffa0b6b13cebe014eb1.o |47.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/udfs/common/file/libfile_udf.global.a |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-partition_stats-ut |47.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/objcopy_9818d2b70aad7db98a0f9c044c.o |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/ut/ydb-services-ydb-ut |48.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/objcopy_d52256d4fa9895f38df6030445.o |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_external_blobs |48.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/objcopy_14c03c6aecffbe39cb01ddf2ed.o |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_shard |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/ydb-core-statistics-database-ut |48.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/objcopy_e5d897582dc0fbda7c578cb53f.o |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay_yt/query_compiler.cpp |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/libcpp/ut_helpers/libconnector-libcpp-ut_helpers.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/lib/libpy3functional-tpc-lib.a |48.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/lib/libpy3functional-tpc-lib.global.a |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut_sequence/dsproxy_config_retrieval.cpp |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_object_storage_listing |48.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/stream.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ut_traverse_datashard.cpp |48.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/scheme_board.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/tx-replication-controller-ut_stream_creator |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/ydb-tests-fq-yds |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/core-tx-replication-service-ut_transfer_writer |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_labeled.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ut_traverse_columnshard.cpp |48.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/ydb_issue/proto/issue_id.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_optimize.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ut_analyze_columnshard.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/ut/yql_generic_lookup_actor_ut.cpp |48.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/kqp_mock.cpp |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/ut/ydb-core-kqp-gateway-ut |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/ydb-core-tx-replication-ydb_proxy-ut |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/kqp_pragma_ut.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_dq_hybrid.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/functions_executor_wrapper.cpp |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_collector |48.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/whiteboard_flags.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |48.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/ut_common/libcore-statistics-ut_common.a |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/ydb-tests-functional-hive |48.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/objcopy_ccde7a40b2fd2886f22cd46a85.o |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_order |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_read_iterator_ext_blobs.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/pqtablet_mock.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_analyze_ut.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/partition_writer_cache_actor_ut.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/partition_writer_cache_actor_fixture.cpp |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/lib/libpy3olap-load-lib.a |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/lib/libpy3olap-load-lib.global.a |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_kqp_scan.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/first_class_src_ids_ut.cpp |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/kqp/kqp_indexes/ydb-tests-functional-kqp-kqp_indexes |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/kqp_yql_ut.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_explain_ut.cpp |48.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/objcopy_c8e04cf4d110f8c670988beb0f.o |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_stats_ut.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/topic_yql_ut.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/kqp_scripting_ut.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_common_ut.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_compat_ut.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/demo_tx.cpp |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-oltp_workload-tests |48.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/persqueue/tests/liblibrary-persqueue-tests.a |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/tests/kikimr_tpch/ydb-core-kqp-tests-kikimr_tpch |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator_client-ut |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/ut/ydb-core-viewer-ut |48.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/ydb-core-kqp-executer_actor-ut |48.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_compaction |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-vdisk-skeleton-ut |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/rate_limiter_test_setup.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ut_analyze_datashard.cpp |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_types_ut.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/tests/integration/basic_example/public-sdk-cpp-tests-integration-basic_example |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/ydb-core-viewer-tests |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_local_kmeans/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_local_kmeans |47.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_counters.cpp |47.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/ydb-services-metadata-secret-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/topic_service_ut.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-workload_service-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_common.cpp |47.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-ydb-ut |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_limits_ut.cpp |47.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |47.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_view |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_query_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/ut_subdomain.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/cancel_tx_ut.cpp |47.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/kqp_params_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut_kqp.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/compression_ut.cpp |47.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/table_description_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/cms/cms_ut.cpp |47.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/solomon/ydb-tests-fq-solomon |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/locks_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/health_check/health_check_ut.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/kqp/kqp_query_svc/ydb-tests-functional-kqp-kqp_query_svc |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/tests/integration/bulk_upsert/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-tests-integration-bulk_upsert |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/object_storage_listing_ut.cpp |47.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_field_subset.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/ydb-core-kqp-ut-effects |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/s3/ydb-core-kqp-ut-federated_query-s3 |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-storagepoolmon-ut |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/ydb-tests-functional-restarts |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/ydb_convert_ut.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/ydb-tests-fq-mem_alloc |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-checkpoint_storage-ut |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_build_index/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_build_index |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_background_cleaning/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_background_cleaning |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/flat_ut.cpp |47.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_cbo_helpers.cpp |47.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_dst_creator/ydb-core-tx-replication-controller-ut_dst_creator |47.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_read_iterator.cpp |47.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut/ydb-core-cms-ut |48.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/tests/integration/server_restart/public-sdk-cpp-tests-integration-server_restart |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_ytql.cpp |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_block_io_utils.cpp |48.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_provider_context.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasource_type_ann.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/formatSettingName.cpp |48.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/transfer/ydb-tests-functional-transfer |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_load_columnar_stats.cpp |48.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_key_range.cpp |48.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/ut_bsvolume.cpp |48.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/objcopy_5b5c3367c789898aa5a6cae866.o |48.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/objcopy_8e57113197bb359e3999b04aab.o |48.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/objcopy_a40d299361b06d7622f78b2238.o |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/service_account_service_ut.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/access_service_ut.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/user_account_service_ut.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/folder_service_ut.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink_exec.cpp |48.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/dread_cache_service/ut/caching_proxy_ut.cpp |48.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build_reboots/ut_index_build_reboots.cpp |48.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/autopartitioning_ut.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/pq_ut.cpp |48.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/ut_utils/libtopic-ut-ut_utils.a |48.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/objcopy_4cf502b19212965f14d6660a20.o |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/balancing_ut.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/objcopy_065e9244d685c2b8f0ab66e414.o |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/objcopy_461999da7ba13deab5689c18ec.o |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_map.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/ISink.cpp |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/objcopy_8120ef49e7e653ed0601604313.o |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_trace.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/partition_stats_ut.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/ut_cdc_stream.cpp |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/objcopy_d1dee10c0c00d50989b086bd3f.o |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/objcopy_d3af02c7d57ea2cbbe5d381baa.o |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_52476c20dac0af4f59edc2917e.o |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_0e928e66807fd553d7fcaa58a3.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/ut_database.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_login_ut.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_scripting_ut.cpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/e1ff312a3308444783623a7c6e_raw.auxcpp |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/mirrorer_ut.cpp |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_8f2fbd9f79880fbfa3c1838d80.o |48.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_monitoring_ut.cpp |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_b08299d456f3448b368e814cb8.o |48.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_6b8c453743f8fd2c5380af70c6.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_stats_ut.cpp |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_496e4638abf3c5ef12eafab52c.o |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_696078ddd4c2d0788472b3ebfe.o |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_5dc9c76fd90ae0562084321e87.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_import_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_object_storage_listing.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ldap_login_ut.cpp |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gtest_main/libcpp-testing-gtest_main.a |48.6%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/private_proxy.pb.{h, cc} |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/objcopy_f363a941fa24746cadffc60594.o |48.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/testing/gtest/libcpp-testing-gtest.a |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_olapstore_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/stream_creator_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_index_table_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_object_storage_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_coordination_ut.cpp |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/objcopy_53273ad3976098fa8cbd55f5a9.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/autoscaling_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/transfer_writer_ut.cpp |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/objcopy_5333c1912ecbac0f64ff97551f.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_ext_blobs_multiple_channels.cpp |48.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/objcopy_48884f6b745ced4d3e78997cb1.o |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_query_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/ut/metadata_conversion.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_op_settings.h_serialized.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/partition_end_watcher_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_register_node_ut.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationNullable.cpp |48.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDateTime.cpp |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/objcopy_0446f521b26a2e8128f94ac50f.o |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/objcopy_895e78a038dc7069fda56c2e82.o |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_bulk_upsert_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_logstore_ut.cpp |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/libpy3stress-oltp_workload-workload.global.a |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/objcopy_49a1ca9559288648fba9cf7b65.o |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/libpy3stress-oltp_workload-workload.a |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/actor_client_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut_helpers.cpp |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/objcopy_f3c323ef80ada193284f036d44.o |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_bulk_upsert_olap_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserUnionQueryElement.cpp |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/objcopy_87b299e07b15c86f4f50f458ef.o |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/skeleton_oos_logic_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_change_collector.cpp |48.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/objcopy_1b4bf9f1f46a6111d16337dee0.o |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/ut_secret.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ydb_proxy_ut.cpp |48.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/config/protos/marker.pb.{h, cc} |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_join_impl.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_local_kmeans.cpp |48.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/rate_limiter.pb.{h, cc} |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/skeleton_vpatch_actor_ut.cpp |48.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/common/libworkload_service-ut-common.a |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/kqp_workload_service_actors_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/kqp_workload_service_tables_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/kqp_workload_service_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/retrying_periodic_executor.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/viewer/viewer_ut.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct_update.cpp |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/ut_compaction.cpp |48.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sdk/cpp/sdk_credprovider/ydb-tests-functional-sdk-cpp-sdk_credprovider |48.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_resolver.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/writer.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/ydb_ut.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct_detail.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/yson_struct.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/null_channel.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/tree_visitor.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/protobuf_helpers.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/ut_view.cpp |48.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/backup/s3_path_style/ydb-tests-functional-backup-s3_path_style |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_order.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_ut.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/helpers.cpp |48.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/testlib/s3_recipe_helper/liblibrary-testlib-s3_recipe_helper.a |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_pool.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/local_bypass.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/ydb_table_ut.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/action_queue.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/channel_detail.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/caching_channel_factory.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/codicil_guarded_invoker.cpp |48.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/objcopy_88a0e187d0d0f8235a5e3f2fff.o |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/crypto.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_invoker_pool.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/lz.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_action_queue.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/dictionary_codec.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/lzma.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/bzip2.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/brotli.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/codec.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/tls.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/ssl_helpers.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/dispatcher.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/packet.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/zstd.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/future.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/ssl_context.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/cancelation_token.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/current_invoker.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_rw_lock.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_detail.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/dispatcher_impl.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/public.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/server.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/client.cpp |48.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/zlib.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/public.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/invoker_util.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/stream.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/compression/snappy.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/execution_stack.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_looper.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_barrier.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/profiling_helpers.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/invoker_alarm.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_queue_scheduler_thread.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber_manager.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/connection.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/pollable_detail.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/periodic_yielder.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fls.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/crypto/config.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/delayed_executor.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/nonblocking_batcher.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/notify_manager.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/invoker_queue.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_stream_pipe.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_thread_pool.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/lease_manager.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/scheduler_thread.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool_detail.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_affinity.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/config.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fiber_scheduler_thread.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/single_queue_scheduler_thread.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/quantized_executor.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/propagating_storage.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/periodic_executor.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_share_invoker_queue.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/scheduled_executor.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/system_invokers.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/suspendable_action_queue.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool.cpp |48.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/solomon_emulator_grpc/solomon_recipe_grpc |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/bus/tcp/config.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/configurable_singleton_def.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_writer.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/dns_resolver.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/config.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_parser.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/helpers.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/thread_pool_poller.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/random_access_gzip.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/json/json_callbacks.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/dialer.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/fluent_log.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/throughput_throttler.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/logger_owner.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/compression.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/serializable_logger.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/two_level_fair_share_thread_pool.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/file_log_writer.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/log_writer_detail.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/formatter.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/ares_dns_resolver.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/stream_log_writer.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_semaphore.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/coroutine.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/stream_output.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/backoff_strategy.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/zstd_compression.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bit_packed_unsigned_vector.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/adjusted_exponential_moving_average.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/system_log_event_provider.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/fair_throttler.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/config.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/blob_output.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bitmap.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/codicil.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/concurrency/async_stream.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bit_packing.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/bloom_filter.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/checksum.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/coro_pipe.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/arithmetic_formula.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/dns/config.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/cache_config.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/connection.cpp |48.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_effects_ut.cpp |49.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/logging/config.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/histogram.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/hedging_manager.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/linear_probe.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/digest.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/hazard_ptr.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/process_exit_profiler.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/fs.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/id_generator.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/pattern_formatter.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/error.cpp |49.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/parser_helpers.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/pool_allocator.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/memory_usage_tracker.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/public.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/config.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/proc.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker_profiler.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/random.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/slab_allocator.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/ref_counted_tracker_statistics_producer.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/signal_registry.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/shutdown.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/statistic_path.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/relaxed_mpsc_queue.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/serialize.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/zerocopy_output_writer.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/address.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/utf8_decoder.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/misc/statistics.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/context.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/helpers.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/public.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/local_address.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/actions/cancelable_context.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_maintenance_api_ut.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/socket.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/load.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/profiling/timing.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/net/listener.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/descriptors.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/authenticator.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/authentication_identity.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/type_def.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/schemas.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/ut_helpers.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/phoenix/type_registry.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_service.cpp |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/objcopy_5fddfa8f171a3216cad65e02ab.o |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/downtime_ut.cpp |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/objcopy_0359848ae21601186c5b0d9873.o |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/objcopy_12d01741952bd4afa836364d84.o |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/s3/kqp_federated_scheme_ut.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/gc_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/static_channel_factory.cpp |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/objcopy_277b7e8f79021687bec95be8db.o |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cluster_info_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/balancing_channel.cpp |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/objcopy_19dadf8afeb30502d735b660ce.o |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_tenants_ut.cpp |49.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/objcopy_15e284a8ecb30c90903e842e70.o |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/s3/s3_recipe_ut_helpers.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/dispatcher.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_background_cleaning/ut_background_cleaning.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_build_index.cpp |49.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/storage_service_ydb_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/storagepoolmon_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_inplace_update_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/dst_creator_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/message_format.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/bus/channel.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_write_ut.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_ut_common.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/public.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/hedging_channel.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb_state_storage_ut.cpp |49.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/client/yc_private/oauth/libclient-yc_private-oauth.a |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/message.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/service.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/bus/server.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/local_server.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/protocol_version.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/s3/kqp_s3_plan_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb_checkpoint_storage_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/json_proto_conversion_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/per_key_request_queue_provider.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/response_keeper.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/threading/thread.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/request_queue_provider.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/dynamic_channel_pool.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/peer_discovery.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/local_channel.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_builder_stream.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/token.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/throttling_channel.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/helpers.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/roaming_channel.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/client.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/utilex/random.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/serialized_channel.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/threading/spin_wait_slow_path_logger.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/retrying_channel.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/backup/ydb-tests-functional-backup |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/attribute_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/tracing/allocation_tags.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/tracing/public.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/service_discovery/service_discovery.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/server_detail.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/s3/kqp_federated_query_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/stack.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/forwarding_consumer.cpp |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/async_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/list_verb_lazy_yson_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ypath/tokenizer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/viable_peer_registry.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/stream.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/attributes_stripper.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/config.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_immediate_effects_ut.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/service_detail.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_keys/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_keys |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/async_writer.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/view/ydb-core-kqp-ut-view |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_filter.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/depth_limiting_yson_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/lexer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_detail.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_restore_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_restore_scan |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/rpc/config.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/ydb-tests-sql-large |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/producer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string_merger.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/null_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/tokenizer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/string.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_continuous_backup |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-new_schemecache_ut |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop_options.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-splitter-ut |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/parser.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_move_reboots |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/bindings.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/ydb-core-security-certificate_check-ut |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/config/ut/ydb-services-config-ut |49.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/quoter_performance_test/quoter_performance_test |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/stream.cpp |49.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/ydb-tests-fq-s3 |49.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/protobuf_interop_unknown_fields.cpp |49.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/ydb-tests-olap-scenario |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-nodewarden-ut |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/ydb-core-ymq-actor-yc_search_ut |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/exception_helpers.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/yson_builder.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/pull_parser.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut/ydb-core-load_test-ut |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/pull_parser_deserialize.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/config.cpp |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_bsvolume_reboots |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/token.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/token_writer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/syntax_checker.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/ypath_filtering_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ephemeral_attribute_owner.cpp |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/yson/ypath_designated_consumer.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/ydb-tests-functional-audit |49.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytalloc/statistics_producer.cpp |49.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_rtmr_reboots |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-persqueue_public-ut |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/ut/ydb-core-cms-console-ut |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_aggregation/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut-ut_aggregation |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ephemeral_node_factory.cpp |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/ut/ydb-core-kqp-provider-ut |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/ydb-tests-fq-multi_plane |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup_collection |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_extsubdomain |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_stats/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_stats |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attribute_consumer.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ut/ydb-core-security-ldap_auth_provider-ut |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/ydb-core-kqp-runtime-ut |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attribute_filter.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/ut/ydb-core-tx-mediator-ut |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection_reboots/tx-schemeshard-ut_backup_collection_reboots |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/ypath_client.cpp |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/convert.cpp |49.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scheme/ydb-core-kqp-ut-scheme |49.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/attributes.cpp |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_erase_rows |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/tree_builder.cpp |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/request_complexity_limits.cpp |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_rw |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/ut/ydb-services-ext_index-ut |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/node.cpp |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_auditsettings |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_cache |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ydb-tests-olap |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_exchange |49.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/ydb-tests-functional-cms |49.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/interned_attributes.cpp |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/tx-replication-service-ut_json_change_record |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut_fat |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/request_complexity_limiter.cpp |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_sequence_reboots |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/helpers.cpp |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/ydb-core-kqp-ut-federated_query-generic_ut |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/permission.cpp |49.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_ext_tenant |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/system_attribute_provider.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/node_detail.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/virtual.cpp |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/types/yql_types.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/serialize.cpp |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/resource_manager.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_query_stats.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/common/protos/snapshot.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/static_service_dispatcher.cpp |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/test_connection.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationTupleElement.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yt/core/ytree/service_combiner.cpp |49.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_export.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_gateway.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/control_plane_storage.pb.{h, cc} |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_block_input.cpp |49.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Formats/FormatFactory.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationDecimalBase.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/ParserWatchQuery.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/storage.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_content.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/monlib/encode/legacy_protobuf/protos/metric_meta.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/proto/dq_tasks.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationFixedString.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_op_settings.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_block_io_filter.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationUUID.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_keys.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_join_reorder.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/datastreams.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/objcopy_27c0687ceeb7ce4ff5e4cea90a.o |49.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/objcopy_b0a88dfa3c67850033b8c21ce7.o |49.8%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/objcopy_7eab954373d77ffb1fab95ca0d.o |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/formats/arrow/protos/accessor.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_helper.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/dq/actors/protos/dq_status_codes.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_incremental_restore_scan.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_misc.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/view/view_ut.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/protos/key_range.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/ut_continuous_backup.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/batch_slice.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_mkql_compiler.cpp |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/colorama/py3/libpy3python-colorama-py3.global.a |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_import.pb.{h, cc} |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Flask-Cors/py3/libpy3python-Flask-Cors-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Flask-Cors/py3/libpy3python-Flask-Cors-py3.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Flask/py3/libpy3python-Flask-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/itsdangerous/py3/libpy3python-itsdangerous-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/colorama/py3/libpy3python-colorama-py3.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/ut_splitter.cpp |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/itsdangerous/py3/libpy3python-itsdangerous-py3.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/click/py3/libpy3python-click-py3.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move_reboots/ut_move_reboots.cpp |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/click/py3/libpy3python-click-py3.global.a |49.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/Flask/py3/libpy3python-Flask-py3.a |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/rate_limiter_test_setup.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_base.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/32049c3ef1f885f0e34984b3bf_raw.auxcpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/cert_check_ut.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_common_new_schemecache_ut.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/test_events_writer.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/cert_utils_ut.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/config/bsconfig_ut.cpp |49.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/quoter_performance_test/main.cpp |49.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tenant_pool.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet_counters.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_ce073e3cc612363936bdd04210.o |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/key.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume_reboots/ut_bsvolume_reboots.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_minstep.cpp |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/private_api.pb.{h, cc} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/immediate_controls_configurator_ut.cpp |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/objcopy_b8aa61f402be805d2e3e9e75a2.o |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/feature_flags_configurator_ut.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_new_schemecache_ut.cpp |49.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/lib/libblobstorage-ut_blobstorage-lib.a |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/objcopy_c65a9d5efe13dc05c1466090ba.o |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/ydb_object_storage.pb.{h, cc} |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/ydb_discovery_v1.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/read_attributes_utils_ut.cpp |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_formats.pb.{h, cc} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/load_test/ut/group_test_ut.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/jaeger_tracing_configurator_ut.cpp |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/public/issue/protos/issue_severity.pb.{h, cc} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_stats/ut_stats.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_aggregation/ut_aggregate_statistics.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/kqp_compute_scheduler_ut.cpp |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/pqconfig.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage_base3.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/objcopy_2cc418e8604751e5b8f9029a81.o |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/opentelemetry-proto/opentelemetry/proto/resource/v1/resource.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut_helpers.cpp |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/objcopy_5aa2f431b8ed27f6c5b5d8a131.o |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ut_backup.cpp |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/objcopy_0a29eb8c456ab5b998f2d12ba1.o |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/compression_ut.cpp |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/objcopy_a5874452d3dbd6f6e49cd08be6.o |49.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/objcopy_9ea5b1fb7a4f8e1b0b8d7cf345.o |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/kqp_scan_data_ut.cpp |50.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/objcopy_34efc91ed920a8b27d971c44a6.o |50.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/objcopy_b9fd5c62781ec3b78d111a0ba7.o |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/ut_auditsettings.cpp |50.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/objcopy_50f818df501fa237b5369d0e33.o |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_helpers.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ext_index/ut/ut_ext_index.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/compress_executor_ut.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/yql_kikimr_gateway_ut.cpp |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/scheme_log.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/statestorage.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ldap_auth_provider_ut.cpp |49.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ut_normalizer.cpp |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/libs/opentelemetry-proto/opentelemetry/proto/trace/v1/trace.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tx.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |49.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_sequence |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/cache_ut.cpp |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/msgbus_pq.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tx_scheme.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/console_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/mediator_ut.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/modifications_validator_ut.cpp |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/ydb-tests-functional-rename |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/sqs.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/json_change_record_ut.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence_reboots/ut_sequence_reboots.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/console_ut_tenants.cpp |49.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/ydb-tests-functional-postgresql |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ut/ydb-core-security-ut |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/protos/type_info.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/sys_view.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_base_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_base_tenant |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/ut_extsubdomain.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_erase_rows.cpp |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-std |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet_database.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/data_integrity_trails.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/config_units.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/node_limits.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_split_merge_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_split_merge_reboots |50.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/flat_tx_scheme.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/shared_cache.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_move |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ut_columnshard_read_write.cpp |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes_reboots/core-tx-schemeshard-ut_user_attributes_reboots |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/ydb-tests-functional-script_execution |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scheme/kqp_acl_ut.cpp |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/ydb_stress_tool |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/ydb-tests-fq-plans |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection_reboots/ut_backup_collection_reboots.cpp |49.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/ydb-public-lib-ydb_cli-topic-ut |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ut_helpers.cpp |50.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/ut_backup.cpp |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/ydb-core-kesus-proxy-ut |50.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/counters_schemeshard.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/ydb-tests-functional-blobstorage |50.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/ydb-tests-olap-load |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-rm_service-ut |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_snapshot |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_table_writer |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ldap_utils_ut.cpp |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/ydb-tests-tools-nemesis-ut |50.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/objcopy_f580ed931409135de17b6aff8b.o |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_column_stats/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_column_stats |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-common-ut |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scheme/kqp_constraints_ut.cpp |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-with_quotas |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection/ut_backup_collection.cpp |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_volatile |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/kqp_generic_provider_ut.cpp |50.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/kqp_physical.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel_unstable/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel_unstable |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_table_writer |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/ut_blobstorage-ut_read_only_vdisk |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-large |50.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut |50.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ext_tenant_ut.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/yql_kikimr_provider_ut.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_change_exchange.cpp |50.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/replication.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_cache_ut.cpp |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/objcopy_643fa2679e88d9b2d33558b050.o |50.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/ut/ydb-core-tx-balance_coverage-ut |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/objcopy_a0bee0ed11edab150a8172af5c.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/objcopy_53073eb93c76466fca8f474c5f.o |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/01e1cebcd98e239de10ed70b94_raw.auxcpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/common_ut.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/configs_dispatcher_ut.cpp |50.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_filestore_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_filestore_reboots |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/log_settings_configurator_ut.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/552c373b422666221556a5a9bd_raw.auxcpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/net_classifier_updater_ut.cpp |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/objcopy_1df24501c7fd6cd4bbe71efb43.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_1a637ae81b754dfa4e06b949b8.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/objcopy_36807918bd7a86c1ea37310c9c.o |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/bind_queue_ut.cpp |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/objcopy_656baae3c1e24959f5bcc457d7.o |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr_reboots/ut_rtmr_reboots.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/index_events_processor_ut.cpp |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_eff0a6b0f75ccb9a2cb742007c.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/objcopy_4bf5bebd69f65d3513d585bd32.o |50.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/ydb_view.pb.{h, cc} |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_7e7e709046fe8acad91d924675.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_999b0e05144f29a542dbe4b3f5.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_1a867878d783e80bc2d70bd8d0.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_6cfba3dbee97ec121b2f346459.o |50.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/objcopy_7dbead413d0eb2c0f2ebe75a93.o |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/retry_policy_ut.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_config.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/api/service/protos/connector.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/dsproxy_ut.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Parsers/TokenIterator.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/read_session_ut.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/blobstorage_node_warden_ut.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_epoch.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/console/console_ut_configs.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_dq_optimize.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_ytflow_integration.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_provider_impl.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink_constraints.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_persqueue_cluster_discovery.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_join.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/fq.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_io_discovery.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasource_exec.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_fuse.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/fq_config.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/quotas_manager.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_dq_integration.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_load_table_meta.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/actors/protos/actors.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationWrapper.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/protos/common.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_operation.pb.{h, cc} |50.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_weak_fields.cpp |50.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink_finalize.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasource.cpp |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-large |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/ydb-core-kqp-ut-perf |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/phy_opt/yql_yt_phy_opt_lambda.cpp |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut_trace/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut_trace |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/ut/ydb-core-client-minikql_compile-ut |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/Serializations/SerializationNothing.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_helpers.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/messagebus/monitoring/mon_proto.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-proxy_service-ut |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_extsubdomain_reboots |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/ResizeProcessor.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/45be6e48ea8f2ac38577085d0d_raw.auxcpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/ydb_dynamic_config.pb.{h, cc} |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/objcopy_bfa810e70cd1de18c5d4a18a62.o |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_subdomain_reboots |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/objcopy_5865a174a6c25ca1a2d6386702.o |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/objcopy_5db899a01c2ec6f53648af6840.o |50.3%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/common/libpy3functional-postgresql-common.a |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/objcopy_3efa41af97c0510be1d2e99f05.o |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/objcopy_9c56ea1b7d34c7d8f6329bfcfd.o |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/pinger.pb.{h, cc} |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/ydb-tests-stress-log-tests |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_discovery.pb.{h, cc} |50.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/common/libpy3functional-postgresql-common.global.a |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/replication-controller-ut_target_discoverer |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/objcopy_816e2dba53f55d924139cdb3c5.o |50.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/libpy3functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table.a |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/objcopy_93197284f82f9ae9fc0256ee95.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/objcopy_e4166f3d104a6751b45e7e712f.o |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/ut_sequence.cpp |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/objcopy_2efdf95387a81f55cf9c81071a.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/objcopy_4ea639aebd19c36ee3cdb4479d.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/objcopy_242486256e1af973cd1d5376d1.o |50.4%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/libpy3functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table.global.a |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/console_tenant.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/yql/essentials/core/issue/protos/issue_id.pb.{h, cc} |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/DataTypes/registerDataTypeDateTime.cpp |50.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/console_base.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/ydb-services-fq-ut_integration |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/objcopy_173de88696c8239b22567e7ece.o |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ut_helpers.cpp |50.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tools/query_replay/ydb_query_replay |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/objcopy_6a5c78aa9f679a0920be5264fe.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/objcopy_51000f45ee1f1ab0908a7e71c9.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/objcopy_d0255dda539959b69d421868a2.o |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/objcopy_96b8686cd075e874d95d4aa5c5.o |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet_counters_aggregator.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_logical_optimize.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_split_merge_reboots/ut_split_merge_reboots.cpp |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/ydb-core-kqp-ut-olap |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes_reboots/ut_user_attributes_reboots.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/topic_write.cpp |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/ydb-tests-functional-ttl |50.3%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/objcopy_1515671fe2dfb16894dfbe901e.o |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/ut_move.cpp |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_table |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/filestore_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/objcopy_a99732b1d02edd62e674483ffe.o |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/topic_write_ut.cpp |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/objcopy_323a17e94d8d570989807d19d3.o |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/objcopy_b06d27009e49b9ba3df883a226.o |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/objcopy_2e1dd9c9bc385e6efd22b78136.o |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/ydb-core-base-ut_board_subscriber |50.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/resource_broker.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/topic_read_ut.cpp |50.5%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/library/libpy3tools-nemesis-library.global.a |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/stress_tool/device_test_tool.cpp |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/objcopy_245adf3e28f56e6467e034d9f2.o |50.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/nodes_manager.pb.{h, cc} |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/objcopy_31d605682329607481eb568ed0.o |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/objcopy_0553360a969b2c9633badb428d.o |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/proxy_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/cache_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/kqp_rm_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_common_pq.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/rows_proto_splitter_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/sentinel_ut_unstable.cpp |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-cloud |50.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/auth.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/util_ut.cpp |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/ydb-tests-postgres_integrations-go-libpq |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/ut/ydb-core-engine-ut |50.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/objcopy_a4b303e939cc32858d35564cac.o |50.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-fifo |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/table_writer_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/backup/impl/table_writer_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_physical_finalizing.cpp |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minikql/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minikql |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/ydb-tests-fq-restarts |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/grouper_ut.cpp |50.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blobstorage.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/metrics.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/mv_object_map_ut.cpp |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/ydb-core-kqp-ut-indexes |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/security/ticket_parser_ut.cpp |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/objcopy_703c8e1d9a9a2b271b8b995a29.o |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/objcopy_ab26d720c654ba47c2acacaa33.o |50.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/fqrun/fqrun |50.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/objcopy_1aeeb50f676472f975830c135d.o |50.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/objcopy_41295709119857c2e0f1a41f31.o |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/scheme/kqp_scheme_ut.cpp |50.6%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/serverless_proxy_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/ydb-core-kqp-ut-arrow |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_ut_common.cpp |50.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/objcopy_c98e5b95c64b8486a12f10d408.o |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/balance_coverage_builder_ut.cpp |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-topic-ut |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_column_stats.cpp |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_worker |50.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/schemeshard/operations.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut-inside_ydb_ut |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/ydb-core-kqp-ut-service |50.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_schema |50.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/datastreams/ut/ydb-services-datastreams-ut |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/entity_id_ut.cpp |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/group_mapper_ut.cpp |50.6%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/data_events.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.6%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/msgbus.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/library/libpy3tools-nemesis-library.a |50.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/objcopy_790c6ea4aad5e761d21421b25d.o |50.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/objcopy_1c0f807c059fe226699115f242.o |50.6%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/objcopy_f05ead59375a9db120b95dd730.o |50.6%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/local.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/7179c606fb7373cb8f04d9971a_raw.auxcpp |50.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/proxy_actor_ut.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_filestore_reboots/ut_filestore_reboots.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut_helpers.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/draft/dummy.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/read_only_vdisk.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/drivemodel.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_wide_flow.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/src/Processors/ISimpleTransform.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/annotations/sensitive.pb.{h, cc} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_volatile.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/protos/dq_effects.pb.{h, cc} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_key.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/field_transformation.pb.{h, cc} |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/objcopy_199ab4be3deaff025e1ab92143.o |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/objcopy_8ac5034640eee44b1cd5fa5253.o |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/s3/proto/retry_config.pb.{h, cc} |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/objcopy_422ca1effff14e5a08952658d0.o |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_collector_ut.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/sentinel_ut.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/kqp_workload_ut.cpp |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/objcopy_2f7ac0f750374152d13c6bfbcf.o |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_storage_read_request_ut.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_query.pb.{h, cc} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_snapshot.cpp |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/objcopy_4f9d76a39d2f7ba2b9f198f28c.o |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_ut_trace.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/cms/cms_ut_common.cpp |50.7%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/objcopy_854d6cc7a0cc5cdd793cfc1e6d.o |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/yql_expr_minikql_compile_ut.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/hive.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/kqp_script_executions_ut.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink_trackable.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain_reboots/ut_extsubdomain_reboots.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_block_output.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain_reboots/ut_subdomain_reboots.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_table_desc.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_ytflow_optimize.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/kqp_proxy_ut.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/kqp_query_perf_ut.cpp |50.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-engines-ut |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/target_discoverer_ut.cpp |50.7%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/scheme/protos/pathid.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ut_unique_index.cpp |50.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/ut_utils.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ut_vector_index.cpp |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_table.pb.{h, cc} |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/blockstore_config.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/s3_settings.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_pool_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_pool_ut |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ut_async_index.cpp |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_federation_discovery.pb.{h, cc} |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay/main.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay/query_proccessor.cpp |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/kesus.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/keyvalue/keyvalue_ut.cpp |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/draft/ydb_replication.pb.{h, cc} |50.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base_reboots/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_base_reboots |50.8%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/grpc/draft/ydb_datastreams_v1.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |50.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/ydb-tests-functional-api |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/delete_ut.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay/query_replay.cpp |50.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator-ut |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/ut_external_table.cpp |50.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD, FAILED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb-tests-fq-control_plane_storage |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/compression_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/base/board_subscriber_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/locks_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/fq_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_http_request.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_column_statistics.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tools/query_replay/query_compiler.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_basic_statistics.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/indexes_ut.cpp |50.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/json_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/sparsed_ut.cpp |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/kqp_olap_stats_ut.cpp |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/objcopy_0aefef587c181350d3a25f70e0.o |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/objcopy_3e7b0e88092417daa72b89bfde.o |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/objcopy_c068ee86eb127df13256bfbe45.o |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/objcopy_e3640190fc6b98b359c2a9e990.o |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/clickbench_ut.cpp |50.9%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/helpers/libut-olap-helpers.a |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/objcopy_0b6bc206b470900b0b94249ade.o |50.9%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/optimizer_ut.cpp |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/objcopy_6e0da74b1512d0ffe19c5dc500.o |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/library/libpy3tests-postgres_integrations-library.global.a |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/statistics_ut.cpp |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/write_ut.cpp |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/objcopy_2b60b599fc27771d93e79090fc.o |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/0dff0b13f2d02975a4a973a1e8_raw.auxcpp |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/subdomains.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/objcopy_f928a40774b17a9d6cd7cabd2c.o |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/objcopy_3ddbad334a37a829b3772ddb05.o |50.9%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/objcopy_55f2556d6eafcd77ebc4c517d4.o |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/objcopy_e7477203b27fa0321cf18fd7ee.o |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/objcopy_bf578b7161cc94bf18488d04ca.o |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/decimal_ut.cpp |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/export.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/sys_view_ut.cpp |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_persqueue_v1.pb.{h, cc} |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/docker/libpy3contrib-python-docker.global.a |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/objcopy_4352b8b3e3cf61532c865b371b.o |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/counters_hive.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/grpc.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet_pipe.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/tiering_ut.cpp |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_topic.pb.{h, cc} |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat_host_ut.cpp |51.0%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/mkql_proto/ut/helpers/libmkql_proto-ut-helpers.a |51.0%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/aggregations_ut.cpp |51.0%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/objcopy_1574e8a5a6c530c7bfd6378c4d.o |51.0%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tablet_tx.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/objcopy_504b845d57f1a23561e970de61.o |51.1%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/library/libpy3tests-postgres_integrations-library.a |51.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tx_proxy.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.1%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/objcopy_452efd8b0828678a61ff4e0569.o |51.1%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/query_stats.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/7fdc9492198d5f306aa05e0de1_raw.auxcpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/tools/fqrun/fqrun.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/datatime64_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/engine/mkql_proto_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/kqp_types_arrow_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/engine/kikimr_program_builder_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/kqp_arrow_in_channels_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/blobs_sharing_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/datashard_ut_minikql.cpp |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/contrib/python/docker/libpy3contrib-python-docker.a |51.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/counters.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/fqrun/src/libtools-fqrun-src.a |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/inside_ydb_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/olap/kqp_olap_ut.cpp |51.1%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/trace_ut.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/worker_ut.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/kqp_document_api_ut.cpp |51.2%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/objcopy_484246668d943fbae3b476ec7d.o |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/local_partition_ut.cpp |51.2%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/config/protos/control_plane_proxy.pb.{h, cc} |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/engine/mkql_engine_flat_ut.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/kqp_service_ut.cpp |51.2%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/describe_topic_ut.cpp |51.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/tracing.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp |51.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/ut_columnshard_schema.cpp |51.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/console.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.3%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/table_stats.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/ymq_ut.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/yql_yt_datasink.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/kqp_qs_scripts_ut.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/kqp_indexes_multishard_ut.cpp |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/helper.cpp |51.4%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/aclib/protos/aclib.pb.{h, cc} |51.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/objcopy_7897d1b03fc78e49620c18f81a.o |51.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/objcopy_253d734e8c901d319d84fcc6e9.o |51.4%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/objcopy_909bbfbd36bf4d7cf0544f0406.o |51.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ut_script.cpp |51.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/api/service/connector.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/topic/ut/topic_to_table_ut.cpp |51.5%| [PY] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/objcopy_e2a089b95d9316f6e26025d3e3.o |51.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/library/cpp/lwtrace/protos/lwtrace.pb.{h, cc} |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut.cpp |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ut_insert_table.cpp |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/txallocator_ut_helpers.cpp |51.5%| [PB] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/protos/labeled_counters.{pb.h ... grpc.pb.h} |51.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/in_memory_control_plane_storage_ut.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_ut.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_quotas_ut.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base_reboots/ut_base_reboots.cpp |51.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_pool_ut/sdk_sessions_pool_ut.cpp |51.7%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ut_logs_engine.cpp |51.8%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ut_program.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/kinesis_ut.cpp |50.3%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_connections_permissions_ut.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_connections_ut.cpp |50.4%| COMPACTING CACHE 255.4MiB |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_bindings_permissions_ut.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_queries_ut.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_bindings_ut.cpp |50.4%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_queries_permissions_ut.cpp |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/serializable/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/canonical/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part13/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/config/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part3/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/wardens/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part5/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part4/flake8 |50.4%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/flake8 |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/tests/fq/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_internal_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/services/datastreams/datastreams_ut.cpp |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/kqp_qs_queries_ut.cpp |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/cms/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part1/flake8 |50.5%| [CC] {BAZEL_DOWNLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/kqp_indexes_ut.cpp |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part6/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/lib/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/sql/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/restarts/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/rename/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part10/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/core/viewer/tests/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/http_api/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/flake8 |50.5%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/tenants/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/oracle/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/ydb/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yds/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/audit/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part14/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part16/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/hive/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part0/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part17/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part8/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/ms_sql_server/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/black |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part12/flake8 |50.6%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/mysql/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/limits/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part15/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/join/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/restarts/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/load/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/scenario/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/clickhouse/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part7/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part18/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/connector/tests/datasource/postgresql/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/sql/large/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/flake8 |50.7%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part11/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/encryption/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/example/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/common/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part19/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/common/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/black |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/api/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/serverless/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/sql/lib/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/solomon/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/flake8 |50.8%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/flake8 |50.9%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/flake8 |50.9%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/flake8 |51.0%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part2/flake8 |51.0%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/flake8 |51.1%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/ttl/flake8 |51.1%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/yt/kqp_yt_file/part9/flake8 |51.1%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/flake8 |51.1%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/plans/flake8 |51.2%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/flake8 |51.2%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/flake8 |51.2%| [TS] {RESULT} ydb/tests/fq/s3/flake8 |65.5%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/build_info/liblibrary-cpp-build_info.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/library/cpp/svnversion/liblibrary-cpp-svnversion.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/libproviders-yt-provider.a |65.7%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/libproviders-yt-provider.a |65.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/yt/yql/providers/yt/provider/libproviders-yt-provider.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/libminikql-comp_nodes-llvm16.a |65.7%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/libminikql-comp_nodes-llvm16.a |65.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/yql/essentials/minikql/comp_nodes/llvm16/libminikql-comp_nodes-llvm16.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/libcore-tx-schemeshard.a |65.7%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/libcore-tx-schemeshard.a |65.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/libcore-tx-schemeshard.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/libclickhouse_client_udf.global.a |65.7%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/libclickhouse_client_udf.global.a |65.7%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/udfs/common/clickhouse/client/libclickhouse_client_udf.global.a |65.7%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |65.8%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |65.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |65.8%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/yt/yt/client/libyt-yt-client.a |65.8%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/yt/yt/client/libyt-yt-client.a |65.8%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/yt/yt/client/libyt-yt-client.a |65.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-cloud |65.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-cloud |65.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/cloud/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-cloud |65.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/ydb-tests-functional-config |65.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/ydb-tests-functional-config |65.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/config/ydb-tests-functional-config |65.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/ydb-tests-functional-api |65.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/ydb-tests-functional-api |65.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/api/ydb-tests-functional-api |65.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/ydb-tests-functional-serverless |65.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/ydb-tests-functional-serverless |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serverless/ydb-tests-functional-serverless |65.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/ydb_recipe |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/ydb_recipe |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/public/tools/ydb_recipe/ydb_recipe |65.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/ydb |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/ydb |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydb/ydb |65.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/ydb-tests-functional-limits |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/ydb-tests-functional-limits |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/limits/ydb-tests-functional-limits |65.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-medium |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-medium |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/medium/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-medium |65.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/ydb-tests-functional-audit |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/ydb-tests-functional-audit |65.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/audit/ydb-tests-functional-audit |65.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-with_quotas |65.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-with_quotas |66.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-with_quotas |66.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/ydb-tests-functional-blobstorage |66.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/ydb-tests-functional-blobstorage |66.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/blobstorage/ydb-tests-functional-blobstorage |66.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/ydb-tests-tools-nemesis-ut |66.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/ydb-tests-tools-nemesis-ut |66.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/ydb-tests-tools-nemesis-ut |66.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/ydb-tests-functional-ttl |66.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/ydb-tests-functional-ttl |66.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ttl/ydb-tests-functional-ttl |68.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/ydb-tests-fq-multi_plane |68.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/ydb-tests-fq-multi_plane |68.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/multi_plane/ydb-tests-fq-multi_plane |68.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/ydb-tests-functional-rename |68.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/ydb-tests-functional-rename |68.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/rename/ydb-tests-functional-rename |68.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/ydb-tests-functional-cms |68.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/ydb-tests-functional-cms |68.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/cms/ydb-tests-functional-cms |68.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/ydb-tests-functional-script_execution |68.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/ydb-tests-functional-script_execution |68.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/ydb-tests-functional-script_execution |68.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_shard |68.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_shard |68.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_shard |68.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/ydb-tests-functional-hive |68.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/ydb-tests-functional-hive |68.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/hive/ydb-tests-functional-hive |69.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/ydb-tests-functional-restarts |69.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/ydb-tests-functional-restarts |69.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/restarts/ydb-tests-functional-restarts |70.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-messaging |70.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-messaging |70.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/messaging/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-messaging |70.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-oltp_workload-tests |70.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-oltp_workload-tests |70.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-oltp_workload-tests |71.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_tests |71.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_tests |71.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/scheme_tests/ydb-tests-functional-scheme_tests |71.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/ydb-tests-fq-common |71.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/ydb-tests-fq-common |71.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/common/ydb-tests-fq-common |71.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/ydb-tests-fq-mem_alloc |71.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/ydb-tests-sql |71.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/ydb-tests-stress-kv-tests |71.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/ydb-tests-fq-mem_alloc |71.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/mem_alloc/ydb-tests-fq-mem_alloc |71.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/ydb-tests-sql |71.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/ydb-tests-sql |71.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/ydb-tests-example |71.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/ydb-tests-stress-kv-tests |71.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/kv/tests/ydb-tests-stress-kv-tests |71.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/ydb-tests-example |71.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/ydb-tests-olap-ttl_tiering |71.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/example/ydb-tests-example |71.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/ydb-tests-olap-ttl_tiering |71.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ttl_tiering/ydb-tests-olap-ttl_tiering |71.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/ydb-tests-functional-query_cache |71.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/ydb-tests-functional-query_cache |71.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/query_cache/ydb-tests-functional-query_cache |72.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/ydb-tests-tools-kqprun-tests |72.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/ydb-tests-tools-kqprun-tests |72.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/tests/ydb-tests-tools-kqprun-tests |72.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/ydb-tests-fq-restarts |72.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/ydb-tests-fq-restarts |72.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/restarts/ydb-tests-fq-restarts |72.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/ydb-tests-functional-postgresql |72.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/ydb-tests-functional-postgresql |72.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/postgresql/ydb-tests-functional-postgresql |72.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/ydb-tests-functional-wardens |72.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/ydb-tests-functional-wardens |72.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/wardens/ydb-tests-functional-wardens |72.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/ydb-tests-functional-serializable |72.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/ydb-tests-functional-serializable |72.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/serializable/ydb-tests-functional-serializable |73.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/ydb-tests-fq-http_api |73.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/ydb-tests-fq-http_api |73.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/http_api/ydb-tests-fq-http_api |73.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/ydb-core-viewer-tests |73.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/ydb-core-viewer-tests |73.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/tests/ydb-core-viewer-tests |73.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/ydb-tests-functional-encryption |73.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/ydb-tests-functional-encryption |73.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/encryption/ydb-tests-functional-encryption |73.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/ydb-tests-stress-log-tests |73.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/ydb-tests-stress-log-tests |73.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/log/tests/ydb-tests-stress-log-tests |73.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/kqprun_recipe |73.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/kqprun_recipe |73.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/kqprun/recipe/kqprun_recipe |73.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-std |73.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-std |73.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/std/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-std |73.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/ydb-tests-olap-scenario |73.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/ydb-tests-olap-scenario |73.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/scenario/ydb-tests-olap-scenario |73.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-olap_workload-tests |73.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-olap_workload-tests |73.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ydb-tests-stress-olap_workload-tests |73.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/ydb-tests-tools-pq_read-test |73.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/ydb-tests-tools-pq_read-test |73.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/tools/pq_read/test/ydb-tests-tools-pq_read-test |73.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/ydb-tests-olap-column_family-compression |73.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/ydb-tests-olap-column_family-compression |73.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/column_family/compression/ydb-tests-olap-column_family-compression |73.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/ydb-tests-olap-load |73.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/ydb-tests-olap-load |73.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/load/ydb-tests-olap-load |73.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ydb-tests-stress-simple_queue-tests |73.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ydb-tests-stress-simple_queue-tests |73.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ydb-tests-stress-simple_queue-tests |73.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/generator |73.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/generator |74.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/docs/generator/generator |74.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ydb-tests-olap |74.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ydb-tests-olap |74.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/olap/ydb-tests-olap |74.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/ydb-tests-fq-generic-streaming |74.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/ydb-tests-fq-generic-streaming |74.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/streaming/ydb-tests-fq-generic-streaming |74.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-large |74.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-large |74.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/large/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-large |74.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/ydb-tests-functional-autoconfig |74.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/ydb-tests-functional-autoconfig |74.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/autoconfig/ydb-tests-functional-autoconfig |74.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/ydb-tests-fq-yds |74.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/ydb-tests-fq-yds |74.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/ydb-tests-functional-canonical |74.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/yds/ydb-tests-fq-yds |74.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/ydb-tests-functional-canonical |74.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/canonical/ydb-tests-functional-canonical |74.2%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan, pic} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |74.2%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |74.2%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/yt/yt/core/libyt-yt-core.a |74.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/ydb-tests-fq-generic-analytics |74.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/ydb-tests-fq-generic-analytics |74.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/generic/analytics/ydb-tests-fq-generic-analytics |74.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-large |74.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-large |74.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tpc/large/ydb-tests-functional-tpc-large |74.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/ydb-tests-postgres_integrations-go-libpq |74.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/ydb-tests-postgres_integrations-go-libpq |74.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/postgres_integrations/go-libpq/ydb-tests-postgres_integrations-go-libpq |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/ydb-tests-functional-compatibility |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/ydb-tests-functional-compatibility |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/compatibility/ydb-tests-functional-compatibility |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-fifo |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-fifo |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/merge_split_common_table/fifo/functional-sqs-merge_split_common_table-fifo |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/ydb-tests-functional-tenants |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/ydb-tests-functional-tenants |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/tenants/ydb-tests-functional-tenants |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/ydb-tests-sql-large |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/ydb-tests-sql-large |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/sql/large/ydb-tests-sql-large |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/ydb-tests-fq-s3 |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/ydb-tests-fq-s3 |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/s3/ydb-tests-fq-s3 |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-multinode |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-multinode |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/ydb-tests-fq-plans |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/ydb-tests-fq-plans |74.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/multinode/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-multinode |74.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/plans/ydb-tests-fq-plans |74.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-common |74.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-common |74.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/sqs/common/ydb-tests-functional-sqs-common |74.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/ydb-tests-functional-ydb_cli |74.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/ydb-tests-functional-ydb_cli |74.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/functional/ydb_cli/ydb-tests-functional-ydb_cli |74.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/dqrun/dqrun |74.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/dqrun/dqrun |74.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/tools/dqrun/dqrun |74.6%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_returning.cpp |74.6%| [AR] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/libopt-physical-effects.a |74.6%| [AR] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/libopt-physical-effects.a |74.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_UPLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/kqp_opt_phy_returning.cpp |74.6%| [AR] {BAZEL_UPLOAD} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/opt/physical/effects/libopt-physical-effects.a |74.6%| [CC] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_effects_ut.cpp |74.6%| [CC] {BAZEL_UPLOAD} $(S)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/kqp_effects_ut.cpp |74.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/ydb-core-control-ut |74.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/ydb-core-control-ut |74.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/ydb-core-control-ut >> IcbAsActorTests::TestHttpPostReaction [GOOD] |74.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest >> IcbAsActorTests::TestHttpGetResponse [GOOD] |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest >> IcbAsActorTests::TestHttpGetResponse [GOOD] |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/control/ut/unittest >> IcbAsActorTests::TestHttpPostReaction [GOOD] |74.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |74.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/ydb-core-tx-sharding-ut |74.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/ydb-core-tx-sharding-ut |74.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/control/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |74.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/ydb-core-tx-sharding-ut |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/unittest >> Sharding::XXUsage |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/unittest |74.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/unittest |74.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/ydb-core-kesus-tablet-ut >> Sharding::XXUsage [GOOD] |74.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/ydb-core-kesus-tablet-ut |74.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/ydb-core-kesus-tablet-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/unittest >> Sharding::XXUsage [GOOD] Test command err: 7629609893124534254 10562102365431638460 17616168924962767947 1466224248212526912 5017971163544379185 9701919868395506557 1142634602223989693 11550552727911285769 18109024934806738234 714562156052974751 2244420788148980662 18300205372112488053 17194753475877366027 12277715479263390418 6464785504796982999 5120894909664780209 7954670047226634349 12378573406889618514 7851455380940953478 5336347824187648288 15364039343639130035 1684222853081754540 101519848718325618 7899288966174537438 6722953068654419529 10858759671222722367 973081107748296577 5916208199769858079 2111240711669541561 3462726587985765132 15364039343639130035 17914021428244704633 16984709205946092475 1356926007937402398 4125206849112577505 5753334952062635342 7656544398835649506 3242041278713310940 5365883471760247481 15579746853056696798 7139455206647925872 1307748751186513049 4430680408550868238 9176414955101843116 18193736614563916920 12767015064902836269 14428295822302136109 714030767626701616 17705635126342469612 7256697764445122413 10798809820047634490 3837929263590469360 3043364509022769310 14555187699032793706 17634804254403412773 5498275684983104641 9024685016845359768 12403340314671594606 10076173260688895474 13123774762796894079 1440108869279352788 8094793823273839189 2332216984251362351 15848173436133515054 10390252946123356891 13736369833964467079 13911768243686040088 12031275079802013878 16335244171161707540 2970100663362500251 2865397997825499194 15815339390055666654 10160580292926113432 14758374440999890505 6257321569908015406 12260402964331775180 387690933454567041 12915634711593374793 17758374184746007889 14117531330397773909 3188411554067864324 935579660138664921 14755523296928873073 2604039488117580627 8620707315364214676 9946132156060334866 5858732389815427517 8381815488757956978 16496473675558084238 14430477732917521358 |74.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_local_partition_reader |74.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_local_partition_reader |74.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_local_partition_reader |74.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestCreateInactiveSession [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestDeleteResourceSessions [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestDistributeResourcesBetweenConsumers >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterHDRRParametersValidation >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestDistributeResourcesBetweenConsumers [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestEffectiveProps [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestDeleteResourceWithActiveChildren [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestKesusConfig |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestWeights [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestWeightsChange [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestVerySmallSpeed [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaRelease >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDetach >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceDescribe |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterDetach |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireLocks >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxy |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestDeleteResourceWithActiveChildren [GOOD] >> LocalPartitionReader::Simple >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireUpgrade >> LocalPartitionReader::Booting >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterDowngrade >> TKesusTest::TestAttachNewSessions >> LocalPartitionReader::FeedSlowly >> TKesusTest::TestReleaseLockFailure >> LocalPartitionReader::Simple [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesBurst >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOutOfSequence >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestHierarchicalQuotas [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestHangDefence [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestMoreStrongChildLimit [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestInactiveSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestInactiveMultiresourceSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] >> LocalPartitionReader::Booting [GOOD] >> LocalPartitionReader::FeedSlowly [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeout >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestAllocateResource [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestAllocationGranularity [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestAmountIsLessThanEpsilon [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestActiveSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestActiveMultiresourceSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> LocalPartitionReader::Simple [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestActiveMultiresourceSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestUnregisterProxy |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> LocalPartitionReader::Booting [GOOD] |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestInactiveMultiresourceSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/unittest >> LocalPartitionReader::FeedSlowly [GOOD] |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestActiveMultiresourceSessionDisconnectsAndThenConnectsAgain [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestUpdateResourceSessions [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestStopConsuming [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestUpdateConsumptionState [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestUpdateConsumptionStateAfterAllResourceAllocated [GOOD] >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestVeryBigWeights [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterHDRRParametersValidation [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesOnDemand >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireUpgrade [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireTimeout >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDetach [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDetachFutureId >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxy [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyBadGeneration >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOutOfSequence [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOutOfSequenceInTx |74.8%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TKesusTest::TestUnregisterProxy [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestUnregisterProxyBadGeneration >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaRelease [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaModeChange >> TKesusTest::TestAttachNewSessions [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachMissingSession >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceDescribe [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceCreation >> TKesusTest::TestKesusConfig [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestLockNotFound |74.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> THDRRQuoterResourceTreeRuntimeTest::TestVeryBigWeights [GOOD] |74.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_serverless |74.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_serverless |74.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sharding/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |74.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_local_partition_reader/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |74.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_serverless >> TKesusTest::TestReleaseLockFailure [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestReleaseSemaphore >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDetachFutureId [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDestroy >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyBadGeneration [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyFromDeadActor >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesBurst [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesAggregateClients >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOutOfSequenceInTx [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachThenReRegister >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesOnDemand [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesPaced >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterDowngrade [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterUpgrade >> TKesusTest::TestUnregisterProxyBadGeneration [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterUnregister >> TKesusTest::TestAttachMissingSession [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOldGeneration >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceCreation [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceModification >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyFromDeadActor [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyLinkFailure >> TKesusTest::TestReleaseSemaphore [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreData >> TKesusTest::TestLockNotFound [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestDeleteSemaphore >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaModeChange [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachThenReRegister [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachTimeoutTooBig >> TKesusTest::TestSessionDestroy [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealing ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaModeChange [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.036054Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.036150Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.057273Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.057613Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.089170Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.089873Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=17169348701277751618, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.090042Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.102705Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=17169348701277751618, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.102926Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=10454419292199797408, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.103017Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115565Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=10454419292199797408, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116461Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116568Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116652Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.128911Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129274Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=112, session=1, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129481Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 2 "Lock2" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129556Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.142553Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=112) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.142863Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.142942Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143136Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143269Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 3 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143337Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 3 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143442Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=223, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156261Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156353Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156388Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=223) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156629Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=334, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156711Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 2 "Lock2" owner link 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156774Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.169089Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=334) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.169618Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:160:2184], cookie=17923954640392546857, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.170639Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:160:2184], cookie=17923954640392546857) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.171142Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:163:2187], cookie=15697603396857152808, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.171228Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:163:2187], cookie=15697603396857152808) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.195637Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.195721Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.196272Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.196814Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.242552Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.242695Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.242742Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 3 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.243092Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:203:2217], cookie=7782940458511319620, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.243211Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:203:2217], cookie=7782940458511319620) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.243789Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:211:2224], cookie=7740451481161500715, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.243846Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:211:2224], cookie=7740451481161500715) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.159412Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.159544Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.183597Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.183784Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.214593Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.215361Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=3552123879197181716, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.215480Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.232043Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=3552123879197181716, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.232699Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=7452819318098578611, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.232932Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.254273Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=7452819318098578611, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.255474Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.255633Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.255734Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.268599Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.268944Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=112, session=1, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.269088Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 2 "Lock2" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.269173Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.283479Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=112) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.283858Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.284063Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.284148Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.284235Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=223, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.298783Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.298860Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.298892Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=223) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.299465Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:158:2182], cookie=2974842565069004724, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.299543Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:158:2182], cookie=2974842565069004724) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.300001Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:161:2185], cookie=2992961747239100889, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.300061Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:161:2185], cookie=2992961747239100889) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.300467Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:164:2188], cookie=2686149398036333176, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.300528Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:164:2188], cookie=2686149398036333176) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.300992Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:167:2191], cookie=2574206435663411387, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.301059Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:167:2191], cookie=2574206435663411387) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.301324Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=444, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.301455Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.315620Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=444) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.316279Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:172:2196], cookie=199413468945489491, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.316359Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:172:2196], cookie=199413468945489491) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.316848Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:175:2199], cookie=8120937344012617789, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.316916Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:175:2199], cookie=8120937344012617789) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.329839Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.329972Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.330553Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.331196Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.369559Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.369695Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.369741Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.369766Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.369801Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370097Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:215:2229], cookie=10551227171715993256, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370178Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:215:2229], cookie=10551227171715993256) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370760Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:223:2236], cookie=3119129903930199603, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370831Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:223:2236], cookie=3119129903930199603) >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterUpgrade [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterChangeTimeoutToZero >> TKesusTest::TestAttachOldGeneration [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachFastPath >> TKesusTest::TestAttachTimeoutTooBig [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestCreateSemaphore >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealing [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingAnyKey >> TKesusTest::TestDeleteSemaphore [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestDescribeSemaphoreWatches >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreData [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreReleaseReacquire >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyLinkFailure [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyLinkFailureRace >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false >> TKesusTest::TestAttachFastPath [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceModification [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachFastPathBlocked >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceDeletion |74.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest |74.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::StorageBilling >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeFeatureFlag >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesMode >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeValidation >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingAnyKey [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-true >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterChangeTimeoutToZero [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterRelease |74.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::Fake [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestCreateSemaphore [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAttachFastPathBlocked [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireWaiterRelease [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAllocatesResources ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingAnyKey [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.060990Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.061099Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.088783Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.090273Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115608Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116052Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=8397176609356551408, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116165Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.131195Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=8397176609356551408, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.132720Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=3698526532420944984, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.132787Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=3698526532420944984) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.133288Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Fast-path detach session=1 from sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=4067914301810326202 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134050Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=1866365826447985249, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148055Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=1866365826447985249, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148329Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148449Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148531Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148815Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=4375920444864519837, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.159332Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.159401Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.159439Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:37:32.171928Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.171995Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=4375920444864519837) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.172031Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.401766Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:33.401843Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.427260Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.427343Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.461123Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.462134Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=10402882953999507231, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:33.487258Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=10402882953999507231, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.502888Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:140:2164], cookie=111, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.503584Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.504314Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Execute (sender=[2:140:2164], cookie=2150148798031579599, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.518431Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.518844Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.545483Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:140:2164], cookie=111, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.545819Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDetach::Complete (sender=[2:140:2164], cookie=2150148798031579599) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.546004Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.407464Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.407552Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.424932Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.425041Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.456148Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.456801Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=14194797043390160371, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.456977Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.474772Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=14194797043390160371, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.476247Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6443450553830879810, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.476420Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.490583Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6443450553830879810) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.492330Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=1846159210270518157) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.492460Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=1846159210270518157) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.497029Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:149:2173], cookie=6564890254349242441, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.497282Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.512923Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:149:2173], cookie=6564890254349242441, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.515523Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6669859999157633708, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.515715Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.529236Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6669859999157633708) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.158398Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.158489Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.174775Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.174874Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.199166Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.199921Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.200059Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.212031Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.212633Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.224156Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.517688Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.517759Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.534576Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.535184Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.559466Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.560327Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=12345, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.560521Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.572321Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=12345, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.572854Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:138:2162], cookie=23456, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.584333Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:138:2162], cookie=23456, session=1) >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreReleaseReacquire [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterResourceDeletion [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreSessionFailures >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterSubscribeOnResource |74.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index_build |74.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-query_stats-ut |74.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index_build |74.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index_build >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesPaced [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesDeduplicateClient |74.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::Fake [GOOD] |74.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-query_stats-ut |74.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-query_stats-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestCreateSemaphore [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.227307Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.227435Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.250822Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.251660Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.277536Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.278375Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=14901925785105263604, session=0, seqNo=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.278512Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.290296Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=14901925785105263604, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.290563Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=4687553974922558612, session=1, seqNo=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.303191Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:132:2158], cookie=4687553974922558612, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.932622Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:34.933073Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.983868Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.984536Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.029848Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.040142Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=0, seqNo=42) 2025-03-11T11:37:35.040810Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:35.041675Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222, session=1, seqNo=41) 2025-03-11T11:37:35.061650Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:35.062130Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.446313Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.446417Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.465798Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.465920Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.479952Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.480342Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=13066384402928536283, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.480475Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.510728Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=13066384402928536283, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.514111Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=11906935630869976841) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.514315Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=11906935630869976841) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.128668Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.128764Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.147173Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.147303Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.173375Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509775Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509850Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.532652Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.533467Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.560788Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.561390Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=9476997718188219832, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.561595Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.574148Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=9476997718188219832, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.574566Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.574774Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.574892Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.586709Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.587416Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=14551058960733058812, name="Sem1", limit=42) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.587525Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 2 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.599504Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=14551058960733058812) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.599925Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:150:2174], cookie=9814199768449998320, name="Sem1", limit=42) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.611709Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:150:2174], cookie=9814199768449998320) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.612081Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=13899245729213449640, name="Sem1", limit=51) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.623667Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=13899245729213449640) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.624104Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=13288408401601218540, name="Lock1", limit=42) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.635703Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=13288408401601218540) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.636121Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:165:2189], cookie=341755482219466724, name="Lock1", limit=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.647840Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:165:2189], cookie=341755482219466724) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.648367Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:170:2194], cookie=13994520664094786458, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.648432Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:170:2194], cookie=13994520664094786458) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.648804Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:173:2197], cookie=2857526565604073278, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.648845Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:173:2197], cookie=2857526565604073278) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.658651Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.658741Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.659180Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.659426Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.704872Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.705016Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.705354Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:213:2227], cookie=14190334967004713393, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.705446Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:213:2227], cookie=14190334967004713393) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.706130Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:220:2233], cookie=9134096070881571957, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.706204Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:220:2233], cookie=9134096070881571957) >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyLinkFailureRace [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesAggregateClients [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesAggregateResources ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAttachFastPathBlocked [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.149043Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.149153Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.167853Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.168213Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.191915Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.192341Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=11628422451835738273, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.192484Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.204225Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=11628422451835738273, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.204461Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=15381495534515913820, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.204543Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.218315Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=15381495534515913820, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.254825Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.254915Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.278282Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.278584Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.304918Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.305448Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=9761920139025474033, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.317985Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=9761920139025474033, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.062374Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.062496Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.080584Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.080704Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.106276Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.106988Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=9252550439210651411, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.107159Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.119975Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=9252550439210651411, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.456377Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.456469Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.467460Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.467543Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.491003Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.491265Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15453428198312575143, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.503170Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15453428198312575143, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.503929Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:138:2162], cookie=4580850166821075244, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.504033Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.515783Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:138:2162], cookie=4580850166821075244, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.516463Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=111, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.516556Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:37.516674Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Fast-path attach session=1 to sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=222, seqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:37:37.529905Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=111, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.896299Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.896407Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.915847Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.916288Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.940186Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.940507Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=1926968670485776612, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.952295Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=1926968670485776612, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.953135Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=5630232410754228779, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.953244Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.965037Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=5630232410754228779, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.965797Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=123, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.965969Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966067Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966472Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=111, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966579Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966712Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=222, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.978472Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=123) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.978560Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=111, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.978611Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=222, session=1) |74.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/core-tx-replication-controller-ut_assign_tx_id >> TKesusTest::TestAllocatesResources [GOOD] |74.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/core-tx-replication-controller-ut_assign_tx_id |74.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/core-tx-replication-controller-ut_assign_tx_id |74.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ttl |74.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ttl |74.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ttl >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesMode [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestRegisterProxyLinkFailureRace [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.100257Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.100356Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116516Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116822Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.146331Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.419954Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:33.420036Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.483446Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.483740Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.535067Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.417461Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.417541Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.434541Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.434686Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.464484Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.140269Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.140369Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.159523Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.160034Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.185017Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.186136Z node 4 :PIPE_SERVER ERROR: [72057594037927937] NodeDisconnected NodeId# 5 2025-03-11T11:37:37.186558Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: Got TEvServerDisconnected([4:185:2158]) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.777719Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.777853Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.798070Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.798293Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute ... waiting for register request 2025-03-11T11:37:37.813365Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete ... blocking NKikimr::NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvRegisterProxy from TEST_ACTOR_RUNTIME to KESUS_TABLET_ACTOR ... waiting for register request (done) ... unblocking NKikimr::NKesus::TEvKesus::TEvRegisterProxy from TEST_ACTOR_RUNTIME to KESUS_TABLET_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:37:37.814153Z node 6 :PIPE_SERVER ERROR: [72057594037927937] NodeDisconnected NodeId# 7 2025-03-11T11:37:37.814641Z node 6 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: Got TEvServerDisconnected([6:183:2156]) >> TKesusTest::TestDescribeSemaphoreWatches [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestGetQuoterResourceCounters >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false [GOOD] |74.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_user_attributes |74.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_user_attributes |74.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_user_attributes >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeValidation [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAllocatesResources [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:34.290268Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:34.290371Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.385168Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.394589Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.448464Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.464429Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=10058162739313505516, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.466323Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:34.501962Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=10058162739313505516, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.504106Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=9378997386671565794, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.504926Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:34.535803Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=9378997386671565794, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.537755Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.538978Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:34.540123Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:34.564108Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.569176Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.569462Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.569541Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:34.596112Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.596736Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.600513Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=4669312441784333716, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:34.601142Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=4669312441784333716) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.917037Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.917130Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.934944Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.935100Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.960448Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.960956Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=1883108898674776414, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.961102Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.973010Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=1883108898674776414, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.973296Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=15350997018689790840, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.973418Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.985776Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=15350997018689790840, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.986140Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.986298Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.986389Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.998252Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.998595Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.999026Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.012647Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.012711Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.013171Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:147:2171], cookie=10517725628779184980, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.013261Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:147:2171], cookie=10517725628779184980) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.013767Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:150:2174], cookie=11779838717065861565, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.013850Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:150:2174], cookie=11779838717065861565) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.435232Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.435364Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.449705Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.449793Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.473555Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.473926Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=11302821896460328001, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.474070Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.485530Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=11302821896460328001, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.485732Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=4320316355471893344, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.485816Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:37.497320Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=4320316355471893344, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.497808Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.497948Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.498036Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509402Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509608Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509801Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=333, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.509845Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:37:37.521961Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.522051Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.522674Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:148:2172], cookie=12600478884992702841, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.522772Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:148:2172], cookie=12600478884992702841) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.523371Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:151:2175], cookie=744640128357071417, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.523453Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:151:2175], cookie=744640128357071417) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.539142Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.539265Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.539970Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.540580Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.589085Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.589239Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.589626Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:191:2205], cookie=12555181760908644460, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.589716Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:191:2205], cookie=12555181760908644460) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.590358Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:199:2212], cookie=1616832414814810689, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.590444Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:199:2212], cookie=1616832414814810689) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.080594Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:38.080705Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.099177Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.099314Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.124861Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.125406Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=16346860947036962823, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.125581Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.137919Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=16346860947036962823, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.138270Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=3080515857528280173, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.138406Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.150477Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=3080515857528280173, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.150798Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.150933Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:38.151011Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.163043Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.163403Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.163787Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=333, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.163891Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:37:38.175738Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.175803Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.527856Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:38.527958Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548988Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.549517Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.579024Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.595758Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=18087857944938847004, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.596063Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:38.618709Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=18087857944938847004) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.619421Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=14795754161161596250, path="/Root/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.619694Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:38.636915Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=14795754161161596250) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.638718Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 15962440744490035492. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.638788Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=15962440744490035492) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.639340Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvUpdateConsumptionStateAck to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 8681985898929825431. Data: { } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.639388Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Update quoter resources consumption state (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=8681985898929825431) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.690370Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.738277Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.774974Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.814274Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:38.860592Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterSubscribeOnResource [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreSessionFailures [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesMode [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.308877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.308937Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.323902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.324341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.324487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.349726Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.503833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.504088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.504319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.504569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.504641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.511675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.520237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.520312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.520356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.522892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.522958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.526967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.531523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.531742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.532802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.532949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.533055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.533349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.533411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.533612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.533701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.535986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.536959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.537004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.537038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.539686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.539824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.539875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ator: 18446744073709551615 TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:38.996645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxSyncTenant DoExecute, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.996751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: DoUpdateTenant no hasChanges, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], tenantLink: TSubDomainsLinks::TLink { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], Generation: 2, ActorId:[1:612:2541], EffectiveACLVersion: 0, SubdomainVersion: 4, UserAttributesVersion: 1, TenantHive: 18446744073709551615, TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615, TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615, TenantRootACL: }, subDomain->GetVersion(): 4, actualEffectiveACLVersion: 0, actualUserAttrsVersion: 1, tenantHive: 18446744073709551615, tenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.996863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:38.996901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549, txId: 0, path id: [OwnerId: 72075186234409549, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.997030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:38.997072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:707:2610], at schemeshard: 72075186234409549, txId: 0, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.997705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 106:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409546 cookie: 72057594046678944:3 msg type: 268697640 2025-03-11T11:37:38.997813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 106, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:37:38.998619Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvUpdateDomain, msg: DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared TxId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:38.998808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Update domain reply, message: Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.998854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 106, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.998979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:38.999056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TSyncHive, operationId 106:0, HandleReply TEvUpdateDomainReply, from hive: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:37:38.999104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 106:0 138 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.999496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549, msg: Owner: 72075186234409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72075186234409549, cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.999735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:38.999834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxSyncTenant DoComplete, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.001711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.001843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.001939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 106:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 106, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.002496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.004403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:39.004459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.005053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.005142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:39.005185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [1:849:2732] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.005829Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.006050Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" took 259us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:39.006402Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ServerLess0" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 4 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 4 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186234409550 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186234409551 SchemeShard: 72075186234409549 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } SharedHive: 72075186233409546 ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.007015Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:39.007166Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72075186234409549 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" took 174us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:39.007485Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72075186234409549 PathType: EPathTypeSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 4 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 3 ProcessingParams { Version: 4 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186234409550 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186234409551 SchemeShard: 72075186234409549 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" } SharedHive: 72075186233409546 ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72075186234409549, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:39.008073Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.008261Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" took 159us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:39.008571Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ServerLess0" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 4 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 4 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186234409550 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186234409551 SchemeShard: 72075186234409549 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } SharedHive: 72075186233409546 ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.009044Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvRequestDomainInfo, 72057594046678944:3 >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeFeatureFlag [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.144104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221553Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.233078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.233503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.233638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.245634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.245845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.246503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.246733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.249427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.250951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.257100Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.366197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.366434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.366642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.366852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.366914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.370984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.371132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.371349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.371440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.371482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.371524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.374854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.374940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.374985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.382650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.382749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.382801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.382918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.387814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.390275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.390546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.391772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.391958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.392024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.392374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.392440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.392651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.392735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.397961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.398005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.398042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.398118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.398161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.398199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.400939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.401084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.401128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ecute, operationId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 106:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 106, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.180784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.182935Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 5 TxId_Deprecated: 5 TabletID: 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:37:39.183118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.184116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.187146Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 7 TxId_Deprecated: 7 TabletID: 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:37:39.187421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 5 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.187819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:37:39.189657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.189959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 7 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 7, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.190232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:37:39.192137Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 6 TxId_Deprecated: 6 TabletID: 72075186234409547 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409547 2025-03-11T11:37:39.193292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 6 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 6, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.193509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:39.194228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.194288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.194407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.194861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.194918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.195001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:39.200368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.200447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:5 tabletId 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:37:39.200570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:7 2025-03-11T11:37:39.200599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:7 tabletId 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:6 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:6 tabletId 72075186234409547 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:39.203990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.204566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.204691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:39.204732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [1:916:2777] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.205393Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.205660Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" took 272us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:37:39.205875Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.206477Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.206679Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" took 204us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:37:39.206829Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ServerLess0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.207458Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.207653Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 230us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:39.208048Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 9 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 9 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 7 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "SharedDB" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 wait until 72075186233409550 is deleted wait until 72075186233409551 is deleted wait until 72075186233409552 is deleted wait until 72075186233409553 is deleted 2025-03-11T11:37:39.208759Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409550 2025-03-11T11:37:39.208862Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:37:39.208900Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409552 2025-03-11T11:37:39.208977Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409553 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409550 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409551 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409552 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409553 |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest >> VectorIndexBuildTest::BaseCase >> IndexBuildTest::BaseCase ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeValidation [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.067614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.122162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.122208Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.131808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.132247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.132377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.143919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.146043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.146868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.146908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.146964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.147005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.147033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.147179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.151948Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.252676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.252931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.253170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.253406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.253475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.256686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.258828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.258887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.258927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.261020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.261068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.261109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.261165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.272498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.275052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.275290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.276445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.276598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.276657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.276961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.277017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.277219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.277315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.279914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.279963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.280964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.281003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.283690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.283825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.283880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... State::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.030723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.030837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 104 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:39.032864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 104:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:104 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:39.032949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 104, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 104 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 104 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.033937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: DoUpdateTenant no hasChanges, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], tenantLink: TSubDomainsLinks::TLink { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], Generation: 2, ActorId:[1:611:2540], EffectiveACLVersion: 0, SubdomainVersion: 2, UserAttributesVersion: 1, TenantHive: 18446744073709551615, TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615, TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615, TenantRootACL: }, subDomain->GetVersion(): 2, actualEffectiveACLVersion: 0, actualUserAttrsVersion: 1, tenantHive: 18446744073709551615, tenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.035885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.035919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:37:39.036054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.036101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:39.036190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.036258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TSyncHive, operationId 104:0, ProgressState, NeedSyncHive: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.036291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 6 2025-03-11T11:37:39.037457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.041154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.041359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:39.041784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.041933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.042979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.043479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.045030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.049227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:39.049467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.051190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.051548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:39.051668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:766:2649] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 TestModificationResults wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:39.058284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "SharedDB" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared } } TxId: 105 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.058858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 105:0, feature flag EnableAlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "SharedDB" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeShared } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.059055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 105:0, path /MyRoot/SharedDB 2025-03-11T11:37:39.059944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 105:0, explain: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: ServerlessComputeResourcesMode can be changed only for serverless, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.060158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 105:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: ServerlessComputeResourcesMode can be changed only for serverless, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.067486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 105, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: ServerlessComputeResourcesMode can be changed only for serverless" TxId: 105 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.068019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 105, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: ServerlessComputeResourcesMode can be changed only for serverless, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: /MyRoot/SharedDB TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestModificationResults wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:39.074533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "ServerLess0" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified } } TxId: 106 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.074900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 106:0, feature flag EnableAlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "ServerLess0" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.075009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 106:0, path /MyRoot/ServerLess0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.075294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 106:0, explain: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: can not set ServerlessComputeResourcesMode to EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.075548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 106:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: can not set ServerlessComputeResourcesMode to EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.077662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 106, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: can not set ServerlessComputeResourcesMode to EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified" TxId: 106 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.077805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 106, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Invalid ExtSubDomain request: can not set ServerlessComputeResourcesMode to EServerlessComputeResourcesModeUnspecified, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: /MyRoot/ServerLess0 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestSemaphoreSessionFailures [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.907491Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.907587Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.969488Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.971482Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.010146Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.010623Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=16489711852121996774, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.010760Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.049441Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=16489711852121996774, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.051075Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=2238078672711702984, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.051522Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:33.076988Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=2238078672711702984, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.077264Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:33.100565Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.103311Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.104681Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:33.105383Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.131930Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.134503Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:33.184685Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.261870Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.261980Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.280998Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.281139Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.306845Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.307236Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=10584997216273307204, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.307380Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.321763Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=10584997216273307204, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.322497Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=5720076405574401780, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.322793Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:36.335460Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=5720076405574401780, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.336462Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[2:142:2166], cookie=12404934581797957714, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.336685Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.351847Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[2:142:2166], cookie=12404934581797957714) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.352525Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.352817Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:36.353331Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.368397Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.368640Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370171Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:150:2174], cookie=661938658084956435, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.370308Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:150:2174], cookie=661938658084956435) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.371510Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:153:2177], cookie=8141052201379149488, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.371696Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:153:2177], cookie=8141052201379149488) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.372304Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.372610Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 1 "Sem1" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:37:36.386204Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387070Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:158:2182], cookie=11319215366770687540, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387162Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:158:2182], cookie=11319215366770687540) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387622Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:161:2185], cookie=5181785484380662113, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387682Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:161:2185], cookie=5181785484380662113) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387907Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=444, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.387995Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Sem1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:37:36.402659Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=444) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.403295Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:166:2190], cookie=579573324011763613, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.403383Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:166:2190], cookie=579573324011763613) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.403858Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:169:2193], cookie=3877680394026010453, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.403924Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:169:2193], cookie=3877680394026010453) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.088386Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.088483Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.104418Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.104535Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.119833Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.120242Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6216285795104034074, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.120415Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.149854Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=6216285795104034074) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.150388Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[3:138:2162], cookie=15312215048486910156, name="Sem2", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.150542Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 2 "Sem2" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.162655Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[3:138:2162], cookie=15312215048486910156) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.163131Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:143:2167], cookie=1654313847298829790, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.163222Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:143:2167], cookie=1654313847298829790) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.163664Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=8095288055103093200, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.163733Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:146:2170], cookie=8095288055103093200) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.175720Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.175827Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.176378Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.176960Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.222817Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.223066Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:186:2200], cookie=7366811707503793155, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.223121Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:186:2200], cookie=7366811707503793155) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.223553Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:192:2205], cookie=16089397191059555393, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.223594Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:192:2205], cookie=16089397191059555393) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.223907Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[3:195:2208], cookie=15930391154364646000, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.235545Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[3:195:2208], cookie=15930391154364646000) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.235981Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[3:200:2213], cookie=6537968962680898183, name="Sem2", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.247700Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[3:200:2213], cookie=6537968962680898183) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.248128Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:205:2218], cookie=4208938814135545765, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.248181Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:205:2218], cookie=42089388141 ... e 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 9 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.936111Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[4:221:2244], cookie=273783895611812532) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.936579Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[4:226:2249], cookie=9989163722575326803, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.936639Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting semaphore 9 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.950001Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[4:226:2249], cookie=9989163722575326803) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.950697Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[4:231:2254], cookie=5942672851910782607, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.950853Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 10 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.963355Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[4:231:2254], cookie=5942672851910782607) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.964046Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[4:236:2259], cookie=15268658951146456161, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.964143Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting semaphore 10 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.976523Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[4:236:2259], cookie=15268658951146456161) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.977346Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[4:241:2264], cookie=5578359565843085466, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.977497Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 11 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.990183Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[4:241:2264], cookie=5578359565843085466) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.990779Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.990949Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 11 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.003433Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.004113Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.016688Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.017333Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=333, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.017476Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 11 "Sem1" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:37:38.040253Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.040964Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=444, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.053478Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=444) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.054107Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=555, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.054244Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 11 "Sem1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:37:38.054326Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 11 "Sem1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.066572Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=555) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.470191Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:39.470304Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.495487Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.502578Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.538611Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.539682Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=7905590786431046606, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.540053Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.553924Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=7905590786431046606, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.562080Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=112, name="Sem1", limit=5) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.562281Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:39.577467Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=112) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.578044Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=113, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.593715Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=113) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.594575Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=114, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.594741Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:39.609113Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=114) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.609845Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Fast-path detach session=1 from sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=13734532216271623127 2025-03-11T11:37:39.610682Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=115, name="Sem1", limit=5) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.635039Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=115) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.635812Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=116, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.653786Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=116) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.654559Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=117, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.678886Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=117) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.679695Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=118, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.694247Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=118) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.694605Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=119, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.710252Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=119) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.710613Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=120, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.710706Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=120) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.710930Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=11488290778192930212, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.711028Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.723832Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionDestroy::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=11488290778192930212) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.724160Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=121, name="Sem1", limit=5) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.738208Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=121) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.738576Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=122, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.754971Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=122) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.755315Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=123, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.768164Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=123) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.768555Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=124, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.790799Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=124) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.791162Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=125, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.816546Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=125) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.816900Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=126, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.816994Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=126) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.817733Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=127, name="Sem1", limit=5) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.817823Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=127) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818130Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=128, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818205Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=128) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818438Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=129, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818506Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=129) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818762Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=130, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818838Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=130) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.819117Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=131, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.819193Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=131) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.819460Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=132, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:39.819528Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=132) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterSubscribeOnResource [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:31.994788Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:31.994887Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.018079Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.018485Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.046660Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.059222Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=7122853627456587040, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100500 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1.5 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.059553Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.074490Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=7122853627456587040) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.075038Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:140:2164], cookie=17412695438370169186, path="/Root/Folder", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100500 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1.5 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.075292Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Folder" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.094953Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:140:2164], cookie=17412695438370169186) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.095612Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:145:2169], cookie=1197721533794238173, path="/Root/Q1", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.095787Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 3 "Root/Q1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.118357Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:145:2169], cookie=1197721533794238173) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.118881Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=8483852904160423731, path="/Root/Folder/Q1", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.119066Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 4 "Root/Folder/Q1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134306Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=8483852904160423731) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134804Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:155:2179], cookie=17143099286119677411, path="/Root/Folder/Q2", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134981Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 5 "Root/Folder/Q2" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.147168Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:155:2179], cookie=17143099286119677411) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.147715Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:160:2184], cookie=11605079023353380711, path="/Root/Folder/Q3", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.147896Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 6 "Root/Folder/Q3" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.163197Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:160:2184], cookie=11605079023353380711) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.163749Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:165:2189], cookie=8036661222341364537, path="/Root2", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100500 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1.5 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.163880Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 7 "Root2" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.179554Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:165:2189], cookie=8036661222341364537) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.180175Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:170:2194], cookie=7098196680264317763, path="/Root2/Q", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.180389Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 8 "Root2/Q" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.197400Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:170:2194], cookie=7098196680264317763) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.197988Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:175:2199], cookie=17092049615644421640, ids=[100], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.198067Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:175:2199], cookie=17092049615644421640) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.198563Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:178:2202], cookie=2763586678691110977, ids=[], paths=[Nonexistent/Path], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.198623Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:178:2202], cookie=2763586678691110977) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.199021Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:181:2205], cookie=4850043024578601579, ids=[], paths=[/Root, ], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.199121Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:181:2205], cookie=4850043024578601579) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.199622Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:184:2208], cookie=713186733074400283, ids=[1, 1], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.199690Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:184:2208], cookie=713186733074400283) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200099Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:187:2211], cookie=15061157761000575054, ids=[], paths=[/Root2/Q, /Root2/Q], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200167Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:187:2211], cookie=15061157761000575054) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200650Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:190:2214], cookie=5679652979419527219, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200711Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:190:2214], cookie=5679652979419527219) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201339Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:193:2217], cookie=12022730092932678412, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201386Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:193:2217], cookie=12022730092932678412) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201857Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:196:2220], cookie=16106386174078877929, ids=[3, 2], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201942Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:196:2220], cookie=16106386174078877929) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.202458Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:199:2223], cookie=17913444694154799377, ids=[3, 2], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.202552Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:199:2223], cookie=17913444694154799377) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203027Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:202:2226], cookie=17706844326655239901, ids=[], paths=[Root2/], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203107Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:202:2226], cookie=17706844326655239901) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203600Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:205:2229], cookie=13735170386175859631, ids=[], paths=[Root2/], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203665Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:205:2229], cookie=13735170386175859631) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.220901Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.220991Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.221497Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.221791Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.282171Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.282525Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:245:2259], cookie=15531179856198720499, ids=[100], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.282614Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:245:2259], cookie=15531179856198720499) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.283324Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:251:2264], cookie=8832798373370110557, ids=[], paths=[Nonexistent/Path], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.283423Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:251:2264], cookie=8832798373370110557) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.284023Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:254:2267], cookie=12832789233330285177, ids=[], paths=[/Root, ], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.284099Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:254:2267], cookie=12832789233330285177) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.284691Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:257:2270], cookie=1872437594263510862, ids=[1, 1], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.284758Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:257:2270], cookie=1872437594263510862) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.285374Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:260:2273], cookie=5502552773985433701, ids=[], paths=[/Root2/Q, /Root2/Q], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.285458Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:260:2273], cookie=5502552773985433701) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.286070Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:263:2276], cookie=2589530353130370135, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.286136Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:263:2276], cookie=2589530353130370135) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.286791Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:266:2279], cookie=14279305733392124837, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.286846Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:266:2279], cookie=14279305733392124837) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.287487Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:269:2282], cookie=17424084267203885410, ids=[3, 2], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.287558Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:269:2282], cookie=17424084267203885410) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.288250Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:272:2285], cookie=7198470480144051807, ids=[3, 2], paths=[], recursiv ... ABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.926458Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.926756Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12280420575165442761, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.926914Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.938605Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12280420575165442761) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.939255Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:138:2162], cookie=2989146619067329220, path="/Root/Q", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.939528Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Q" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.951885Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:138:2162], cookie=2989146619067329220) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.952533Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:143:2167], cookie=1833268428791434101, path="/Root/Folder", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.952783Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 3 "Root/Folder" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.965780Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:143:2167], cookie=1833268428791434101) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966503Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:148:2172], cookie=1132983546549514077, path="/Root/Folder/Q1", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.966776Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 4 "Root/Folder/Q1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.978643Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:148:2172], cookie=1132983546549514077) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.979110Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:153:2177], cookie=13695621704261398568, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.979188Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:153:2177], cookie=13695621704261398568) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.979919Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:159:2183], cookie=5452089697868038114, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.979987Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:159:2183], cookie=5452089697868038114) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.980670Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:165:2189], cookie=9154856262006909750, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.980729Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:165:2189], cookie=9154856262006909750) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.981108Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Execute (sender=[4:168:2192], cookie=10176659177641467392, id=0, path="/Root/Folder/NonexistingRes") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.981190Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Complete (sender=[4:168:2192], cookie=10176659177641467392) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.981592Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:171:2195], cookie=8826344623492035460, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.981645Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:171:2195], cookie=8826344623492035460) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.982041Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Execute (sender=[4:174:2198], cookie=10135790625053639438, id=100, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.982104Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Complete (sender=[4:174:2198], cookie=10135790625053639438) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.982487Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:177:2201], cookie=10369794088715726211, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.982546Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:177:2201], cookie=10369794088715726211) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.983044Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Execute (sender=[4:180:2204], cookie=4998817483135578135, id=3, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.983120Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Complete (sender=[4:180:2204], cookie=4998817483135578135) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.983623Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:183:2207], cookie=1980863715686784212, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.983680Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:183:2207], cookie=1980863715686784212) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.984098Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Execute (sender=[4:186:2210], cookie=8939035132169418642, id=0, path="/Root/Folder/Q1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.984252Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleted quoter resource 4 "Root/Folder/Q1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.996391Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Complete (sender=[4:186:2210], cookie=8939035132169418642) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.997114Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:191:2215], cookie=3024548452409692619, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.997216Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:191:2215], cookie=3024548452409692619) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.008615Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:38.008706Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.009224Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.009650Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.058178Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.058567Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:231:2245], cookie=5189031816786176233, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.058687Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:231:2245], cookie=5189031816786176233) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.059490Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Execute (sender=[4:237:2250], cookie=2793152918943991163, id=3, path="") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.059648Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleted quoter resource 3 "Root/Folder" 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072067Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDelete::Complete (sender=[4:237:2250], cookie=2793152918943991163) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072942Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:242:2255], cookie=14012228904458698379, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.073034Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:242:2255], cookie=14012228904458698379) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.086482Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:38.086584Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.087190Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.087816Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.124714Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.125077Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:282:2285], cookie=4635583440810208246, ids=[], paths=[], recursive=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.125166Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:282:2285], cookie=4635583440810208246) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.288832Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:39.288940Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.360685Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.374244Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.408037Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.408893Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2095862721822475429, path="/Q1", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.409361Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Q1" 2025-03-11T11:37:39.426338Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2095862721822475429) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.428198Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=10581811346304815117, path="/Q2", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.428708Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Q2" 2025-03-11T11:37:39.448672Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=10581811346304815117) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.452201Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 11102919517666608349. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Q1" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.452364Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=11102919517666608349) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.459285Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 15803177486755420055. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Q1" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Q2" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 10 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } Results { Error { Status: NOT_FOUND Issues { message: "Resource \"/Q3\" doesn\'t exist." } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.459431Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=15803177486755420055) >> IndexBuildTest::CheckLimitWithDroppedIndex >> IndexBuildTest::WithFollowers |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::TestServerlessComputeResourcesModeFeatureFlag [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.221923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.222229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.298403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.298459Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.322691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.323267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.323476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.336947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.349660Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.516355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.516607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.516827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.517061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.517139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.523693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.530844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.530915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.530967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.535401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.535472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.535510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.535557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.539554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.547874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.548635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.556507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.563154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.563292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.563375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 14770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 104:0 Got OK TEvConfigureStatus from tablet# 72075186234409551 shardIdx# 72057594046678944:7 at schemeshard# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.817483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186234409549, msg: Owner: 72075186234409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72075186234409549, cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.817671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186234409549, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TenantSchemeShard: 72075186234409549 Status: StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvInitTenantSchemeShardResult operationId: 104:0 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 104:0 Got OK TEvInitTenantSchemeShardResult from schemeshard tablet: 72075186234409549 shardIdx: 72057594046678944:5 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.818254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:39.826210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.827134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.828625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.829059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.829167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.829268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.829364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.829715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 104 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:39.835201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 104:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:104 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:39.835654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 104, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 104 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 104 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:37:39.836296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.836766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.836958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.837530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:39.837790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 104:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.838105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.838197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: DoUpdateTenant no hasChanges, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], tenantLink: TSubDomainsLinks::TLink { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], Generation: 2, ActorId:[1:611:2540], EffectiveACLVersion: 0, SubdomainVersion: 2, UserAttributesVersion: 1, TenantHive: 18446744073709551615, TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615, TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615, TenantRootACL: }, subDomain->GetVersion(): 2, actualEffectiveACLVersion: 0, actualUserAttrsVersion: 1, tenantHive: 18446744073709551615, tenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.843954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.843987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:37:39.844105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.844144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:39.844363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.844480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TSyncHive, operationId 104:0, ProgressState, NeedSyncHive: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.844583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:39.847578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.847904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.848021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.848188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:39.848422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 6 2025-03-11T11:37:39.848552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.854777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.854924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:39.855392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.855496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.855794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.855914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.856115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:39.856216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:39.856419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.856616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.856978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:39.860644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.864465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:39.864793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:39.867118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.867257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:39.867300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:766:2649] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 TestModificationResults wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:39.870662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "ServerLess0" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeExclusive } } TxId: 105 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.870883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 105:0, feature flag EnableAlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "ServerLess0" ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: EServerlessComputeResourcesModeExclusive } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.870932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateCompatibleAlterExtSubDomain, opId 105:0, path /MyRoot/ServerLess0 2025-03-11T11:37:39.871094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 105:0, explain: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableServerlessExclusiveDynamicNodes is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.871159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 105:1, propose status:StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableServerlessExclusiveDynamicNodes is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.875823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 105, response: Status: StatusPreconditionFailed Reason: "Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableServerlessExclusiveDynamicNodes is off" TxId: 105 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:39.876025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 105, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid AlterExtSubDomain request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableServerlessExclusiveDynamicNodes is off, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: /MyRoot/ServerLess0 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 >> IndexBuildTest::MergeIndexTableShardsOnlyWhenReady >> TKesusTest::TestGetQuoterResourceCounters [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsCreate >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-true [GOOD] >> QueryStats::Ranges [GOOD] |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::Lock |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::ShadowDataNotAllowedByDefault |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::CancellationNotEnoughRetries >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesDeduplicateClient [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesForgetClient |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::BaseCase-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-true [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.240789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.241148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.322850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.322894Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.336209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.336609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.336749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.351497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.351707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.352341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.352599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.355621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.356752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.356811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.356907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.356963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.357004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.357202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.363540Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.546984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.547069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.549557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.549702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.549941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.550016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.550060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.550101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.552783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.552849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.552889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.566805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.582483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.582698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.583699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.583835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.583883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.584131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.584178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.584349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.584437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.590964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.591396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.594326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.594472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.594521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... te, operationId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.607270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 106:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:40.607687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.607929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#106:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 106, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 106 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 106:0 2025-03-11T11:37:40.609126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:40.612164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:40.613614Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 5 TxId_Deprecated: 5 TabletID: 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:40.617012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:40.625572Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 7 TxId_Deprecated: 7 TabletID: 72075186234409551 2025-03-11T11:37:40.626766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 5 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.629670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:40.632554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 7 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 7, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.632918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:40.634210Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 6 TxId_Deprecated: 6 TabletID: 72075186234409550 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409551 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409550 2025-03-11T11:37:40.637669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 6 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 6, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.638024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:40.639022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:40.642842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.643223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.644224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:40.646146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.646333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.646765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:40.662819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:5 2025-03-11T11:37:40.663259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:5 tabletId 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:40.663530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:7 2025-03-11T11:37:40.663549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:7 tabletId 72075186234409551 2025-03-11T11:37:40.665813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:6 2025-03-11T11:37:40.666038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:6 tabletId 72075186234409550 2025-03-11T11:37:40.671674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.672098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:37:40.673829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:40.675047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:40.678673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.679102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:40.679332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [1:937:2801] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 2025-03-11T11:37:40.684144Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.688897Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" took 1.98ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:37:40.689874Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0/dir/table0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.694604Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.695984Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" took 1.25ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:37:40.696763Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ServerLess0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ServerLess0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.720929Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:40.723857Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 1.56ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:40.725264Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 9 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 9 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 7 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "SharedDB" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 wait until 72075186234409549 is deleted wait until 72075186234409550 is deleted wait until 72075186234409551 is deleted wait until 72075186234409552 is deleted 2025-03-11T11:37:40.729526Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186234409549 2025-03-11T11:37:40.729883Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186234409550 2025-03-11T11:37:40.730232Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186234409551 2025-03-11T11:37:40.730590Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186234409552 Deleted tabletId 72075186234409549 Deleted tabletId 72075186234409550 Deleted tabletId 72075186234409551 Deleted tabletId 72075186234409552 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestGetQuoterResourceCounters [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.068788Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.068878Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.093641Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.094347Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.120170Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.120453Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=1531504353639472291, path="/foo/bar/baz") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134340Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=1531504353639472291, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.134778Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Execute (sender=[1:140:2164], cookie=13878441793625488620) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148286Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Complete (sender=[1:140:2164], cookie=13878441793625488620) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.148715Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[1:145:2169], cookie=13973694920345207100, path="/foo/bar/baz") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.162024Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[1:145:2169], cookie=13973694920345207100, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.162488Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Execute (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=2398305186221757874) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.176719Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Complete (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=2398305186221757874) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200516Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.200605Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201162Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.201712Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.250367Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.250655Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Execute (sender=[1:192:2206], cookie=171766750158635535) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.278259Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigGet::Complete (sender=[1:192:2206], cookie=171766750158635535) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.278889Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[1:200:2213], cookie=15938147564818104544, path="/foo/bar/baz") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.298387Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[1:200:2213], cookie=15938147564818104544, status=SUCCESS) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.299043Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Execute (sender=[1:205:2218], cookie=800389468775646353, path="/foo/bar/baz") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.299117Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxConfigSet::Complete (sender=[1:205:2218], cookie=800389468775646353, status=PRECONDITION_FAILED) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.286753Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.287043Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.310053Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.310286Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.335140Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.335521Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=13630763875600700735, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:36.335615Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=13630763875600700735) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.084959Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.085067Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.103098Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.103250Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.128493Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.129032Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=3580980767043867225, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.129215Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.141408Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=3580980767043867225, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.141715Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.141850Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.141965Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.154508Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.155080Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[3:140:2164], cookie=5909690503588914688, name="Lock1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.166646Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[3:140:2164], cookie=5909690503588914688) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.166993Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[3:145:2169], cookie=16845198286206721459, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.178484Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[3:145:2169], cookie=16845198286206721459) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.178839Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[3:150:2174], cookie=8282071385027671099, name="Sem1", limit=42) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.178931Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 2 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.190747Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[3:150:2174], cookie=8282071385027671099) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.191270Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[3:155:2179], cookie=13381828566804843564, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.191377Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting semaphore 2 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.203002Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[3:155:2179], cookie=13381828566804843564) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.203492Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[3:160:2184], cookie=4379896564168355654, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.215415Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[3:160:2184], cookie=4379896564168355654) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.661378Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.661466Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.673322Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.673412Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.697309Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.697720Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15572427147214508582, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.697857Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.709657Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15572427147214508582, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.709986Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15636996916212782753, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.710087Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:37.721781Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15636996916212782753, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.722039Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Fast-path detach session=2 from sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=18387645152285359624 2025-03-11T11:37:37.722492Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[4:141:2165], cookie=4023706045359585510, name="Sem1", limit=3) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.722602Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734247Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[4:141:2165], cookie=4023706045359585510) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734483Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=112, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734546Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=112) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734723Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=113, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734788Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=113) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.734951Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15981303369330857842, session=2, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.746528Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=15981303369330857842, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.746769Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=114, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.746834Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=114) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.747011Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=115, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.747075Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=115) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.747520Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Execute (sender=[4:148:2172], cookie=832592380787574868, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:37.759183Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreUpdate::Complete (sender=[4:148:2172], cookie=832592380787574868) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.759537Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=116, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.759655Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.771172Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=116) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.771514Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=117, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.771629Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:37.783404Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [7205759403792 ... 44599Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 2 "Sem2" 2025-03-11T11:37:38.559709Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[4:199:2217], cookie=8581322697424767704) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.560089Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=126, session=1, semaphore="Sem2" count=3) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.560236Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Sem2" queue: next order #5 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.582482Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=126) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.582896Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=127, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.582998Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=127) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.583289Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=128, session=1, semaphore="Sem2" count=3) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.602549Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=128) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.902428Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.923009Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.934946Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=129, session=1, semaphore="Sem2" count=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.954791Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=129) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.955787Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=130, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.955906Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=130) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.956319Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=131, session=1, semaphore="Sem2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.979100Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=131) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.980235Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=132, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.980467Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=132) 2025-03-11T11:37:38.981539Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=133, name="Sem2") 2025-03-11T11:37:38.981671Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=133) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.484569Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:40.484663Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.531001Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.536194Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.583208Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608454Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=1219357231948740020, path="/Root1", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.608690Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root1" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.630320Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=1219357231948740020) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.630853Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=10852824480960824073, path="/Root1/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.631067Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root1/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.650351Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=10852824480960824073) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.651744Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=6089438171773611322, path="/Root2", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.652792Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 3 "Root2" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.670305Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=6089438171773611322) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.670785Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:150:2174], cookie=3048708450746199675, path="/Root2/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.670986Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 4 "Root2/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.691029Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:150:2174], cookie=3048708450746199675) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.693206Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=14596310005918565892, path="/Root2/Res/Subres", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.694537Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 5 "Root2/Res/Subres" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.712792Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=14596310005918565892) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.717373Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 5827790611728602615. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root1/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.717434Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=5827790611728602615) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.770544Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 100 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.820701Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 100 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.860334Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 100 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.862459Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvGetQuoterResourceCountersResult to [5:167:2188]. Cookie: 6178900714609349884. Data: { ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res" } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res/Subres" } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2" } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1/Res" Allocated: 300 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1" Allocated: 300 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.865736Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:170:2191]. Cookie: 7458330278551074999. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 5 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 5 ResourcePath: "Root2/Res/Subres" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.865961Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:170:2191], cookie=7458330278551074999) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.906683Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:170:2191]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 5 Amount: 100 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.958209Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:170:2191]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 5 Amount: 100 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.959728Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvGetQuoterResourceCountersResult to [5:175:2195]. Cookie: 15533271874602218101. Data: { ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res" Allocated: 200 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res/Subres" Allocated: 200 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2" Allocated: 200 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1/Res" Allocated: 300 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1" Allocated: 300 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.961676Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 10947801278447493225. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root1/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.961854Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=10947801278447493225) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.963584Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:170:2191]. Cookie: 3751124378874261973. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 5 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 5 ResourcePath: "Root2/Res/Subres" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1000 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.963719Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:170:2191], cookie=3751124378874261973) 2025-03-11T11:37:41.000651Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:160:2184]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 Amount: 20 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:41.000804Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:170:2191]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 5 Amount: 50 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:41.002137Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvGetQuoterResourceCountersResult to [5:182:2202]. Cookie: 15292358084342193754. Data: { ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res" Allocated: 250 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2/Res/Subres" Allocated: 250 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root2" Allocated: 250 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1/Res" Allocated: 320 } ResourceCounters { ResourcePath: "Root1" Allocated: 320 } } |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest >> QueryStats::Ranges [GOOD] |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesAggregateResources [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountLabels |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest >> VectorIndexBuildTest::VectorIndexDescriptionIsPersisted |75.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceed-EnableTablePgTypes-false |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CheckCounters |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest |75.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydbd/ydbd |75.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydbd/ydbd |75.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/query_stats/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/apps/ydbd/ydbd >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildAsyncIndexShouldSucceed >> AssignTxId::Basic |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLUtility::ValidateTiers [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::AlterTable >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SetAttrs >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedOnIndexedTable >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::Boot |75.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp |75.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp |75.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp >> IndexBuildTest::WithFollowers [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildIndexShouldSucceed >> IndexBuildTest::ShadowDataNotAllowedByDefault [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::ShadowDataEdgeCases >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountLabels [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestPassesUpdatedPropsToSession |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLUtility::ValidateTiers [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::Lock [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTable >> IndexBuildTest::IndexPartitioningIsPersisted |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest |75.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::WithFollowers [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.795996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.796061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.796152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.796488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.894413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:41.894487Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:41.931966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.932140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.932332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.961229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.962008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.962689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.963018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.972861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.974832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.002959Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.141469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.141713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.141985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.142235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.142294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.150643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.159193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.159296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.159347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.166844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.166914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.166974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.167044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.171152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.174984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.175203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.176408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.176568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.176631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.176953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.177012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.177183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.177295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.184972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.185016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.185121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.185192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.185236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.188084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.188221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.188262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... operation is done id#104:1 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.763177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.763438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:1 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.763522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.763612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 2/3, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.765406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.765595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.765671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.765698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:43.765725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.767894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.768030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.768060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.768086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:37:43.768170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 8 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:43.772205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.772581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.772606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.774590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.774645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 104:2 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:2 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:2 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 3/3, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.776881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.777808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 104, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.780802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:43.781786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.781857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.781883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.781945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:43.782069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.782204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.782379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [1:332:2311] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.785021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.792440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.792582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:43.792771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:696:2654] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:43.794643Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/WithFollowers" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.795919Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/WithFollowers" took 516us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:43.796925Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/WithFollowers" PathDescription { Self { Name: "WithFollowers" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 8 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 8 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 TableSchemaVersion: 4 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "WithFollowers" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value0" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value1" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "valueFloat" Type: "Float" TypeId: 33 Id: 4 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 4 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::CheckLimitWithDroppedIndex [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::DropIndex |75.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_storage_tenant |75.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_storage_tenant |75.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_storage_tenant |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::VariousUse >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldFailOnSimultaneousDropColumnAndEnableTTL >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtAlter >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SpecialAttributes |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::MkDir >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtCreateDropOps |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestPassesUpdatedPropsToSession [GOOD] |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::LegacyTtlSettingsNoTiers |75.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldFailOnWrongUnit-EnableTablePgTypes-true >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsCreate [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsDropIndex ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestPassesUpdatedPropsToSession [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.139307Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.139415Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.156808Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.157132Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.182381Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.189874Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=828366585125140338, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.190292Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.202656Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=828366585125140338) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203170Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:141:2165], cookie=377764712841982616, path="/Root/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.203390Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.215335Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:141:2165], cookie=377764712841982616) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.216668Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [1:146:2170]. Cookie: 12881967959088219926. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:32.216724Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[1:146:2170], cookie=12881967959088219926) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.217166Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [1:146:2170]. Cookie: 16013377284400167526. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 AcceptedUs: 29000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:32.217213Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[1:146:2170], cookie=16013377284400167526) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.664577Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.664686Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.704065Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.704348Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.744020Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.745685Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=3775632226967258195, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.746296Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.762991Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=3775632226967258195) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.765284Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [2:141:2165]. Cookie: 7172850314378463616. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.765645Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=7172850314378463616) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.768165Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [2:141:2165]. Cookie: 16536019055658905849. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.768373Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=16536019055658905849) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.770500Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [2:141:2165]. Cookie: 16021565874570442616. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 1017500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.770872Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=16021565874570442616) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.772653Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [2:141:2165]. Cookie: 9087624176944401281. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 1017500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.772846Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=9087624176944401281) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.908423Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:39.908542Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.928282Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.928416Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.988782Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.989242Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=9526457845003847610, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.989613Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.010621Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=9526457845003847610) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.011377Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[3:139:2163], cookie=14574614071913550143, path="/Root/Res1", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.011655Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res1" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.034608Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[3:139:2163], cookie=14574614071913550143) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.035414Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[3:144:2168], cookie=1824685214541157231, path="/Root/Res2", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.035664Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 3 "Root/Res2" 2025-03-11T11:37:40.054606Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[3:144:2168], cookie=1824685214541157231) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.055542Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [3:149:2173]. Cookie: 9370916087774822633. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res1" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.055633Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[3:149:2173], cookie=9370916087774822633) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.056307Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [3:149:2173]. Cookie: 17314647590600548084. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 3 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 3 ResourcePath: "Root/Res2" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.056361Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[3:149:2173], cookie=17314647590600548084) 2025-03-11T11:37:40.056922Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [3:149:2173]. Cookie: 6763677891087587311. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 AcceptedUs: 1019500 } ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 3 AcceptedUs: 1019500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:40.056969Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[3:149:2173], cookie=6763677891087587311) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.457862Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:42.457994Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.474616Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.474970Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.512266Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.512762Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=2485319271548368496, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 PrefetchCoefficient: 300 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.513147Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:42.526703Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=2485319271548368496) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.527750Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [4:139:2163]. Cookie: 15618555399409011030. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 300 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 Labels { key: "k1" value: "v1" } Labels { key: "k2" value: "v2" } } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:42.527813Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=15618555399409011030) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.528293Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [4:139:2163]. Cookie: 16553054432356769165. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 26500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:42.528345Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=16553054432356769165) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.018860Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:46.018964Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.052270Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.054679Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.098701Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.099152Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2121985631800148999, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.099382Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:46.114750Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2121985631800148999) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.115405Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=807422650769575832, path="/Root/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.115670Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:46.128273Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:140:2164], cookie=807422650769575832) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.129316Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 10539104588404561401. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:46.129394Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=10539104588404561401) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.129984Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceUpdate::Execute (sender=[5:149:2173], cookie=15067131519080157278, id=0, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 150 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.130169Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Updated quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:46.130344Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 150 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:46.142496Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceUpdate::Complete (sender=[5:149:2173], cookie=15067131519080157278) 2025-03-11T11:37:46.143040Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvUpdateConsumptionStateAck to [5:145:2169]. Cookie: 1239735232666902018. Data: { } 2025-03-11T11:37:46.143083Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Update quoter resources consumption state (sender=[5:145:2169], cookie=1239735232666902018) >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::ConditionalErase >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CopyTable >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedAsyncOnIndexedTable >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSucceedOnAsyncIndexedTable >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SetAttrs [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::Boot [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::ShadowDataEdgeCases [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildAsyncIndexShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesForgetClient [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedOnIndexedTable [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::IndexPartitioningIsPersisted [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SetAttrs [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.706957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.707075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.707262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:45.708580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.228344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:46.228592Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:46.352930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.359217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.360288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.442489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.443127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.448187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.448706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.463437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.470867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.471147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.471606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.472223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.472498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.474318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.542006Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.954129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.955426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.956393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.958071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.958807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.974513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.976264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:46.979389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.980459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.980706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:46.980935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.000580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.000670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.000717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:47.013491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.013743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.013978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.014376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.050585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:47.068108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:47.069885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:47.082614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.083381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.083847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.091787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:47.092135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.093539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.093614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.120973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.140119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.140970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.141186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ionSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:317:2308] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:47.608393Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.614555Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 1.52ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:47.617040Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 2 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrA1" Value: "ValA1" } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.638065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes AlterUserAttributes { PathName: "MyRoot" UserAttributes { Key: "AttrRoot" Value: "ValRoot" } } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.639876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterUserAttrs Propose, path: /MyRoot, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.640364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.640850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.641481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.654461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.655414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER USER ATTRIBUTES, path: MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:47.656566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.656794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterUserAttrs ProgressState, opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.657223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.657723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 103 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:47.668055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:103 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:47.669148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:37:47.672236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.672743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 103 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.673200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterUserAttrs HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 103:0, stepId:5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.675358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.675623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.676065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.676332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.676800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:47.677300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:47.677766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.678856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.679100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.679327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.679810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.680226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 103, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.680455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 6 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.691143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.691395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.693086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.693755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.697475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.698278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.698747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.699144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:37:47.699184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:47.699286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.708256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.710186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:47.710413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.713720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.714233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:47.714459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:336:2327] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:47.719982Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.722005Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 1.79ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:47.724457Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 2 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrRoot" Value: "ValRoot" } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::Boot [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.214995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.215641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:46.215904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:46.216105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:46.216362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:46.216782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:46.217172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:46.217253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:46.220177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.675584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:46.675839Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:46.746553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.748301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.749376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.903078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.903447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.904802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.905193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.908491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.910442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.910508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.910617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.910707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.910746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.911006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.927093Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.469668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.471365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.472314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.474957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.476320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.490150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.492788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:47.496106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.496998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.497634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:47.497853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.507948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.508564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.508962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:47.517495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.517550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.517585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.518413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.552957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:47.563111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:47.564695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:47.573444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.575308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.575737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.578785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.579521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.595949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.596382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.597123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.597340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.598306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.598780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:47.599867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.600104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.600581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.600807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.601217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:47.601855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.602099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.602317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.602765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:47.603181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.603426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.618476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.619592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.620039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.620294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:47.620732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.621428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.641295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.647319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::ShadowDataEdgeCases [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.448972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.449658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.545520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:42.545569Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:42.570326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.571360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.571860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.627099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.628147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.630588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.630827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.633394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.634948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.641100Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.017117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.018267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.019562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.021327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.021796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.039627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.042063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:43.043301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.043855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.044202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:43.044245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.053173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.053217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.053248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:43.054754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.054792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.054832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.054886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.070546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:43.087894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:43.089196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:43.101574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.102486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.102888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.105315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:43.105533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.106894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.107519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.122345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.122540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.123214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.123794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.124247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.124785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:43.125664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.125712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.125751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.126350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.126545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.126724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.127038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.127226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.127428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.127943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.128130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.148304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.148744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.149114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... tId, TxId: 109, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.559661Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: PREPARED TxId: 109 MinStep: 5000008 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 159500 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409548 CpuTimeUsec: 964 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.560517Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TConfigureParts operationId# 109:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: PREPARED TxId: 109 MinStep: 5000008 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 159500 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409548 CpuTimeUsec: 964 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.566553Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.566824Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186233409548, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, operationId: 109:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.567058Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 109:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:48.580052Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.581097Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.581335Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 109:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.582064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 109 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.582581Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409548 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 109 MinStep: 5000008 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:48.602018Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 109:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:109 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:48.602960Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 109, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 109 at step: 5000008 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000008 State->FrontStep: 5000007 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 109 at step: 5000008 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409548 for txId: 109 at step: 5000008 2025-03-11T11:37:48.611737Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000008, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.612510Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 109 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 8589936748 } } Step: 5000008 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.613209Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 109:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 109:0, stepId: 5000008, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.614412Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 109:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:48.615533Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000008 State->FrontStep: 5000008 2025-03-11T11:37:48.670555Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.670997Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 109, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:37:48.671905Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.672486Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 109, path id: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:48.674539Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.675430Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 109:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.686074Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.686774Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.687005Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.687456Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 109, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:48.688339Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:48.688726Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 109, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.746851Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.756592Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 109 Step: 5000008 OrderId: 109 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409548 CpuTimeUsec: 3701 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.756857Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 109, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.757799Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 109 Step: 5000008 OrderId: 109 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409548 CpuTimeUsec: 3701 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.758097Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 109 Step: 5000008 OrderId: 109 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409548 CpuTimeUsec: 3701 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.767116Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 674 RawX2: 8589937221 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 109 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.767620Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 109, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.769310Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 674 RawX2: 8589937221 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 109 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.774223Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 109:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.774992Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 109:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 674 RawX2: 8589937221 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 109 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.775386Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 109:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, datashard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.775770Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.776144Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 109:0, datashard: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.776570Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 109:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:48.791565Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.803903Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.805618Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.805867Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 109:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:48.814608Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#109:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.814839Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 109 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.815150Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#109:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.815325Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 109 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.815496Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 109, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:48.815940Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [2:334:2313] message: TxId: 109 2025-03-11T11:37:48.816132Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 109 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.816327Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 109:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.816513Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 109:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.816940Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.829533Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 109: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:48.829773Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 109: satisfy waiter [2:781:2726] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 109 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildAsyncIndexShouldSucceed [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.429879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:44.430541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.552103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:44.552399Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:44.625674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.628162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.628743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.692131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.693915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.698290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.699228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.705230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.709041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.709737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.709986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.712035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.792756Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.264529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.264754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.264958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.265175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.265227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.267622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.267770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:45.267956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:45.279590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.279752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.279798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:45.287605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.287844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.288248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.289058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.306599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:45.316860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:45.317573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:45.325336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.325827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.326581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.328271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:45.328342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.329049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.329587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.340476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.340881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.341593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.341650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.342217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.342423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:45.343647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.343858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.344061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.344279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.344677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:45.345052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.345268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.345830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.346275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:45.346720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.347093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:45.361646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.362491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.362874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 4, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:47.810521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710760:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710760 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:47.810805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710760, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:47.810942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710760, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.811175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710760, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:47.811206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710760, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710760 at step: 5000006 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000006 State->FrontStep: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710760 at step: 5000006 2025-03-11T11:37:47.812015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000006, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.812534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710760 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000006 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.812779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropLock TPropose opId# 281474976710760:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000006 2025-03-11T11:37:47.813396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710760:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:47.822855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710760:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.822906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710760:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:47.822971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710760, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:123:2149] message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.823842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:47.830781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:47.831051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:47.831450Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfoId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:47.831540Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfo: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:47.838106Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:37:47.838193Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:47.838428Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: Change state from Unlocking to Done 2025-03-11T11:37:47.849416Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:37:47.849868Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Done, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:47.850107Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 102, subscribers count# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.850577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:47.850821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:472:2433] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:47.853837Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.865858Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 11.9ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:47.872418Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CreateTable >> IndexBuildTest::DropIndex [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestQuoterAccountResourcesForgetClient [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:31.714701Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:31.715564Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:31.806966Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:31.812649Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:31.862456Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:31.917322Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=5699873386011824254, path="/Res", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: -100 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.919636Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=5699873386011824254) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.923420Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:138:2162], cookie=7217790371654757400, path="/ResWithoutMaxUnitsPerSecond", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.924035Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:138:2162], cookie=7217790371654757400) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.927047Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:141:2165], cookie=14268546548945053374, path="/ResWithMaxUnitsPerSecond", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.928616Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "ResWithMaxUnitsPerSecond" 2025-03-11T11:37:31.963984Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:141:2165], cookie=14268546548945053374) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.967536Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[1:146:2170], cookie=4292876661249466161, path="/ResWithMaxUnitsPerSecond/ChildWithoutMaxUnitsPerSecond", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:31.968772Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "ResWithMaxUnitsPerSecond/ChildWithoutMaxUnitsPerSecond" 2025-03-11T11:37:31.990317Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[1:146:2170], cookie=4292876661249466161) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.858557Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.858649Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.898976Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.900077Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.939544Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.941466Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=1159345032997817970, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 PrefetchCoefficient: 300 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.943144Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.961018Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=1159345032997817970) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.963209Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=14732153526353139782, path="/Root/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.964418Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.986638Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[2:141:2165], cookie=14732153526353139782) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.999041Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [2:146:2170]. Cookie: 2012203821050032907. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 300 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 2 Version: "version" Schema: "schema" CloudId: "cloud" FolderId: "folder" ResourceId: "resource" SourceId: "source" Tags { key: "key" value: "value" } } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:32.999542Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[2:146:2170], cookie=2012203821050032907) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.007143Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [2:146:2170]. Cookie: 9887750373528496382. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 AcceptedUs: 29000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:33.007214Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[2:146:2170], cookie=9887750373528496382) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.498157Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.498363Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.522266Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.522511Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.552659Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.553070Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=10337533879513800209, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.553380Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.566703Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=10337533879513800209) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.567772Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[3:139:2163], cookie=16937546245279841186, path="/Root/Res", config={ }) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.568218Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 2 "Root/Res" 2025-03-11T11:37:36.580663Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[3:139:2163], cookie=16937546245279841186) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.581461Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [3:144:2168]. Cookie: 2318802807962367950. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 2 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 2 ResourcePath: "Root/Res" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.581511Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[3:144:2168], cookie=2318802807962367950) 2025-03-11T11:37:36.581978Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [3:144:2168]. Cookie: 7570706612876453112. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 2 AcceptedUs: 1018000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:36.582021Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[3:144:2168], cookie=7570706612876453112) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.769832Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:39.769970Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.811066Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.811231Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.845276Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.846225Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=11680255023716864623, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.847175Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:39.863596Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=11680255023716864623) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.865032Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [4:139:2163]. Cookie: 8557080518527239630. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.865213Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=8557080518527239630) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.866212Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [4:139:2163]. Cookie: 8802305892989659865. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 1016500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.866386Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=8802305892989659865) 2025-03-11T11:37:39.867355Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [4:139:2163]. Cookie: 7468185710977940523. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 1016500 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:39.867461Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[4:139:2163], cookie=7468185710977940523) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.384021Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:42.384128Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.407400Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.409853Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437016Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437433Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2937700797788576745, path="/Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437749Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:42.451856Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2937700797788576745) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452603Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:141:2165]. Cookie: 1931536859396712669. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452644Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=1931536859396712669) 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452974Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [5:141:2165]. Cookie: 15508052801879786163. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 3000000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:42.453007Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[5:141:2165], cookie=15508052801879786163) 2025-03-11T11:37:45.109738Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:172:2189]. Cookie: 2008245707319212474. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:45.109787Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:172:2189], cookie=2008245707319212474) 2025-03-11T11:37:45.111265Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [5:172:2189]. Cookie: 6171430358764959933. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 9000000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:45.111295Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[5:172:2189], cookie=6171430358764959933) 2025-03-11T11:37:47.474853Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [5:199:2215]. Cookie: 4629766549315840305. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 300 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 PrefetchCoefficient: 1 } AccountingConfig { Enabled: true ReportPeriodMs: 1000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 2 ProvisionedUnitsPerSecond: 100 ProvisionedCoefficient: 1 OvershootCoefficient: 1 Provisioned { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } OnDemand { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } Overshoot { Enabled: true BillingPeriodSec: 2 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:47.475108Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[5:199:2215], cookie=4629766549315840305) 2025-03-11T11:37:47.477132Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvAccountResourcesAck to [5:199:2215]. Cookie: 16499796314339433130. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 AcceptedUs: 15000000 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:47.477161Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Account quoter resources (sender=[5:199:2215], cookie=16499796314339433130) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedOnIndexedTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.693657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.695212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:45.695627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.961847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:45.961915Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:46.034676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.036995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.042218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.138238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.138483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.139132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.139406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.144930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.153355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.153435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.153590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.153632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.154220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.156107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.199658Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.565778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.566024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.566227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.566480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.566549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.574720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.576340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:46.582369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.582612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.582939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:46.583188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:46.601150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.601396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.601808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:46.611540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.611600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.611817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.612653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.629736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:46.638641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:46.639069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.640937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.646181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.646549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.647276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.647408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.647881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.648043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:46.648732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.648853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.648985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:46.649822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.650181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:46.663374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.664400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.664617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 11141 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:48.099796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.100069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.101194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.106033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.106869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.107573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:2, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.108040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.108308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:2, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.108777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:2 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:48.119563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.119603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.120133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.120373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.120652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.120927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.120952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.121180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.121649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:48.134797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.135299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.153315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.153406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.153700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.153764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.155358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.158885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.158926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:2 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:48.160052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.160264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.160471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.160723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.161141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:48.166504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.167868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.167903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:48.167958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.168184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.168226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.168245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.168883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:48.169139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:378:2346] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.169551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.169970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.170192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.171696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:48.171933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.171950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.171973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.171989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.172220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.172256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.183527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:48.183963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:379:2347] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:48.192089Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.198220Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 1.87ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:48.201037Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByExpireAt" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "modified_at" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterDetach [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterReboot ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::IndexPartitioningIsPersisted [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.333849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.334129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.421920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:42.421973Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.437968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.451896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.452989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.458756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.460602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.471366Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.794160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.795019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.795869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.798007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.798397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.815203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.816948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.818367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.818750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.819492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.819672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.843253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.843656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.843855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.860266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.860520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.860916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.861168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.891543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.906454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.907553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.910149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.910645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.918484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.920458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.920836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.929808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.930804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.956307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.956529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.957374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.957765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.965631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.966218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.967210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.967249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.967302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.967535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.967731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.968091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.968284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.968465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.968704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.968890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.969051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.988320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.988819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.989456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... sion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "Index" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.909658Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.911009Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/Index" took 1.99ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:48.914455Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Index" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTableIndex CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableIndexVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateAlter Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } TableIndex { Name: "Index" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 3 MaxPartitionsCount: 3 } } } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.918493Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.920542Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable" took 2.84ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:48.924682Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "value" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 3 MaxPartitionsCount: 3 } } SplitBoundary { KeyPrefix { Tuple { Optional { Text: "alice" } } Tuple { } } } SplitBoundary { KeyPrefix { Tuple { Optional { Text: "bob" } } Tuple { } } } TableSchemaVersion: 2 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "\002\000\005\000\000\000alice\000\000\000\200" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409547 } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "\002\000\003\000\000\000bob\000\000\000\200" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409548 } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409549 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 3 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeout [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeoutTooBig >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccess >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldFailOnSimultaneousDropColumnAndEnableTTL [GOOD] |75.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/ydb-core-base-ut_board_subscriber |75.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/ydb-core-base-ut_board_subscriber |75.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/ydb-core-base-ut_board_subscriber >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTableNegative_UnknownColumn ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::DropIndex [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.761695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.838764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:41.838817Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:41.851080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.851527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.851691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.864196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.864399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.864939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.865209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.873202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.874776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.881209Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.019513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.019714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.019917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.020165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.020221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.022782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.031063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.031146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.031357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.034227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.034290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.034349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.034413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.039571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.042112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.042321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.043488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.043649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.043712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.044024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.044086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.044251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.044348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.047967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.048001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.048030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.048100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.048142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.048175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.051564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.051705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.051749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 409550, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.840523Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 105:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:50.850870Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.850936Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 105:1 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:50.852033Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:1 progress is 1/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.852270Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.852883Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:1 progress is 1/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.853117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.853564Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/3, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.854479Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.854513Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 105:2 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.854568Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 105:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.854594Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 105:2, datashard: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.854826Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 105:2 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:50.856000Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.856507Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.856726Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.856947Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:50.857362Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:50.858920Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.859216Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.859243Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.859265Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 8], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:50.859289Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 8] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860106Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 15 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860162Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 15 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860386Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860492Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 15 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860516Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.862221Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.862482Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.862504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.871631Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.871909Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.871937Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.872301Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.872562Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.872825Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.872850Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:50.872879Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:50.873170Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:50.883098Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.883335Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 105:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.884153Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:50.884958Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.885156Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.885359Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.885555Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.885750Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:50.886612Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.886645Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 105:2 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887015Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887080Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:2 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887102Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887129Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:2 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887149Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887170Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887342Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [2:412:2369] message: TxId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887566Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.887787Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.888008Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.888334Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.888784Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.888812Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.889059Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 8] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.889081Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.889096Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.889120Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.892180Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.892485Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.892532Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.892756Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.892991Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.907575Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:50.920041Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:50.920343Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:935:2859] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtAlter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SpecialAttributes [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireTimeout [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSharedBlocked >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildIndexShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::TtlTiersValidation >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsDropIndex [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldFailOnSimultaneousDropColumnAndEnableTTL [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.793656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.793757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.793800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:50.793834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:50.793873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.794437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.794531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.794644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.795048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.175091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.175574Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.237134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.243450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.244119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.287197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.289377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.292336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.292700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.296675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.298736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.306088Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.559789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.560665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.561217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.561813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.561980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.564522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.564686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:51.564917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.564986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.565025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:51.565060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:51.567543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.567631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.567686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:51.569546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.569592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.569631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.569691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.573859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:51.575966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:51.576146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.577907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.578021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.580956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.581037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.581082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.581119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:51.583697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.583824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.583868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 78944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:37:51.791815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.791929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.791998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at tablet: 72057594046678944, stepId: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:37:51.792134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:51.792274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.792347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.801083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.801168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.801200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.801281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:51.801321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:51.802430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:51.803038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1237 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:51.803070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.803164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1237 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:51.803248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1237 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.804688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:51.807862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.808126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.808596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.808997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.809923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:51.811576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:51.811617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:333:2312] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:51.814428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterTable AlterTable { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" DropColumns { Name: "modified_at" } TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" } } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.814656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, pathId: , opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.814963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Cannot enable TTL on dropped column: 'modified_at', at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.817009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Cannot enable TTL on dropped column: \'modified_at\'" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.817153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Cannot enable TTL on dropped column: 'modified_at', operation: ALTER TABLE, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::LegacyTtlSettingsNoTiers [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::MkDir [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::VariousUse [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::SpecialAttributes [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.801413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.801921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.802035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:50.802157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:50.802297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.802660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.802919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.803218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.805072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.347033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.347085Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.384284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.386810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.387802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.460555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.462042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.468726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.469224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.490474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.501277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.501432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.501673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.506237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.506379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.507306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.546855Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.977753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.990640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.992060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.994030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.994636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.028299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.030157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.033407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.034099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.034500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.034720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.052020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.052088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.052118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.057539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.057600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.057662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.057716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.062789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.071287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.072861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.074887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.077929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.080259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.080368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.080407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 3-11T11:37:52.165173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.165589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.166736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.167217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.167454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.168268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.173438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.174252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.174653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.174875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:52.175331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.179271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.179764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.179791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.180011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.180042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.180107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:52.202633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.203788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:37:52.206508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.207391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.208030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000002, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.208812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.213994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.214286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.223100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.238405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.260988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:37:52.261782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.266909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.267011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.267048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.267088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:52.267126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.267984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.268073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.268103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.268127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.268168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.268234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.296232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.312337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.331084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpMkDir MkDir { Name: "DirD" } AlterUserAttributes { UserAttributes { Key: "__extra_path_symbols_allowed" Value: "./_" } } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.332097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /MyRoot/DirD, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.332573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: UserAttributes: attribute '__extra_path_symbols_allowed' has invalid value './_', forbidden symbols are found, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.345827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "UserAttributes: attribute \'__extra_path_symbols_allowed\' has invalid value \'./_\', forbidden symbols are found" TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.347423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: UserAttributes: attribute '__extra_path_symbols_allowed' has invalid value './_', forbidden symbols are found, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /MyRoot/DirD TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtCreateDropOps [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtAlter [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.636142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.636627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.636835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:50.637016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:50.637173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.637425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.637558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.646294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.648594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.252649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.252914Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.300594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.301009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.301165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.322468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.322660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.325351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.326030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.336004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.337711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.344578Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.855258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.855443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.855640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.855849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.855903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.888453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.889341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:51.891217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.891496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.891785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:51.891926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:51.907562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.907877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.907974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:51.927735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.927789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.928094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.928442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.945047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:51.960924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:51.961713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.986625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.987086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.987879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.988154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.989318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.989605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:51.994433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.994867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.995508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.995728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.996167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.996614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.996821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.997040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.997508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:51.997778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.998073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.012916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.013797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.014075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... : tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.279750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.280186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:52.280411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:327:2318] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287851Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.291236Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 1.59ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:52.292811Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 2 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.295097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes AlterUserAttributes { PathName: "DirA" UserAttributes { Key: "AttrA2" Value: "ValA2" } } ApplyIf { PathId: 2 PathVersion: 4 } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.295261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterUserAttrs Propose, path: /MyRoot/DirA, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.295345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.295437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.295488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER USER ATTRIBUTES, path: /MyRoot/DirA 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterUserAttrs ProgressState, opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 103 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.303863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:103 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.304671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:37:52.315147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.315637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 103 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.315817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterUserAttrs HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 103:0, stepId:5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.316551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.316993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.326378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.326659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.326788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.327045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.327174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.327315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.327719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 103, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.327830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.336631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.336721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.337317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.337363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.338942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.339410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.339616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.339877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:52.340017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.340298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.371867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.373514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:52.373719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.377784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.390410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:52.390639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:344:2335] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:52.408288Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.409702Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 1.4ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:52.415338Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 3 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrA2" Value: "ValA2" } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeoutTooBig [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeoutInfinite >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableDuringSplit >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireLocks [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireRepeat ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::BuildIndexShouldSucceed [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:49.259672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:49.260284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:49.260503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:49.260720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:49.261148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:49.261368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:49.266231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:49.266761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:49.273346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.222070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:50.222499Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:50.330786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.331204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.331347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.374689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.374956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.375628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.375952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.400214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.424141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.424415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.424695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.425122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.425577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.442001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.487199Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.821784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.822063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.822266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.822472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.822539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.833194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.834601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:50.836588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.836981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.837185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:50.837419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.860874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:50.881244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.881318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.882072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.882278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.901119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:50.913268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:50.914680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:50.921703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.922936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.923178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.925396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:50.925649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.927265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.927989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.951679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.952597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.953351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.953843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.958298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:50.958785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:50.959694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.959734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.959788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.960151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.960408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.960643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.961064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.961676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.966062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:50.966508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:50.966775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:50.997707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.001674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.001939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:52.657850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710760:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710760 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.658139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710760, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.658428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710760, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.658452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710760, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:52.658478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710760, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710760 at step: 5000006 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000006 State->FrontStep: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710760 at step: 5000006 2025-03-11T11:37:52.659396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000006, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.659909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710760 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000006 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.660378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropLock TPropose opId# 281474976710760:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000006 2025-03-11T11:37:52.660806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710760:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710760:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710760:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710760, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:52.670869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:123:2149] message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:52.671114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.671141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.671161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.671398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:52.687953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:52.688029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:37:52.688300Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfoId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.688763Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfo: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:52.699678Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.699771Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:52.700259Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: Change state from Unlocking to Done 2025-03-11T11:37:52.715638Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.715912Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: UserDefinedIndexByValue, IndexColumn: value, State: Done, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:383:2355], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:52.716329Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 102, subscribers count# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.716801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:52.717241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:472:2433] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:52.725133Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.730942Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 5.64ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:52.734912Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableWithIndexDuringSplit >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccessOnSimultaneousAddColumnAndEnableTTL >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedAsyncOnIndexedTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsDropIndex [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.026847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.026963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.027613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.116499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:42.116561Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:42.128844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.129307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.129486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.142674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.142914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.143541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.143809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.146637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.147937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.147999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.148098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.148141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.148177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.148357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.154537Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.289730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.289957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.290145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.290362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.290437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.296586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.296746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.296968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.297031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.297075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.297124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.306676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.306762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.306802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.314107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.314173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.314217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.314288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.325066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.330731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.330943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.332800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.334989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.335986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.336019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.338563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.338683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.338726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... RDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 107 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409547 for txId: 107 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:37:52.190792Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.191311Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 107 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 8589936748 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.191791Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TPropose operationId# 107:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.192309Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 128 -> 136 2025-03-11T11:37:52.207113Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.207573Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TWaitRenamedPathPublication operationId: 107:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxDropTable, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.207826Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TWaitRenamedPathPublication operationId: 107:0 ProgressState, no renaming has been detected for this operation 2025-03-11T11:37:52.208042Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 136 -> 137 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.213697Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 107 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 107 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 2153 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:52.213749Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 107, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.213872Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 107 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 107 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 2153 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:52.214405Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 107 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 107 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 2153 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:52.217653Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 8589936902 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 5 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.217952Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 107, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.218879Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 8589936902 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 5 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.219303Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TDeleteTableBarrier operationId: 107:0 HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, save it, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.228602Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.229081Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TDeleteTableBarrier operationId: 107:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxDropTable, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.229152Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Set barrier, OperationId: 107:0, name: RenamePathBarrier, done: 0, blocked: 1, parts count: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.229195Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 107, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.230081Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TDeleteTableBarrier operationId: 107:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier, msg: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier { TxId: 107 Name: RenamePathBarrier }, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.230381Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 137 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:52.231367Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.231844Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:52.233416Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.233708Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.237449Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.237744Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.238538Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.239373Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.239824Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.240108Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.240186Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.240837Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.241125Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.241550Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 107:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.241799Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.250730Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.251413Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.251830Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.252089Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:37:52.252300Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.258839Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.259170Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.259201Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.259233Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:52.259261Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:52.259520Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:52.270391Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.270583Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 107:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.271288Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:52.271766Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.271984Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272166Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272319Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272454Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272678Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [2:376:2344] message: TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272926Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.273064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.273295Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.273518Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.278474Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.281000Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:37:52.283595Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:52.283649Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [2:581:2541] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::LegacyTtlSettingsNoTiers [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.798960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.799969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.887120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.887189Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.900206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.900664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.900812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.913199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.913424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.914147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.914462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.918171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.919831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.927105Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.288288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.289079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.291309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.291373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.302808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.302957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.303168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.303217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.303260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.303291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.314262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.314493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.314828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.317972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.318027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.321691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.324170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.324350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:52.325393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.325531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.325582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.325859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.325933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.326082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.326214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.328994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.329025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.331347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.331467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.331506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... Step5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:37:53.910629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.911130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.912644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.917990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.918049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.918587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.919399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.919674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.945111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.946043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.946286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.948354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:53.948845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.953044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.953599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.953837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.961969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.962028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:53.962330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:53.968845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 14228 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:53.968890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.969236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 14228 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:53.969708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 14228 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.977340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.977737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.981519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.981600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.981643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.981688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.981737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:53.991615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.991956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.994420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.994985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.995911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.996044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.997815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:53.997865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:333:2312] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:53.998475Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.998691Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 247us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:53.999149Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::MkDir [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.548843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.062521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:52.062783Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:52.092102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.092509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.092687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.109206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.109396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.110056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.110310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.127488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.139873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.140130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.140385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.141072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.141330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.142869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.237848Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.792691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.793946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.794904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.796991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.797913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.827160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.828678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.831435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.832548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.832832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.833068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.868684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.868970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.869460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.916573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.916799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.917021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.917321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.937665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.952033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.953469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:52.974227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.975011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.975473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.977562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.982385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.984204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.985084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.017846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.018149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.019294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.019575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.020513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.020776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:53.021726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.026007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.026479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.026703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.027367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:53.028268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.028491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.028720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.028981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.029198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.029413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.095770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.096976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.097211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... .386757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:54.389719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 100, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.405529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.405767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: satisfy waiter [1:377:2368] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.407512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.408253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.408299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.408320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:377:2368] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.408811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.408836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:377:2368] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.409574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.418999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:377:2368] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 100 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419572Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419754Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 202us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.420207Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 8 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 8 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 6 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirB" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.420722Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.420900Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 155us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.421195Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 5 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "SubDirA" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrA1" Value: "ValA1" } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrA2" Value: "ValA2" } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.421758Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirB" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.424630Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirB" took 156us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.425298Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrB1" Value: "ValB1" } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrB2" Value: "ValB2" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.430667Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.431670Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA" took 934us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.432810Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "SubDirA" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirB" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000005 ParentPathId: 4 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrAA1" Value: "ValAA1" } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrAA2" Value: "ValAA2" } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.434528Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA/DirB" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.436294Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA/DirB" took 943us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.437355Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/SubDirA/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000005 ParentPathId: 4 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrAB1" Value: "ValAB1" } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrAB2" Value: "ValAB2" } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::VariousUse [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:50.492634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:50.493835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:50.494744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:50.496868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.143348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.143615Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.241043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.243088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.244642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.348928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.349204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.349873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.350183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.371588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.389087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.389370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.391861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.392465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.392705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.394572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.457372Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.152988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.157219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.158221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.160443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.169956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.189317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.193131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.203030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.203736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.204180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.204609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.224281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.225331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.225553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.242471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.242763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.242998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.243709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.264279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.270626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.270820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:52.271816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.271956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.272597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.281504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.281955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.286107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.286365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.287907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.288535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.288973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.289424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.289874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.296702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.296928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.297908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.320530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.321097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.321323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 112:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 112:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 112, publications: 3, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 112, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 9 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 112, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 7 2025-03-11T11:37:54.442644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 112, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:54.443412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.444531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.446647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.447316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.447426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.447460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.447505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:37:54.447562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.448993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.449973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.450054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.451654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.451956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.453434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.453514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 112, wait until txId: 112 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.453948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:54.453999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.454538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 112, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.454645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.454681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: satisfy waiter [1:494:2485] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 112 2025-03-11T11:37:54.458776Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirB" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.460072Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirB" took 618us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.461397Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000008 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 6 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "AttrB1" Value: "ValB1" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 113 2025-03-11T11:37:54.469820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpRmDir Drop { Name: "DirB" } ApplyIf { PathId: 2 PathVersion: 8 } ApplyIf { PathId: 3 PathVersion: 7 } ApplyIf { PathId: 4 PathVersion: 3 } } TxId: 113 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.470410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TRmDir Propose, path: /MyRoot/DirB, pathId: 0, opId: 113:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.470854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 113:1, propose status:StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: fail user constraint: ApplyIf section: no path with id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.476998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 113, response: Status: StatusPreconditionFailed Reason: "fail user constraint: ApplyIf section: no path with id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4]" TxId: 113 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.477443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 113, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: fail user constraint: ApplyIf section: no path with id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], operation: DROP DIRECTORY, path: /MyRoot/DirB TestModificationResult got TxId: 113, wait until txId: 113 >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSucceedOnAsyncIndexedTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/unittest >> TSchemeShardUserAttrsTest::UserConditionsAtCreateDropOps [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.499395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.499697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.499940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:51.500351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:51.500510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.500755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.501098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.501476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.503142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.956225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.956276Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:52.060745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.061251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.061406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.111706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.111925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.112595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.112893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.135317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.150128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.150389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.150837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.151327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.151763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.153534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.247349Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.894574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.895845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.897266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.906405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.907068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.929849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.939420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.943733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.944398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.944662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.945321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.972692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.972977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.973231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.985126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.985176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.985867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.986310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.012160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:53.024427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:53.026271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:53.044790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.045515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.046153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.048852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:53.049114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.059432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.066727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.097635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.097877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.102726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.103396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.104137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.104583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:53.105490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.106203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.106435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.106687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.107125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:53.107839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.108064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.108296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.113730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.113943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.114117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.142949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.143714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.150051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 5 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:54.297147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 105, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 105 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 105 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:37:54.297956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 105 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 105:0, step: 5000005, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 105, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 11 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:54.301556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.301664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.303815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.304997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.305024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.305056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:37:54.305084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.305140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.306413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.306865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.307159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.337001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.337179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.339279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.339599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:37:54.339642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.340199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.340297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.340333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [1:396:2387] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 2025-03-11T11:37:54.341094Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirC" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.341286Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirC" took 193us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:37:54.341473Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/DirC\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/DirC" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.342911Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.343137Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 202us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.343597Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 11 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 11 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 9 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: "DirB" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSharedBlocked [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireTimeoutAfterReboot ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceedAsyncOnIndexedTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.909874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.910015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.910309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.133033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:52.133446Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:52.252848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.262282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.263134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.396674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.398399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.410844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.411835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.443095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.455285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.455974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.456274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.456511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.456550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.458818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.557587Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.801858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.802860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.804089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.813986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.814466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.841798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.847722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:53.849600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.850247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.850478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:53.850898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.890280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.890348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.890392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:53.901564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.901805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.902046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.902486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.937725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:53.973965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:53.974952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.976795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.982897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.982965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.983845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:53.990398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.990529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:53.990569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ndleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 7230 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:54.866952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.866991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 321 RawX2: 4294969601 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:2, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:2, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.867417Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:2 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.868757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:54.873172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.873394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.883750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.884152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.884384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.884890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.890807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:2 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.891645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:378:2346] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.892986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.893020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.893049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.893068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.893114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.900795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:54.900868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:379:2347] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:54.901407Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.901670Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 271us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:54.902149Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByExpireAt" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "modified_at" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireRepeat [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireDowngrade >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTableNegative_UnknownColumn [GOOD] |75.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolBeforeDroppingTablet >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolAndCreateOneMore >> TStorageTenantTest::DeclareAndDefine >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreTimeoutInfinite [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreRebootTimeout ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSucceedOnAsyncIndexedTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.329819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.329958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.330676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.961662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:52.961719Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:53.095082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.097634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.106895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.189133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.190975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.194710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.196053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.226066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.246253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.246572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.247061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.247320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.247795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.249833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.340752Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.111555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.111797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.112008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.112219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.112278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.126107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.127091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:54.128871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.129292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.129512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:54.129719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.152292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.152347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.152814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:54.166576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.166626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.166665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.166711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.174805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:54.197388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:54.199234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:54.209785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.218591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.218804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.220413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:54.220773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.222429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.223059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.235005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.235859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.236608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.237041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.237497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.237941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:54.239050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.239486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.239708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.239934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.240165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:54.240559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.241229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.242724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.243011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.243453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.243684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.260763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.261398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.261608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... AKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409547 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 102:0, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.392277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:55.392433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:37:55.402879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.402941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.403257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.403302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:55.403974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:37:55.404921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:55.412188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.428138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 4544 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:55.428191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.428321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 4544 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:55.428448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 4544 } } FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 324 RawX2: 4294969603 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.429826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:55.438799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:378:2346] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.439916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.440037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:55.441958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:55.442007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:507:2432] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:55.442549Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.442776Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 251us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:55.443264Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByExpireAt" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "modified_at" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 2 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::TtlTiersValidation [GOOD] |75.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_populator >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterUnregister [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestStopResourceAllocationWhenPipeDestroyed |75.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_populator ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTableNegative_UnknownColumn [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.662963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.663049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.663121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.663416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.745132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:55.745189Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:55.765368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.765438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.765539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.790872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.796224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.796848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.797224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.839359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.840657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.840731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.840836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.840886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.840925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.841119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.865318Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.138068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.138300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.138491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.138722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.138784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.143958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.144711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:56.145463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.145710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.145833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:56.145968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.153185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.153269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.153463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:56.157393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.157462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.157519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.157582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.161551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:56.165660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:56.166368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:56.168426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.168576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.168628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.168931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:56.168994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.169174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.169251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.171541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.171600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.171795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.171864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.171956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.172590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.180972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.181550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.182778Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:37:56.210035Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [1:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:37:56.212875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable CreateColumnTable { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Schema { Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" NotNull: true } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" } KeyColumnNames: "key" } TtlSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "created_at" } } } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.213226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateColumnTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.213530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Incorrect ttl column - not found in scheme, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.214506Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:37:56.217379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Incorrect ttl column - not found in scheme" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.217564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Incorrect ttl column - not found in scheme, operation: CREATE COLUMN TABLE, path: /MyRoot/ 2025-03-11T11:37:56.218338Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateDummyTabletsInDifferentDomains >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccess [GOOD] |75.3%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_user_attributes/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_populator >> VectorIndexBuildTest::VectorIndexDescriptionIsPersisted [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireDowngrade [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaSessionTimeout >> TStorageTenantTest::Boot >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateSolomonInsideSubDomain >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccessOnSimultaneousAddColumnAndEnableTTL [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestStopResourceAllocationWhenPipeDestroyed [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::TtlTiersValidation [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.814999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815417Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.904172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:55.904233Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:55.938720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.938827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.938978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.954781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.966139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.966816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.967167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.994760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.996639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.009866Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.176472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.176716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.176909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.177202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.186921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.187135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:56.187319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.187375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.187432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:56.187464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.189531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.189590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.189632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:56.191842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.191906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.191953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.192009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.195597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:56.197591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:56.197743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:56.198735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.198855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.198931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.199188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:56.199240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.199439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.199509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.201598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.201641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.201850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.201916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.202544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.204952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.205080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.205114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 6.456709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.458122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.458340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.458560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.458759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.459366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.472586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.473244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.475080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.475263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:56.475750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:56.479654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:56.480876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 5442 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.480912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.481194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 5442 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.481725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 5442 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.499249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.499513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.500537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.501076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.502119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.503146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.503347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.503381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.503416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:56.532926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.533684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.541010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.541827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.542950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.551915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:56.552172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:333:2312] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:56.590546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterTable AlterTable { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 7200 Delete { } } } } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.592349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, pathId: , opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.594990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Tier 0: only the last tier in TTL settings can have Delete action, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.607388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Tier 0: only the last tier in TTL settings can have Delete action" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.607540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Tier 0: only the last tier in TTL settings can have Delete action, operation: ALTER TABLE, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:37:56.610271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterTable AlterTable { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 EvictToExternalStorage { Storage: "/Root/abc" } } Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 7200 Delete { } } } } } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.610478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, pathId: , opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.610735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Only DELETE via TTL is allowed for row-oriented tables, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.615438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Only DELETE via TTL is allowed for row-oriented tables" TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.615571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Only DELETE via TTL is allowed for row-oriented tables, operation: ALTER TABLE, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 >> TStorageTenantTest::GenericCases >> AssignTxId::Basic [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccess [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.470736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.579537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:55.579625Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:55.599034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.599439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.599611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.629330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.629550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.630168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.630447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.638408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.639675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.639737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.639823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.639871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.639911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.640113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.653796Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.781479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.781694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.781930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.782151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.782209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.784848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.785010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:55.785243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.785299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.785331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:55.785366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:55.790839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.790887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.790925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:55.794229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.794311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.794376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.794435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.798168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:55.800869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:55.801047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.802815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.815999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.816342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:55.821520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.821654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.821694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ationId: 104:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:104 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:56.514082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 104, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 104 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 104 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 104 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:37:56.514489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.514616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.514675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 104:0, stepId: 5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.514967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:56.515102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:37:56.526362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.526613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.528324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.528371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.528664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.528707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 104:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:56.529867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:56.532983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.553120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 3805 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.553376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.553915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 3805 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.554416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 3805 } } FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.559301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.559509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.560332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.560846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.561760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.562281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.562515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.562957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 104:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.562997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:56.577717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.592607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.600850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.601122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:56.602068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.602300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.602530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.602802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.603201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:56.603852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.604099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.604502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.604724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.605346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.608880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:56.608934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:440:2412] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 2025-03-11T11:37:56.609491Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.609744Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 235us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:56.610883Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TTLSettings { Disabled { } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> VectorIndexBuildTest::VectorIndexDescriptionIsPersisted [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:43.901987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:43.902039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:43.902098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.902303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.143335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:44.143558Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:44.198337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.200339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.201123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.261722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.262346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.266264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.266697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.281132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.286788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.286992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.287566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.287720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.287874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.288269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.313466Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.549680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.550208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.550697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.552026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.552267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.569714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.571459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:44.573077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.573602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.574199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:44.574416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:44.591583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.591861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.592097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:44.604937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.605003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.605420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.605854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.638592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:44.659811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:44.663218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:44.683232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.684066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.684403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.689208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:44.689489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.690765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.691478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.702633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.702837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.703711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.703914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.704629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.705307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:44.706354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.706785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.707041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.707090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.707332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:44.707577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.707816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.708933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:44.729238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.730255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.730697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... athId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.775162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.777948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.778590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.779468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.779946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.780216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.782108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.782369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.782962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.784491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.785459Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: AddShardStatus id# 102 shard 72057594046678944:11 range { From: -inf, To: inf } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.785717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.786148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.786193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.806199Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:37:56.806291Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree, IndexName: by_embedding, IndexColumn: embedding, DataColumns: covered, State: Done, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 0, CreateSender: [0:0:0], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976720765, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976720766, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:37:56.806522Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 102, subscribers count# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.821028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.821298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.822344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:56.822390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.822424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.826836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:4186:5648] sender: [1:4248:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.883148Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/by_embedding" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.883587Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/vectors/by_embedding" took 467us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:56.887154Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/by_embedding" PathDescription { Self { Name: "by_embedding" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTableIndex CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 8 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 8 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 5 TableIndexVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "indexImplLevelTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeVectorKmeansTreeIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: "indexImplPostingTable" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeVectorKmeansTreeIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } TableIndex { Name: "by_embedding" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "embedding" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataColumnNames: "covered" DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 3 MaxPartitionsCount: 3 } } } IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 3 MaxPartitionsCount: 3 } } } VectorIndexKmeansTreeDescription { Settings { settings { metric: DISTANCE_COSINE vector_type: VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT vector_dimension: 1024 } clusters: 4 levels: 5 } } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_cluster_discovery-ut |75.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_cluster_discovery-ut |75.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_cluster_discovery-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestStopResourceAllocationWhenPipeDestroyed [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.313056Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.313164Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.332472Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.332903Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.361844Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.042561Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:36.042646Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.104148Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.104567Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.148757Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.049784Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:37.049918Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.067258Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.067399Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.092281Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.092798Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=2248409574583273238, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.092967Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:37.104879Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=2248409574583273238, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.105479Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:138:2162], cookie=11318904531820091325) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.105579Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:138:2162], cookie=11318904531820091325) 2025-03-11T11:37:37.416563Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.428597Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.686593Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.698135Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.945436Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.958107Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.206763Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.218710Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.485352Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.498961Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.781806Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.797646Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.054503Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.074741Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.350343Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.370613Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.658720Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.680546Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.006256Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.033355Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.326347Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.345910Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.658300Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.679508Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.982193Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.998948Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.297318Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.310725Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.626231Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.642964Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.967305Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.990196Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.285433Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.300866Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.581795Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.606744Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.890359Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.915622Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.270620Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.295935Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.603440Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.620445Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.884090Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.896527Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.167602Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.183729Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.441839Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.454971Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.747664Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.771385Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.138636Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.157792Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.470528Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.491009Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.777636Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.811272Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.103223Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.127195Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.478887Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.499699Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.811062Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.833731Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.154578Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.179560Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.498391Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.526889Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.818825Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.843464Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.154677Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.191177Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.494721Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.518473Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.850736Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.878936Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:49.186228Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:49.215156Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:49.528935Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:49.547066Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:49.918725Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:49.947052Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.268655Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.298948Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.614465Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.636977Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:50.945819Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:50.971176Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.283829Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.308175Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.652501Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.674863Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.970487Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.994695Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.302801Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.320906Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.634356Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:52.658786Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:52.982341Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.006464Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.346227Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.366798Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.670589Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.687309Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.974563Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.987928Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.298404Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.318894Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.606296Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.624480Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.920436Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.939071Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.232466Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.259266Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.526169Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.544347Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.832746Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.854506Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.125030Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:56.142676Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.502028Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:56.502295Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.523766Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:56.538570Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[3:470:2477], cookie=7526884341348437581) 2025-03-11T11:37:56.538764Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[3:470:2477], cookie=7526884341348437581) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.880954Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:57.881301Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:57.914311Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:57.914438Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:57.945073Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:57.952168Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=5582891851130451774, path="Root", config={ MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 }) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.952484Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new quoter resource 1 "Root" 2025-03-11T11:37:57.966764Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxQuoterResourceAdd::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=5582891851130451774) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.969259Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [4:138:2162]. Cookie: 0. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.969339Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[4:138:2162], cookie=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.969602Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvSubscribeOnResourcesResult to [4:140:2164]. Cookie: 0. Data: { Results { ResourceId: 1 Error { Status: SUCCESS } EffectiveProps { ResourceId: 1 ResourcePath: "Root" HierarchicalDRRResourceConfig { MaxUnitsPerSecond: 100 MaxBurstSizeCoefficient: 1 Weight: 1 } AccountingConfig { ReportPeriodMs: 5000 AccountPeriodMs: 1000 CollectPeriodSec: 30 ProvisionedCoefficient: 60 OvershootCoefficient: 1.1 Provisioned { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } OnDemand { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } Overshoot { BillingPeriodSec: 60 } } } } ProtocolVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.969638Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Subscribe on quoter resources (sender=[4:140:2164], cookie=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:58.018320Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [4:140:2164]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 Amount: 5 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:58.018437Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [4:138:2162]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 Amount: 5 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:58.018755Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: Got TEvServerDisconnected([4:143:2167]) 2025-03-11T11:37:58.018907Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [4:140:2164]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 StateNotification { Status: SESSION_EXPIRED Issues { message: "Disconected." } } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:58.067546Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET TRACE: [72057594037927937] Send TEvResourcesAllocated to [4:138:2162]. Cookie: 0. Data: { ResourcesInfo { ResourceId: 1 Amount: 10 StateNotification { Status: SUCCESS } } } >> TStorageTenantTest::LsLs >> TBoardSubscriberTest::SimpleSubscriber ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::AlterTableShouldSuccessOnSimultaneousAddColumnAndEnableTTL [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:56.178934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:56.179017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:56.179097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:56.179407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:56.307761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:56.307825Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:56.327074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.327549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:56.327718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.342640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.342836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.343424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.343685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.345860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.346914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.346973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.347063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:56.347105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.347140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:56.347328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.353576Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.646843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.647087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.647297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.647534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.647594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:56.651855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.654037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.654105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.654160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:56.656122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.656180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.656233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.656292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.660225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:56.662373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:56.662561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:56.663581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.663742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.663791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.664058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:56.664108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.664275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.664355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:56.666966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:56.667482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:56.678607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.679734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:56.681573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 02 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:57.783275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:37:57.784021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.784157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.784218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 102:0, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.784508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:37:57.784647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:37:57.791437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.791498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:57.791798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.791849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:57.792318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.792376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:37:57.793448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.795705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1198 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.795764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.795900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1198 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.796003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1198 } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.796904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:57.796965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.797445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.801957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:37:57.802037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.802087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.802128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.802165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.802315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:37:57.804439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:37:57.804504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:392:2364] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:37:57.805094Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:57.805344Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 265us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:37:57.805918Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain2 >> test_scheme_shard_operations.py::TestSchemeShardSimpleOps::test_given_table_when_drop_table_and_create_with_other_keys_then_ok ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/unittest >> AssignTxId::Basic [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:43.894164Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514747389324803:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:43.894379Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bed/r3tmp/tmpnc1JDX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:37:45.356353Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:37:45.528053Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:45.529386Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:37:45.529472Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:37:45.556321Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:2112 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10363, node 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.904629Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514747389324803:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:48.904692Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:37:50.208570Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:37:50.208595Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:37:50.208604Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:37:50.218096Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2112 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:37:51.858910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:37:51.914261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:37:56.644682Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514803223900369:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:37:56.644776Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.454283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateReplication, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:37:57.466099Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:37:57.466160Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxInitSchema] Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:57.472845Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxInitSchema] Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:57.472897Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxInit] Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:57.473058Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxInit] Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:57.473072Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] SwitchToWork 2025-03-11T11:37:57.582355Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvCreateReplication PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 2 } OperationId { TxId: 281474976710658 PartId: 0 } Config { SrcConnectionParams { Endpoint: "localhost:10363" Database: "/Root" OAuthToken { Token: "***" } EnableSsl: false } Specific { Targets { SrcPath: "/Root/table" DstPath: "/Root/replica" } } ConsistencySettings { Global { CommitIntervalMilliSeconds: 10000 } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.582617Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxCreateReplication] Execute: NKikimrReplication.TEvCreateReplication PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 2 } OperationId { TxId: 281474976710658 PartId: 0 } Config { SrcConnectionParams { Endpoint: "localhost:10363" Database: "/Root" OAuthToken { Token: "***" } EnableSsl: false } Specific { Targets { SrcPath: "/Root/table" DstPath: "/Root/replica" } } ConsistencySettings { Global { CommitIntervalMilliSeconds: 10000 } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.582681Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER NOTICE: [controller 72075186224037888][TxCreateReplication] Add replication: rid# 1, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:37:57.583968Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxCreateReplication] Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:57.591688Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TenantResolver][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root/replication TableId: [72057594046644480:2:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindReplication DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.591901Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TenantResolver][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.592091Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NController::TEvPrivate::TEvResolveTenantResult { ReplicationId: 1 Tenant: /Root Sucess: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.592103Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER NOTICE: [controller 72075186224037888] Tenant resolved: rid# 1, tenant# /Root 2025-03-11T11:37:57.592230Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [controller 72075186224037888] Discover tenant nodes: tenant# /Root 2025-03-11T11:37:57.592840Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimr::TEvDiscovery::TEvDiscoveryData 2025-03-11T11:37:57.592864Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888] Create session: nodeId# 1 TClient::Ls request: /Root/replication TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "replication" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeReplication CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693077635 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ReplicationVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsIns... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.627345Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 1 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.627430Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 0, allocated# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.627471Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 1, assigned# 0, allocated# 0, exhausted# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:57.627593Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxAllocatorClient::TEvAllocateResult 2025-03-11T11:37:57.627686Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 0, allocated# 5 2025-03-11T11:37:57.632316Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 1, allocated# 4, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.632846Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 9999 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.632885Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 1, allocated# 4 2025-03-11T11:37:57.632927Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 1, allocated# 4, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.633262Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 9999 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.633290Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 1, allocated# 4 2025-03-11T11:37:57.633320Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 1, allocated# 4, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.633617Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 10000 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.633634Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 1, allocated# 4 2025-03-11T11:37:57.634047Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 2, allocated# 3, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.635209Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 5000 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.635240Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 2, allocated# 3 2025-03-11T11:37:57.635264Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 2, allocated# 3, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.635822Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 20000 TxId: 0 } Versions { Step: 30000 TxId: 0 } Versions { Step: 40000 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.635910Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 3, assigned# 2, allocated# 3 2025-03-11T11:37:57.636970Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 5, allocated# 0, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.637038Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxAllocatorClient::TEvAllocateResult 2025-03-11T11:37:57.637056Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 0, assigned# 5, allocated# 5 2025-03-11T11:37:57.637125Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 5, allocated# 5, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.637731Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvGetTxId Versions { Step: 50000 TxId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.637749Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Execute: pending# 1, assigned# 5, allocated# 5 2025-03-11T11:37:57.638306Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxAssignTxId] Complete: pending# 0, assigned# 5, allocated# 5, exhausted# 0 2025-03-11T11:37:57.646338Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues: {
: Error: Path not found } } } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.646380Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER ERROR: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path failed: path# /Root/table, status# SCHEME_ERROR, issues# {
: Error: Path not found } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.646505Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [controller 72075186224037888] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NController::TEvPrivate::TEvDiscoveryTargetsResult { ReplicationId: 1 ToAdd [] ToDelete [] Failed [/Root/table: SCHEME_ERROR ({
: Error: Path not found })] } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.647885Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxDiscoveryTargetsResult] Execute: NKikimr::NReplication::NController::TEvPrivate::TEvDiscoveryTargetsResult { ReplicationId: 1 ToAdd [] ToDelete [] Failed [/Root/table: SCHEME_ERROR ({
: Error: Path not found })] } 2025-03-11T11:37:57.648005Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER ERROR: [controller 72075186224037888][TxDiscoveryTargetsResult] Discovery error: rid# 1, error# /Root/table: SCHEME_ERROR ({
: Error: Path not found }) 2025-03-11T11:37:57.648743Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [controller 72075186224037888][TxDiscoveryTargetsResult] Complete >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ManySubscribersManyPublisher >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_create_queue_rate[tables_format_v1] |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/audit/py3test >> TBoardSubscriberTest::SimpleSubscriber [GOOD] |75.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ManySubscribersManyPublisher [GOOD] |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::ConditionalErase [GOOD] |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TBoardSubscriberTest::SimpleSubscriber [GOOD] |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ManySubscribersManyPublisher [GOOD] |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/ttl/py3test |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TBoardSubscriberTest::DropByDisconnect |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::ConditionalErase [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.806872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.807176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:52.807834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:52.808073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:52.808317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:52.808555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:52.809224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:52.810350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.813692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.658983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:53.659446Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:53.784766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.787165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.788515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.860668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.862456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:53.867245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.868360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.885720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.894336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.894607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.895099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:53.895332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:53.895764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:53.897806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:53.974088Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.419902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.423759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.423902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:54.424987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.425197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.425563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:54.425741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.435958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.436017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.436151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:54.450828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.450884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.450928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.450990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.454895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:54.467898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:54.468681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:54.471660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.472331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.472454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.473448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:54.473589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.478371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.478878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.497436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.502106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.503144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.503559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.503683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.503722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:54.504581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.504800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.505015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.505406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.505621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:54.505840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.512269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.513101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.513562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:54.514105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.514309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:54.541828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.547016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.547257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... Size 627 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.380817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.381085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.381550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409546, request: TableId: 2 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600466640236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409550, request: TableId: 6 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600466640236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_MICROSECONDS } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409549, request: TableId: 5 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600466640236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_MICROSECONDS } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409548, request: TableId: 4 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600466640236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409547, request: TableId: 3 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600463040236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.382729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409551, request: TableId: 7 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1600466640236000 ColumnUnit: UNIT_MICROSECONDS } SchemaVersion: 1 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.383548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.384131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.384702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409551, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.384846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409550, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.385644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.427805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.427877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409550, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.430044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.430247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.430621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.431038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.431538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.236000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.432368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.432707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.432907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.236000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.433155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.433358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.448822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:5, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.238000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.449970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.238000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.238000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.450541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.564731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 5 2025-03-11T11:38:01.565067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 3 shard idx 72057594046678944:2 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.565651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=TTLEnabledTable2, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 followerId=0, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 5 shard idx 72057594046678944:4 data size 43 row count 1 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], pathId map=TTLEnabledTable4, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 followerId=0, pathId 5: RowCount 1, DataSize 43 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:3 data size 603 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTable3, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 2, DataSize 603 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 2 shard idx 72057594046678944:1 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], pathId map=TTLEnabledTable1, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 6 shard idx 72057594046678944:5 data size 627 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:38:01.566876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409550 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:5 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=TTLEnabledTable5, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:01.567378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409550 followerId=0, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 627, with borrowed parts 2025-03-11T11:38:01.599015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.599092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409551, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.602971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.603145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.603194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:6, run at: 2020-09-18T23:04:00.240000Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:01.603255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/tools/nemesis/ut/py3test >> TBoardSubscriberTest::NotAvailableByShutdown >> TBoardSubscriberTest::DropByDisconnect [GOOD] |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TBoardSubscriberTest::DropByDisconnect [GOOD] >> TBoardSubscriberTest::NotAvailableByShutdown [GOOD] |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TBoardSubscriberTest::NotAvailableByShutdown [GOOD] >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ReconnectReplica |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-fifo] >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ReconnectReplica [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireBeforeTimeoutViaSessionTimeout [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphore >> IndexBuildTest::BaseCase [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::CancelBuild >> TPopulatorTest::Boot |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/unittest >> TBoardSubscriberTest::ReconnectReplica [GOOD] >> TPopulatorTestWithResets::UpdateAck |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::MergeIndexTableShardsOnlyWhenReady [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsCancel >> TPQCDTest::TestDiscoverClusters |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TPopulatorTest::Boot [GOOD] |75.5%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphore [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreRebootTimeout [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaDecrease |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutClustersList >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutBoth ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TPopulatorTest::Boot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:11.289022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:11.289095Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TPQCDTest::TestCloudClientsAreConsistentlyDistributed >> TPopulatorTestWithResets::UpdateAck [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::Boot [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplit |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphore [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.044720Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.044813Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.062894Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.063245Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.088429Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.088891Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=17154482894661941540, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.089036Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.102449Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=17154482894661941540, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.102705Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=9762602013067419025, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.102803Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.114749Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=9762602013067419025, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115570Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115704Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115823Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.115995Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116075Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 2 "Lock2" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116125Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116235Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333, session=1, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.116301Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #3 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129568Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129648Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.129689Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.130197Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=11930299635288061631, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.130293Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=11930299635288061631) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.130719Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=12941207325627051665, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.130776Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=12941207325627051665) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143243Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143330Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143851Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.144353Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.184746Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.184892Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.184934Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.184960Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #3 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185256Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:190:2204], cookie=16403363911233749179, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185336Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:190:2204], cookie=16403363911233749179) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185788Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:198:2211], cookie=5398332688997630284, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185855Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:198:2211], cookie=5398332688997630284) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.530155Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.571745Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.885120Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.909992Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.206174Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.236967Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.546006Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.575369Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.879479Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.903428Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.186123Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.199455Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.496402Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.522989Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.850514Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.874949Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.178072Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.210984Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.562693Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.592944Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.911363Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.942975Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.255522Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.267980Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.524180Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.541813Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.821948Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.836020Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.151754Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.163496Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.421067Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.432849Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.690638Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.702796Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.961685Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.976516Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.236572Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.249262Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.542519Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.555415Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.854242Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.871649Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.166202Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.183418Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.484600Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.514887Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.802220Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.826636Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.150172Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.163845Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.462281Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.487478Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.762288Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.785803Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.105339Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.126871Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.405602Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.418179Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.737167Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:364:2366], cookie=2338555257617514980, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:41.737305Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:364:2366], cookie=2338555257617514980) 2025-03-11T11:37:41.737939Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:367:2369], cookie=2684364716030246714, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:37:41.738016Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:367:2369], cookie=2684364716030246714) 2025-03-11T11:37:41.782204Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.799837Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.087566Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.102761Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.390112Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [720575 ... 11T11:38:02.118650Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:02.438234Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:02.460511Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:02.762169Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:02.782409Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.082434Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.096327Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.403146Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.423641Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.782637Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.802538Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.099591Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.114742Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.410568Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.436635Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.734260Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.774430Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.098478Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.122559Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.486218Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.499560Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.811551Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.837203Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.160388Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.176993Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.478203Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.502452Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.808956Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.823574Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.109371Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.126599Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.430309Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.450047Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.754822Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.775076Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.078425Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.099305Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.414371Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.435519Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.738251Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.738555Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:08.739044Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:38:08.739343Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:08.739871Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 2 "Lock2" owner link 2025-03-11T11:38:08.739897Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:08.756915Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.759708Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:328:2341], cookie=8041718113577341312, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:38:08.760021Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:328:2341], cookie=8041718113577341312) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.761712Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:331:2344], cookie=14067733702153612548, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:38:08.762233Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:331:2344], cookie=14067733702153612548) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.764245Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:334:2347], cookie=2009014014729096931) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.764680Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:334:2347], cookie=2009014014729096931) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.840315Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:08.840402Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.840877Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.841420Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.871229Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.871776Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #3 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:08.872056Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #4 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:08.873200Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:374:2377], cookie=4357484257195587126) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.873689Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:374:2377], cookie=4357484257195587126) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.876455Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:381:2383], cookie=10212262203537790707, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:38:08.876997Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:381:2383], cookie=10212262203537790707) 2025-03-11T11:38:08.887532Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:384:2386], cookie=7659191264039052161, name="Lock2") 2025-03-11T11:38:08.887984Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:384:2386], cookie=7659191264039052161) 2025-03-11T11:38:10.869379Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:10.869496Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.889858Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.890392Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.926703Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.928570Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=11875742068135670474, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:10.929406Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.949694Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=11875742068135670474, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:10.951097Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=5504552555345883634, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:10.958010Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:10.978830Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=5504552555345883634, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:10.980168Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.014471Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.016940Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=10392208822057162240, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.017562Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:38:11.054164Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=10392208822057162240) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.056212Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=100500) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.099639Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.100921Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.101663Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.103541Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.126023Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.126298Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.127595Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:154:2178], cookie=4137642172473983798, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:11.127764Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:154:2178], cookie=4137642172473983798) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.128823Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:157:2181], cookie=10213795948873782438, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:11.129015Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:157:2181], cookie=10213795948873782438) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.129777Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=12957013790958544257, name="Sem1", force=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.153271Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=12957013790958544257) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.155126Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Execute (sender=[5:165:2189], cookie=18075687297926274785, name="Sem1", force=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.155538Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:38:11.182564Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDelete::Complete (sender=[5:165:2189], cookie=18075687297926274785) >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutNetClassifier ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TPopulatorTestWithResets::UpdateAck [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:12.566444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:12.566682Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.724117Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 330, preserialized size# 51 2025-03-11T11:38:12.724195Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725309Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725375Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725401Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725650Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirC" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirC" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: false CreateTxId: 100 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 220, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725675Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.725754Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 100 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 100 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:38:12.728088Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 340, preserialized size# 56 2025-03-11T11:38:12.728124Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.728561Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirC" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirC" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 225, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.728590Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 TestModificationResult got TxId: 100, wait until txId: 100 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757497Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvHandshake { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757553Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:95:2121] Successful handshake: replica# [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757606Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:95:2121] Resume sync: replica# [1:12:2059], fromPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757678Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvHandshake { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757701Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:96:2122] Successful handshake: replica# [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757728Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:96:2122] Resume sync: replica# [1:15:2062], fromPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757801Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvHandshake { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:18:2065] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757829Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:97:2123] Successful handshake: replica# [1:18:2065] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757849Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:97:2123] Resume sync: replica# [1:18:2065], fromPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.757934Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Replica: [1:24339059:0] }: sender# [1:95:2121] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758015Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: false DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 { Path: /Root/DirC PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] PathVersion: 3 } }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758140Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] }: sender# [1:95:2121] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758192Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758282Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] }: sender# [1:95:2121] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758334Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758392Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Replica: [1:1099535966835:0] }: sender# [1:96:2122] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758427Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758495Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: false DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 { Path: /Root/DirC PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] PathVersion: 3 } }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758594Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] }: sender# [1:96:2122] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758691Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758751Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758802Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] }: sender# [1:96:2122] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758831Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758877Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Replica: [1:2199047594611:0] }: sender# [1:97:2123] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758913Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.758967Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: false DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 { Path: /Root/DirC PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] PathVersion: 3 } }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759025Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] }: sender# [1:97:2123] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759058Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759095Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759161Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestUpdate { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] }: sender# [1:97:2123] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759199Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759240Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] Replica: [1:24339059:0] }: sender# [1:95:2121] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759272Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: true DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759309Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759366Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759398Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759436Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759507Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759546Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvCommitGeneration { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759591Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] Replica: [1:1099535966835:0] }: sender# [1:96:2122] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759637Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: true DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759686Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759706Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759734Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvCommitGeneration { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759768Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759795Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759828Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759872Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759895Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:12.759933Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 4 2025-03-11T11:38:12.760186Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvRequestDescribe { PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] Replica: [1:2199047594611:0] }: sender# [1:97:2123] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.760241Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvDescribeResult { Commit: true DeletedPathBegin: 0 DeletedPathEnd: 0 }: sender# [1:94:2120] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.760524Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.761363Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.761393Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvCommitGeneration { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:18:2065] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.761460Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.761666Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.762089Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:12.763201Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.763401Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.769007Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.769043Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.770056Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.770088Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:12.771907Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:12.772108Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 100 |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestRelatedServicesAreRunning >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireTimeoutAfterReboot [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaRelease >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaDecrease [GOOD] >> TPQCDTest::TestPrioritizeLocalDatacenter >> TKesusTest::TestSessionTimeoutAfterReboot [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingSameKey |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest |75.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::CancelBuild [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaDecrease [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.246135Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.246220Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.263452Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.264142Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.292639Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.293115Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=6585082649200740195, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.293259Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.307651Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=6585082649200740195, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.307965Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=16835369182078800052, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.308068Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:32.323582Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=16835369182078800052, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.324086Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[1:142:2166], cookie=5685027100633087455, name="Sem1", limit=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.324232Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.339925Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[1:142:2166], cookie=5685027100633087455) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.340219Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.340353Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.340534Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.354471Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.354548Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.355066Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=14360299806876226978, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.355164Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:150:2174], cookie=14360299806876226978) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.355589Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:153:2177], cookie=2308669734834468924, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.355643Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:153:2177], cookie=2308669734834468924) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.730734Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.759018Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.046810Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.069173Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.370543Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.388352Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.691991Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.711479Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.038221Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.067030Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.352539Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.392131Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.698448Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.714987Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.009254Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.031059Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.322576Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.352028Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.691504Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.709802Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.048159Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.080031Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.363161Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.375343Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.646290Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.663481Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.948970Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.964048Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.263881Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.275706Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.543366Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.555841Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.813461Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.825558Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.083851Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.096158Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.361572Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.381107Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.698202Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.722530Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.018264Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.032716Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.341048Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.366729Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.654193Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.674650Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.966330Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.994898Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.290195Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.309501Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.603780Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.618915Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.942515Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.955607Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.246216Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.266789Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.541708Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.559561Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.894648Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.912777Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.195186Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.210759Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.502926Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.516395Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.813385Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.833663Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.145744Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.180030Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.485259Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.504099Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.783597Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.797789Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.068125Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.080816Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.350721Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.367822Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.634413Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.658851Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.992921Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.010856Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.302773Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.318672Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.614457Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.633920Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.952544Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.979075Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.287318Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.304423Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.645757Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.6671 ... 37927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.699275Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.025449Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.043860Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.321716Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.341385Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.714547Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.731177Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.070488Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.096609Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.412566Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.439629Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.785012Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.807091Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.110346Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.138439Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.474545Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.487774Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.814722Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.844971Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.154280Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.170998Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.458152Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.479040Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.790998Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.807830Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.202317Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.225129Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.544694Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.566482Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.866432Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.892666Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.223775Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.247490Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.542256Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.561152Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.862225Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.887087Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.210278Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.249030Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.592168Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.611078Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.930770Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.950359Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.258300Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.283879Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.610567Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.610816Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.611052Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Sem1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:38:11.646895Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:11.665290Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:408:2408], cookie=18188184676976102534, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:11.666279Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:408:2408], cookie=18188184676976102534) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.999766Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:16.999862Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.093012Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.098867Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.166370Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.168687Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=13743003735123362117, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.169449Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:17.203749Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=13743003735123362117, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.204761Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=17588707601853414738, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.204878Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:17.230654Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=17588707601853414738, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.230912Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=7661002606109830148, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.231021Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 3 2025-03-11T11:38:17.249526Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=7661002606109830148, session=3) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.251608Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=17790807862478935899, name="Sem1", limit=3) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.252365Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:38:17.294200Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=17790807862478935899) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.295542Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.296156Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:17.297008Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.297078Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:17.297152Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333, session=3, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.338728Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.339252Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.339280Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.341125Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:152:2176], cookie=17464446167308744697, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.341674Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:152:2176], cookie=17464446167308744697) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.345301Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=14085394448739902121, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.345848Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:155:2179], cookie=14085394448739902121) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.347193Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=444, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.347982Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #3 session 3 2025-03-11T11:38:17.379619Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=444) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.383836Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=3959114154860443096, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.384450Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:160:2184], cookie=3959114154860443096) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.394703Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:163:2187], cookie=2869252327855050144, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.395046Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:163:2187], cookie=2869252327855050144) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.492730Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:17.492821Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.503042Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.505455Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.582615Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.583195Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:17.583449Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:17.583477Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #3 session 3 2025-03-11T11:38:17.584640Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:203:2217], cookie=14855227517984741844, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.585153Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:203:2217], cookie=14855227517984741844) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.591462Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:212:2225], cookie=10614156141311112709, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:17.591792Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:212:2225], cookie=10614156141311112709) |75.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaRelease [GOOD] >> TPopulatorTest::MakeDir >> TPopulatorTest::RemoveDir >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingSameKey [GOOD] >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingDifferentKey >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CheckCounters [GOOD] >> TPopulatorTest::MakeDir [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestAcquireSemaphoreViaRelease [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.093431Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.093535Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.114075Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.114471Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.142697Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143246Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=909884159054033673, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.143395Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.158330Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=909884159054033673, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.158973Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.159124Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:32.159227Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.172010Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.172281Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.184888Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185403Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=7024089042799894082, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:37:32.185492Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:147:2171], cookie=7024089042799894082) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.432727Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:33.432818Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.467343Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.467767Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.509175Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.513421Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=15334246826408532553, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.514244Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.536171Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=15334246826408532553, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.544944Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=4038862277401089802, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.545226Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:37:33.578041Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=4038862277401089802, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.614353Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Lock1" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.614853Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 1 "Lock1" 2025-03-11T11:37:33.615632Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Lock1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.636327Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.638356Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=112, session=1, semaphore="Lock2" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.638986Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new ephemeral semaphore 2 "Lock2" 2025-03-11T11:37:33.639415Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 2 "Lock2" queue: next order #2 session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:33.661984Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:131:2157], cookie=112) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.663647Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.664315Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=223, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.687766Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.688202Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=223) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.689561Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=333, session=2, semaphore="Lock1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.691314Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=334, session=2, semaphore="Lock2" count=18446744073709551615) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.720329Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:37:33.720585Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[2:132:2158], cookie=334) 2025-03-11T11:37:34.112655Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.146745Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.442216Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.460054Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.774208Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.790821Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.106204Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.135164Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.501094Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.522929Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.830534Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.854427Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.149996Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.166758Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.428205Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.442180Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.702291Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.718083Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.015800Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.030373Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.302293Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.313846Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.571739Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.583596Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.839847Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.851494Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.099057Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.111209Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.405841Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.425977Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.725372Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.746732Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.032660Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.050891Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.335008Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.360780Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.690201Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.702507Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.046195Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.058568Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.346341Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.362393Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.657449Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.674804Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.982147Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.002611Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.294288Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.309034Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.614221Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.629921Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.918257Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.939278Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.227598Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.243743Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.527821Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.547114Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.843327Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.879001Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.206593Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreTimeout::Execute (session=2, semaphore=2) 2025-03-11T11:37:43.207049Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 2 "Lock2" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:37:43.226063Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [7205 ... cute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.866717Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.182903Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.198409Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.500614Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.519737Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.814337Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.827881Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.113552Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.130686Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.443847Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.460518Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.789418Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.819017Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.144469Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.158743Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.462420Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.492507Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.798606Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.815378Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.141396Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.164807Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.538655Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.554650Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.874259Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.890697Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.190218Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.207408Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.521582Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.546505Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.846806Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.866764Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.202715Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.238459Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.538201Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.554702Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.840555Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.855735Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:14.144501Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:14.156668Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:14.432782Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:14.450646Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:14.754924Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:14.778711Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.094399Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.115271Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.422308Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.435455Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.718507Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.739541Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:16.066133Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:16.094763Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:16.525327Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreTimeout::Execute (session=2, semaphore=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.525616Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 2 / semaphore 1 "Lock1" waiter link 2025-03-11T11:38:16.549750Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreTimeout::Complete (session=2, semaphore=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.580576Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:533:2529], cookie=4504829130168006623) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.581137Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:533:2529], cookie=4504829130168006623) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.584056Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:536:2532], cookie=3673039798607130050) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.584374Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:536:2532], cookie=3673039798607130050) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.595356Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:539:2535], cookie=6709265047833144363, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:38:16.602261Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:539:2535], cookie=6709265047833144363) 2025-03-11T11:38:16.605189Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[4:542:2538], cookie=4479744670884740607, name="Lock1") 2025-03-11T11:38:16.605953Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[4:542:2538], cookie=4479744670884740607) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.147046Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:21.147159Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:21.205418Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:21.210910Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:21.268046Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:21.269959Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2436183458425138069, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.270868Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.296198Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2436183458425138069, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.296656Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2288145462672462303, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.297330Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:21.326904Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2288145462672462303, session=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.327173Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2358835077136311327, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.327279Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 3 2025-03-11T11:38:21.347783Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=2358835077136311327, session=3) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.350195Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Execute (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=3170859648793478616, name="Sem1", limit=3) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.351014Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new semaphore 1 "Sem1" 2025-03-11T11:38:21.365591Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreCreate::Complete (sender=[5:144:2168], cookie=3170859648793478616) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.365843Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111, session=1, semaphore="Sem1" count=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.365992Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #1 session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.366163Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222, session=2, semaphore="Sem1" count=2) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.366326Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333, session=3, semaphore="Sem1" count=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.391093Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=111) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.391172Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=222) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.391200Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreAcquire::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=333) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.391766Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:153:2177], cookie=15353024000214211017, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:21.391849Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:153:2177], cookie=15353024000214211017) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392259Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:156:2180], cookie=831904795766939074, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392332Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:156:2180], cookie=831904795766939074) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392553Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Execute (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=444, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392637Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 / semaphore 1 "Sem1" owner link 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392695Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #2 session 2 2025-03-11T11:38:21.392741Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Processing semaphore 1 "Sem1" queue: next order #3 session 3 2025-03-11T11:38:21.410734Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreRelease::Complete (sender=[5:131:2157], cookie=444) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.411269Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:161:2185], cookie=17882462458140457414, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:21.411349Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:161:2185], cookie=17882462458140457414) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.411721Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Execute (sender=[5:164:2188], cookie=16472763429895915959, name="Sem1") 2025-03-11T11:38:21.411778Z node 5 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSemaphoreDescribe::Complete (sender=[5:164:2188], cookie=16472763429895915959) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::CancelBuild [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.510773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.511185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.511475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:41.511589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:41.511777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.511879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.512001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.512216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.513729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.679319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:41.679494Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:41.723538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.723884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.724348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.755113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.757658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.758505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.758888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.763822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.765725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.771888Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.996203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.996458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.996730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.997002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.997066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.000992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.002985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.003033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.003062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.004551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.004598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.004646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.004715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.008372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.010461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.010652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.011671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.011818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.011871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.012151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.012208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.012407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.012482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.014762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.014797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.014926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.014957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.015680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.018042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.018220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.018262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 5000006 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000006 State->FrontStep: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710760 at step: 5000006 2025-03-11T11:38:19.385904Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000006, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.386047Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710760 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 8589936748 } } Step: 5000006 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.386316Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropLock TPropose opId# 281474976710760:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000006 2025-03-11T11:38:19.386598Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710760:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:38:19.399860Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710760:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.399917Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710760:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:38:19.400276Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.400308Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.400829Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710760:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.400861Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401149Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710760, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401215Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [2:123:2149] message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401483Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710760 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401517Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401546Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710760:0 2025-03-11T11:38:19.401617Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 13 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:38:19.417140Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:38:19.417221Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710760 2025-03-11T11:38:19.417280Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfoId: 102 2025-03-11T11:38:19.417349Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976710760, buildInfo: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: index, State: Cancellation_Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 1, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [2:1171:3025], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:19.425310Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:38:19.425629Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: index, State: Cancellation_Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 1, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [2:1171:3025], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:19.425685Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: Change state from Cancellation_Unlocking to Cancelled 2025-03-11T11:38:19.431684Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:38:19.431768Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: index, State: Cancelled, IsCancellationRequested: 1, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [2:1171:3025], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:19.431802Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 102, subscribers count# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.432623Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:19.433164Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [2:1267:3110] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:38:19.480837Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute DatabaseName: "/MyRoot" IndexBuildId: 102 2025-03-11T11:38:19.482102Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: Reply Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 102 State: STATE_CANCELLED Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "index" global_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 0 } BUILDINDEX RESPONSE Get: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvGetResponse Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 102 State: STATE_CANCELLED Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "index" global_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:19.563996Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.564757Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table" took 1.08ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:38:19.574738Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "index" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 10 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 11 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.603473Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/index1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:19.604628Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/index1" took 10.8ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:38:19.605722Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table/index1\', error: path has been deleted (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeTableIndex, state: EPathStateNotExist), drop stepId: 5000005, drop txId: 281474976710759" Path: "/MyRoot/Table/index1" PathId: 3 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot/Table" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 2 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ydb-core-tablet_flat-ut |75.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ydb-core-tablet_flat-ut |75.6%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_assign_tx_id/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.6%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/base/ut_board_subscriber/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/ydb-core-tablet_flat-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TPopulatorTest::MakeDir [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:22.077794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:22.077861Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.209280Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 330, preserialized size# 51 2025-03-11T11:38:22.209372Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:22.210656Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.210744Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.210770Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214242Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: false CreateTxId: 100 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 220, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214325Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214648Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214728Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214769Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.214949Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215000Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215034Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215077Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215234Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215268Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215305Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215354Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215394Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215792Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.215940Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.216233Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.216264Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:22.216552Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.216574Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 100 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 100 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.218631Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 340, preserialized size# 56 2025-03-11T11:38:22.218676Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 4 2025-03-11T11:38:22.218805Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.218855Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.218884Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219316Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 225, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219364Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219467Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219502Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219526Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219629Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219655Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219695Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219719Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219820Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219847Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 4 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219882Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219904Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.219930Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220126Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 4 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220276Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220465Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220492Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220687Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:22.220724Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 TestModificationResult got TxId: 100, wait until txId: 100 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CheckCounters [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:115:2058] recipient: [1:111:2141] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:115:2058] recipient: [1:111:2141] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:132:2155] sender: [1:134:2058] recipient: [1:111:2141] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:44.446992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.595583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:44.595835Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:44.666644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.667297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.667955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.703388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.704800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:44.709676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.713378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.723523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.729694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.730014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.731116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.731336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:44.731578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.733074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:44.786180Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:132:2155] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.245722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.246457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.246684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.246961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.247025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.256576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.257764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:45.259263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.259634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.259812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:45.259984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:45.265761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.265830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.265885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.268314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.283058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:45.293915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:45.294625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:45.303260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.303958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 127 RawX2: 4294969448 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.304347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.306120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:45.306178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.306708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.307273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.318398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.318756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.319546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.319896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.321239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:45.321416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:45.322092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.322317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.322713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.322964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.323233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:45.323448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.323635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.324187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.324576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:45.325001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:45.325214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:45.333868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.334700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.334906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, coun ... adyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.573960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:343:2322] message: TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.574775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:38:21.583501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:21.583586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [1:1357:3258] 2025-03-11T11:38:21.583802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 Name: "SchemeShard/NumShardsByTtlLag" Ranges: "0" Ranges: "900" Ranges: "1800" Ranges: "3600" Ranges: "7200" Ranges: "14400" Ranges: "28800" Ranges: "57600" Ranges: "86400" Ranges: "inf" Values: 0 Values: 2 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.692801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409548 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.692994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409549 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.693805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:3 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.693878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.693962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.694271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:4 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.694319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.694361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 Name: "SchemeShard/NumShardsByTtlLag" Ranges: "0" Ranges: "900" Ranges: "1800" Ranges: "3600" Ranges: "7200" Ranges: "14400" Ranges: "28800" Ranges: "57600" Ranges: "86400" Ranges: "inf" Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 2 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.834421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.834514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.834615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.834747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409549, request: TableId: 4 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1741706355553203 ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } SchemaVersion: 4 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.834855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Run conditional erase, tabletId: 72075186233409548, request: TableId: 4 Expiration { ColumnId: 2 WallClockTimestamp: 1741706355553203 ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } SchemaVersion: 4 Limits { BatchMaxBytes: 512000 BatchMinKeys: 1 BatchMaxKeys: 256 }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.835381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.835805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase accepted: tabletId: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.842269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.842339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.842707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Execute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.842740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Successful conditional erase: tabletId: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.858850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, run at: 2025-03-11T16:19:15.554203Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxScheduleConditionalErase Complete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Skip conditional erase: shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, run at: 2025-03-11T16:19:15.554203Z, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:21.886270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.926704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409548 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.926825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409549 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.926885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:3 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.926961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.927012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.927226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:4 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.927269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.927297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 Name: "SchemeShard/NumShardsByTtlLag" Ranges: "0" Ranges: "900" Ranges: "1800" Ranges: "3600" Ranges: "7200" Ranges: "14400" Ranges: "28800" Ranges: "57600" Ranges: "86400" Ranges: "inf" Values: 2 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:21.969569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.023537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409548 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0002 2025-03-11T11:38:22.023839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409549 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0001 2025-03-11T11:38:22.023984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:3 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.024135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.024363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409548 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.024790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:4 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.024826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=TTLEnabledTableMoved, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:38:22.024851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409549 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 Name: "SchemeShard/NumShardsByTtlLag" Ranges: "0" Ranges: "900" Ranges: "1800" Ranges: "3600" Ranges: "7200" Ranges: "14400" Ranges: "28800" Ranges: "57600" Ranges: "86400" Ranges: "inf" Values: 0 Values: 2 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 >> TPopulatorTest::RemoveDir [GOOD] |75.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingDifferentKey [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/unittest >> TPopulatorTest::RemoveDir [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:22.762970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:22.763173Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.152438Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 330, preserialized size# 51 2025-03-11T11:38:23.152877Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:23.160626Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.160936Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.160966Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.163788Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: false CreateTxId: 100 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 220, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:23.164252Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:23.164966Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.165196Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.165224Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175620Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175685Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175737Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175763Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175910Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175934Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:23.175995Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176039Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176119Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176438Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176553Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176778Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.176840Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:23.177046Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 2 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.177069Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 100 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 100 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 100 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179046Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 340, preserialized size# 56 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179100Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 4 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179223Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179269Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179304Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 100 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179733Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 100, event size# 225, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:23.179762Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 100, is deletion# false, version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:2 ... oard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.215145Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.215179Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.215480Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.215804Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.216541Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.216788Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.217261Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.217283Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 5 2025-03-11T11:38:23.217780Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.218161Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.218639Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.221379Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 5 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.222185Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.223757Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.223784Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 3 2025-03-11T11:38:23.225356Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.225593Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:38:23.236390Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 5 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, event size# 232, preserialized size# 2 2025-03-11T11:38:23.236432Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], cookie# 101, is deletion# false, version: 6 2025-03-11T11:38:23.236732Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.236768Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.237507Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.238806Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeSchemeResult { Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/DirB\', error: path has been deleted (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNotExist), drop stepId: 5000002, drop txId: 101" Path: "/Root/DirB" PathId: 2 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/Root" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 }: sender# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, event size# 306, preserialized size# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:23.239032Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Update description: owner# 72057594046678944, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], cookie# 101, is deletion# true, version: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:23.241414Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.241665Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.242139Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.242397Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.242425Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.242455Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.242479Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdate { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 }: sender# [1:94:2120], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.243439Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.243809Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version# 6 2025-03-11T11:38:23.243999Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:97:2123] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:18:2065], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245216Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 6 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245251Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:95:2121] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:12:2059], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245285Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:96:2122] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:15:2062], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245352Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:97:2123], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245410Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:95:2121], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245448Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR NOTICE: [1:94:2120] Ack update: ack to# [1:69:2108], cookie# 101, pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version# 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245684Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 101 2025-03-11T11:38:23.245719Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_POPULATOR DEBUG: [1:94:2120] Ack for unknown update (already acked?): sender# [1:96:2122], cookie# 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 |75.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateSolomonInsideSubDomain [GOOD] |75.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.019975Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514812113016423:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.020031Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c42/r3tmp/tmpAom0rZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:37:59.666624Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:37:59.666719Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:37:59.688504Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:37:59.727018Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:59.735110Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:25730 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.574357Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514812113016676:2134] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.574441Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514829292886373:2472] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.574700Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.574827Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576543Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984374:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984371:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576587Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984375:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984372:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576606Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984376:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984373:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576690Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807818049029:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984374:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576718Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807818049032:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984375:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576736Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807818049035:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984376:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576761Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984374:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807818049029:2051], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576784Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984375:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807818049032:2054], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576817Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514816407984376:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807818049035:2057], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576856Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984371:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576884Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576897Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984372:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576916Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576940Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514816407984373:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.576955Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514816407984368:2395][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514816407984373:2395], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:02.577029Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.584714Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514816407984368:2395] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:02.584866Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514816407984368:2395] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.594555Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514829292886374:2473], recipient# [1:7480514829292886373:2472], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.594675Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514829292886373:2472] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:02.713230Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514829292886373:2472] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.751020Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514829292886373:2472] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514829292886372:2471] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: 2025-03-11T11:38:02.798690Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.799226Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514812113016699:2147], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514820702951749:2458] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:02.799489Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514829292886380:2476], recipient# [1:7480514829292886379:2302], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVe ... Info }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:16.099829Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:16.100142Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514890725130610:2433], recipient# [3:7480514890725130609:2339], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:16.306539Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:16.306645Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:16.306705Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514890725130612:2434], recipient# [3:7480514890725130611:2340], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:17.539079Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:17.539443Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:17.539525Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514895020097910:2435], recipient# [3:7480514895020097909:2341], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:18.542969Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:18.543091Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:18.549187Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514899315065209:2436], recipient# [3:7480514899315065208:2342], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:19.551259Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:19.551377Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:19.551435Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514903610032507:2437], recipient# [3:7480514903610032506:2343], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.552270Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.552391Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.552462Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514907904999805:2438], recipient# [3:7480514907904999804:2344], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.558086Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.558213Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514839185522559:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514843480489922:2139] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.558291Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514912199967103:2439], recipient# [3:7480514912199967102:2345], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/unittest >> TKesusTest::TestSessionStealingDifferentKey [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:32.055673Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:37:32.055805Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.076249Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.076691Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.105073Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.105646Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=15736825749164777286, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.105808Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:37:32.117592Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=15736825749164777286, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.118264Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Fast-path detach session=1 from sender=[1:131:2157], cookie=12883809032270464130 2025-03-11T11:37:32.118729Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[1:144:2168], cookie=15629352186088559016) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.118793Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[1:144:2168], cookie=15629352186088559016) 2025-03-11T11:37:32.426166Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.446487Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:32.746161Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:32.775030Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.074889Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.104301Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.386629Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.415539Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:33.745223Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:33.775771Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.066518Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.084252Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.386942Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.410860Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:34.718233Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:34.743220Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.036039Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.055263Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.410648Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.426873Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:35.758364Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:35.779191Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.112636Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.132120Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.394588Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.408992Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:36.686374Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:36.714450Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.032442Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.045570Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.310931Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.322680Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.581068Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.592774Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:37.848883Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:37.860586Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.118993Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.132155Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.410174Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.426810Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.720170Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.742786Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.018259Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.031624Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.329164Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.350746Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.646322Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.662759Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:39.949014Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:39.963107Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.267759Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.295052Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.589600Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.606976Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:40.918484Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:40.943095Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.242725Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.255214Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.576700Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.593636Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.894577Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.909967Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.182730Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.200100Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.468228Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.490561Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.802701Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.825647Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.147520Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.165533Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.465965Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.478878Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.759486Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.773451Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.039268Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.051487Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.321604Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.339021Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:44.664375Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:44.701027Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.014707Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.031733Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.344767Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.374284Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.666879Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.686854Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.990415Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.010980Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.342691Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.362660Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.662445Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.685324Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.006836Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.030767Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.374549Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.395583Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.702428Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.723759Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.082795Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.104380Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.402424Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.422803Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:48.725159Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:48.748276Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:49.054136Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:49.078798Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:49.376346Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:49.403001Z node 1 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] ... k::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:02.310495Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:02.630273Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:02.650689Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:02.952812Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:02.970907Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.282191Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.299526Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.624826Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.641099Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:03.938308Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:03.955063Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.334242Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.358722Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.654065Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:04.668945Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:04.990261Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.002610Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.286400Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.302774Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.606411Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.626696Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:05.946215Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:05.967658Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.293393Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.318494Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.617473Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.644460Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:06.946104Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:06.977534Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.280612Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.301340Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.652605Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:07.674572Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:07.984867Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.000974Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.306198Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.319088Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.624380Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.642645Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:08.942255Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:08.959018Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.338320Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.352946Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.654803Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.669282Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:09.974296Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:09.991000Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.300837Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.323667Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:10.642344Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:10.659608Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.022703Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.038465Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.321583Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.339367Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.645573Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.669560Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:11.978319Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:11.995162Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.298492Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.314189Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.617535Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.637677Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:12.940879Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:12.971009Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.262210Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.283769Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.558296Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.578907Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:13.882554Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:13.914619Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:14.378379Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:14.410650Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:14.735119Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:14.754846Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.050768Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.070546Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.378651Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.398854Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:15.709362Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:15.735141Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:16.060409Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:16.086934Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:16.408612Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:16.430612Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:16.746522Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:16.771319Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.082233Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.095494Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.434581Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:17.449922Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSelfCheck::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:17.746231Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Execute (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.746313Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Deleting session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:17.775120Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionTimeout::Complete (session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.789722Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Execute (sender=[2:571:2565], cookie=14149013501280655488) 2025-03-11T11:38:17.789811Z node 2 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionsDescribe::Complete (sender=[2:571:2565], cookie=14149013501280655488) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.545356Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:21.545461Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:21.602889Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:21.603037Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:21.631572Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:21.632342Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.632479Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.647621Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.648388Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[3:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:21.678657Z node 3 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[3:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.728762Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET INFO: OnActivateExecutor: 72057594037927937 2025-03-11T11:38:22.728883Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:22.747908Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:22.748055Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:22.784653Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:22.787672Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=0, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.788412Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] Created new session 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.808867Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:129:2155], cookie=12345, session=1) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.812051Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Execute (sender=[4:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1, seqNo=0) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.833271Z node 4 :KESUS_TABLET DEBUG: [72057594037927937] TTxSessionAttach::Complete (sender=[4:136:2160], cookie=23456, session=1) >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsCancel [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateSolomonInsideSubDomain [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:59.714345Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514814763740185:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:59.714387Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c34/r3tmp/tmpAvAG3C/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:02.058020Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:02.650263Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:02.841529Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.123559s 2025-03-11T11:38:02.851625Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.133649s 2025-03-11T11:38:02.941826Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:02.942131Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:03.006367Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:10553 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.730209Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514814763740185:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:04.750827Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:04.964308Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514819058707715:2132] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.964393Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514836238577406:2466] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.964985Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.965233Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.997868Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642385:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642382:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.014446Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642386:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642383:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.014481Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642387:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642384:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.014655Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810468772771:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642385:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.027609Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810468772774:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642386:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.027637Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810468772777:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642387:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.027663Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642385:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810468772771:2051], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.027892Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642386:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810468772774:2054], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.027908Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514827648642387:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810468772777:2057], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028115Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642382:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028325Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028339Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642383:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028529Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028550Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514827648642384:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.028906Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514823353675067:2156][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514827648642384:2156], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.029023Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.111614Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514823353675067:2156] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:05.112163Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514823353675067:2156] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.170929Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514840533544706:2469], recipient# [1:7480514836238577406:2466], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.171139Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.171341Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514831943610028:2412] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.171444Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514836238577406:2466] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.777989Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514836238577406:2466] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.778286Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514840533544708:2471], recipient# [1:7480514840533544705:2302], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.782622Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.782699Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514823353675036:2146], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514831943610028:2412] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.826101Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1 ... Info }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.422191Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.422270Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514905774636762:2331], recipient# [3:7480514905774636761:2333], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.526974Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.527080Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.527354Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514905774636764:2332], recipient# [3:7480514905774636763:2334], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.418909Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.419026Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.419138Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514910069604062:2333], recipient# [3:7480514910069604061:2335], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.530129Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.530262Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:21.530354Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514910069604064:2334], recipient# [3:7480514910069604063:2336], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.424646Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.424766Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.424853Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514914364571362:2335], recipient# [3:7480514914364571361:2337], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.537374Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.537500Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.537593Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514914364571364:2336], recipient# [3:7480514914364571363:2338], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.427476Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.427568Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514858529996177:2122], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514862824963582:2194] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.427803Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514918659538662:2337], recipient# [3:7480514918659538661:2339], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } >> TSchemeShardServerLess::StorageBilling [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolBeforeDroppingTablet [GOOD] |75.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::RejectsCancel [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.852830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.852921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.852971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.853517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.018210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:42.018274Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:42.032024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.032160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.032312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.044569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.045347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.046177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.046556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.052069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.053647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.053731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.053852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:42.053930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.053979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:42.054228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.062090Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.220110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.220346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.220562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.220791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.220846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:42.228775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.236720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.236791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.236832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:42.247322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.247398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.247447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.247520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.255643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:42.258029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:42.258226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.259977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.260057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.262971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.263003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.263046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.263113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:42.263154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:42.263183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:42.265735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.265854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.265951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, coun ... ildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: index, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [2:1170:3025], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 101, upload bytes: 1818, read rows: 101, read bytes: 1818 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:28.853400Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: Change state from Unlocking to Done 2025-03-11T11:38:28.860042Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 102 2025-03-11T11:38:28.860377Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 102, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobal, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: index, State: Done, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [2:1170:3025], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976710757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976710758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 5000004, ApplyTxId: 281474976710759, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976710760, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 101, upload bytes: 1818, read rows: 101, read bytes: 1818 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:28.860408Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 102, subscribers count# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.861270Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:28.861527Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [2:1264:3108] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:38:28.890463Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX NOTICE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_CANCEL_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute TxId: 105 DatabaseName: "/MyRoot" IndexBuildId: 102 2025-03-11T11:38:28.891647Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX NOTICE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_CANCEL_INDEX_BUILD: Reply TxId: 105 Status: PRECONDITION_FAILED Issues { message: "Index build process with id <102> has been finished already" severity: 1 } BUILDINDEX RESPONSE CANCEL: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvCancelResponse TxId: 105 Status: PRECONDITION_FAILED Issues { message: "Index build process with id <102> has been finished already" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.950345Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute DatabaseName: "/MyRoot" IndexBuildId: 102 2025-03-11T11:38:28.951882Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: Reply Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 102 State: STATE_DONE Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "index" global_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 100 } BUILDINDEX RESPONSE Get: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvGetResponse Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 102 State: STATE_DONE Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "index" global_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 100 } 2025-03-11T11:38:29.014253Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:29.016117Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table" took 2.06ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:38:29.026844Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "index" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "index1" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "index" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 10 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 11 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:29.089921Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/index1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:29.091691Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/index1" took 6.3ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:38:29.102832Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/index1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "index1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTableIndex CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableIndexVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateAlter Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 11 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } TableIndex { Name: "index1" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "index" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { Columns { Name: "index" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "index" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> VectorIndexBuildTest::BaseCase [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::DeclareAndDefine [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain2 [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/unittest >> TSchemeShardServerLess::StorageBilling [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:38.072771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.073135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.160701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:38.160762Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:38.173535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.174017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.174173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.186961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.187234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.187996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.188293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.191344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:38.192981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.199956Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.324723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.324945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.325146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.325350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.325413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:38.327940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.329605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.329667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.329705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:38.331769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.331815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.331866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.331922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.335487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:38.337460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:38.338959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.339142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.339220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.341979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:38.342135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:38.344348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.344459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:38.344498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... :0, name: RenamePathBarrier, done: 0, blocked: 1, parts count: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:24.887835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 107, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:24.887916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TDeleteTableBarrier operationId: 107:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier, msg: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier { TxId: 107 Name: RenamePathBarrier }, at tablet# 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.888561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 137 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:38:24.889548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:24.894036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:38:24.909201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.926997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.928142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.928415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:38:24.929455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:38:24.934920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.934975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:657:2569], at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:24.935475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:657:2569], at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:24.937775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.946242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.946598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.946643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 107:0, datashard: 72075186233409552, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.946686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:38:24.950636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, msg: Owner: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.951570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, msg: Owner: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.951806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.952052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:38:24.952547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 1] was 5 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, msg: Owner: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, msg: Owner: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:24.961790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:24.994625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.994924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 107:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:24.999746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:38:25.005170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.005692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.005929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.006141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.006364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:25.006673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:796:2677] message: TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:25.007151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.007632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:0 2025-03-11T11:38:25.007686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:0 2025-03-11T11:38:25.007799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:38:25.012584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:25.016210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:38:25.023148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:25.023436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [1:2202:4048] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 2025-03-11T11:38:25.055815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChanged, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549, message: Source { RawX1: 768 RawX2: 4294969953 } TabletId: 72075186233409552 State: 4 2025-03-11T11:38:25.055914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxShardStateChanged DoExecute, datashard informs about state changing, datashardId: 72075186233409552, state: Offline, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.057827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72075186233409549:4 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.058313Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72075186233409549 ShardLocalIdx: 4 TxId_Deprecated: 4 TabletID: 72075186233409552 2025-03-11T11:38:25.066534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 4 ShardOwnerId: 72075186233409549 ShardLocalIdx: 4, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.066860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:25.067686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.067757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.067828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409549, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:25.070969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72075186233409549:4 2025-03-11T11:38:25.071052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72075186233409549:4 tabletId 72075186233409552 2025-03-11T11:38:25.071477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.264691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.265153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.265397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:38:25.265716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:38:25.265747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:38:25.265774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:38:25.266073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:25.266103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:25.266128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:25.382297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:25.382660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: make a bill, record: '{"usage":{"start":1600452180,"quantity":59,"finish":1600452239,"type":"delta","unit":"byte*second"},"tags":{"ydb_size":0},"id":"72057594046678944-3-1600452180-1600452239-0","cloud_id":"CLOUD_ID_VAL","source_wt":1600452240,"source_id":"sless-docapi-ydb-storage","resource_id":"DATABASE_ID_VAL","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","folder_id":"FOLDER_ID_VAL","version":"1.0.0"} ', schemeshardId: 72075186233409549, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], now: 2020-09-18T18:04:00.028000Z, LastBillTime: 2020-09-18T18:02:00.000000Z, lastBilled: 2020-09-18T18:02:00.000000Z--2020-09-18T18:02:59.000000Z, toBill: 2020-09-18T18:03:00.000000Z--2020-09-18T18:03:59.000000Z, next retry at: 2020-09-18T18:05:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:38:25.384955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete grabMeteringMessage has happened 2025-03-11T11:38:25.385116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TFakeMetering got TEvMetering::TEvWriteMeteringJson >> TStorageTenantTest::GenericCases [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolBeforeDroppingTablet [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.504189Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514813769795656:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.504246Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c69/r3tmp/tmpFabdTp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:02.221607Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:02.550003Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:02.550122Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:02.566862Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:02.714113Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:03.296220Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.519843Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514813769795656:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.520303Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:1780 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.087669Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514813769795881:2140] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.087755Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514839539600148:2469] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.087874Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.087957Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089534Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697992:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697989:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089572Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697993:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697990:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089595Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697994:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697991:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089646Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514809474828225:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697992:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089671Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514809474828228:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697993:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089688Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514809474828231:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697994:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089713Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697992:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514809474828225:2051], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089728Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697993:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514809474828228:2054], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089753Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514826654697994:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514809474828231:2057], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089792Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697989:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089817Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089847Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697990:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089865Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089909Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514826654697991:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.089942Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514826654697982:2265][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514826654697991:2265], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:04.090000Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.107657Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514826654697982:2265] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:04.107802Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514826654697982:2265] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.109646Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514839539600149:2470], recipient# [1:7480514839539600148:2469], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.109688Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514839539600148:2469] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:04.241925Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514839539600148:2469] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.297788Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514839539600148:2469] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514839539600147:2468] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:04.302897Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:04.303222Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE TRACE: Create subscriber: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], path# /dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations, domainOwnerId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:04.303978Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514839539600156:2475][/dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations] Handle NKikimr::TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList 2025-03-11T11:38:04.305693Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514809474828225:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSubscribe { Path: /dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 }: sender# [1:7480514839539600160:2475] 2025-03-11T11:38:04.305712Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA INFO: [1:7480514809474828225:2051] Upsert description: path# /dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations 2025-03-11T11:38:04.305963Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA INFO: [1:7480514809474828225:2051] Subscribe: subscriber# [1:7480514839539600160:2475], path# /dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations, domainOwnerId# 72057594046644480, capabilities# AckNotifications: true 2025-03-11T11:38:04.306191Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514809474828228:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSubscribe { Path: /dc-1/.metad ... 72057594046644480:3 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.098309Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][3:7480514855167279058:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:7480514809474828231:2057] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.098795Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][3:7480514855167279057:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [1:7480514809474828228:2054] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.098829Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][3:7480514855167279052:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [3:7480514855167279055:2109] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.098869Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER INFO: [main][3:7480514855167279052:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Path was already updated: owner# [3:7480514850872311743:2104], state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 1 Version: (PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], Version: 18446744073709551615) DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements }, other state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 1 Version: (PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], Version: 18446744073709551615) DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.099331Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][3:7480514855167279052:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 }: sender# [3:7480514855167279054:2109] 2025-03-11T11:38:12.147986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:38:12.148058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:38:12.099357Z node 3 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER INFO: [main][3:7480514855167279052:2109][/dc-1/USER_0] Path was already updated: owner# [3:7480514850872311743:2104], state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 1 Version: (PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], Version: 18446744073709551615) DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements }, other state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 1 Version: (PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], Version: 18446744073709551615) DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.167827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.168219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:38:12.168512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 4 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.168660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:12.168780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.168873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 3 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.169649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:12.170057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.195955Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:38:12.196075Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:38:12.196111Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:12.196144Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:38:12.503667Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.503803Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514839539600156:2475] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.512483Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514873899339240:2936], recipient# [1:7480514873899339235:2348], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:2 tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:4 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:4 tabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:1 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:1 tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:3 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046644480:3 tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.514335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:12.558282Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Can't find the tablet from RequestHiveInfo(TabletID=72075186224037888) TabletID: 72075186224037888 Status: OK Info { TabletID: 72075186224037888 Channels { Channel: 0 ChannelType: 0 History { FromGeneration: 0 GroupID: 2181038081 } StoragePool: "name_USER_0_kind_storage-pool-number-2" } Channels { Channel: 1 ChannelType: 0 History { FromGeneration: 0 GroupID: 2181038081 } StoragePool: "name_USER_0_kind_storage-pool-number-2" } Channels { Channel: 2 ChannelType: 0 History { FromGeneration: 0 GroupID: 2181038081 } StoragePool: "name_USER_0_kind_storage-pool-number-2" } TabletType: Coordinator Version: 1 TenantIdOwner: 72057594046644480 TenantIdLocalId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.594637Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Can't find the tablet from RequestHiveInfo(TabletID=72075186224037888) 2025-03-11T11:38:12.794483Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.794606Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514818064763201:2153], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514839539600156:2475] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:12.794885Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514873899339261:2953], recipient# [1:7480514873899339260:2352], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } |75.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::DeclareAndDefine [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.384737Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514811246665311:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.385096Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c26/r3tmp/tmp6agwnE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:37:59.707484Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:01.725597Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:02.622532Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:02.846087Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.055158Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:03.055260Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:03.075159Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:03.274009Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514811246665311:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.274086Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:29112 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.234821Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514811246665395:2115] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.235450Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841311437009:2457] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.235956Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.236208Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.273068Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632816:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632813:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.273364Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632817:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632814:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.273732Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632818:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632815:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.278812Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514806951697776:2050] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632816:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.278851Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514806951697779:2053] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632817:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.278866Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514806951697782:2056] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632818:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279386Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632816:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514806951697776:2050], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279401Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632817:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514806951697779:2053], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279411Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815541632818:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514806951697782:2056], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279438Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632813:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279457Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279468Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632814:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279485Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279503Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815541632815:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279521Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815541632810:2167][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514815541632815:2167], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.279580Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.365719Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514815541632810:2167] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:05.365880Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514815541632810:2167] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.513535Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514841311437014:2458], recipient# [1:7480514841311437009:2457], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.514497Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.523048Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.523234Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841311437009:2457] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.720236Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514841311437016:2460], recipient# [1:7480514841311437013:2305], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.791034Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841311437009:2457] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.823979Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841311437009:2457] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514841311437008:2456] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { Tot ... ncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.270159Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.270256Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514914325882214:3184], recipient# [1:7480514914325882213:2371], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.643404Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.643515Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.643614Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514914325882224:3187], recipient# [1:7480514914325882223:2372], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.666839Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.666959Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514910030914873:3176] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:22.667041Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514914325882226:3188], recipient# [1:7480514914325882225:2373], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.270461Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.270574Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.270639Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514918620849541:3197], recipient# [1:7480514918620849538:2374], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.653284Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.653610Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.653673Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514918620849551:3200], recipient# [1:7480514918620849550:2375], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.678205Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.678313Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514910030914873:3176] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:23.678379Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514918620849553:3201], recipient# [1:7480514918620849552:2376], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:24.290737Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:24.290851Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811246665420:2129], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514832721502388:2442] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:24.290930Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514922915816863:3205], recipient# [1:7480514922915816862:2377], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> VectorIndexBuildTest::BaseCase [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.453993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.537911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:41.537969Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:41.562894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.563450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.563627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.576945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.577207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.577643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.577882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.580953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:41.582749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.589555Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.731915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.732136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.732374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.732582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.732630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.734729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.734861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:41.735083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.735142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.735181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:41.735228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:41.738189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.738266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.738304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:41.741950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.742033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.742160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.742371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.763284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:41.770399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:41.770628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:41.771801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.771965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.772024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.772355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:41.772430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.772638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.772741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.775657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.775721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:41.775922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.775964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:41.776757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:41.779397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.779539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:41.779588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... TabletDead 2025-03-11T11:38:28.211090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186233409567 2025-03-11T11:38:28.211939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186233409567 2025-03-11T11:38:28.229402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 7 ShardOwnerId: 72075186233409561 ShardLocalIdx: 7, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.240034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 6] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.241643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72075186233409561:8 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72075186233409561 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409567 2025-03-11T11:38:28.254372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.254663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 6], at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.255227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:38:28.256202Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72075186233409561 ShardLocalIdx: 8 TxId_Deprecated: 8 TabletID: 72075186233409568 2025-03-11T11:38:28.256763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269552133, Sender [1:3331:5070], Recipient [1:4588:6245]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvStateChangedResult TabletId: 72075186233409561 State: 4 2025-03-11T11:38:28.256795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvStateChangedResult 2025-03-11T11:38:28.256821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChangedResult datashard 72075186233409568 state Offline Forgetting tablet 72075186233409568 2025-03-11T11:38:28.257782Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268829696, Sender [1:4580:6239], Recipient [1:4588:6245]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead 2025-03-11T11:38:28.270875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186233409568 2025-03-11T11:38:28.270989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186233409568 2025-03-11T11:38:28.272913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 8 ShardOwnerId: 72075186233409561 ShardLocalIdx: 8, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.273632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 7] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.298860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72075186233409561:7 2025-03-11T11:38:28.314171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72075186233409561:7 tabletId 72075186233409567 2025-03-11T11:38:28.317006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 1 candidates, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.317879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.318178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.318745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:28.319582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72075186233409561:8 2025-03-11T11:38:28.319896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72075186233409561:8 tabletId 72075186233409568 2025-03-11T11:38:28.355657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.428156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1900, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.428246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976735762 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1900 MediatorID: 72075186233409563 TabletID: 72075186233409561, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.428289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72075186233409561] TDropLock TPropose opId# 281474976735762:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 1900 2025-03-11T11:38:28.428520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976735762:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:38:28.455655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976735762:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409561 2025-03-11T11:38:28.455712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72075186233409561] TDone opId# 281474976735762:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:38:28.455790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976735762:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976735762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976735762:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976735762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976735762, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:3331:5070] message: TxId: 281474976735762 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976735762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976735762:0 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976735762:0 2025-03-11T11:38:28.456593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:28.490353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976735762 2025-03-11T11:38:28.490421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976735762 2025-03-11T11:38:28.490950Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976735762, buildInfoId: 115 2025-03-11T11:38:28.491632Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxReply : TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, txId# 281474976735762, buildInfo: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 115, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: embedding, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:4200:5894], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976735757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976735758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976735761, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976735762, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 0, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:28.515091Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 115 2025-03-11T11:38:28.515419Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 115, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: embedding, State: Unlocking, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:4200:5894], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976735757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976735758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976735761, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976735762, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:28.515464Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: Change state from Unlocking to Done 2025-03-11T11:38:28.539478Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX INFO: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: id# 115 2025-03-11T11:38:28.539565Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TTxBuildProgress: Resume: TBuildInfo{ IndexBuildId: 115, Uid: , DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 1], TablePathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409561, LocalPathId: 2], IndexType: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree, IndexName: index1, IndexColumn: embedding, State: Done, IsCancellationRequested: 0, Issue: , SubscribersCount: 1, CreateSender: [1:4200:5894], AlterMainTableTxId: 0, AlterMainTableTxStatus: StatusSuccess, AlterMainTableTxDone: 0, LockTxId: 281474976735757, LockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, LockTxDone: 1, InitiateTxId: 281474976735758, InitiateTxStatus: StatusAccepted, InitiateTxDone: 1, SnapshotStepId: 0, ApplyTxId: 281474976735761, ApplyTxStatus: StatusAccepted, ApplyTxDone: 1, UnlockTxId: 281474976735762, UnlockTxStatus: StatusAccepted, UnlockTxDone: 1, ToUploadShards: 0, DoneShards: 0, Processed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }, Billed: { upload rows: 0, upload bytes: 0, read rows: 0, read bytes: 0 }} 2025-03-11T11:38:28.539601Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX TRACE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_PROGRESS_INDEX_BUILD: TIndexBuildInfo SendNotifications: : id# 115, subscribers count# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:28.539742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 115: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:28.539783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 115: satisfy waiter [1:4335:6007] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 115 2025-03-11T11:38:28.587057Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute DatabaseName: "/MyRoot/CommonDB" IndexBuildId: 115 2025-03-11T11:38:28.588575Z node 1 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_GET_INDEX_BUILD: Reply Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 115 State: STATE_DONE Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/CommonDB/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "embedding" global_vector_kmeans_tree_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 100 } BUILDINDEX RESPONSE Get: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvGetResponse Status: SUCCESS IndexBuild { Id: 115 State: STATE_DONE Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/CommonDB/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "embedding" global_vector_kmeans_tree_index { } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_batch_bytes: 8388608 max_shards_in_flight: 2 max_retries_upload_batch: 50 } Progress: 100 } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateTableInsideSubDomain2 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:02.667012Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514828373046834:2145];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:02.724979Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c13/r3tmp/tmpJ44SMW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:04.286505Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.654188Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.651469Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514828373046834:2145];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.665858Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.948791Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.214253Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.214733Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.543896Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:09.602369Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:09.602663Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:09.624492Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:09.780282Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.102602s 2025-03-11T11:38:09.780759Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.102815s TClient is connected to server localhost:25184 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.306054Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514828373046978:2137] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.306111Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514867027753165:2469] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.306208Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514832668014307:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:11.306304Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514832668014307:2152], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.307860Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981726:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981723:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.307891Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981727:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981724:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.307906Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981728:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981725:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.307936Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514828373046635:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981726:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308020Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514828373046641:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981728:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308042Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514828373046638:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981727:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308058Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981726:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828373046635:2051], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308072Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981728:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828373046641:2057], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308085Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514836962981727:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828373046638:2054], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308166Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981723:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308185Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308201Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981725:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308223Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308244Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514836962981724:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308256Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514836962981696:2198][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514836962981724:2198], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:11.308312Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514832668014307:2152], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:11.319734Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514832668014307:2152], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514836962981696:2198] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:11.319857Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514832668014307:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514836962981696:2198] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:11.364827Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514867027753166:2470], recipient# [1:7480514867027753165:2469], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:11.364907Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514867027753165:2469] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:11.896215Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514867027753165:2469] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:11.931964Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514867027753165:2469] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514867027753164:2468] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_De ... Info }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:25.326311Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:25.326372Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514927974772074:2369], recipient# [3:7480514927974772073:2335], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.322227Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.322343Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.322419Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514932269739372:2370], recipient# [3:7480514932269739371:2336], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.346144Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.346250Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.346571Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514932269739374:2371], recipient# [3:7480514932269739373:2337], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.323239Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.323353Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.323936Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514936564706672:2372], recipient# [3:7480514936564706671:2338], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.350193Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.350288Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.350803Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514936564706674:2373], recipient# [3:7480514936564706673:2339], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.326916Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.327032Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.327105Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514940859673972:2374], recipient# [3:7480514940859673971:2340], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.358147Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.358243Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514889320065952:2102], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514897910000652:2157] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.358311Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480514940859673974:2375], recipient# [3:7480514940859673973:2341], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::GenericCases [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:00.988597Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514820118173490:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:00.988777Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c1d/r3tmp/tmpdqQ1b1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:02.716248Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.293585Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:03.293700Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:03.299852Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:03.437967Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:03.858289Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:22120 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.850599Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514824413141011:2139] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.851048Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841593010681:2459] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.852348Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.852651Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861440Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108444:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108441:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861482Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108445:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108442:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861497Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108446:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108443:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861727Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514815823206056:2050] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108444:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861741Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514815823206059:2053] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108445:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861752Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514815823206062:2056] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108446:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861774Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108444:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815823206056:2050], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861789Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108445:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815823206059:2053], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.861803Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514828708108446:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815823206062:2056], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862043Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108441:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862235Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862248Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108442:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862266Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862569Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514828708108443:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.862771Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514828708108429:2199][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514828708108443:2199], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:05.863215Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.920646Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514828708108429:2199] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:05.921426Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514828708108429:2199] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.922107Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.923690Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514837298043368:2451] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.929025Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514841593010689:2463], recipient# [1:7480514841593010682:2302], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.949442Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514841593010688:2462], recipient# [1:7480514841593010681:2459], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:05.949539Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841593010681:2459] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:05.997355Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514820118173490:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:05.997410Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.227485Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841593010681:2459] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:06.260448Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514841593010681:2459] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514841593010680:2458] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: ... :38:25.566907Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514837298043368:2451] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:25.566964Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514927492357917:3280], recipient# [1:7480514927492357916:2361], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.491656Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.492014Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514914607455923:3251] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.492080Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514931787325228:3286], recipient# [1:7480514931787325227:2362], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.581479Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.581581Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514837298043368:2451] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:26.581641Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514931787325237:3287], recipient# [1:7480514931787325236:2363], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.823893Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.824003Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514914607455923:3251] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.824059Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.824104Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514837298043368:2451] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.824186Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514936082292554:3291], recipient# [1:7480514936082292552:2364], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:27.824247Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514936082292555:3292], recipient# [1:7480514936082292553:2365], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830419Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830522Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514914607455923:3251] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830570Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830613Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514828708108331:2152], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514837298043368:2451] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830661Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514940377259872:3296], recipient# [1:7480514940377259870:2366], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:28.830695Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514940377259873:3297], recipient# [1:7480514940377259871:2367], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableDuringSplit [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::LsLs [GOOD] |75.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutBoth [GOOD] >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutClustersList [GOOD] |75.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v1-std] |75.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::LsLs [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:03.518331Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514833833633203:2278];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.535362Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.812271Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480514835280793328:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.812324Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c19/r3tmp/tmpSdCeTh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:08.499063Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514833833633203:2278];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:08.499327Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:08.817536Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480514835280793328:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.569740Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.658491Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.673144Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:09.673438Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:10.644243Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:10.702418Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:12.279192Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:12.285077Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:12.544742Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:12.544848Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:12.545276Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:12.545319Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:12.762362Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:38:12.762519Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:12.791157Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:13.299259Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:13.299508Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:13.432623Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.389176s 2025-03-11T11:38:13.432686Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.389249s 2025-03-11T11:38:13.503584Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:13.503613Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:14.309491Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:14.387936Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:14.394342Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:14.608127Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:14.608153Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:21488 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:19.555388Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:19.681833Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514846718535134:2155], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.431058Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514886820401173:2120] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.431324Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514908295237669:2126], recipient# [2:7480514904000270372:2308], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.431434Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514846718535134:2155], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514885373241296:2485] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.431494Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514906848077839:2511], recipient# [1:7480514902553110541:2310], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.432467Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514833833633221:2141] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.432511Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514906848077844:2514] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.432600Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514846718535134:2155], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:20.432784Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514859603437123:2200][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514846718535134:2155], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.487037Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514859603437151:2200][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514859603437148:2200], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.487414Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514825243698263:2052] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514859603437151:2200], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.487796Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514859603437152:2200][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514859603437149:2200], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.487811Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514859603437153:2200][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514859603437150:2200], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:20.487836Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514859603437151:2200][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: se ... { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.790323Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514886820401173:2120] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.790513Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514977014714494:2154], recipient# [2:7480514977014714493:2337], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.259891Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.260503Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514968424779872:2142] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: undefined Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.263625Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514968424779873:2143] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: undefined Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.264467Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514981309681791:2155], recipient# [2:7480514968424779870:2332], result# { ErrorCount: 2 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: LookupError Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: LookupError Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.264642Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:7480514968424779870:2332], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.432863Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.438001Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514968424779852:2140] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: undefined Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.452021Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514981309681793:2156], recipient# [2:7480514981309681792:2338], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: LookupError Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.462130Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:37.797741Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.799721Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514886820401173:2120] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:37.800312Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514981309681795:2157], recipient# [2:7480514981309681794:2339], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.262170Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.262280Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514968424779872:2142] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: undefined Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.262328Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514848165695447:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514968424779873:2143] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: undefined Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.262421Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514985604649093:2158], recipient# [2:7480514968424779870:2332], result# { ErrorCount: 2 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: LookupError Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: LookupError Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.262851Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:7480514968424779870:2332], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } |75.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_table |75.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_table |75.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_populator/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/tablet/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_serverless/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_table ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutClustersList [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:17.919966Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514891703733344:2057];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:17.920064Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b0f/r3tmp/tmpCqQn39/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:20.601000Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.633701Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.794629Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.794721Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.807191Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.840960Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 61378, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.290654Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b0f/r3tmp/yandext40vVD.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.290678Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b0f/r3tmp/yandext40vVD.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.290820Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b0f/r3tmp/yandext40vVD.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.290922Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:38:22.926608Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514891703733344:2057];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:22.926671Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> TPQCDTest::TestCloudClientsAreConsistentlyDistributed [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutBoth [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:17.789324Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514894319202357:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:17.833746Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b1c/r3tmp/tmpxHsKi3/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:20.971051Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.850148Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:21.869324Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.878202Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.954175Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25661, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.400835Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.405961Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.405982Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.406183Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:38:22.706103Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514894319202357:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:22.706174Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> TPQCDTest::TestRelatedServicesAreRunning [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/unittest >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableDuringSplit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:03.127643Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.127970Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.128140Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000f27/r3tmp/tmp3cbicy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:04.106727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:04.202101Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:04.348043Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:04.348503Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:04.372941Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:04.530166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:06.018972Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:737:2619], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:06.019788Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:747:2624], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:06.022160Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:06.055418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:06.434695Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:751:2627], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:06.527157Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:825:2670] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:34.278190Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fyt9855q5bescy3w4z9zw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGQ0MWFjNDItZTc0ZGJlOTQtZGMzZTU4ZmYtZDJmOTQxMzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:34.380635Z node 1 :KQP_SLOW_LOG WARN: TraceId: "01jp2fyt9855q5bescy3w4z9zw", SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGQ0MWFjNDItZTc0ZGJlOTQtZGMzZTU4ZmYtZDJmOTQxMzU=, Slow query, duration: 28.382482s, status: STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED, user: UNAUTHENTICATED, results: 0b, text: "UPSERT INTO `/Root/TestTable` (key, value) VALUES (0, 00), (1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33), (4, 44), (5, 55), (6, 66), (7, 77), (8, 88), (9, 99), (10, 1010), (11, 1111), (12, 1212), (13, 1313), (14, 1414), (15, 1515), (16, 1616), (17, 1717), (18, 1818), (19, 1919), (20, 2020), (21, 2121), (22, 2222), (23, 2323), (24, 2424), (25, 2525), (26, 2626), (27, 2727), (28, 2828), (29, 2929), (30, 3030), (31, 3131), (32, 3232), (33, 3333), (34, 3434), (35, 3535), (36, 3636), (37, 3737), (38, 3838), (39, 3939), (40, 4040), (41, 4141), (42, 4242), (43, 4343), (44, 4444), (45, 4545), (46, 4646), (47, 4747), (48, 4848), (49, 4949), (50, 5050), (51, 5151), (52, 5252), (53, 5353), (54, 5454), (55, 5555), (56, 5656), (57, 5757), (58, 5858), (59, 5959), (60, 6060), (61, 6161), (62, 6262), (63, 6363), (64, 6464), (65, 6565), (66, 6666), (67, 6767), (68, 6868), (69, 6969), (70, 7070), (71, 7171), (72, 7272), (73, 7373), (74, 7474), (75, 7575), (76, 7676), (77, 7777), (78, 7878), (79, 7979), (80, 8080), (81, 8181), (82, 8282), (83, 8383), (84, 8484), (85, 8585), (86, 8686), (87, 8787), (88, 8888), (89, 8989), (90, 9090), (91, 9191), (92, 9292), (93, 9393), (94, 9494), (95, 9595), (96, 9696), (97, 9797), (98, 9898), (99, 9999), (100, 100100), (101, 101101), (102, 102102), (103, 103103), (104, 104104), (105, 105105), (106, 106106), (107, 107107), (108, 108108), (109, 109109), (110, 110110), (111, 111111), (112, 112112), (113, 113113), (114, 114114), (115, 115115), (116, 116116), (117, 117117), (118, 118118), (119, 119119), (120, 120120), (121, 121121), (122, 122122), (123, 123123), (124, 124124), (125, 125125), (126, 126126), (127, 127127), (128, 128128), (129, 129129), 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(396, 396396), (397, 397397), (398, 398398), (399, 399399), (400, 400400), (401, 401401), (402, 402402), (403, 403403), (404, 404404), (405, 405405), (406, 406406), (407, 407407), (408, 408408), (409, 409409), (410, 410410), (411, 411411), (412, 412412), (413, 413413), (414, 414414), (415, 415415), (416, 416416), (417, 417417), (418, 418418), (419, 419419), (420, 420420), (421, 421421), (422, 422422), (423, 423423), (424, 424424), (425, 425425), (426, 426426), (427, 427427), (428, 428428), (429, 429429), (430, 430430), (431, 431431), (432, 432432), (433, 433433), (434, 434434), (435, 435435), (436, 436436), (437, 437437), (438, 438438), (439, 439439), (440, 440440), (441, 441441), (442, 442442), (443, 443443), (444, 444444), (445, 445445), (446, 446446), (447, 447447), (448, 448448), (449, 449449), (450, 450450), (451, 451451), (452, 452452), (453, 453453), (454, 454454), (455, 455455), (456, 456456), (457, 457457), (458, 458458), (459, 459459), (460, 460460), (461, 461461), (462, 462462), (463, 463463), (464, 464464), (465, 465465), (466, 466466), (467, 467467), (468, 468468), (469, 469469), (470, 470470), (471, 471471), (472, 472472), (473, 473473), (474, 474474), (475, 475475), (476, 476476), (477, 477477), (478, 478478), (479, 479479), (480, 480480), (481, 481481), (482, 482482), (483, 483483), (484, 484484), (485, 485485), (486, 486486), (487, 487487), (488, 488488), (489, 489489), (490, 490490), (491, 491491), (492, 492492), (493, 493493), (494, 494494), (495, 495495), (496, 496496), (497, 497497), (498, 498498), (499, 499499), (500, 500500), (501, 501501), (502, 502502), (503, 503503), (504, 504504), (505, 505505), (506, 506506), (507, 507507), (508, 508508), (509, 509509), (510, 510510), (511, 511511), (512, 512512), (513, 513513), (514, 514514), (515, 515515), (516, 516516), (517, 517517), (518, 518518), (519, 519519), (520, 520520), (521, 521521), (522, 522522), (523, 523523), (524, 524524), (525, 525525), (526, 526526), (527, 527527), (528, 528528), (529, 529529), (530, 530530), (531, 531531), (532, 532532), (533, 533533), (534, 534534), (535, 535535), (536, 536536), (537, 537537), (538, 538538), (539, 539539), (540, 540540), (541, 541541), (542, 542542), (543, 543543), (544, 544544), (545, 545545), (546, 546546), (547, 547547), (548, 548548), (549, 549549), (550, 550550), (551, 551551), (552, 552552), (553, 553553), (554, 554554), (555, 555555), (556, 556556), (557, 557557), (558, 558558), (559, 559559), (560, 560560), (561, 561561), (562, 562562), (563, 563563), (564, 564564), (565, 565565), (566, 566566), (567, 567567), (568, 568568), (569, 569569), (570, 570570), (571, 571571), (572, 572572), (573, 573573), (574, 574574), (575, 575575), (576, 576576), (577, 577577), (578, 578578), (579, 579579), (580, 580580), (581, 581581), (582, 582582), (583, 583583), (584, 584584), (585, 585585), (586, 586586), (587, 587587), (588, 588588), (589, 589589), (590, 590590), (591, 591591), (592, 592592), (593, 593593), (594, 594594), (595, 595595), (596, 596596), (597, 597597), (598, 598598), (599, 599599), (600, 600600), (601, 601601), (602, 602602), (603, 603603), (604, 604604), (605, 605605), (606, 606606), (607, 607607), (608, 608608), (609, 609609), (610, 610610), (611, 611611), (612, 612612), (613, 613613), (614, 614614), (615, 615615), (616, 616616), (617, 617617), (618, 618618), (619, 619619), (620, 620620), (621, 621621), (622, 622622), (623, 623623), (624, 624624), (625, 625625), (626, 626626), (627, 627627), (628, 628628), (629, 629629), (630, 630630), (631, 631631), (632, 632632), (633, 633633), (634, 634634), (635, 635635), (636, 636636), (637, 637637), (638, 638638), (639, 639639), (640, 640640), (641, 641641), (642, 642642), (643, 643643), (644, 644644), (645, 645645), (646, 646646), (647, 647647), (648, 648648), (649, 649649), (650, 650650), (651, 651651), (652, 652652), (653, 653653), (654, 654654), (655, 655655), (656, 656656), (657, 657657), (658, 658658), (659, 659659), (660, 660660), (661, 661661), (662, 662662), (663, 663663), (664, 664664), (665, 665665), (666, 666666), (667, 667667), (668, 668668), (669, 669669), (670, 670670), (671, 671671), (672, 672672), (673, 673673), (674, 674674), (675, 675675), (676, 676676), (677, 677677), (678, 678678), (679, 679679), (680, 680680), (681, 681681), (682, 682682), (683, 683683), (684, 684684), (685, 685685), (686, 686686), (687, 687687), (688, 688688), (689, 689689), (690, 690690), (691, 691691), (692, 692692), (693, 693693), (694, 694694), (695, 695695), (696, 696696), (697, 697697), (698, 698698), (699, 699699), (700, 700700), (701, 701701), (702, 702702), (703, 703703), (704, 704704), (705, 705705), (706, 706706), (707, 707707), (708, 708708), (709, 709709), (710, 710710), (711, 711711), (712, 712712), (713, 713713), (714, 714714), (715, 715715), (716, 716716), (717, 717717), (718, 718718), (719, 719719), (720, 720720), (721, 721721), (722, 722722), (723, 723723), (724, 724724), (725, 725725), (726, 726726), (727, 727727), (728, 728728), (729, 729729), (730, 730730), (731, 731731), (732, 732732), (733, 733733), (734, 734734), (735, 735735), (736, 736736), (737, 737737), (738, 738738), (739, 739739), (740, 740740), (741, 741741), (742, 742742), (743, 743743), (744, 744744), (745, 745745), (746, 746746), (747, 747747), (748, 748748), (749, 749749), (750, 750750), (751, 751751), (752, 752752), (753, 753753), (754, 754754), (755, 755755), (756, 756756), (757, 757757), (758, 758758), (759, 759759), (760, 760760), (761, 761761), (762, 762762), (763, 763763), (764, 764764), (765, 765765), (766, 766766), (767, 767767), (768, 768768), (769, 769769), (770, 770770), (771, 771771), (772, 772772), (773, 773773), (774, 774774), (775, 775775), (776, 776776), (777, 777777), (778, 778778), (779, 779779), (780, 780780), (781, 781781), (782, 782782), (783, 783783), (784, 784784), (785, 785785), (786, 786786), (787, 787787), (788, 788788), (789, 789789), (790, 790790), (791, 791791), (792, 792792), (793, 793793), (794, 794794), (795, 795795), (796, 796796), (797, 797797), (798, 798798), (799, 799799), (800, 800800), (801, 801801), (802, 802802), (803, 803803), (804, 804804), (805, 805805), (806, 806806), (807, 807807), (808, 808808), (809, 809809), (810, 810810), (811, 811811), (812, 812812), (813, 813813), (814, 814814), (815, 815815), (816, 816816), (817, 817817), (818, 818818), (819, 819819), (820, 820820), (821, 821821), (822, 822822), (823, 823823), (824, 824824), (825, 825825), (826, 826826), (827, 827827), (828, 828828), (829, 829829), (830, 830830), (831, 831831), (832, 832832), (833, 833833), (834, 834834), (835, 835835), (836, 836836), (837, 837837), (838, 838838), (839, 839839), (840, 840840), (841, 841841), (842, 842842), (843, 843843), (844, 844844), (845, 845845), (846, 846846), (847, 847847), (848, 848848), (849, 849849), (850, 850850), (851, 851851), (852, 852852), (853, 853853), (854, 854854), (855, 855855), (856, 856856), (857, 857857), (858, 858858), (859, 859859), (860, 860860), (861, 861861), (862, 862862), (863, 863863), (864, 864864), (865, 865865), (866, 866866), (867, 867867), (868, 868868), (869, 869869), (870, 870870), (871, 871871), (872, 872872), (873, 873873), (874, 874874), (875, 875875), (876, 876876), (877, 877877), (878, 878878), (879, 879879), (880, 880880), (881, 881881), (882, 882882), (883, 883883), (884, 884884), (885, 885885), (886, 886886), (887, 887887), (888, 888888), (889, 889889), (890, 890890), (891, 891891), (892, 892892), (893, 893893), (894, 894894), (895, 895895), (896, 896896), (897, 897897), (898, 898898), (899, 899899), (900, 900900), (901, 901901), (902, 902902), (903, 903903), (904, 904904), (905, 905905), (906, 906906), (907, 907907), (908, 908908), (909, 909909), (910, 910910), (911, 911911), (912, 912912), (913, 913913), (914, 914914), (915, 915915), (916, 916916), (917, 917917), (918, 918918), (919, 919919), (920, 920920), (921, 921921), (922, 922922), (923, 923923), (924, 924924), (925, 925925), (926, 926926), (927, 927927), (928, 928928), (929, 929929), (930, 930930), (931, 931931), (932, 932932), (933, 933933), (934, 934934), (935, 935935), (936, 936936), (937, 937937), (938, 938938), (939, 939939), (940, 940940), (941, 941941), (942, 942942), (943, 943943), (944, 944944), (945, 945945), (946, 946946), (947, 947947), (948, 948948), (949, 949949), (950, 950950), (951, 951951), (952, 952952), (953, 953953), (954, 954954), (955, 955955), (956, 956956), (957, 957957), (958, 958958), (959, 959959), (960, 960960), (961, 961961), (962, 962962), (963, 963963), (964, 964964), (965, 965965), (966, 966966), (967, 967967), (968, 968968), (969, 969969), (970, 970970), (971, 971971), (972, 972972), (973, 973973), (974, 974974), (975, 975975), (976, 976976), (977, 977977), (978, 978978), (979, 979979), (980, 980980), (981, 981981), (982, 982982), (983, 983983), (984, 984984), (985, 985985), (986, 986986), (987, 987987), (988, 988988), (989, 989989), (990, 990990), (991, 991991), (992, 992992), (993, 993993), (994, 994994), (995, 995995), (996, 996996), (997, 997997), (998, 998998), (999, 999999), (10000, 10000);", parameters: 0b 2025-03-11T11:38:36.756800Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzp115sn0fwjbx3nh02b9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjE2OTM0OWQtN2RjMGUyMmEtYzI4MjFkZTMtMjk2ZmM5YjA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Captured TEvDataShard::TEvRead from KQP_SOURCE_READ_ACTOR to TX_DATASHARD_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:38:36.767027Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzp115sn0fwjbx3nh02b9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjE2OTM0OWQtN2RjMGUyMmEtYzI4MjFkZTMtMjk2ZmM5YjA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Captured TEvDataShard::TEvRead from KQP_STREAM_LOOKUP_ACTOR to TX_DATASHARD_ACTOR --- split started --- --- split finished --- Captured TEvDataShard::TEvRead from KQP_STREAM_LOOKUP_ACTOR to TX_DATASHARD_ACTOR Captured TEvDataShard::TEvRead from KQP_STREAM_LOOKUP_ACTOR to TX_DATASHARD_ACTOR |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TPQCDTest::TestPrioritizeLocalDatacenter [GOOD] |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestRelatedServicesAreRunning [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:18.926588Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514897204669936:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:18.927149Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001adb/r3tmp/tmpjQFOLV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:21.649087Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.969094Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.970072Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.981554Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:22.226755Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23757, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.675911Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001adb/r3tmp/yandexVb08TY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.675933Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001adb/r3tmp/yandexVb08TY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.676092Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001adb/r3tmp/yandexVb08TY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.676204Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:38:23.914204Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514897204669936:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:23.914266Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:17960 PQClient connected to localhost:23757 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:25.733166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:37.096407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:37.096431Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:38.695003Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzf44bf3cxx7qhhbepfm7", Request deadline has expired for 6.548088s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:38.695054Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzm1569kxmwb448xsxmhd", Request deadline has expired for 1.446160s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:38.910443Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514983104016500:2366], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.911035Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.911888Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514983104016505:2369], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.942387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:39.091236Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480514983104016515:2370], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.200363Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480514987398983871:2439] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:40.627519Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514987398983894:2380], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:40.642370Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTdhODMzNzUtYTFlODI4NjYtOTBmN2FkNDctZGYyYzUxZDY=, ActorId: [1:7480514983104016497:2364], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fzt76avy8jfzghjy76ynn, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:40.644604Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:40.657635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:40.876725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:41.040709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:38:42.875678Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzws3ep6xswd4pz75sx4r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODc2OTNmMDgtMjdjZjMwOTEtZmQ4YTMxZS0yYTUzZTIwMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestCloudClientsAreConsistentlyDistributed [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:16.737201Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514889748752333:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:16.737691Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b05/r3tmp/tmplaioD2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:21.048468Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.667483Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.667586Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.672782Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.683143Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:21.714647Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514889748752333:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.714697Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15958, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.143103Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b05/r3tmp/yandexr8ppQS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.143122Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b05/r3tmp/yandexr8ppQS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.143751Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b05/r3tmp/yandexr8ppQS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:22.143913Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20017 PQClient connected to localhost:15958 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:23.967878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:24.302487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:36.682613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:36.682932Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:36.693764Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzd7417cn5z9s3fqvttvk", Request deadline has expired for 6.534838s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:36.698611Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzj1s8bf0zkw8ageqrcj1", Request deadline has expired for 1.450698s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:36.833139Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514975648099079:2370], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.833188Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514975648099074:2367], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.833421Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.836523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:36.867297Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480514975648099089:2371], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:36.957820Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480514975648099154:2439] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:38.613705Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514975648099162:2377], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:38.617007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:38.634608Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWFiYjQ1ZGQtYzNlZWI0OTQtMmFmYzZlZTUtZjA2NzFkNmM=, ActorId: [1:7480514975648099071:2365], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fzr8mcswmb4ajf90r9hy3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:38.669812Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.396203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:39.944893Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514988533001255:2399], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:5:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:39.948661Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTc3NGUwOWYtNzY0YjhmNmEtYmU0YjJlMDQtY2E0M2Q3YzY=, ActorId: [1:7480514988533001253:2398], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fzv5z0jk9kkt0qjthph49, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:39.964820Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:40.103403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:38:40.812443Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzvvtfnvga2c6t7fdf867, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmVmYjM1MzMtNzQ2YmQyYTEtNjg3ZDc5ZjctYTE3NTRlNTM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> test_scheme_shard_operations.py::TestSchemeShardSimpleOps::test_given_table_when_drop_table_and_create_with_other_keys_then_ok [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v0] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestPrioritizeLocalDatacenter [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:20.602306Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514908007993440:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:20.602648Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aca/r3tmp/tmpxcPR6q/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:21.894402Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:22.527608Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:22.527862Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:22.534806Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:22.635167Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4814, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:23.200798Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aca/r3tmp/yandex0AJM51.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:23.200817Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aca/r3tmp/yandex0AJM51.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:23.201822Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aca/r3tmp/yandex0AJM51.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:23.214397Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14759 PQClient connected to localhost:4814 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: 2025-03-11T11:38:25.600451Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514908007993440:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:25.600502Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:26.434390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:37.626413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:37.626435Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:39.107930Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzfv4784jh0qs1rp774ta", Request deadline has expired for 6.310773s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:39.108798Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzmvr004t7vc92h40801h", Request deadline has expired for 1.052900s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:39.550664Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514989612372752:2366], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.551575Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.573160Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514989612372766:2371], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.673387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:39.979915Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480514989612372769:2372], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:40.071497Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480514993907340134:2444] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.029805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:41.038532Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514993907340149:2380], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:41.040045Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjZiMDBjYzUtZjk4MTI0NzktZjk4YWIyMDctODI3MWFhOWE=, ActorId: [1:7480514989612372750:2365], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fztm28ybp72d30ez459xt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:41.042083Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.206991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:41.923921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:38:43.292775Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzy2wd69zfb01amq2c7gp, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTg1MDg1ZjEtZGEyMjlmNTctNTAyYTJmNTYtOWZkZmJjOWI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableWithIndexDuringSplit [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v1] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v0] |75.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index |75.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_index >> TStorageTenantTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplit [GOOD] |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TPQCDTest::TestDiscoverClusters [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.422871Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514813917222115:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.422933Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c23/r3tmp/tmpDBpn4J/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:37:59.619714Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:00.863802Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:01.605354Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:01.914232Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:01.963830Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:01.964083Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:01.985067Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:61020 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.065991Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514813917222332:2091] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.066062Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514835392059360:2439] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.066173Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514818212189680:2116], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.066263Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514818212189680:2116], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073130Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189764:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189761:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073199Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189765:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189762:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073218Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189766:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189763:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073255Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514813917222062:2049] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189764:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073283Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514813917222065:2052] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189765:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073300Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514813917222068:2055] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189766:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073335Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189764:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514813917222062:2049], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073348Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189765:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514813917222065:2052], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073361Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514818212189766:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514813917222068:2055], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073396Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189761:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073416Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073430Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189762:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073466Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073490Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514818212189763:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073503Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514818212189760:2150][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514818212189763:2150], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:03.073554Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514818212189680:2116], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.113816Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514818212189680:2116], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514818212189760:2150] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:03.119878Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514818212189680:2116], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514818212189760:2150] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.132696Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514835392059361:2440], recipient# [1:7480514835392059360:2439], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.132920Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514835392059360:2439] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:03.222699Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514835392059360:2439] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.236246Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514835392059360:2439] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514835392059359:2438] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 Pa... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:03.294487Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514813917222332:2091] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:03.294515Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514813917222332:2091] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:03.294625Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514813917222332:2091] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480514835392059369:2444] 2025-03-11T11:38:03.426534Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514813917222115:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.436800Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38: ... e Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.558192Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514907049542703:2142], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514919934445019:2424] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.558921Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480514997243857670:3314], recipient# [2:7480514997243857663:2342], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.667642Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [2:7480514898459607751:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUnsubscribe { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 }: sender# [4:7480514928598881119:2099] 2025-03-11T11:38:41.667676Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA INFO: [2:7480514898459607751:2051] Unsubscribe: subscriber# [4:7480514928598881119:2099], path# /dc-1/USER_0 2025-03-11T11:38:41.678266Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [2:7480514898459607754:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUnsubscribe { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 }: sender# [4:7480514928598881120:2099] 2025-03-11T11:38:41.678300Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA INFO: [2:7480514898459607754:2054] Unsubscribe: subscriber# [4:7480514928598881120:2099], path# /dc-1/USER_0 2025-03-11T11:38:41.678332Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [2:7480514898459607757:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUnsubscribe { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 }: sender# [4:7480514928598881121:2099] 2025-03-11T11:38:41.678340Z node 2 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA INFO: [2:7480514898459607757:2057] Unsubscribe: subscriber# [4:7480514928598881121:2099], path# /dc-1/USER_0 2025-03-11T11:38:41.686088Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 4 2025-03-11T11:38:41.818841Z node 4 :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [f9e72d3ed4766871] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [72075186224037896:1:15:0:0:41:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038081 BlobId# [72075186224037896:1:15:0:0:41:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000001:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "BS_QUEUE: event undelivered", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# E } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} GroupId# 2181038081 Marker# BPP12 2025-03-11T11:38:41.902160Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.902293Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [4:7480514932893848468:2131] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.902372Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [4:7480514997318358998:2931], recipient# [4:7480514997318358997:2372], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:42.906891Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:42.907008Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [4:7480514932893848468:2131] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:42.907084Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [4:7480515001613326296:2932], recipient# [4:7480515001613326295:2373], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:43.910255Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:43.910372Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [4:7480514932893848468:2131] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:43.910456Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [4:7480515005908293594:2933], recipient# [4:7480515005908293593:2374], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:44.913935Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:44.914064Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [4:7480514932893848468:2131] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:44.914141Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [4:7480515010203260892:2934], recipient# [4:7480515010203260891:2375], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:45.918174Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:45.918279Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [4:7480514928598881114:2104], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [4:7480514932893848468:2131] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:45.918346Z node 4 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [4:7480515014498228190:2935], recipient# [4:7480515014498228189:2376], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/unittest >> KqpStreamLookup::ReadTableWithIndexDuringSplit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:03.274494Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:03.274889Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.275125Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000f37/r3tmp/tmpoYRwq9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:05.531921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:05.721098Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:05.792812Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.793515Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:05.831071Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.977267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:07.548209Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:787:2658], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:07.548964Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:797:2663], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:07.549641Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:07.669206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:08.115114Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:801:2666], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:08.391452Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:879:2713] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:44.127420Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fyvrkekc92qefbsdq7t52, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDMzNDQwNzQtNGQxYTRiOTAtNzY3MWYwYTctOGUyYmM4NmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:44.326066Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fyvrkekc92qefbsdq7t52, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDMzNDQwNzQtNGQxYTRiOTAtNzY3MWYwYTctOGUyYmM4NmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:44.510344Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fyvrkekc92qefbsdq7t52, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDMzNDQwNzQtNGQxYTRiOTAtNzY3MWYwYTctOGUyYmM4NmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:44.943634Z node 1 :KQP_SLOW_LOG WARN: TraceId: "01jp2fyvrkekc92qefbsdq7t52", SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDMzNDQwNzQtNGQxYTRiOTAtNzY3MWYwYTctOGUyYmM4NmI=, Slow query, duration: 37.424791s, status: STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED, user: UNAUTHENTICATED, results: 0b, text: "UPSERT INTO `/Root/TestTable` (key, value) VALUES (0, 00), (1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33), (4, 44), (5, 55), (6, 66), (7, 77), (8, 88), (9, 99), (10, 1010), (11, 1111), (12, 1212), (13, 1313), (14, 1414), (15, 1515), (16, 1616), (17, 1717), (18, 1818), (19, 1919), (20, 2020), (21, 2121), (22, 2222), (23, 2323), (24, 2424), (25, 2525), (26, 2626), (27, 2727), (28, 2828), (29, 2929), (30, 3030), (31, 3131), (32, 3232), (33, 3333), (34, 3434), (35, 3535), (36, 3636), (37, 3737), (38, 3838), (39, 3939), (40, 4040), (41, 4141), (42, 4242), (43, 4343), (44, 4444), (45, 4545), (46, 4646), (47, 4747), (48, 4848), (49, 4949), (50, 5050), (51, 5151), (52, 5252), (53, 5353), (54, 5454), (55, 5555), (56, 5656), (57, 5757), (58, 5858), (59, 5959), (60, 6060), (61, 6161), (62, 6262), (63, 6363), (64, 6464), (65, 6565), (66, 6666), (67, 6767), (68, 6868), (69, 6969), (70, 7070), (71, 7171), (72, 7272), (73, 7373), (74, 7474), (75, 7575), (76, 7676), (77, 7777), (78, 7878), (79, 7979), (80, 8080), (81, 8181), (82, 8282), (83, 8383), (84, 8484), (85, 8585), (86, 8686), (87, 8787), (88, 8888), (89, 8989), (90, 9090), (91, 9191), (92, 9292), (93, 9393), (94, 9494), (95, 9595), (96, 9696), (97, 9797), (98, 9898), (99, 9999), (100, 100100), (101, 101101), (102, 102102), (103, 103103), (104, 104104), (105, 105105), (106, 106106), (107, 107107), (108, 108108), (109, 109109), (110, 110110), (111, 111111), (112, 112112), (113, 113113), (114, 114114), (115, 115115), (116, 116116), (117, 117117), (118, 118118), (119, 119119), (120, 120120), (121, 121121), (122, 122122), (123, 123123), (124, 124124), (125, 125125), (126, 126126), (127, 127127), (128, 128128), (129, 129129), 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(396, 396396), (397, 397397), (398, 398398), (399, 399399), (400, 400400), (401, 401401), (402, 402402), (403, 403403), (404, 404404), (405, 405405), (406, 406406), (407, 407407), (408, 408408), (409, 409409), (410, 410410), (411, 411411), (412, 412412), (413, 413413), (414, 414414), (415, 415415), (416, 416416), (417, 417417), (418, 418418), (419, 419419), (420, 420420), (421, 421421), (422, 422422), (423, 423423), (424, 424424), (425, 425425), (426, 426426), (427, 427427), (428, 428428), (429, 429429), (430, 430430), (431, 431431), (432, 432432), (433, 433433), (434, 434434), (435, 435435), (436, 436436), (437, 437437), (438, 438438), (439, 439439), (440, 440440), (441, 441441), (442, 442442), (443, 443443), (444, 444444), (445, 445445), (446, 446446), (447, 447447), (448, 448448), (449, 449449), (450, 450450), (451, 451451), (452, 452452), (453, 453453), (454, 454454), (455, 455455), (456, 456456), (457, 457457), (458, 458458), (459, 459459), (460, 460460), (461, 461461), (462, 462462), (463, 463463), (464, 464464), (465, 465465), (466, 466466), (467, 467467), (468, 468468), (469, 469469), (470, 470470), (471, 471471), (472, 472472), (473, 473473), (474, 474474), (475, 475475), (476, 476476), (477, 477477), (478, 478478), (479, 479479), (480, 480480), (481, 481481), (482, 482482), (483, 483483), (484, 484484), (485, 485485), (486, 486486), (487, 487487), (488, 488488), (489, 489489), (490, 490490), (491, 491491), (492, 492492), (493, 493493), (494, 494494), (495, 495495), (496, 496496), (497, 497497), (498, 498498), (499, 499499), (500, 500500), (501, 501501), (502, 502502), (503, 503503), (504, 504504), (505, 505505), (506, 506506), (507, 507507), (508, 508508), (509, 509509), (510, 510510), (511, 511511), (512, 512512), (513, 513513), (514, 514514), (515, 515515), (516, 516516), (517, 517517), (518, 518518), (519, 519519), (520, 520520), (521, 521521), (522, 522522), (523, 523523), (524, 524524), (525, 525525), (526, 526526), (527, 527527), (528, 528528), (529, 529529), (530, 530530), (531, 531531), (532, 532532), (533, 533533), (534, 534534), (535, 535535), (536, 536536), (537, 537537), (538, 538538), (539, 539539), (540, 540540), (541, 541541), (542, 542542), (543, 543543), (544, 544544), (545, 545545), (546, 546546), (547, 547547), (548, 548548), (549, 549549), (550, 550550), (551, 551551), (552, 552552), (553, 553553), (554, 554554), (555, 555555), (556, 556556), (557, 557557), (558, 558558), (559, 559559), (560, 560560), (561, 561561), (562, 562562), (563, 563563), (564, 564564), (565, 565565), (566, 566566), (567, 567567), (568, 568568), (569, 569569), (570, 570570), (571, 571571), (572, 572572), (573, 573573), (574, 574574), (575, 575575), (576, 576576), (577, 577577), (578, 578578), (579, 579579), (580, 580580), (581, 581581), (582, 582582), (583, 583583), (584, 584584), (585, 585585), (586, 586586), (587, 587587), (588, 588588), (589, 589589), (590, 590590), (591, 591591), (592, 592592), (593, 593593), (594, 594594), (595, 595595), (596, 596596), (597, 597597), (598, 598598), (599, 599599), (600, 600600), (601, 601601), (602, 602602), (603, 603603), (604, 604604), (605, 605605), (606, 606606), (607, 607607), (608, 608608), (609, 609609), (610, 610610), (611, 611611), (612, 612612), (613, 613613), (614, 614614), (615, 615615), (616, 616616), (617, 617617), (618, 618618), (619, 619619), (620, 620620), (621, 621621), (622, 622622), (623, 623623), (624, 624624), (625, 625625), (626, 626626), (627, 627627), (628, 628628), (629, 629629), (630, 630630), (631, 631631), (632, 632632), (633, 633633), (634, 634634), (635, 635635), (636, 636636), (637, 637637), (638, 638638), (639, 639639), (640, 640640), (641, 641641), (642, 642642), (643, 643643), (644, 644644), (645, 645645), (646, 646646), (647, 647647), (648, 648648), (649, 649649), (650, 650650), (651, 651651), (652, 652652), (653, 653653), (654, 654654), (655, 655655), (656, 656656), (657, 657657), (658, 658658), (659, 659659), (660, 660660), (661, 661661), (662, 662662), (663, 663663), (664, 664664), (665, 665665), (666, 666666), (667, 667667), (668, 668668), (669, 669669), (670, 670670), (671, 671671), (672, 672672), (673, 673673), (674, 674674), (675, 675675), (676, 676676), (677, 677677), (678, 678678), (679, 679679), (680, 680680), (681, 681681), (682, 682682), (683, 683683), (684, 684684), (685, 685685), (686, 686686), (687, 687687), (688, 688688), (689, 689689), (690, 690690), (691, 691691), (692, 692692), (693, 693693), (694, 694694), (695, 695695), (696, 696696), (697, 697697), (698, 698698), (699, 699699), (700, 700700), (701, 701701), (702, 702702), (703, 703703), (704, 704704), (705, 705705), (706, 706706), (707, 707707), (708, 708708), (709, 709709), (710, 710710), (711, 711711), (712, 712712), (713, 713713), (714, 714714), (715, 715715), (716, 716716), (717, 717717), (718, 718718), (719, 719719), (720, 720720), (721, 721721), (722, 722722), (723, 723723), (724, 724724), (725, 725725), (726, 726726), (727, 727727), (728, 728728), (729, 729729), (730, 730730), (731, 731731), (732, 732732), (733, 733733), (734, 734734), (735, 735735), (736, 736736), (737, 737737), (738, 738738), (739, 739739), (740, 740740), (741, 741741), (742, 742742), (743, 743743), (744, 744744), (745, 745745), (746, 746746), (747, 747747), (748, 748748), (749, 749749), (750, 750750), (751, 751751), (752, 752752), (753, 753753), (754, 754754), (755, 755755), (756, 756756), (757, 757757), (758, 758758), (759, 759759), (760, 760760), (761, 761761), (762, 762762), (763, 763763), (764, 764764), (765, 765765), (766, 766766), (767, 767767), (768, 768768), (769, 769769), (770, 770770), (771, 771771), (772, 772772), (773, 773773), (774, 774774), (775, 775775), (776, 776776), (777, 777777), (778, 778778), (779, 779779), (780, 780780), (781, 781781), (782, 782782), (783, 783783), (784, 784784), (785, 785785), (786, 786786), (787, 787787), (788, 788788), (789, 789789), (790, 790790), (791, 791791), (792, 792792), (793, 793793), (794, 794794), (795, 795795), (796, 796796), (797, 797797), (798, 798798), (799, 799799), (800, 800800), (801, 801801), (802, 802802), (803, 803803), (804, 804804), (805, 805805), (806, 806806), (807, 807807), (808, 808808), (809, 809809), (810, 810810), (811, 811811), (812, 812812), (813, 813813), (814, 814814), (815, 815815), (816, 816816), (817, 817817), (818, 818818), (819, 819819), (820, 820820), (821, 821821), (822, 822822), (823, 823823), (824, 824824), (825, 825825), (826, 826826), (827, 827827), (828, 828828), (829, 829829), (830, 830830), (831, 831831), (832, 832832), (833, 833833), (834, 834834), (835, 835835), (836, 836836), (837, 837837), (838, 838838), (839, 839839), (840, 840840), (841, 841841), (842, 842842), (843, 843843), (844, 844844), (845, 845845), (846, 846846), (847, 847847), (848, 848848), (849, 849849), (850, 850850), (851, 851851), (852, 852852), (853, 853853), (854, 854854), (855, 855855), (856, 856856), (857, 857857), (858, 858858), (859, 859859), (860, 860860), (861, 861861), (862, 862862), (863, 863863), (864, 864864), (865, 865865), (866, 866866), (867, 867867), (868, 868868), (869, 869869), (870, 870870), (871, 871871), (872, 872872), (873, 873873), (874, 874874), (875, 875875), (876, 876876), (877, 877877), (878, 878878), (879, 879879), (880, 880880), (881, 881881), (882, 882882), (883, 883883), (884, 884884), (885, 885885), (886, 886886), (887, 887887), (888, 888888), (889, 889889), (890, 890890), (891, 891891), (892, 892892), (893, 893893), (894, 894894), (895, 895895), (896, 896896), (897, 897897), (898, 898898), (899, 899899), (900, 900900), (901, 901901), (902, 902902), (903, 903903), (904, 904904), (905, 905905), (906, 906906), (907, 907907), (908, 908908), (909, 909909), (910, 910910), (911, 911911), (912, 912912), (913, 913913), (914, 914914), (915, 915915), (916, 916916), (917, 917917), (918, 918918), (919, 919919), (920, 920920), (921, 921921), (922, 922922), (923, 923923), (924, 924924), (925, 925925), (926, 926926), (927, 927927), (928, 928928), (929, 929929), (930, 930930), (931, 931931), (932, 932932), (933, 933933), (934, 934934), (935, 935935), (936, 936936), (937, 937937), (938, 938938), (939, 939939), (940, 940940), (941, 941941), (942, 942942), (943, 943943), (944, 944944), (945, 945945), (946, 946946), (947, 947947), (948, 948948), (949, 949949), (950, 950950), (951, 951951), (952, 952952), (953, 953953), (954, 954954), (955, 955955), (956, 956956), (957, 957957), (958, 958958), (959, 959959), (960, 960960), (961, 961961), (962, 962962), (963, 963963), (964, 964964), (965, 965965), (966, 966966), (967, 967967), (968, 968968), (969, 969969), (970, 970970), (971, 971971), (972, 972972), (973, 973973), (974, 974974), (975, 975975), (976, 976976), (977, 977977), (978, 978978), (979, 979979), (980, 980980), (981, 981981), (982, 982982), (983, 983983), (984, 984984), (985, 985985), (986, 986986), (987, 987987), (988, 988988), (989, 989989), (990, 990990), (991, 991991), (992, 992992), (993, 993993), (994, 994994), (995, 995995), (996, 996996), (997, 997997), (998, 998998), (999, 999999), (10000, 10000);", parameters: 0b 2025-03-11T11:38:45.631635Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g00bw1dfpn9sd5bkb86p9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2IxMzEyNDktMzBlM2E3ZmMtZGI4ODZiNjMtN2JiNDQzNDI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Captured TEvDataShard::TEvRead from KQP_SOURCE_READ_ACTOR to TX_DATASHARD_ACTOR >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutNetClassifier [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_not_create_kesus |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v0-std] |75.8%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet/ut/ydb-core-tablet-ut >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceed-EnableTablePgTypes-false [GOOD] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSnapshot |75.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet/ut/ydb-core-tablet-ut |75.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet/ut/ydb-core-tablet-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestDiscoverClusters [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:13.606084Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514878237746875:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:13.638659Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bab/r3tmp/tmpj19bWo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:18.542216Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514878237746875:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:18.542672Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:19.454364Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:19.806150Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:20.998965Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.006032Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.464363Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:21.471155Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.471228Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.473392Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 61767, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:21.638467Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bab/r3tmp/yandexCmS3nu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:21.638490Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bab/r3tmp/yandexCmS3nu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:21.638642Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bab/r3tmp/yandexCmS3nu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:38:21.638753Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15502 PQClient connected to localhost:61767 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:22.086573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:22.136502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:31.925835Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fza3sc4bgqqtjxyw8gg4g", Request deadline has expired for 4.734911s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:32.024493Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514955547158836:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:32.025630Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:32.042188Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514959842126154:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:32.067609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:32.129138Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480514959842126156:2354], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:32.225840Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480514959842126209:2417] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:35.498376Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514959842126227:2360], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:35.500087Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGIxZWZhNGMtYjU5ODc2MzQtZjhmYTI5ZC04NzM1YzJmYw==, ActorId: [1:7480514955547158817:2347], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fzkkn8ca367wm09espqgk, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:35.537491Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:35.603809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:35.909440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:36.263161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:36.314323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:36.314574Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:38:38.887760Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzre0depx48sv636xxjws, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTBjN2Q3NC04OWZiM2IyOS02MmNlN2VlNy0zZTg1NTg2OA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:41.650218Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzvzp6jaaskz81tfemkfv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWJmMTdiNGQtZWE5N2VmMDctNzdjYmFhMjktZWMwMzFkZGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:41.864600Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710669. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzvzp6jaaskz81tfemkfv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWJmMTdiNGQtZWE5N2VmMDctNzdjYmFhMjktZWMwMzFkZGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:44.674954Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710673. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzz89cb2bxdwtqwdbnajg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjhiOWMyOGUtNmRjODkxYmItMzg0NGRkYS04NTBjNWY4Mw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:44.694291Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710674. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzz89cb2bxdwtqwdbnajg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjhiOWMyOGUtNmRjODkxYmItMzg0NGRkYS04NTBjNWY4Mw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:45.830712Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g00j13t0qr308wvsaqs3v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWJjMTkxYmYtMTYyZGJkZTUtYTdmOGQ4NWEtM2E2NTBhNmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:45.837877Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g00j13t0qr308wvsaqs3v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWJjMTkxYmYtMTYyZGJkZTUtYTdmOGQ4NWEtM2E2NTBhNmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:47.679872Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g02cpa6bqxfytedxh5jqr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Mjc3ZGM1MWItM2E4N2RkMzctMTZlMGI2MjUtNGIyM2I2Yzc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:38:47.703748Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710686. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g02cpa6bqxfytedxh5jqr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Mjc3ZGM1MWItM2E4N2RkMzctMTZlMGI2MjUtNGIyM2I2Yzc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root |75.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableDropColumnLatePropose >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableDropColumn |75.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ydb-core-tx-tiering-ut |75.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ydb-core-tx-tiering-ut |75.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tiering/ut/ydb-core-tx-tiering-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/unittest >> TPQCDTest::TestUnavailableWithoutNetClassifier [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:18.567384Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514897348187088:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:18.604921Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ae7/r3tmp/tmpLuF36A/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:21.255367Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:21.858986Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859401Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:21.859508Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:21.864135Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17210, node 1 2025-03-11T11:38:22.136041Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.136071Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.136078Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:38:22.136230Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29999 PQClient connected to localhost:17210 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:38:22.787042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:38:23.534493Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514897348187088:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:23.534559Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:36.857970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:36.857996Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:39.063691Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzbnc4yg18ewsf9d08z6d", Request deadline has expired for 10.466776s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:39.064701Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fzgnt5qqcawmfm6vjpd5p", Request deadline has expired for 5.228802s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:39.065433Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2fznrdefmsfts1504fmyvr", Request deadline has expired for 0.179535s seconds 2025-03-11T11:38:39.143941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514987542500962:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.144043Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.150653Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480514987542500976:2360], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.171289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:39.434389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710661, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:39.438501Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480514987542500978:2361], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:38:39.529234Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480514987542501031:2428] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.089741Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480514987542501048:2367], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:41.091543Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmU4M2JkNTAtNmQ3YjYyOTItMzk2MTI0ZTQtMTExNWY2N2I=, ActorId: [1:7480514987542500945:2355], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fztjpdvq2mya52cknz8sp, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:41.103903Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:41.114394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:41.753360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:42.294127Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515000427403147:2394], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:5:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:38:42.318284Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmMwYmJmZGYtODkyNTNhZjQtYTllODIwY2UtOTc5MGFjYzI=, ActorId: [1:7480515000427403145:2393], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2fzxjje2qxv3rm7zszr3mk, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:38:42.318593Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:38:42.413157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:38:43.847073Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2fzy9e7g7c04tqpwdw4ara, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDY2YWRiNzUtYjQ5NjkzMTQtOTEzZGY3MTItNzY4ZmNlMjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root |75.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/ydb-core-kqp-ut-query |75.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/ydb-core-kqp-ut-query |75.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/ydb-core-kqp-ut-query >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitBefore ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldSucceed-EnableTablePgTypes-false [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.568870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.568958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.569591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.654872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:43.654927Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:43.668899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.669356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.669503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.687575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.687819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.688522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.688829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.692075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.693878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.707286Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.846987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.847244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.847515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.847732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.847789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:43.856920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.863034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.863112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.863160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:43.866868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.866930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.866969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.867025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.870900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:43.873478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:43.873689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:43.874684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.874823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.874947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.875213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:43.875263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.875444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.875542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.878979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.879030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.879114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.879160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.879199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.890712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.890920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.890968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:38:49.624572Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:38:49.624801Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.624848Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [18:203:2205], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.624902Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [18:203:2205], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.625381Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.625436Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.626889Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.627007Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.627047Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.627096Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:38:49.627146Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628115Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628204Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628264Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628301Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628346Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:38:49.628431Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:49.629071Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1208 } } 2025-03-11T11:38:49.629117Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:49.629253Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1208 } } 2025-03-11T11:38:49.629365Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 101 Step: 5000002 OrderId: 101 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1208 } } 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642488Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 77309413621 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642565Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 101, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642717Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 77309413621 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642768Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642872Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 101:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 77309413621 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 101 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:38:49.642941Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 101:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.643005Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.643059Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 101:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.643113Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:38:49.651709Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.659179Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.659385Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.659529Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.659844Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.659894Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660016Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660057Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660103Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660138Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660184Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660290Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [18:332:2311] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660345Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660396Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660433Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:38:49.660566Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:38:49.675419Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:38:49.675516Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [18:333:2312] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:38:49.676158Z node 18 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLTableWithDyNumberColumn_UNIT_NANOSECONDS" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:49.676432Z node 18 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLTableWithDyNumberColumn_UNIT_NANOSECONDS" took 313us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:38:49.677027Z node 18 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLTableWithDyNumberColumn_UNIT_NANOSECONDS" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLTableWithDyNumberColumn_UNIT_NANOSECONDS" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLTableWithDyNumberColumn_UNIT_NANOSECONDS" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "DyNumber" TypeId: 4866 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 ColumnUnit: UNIT_NANOSECONDS Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |75.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |75.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/ydb-core-kqp-ut-tx |75.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/ydb-core-kqp-ut-tx |75.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/tx/ydb-core-kqp-ut-tx |75.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/ydb-services-fq-ut_integration |75.9%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |75.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/ydb-services-fq-ut_integration |75.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/ydb-services-fq-ut_integration |75.9%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_cluster_discovery/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitNewTxIdResolveResultReorder |75.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest |75.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableWithError >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v1-std] |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_creates_quoter >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-std] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v1] |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |76.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/ydb-core-kqp-ut-effects |76.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/ydb-core-kqp-ut-effects |76.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/ydb-core-kqp-ut-effects >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableWithError [GOOD] >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolAndCreateOneMore [GOOD] |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |76.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_table |76.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_table |76.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_table |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestRunBackgroundSnapshot [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundSnapshotToRegular [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestRunBackgroundCompactionGen1 |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestRunBackgroundCompactionGen1 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundCompactionToRegular >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestPostponedScanSnapshotMVCC ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableWithError [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:38:53.550995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:38:53.551071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:38:53.551172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:38:53.551510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:53.649339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:38:53.649407Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:53.664877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:53.665397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:53.665582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.680443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:53.680726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.681400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.681689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.685122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.686491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.686578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.686705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:53.686754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:38:53.686797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:53.687007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.694606Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:38:53.849559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.849814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.850130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.850380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.850443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:38:53.854945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:38:53.857501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.857588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.857632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:38:53.860121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.860186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.860231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.860309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.864751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:38:53.867575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:38:53.867866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:38:53.869078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.869249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.869328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.869655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:38:53.869713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.870025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.870134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.872890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.872961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.873965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:38:53.876795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.876928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.876970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.877009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:38:53.877050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.877194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:53.881030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:38:53.881661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:38:53.883857Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:38:53.903075Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [1:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:38:53.906280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateIndexedTable CreateIndexedTable { TableDescription { Name: "vectors" Columns { Name: "id" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "__ydb_parent" Type: "String" } KeyColumnNames: "id" } IndexDescription { Name: "idx_vector" KeyColumnNames: "__ydb_parent" Type: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree VectorIndexKmeansTreeDescription { Settings { settings { metric: DISTANCE_COSINE vector_type: VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT vector_dimension: 1024 } } } } } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.906787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTableIndex construct operation table path: /MyRoot/vectors domain path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] domain path: /MyRoot shardsToCreate: 2 GetShardsInside: 0 MaxShards: 200000 2025-03-11T11:38:53.906964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 101:0, explain: index key column shouldn't have a reserved name, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.907008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: index key column shouldn't have a reserved name, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.908182Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:53.913353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "index key column shouldn\'t have a reserved name" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.913570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: index key column shouldn't have a reserved name, operation: CREATE TABLE WITH INDEXES, path: /MyRoot/vectors 2025-03-11T11:38:53.914427Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:38:53.918266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateIndexedTable CreateIndexedTable { TableDescription { Name: "vectors" Columns { Name: "id" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "embedding" Type: "String" } KeyColumnNames: "id" } IndexDescription { Name: "idx_vector" KeyColumnNames: "embedding" Type: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree DataColumnNames: "id" VectorIndexKmeansTreeDescription { Settings { settings { metric: DISTANCE_COSINE vector_type: VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT vector_dimension: 1024 } } } } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.918787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTableIndex construct operation table path: /MyRoot/vectors domain path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] domain path: /MyRoot shardsToCreate: 2 GetShardsInside: 0 MaxShards: 200000 2025-03-11T11:38:53.919140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 102:0, explain: the same column can't be used as key and data column for one index, for example id, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.919279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: the same column can't be used as key and data column for one index, for example id, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.922305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "the same column can\'t be used as key and data column for one index, for example id" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:38:53.922586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: the same column can't be used as key and data column for one index, for example id, operation: CREATE TABLE WITH INDEXES, path: /MyRoot/vectors TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 >> TTabletResolver::NodeProblem ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::RemoveStoragePoolAndCreateOneMore [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.087029Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514811482885342:2083];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.090752Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c51/r3tmp/tmpeuVlMs/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:37:58.578925Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:37:58.579023Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:37:58.583111Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:37:58.635676Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:27644 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.202420Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.335593Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514815777853320:2456] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.335994Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514820072820639:2466], recipient# [1:7480514820072820638:2300], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.686095Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514811482885559:2140] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.686160Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514820072820641:2468] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.686436Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.686717Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.692972Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853314:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853311:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693021Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853315:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853312:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693242Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853316:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853313:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693283Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807187917913:2057] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853316:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693320Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853316:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807187917913:2057], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693541Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853313:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693574Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693754Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807187917907:2051] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853314:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693773Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514807187917910:2054] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853315:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693790Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853314:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807187917907:2051], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693802Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514815777853315:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514807187917910:2054], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693819Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853311:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.693835Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:00.695938Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514815777853312:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.695954Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514815777853310:2452][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514815777853312:2452], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:00.721470Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.726282Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514815777853310:2452] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:38:00.726900Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514811482885582:2153], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514815777853310:2452] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.748050Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514820072820642:2469], recipient# [1:7480514820072820641:2468], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.748103Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514820072820641:2468] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:00.934956Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514820072820641:2468] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:38:00.976606Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514820072820641:2468] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480514820072820640:2467] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: ... 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.131351Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [3:7480514837079020025:2235], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.131405Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [3:7480514837079020025:2235], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [3:7480514922978366116:2307] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.131468Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480515043237459836:5485], recipient# [3:7480515043237459833:4678], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.131530Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480515043237459837:5486], recipient# [3:7480515043237459834:4679], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.131573Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480515043237459838:5487], recipient# [3:7480515043237459835:4680], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.456190Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.456439Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515038264766802:2353] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.456541Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515038264766803:2354] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.456645Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515042559734212:2397], recipient# [2:7480515042559734211:2576], result# { ErrorCount: 2 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo },{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/running_requests TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.925974Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.926103Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515038264766801:2352] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.926178Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515042559734216:2398], recipient# [2:7480515042559734215:2578], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940036Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940154Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515038264766801:2352] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940217Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940286Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514978135224569:2305], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515038264766833:2360] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940409Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515042559734219:2399], recipient# [2:7480515042559734217:2579], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:52.940457Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515042559734220:2400], recipient# [2:7480515042559734218:2580], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } >> TTabletPipeTest::TestTwoNodesAndRebootOfProducer >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_2_Levels |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_2_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestPostponedScanSnapshotMVCC [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Reboot::TestSchemeGcAfterReassign >> TTabletLabeledCountersAggregator::HeavyAggregation >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_1_Level >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_1_Level [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_0_Levels >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Mixed_Small_0_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_2_Levels >> TFlatTableExecutor_Reboot::TestSchemeGcAfterReassign [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::MaxedOutRejectProbability |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_2_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_1_Level >> TAsyncIndexTests::MergeIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_1_Level [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Three_Serial_Small_0_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single >> TAsyncIndexTests::SplitIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundCompactionToRegular [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestRunBackgroundCompactionGen2 >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Slices >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_Groups >> TTabletResolver::NodeProblem [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_History >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataNoTables [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataNoTablesWithRestart >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataNoTablesWithRestart [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataLog >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_History_Slices >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataLog [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupData >> TTabletPipeTest::TestTwoNodesAndRebootOfProducer [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableDropColumn [GOOD] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::CorruptedDyNumber ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet/ut/unittest >> TTabletResolver::NodeProblem [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:57.899022Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StInit ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:57.922487Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 123 entry.State: StInitResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 123 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [1:204:2135] CurrentLeaderTablet: [1:205:2136] CurrentGeneration: 1 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:57.922555Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 123 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:57.922611Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 1 1:2:0 local 1 localDc 1 other 0 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [1:204:2135] 2025-03-11T11:38:57.934710Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StInit ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:57.936118Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 234 entry.State: StInitResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 234 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [1:210:2139] CurrentLeaderTablet: [1:211:2140] CurrentGeneration: 1 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:57.936417Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 234 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:57.936993Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 1 1:2:0 local 1 localDc 1 other 0 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [1:210:2139] 2025-03-11T11:38:57.999920Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.000246Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 1 1:2:0 local 1 localDc 1 other 0 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [1:204:2135] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.014871Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.015475Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 1 1:2:0 local 1 localDc 1 other 0 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [1:210:2139] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.027263Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvNodeProblem nodeId: 1 max(problemEpoch): 2 2025-03-11T11:38:58.027653Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Delayed invalidation of tabletId: 123 leader: [1:204:2135] by NodeId 2025-03-11T11:38:58.028237Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StProblemResolve ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.039172Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 123 entry.State: StProblemResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 123 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [2:220:2093] CurrentLeaderTablet: [2:221:2094] CurrentGeneration: 2 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.040356Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 123 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.040673Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 2 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [2:220:2093] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.043173Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Delayed invalidation of tabletId: 234 leader: [1:210:2139] by NodeId 2025-03-11T11:38:58.044028Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StProblemResolve ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.059489Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 234 entry.State: StProblemResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 234 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [2:226:2095] CurrentLeaderTablet: [2:227:2096] CurrentGeneration: 2 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.060095Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 234 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.060696Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 2 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [2:226:2095] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.151100Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvNodeProblem nodeId: 2 max(problemEpoch): 2 2025-03-11T11:38:58.151746Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.152395Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 2 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [2:220:2093] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.167816Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.168414Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 2 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [2:226:2095] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.180641Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvNodeProblem nodeId: 2 max(problemEpoch): 4 2025-03-11T11:38:58.181292Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Delayed invalidation of tabletId: 123 leader: [2:220:2093] by NodeId 2025-03-11T11:38:58.181904Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StProblemResolve ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.184715Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 123 entry.State: StProblemResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 123 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [3:238:2093] CurrentLeaderTablet: [3:239:2094] CurrentGeneration: 3 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.185320Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 123 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.185646Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 3 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [3:238:2093] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.192354Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.192982Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 2 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [2:226:2095] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.195678Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvNodeProblem nodeId: 2 max(problemEpoch): 5 2025-03-11T11:38:58.196803Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 123 entry.State: StNormal ev: {EvForward TabletID: 123 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.197138Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 3 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 123 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [3:238:2093] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.199905Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Delayed invalidation of tabletId: 234 leader: [2:226:2095] by NodeId 2025-03-11T11:38:58.200772Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvForward tabletId: 234 entry.State: StProblemResolve ev: {EvForward TabletID: 234 Ev: nullptr Flags: 1:2:0} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.204311Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: Handle TEvInfo tabletId: 234 entry.State: StProblemResolve success: true ev: {EvInfo Status: 0 TabletID: 234 Cookie: 0 CurrentLeader: [3:244:2095] CurrentLeaderTablet: [3:245:2096] CurrentGeneration: 3 CurrentStep: 0 Locked: false LockedFor: 0 SignatureSz: 3 Signature: {3, 6, 0}} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.204631Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: ApplyEntry leader tabletId: 234 followers: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.205191Z node 1 :TABLET_RESOLVER DEBUG: SelectForward node 1 selfDC 1 leaderDC 3 1:2:0 local 0 localDc 0 other 1 disallowed 0 tabletId: 234 followers: 0 countLeader 1 allowFollowers 0 winner: [3:244:2095] >> DataCleanup::CleanupData [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleFamilies >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_Slices |76.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest |76.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet/ut/unittest >> TTabletPipeTest::TestTwoNodesAndRebootOfProducer [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexBuilder::NoNodes [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexBuilder::OneNode [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexBuilder::FewNodes [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexBuilder::SplitBySize >> TBtreeIndexBuilder::SplitBySize [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::TIsNullBitmap [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::CompareTo [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::Basics >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History >> TBtreeIndexNode::Basics [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::Group [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::History [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::OneKey >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleFamilies [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleTables >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestRunBackgroundCompactionGen2 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundSnapshotPriorityByTime >> TBtreeIndexNode::OneKey [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::Reusable >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices >> TBtreeIndexNode::Reusable [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexNode::CutKeys [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::Conf [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::NoNodes [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::OneNode [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::FewNodes [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::Erases [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::Groups >> TBtreeIndexTPart::Groups [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::History >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleTables [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataWithFollowers >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundSnapshotPriorityByTime [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundCompactionPriorityByTime >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataWithFollowers [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleTimes >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed >> TAsyncIndexTests::DropTableWithInflightChanges[PipeResets] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableDropColumnLatePropose [GOOD] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableMaxRows >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataMultipleTimes [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataEmptyTable >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed_Groups >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitBefore [GOOD] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitFinished >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataEmptyTable [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataWithRestarts >> Yq_1::CreateConnection_With_Existing_Name >> TBtreeIndexTPart::History [GOOD] >> TBtreeIndexTPart::External >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_create_queue_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::SimpleInserts [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeHoleExact [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeHoleInner [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeHoleOuter [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::SteppedCookieAllocatorOrder [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::SteppedCookieAllocatorLowerBound [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::Touch [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::Touch_MainQueue [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::EvictNext >> TS3FIFOCache::EvictNext [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::UpdateLimit [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::Erase [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOCache::Random >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataWithRestarts [GOOD] >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataRetryWithNotGreaterGenerations >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed_Groups_History >> Yq_1::Basic >> TS3FIFOCache::Random [GOOD] >> TS3FIFOGhostQueue::Basics [GOOD] >> TScheme::Shapshot >> DataCleanup::CleanupDataRetryWithNotGreaterGenerations [GOOD] >> DBase::Select >> TScheme::Shapshot [GOOD] >> TScheme::Delta [GOOD] >> TScheme::Policy [GOOD] >> TScreen::Cuts [GOOD] >> TScreen::Join [GOOD] >> TScreen::Sequential |76.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> DBase::Select [GOOD] >> DBase::Subsets [GOOD] >> DBase::WideKey >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_Groups [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_History >> TFlatTableExecutor_BackgroundCompactions::TestChangeBackgroundCompactionPriorityByTime [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_TurnOff >> Yq_1::ModifyConnections >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Mixed_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial >> Yq_1::DescribeJob >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial_Groups >> KqpInplaceUpdate::SingleRowArithm >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial_Groups_History >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_History [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_Groups_History >> KqpLimits::TooBigColumn+useSink >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::MaxedOutRejectProbability [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::SomeRejectProbability >> TScreen::Sequential [GOOD] >> TScreen::Random >> TBtreeIndexTPart::External [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Serial_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_LowResolution >> DBase::WideKey [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionBasics >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateDummyTabletsInDifferentDomains [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionBasics [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionPureMem >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_LowResolution [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Slices_LowResolution >> Yq_1::DescribeConnection >> Yq_1::ListConnections >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Slices_LowResolution [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_LowResolution >> TIterator::Basics [GOOD] >> TIterator::External >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableMultiColumn >> TIterator::External [GOOD] >> TIterator::Single >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_LowResolution [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_Slices_LowResolution >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_Slices_LowResolution [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_LowResolution >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_TurnOff [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_CachePressure::TestNotEnoughLocalCache [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Cold::ColdBorrowScan ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/unittest >> TStorageTenantTest::CreateDummyTabletsInDifferentDomains [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:37:58.596234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480514810820475988:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.596873Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.760184Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480514811838397925:2069];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:37:58.760257Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c3a/r3tmp/tmpAiqoZe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:02.729715Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.342226Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.769050Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480514811838397925:2069];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.769517Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:03.965922Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:04.810208Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:04.986055Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:05.247789Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.257795Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:05.294916Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.294985Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:05.454451Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:38:05.454604Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.500394Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:05.859763Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:05.990615Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.069217Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480514810820475988:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.069731Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.205362Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.506118s 2025-03-11T11:38:06.205633Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.507079s 2025-03-11T11:38:06.241095Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:06.270334Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:06.890709Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.022283Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.214158Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:07.326315Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:29400 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.665225Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514823705378130:2154], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:10.839301Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480514823705378130:2154], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480514853770149692:2485] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:38:10.839503Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480514862360084331:2504], recipient# [1:7480514862360084329:2306], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:10.914082Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480514810820476218:2141] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.920263Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480514862360084333:2506] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.920562Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480514823705378130:2154], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:38:10.920878Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480514823705378130:2154], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924276Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313004:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313001:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924305Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313005:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313002:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924318Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313006:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313003:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924788Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810820475856:2052] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313004:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924819Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810820475859:2055] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313005:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.924837Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480514810820475862:2058] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313006:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925203Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313004:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810820475856:2052], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925219Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313005:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810820475859:2055], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925232Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480514832295313006:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514810820475862:2058], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925265Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313001:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925480Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925493Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313002:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925510Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925528Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480514832295313003:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.925751Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480514832295312993:2315][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480514832295313003:2315], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:38:10.930124Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480514823705378130:2154], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03- ... pe: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.152449Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480515131060695099:2259], recipient# [3:7480515131060695096:2588], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.152495Z node 3 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [3:7480515131060695100:2260], recipient# [3:7480515131060695097:2589], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455198Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455304Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515030881730384:2145] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455358Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455405Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514850493103878:2119] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455451Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515129665978308:2188], recipient# [2:7480515129665978306:2376], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:12.455492Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515129665978309:2189], recipient# [2:7480515129665978307:2377], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.494720Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.494853Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515030881730384:2145] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.518816Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515133960945607:2190], recipient# [2:7480515133960945606:2378], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.518912Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.519012Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514850493103878:2119] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:13.519067Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515133960945609:2191], recipient# [2:7480515133960945608:2379], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.533962Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.534131Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480515030881730384:2145] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.550127Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.550906Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515138255912908:2192], recipient# [2:7480515138255912906:2380], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.551178Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [2:7480514824723300058:2106], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [2:7480514850493103878:2119] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:39:14.551245Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [2:7480515138255912909:2193], recipient# [2:7480515138255912907:2381], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExists >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet >> TFlatTableExecutor_Cold::ColdBorrowScan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ColumnGroups::TestManyRows >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_LowResolution [GOOD] >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices_LowResolution >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes_Groups >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSnapshot [GOOD] >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitAfter >> BuildStatsMixedIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices_LowResolution [GOOD] >> Charge::Lookups [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysBasics >> Charge::ByKeysBasics [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysGroups [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysGroupsLimits [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysLimits [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysReverse [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysHistory >> Bloom::Conf [GOOD] >> Bloom::Hashes >> TScreen::Random [GOOD] >> TScreen::Shrink [GOOD] >> TScreen::Cook [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Limits >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::SomeRejectProbability [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::ZeroRejectProbability >> Charge::ByKeysHistory [GOOD] >> Charge::ByKeysIndex [GOOD] >> Charge::ByRows [GOOD] >> Charge::ByRowsReverse [GOOD] >> Charge::ByRowsLimits [GOOD] >> Charge::ByRowsLimitsReverse [GOOD] >> DBase::Basics [GOOD] >> DBase::Defaults [GOOD] >> DBase::Garbage [GOOD] >> DBase::Affects [GOOD] >> DBase::Annex [GOOD] >> DBase::AnnexRollbackChanges [GOOD] >> DBase::Outer [GOOD] >> DBase::KIKIMR_15506_MissingSnapshotKeys [GOOD] >> DBase::EraseCacheWithUncommittedChanges [GOOD] >> DBase::EraseCacheWithUncommittedChangesCompacted [GOOD] >> DBase::AlterAndUpsertChangesVisibility [GOOD] >> DBase::DropModifiedTable [GOOD] >> DBase::KIKIMR_15598_Many_MemTables >> DBase::VersionPureMem [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionPureParts >> Bloom::Hashes [GOOD] >> Bloom::Rater |76.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_ut |76.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_ut |76.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_ut >> Bloom::Rater [GOOD] >> Bloom::Dipping >> TIterator::Single [GOOD] >> TIterator::SingleReverse |76.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::CorruptedDyNumber [GOOD] >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateExternalTable >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExists [GOOD] |76.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/ydb-core-kqp-ut-opt |76.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/ydb-core-kqp-ut-opt |76.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_storage_tenant/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |76.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/ydb-core-kqp-ut-opt >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::ZeroRejectProbability [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::ZeroRejectProbabilityMultipleTables ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.678801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:20.679138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.807203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:20.807270Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:20.819919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.820389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.820595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.832941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.833170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.833808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.834135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.836995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.838819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.854921Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.287803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.288050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.288276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.288537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.288621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.301996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.302156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:21.302455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.302528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.302562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:21.302605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.308934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.309031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.309070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:21.319095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.319175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.319237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.319319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.329761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:21.340548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:21.340795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:21.346828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.347973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.350714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.350790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.350997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.351040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.351166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.351215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:21.351308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.351344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.358485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.361328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.361612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.361666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... on: 8 2025-03-11T11:39:21.467509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.468641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:39:21.471967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:103 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:21.472106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:39:21.472904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.473041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 103 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.473099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TAlterExternalTable TPropose, operationId: 103:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000004 2025-03-11T11:39:21.473222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 103:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:21.473389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.473452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.474558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.474895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.476609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.476660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.476838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.476921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 103:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.477973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 103, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 9 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.478937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.479036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.479067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.479110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:39:21.479156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.480956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.481064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.481096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.481151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.481189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.481266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.483870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.485354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.485616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:21.485662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.486154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.486251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:21.486301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:363:2354] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:21.486812Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.487088Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 235us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:21.487432Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 2 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/new_location" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableMultiColumn [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/unittest >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::CorruptedDyNumber [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:54.145543Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:54.145854Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:54.146086Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017a2/r3tmp/tmpJrGkua/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:54.563724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:54.695146Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:54.761525Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:54.762133Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:54.762228Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:54.762333Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:54.775635Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:54.880615Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:54.880682Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:54.880798Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:38:55.270465Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:38:55.270570Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:55.271212Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:38:55.271308Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:38:55.271613Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:55.271806Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:38:55.271928Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:38:55.272231Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:55.273783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:55.274888Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:38:55.274979Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:38:55.332486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:38:55.340488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:38:55.341375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:38:55.341629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:55.429116Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:38:55.444168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:55.444528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:55.480098Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.480721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.481613Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.485768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:55.486168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:55.487316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:38:55.499642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642888Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642923Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642956Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:38:55.642992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.643180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:55.643218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:55.643522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.643613Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644515Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644655Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644793Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:55.644931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645171Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645259Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:55.645391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:55.647847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:38:55.648694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:55.649474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:55.649744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:55.649788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:38:55.652417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:55.652814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:55.653059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:55.653674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:55.668081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:38:55.668358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:55.679564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Comple ... 281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183312Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183330Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183363Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183415Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Requested stream clearance from [2:743:2624] for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183442Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183497Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183636Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287427, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:743:2624]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearanceRequest TxId: 281474976715659 ShardId: 72075186224037888 KeyRange { From: "\001\000\000\000\000\200" To: "" FromInclusive: true ToInclusive: false } 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183675Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Received TEvStreamClearanceRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183732Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Sending TEvStreamClearanceResponse to [2:663:2568] ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183943Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287942, Sender [2:743:2624], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearancePending TxId: 281474976715659 2025-03-11T11:39:21.183976Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearancePending 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184061Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287940, Sender [2:743:2624], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearanceResponse TxId: 281474976715659 Cleared: true 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184109Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184303Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184331Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184388Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184438Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184476Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184514Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184551Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184583Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184666Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184693Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184716Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184928Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:39:21.184955Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.185815Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.187417Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:21.187447Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.187512Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.190477Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:777:2645], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:21.190700Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:21.191216Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:777:2645], Recipient [2:743:2624]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715659 ShardId: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.191252Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198502Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [2:742:2624], Recipient [2:743:2624]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715658 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198584Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198632Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198708Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715659, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198842Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Got scan fatal error: Invalid DyNumber binary representation 2025-03-11T11:39:21.198888Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715659, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199124Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199164Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715659, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199282Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287429, Sender [2:777:2645], Recipient [2:743:2624]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRelease TxId: 281474976715659 ShardId: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199321Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Received TEvStreamQuotaRelease from ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199358Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Released quota 1 reserved messages from ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199521Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199580Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199664Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199707Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199765Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199804Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199847Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 error: Invalid DyNumber binary representation, IsFatalError: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199911Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199952Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:21.199993Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200029Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200068Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200113Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200150Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200187Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200227Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200248Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200278Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200327Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200363Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200406Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200461Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200551Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200585Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715659] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200626Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715659 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: EXEC_ERROR 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200666Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Errors while proposing transaction txid 281474976715659 at tablet 72075186224037888 status: EXEC_ERROR errors: PROGRAM_ERROR (Invalid DyNumber binary representation) | 2025-03-11T11:39:21.200744Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.201018Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:743:2624]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: EXEC_ERROR Error { Kind: PROGRAM_ERROR Reason: "Invalid DyNumber binary representation" } TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 0 OrderId: 281474976715659 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 448 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:21.201055Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] Received TEvProposeTransactionResult Status# EXEC_ERROR ShardId# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:21.201121Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: [ReadTable [2:743:2624] TxId# 281474976715658] RESPONSE Status# ExecError shard: 72075186224037888 table: /Root/Table 2025-03-11T11:39:21.201456Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:743:2624], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 1500 TxId: 281474976715658 |76.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/scheme_shard/py3test >> test_scheme_shard_operations.py::TestSchemeShardSimpleOps::test_given_table_when_drop_table_and_create_with_other_keys_then_ok [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:20.846982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:21.345465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:21.345533Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:21.387008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:21.387166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:21.387350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.413201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:21.418216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.418972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.419479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.430902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:21.432702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.446095Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.685578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.685831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.686107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.686325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.686376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.691820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.691952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:21.692157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.692254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.692292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:21.692336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.694714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.694782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.694816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:21.696820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.696874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.696957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.697008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.706665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:21.709966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:21.712016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:21.731822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.733043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.733336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.742338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:21.742435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.742628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.742737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.754949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.755757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.758027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.758129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.758160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 2] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.894744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.894777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.894808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.894833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:39:21.895668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.896448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.896534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.896562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.896602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:39:21.896650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:21.897695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:21.908616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.909848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.911488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:21.912072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.918752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.921594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:21.921927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:302:2293] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:39:21.927359Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.931558Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" took 2.01ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:21.946416Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:21.973568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "ExternalTable" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } ReplaceIfExists: true } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:21.976987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 102:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "ExternalTable" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } ReplaceIfExists: true } 2025-03-11T11:39:21.977111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 102:0, explain: Invalid TCreateExternalTable request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.001984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid TCreateExternalTable request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.107220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusPreconditionFailed Reason: "Invalid TCreateExternalTable request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.110016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid TCreateExternalTable request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/ExternalTable TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:22.112178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:22.112463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:22.128459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.128642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:22.128680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:310:2301] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:22.179425Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.190861Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 2.83ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:39:22.192261Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ExternalTable\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableMaxRows [GOOD] >> TIterator::SingleReverse [GOOD] >> TIterator::Mixed >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitNewTxIdResolveResultReorder [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Limits [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Limits_Config >> DBase::VersionPureParts [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionCompactedMem ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TVectorIndexTests::CreateTableMultiColumn [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.152973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:20.153028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:20.153135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:20.153414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.243955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:20.244022Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:20.268211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.268684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.268834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.294178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.294460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.295135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.295455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.302648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.304560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.322896Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.654874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.655146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.655412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.655662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.655723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.666939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.667122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:20.667362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.667428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.667474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:20.667511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:20.674973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.675073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.675132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:20.683946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.684132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.684274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.684460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.707505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:20.723285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:20.724006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:20.729404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.733943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.734453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.736158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:20.736328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.737540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.746071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.756544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.756685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.757100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.757312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.757602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:20.757973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:20.758809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.758994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.759273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.759422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.759576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:20.759888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.760036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.760196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.760426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:20.760563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.760858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:20.769876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.770312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.770431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... Name: "indexImplPostingTable" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeVectorKmeansTreeIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } TableIndex { Name: "idx_vector" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "embedding" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataColumnNames: "covered1" DataColumnNames: "covered2" DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } } IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } } VectorIndexKmeansTreeDescription { Settings { settings { metric: DISTANCE_COSINE vector_type: VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT vector_dimension: 1024 } } } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.526339Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplLevelTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.526519Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplLevelTable" took 185us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:22.526827Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplLevelTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplLevelTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeVectorKmeansTreeIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplLevelTable" Columns { Name: "__ydb_parent" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: true IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_id" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: true IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_centroid" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 3 NotNull: true IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "__ydb_parent" KeyColumnNames: "__ydb_id" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.527316Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplPostingTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:22.527460Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplPostingTable" took 145us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:22.527745Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/vectors/idx_vector/indexImplPostingTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplPostingTable" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeVectorKmeansTreeIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplPostingTable" Columns { Name: "__ydb_parent" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: true IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "id1" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "id2" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "covered1" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 4 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "covered2" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 5 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "__ydb_parent" KeyColumnNames: "id1" KeyColumnNames: "id2" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 KeyColumnIds: 3 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-fifo] [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/unittest >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableMaxRows [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:55.455960Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:55.462294Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:55.463772Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001797/r3tmp/tmpmRZZ0R/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:57.061596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:57.125020Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:57.171231Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:57.177256Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:57.177395Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:57.177565Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:57.192734Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:57.398691Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:57.405609Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:57.405852Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.260724Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:38:58.261309Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.264699Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:38:58.265293Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:38:58.273814Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.292170Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:38:58.293216Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.302579Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:58.347752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:58.362991Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.363843Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:38:58.753237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:38:58.799016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:38:58.803378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.807767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:59.234472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:38:59.255469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:59.256183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:59.342084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.343015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.343594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.347528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:59.348045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:38:59.348687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:38:59.362281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:38:59.516573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.516774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:38:59.516905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:38:59.516951Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.516989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517042Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517278Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.517868Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522622Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522793Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:38:59.522932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:38:59.523969Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524426Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524496Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:59.524589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:38:59.526195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:38:59.526245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:38:59.539626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Comple ... 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.505948Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:25.505970Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:25.505997Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506056Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506079Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506099Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506275Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506299Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506320Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506351Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506389Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506435Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506893Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:998:2802], Recipient [2:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715663 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506924Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.506959Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037890 ... observed row limit of 2 rows at [2:998:2802] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507037Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507254Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:998:2802], Recipient [2:882:2710]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507281Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507411Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507562Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:998:2802], Recipient [2:968:2774]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715663 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\004\000\000\000b\005\035,\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 1 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\004\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507600Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507624Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [2:998:2802] ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507668Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507736Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:998:2802], Recipient [2:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715663 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.507761Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508043Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [2:967:2774], Recipient [2:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715662 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508075Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508100Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037890 ... observed row limit of 1 rows at [2:998:2802] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508158Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508225Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508357Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:998:2802], Recipient [2:968:2774]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715663 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\005\000\000\000b\005\0357\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 2 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\005\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508385Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508407Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [2:998:2802] ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508503Z node 2 :TX_PROXY INFO: [ReadTable [2:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] RESPONSE Status# ExecComplete prepare time: 0.024031s execute time: 0.549348s total time: 0.573379s 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508673Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.508711Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715663, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509079Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:968:2774], Recipient [2:879:2708]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509257Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509279Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715663, at: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509430Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:882:2710], Recipient [2:882:2710]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509454Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509497Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509530Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509560Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509584Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509609Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509638Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509660Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509692Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509725Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509752Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509773Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509794Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509815Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509848Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509866Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509884Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509935Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509956Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509976Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:25.509998Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.510050Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.510075Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:25.510101Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037890 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:39:25.510443Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:25.510939Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549569, Sender [2:968:2774], Recipient [2:882:2710]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvCancelTransactionProposal TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:25.511581Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvCancelTransactionProposal 2025-03-11T11:39:25.512039Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvDataShard::TEvCancelTransactionProposal 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:25.512442Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Start TTxCancelTransactionProposal at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:25.513180Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287431, Sender [2:968:2774], Recipient [2:882:2710]: NKikimrTx.TEvInterruptTransaction TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:25.513225Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvInterruptTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:25.513334Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:968:2774], Recipient [2:882:2710]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_History >> TChargeBTreeIndex::NoNodes_Groups_History [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode >> TFlatTableExecutor_ColumnGroups::TestManyRows [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_CompactionScan::TestCompactionScan ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/unittest >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitNewTxIdResolveResultReorder [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.138660Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:39:19.138961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:19.139160Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001782/r3tmp/tmpneZZzG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:20.143428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:20.212063Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:20.258905Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:39:20.259542Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:20.259648Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:20.259761Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:39:20.271023Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:39:20.363294Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:20.363372Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:20.363517Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.556794Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:39:20.556893Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.557484Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:39:20.557569Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:39:20.557868Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.558064Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:39:20.558229Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:39:20.558536Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:20.559915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:20.560859Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:39:20.560929Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:39:20.595524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:39:20.596647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:39:20.597103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.597326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.644600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.645303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.645494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:20.647822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.658863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:20.711860Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712560Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.712954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713527Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:20.713858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714138Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714314Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:20.714340Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:20.716095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:39:20.716162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:20.730514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Comple ... 5-03-11T11:39:24.920640Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:1023:2820], Recipient [1:1023:2820]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920831Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920855Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:24.920922Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921063Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921098Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037892 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921567Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [1:1126:2901], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715665 ShardId: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921600Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921632Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921689Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [1:1126:2901], Recipient [1:1023:2820]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921717Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:24.921796Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715665, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715665, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922446Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [1:1126:2901], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037892 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715665 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\006\000\000\000b\005\035B\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 1 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\006\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922481Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922508Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [1:1126:2901] ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715665, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922687Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [1:1126:2901], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715665 ShardId: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.922716Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923058Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [1:967:2774], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715662 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923087Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923114Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715665, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715665, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715665, at: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923527Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287429, Sender [1:1126:2901], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRelease TxId: 281474976715665 ShardId: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923555Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received TEvStreamQuotaRelease from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923580Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Released quota 1 reserved messages from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:1023:2820], Recipient [1:1023:2820]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923961Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:24.923990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924099Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924156Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 has finished 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037892 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037892 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715665 at tablet 72075186224037892 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924411Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924622Z node 1 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [1:1023:2820], Recipient [1:968:2774]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037892 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715665 Step: 0 OrderId: 281474976715665 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037892 CpuTimeUsec: 253 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924653Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] Received stream complete from ShardId# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:39:24.924722Z node 1 :TX_PROXY INFO: [ReadTable [1:968:2774] TxId# 281474976715662] RESPONSE Status# ExecComplete prepare time: 0.021987s execute time: 1.152916s total time: 1.174903s 2025-03-11T11:39:24.925076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [1:968:2774], Recipient [1:880:2708]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:39:24.925305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [1:968:2774], Recipient [1:882:2710]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:39:24.925483Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [1:968:2774], Recipient [1:1018:2818]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:39:24.925676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [1:968:2774], Recipient [1:1023:2820]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715662 >> TFlatTableExecutor_CompactionScan::TestCompactionScan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_CompressedSelectRows::TestCompressedSelectRows >> Bloom::Dipping [GOOD] >> Bloom::Basics >> TFlatTableExecutor_CompressedSelectRows::TestCompressedSelectRows [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ExecutorTxLimit::TestExecutorTxLimit >> Bloom::Basics [GOOD] >> Bloom::Stairs >> TFlatTableExecutor_ExecutorTxLimit::TestExecutorTxLimit [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::BasicFollowerRead >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::BasicFollowerRead [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerEarlyRebootHoles >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerEarlyRebootHoles [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerAttachOnTxQueueScanSnapshot >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitFinished [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_Groups >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerAttachOnTxQueueScanSnapshot [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerAttachAfterLoan >> TExternalTableTest::ReadOnlyMode >> TFlatTableExecutor_Follower::FollowerAttachAfterLoan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Gc::TestFailedGcAfterReboot >> TTabletLabeledCountersAggregator::HeavyAggregation [GOOD] >> TTabletLabeledCountersAggregator::DbAggregation >> TFlatTableExecutor_Gc::TestFailedGcAfterReboot [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::CalculateReadSize_FlatIndex >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateSameExternalTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/unittest >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitFinished [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:56.583432Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:38:56.583813Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:38:56.584063Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001793/r3tmp/tmp15GAqj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:38:58.929695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:38:59.245039Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:38:59.399333Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:59.407710Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:38:59.408344Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:38:59.409300Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:38:59.445074Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:38:59.758439Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:59.759045Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:38:59.760348Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:39:00.674446Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:39:00.674790Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:00.678208Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:39:00.678752Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:39:00.680241Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:39:00.682359Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:39:00.683706Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:39:00.686735Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:00.721640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:00.745374Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:39:00.745471Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:39:01.048906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:39:01.086971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:39:01.091823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:39:01.094993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:01.432162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:01.432840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:01.432947Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:01.434915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:39:01.449117Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:01.814812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.816074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:39:01.816770Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:39:01.817646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.818233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:39:01.818522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.820518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:01.821115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:01.831724Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.832632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.833258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.833545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:01.838252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.838853Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:01.839135Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.839813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:39:01.840149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.841671Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:01.844990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:01.846066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:39:01.846941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:39:01.847538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:01.848499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.858885Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:01.859748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:39:01.860126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.860990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:01.861607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:01.861873Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:01.874189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:01.877514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:01.882018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:01.882529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:01.882800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:01.883291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:01.883319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:01.883600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:01.883916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:01.884187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:01.929731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:39:01.930320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:01.955499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Comple ... 86224037896 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.256155Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.256500Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037896 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:31.256805Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.257163Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.257612Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:1358:3076], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715664 ShardId: 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.257642Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.257672Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.257767Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037896, TxId: 281474976715664, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258023Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:1358:3076], Recipient [2:1257:2997]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258057Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258203Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037896, TxId: 281474976715664, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258800Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:1358:3076], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037896 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715664 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\006\000\000\000b\005\035B\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 1 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\006\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258837Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.258865Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [2:1358:3076] ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.259213Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037896, TxId: 281474976715664, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.259574Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:1358:3076], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715664 ShardId: 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.259598Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.294986Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [2:1077:2856], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715663 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:31.295050Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:31.295409Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.295462Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037896, TxId: 281474976715664, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:31.295528Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037896, TxId: 281474976715664, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:31.296031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.296055Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715664, at: 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315338Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287429, Sender [2:1358:3076], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRelease TxId: 281474976715664 ShardId: 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315381Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Received TEvStreamQuotaRelease from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315407Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Released quota 1 reserved messages from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315521Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1257:2997], Recipient [2:1257:2997]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315854Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315915Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315943Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037896 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.315975Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316001Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316330Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316369Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316396Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316420Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316772Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:31.316806Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317173Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317197Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317220Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317262Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317281Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317299Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 has finished 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317648Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037896 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317671Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317694Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037896 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:31.317718Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330111Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330179Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037896 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330214Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715664 at tablet 72075186224037896 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330296Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330881Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:1257:2997], Recipient [2:1078:2856]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037896 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 0 OrderId: 281474976715664 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037896 CpuTimeUsec: 1774 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330921Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] Received stream complete from ShardId# 72075186224037896 2025-03-11T11:39:31.330973Z node 2 :TX_PROXY INFO: [ReadTable [2:1078:2856] TxId# 281474976715663] RESPONSE Status# ExecComplete prepare time: 0.196865s execute time: 4.239123s total time: 4.435988s 2025-03-11T11:39:31.354977Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:879:2708]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.355470Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:989:2790]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.356783Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:993:2792]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.362078Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:1252:2995]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.364018Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1361:3079], Recipient [2:1143:2913]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:31.364350Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:31.364387Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1359:3077], serverId# [2:1361:3079], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:39:31.364728Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:1257:2997]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.365795Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:1143:2913]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:39:31.386138Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1362:3080], Recipient [2:1147:2915]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:31.386518Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:31.386846Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1360:3078], serverId# [2:1362:3080], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:39:31.387405Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:1078:2856], Recipient [2:1147:2915]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715663 >> TTabletLabeledCountersAggregator::DbAggregation [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_RejectProbability::ZeroRejectProbabilityMultipleTables [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_Reschedule::TestExecuteReschedule [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorSetResourceProfile [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestTxData [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorStaticMemoryLimits >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_History [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Sticky >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorStaticMemoryLimits [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorReuseStaticMemory >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorReuseStaticMemory [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxDataLimitExceeded >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxDataLimitExceeded [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestPages >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::CalculateReadSize_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::CalculateReadSize_BTreeIndex >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestPages [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorPageLimitExceeded [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestMemory >> TSharedPageCache::Limits_Config [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::ThreeLeveledLRU >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestMemory [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestMemoryFollower >> Bloom::Stairs [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorRequestMemoryFollower [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorMemoryLimitExceeded >> TExternalTableTest::DropTableTwice >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Slices >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Sticky [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups_History >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorMemoryLimitExceeded [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorPreserveTxData [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxDataGC [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxPartialDataHold >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::CalculateReadSize_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::PrechargeAndSeek_FlatIndex >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateSameExternalTable [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxPartialDataHold [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxHoldAndUse [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestExecutorTxHoldOnRelease [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_ResourceProfile::TestUpdateConfig [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_SliceOverlapScan::TestSliceOverlapScan >> TExternalTableTest::CreateExternalTable |76.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_replication |76.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_replication |76.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_replication >> KqpEffects::InsertAbort_Select_Success ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet/ut/unittest >> TTabletLabeledCountersAggregator::DbAggregation [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:38:58.246590Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:38:58.246879Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:8:2055] worker 0 2025-03-11T11:38:58.246932Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:9:2056] worker 1 2025-03-11T11:38:58.246977Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:10:2057] worker 2 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247004Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:11:2058] worker 3 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247052Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:12:2059] worker 4 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247084Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:13:2060] worker 5 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247109Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:14:2061] worker 6 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247134Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:15:2062] worker 7 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247158Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:16:2063] worker 8 2025-03-11T11:38:58.247179Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [1:7:2054] self [1:17:2064] worker 9 Sending message to [1:9:2056] from [1:7:2054] id 1 Sending message to [1:10:2057] from [1:7:2054] id 2 Sending message to [1:11:2058] from [1:7:2054] id 3 Sending message to [1:12:2059] from [1:7:2054] id 4 Sending message to [1:13:2060] from [1:7:2054] id 5 Sending message to [1:14:2061] from [1:7:2054] id 6 Sending message to [1:15:2062] from [1:7:2054] id 7 Sending message to [1:16:2063] from [1:7:2054] id 8 Sending message to [1:17:2064] from [1:7:2054] id 9 Sending message to [1:8:2055] from [1:7:2054] id 10 2025-03-11T11:39:07.295488Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 10 [1:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.296099Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 1 [1:9:2056] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.296144Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 2 [1:10:2057] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.296431Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 3 [1:11:2058] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.297386Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 4 [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.306313Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 5 [1:13:2060] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.306734Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 6 [1:14:2061] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.306799Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 7 [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.306834Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 8 [1:16:2063] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.306869Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 9 [1:17:2064] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.333756Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 1 [1:9:2056] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.345838Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 1 [1:9:2056] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.845784Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:9:2056] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.884629Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 2 [1:10:2057] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.886344Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 2 [1:10:2057] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.119501Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:10:2057] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.148331Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 3 [1:11:2058] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.154447Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 3 [1:11:2058] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.691521Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:11:2058] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.851581Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 4 [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.865923Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 4 [1:12:2059] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.070804Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:12:2059] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.194366Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 5 [1:13:2060] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.200735Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 5 [1:13:2060] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.776229Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:13:2060] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.859958Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 6 [1:14:2061] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.880121Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 6 [1:14:2061] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.268885Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:14:2061] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.398661Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 7 [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.407289Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 7 [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.620011Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:15:2062] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.686134Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 8 [1:16:2063] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.687686Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 8 [1:16:2063] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.905410Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:16:2063] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.924704Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 9 [1:17:2064] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.926430Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 9 [1:17:2064] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.062307Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:17:2064] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.084922Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 1 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.085065Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 1 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.090866Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 10 [1:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.092309Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 10 [1:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.309935Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:8:2055] Initiator [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.468705Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 2 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.468860Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 2 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.533929Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 3 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.534089Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 3 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.607583Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 4 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.607731Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 4 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.617339Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 5 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.617468Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 5 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.629969Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 6 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.630116Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 6 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.634826Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 7 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.634941Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 7 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.656616Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 8 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.657066Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 8 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.758675Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 9 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.758813Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 9 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.908484Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 0 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.908629Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 0 [1:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:12.054125Z node 1 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [1:7:2054] Initiator [1:6:2053] TEST 2 10 duration 15.471742s 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936129Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936625Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:8:2055] worker 0 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936673Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:9:2056] worker 1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936697Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:10:2057] worker 2 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936721Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:11:2058] worker 3 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936741Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:12:2059] worker 4 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936784Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:13:2060] worker 5 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936812Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:14:2061] worker 6 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936838Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:15:2062] worker 7 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936879Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:16:2063] worker 8 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936921Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:17:2064] worker 9 2025-03-11T11:39:14.936970Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:18:2065] worker 10 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937001Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:19:2066] worker 11 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937030Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:20:2067] worker 12 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937058Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:21:2068] worker 13 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937082Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:22:2069] worker 14 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937119Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:23:2070] worker 15 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937161Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:24:2071] worker 16 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937190Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:25:2072] worker 17 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937219Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:26:2073] worker 18 2025-03-11T11:39:14.937247Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [2:7:2054] self [2:27:2074] worker 19 Sending message to [2:9:2056] from [2:7:2054] id 1 Sending message to [2:10:2057] from [2:7:2054] id 2 Sending message to [2:11:2058] from [2:7:2054] id 3 Sending message to [2:12:2059] from [2:7:2054] id 4 Sending message to [2:13:2060] from [2:7:2054] id 5 Sending message to [2:14:2061] from [2:7:2054] id 6 Sending message to [2:15:2062] from [2:7:2054] id 7 Sending message to [2:16:2063] from [2:7:2054] id 8 Sending message to [2:17:2064] from [2:7 ... sponse node 14 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431736Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 15 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431761Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 15 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431798Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 16 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431818Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 16 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431872Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 17 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431896Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 17 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431974Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 18 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.431997Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 18 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.432028Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 19 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.432063Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 19 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.432095Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 1 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.432203Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 1 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.437270Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 2 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.437416Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 2 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.442973Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 3 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.443122Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 3 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.448653Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 4 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.448803Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 4 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.455288Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 5 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.455430Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 5 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.461114Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 6 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.461272Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 6 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.467491Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 7 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.467634Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 7 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.475413Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 8 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.475571Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 8 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.481508Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 9 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.481651Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 9 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.487401Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 10 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.487554Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 10 [2:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:20.493317Z node 2 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [2:7:2054] Initiator [2:6:2053] TEST 2 20 duration 7.326595s 2025-03-11T11:39:21.379031Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 [3:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.379155Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [3:7:2054] self [3:8:2055] worker 0 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 1 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 2 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 3 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 4 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 5 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 6 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 7 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 8 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 9 Sending message to [3:8:2055] from [3:7:2054] id 10 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904653Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 1 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904727Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 2 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904757Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 3 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904850Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 4 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904895Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 5 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.904933Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 6 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905030Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 7 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905064Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 8 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905097Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 9 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905142Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 10 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905555Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 1 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.907112Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 1 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.939340Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 2 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.940753Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 2 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.026452Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 3 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.027699Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 3 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.367428Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 4 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.379824Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 4 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.701614Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 5 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.702901Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 5 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.207390Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 6 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.217666Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 6 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.722459Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 7 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.736296Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 7 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.208219Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 8 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.209561Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 8 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.333957Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 9 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.335526Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 9 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.599801Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 10 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.608288Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 10 [3:8:2055] 2025-03-11T11:39:28.749127Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [3:8:2055] Initiator [3:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:29.771304Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 0 [3:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:29.772060Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 0 [3:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:29.860297Z node 3 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [3:7:2054] Initiator [3:6:2053] TEST 2 1 duration 9.376947s 2025-03-11T11:39:31.517708Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator new request V2 Initiator [4:6:2053] self [4:7:2054] worker 0 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 1 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 2 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 3 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 4 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 5 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 6 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 7 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 8 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 9 Sending message to [4:7:2054] from [4:7:2054] id 10 2025-03-11T11:39:32.344707Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 1 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345070Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 2 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345094Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 3 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345117Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 4 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345468Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 5 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345509Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 6 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345540Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 7 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345575Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 8 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345607Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 9 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.345640Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor request to node 10 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.346810Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 1 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.349160Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 1 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.412309Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 2 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.414050Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 2 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.536592Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 3 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.538079Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 3 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.645488Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 4 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.646991Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 4 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.675744Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 5 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.677297Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 5 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.752781Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 6 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.754286Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 6 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.787635Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 7 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.789220Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 7 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.832042Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 8 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.833528Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 8 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.872858Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 9 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.874807Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 9 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.967156Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor got response node 10 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.969036Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator actor merged response node 10 [4:7:2054] 2025-03-11T11:39:33.380005Z node 4 :TABLET_AGGREGATOR INFO: aggregator request processed [4:7:2054] Initiator [4:6:2053] TEST 2 1 duration 3.337159s >> TExternalTableTest::ReadOnlyMode [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionCompactedMem [GOOD] >> DBase::VersionCompactedParts >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_History |76.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ReadOnlyMode [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.017694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.017789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:35.017829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:35.017861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:35.018137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:35.018192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:35.018271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:35.018340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:35.018656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.119207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:35.119267Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:35.138371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.138782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.138947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.152684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.152903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.153557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.153823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.156748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.158522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.167240Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.339070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.339306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.339513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.339719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.339790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.354797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.354875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.354936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:35.362680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.362732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.362782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.362828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.366714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:35.374489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:35.374726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:35.375779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.375922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.375970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.376277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:35.376337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.376533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.376638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.379963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.390313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.390466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.390515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... HEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 129:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.800457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:39:35.800540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.808928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 129, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 129 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 129, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /MyRoot/SubDirBBBB 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:483:2441], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.809925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:483:2441], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: 5 2025-03-11T11:39:35.810219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 129:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.810268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 129:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.810325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 129 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.810453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 129 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:35.811596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.811701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.811736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.811774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 10 2025-03-11T11:39:35.811822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 5 2025-03-11T11:39:35.812846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.812929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.812956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.812984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.813016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.813103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 129, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:39:35.815383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 129:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:129 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:35.815568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 129, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 129 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 129 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:39:35.827813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.827956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 129 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 129:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000005, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 129:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.828944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:483:2441], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:483:2441], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, path id: 5 2025-03-11T11:39:35.845952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 129:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 129:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#129:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 129 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#129:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 129 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 129, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 129 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 129:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 129:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 129, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 129, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 11 2025-03-11T11:39:35.846597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 129, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.847383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.847466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.847499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.847559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:39:35.847601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 5 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.848929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 129, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.852205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:35.852312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 129 TestModificationResult got TxId: 129, wait until txId: 129 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateSameExternalTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:35.038907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:35.039244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.137982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:35.138058Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:35.150544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.151076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.151250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.175845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.176074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.176782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.177077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.180506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.181868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.181954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.182048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:35.182111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.182155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:35.182390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.189354Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.324180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.324433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.324658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.324870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.324941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:35.331549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.338802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.338904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.338942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.346827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.350764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:35.358594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:35.358824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:35.359901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.360730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.366894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.366953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.367859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:35.374226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.374410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:35.374452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:35.550596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 125, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:35.551733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 125 2025-03-11T11:39:35.553581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 125 2025-03-11T11:39:35.553704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 125 TestModificationResult got TxId: 125, wait until txId: 125 TestModificationResults wait txId: 126 TestModificationResult got TxId: 126, wait until txId: 126 TestModificationResults wait txId: 127 TestModificationResult got TxId: 127, wait until txId: 127 2025-03-11T11:39:35.554265Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.554516Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" took 251us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:35.554867Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" PathDescription { Self { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.560560Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.560782Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" took 248us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561112Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" PathDescription { Self { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 125 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 125: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 125 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 126 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 126 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 127 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:35.561814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 127 2025-03-11T11:39:35.562380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 125, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.562528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 125: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:35.562578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 125: satisfy waiter [1:338:2329] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 126, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: satisfy waiter [1:338:2329] 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 127, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:35.563758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: satisfy waiter [1:338:2329] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 125 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 126 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 127 2025-03-11T11:39:35.574148Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.574522Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" took 10.1ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:35.574886Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna" PathDescription { Self { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:39:35.584512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" } } } TxId: 128 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.584936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 128:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "NilNoviSubLuna" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:35.585032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 128:0, path# /MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna 2025-03-11T11:39:35.585178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 128:1, propose status:StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.587950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 128, response: Status: StatusAlreadyExists Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" TxId: 128 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 PathCreateTxId: 125, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:35.588135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 128, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/NilNoviSubLuna TestModificationResult got TxId: 128, wait until txId: 128 >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_Groups [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_History >> DBase::KIKIMR_15598_Many_MemTables [GOOD] >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateExternalTable [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_History_Slices >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes_Groups [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes_History >> TIterator::Mixed [GOOD] >> TIterator::MixedReverse >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitAfter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTable [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_History [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_Groups_History >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups >> DBase::VersionCompactedParts [GOOD] >> DBase::UncommittedChangesVisibility [GOOD] >> DBase::UncommittedChangesCommitWithUpdates [GOOD] >> DBase::ReplayNewTable [GOOD] >> DBase::SnapshotNewTable [GOOD] >> Memtable::Basics [GOOD] >> Memtable::BasicsReverse [GOOD] >> Memtable::Markers [GOOD] >> Memtable::Overlap [GOOD] >> Memtable::Wreck ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ParallelCreateExternalTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:30.058181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:30.063231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:30.064630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:30.065244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:30.067163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:30.068179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:30.070465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:30.074596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:30.094143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:31.549819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:31.549876Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:31.701762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:31.708765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:31.719311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.929784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:31.932412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:31.958490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.958847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.963994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.984395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.984755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:31.985120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:31.989461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:31.989544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:31.989779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:32.107055Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:34.323389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.323600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.343623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:34.347402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.348525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.423421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.438446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:34.455136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.456034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.456521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:34.456960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:34.487043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.487367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.487517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:34.504526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.504586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.504656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.504996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.521631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:34.557271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:34.558505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:34.582351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.582574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.582631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.582914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:34.583004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.583179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.583270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.602493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.602553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:34.603127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.603467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.603980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:34.618179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:34.618785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.619063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.619475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.619615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.619897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:34.620861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:34.636170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.636333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:34.636372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... tisfy waiter [1:370:2361] 2025-03-11T11:39:36.234393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 126, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.235309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 127, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.235668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:36.235697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: satisfy waiter [1:370:2361] 2025-03-11T11:39:36.236430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:36.236775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: satisfy waiter [1:370:2361] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 125 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 126 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 127 2025-03-11T11:39:36.266656Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.284905Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" took 2.13ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:36.286546Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable1" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000005 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable1" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 4 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.331489Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.346282Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" took 2.18ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:36.348939Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable2" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 127 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable2" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 5 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key1" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "key2" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 3 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 4 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.358836Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.360285Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 172us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:36.363281Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 6 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "ExternalTable1" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000005 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: "ExternalTable2" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 127 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.412185Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.414157Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" took 1.57ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:36.415545Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable1" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000005 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable1" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 4 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.437882Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:36.438215Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" took 343us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:36.438597Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/ExternalTable2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable2" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 127 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable2" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 5 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key1" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "key2" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 3 NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 4 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TExternalTableTest::DropTableTwice [GOOD] >> Memtable::Wreck [GOOD] >> Memtable::Erased >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_Slices >> Memtable::Erased [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::MemTableTest [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Lower [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Sieve [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::SieveFiltered [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Basics [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Simple [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Shuffle [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Grow [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Trace [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBlobs::Filtered [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Basics [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::IndexPagesLocator [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::GetTwice [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::ForwardTwice [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Forward_OnlyUsed [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Skip_Done [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Skip_Done_None [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Skip_Keep [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Skip_Wait [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Trace_BTree [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Trace_Data [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::End [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::Slices [GOOD] >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::ManyApplies [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_not_create_kesus [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_History ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::DropTableTwice [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:40.901931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:40.902577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:41.914824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:41.914876Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:42.106325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:42.108951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:42.138603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.319489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:42.321356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.326269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.326631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.345426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.366868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.367130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.367404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:42.367807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:42.368019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:42.369553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.403245Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:42.778923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.780616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.790739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.793796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.801803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.834999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.836857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:42.848614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.862061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.862771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:42.863063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:42.875825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.875891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.875937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:42.877636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.877677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.877733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.877772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.880911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:42.904927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:42.907250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:42.924743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.924902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.924945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.925195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:42.925248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.925413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.925490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.928923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.928970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.929812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:42.931985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.932094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.932134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:39:43.471542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.471652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 103 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.471701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropExternalTable TPropose opId# 103:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000004 2025-03-11T11:39:43.471856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.471927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 103:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:43.472080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.472131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.472160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.473121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.484119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.512435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.512754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:43.513844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:39:43.514453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:39:43.515181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.516083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.516719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:43.516743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.518921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.519252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 103:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:43.523444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.524395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.525091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.525377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.525693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:43.526131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.526474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:39:43.527127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:39:43.528114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.529038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:43.529088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 103, publications: 3, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:43.529119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 9 2025-03-11T11:39:43.529145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.529169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:39:43.531021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.531117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.531475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.531911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:39:43.532263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:43.536063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.542002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.542746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:43.550828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.551212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.557687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.557737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:39:43.557770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.578823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.579249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.579284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.579555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.579589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:43.580010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:43.603556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.610224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.610360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.612218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.614336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:43.614690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.625068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.625468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:43.630040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:368:2359] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:43.641638Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:43.643209Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 2.06ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:39:43.643394Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ExternalTable\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices >> TExternalTableTest::SchemeErrors ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> DBase::KIKIMR_15598_Many_MemTables [GOOD] Test command err: 3 parts: 150 rows, 7 pages, 1 levels: (286, 103) (607, 210) (811, 278) (1315, 446) (1540, 521) 197 rows, 9 pages, 2 levels: (253, 92) (577, 200) (742, 255) (1156, 393) (1594, 539) 153 rows, 7 pages, 1 levels: (199, 74) (514, 179) (769, 264) (1291, 438) (1555, 526) Checking BTree: Touched 100% bytes, 5 pages RowCountHistogram: 2% (actual 0%) key = (10, 11) value = 12 (actual 1 - 2% error) 2% (actual 0%) key = (16, 13) value = 24 (actual 2 - 4% error) 5% (actual 11%) key = (199, 74) value = 49 (actual 61 - -2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (253, 92) value = 73 (actual 74 - 0% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (286, 103) value = 97 (actual 84 - 2% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (418, 147) value = 120 (actual 125 - -1% error) 4% (actual 5%) key = (514, 179) value = 144 (actual 154 - -2% error) 5% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 169 (actual 174 - -1% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (607, 210) value = 192 (actual 183 - 1% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (742, 255) value = 214 (actual 226 - -2% error) 5% (actual 1%) key = (769, 264) value = 239 (actual 235 - 0% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (811, 278) value = 262 (actual 248 - 2% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 286 (actual 293 - -1% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (1054, 359) value = 311 (actual 322 - -2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (1087, 370) value = 334 (actual 332 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 358 (actual 354 - 0% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (1291, 438) value = 381 (actual 394 - -2% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (1315, 446) value = 404 (actual 401 - 0% error) 4% (actual 3%) key = (1375, 466) value = 426 (actual 419 - 1% error) 4% (actual 10%) key = (1540, 521) value = 449 (actual 469 - -4% error) 3% (actual 1%) key = (1555, 526) value = 465 (actual 474 - -1% error) 3% (actual 2%) key = (1594, 539) value = 482 (actual 484 - 0% error) 1% (actual 2%) key = (1636, 553) value = 491 (actual 497 - -1% error) 1% (actual 0%) key = (1639, 554) value = 496 (actual 498 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) DataSizeHistogram: 2% (actual 13%) key = (10, 11) value = 950 (actual 5800 - -11% error) 2% (actual 0%) key = (16, 13) value = 1933 (actual 5800 - -9% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (199, 74) value = 3866 (actual 5800 - -4% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (253, 92) value = 5849 (actual 9821 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (286, 103) value = 7810 (actual 11827 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (418, 147) value = 9825 (actual 13848 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (514, 179) value = 11834 (actual 15888 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 13865 (actual 17883 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (607, 210) value = 15865 (actual 19876 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (742, 255) value = 17859 (actual 21881 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (769, 264) value = 19882 (actual 23918 - -9% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (811, 278) value = 21897 (actual 23918 - -4% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 23894 (actual 27913 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1054, 359) value = 25915 (actual 29895 - -9% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (1087, 370) value = 27901 (actual 29895 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 29881 (actual 31850 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1291, 438) value = 31821 (actual 33747 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1315, 446) value = 33794 (actual 35739 - -4% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (1375, 466) value = 35737 (actual 39763 - -9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1540, 521) value = 37749 (actual 41447 - -8% error) 3% (actual 0%) key = (1555, 526) value = 39198 (actual 41447 - -5% error) 3% (actual 1%) key = (1594, 539) value = 40605 (actual 42020 - -3% error) 1% (actual 0%) key = (1636, 553) value = 41344 (actual 42020 - -1% error) 0% (actual 0%) key = (1639, 554) value = 41733 (actual 42020 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 3 pages RowCountHistogram: 4% (actual 0%) key = (10, 11) value = 24 (actual 1 - 4% error) 5% (actual 0%) key = (16, 13) value = 49 (actual 2 - 9% error) 5% (actual 11%) key = (199, 74) value = 74 (actual 61 - 2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (253, 92) value = 97 (actual 74 - 4% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (286, 103) value = 120 (actual 84 - 7% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (418, 147) value = 144 (actual 125 - 3% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (514, 179) value = 169 (actual 154 - 3% error) 5% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 194 (actual 174 - 4% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (607, 210) value = 216 (actual 183 - 6% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (742, 255) value = 237 (actual 226 - 2% error) 5% (actual 1%) key = (769, 264) value = 262 (actual 235 - 5% error) 5% (actual 2%) key = (811, 278) value = 287 (actual 248 - 7% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 311 (actual 293 - 3% error) 4% (actual 5%) key = (1054, 359) value = 335 (actual 322 - 2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (1087, 370) value = 358 (actual 332 - 5% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 382 (actual 354 - 5% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (1291, 438) value = 404 (actual 394 - 2% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (1315, 446) value = 426 (actual 401 - 5% error) 4% (actual 3%) key = (1375, 466) value = 448 (actual 419 - 5% error) 4% (actual 10%) key = (1540, 521) value = 472 (actual 469 - 0% error) 2% (actual 1%) key = (1555, 526) value = 483 (actual 474 - 1% error) 2% (actual 2%) key = (1594, 539) value = 493 (actual 484 - 1% error) 1% (actual 3%) DataSizeHistogram: 4% (actual 13%) key = (10, 11) value = 1900 (actual 5800 - -9% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (16, 13) value = 3867 (actual 5800 - -4% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (199, 74) value = 5800 (actual 5800 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (253, 92) value = 7798 (actual 9821 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (286, 103) value = 9821 (actual 11827 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (418, 147) value = 11827 (actual 13848 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (514, 179) value = 13848 (actual 15888 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 15888 (actual 17883 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (607, 210) value = 17883 (actual 19876 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (742, 255) value = 19876 (actual 21881 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (769, 264) value = 21881 (actual 23918 - -4% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (811, 278) value = 23918 (actual 23918 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 25907 (actual 27913 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1054, 359) value = 27913 (actual 29895 - -4% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (1087, 370) value = 29895 (actual 29895 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 31850 (actual 31850 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1291, 438) value = 33747 (actual 33747 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1315, 446) value = 35739 (actual 35739 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (1375, 466) value = 37727 (actual 39763 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1540, 521) value = 39763 (actual 41447 - -4% error) 2% (actual 0%) key = (1555, 526) value = 40669 (actual 41447 - -1% error) 1% (actual 1%) key = (1594, 539) value = 41447 (actual 42020 - -1% error) 1% (actual 0%) Checking Mixed: Touched 100% bytes, 5 pages RowCountHistogram: 14% (actual 12%) key = (199, 74) value = 74 (actual 61 - 2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (253, 92) value = 97 (actual 74 - 4% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (286, 103) value = 120 (actual 84 - 7% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (418, 147) value = 144 (actual 125 - 3% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (514, 179) value = 169 (actual 154 - 3% error) 5% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 194 (actual 174 - 4% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (607, 210) value = 216 (actual 183 - 6% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (742, 255) value = 237 (actual 226 - 2% error) 5% (actual 1%) key = (769, 264) value = 262 (actual 235 - 5% error) 5% (actual 2%) key = (811, 278) value = 287 (actual 248 - 7% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 311 (actual 293 - 3% error) 4% (actual 5%) key = (1054, 359) value = 335 (actual 322 - 2% error) 4% (actual 2%) key = (1087, 370) value = 358 (actual 332 - 5% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 382 (actual 354 - 5% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (1291, 438) value = 404 (actual 394 - 2% error) 4% (actual 1%) key = (1315, 446) value = 426 (actual 401 - 5% error) 4% (actual 3%) key = (1375, 466) value = 448 (actual 419 - 5% error) 4% (actual 10%) key = (1540, 521) value = 472 (actual 469 - 0% error) 2% (actual 1%) key = (1555, 526) value = 483 (actual 474 - 1% error) 2% (actual 2%) key = (1594, 539) value = 493 (actual 484 - 1% error) 1% (actual 3%) DataSizeHistogram: 13% (actual 13%) key = (199, 74) value = 5800 (actual 5800 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (253, 92) value = 7798 (actual 9821 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (286, 103) value = 9821 (actual 11827 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (418, 147) value = 11827 (actual 13848 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (514, 179) value = 13848 (actual 15888 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (577, 200) value = 15888 (actual 17883 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (607, 210) value = 17883 (actual 19876 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (742, 255) value = 19876 (actual 21881 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (769, 264) value = 21881 (actual 23918 - -4% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (811, 278) value = 23918 (actual 23918 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (958, 327) value = 25907 (actual 27913 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1054, 359) value = 27913 (actual 29895 - -4% error) 4% (actual 0%) key = (1087, 370) value = 29895 (actual 29895 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 31850 (actual 31850 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1291, 438) value = 33747 (actual 33747 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1315, 446) value = 35739 (actual 35739 - 0% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (1375, 466) value = 37727 (actual 39763 - -4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1540, 521) value = 39763 (actual 41447 - -4% error) 2% (actual 0%) key = (1555, 526) value = 40669 (actual 41447 - -1% error) 1% (actual 1%) key = (1594, 539) value = 41447 (actual 42020 - -1% error) 1% (actual 0%) 3 parts: 150 rows, 7 pages, 1 levels: (286, 103) (607, 210) (811, 278) (1315, 446) (1540, 521) 197 rows, 9 pages, 2 levels: (253, 92) (577, 200) (742, 255) (1156, 393) (1594, 539) 153 rows, 7 pages, 1 levels: (199, 74) (514, 179) (769, 264) (1291, 438) (1555, 526) Checking BTree: Touched 100% bytes, 5 pages RowCountHistogram: 19% (actual 16%) key = (286, 103) value = 97 (actual 84 - 2% error) 19% (actual 19%) key = (607, 210) value = 192 (actual 183 - 1% error) 18% (actual 22%) key = (958, 327) value = 286 (actual 293 - -1% error) 19% (actual 20%) key = (1291, 438) value = 381 (actual 394 - -2% error) 23% (actual 21%) DataSizeHistogram: 18% (actual 28%) key = (286, 103) value = 7810 (actual 11827 - -9% error) 19% (actual 19%) key = (607, 210) value = 15865 (actual 19876 - -9% error) 19% (actual 19%) key = (958, 327) value = 23894 (actual 27913 - -9% error) 18% (actual 13%) key = (1291, 438) value = 31821 (ac ... (actual 4%) key = (481, 168) value = 11938 (actual 11938 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (553, 192) value = 13685 (actual 13685 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (631, 218) value = 15674 (actual 15674 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (709, 244) value = 17709 (actual 17709 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (766, 263) value = 19664 (actual 19664 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (853, 292) value = 21673 (actual 21673 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (934, 319) value = 23712 (actual 23712 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1006, 343) value = 25687 (actual 25687 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1087, 370) value = 27765 (actual 27678 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 29741 (actual 29741 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1246, 423) value = 31726 (actual 31726 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1324, 449) value = 33698 (actual 33698 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1396, 473) value = 35700 (actual 35700 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1471, 498) value = 37620 (actual 37620 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1543, 522) value = 39641 (actual 39641 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1633, 552) value = 41669 (actual 41669 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 3 pages RowCountHistogram: 5% (actual 5%) key = (91, 38) value = 25 (actual 25 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (166, 63) value = 50 (actual 50 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (253, 92) value = 74 (actual 74 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (325, 116) value = 96 (actual 96 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (394, 139) value = 119 (actual 119 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (481, 168) value = 144 (actual 144 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (556, 193) value = 167 (actual 167 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (631, 218) value = 191 (actual 191 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (709, 244) value = 215 (actual 215 - 0% error) 3% (actual 3%) key = (766, 263) value = 234 (actual 234 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (853, 292) value = 261 (actual 261 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (934, 319) value = 285 (actual 285 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1006, 343) value = 309 (actual 309 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1087, 370) value = 332 (actual 332 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) key = (1090, 371) value = 333 (actual 333 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 354 (actual 354 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (1246, 423) value = 380 (actual 380 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1324, 449) value = 404 (actual 404 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1396, 473) value = 426 (actual 426 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1471, 498) value = 448 (actual 448 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1543, 522) value = 470 (actual 470 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (1633, 552) value = 496 (actual 496 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) DataSizeHistogram: 4% (actual 4%) key = (91, 38) value = 1974 (actual 1974 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (166, 63) value = 3992 (actual 3992 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (253, 92) value = 5889 (actual 5889 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (325, 116) value = 7868 (actual 7868 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (394, 139) value = 9910 (actual 9910 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (481, 168) value = 11938 (actual 11938 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (556, 193) value = 13685 (actual 13685 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (631, 218) value = 15674 (actual 15674 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (709, 244) value = 17709 (actual 17709 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (766, 263) value = 19664 (actual 19664 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (853, 292) value = 21673 (actual 21673 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (934, 319) value = 23712 (actual 23712 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1006, 343) value = 25687 (actual 25687 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1087, 370) value = 27678 (actual 27678 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) key = (1090, 371) value = 27765 (actual 27765 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 29741 (actual 29741 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1246, 423) value = 31726 (actual 31726 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1324, 449) value = 33698 (actual 33698 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1396, 473) value = 35700 (actual 35700 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1471, 498) value = 37620 (actual 37620 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1543, 522) value = 39641 (actual 39641 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1633, 552) value = 41669 (actual 41669 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) Checking Mixed: Touched 100% bytes, 3 pages RowCountHistogram: 14% (actual 5%) key = (91, 38) value = 70 (actual 25 - 9% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (166, 63) value = 95 (actual 50 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (253, 92) value = 119 (actual 74 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (325, 116) value = 141 (actual 96 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (394, 139) value = 164 (actual 119 - 9% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (481, 168) value = 189 (actual 144 - 9% error) 4% (actual 9%) key = (631, 218) value = 212 (actual 191 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (709, 244) value = 236 (actual 215 - 4% error) 3% (actual 3%) key = (766, 263) value = 255 (actual 234 - 4% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (853, 292) value = 282 (actual 261 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (934, 319) value = 306 (actual 285 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1006, 343) value = 330 (actual 309 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1087, 370) value = 353 (actual 332 - 4% error) 0% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 354 (actual 354 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (1246, 423) value = 380 (actual 380 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1324, 449) value = 404 (actual 404 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1396, 473) value = 426 (actual 426 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1471, 498) value = 448 (actual 448 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1543, 522) value = 470 (actual 470 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (1633, 552) value = 496 (actual 496 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) DataSizeHistogram: 14% (actual 4%) key = (91, 38) value = 5939 (actual 1974 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (166, 63) value = 7957 (actual 3992 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (253, 92) value = 9854 (actual 5889 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (325, 116) value = 11833 (actual 7868 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (394, 139) value = 13875 (actual 9910 - 9% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (481, 168) value = 15903 (actual 11938 - 9% error) 4% (actual 8%) key = (631, 218) value = 17650 (actual 15674 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (709, 244) value = 19685 (actual 17709 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (766, 263) value = 21640 (actual 19664 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (853, 292) value = 23649 (actual 21673 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (934, 319) value = 25688 (actual 23712 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1006, 343) value = 27663 (actual 25687 - 4% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1087, 370) value = 29654 (actual 27678 - 4% error) 0% (actual 4%) key = (1156, 393) value = 29741 (actual 29741 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1246, 423) value = 31726 (actual 31726 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1324, 449) value = 33698 (actual 33698 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1396, 473) value = 35700 (actual 35700 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1471, 498) value = 37620 (actual 37620 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1543, 522) value = 39641 (actual 39641 - 0% error) 4% (actual 4%) key = (1633, 552) value = 41669 (actual 41669 - 0% error) 0% (actual 0%) 3 parts: 167 rows, 1 pages, 0 levels: () () () () () 166 rows, 1 pages, 0 levels: () () () () () 167 rows, 1 pages, 0 levels: () () () () () Checking BTree: Touched 0% bytes, 0 pages RowCountHistogram: 33% (actual 33%) key = (553, 192) value = 167 (actual 166 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) key = (1087, 370) value = 333 (actual 332 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) DataSizeHistogram: 32% (actual 32%) key = (553, 192) value = 13565 (actual 13565 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) key = (1087, 370) value = 27505 (actual 27505 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 3 pages RowCountHistogram: 33% (actual 33%) key = (556, 193) value = 167 (actual 167 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) key = (1090, 371) value = 333 (actual 333 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) DataSizeHistogram: 32% (actual 32%) key = (556, 193) value = 13565 (actual 13565 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) key = (1090, 371) value = 27505 (actual 27505 - 0% error) 33% (actual 33%) Checking Mixed: Touched 0% bytes, 0 pages RowCountHistogram: 100% (actual 100%) DataSizeHistogram: 100% (actual 100%) Got : 24000 2106439 49449 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106439 49449 38 44 { [2455,2599), [2798,3624), [4540,4713), [5654,7161), [8509,8794), [8936,9973), [11888,14280), [14337,14882), [15507,16365), [17368,19451), [19536,20135), [20790,21503), [21589,23243) } Got : 12816 1121048 49449 20 23 Expected: 12816 1121048 49449 20 23 Got : 24000 3547100 81694 64 44 Expected: 24000 3547100 81694 64 44 { [1012,1475), [1682,1985), [2727,3553), [3599,3992), [5397,7244), [9181,9807), [9993,10178), [12209,14029), [15089,15342), [16198,16984), [17238,18436), [21087,21876), [23701,23794) } Got : 9582 1425198 81694 26 17 Expected: 9582 1425198 81694 26 17 Got : 24000 2460139 23760 42 41 Expected: 24000 2460139 23760 42 41 { [1296,2520), [3888,4320), [5040,6840), [6912,7272), [10872,11160), [11520,12096), [12096,13824), [15192,15624), [17064,17856), [18216,19296), [19800,20160), [20736,21096), [21096,22104) } Got : 10440 1060798 23760 18 18 Expected: 10440 1060798 23760 18 18 Got : 24000 4054050 46562 68 43 Expected: 24000 4054050 46562 68 43 { [460,1518), [2300,2484), [2760,4002), [4600,5842), [6302,9752), [11178,12328), [14582,14858), [16790,18032), [18216,18446), [18722,19504), [19504,19964), [20378,20470), [21344,23506) } Got : 13570 2277890 46562 38 24 Expected: 13570 2277890 46562 38 24 Got : 24000 2106459 49449 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106459 49449 38 44 Got : 24000 2460219 23555 41 41 Expected: 24000 2460219 23555 41 41 Got : 24000 4054270 46543 66 43 Expected: 24000 4054270 46543 66 43 Got : 24000 2106479 49555 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106479 49555 38 44 Got : 24000 2460259 23628 41 41 Expected: 24000 2460259 23628 41 41 Got : 24000 4054290 46640 65 43 Expected: 24000 4054290 46640 65 43 Got : 24000 2106439 66674 3 4 Expected: 24000 2106439 66674 3 4 { [2455,2599), [2798,3624), [4540,4713), [5654,7161), [8509,8794), [8936,9973), [11888,14280), [14337,14882), [15507,16365), [17368,19451), [19536,20135), [20790,21503), [21589,23243) } Got : 12816 1121048 66674 2 2 Expected: 12816 1121048 66674 2 2 Got : 24000 2460139 33541 4 4 Expected: 24000 2460139 33541 4 4 { [1296,2520), [3888,4320), [5040,6840), [6912,7272), [10872,11160), [11520,12096), [12096,13824), [15192,15624), [17064,17856), [18216,19296), [19800,20160), [20736,21096), [21096,22104) } Got : 10440 1060798 33541 1 1 Expected: 10440 1060798 33541 1 1 Got : 24000 4054050 64742 7 4 Expected: 24000 4054050 64742 7 4 { [460,1518), [2300,2484), [2760,4002), [4600,5842), [6302,9752), [11178,12328), [14582,14858), [16790,18032), [18216,18446), [18722,19504), [19504,19964), [20378,20470), [21344,23506) } Got : 13570 2234982 64742 4 2 Expected: 13570 2234982 64742 4 2 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/unittest >> DataShardReadTableSnapshots::ReadTableSplitAfter [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:05.676316Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:39:05.677476Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:05.679875Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017a5/r3tmp/tmp1nxTkL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:10.049831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:10.313322Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:10.478859Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:39:10.502841Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:10.503556Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:10.504616Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:39:10.545043Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:39:10.726268Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:10.726543Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:10.727657Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:39:12.538059Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:39:12.538617Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:12.554471Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:39:12.555715Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:39:12.557543Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:39:12.557715Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:39:12.570853Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:39:12.584810Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:12.603338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:12.604146Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:39:12.604202Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:39:13.033308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:39:13.058084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:39:13.065597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:39:13.068981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:13.796696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:13.823933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:13.824356Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849092Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849136Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:13.849644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:39:13.863436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:14.033053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.033222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:39:14.040547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041135Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:39:14.042005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.044274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:14.044664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:14.055149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.055723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.056319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.056609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:14.057149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.057438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:14.079889Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.080494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:39:14.094563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.095674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:14.095988Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:39:14.096291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:39:14.097775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:39:14.110592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:14.110750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.112895Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:14.113469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.118836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.119172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:14.120039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:14.120638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:14.120935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:14.125432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:39:14.126127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:39:14.126977Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:14.127289Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:14.127624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:14.127966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:14.128283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:14.128603Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:14.128623Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:39:14.177735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:39:14.178117Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:39:14.192632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Comple ... 86224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248096Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248166Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248591Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715662 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248641Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248699Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248765Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:897:2723]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248790Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:39:41.248849Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249089Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249224Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715662 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\003\000\000\000b\005\035!\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 1 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\003\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249255Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249280Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [2:995:2798] ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249324Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249370Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715662 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249389Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249692Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [2:857:2692], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715661 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249730Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249754Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249786Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249851Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249969Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: RESPONSE_DATA TxId: 281474976715662 TxResult: "\n\016\n\003key\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\n\020\n\005value\022\007\252\006\004\n\002\010\002\030\001\022\016b\005\035\004\000\000\000b\005\035,\000\000\000" RowOffsets: 36 ApiVersion: 1 DataSeqNo: 2 DataLastKey: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\004\000\000\000" 2025-03-11T11:39:41.249989Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received stream data from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250005Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Sending TEvStreamDataAck to [2:995:2798] ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250041Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250097Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287428, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRequest TxId: 281474976715662 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250137Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received TEvStreamQuotaRequest from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250920Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287941, Sender [2:857:2692], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaResponse TxId: 281474976715661 MessageSizeLimit: 1 ReservedMessages: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250948Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Updated quotas, allocated = 1, message size = 1, message rows = 0, available = 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250968Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Reserving quota 1 messages for ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.250998Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251048Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251174Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269287429, Sender [2:995:2798], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamQuotaRelease TxId: 281474976715662 ShardId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251205Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received TEvStreamQuotaRelease from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251237Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Released quota 1 reserved messages from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251275Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715662, at: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251419Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:897:2723], Recipient [2:897:2723]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251443Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251492Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251518Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251542Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251563Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251587Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251616Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251636Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251655Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251674Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251708Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251728Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251756Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251782Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251812Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251830Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251846Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251865Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251881Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251911Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:39:41.251965Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252002Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252023Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037890 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252051Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715662 at tablet 72075186224037890 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252095Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252261Z node 2 :TX_PROXY TRACE: StateReadTable, received event# 269550080, Sender [2:897:2723], Recipient [2:858:2692]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 OrderId: 281474976715662 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 271 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252293Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] Received stream complete from ShardId# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252361Z node 2 :TX_PROXY INFO: [ReadTable [2:858:2692] TxId# 281474976715661] RESPONSE Status# ExecComplete prepare time: 0.027009s execute time: 0.557940s total time: 0.584949s 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252662Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:858:2692], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715661 2025-03-11T11:39:41.252824Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:858:2692], Recipient [2:894:2721]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715661 2025-03-11T11:39:41.253027Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:858:2692], Recipient [2:897:2723]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715661 >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed >> KqpInplaceUpdate::SingleRowStr >> TSharedPageCache::ThreeLeveledLRU [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::S3FIFO >> TExternalTableTest::CreateExternalTable [GOOD] >> TExternalTableTest::CreateExternalTableShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed_Groups >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed_Groups_History >> KqpLimits::TooBigColumn+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpLimits::TooBigColumn-useSink |76.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_schema >> KqpSort::ReverseOptimized |76.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_schema ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> NFwd_TBTreeIndexCache::ManyApplies [GOOD] Test command err: 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:01.286814Z 00000.015 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.017 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.017 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.017 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.017 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.025 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.026 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 0 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {0 0b} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {146b, 4} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {105b, 3}, put {105b, 3} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:01.318916Z 00000.024 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.036 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.040 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.040 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.040 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.234 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.238 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 0 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {0 0b} 00000.239 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.239 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {292b, 8} 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {210b, 6}, put {210b, 6} 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.014 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:01.694367Z 00000.821 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.822 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.822 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.823 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.823 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00001.013 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00001.039 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 1 reqs hit {1 76b} miss {0 0b} 00001.040 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00001.040 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {1181b, 13} 00001.041 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {909b, 3}, put {1913b, 12} 00001.041 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {132b, 2} 00001.041 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {116b, 2} 00001.041 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00001.041 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00001.043 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:02.936962Z 00000.811 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.820 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.828 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.828 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.829 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00001.280 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00001.283 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 1 reqs hit {1 102443b} miss {0 0b} 00001.283 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00001.283 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {751b, 11} 00001.286 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {541b, 3}, put {103970b, 10} 00001.286 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.286 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.287 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00001.288 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00001.288 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:04.257569Z 00000.379 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.383 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.386 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.386 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.387 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00002.734 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Wakeup 1 00002.764 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00002.787 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 11 reqs hit {18 513007b} miss {0 0b} 00002.787 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00002.788 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {2095b, 23} 00002.788 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {774b, 4}, put {210604b, 21} 00002.788 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {205178b, 4} 00002.792 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {102690b, 4} 00002.793 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00002.793 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 15.00s 00002.798 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:07.469827Z 00000.104 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.105 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.105 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.451 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.452 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 3 reqs hit {3 307329b} miss {0 0b} 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {1828b, 23} 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {1247b, 3}, put {311467b, 22} 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.452 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.453 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:08.032202Z 00000.084 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.085 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.085 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.085 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.085 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.250 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 5 actors 00000.266 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 4 reqs hit {8 307836b} miss {0 0b} 00000.267 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.268 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {57b, 2}, put {1436b, 31} 00000.269 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {629b, 3}, put {310476b, 16} 00000.269 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.269 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.274 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.275 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 5 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.276 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:08.472060Z 00000.423 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.423 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.424 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.424 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.424 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.723 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.732 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 2 reqs hit {2 194646b} miss {0 0b} 00000.733 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.733 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {1571b, 23} 00000.734 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {529b, 3}, put {197610b, 21} 00000.734 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.734 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.734 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.735 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.736 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:09.483317Z 00000.278 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.282 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.285 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.285 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.285 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.331 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.335 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 0 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {0 0b} 00000.336 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.336 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {418b, 4}, put {453b, 5} 00000.337 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.337 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.337 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {326b, 7} 00000.337 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.338 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.338 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.001 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:09.883896Z 00000.125 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.125 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.126 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.126 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.126 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.552 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Wakeup 1 00000.570 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.583 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 6 reqs hit {8 410030b} miss {0 0b} 00000.584 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.585 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {1494b, 23} 00000.585 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {504b, 4}, put {310786b, 20} 00000.585 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.585 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.586 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.586 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 5 actors, spent 15.00s 00000.591 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:10.579176Z 00000.232 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.235 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.240 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.286 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.287 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 1 reqs hit {1 102443b} miss {0 0b} 00000.287 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.287 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.287 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {751b, 11} 00000.287 ... t32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{21} Label{214 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{24} Label{244 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{25} Label{254 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 1000b 40r} data 2358b + BTreeIndex{PageId: 28 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 98b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 23 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 6 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 150 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 50 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2) | | | PageId: 1 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 100 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4) | | | PageId: 2 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 150 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (6) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 10 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 300 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 3 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 200 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (8) | | | PageId: 4 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 250 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (10) | | | PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 300 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (12) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 14 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 7 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 350 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (14) | | | PageId: 8 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 400 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (16) | | | PageId: 9 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (18) | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 27 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 18 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 11 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 500 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (20) | | | PageId: 12 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 550 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (22) | | | PageId: 13 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (24) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 22 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 750 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 15 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 650 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (26) | | | PageId: 16 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 700 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (28) | | | PageId: 17 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 750 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (30) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 26 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 233b} | | | PageId: 19 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 800 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (32) | | | PageId: 20 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 850 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (34) | | | PageId: 21 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 900 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (36) | | | PageId: 24 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 950 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (38) | | | PageId: 25 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 50b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0) {Set 1 Uint32 : 0} | ERowOp 1: (1) {Set 1 Uint32 : 100} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 50b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2) {Set 1 Uint32 : 200} | ERowOp 1: (3) {Set 1 Uint32 : 300} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 50b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4) {Set 1 Uint32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{21} Label{214 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{24} Label{244 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{25} Label{254 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 1000b 40r} data 2358b + BTreeIndex{PageId: 28 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 98b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 23 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 6 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 150 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 50 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2) | | | PageId: 1 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 100 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4) | | | PageId: 2 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 150 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (6) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 10 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 300 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 3 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 200 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (8) | | | PageId: 4 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 250 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (10) | | | PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 300 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (12) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 14 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 7 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 350 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (14) | | | PageId: 8 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 400 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (16) | | | PageId: 9 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 450 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (18) | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 27 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 18 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 11 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 500 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (20) | | | PageId: 12 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 550 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (22) | | | PageId: 13 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (24) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 22 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 750 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 143b} | | | PageId: 15 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 650 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (26) | | | PageId: 16 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 700 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (28) | | | PageId: 17 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 750 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (30) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 26 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 233b} | | | PageId: 19 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 800 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (32) | | | PageId: 20 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 850 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (34) | | | PageId: 21 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 900 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (36) | | | PageId: 24 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 950 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (38) | | | PageId: 25 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1000 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 50b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0) {Set 1 Uint32 : 0} | ERowOp 1: (1) {Set 1 Uint32 : 100} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 50b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2) {Set 1 Uint32 : 200} | ERowOp 1: (3) {Set 1 Uint32 : 300} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 50b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4) {Set 1 Uint32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{21} Label{214 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{24} Label{244 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{25} Label{254 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} |76.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_schema ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardColumnTableTTL::CreateColumnTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:47.121834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.438828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:47.439235Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:47.467250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.467653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.467771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.527966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.530039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:47.534510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.535600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.563836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:47.577852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:47.578063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:47.615657Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:48.489634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.490966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.492235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.498222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.498890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.537312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.540602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:48.542678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.543330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.543363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:48.543394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.572555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.572623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.573232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:48.591861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.592173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.592407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.592651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.662316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:48.678252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:48.679770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:48.686682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.687930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.688147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.689981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:48.690202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.691297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.692628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.703992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:48.704468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:48.709807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.714708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:48.714934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... perationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255220Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255317Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255681Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255773Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255857Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.255934Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.258477Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.260583Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.260669Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.261052Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.292554Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.293503Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.300828Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.301258Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.301602Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.301686Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.303261Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.303597Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.303921Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.303985Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304050Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304102Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304147Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304399Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304697Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.304921Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:42.305691Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.314087Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.314719Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.315040Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.315105Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:39:42.315444Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [4:2771:4036] message: TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:39:42.315771Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:42.316406Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.316791Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:39:42.326826Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 66 2025-03-11T11:39:42.339625Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.352525Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:42.353121Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [4:2772:4037] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:39:42.367188Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:42.368050Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 1.05ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:42.368683Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeColumnTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 ColumnTableVersion: 1 ColumnTableSchemaVersion: 1 ColumnTableTtlSettingsVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 0 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 64 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ColumnTableDescription { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Schema { Columns { Id: 1 Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 NotNull: true StorageId: "" DefaultValue { } ColumnFamilyId: 0 } Columns { Id: 2 Name: "modified_at" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 NotNull: true StorageId: "" DefaultValue { } ColumnFamilyId: 0 } KeyColumnNames: "modified_at" NextColumnId: 3 Version: 1 Options { SchemeNeedActualization: false } ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 Name: "default" } NextColumnFamilyId: 1 } TtlSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 ColumnUnit: UNIT_SECONDS Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } Version: 1 } ColumnShardCount: 64 Sharding { ColumnShards: 72075186233409546 ColumnShards: 72075186233409547 ColumnShards: 72075186233409548 ColumnShards: 72075186233409549 ColumnShards: 72075186233409550 ColumnShards: 72075186233409551 ColumnShards: 72075186233409552 ColumnShards: 72075186233409553 ColumnShards: 72075186233409554 ColumnShards: 72075186233409555 ColumnShards: 72075186233409556 ColumnShards: 72075186233409557 ColumnShards: 72075186233409558 ColumnShards: 72075186233409559 ColumnShards: 72075186233409560 ColumnShards: 72075186233409561 ColumnShards: 72075186233409562 ColumnShards: 72075186233409563 ColumnShards: 72075186233409564 ColumnShards: 72075186233409565 ColumnShards: 72075186233409566 ColumnShards: 72075186233409567 ColumnShards: 72075186233409568 ColumnShards: 72075186233409569 ColumnShards: 72075186233409570 ColumnShards: 72075186233409571 ColumnShards: 72075186233409572 ColumnShards: 72075186233409573 ColumnShards: 72075186233409574 ColumnShards: 72075186233409575 ColumnShards: 72075186233409576 ColumnShards: 72075186233409577 ColumnShards: 72075186233409578 ColumnShards: 72075186233409579 ColumnShards: 72075186233409580 ColumnShards: 72075186233409581 ColumnShards: 72075186233409582 ColumnShards: 72075186233409583 ColumnShards: 72075186233409584 ColumnShards: 72075186233409585 ColumnShards: 72075186233409586 ColumnShards: 72075186233409587 ColumnShards: 72075186233409588 ColumnShards: 72075186233409589 ColumnShards: 72075186233409590 ColumnShards: 72075186233409591 ColumnShards: 72075186233409592 ColumnShards: 72075186233409593 ColumnShards: 72075186233409594 ColumnShards: 72075186233409595 ColumnShards: 72075186233409596 ColumnShards: 72075186233409597 ColumnShards: 72075186233409598 ColumnShards: 72075186233409599 ColumnShards: 72075186233409600 ColumnShards: 72075186233409601 ColumnShards: 72075186233409602 ColumnShards: 72075186233409603 ColumnShards: 72075186233409604 ColumnShards: 72075186233409605 ColumnShards: 72075186233409606 ColumnShards: 72075186233409607 ColumnShards: 72075186233409608 ColumnShards: 72075186233409609 HashSharding { Function: HASH_FUNCTION_CONSISTENCY_64 Columns: "modified_at" } } StorageConfig { DataChannelCount: 64 } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> KqpEffects::ReturningWorksV2 >> KqpWrite::InsertRevert >> BuildStatsBTreeIndex::Mixed_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single |76.2%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpNewEngine::PureExpr >> KqpNewEngine::ContainerRegistryCombiner >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Slices >> TExternalTableTest::CreateExternalTableShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_History |76.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/ydb-core-mind-ut_fat |76.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/ydb-core-mind-ut_fat |76.2%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_table/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |76.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/ydb-core-mind-ut_fat >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v1-std] [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_History_Slices >> KqpNewEngine::MultiSelect ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/unittest >> KqpInplaceUpdate::SingleRowArithm Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26716, MsgBus: 5432 2025-03-11T11:39:17.144007Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515149707518724:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:17.262354Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018c6/r3tmp/tmpO1sCNA/pdisk_1.dat VERIFY failed (2025-03-11T11:39:19.256204Z): create destination failure: (TSystemError) (Error 98: Address already in use) library/cpp/messagebus/network.cpp:57: failed to bind on port 5432 library/cpp/messagebus/messqueue.cpp:149 CreateDestination(): requirement false failed 2025-03-11T11:39:19.427536Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:20.601117Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.042038Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:21.042371Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:21.089404Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:39:21.281026Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26716, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:21.611138Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:21.611161Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:21.611168Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:21.638219Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:22.138587Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515149707518724:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:22.138889Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:5432 2025-03-11T11:39:35.582204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:35.582251Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 0. /-S/util/system/yassert.cpp:83: InternalPanicImpl @ 0x1AD4B938 1. /-S/util/system/yassert.cpp:55: Panic @ 0x1AD39BCA 2. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/messagebus/messqueue.cpp:149: CreateDestination @ 0x32EE1DE8 3. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/messagebus/session.cpp:125: Create @ 0x32EF02BE 4. /tmp//-S/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server.cpp:467: InitSession @ 0x32E254B8 5. /tmp//-S/ydb/core/client/server/msgbus_server_proxy.cpp:180: Bootstrap @ 0x33159C93 6. /-S/ydb/library/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h:22: StateBootstrap @ 0x3315D79A 7. /-S/ydb/library/actors/core/actor.h:553: Receive @ 0x1DB1BC5C 8. /tmp//-S/ydb/library/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp:269: Execute @ 0x1DB15BD0 9. /tmp//-S/ydb/library/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp:460: operator() @ 0x1DB1EC3E 10. /tmp//-S/ydb/library/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp:512: ProcessExecutorPool @ 0x1DB1E199 11. /tmp//-S/ydb/library/actors/core/executor_thread.cpp:538: ThreadProc @ 0x1DB2012E 12. /-S/util/system/thread.cpp:244: ThreadProxy @ 0x1AD4FD84 13. /tmp//-S/contrib/libs/clang18-rt/lib/asan/asan_interceptors.cpp:239: asan_thread_start @ 0x1AA03898 14. ??:0: ?? @ 0x7F5951E64AC2 15. ??:0: ?? @ 0x7F5951EF684F >> KqpReturning::ReturningTwice >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::NoNodes_History [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode >> TExternalTableTest::SchemeErrors [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::CreateExternalTableShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:45.024968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:45.025039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:45.025371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:45.113395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:45.113463Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:45.129543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:45.130114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:45.130307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.184701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:45.185082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.185833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.186238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.192571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:45.194771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.206192Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:45.381926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.382204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.382511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.382775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.382842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:45.387692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:45.390617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.390715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.390759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:45.393151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.393221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.393286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.393348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.397415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:45.400330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:45.400595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:45.401795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.401993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.402059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.402386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:45.402444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.402656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.402766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.405738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.405792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.406838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:45.409700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.409838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:45.409880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 7 2025-03-11T11:39:46.729040Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.729060Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.730414Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.730510Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.730571Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.730613Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:39:46.730655Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.738274Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.738413Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.738447Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.738482Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.738515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739705Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739805Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739836Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739862Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739891Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.739975Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.746938Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.754937Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.755099Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.755348Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:46.755398Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.755838Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.755996Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:46.756042Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [2:332:2323] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.756571Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.756799Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 279us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:46.757122Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.768384Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "ExternalTable" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/new_location" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" } } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.768786Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 103:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "ExternalTable" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/new_location" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:46.768861Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 103:0, path# /MyRoot/ExternalTable 2025-03-11T11:39:46.768992Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/ExternalTable', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.771737Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusAlreadyExists Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ExternalTable\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 PathCreateTxId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.771906Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/ExternalTable', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], type: EPathTypeExternalTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/ExternalTable TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.772293Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:46.772338Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.772821Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.772946Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:46.772987Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [2:340:2331] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.773505Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.773731Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 270us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:46.774054Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TFlatTableExecutor_SliceOverlapScan::TestSliceOverlapScan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_SnapshotWithCommits::SnapshotWithCommits >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect1 >> TSharedPageCache::S3FIFO [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::ClockPro >> TFlatTableExecutor_SnapshotWithCommits::SnapshotWithCommits [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonSticky_FlatIndex >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_Slices >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonSticky_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonSticky_BTreeIndex ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::ReplaceExternalTableShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.093741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.093841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:46.101947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:46.102811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.398059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:46.398294Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:46.466611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.467062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.467234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.568702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.569560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.572945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.573526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.607099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.613701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.618128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.618639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.618822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.618986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.620316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.646817Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.778641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.778884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.779088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.779342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.779407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:46.782821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.786398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.786478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.786513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:46.788447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.788500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.788577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.788627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:46.794439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:46.794641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:46.795615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.795762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.795826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.796075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:46.796124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.796297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.796430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.798675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.798723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.798884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.798953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.799606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.802052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.802178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.802215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.872650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.872791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.873824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 6 2025-03-11T11:39:46.874842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:39:46.876986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.877094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.877135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.877166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.877201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:46.877278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.881584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.882175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.882435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:46.882488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.882935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.883041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:46.883079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:325:2316] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:39:46.883644Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.883891Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" took 225us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:39:46.884231Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.887823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "UniqueName" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } ReplaceIfExists: true } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.888163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 103:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "UniqueName" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } ReplaceIfExists: true } 2025-03-11T11:39:46.888260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TAlterExternalTable Propose: opId# 103:0, path# /MyRoot/UniqueName, ReplaceIfExists:1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.888403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusNameConflict, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/UniqueName', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalTable, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.891099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusNameConflict Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/UniqueName\', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalTable" TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 PathCreateTxId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.891294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusNameConflict, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/UniqueName', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalTable, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/UniqueName TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.891696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:39:46.891747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:39:46.892247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.892364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:39:46.892414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:333:2324] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonSticky_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestSticky >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestSticky [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonStickyGroup_FlatIndex >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_History >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::OverflowLookup >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonStickyGroup_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonStickyGroup_BTreeIndex ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_table/unittest >> TExternalTableTest::SchemeErrors [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:46.792851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:46.793184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.884561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:46.884633Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:46.923452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.923614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.923827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.950620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.954025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.954832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.955388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.967086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.968574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.968659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.968787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:46.968835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:46.968876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:46.969114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:46.977615Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:47.130244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.130508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.130740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.130982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.131038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:47.143591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:47.150807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.150891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.150940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:47.157469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.157540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.157601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.157655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.161550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:47.166639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:47.166899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:47.167981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.168913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.175834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.175904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.176919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:47.184121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.184289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.184333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 126 2025-03-11T11:39:47.349752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "BlaBlaType" } } } TxId: 126 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.350911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 126:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "BlaBlaType" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.351024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 126:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.351329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 126:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Type 'BlaBlaType' specified for column 'RowId' is not supported by storage, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.354522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 126, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Type \'BlaBlaType\' specified for column \'RowId\' is not supported by storage" TxId: 126 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.354745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 126, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Type 'BlaBlaType' specified for column 'RowId' is not supported by storage, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 126, wait until txId: 126 TestModificationResults wait txId: 127 2025-03-11T11:39:47.358147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "" Type: "Uint64" } } } TxId: 127 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.358510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 127:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "" Type: "Uint64" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.358604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 127:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.358767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 127:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Columns cannot have an empty name, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.361551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 127, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Columns cannot have an empty name" TxId: 127 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.361718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 127, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Columns cannot have an empty name, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 127, wait until txId: 127 TestModificationResults wait txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:39:47.364659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" TypeId: 27 } } } TxId: 128 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.364995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 128:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" TypeId: 27 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.365113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 128:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.365243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 128:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Cannot set TypeId for column 'RowId', use Type, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.368444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 128, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Cannot set TypeId for column \'RowId\', use Type" TxId: 128 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.368666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 128, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Cannot set TypeId for column 'RowId', use Type, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 128, wait until txId: 128 TestModificationResults wait txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:39:47.371634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" } } } TxId: 129 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.371944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 129:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.372023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 129:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.372148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 129:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Missing Type for column 'RowId', at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.374747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 129, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Missing Type for column \'RowId\'" TxId: 129 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.374963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 129, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Missing Type for column 'RowId', operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 129, wait until txId: 129 TestModificationResults wait txId: 130 2025-03-11T11:39:47.378294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" Id: 2 } Columns { Name: "RowId2" Type: "Uint64" Id: 2 } } } TxId: 130 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.378708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 130:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" Id: 2 } Columns { Name: "RowId2" Type: "Uint64" Id: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.378824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 130:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.379044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 130:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Duplicate column id: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.381838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 130, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Duplicate column id: 2" TxId: 130 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.382074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 130, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Duplicate column id: 2, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 130, wait until txId: 130 TestModificationResults wait txId: 131 2025-03-11T11:39:47.385287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource1" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" } } } TxId: 131 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.385668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalTable, opId 131:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable FailOnExist: false CreateExternalTable { Name: "Table2" SourceType: "General" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource1" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" } } 2025-03-11T11:39:47.385775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalTable Propose: opId# 131:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 2025-03-11T11:39:47.386005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 131:1, propose status:StatusPathDoesNotExist, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource1', error: path hasn't been resolved, nearest resolved path: '/MyRoot' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1]), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.389073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 131, response: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource1\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" TxId: 131 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:47.389269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 131, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusPathDoesNotExist, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource1', error: path hasn't been resolved, nearest resolved path: '/MyRoot' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1]), operation: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/Table2 TestModificationResult got TxId: 131, wait until txId: 131 >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestNonStickyGroup_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyMain >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices >> TReplicationTests::Create >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey |76.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_create_queue_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] |76.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_pool_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_pool_ut >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyMain [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAlt_FlatIndex |76.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_pool_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_pool_ut |76.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/sdk_sessions_pool_ut/ydb-services-ydb-sdk_sessions_pool_ut |76.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-nodewarden-ut >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAlt_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAlt_BTreeIndex |76.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-nodewarden-ut |76.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-nodewarden-ut >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAlt_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAll >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups_History [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups_History_Sticky >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestStickyAll [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestAlterAddFamilySticky >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Single_Groups_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestAlterAddFamilySticky [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestAlterAddFamilyPartiallySticky >> TIterator::MixedReverse [GOOD] >> TIterator::Serial >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed_Groups >> TFlatTableExecutor_StickyPages::TestAlterAddFamilyPartiallySticky [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedLargeBlobs::TestMultiVersionCompactionLargeBlobs >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedLargeBlobs::TestMultiVersionCompactionLargeBlobs [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRows >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups >> TChargeBTreeIndex::OneNode_Groups_History [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::Touch [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::Lifecycle [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::EvictNext [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::UpdateLimit [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::Erase [GOOD] >> TClockProCache::Random >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRows [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRowsSmallBlobs >> TClockProCache::Random [GOOD] >> TCompaction::OneMemtable [GOOD] >> TCompaction::ManyParts >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed_Groups_History >> TSharedPageCache::ClockPro [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::ReplacementPolicySwitch >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Mixed_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial >> TCompaction::ManyParts [GOOD] >> TCompaction::BootAbort |76.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_not_create_kesus [GOOD] >> KqpKv::ReadRows_UnknownTable |76.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-fifo] [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::Create [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix >> TReplicationTests::ConsistencyLevel >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial_Groups >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v0-std] [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial_Groups [GOOD] >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial_Groups_History >> TSharedPageCache::ReplacementPolicySwitch [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_BTreeIndex >> TCompaction::BootAbort [GOOD] >> TCompaction::Defaults >> TCompaction::Defaults [GOOD] >> TCompaction::Merges [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::ManyParts >> BuildStatsFlatIndex::Serial_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single >> TReplicationTests::CreateSequential >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_FlatIndex >> KqpSqlIn::KeyTypeMissmatch_Int >> KqpSort::TopSortTableExprOffset >> TIterator::Serial [GOOD] >> TIterator::SerialReverse >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v1-std] [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::ManyParts [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionEdge >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_ZeroCache_BTreeIndex >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v0] [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_ZeroCache_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_ZeroCache_FlatIndex >> Yq_1::ListConnections [GOOD] >> Yq_1::ListConnectionsOnEmptyConnectionsTable >> TReplicationTests::ConsistencyLevel [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::Alter >> TIterator::SerialReverse [GOOD] >> TIterator::GetKey [GOOD] >> TIterator::GetKeyWithEraseCache [GOOD] >> TIterator::GetKeyWithVersionSkips [GOOD] >> TLegacy::IndexIter >> KqpEffects::InsertAbort_Select_Success [GOOD] >> KqpEffects::InsertAbort_Select_Duplicates >> TSharedPageCache::Compaction_ZeroCache_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Touch [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Erase [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::EvictNext [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::UpdateLimit [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_Touch_RotatePages_All [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_Touch_RotatePages_Parts [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_RotatePages_Force [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_RotatePages_Evicts [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_Touch [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_Erase [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_EvictNext [GOOD] >> TSwitchableCache::Switch_UpdateLimit [GOOD] >> TVersions::WreckHead >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateTableWithDisabledNotNullDataColumns >> TLegacy::IndexIter [GOOD] >> TLegacy::ScreenedIndexIter >> TLegacy::ScreenedIndexIter [GOOD] >> TLegacy::StatsIter >> KqpLimits::TooBigColumn-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpLimits::ReplySizeExceeded >> TLegacy::StatsIter [GOOD] >> TPageHandleTest::Uninitialized [GOOD] >> TPageHandleTest::NormalUse [GOOD] >> TPageHandleTest::HandleRef [GOOD] >> TPageHandleTest::PinnedRef [GOOD] >> TPageHandleTest::PinnedRefPure [GOOD] >> TPart::State [GOOD] >> TPart::Trivials [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DuplicatedResults >> TPart::Basics [GOOD] >> TPart::BasicColumnGroups [GOOD] >> TPart::CellDefaults [GOOD] >> TPart::Matter >> TPart::Matter [GOOD] >> TPart::External [GOOD] >> TPart::Outer [GOOD] >> TPart::MassCheck >> TPart::MassCheck [GOOD] >> TPart::WreckPart >> KqpNewEngine::PureExpr [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PureTxMixedWithDeferred >> KqpNewEngine::ContainerRegistryCombiner [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DeferredEffects >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionEdge [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionEdgeMany >> TReplicationTests::Alter [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CannotAddReplicationConfig >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_History >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionEdgeMany [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflow >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-std] [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflow [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflowSmallRefs >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflowSmallRefs [GOOD] >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflowLargeRefs >> TCompactionMulti::MainPageCollectionOverflowLargeRefs [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::RandomOps >> KqpSort::ReverseOptimized [GOOD] >> KqpSort::ReverseOptimizedWithPredicate >> TReplicationTests::CannotAddReplicationConfig [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CannotSetAsyncReplicaAttribute >> TPart::WreckPart [GOOD] >> TPart::PageFailEnv >> KqpInplaceUpdate::SingleRowStr [GOOD] >> TChargeBTreeIndex::FewNodes_Groups_History_Sticky [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Basics [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateSequential [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::IndexPagesLocator [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::GetTwice [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateInParallel >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::ForwardTwice |76.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-ut |76.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-ut |76.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-ut >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::ForwardTwice [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Skip_Done [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Skip_Done_None [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Skip_Keep [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Skip_Wait [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Trace [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::End [GOOD] >> NFwd_TFlatIndexCache::Slices [GOOD] >> NFwd_TLoadedPagesCircularBuffer::Basics [GOOD] >> NOther::Blocks [GOOD] >> NPage::Encoded [GOOD] >> NPage::ABI_002 >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_creates_quoter [GOOD] >> NPage::ABI_002 [GOOD] >> NPage::GroupIdEncoding [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::Align [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::Meta >> NPageCollection::Meta [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::PagesToBlobsConverter [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::Grow [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::Groups [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::Chop [GOOD] >> NPageCollection::CookieAllocator [GOOD] >> NProto::LargeGlobId [GOOD] >> Redo::ABI_008 [GOOD] >> Self::Literals [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Slices >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_History [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Slices >> TPart::PageFailEnv [GOOD] >> TPart::ForwardEnv >> TReplicationTests::CannotSetAsyncReplicaAttribute [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::AlterReplicatedTable |76.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/ydb-core-kqp-ut-sysview |76.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/ydb-core-kqp-ut-sysview |76.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/ydb-core-kqp-ut-sysview >> KqpNewEngine::MultiSelect [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::MultiOutput ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/unittest >> KqpInplaceUpdate::SingleRowStr [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1657, MsgBus: 19943 2025-03-11T11:39:45.943136Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515273063222410:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:45.943163Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001885/r3tmp/tmpvAceUS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:46.631186Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:46.631289Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:46.638845Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1657, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:46.689918Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.690348Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:46.763108Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:46.901917Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:46.901942Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:46.901958Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:46.902081Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19943 TClient is connected to server localhost:19943 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:47.637245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:47.667619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:47.764645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:47.992225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.279981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.392959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:50.944328Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515273063222410:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:50.944692Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:58.632156Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515324602831793:2423], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:59.189673Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:00.654876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.844769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.944305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.073564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.203861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.602082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.739103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:01.750268Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:03.753474Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515350372636190:2504], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:03.753633Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:03.762140Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515350372636213:2507], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:03.787413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:03.828727Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515350372636215:2508], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:03.897851Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515350372636266:3564] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:11.454414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TPart::ForwardEnv [GOOD] >> TPart::WreckPartColumnGroups >> KqpWrite::InsertRevert [GOOD] >> Yq_1::DescribeConnection [GOOD] >> Yq_1::DeleteQuery ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> Self::Literals [GOOD] Test command err: + BTreeIndex{PageId: 0 RowCount: 1155 DataSize: 11055 GroupDataSize: 22055 ErasedRowCount: 385, 13 rev 1, 683b} | PageId: 10000 RowCount: 100 DataSize: 1000 GroupDataSize: 2000 ErasedRowCount: 30 | > 0, a, false, 0 | PageId: 10001 RowCount: 201 DataSize: 2001 GroupDataSize: 4001 ErasedRowCount: 61 | > 1, b, true, 10 | PageId: 10002 RowCount: 303 DataSize: 3003 GroupDataSize: 6003 ErasedRowCount: 93 | > 2, c, false, 20 | PageId: 10003 RowCount: 406 DataSize: 4006 GroupDataSize: 8006 ErasedRowCount: 126 | > 3, d, true, 30 | PageId: 10004 RowCount: 510 DataSize: 5010 GroupDataSize: 10010 ErasedRowCount: 160 | > 4, e, false, 40 | PageId: 10005 RowCount: 615 DataSize: 6015 GroupDataSize: 12015 ErasedRowCount: 195 | > 5, f, true, 50 | PageId: 10006 RowCount: 721 DataSize: 7021 GroupDataSize: 14021 ErasedRowCount: 231 | > 6, g, false, 60 | PageId: 10007 RowCount: 828 DataSize: 8028 GroupDataSize: 16028 ErasedRowCount: 268 | > 7, h, true, 70 | PageId: 10008 RowCount: 936 DataSize: 9036 GroupDataSize: 18036 ErasedRowCount: 306 | > 8, i, false, 80 | PageId: 10009 RowCount: 1045 DataSize: 10045 GroupDataSize: 20045 ErasedRowCount: 345 | > 9, j, true, 90 | PageId: 10010 RowCount: 1155 DataSize: 11055 GroupDataSize: 22055 ErasedRowCount: 385 + BTreeIndex{PageId: 9 RowCount: 2310 DataSize: 21210 GroupDataSize: 42210 ErasedRowCount: 840, 13 rev 1, 116b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 5 RowCount: 936 DataSize: 9036 GroupDataSize: 18036 ErasedRowCount: 306, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 0 RowCount: 303 DataSize: 3003 GroupDataSize: 6003 ErasedRowCount: 93, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10000 RowCount: 100 DataSize: 1000 GroupDataSize: 2000 ErasedRowCount: 30 | | | > 0, a, false, 0 | | | PageId: 10001 RowCount: 201 DataSize: 2001 GroupDataSize: 4001 ErasedRowCount: 61 | | | > 1, b, true, 10 | | | PageId: 10002 RowCount: 303 DataSize: 3003 GroupDataSize: 6003 ErasedRowCount: 93 | | > 2, c, false, 20 | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 1 RowCount: 615 DataSize: 6015 GroupDataSize: 12015 ErasedRowCount: 195, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10003 RowCount: 406 DataSize: 4006 GroupDataSize: 8006 ErasedRowCount: 126 | | | > 3, d, true, 30 | | | PageId: 10004 RowCount: 510 DataSize: 5010 GroupDataSize: 10010 ErasedRowCount: 160 | | | > 4, e, false, 40 | | | PageId: 10005 RowCount: 615 DataSize: 6015 GroupDataSize: 12015 ErasedRowCount: 195 | | > 5, f, true, 50 | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 2 RowCount: 936 DataSize: 9036 GroupDataSize: 18036 ErasedRowCount: 306, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10006 RowCount: 721 DataSize: 7021 GroupDataSize: 14021 ErasedRowCount: 231 | | | > 6, g, false, 60 | | | PageId: 10007 RowCount: 828 DataSize: 8028 GroupDataSize: 16028 ErasedRowCount: 268 | | | > 7, h, true, 70 | | | PageId: 10008 RowCount: 936 DataSize: 9036 GroupDataSize: 18036 ErasedRowCount: 306 | > 8, i, false, 80 | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 8 RowCount: 2310 DataSize: 21210 GroupDataSize: 42210 ErasedRowCount: 840, 13 rev 1, 242b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 1266 DataSize: 12066 GroupDataSize: 24066 ErasedRowCount: 426, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10009 RowCount: 1045 DataSize: 10045 GroupDataSize: 20045 ErasedRowCount: 345 | | | > 9, j, true, 90 | | | PageId: 10010 RowCount: 1155 DataSize: 11055 GroupDataSize: 22055 ErasedRowCount: 385 | | | > 10, k, false, 100 | | | PageId: 10011 RowCount: 1266 DataSize: 12066 GroupDataSize: 24066 ErasedRowCount: 426 | | > 11, l, true, 110 | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 4 RowCount: 1605 DataSize: 15105 GroupDataSize: 30105 ErasedRowCount: 555, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10012 RowCount: 1378 DataSize: 13078 GroupDataSize: 26078 ErasedRowCount: 468 | | | > 12, m, false, 120 | | | PageId: 10013 RowCount: 1491 DataSize: 14091 GroupDataSize: 28091 ErasedRowCount: 511 | | | > 13, n, true, 130 | | | PageId: 10014 RowCount: 1605 DataSize: 15105 GroupDataSize: 30105 ErasedRowCount: 555 | | > 14, o, false, 140 | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 6 RowCount: 1953 DataSize: 18153 GroupDataSize: 36153 ErasedRowCount: 693, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10015 RowCount: 1720 DataSize: 16120 GroupDataSize: 32120 ErasedRowCount: 600 | | | > 15, p, true, 150 | | | PageId: 10016 RowCount: 1836 DataSize: 17136 GroupDataSize: 34136 ErasedRowCount: 646 | | | > 16, q, false, 160 | | | PageId: 10017 RowCount: 1953 DataSize: 18153 GroupDataSize: 36153 ErasedRowCount: 693 | | > 17, r, true, 170 | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 7 RowCount: 2310 DataSize: 21210 GroupDataSize: 42210 ErasedRowCount: 840, 13 rev 1, 179b} | | | PageId: 10018 RowCount: 2071 DataSize: 19171 GroupDataSize: 38171 ErasedRowCount: 741 | | | > 18, s, false, 180 | | | PageId: 10019 RowCount: 2190 DataSize: 20190 GroupDataSize: 40190 ErasedRowCount: 790 | | | > 19, t, true, 190 | | | PageId: 10020 RowCount: 2310 DataSize: 21210 GroupDataSize: 42210 ErasedRowCount: 840 + BTreeIndex{PageId: 15 RowCount: 15150 DataSize: 106050 GroupDataSize: 207050 ErasedRowCount: 8080, 13 rev 1, 174b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 12 RowCount: 9078 DataSize: 70278 GroupDataSize: 138278 ErasedRowCount: 4318, 13 rev 1, 690b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 0 RowCount: 1266 DataSize: 12066 GroupDataSize: 24066 ErasedRowCount: 426, 13 rev 1, 702b} | | | PageId: 10000 RowCount: 100 DataSize: 1000 GroupDataSize: 2000 ErasedRowCount: 30 | | | > 0, x, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10001 RowCount: 201 DataSize: 2001 GroupDataSize: 4001 ErasedRowCount: 61 | | | > 1, xx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10002 RowCount: 303 DataSize: 3003 GroupDataSize: 6003 ErasedRowCount: 93 | | | > 2, xxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10003 RowCount: 406 DataSize: 4006 GroupDataSize: 8006 ErasedRowCount: 126 | | | > 3, xxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10004 RowCount: 510 DataSize: 5010 GroupDataSize: 10010 ErasedRowCount: 160 | | | > 4, xxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10005 RowCount: 615 DataSize: 6015 GroupDataSize: 12015 ErasedRowCount: 195 | | | > 5, xxxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10006 RowCount: 721 DataSize: 7021 GroupDataSize: 14021 ErasedRowCount: 231 | | | > 6, xxxxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10007 RowCount: 828 DataSize: 8028 GroupDataSize: 16028 ErasedRowCount: 268 | | | > 7, xxxxxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10008 RowCount: 936 DataSize: 9036 GroupDataSize: 18036 ErasedRowCount: 306 | | | > 8, xxxxxxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10009 RowCount: 1045 DataSize: 10045 GroupDataSize: 20045 ErasedRowCount: 345 | | | > 9, xxxxxxxxxx, NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10010 RowCount: 1155 DataSize: 11055 GroupDataSize: 22055 ErasedRowCount: 385 | | | > 10, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10011 RowCount: 1266 DataSize: 12066 GroupDataSize: 24066 ErasedRowCount: 426 | | > 11, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 1 RowCount: 2431 DataSize: 22231 GroupDataSize: 44231 ErasedRowCount: 891, 13 rev 1, 683b} | | | PageId: 10012 RowCount: 1378 DataSize: 13078 GroupDataSize: 26078 ErasedRowCount: 468 | | | > 12, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10013 RowCount: 1491 DataSize: 14091 GroupDataSize: 28091 ErasedRowCount: 511 | | | > 13, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10014 RowCount: 1605 DataSize: 15105 GroupDataSize: 30105 ErasedRowCount: 555 | | | > 14, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10015 RowCount: 1720 DataSize: 16120 GroupDataSize: 32120 ErasedRowCount: 600 | | | > 15, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10016 RowCount: 1836 DataSize: 17136 GroupDataSize: 34136 ErasedRowCount: 646 | | | > 16, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10017 RowCount: 1953 DataSize: 18153 GroupDataSize: 36153 ErasedRowCount: 693 | | | > 17, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10018 RowCount: 2071 DataSize: 19171 GroupDataSize: 38171 ErasedRowCount: 741 | | | > 18, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10019 RowCount: 2190 DataSize: 20190 GroupDataSize: 40190 ErasedRowCount: 790 | | | > 19, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10020 RowCount: 2310 DataSize: 21210 GroupDataSize: 42210 ErasedRowCount: 840 | | | > 20, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10021 RowCount: 2431 DataSize: 22231 GroupDataSize: 44231 ErasedRowCount: 891 | | > 21, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 2 RowCount: 3565 DataSize: 31465 GroupDataSize: 62465 ErasedRowCount: 1395, 13 rev 1, 689b} | | | PageId: 10022 RowCount: 2553 DataSize: 23253 GroupDataSize: 46253 ErasedRowCount: 943 | | | > 22, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10023 RowCount: 2676 DataSize: 24276 GroupDataSize: 48276 ErasedRowCount: 996 | | | > 23, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10024 RowCount: 2800 DataSize: 25300 GroupDataSize: 50300 ErasedRowCount: 1050 | | | > 24, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10025 RowCount: 2925 DataSize: 26325 GroupDataSize: 52325 ErasedRowCount: 1105 | | | > 25, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10026 RowCount: 3051 DataSize: 27351 GroupDataSize: 54351 ErasedRowCount: 1161 | | | > 26, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10027 RowCount: 3178 DataSize: 28378 GroupDataSize: 56378 ErasedRowCount: 1218 | | | > 27, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10028 RowCount: 3306 DataSize: 29406 GroupDataSize: 58406 ErasedRowCount: 1276 | | | > 28, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10029 RowCount: 3435 DataSize: 30435 GroupDataSize: 60435 ErasedRowCount: 1335 | | | > 29, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10030 RowCount: 3565 DataSize: 31465 GroupDataSize: 62465 ErasedRowCount: 1395 | | > 30, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 4641 DataSize: 39741 GroupDataSize: 78741 ErasedRowCount: 1911, 13 rev 1, 669b} | | | PageId: 10031 RowCount: 3696 DataSize: 32496 GroupDataSize: 64496 ErasedRowCount: 1456 | | | > 31, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10032 RowCount: 3828 DataSize: 33528 GroupDataSize: 66528 ErasedRowCount: 1518 | | | > 32, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10033 RowCount: 3961 DataSize: 34561 GroupDataSize: 68561 ErasedRowCount: 1581 | | | > 33, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10034 RowCount: 4095 DataSize: 35595 GroupDataSize: 70595 ErasedRowCount: 1645 | | | > 34, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10035 RowCount: 4230 DataSize: 36630 GroupDataSize: 72630 ErasedRowCount: 1710 | | | > 35, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10036 RowCount: 4366 DataSize: 37666 GroupDataSize: 74666 ErasedRowCount: 1776 | | | > 36, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10037 RowCount: 4503 DataSize: 38703 GroupDataSize: 76703 ErasedRowCount: 1843 | | | > 37, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10038 RowCount: 4641 DataSize: 39741 GroupDataSize: 78741 ErasedRowCount: 1911 | | > 38, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 4 RowCount: 5781 DataSize: 48081 GroupDataSize: 95081 ErasedRowCount: 2491, 13 rev 1, 725b} | | | PageId: 10039 RowCount: 4780 DataSize: 40780 GroupDataSize: 80780 ErasedRowCount: 1980 | | | > 39, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10040 RowCount: 4920 DataSize: 41820 GroupDataSize: 82820 ErasedRowCount: 2050 | | | > 40, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10041 RowCount: 5061 DataSize: 42861 GroupDataSize: 84861 ErasedRowCount: 2121 | | | > 41, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10042 RowCount: 5203 DataSize: 43903 GroupDataSize: 86903 ErasedRowCount: 2193 | | | > 42, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10043 RowCount: 5346 DataSize: 44946 GroupDataSize: 88946 ErasedRowCount: 2266 | | | > 43, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10044 RowCount: 5490 DataSize: 45990 GroupDataSize: 90990 ErasedRowCount: 2340 | | | > 44, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10045 RowCount: 5635 DataSize: 47035 GroupDataSize: 93035 ErasedRowCount: 2415 | | | > 45, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | PageId: 10046 RowCount: 5781 DataSize: 48081 GroupDataSize: 95081 ErasedRowCount: 2491 | | > 46, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 5 RowCount: 6831 DataSize: 55431 GroupDataSize: 109431 ErasedRowCount: 3051, 13 rev 1, 674b} | | | PageId: 10047 RowCount: 5928 DataSize: 49128 GroupDataSize: 97128 ErasedRowCount: 2568 | | | > 47, xxxxxxxxxx.., NULL, NULL | | | Pa ... 3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{6} Label{64 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{10} Label{104 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{18} Label{184 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 1000b 40r} data 1479b + FlatIndex{20} Label{3 rev 3, 453b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32) | 0 0 50b (0) | 1 2 50b (2) | 2 4 50b (4) | 3 6 50b (6) | 4 8 50b (8) | 5 10 50b (10) | 6 12 50b (12) | 7 14 50b (14) | 8 16 50b (16) | 9 18 50b (18) | 10 20 50b (20) | 11 22 50b (22) | 12 24 50b (24) | 13 26 50b (26) | 14 28 50b (28) | 15 30 50b (30) | 16 32 50b (32) | 17 34 50b (34) | 18 36 50b (36) | 19 38 50b (38) | 19 39 50b (39) + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 50b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0) {Set 1 Uint32 : 0} | ERowOp 1: (1) {Set 1 Uint32 : 100} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 50b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2) {Set 1 Uint32 : 200} | ERowOp 1: (3) {Set 1 Uint32 : 300} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 50b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4) {Set 1 Uint32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{6} Label{64 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{10} Label{104 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{18} Label{184 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 1000b 40r} data 1479b + FlatIndex{20} Label{3 rev 3, 453b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32) | 0 0 50b (0) | 1 2 50b (2) | 2 4 50b (4) | 3 6 50b (6) | 4 8 50b (8) | 5 10 50b (10) | 6 12 50b (12) | 7 14 50b (14) | 8 16 50b (16) | 9 18 50b (18) | 10 20 50b (20) | 11 22 50b (22) | 12 24 50b (24) | 13 26 50b (26) | 14 28 50b (28) | 15 30 50b (30) | 16 32 50b (32) | 17 34 50b (34) | 18 36 50b (36) | 19 38 50b (38) | 19 39 50b (39) + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 50b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0) {Set 1 Uint32 : 0} | ERowOp 1: (1) {Set 1 Uint32 : 100} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 50b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2) {Set 1 Uint32 : 200} | ERowOp 1: (3) {Set 1 Uint32 : 300} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 50b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4) {Set 1 Uint32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{6} Label{64 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{10} Label{104 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{18} Label{184 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 1000b 40r} data 1479b + FlatIndex{20} Label{3 rev 3, 453b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32) | 0 0 50b (0) | 1 2 50b (2) | 2 4 50b (4) | 3 6 50b (6) | 4 8 50b (8) | 5 10 50b (10) | 6 12 50b (12) | 7 14 50b (14) | 8 16 50b (16) | 9 18 50b (18) | 10 20 50b (20) | 11 22 50b (22) | 12 24 50b (24) | 13 26 50b (26) | 14 28 50b (28) | 15 30 50b (30) | 16 32 50b (32) | 17 34 50b (34) | 18 36 50b (36) | 19 38 50b (38) | 19 39 50b (39) + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 50b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0) {Set 1 Uint32 : 0} | ERowOp 1: (1) {Set 1 Uint32 : 100} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 50b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2) {Set 1 Uint32 : 200} | ERowOp 1: (3) {Set 1 Uint32 : 300} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 50b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4) {Set 1 Uint32 : 400} | ERowOp 1: (5) {Set 1 Uint32 : 500} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 50b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (6) {Set 1 Uint32 : 600} | ERowOp 1: (7) {Set 1 Uint32 : 700} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 50b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (8) {Set 1 Uint32 : 800} | ERowOp 1: (9) {Set 1 Uint32 : 900} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 50b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (10) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1000} | ERowOp 1: (11) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1100} + Rows{6} Label{64 rev 1, 50b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (12) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1200} | ERowOp 1: (13) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1300} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 50b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (14) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1400} | ERowOp 1: (15) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1500} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 50b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (16) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1600} | ERowOp 1: (17) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1700} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 50b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (18) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1800} | ERowOp 1: (19) {Set 1 Uint32 : 1900} + Rows{10} Label{104 rev 1, 50b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (20) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2000} | ERowOp 1: (21) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2100} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 50b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (22) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2200} | ERowOp 1: (23) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2300} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 50b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (24) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2400} | ERowOp 1: (25) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2500} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 50b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (26) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2600} | ERowOp 1: (27) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2700} + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 50b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (28) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2800} | ERowOp 1: (29) {Set 1 Uint32 : 2900} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 50b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (30) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3000} | ERowOp 1: (31) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3100} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 50b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (32) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3200} | ERowOp 1: (33) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3300} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 50b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (34) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3400} | ERowOp 1: (35) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3500} + Rows{18} Label{184 rev 1, 50b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (36) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3600} | ERowOp 1: (37) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3700} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 50b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (38) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3800} | ERowOp 1: (39) {Set 1 Uint32 : 3900} >> Yq_1::Basic [FAIL] >> Yq_1::Basic_EmptyList >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldFailOnWrongUnit-EnableTablePgTypes-true [GOOD] >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v0] [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect1 [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect2 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/unittest >> KqpWrite::InsertRevert [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10567, MsgBus: 19605 2025-03-11T11:39:47.000883Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515276641294103:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:47.001038Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001890/r3tmp/tmpYbyacE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:47.706390Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:47.732786Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.733061Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:47.735927Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10567, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.920110Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.920133Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.920140Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.920265Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19605 TClient is connected to server localhost:19605 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:48.869762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.937481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.212693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.846374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:50.326251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:52.509512Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515276641294103:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:52.539717Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:02.706504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:02.706525Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:08.020625Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515366835609106:2443], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:08.020733Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:10.672789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.028564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.276260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.459426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.694526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.968165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:12.045258Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515388310446151:2501], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.045326Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.045592Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515388310446156:2504], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.048930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:12.099128Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515388310446158:2505], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.202381Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515388310446214:3557] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:16.145918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TReplicationTests::AlterReplicatedTable [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::AlterReplicatedIndexTable |76.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v1-std] [GOOD] >> KqpReturning::ReturningTwice [GOOD] >> KqpReturning::ReturningTypes >> TReplicationTests::CreateInParallel [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateDropRecreate ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTests::CreateTableShouldFailOnWrongUnit-EnableTablePgTypes-true [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:51.783968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:51.784042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:51.784354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.905355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:51.905413Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:51.916630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.916723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.916858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.926945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.927512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:51.928119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.928413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.932451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.933683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.933740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.933837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:51.933911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:51.933953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:51.934157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:51.950629Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.358538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.360071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.361008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.363825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.364282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.382521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.384409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:52.386048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.386236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.386402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:52.386585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.400287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.400540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.400994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:52.420711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.421225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.421472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.421916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.490555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:52.512126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:52.513280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:52.530185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.530874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.531463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.533157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:52.533614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.541367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.542290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.565790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.566081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:52.567216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.567435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.568293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:52.568745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:52.569673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.572288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.572537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.573180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.573629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:52.574065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.574302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.574788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.575037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:52.575066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:52.575096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:52.606823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.607516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:52.607933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:20.026362Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:20.027301Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.057939Z node 37 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [37:123:2149] sender: [37:238:2058] recipient: [37:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:40:20.115505Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.115976Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.116383Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:40:20.116845Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.116995Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.131375Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.131667Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:40:20.132172Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.132365Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.132531Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:40:20.132673Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:40:20.142265Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.142484Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.142756Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:40:20.148198Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.148293Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.148637Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.148848Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.149353Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:40:20.153409Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:40:20.154302Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:40:20.156028Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.156314Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 158913792108 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.156450Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.157844Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:20.158106Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.159209Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.159525Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.165723Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.165879Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:20.166446Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.166638Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [37:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.166991Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.167188Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:20.168086Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.168373Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.168599Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.168792Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169000Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169191Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169481Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169570Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169721Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169823Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:20.169995Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:40:20.171835Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.172103Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.172211Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.172320Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:40:20.172431Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.172679Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:20.177825Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:20.179032Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:40:20.188135Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "pgint8" } KeyColumnNames: "key" TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } } } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.189158Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.189476Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable, opId: 101:0, schema: Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "pgint8" } KeyColumnNames: "key" TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ColumnUnit: UNIT_AUTO } }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.191248Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: To enable TTL on integral PG type column 'ValueSinceUnixEpochModeSettings' should be specified, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.192076Z node 37 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [37:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:40:20.254599Z node 37 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [37:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [37:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:40:20.257432Z node 37 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [37:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:40:20.261844Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "To enable TTL on integral PG type column \'ValueSinceUnixEpochModeSettings\' should be specified" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:20.262291Z node 37 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: To enable TTL on integral PG type column 'ValueSinceUnixEpochModeSettings' should be specified, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable 2025-03-11T11:40:20.263189Z node 37 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 >> TColumnShardTestSchema::RebootExportAfterFail >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups_Slices >> TReplicationTests::AlterReplicatedIndexTable [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CopyReplicatedTable |76.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_iterator |76.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_iterator |76.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_read_iterator >> KqpKv::ReadRows_UnknownTable [GOOD] >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Double_Limit3 >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateTableWithDisabledNotNullDataColumns [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::InsertFromSelect |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v0] [GOOD] >> Yq_1::CreateConnection_With_Existing_Name [GOOD] >> Yq_1::CreateConnections_With_Idempotency |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_other_requests_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_properly_creates_and_deletes_queue[tables_format_v0-std] [GOOD] >> KqpEffects::ReturningWorksV2 [GOOD] >> KqpEffects::ReturningWorksV3 |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey_In_And >> TReplicationTests::CopyReplicatedTable [GOOD] |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v1-std] [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DeferredEffects [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::Delete >> KqpEffects::InsertAbort_Select_Duplicates [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateDropRecreate [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateWithoutCredentials >> KqpNewEngine::PureTxMixedWithDeferred [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PrunePartitionsByLiteral ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/unittest >> TReplicationTests::CopyReplicatedTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292417Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:50.292959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:50.431854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:50.431911Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:50.446033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:50.446482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:50.446648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.479850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:50.480146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:50.480810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.481109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.490553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.491872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.491946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.492061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:50.492113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:50.492157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:50.492389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.507182Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:50.758319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.760567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.761820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:50.770851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.771309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.802967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.808003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:50.817205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.817846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.818401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:50.818436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:50.844871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.845216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.845558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:50.858566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.859209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.859739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.859779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.884370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:50.900830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:50.901604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:50.918637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.920291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.921207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.924069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:50.924697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.926848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.928335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.947457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.948064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:50.949394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.954993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:50.955300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:39:50.957618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.957732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:50.957764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:40:29.528346Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:40:29.528415Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:29.574717Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:29.574911Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:40:29.576293Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 2 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 19773 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.576328Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:29.576697Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 2 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 19773 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.577298Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 2 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 19773 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.582663Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 409 RawX2: 34359740746 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.582720Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:29.582890Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 409 RawX2: 34359740746 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.582946Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.583054Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 409 RawX2: 34359740746 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.583116Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 1, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.583159Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged CollectSchemaChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:40:29.588797Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.588953Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616056Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 34359740662 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616116Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616422Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 34359740662 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616463Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616531Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 34359740662 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616597Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616638Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616686Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616729Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.616763Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:29.619838Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620018Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620081Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 102:0ProgressState, operation type TxCopyTable 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620139Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Set barrier, OperationId: 102:0, name: CopyTableBarrier, done: 0, blocked: 1, parts count: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620206Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 102, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620300Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier, msg: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier { TxId: 102 Name: CopyTableBarrier }, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.620345Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:29.623046Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.623127Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637309Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637386Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637451Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637496Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637537Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637618Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [8:335:2314] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637678Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637729Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637771Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:40:29.637991Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:40:29.638043Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:40:29.650444Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:40:29.650744Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [8:440:2401] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:40:29.661363Z node 8 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/CopyTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:29.661704Z node 8 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/CopyTable" took 8.28ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:40:29.662178Z node 8 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/CopyTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "CopyTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "CopyTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> Yq_1::ModifyConnections [GOOD] >> Yq_1::ModifyQuery >> KqpSort::TopSortTableExprOffset [GOOD] >> KqpSort::UnionAllSortLimit >> TPart::WreckPartColumnGroups [GOOD] >> TPart::PageFailEnvColumnGroups >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] |76.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_worker |76.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_worker |76.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_worker |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/unittest >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_History >> TColumnShardTestSchema::ExportAfterFail >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestCreatePDiskAndGroup ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/unittest >> KqpEffects::InsertAbort_Select_Duplicates [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22996, MsgBus: 12490 2025-03-11T11:39:39.359974Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515246395107317:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:39.360623Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00189b/r3tmp/tmp86yLae/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:42.395060Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:43.644018Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:44.320423Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515246395107317:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:44.320809Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:44.599216Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:44.599953Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:44.600048Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:44.606588Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22996, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:44.829912Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:44.829930Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:44.829943Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:44.830055Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12490 TClient is connected to server localhost:12490 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:45.576364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:45.613086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:45.804382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:46.028409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:46.177087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.005797Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515285049814773:2412], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.005917Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.347418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.402277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.460313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.521605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.599334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.683421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.849390Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515285049815297:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.849496Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.854339Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515285049815302:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.858274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.892580Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515285049815305:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:39:48.979367Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515285049815360:3460] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:39:52.679331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29709, MsgBus: 23217 2025-03-11T11:40:05.504427Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515355239337723:2117];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:06.132526Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00189b/r3tmp/tmpNdMqoA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:06.615602Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:06.623110Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:06.623198Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:06.624979Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29709, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:08.036217Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:08.036235Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:08.036540Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:08.042526Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:10.434626Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515355239337723:2117];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:10.434681Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:23217 TClient is connected to server localhost:23217 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:12.994182Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:13.000731Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:13.055640Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:13.430368Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.077609Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.407513Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.175130Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515419663848920:2419], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.175306Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.211515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.273514Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.369327Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.440339Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.514004Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.679168Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.883515Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515419663849451:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.883602Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.883995Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515419663849456:2473], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.889161Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.926912Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515419663849458:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.023965Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515423958816815:3488] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.546042Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:21.546068Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:24.338484Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:25.664404Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515441138686548:2549], TxId: 281474976710675, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTQ5MzA2OTgtZDQ4YzVkZGQtZjcxYWIwMTgtNzQzYjUyZg==. TraceId : 01jp2g327nej57zbrcm10taepn. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Duplicated keys found., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:40:25.664880Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515441138686549:2550], TxId: 281474976710675, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g327nej57zbrcm10taepn. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTQ5MzA2OTgtZDQ4YzVkZGQtZjcxYWIwMTgtNzQzYjUyZg==. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:7480515441138686545:2506], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:40:25.665215Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTQ5MzA2OTgtZDQ4YzVkZGQtZjcxYWIwMTgtNzQzYjUyZg==, ActorId: [2:7480515432548751698:2506], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g327nej57zbrcm10taepn, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: >> IndexBuildTest::CancellationNotEnoughRetries [GOOD] >> IndexBuildTest::CancellationNoTable >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::ObtainTenantKeySamePin [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::ObtainTenantKeyDifferentPin [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateWithoutCredentials [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::Describe |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/unittest >> KqpSort::ReverseOptimizedWithPredicate [GOOD] >> KqpSort::ReverseRangeOptimized >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestUnmonitoredEventsThenNoMonitorings >> KqpSysColV0::InnerJoinTables >> KqpSqlIn::KeyTypeMissmatch_Int [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::KeyTypeMissmatch_Str |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::ObtainTenantKeyDifferentPin [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DuplicatedResults [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::IdxLookupExtractMembers >> KqpSysColV1::SelectRange >> IndexBuildTest::CancellationNoTable [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_History_Slices >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix_OnlyTail |76.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-engines-ut |76.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-engines-ut |76.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-engines-ut >> KqpSystemView::PartitionStatsFollower |76.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/unittest >> TReplicationTests::Describe [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateReplicatedTable |76.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ydb-core-statistics-aggregator-ut |76.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ydb-core-statistics-aggregator-ut |76.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/ydb-core-statistics-aggregator-ut >> TPart::PageFailEnvColumnGroups [GOOD] >> TPart::ForwardEnvColumnGroups |76.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_write |76.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_write |76.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_write >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAck |76.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut |76.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut |76.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut >> KqpSysColV1::StreamSelectRowById >> TPart::ForwardEnvColumnGroups [GOOD] >> TPart::Versions [GOOD] >> TPart::ManyVersions [GOOD] >> TPart::ManyDeltas >> TPart::ManyDeltas [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_Lz4 [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_Seek [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_SeekPages [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_SeekSlices [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_CutString |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithKesus::test_creates_quoter [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestUnmonitoredEventsThenNoMonitorings [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_CutString [GOOD] >> TPart::CutKeys_CutUtf8String [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes >> KqpNewEngine::MultiOutput [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::MultiStatement >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRowsSmallBlobs [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRowsLargeBlobs ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/nodewarden/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestUnmonitoredEventsThenNoMonitorings [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:33.839223Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:2:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:2:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.839334Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:0:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.839938Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:0:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:2:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:0:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.841402Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:2:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.841792Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:0:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:0:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.841862Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[2000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [2000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [2000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 tablet_helpers.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e6c/r3tmp/tmpsFQTKl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:35.048389Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT INFO: [c8d415ebd9884d79] bootstrap ActorId# [1:475:2457] Group# 33554432 BlobCount# 1 BlobIDs# [[72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0]] HandleClass# TabletLog Tactic# MinLatency RestartCounter# 0 Marker# BPP13 2025-03-11T11:40:35.048844Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 0 part# 0 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.048973Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 1 part# 1 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.048999Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 2 part# 2 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049024Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 3 part# 0 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049046Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 3 part# 1 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049066Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] restore disk# 3 part# 2 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049097Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] restore Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] optimisticReplicas# 3 optimisticState# EBS_FULL Marker# BPG55 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049356Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 0 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:1] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049473Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Sending missing VPut part# 0 to# 0 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:1] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049603Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:2] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049626Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Sending missing VPut part# 1 to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:2] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049649Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:3] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.049670Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Sending missing VPut part# 2 to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:3] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.054141Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:45:2089] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:3] FDS# 1297 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.054219Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:38:2082] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:2] FDS# 1297 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.054257Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:59:2103] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:1] FDS# 1297 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.075636Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:2] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 8 } Cost# 90212 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:0:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.076038Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:3] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 } Cost# 90212 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:1:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.076339Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:1] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 7 } Cost# 90212 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 8 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:3:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.076507Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [c8d415ebd9884d79] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999479} GroupId# 33554432 Marker# BPP12 2025-03-11T11:40:35.077026Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT INFO: [c8d415ebd9884d79] SendReply putResult# TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999479} ResponsesSent# 0 PutImpl.Blobs.size# 1 Last# true Marker# BPP21 2025-03-11T11:40:35.077635Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: {BPP72@dsproxy_put.cpp:470} Query history GroupId# 33554432 HandleClass# TabletLog Tactic# MinLatency History# THistory { Entries# [ TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 6.473 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:3] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 6.475 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:2] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 6.475 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:7:0:0:1297:1] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:3:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 27.912 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 28.467 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 28.56 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:3:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } ] } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203446Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT INFO: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] bootstrap ActorId# [1:520:2494] Group# 33554432 BlobCount# 1 BlobIDs# [[72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0]] HandleClass# TabletLog Tactic# MinLatency RestartCounter# 0 Marker# BPP13 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203854Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 0 part# 0 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203896Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 1 part# 1 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203923Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 2 part# 2 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203949Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 3 part# 0 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203974Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 3 part# 1 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.203997Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] restore disk# 3 part# 2 situation# ESituation::Unknown Marker# BPG51 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204163Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] restore Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:0] optimisticReplicas# 3 optimisticState# EBS_FULL Marker# BPG55 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204494Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 0 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:1] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204654Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Sending missing VPut part# 0 to# 0 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:1] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204908Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:2] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204935Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Sending missing VPut part# 1 to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:2] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204963Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:3] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.204984Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] Sending missing VPut part# 2 to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:3] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.205381Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:45:2089] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:3] FDS# 222 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.205525Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:38:2082] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:2] FDS# 222 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.205563Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:59:2103] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:1] FDS# 222 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.218904Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:2] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 } Cost# 81748 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:0:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.219097Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:3] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 } Cost# 81748 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 11 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:1:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.219203Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [3ca1a99c83a6f037] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:8:0:0:222:1] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 8 } Cost# 81748 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 }}}} from# [2000 ... 7Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] Sending missing VPut part# 0 to# 0 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:1] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.249472Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:2] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.249493Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] Sending missing VPut part# 1 to# 1 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:2] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.249516Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] partPlacement record partSituation# ESituation::Unknown to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:3] Marker# BPG33 2025-03-11T11:40:35.249536Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] Sending missing VPut part# 2 to# 2 blob Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:3] Marker# BPG32 2025-03-11T11:40:35.250271Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:38:2082] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:3] FDS# 241 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.250487Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:59:2103] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:2] FDS# 241 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.250532Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:52:2096] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVPut# {ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:1] FDS# 241 HandleClass# TabletLog {MsgQoS ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog} DataSize# 0 Data# } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.261749Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:3] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 } Cost# 81897 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 11 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:0:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.262165Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:1] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 } Cost# 81897 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:2:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.262386Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] received {EvVPutResult Status# OK ID# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:2] {MsgQoS MsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 9 } Cost# 81897 ExtQueueId# PutTabletLog IntQueueId# IntPutLog Window# { Status# Processed ActualWindowSize# 0 MaxWindowSize# 150000000 ExpectedMsgId# { SequenceId: 1 MsgId: 10 }}}} from# [2000000:1:0:3:0] Marker# BPP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.262896Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999479} GroupId# 33554432 Marker# BPP12 2025-03-11T11:40:35.262946Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT INFO: [b6b2c6548553d7a5] SendReply putResult# TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999479} ResponsesSent# 0 PutImpl.Blobs.size# 1 Last# true Marker# BPP21 2025-03-11T11:40:35.263915Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_PUT DEBUG: {BPP72@dsproxy_put.cpp:470} Query history GroupId# 33554432 HandleClass# TabletLog Tactic# MinLatency History# THistory { Entries# [ TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 3.664 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:3] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 3.665 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:2] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:3:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPut{ TimestampMs# 3.665 sample PartId# [72057594037932033:2:9:0:0:241:1] QueryCount# 1 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 1 } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 15.092 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 15.302 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } TEvVPutResult{ TimestampMs# 15.671 VDiskId# [2000000:1:0:3:0] NodeId# 1 Status# OK } ] } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.268334Z node 1 :BS_PROXY INFO: Group# 2181038082 TEvConfigureProxy received GroupGeneration# 1 IsLimitedKeyless# false Marker# DSP02 2025-03-11T11:40:35.268546Z node 1 :BS_PROXY NOTICE: EnsureMonitoring Group# 2181038082 IsLimitedKeyless# 0 fullIfPossible# 0 Marker# DSP58 2025-03-11T11:40:35.287848Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:525:2498] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288143Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:526:2499] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288237Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:527:2500] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288323Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:528:2501] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288407Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:529:2502] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288491Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:530:2503] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288592Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Actor# [1:521:2495] Create Queue# [1:531:2504] targetNodeId# 1 Marker# DSP01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.288786Z node 1 :BS_PROXY INFO: Group# 2181038082 SetStateEstablishingSessions Marker# DSP03 2025-03-11T11:40:35.290537Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 1 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.290795Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 2 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.290897Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 3 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.290971Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 4 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.291179Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 5 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.291246Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 6 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.291295Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Group# 2181038082 Handle TEvProxyQueueState# {VDiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] QueueId# 7 IsConnected# true ExtraBlockChecksSupport# true CostModel# {SeekTimeUs# 8000 ReadSpeedBps# 127000000 WriteSpeedBps# 127000000 ReadBlockSize# 524288 WriteBlockSize# 524288 MinHugeBlobInBytes# 524257 GType# none}} Duration# 0.000000s Marker# DSP04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.291319Z node 1 :BS_PROXY INFO: Group# 2181038082 -> StateWork Marker# DSP11 2025-03-11T11:40:35.291536Z node 1 :BS_PROXY INFO: Group# 2181038082 SetStateWork Marker# DSP15 2025-03-11T11:40:35.292303Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [8d27cf9df52bfb78] bootstrap ActorId# [1:532:2505] Group# 2181038082 TabletId# 1234 Generation# 1 Deadline# 586524-01-19T08:01:49.551615Z RestartCounter# 0 Marker# DSPB05 2025-03-11T11:40:35.292568Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [8d27cf9df52bfb78] Sending TEvVBlock Tablet# 1234 Generation# 1 vdiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] node# 1 Marker# DSPB03 2025-03-11T11:40:35.293393Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:525:2498] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlock# NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvVBlock TabletId: 1234 Generation: 1 VDiskID { GroupID: 2181038082 GroupGeneration: 1 Ring: 0 Domain: 0 VDisk: 0 } IssuerGuid: 4494887508779153163 MsgQoS { ExtQueueId: PutTabletLog } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.297139Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [8d27cf9df52bfb78] Handle TEvVBlockResult status# OK From# [82000002:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 Marker# DSPB01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.297552Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [8d27cf9df52bfb78] Result# TEvBlockResult {Status# OK} Marker# DSPB04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.298734Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:525:2498] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVCollectGarbage# {TEvVCollectGarbage for [tablet:gen:cnt:channel]=[1234:4294967295:4294967295:0] collect=[4294967295:4294967295] cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.303769Z node 1 :BS_PROXY NOTICE: EnsureMonitoring Group# 2181038082 IsLimitedKeyless# 0 Marker# DSP57 initialize full monitoring 2025-03-11T11:40:35.313454Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [1a43693427d0a82b] bootstrap ActorId# [1:534:2507] Group# 2181038082 TabletId# 1234 Generation# 3 Deadline# 586524-01-19T08:01:49.551615Z RestartCounter# 0 Marker# DSPB05 2025-03-11T11:40:35.313721Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [1a43693427d0a82b] Sending TEvVBlock Tablet# 1234 Generation# 3 vdiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] node# 1 Marker# DSPB03 2025-03-11T11:40:35.314420Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:525:2498] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlock# NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvVBlock TabletId: 1234 Generation: 3 VDiskID { GroupID: 2181038082 GroupGeneration: 1 Ring: 0 Domain: 0 VDisk: 0 } IssuerGuid: 5914813165769642997 MsgQoS { ExtQueueId: PutTabletLog } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.318649Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [1a43693427d0a82b] Handle TEvVBlockResult status# OK From# [82000002:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 Marker# DSPB01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.318992Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [1a43693427d0a82b] Result# TEvBlockResult {Status# OK} Marker# DSPB04 2025-03-11T11:40:35.320084Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [bba3bffd2e286f4b] bootstrap ActorId# [1:535:2508] Group# 2181038082 TabletId# 1234 Generation# 4 Deadline# 586524-01-19T08:01:49.551615Z RestartCounter# 0 Marker# DSPB05 2025-03-11T11:40:35.320569Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [bba3bffd2e286f4b] Sending TEvVBlock Tablet# 1234 Generation# 4 vdiskId# [82000002:1:0:0:0] node# 1 Marker# DSPB03 2025-03-11T11:40:35.321088Z node 1 :BS_PROXY DEBUG: Send to queueActorId# [1:525:2498] NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvVBlock# NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvVBlock TabletId: 1234 Generation: 4 VDiskID { GroupID: 2181038082 GroupGeneration: 1 Ring: 0 Domain: 0 VDisk: 0 } IssuerGuid: 17806451683888963149 MsgQoS { ExtQueueId: PutTabletLog } cookie# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.331104Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [bba3bffd2e286f4b] Handle TEvVBlockResult status# OK From# [82000002:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 Marker# DSPB01 2025-03-11T11:40:35.331301Z node 1 :BS_PROXY_BLOCK DEBUG: [bba3bffd2e286f4b] Result# TEvBlockResult {Status# OK} Marker# DSPB04 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/unittest >> IndexBuildTest::CancellationNoTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:42.871786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.366897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:43.366945Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:37:43.403664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.404902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.405518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.443311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.444157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.446290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.446857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.455857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:43.458531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.477379Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.768801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.770398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.771461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.773250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.773750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.785481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.786852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:43.788919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.794424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.794540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.794719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:43.799015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.799057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.799258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.799515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.807672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:43.812458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:43.813524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:43.817504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.818149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.818390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.819482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:43.819602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.820235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.820618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.825063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.825283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:43.825713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.825809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.826214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:43.826504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:43.826981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.827075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.827413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.827666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.827762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:43.827942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.828080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.828182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.828376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:37:43.828506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:43.828611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:37:43.835291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.835609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:43.835868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... less db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:33.471747Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:33.471893Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.479265Z node 2 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:123:2149] sender: [2:238:2058] recipient: [2:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:40:33.490701Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.490923Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.491128Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.491340Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.491394Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494002Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494340Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494398Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494441Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:40:33.494477Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:40:33.496738Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.496817Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.496860Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:40:33.498898Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.498963Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.499015Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.499071Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.499223Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:40:33.501036Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:40:33.501232Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502256Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502384Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 8589936748 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502437Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502707Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502772Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.502951Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.503039Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505189Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505241Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505461Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505877Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.505964Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506088Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506123Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506166Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506199Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506242Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506286Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506324Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506358Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506431Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506473Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.506510Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507061Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507158Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507200Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507244Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507286Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.507390Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.510408Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:33.510924Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.511569Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX NOTICE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_CREATE_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute TxId: 101 DatabaseName: "/MyRoot" Settings { source_path: "/MyRoot/Table" index { name: "index1" index_columns: "index" global_index { settings { } } } max_batch_rows: 2 max_shards_in_flight: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:40:33.511778Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX NOTICE: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_CREATE_INDEX_BUILD: Reply TxId: 101 Status: BAD_REQUEST Issues { message: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" severity: 1 } SchemeStatus: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:33.511910Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:40:33.533456Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [2:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:40:33.534546Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:40:33.536944Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 BUILDINDEX RESPONSE CREATE: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvCreateResponse TxId: 101 Status: BAD_REQUEST Issues { message: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" severity: 1 } SchemeStatus: 2 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:40:33.537341Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:40:33.537389Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:40:33.537796Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:33.537937Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:40:33.537977Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [2:280:2271] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:40:33.538484Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_LIST_INDEX_BUILD: DoExecute DatabaseName: "/MyRoot" PageSize: 100 PageToken: "" 2025-03-11T11:40:33.538585Z node 2 :BUILD_INDEX DEBUG: TIndexBuilder::TXTYPE_LIST_INDEX_BUILD: Reply Status: SUCCESS NextPageToken: "0" BUILDINDEX RESPONSE LIST: NKikimrIndexBuilder.TEvListResponse Status: SUCCESS NextPageToken: "0" >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect2 [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect3 >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_History_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups_History_Slices >> KqpNotNullColumns::InsertFromSelect [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::FailedMultiEffects >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsCellVec >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeToInclusive >> KqpLimits::ReplySizeExceeded [GOOD] |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v0] [GOOD] >> TVersions::WreckHead [GOOD] >> TVersions::WreckHeadReverse >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestCreatePDiskAndGroup [GOOD] >> Yq_1::ListConnectionsOnEmptyConnectionsTable [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::CreateReplicatedTable [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::DropReplicationWithInvalidCredentials >> KqpReturning::ReturningTypes [GOOD] >> KqpSort::ComplexPkExclusiveSecondOptionalPredicate ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/query/unittest >> KqpLimits::ReplySizeExceeded [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17178, MsgBus: 16322 2025-03-11T11:39:18.574886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515156141848893:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:18.575231Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001092/r3tmp/tmpQNNQSJ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:19.332674Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:19.371072Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:19.371130Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:19.396138Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17178, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:19.910548Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:19.910566Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:19.910576Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:19.910683Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16322 TClient is connected to server localhost:16322 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:21.328228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:21.386017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:21.404688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:21.854464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:23.497423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:23.556294Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515156141848893:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:23.556343Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.763272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:33.611486Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515220566360051:2427], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:33.611582Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:34.334908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:34.334932Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:34.524024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.564288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.599599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.673003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.742570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.834352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.906134Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515224861327879:2482], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:34.906214Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:34.906280Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515224861327885:2485], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:34.910883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:34.922283Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515224861327887:2486], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:39:35.010712Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515229156295238:3503] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:39:45.283659Z node 1 :GLOBAL WARN: fline=events.h:101;event=ev_write_error;status=STATUS_BAD_REQUEST;details=Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 at tablet# 72075186224037911;tx_id=3; 2025-03-11T11:39:45.283722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 2025-03-11T11:39:45.286562Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515272105968703:2522], Table: `/Root/KeyValue` ([72057594046644480:6:1]), SessionActorId: [1:7480515229156295526:2522]Got BAD REQUEST for table `[OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6]`. ShardID=72075186224037911, Sink=[1:7480515272105968703:2522].{
: Error: Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 at tablet# 72075186224037911 } 2025-03-11T11:39:45.318873Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515246336164855:2522], SessionActorId: [1:7480515229156295526:2522], statusCode=BAD_REQUEST. Issue=
: Error: Bad request. Table: `/Root/KeyValue`., code: 2017
: Error: Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 at tablet# 72075186224037911 . sessionActorId=[1:7480515229156295526:2522]. isRollback=0 2025-03-11T11:39:45.329439Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmZlYjA3YTgtZTZkOGNhZTgtNWJhZGQxYjEtODE0YWMwYjA=, ActorId: [1:7480515229156295526:2522], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g1n6cesz23zbbvvn6qzkw, got TEvKqpBuffer::TEvError in ExecuteState, status: BAD_REQUEST send to: [1:7480515246336164856:2522] from: [1:7480515246336164855:2522] 2025-03-11T11:39:45.329581Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [1:7480515246336164856:2522] TxId: 281474976710671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g1n6cesz23zbbvvn6qzkw, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmZlYjA3YTgtZTZkOGNhZTgtNWJhZGQxYjEtODE0YWMwYjA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. BAD_REQUEST: {
: Error: Bad request. Table: `/Root/KeyValue`., code: 2017 subissue: {
: Error: Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 at tablet# 72075186224037911 } } 2025-03-11T11:39:45.334445Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmZlYjA3YTgtZTZkOGNhZTgtNWJhZGQxYjEtODE0YWMwYjA=, ActorId: [1:7480515229156295526:2522], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g1n6cesz23zbbvvn6qzkw, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Bad request. Table: `/Root/KeyValue`., code: 2017
: Error: Cannot parse tx 3. BAD_ARGUMENT: Row cell size of 20971520 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 16777216 at tablet# 72075186224037911 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21324, MsgBus: 22416 2025-03-11T11:39:46.504930Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515274400908277:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:46.504962Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001092/r3tmp/tmpGlkqib/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:46.757553Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:46.757924Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) Volatil ... WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:53.427317Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515304465681681:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:53.430678Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:53.444186Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:53.444552Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515304465681683:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:39:53.544405Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515304465681744:3470] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:01.741685Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:01.741707Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:04.182038Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Transaction write column value of 20971522 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold 2025-03-11T11:40:04.182171Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Errors while proposing transaction txid 281474976715671 at tablet 72075186224037911 status: EXEC_ERROR errors: BAD_ARGUMENT (Transaction write column value of 20971522 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold) | 2025-03-11T11:40:04.186335Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [2:7480515343120387888:2500] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g29mg36wtkyfths3kfjcw, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MWY3OGQzZjEtY2NiMDAyYmQtMThlN2QxY2YtNTg4MzkwOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. EXEC_ERROR: [BAD_ARGUMENT] Transaction write column value of 20971522 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold; 2025-03-11T11:40:04.187129Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MWY3OGQzZjEtY2NiMDAyYmQtMThlN2QxY2YtNTg4MzkwOGI=, ActorId: [2:7480515317350583907:2500], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g29mg36wtkyfths3kfjcw, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Error executing transaction (ExecError): Execution failed
: Error: [BAD_ARGUMENT] Transaction write column value of 20971522 bytes is larger than the allowed threshold Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 32473, MsgBus: 28766 2025-03-11T11:40:06.642209Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480515362477761811:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:06.642715Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001092/r3tmp/tmpuPoMp9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:08.866592Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:08.932683Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:08.933194Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:08.933270Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:09.038724Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 32473, node 3 2025-03-11T11:40:10.202385Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:10.202409Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:10.202416Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:10.202529Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:11.644108Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480515362477761811:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:11.644161Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:28766 TClient is connected to server localhost:28766 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:14.621092Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:14.671421Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.323253Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.077271Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.565671Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.398647Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515422607305628:2423], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.398734Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.457921Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.500205Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.554785Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.586289Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.623775Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.673977Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.757239Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515422607306140:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.757325Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.757689Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515422607306145:2477], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.761491Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.777243Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480515422607306147:2478], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.833294Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480515422607306200:3475] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:22.078021Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:22.802777Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:22.802807Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:36.405010Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NDMyZWJhYTUtMzBjNTk2MzktOGNlNTE0MDctMWM1NTUwMWI=, ActorId: [3:7480515426902273781:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g3cf69s2x9176zezsjv2y, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_does_actions_with_queue[tables_format_v0-std] [GOOD] >> Yq_1::DescribeJob [FAIL] >> Yq_1::DescribeQuery ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageWardenTest::TestCreatePDiskAndGroup [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:33.716740Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:2:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.870133Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:2:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:0:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:2:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.870259Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:0:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.896954Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:2:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:2:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.897071Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:3:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:3:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.946963Z node 1 :BS_SYNCLOG WARN: VDISK[3e000000:_:0:0:0]: Handle(TEvSyncLogRead): FULL_RECOVER(unequal guid); sourceVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:1:0] targetVDisk# [3e000000:1:0:0:0] oldSyncState# [0 0] DbBirthLsn# 0 Sending TEvPut Sending TEvGet Sending TEvVGet Sending TEvPut Sending TEvGet >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::PrechargeAndSeek_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::PrechargeAndSeek_BTreeIndex ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::ListConnectionsOnEmptyConnectionsTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.862370Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515161538566903:2084];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; E0311 11:39:20.503548723 24252 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:20.503727368 24252 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:20.545748Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.554136Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.742894Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:22.138778Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 2025-03-11T11:39:22.576414Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:23.638552Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:23.741611Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.644368Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.834216Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515161538566903:2084];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.834257Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; E0311 11:39:25.568056358 24532 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:25.569229889 24532 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:25.722318Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.854712Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.595652Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.779740Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.866510Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 2025-03-11T11:39:26.924701Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.787427Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.927150Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.796768Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.936144Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.798267Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.943508Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.382636Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] E0311 11:39:30.801115676 24533 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:30.802217785 24533 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:30.813382Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.946354Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.814494Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.944497Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.822904Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.951373Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.129499Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.129529Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.134874Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.134905Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:35.818517809 24532 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:35.818643032 24532 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:36.139442Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.139474Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.158282Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.158318Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.582423Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:37.605423Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/quotas". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:37.622016Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/mappings". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:37.667280Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:6486 2025-03-11T11:39:37.667698Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error re ... SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646926 2025-03-11T11:40:35.299474Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Received channels info: Update { Id: 1 TransportVersion: DATA_TRANSPORT_OOB_PICKLE_1_0 SrcTaskId: 1 DstTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139195 RawX2: 4503616807242329 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139196 RawX2: 4503616807242330 } } InMemory: true DstStageId: 1 } Update { Id: 2 TransportVersion: DATA_TRANSPORT_OOB_PICKLE_1_0 SrcTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139196 RawX2: 4503616807242330 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139189 RawX2: 4503616807242320 } } InMemory: true } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.299506Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Update input channelId: 1, peer: [4:7480515487866139195:2649] 2025-03-11T11:40:35.299595Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646926 2025-03-11T11:40:35.299717Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Received channels info: Update { Id: 1 TransportVersion: DATA_TRANSPORT_OOB_PICKLE_1_0 SrcTaskId: 1 DstTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139195 RawX2: 4503616807242329 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139196 RawX2: 4503616807242330 } } InMemory: true DstStageId: 1 } Update { Id: 2 TransportVersion: DATA_TRANSPORT_OOB_PICKLE_1_0 SrcTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139196 RawX2: 4503616807242330 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515487866139189 RawX2: 4503616807242320 } } InMemory: true } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.299741Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300674Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. Recv TEvReadResult from ShardID=72075186224037892, ReadId=0, Status=SUCCESS, Finished=1, RowCount=0, TxLocks= , BrokenTxLocks= 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300696Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. Taken 0 locks 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300708Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. new data for read #0 seqno = 1 finished = 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300741Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 276037645 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300764Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300783Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. enter getasyncinputdata results size 1, freeSpace 8388608 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300801Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. enter pack cells method shardId: 72075186224037892 processedRows: 0 packed rows: 0 freeSpace: 8388608 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300818Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. exit pack cells method shardId: 72075186224037892 processedRows: 0 packed rows: 0 freeSpace: 8388608 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300827Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. returned 0 rows; processed 0 rows 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300860Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. dropping batch for read #0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300872Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. effective maxinflight 1 sorted 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300884Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. Scheduled table scans, in flight: 0 shards. pending shards to read: 0, 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300899Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515487866139195:2649]. returned async data processed rows 0 left freeSpace 8388608 received rows 0 running reads 0 pending shards 0 finished = 1 has limit 0 limit reached 0 2025-03-11T11:40:35.300985Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Continue execution, either output buffers are not empty or not all channels are ready, hasDataToSend: 1, channelsReady: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301009Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646923 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301028Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Finish input channelId: 1, from: [4:7480515487866139195:2649] 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301053Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301111Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Continue execution, either output buffers are not empty or not all channels are ready, hasDataToSend: 1, channelsReady: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301125Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646927 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301142Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301173Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301185Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139195:2649], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301288Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 1. pass away 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301381Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710729;task_id=1;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301716Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301749Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Tasks execution finished, don't wait for ack delivery in input channelId: 1, seqNo: [1] 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301757Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301768Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515487866139196:2650], TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g3bp9cn1tgc8ffd8sb9es. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2NjYzE4YTEtYjUxYjdiZDgtZDBlYWVjNTQtNTJjNTYxZGI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301813Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710729, task: 2. pass away 2025-03-11T11:40:35.301861Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710729;task_id=2;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; E0311 11:40:35.565629670 32042 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:40:35.565797478 32042 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:40:35.681806Z node 4 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:22783: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:22783 2025-03-11T11:40:35.796812Z node 4 :FQ_PENDING_FETCHER ERROR: Error with GetTask:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:22783: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:22783 >> KqpNewEngine::Delete [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DecimalColumn >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Double_Limit3 [GOOD] >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Datetime_Limit3 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReceiveErrorAfterSplit >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReverseReadMultipleRanges >> TReplicationTests::DropReplicationWithInvalidCredentials [GOOD] >> TReplicationTests::DropReplicationWithUnknownSecret >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldRead >> KqpSort::UnionAllSortLimit [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::CantRewrite >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_History_Slices |76.5%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpSort::ReverseRangeOptimized [GOOD] >> KqpSort::ReverseRangeLimitOptimized |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/unittest |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TReplicationTests::DropReplicationWithUnknownSecret [GOOD] |76.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/unittest |76.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/unittest |76.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minikql/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minikql |76.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minikql/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minikql >> TestProgram::CountUIDByVAT >> KqpNewEngine::PrunePartitionsByLiteral [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PrunePartitionsByExpr >> TestProgram::CountUIDByVAT [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::IdxLookupExtractMembers [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::FlatmapLambdaMutiusedConnections |76.6%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index_build/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |76.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minikql/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minikql |76.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/ydb-services-metadata-initializer-ut |76.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/ydb-services-metadata-initializer-ut |76.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/ydb-services-metadata-initializer-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/unittest >> TReplicationTests::DropReplicationWithUnknownSecret [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:40:12.003233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:40:12.003871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:40:12.004321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:40:12.004858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:12.005092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:40:12.005320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:40:12.010255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:40:12.011157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:40:12.013219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:13.425604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:13.425650Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:13.681301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:13.691745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:13.693005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.092037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:14.095011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:14.126358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.127504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.148771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.153847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.158251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.158656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:14.159273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:14.159829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:14.194242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:14.329080Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:40:15.009564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.009815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.010257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:40:15.010488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.010562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:40:15.022721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:40:15.032374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.032466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.032521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:40:15.038721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.038801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.038840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.038888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.042803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:40:15.046890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:40:15.047175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:40:15.048413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.048591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.048841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.049189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:15.049273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.049452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.049546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.055936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:15.056950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:40:15.059971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.060116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.060156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... E: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [9:123:2149], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:40:47.309739Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.309868Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.309920Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:40:47.310082Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:40:47.310270Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.310307Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [9:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.310350Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [9:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:47.310965Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311024Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311166Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311208Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311256Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311311Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311361Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311415Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311473Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311530Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311580Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311764Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311829Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311887Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 7 2025-03-11T11:40:47.311929Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:40:47.312772Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 274137603, Sender [9:205:2207], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 7 } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.312814Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event NSchemeBoard::NSchemeshardEvents::TEvUpdateAck 2025-03-11T11:40:47.312895Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.312975Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.313012Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.313071Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:40:47.313122Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:47.313224Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.314766Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 274137603, Sender [9:205:2207], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 18446744073709551615 } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.314811Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event NSchemeBoard::NSchemeshardEvents::TEvUpdateAck 2025-03-11T11:40:47.314888Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.314966Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.314995Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315026Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315079Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315182Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315226Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315488Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [9:123:2149], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCleanDroppedPaths 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315530Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvCleanDroppedPaths 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315613Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315674Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.315755Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:47.318494Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.319484Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.319520Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.320658Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.320694Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.320785Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321070Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321129Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321575Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [9:449:2404], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321641Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321688Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321862Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124996, Sender [9:365:2344], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.321927Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322021Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322152Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322205Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [9:447:2402] 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322410Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [9:449:2404], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322446Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322493Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:40:47.322963Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122945, Sender [9:450:2405], Recipient [9:123:2149]: NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/MyRoot/Replication" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.323026Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:47.323149Z node 9 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Replication" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:47.323383Z node 9 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Replication" took 233us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:40:47.323556Z node 9 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Replication\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/Replication" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TestProgram::CountUIDByVAT [GOOD] Test command err: FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=program.cpp:32;event=parse_program;program=Command { GroupBy { Aggregates { Column { Id: 10001 } Function { Id: 2 Arguments { Id: 2 } } } KeyColumns { Id: 4 } } } Command { Projection { Columns { Id: 10001 } Columns { Id: 4 } } } ; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=program.cpp:108;parse_proto_program=Command { GroupBy { Aggregates { Column { Id: 10001 } Function { Id: 2 Arguments { Id: 2 } } } KeyColumns { Id: 4 } } } Command { Projection { Columns { Id: 10001 } Columns { Id: 4 } } } ; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=program.cpp:50;event=program_parsed;result={"processors":[{"processor":{"internal":{},"type":"Aggregation","input":"2,4","output":"10001"},"fetch":"2,4","drop":"2"},{"processor":{"internal":{},"type":"Projection","input":"10001,4"}}]}; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10StringTypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10StringTypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10StringTypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10UInt64TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10UInt64TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow10UInt64TypeE; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=NOTICE;component=332;fline=columnshard_ut_common.h:495;T=N5arrow9Int32TypeE; >> KqpSqlIn::KeyTypeMissmatch_Str [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_PgKey |76.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |76.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data |76.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data |76.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/unittest |76.6%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_replication/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |76.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data >> KqpEffects::ReturningWorksV3 [GOOD] |76.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/sqs/with_quotas/py3test >> test_quoting.py::TestSqsQuotingWithLocalRateLimiter::test_send_message_rate[tables_format_v1] [GOOD] >> TAsyncIndexTests::DropTableWithInflightChanges[PipeResets] [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::FailedMultiEffects [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateIndexedTableWithDisabledNotNullDataColumns |76.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/aggregator/ut/unittest >> TAsyncIndexTests::SplitIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] [GOOD] >> KqpSysColV1::SelectRange [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAck [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleOutOfOrderReadAck ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/effects/unittest >> KqpEffects::ReturningWorksV3 [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29678, MsgBus: 11684 2025-03-11T11:39:46.848762Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515276065090897:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:46.849216Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018ac/r3tmp/tmpdfx4tW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:47.516094Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:47.519557Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.519649Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:47.524003Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29678, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.822452Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.822472Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.822478Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.822646Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11684 TClient is connected to server localhost:11684 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:48.683769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.714647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.724433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.945674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.206692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.324502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:51.838479Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515276065090897:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:51.839364Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:02.510847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:02.511206Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:03.783356Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515349079536696:2448], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:03.783435Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:08.066795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:08.320354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:08.749066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:08.907911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:09.077695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:09.312077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:09.934555Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515374849341062:2505], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:09.934663Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:09.937507Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515374849341067:2508], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:09.994477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:10.121632Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515374849341069:2509], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:10.338814Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515379144308429:3579] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.947689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:16.021762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:16.115514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12648, MsgBus: 16662 2025-03-11T11:40:29.103975Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515460670853251:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018ac/r3tmp/tmp24gvLx/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:29.354506Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:29.830866Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:29.856385Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:29.856472Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:29.868928Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12648, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:30.809746Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:30.809776Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:30.809784Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:30.809938Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16662 TClient is connected to server localhost:16662 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:32.704515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.732340Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.816883Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.999414Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:33.144928Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:34.058112Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515460670853251:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.058205Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:35.802091Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515486440658631:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.802222Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.943306Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.004316Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.096162Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.320894Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.445198Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.510435Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.585317Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515490735626448:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:36.585429Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:36.585777Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515490735626453:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:36.590553Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:36.613230Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515490735626455:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:36.684899Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515490735626512:3462] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:41.816445Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:41.932529Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:42.024905Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:44.716270Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:44.716295Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> KqpNewEngine::PkRangeSelect3 [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::OnlineRO_Inconsistent >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::OneNode_Groups_History_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartGroupBtreeIndexIter::NoNodes [GOOD] >> TPartGroupBtreeIndexIter::OneNode >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey_In_And [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey_In_And_In >> TPersQueueTest::BadTopic >> TPartGroupBtreeIndexIter::OneNode [GOOD] >> TPartGroupBtreeIndexIter::FewNodes >> TPartGroupBtreeIndexIter::FewNodes [GOOD] >> TPartMulti::Basics [GOOD] >> TPartMulti::BasicsReverse [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::TrivialMerge [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::SimpleMerge [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::ComplexMerge [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::LongTailMerge [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::CutSingle [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::CutMulti [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::LookupBasics [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::LookupFull [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::EqualByRowId [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::SupersetByRowId [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::Subtract [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::ParallelCompactions [GOOD] >> TPartSlice::UnsplitBorrow [GOOD] >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreMissingSlice ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TAsyncIndexTests::DropTableWithInflightChanges[PipeResets] [GOOD] Test command err: =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.613876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:18.614902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:18.710416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:18.710474Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.717436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:18.717593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:18.717720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.727526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:18.727863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:18.734337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.734559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.736878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:18.738581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.750438Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.895393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.895622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.895841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:18.896032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.896083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.901917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.902059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:18.902248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.902319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.902352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:18.902398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:18.907191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.907265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.907304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:18.909686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.909762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.909816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.909880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.913600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:18.915973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:18.916177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:18.917241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.917502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.917548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.917829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:18.917905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.918075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.918175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.920359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.920400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:18.920586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.920643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:18.921471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id ... perationId: 1003:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.047341Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 1003:2 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048398Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 4 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048570Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048611Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048653Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048686Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.048722Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 2/3, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:40:51.054854Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.054991Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055028Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055237Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055304Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055330Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055362Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055414Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.055510Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:51.056610Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.056666Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 1003:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.056928Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057051Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057084Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057123Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057154Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057188Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057224Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057260Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057289Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057384Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057424Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1003:1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057449Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1003:1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057478Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057503Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1003:2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057528Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1003:2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.057565Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.058827Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.063822Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.063939Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.063976Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.076168Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.079113Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.082734Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChanged, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 343 RawX2: 111669152023 } TabletId: 72075186233409546 State: 4 2025-03-11T11:40:51.082858Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxShardStateChanged DoExecute, datashard informs about state changing, datashardId: 72075186233409546, state: Offline, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.085639Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:2 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.086329Z node 26 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:40:51.086628Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.086962Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:40:51.090701Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.090794Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.090892Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.090945Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.090993Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.095701Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.095797Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 tabletId 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:40:51.096664Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 2 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1003, wait until txId: 1003 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.096994Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:40:51.097044Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:51.098580Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.099084Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:40:51.099151Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: satisfy waiter [26:623:2549] 2025-03-11T11:40:51.106236Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChanged, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 349 RawX2: 111669152027 } TabletId: 72075186233409547 State: 4 2025-03-11T11:40:51.106347Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxShardStateChanged DoExecute, datashard informs about state changing, datashardId: 72075186233409547, state: Offline, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.108863Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:1 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.109472Z node 26 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1 TxId_Deprecated: 1 TabletID: 72075186233409547 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:40:51.109691Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.110001Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.110428Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.110477Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.110545Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:51.117578Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.117659Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 tabletId 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:40:51.118193Z node 26 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 1003 wait until 72075186233409546 is deleted wait until 72075186233409547 is deleted 2025-03-11T11:40:51.118682Z node 26 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:40:51.118760Z node 26 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409547 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409546 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409547 >> TPersQueueTest::UpdatePartitionLocation >> TPersQueueTest::WriteExisting ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TAsyncIndexTests::SplitIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] [GOOD] Test command err: =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:39:11.098877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:11.098968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:11.099529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:12.169876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:12.169941Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:12.322085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:12.322769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:12.324347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.384225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:12.387753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:12.404235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.404453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.431791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.456410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.456762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:12.463292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:12.464471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:12.464811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:12.468839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:39:12.663304Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:13.911310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.913424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.915221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:13.923488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.923795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.947526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.947638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:13.948738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.949103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.949685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:13.950505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:13.973397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.973725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.974924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:13.989577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.989625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.990502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:13.991414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.018235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:14.029982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:14.031801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:14.040129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.041720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.047557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.047595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:14.047742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.047776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.048073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:14.048669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:14.050372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.050676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.051549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.051836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.052463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:14.053047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:14.053327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id ... ame: "Table" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "indexed" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndex" LocalPathId: 4 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "indexed" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409547 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.161298Z node 22 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:51.161634Z node 22 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" took 375us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:40:51.167086Z node 22 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 4 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeAsyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "indexed" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "indexed" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } SplitBoundary { KeyPrefix { Tuple { Optional { Uint32: 50 } } Tuple { } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "\002\000\004\000\000\0002\000\000\000\000\000\000\200" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409548 } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409549 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 2 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::AlterTable [GOOD] >> DemoTx::Scenario_1 >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreMissingSlice [GOOD] >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreOneSlice [GOOD] >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreMissingSliceFullScreen [GOOD] >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreFromScreenIndexKeys >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreFromScreenIndexKeys [GOOD] >> TPartSliceLoader::RestoreFromScreenDataKeys [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeFailLeft [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeFailRight [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeFailOuter [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeFailInner [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendLeft [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendLeftInner [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendLeftComplete [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendRight [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendRightInner [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendRightComplete [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeExtendBoth [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeAllOuter [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeAllInner [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::MergeAllEdges [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::ContainsEmpty [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::ContainsNonEmpty [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::ContainsInvalid [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::AdjustDown [GOOD] >> TRowVersionRangesTest::AdjustDownSnapshot [GOOD] >> KqpSysColV0::InnerJoinTables [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/unittest >> KqpSysColV1::SelectRange [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16284, MsgBus: 21267 2025-03-11T11:40:34.124200Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515483966373012:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.124615Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bc8/r3tmp/tmpYDdRNW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:35.069030Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:35.069141Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:35.072790Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:35.075302Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16284, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.230448Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.230471Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.230479Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.230589Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21267 TClient is connected to server localhost:21267 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:36.290112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:36.390928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:36.659010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:37.923955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:39.116234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515483966373012:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:39.116283Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:39.437199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:46.368741Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515535505982238:2414], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:46.368852Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:46.892089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:46.951393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.035660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.073084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.129393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.180728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.254405Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515539800950054:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.254510Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.254945Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515539800950059:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.259571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.281611Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515539800950061:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.347198Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515539800950121:3477] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:50.073555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:50.073580Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsCellVec [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsArrow >> TExecutorDb::RandomOps [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::FullScan |76.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/ydb-core-kqp-ut-indexes |76.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/ydb-core-kqp-ut-indexes |76.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/ydb-core-kqp-ut-indexes ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::AlterTable [GOOD] Test command err: ==== RunWithTabletReboots =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.607797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:45.608425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.608648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:45.608857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:45.609474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.609930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:45.610695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:45.611490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:45.614543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.939551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:45.939853Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:45.972759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:45.973380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:45.974491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.027728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.029382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.035362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.036173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.048670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.056438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.056873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.058466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:46.059055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.059304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:46.060366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.098460Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.670100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.678604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.684767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:46.690386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.692654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.731040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.733292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:46.735795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.735866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.736451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:46.737197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:46.755644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.756105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.756714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:46.775871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.775931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.776328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.776929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.791041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:46.802690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:46.802898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:46.803951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.804124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.804168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.805388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:46.805609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.807586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.808231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.827904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.828317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:46.829680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.834034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.836160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:46.836785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:46.837511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.837700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.842360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.842571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.842799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:46.843184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:46.843230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the p ... t step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:40:53.053439Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.053556Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1003 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 130 RawX2: 219043334249 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.053612Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 1003:0, stepId: 5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.053905Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1003:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:40:53.054037Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:40:53.060131Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.060183Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:40:53.060429Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.060469Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [51:204:2206], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061022Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061080Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061775Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061877Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061932Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.061970Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1003, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:40:53.062004Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:40:53.062084Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:53.062955Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1050 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063000Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1003, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063125Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1050 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063219Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1050 } } 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063734Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 219043334411 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063772Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1003, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063871Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 219043334411 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063911Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.063983Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 219043334411 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:40:53.064036Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 1003:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.064067Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.064100Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 1003:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.064133Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1003:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:40:53.067000Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.068497Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.068625Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069019Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069065Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1003:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069158Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069187Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069225Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069258Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069293Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069331Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069366Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069398Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.069517Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1003, wait until txId: 1003 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.073787Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:40:53.073833Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.074216Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.074301Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:40:53.074332Z node 51 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: satisfy waiter [51:453:2426] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 1003 2025-03-11T11:40:53.074779Z node 51 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:40:53.074972Z node 51 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 227us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:40:53.075436Z node 51 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> KqpNewEngine::MultiStatement [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::MultiEffects >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix_OnlyTail [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix_NotPointPrefix >> KqpSysColV1::StreamSelectRowById [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupLockSession2 >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_History >> TPartitionWriterCacheActorTests::WriteReplyOrder >> TPersQueueTest::ReadFromSeveralPartitions ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/unittest >> KqpSysColV0::InnerJoinTables [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 15848, MsgBus: 9149 2025-03-11T11:40:33.853050Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515476039838008:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.858538Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bcc/r3tmp/tmpKlEiVk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:34.780461Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:34.780547Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:34.787553Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:34.849231Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:34.905242Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15848, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:35.378587Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.378613Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.378620Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:35.378738Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:9149 TClient is connected to server localhost:9149 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:38.275816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:38.814398Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515476039838008:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:38.814457Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:38.884503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:43.463492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:45.512062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:45.697589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:47.579623Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515536169381828:2414], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.579726Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.985266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.109655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.195205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.381927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.506486Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515540464349650:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.506582Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.506895Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515540464349655:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.511697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:48.538335Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515540464349657:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.627181Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515540464349716:3483] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:49.810831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:49.810872Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TRowVersionRangesTest::AdjustDownSnapshot [GOOD] Test command err: Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 2050b 40r} data 2167b + FlatIndex{1} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 2050b (0, 1) | 0 39 2050b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 0 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2050 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 2050b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 2}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 2}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_2} | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 3}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 3}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_3} | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 4}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 4}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 3750b 40r} data 2915b + FlatIndex{7} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 3 0 620b (0, 1) | 3 39 620b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 3 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 620 GroupDataSize: 3130 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 620b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 5129b 40r} data 5373b + FlatIndex{3} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 1 0 2466b (0, 1) | 1 39 2466b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 1 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2466 GroupDataSize: 2663 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 2466b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 2}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 2}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_2} | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 3}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 3}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_3} | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 4}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 4}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 2430b 40r} data 4017b + FlatIndex{20} Label{3 rev 3, 558b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 120b (0, 1) | 1 2 120b (0, 4) | 2 4 120b (0, 7) | 3 6 120b (0, 10) | 4 8 120b (1, 3) | 5 10 122b (1, 6) | 6 12 122b (1, 8) | 7 14 122b (2, NULL) | 8 16 122b (2, 4) | 9 18 122b (2, 7) | 10 20 122b (2, 10) | 11 22 122b (3, 3) | 12 24 122b (3, 6) | 13 26 122b (3, 8) | 14 28 122b (4, NULL) | 15 30 122b (4, 4) | 16 32 122b (4, 7) | 17 34 122b (4, 10) | 18 36 122b (5, 3) | 19 38 122b (5, 6) | 19 39 122b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 21 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 976b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 120 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 4) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 240 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 7) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 360 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 10) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 480 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 3) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 6) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 722 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 8) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 844 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, NULL) | PageId: 7 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 966 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 4) | PageId: 8 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 1088 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 7) | PageId: 9 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 1210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 10) | PageId: 10 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 1332 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (3, 3) | PageId: 11 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 1454 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (3, 6) | PageId: 12 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 1576 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (3, 8) | PageId: 13 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 1698 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (4, NULL) | PageId: 14 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1820 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (4, 4) | PageId: 15 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 1942 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (4, 7) | PageId: 16 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 2064 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (4, 10) | PageId: 17 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 2186 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (5, 3) | PageId: 18 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 2308 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (5, 6) | PageId: 19 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 120b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 120b}, [2, ... xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 120b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 120b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 122b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} + Rows{6} Label{64 rev 1, 122b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 122b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 122b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 122b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} + Rows{10} Label{104 rev 1, 122b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 122b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 122b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 122b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 122b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 122b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 122b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 122b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} + Rows{18} Label{184 rev 1, 122b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 122b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 2430b 40r} data 4441b + FlatIndex{26} Label{3 rev 3, 558b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 120b (0, 1) | 1 2 120b (0, 4) | 2 4 120b (0, 7) | 3 6 120b (0, 10) | 4 8 120b (1, 3) | 5 10 122b (1, 6) | 7 12 122b (1, 8) | 8 14 122b (2, NULL) | 9 16 122b (2, 4) | 11 18 122b (2, 7) | 12 20 122b (2, 10) | 13 22 122b (3, 3) | 15 24 122b (3, 6) | 16 26 122b (3, 8) | 17 28 122b (4, NULL) | 19 30 122b (4, 4) | 20 32 122b (4, 7) | 21 34 122b (4, 10) | 24 36 122b (5, 3) | 25 38 122b (5, 6) | 25 39 122b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 29 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 102b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 23 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 1088 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 6 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 360 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 120 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 4) | | | PageId: 1 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 240 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 7) | | | PageId: 2 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 360 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (0, 10) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 10 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 722 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 3 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 480 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 3) | | | PageId: 4 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 6) | | | PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 722 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (1, 8) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 14 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 1088 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 7 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 844 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, NULL) | | | PageId: 8 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 966 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 4) | | | PageId: 9 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 1088 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 7) | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 28 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 18 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 1454 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 11 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 1210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 10) | | | PageId: 12 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 1332 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 3) | | | PageId: 13 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 1454 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (3, 6) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 22 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1820 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 15 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 1576 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 8) | | | PageId: 16 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 1698 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, NULL) | | | PageId: 17 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1820 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (4, 4) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 27 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 249b} | | | PageId: 19 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 1942 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 7) | | | PageId: 20 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 2064 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 10) | | | PageId: 21 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 2186 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 3) | | | PageId: 24 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 2308 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 6) | | | PageId: 25 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 120b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 120b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 2}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 2}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_2} | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 3}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 3}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_3} + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 120b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 4}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 4}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 120b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 120b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} + Rows{5} Label{54 rev 1, 122b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 122b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 122b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} + Rows{9} Label{94 rev 1, 122b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 122b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} + Rows{12} Label{124 rev 1, 122b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} + Rows{13} Label{134 rev 1, 122b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} + Rows{15} Label{154 rev 1, 122b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} + Rows{16} Label{164 rev 1, 122b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} + Rows{17} Label{174 rev 1, 122b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} + Rows{19} Label{194 rev 1, 122b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 122b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} + Rows{21} Label{214 rev 1, 122b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} + Rows{24} Label{244 rev 1, 122b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} + Rows{25} Label{254 rev 1, 122b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeToInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeToNonInclusive >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReverseReadMultipleRanges [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReverseReadMultipleRangesOneByOneWithAcks ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/unittest >> KqpSysColV1::StreamSelectRowById [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 15286, MsgBus: 7813 2025-03-11T11:40:36.125703Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515492500167351:2194];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:36.126082Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bb4/r3tmp/tmpL0T1sc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:36.872141Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:36.872222Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:36.879528Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:36.937474Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15286, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:37.634698Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.634719Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.634726Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.635861Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:41.112197Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515492500167351:2194];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:41.112247Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:7813 TClient is connected to server localhost:7813 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:45.361424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:45.385071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:45.405861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:45.596466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:45.919862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:46.042213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:48.303007Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515544039776596:2421], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.303155Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:49.885041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:49.970049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.267653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.415059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.989726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:51.260042Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515556924679058:2479], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.260119Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.264244Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515556924679063:2482], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.274739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:51.294127Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515556924679065:2483], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.355808Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515556924679119:3509] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.910394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:51.910442Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:53.766837Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693253776, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down >> KqpSort::ComplexPkExclusiveSecondOptionalPredicate [GOOD] >> KqpSort::ComplexPkInclusiveSecondOptionalPredicate >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_History_Slices [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Mixed >> TopicService::OneConsumer_TheRangesDoNotOverlap >> TFlatTableExecutor_VersionedRows::TestVersionedRowsLargeBlobs [GOOD] >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2NoRestart >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldRead [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldNotReadUserTableUsingLocalTid >> TVersions::WreckHeadReverse [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck2 >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2NoRestart [GOOD] >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2 >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadPreCached >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2ToSchema1 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReceiveErrorAfterSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReceiveErrorAfterSplitWhenExhausted >> KqpSort::ReverseRangeLimitOptimized [GOOD] >> KqpSort::TopParameter >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Datetime_Limit3 [GOOD] >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Bool_And_PKUint64_Limit4 >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2ToSchema1 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2ToSchema1ToSchema2 >> KqpNewEngine::DecimalColumn [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DecimalColumn35 >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_History [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Sticky >> TFlatTableRenameTableAndColumn::TestSchema1ToSchema2ToSchema1ToSchema2 [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::OverloadFactorDuringForceCompaction >> KqpNewEngine::PrunePartitionsByExpr [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PruneWritePartitions >> TPersQueueTest::ReadFromSeveralPartitionsMigrated >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateIndexedTableWithDisabledNotNullDataColumns [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::Describe >> KqpNewEngine::FlatmapLambdaMutiusedConnections [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::EmptyMapWithBroadcast >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared-EvWrite-Volatile >> KqpSystemView::PartitionStatsFollower [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::OverloadFactorDuringForceCompaction [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionNoGenerations >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Sticky [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Slices >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionNoGenerations [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertPrepared+Volatile >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionWithGenerations [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionWithFinalParts [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByDeletedRows [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByUnreachableMvccData [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByUnreachableMvccDataRestart >> TPartitionWriterCacheActorTests::WriteReplyOrder [GOOD] >> TPartitionWriterCacheActorTests::DropOldWriter >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByUnreachableMvccDataRestart [GOOD] >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByUnreachableMvccDataBorrowed [GOOD] |76.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest |76.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::CantRewrite [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::ComplexKey >> TPartitionWriterCacheActorTests::DropOldWriter [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_CreateGrpcStreamWithInvalidTokenInInitialMetadata_SessionClosedWithUnauthenticatedError ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TGenCompaction::ForcedCompactionByUnreachableMvccDataBorrowed [GOOD] Test command err: 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:38:55.783554Z 00000.455 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.481 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.488 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.488 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.488 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.557 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:0} activating executor 00000.561 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: LSnap{1:2, on 2:1, 35b, wait} done, Waste{2:0, 0b +(0, 0b), 0 trc} 00000.585 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} starting compaction 00000.585 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} starting Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} 00000.585 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} started compaction 1 00000.585 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} begin on TSubset{head 2, 1m 0p 0c} 00000.586 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} end=0, 10r seen, TFwd{fetch=0B,saved=0B,usage=0B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=1}, trace 0 of 0 ~1p 00000.587 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Compact 1 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 0 parts} step 13, product {1 parts epoch 2} done 00000.590 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:25} starting compaction 00000.590 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} starting Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} 00000.590 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} started compaction 3 00000.590 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} begin on TSubset{head 3, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.591 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} end=0, 20r seen, TFwd{fetch=300B,saved=300B,usage=300B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.608 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} Compact 3 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 25, product {1 parts epoch 3} done 00000.619 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:37} starting compaction 00000.619 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:38} starting Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} 00000.619 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:38} started compaction 5 00000.619 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} begin on TSubset{head 4, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.620 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} end=0, 30r seen, TFwd{fetch=580B,saved=580B,usage=580B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.622 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:39} Compact 5 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 37, product {1 parts epoch 4} done 00000.637 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:49} starting compaction 00000.637 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} starting Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} 00000.637 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} started compaction 7 00000.637 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} begin on TSubset{head 5, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.645 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} end=0, 40r seen, TFwd{fetch=860B,saved=860B,usage=860B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.647 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} Compact 7 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 49, product {1 parts epoch 5} done 00000.651 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:61} starting compaction 00000.651 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} starting Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} 00000.651 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} started compaction 9 00000.651 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} begin on TSubset{head 6, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.653 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} end=0, 50r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.11KiB,saved=1.11KiB,usage=1.11KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.654 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} Compact 9 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 61, product {1 parts epoch 6} done 00000.677 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:73} starting compaction 00000.684 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} starting Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} 00000.684 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} started compaction 11 00000.684 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} begin on TSubset{head 7, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.686 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} end=0, 60r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.39KiB,saved=1.39KiB,usage=1.39KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.736 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} Compact 11 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 73, product {1 parts epoch 7} done 00000.753 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:85} starting compaction 00000.754 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:86} starting Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} 00000.754 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:86} started compaction 13 00000.754 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} begin on TSubset{head 8, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.755 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} end=0, 70r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.66KiB,saved=1.66KiB,usage=1.66KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.757 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:87} Compact 13 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 85, product {1 parts epoch 8} done 00000.768 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:97} starting compaction 00000.768 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} starting Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} 00000.769 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} started compaction 15 00000.769 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} begin on TSubset{head 9, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.770 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} end=0, 80r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.93KiB,saved=1.93KiB,usage=1.93KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.771 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} Compact 15 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 97, product {1 parts epoch 9} done 00000.786 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:109} starting compaction 00000.786 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:110} starting Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} 00000.786 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:110} started compaction 17 00000.786 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} begin on TSubset{head 10, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.788 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} end=0, 90r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.21KiB,saved=2.21KiB,usage=2.21KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.792 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:111} Compact 17 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 109, product {1 parts epoch 10} done 00000.801 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:121} starting compaction 00000.802 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:122} starting Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} 00000.802 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:122} started compaction 19 00000.802 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} begin on TSubset{head 11, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.803 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} end=0, 100r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.48KiB,saved=2.48KiB,usage=2.48KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.845 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:123} Compact 19 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 121, product {1 parts epoch 11} done 00000.880 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:133} starting compaction 00000.888 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} starting Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} 00000.888 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} started compaction 21 00000.888 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.892 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} end=0, 110r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.75KiB,saved=2.75KiB,usage=2.75KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00001.083 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:135} Compact 21 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 133, product {1 parts epoch 12} done 00001.091 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:137} starting Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} 00001.091 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.093 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:146} starting compaction 00001.093 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:147} starting Scan{25 on 101, Compact{1.2.146, eph 12}} 00001.093 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:147} started compaction 25 00001.094 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{25 on 101, Compact{1.2.146, eph 12}} begin on TSubset{head 13, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.100 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{25 on 101, Compact{1.2.146, eph 12}} end=0, 120r seen, TFwd{fetch=3.03KiB,saved=3.03KiB,usage=3.03KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00001.102 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:147} Compact 25 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 146, product {1 parts epoch 13} done 00001.105 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:158} starting compaction 00001.105 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:159} starting Scan{27 on 101, Compact{1.2.158, eph 13}} 00001.105 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:159} started compaction 27 00001.105 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{27 on 101, Compact{1.2.158, eph 13}} begin on TSubset{head 14, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.117 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{27 on 101, Compact{1.2.158, eph 13}} end=0, 130r seen, TFwd{fetch=3.44KiB,saved=3.44KiB,usage=3.44KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00001.151 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:160} Compact 27 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 158, product {1 parts epoch 14} done 00001.154 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:170} starting compaction 00001.154 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:171} starting Scan{29 on 101, Compact{1.2.170, eph 14}} 00001.154 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:171} started compaction 29 00001.154 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{29 on 101, Compact{1.2.170, eph 14}} begin on TSubset{head 15, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.175 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{29 on 101, Compact{1.2.170, eph 14}} end=0, 140r seen, TFwd{fetch=3.87KiB,saved=3.87KiB,usage=3.87KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00001.215 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:171} Compact 29 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 170, product {1 parts epoch 15} done 00001.219 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:182} starting compaction 00001.219 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:183} starting Scan{31 on 101, Compact{1.2.182, eph 15}} 00001.219 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:183} started compaction 31 00001.219 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{31 on 101, Compact{1.2.182, eph 15}} begin on TSubset{head 16, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.221 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{31 on 101, Compact{1.2.182, eph 15}} end=0, 150r seen, TFwd{fetch=4.3KiB,saved=4.3KiB,usage=4.3KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00001.223 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:183} Compact 31 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 182, product {1 parts epoch 16} done 00001.226 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:194} starting compaction 00001.226 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:195} starting Scan{33 on 101, Compact{1.2.194, eph 16}} 00001.226 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:195} started compaction 33 00001.226 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{33 on 101, Compact{1.2.194, eph 16}} begin on TSubset{head 17, 1m 1p 0c} 00001.228 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{33 on 101, Compact{1.2.194, eph 16}} end=0, 160r seen, TFwd{fetch=4.73KiB,saved=4.73KiB,usage=4.73KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p ... FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143784b, 7}, put {158022b, 150} 00000.116 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.116 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.116 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.116 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.116 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:48.750688Z 00000.010 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.014 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Limit memory consumer with 0B 00000.102 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.104 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 8 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {32 149036b} 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {14313b, 148} 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143227b, 7}, put {157466b, 150} 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.104 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:48.894261Z 00000.017 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.018 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.018 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.018 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.018 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.029 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Limit memory consumer with 0B 00000.147 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.147 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 11 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {33 149660b} 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {14313b, 148} 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143220b, 7}, put {157459b, 150} 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.148 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:49.048397Z 00000.008 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.008 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.011 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Limit memory consumer with 0B 00000.095 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.096 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 3 reqs hit {4 509b} miss {30 140710b} 00000.096 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.096 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {14470b, 149} 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143829b, 8}, put {158128b, 152} 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.097 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:49.155530Z 00000.008 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.012 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Limit memory consumer with 0B 00000.157 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.158 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 4 reqs hit {32 141808b} miss {50 281387b} 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {14482b, 150} 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143836b, 10}, put {157993b, 152} 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.158 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:49.424539Z 00000.099 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.101 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.114 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.114 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.114 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.117 II| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Limit memory consumer with 0B 00000.360 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.370 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 3 reqs hit {6 1077b} miss {50 281387b} 00000.371 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.372 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {14354b, 149} 00000.372 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {143736b, 8}, put {157893b, 150} 00000.373 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.373 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.373 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.373 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.374 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 16}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:49.851757Z 00000.122 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.124 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.125 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.125 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.125 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.167 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00000.168 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 3 reqs hit {3 512b} miss {0 0b} 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {1356b, 12}, put {1376b, 13} 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {6814b, 23}, put {6814b, 23} 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.168 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:50.025402Z 00000.054 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.055 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.055 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.055 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.055 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.444 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00000.444 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 10 reqs hit {860 5551893b} miss {0 0b} 00000.445 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.446 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {1201b, 13}, put {1221b, 14} 00000.446 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {6751256b, 17}, put {6751256b, 17} 00000.461 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.461 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.461 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.461 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.461 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:50.499178Z 00000.015 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.016 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.016 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.016 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.016 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00046.020 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00046.020 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 4109 reqs hit {2091 2366986b} miss {6144 6340608b} 00046.021 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00046.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {1761b, 14}, put {1781b, 15} 00046.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {6927727b, 27}, put {6927727b, 27} 00046.024 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00046.024 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00046.024 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00046.024 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00046.024 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:40:36.604775Z 00000.061 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.068 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.069 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.069 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.069 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00024.341 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00024.341 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 4106 reqs hit {43 253450b} miss {4096 4227072b} 00024.341 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00024.341 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {44744b, 2}, put {164747b, 16} 00024.342 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2764621b, 2068}, put {2764621b, 2068} 00024.434 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00024.434 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00024.434 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00024.434 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00024.434 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:01.230537Z 00001.107 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00001.108 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00001.108 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00001.108 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:02.545696Z 00000.302 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.319 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.319 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.319 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:03.368400Z 00000.688 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.690 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.690 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.690 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.002 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:04.602588Z 00000.567 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.568 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.568 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.568 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 |76.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/initializer/ut/unittest >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleOutOfOrderReadAck [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAckWhenExhaustedRangeRead >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Serial >> KqpNewEngine::OnlineRO_Inconsistent [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::OrderedScalarContext ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/sysview/unittest >> KqpSystemView::PartitionStatsFollower [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8926, MsgBus: 6516 2025-03-11T11:40:34.890697Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515483245904517:2201];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.891165Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bbc/r3tmp/tmpWI14QH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:36.168640Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:36.360152Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:36.428855Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:36.429266Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:36.448350Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8926, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:37.118578Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.118608Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.118616Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:37.118760Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:39.878020Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515483245904517:2201];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:39.878072Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:6516 TClient is connected to server localhost:6516 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:45.879624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:45.994170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:46.024594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [1:7480515530490545286:2314], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:46.024765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:46.024922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:46.468905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:46.468941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:46.468992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:46.469006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:47.476385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:47.476429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:47.476498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:47.476513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:48.002307Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Handle TEvPrivate::TEvProcessInterval: service id# [1:7480515483245904343:2068], interval end# 2025-03-11T11:40:48.000000Z, event interval end# 2025-03-11T11:40:48.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:40:48.002375Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Rotate logs: service id# [1:7480515483245904343:2068], query logs count# 0, processor ids count# 0, processor id to database count# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:48.006085Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Handle TEvPrivate::TEvProcessInterval: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], interval end# 2025-03-11T11:40:48.000000Z, event interval end# 2025-03-11T11:40:48.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:40:48.006129Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Rotate logs: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], query logs count# 0, processor ids count# 0, processor id to database count# 0 2025-03-11T11:40:48.478326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:48.478375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:48.478434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:48.478451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:48.826848Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515543375447234:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.826969Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:49.499686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:49.499726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:49.500357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:49.500374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:40:49.984454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:7480515547670414563:2347], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:49.984502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:49.984516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:49.984608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [1:7480515547670414559:2344], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:40:49.984627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.258473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "Followers" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint64" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "String" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 StorageConfig { SysLog { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Log { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Data { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } } } FollowerGroups { FollowerCount: 3 RequireAllDataCenters: false } } Temporary: false } } TxId: 281474976710658 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.258887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/Followers, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.258996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/Followers, opId: 281474976710658:0, schema: Name: "Followers" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint64" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "String" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 StorageConfig { SysLog { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Log { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Data { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } } } FollowerGroups { FollowerCount: 3 RequireAllDataCenters: false } } Temporary: false, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.259428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: Root, child name: Followers, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:50.259458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 0 2025-03-11T11:40:50.259488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:40:50.259608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new path created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:40:50.259623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710658:0 1 -> 2 2025-03-11T11:40:50.260169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TCreateTable Propose creating new table opId# 281474976710658:0 path# / ... ute TTxStoreStats, queue# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:01.344429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Will delay TTxStoreTableStats on# 0.064080s, queue# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:01.344464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 2 shard idx 72057594046644480:1 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:41:01.345186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1 followerId=1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], pathId map=Followers, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:41:01.345203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 followerId=1, pathId 2: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:41:01.345214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: BuildStatsForCollector: datashardId 72075186224037888, followerId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:01.345248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:01.362639Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS TRACE: TEvSysView::TEvSendPartitionStats: domainKey [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] shardIdx 72057594046644480 1 followerId 0 stats DataSize: 800 RowCount: 4 IndexSize: 0 CPUCores: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037888 NodeId: 1 StartTime: 1741693250312 AccessTime: 1741693252361 UpdateTime: 1741693251993 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 4 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 1 RangeReads: 0 RangeReadRows: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 1 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 ByKeyFilterSize: 0 FollowerId: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:01.366734Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS TRACE: TEvSysView::TEvSendPartitionStats: domainKey [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] shardIdx 72057594046644480 1 followerId 1 stats DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 CPUCores: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037888 NodeId: 1 StartTime: 1741693251280 AccessTime: 0 UpdateTime: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 1 RangeReadRows: 2 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 ByKeyFilterSize: 0 FollowerId: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:01.410981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435090, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:41:01.411018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:41:01.411371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:01.595556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:01.595591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:01.596409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:01.596421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:01.906342Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS INFO: Navigate by database succeeded: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], database# /Root, no sysview processor 2025-03-11T11:41:02.595649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:02.595683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:02.595734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:02.595746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:03.598997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:03.599032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:03.599329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:03.599342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime ... SELECT from partition_stats, attempt 2 2025-03-11T11:41:04.599583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:04.599618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:04.600691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:04.600705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:05.603124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:05.603705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:05.604397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:7480515491835839419:2205], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:05.604408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:41:05.828319Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS INFO: Scan started, actor: [1:7480515616389891730:2451], owner: [1:7480515616389891727:2449], scan id: 0, table id: [72057594046644480:1:0:partition_stats] 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000805Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Handle TEvPrivate::TEvProcessInterval: service id# [1:7480515483245904343:2068], interval end# 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000000Z, event interval end# 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000853Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Rotate logs: service id# [1:7480515483245904343:2068], query logs count# 0, processor ids count# 0, processor id to database count# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:06.006790Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Handle TEvPrivate::TEvProcessInterval: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], interval end# 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000000Z, event interval end# 2025-03-11T11:41:06.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:41:06.006823Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Rotate logs: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], query logs count# 1, processor ids count# 1, processor id to database count# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:06.031183Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS INFO: Scan prepared, actor: [1:7480515616389891730:2451], schemeshard id: 72057594046644480, hive id: 72057594037968897, database: /Root, database owner: root@builtin, domain key: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], database node count: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:06.031479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 274595843, Sender [1:7480515616389891730:2451], Recipient [1:7480515491835839419:2205]: NKikimrSysView.TEvGetPartitionStats DomainKeyOwnerId: 72057594046644480 DomainKeyPathId: 1 From { } FromInclusive: true To { } ToInclusive: false IncludePathColumn: true 2025-03-11T11:41:06.031500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event NSysView::TEvSysView::TEvGetPartitionStats 2025-03-11T11:41:06.038042Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS DEBUG: Sending scan batch, actor: [1:7480515616389891730:2451], row count: 2, finished: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:06.038102Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS INFO: Scan finished, actor: [1:7480515616389891730:2451], owner: [1:7480515616389891727:2449], scan id: 0, table id: [72057594046644480:1:0:partition_stats] 2025-03-11T11:41:06.049983Z node 1 :SYSTEM_VIEWS TRACE: Collect query stats: service id# [1:7480515483245904373:2060], database# /Root, query hash# 14960494650040056739, cpu time# 1283599 2025-03-11T11:41:06.225112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515551965381883:2358]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268355Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435073, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515551965381883:2358]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCleanupTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvCleanupTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268493Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: No cleanup at 72075186224037888 outdated step 1741693266000 last cleanup 0 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268575Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Removed expired snapshots at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:41:06.268645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:06.284568Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 268828680, Sender [1:7480515556260349211:2384], Recipient [1:7480515556260349246:2365]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate 2025-03-11T11:41:06.285064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 268828680, Sender [1:7480515556260349209:2382], Recipient [1:7480515556260349243:2363]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate 2025-03-11T11:41:06.285526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 268828680, Sender [1:7480515556260349210:2383], Recipient [1:7480515556260349245:2364]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFUpdate 2025-03-11T11:41:06.315776Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515556260349243:2363]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.315809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.316188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515556260349245:2364]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.316199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.329182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:7480515556260349246:2365]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:41:06.329211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWorkAsFollower, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsArrow [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeReverse >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_Slices >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::OverflowLookup [GOOD] >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::SimpleRange |76.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest |76.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest >> KqpUserConstraint::KqpReadNull+UploadNull |76.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut_trace/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut_trace |76.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut_trace/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut_trace |76.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut_trace/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut_trace >> Yq_1::DescribeQuery [FAIL] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReverseReadMultipleRangesOneByOneWithAcks [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldStopWhenNodeDisconnected |76.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_replica/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_replica |76.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_replica/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_replica |76.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_replica/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_replica |76.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/ydb-core-kqp-ut-arrow |76.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/ydb-core-kqp-ut-arrow |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/ydb-core-kqp-ut-arrow |76.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_backup/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_backup |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_backup/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_backup |76.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_backup/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_backup >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldNotReadUserTableUsingLocalTid [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldForbidSchemaVersion >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeToNonInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::SelectingColumns |76.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_SimpleKey_In_And_In [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_TupleParameter >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReceiveErrorAfterSplitWhenExhausted [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKey+EvWrite >> KqpIndexes::InnerJoinWithNonIndexWherePredicate >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnUpsertMixedSemantic >> Yq_1::Basic_EmptyList [GOOD] >> Yq_1::Basic_EmptyDict >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_PgKey [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_ComplexKey_In_And_In >> DataShardWrite::UpsertPrepared+Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertPrepared-Volatile >> KqpUniqueIndex::ReplaceFkAlreadyExist >> KqpNewEngine::MultiEffects [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::MultiEffectsOnSameTable >> TExecutorDb::FullScan [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::CoordinatorSimulation >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUsingInJoin2+UseStreamJoin >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_History_Slices >> KqpSqlIn::KeySuffix_NotPointPrefix [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::Dict >> KqpNotNullColumns::Describe [GOOD] >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateTableWithNotNullColumns >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared-EvWrite-Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared+EvWrite-Volatile >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Serial [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Crossed >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeReverse [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsMissingLeftRight >> KqpNewEngine::PruneWritePartitions [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PushFlatmapInnerConnectionsToStageInput >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAckWhenExhaustedRangeRead [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAckWhenExhaustedRangeReadReverse |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/ydb-core-kqp-ut-perf |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/ydb-core-kqp-ut-perf |76.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/perf/ydb-core-kqp-ut-perf |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/ut/ydb-core-engine-ut |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/ut/ydb-core-engine-ut |76.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/engine/ut/ydb-core-engine-ut >> KqpSort::ComplexPkInclusiveSecondOptionalPredicate [GOOD] >> KqpSort::Offset |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/ut/ydb-core-tx-balance_coverage-ut |76.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/ut/ydb-core-tx-balance_coverage-ut |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/balance_coverage/ut/ydb-core-tx-balance_coverage-ut |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/idx_test/ydb-core-kqp-ut-idx_test >> TVersions::Wreck2 [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck2Reverse |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/idx_test/ydb-core-kqp-ut-idx_test |76.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/idx_test/ydb-core-kqp-ut-idx_test >> KqpMergeCn::TopSortByDesc_Bool_And_PKUint64_Limit4 [GOOD] >> KqpMergeCn::SortBy_PK_Uint64_Desc >> KqpSort::TopParameter [GOOD] >> KqpSort::TopParameterFilter >> KqpNewEngine::DecimalColumn35 [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DeleteByKey |76.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/table_split_ut/ydb-services-ydb-table_split_ut |76.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/table_split_ut/ydb-services-ydb-table_split_ut |76.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/table_split_ut/ydb-services-ydb-table_split_ut >> KqpUserConstraint::KqpReadNull+UploadNull [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_History_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_History_Slices >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldForbidSchemaVersion [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldNotAllowArrow >> DataShardWrite::UpsertPrepared-Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertNoLocksArbiter >> KqpNewEngine::EmptyMapWithBroadcast [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::FlatMapLambdaInnerPrecompute >> Yq_1::DeleteQuery [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data/unittest >> KqpUserConstraint::KqpReadNull+UploadNull [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:21.078477Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:41:21.079000Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:21.079262Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bf2/r3tmp/tmpZpFyk5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:21.987062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.065194Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:22.152910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.157189Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:22.186094Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.326659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:23.157577Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:863:2711], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:23.157689Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:872:2716], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:23.157762Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:23.177082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:23.360587Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:877:2719], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:23.493416Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:959:2770] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:24.918067Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:41:25.050876Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:990:2791], TxId: 281474976715660, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Source[0] fatal error: {
: Fatal: Read from column index 1: got NULL from NOT NULL column, code: 2012 } 2025-03-11T11:41:25.055710Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:990:2791], TxId: 281474976715660, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. InternalError: INTERNAL_ERROR KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Fatal: Read from column index 1: got NULL from NOT NULL column, code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.082292Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:991:2792], TxId: 281474976715660, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=. TraceId : 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. InternalError: INTERNAL_ERROR DEFAULT_ERROR: {
: Error: Terminate execution }. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.106063Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=, ActorId: [1:861:2709], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:25.119323Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g4tted3nwy9e215dh3kvt, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODgxZmJiMDYtM2FkYWM4ZTUtYjdjN2I0ZmYtMjRjYTA3OTE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> KqpNewEngine::OrderedScalarContext [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PagingNoPredicateExtract |76.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut |76.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut |76.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::SelectingColumns [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::ShouldHandleReadAck >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKey+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKey-EvWrite >> TopicService::OneConsumer_TheRangesDoNotOverlap [GOOD] >> Yq_1::CreateConnections_With_Idempotency [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Crossed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Mixed_Log ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::DeleteQuery [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.766994Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515160153184378:2212];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:19.767343Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; E0311 11:39:20.572795657 24167 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:20.572949951 24167 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:20.771987Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.518199Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:21.606228Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 2025-03-11T11:39:21.777013Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:22.783111Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:23.124398Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:23.786527Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.674161Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515160153184378:2212];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.674216Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.795912Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.528524Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.687190Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:25.806393890 24518 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:25.839891893 24518 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:25.888971Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.702688Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.900121Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.707496Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.900115Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.709146Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.906933Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.718738Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.918726Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 2025-03-11T11:39:29.920155Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.940973Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:30.727648Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.944156Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:31.104595668 24517 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:31.105340470 24517 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:31.734202Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.965014Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.738565Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.966806Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.739389Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.972035Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.746217Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.974224Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.770288Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.974841Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.990090Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/mappings". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:36.006902Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/tenant_acks". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:36.044952Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 2025-03-11T11:39:36.046034Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:36.047122Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13569 E0311 11:39:36.168832116 24517 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:36.170054861 24517 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:36.770361Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initial ... TaskId: 1 DstTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515687017082637 RawX2: 4503616807243023 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515687017082639 RawX2: 4503616807243024 } } InMemory: true DstStageId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614747Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Update output channelId: 1, peer: [4:7480515687017082639:3344] 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614763Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. enter getasyncinputdata results size 0, freeSpace 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614782Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. returned async data processed rows 0 left freeSpace 8388608 received rows 0 running reads 1 pending shards 0 finished = 0 has limit 0 limit reached 0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614813Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646926 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614882Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Received channels info: Update { Id: 1 TransportVersion: DATA_TRANSPORT_OOB_PICKLE_1_0 SrcTaskId: 1 DstTaskId: 2 SrcEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515687017082637 RawX2: 4503616807243023 } } DstEndpoint { ActorId { RawX1: 7480515687017082639 RawX2: 4503616807243024 } } InMemory: true DstStageId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614900Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. enter getasyncinputdata results size 0, freeSpace 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614914Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. returned async data processed rows 0 left freeSpace 8388608 received rows 0 running reads 1 pending shards 0 finished = 0 has limit 0 limit reached 0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614937Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614953Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. enter getasyncinputdata results size 0, freeSpace 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.614972Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. returned async data processed rows 0 left freeSpace 8388608 received rows 0 running reads 1 pending shards 0 finished = 0 has limit 0 limit reached 0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.615996Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. Recv TEvReadResult from ShardID=72075186224037893, ReadId=0, Status=SUCCESS, Finished=1, RowCount=0, TxLocks= , BrokenTxLocks= 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616027Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. Taken 0 locks 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616044Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. new data for read #0 seqno = 1 finished = 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616073Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 276037645 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616094Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616111Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. enter getasyncinputdata results size 1, freeSpace 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616131Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. enter pack cells method shardId: 72075186224037893 processedRows: 0 packed rows: 0 freeSpace: 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616148Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. exit pack cells method shardId: 72075186224037893 processedRows: 0 packed rows: 0 freeSpace: 8388608 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616163Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. returned 0 rows; processed 0 rows 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616201Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. dropping batch for read #0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616214Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. effective maxinflight 1024 sorted 0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616226Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. Scheduled table scans, in flight: 0 shards. pending shards to read: 0, 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616242Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1, CA Id [4:7480515687017082637:3343]. returned async data processed rows 0 left freeSpace 8388608 received rows 0 running reads 0 pending shards 0 finished = 1 has limit 0 limit reached 0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616323Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Continue execution, either output buffers are not empty or not all channels are ready, hasDataToSend: 1, channelsReady: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616343Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082639:3344], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646923 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616363Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Finish input channelId: 1, from: [4:7480515687017082637:3343] 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616393Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082639:3344], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616442Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082639:3344], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Continue execution, either output buffers are not empty or not all channels are ready, hasDataToSend: 1, channelsReady: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616514Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082639:3344], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616548Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Tasks execution finished, don't wait for ack delivery in input channelId: 1, seqNo: [1] 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616559Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616573Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082639:3344], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616654Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 2. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:22.616745Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715879;task_id=2;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617045Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646927 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617066Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617085Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617096Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515687017082637:3343], TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4sybdm1tw1dv9vvb2ghy. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2MGZkYzUtYjc2MjA4YjYtOGNhMjM0MjItYjRiYWI2NDI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617187Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715879, task: 1. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:22.617247Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715879;task_id=1;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:22.624183Z node 4 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: DescribeQueryRequest - DescribeQueryResult: {query_id: "utquefu1oa6sgd63p7qj" } ERROR: {
: Error: (NYql::TCodeLineException) ydb/core/fq/libs/control_plane_storage/ydb_control_plane_storage_queries.cpp:662: Query does not exist or permission denied. Please check the id of the query or your access rights, code: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.963900Z node 4 :FQ_PENDING_FETCHER ERROR: Error with GetTask:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:7772: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:7772 >> DemoTx::Scenario_1 [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::ComplexKey [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::Delete >> TopicService::OneConsumer_TheRangesOverlap >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeInclusiveEndsMissingLeftRight [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeNonInclusiveEnds |76.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_base |76.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_base |76.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_base >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared+EvWrite-Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared-EvWrite+Volatile ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::CreateConnections_With_Idempotency [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.129876Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515157582490860:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:19.130169Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.403985Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515161877458410:2293];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.414572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; E0311 11:39:21.510335166 23677 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:21.510480208 23677 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:23.056029Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:23.091323Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.084275Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.150869Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515157582490860:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.151222Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.724984Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.810311Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 2025-03-11T11:39:25.299069Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.299091Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.566693Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515161877458410:2293];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.566902Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.302693Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.302728Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.608815Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:26.626396798 24414 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:26.643869444 24414 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:26.834898Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:27.354914Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.381143Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.636638Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.387163Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.387195Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.687293Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.391790Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.391812Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.711982Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.392785Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.392805Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.748077Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.445961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.460572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.507480Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 2025-03-11T11:39:31.507598Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:8551 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:31.852168Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:32.326447992 24415 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:32.327123313 24415 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:32.448554Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.467427Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.025076Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.519287Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.519309Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.035202Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.512860Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.551457Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.036555Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.518427Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.541221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.039481Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=acc ... ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165350Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165555Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165578Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165605Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165691Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.165871Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.166821Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.166862Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167113Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167142Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167165Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167258Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167370Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167476Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167564Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167660Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167742Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.167920Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168020Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168045Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168218Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168273Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168301Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168389Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168541Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168684Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168707Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168874Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168925Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.168950Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169039Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169183Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169277Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169492Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169517Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169543Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169769Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169797Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.169823Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170090Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170127Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170322Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170353Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170440Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170596Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170620Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170794Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170825Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.170931Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171013Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171104Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171193Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171278Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171364Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171448Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171525Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.171655Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.172926Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.172969Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.172994Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173115Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173214Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173363Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173500Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173526Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173558Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173663Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173763Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.173870Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174129Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174160Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174185Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174394Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174420Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174565Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174692Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174721Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174757Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174856Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.174972Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175080Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175283Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175313Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175349Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175436Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175671Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175700Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175723Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175928Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175958Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.175978Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176112Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176254Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176281Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176425Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176490Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176516Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176603Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176688Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176778Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.176951Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177046Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177207Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177320Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177346Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177485Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177527Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177550Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177631Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177775Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177946Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.177980Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178375Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178408Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178560Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178587Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178778Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178807Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178963Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.178989Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179080Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179176Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179261Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179345Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179462Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179560Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179655Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179750Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179841Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:26.179956Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::PrechargeAndSeek_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_FlatIndex >> TPersQueueTest::WriteExisting [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteExistingBigValue >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUpsert1DeleteUpdate >> TPersQueueTest::BadTopic [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CloseActiveWriteSessionOnClusterDisable >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateTableWithNotNullColumns [GOOD] >> Yq_1::ModifyQuery [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldHandleReadAckWhenExhaustedRangeReadReverse [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldForbidDuplicatedReadId >> DemoTx::Scenario_2 >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadPreCached [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadNotCached >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_CreateGrpcStreamWithInvalidTokenInInitialMetadata_SessionClosedWithUnauthenticatedError [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_MultipleUpdateTokenRequestIterationsWithValidToken_GotUpdateTokenResponseForEachRequest >> TPersQueueTest::UpdatePartitionLocation [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceCommitOffset >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_BTreeIndex >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnWrite+UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNotNullColumns::CreateTableWithNotNullColumns [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11685, MsgBus: 8341 2025-03-11T11:40:06.969771Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515363503739660:2069];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:06.994841Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b0/r3tmp/tmpauHAEV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:11.214129Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:11.957704Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515363503739660:2069];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:11.957767Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:12.696705Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:12.874786Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:12.907843Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:12.907927Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:12.941733Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:13.552530Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.116854s 2025-03-11T11:40:13.552597Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.116938s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11685, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:15.891315Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:15.891333Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:15.891339Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:15.891420Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8341 TClient is connected to server localhost:8341 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:19.478592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:19.682998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.878705Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515427928249789:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.878810Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:22.229467Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515432223217110:2332] txid# 281474976710658, issues: { message: "It is not allowed to create not null data column: Value" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:22.254107Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515432223217118:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:22.254179Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:22.268128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29471, MsgBus: 8977 2025-03-11T11:40:26.025883Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515448519643710:2110];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:26.042724Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:27.314343Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515452814611219:2291];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:27.314419Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b0/r3tmp/tmpwBXPQY/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:29.139183Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:29.154250Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:29.199736Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:29.199811Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29471, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.202532Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:29.854366Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.854390Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.854399Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.854524Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:31.022609Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515448519643710:2110];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:31.022664Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:8977 TClient is connected to server localhost:8977 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.170945Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:32.190863Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:32.326026Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515452814611219:2291];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:32.326088Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:35.394708Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515487174350014:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.394795Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.416689Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:35.495425Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515487174350114:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.495506Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:35.543496Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, ... 846Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:52.568854Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:52.568982Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62466 TClient is connected to server localhost:62466 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:53.184701Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:53.198556Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:56.947531Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480515555824098019:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.947586Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.826496Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515598773771668:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:01.826679Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:02.157387Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480515603068738990:2326] txid# 281474976710658, issues: { message: "It is not allowed to create not null data column: Value" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:02.877680Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515603068738999:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:02.880869Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:03.303011Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17645, MsgBus: 14751 2025-03-11T11:41:09.706381Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480515633943847593:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:09.706446Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b0/r3tmp/tmp8k2ZkU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:11.488830Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:11.513053Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.599420Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.599555Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.602206Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17645, node 5 2025-03-11T11:41:11.894685Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:11.894712Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:11.894722Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:11.894880Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14751 TClient is connected to server localhost:14751 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:13.517331Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:14.710136Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515633943847593:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:14.710223Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:20.411159Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515681188488541:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.411306Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.471517Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 63636, MsgBus: 15976 2025-03-11T11:41:22.218750Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515689387786041:2213];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:22.356686Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b0/r3tmp/tmphArf5V/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:22.550786Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.550894Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:22.558851Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:22.587160Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 63636, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:22.773120Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:22.773155Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:22.773165Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:22.773403Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15976 TClient is connected to server localhost:15976 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:23.754080Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:23.767692Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.093796Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515689387786041:2213];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.182933Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:29.674982Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpNewEngine::MultiEffectsOnSameTable [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::LookupColumns ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::DescribeQuery [FAIL] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:20.109601Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515165098751714:2141];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:20.109845Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; E0311 11:39:23.356962904 23933 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:23.368474292 23933 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:23.628168Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.674295Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 2025-03-11T11:39:24.699099Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.811450Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:25.238026Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515165098751714:2141];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.238121Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.750772Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.267314Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.594072Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] E0311 11:39:28.422705037 25013 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:28.444828211 25013 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:29.061519Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 2025-03-11T11:39:29.070044Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.179008Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.190611Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.872476Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:33.371489Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.407962Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:33.570224179 25012 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:33.570395479 25012 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:34.375572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.406668Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.378705Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.406336Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.380637Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.411200Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.409829Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.431461Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:38.442796Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:38.447472Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:38.706470413 25013 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:38.707154406 25013 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:39.474369Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:39.474431Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:40.480822Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:40.481186Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:40.930098Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/idempotency_keys". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:40.946732Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 2025-03-11T11:39:40.947209Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 2025-03-11T11:39:40.947278Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/bindings". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:41.342602Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/result_sets". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:41.362082Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15446 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:41.484949Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:41.485656Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:42.491274Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:42.491721Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:3 ... 3-11T11:41:13.399560Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.399572Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.399584Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.406198Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.406441Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.406457Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420390Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420571Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420587Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420804Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420930Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420963Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.420979Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421201Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421263Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421279Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421379Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421539Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421551Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421562Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421745Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421797Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421812Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.421937Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422110Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422127Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422266Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422469Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422507Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422521Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422683Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422791Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422805Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.422846Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423029Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423042Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423055Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423228Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423284Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423299Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423397Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423509Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423537Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423708Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423832Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423845Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423855Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.423961Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424065Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424079Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424242Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424359Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424374Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424419Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424614Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424641Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424655Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424803Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424852Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.424872Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425034Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425148Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425163Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425173Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425282Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425388Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425400Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425486Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425650Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.analyticsQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425666Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: TQuotaUsageResponse error for subject type: cloud, subject id: mock_cloud, metrics name: yq.streamingQuery.count, issues: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425679Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:13.425800Z node 4 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: assertion failed at ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/fq_ut.cpp:57, TString (anonymous namespace)::CreateNewHistoryAndWaitFinish(const TString &, NYdb::NFq::TClient &, const TString &, const FederatedQuery::QueryMeta::ComputeStatus &): (result.GetStatus() == EStatus::SUCCESS) failed: (BAD_REQUEST != SUCCESS)
: Error: Control Plane is not ready yet. Please retry later., code: 1007 , with diff: (BAD_REQ|S)U(|CC)ES(T|S) TBackTrace::Capture()+28 (0x183B8B8C) NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(char const*, TBasicString> const&, bool)+592 (0x18877B30) ??+0 (0x17F6DA7E) NTestSuiteYq_1::TTestCaseDescribeQuery::Execute_(NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+2494 (0x17FCB10E) std::__y1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()()+280 (0x17FE0A88) TColoredProcessor::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+534 (0x188AEB76) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+505 (0x1887E6A9) NTestSuiteYq_1::TCurrentTest::Execute()+1237 (0x17FDF9F5) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+2438 (0x1887FF76) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+5213 (0x188A90ED) ??+0 (0x7F23E9F86D90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7F23E9F86E40) _start+41 (0x15E49029) >> KqpIndexes::ForbidViewModification |76.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_schemereq |76.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_schemereq |76.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_schemereq >> TAsyncIndexTests::MergeIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldStopWhenNodeDisconnected [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared-Volatile-BreakLocks >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CreateTable [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupLockSession2 [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupLockSession ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::ModifyQuery [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.705851Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515160686479292:2144];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; E0311 11:39:22.391596008 23699 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:22.393415086 23699 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:23.934462Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 2025-03-11T11:39:23.997173Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.507774Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.177311Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] E0311 11:39:27.043725242 24536 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:27.043900377 24536 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:27.527525Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:28.938840Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515160686479292:2144];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.938893Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.172184Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.964421Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.182263Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.004522Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.184584Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.190751Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:32.011432Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:32.075578438 24535 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:32.076554211 24535 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:32.186900Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.013802Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.194338Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.020061Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.203066Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.882159Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 2025-03-11T11:39:34.882324Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 2025-03-11T11:39:35.027824Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.207291Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.027309Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.210626Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:37.031746Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:37.146427847 24535 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:37.147103034 24535 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:37.215063Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:38.042145Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:38.239260Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:39.046086Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:39.239556Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:40.050697Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:40.240642Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:41.058370Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:41.243109Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:41.338323Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:41.356565Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/bindings". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:41.442821Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 2025-03-11T11:39:41.486383Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: Create table "Root/yq/quotas". Create session error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:13489 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:42.058289Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:42.243030357 24535 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:42.244001742 24535 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:42.250961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path ... d: 281474976710881, task: 2. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:27.608449Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710881;task_id=2;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609108Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493311:3353], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 4. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609134Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 4. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609146Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493311:3353], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 4. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609259Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 4. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609337Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710881;task_id=4;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609492Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493313:3355], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 3. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609531Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 3. Tasks execution finished, don't wait for ack delivery in input channelId: 1, seqNo: [1] 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609540Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 3. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609561Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493313:3355], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 3. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : . PoolId : default. }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609617Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 3. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:27.609667Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710881;task_id=3;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.612710Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493314:3356], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Continue execution, either output buffers are not empty or not all channels are ready, hasDataToSend: 1, channelsReady: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615102Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493314:3356], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615182Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. Tasks execution finished, don't wait for ack delivery in input channelId: 2, seqNo: [1] 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615194Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615212Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [4:7480515711091493314:3356], TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=M2M4ZjFkZDEtYjJhZDRlZTAtMjU2NTdlMTUtYWU4MjM0OWE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2g4z3v4y6ambx5p28spe8k. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615312Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976710881, task: 5. pass away 2025-03-11T11:41:27.615455Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976710881;task_id=5;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.646056Z node 4 :FQ_PINGER WARN: QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24 Ping response error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (1): Cancelled on the server side } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 } ]. Retry after: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:41:27.667208Z node 4 :FQ_PINGER WARN: QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24 Ping response error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 } ]. Retry after: 0.075993s 2025-03-11T11:41:27.667272Z node 4 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: DB Error, Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE, Issues: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:61590 } ], Query: --!syntax_v1 -- Query name: HardPingTask(write) PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("Root/yq"); DECLARE $tenant as String; DECLARE $scope as String; DECLARE $job_id as String; DECLARE $job as String; DECLARE $query as String; DECLARE $status as Int64; DECLARE $internal as String; DECLARE $result_id as String; DECLARE $query_id as String; DECLARE $now as Timestamp; DECLARE $ttl as Timestamp; DECLARE $retry_counter_update_time as Timestamp; DECLARE $retry_rate as Double; DECLARE $retry_counter as Uint64; DECLARE $owner as String; UPDATE `pending_small` SET `last_seen_at` = $now, `assigned_until` = $ttl, `retry_counter` = $retry_counter, `retry_counter_updated_at` = $retry_counter_update_time, `retry_rate` = $retry_rate, `owner` = $owner WHERE `tenant` = $tenant AND `scope` = $scope AND `query_id` = $query_id; UPSERT INTO `jobs` (`scope`, `query_id`, `job_id`, `job`) VALUES($scope, $query_id, $job_id, $job); UPDATE `queries` SET `query` = $query, `status` = $status, `internal` = $internal, `result_sets_expire_at` = NULL, `expire_at` = NULL, `meta_revision` = `meta_revision` + 1 WHERE `scope` = $scope AND `query_id` = $query_id; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.669054Z node 4 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE WARN: PingTaskRequest - PingTaskResult: {owner_id: "642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24" query_id { value: "utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek" } result_set_count: 1 result_set_meta { column { name: "column0" type { type_id: INT32 } } } dq_graph: "\022\325\001\010\001\022\024\n\022\t\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\032\004\010\240\215\00628\n4\010\001\030\002 \001*\024\n\022\t\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\0002\024\n\022\t\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000X\001R\000:s\n*type.googleapis.com/Yql.DqsProto.TTaskMeta\022E\010\001\022A\022(e849553482406e83644ad085de54ec50717d972d\032\023dq_vanilla_job.lite \002H\001`\200\200\200\200 \"\017\037\000\205\002\203\002\034column0/*\007column02zutquefu1o3ecej7d6vek#utruefu1n5624m1607s3#yandexcloud://Execute_folder_id#642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24#mock_cloud:\025\n\020AnalyticsHopping\022\0011:\034\n\017_LiteralTimeout\022\t604800000:\032\n\r_TableTimeout\022\t604800000:\037\n\025_AllResultsBytesLimit\022\006100000:\032\n\022_RowsLimitPerWrite\022\0041000:\027\n\022EnableComputeActor\022\0011:\031\n\020ComputeActorType\022\005async:\031\n\016WatermarksMode\022\007disable:\037\n\027WatermarksGranularityMs\022\0041000:$\n\034WatermarksLateArrivalDelayMs\022\0045000:\027\n\022EnableChannelStats\022\0011:\020\n\013ExportStats\022\0011be\010\001\022a\037\000\005\205\006\213\000\205\000\204\205\002\203\002\034column0\030Inputs(Parameters\034Program\013\213\000)\251\000?\002\014Arg\000\004)\211\002?\010\206?\006 Iterator\000\006\002?\024\005?\006\003?\004\004\001\001\001\002\001/" scope: "yandexcloud://Execute_folder_id" deadline { seconds: 1741779686 nanos: 799788000 } tenant: "TestTenant" } ERROR: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:61590 } ] 2025-03-11T11:41:27.670443Z node 4 :YQL_PRIVATE_PROXY ERROR: PrivatePingTask - QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24, Failed with code: GENERIC_ERROR Details:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:61590
: Error: ControlPlane PingTaskError 2025-03-11T11:41:27.712496Z node 4 :FQ_PENDING_FETCHER ERROR: Error with GetTask:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 2025-03-11T11:41:27.758885Z node 4 :FQ_PINGER WARN: QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24 Ping response error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 } ]. Retry after: 0.172735s 2025-03-11T11:41:27.942077Z node 4 :FQ_PINGER WARN: QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24 Ping response error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 } ]. Retry after: 0.270146s 2025-03-11T11:41:28.222228Z node 4 :FQ_PINGER WARN: QueryId: utquefu1o3ecej7d6vek, Owner: 642c22ea-26a37060-b04ac960-4247473c24 Ping response error: [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 } ]. Retry after: 0.764912s E0311 11:41:28.474736024 36132 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:41:28.474922354 36132 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:41:28.575295Z node 4 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 2025-03-11T11:41:28.714190Z node 4 :FQ_PENDING_FETCHER ERROR: Error with GetTask:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv6:%5B::%5D:61590: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint [::]:61590 >> DataShardWrite::UpsertNoLocksArbiter [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertLostPrepareArbiter >> KqpMergeCn::SortBy_PK_Uint64_Desc [GOOD] >> KqpMergeCn::SortBy_Int32 >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_History_Slices [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_History_Slices_Sticky ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TAsyncIndexTests::MergeIndexWithReboots[PipeResets] [GOOD] Test command err: =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:39:07.809587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:39:07.815002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:07.817792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:39:07.829715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:08.618524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:39:08.618871Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.727316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:08.728268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:08.729673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.795695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:08.805933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:39:08.821727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.826105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.865013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.883030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.883536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:08.884471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:39:08.884545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.884582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:39:08.884659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:39:08.915824Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:39:09.982244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:09.982473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:09.982678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:39:09.982882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:09.982927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.008768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.010301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:39:10.011911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.013491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.013869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:39:10.033411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:39:10.066832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.066902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.066936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:39:10.068762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.068802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.068846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.069319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.138494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:39:10.165310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:39:10.166985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:39:10.211009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.212584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.212914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.227633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:39:10.238261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.246833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.247550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.276960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.277850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:39:10.287605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.287946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.292183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:39:10.292823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:39:10.301081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.301647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.302187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.302459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.302491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:39:10.302527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:39:10.302560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id ... ARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table" took 396us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:41:32.810537Z node 26 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "indexed" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } TableIndexes { Name: "UserDefinedIndex" LocalPathId: 4 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "indexed" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409548 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:32.829548Z node 26 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:32.829843Z node 26 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" took 333us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:41:32.830695Z node 26 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/UserDefinedIndex/indexImplTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 4 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeAsyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "indexed" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "indexed" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409549 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CreateTable [GOOD] Test command err: ==== RunWithTabletReboots =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.427843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.567583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:55.567660Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.584302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.584504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.584663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.590071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.590235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.590986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.591171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.593112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.594491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.594557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.594813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:55.594865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.594905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:55.595005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.602045Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.930995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.931368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.931787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.932577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.932696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.940822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.941006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:55.941239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.941296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.941337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:55.941371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:55.950917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.950994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.951039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:55.955179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.955238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.955283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.955338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.959266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:55.962736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:55.962923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.964891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.975975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.976011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.976042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.976081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.976133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.976173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the p ... d: 1002, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:41:33.006333Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.006370Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [72:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.006407Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [72:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:41:33.007120Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.007180Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1002:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.008340Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.008464Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.008503Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.008543Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:41:33.008583Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:41:33.009991Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.010098Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.010135Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.010176Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1002, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:41:33.010221Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:41:33.010308Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1002, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.013304Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1002 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 1002 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1154 } } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.013359Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1002, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:33.013498Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1002 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 1002 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1154 } } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.013604Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1002 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 1002 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 1154 } } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016007Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 331 RawX2: 309237647630 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1002 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016058Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1002, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016185Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 331 RawX2: 309237647630 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1002 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016231Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1002:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016314Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1002:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 331 RawX2: 309237647630 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1002 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016370Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 1002:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016407Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016446Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 1002:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.016505Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1002:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:33.017875Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.018058Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.020505Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.020671Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021100Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1002:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021154Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1002:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021267Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1002:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021304Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1002 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021347Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1002:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021379Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1002 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021415Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1002, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021459Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1002 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021504Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1002:0 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021536Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1002:0 2025-03-11T11:41:33.021664Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1002, wait until txId: 1002 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.025858Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1002: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:41:33.025944Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.026332Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1002, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.026424Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1002: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:41:33.026462Z node 72 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1002: satisfy waiter [72:410:2383] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 1002 2025-03-11T11:41:33.026928Z node 72 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:33.027152Z node 72 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" took 269us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:41:33.027691Z node 72 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1002 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTable" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> DataShardReadIteratorSysTables::ShouldNotAllowArrow [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobs >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_History_FlatIndex >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::ShouldHandleReadAck [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadWithPlanQueueRace >> KqpIndexes::UniqIndexComplexPkComplexFkOverlap |76.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/ut_blobstorage-ut_read_only_vdisk |76.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/ut_blobstorage-ut_read_only_vdisk |76.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/ut_blobstorage-ut_read_only_vdisk >> KqpSort::Offset [GOOD] >> KqpSort::OffsetPk >> TExecutorDb::CoordinatorSimulation [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::RandomCoordinatorSimulation >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Mixed_Log [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Serial_Log >> KqpMultishardIndex::SortedRangeReadDesc >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_TupleParameter [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_TupleLiteral >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_ComplexKey_In_And_In [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::PhasesCount >> KqpIndexes::MultipleModifications >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared-EvWrite+Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared+EvWrite+Volatile >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeNonInclusiveEnds [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeLeftInclusive >> TPersQueueTest::ReadFromSeveralPartitions [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Init >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUsingInJoin2+UseStreamJoin [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUsingInJoin2-UseStreamJoin >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKey-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadRange+EvWrite >> TPersQueueTest::ReadFromSeveralPartitionsMigrated [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeshardRestart >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnUpsertMixedSemantic [GOOD] >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnSelect >> KqpUniqueIndex::UpdateFkSameValue >> KqpNewEngine::PagingNoPredicateExtract [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::Dict [GOOD] >> KqpSqlIn::InWithCast |77.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut/ydb-core-mind-ut |77.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut/ydb-core-mind-ut |77.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/ut/ydb-core-mind-ut >> KqpSort::TopParameterFilter [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::DeleteByKey [GOOD] >> KqpUniqueIndex::ReplaceFkAlreadyExist [GOOD] >> KqpUniqueIndex::ReplaceFkDuplicate >> KqpIndexes::InnerJoinWithNonIndexWherePredicate [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::PushFlatmapInnerConnectionsToStageInput [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate+UseStreamJoin >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_History_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_History_BTreeIndex >> DataShardWrite::UpsertLostPrepareArbiter [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNewEngine::PushFlatmapInnerConnectionsToStageInput [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23309, MsgBus: 11575 2025-03-11T11:39:47.145830Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515279127362486:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:47.146471Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019e5/r3tmp/tmpVQcRFs/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:47.726020Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:47.730088Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.730158Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:47.733635Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23309, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.843146Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.843166Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.843178Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.843300Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11575 TClient is connected to server localhost:11575 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:48.662951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.711686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:48.726405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.981300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.197879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:49.645183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:52.105986Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515279127362486:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:52.354847Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:58.384042Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515326372004423:2416], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:58.384194Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:00.167568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.624036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.684931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.751634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:00.923664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.035620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:02.052048Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515343551874214:2496], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.052105Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.054774Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515343551874219:2499], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.087672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:02.228443Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515343551874221:2500], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.280148Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515343551874277:3527] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.699709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:02.699737Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1049, MsgBus: 1388 2025-03-11T11:40:09.587185Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515374877552175:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:09.587789Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019e5/r3tmp/tmp43OPh4/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:11.512605Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:11.512694Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:11.521786Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1049, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:12.074769Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:12.768319Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:12.768339Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:12.768346Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:12.769503Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:14.610155Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515374877552175:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:14.610235Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:1388 TClient is connected to server localhost:1388 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:16.643059Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.731901Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.954876Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Opera ... line=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515630980872932:2131];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:14.271080Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:18.096089Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515669635580336:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.096222Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.204570Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.446464Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.534202Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.661831Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.753147Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.874787Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.027330Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515673930548167:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.027529Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.028255Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515673930548173:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.035561Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.074848Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515673930548176:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.169013Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515673930548243:3468] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9421, MsgBus: 16024 2025-03-11T11:41:23.146189Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515694106932153:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:23.146286Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019e5/r3tmp/tmpAVXbgG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:23.502288Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:23.510662Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:23.510805Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:23.513080Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9421, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:23.702613Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.702644Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.702654Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.702844Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16024 TClient is connected to server localhost:16024 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:24.757820Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:24.800071Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:24.975755Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.485540Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.630081Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:28.153138Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515694106932153:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:28.153232Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:31.891243Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515728466672315:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.891356Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.989049Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.065766Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.130435Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.225632Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.321981Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.478538Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.612764Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515732761640137:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.612905Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.613358Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515732761640142:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.617777Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.640153Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515732761640144:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.741780Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515732761640200:3475] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNewEngine::PagingNoPredicateExtract [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21089, MsgBus: 23121 2025-03-11T11:39:48.238729Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515285583825891:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:48.264145Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019da/r3tmp/tmpqkH8Tj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:49.050932Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:49.053352Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:49.053452Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:49.065362Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21089, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:49.395114Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:49.395138Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:49.395204Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:49.395323Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23121 2025-03-11T11:39:54.568043Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515285583825891:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:54.568381Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:23121 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: 2025-03-11T11:40:04.022099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:04.022424Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:06.023192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:08.683817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:09.058690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:10.575328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:11.902950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:12.964868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.494567Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515405842911867:2414], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:16.494700Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.027732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.085174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.130251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.184388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.226207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.276869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.343126Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515410137879696:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.343338Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.343864Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515410137879701:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.348281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.364760Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515410137879704:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.452887Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515410137879759:3490] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11110, MsgBus: 19635 2025-03-11T11:40:21.886351Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515426511970861:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:21.886406Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019da/r3tmp/tmpRIlEuH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:22.950581Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:23.022546Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:23.022636Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:23.063919Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11110, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:24.540420Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:24.540439Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:24.540446Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:24.540913Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19635 2025-03-11T11:40:26.894320Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515426511970861:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:26.894374Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:19635 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:29.118018Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:29.138837Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:29.176673Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, sub ... n type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:16.393525Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:22.310849Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515686951705096:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.311150Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.338871Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.422766Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.495160Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.565486Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.672336Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.807750Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.930393Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515686951705618:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.930501Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.930938Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515686951705623:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.936793Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.961614Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515686951705625:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:23.028674Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515691246672976:3466] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20075, MsgBus: 2432 2025-03-11T11:41:27.452931Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515708703633398:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.452988Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019da/r3tmp/tmpXr2Bg6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:27.610929Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:27.661002Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:27.661120Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:27.662736Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20075, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:27.862562Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:27.862591Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:27.862601Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:27.862769Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2432 TClient is connected to server localhost:2432 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:28.812674Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:28.825768Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.929335Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:29.203973Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:29.330498Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:32.461987Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515708703633398:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:32.462052Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:33.191222Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515734473438940:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.191330Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.259611Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.317137Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.408443Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.472091Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.570975Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.755635Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.913397Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515734473439471:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.913507Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.913804Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515734473439476:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.919629Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.942739Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515734473439478:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:34.014890Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515738768406826:3461] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldForbidDuplicatedReadId [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailUknownColumns ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNewEngine::DeleteByKey [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 65297, MsgBus: 29045 2025-03-11T11:39:47.187202Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515279103697151:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:47.187248Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019ed/r3tmp/tmpkmkJfu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:47.859840Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.859994Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:47.862106Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 65297, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.892536Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.892933Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:47.926732Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:48.062386Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.062412Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.062419Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.062534Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29045 TClient is connected to server localhost:29045 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:49.230710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:52.191669Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515279103697151:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:52.191718Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:59.477785Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515330643305159:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:59.477929Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:00.172127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.272171Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515339233239866:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:01.272612Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:01.275793Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515339233239871:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:01.328105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:01.929107Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515339233239873:2357], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.033460Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515343528207227:2430] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.907909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:02.913267Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19827, MsgBus: 22558 2025-03-11T11:40:10.385729Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515379936518374:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:10.385773Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019ed/r3tmp/tmpU8UtsN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:12.063292Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:12.596246Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:12.669519Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:12.669598Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:12.672985Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19827, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:13.877745Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.877763Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.877771Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.877901Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:40:15.390215Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515379936518374:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:15.390391Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:22558 TClient is connected to server localhost:22558 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:17.741616Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.960875Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:18.216578Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:18.989297Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:19.271456Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:21.217802Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515427181160416:2418], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.217883Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.258104Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.384312Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.437505Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 2814 ... operation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:19.909299Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515676127972432:2421], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.909441Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.037174Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.117208Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.200631Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.301415Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.377198Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.489111Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.683760Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515680422940252:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.683914Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.684407Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515680422940257:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.692078Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.714129Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515680422940259:2475], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.814785Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515680422940322:3483] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.778290Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 65170, MsgBus: 28058 2025-03-11T11:41:24.886761Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515698425487920:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019ed/r3tmp/tmpJlg5Ai/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:25.051174Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.317188Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:25.348252Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:25.348368Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:25.371160Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 65170, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:25.566461Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.566485Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.566497Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.566647Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28058 TClient is connected to server localhost:28058 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:26.454374Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.475495Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.601770Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.984320Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.135060Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:29.826043Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515698425487920:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:29.826164Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:32.747425Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515732785227922:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.747560Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.857254Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.970580Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.040573Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.111200Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.197456Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.338401Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.519996Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515737080195747:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.520111Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.521199Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515737080195752:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.527097Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.551486Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515737080195754:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:33.651116Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515737080195811:3463] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> KqpNewEngine::FlatMapLambdaInnerPrecompute [GOOD] >> KqpNewEngine::FullScanCount ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSort::TopParameterFilter [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21770, MsgBus: 20733 2025-03-11T11:39:46.583285Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515274249435986:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:46.583855Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f1/r3tmp/tmpH6KFLa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:47.207380Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.207509Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:47.209192Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:39:47.242669Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21770, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:47.322430Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.322454Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.322461Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:47.322554Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20733 TClient is connected to server localhost:20733 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:48.100812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.140335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.372545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.671771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:48.757752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:51.578345Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515274249435986:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:51.578403Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:53.947004Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515304314208708:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:53.947111Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:55.632216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:55.686927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:55.773426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:55.944910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:56.188714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:56.399886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:57.138679Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515321494078468:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:57.139064Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:57.142203Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515321494078473:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:39:57.170825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:39:57.314469Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515321494078475:2475], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:39:57.410473Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515321494078537:3500] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:02.209262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:02.209678Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29276, MsgBus: 62792 2025-03-11T11:40:15.344808Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515400670145381:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:15.345649Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f1/r3tmp/tmpFgZNLi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:16.070766Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:16.337291Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:16.345989Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:16.372637Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29276, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:16.726525Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:16.726549Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:16.726558Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:16.726694Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62792 TClient is connected to server localhost:62792 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:17.579103Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:17.591994Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.627940Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:18.098014Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:18.678515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 7205759404664448 ... hard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.161800Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.262160Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.418269Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.579053Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515674093307179:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.579172Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.579632Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515674093307184:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.596563Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.647290Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515674093307186:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.734614Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515674093307257:3478] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8895, MsgBus: 10643 2025-03-11T11:41:24.592422Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515694739241141:2194];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:24.592527Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f1/r3tmp/tmpZwrgOZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:25.079731Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:25.135380Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:25.135500Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:25.139762Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8895, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:25.506900Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.506929Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.506942Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:25.507128Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10643 TClient is connected to server localhost:10643 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:26.962147Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.993970Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.215096Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.744225Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.942920Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:29.594186Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515694739241141:2194];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:29.594284Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:31.539384Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515724804013847:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.539491Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.643012Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.761787Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.851277Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.977554Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.074918Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.180798Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.323530Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515729098981676:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.323675Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.324126Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515729098981681:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.330985Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.374919Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515729098981683:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.439357Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515729098981740:3465] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } ( (declare $limit (DataType 'Uint64)) (declare $value (DataType 'Int32)) (let $1 (KqpTable '"/Root/TwoShard" '"72057594046644480:2" '"" '1)) (let $2 '('"Key" '"Value1" '"Value2")) (let $3 (KqpRowsSourceSettings $1 $2 '() (Void) '())) (let $4 (DataType 'Int32)) (let $5 (Min (Uint64 '"1001") $limit)) (let $6 (StructType '('"Key" (OptionalType (DataType 'Uint32))) '('"Value1" (OptionalType (DataType 'String))) '('"Value2" (OptionalType $4)))) (let $7 '('('"_logical_id" '497) '('"_id" '"63a3a172-e1bd4b44-5f55d4ce-46aa039d") '('"_wide_channels" $6))) (let $8 (DqPhyStage '((DqSource (DataSource '"KqpReadRangesSource") $3)) (lambda '($12) (block '( (let $13 (lambda '($16) (block '( (let $17 (Member $16 '"Value2")) (return (Member $16 '"Key") (Member $16 '"Value1") $17 (Coalesce (!= $17 $value) (Bool 'false))) )))) (let $14 (WideFilter (ExpandMap (ToFlow $12) $13) (lambda '($18 $19 $20 $21) $21) $5)) (let $15 (lambda '($22 $23 $24 $25) $22 $23 $24)) (return (FromFlow (WideMap $14 $15))) ))) $7)) (let $9 (DqCnUnionAll (TDqOutput $8 '"0"))) (let $10 (DqPhyStage '($9) (lambda '($26) (FromFlow (NarrowMap (Take (ToFlow $26) $5) (lambda '($27 $28 $29) (AsStruct '('"Key" $27) '('"Value1" $28) '('"Value2" $29)))))) '('('"_logical_id" '510) '('"_id" '"b9bc0c2c-8b11779e-221d5a56-5fc577d4")))) (let $11 (DqCnResult (TDqOutput $10 '"0") '())) (return (KqpPhysicalQuery '((KqpPhysicalTx '($8 $10) '($11) '('('"$limit") '('"$value")) '('('"type" '"data")))) '((KqpTxResultBinding (ListType $6) '"0" '"0")) '('('"type" '"data_query")))) ) >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Serial_Log [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Crossed_Log >> TopicService::OneConsumer_TheRangesOverlap [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck2Reverse [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck1 >> TBlobStorageControllerGrouperTest::when_one_server_per_rack_in_4_racks_then_can_construct_group_with_4_domains_and_one_small_node [GOOD] >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_History_Slices_Sticky [GOOD] |77.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageControllerGrouperTest::when_one_server_per_rack_in_4_racks_then_can_construct_group_with_4_domains_and_one_small_node [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared-Volatile-BreakLocks [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared+Volatile-BreakLocks >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::CreateTableWithPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-true >> KqpNewEngine::LookupColumns [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::ForbidViewModification [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::IndexOr >> TopicService::DifferentConsumers_TheRangesOverlap >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadWithPlanQueueRace [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadHasRequiredDependencies >> KqpMergeCn::SortBy_Int32 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_History_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_FlatIndex >> KqpSqlIn::Delete [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ExecSQLUpsertPrepared+EvWrite+Volatile [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::InsertImmediate ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TPartBtreeIndexIteration::FewNodes_Groups_History_Slices_Sticky [GOOD] Test command err: ======= CUT ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 346b 12r} data 755b + FlatIndex{4} Label{3 rev 3, 172b} 5 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 86b (1, aaa) | 1 3 88b (1, b) | 2 6 86b (2, NULL) | 3 9 86b (2, ccx) | 3 11 86b (2, cxz) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 346 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 208b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 86 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, b) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 174 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, NULL) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 260 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ccx) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 346 ErasedRowCount: 0 ======= FULL ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 346b 12r} data 777b + FlatIndex{4} Label{3 rev 3, 179b} 5 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 86b (1, aaa) | 1 3 88b (1, baaaa) | 2 6 86b (2, aaa) | 3 9 86b (2, ccx) | 3 11 86b (2, cxz) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 346 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 223b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 86 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, baaaa) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 174 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aaa) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 260 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ccx) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 346 ErasedRowCount: 0 ======= CUT ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 420b 10r} data 1347b + FlatIndex{10} Label{3 rev 3, 362b} 11 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 42b (1, aaa) | 1 1 42b (1, ab) | 2 2 42b (1, ac) | 3 3 42b (1, b) | 4 4 42b (1, bb) | 5 5 42b (2, NULL) | 6 6 42b (2, ab) | 7 7 42b (2, ac) | 8 8 42b (2, b) | 9 9 42b (2, bb) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 536b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 42 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, ab) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 84 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, ac) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 126 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, b) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 168 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, bb) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 5 DataSize: 210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, NULL) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 252 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ab) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 7 DataSize: 294 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ac) | PageId: 7 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 336 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, b) | PageId: 8 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 378 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, bb) | PageId: 9 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0 ======= FULL ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 420b 10r} data 1381b + FlatIndex{10} Label{3 rev 3, 375b} 11 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 42b (1, aaa) | 1 1 42b (1, aba) | 2 2 42b (1, aca) | 3 3 42b (1, baa) | 4 4 42b (1, bba) | 5 5 42b (2, aaa) | 6 6 42b (2, aba) | 7 7 42b (2, aca) | 8 8 42b (2, baa) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 557b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 42 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, aba) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 84 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, aca) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 126 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, baa) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 168 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, bba) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 5 DataSize: 210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aaa) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 252 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aba) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 7 DataSize: 294 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aca) | PageId: 7 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 336 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, baa) | PageId: 8 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 378 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, bba) | PageId: 9 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0 ======= SLICES ======= { [0,1), [1,2), [2,4), [4,6), [6,7), [7,8), [8,9), [9,9] } ======= CUT ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 420b 10r} data 1347b + FlatIndex{10} Label{3 rev 3, 362b} 11 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 42b (1, aaa) | 1 1 42b (1, ab) | 2 2 42b (1, ac) | 3 3 42b (1, b) | 4 4 42b (1, bb) | 5 5 42b (2, NULL) | 6 6 42b (2, ab) | 7 7 42b (2, ac) | 8 8 42b (2, b) | 9 9 42b (2, bb) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 536b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 42 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, ab) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 84 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, ac) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 126 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, b) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 168 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, bb) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 5 DataSize: 210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, NULL) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 252 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ab) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 7 DataSize: 294 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, ac) | PageId: 7 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 336 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, b) | PageId: 8 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 378 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, bb) | PageId: 9 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0 ======= FULL ======= Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 420b 10r} data 1381b + FlatIndex{10} Label{3 rev 3, 375b} 11 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, String) | 0 0 42b (1, aaa) | 1 1 42b (1, aba) | 2 2 42b (1, aca) | 3 3 42b (1, baa) | 4 4 42b (1, bba) | 5 5 42b (2, aaa) | 6 6 42b (2, aba) | 7 7 42b (2, aca) | 8 8 42b (2, baa) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) | 9 9 42b (2, bba) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 557b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 42 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, aba) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 84 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, aca) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 3 DataSize: 126 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, baa) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 168 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, bba) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 5 DataSize: 210 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aaa) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 252 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aba) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 7 DataSize: 294 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, aca) | PageId: 7 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 336 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, baa) | PageId: 8 RowCount: 9 DataSize: 378 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, bba) | PageId: 9 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 420 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 81b 2r} data 316b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 107b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 41b (ccccccd) | 1 1 41b (ccccccd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 81 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 109b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (ccccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 81 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 83b 2r} data 320b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 109b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 43b (ccccccd) | 1 1 43b (ccccccddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 83 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 109b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (ccccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 83 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 80b 2r} data 312b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 105b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 40b (cccccd) | 1 1 40b (cccccd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 80 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 108b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (cccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 80 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 82b 2r} data 316b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 107b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 42b (cccccd) | 1 1 42b (cccccddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 82 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 108b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (cccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 82 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 79b 2r} data 308b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 103b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 39b (ccccd) | 1 1 39b (ccccd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 79 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 107b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (ccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 79 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 81b 2r} data 312b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 105b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 41b (ccccd) | 1 1 41b (ccccddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 81 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 107b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (ccccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 81 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 78b 2r} data 304b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 101b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 38b (cccd) | 1 1 38b (cccd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 78 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 106b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (cccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 78 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 80b 2r} data 308b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 103b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 40b (cccd) | 1 1 40b (cccddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 80 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 106b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (cccd) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 80 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 75b 2r} data 292b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 95b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 35b (d) | 1 1 35b (d) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 75 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 103b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (d) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 75 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 77b 2r} data 296b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 97b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 40b (cccccc) | 1 1 37b (d) | 1 1 37b (ddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 77 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 103b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 40 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (d) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 77 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 69b 2r} data 280b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 89b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 34b () | 1 1 35b (d) | 1 1 35b (d) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 69 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 103b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 1 DataSize: 34 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (d) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 69 ErasedRowCount: 0 Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 71b 2r} data 284b + FlatIndex{2} Label{3 rev 3, 91b} 3 rec | Page Row Bytes (String) | 0 0 34b () | 1 1 37b (d) | 1 1 37b (ddd) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 3 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 71 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 10 ... et 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} + Rows{48} Label{484 rev 1, 138b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} + Rows{51} Label{514 rev 1, 138b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,4), [6,8), [8,12), [14,16), [16,18), [20,28), [32,34), [34,38), [38,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 10774b 40r} data 15576b + FlatIndex{95} Label{3 rev 3, 558b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 66b (0, 1) | 2 2 66b (0, 4) | 4 4 82b (0, 7) | 8 6 66b (0, 10) | 11 8 66b (1, 3) | 14 10 82b (1, 6) | 20 12 66b (1, 8) | 23 14 66b (2, NULL) | 26 16 82b (2, 4) | 36 18 66b (2, 7) | 39 20 66b (2, 10) | 42 22 82b (3, 3) | 48 24 66b (3, 6) | 53 26 66b (3, 8) | 58 28 82b (4, NULL) | 64 30 66b (4, 4) | 67 32 66b (4, 7) | 70 34 82b (4, 10) | 82 36 66b (5, 3) | 87 38 66b (5, 6) | 87 39 66b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 98 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 102b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 72 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 15 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 214 GroupDataSize: 1052 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 66 GroupDataSize: 76 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 4) | | | PageId: 2 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 132 GroupDataSize: 526 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 7) | | | PageId: 4 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 214 GroupDataSize: 1052 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (0, 10) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 27 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 428 GroupDataSize: 2467 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 8 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 280 GroupDataSize: 1488 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 3) | | | PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 346 GroupDataSize: 1938 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 6) | | | PageId: 14 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 428 GroupDataSize: 2467 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (1, 8) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 43 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 20 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 494 GroupDataSize: 2906 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, NULL) | | | PageId: 23 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 560 GroupDataSize: 3360 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 4) | | | PageId: 26 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 7) | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 97 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 59 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 856 GroupDataSize: 5315 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 36 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 708 GroupDataSize: 4330 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 10) | | | PageId: 39 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 774 GroupDataSize: 4784 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 3) | | | PageId: 42 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 856 GroupDataSize: 5315 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (3, 6) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 71 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1070 GroupDataSize: 6739 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 48 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 922 GroupDataSize: 5754 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 8) | | | PageId: 53 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 988 GroupDataSize: 6208 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, NULL) | | | PageId: 58 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1070 GroupDataSize: 6739 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (4, 4) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 96 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 249b} | | | PageId: 64 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 1136 GroupDataSize: 7178 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 7) | | | PageId: 67 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 1202 GroupDataSize: 7632 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 10) | | | PageId: 70 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 1284 GroupDataSize: 8163 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 3) | | | PageId: 82 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 1350 GroupDataSize: 8602 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 6) | | | PageId: 87 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 66b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 66b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 82b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 66b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 66b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 82b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 66b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) + Rows{23} Label{234 rev 1, 66b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) + Rows{26} Label{264 rev 1, 82b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) + Rows{36} Label{364 rev 1, 66b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) + Rows{39} Label{394 rev 1, 66b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) + Rows{42} Label{424 rev 1, 82b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) + Rows{48} Label{484 rev 1, 66b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) + Rows{53} Label{534 rev 1, 66b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) + Rows{58} Label{584 rev 1, 82b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) + Rows{64} Label{644 rev 1, 66b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) + Rows{67} Label{674 rev 1, 66b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) + Rows{70} Label{704 rev 1, 82b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) + Rows{82} Label{824 rev 1, 66b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) + Rows{87} Label{874 rev 1, 66b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) Slices{ [0,4), [6,8), [8,12), [14,16), [16,18), [20,28), [32,34), [34,38), [38,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 10774b 40r} data 15576b + FlatIndex{95} Label{3 rev 3, 558b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 66b (0, 1) | 2 2 66b (0, 4) | 4 4 82b (0, 7) | 8 6 66b (0, 10) | 11 8 66b (1, 3) | 14 10 82b (1, 6) | 20 12 66b (1, 8) | 23 14 66b (2, NULL) | 26 16 82b (2, 4) | 36 18 66b (2, 7) | 39 20 66b (2, 10) | 42 22 82b (3, 3) | 48 24 66b (3, 6) | 53 26 66b (3, 8) | 58 28 82b (4, NULL) | 64 30 66b (4, 4) | 67 32 66b (4, 7) | 70 34 82b (4, 10) | 82 36 66b (5, 3) | 87 38 66b (5, 6) | 87 39 66b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 98 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 102b} | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 72 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 15 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 214 GroupDataSize: 1052 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 66 GroupDataSize: 76 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 4) | | | PageId: 2 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 132 GroupDataSize: 526 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (0, 7) | | | PageId: 4 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 214 GroupDataSize: 1052 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (0, 10) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 27 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 428 GroupDataSize: 2467 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 8 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 280 GroupDataSize: 1488 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 3) | | | PageId: 11 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 346 GroupDataSize: 1938 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (1, 6) | | | PageId: 14 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 428 GroupDataSize: 2467 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (1, 8) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 43 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 20 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 494 GroupDataSize: 2906 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, NULL) | | | PageId: 23 RowCount: 16 DataSize: 560 GroupDataSize: 3360 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 4) | | | PageId: 26 RowCount: 18 DataSize: 642 GroupDataSize: 3891 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (2, 7) | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 97 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 59 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 856 GroupDataSize: 5315 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 151b} | | | PageId: 36 RowCount: 20 DataSize: 708 GroupDataSize: 4330 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (2, 10) | | | PageId: 39 RowCount: 22 DataSize: 774 GroupDataSize: 4784 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 3) | | | PageId: 42 RowCount: 24 DataSize: 856 GroupDataSize: 5315 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (3, 6) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 71 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1070 GroupDataSize: 6739 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 147b} | | | PageId: 48 RowCount: 26 DataSize: 922 GroupDataSize: 5754 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (3, 8) | | | PageId: 53 RowCount: 28 DataSize: 988 GroupDataSize: 6208 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, NULL) | | | PageId: 58 RowCount: 30 DataSize: 1070 GroupDataSize: 6739 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | > (4, 4) | | + BTreeIndex{PageId: 96 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 249b} | | | PageId: 64 RowCount: 32 DataSize: 1136 GroupDataSize: 7178 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 7) | | | PageId: 67 RowCount: 34 DataSize: 1202 GroupDataSize: 7632 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (4, 10) | | | PageId: 70 RowCount: 36 DataSize: 1284 GroupDataSize: 8163 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 3) | | | PageId: 82 RowCount: 38 DataSize: 1350 GroupDataSize: 8602 ErasedRowCount: 0 | | | > (5, 6) | | | PageId: 87 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1416 GroupDataSize: 9358 ErasedRowCount: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 66b}, [0, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) + Rows{2} Label{24 rev 1, 66b}, [2, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) + Rows{4} Label{44 rev 1, 82b}, [4, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) + Rows{8} Label{84 rev 1, 66b}, [6, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) + Rows{11} Label{114 rev 1, 66b}, [8, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) + Rows{14} Label{144 rev 1, 82b}, [10, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) + Rows{20} Label{204 rev 1, 66b}, [12, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) + Rows{23} Label{234 rev 1, 66b}, [14, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) + Rows{26} Label{264 rev 1, 82b}, [16, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) + Rows{36} Label{364 rev 1, 66b}, [18, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) + Rows{39} Label{394 rev 1, 66b}, [20, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) + Rows{42} Label{424 rev 1, 82b}, [22, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) + Rows{48} Label{484 rev 1, 66b}, [24, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) + Rows{53} Label{534 rev 1, 66b}, [26, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) + Rows{58} Label{584 rev 1, 82b}, [28, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) + Rows{64} Label{644 rev 1, 66b}, [30, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) + Rows{67} Label{674 rev 1, 66b}, [32, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) + Rows{70} Label{704 rev 1, 82b}, [34, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) + Rows{82} Label{824 rev 1, 66b}, [36, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) + Rows{87} Label{874 rev 1, 66b}, [38, +2)row | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNewEngine::LookupColumns [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 2962, MsgBus: 15958 2025-03-11T11:39:47.714918Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515280590987037:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:47.715269Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f9/r3tmp/tmpOjANep/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:48.309014Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:48.317820Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:48.317995Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:48.321727Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2962, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:48.494438Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.494461Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.494472Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.494581Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15958 TClient is connected to server localhost:15958 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:50.460590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:50.742301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:52.709670Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515280590987037:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:52.718401Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:53.452080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:57.620045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:58.527718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:03.303008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:03.303031Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:11.535215Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515383670203902:2443], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:11.535327Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:14.179174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:14.319666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:14.525461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:14.864121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:14.914339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.012388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.147970Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515400850073645:2501], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.148071Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.150464Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515400850073650:2504], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.155170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.175344Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515400850073652:2505], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.270005Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515400850073711:3557] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23422, MsgBus: 23018 2025-03-11T11:40:19.300160Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515415572771795:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:19.300199Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f9/r3tmp/tmp52bV4R/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:19.712694Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:19.743686Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:19.743777Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:19.755166Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23422, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:20.314458Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:20.314481Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:20.314490Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:20.314619Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23018 TClient is connected to server localhost:23018 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:22.299039Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:22.683038Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:23.814304Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:24.741097Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515415572771795:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:24.828043Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;er ... 24776Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:27.316430Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515709647748039:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.316577Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.448510Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.532909Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.608013Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.678060Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.753781Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.894777Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.031328Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515713942715868:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.031464Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.031868Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515713942715874:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.037060Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.060265Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.061478Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515713942715876:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.153191Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515713942715937:3464] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18996, MsgBus: 31721 2025-03-11T11:41:32.746716Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515732659113309:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019f9/r3tmp/tmpw7kzvs/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:32.936359Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:33.100156Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:33.172822Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:33.182088Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:33.194924Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18996, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:33.450742Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:33.450771Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:33.450786Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:33.450962Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31721 TClient is connected to server localhost:31721 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:34.566486Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:34.586407Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:34.780361Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.177123Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.364325Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:37.694398Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515732659113309:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.694498Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.438060Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515762723885988:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.438179Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.517009Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.604065Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.689382Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.750970Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.811989Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.861448Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.976175Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515762723886515:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.976257Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515762723886520:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.976326Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.981606Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.998801Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515762723886522:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.082541Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515767018853883:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeLeftInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeRightInclusive >> TSchemeShardTest::RmDirTwice ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpMergeCn::SortBy_Int32 [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13776, MsgBus: 11258 2025-03-11T11:39:56.388961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515317451323406:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:56.410092Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019c7/r3tmp/tmpNNVb2o/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:01.392027Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515317451323406:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:01.392088Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:02.954886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515321746290956:2289];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:02.954940Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:03.802085Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:03.802115Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:04.311238Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:08.464206Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:08.638728Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:08.663706Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:09.882644Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:09.882675Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:10.107336Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:11.043711Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:11.340993Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:11.369954Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:11.424763Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:11.952172Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.110056s 2025-03-11T11:40:11.978335Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.136196s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13776, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:13.552741Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.553553Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.553560Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:13.565339Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11258 TClient is connected to server localhost:11258 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:18.601047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:21.276271Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515424825506527:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.276375Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.775110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:21.775144Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:21.909479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:22.318186Z node 1 :RPC_REQUEST ERROR: TReadRowsRPC ReplyWithError: Unknown table '/Root/WrongTable' Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29204, MsgBus: 19002 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019c7/r3tmp/tmpVQ3v9g/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:26.317594Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:27.806022Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:28.650083Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:28.683219Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:28.683303Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:28.698436Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29204, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:29.721517Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.722382Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.722394Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:29.722886Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19002 TClient is connected to server localhost:19002 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:32.243906Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.265058Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.400882Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.691429Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:32.763611Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:34.758869Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515479831671588:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:34.758936Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:34.876415Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:34.924322Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation ... sues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.573096Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.668252Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.749961Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.811223Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.908931Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:30.046252Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:30.151764Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515722101104876:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.151871Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.152199Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515722101104882:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.156688Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:30.182161Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515722101104884:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.250129Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515722101104938:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.227322Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.625573Z node 5 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693293592, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27010, MsgBus: 15684 2025-03-11T11:41:34.858817Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515739474889299:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:34.859711Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019c7/r3tmp/tmpXxzdzv/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:35.207893Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:35.207999Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:35.213416Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27010, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:35.227363Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:35.486642Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:35.486669Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:35.486679Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:35.486838Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15684 TClient is connected to server localhost:15684 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:36.376154Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.417432Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.546616Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.946925Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:37.115561Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.858990Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515739474889299:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.859071Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:40.044767Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515765244694808:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.044893Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.099092Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.150721Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.237268Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.304939Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.386067Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.513196Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.643020Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515765244695331:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.643124Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.643562Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515765244695336:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.648733Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.667213Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515765244695338:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.740819Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515765244695394:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.306413Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.443672Z node 6 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693303462, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUpsert1DeleteUpdate [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUpsert2Update >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::CreateTableWithPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-true [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableAndConcurrentSplit >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadRange+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefix+EvWrite ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::Delete [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21582, MsgBus: 24960 2025-03-11T11:40:00.580767Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515337493928890:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:00.580803Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b7/r3tmp/tmpwqrfPp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:03.765881Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:05.609823Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:05.611173Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:05.648496Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515337493928890:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:05.648575Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:05.648586Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:06.438999Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:06.440664Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21582, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:06.969733Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.969761Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.969775Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.969878Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24960 TClient is connected to server localhost:24960 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:15.680847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.850569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.574033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.849164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.978233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.359685Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515423393276613:2420], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.359751Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.683885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.722864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.764792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.819870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.869588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.946057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.038347Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515427688244430:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.038431Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.038781Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515427688244435:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.042739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.065227Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515427688244437:2475], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.159568Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515427688244495:3479] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.397086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:21.397111Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18558, MsgBus: 13136 2025-03-11T11:40:32.234388Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515472607936147:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:32.338027Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b7/r3tmp/tmpgmTvNL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:32.548943Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:32.608385Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:32.608493Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:32.609651Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18558, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:32.773672Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.773692Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.773705Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.773826Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13136 TClient is connected to server localhost:13136 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:33.523208Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:33.534505Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:33.548960Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:4 ... ORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515676756047621:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.874527Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.875311Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515676756047626:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.880727Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.924266Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480515676756047628:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.029745Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480515681051014982:3466] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:22.820815Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.903973Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:22.971054Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:27.724258Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:27.724291Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:17: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:22: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:52: Warning: At function: And
:7:23: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:23: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
:7:44: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:44: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17500, MsgBus: 8360 2025-03-11T11:41:29.386871Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480515716756607484:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:29.386925Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b7/r3tmp/tmpLLjr9v/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:29.765051Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:29.765149Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:29.766861Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:29.781127Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17500, node 5 2025-03-11T11:41:29.906661Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:29.906695Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:29.906705Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:29.906880Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8360 TClient is connected to server localhost:8360 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:30.937476Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:30.966623Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:31.113696Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:31.695406Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:31.840664Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:34.390066Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515716756607484:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:34.390162Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.104672Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515751116347657:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.110854Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.157659Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.236742Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.289138Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.336981Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.385479Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.462374Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.602270Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515751116348192:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.602371Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.602620Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515751116348197:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.606786Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.626267Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515751116348199:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.713024Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515751116348254:3459] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.643148Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.753415Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.886256Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpSqlIn::PhasesCount [GOOD] >> YdbTableSplit::MergeByNoLoadAfterSplit >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_FlatIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_BTreeIndex >> Yq_1::Basic_EmptyDict [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::Boot >> TSchemeShardTest::RmDirTwice [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicMeteringMode >> KqpIndexes::MultipleModifications [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate-UseStreamJoin >> DataShardWrite::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::UpsertLostPrepareArbiterRestart >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableAndConcurrentSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTable >> KqpSort::OffsetPk [GOOD] >> KqpMultishardIndex::SortedRangeReadDesc [GOOD] >> KqpMultishardIndex::SortByPk >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-25 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-1 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailUknownColumns [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailWrongSchema >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_MultipleUpdateTokenRequestIterationsWithValidToken_GotUpdateTokenResponseForEachRequest [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteSessionWithValidTokenAndACEAndThenRemoveACEAndSendWriteRequest_SessionClosedWithUnauthorizedErrorAfterSuccessfullWriteResponse >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUsingInJoin2-UseStreamJoin [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::PhasesCount [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28155, MsgBus: 2604 2025-03-11T11:40:00.396455Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515335461867762:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:00.396668Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b5/r3tmp/tmpNxyBcT/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:04.009885Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:04.237222Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:04.237305Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:04.243616Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28155, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:05.315210Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:05.379943Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515335461867762:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:05.388603Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:06.414350Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.414389Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.414396Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:06.414488Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2604 TClient is connected to server localhost:2604 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:15.812069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.860883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.638808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:17.061325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:17.338317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:19.438087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:19.438115Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:20.486748Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515421361215353:2418], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.486852Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:20.762623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.808072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.844879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.928375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.009192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.086328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.207529Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515425656183171:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.207600Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.207803Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515425656183176:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.212361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.226711Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515425656183178:2472], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.291101Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515425656183234:3483] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:23.939930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:24.300235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:24.786546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:4:17: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:22: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:6:23: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:6:23: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7372, MsgBus: 30067 2025-03-11T11:40:33.831812Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515478704035471:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.903924Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b5/r3tmp/tmpuulbKz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:34.158821Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:34.210733Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:34.210869Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:34.218852Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7372, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:34.587561Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.587591Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.587600Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.587719Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30067 TClient is connected to server localhost:30067 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true ... f is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:25.558083Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:25.645487Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:25.714580Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:25.821201Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:25.939429Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:26.083350Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515706807641651:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:26.083484Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:26.084381Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515706807641656:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:26.095906Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:26.124154Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480515706807641658:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:26.197252Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480515706807641715:3460] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.516832Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.583632Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.665055Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:35.398076Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:35.398104Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16537, MsgBus: 23599 2025-03-11T11:41:36.583590Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480515749481525419:2188];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:36.583650Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b5/r3tmp/tmpcve2q6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:36.945496Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:37.011887Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:37.012012Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:37.013500Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16537, node 5 2025-03-11T11:41:37.262423Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.262445Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.262457Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.262581Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23599 TClient is connected to server localhost:23599 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:37.880902Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:37.907677Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.921417Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.060042Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.310492Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.450928Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.583435Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515749481525419:2188];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:41.583528Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.381551Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515775251330854:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.381636Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.483894Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.531265Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.586399Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.651518Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.728961Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.811858Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.928814Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515775251331374:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.929012Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.929340Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515775251331380:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.934249Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.984658Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515775251331382:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.091016Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515779546298739:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TExecutorDb::RandomCoordinatorSimulation [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::MultiPage >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceCommitOffset [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceCommitOffsetBadOffsets |77.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_export |77.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_export >> TSchemeShardTest::Boot [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableKeyColumns >> BuildStatsHistogram::Ten_Crossed_Log [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Mixed >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_BTreeIndex [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_BTreeIndex_Empty |77.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_export >> TFlatTableExecutor_IndexLoading::Scan_Groups_BTreeIndex_Empty [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_KeepEraseMarkers::TestKeepEraseMarkers [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::MemTableLongTx >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicMeteringMode [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::Restart >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::MemTableLongTx [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactUncommittedLongTx [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactCommittedLongTx >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableDropColumnReCreateSplit >> TExecutorDb::MultiPage [GOOD] >> TExecutorDb::EncodedPage >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactCommittedLongTx [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactedLongTxRestart >> DemoTx::Scenario_2 [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactedLongTxRestart [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactMultipleChanges [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::LongTxBorrow >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-2 >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::LongTxBorrow [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::MemTableLongTxRead [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactedTxIdReuse >> TPersQueueTest::CloseActiveWriteSessionOnClusterDisable [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Cache >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::CompactedTxIdReuse [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::MergeSkewedCommitted >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTx::MergeSkewedCommitted [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::SmallValues >> KqpSqlIn::InWithCast [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::SmallValues [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::OuterBlobValues >> TExecutorDb::EncodedPage [GOOD] >> TFlatCxxDatabaseTest::BasicSchemaTest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSort::OffsetPk [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25838, MsgBus: 21764 2025-03-11T11:39:47.856195Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515279471829527:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:47.856700Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019df/r3tmp/tmprsqOKE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:48.547703Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:48.547843Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:48.550709Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25838, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:48.595502Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:48.595718Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:39:48.622526Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:48.838575Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.838598Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.838607Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:48.838744Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21764 2025-03-11T11:39:52.859602Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515279471829527:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:52.859959Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:21764 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:57.095294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:03.397462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:03.594706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:03.594881Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:03.700309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:05.028591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:08.180186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:09.240502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.011947Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515399730915650:2420], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.012056Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.429253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.497240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.555216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.618900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.676957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.743861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.854298Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515399730916169:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.854388Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.854663Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515399730916174:2474], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.859089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:15.886319Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515399730916176:2475], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:15.959093Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515399730916231:3500] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.876354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.926680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.983528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 access count 1 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10712, MsgBus: 31398 2025-03-11T11:40:21.676596Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515426817510661:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:21.676848Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019df/r3tmp/tmpMEsRKg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:22.035113Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:22.035202Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:22.038076Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:22.063949Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10712, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:22.242458Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:22.242483Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:22.242492Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:22.242619Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31398 2025-03-11T11:40:26.678832Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515426817510661:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:26.678892Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:31398 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 720575940 ... line=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515691022560624:2135];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:28.903852Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:30.855567Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515721087333390:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.855668Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:30.913785Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.048556Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.093086Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.173875Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.263855Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.360013Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.519581Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515725382301225:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.519686Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.520065Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515725382301230:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.525232Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.559848Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515725382301232:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.658466Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515725382301288:3463] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 6946, MsgBus: 13118 2025-03-11T11:41:35.996072Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515744897327563:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:36.041583Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019df/r3tmp/tmpHSnCXG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:36.394151Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:36.441815Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:36.449731Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6946, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:36.474240Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:36.698688Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.698720Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.698732Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.698925Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13118 TClient is connected to server localhost:13118 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:37.895974Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:37.934085Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.150453Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.673163Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.909285Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.987002Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515744897327563:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:40.987095Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:43.575858Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515779257067596:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.587790Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.639208Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.707617Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.761963Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.856378Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.978859Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.122768Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.226220Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515783552035423:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.226331Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.226537Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515783552035428:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.232946Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.251251Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515783552035430:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.321848Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515783552035485:3459] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::OuterBlobValues [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::ExternalBlobValues >> TFlatCxxDatabaseTest::BasicSchemaTest [GOOD] >> TFlatCxxDatabaseTest::RenameColumnSchemaTest [GOOD] >> TFlatCxxDatabaseTest::SchemaFillerTest [GOOD] >> TFlatDatabaseDecimal::UpdateRead [GOOD] >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::BasicUsage [GOOD] >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::BasicUsageReverse >> TFlatTableExecutor_LongTxAndBlobs::ExternalBlobValues [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LowPriorityTxs::TestEnqueueCancel [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LowPriorityTxs::TestLowPriority [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LowPriorityTxs::TestLowPriorityCancel >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::BasicUsageReverse [GOOD] >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::CacheEviction [GOOD] >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::StressGarbageCollection [GOOD] >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::StressGarbageCollectionWithStrings >> TFlatTableExecutor_LowPriorityTxs::TestLowPriorityCancel [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_LowPriorityTxs::TestLowPriorityAllocatingCancel [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_MoveTableData::TestMoveSnapshot [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_MoveTableData::TestMoveSnapshotFollower ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUsingInJoin2-UseStreamJoin [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1725, MsgBus: 14617 2025-03-11T11:41:21.383323Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515684469020962:2163];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:21.386214Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00125d/r3tmp/tmpUkao8J/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:22.029619Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.029755Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:22.039004Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.278869Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:22.315510Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.232302s 2025-03-11T11:41:22.315595Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.232408s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1725, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.398444Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.398470Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.399750Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:23.318504Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.318533Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.318551Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.318726Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14617 TClient is connected to server localhost:14617 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.168489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.672156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.434520Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515684469020962:2163];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:26.435380Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:26.546924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.756987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.806557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.216814Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515710238826365:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.216927Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.461209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.541806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.602522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.642938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.711986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.795829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.020349Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718828761569:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.020438Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.043603Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718828761576:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.054117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.069763Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718828761580:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.204452Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515718828761634:3475] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.697099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.857508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19413, MsgBus: 7946 2025-03-11T11:41:37.484404Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515754468296260:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.484482Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00125d/r3tmp/tmpbEHDTH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:37.601474Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19413, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:37.634720Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:37.634823Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:37.635685Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:37.826581Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.826608Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.826616Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.826757Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7946 TClient is connected to server localhost:7946 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:38.619247Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.646609Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.808459Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.320527Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.421538Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:42.485282Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515754468296260:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.485391Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.541830Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515775943134492:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.541938Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.578413Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.626820Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.668384Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.747932Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.817491Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.943446Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.058620Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515780238102307:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.058745Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.059044Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515780238102312:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.063543Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.086861Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.087123Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515780238102314:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.154679Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515780238102369:3451] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.701234Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.778504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 |77.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-common-ut |77.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-common-ut |77.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-common-ut >> KqpUniqueIndex::UpdateFkSameValue [GOOD] >> KqpUniqueIndex::UpdateFkPkOverlap >> TFlatEraseCacheTest::StressGarbageCollectionWithStrings [GOOD] >> TFlatExecutorLeases::Basics >> TFlatTableExecutor_MoveTableData::TestMoveSnapshotFollower [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestPostponedScan >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableKeyColumns [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSizeToSplit >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestPostponedScan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestCancelFinishedScan >> TSchemeShardTest::Restart [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::SchemeErrors >> TDynamicNameserverTest::ListNodesCacheWhenNoChanges >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestCancelFinishedScan [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestCancelRunningPostponedScan >> DataShardWrite::InsertImmediate [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ImmediateAndPlannedCommittedOpsRace >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestCancelRunningPostponedScan [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableDropColumnReCreateSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableDropColumnSplitThenReCreate >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnSelect [GOOD] >> DemoTx::Scenario_3 >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_TupleLiteral [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::InWithCast [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23708, MsgBus: 24823 2025-03-11T11:39:56.268898Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515319421276805:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:56.269201Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019bc/r3tmp/tmpg4BJhT/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:00.368254Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:01.194071Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515319421276805:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:01.194734Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:01.706196Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:03.320222Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:03.346311Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:03.346662Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:03.353788Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:03.370673Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:03.614695Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23708, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:04.061712Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:04.061728Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:04.061733Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:04.061817Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24823 TClient is connected to server localhost:24823 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:11.626840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:11.661327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.713156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:12.889121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:14.040981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:14.679703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:18.148581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:18.148608Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:18.642254Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515413910558950:2423], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:18.642667Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.110460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.258692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.307377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.381041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.450807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.545662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.673847Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515418205526768:2475], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.673946Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.674368Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515418205526773:2478], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.680646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.692517Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515418205526775:2479], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.786495Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515418205526832:3498] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:21.052198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.115980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:21.223365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:26: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:49: Warning: At function: And
:7:41: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:41: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:26: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:49: Warning: At function: And
:7:41: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:41: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:26: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:49: Warning: At function: And
:7:41: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:41: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:26: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:49: Warning: At function: And
:7:41: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:41: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable argu ... de 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.259097Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.321169Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.398184Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.538076Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515713318595440:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.538188Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.538590Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480515713318595445:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.543841Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.563525Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480515713318595447:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.649618Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480515713318595503:3458] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:31.325316Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.436215Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:31.639513Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:44: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:5:67: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:5:67: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 2025-03-11T11:41:37.227611Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:37.227640Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:44: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:5:67: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:5:67: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21228, MsgBus: 15837 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019bc/r3tmp/tmpzfr3pd/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:39.485270Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.539304Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:39.539414Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:39.579367Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:39.584846Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21228, node 5 2025-03-11T11:41:39.806593Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.806621Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.806633Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.806815Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15837 TClient is connected to server localhost:15837 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:40.964802Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.979861Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.008719Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:41.142798Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.419853Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.525864Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:45.478098Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515787903495236:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.478263Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.632623Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.695572Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.750235Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.833473Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.926267Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.045050Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.162824Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515792198463061:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:46.163074Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:46.163510Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515792198463067:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:46.169213Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.213943Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515792198463069:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:46.310092Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515792198463127:3467] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TSchemeShardTest::SchemeErrors [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::SerializedCellVec >> TSchemeShardTest::SerializedCellVec [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonShouldNotUpdate >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSizeToSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSplitSchema >> TDynamicNameserverTest::ListNodesCacheWhenNoChanges [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared+Volatile-BreakLocks [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared-Volatile+BreakLocks >> KqpUniqueIndex::ReplaceFkDuplicate [GOOD] >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenant >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadHasRequiredDependencies [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadNoUnnecessaryDependencies >> TTenantPoolTests::TestForcedSensorLabelsForStaticConfig ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::ListNodesCacheWhenNoChanges [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:52.005368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:52.005457Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> KqpNewEngine::FullScanCount [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableDropColumnSplitThenReCreate [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableById >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeshardRestart [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SameOffset ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnSelect [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17147, MsgBus: 30145 2025-03-11T11:41:20.647842Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515678155835869:2259];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:20.647893Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012a6/r3tmp/tmpA0bWKq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:21.818858Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:21.944592Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:21.962585Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:21.968580Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.317256Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.223179s 2025-03-11T11:41:22.317330Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.223274s 2025-03-11T11:41:22.317501Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17147, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.373080Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.373098Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:23.302611Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.302634Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.302646Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.318044Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30145 TClient is connected to server localhost:30145 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.148296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.650025Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515678155835869:2259];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.650092Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.671449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.533340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.706596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.795980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.227154Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515708220608443:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.227297Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.466210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.516304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.566867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.612607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.664124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.754963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.020128Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716810543641:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.020573Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.043149Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716810543646:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.063847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.098841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.099630Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716810543648:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.204715Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515716810543707:3471] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.613280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13310, MsgBus: 8484 2025-03-11T11:41:38.109097Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515754620543023:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012a6/r3tmp/tmpBLz4kx/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:38.169233Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:38.257471Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:38.262070Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:38.262168Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:38.266890Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13310, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:38.367390Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.367413Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.367421Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.367548Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8484 TClient is connected to server localhost:8484 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.111569Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.150355Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.301138Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.524409Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.612756Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:42.537022Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515771800413772:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.537118Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.589515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.662478Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.701976Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.765411Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.832298Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.915069Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.051038Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515776095381593:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.051137Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.051381Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515776095381598:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.056596Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.081474Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515776095381600:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.104492Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515754620543023:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:43.104570Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:43.161222Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515776095381655:3448] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.683807Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.760923Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.824059Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.863429Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715677:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenant [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadNotCached [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadBadCases >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonShouldNotUpdate [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonShouldUpdate ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpSqlIn::SecondaryIndex_TupleLiteral [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16098, MsgBus: 28000 2025-03-11T11:39:49.176491Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515286838117173:2188];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:49.176547Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019cf/r3tmp/tmpCSopK6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:50.249173Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:50.582540Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:50.598398Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:50.598490Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:50.608843Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16098, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:52.350417Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:52.350434Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:52.350439Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:52.350796Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28000 2025-03-11T11:39:54.183636Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515286838117173:2188];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:54.185341Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:28000 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:39:59.612647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:39:59.967102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:00.768746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:03.559277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:03.677199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:05.586366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:05.586390Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:08.588922Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515368442497519:2422], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:08.598436Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:10.854438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.127619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.533833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.603164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.668715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:11.888898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:12.372739Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515385622367279:2481], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.373095Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.374326Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515385622367285:2484], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.377731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:12.398979Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515385622367287:2485], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:12.512011Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515385622367340:3520] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:16.666231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:16.747239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:16.839309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:66: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:5:78: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:5:78: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:66: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:5:78: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:5:78: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 15351, MsgBus: 13099 2025-03-11T11:40:30.852298Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515463155934183:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:30.852338Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019cf/r3tmp/tmp4DniqM/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:31.470871Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:31.499140Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:31.499233Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:31.500488Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15351, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:32.233470Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.233492Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.234293Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.234435Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13099 TClient is connected to server localhost:13099 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: ... 515704680408300:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:26.386164Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480515704680408355:3455] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.809491Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.981021Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.140365Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:60: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:33: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:33: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 2025-03-11T11:41:34.392065Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:34.392104Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:6:60: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:7:33: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:7:33: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13598, MsgBus: 24454 2025-03-11T11:41:36.448812Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480515749112531740:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019cf/r3tmp/tmpZq1Et0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:36.621070Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:36.803951Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:36.878699Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:36.878826Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:36.884390Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13598, node 5 2025-03-11T11:41:37.146601Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.146628Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.146641Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.146831Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24454 TClient is connected to server localhost:24454 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:39.104737Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.178425Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.493201Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.917554Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.068167Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.393611Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480515749112531740:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:41.415186Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.788604Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515774882337127:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.788716Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.878092Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.948796Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.998154Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.069676Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.187055Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.386395Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.529397Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515779177304954:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.529477Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.529588Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515779177304959:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.533285Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.559920Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515779177304961:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.633872Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515779177305012:3458] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.777231Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.883617Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.983021Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:4:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:60: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:6:33: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:6:33: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:4:21: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: Sort, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:5:60: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:6:33: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:6:33: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 >> TFlatExecutorLeases::Basics [GOOD] >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsLeaseTimeout |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpUniqueIndex::ReplaceFkDuplicate [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27632, MsgBus: 5736 2025-03-11T11:41:20.630813Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515677391675729:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:20.630904Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001265/r3tmp/tmpRUUmyE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:21.926180Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:21.945778Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:21.964814Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:21.975005Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.288320Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:22.314684Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.248899s 2025-03-11T11:41:22.314759Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.248997s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27632, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.372947Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.372966Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:23.299058Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.299087Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.299095Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.314140Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5736 TClient is connected to server localhost:5736 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.151248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.634005Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515677391675729:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.634086Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.671464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.533125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.769857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.858192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.260110Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515707456448501:2410], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.260215Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.463551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.522977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.573505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.612295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.679962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.750007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.019704Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716046383711:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.021245Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.042562Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716046383717:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.052552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.108599Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515716046383719:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.207849Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515716046383778:3478] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.619356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.974342Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g567b1taednga9475ecpg, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTZjZmRkNDEtMjNiNGU5YjQtNDY0YzM0NGYtMTZkZTlkYmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:36.002568Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTZjZmRkNDEtMjNiNGU5YjQtNDY0YzM0NGYtMTZkZTlkYmE=, ActorId: [1:7480515733226254065:2566], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g567b1taednga9475ecpg, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:36.907884Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g57cya4zr19qbxvzxh12s, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTZjZmRkNDEtMjNiNGU5YjQtNDY0YzM0NGYtMTZkZTlkYmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:36.908152Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTZjZmRkNDEtMjNiNGU5YjQtNDY0YzM0NGYtMTZkZTlkYmE=, ActorId: [1:7480515733226254065:2566], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g57cya4zr19qbxvzxh12s, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27020, MsgBus: 64240 2025-03-11T11:41:39.047253Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515755684845997:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001265/r3tmp/tmpbtHLHV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:39.195816Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.355011Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:39.386155Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:39.386257Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:39.387523Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27020, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:39.486737Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.486762Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.486770Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.486891Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:64240 TClient is connected to server localhost:64240 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:40.281007Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.304710Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.322200Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.498612Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.795417Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.906286Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:43.326034Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515777159684090:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.326150Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.373745Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.423731Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.464409Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.537669Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.632552Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.714501Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.842299Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515777159684611:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.842398Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.842776Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515777159684616:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.847324Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.865236Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515777159684618:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.920811Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515777159684672:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.018499Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515755684845997:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:44.018584Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:45.272778Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:48.102316Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5j1y811t1tf06jc53maz, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjIzYjAwYzQtOGUyMmQyZi03MzE3NGNiYi02ZWUzNzYyMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:48.102726Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjIzYjAwYzQtOGUyMmQyZi03MzE3NGNiYi02ZWUzNzYyMw==, ActorId: [2:7480515785749620309:2551], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5j1y811t1tf06jc53maz, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:49.047514Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5k6t9q1cfdb6r3svd05z, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjIzYjAwYzQtOGUyMmQyZi03MzE3NGNiYi02ZWUzNzYyMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:49.047837Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjIzYjAwYzQtOGUyMmQyZi03MzE3NGNiYi02ZWUzNzYyMw==, ActorId: [2:7480515785749620309:2551], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5k6t9q1cfdb6r3svd05z, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenant [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:53.296994Z node 1 :LOCAL ERROR: TDomainLocal(dc-1): Receive TEvDescribeSchemeResult with bad status StatusPathDoesNotExist reason is <> while resolving subdomain dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:53.297397Z node 1 :LOCAL ERROR: Unknown domain dc-3 >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSplitSchema [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSettings >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableById [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableConfig |77.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_table_writer |77.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_table_writer |77.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_table_writer ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/fq/ut_integration/unittest >> Yq_1::Basic_EmptyDict [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:39:19.378057Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515160819655896:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:19.383465Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:39:21.451227Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515169409590748:2294];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; E0311 11:39:23.146015891 23661 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:23.174294447 23661 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:23.748019Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.358492Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515160819655896:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.358781Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:24.524160Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:24.905507Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.362437Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:25.872290Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:26.054681Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.373753Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.455532Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515169409590748:2294];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:26.455873Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.066520Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.391436Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:27.466519Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.068488Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:28.132616158 24453 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:28.134292467 24453 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:28.400196Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.471293Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:28.946412Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 2025-03-11T11:39:28.946624Z node 1 :YQL_NODES_MANAGER ERROR: ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/nodes_manager.cpp:322: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 2025-03-11T11:39:29.081142Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:29.082538Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.416477Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:29.489476Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.080636Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.434131Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:30.499199Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.126779Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.450426Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:31.510726Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.133380Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.451943Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.518466Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:32.728516Z node 1 :YQ_CONTROL_PLANE_STORAGE ERROR: Create directory "Root/yq" error: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE [ {
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused } {
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25331 } ] 2025-03-11T11:39:33.157962Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; E0311 11:39:33.242938014 24453 dns_resolver.cc:162] no server name supplied in dns URI E0311 11:39:33.243028833 24453 channel.cc:120] channel stack builder failed: UNKNOWN: the target uri is not valid: dns:/// 2025-03-11T11:39:33.452287Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:33.523528Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.164294Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.454603Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:34.542013Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.163120Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.460713Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:35.560221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.166370Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.459331Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:36.563492Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERRO ... ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.531617Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.531724Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.531832Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.531937Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532038Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532151Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532252Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532364Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532499Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532691Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532824Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.532932Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533046Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533155Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533268Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533380Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533492Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533604Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533713Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.533819Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535153Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535368Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535490Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535601Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535714Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535826Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.535964Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536088Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536202Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536321Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536464Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536588Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536707Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536844Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.536969Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537107Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537227Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537358Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537481Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537606Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537775Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.537933Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538071Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538192Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538303Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538426Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538541Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538657Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538768Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538885Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.538999Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539106Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539221Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539333Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539460Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539568Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539673Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.539777Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.540219Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.540359Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.540595Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.540797Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541067Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541202Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541320Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541435Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541548Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541713Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541836Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.541986Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542111Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542237Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542350Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542464Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542571Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542685Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542794Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.542901Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543009Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543122Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543229Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543328Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543432Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543534Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543648Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.543775Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544019Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544137Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544242Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544347Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544482Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544649Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544761Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544859Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.544961Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545067Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545169Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545275Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545373Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545469Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545582Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545692Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545803Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.545938Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546063Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546164Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546272Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546384Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546562Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546673Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546778Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546883Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.546988Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547122Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547232Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547339Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547449Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547593Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547725Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547835Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.547941Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548057Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548157Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548270Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548374Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548507Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548608Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548710Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548836Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: 2025-03-11T11:41:45.548938Z node 7 :FQ_QUOTA_SERVICE ERROR: SyncQuota finished with error: >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonShouldUpdate [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonStorageConfig >> TTenantPoolTests::TestForcedSensorLabelsForStaticConfig [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpNewEngine::FullScanCount [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 31792, MsgBus: 17937 2025-03-11T11:40:09.743505Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515373917573297:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:09.745014Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b4/r3tmp/tmpZDVMjR/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:15.693793Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515373917573297:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:16.070234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:16.563211Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:16.563284Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:16.570229Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:16.594367Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:16.676566Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31792, node 1 2025-03-11T11:40:17.247288Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:17.247309Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:17.247315Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:17.247807Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17937 TClient is connected to server localhost:17937 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:20.024717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.054489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.069057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.389235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.558531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:20.634657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:24.688146Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515438342084550:2419], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:25.007872Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:27.109620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:27.466891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:27.900648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:28.400214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:28.632377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:28.811875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:29.144530Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515459816921616:2479], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.144744Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.150016Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515459816921621:2482], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.166443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:29.227535Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515459816921625:2483], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:29.293554Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515459816921680:3506] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:31.466029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:31.466053Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16943, MsgBus: 6044 2025-03-11T11:40:34.018693Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515477365499956:2206];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b4/r3tmp/tmpbFUpnb/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:34.072573Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.301702Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:34.338456Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:34.338559Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:34.355309Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16943, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:34.444626Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.444657Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.444665Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:34.444845Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6044 TClient is connected to server localhost:6044 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:35.060214Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:35.065761Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:35.081376Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:35.187275Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part prop ... emeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.533299Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.594615Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.660858Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.722477Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.811583Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.915353Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515737960254322:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:34.915469Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:34.915879Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480515737960254327:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:34.923840Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:34.963732Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480515737960254329:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:35.053154Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480515742255221686:3466] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30998, MsgBus: 7940 2025-03-11T11:41:41.223407Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480515771095171973:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019b4/r3tmp/tmp7b7Blo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:41.380216Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:41.505251Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:41.560877Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:41.560998Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:41.571731Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30998, node 6 2025-03-11T11:41:41.726628Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:41.726658Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:41.726670Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:41.726869Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7940 TClient is connected to server localhost:7940 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:42.823718Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:42.835199Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:42.866840Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.044029Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:43.448997Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.598972Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:46.222217Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480515771095171973:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:46.336500Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:47.286684Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515796864977416:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.286823Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.381773Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.442634Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.490110Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.565723Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.622780Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.675017Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.768947Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515796864977940:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.769099Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.769436Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [6:7480515796864977945:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.776063Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.828148Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [6:7480515796864977947:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:47.902097Z node 6 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [6:7480515796864978004:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 }
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:17: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:3:33: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:3:58: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:3:58: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108
: Warning: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:17: Warning: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:3:33: Warning: At function: Filter, At function: Coalesce
:3:58: Warning: At function: SqlIn
:3:58: Warning: IN may produce unexpected result when used with nullable arguments. Consider adding 'PRAGMA AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections;', code: 1108 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeRightInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeOneByOne ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TFlatTableExecutor_PostponedScan::TestCancelRunningPostponedScan [GOOD] Test command err: 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:38:55.245284Z 00000.008 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 00000.011 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.020 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.020 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.020 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062]) from queue queue_background_compaction 00000.020 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.020 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_background_compaction from 0.000000 to 50.000000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062])) 00000.024 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Finish task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062]) (release resources {1, 0}) 00000.024 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_background_compaction from 50.000000 to 0.000000 (remove task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [1:30:2062])) 00000.025 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00000.025 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 0 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {0 0b} 00000.025 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {771b, 9}, put {791b, 10} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {1347b, 10}, put {1347b, 10} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.026 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 23}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:38:55.290161Z 00000.007 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 00000.009 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.013 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction task bckg-block (987987987987 by [2:8:2055]) priority=0 resources={1, 0} 00000.013 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task bckg-block (987987987987 by [2:8:2055]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.013 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task bckg-block (987987987987 by [2:8:2055]) from queue queue_background_compaction 00000.013 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task bckg-block (987987987987 by [2:8:2055]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.013 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_background_compaction from 0.000000 to 300.000000 (insert task bckg-block (987987987987 by [2:8:2055])) 00000.015 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.015 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.015 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Skip queue queue_background_compaction due to exceeded limits 00000.016 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Update task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) (priority=5 type=compaction_gen0 resources={1, 0} resubmit=0) 00000.016 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.016 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) from queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.016 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.016 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 0.000000 to 5.000000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062])) 00000.019 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Finish task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062]) (release resources {1, 0}) 00000.019 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 5.000000 to 0.000000 (remove task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [2:30:2062])) 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00000.021 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 0 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {0 0b} 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {1262b, 14}, put {1282b, 15} 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {1890b, 15}, put {1890b, 15} 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.021 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 31}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:38:55.317156Z 00000.009 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 00000.011 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.012 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.025 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction task bckg-block (987987987987 by [3:8:2055]) priority=0 resources={1, 0} 00000.025 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task bckg-block (987987987987 by [3:8:2055]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.025 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task bckg-block (987987987987 by [3:8:2055]) from queue queue_background_compaction 00000.025 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task bckg-block (987987987987 by [3:8:2055]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.025 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_background_compaction from 0.000000 to 300.000000 (insert task bckg-block (987987987987 by [3:8:2055])) 00000.027 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.027 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.027 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Skip queue queue_background_compaction due to exceeded limits 00000.028 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Update task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) (priority=5 type=compaction_gen0 resources={1, 0} resubmit=0) 00000.028 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.028 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) from queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.028 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.028 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 0.000000 to 5.000000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.041 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Finish task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062]) (release resources {1, 0}) 00000.042 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 5.000000 to 0.000000 (remove task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (1 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.043 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.043 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.043 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Skip queue queue_background_compaction due to exceeded limits 00000.044 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Update task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) (priority=5 type=compaction_gen0 resources={1, 0} resubmit=0) 00000.044 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.044 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) from queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.045 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.045 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 0.000000 to 4.750000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.064 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Finish task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062]) (release resources {1, 0}) 00000.064 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 4.750000 to 0.000000 (remove task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (2 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.065 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.065 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.065 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Skip queue queue_background_compaction due to exceeded limits 00000.066 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Update task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) (priority=5 type=compaction_gen0 resources={1, 0} resubmit=0) 00000.066 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.066 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) from queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.066 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.066 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 0.000000 to 4.500000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.069 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Finish task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062]) (release resources {1, 0}) 00000.069 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 4.500000 to 0.000000 (remove task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (3 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.070 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Submitted new background_compaction_gen0 task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) priority=200 resources={1, 0} 00000.070 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_background_compaction 00000.070 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Skip queue queue_background_compaction due to exceeded limits 00000.072 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Update task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) (priority=5 type=compaction_gen0 resources={1, 0} resubmit=0) 00000.072 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning waiting task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.072 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Allocate resources {1, 0} for task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) from queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.072 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Assigning in-fly task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062]) to queue queue_compaction_gen0 00000.072 DD| RESOURCE_BROKER: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_compaction_gen0 from 0.000000 to 4.250000 (insert task gen0-table-101-tablet-1 (4 by [3:30:2062])) 00000.074 DD| R ... II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:122} started compaction 19 00000.127 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} begin on TSubset{head 11, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.129 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} end=0, 100r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.48KiB,saved=2.48KiB,usage=2.48KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.131 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:123} Compact 19 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 121, product {1 parts epoch 11} done 00000.134 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:133} starting compaction 00000.134 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} starting Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} 00000.134 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} started compaction 21 00000.134 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.136 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} end=0, 110r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.75KiB,saved=2.75KiB,usage=2.75KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.143 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:135} Compact 21 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 133, product {1 parts epoch 12} done 00000.145 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:137} starting Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} 00000.145 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.146 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} end=0, 111r seen, TFwd{fetch=3.03KiB,saved=3.03KiB,usage=3.03KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=1} 00000.147 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:137} suiciding, Waste{2:0, 3735b +(130, 26973b), 136 trc, -26973b acc} 00000.149 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00000.149 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 11 reqs hit {11 18700b} miss {0 0b} 00000.149 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.149 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {13467b, 136}, put {13487b, 137} 00000.150 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {31957b, 146}, put {31957b, 146} 00000.155 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.155 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.155 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.155 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.155 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 87}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:51.220422Z 00000.013 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.014 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.015 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.015 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.015 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.016 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:0} activating executor 00000.024 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: LSnap{1:2, on 2:1, 35b, wait} done, Waste{2:0, 0b +(0, 0b), 0 trc} 00000.029 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} starting compaction 00000.030 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} starting Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} 00000.030 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} started compaction 1 00000.030 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} begin on TSubset{head 2, 1m 0p 0c} 00000.031 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{1 on 101, Compact{1.2.13, eph 1}} end=0, 10r seen, TFwd{fetch=0B,saved=0B,usage=0B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=1}, trace 0 of 0 ~1p 00000.032 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Compact 1 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 0 parts} step 13, product {1 parts epoch 2} done 00000.036 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:25} starting compaction 00000.036 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} starting Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} 00000.036 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} started compaction 3 00000.036 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} begin on TSubset{head 3, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.037 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{3 on 101, Compact{1.2.25, eph 2}} end=0, 20r seen, TFwd{fetch=300B,saved=300B,usage=300B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.041 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:26} Compact 3 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 25, product {1 parts epoch 3} done 00000.045 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:37} starting compaction 00000.045 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:38} starting Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} 00000.045 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:38} started compaction 5 00000.045 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} begin on TSubset{head 4, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.055 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{5 on 101, Compact{1.2.37, eph 3}} end=0, 30r seen, TFwd{fetch=580B,saved=580B,usage=580B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.060 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:39} Compact 5 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 37, product {1 parts epoch 4} done 00000.084 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:49} starting compaction 00000.085 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} starting Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} 00000.085 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} started compaction 7 00000.085 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} begin on TSubset{head 5, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.086 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{7 on 101, Compact{1.2.49, eph 4}} end=0, 40r seen, TFwd{fetch=860B,saved=860B,usage=860B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.087 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:50} Compact 7 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 49, product {1 parts epoch 5} done 00000.091 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:61} starting compaction 00000.091 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} starting Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} 00000.091 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} started compaction 9 00000.091 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} begin on TSubset{head 6, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.092 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{9 on 101, Compact{1.2.61, eph 5}} end=0, 50r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.11KiB,saved=1.11KiB,usage=1.11KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.093 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:62} Compact 9 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 61, product {1 parts epoch 6} done 00000.111 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:73} starting compaction 00000.111 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} starting Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} 00000.111 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} started compaction 11 00000.111 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} begin on TSubset{head 7, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.113 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{11 on 101, Compact{1.2.73, eph 6}} end=0, 60r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.39KiB,saved=1.39KiB,usage=1.39KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.114 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:74} Compact 11 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 73, product {1 parts epoch 7} done 00000.127 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:85} starting compaction 00000.127 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:86} starting Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} 00000.127 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:86} started compaction 13 00000.127 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} begin on TSubset{head 8, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.129 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{13 on 101, Compact{1.2.85, eph 7}} end=0, 70r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.66KiB,saved=1.66KiB,usage=1.66KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.136 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:87} Compact 13 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 85, product {1 parts epoch 8} done 00000.139 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:97} starting compaction 00000.139 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} starting Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} 00000.139 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} started compaction 15 00000.139 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} begin on TSubset{head 9, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.141 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{15 on 101, Compact{1.2.97, eph 8}} end=0, 80r seen, TFwd{fetch=1.93KiB,saved=1.93KiB,usage=1.93KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.142 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:98} Compact 15 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 97, product {1 parts epoch 9} done 00000.147 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:109} starting compaction 00000.148 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:110} starting Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} 00000.148 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:110} started compaction 17 00000.148 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} begin on TSubset{head 10, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.149 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{17 on 101, Compact{1.2.109, eph 9}} end=0, 90r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.21KiB,saved=2.21KiB,usage=2.21KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.151 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:111} Compact 17 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 109, product {1 parts epoch 10} done 00000.155 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:121} starting compaction 00000.156 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:122} starting Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} 00000.156 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:122} started compaction 19 00000.156 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} begin on TSubset{head 11, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.157 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{19 on 101, Compact{1.2.121, eph 10}} end=0, 100r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.48KiB,saved=2.48KiB,usage=2.48KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.159 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:123} Compact 19 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 121, product {1 parts epoch 11} done 00000.172 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:133} starting compaction 00000.172 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} starting Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} 00000.172 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:134} started compaction 21 00000.172 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.176 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{21 on 101, Compact{1.2.133, eph 11}} end=0, 110r seen, TFwd{fetch=2.75KiB,saved=2.75KiB,usage=2.75KiB,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=2}, trace 0 of 0 ~2p 00000.181 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:135} Compact 21 on TGenCompactionParams{101: gen 0 epoch +inf, 1 parts} step 133, product {1 parts epoch 12} done 00000.183 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:137} starting Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} 00000.183 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} begin on TSubset{head 12, 1m 1p 0c} 00000.184 II| TABLET_OPS_HOST: Scan{24 on 101, DummyScan} end=2, 0r seen, TFwd{fetch=0B,saved=0B,usage=0B,after=0B,before=0B}, bio Spent{time=0.000s,wait=0.000s,interrupts=0} 00000.185 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:137} suiciding, Waste{2:0, 3735b +(130, 26973b), 136 trc, -26973b acc} 00000.190 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 2 actors 00000.190 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 10 reqs hit {10 15600b} miss {0 0b} 00000.190 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00000.191 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {13467b, 136}, put {13487b, 137} 00000.191 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {31957b, 146}, put {31957b, 146} 00000.192 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.192 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00000.192 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00000.192 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00000.192 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 87}, stopped >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefix+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefix-EvWrite |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> DataShardWrite::UpsertLostPrepareArbiterRestart [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-1 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-10 >> KqpIndexes::IndexOr [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::IndexFilterPushDown ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TTenantPoolTests::TestForcedSensorLabelsForStaticConfig [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:53.805147Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:41:53.805803Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:41:53.806593Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 14321804027051990432 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:41:53.813587Z node 3 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:41:53.814574Z node 3 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:41:53.814966Z node 3 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011d0/r3tmp/tmp1M0zms/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 18170250331054603609 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-25 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-26 >> KqpIndexes::UniqIndexComplexPkComplexFkOverlap [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::UniqAndNoUniqSecondaryIndexWithCover |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsLeaseTimeout [GOOD] >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsInitialLease >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUpsert2Update [GOOD] >> TColumnShardTestSchema::ExportAfterFail [GOOD] |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::UpdateChannelsBindingSolomonStorageConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::RejectAlterSolomon >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Init [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableSettings [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreVolume >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Serial >> TNodeBrokerTest::ResolveScopeIdForServerless >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableCompactionPolicy |77.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Init [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-2 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-3 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailWrongSchema [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailReadNextAfterSchemeChange >> Cache::Test3 [GOOD] >> Cache::Test4 [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/unittest >> DataShardWrite::UpsertLostPrepareArbiterRestart [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:17.562925Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.563270Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:17.563464Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011e1/r3tmp/tmpnAqkSP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:18.570010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.644606Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:18.703753Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:18.703910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:18.719167Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:18.808620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.872846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:41:18.886282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:41:18.886887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:41:18.887252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:18.981265Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:41:18.987637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:18.987856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:18.989813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:18.989929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:18.989997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:18.990508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:18.990674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:18.990773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:41:19.003122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099389Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:19.099876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100219Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:19.100939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101476Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101739Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.101775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106400Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106728Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:19.106852Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:19.108752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:41:19.108822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.122950Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.123046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:19.123102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:19.123151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:41:19.123229Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315553Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315747Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:19.315932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:41:19.326207Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.326316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:19.326759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:19.326807Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:19.326859Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:1 ... chemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498600Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[6:1001:2817], 1001} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498662Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[6:1001:2817], 1001} sends rowCount# 0, bytes# 0, quota rows left# 18446744073709551615, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551615, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498789Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[6:1001:2817], 1001} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498855Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498891Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498923Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.498957Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.499008Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.499030Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.499075Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:41:54.499109Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:41:54.499203Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:41:54.500179Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [6:1007:2823], Recipient [6:717:2595]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.500241Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.500288Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [6:1006:2822], serverId# [6:1007:2823], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:54.500462Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553169, Sender [6:1005:2821], Recipient [6:717:2595]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvGetInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501317Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [6:1010:2826], Recipient [6:717:2595]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501365Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501401Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [6:1009:2825], serverId# [6:1010:2826], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501578Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [6:1008:2824], Recipient [6:717:2595]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1002 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501732Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037890, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501771Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037890 CompleteEdge# v1001/1000001 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501805Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v4000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501852Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037890 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501951Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.501983Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502010Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502038Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037890 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502085Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:3] at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502117Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502142Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502190Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502218Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037890 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502310Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1002 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502458Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 Complete read# {[6:1008:2824], 1002} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502501Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 read iterator# {[6:1008:2824], 1002} sends rowCount# 0, bytes# 0, quota rows left# 18446744073709551615, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551615, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502601Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 read iterator# {[6:1008:2824], 1002} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502651Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502679Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502704Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502729Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502775Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502796Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502844Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502896Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:41:54.502979Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:41:54.503853Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [6:1014:2830], Recipient [6:713:2593]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.503893Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.503945Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037891, clientId# [6:1013:2829], serverId# [6:1014:2830], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:54.504069Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553169, Sender [6:1012:2828], Recipient [6:713:2593]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvGetInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:41:54.504810Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [6:1017:2833], Recipient [6:713:2593]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.504860Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:54.504903Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037891, clientId# [6:1016:2832], serverId# [6:1017:2833], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505066Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [6:1015:2831], Recipient [6:713:2593]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1003 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505160Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037891, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505201Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037891 CompleteEdge# v1000/281474976715657 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505233Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v4000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505275Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037891 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505336Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505361Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505386Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505412Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037891 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505457Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:2] at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505491Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505537Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505563Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505588Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037891 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505672Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1003 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505795Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 Complete read# {[6:1015:2831], 1003} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:54.505841Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 read iterator# {[6:1015:2831], 1003} sends rowCount# 0, bytes# 0, quota rows left# 18446744073709551615, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551615, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514039Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 read iterator# {[6:1015:2831], 1003} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514183Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514225Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514261Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514295Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037891 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514383Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514413Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514441Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037891 has finished 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514475Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:41:54.514583Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037891 >> TopicService::DifferentConsumers_TheRangesOverlap [GOOD] >> EscapingBasics::EncloseSecretShouldWork [GOOD] >> EscapingBasics::EncloseAndEscapeStringShouldWork [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::SecondaryIndexUpsert2Update [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 62283, MsgBus: 27853 2025-03-11T11:41:30.705858Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515722914918149:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:30.765884Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001254/r3tmp/tmpgMmwXj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:31.607243Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:31.607351Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:31.626372Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:31.628927Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 62283, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:31.889514Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:31.889535Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:31.889542Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:31.889651Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27853 TClient is connected to server localhost:27853 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:33.341250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:33.406308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:33.826858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:34.286664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:34.455458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.667364Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515722914918149:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:35.667435Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.647036Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515752979690869:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:37.647152Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:38.478611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.612455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.695655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.768798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.867816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.939954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.022400Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515761569625987:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.022523Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.023222Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515761569625992:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.027800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.060716Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515761569625995:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.154146Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515761569626050:3468] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.724109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.423721Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:42.553839Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515774454528658:2557], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:2:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestTable/Index/indexImplTable]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:42.554175Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzZkN2MwN2UtZDllYzFjN2UtNWZjYzk1YTYtNTAxNzU4ZjU=, ActorId: [1:7480515765864593630:2501], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5dpgcynn10yv8975ss1h, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:42.607115Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515774454528665:2560], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:17: Error: Required global index not found, index name: WrongView, code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:42.608751Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzZkN2MwN2UtZDllYzFjN2UtNWZjYzk1YTYtNTAxNzU4ZjU=, ActorId: [1:7480515765864593630:2501], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5dse5sv5ta7mqxbef8q4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:43.484013Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:43.934057Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:44.649735Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:45.205864Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:45.236203Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21381, MsgBus: 25967 2025-03-11T11:41:46.181095Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515789346741233:2102];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001254/r3tmp/tmpdDqqLZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:46.253299Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:46.385683Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:46.388721Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:46.388818Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:46.390617Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21381, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:46.658510Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:46.658535Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:46.658543Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:46.658672Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25967 TClient is connected to server localhost:25967 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:47.349379Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:47.358795Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.373054Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:47.466891Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:47.744628Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:47.879302Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.793951Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515806526612139:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:50.794051Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:50.846170Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.886491Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.928003Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.980556Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.030270Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.126961Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.177339Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515789346741233:2102];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:51.177395Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:51.270129Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515810821579957:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:51.270283Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:51.273478Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515810821579962:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:51.303454Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.340294Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515810821579964:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:51.441422Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515810821580026:3458] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:52.800536Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.606927Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:54.334862Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:54.367059Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:54.775018Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:54.818825Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill >> TSchemeShardTest::RejectAlterSolomon [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::SimultaneousDropForceDrop >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreVolumeDuringAlter >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsInitialLease [GOOD] >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsInitialLeaseTimeout >> Cache::Test1 [GOOD] >> Cache::Test2 [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::ResolveScopeIdForServerless [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/unittest >> TColumnShardTestSchema::ExportAfterFail [GOOD] Test command err: FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=9934960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=9934960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6442960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6442960;columns=10; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers=;TTL={Column=saved_at;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=141693832.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=121693832.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=121692632.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.731176Z node 1 :BLOB_CACHE NOTICE: MaxCacheDataSize: 20971520 InFlightDataSize: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:34.861643Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:102;event=initialize_shard;step=OnActivateExecutor; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.898558Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:120;event=initialize_shard;step=initialize_tiring_finished; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.898904Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:40:34.908796Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.909062Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.909338Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.909469Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.909627Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.909762Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.910364Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.910603Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.910740Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.910866Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.910981Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.911133Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.943498Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:40:34.943730Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=columnshard__init.cpp:137;step=TTxUpdateSchema.Execute_Start;details=normalizers_count=11;current_normalizer=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.943822Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=1;type=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944054Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:127;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944256Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944357Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944413Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=2;type=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944518Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=chunks.cpp:139;normalizer=TChunksNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944622Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=2; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944681Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944717Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=4;type=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.944938Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:123;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945070Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=4; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945124Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945163Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=6;type=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945282Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=clean_granule.cpp:133;normalizer=TCleanGranuleIdNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945344Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=6; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945398Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945431Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=8;type=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945519Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945563Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945605Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=9;type=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945658Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945700Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.945734Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=10;type=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946301Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TablesLoadingTime=74; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946412Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetLoadingTime=50; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946513Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TableVersionssLoadingTime=48; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946622Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetVersionsLoadingTime=50; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946830Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946900Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.946944Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=11;type=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947226Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947290Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947335Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=13;type=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947535Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947597Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947632Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=15;type=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:34.947912Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description= ... HARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:167;stage=start;iterator=ready_results:(count:1;records_count:14867;schema=timestamp: timestamp[us];);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.582871Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=plain_read_data.cpp:72;event=DoExtractReadyResults;result=0;count=0;finished=1; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.582916Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:178;stage=limit exhausted;limit=limits:(bytes=0;chunks=0);; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583062Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=actor.cpp:103;event=TEvScanDataAck;info=limits:(bytes=8388608;chunks=1);; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583200Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:167;stage=start;iterator=ready_results:(count:1;records_count:14867;schema=timestamp: timestamp[us];);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583247Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=plain_read_data.cpp:72;event=DoExtractReadyResults;result=0;count=0;finished=1; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583355Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:209;stage=ready result;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;);columns=1;rows=14867; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583409Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:229;stage=data_format;batch_size=118936;num_rows=14867;batch_columns=timestamp; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583558Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:349;event=send_data;compute_actor_id=[1:1269:3278];bytes=118936;rows=14867;faults=0;finished=0;fault=0;schema=timestamp: timestamp[us]; Got TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanData [1:1270:3279]->[1:1269:3278] 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583682Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:247;stage=finished;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583799Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:167;stage=start;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.583905Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:172;stage=scan iterator is finished;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584043Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=actor.cpp:103;event=TEvScanDataAck;info=limits:(bytes=8388608;chunks=1);; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584136Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:167;stage=start;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584223Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;method=produce result;fline=actor.cpp:172;stage=scan iterator is finished;iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584266Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: Scan [1:1270:3279] finished for tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584874Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN INFO: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=actor.cpp:397;event=scan_finish;compute_actor_id=[1:1269:3278];stats={"p":[{"events":["f_bootstrap"],"t":0},{"events":["f_ProduceResults"],"t":0.004},{"events":["l_bootstrap"],"t":0.012},{"events":["f_processing","f_task_result"],"t":0.014},{"events":["l_task_result"],"t":1.003},{"events":["f_ack"],"t":1.004},{"events":["l_ack","l_processing","l_ProduceResults","f_Finish","l_Finish"],"t":1.011}],"full":{"a":1741693314572956,"name":"_full_task","f":1741693314572956,"d_finished":0,"c":0,"l":1741693315584325,"d":1011369},"events":[{"name":"bootstrap","f":1741693314573149,"d_finished":11950,"c":1,"l":1741693314585099,"d":11950},{"a":1741693315584023,"name":"ack","f":1741693315577002,"d_finished":6315,"c":7,"l":1741693315583933,"d":6617},{"a":1741693315584009,"name":"processing","f":1741693314587177,"d_finished":462016,"c":56,"l":1741693315583936,"d":462332},{"name":"ProduceResults","f":1741693314577483,"d_finished":17150,"c":65,"l":1741693315584248,"d":17150},{"a":1741693315584251,"name":"Finish","f":1741693315584251,"d_finished":0,"c":0,"l":1741693315584325,"d":74},{"name":"task_result","f":1741693314587203,"d_finished":454378,"c":49,"l":1741693315576630,"d":454378}],"id":"9437184::7"};iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); 2025-03-11T11:41:55.584965Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=actor.cpp:349;event=send_data;compute_actor_id=[1:1269:3278];bytes=0;rows=0;faults=0;finished=1;fault=0;schema=; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.585472Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN INFO: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=actor.cpp:354;event=scan_finished;compute_actor_id=[1:1269:3278];packs_sum=0;bytes=0;bytes_sum=0;rows=0;rows_sum=0;faults=0;finished=1;fault=0;stats={"p":[{"events":["f_bootstrap"],"t":0},{"events":["f_ProduceResults"],"t":0.004},{"events":["l_bootstrap"],"t":0.012},{"events":["f_processing","f_task_result"],"t":0.014},{"events":["l_task_result"],"t":1.003},{"events":["f_ack"],"t":1.004},{"events":["l_ProduceResults","f_Finish"],"t":1.011},{"events":["l_ack","l_processing","l_Finish"],"t":1.012}],"full":{"a":1741693314572956,"name":"_full_task","f":1741693314572956,"d_finished":0,"c":0,"l":1741693315585007,"d":1012051},"events":[{"name":"bootstrap","f":1741693314573149,"d_finished":11950,"c":1,"l":1741693314585099,"d":11950},{"a":1741693315584023,"name":"ack","f":1741693315577002,"d_finished":6315,"c":7,"l":1741693315583933,"d":7299},{"a":1741693315584009,"name":"processing","f":1741693314587177,"d_finished":462016,"c":56,"l":1741693315583936,"d":463014},{"name":"ProduceResults","f":1741693314577483,"d_finished":17150,"c":65,"l":1741693315584248,"d":17150},{"a":1741693315584251,"name":"Finish","f":1741693315584251,"d_finished":0,"c":0,"l":1741693315585007,"d":756},{"name":"task_result","f":1741693314587203,"d_finished":454378,"c":49,"l":1741693315576630,"d":454378}],"id":"9437184::7"};iterator=ready_results:(count:0;records_count:0;);indexed_data:(ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;;); Got TEvKqpCompute::TEvScanData [1:1270:3279]->[1:1269:3278] 2025-03-11T11:41:55.585568Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=stats.cpp:8;event=statistic;begin=2025-03-11T11:41:54.572464Z;index_granules=0;index_portions=7;index_batches=1260;committed_batches=0;schema_columns=1;filter_columns=0;additional_columns=0;compacted_portions_bytes=10402524;inserted_portions_bytes=0;committed_portions_bytes=0;data_filter_bytes=0;data_additional_bytes=0;delta_bytes=10402524;selected_rows=0; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.585607Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=read_context.h:188;event=scan_aborted;reason=unexpected on destructor; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.585936Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_SCAN INFO: TEST_STEP=3;SelfId=[1:1270:3279];TabletId=9437184;ScanId=0;TxId=18446744073709551615;ScanGen=0;task_identifier=;fline=context.h:82;fetching=ef=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;sharding=(column_ids=;column_names=;);;pk=(column_ids=1,2,3,4;column_names=resource_id,resource_type,timestamp,uid;);;ff=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;program_input=(column_ids=1;column_names=timestamp;);;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=1600;manager.cpp:150 :Tier '/cold' stopped at tablet 9437184 FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=1600;manager.cpp:150 :Tier '/cold' stopped at tablet 9437184 160000/10402332 160000/10402332 160000/10402332 160000/10402524 |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> Cache::Test4 [GOOD] >> EntityId::Order >> EntityId::Order [GOOD] >> EntityId::MinId [GOOD] |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> EscapingBasics::EncloseAndEscapeStringShouldWork [GOOD] >> EscapingBasics::HideSecretsShouldWork [GOOD] >> IssuesTextFiltering::ShouldRemoveDatabasePath [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Init [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::NoDecompressionMemoryLeaks |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> Cache::Test2 [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::ImmediateAndPlannedCommittedOpsRace [GOOD] >> DataShardWrite::PreparedDistributedWritePageFault >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleRestore >> EscapingBasics::HideSecretsOverEncloseSecretShouldWork [GOOD] >> EscapingBasics::EscapeStringShouldWork [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteExistingBigValue [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteEmptyData >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableCompactionPolicy [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableFollowers |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> IssuesTextFiltering::ShouldRemoveDatabasePath [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::ResolveScopeIdForServerless [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:56.639913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:56.639984Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:56.764328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:41:56.833400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> EntityId::MinId [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreVolumeDuringAlter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreCheckVersionInAlter >> TSchemeShardTest::SimultaneousDropForceDrop [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::RejectSystemViewPath >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringSingleShardTableShouldSucceed >> KqpMultishardIndex::SortByPk [GOOD] >> Cache::Test5 |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> EscapingBasics::EscapeStringShouldWork [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate+UseStreamJoin [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CheckItemProgress >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnWrite+UseSink [GOOD] >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnWrite-UseSink >> TopicService::UnknownConsumer >> TFlatExecutorLeases::BasicsInitialLeaseTimeout [GOOD] >> TFlatTableDatetime::TestDate >> TFlatTableDatetime::TestDate [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_Default >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexWriteOverload |77.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_table_writer |77.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_table_writer |77.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/ydb-core-backup-impl-ut_table_writer >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreCheckVersionInAlter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreCheckFillGenerationInAlter |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::WriteTable >> Cache::Test5 [GOOD] >> EntityId::CheckId [GOOD] >> LocalTableWriter::WaitTxIds >> TSchemeShardTest::RejectSystemViewPath [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::SplitKey [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::SplitAlterCopy >> LocalTableWriter::DataAlongWithHeartbeat |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpMultishardIndex::SortByPk [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 14221, MsgBus: 20304 2025-03-11T11:41:36.206767Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515748177734827:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:36.220521Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001230/r3tmp/tmpliuBlA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:37.147828Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:37.213515Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:37.213613Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:37.228651Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:37.230242Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14221, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:37.481872Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.481917Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.481925Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:37.482050Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20304 TClient is connected to server localhost:20304 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:39.289551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.406872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.810847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.130375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.360311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.198201Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515748177734827:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:41.198286Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.779241Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515773947540246:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.779382Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.434819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.473621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.510216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.545057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.626640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.672876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.771244Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515778242508066:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.771345Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.771719Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515778242508071:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.776143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.794352Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515778242508073:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.887744Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515778242508130:3461] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.523356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25585, MsgBus: 2130 2025-03-11T11:41:48.446052Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515801769576131:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:48.446099Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001230/r3tmp/tmpIbGu40/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:48.769164Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:48.831288Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:48.831379Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:48.833765Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25585, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:49.010501Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:49.010526Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:49.010534Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:49.010663Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2130 TClient is connected to server localhost:2130 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:49.653410Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:49.661584Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:49.671880Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:49.828800Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.079526Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.167265Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:53.138293Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515823244414381:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.138422Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.215624Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.263187Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.306679Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.351054Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.387431Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.446601Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515801769576131:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.446687Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.455344Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.551608Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515823244414900:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.551710Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.552020Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515823244414905:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.556283Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.566555Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515823244414907:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.663536Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515823244414962:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.865609Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate+UseStreamJoin [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1765, MsgBus: 18732 2025-03-11T11:41:20.637930Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515679723898169:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:20.638021Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00126e/r3tmp/tmpmk3E5l/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:21.918128Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:21.945053Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:21.963992Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:21.969609Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:22.311033Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:22.318104Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.251097s 2025-03-11T11:41:22.318189Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.251209s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1765, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:22.374423Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:22.377529Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:23.305252Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.305273Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.305286Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:23.314404Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18732 TClient is connected to server localhost:18732 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:25.146121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.641914Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515679723898169:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:25.642010Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:25.671352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:26.551997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.748511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:26.831533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:27.220136Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515709788670822:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.220250Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:28.461232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.513380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.560822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.638743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.695015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:28.805398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.020971Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718378606026:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.021056Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.045441Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718378606032:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.052363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:29.070052Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515718378606034:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:29.203081Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515718378606088:3470] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:32.754940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.854185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:32.897406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:37.162090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:37.162131Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 5396, MsgBus: 25850 2025-03-11T11:41:39.088223Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515761246378956:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.135526Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00126e/r3tmp/tmpl69fkA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:39.369507Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:39.406852Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:39.406937Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:39.411123Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5396, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:39.454389Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.454411Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.454418Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.454522Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25850 TClient is connected to server localhost:25850 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:39.960365Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:39.966222Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:39.972230Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.060890Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.245941Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.394446Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:43.900572Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515778426249771:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.900673Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.969606Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.036360Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.087161Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515761246378956:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:44.087370Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:44.101725Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.175723Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.215050Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.257950Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.313732Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515782721217583:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.313813Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.314035Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515782721217588:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.317178Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.328442Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515782721217590:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.406105Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515782721217644:3446] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:46.506005Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.595828Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.701362Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.764979Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715674:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:46.870830Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:47.000241Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715676:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:54.365991Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:54.366020Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> EntityId::CheckId [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-10 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-11 >> LocalTableWriter::ConsistentWrite >> LocalTableWriter::ApplyInCorrectOrder >> TSchemeShardTest::AssignBlockStoreCheckFillGenerationInAlter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreVolumeLimits >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadNoUnnecessaryDependencies [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadWithConcurrentWrites >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AllTypesColumns >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared-Volatile+BreakLocks [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared+Volatile+BreakLocks >> TExportToS3Tests::CheckItemProgress [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelledExportEndTime >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-26 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-27 >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableFollowers [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterPersQueueGroup >> LocalTableWriter::SupportedTypes >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_Default [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Serial [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Crossed >> TSchemeShardTest::SplitAlterCopy [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicReserveSize >> SplitterBasic::LimitExceed [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobs [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheBeginning >> SplitterBasic::EqualSplitByMaxBytesLimitPerChunk [GOOD] >> SplitterBasic::EqualSplitByMaxRowsLimitPerChunk [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-3 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-4 >> EntityId::Distinct [GOOD] >> EntityId::MaxId [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeOneByOne [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeChunk5 |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> SplitterBasic::LimitExceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelledExportEndTime [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::Checksums |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> SplitterBasic::EqualSplitByMaxRowsLimitPerChunk [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreVolumeLimits [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreNonreplVolumeLimits |77.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/unittest >> EntityId::MaxId [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponCreatingExportDirShouldSucceed >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_False >> TExportToS3Tests::DropCopiesBeforeTransferring1 >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefix-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixLeftBorder+EvWrite >> LocalTableWriter::WaitTxIds [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldOmitNonStrictStorageSettings >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringSingleShardTableShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringMultiShardTableShouldSucceed |77.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPersQueueTest::SetupLockSession [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadCreateAndDestroyMsgs >> LocalTableWriter::DataAlongWithHeartbeat [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreNonreplVolumeLimits [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreSystemVolumeLimits >> LocalTableWriter::ConsistentWrite [GOOD] >> KqpUniqueIndex::UpdateFkPkOverlap [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::Checksums [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::Changefeeds >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailReadNextAfterSchemeChange [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailReadNextAfterSchemeChangeExhausted >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicReserveSize [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicWithAutopartitioningReserveSize >> LocalTableWriter::WriteTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::WaitTxIds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:59.411310Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515846200763693:2213];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:59.411370Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00188c/r3tmp/tmpAOumeH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:59.966034Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:59.972886Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:59.972988Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:59.977755Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:19639 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26875, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:00.318491Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.318512Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.318520Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.318647Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19639 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:00.898303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:00.914117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693321032 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.035035Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515854790698842:2354] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.035388Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.035665Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.035712Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515854790698842:2354] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.036068Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.041304Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 10 TxId: 0 } TxId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.041452Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 48 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.041620Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515854790698845:2353] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:01.041673Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.041760Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515854790698845:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 1 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.046885Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515854790698845:2353] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.046956Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.047011Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.036898Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 20 TxId: 0 } TxId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.037017Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 2 BodySize: 49 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.037132Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515854790698845:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 2 Group: 0 Step: 11 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.042666Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515854790698845:2353] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:02.042764Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.042809Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515854790698841:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [2] } >> LocalTableWriter::SupportedTypes [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_False [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_EnableLocalDBFlatIndex_False >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponCreatingExportDirShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponCopyingTablesShouldSucceed >> DataShardWrite::PreparedDistributedWritePageFault [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::DataAlongWithHeartbeat [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:59.541784Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515847635898198:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:59.542884Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001873/r3tmp/tmp8elPF5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:00.103123Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:00.103308Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:00.109747Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:00.126471Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:16161 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10768, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:00.387738Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.387765Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.387778Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.387897Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16161 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:00.847171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:00.871087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:00.880149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693321018 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.073129Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515856225833502:2352] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.073433Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.073718Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.073767Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515856225833502:2352] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.074235Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 19b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.092476Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 10 TxId: 0 } TxId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.092659Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 48 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.092790Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515856225833505:2351] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:01.092842Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.092902Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515856225833505:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 1 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.102834Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515856225833505:2351] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.102925Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.102983Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515856225833501:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::ConsistentWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:00.067655Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515852851153559:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:00.068081Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001868/r3tmp/tmprCHXOm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:00.653574Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:00.653727Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:00.655640Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:00.676270Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:22086 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6661, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:01.062758Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.062780Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.062786Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.062882Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22086 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:01.486047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:01.510594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693321655 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.710328Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515857146121336:2294] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.710699Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.710948Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.710983Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515857146121336:2294] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.715679Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 3 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.735454Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 10 TxId: 0 } TxId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.735684Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 48 },{ Order: 2 BodySize: 48 },{ Order: 3 BodySize: 48 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.735861Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:01.735916Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.736019Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 1 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b },{ Order: 2 Group: 0 Step: 2 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b },{ Order: 3 Group: 0 Step: 3 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.746573Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.746653Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.746714Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1,2,3] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.750042Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 19b Offset: 4 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.754074Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 5 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 6 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 7 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 8 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.754503Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 20 TxId: 0 } TxId: 2 } VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 30 TxId: 0 } TxId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.754602Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 5 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 6 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 7 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 8 BodySize: 49 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.754753Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 5 Group: 0 Step: 11 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 6 Group: 0 Step: 12 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 7 Group: 0 Step: 21 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 8 Group: 0 Step: 22 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.766020Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.766094Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.766147Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [5,6,7,8] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.766646Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 9 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 10 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.766809Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 9 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 10 BodySize: 49 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.767052Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 9 Group: 0 Step: 13 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 10 Group: 0 Step: 23 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.774511Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515857146121431:2354] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.774589Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.774625Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [9,10] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.775037Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515857146121428:2354] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 19b Offset: 11 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } >> TExportToS3Tests::RebootDuringCompletion >> TExportToS3Tests::DropCopiesBeforeTransferring1 [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CorruptedDyNumber >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-27 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-28 >> LocalTableWriter::ApplyInCorrectOrder [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-11 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-12 >> KqpIndexes::IndexFilterPushDown [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::SupportedTypes [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:00.648199Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515852360526293:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:00.648261Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001836/r3tmp/tmpiKNX11/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:01.172967Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:01.173067Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:01.174574Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:01.179481Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:27601 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19632, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:01.550904Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.550934Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.550943Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.551125Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27601 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:01.989456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:02.012493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:02.017000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693322124 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "int32_value" Type: "Int32" TypeId: 1 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "ui... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:02.161038Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515860950461354:2292] 2025-03-11T11:42:02.161359Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.161657Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.161694Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515860950461354:2292] 2025-03-11T11:42:02.163304Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 3 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 4 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 41b Offset: 5 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 41b Offset: 6 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 7 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 44b Offset: 8 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 66b Offset: 9 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 71b Offset: 10 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 72b Offset: 11 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 12 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 13 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 51b Offset: 14 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 58b Offset: 15 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 51b Offset: 16 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 54b Offset: 17 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 57b Offset: 18 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 76b Offset: 19 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 20 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 54b Offset: 21 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 61b Offset: 22 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 51b Offset: 23 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 45b Offset: 24 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 46b Offset: 25 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 47b Offset: 26 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 50b Offset: 27 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 28 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 72b Offset: 29 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 57b Offset: 30 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 64b Offset: 31 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.164183Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 2 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 3 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 4 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 5 BodySize: 41 },{ Order: 6 BodySize: 41 },{ Order: 7 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 8 BodySize: 44 },{ Order: 9 BodySize: 66 },{ Order: 10 BodySize: 71 },{ Order: 11 BodySize: 72 },{ Order: 12 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 13 BodySize: 48 },{ Order: 14 BodySize: 51 },{ Order: 15 BodySize: 58 },{ Order: 16 BodySize: 51 },{ Order: 17 BodySize: 54 },{ Order: 18 BodySize: 57 },{ Order: 19 BodySize: 76 },{ Order: 20 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 21 BodySize: 54 },{ Order: 22 BodySize: 61 },{ Order: 23 BodySize: 51 },{ Order: 24 BodySize: 45 },{ Order: 25 BodySize: 46 },{ Order: 26 BodySize: 47 },{ Order: 27 BodySize: 50 },{ Order: 28 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 29 BodySize: 72 },{ Order: 30 BodySize: 57 },{ Order: 31 BodySize: 64 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.164657Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515860950461449:2351] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:02.164693Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.165241Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515860950461449:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 2 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 3 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 4 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 5 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 41b },{ Order: 6 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 41b },{ Order: 7 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 8 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 44b },{ Order: 9 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 66b },{ Order: 10 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 71b },{ Order: 11 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 72b },{ Order: 12 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 13 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b },{ Order: 14 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 51b },{ Order: 15 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 58b },{ Order: 16 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 51b },{ Order: 17 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 54b },{ Order: 18 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 57b },{ Order: 19 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 76b },{ Order: 20 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 21 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 54b },{ Order: 22 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 61b },{ Order: 23 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 51b },{ Order: 24 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 45b },{ Order: 25 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 46b },{ Order: 26 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 47b },{ Order: 27 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 50b },{ Order: 28 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 29 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 72b },{ Order: 30 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 57b },{ Order: 31 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 64b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.227507Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515860950461449:2351] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:02.227574Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.227643Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515860950461445:2351] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31] } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::WriteTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:59.343751Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515846783790199:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:59.343811Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00189e/r3tmp/tmpKn48JA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:59.908260Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:59.908452Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:59.926615Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:59.958206Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:10498 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8171, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:00.415136Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.415177Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.415183Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:00.415318Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10498 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:01.031903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:01.082652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:01.086372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693321326 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.414409Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515855373725412:2293] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.414738Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.415013Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.415100Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515855373725412:2293] 2025-03-11T11:42:01.426180Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 36b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 36b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 36b Offset: 3 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.426451Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 36 },{ Order: 2 BodySize: 36 },{ Order: 3 BodySize: 36 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.426658Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515855373725511:2353] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:01.426708Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.426795Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515855373725511:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 36b },{ Order: 2 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 36b },{ Order: 3 Group: 0 Step: 0 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 36b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.436346Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515855373725511:2353] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:01.436450Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:01.436504Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515855373725505:2353] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1,2,3] } >> TSchemeShardTest::BlockStoreSystemVolumeLimits [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableWithCompactionStrategies ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpUniqueIndex::UpdateFkPkOverlap [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12767, MsgBus: 27497 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00121e/r3tmp/tmpB8XbQb/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:39.255928Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.381376Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:39.472896Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:39.473009Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:39.475901Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12767, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:39.708163Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.708193Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.708204Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:39.708331Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27497 TClient is connected to server localhost:27497 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:40.867851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.882974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.901831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.141489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.421692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:41.526194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.471649Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515777612170231:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.471751Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.796206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.889431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.956689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.011194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.068071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.145882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.240613Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515781907138047:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.240699Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.240955Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515781907138052:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.245665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.266592Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515781907138054:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.339878Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515781907138108:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.651695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11811, MsgBus: 17527 2025-03-11T11:41:50.811958Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515807770102951:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:50.812013Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00121e/r3tmp/tmpR9FQV5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:51.060091Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:51.079723Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:51.079835Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:51.081610Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11811, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:51.294453Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.294479Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.294494Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.294633Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17527 TClient is connected to server localhost:17527 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:52.089981Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:52.102241Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:52.129539Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:52.257488Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:52.471464Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:52.581072Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:54.761290Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515824949973885:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.761425Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.828577Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:54.888210Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:54.940405Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:54.995465Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.069010Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.138496Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.184550Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515829244941701:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.184630Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.184895Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515829244941706:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.189079Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.198819Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515829244941708:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.304208Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515829244941762:3448] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.814104Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515807770102951:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.814175Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:56.439522Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldOmitNonStrictStorageSettings [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldExcludeBackupTableFromStats >> TExportToS3Tests::DropSourceTableBeforeTransferring >> TExportToS3Tests::UidAsIdempotencyKey >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-4 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-5 >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_EnableLocalDBFlatIndex_False [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_False_EnableLocalDBFlatIndex_False ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_write/unittest >> DataShardWrite::PreparedDistributedWritePageFault [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:16.717348Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:41:16.717678Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:16.717880Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0011cd/r3tmp/tmpEidjuN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:17.249960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:17.372877Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:17.439903Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:17.440049Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:17.455348Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:17.558669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:17.649547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:41:17.659065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:41:17.659596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:41:17.659935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:17.725009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:41:17.725973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:17.726131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:17.728944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:41:17.742789Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924684Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924870Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924927Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:41:17.924986Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925248Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925825Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:41:17.925870Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936423Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936527Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936937Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:41:17.936982Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:17.937084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942207Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942621Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.942668Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943024Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943242Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:17.943342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:17.945082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:41:17.945141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.958052Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:17.958141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:41:17.958191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:41:17.958234Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:41:17.958328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:41:18.131767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:18.131846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:18.131903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132383Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132535Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132656Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:41:18.132715Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:41:18.162238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.162363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:18.162774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:18.162831Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:18.162882Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:41:1 ... 75186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.430642Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:04.430719Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:42:04.430987Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1234567890011 at step 3500 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 1234567890011 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 3500 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431055Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431616Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [7:808:2665], Recipient [7:808:2665]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431672Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431764Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431840Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431890Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.431949Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3500:1234567890011] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432018Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432075Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432131Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432183Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit LoadWriteDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432243Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432674Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Parsing write transaction for 1234567890011 at 72075186224037888, record: Operations { Type: OPERATION_UPSERT TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } ColumnIds: 1 ColumnIds: 2 PayloadIndex: 0 PayloadFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } TxId: 1234567890011 TxMode: MODE_PREPARE Locks { Op: Commit } 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432791Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Table /Root/table, shard: 72075186224037888, write point (Int32 : 1) 2025-03-11T11:42:04.432874Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Int32 : 1) table: [72057594046644480:2:1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433100Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadWriteDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded writeOp from db 3500:1234567890011 keys extracted: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433183Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433227Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit LoadWriteDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433261Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433291Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433365Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:1234567890011] is the new logically complete end at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433424Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:1234567890011] is the new logically incomplete end at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433474Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433531Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433558Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433596Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433630Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433679Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433705Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433732Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreAndSendWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433759Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreAndSendWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433789Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433817Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreAndSendWriteOutRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433843Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PrepareWriteTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433870Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit PrepareWriteTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433931Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433957Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit PrepareWriteTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.433981Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434006Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434039Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434064Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434089Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434137Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434184Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Executing write operation for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434584Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Tablet 72075186224037888 is not ready for [3500:1234567890011] execution 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434686Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: tx 1234567890011 at 72075186224037888 released its data 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434749Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Restart 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434787Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434837Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434891Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:04.434941Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.435544Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.435617Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.435683Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Executing write operation for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436097Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Parsing write transaction for 1234567890011 at 72075186224037888, record: Operations { Type: OPERATION_UPSERT TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } ColumnIds: 1 ColumnIds: 2 PayloadIndex: 0 PayloadFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } TxId: 1234567890011 TxMode: MODE_PREPARE Locks { Op: Commit } 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436197Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Table /Root/table, shard: 72075186224037888, write point (Int32 : 1) 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436260Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Int32 : 1) table: [72057594046644480:2:1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436398Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: tx 1234567890011 at 72075186224037888 restored its data 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436641Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Executed write operation for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888, row count=1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436714Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Lock 1234567890001 marked broken at v{min} 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436841Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: add locks to result: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436933Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:04.436998Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437047Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompleteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437096Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437393Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437434Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompleteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437486Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437550Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437595Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437652Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437699Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437747Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437795Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.437845Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:04.441784Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.442790Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:42:04.450407Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:04.450520Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:1234567890011] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteWrite 2025-03-11T11:42:04.450633Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete write [3500 : 1234567890011] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [7:801:2659] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.450727Z node 7 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicWithAutopartitioningReserveSize [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_table_writer/unittest >> LocalTableWriter::ApplyInCorrectOrder [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:00.210360Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515852435357102:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:00.210859Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00184a/r3tmp/tmpJ25eHI/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:00.956961Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:00.962105Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:00.962514Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:00.974861Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:8187 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64035, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:01.386434Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.386454Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.386460Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:01.386564Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8187 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:01.990442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:02.011280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693322236 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:02.366000Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handshake: worker# [1:7480515861025292175:2294] 2025-03-11T11:42:02.366355Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.366658Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Access: 0 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.366696Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Send handshake: worker# [1:7480515861025292175:2294] 2025-03-11T11:42:02.367182Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 1 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.378177Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 10 TxId: 0 } TxId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.378327Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 BodySize: 48 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.378498Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515861025292275:2355] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvGetProxyServicesResponse 2025-03-11T11:42:02.378537Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.378613Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515861025292275:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 1 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.394300Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515861025292275:2355] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:02.394401Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.394465Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [1] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.399293Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NService::TEvWorker::TEvData { Source: TestSource Records [{ Codec: RAW Data: 49b Offset: 2 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 48b Offset: 3 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: },{ Codec: RAW Data: 19b Offset: 4 SeqNo: 0 CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z MessageGroupId: ProducerId: }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.406076Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimrReplication.TEvTxIdResult VersionTxIds { Version { Step: 20 TxId: 0 } TxId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.406271Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRequestRecords { Records [{ Order: 2 BodySize: 49 },{ Order: 3 BodySize: 48 }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.406456Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515861025292275:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 2 Group: 0 Step: 11 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 49b },{ Order: 3 Group: 0 Step: 2 TxId: 0 Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 48b }] } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.434044Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TablePartitionWriter][72057594046644480:2:1][72075186224037888][1:7480515861025292275:2355] Handle NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvApplyReplicationChangesResult Status: STATUS_OK 2025-03-11T11:42:02.434140Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:42:02.434181Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [LocalTableWriter][OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2][1:7480515861025292270:2355] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [2,3] } |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::Changefeeds [GOOD] >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate-UseStreamJoin [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CorruptedDyNumber [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CompletedExportEndTime |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::IndexFilterPushDown [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 62332, MsgBus: 31930 2025-03-11T11:41:33.523164Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515736585677734:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:33.523700Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001242/r3tmp/tmp3RxwgN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:34.372616Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:34.376102Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:34.376201Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:34.396496Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 62332, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:34.753994Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.754018Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.754027Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.754142Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31930 TClient is connected to server localhost:31930 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:35.838454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.895008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:35.916850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.228756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.584178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:36.752986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.512190Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515736585677734:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:38.526613Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.816841Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515762355483152:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.816983Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.314625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.376136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.473569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.530208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.592047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.645718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.746016Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515766650450968:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.746101Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.749230Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515766650450973:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.753051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.778423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.779518Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515766650450978:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.858545Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515766650451033:3458] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.146450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.951070Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515775240386223:2531], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
:3:46: Error: mismatched input 'VIEW' expecting {'(', DEFAULT, DISCARD, FROM, PROCESS, REDUCE, SELECT, VALUES} 2025-03-11T11:41:42.951448Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTNjMTI4YjEtMzFiNTY4MmEtODIwM2E4N2ItM2FmMDA4N2M=, ActorId: [1:7480515775240385909:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5e4pdexyycwdp448dq5q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:42.984033Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515775240386238:2533], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
:3:46: Error: mismatched input 'VIEW' expecting {'(', DEFAULT, DISCARD, FROM, PROCESS, REDUCE, SELECT, VALUES} 2025-03-11T11:41:42.985371Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTNjMTI4YjEtMzFiNTY4MmEtODIwM2E4N2ItM2FmMDA4N2M=, ActorId: [1:7480515775240385909:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5e5y34m28c6takv24q9x, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:43.013503Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515779535353538:2535], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
:3:41: Error: mismatched input 'VIEW' expecting {ON, SET} 2025-03-11T11:41:43.014183Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTNjMTI4YjEtMzFiNTY4MmEtODIwM2E4N2ItM2FmMDA4N2M=, ActorId: [1:7480515775240385909:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5e6y5rdyma8dxz1xfvw3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:43.045073Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515779535353542:2537], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
:3:46: Error: mismatched input 'VIEW' expecting {, ';'} 2025-03-11T11:41:43.046419Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTNjMTI4YjEtMzFiNTY4MmEtODIwM2E4N2ItM2FmMDA4N2M=, ActorId: [1:7480515775240385909:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5e7f0t6zkq6xmht41nam, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7060, MsgBus: 29211 2025-03-11T11:41:44.529994Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515780389527525:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:44.532617Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001242/r3tmp/tmpOO9gKv/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:44.717035Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:44.733358Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:44.733465Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:44.735444Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7060, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:44.829042Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:44.82 ... undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:49.268616Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:49.389955Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515801864366301:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:49.390090Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:49.390425Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515801864366306:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:49.395725Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:49.418394Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515801864366308:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:49.486474Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515801864366363:3451] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:49.538001Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515780389527525:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:49.538090Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:51.353977Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.520649Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:51.632601Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26745, MsgBus: 28009 2025-03-11T11:41:55.322477Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480515829472332099:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.322539Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001242/r3tmp/tmpt7hoei/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:55.536271Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:55.540140Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:55.540238Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:55.542524Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26745, node 3 2025-03-11T11:41:55.586534Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.586560Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.586570Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.586691Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28009 TClient is connected to server localhost:28009 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.180985Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:56.206125Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:56.220657Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.298555Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.508155Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.576063Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:59.442056Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515846652203056:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.442184Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.538626Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.587397Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.631549Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.711061Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.781822Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.841913Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.939580Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515846652203575:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.939694Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.939956Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515846652203580:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.945656Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.963935Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480515846652203582:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.041042Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480515850947170933:3447] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.326234Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480515829472332099:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:00.326350Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:42:01.458494Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:01.572562Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:01.672342Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TColumnShardTestSchema::RebootExportAfterFail [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableWithCompactionStrategies [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental-false >> TExportToS3Tests::RebootDuringCompletion [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::RebootDuringAbortion >> DemoTx::Scenario_3 [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteSessionWithValidTokenAndACEAndThenRemoveACEAndSendWriteRequest_SessionClosedWithUnauthorizedErrorAfterSuccessfullWriteResponse [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_MultipleInflightWriteUpdateTokenRequestWithDifferentValidToken_SessionClosedWithOverloadedError >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceCommitOffsetBadOffsets [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceReadBudget |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadBadCases [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadStop >> TableWriter::Restore [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::TopicWithAutopartitioningReserveSize [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:46.862971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:46.863045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:41:46.863394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:47.041713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:47.041776Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:47.073533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:47.074072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:47.074278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.088579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:47.088919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:47.089592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.089980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.098339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.099799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.099876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.099983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:47.100027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:47.100068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:47.100294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.115154Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:41:47.288690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.288964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.289223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:47.294774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.294894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.299657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.299846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:41:47.300123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.300216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.300269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:47.300305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:47.303047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.303126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.303166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:47.305985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.306048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.306111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.306178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.310195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:47.312730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:47.313201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:41:47.314435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.314603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.314663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.314952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:47.315258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.315448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.315583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:47.318979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:47.319049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:47.319089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:47.319123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:47.321937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.322068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:47.322107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... oseTransactionResult, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, shard: 72075186233409546, left await: 2, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.360956Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:42:06.360990Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364177Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409549, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364367Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364451Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364520Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, shard: 72075186233409549, left await: 1, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364564Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:42:06.364597Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374413Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409552, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374601Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409552 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374668Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409552 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374714Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:7, shard: 72075186233409552, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374746Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:42:06.374972Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:06.375250Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 9 2025-03-11T11:42:06.376063Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.376253Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.376360Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.380473Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.380636Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.391426Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.392078Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.392123Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.392586Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.392648Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [13:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393097Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393156Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393398Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393532Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393600Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393662Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393741Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393821Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393915Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.393970Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.394252Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 10 2025-03-11T11:42:06.394328Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 104, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.394417Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396306Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396430Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396476Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396536Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396605Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 9 2025-03-11T11:42:06.396764Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.415885Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.449218Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:06.449298Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.449881Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.450033Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:06.450089Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [13:1477:3275] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 2025-03-11T11:42:06.450719Z node 13 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.450925Z node 13 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Topic1" took 258us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:06.451508Z node 13 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 4 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409547 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 2 TotalGroupCount: 6 PartitionPerTablet: 1 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 13 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 19 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY PartitionStrategy { MinPartitionCount: 1 MaxPartitionCount: 7 PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409546 Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 1 ChildPartitionIds: 2 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "A" } Status: Inactive ParentPartitionIds: 0 ChildPartitionIds: 3 ChildPartitionIds: 4 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409549 KeyRange { FromBound: "A" } Status: Inactive ParentPartitionIds: 0 ChildPartitionIds: 5 } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409550 KeyRange { ToBound: "0" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409551 KeyRange { FromBound: "0" ToBound: "A" } Status: Inactive ParentPartitionIds: 1 ChildPartitionIds: 5 } Partitions { PartitionId: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409552 KeyRange { FromBound: "0" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 2 ParentPartitionIds: 4 } AlterVersion: 4 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409547 NextPartitionId: 6 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 494 AccountSize: 494 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 6 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::UidAsIdempotencyKey [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::UserSID >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_False_EnableLocalDBFlatIndex_False [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_Generations ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_schema/unittest >> TColumnShardTestSchema::RebootExportAfterFail [GOOD] Test command err: FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=9934960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=9934960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6442960;columns=10; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6442960;columns=10; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers=;TTL={Column=saved_at;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=141693822.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=121693822.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; WaitEmptyAfter=0;Tiers={{Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=121692622.000000s;Name=cold;Codec=};};TTL={Column=timestamp;EvictAfter=0.000000s;Name=;Codec=}; 2025-03-11T11:40:32.924508Z node 1 :BLOB_CACHE NOTICE: MaxCacheDataSize: 20971520 InFlightDataSize: 0 2025-03-11T11:40:33.046295Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:102;event=initialize_shard;step=OnActivateExecutor; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.069115Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:120;event=initialize_shard;step=initialize_tiring_finished; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.069373Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:40:33.077285Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.077525Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.077761Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.077882Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078043Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078157Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078257Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078378Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078481Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078593Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078692Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.078787Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127219Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127398Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=columnshard__init.cpp:137;step=TTxUpdateSchema.Execute_Start;details=normalizers_count=11;current_normalizer=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127464Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=1;type=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127648Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:127;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127841Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127911Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.127956Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=2;type=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128071Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=chunks.cpp:139;normalizer=TChunksNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128140Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=2; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128182Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128211Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=4;type=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128401Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:123;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128464Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=4; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128501Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128546Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=6;type=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128657Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=clean_granule.cpp:133;normalizer=TCleanGranuleIdNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128707Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=6; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128751Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128779Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=8;type=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128843Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128877Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128904Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=9;type=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128949Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.128982Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129008Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=10;type=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129407Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TablesLoadingTime=61; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129502Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetLoadingTime=46; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129581Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TableVersionssLoadingTime=31; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129698Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetVersionsLoadingTime=57; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.129993Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130061Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130098Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=11;type=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130310Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130360Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130391Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=13;type=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130534Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130574Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130606Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=15;type=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:40:33.130878Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description= ... 25-03-11T11:42:06.578547Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:column_engines;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:finishLoadingTime=357; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.578607Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:column_enginesLoadingTime=37528; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.587754Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:insert_tableLoadingTime=8769; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.598726Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init/insert_table;fline=common_data.cpp:29;InsertTableLoadingTime=9451; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.598899Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:insert_tableLoadingTime=10954; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.599142Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:tx_controllerLoadingTime=144; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.599301Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:tx_controllerLoadingTime=86; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.599476Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:operations_managerLoadingTime=114; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.599656Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:operations_managerLoadingTime=120; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.610723Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:storages_managerLoadingTime=10946; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625167Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:storages_managerLoadingTime=14258; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625372Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:long_txLoadingTime=66; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625505Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:long_txLoadingTime=56; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625573Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:db_locksLoadingTime=10; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625628Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:db_locksLoadingTime=11; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625683Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:bg_sessionsLoadingTime=8; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625781Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:bg_sessionsLoadingTime=54; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.625843Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:sharing_sessionsLoadingTime=7; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626027Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:sharing_sessionsLoadingTime=99; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626102Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:in_flight_readsLoadingTime=10; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626197Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:in_flight_readsLoadingTime=48; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626325Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;PRECHARGE:tiers_managerLoadingTime=74; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626609Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;load_stage_name=EXECUTE:composite_init;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:tiers_managerLoadingTime=232; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626667Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;event=initialize_shard;fline=common_data.cpp:29;EXECUTE:composite_initLoadingTime=94773; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.626882Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: Index: tables 1 inserted {blob_bytes=0;raw_bytes=0;count=0;records=0} compacted {blob_bytes=0;raw_bytes=0;count=0;records=0} s-compacted {blob_bytes=0;raw_bytes=0;count=0;records=0} inactive {blob_bytes=20801572;raw_bytes=32169208;count=11;records=320000} evicted {blob_bytes=10402524;raw_bytes=16084646;count=7;records=160000} at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:42:06.627027Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];process=SwitchToWork;fline=columnshard.cpp:77;event=initialize_shard;step=SwitchToWork; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.627120Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];process=SwitchToWork;fline=columnshard.cpp:80;event=initialize_shard;step=SignalTabletActive; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.627217Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];process=SwitchToWork;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1620;event=OnTieringModified;path_id=NO_VALUE_OPTIONAL; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.642751Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];process=SwitchToWork;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:495;event=OnTieringModified;new_count_tierings=1; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643105Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:515;event=EnqueueBackgroundActivities;periodic=0; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643186Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:785;event=start_indexation_tasks;insert_overload_size=0; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643284Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:243;event=StartCleanup;portions_count=3; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643360Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:285;event=StartCleanupStop;snapshot=plan_step=999700009;tx_id=18446744073709551615;;current_snapshot_ts=1000000003; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643415Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:318;event=StartCleanup;portions_count=3;portions_prepared=0;drop=0;skip=0;portions_counter=0;chunks=0;limit=0;max_portions=1000;max_chunks=500000; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643477Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1065;background=cleanup;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643525Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1097;background=cleanup;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.643638Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1006;background=ttl;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.644420Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Complete;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:785;event=start_indexation_tasks;insert_overload_size=0; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.644532Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;self_id=[1:1971:3872];tablet_id=9437184;parent=[1:1933:3841];fline=manager.cpp:82;event=ask_data;request=request_id=104;1={portions_count=18};; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.645820Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NActors::TEvents::TEvWakeup;fline=columnshard.cpp:253;event=TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup::MANUAL;tablet_id=9437184; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646304Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;fline=columnshard.cpp:242;event=TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646346Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: Send periodic stats. 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646376Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: Disabled periodic stats at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646441Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:515;event=EnqueueBackgroundActivities;periodic=0; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646526Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:785;event=start_indexation_tasks;insert_overload_size=0; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646601Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:243;event=StartCleanup;portions_count=3; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646683Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:285;event=StartCleanupStop;snapshot=plan_step=999700009;tx_id=18446744073709551615;;current_snapshot_ts=1000000003; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646750Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:318;event=StartCleanup;portions_count=3;portions_prepared=0;drop=0;skip=0;portions_counter=0;chunks=0;limit=0;max_portions=1000;max_chunks=500000; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646815Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1065;background=cleanup;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646863Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1097;background=cleanup;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.646973Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup;tablet_id=9437184;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1006;background=ttl;skip_reason=no_changes; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.656789Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NOlap::NDataAccessorControl::TEvAskTabletDataAccessors;consumer=ANALYZE;event=TTxAskPortionChunks::Execute;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1456;size=18;path_id=1; 2025-03-11T11:42:06.659031Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: TEST_STEP=3;tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:1933:3841];ev=NKikimr::NOlap::NDataAccessorControl::TEvAskTabletDataAccessors;consumer=ANALYZE;event=TTxAskPortionChunks::Execute;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1507;stage=finished; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=1600;manager.cpp:150 :Tier '/cold' stopped at tablet 9437184 FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=1600;manager.cpp:150 :Tier '/cold' stopped at tablet 9437184 160000/10402332 160000/10402332 160000/10402332 160000/10402524 >> TExportToS3Tests::DropSourceTableBeforeTransferring [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::DropCopiesBeforeTransferring2 |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TableWriter::Restore [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterPersQueueGroup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterPersQueueGroupWithKeySchema >> BuildStatsHistogram::Five_Five_Crossed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_2_Levels >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringMultiShardTableShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringSingleTableShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringManyTablesShouldSucceed |77.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::JoinWithNonPKColumnsInPredicate-UseStreamJoin [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20039, MsgBus: 27143 2025-03-11T11:41:37.220497Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515753651838546:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.220956Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001227/r3tmp/tmpHSYuiu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:38.181374Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:38.273169Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:38.295237Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:38.297246Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:38.312769Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20039, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:38.585480Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.585504Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.585513Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:38.585642Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27143 TClient is connected to server localhost:27143 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:39.929236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.022928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.277851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.629045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.781306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:42.201128Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515753651838546:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.201221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:43.204309Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515779421643975:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.204472Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.682666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.736811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.839297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.903718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:43.958087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.026633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.134072Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515783716611797:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.134186Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.134631Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515783716611802:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.139478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:44.161126Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515783716611804:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.221395Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515783716611860:3462] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:45.529566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7903, MsgBus: 23010 2025-03-11T11:41:48.357597Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515800004598113:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:48.357657Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001227/r3tmp/tmpap1Kfn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:48.696223Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:48.696335Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:48.699921Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:48.714140Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7903, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:48.943028Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:48.943053Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:48.943062Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:48.943185Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23010 TClient is connected to server localhost:23010 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:49.805740Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:49.833329Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:49.947884Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.218299Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.377800Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:53.334251Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515821479436371:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.334398Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.357916Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515800004598113:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.360878Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.382461Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.463312Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.503479Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.549825Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.590594Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.643422Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.725321Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515821479436888:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.725468Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.725917Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515821479436893:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.730123Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:53.755660Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515821479436895:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.845177Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515821479436951:3447] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.191392Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.244872Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.338575Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.419129Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710674:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.511180Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.566589Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710676:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.655747Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:03.655780Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_2_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_2_Levels_3_Buckets [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_1_Level |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TableWriter::Backup [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::Changefeeds [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:41:58.907905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:58.980741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:58.980803Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:59.004320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:59.005002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:59.005188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.022233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:59.022508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.023312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.023720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.027684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:59.029755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.038404Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:41:59.217379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.217656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.217932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.218178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.218250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:59.223718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:59.226038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.226100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.226160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:59.228497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.228549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.228614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.228683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.232273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:59.234399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:59.234604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:41:59.235671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.235829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.235899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.236226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:59.236288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.236492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.236575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.238953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.239993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:59.240030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.240059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:59.242722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.242913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.242954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 7594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.867356Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir ProgressState, opId: 281474976710761:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.867429Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.867594Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710761 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:06.868247Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.868332Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.868381Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.868420Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:42:06.868465Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.869684Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.869765Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.869798Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.869828Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:42:06.869852Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.878116Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:06.881146Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:06.881340Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710761, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.881387Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:06.881434Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710761, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.882582Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710761:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710761 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:06.882702Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710761, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:06.887124Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710761 at step: 5000010 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000010 State->FrontStep: 5000009 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710761 at step: 5000010 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888380Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000010, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888514Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710761 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000010 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888576Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 281474976710761:0, step: 5000010, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888723Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 281474976710761:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888800Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710761:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888841Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888920Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710761:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.888960Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889028Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889107Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889142Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889207Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889248Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710761:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889314Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710761:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889407Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889454Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976710761, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889493Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710761, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 12 2025-03-11T11:42:06.889545Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710761, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:06.890902Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897058Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897132Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897292Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897427Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897472Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.897529Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: 9 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.898281Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.898388Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.898431Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.898491Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 12 2025-03-11T11:42:06.898543Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899342Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899414Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 9 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899438Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899463Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899494Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 9] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899568Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.899609Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [4:123:2149] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.902543Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910158Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910326Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910397Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910472Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910501Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:06.910536Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710761, id# 105, itemIdx# 4294967295 2025-03-11T11:42:06.917089Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:06.917213Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:06.917287Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [4:1386:3176] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_1_Level [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Single_Small_0_Levels [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Mixed_Groups_History >> DataShardReadIterator::TryCommitLocksPrepared+Volatile+BreakLocks [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldRollbackLocksWhenWrite >> KqpIndexes::UniqAndNoUniqSecondaryIndexWithCover [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::UserSID [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::TablePermissions >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::LocalSnapshotReadWithConcurrentWrites [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::Bug_7674_IteratorDuplicateRows >> TExportToS3Tests::CompletedExportEndTime [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ChecksumsWithCompression >> TExportToS3Tests::RebootDuringAbortion [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportStartTime |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/unittest >> TableWriter::Backup [GOOD] >> DemoTx::Scenario_4 >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterPersQueueGroupWithKeySchema [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterBlockStoreVolume >> TDynamicNameserverTest::TestCacheUsage |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TSchemeShardTest::BackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::BackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental-true >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponCopyingTablesShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::AuditCompletedExport >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeChunk5 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeChunk7 >> BuildStatsHistogram::Mixed_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Serial_Groups_History >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-12 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-13 |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentTxs >> TTenantPoolTests::TestStateStatic >> TExportToS3Tests::DropCopiesBeforeTransferring2 [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportIndexTablePartitioningSettings |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpIndexes::UniqAndNoUniqSecondaryIndexWithCover [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11880, MsgBus: 1404 2025-03-11T11:41:35.804759Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515744127647279:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:35.804814Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001239/r3tmp/tmpnZAvPw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:36.511834Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:36.546820Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:36.546942Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:36.551381Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11880, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:36.918150Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.918172Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.918182Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:36.918317Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:1404 TClient is connected to server localhost:1404 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:38.057797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.099044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:38.126293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.366654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.717201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:38.916496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:40.802272Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515744127647279:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:40.827634Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:42.100805Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515774192419945:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.100941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.442254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.492742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.555926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.604715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.653531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.706262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.775164Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515774192420458:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.775254Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.775486Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515774192420463:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.780182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:42.810929Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515774192420465:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:42.914628Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515774192420525:3459] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:44.531953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:45.806870Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:47.294061Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:48.257861Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5jdj47nejd029zq4cn3p, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:48.296259Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, ActorId: [1:7480515782782355402:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5jdj47nejd029zq4cn3p, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:49.781057Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:51.179104Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5mwn95k85xatsvz9fy8s, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:51.179406Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, ActorId: [1:7480515782782355402:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5mwn95k85xatsvz9fy8s, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:51.324887Z node 1 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:41:51.505389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:51.505431Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:51.843692Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515812847127381:2669], TxId: 281474976710706, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=. TraceId : 01jp2g5paxa4macydn7yf0brvn. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:41:51.866126Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515812847127382:2670], TxId: 281474976710706, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g5paxa4macydn7yf0brvn. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [1:7480515812847127378:2497], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:41:51.866846Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, ActorId: [1:7480515782782355402:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5paxa4macydn7yf0brvn, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:53.187115Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5px2ddh99pn9e8pw2mxg, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:53.187380Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDd ... 0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g5r5g9d7c1xmqytp6s3xs, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:41:54.576104Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY1NDdiMTYtN2FjM2E2NzgtYTU5ZjAyNDItYWIwNGRkNjc=, ActorId: [1:7480515782782355402:2497], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5r5g9d7c1xmqytp6s3xs, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25945, MsgBus: 63860 2025-03-11T11:41:55.525306Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515830538271303:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:55.525363Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001239/r3tmp/tmpmpm3Hl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:55.782574Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:55.798127Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:55.798431Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:55.800920Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25945, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:55.882652Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.882679Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.882688Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.882824Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:63860 TClient is connected to server localhost:63860 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:56.509505Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.538426Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.602261Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.828025Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:56.910713Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:59.603402Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515847718142254:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.603510Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:59.651124Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.695032Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.738983Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.789501Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.872541Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.970977Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:00.071053Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515852013110073:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.071180Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.071777Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515852013110079:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.076910Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:00.094909Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515852013110081:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.192430Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515852013110135:3450] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:00.525996Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515830538271303:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:00.526073Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:42:01.711664Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:04.775920Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g61zxdnydthtsab23dd15, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:42:04.776239Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=, ActorId: [2:7480515856308077698:2492], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g61zxdnydthtsab23dd15, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:42:05.456465Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515873487947527:2580], TxId: 281474976715679, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2g63ftfm5481ps8gzj1jsg. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:42:05.457079Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515873487947528:2581], TxId: 281474976715679, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2g63ftfm5481ps8gzj1jsg. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:7480515873487947524:2492], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:42:05.457362Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=, ActorId: [2:7480515856308077698:2492], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g63ftfm5481ps8gzj1jsg, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:42:06.730981Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [0:0:0] TxId: 0. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g6455130n7rxx0zpvqdn5, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. TKqpLiteralExecuter, TKqpEnsure failed. 2025-03-11T11:42:06.731295Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTcwMTdmYmQtYTMyMGQ4NDQtYTk4NWEwOGEtYzgyNDlkZDQ=, ActorId: [2:7480515856308077698:2492], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g6455130n7rxx0zpvqdn5, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:42:06.774547Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:42:06.834854Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:42:06.874387Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:42:08.114586Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:42:08.207500Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill 2025-03-11T11:42:08.242679Z node 2 :READ_TABLE_API WARN: ForgetAction occurred, send TEvPoisonPill >> TNodeBrokerTest::FixedNodeId |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::TablePermissions [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportStartTime [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportPartitioningSettings |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldPreserveIncrBackupFlag >> TExportToS3Tests::ChecksumsWithCompression [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnSingleShardTable >> TopicService::UnknownConsumer [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SameOffset [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationsTest >> TFlatTableExecutor_BTreeIndex::EnableLocalDBBtreeIndex_True_Generations [GOOD] >> TFlatTableExecutorGC::TestGCVectorDeduplicaton [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixLeftBorder+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixLeftBorder-EvWrite >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-28 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-29 >> TLocalTests::TestRemoveTenantWhileResolving >> BuildStatsHistogram::Serial_Groups_History [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Benchmark >> TTenantPoolTests::TestStateStatic [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions >> TDynamicNameserverTest::TestCacheUsage [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-5 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-6 >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSimpleDeadline |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TTenantPoolTests::TestStateStatic [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::AuditCompletedExport [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::AuditCancelledExport ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::TestCacheUsage [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:10.384292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:10.384401Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldFailReadNextAfterSchemeChangeExhausted [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::NoErrorOnFinalACK >> TPersQueueTest::Cache [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CacheHead >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenantWhileResolving >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportIndexTablePartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::EnableChecksumsPersistance >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentTxs [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentExport >> TLocalTests::TestRemoveTenantWhileResolving [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::TablePermissions [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:07.045793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:07.046209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.137844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:07.138129Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:07.155235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.155772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.155931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.175091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.175300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.175981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.176237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.179744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.189348Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.380174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.380458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.380688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.380913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.380976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.387563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.387732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:07.387954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.388018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.388057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:07.388099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:07.396210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.396393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.396466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:07.398665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.398723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.398780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.398837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.402371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:07.406499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:07.406793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:07.410234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.410442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.410499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.410812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:07.410910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.411114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.411217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.415630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.415693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.415924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.415982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.416813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:07.419767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.419898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.419936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... HEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:10.331746Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.331878Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.331916Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710759:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.331997Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.332117Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409547 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710759 MinStep: 5000005 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:10.333679Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710759:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710759 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:10.333783Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409547 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:10.334129Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.334219Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710759 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 12884904043 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.334293Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000005, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.334420Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:42:10.334540Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:61474 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 48FB1E1D-7A0A-4FBB-A5C7-FB639879EF1F amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 73 content-md5: q/ySd5GvS6I/qOVxS/4Thg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 73 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:10.424059Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.424116Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:42:10.424378Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.424417Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: 4 2025-03-11T11:42:10.424989Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.425055Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426036Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426119Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426149Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426181Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426213Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:10.426288Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true REQUEST: PUT /permissions.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:61474 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 7252A25A-12E4-41C5-8D1C-7277956E3F05 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 137 content-md5: WeIr3D5bqIjvqMGEjx2JrA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /permissions.pb / / 137 2025-03-11T11:42:10.429483Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:61474 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 45487CB6-33E4-4034-85A3-2EB60F4456A3 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 355 content-md5: 4DhJNWgTpoG3PVvZ0uCHUA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 355 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:61474 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: F9B68DCA-EA71-4592-AE1B-98F72CA185AB amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-md5: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / / 0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.451996Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 450 RawX2: 12884904307 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452058Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452189Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 450 RawX2: 12884904307 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452302Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 450 RawX2: 12884904307 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452396Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976710759:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452440Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452483Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976710759:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452529Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:10.452700Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 281474976710759:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:10.454844Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455160Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455202Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455310Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455340Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455376Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455405Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455436Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455496Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [3:122:2148] message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455536Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455596Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455628Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.455726Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:10.457689Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.457757Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.459948Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:10.460010Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [3:481:2442] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TopicService::UnknownTopic >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportPartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::SingleDomainModeBannedIds >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions [GOOD] |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ChecksumsWithCompression [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:03.911865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:03.911976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:03.912613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.036660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:04.036727Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:04.059319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.059815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.059965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.073551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.073775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.074580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.074847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.079866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.081609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.081696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.081813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.082018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.082096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.082367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.090485Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.271578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.271860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.272062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.272281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.272343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.279549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.279725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:04.279959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.280056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.280094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:04.280149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.282983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.283060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.283118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:04.285868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.285973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.286029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.286094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.290222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:04.292798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:04.293127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:04.294257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.294420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.294473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.294793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:04.294858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.295067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.295147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.297834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.297944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.298884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.301395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.301520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.301568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... el: 0 TxId: 281474976710759 MinStep: 5000005 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:10.601370Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710759:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710759 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:10.601480Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409547 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:10.602042Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.602159Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710759 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.602213Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000005, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.602354Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:42:10.602480Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 22DAE0F7-80CB-45AA-8278-47E8731AAF43 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 73 content-md5: a9Su4FHJt26Hhw4HV0+Ocg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 73 2025-03-11T11:42:10.648053Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.648151Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:42:10.648390Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.648438Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:42:10.649013Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.649061Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: E504736A-6D9C-4C0B-B739-00028F32466D amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 78 content-md5: 5v+lOCwt7SV92xRPjSiuqQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json.sha256 / / 78 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660059Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660205Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660252Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660293Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660353Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:10.660466Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710759 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: A1BFDCBB-2E07-4A7A-B9CF-0453D0A47280 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 355 content-md5: 4DhJNWgTpoG3PVvZ0uCHUA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 355 2025-03-11T11:42:10.670593Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 457D00D3-5404-4FDC-9831-980EA881B013 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 74 content-md5: NWNhlq1fHKxcSj+x5Xq9NQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb.sha256 / / 74 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: D7865F00-0B97-4878-B92E-90A5C54FBF3C amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 27 content-md5: CTqKvdXJPw0OgRdlsoR71Q== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / / 27 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:19460 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 7EC421AC-741A-4D8E-BFBD-F4B7490432FE amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 76 content-md5: gmOXObjloPe2DGxtDsgfpg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.sha256 / / 76 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704149Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 17179871595 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704245Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704467Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 17179871595 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704623Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 17179871595 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704703Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976710759:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704751Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704801Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976710759:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.704862Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:10.705070Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 281474976710759:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:10.707779Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708196Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708255Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708420Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708455Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708493Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708524Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708562Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708642Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [4:123:2149] message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708697Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708749Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708780Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:10.708904Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:10.716099Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.716203Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:10.727825Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:10.727913Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [4:473:2434] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TSchemeShardTest::AdoptDropSolomon >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSimpleDeadline [GOOD] >> TDynamicNameserverTest::BasicFunctionality |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::WriteEmptyData [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteNonExistingPartition >> BuildStatsHistogram::Benchmark [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Many_Mixed >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldPreserveIncrBackupFlag [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldRestartOnScanErrors |77.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TLocalTests::TestRemoveTenantWhileResolving [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnSingleShardTable [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenantWhileResolving [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::FixedNodeId [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSimpleDeadline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:12.228866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:12.228941Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TFlatTableExecutorGC::TestGCVectorDeduplicaton [GOOD] Test command err: Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 2050b 40r} data 2167b + FlatIndex{1} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 2050b (0, 1) | 0 39 2050b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 0 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2050 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{0} Label{04 rev 1, 2050b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 2}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 2}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_2} | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 3}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 3}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_3} | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 4}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 4}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 3750b 40r} data 2915b + FlatIndex{7} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 3 0 620b (0, 1) | 3 39 620b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 3 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 620 GroupDataSize: 3130 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{3} Label{34 rev 1, 620b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 5129b 40r} data 5373b + FlatIndex{3} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 1 0 2466b (0, 1) | 1 39 2466b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 1 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2466 GroupDataSize: 2663 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{1} Label{14 rev 1, 2466b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 0}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 0}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_0} | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 1}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 1}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_1} | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 2}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 2}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_2} | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 3}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 3}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_3} | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 4}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 4}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_4} | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 5}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 5}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_5} | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 6}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 6}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_6} | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 7}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 7}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_7} | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 8}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 8}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_8} | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 9}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 9}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_9} | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 10}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 10}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_10} | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 11}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 11}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_11} | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 12}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 12}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_12} | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 13}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 13}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_13} | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 14}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 14}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_14} | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 15}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 15}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_15} | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 16}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 16}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_16} | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 17}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 17}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_17} | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 18}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 18}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_18} | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 19}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 19}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_19} | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 20}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 20}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_20} | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 21}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 21}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_21} | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 22}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 22}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_22} | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 23}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 23}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_23} | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 24}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 24}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_24} | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 25}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 25}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_25} | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 26}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 26}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_26} | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 27}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 27}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_27} | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 28}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 28}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_28} | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 29}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 29}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_29} | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 30}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 30}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_30} | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 31}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 31}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_31} | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 32}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 32}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_32} | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) {Set 2 Uint32 : 33}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 33}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_33} | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) {Set 2 Uint32 : 34}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 34}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_34} | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) {Set 2 Uint32 : 35}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 35}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_35} | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) {Set 2 Uint32 : 36}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 36}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_36} | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) {Set 2 Uint32 : 37}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 37}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_37} | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) {Set 2 Uint32 : 38}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 38}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_38} | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) {Set 2 Uint32 : 39}, {Set 3 Uint64 : 39}, {Set 4 String : xxxxxxxxxx_39} Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 8474b 40r} data 6832b + FlatIndex{15} Label{3 rev 3, 64b} 2 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 7 0 1036b (0, 1) | 7 39 1036b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{Empty, PageId: 7 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 1036 GroupDataSize: 7438 ErasedRowCount: 0 LevelCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 + Rows{7} Label{74 rev 1, 1036b}, [0, +40)row | ERowOp 1: (0, 1) | ERowOp 1: (0, 3) | ERowOp 1: (0, 4) | ERowOp 1: (0, 6) | ERowOp 1: (0, 7) | ERowOp 1: (0, 8) | ERowOp 1: (0, 10) | ERowOp 1: (1, 1) | ERowOp 1: (1, 3) | ERowOp 1: (1, 4) | ERowOp 1: (1, 6) | ERowOp 1: (1, 7) | ERowOp 1: (1, 8) | ERowOp 1: (1, 10) | ERowOp 1: (2, 1) | ERowOp 1: (2, 3) | ERowOp 1: (2, 4) | ERowOp 1: (2, 6) | ERowOp 1: (2, 7) | ERowOp 1: (2, 8) | ERowOp 1: (2, 10) | ERowOp 1: (3, 1) | ERowOp 1: (3, 3) | ERowOp 1: (3, 4) | ERowOp 1: (3, 6) | ERowOp 1: (3, 7) | ERowOp 1: (3, 8) | ERowOp 1: (3, 10) | ERowOp 1: (4, 1) | ERowOp 1: (4, 3) | ERowOp 1: (4, 4) | ERowOp 1: (4, 6) | ERowOp 1: (4, 7) | ERowOp 1: (4, 8) | ERowOp 1: (4, 10) | ERowOp 1: (5, 1) | ERowOp 1: (5, 3) | ERowOp 1: (5, 4) | ERowOp 1: (5, 6) | ERowOp 1: (5, 7) Slices{ [0,39] } Part{[1:2:3:0:0:0:0] eph 0, 2430b 40r} data 4017b + FlatIndex{20} Label{3 rev 3, 558b} 21 rec | Page Row Bytes (Uint32, Uint32) | 0 0 120b (0, 1) | 1 2 120b (0, 4) | 2 4 120b (0, 7) | 3 6 120b (0, 10) | 4 8 120b (1, 3) | 5 10 122b (1, 6) | 6 12 122b (1, 8) | 7 14 122b (2, NULL) | 8 16 122b (2, 4) | 9 18 122b (2, 7) | 10 20 122b (2, 10) | 11 22 122b (3, 3) | 12 24 122b (3, 6) | 13 26 122b (3, 8) | 14 28 122b (4, NULL) | 15 30 122b (4, 4) | 16 32 122b (4, 7) | 17 34 122b (4, 10) | 18 36 122b (5, 3) | 19 38 122b (5, 6) | 19 39 122b (5, 7) + BTreeIndex{PageId: 21 RowCount: 40 DataSize: 2430 ErasedRowCount: 0} Label{13 rev 1, 976b} | PageId: 0 RowCount: 2 DataSize: 120 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 4) | PageId: 1 RowCount: 4 DataSize: 240 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 7) | PageId: 2 RowCount: 6 DataSize: 360 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (0, 10) | PageId: 3 RowCount: 8 DataSize: 480 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 3) | PageId: 4 RowCount: 10 DataSize: 600 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 6) | PageId: 5 RowCount: 12 DataSize: 722 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > (1, 8) | PageId: 6 RowCount: 14 DataSize: 844 ErasedRowCount: 0 | > ... EReason: ReasonDemotedByBlobStorage, SuggestedGeneration: 0, KnownGeneration: 2, Details: Got VPutResult status# BLOCKED from VDiskId# [0:1:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS31 2025-03-11T11:41:57.459579Z node 13 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{9437184:2:5} suiciding, Waste{2:0, 130b +(0, 0b), 4 trc, -0b acc} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.590198Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{9437184:3:0} activating executor 2025-03-11T11:41:57.590686Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: LSnap{9437184:3, on 3:1, 94b, wait} done, Waste{2:0, 130b +(0, 0b), 3 trc} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.590868Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInitSchema} queued, type NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInitSchema 2025-03-11T11:41:57.590943Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInitSchema} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591131Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{2, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInit} queued, type NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInit 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591195Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{2, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInit} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591282Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInitSchema} hope 1 -> done Change{3, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591348Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInitSchema} release 4194304b of static, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591792Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{2, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInit} hope 1 -> done Change{3, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.591859Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} Tx{2, NKikimr::NTabletFlatExecutor::NTestSuiteTFlatExecutorLeases::TLeasesTablet::TTxInit} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.622012Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 9437184 Active! Generation: 3, Type: Dummy started in 501msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:41:57.625941Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:1:0:0:72:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.626043Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:1:1:28672:94:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.626167Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 9437184 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 3:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:41:57.626265Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:2} commited cookie 2 for step 1 2025-03-11T11:41:57.680276Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:2:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.680497Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:3} commited cookie 8 for step 2 2025-03-11T11:41:57.746792Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:3:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.746978Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:4} commited cookie 8 for step 3 2025-03-11T11:41:57.883004Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:4:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.883182Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:5} commited cookie 8 for step 4 2025-03-11T11:41:57.929308Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:5:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.929483Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:6} commited cookie 8 for step 5 2025-03-11T11:41:57.975936Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:6:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:57.976090Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:7} commited cookie 8 for step 6 2025-03-11T11:41:58.040529Z node 14 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [9437184:3:7:0:0:41:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999018} 2025-03-11T11:41:58.040712Z node 14 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{9437184:3:8} commited cookie 8 for step 7 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:58.535110Z 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:41:58.577954Z 00000.009 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00001.951 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00001.952 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 353 reqs hit {1164 6970614b} miss {0 0b} 00001.952 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00001.952 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {199554b, 2023} 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2023431b, 4}, put {7269821b, 2026} 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00001.953 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:42:00.555951Z 00000.008 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00002.060 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00002.061 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 353 reqs hit {1164 6970614b} miss {0 0b} 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {199554b, 2023} 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2023431b, 4}, put {7269821b, 2026} 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00002.062 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:42:02.642258Z 00000.010 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00002.045 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00002.047 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 299 reqs hit {1012 6947830b} miss {0 0b} 00002.047 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00002.047 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {199545b, 2023} 00002.047 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2007010b, 4}, put {7211269b, 2026} 00002.048 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.048 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.048 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00002.048 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00002.048 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:42:04.761417Z 00000.008 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.011 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00001.948 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00001.949 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 353 reqs hit {1164 6970614b} miss {0 0b} 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {199554b, 2023} 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2013604b, 4}, put {7237892b, 2026} 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00001.950 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:42:06.737765Z 00000.008 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.008 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00001.614 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00001.616 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 299 reqs hit {1012 6947830b} miss {0 0b} 00001.616 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00001.616 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {199548b, 2023} 00001.616 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2007005b, 4}, put {7211300b, 2026} 00001.617 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.617 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00001.617 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00001.617 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00001.617 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:42:08.370714Z 00000.009 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.009 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.010 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00002.815 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00002.816 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 651 reqs hit {780 4008302b} miss {1002 6916040b} 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {2023570b, 4}, put {9254517b, 2039} 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {42b, 1}, put {200307b, 2033} 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 4 actors, spent 0.000s 00002.817 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 15}, stopped |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TLocalTests::TestAddTenantWhileResolving [GOOD] |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::FixedNodeId [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:11.444047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:11.444107Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TSchemeShardTest::BackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental-true [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::EnableChecksumsPersistance [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::AuditCancelledExport [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AdoptDropSolomon [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableAndAfterSplit >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringManyTablesShouldSucceed [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ExportPartitioningSettings [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:05.993725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:05.994224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:06.079895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:06.079962Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:06.098182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:06.098704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:06.098877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.115551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:06.115803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.116592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.116897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.129600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.130768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.130827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.130894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:06.130931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.130973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:06.131196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.138067Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.280682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.280903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.281106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.281337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.281404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:06.284788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.288240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.288315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.288404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:06.293058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.293148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.293215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.293274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.297572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:06.300577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:06.300807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.302874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.303017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.312791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.312862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:06.313998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:06.316874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.317024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:06.317062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 57594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.110129Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir ProgressState, opId: 281474976710761:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.110212Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.110367Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710761 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:12.111210Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.111307Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.111338Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.111369Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 10 2025-03-11T11:42:12.111413Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113302Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113399Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113429Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113465Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113500Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:12.113583Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:12.116013Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:12.116233Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710761, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.116309Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:12.116368Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710761, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.117406Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710761:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710761 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:12.117514Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710761, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118258Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710761 at step: 5000007 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000007 State->FrontStep: 5000006 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710761 at step: 5000007 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118602Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000007, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118717Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710761 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000007 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118769Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 281474976710761:0, step: 5000007, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118900Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 281474976710761:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.118978Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710761:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119021Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119078Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710761:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119122Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119186Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119281Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119330Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710761, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119389Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710761 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119448Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710761:0 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119507Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710761:0 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119597Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119648Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976710761, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119689Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710761, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 11 2025-03-11T11:42:12.119734Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710761, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:12.120986Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122391Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122439Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122583Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122723Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122772Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.122816Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, path id: 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.123571Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.123661Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.123699Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.123752Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:42:12.123811Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124425Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124507Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124534Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124561Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124598Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124673Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710761, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:12.124720Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [4:123:2149] 2025-03-11T11:42:12.127745Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.127980Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.128053Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.128106Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.128151Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:42:12.128180Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710761 2025-03-11T11:42:12.128224Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710761, id# 102, itemIdx# 4294967295 2025-03-11T11:42:12.129878Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:12.129994Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:12.130049Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [4:611:2568] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::ExtendLeaseRestartRace |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::SingleDomainModeBannedIds [GOOD] |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentExport [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentImport |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnManyTables >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissNoDeadline |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::BackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental-true [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:48.540989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:48.541086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:41:48.553248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:48.707112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:48.707205Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:48.723017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:48.723529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:48.723797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.741197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:48.741499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:48.742214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.742553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.746500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.747946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.748018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.748143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:48.748192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:48.748249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:48.748494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:48.762896Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:41:49.002672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.002975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.003209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:49.003486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.003543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.007746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.007903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:41:49.008162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.008234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.008287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:49.008325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:49.011326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.011432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.011474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:49.014948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.015005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.015062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.015134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.019422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:49.023883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:49.024112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:41:49.025340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.025500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.025558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.025859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:49.025951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.026171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.026261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.031972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:49.032380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:49.035365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.035479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:49.035538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 32 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 18 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__incremental_backup" Value: "{}" } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 31 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.335797Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.336024Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA" took 246us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:13.336413Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 29 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 28 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 8 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 8 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 7 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "DirB" PathId: 30 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 29 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table2" PathId: 32 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 29 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 32 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 18 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 29 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.337511Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/Table2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.337863Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/Table2" took 369us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:13.338332Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/Table2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table2" PathId: 32 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 29 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table2" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value0" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value1" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_incrBackupImpl_deleted" Type: "Bool" TypeId: 6 Id: 4 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 32 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 18 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__incremental_backup" Value: "{}" } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 32 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.339603Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.339887Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB" took 303us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:13.340378Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirB" PathId: 30 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 29 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table3" PathId: 33 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 30 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 32 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 18 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 30 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.341696Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB/Table3" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.342099Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB/Table3" took 428us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:13.342609Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/.backups/collections/MyCollection1/19700101000000Z_incremental/DirA/DirB/Table3" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table3" PathId: 33 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 109 CreateStep: 5000010 ParentPathId: 30 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table3" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value0" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_incrBackupImpl_deleted" Type: "Bool" TypeId: 6 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 32 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 18 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__incremental_backup" Value: "{}" } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 33 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::SingleDomainModeBannedIds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:13.079434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:13.079525Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:13.212001Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host3:1001: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:13.240651Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host4:1001: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:13.255265Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node ID is banned 2025-03-11T11:42:14.094270Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host4:1001: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:14.120515Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host4:1001: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldRestartOnScanErrors [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldRetryAtFinalStage >> TNodeBrokerTest::DoNotReuseDynnodeIdsBelowMinDynamicNodeId ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::AuditCancelledExport [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:124:2150] sender: [1:126:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:03.705849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:03.706236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:03.836706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:03.836777Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:03.876515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:03.877815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:03.879568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.893137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:03.893450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:03.894244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.895386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.900976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.902627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.902712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.903088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:03.903161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:03.903253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:03.903380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:03.910069Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:124:2150] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.109737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.110097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.110361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.110613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.110708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.118327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.118618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:04.118976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.119062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.119104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:04.119153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.122436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.122508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.122567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:04.124924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.124982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.125032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.125085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.129189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:04.131789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:04.132015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:04.133289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.133516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 4294969452 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.133586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.133923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:04.134005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.134445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.134552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.137961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.138591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.140802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.140956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.141003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... chemeOpBackup Backup { TableName: "0" NumberOfRetries: 0 S3Settings { Endpoint: "localhost:6609" Scheme: HTTP Bucket: "" ObjectKeyPattern: "" AccessKey: "" SecretKey: "" StorageClass: STORAGE_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED UseVirtualAddressing: true } Table { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 1 } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } NeedToBill: true SnapshotStep: 0 SnapshotTxId: 0 EnableChecksums: false EnablePermissions: false } Internal: true } TxId: 281474976710759 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.486979Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TBackup Propose, path: /MyRoot/export-102/0, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.487126Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:13.487498Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710759:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.487562Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpBackup, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488944Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion export in-flight, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489006Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.491621Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710759, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710759 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.492091Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710759, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: BACKUP TABLE, path: /MyRoot/export-102/0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.492484Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976710759, status# StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:13.492579Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710759 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.493020Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.493107Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxBackup, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.493170Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:13.493215Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.495787Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProposeCancelTx Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TargetTxId: 281474976710759 TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:42:13.495867Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Execute cancel tx: opId# 102:0, target opId# 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.496396Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.496449Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TBackup TConfigurePart ProgressState, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.496639Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Propose backup to datashard 72075186233409547 txid 281474976710759:0 at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.499814Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProposeCancelTx Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.500104Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.500149Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TBackup TConfigurePart ProgressState, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.500369Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Propose backup to datashard 72075186233409547 txid 281474976710759:0 at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.500960Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvCancelTxResult: Cookie: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.501082Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: Status: StatusAccepted Result: "Cancelled at SchemeShard" TargetTxId: 281474976710759 TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:42:13.501779Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710759:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409547 cookie: 72057594046678944:2 msg type: 269549568 2025-03-11T11:42:13.501959Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:42:13.509161Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710759:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409547 cookie: 72057594046678944:2 msg type: 269549568 2025-03-11T11:42:13.509943Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:13.510011Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [4:569:2528] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 AUDIT LOG buffer(7): 2025-03-11T11:42:12.538050Z: component=schemeshard, tx_id=1, remote_address={none}, subject={none}, sanitized_token={none}, database={none}, operation=ALTER DATABASE, paths=[//MyRoot], status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:12.591317Z: component=schemeshard, tx_id=101, remote_address={none}, subject={none}, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=CREATE TABLE, paths=[/MyRoot/Table], status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:13.041139Z: component=schemeshard, id=102, uid=foo, remote_address=, subject=user@builtin, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=EXPORT START, status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=SUCCESS, export_type=s3, export_item_count=1, export_s3_bucket={none}, export_s3_prefix={none} 2025-03-11T11:42:13.052446Z: component=schemeshard, tx_id=281474976710757, remote_address={none}, subject={none}, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=CREATE DIRECTORY, paths=[/MyRoot/export-102], status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:13.089193Z: component=schemeshard, tx_id=281474976710758, remote_address={none}, subject={none}, sanitized_token={none}, database={none}, operation=CREATE TABLE COPY FROM, paths=[/MyRoot/export-102/0], status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:13.491830Z: component=schemeshard, tx_id=281474976710759, remote_address={none}, subject={none}, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=BACKUP TABLE, paths=[/MyRoot/export-102/0], status=SUCCESS, detailed_status=StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:42:13.501365Z: component=schemeshard, id=102, uid=foo, remote_address=, subject=user@builtin, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=EXPORT END, status=ERROR, detailed_status=CANCELLED, reason=Cancelled manually, export_type=s3, export_item_count=1, export_s3_bucket={none}, export_s3_prefix={none}, start_time=2025-03-11T11:42:12.583032Z, end_time=2025-03-11T11:42:42.635032Z AUDIT LOG checked line: 2025-03-11T11:42:13.501365Z: component=schemeshard, id=102, uid=foo, remote_address=, subject=user@builtin, sanitized_token={none}, database=/MyRoot, operation=EXPORT END, status=ERROR, detailed_status=CANCELLED, reason=Cancelled manually, export_type=s3, export_item_count=1, export_s3_bucket={none}, export_s3_prefix={none}, start_time=2025-03-11T11:42:12.583032Z, end_time=2025-03-11T11:42:42.635032Z >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleRestore [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-13 [GOOD] >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleBackupBackupCollection+WithIncremental >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-14 |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexWriteOverload [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameExpiration ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::EnableChecksumsPersistance [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.046894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.046986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:07.047600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.124038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:07.124097Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:07.146917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.147435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.147585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.174184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.174424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.175077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.175374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.180771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.181989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.182069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.182185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:07.182246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.182297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:07.182470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.190750Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.313240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.313515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.313752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.313997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.314059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.316669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.316826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:07.317098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.317172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.317215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:07.317270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:07.319617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.319685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.319733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:07.322147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.322214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.322278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.322329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.326284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:07.330148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:07.330403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:07.331695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.331861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.331947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.332245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:07.332306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.332541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.332630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.334962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.335963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:07.336006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.336071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:07.339113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.339240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.339279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... TOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409547 for txId: 281474976710759 at step: 5000005 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [4:562:2517] sender: [4:630:2058] recipient: [4:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.425060Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.425239Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710759 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.425341Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000005, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.425503Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:42:13.425709Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000005 REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 308CEF1E-5736-417C-880E-CCE14555D4EE amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 73 content-md5: a9Su4FHJt26Hhw4HV0+Ocg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 73 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.440880Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.440943Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.441291Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.441358Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:611:2555], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, path id: 4 2025-03-11T11:42:13.441772Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.441842Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: AD20DD84-F060-47BF-8CE1-1AF008371561 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 78 content-md5: 5v+lOCwt7SV92xRPjSiuqQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json.sha256 / / 78 2025-03-11T11:42:13.442621Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.442741Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.442784Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.442853Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710759, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.442909Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:13.443003Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 1F622977-B08C-4B20-836A-BCCE3EB53A33 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 355 content-md5: 4DhJNWgTpoG3PVvZ0uCHUA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 355 2025-03-11T11:42:13.451052Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710759 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: CF2195AC-C7B4-4C1C-8951-A3050829B7B5 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 74 content-md5: NWNhlq1fHKxcSj+x5Xq9NQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb.sha256 / / 74 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 3A66A25A-5395-47C4-AFCC-0D0D0285172D amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 30 content-md5: wztA6/fCcYCMKR0jw2GMNw== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / / 30 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.sha256 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:10240 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: B83D3CB0-E5A5-4983-A8EF-3CC532846A02 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 76 content-md5: gmOXObjloPe2DGxtDsgfpg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.sha256 / / 76 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483414Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 443 RawX2: 17179871596 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483492Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483670Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 443 RawX2: 17179871596 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483820Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 443 RawX2: 17179871596 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 8 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483899Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976710759:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.483950Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.484023Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976710759:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.484095Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:13.484359Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 281474976710759:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488119Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488500Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488564Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488723Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488785Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488858Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488897Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.488944Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489027Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [4:562:2517] message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489083Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489154Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489195Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.489377Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.491809Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:13.491942Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710759 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:42:13.521588Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:13.521674Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:42:13.522278Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion export in-flight, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.522333Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion, export is ready to notify, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.522475Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:13.522528Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [4:668:2607] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::CancelUponTransferringManyTablesShouldSucceed [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:124:2150] sender: [1:126:2058] recipient: [1:108:2140] 2025-03-11T11:41:58.674818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:58.674922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:58.674959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:41:58.674991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:58.675034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:58.675062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:58.675113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:58.675185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:41:58.675505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:58.766784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:58.766853Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:58.784176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:58.785045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:58.785227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.792460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:58.792796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:58.793523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.794300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.799767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:58.801763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.810655Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:124:2150] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:41:58.982423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.982692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.982953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:58.983206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.983339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.990974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.991200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:41:58.991607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.991687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.991728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:58.991772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:58.997741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.997857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:58.997919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:59.002458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.002524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.002591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.002638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.006561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:59.009334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:59.009551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:41:59.010529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.010700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 4294969452 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.010751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.011006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:59.011072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.011226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.011312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.014971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.015988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.016037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.016108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:59.016145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:59.016185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:59.018128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.018328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:59.018367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 94046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.533478Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir ProgressState, opId: 281474976710763:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.533550Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.533719Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710763 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:13.535363Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.535481Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.535515Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.535554Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 12 2025-03-11T11:42:13.535609Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536507Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536623Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536660Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536690Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536721Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.536807Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:13.547514Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:13.550334Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710763, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.550415Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:13.550460Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710763, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.554179Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710763:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710763 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:13.554361Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710763, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:13.554606Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710763 at step: 5000009 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000009 State->FrontStep: 5000008 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710763 at step: 5000009 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555226Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000009, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555383Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710763 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 12884904044 } } Step: 5000009 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555452Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 281474976710763:0, step: 5000009, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555631Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 281474976710763:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555714Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710763:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555757Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555804Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710763:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555846Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555906Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.555982Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556025Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556097Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556148Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710763:0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556186Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710763:0 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556298Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556373Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976710763, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556420Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710763, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 13 2025-03-11T11:42:13.556473Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710763, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:13.557084Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559321Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559369Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559603Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559752Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559817Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:203:2205], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.559889Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:203:2205], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.560861Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 13 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.560972Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 13 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561012Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561065Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 13 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561137Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561823Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561942Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.561971Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.562002Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:13.562035Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:13.562114Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:13.562174Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [3:123:2149] 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566080Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566532Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566616Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566695Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566776Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566808Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:13.566843Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710763, id# 103, itemIdx# 4294967295 2025-03-11T11:42:13.569083Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:13.569186Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:13.569243Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [3:761:2697] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 |77.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissNoDeadline [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestartWithHostChanges >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadlineInverseOrder >> TDynamicNameserverTest::BasicFunctionality [GOOD] |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> DataShardReadIteratorConsistency::Bug_7674_IteratorDuplicateRows [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorFastCancel::ShouldProcessFastCancel >> TPersQueueTest::NoDecompressionMemoryLeaks [GOOD] >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Basic [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_TwoEnabledClustersAndWriteSessionsWithDifferentPreferredCluster_SessionWithMismatchedClusterDiesAndOthersAlive ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexWriteOverload [GOOD] Test command err: FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=column_engine.h:143;event=RegisterTable;path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=38120;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=38120;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4192;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8200;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:1;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:33376;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4192;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; 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FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=448;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=448;columns=4; ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissNoDeadline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:15.391680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:15.391763Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) ... unblocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... unblocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-29 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-30 >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterTableAndAfterSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterIndexTableDirectly ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::BasicFunctionality [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:13.403927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:13.404018Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:13.517803Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Configured lease duration (10.000000s) is too small. Using min. value: 300.000000s >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameWithDifferentTenants >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-6 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-7 >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestRandomActions >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldRollbackLocksWhenWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryWriteManyRows+Commit |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnManyTables [GOOD] |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Basic [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentImport [GOOD] >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadlineInverseOrder [GOOD] >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Expansion [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestart >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheBeginning [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheEnd |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_worker/unittest |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangeChunk7 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix1 >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexReadWithPredicates |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Expansion [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadlineInverseOrder [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:16.503096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:16.503177Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexReadWithPredicates [GOOD] |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::MinDynamicNodeIdShifted >> TVersions::Wreck1 [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck1Reverse >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodesEpochDeltas |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TColumnEngineTestLogs::IndexReadWithPredicates [GOOD] Test command err: FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=column_engine.h:143;event=RegisterTable;path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=38120;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=38120;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4192;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8200;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=6840;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:1;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:33376;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4192;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8008;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:2;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36912;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4192;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8240;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8016;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8016;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8016;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:3;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36944;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4200;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8240;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8024;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8024;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8024;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:4;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36976;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4200;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8240;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8040;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8040;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8040;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:5;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37024;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=timestamp;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=4200;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_tx_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_type;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8240;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=resource_id;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8056;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=uid;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8056;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=message;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=8056;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=432;columns=4; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:53;event=WriteIndexComplete;type=CS::INDEXATION;success=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=granule.cpp:19;event=upsert_portion;portion=(portion_id:6;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37072;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););path_id=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=testing;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=152;columns=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=2100;fline=native.cpp:71;event=parsing;size=41432;columns=5; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=DEBUG;component=2100;field_name=_yql_plan_step;fline=native.cpp:110;event=serialize;size=232 ... t=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:1;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:33376;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:2;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36912;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:2;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36912;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:3;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36944;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:3;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36944;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:4;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36976;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:4;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:36976;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:5;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37024;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:5;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37024;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:6;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37072;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:6;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37072;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:7;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37136;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:7;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37136;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:8;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37120;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:8;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37120;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:9;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37160;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_selected;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:9;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37160;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:10;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37088;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:10;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37088;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:11;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37560;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:11;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37560;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:12;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37488;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:12;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37488;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:13;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37624;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:13;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37624;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:14;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:14;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:15;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:15;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:16;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37624;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:16;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37624;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:17;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:17;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:18;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:18;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:19;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:19;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37616;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=332;fline=portion_info.h:376;event=IsVisible;analyze_portion=(portion_id:20;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37592;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););visible=1;snapshot=plan_step=3;tx_id=1;; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=TRACE;component=334;fline=column_engine_logs.cpp:459;event=portion_skipped;pathId=1;portion=(portion_id:20;path_id:1;records_count:1000;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=1;tx_id=1;);schema_version:0;level:0;column_size:37592;index_size:0;meta:((produced=INSERTED;));); ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnConcurrentImport [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:10.904889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:10.905641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:10.992817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:10.992884Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:11.009155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.009284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.009444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.023769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.024588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.025279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.025681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.030779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.032658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.040003Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.176620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.176868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.177091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.177304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.177363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.179868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.180009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:11.180346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.180424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.180466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:11.180498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.187116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.187193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.187255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:11.190914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.190973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.191026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.191118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.194802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:11.198438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:11.198753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:11.199843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.199980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.200022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.200360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:11.200414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.200579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.200658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.203819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.203876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.204829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.207170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.207289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.207338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 25-03-11T11:42:16.518267Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.518382Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186233409549, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, operationId: 281474976710765:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.518434Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710765:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:16.524605Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.524788Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.524840Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710765:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.524909Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710765 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.525059Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409549 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710765 MinStep: 5000010 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:16.527931Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710765:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710765 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:16.528091Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710765, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710765 at step: 5000010 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000010 State->FrontStep: 5000009 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710765 at step: 5000010 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409549 for txId: 281474976710765 at step: 5000010 2025-03-11T11:42:16.529418Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000010, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.529579Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710765 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 12884904043 } } Step: 5000010 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.529640Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 281474976710765:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000010, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.529768Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710765:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:42:16.529938Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 REQUEST: PUT /Backup2/metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1280 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: FC169A1F-3554-41D1-93AB-D0B181588DC3 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 73 content-md5: 5UnTthDw7DG9u0TfCJZu+w== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /Backup2/metadata.json / / 73 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000010 State->FrontStep: 5000010 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569364Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569433Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710765, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569668Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569708Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710765, path id: 7 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569940Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.569997Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710765:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.570991Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.571244Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.571280Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.571315Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710765, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:42:16.571352Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 4 REQUEST: PUT /Backup2/scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1280 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 4CB3298D-A08B-4D75-B80D-6B9341A445BA amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 355 content-md5: 4DhJNWgTpoG3PVvZ0uCHUA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /Backup2/scheme.pb2025-03-11T11:42:16.571430Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710765, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true / / 355 2025-03-11T11:42:16.575465Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710765 REQUEST: PUT /Backup2/data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1280 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 79E463D2-DA2F-4CE4-A0CE-41CF68B7866E amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-md5: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /Backup2/data_00.csv / / 0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600435Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 814 RawX2: 12884904637 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710765 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600527Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710765, tablet: 72075186233409549, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600692Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 814 RawX2: 12884904637 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710765 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600819Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710765:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 814 RawX2: 12884904637 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710765 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 0 RowsProcessed: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600895Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976710765:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, datashard: 72075186233409549, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600942Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.600983Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976710765:0, datashard: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.601036Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710765:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:16.601225Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 281474976710765:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:16.603475Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.603881Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710765:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.603955Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710765:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604077Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710765:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604120Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710765 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604163Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710765:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604208Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710765 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604334Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710765, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604417Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [3:122:2148] message: TxId: 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604463Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710765 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604502Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710765:0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604530Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710765:0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.604648Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:16.606885Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.606964Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710765 2025-03-11T11:42:16.609328Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:16.609388Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [3:844:2771] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldSucceedOnManyTables [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:11.535997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:11.536285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.622900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:11.622950Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:11.636531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.636973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.637185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.650490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.650700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.651373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.651678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.654845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.656556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.667483Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.858705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.859064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.859357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.859648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.859766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:11.871877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.874925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.874994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.875057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:11.882969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.883062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.883119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.883210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.897626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:11.914710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:11.914961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:11.916205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.916468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.916522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.916788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:11.916869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.917067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.917170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.919649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.919748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.919992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.920888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.931867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.932008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.932053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 94046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.464125Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir ProgressState, opId: 281474976710763:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.464185Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.464349Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710763 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:16.465012Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.465103Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 12 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.465138Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.465183Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 12 2025-03-11T11:42:16.465220Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466017Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466089Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466114Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466158Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466186Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:16.466271Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:16.469350Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:16.469499Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710763, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.469546Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:16.469597Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710763, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.470538Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710763:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710763 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:16.470656Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710763, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:16.470738Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976710763 at step: 5000010 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000010 State->FrontStep: 5000009 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976710763 at step: 5000010 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471133Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000010, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471238Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710763 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 120 RawX2: 12884904034 } } Step: 5000010 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471279Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 281474976710763:0, step: 5000010, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471380Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 281474976710763:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471450Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710763:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471494Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471540Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710763:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471599Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471665Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471727Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471763Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710763, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471803Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710763 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471838Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710763:0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471872Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710763:0 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471936Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:16.471971Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976710763, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.472005Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710763, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 13 2025-03-11T11:42:16.472035Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710763, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:16.473521Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.474720Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.474760Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:16.474923Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:42:16.475055Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:16.475096Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:202:2204], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.475136Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [3:202:2204], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, path id: 4 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.475899Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 13 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.476044Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 13 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.476088Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.476141Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 13 2025-03-11T11:42:16.476213Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477053Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477127Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477161Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477199Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477243Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477311Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976710763, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:16.477363Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [3:130:2154] 2025-03-11T11:42:16.484293Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.484894Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.485004Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.485064Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.485129Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:42:16.485182Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710763 2025-03-11T11:42:16.485279Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710763, id# 103, itemIdx# 4294967295 2025-03-11T11:42:16.487389Z node 3 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:16.487500Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:16.487558Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [3:838:2769] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadline >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixLeftBorder-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixRightBorder+EvWrite >> TNodeBrokerTest::ExtendLeaseRestartRace [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameWithDifferentTenants [GOOD] >> TLocalTests::TestAlterTenant |77.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TEnumerationTest::TestPublish [GOOD] >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AllTypesColumns [GOOD] >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AllTypesColumnsCellvec >> DataShardReadIterator::NoErrorOnFinalACK [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCancelMvccSnapshotFromFuture ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::ExtendLeaseRestartRace [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:15.005789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:15.005875Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... rebooting node broker ... OnActivateExecutor tabletId# 72057594037936129 ... captured cache request ... sending extend lease request ... captured cache request ... waiting for response ... waiting for epoch update |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameExpiration [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestart [GOOD] >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadline [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameWithDifferentTenants [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:17.355318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:17.355395Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:17.379972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:42:17.423210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TEnumerationTest::TestPublish [GOOD] >> TTenantPoolTests::TestSensorsConfigForStaticSlot >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestartWithHostChanges [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::DoNotReuseDynnodeIdsBelowMinDynamicNodeId [GOOD] |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TLocalTests::TestAlterTenant [GOOD] |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissPipeDisconnect ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestart [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:17.816679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:17.816757Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:17.838832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameExpiration [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:16.361310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:16.361389Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:16.382957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissDifferentDeadline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:19.095917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:19.095999Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::NodeNameReuseRestartWithHostChanges [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:16.534885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:16.534960Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:16.550186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::DoNotReuseDynnodeIdsBelowMinDynamicNodeId [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:15.749883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:15.749993Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-14 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-25 >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadStop [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadCleanCache |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TLocalTests::TestAlterTenant [GOOD] |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissPipeDisconnect [GOOD] >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Ranges [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::MinDynamicNodeIdShifted [GOOD] >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodes |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TTenantPoolTests::TestSensorsConfigForStaticSlot [GOOD] >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnWrite-UseSink [GOOD] >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSameDeadline >> GracefulShutdown::TTxGracefulShutdown |77.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TSlotIndexesPoolTest::Ranges [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissPipeDisconnect [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:20.507514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:20.507595Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) |77.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest |77.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data_integrity >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestSync >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-30 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-31 >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGetWithMustRestoreFirst >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestStorageLoad |77.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data_integrity |77.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/common/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |77.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/backup/impl/ut_table_writer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |77.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/ydb-core-kqp-ut-data_integrity ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::MinDynamicNodeIdShifted [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:18.616263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:18.616373Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadCreateAndDestroyMsgs [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadCommitAndStatusMsgs >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestWrites >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-7 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-8 >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodesEpochDeltas [GOOD] >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestDiscover ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TTenantPoolTests::TestSensorsConfigForStaticSlot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:20.070607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:20.070686Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:20.122910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestReads |77.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSameDeadline [GOOD] >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGarbageCollect ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodesEpochDeltas [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:18.675056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:18.675145Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CopyTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/indexes/unittest >> KqpMultishardIndex::DataColumnWrite-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23956, MsgBus: 18975 2025-03-11T11:41:32.616828Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515731908509521:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:32.616939Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00124b/r3tmp/tmpDmVNta/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:33.661029Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:33.661129Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:33.661549Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:33.674935Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:33.698411Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23956, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:34.022093Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.022122Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.022129Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:34.022253Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18975 TClient is connected to server localhost:18975 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:35.106107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.131499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.374703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.746057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:35.895695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:37.562153Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515731908509521:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:37.562224Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:39.987744Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515761973282236:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:39.987881Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:40.560930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.707909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.782948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.869371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:40.956259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:41.057370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:41.170180Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515770563217371:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:41.170282Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:41.170626Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515770563217376:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:41.178547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:41.196982Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515770563217378:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:41.286674Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515770563217444:3463] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:43.006440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:48.686025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:48.686062Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:53.221299Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515822102829435:2874], TxId: 281474976710719, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g5qrg5ma811mvthxfps81. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Nzg1MzQ4NTMtM2E5M2JlZC1hNTIwNzM0Ni01NGYyYWUzMA==. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:41:53.223566Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480515822102829437:2875], TxId: 281474976710719, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Nzg1MzQ4NTMtM2E5M2JlZC1hNTIwNzM0Ni01NGYyYWUzMA==. TraceId : 01jp2g5qrg5ma811mvthxfps81. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [1:7480515822102829432:2510], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.224136Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Nzg1MzQ4NTMtM2E5M2JlZC1hNTIwNzM0Ni01NGYyYWUzMA==, ActorId: [1:7480515774858185039:2510], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g5qrg5ma811mvthxfps81, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:41:53.679420Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037929 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.681077Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037928 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710228Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037927 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710259Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037920 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710312Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037932 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710335Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037933 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710350Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037923 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710366Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037931 not found 2025-03-11T11:41:53.710384Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037921 not found Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27917, MsgBus: 24946 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00124b/r3tmp/tmpuAKtaS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:58.839249Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:58.858009Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:58.863787Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:58.863912Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:58.866919Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27917, node 2 2025-03-11T11:41:58.940735Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:58.940775Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:58.940817Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:58.940973Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24946 TClient is connected to server localhost:24946 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:59.572911Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:59.586035Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:59.593005Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:59.689322Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:59.927874Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:00.032019Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:03.234146Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515864336570380:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.234236Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.311276Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.359377Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.449919Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.496690Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.545841Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.611294Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.716017Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515864336570899:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.716115Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.716378Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515864336570904:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.721550Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:03.738389Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515864336570906:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.847485Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515864336570962:3452] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:05.849153Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:13.842632Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:13.842660Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:16.141739Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515920171149986:2846], TxId: 281474976715731, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g6e4v4x6nbv6hq5ryhw2w. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjU1OGQ1YTQtMmQwODEzMjMtY2Y3YjQzZDMtZTQwMjM4ZTE=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:42:16.142607Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480515920171149987:2847], TxId: 281474976715731, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2g6e4v4x6nbv6hq5ryhw2w. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjU1OGQ1YTQtMmQwODEzMjMtY2Y3YjQzZDMtZTQwMjM4ZTE=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:7480515920171149983:2491], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:42:16.144146Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjU1OGQ1YTQtMmQwODEzMjMtY2Y3YjQzZDMtZTQwMjM4ZTE=, ActorId: [2:7480515872926505840:2491], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g6e4v4x6nbv6hq5ryhw2w, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:42:16.467584Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037924 not found 2025-03-11T11:42:16.467623Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037925 not found |77.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-25 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-4 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TDynamicNameserverTest::CacheMissSameDeadline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:21.837262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:21.837343Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ... waiting for cache miss ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... blocking NKikimr::NNodeBroker::TEvNodeBroker::TEvResolveNode from NAMESERVICE to NODE_BROKER_ACTOR ... waiting for cache miss (done) >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-37 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-25 >> TopicService::UnknownTopic [GOOD] >> DemoTx::Scenario_4 [GOOD] >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleBackupBackupCollection+WithIncremental [GOOD] >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleBackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-43 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-1 >> GracefulShutdown::TTxGracefulShutdown [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-31 >> TSchemeShardCheckProposeSize::CopyTable >> TSchemeShardTest::CacheEffectiveACL [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ttl/unittest >> TSchemeShardTTLTestsWithReboots::CopyTable [GOOD] Test command err: ==== RunWithTabletReboots =========== RUN: Trace =========== Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:112:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:114:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:106:2138] Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:130:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:132:2058] recipient: [1:109:2140] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.000000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 0, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:37:54.358799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:37:54.359066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.618571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:37:54.619079Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Leader for TabletID 72057594046447617 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:188:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.708402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.709024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.710588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.768192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.770036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:37:54.779743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.780590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.811831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.828723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.828817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:54.829645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:37:54.838199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.838454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:37:54.839357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:214:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] Leader for TabletID 72057594037968897 is [1:218:2217] sender: [1:219:2058] recipient: [1:212:2213] 2025-03-11T11:37:54.885382Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:129:2153] sender: [1:239:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.379849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.380097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.380325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:37:55.380566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.380622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:37:55.391564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:37:55.395749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.395827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.395888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:37:55.406508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.406573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.406622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.406683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.410479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:37:55.413118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:37:55.413297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 Leader for TabletID 72057594046316545 is [1:126:2151] sender: [1:254:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:37:55.414384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.414550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 126 RawX2: 4294969447 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.414600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.414926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:37:55.414977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.415177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.415263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.417995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.418994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.419034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:37:55.419093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:37:55.419133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the p ... tId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 416611830027 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269474Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1003, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269600Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 416611830027 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269649Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269737Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 328 RawX2: 416611830027 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269797Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 1003:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 1, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.269840Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged CollectSchemaChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:42:22.279292Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1003 2025-03-11T11:42:22.285246Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.285738Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 3417 } } 2025-03-11T11:42:22.285781Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1003, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:22.285947Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 3417 } } 2025-03-11T11:42:22.286169Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409547 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 1003 Step: 5000004 OrderId: 1003 ExecLatency: 3 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409547 CpuTimeUsec: 3417 } } 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287017Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 433 RawX2: 416611830115 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287066Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 1003, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287202Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 433 RawX2: 416611830115 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287249Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287335Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 1003:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 433 RawX2: 416611830115 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 1003 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287390Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 1003:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287426Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287463Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 1003:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287507Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 1003:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.287537Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1003:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:22.291685Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292240Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292748Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292808Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 1003:0ProgressState, operation type TxCopyTable 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292855Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Set barrier, OperationId: 1003:0, name: CopyTableBarrier, done: 0, blocked: 1, parts count: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292895Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 1003, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.292967Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 1003:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier, msg: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier { TxId: 1003 Name: CopyTableBarrier }, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.293002Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1003:0 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297330Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1003:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297395Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1003:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297501Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297537Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297578Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1003:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297611Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297649Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1003, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297692Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1003 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297732Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297764Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1003:0 2025-03-11T11:42:22.297955Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:22.298000Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1003, wait until txId: 1003 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 1003 2025-03-11T11:42:22.300464Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:22.300518Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 1003 2025-03-11T11:42:22.300882Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.300966Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:22.300997Z node 97 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 1003: satisfy waiter [97:530:2491] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 1003 2025-03-11T11:42:22.301457Z node 97 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTableCopy" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:22.301666Z node 97 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTableCopy" took 243us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:22.302169Z node 97 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/TTLEnabledTableCopy" PathDescription { Self { Name: "TTLEnabledTableCopy" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1003 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TTLEnabledTableCopy" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "modified_at" Type: "Timestamp" TypeId: 50 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TTLSettings { Enabled { ColumnName: "modified_at" ExpireAfterSeconds: 3600 Tiers { ApplyAfterSeconds: 3600 Delete { } } } } IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> DataShardReadIteratorFastCancel::ShouldProcessFastCancel [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorLatency::ReadSplitLatency >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTable >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceReadBudget [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceSimpleHappyWrites ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> GracefulShutdown::TTxGracefulShutdown [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:22.199335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:22.199427Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix1 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix2 >> TSchemeShardTest::InitRootAgain >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTable >> TSchemeShardTest::DropIndexedTableAndForceDropSimultaneously >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGetWithMustRestoreFirst [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_MultipleInflightWriteUpdateTokenRequestWithDifferentValidToken_SessionClosedWithOverloadedError [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteUpdateTokenRequestWithInvalidToken_SessionClosedWithUnauthenticatedError |77.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/ydb-core-kesus-proxy-ut |77.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/ydb-core-kesus-proxy-ut |77.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/ydb-core-kesus-proxy-ut >> TSchemeShardCheckProposeSize::CopyTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardCheckProposeSize::CopyTables >> TopicService::UseDoubleSlashInTopicPath >> DemoTx::Scenario_5 >> TSchemeShardTest::InitRootAgain [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::InitRootWithOwner ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGetWithMustRestoreFirst [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 4878343819684076438 === Trying to put and get a blob === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #0 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Write 10 blobs, expect some VDisks refuse parts but writes go through === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.143595Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.148053Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.152031Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.153810Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.161196Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.163870Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.166473Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.177024Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 11 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Put 2 more VDisks to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] === Write 10 more blobs, expect errors === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.079205Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.079328Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.079466Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.080320Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [c7e16fb742a88218] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} GroupId# 2181038080 Marker# BPP12 TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.082015Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.082400Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.083573Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.085511Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.086328Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.087235Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.088520Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.089644Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.090266Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUUP } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.091421Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.091511Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.092412Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UEUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUUSU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUUS } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.094247Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.094341Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.095361Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UEUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUUSU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUUS } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.096985Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.097212Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.097272Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UEUUUU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUEUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUSU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUUUS } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.099337Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.099553Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.099663Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UEUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUEUUU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUUSU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUSUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.102127Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.102371Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.102465Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUEUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUUUS } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUUSU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.104645Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:697] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.104756Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:711] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.104869Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:704] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.110702Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5301:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.110915Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5308:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.110983Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5315:712] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.111625Z 1 00h05m30.211024s :BS_PROXY_GET ERROR: [3c45e31add14e333] Response# TEvGetResult {Status# ERROR ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] ERROR Size# 0 RequestedSize# 32768} ErrorReason# "TStrategyBase saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# AAAPAA } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# AAAAAA } ] "} Marker# BPG29 2025-03-11T11:42:25.111770Z 2 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5308:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.111842Z 3 00h05m30.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5315:712] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# ERROR ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] ERROR Size# 0 RequestedSize# 32768} ErrorReason# "TStrategyBase saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# AAAPAA } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# AAAAAA } ] "} >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AllTypesColumnsCellvec [GOOD] >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AggregateNoColumnNoRemaps >> TSchemeShardTest::MkRmDir >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithDate >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-25 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-26 >> TSchemeShardTest::InitRootWithOwner [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableTwice >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestWrites [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageControllerGrouperTest::TestGroupFromCandidatesHuge >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterTableWithCodec >> TSchemeShardTest::DropIndexedTableAndForceDropSimultaneously [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DependentOps >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixRightBorder+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixRightBorder-EvWrite >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodes [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-8 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-9 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestWrites [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 12475758658652235022 === Trying to put and get a blob === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #0 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Write 10 blobs, expect some VDisks refuse parts but writes go through === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.187396Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.192362Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.197878Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.200810Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.209291Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.212228Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.215387Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.218308Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 11 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Put 2 more VDisks to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] === Write 10 more blobs, expect errors === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.260995Z 1 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.261109Z 3 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.261234Z 2 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.262123Z 1 00h03m30.111536s :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [2aeb8da003e85c40] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} GroupId# 2181038080 Marker# BPP12 TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUEUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.263752Z 1 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.263891Z 2 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.264981Z 3 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# SUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# USUUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUSUUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUSUU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUEU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UUUUUS } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.266544Z 1 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.267141Z 2 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.267693Z 3 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.268615Z 3 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.269563Z 1 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.270131Z 2 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUUP } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.271228Z 3 00h03m30.111536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Send ... 2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #0 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Write 10 blobs, expect some VDisks refuse parts but the writes still go through === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:21:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.381942Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.382119Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:21:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:22:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.385668Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.387140Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:22:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:23:0:0:32768:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:23:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:24:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.391659Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:24:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:25:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.394861Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.394956Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:25:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:26:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.397805Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.397925Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:26:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:27:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.401051Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.401154Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:27:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:28:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.404256Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.404556Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:28:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:29:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.407779Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.407914Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:29:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:30:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.410700Z 3 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.410856Z 2 00h08m00.211536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:30:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999963} === Read all 31 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:7:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:8:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:9:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:10:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:11:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:12:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:13:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:14:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:15:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:16:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:17:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:18:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:19:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:20:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:21:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:21:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:22:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:22:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:23:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:23:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:24:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:24:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:25:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:25:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:26:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:26:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:27:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:27:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:28:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:28:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:29:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:29:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:30:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:30:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-31 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-32 >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestDiscover [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableTwice [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::IgnoreUserColumnIds >> TBlobStorageControllerGrouperTest::TestGroupFromCandidatesHuge [GOOD] >> TGroupMapperTest::ReassignGroupTest3dc >> TPersQueueTest::WriteNonExistingPartition [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteNonExistingTopic ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestListNodes [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:21.920085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:21.920166Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TSchemeShardTest::DependentOps [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DefaultColumnFamiliesWithNonCanonicName |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-rm_service-ut |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-rm_service-ut |77.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-rm_service-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::MkRmDir [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::PathName >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterTableWithCodec [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableTwiceSimultaneously >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCancelMvccSnapshotFromFuture [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCommitLocksWhenReadWriteInOneTransaction >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableAwait ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestDiscover [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 12978450129392634807 SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 3 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.481250Z 1 00h01m30.060512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5301:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.818072Z 1 00h02m00.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5301:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.819377Z 2 00h02m00.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5308:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.110422Z 3 00h02m30.160512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5315:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.111531Z 1 00h02m30.160512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5301:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.112333Z 2 00h02m30.160512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5308:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.112711Z 1 00h02m30.160512s :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [5d71ab46ef65aca9] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUUP } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} GroupId# 2181038080 Marker# BPP12 TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUUP } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# EUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# EUUUUU } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Putting VDisk #3 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] === Read all 6 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} === Putting VDisk #4 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] === Read all 6 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} === Putting VDisk #5 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] === Read all 6 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} === Putting VDisk #6 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] === Read all 6 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} === Putting VDisk #0 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Putting VDisk #1 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] === Putting VDisk #2 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] === Putting VDisk #3 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] === Putting VDisk #4 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] === Putting VDisk #5 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] === Putting VDisk #6 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-4 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-5 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-25 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-26 |77.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageControllerGrouperTest::TestGroupFromCandidatesHuge [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::IgnoreUserColumnIds [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableAndConcurrentSplit >> TSchemeShardTest::PathName [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::PathName_SetLocale >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithDate [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableRejects >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-43 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-44 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-37 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-38 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-25 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-26 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-1 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-2 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableTwiceSimultaneously [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableWithAlterConfig >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-31 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-32 >> TSchemeShardTest::PathName_SetLocale [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ModifyACL >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleBackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental [GOOD] |77.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableAwait [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableRejects >> TSchemeShardTest::DefaultColumnFamiliesWithNonCanonicName [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolume |77.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableAndConcurrentSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTable |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_locks |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_locks |77.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_locks |77.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::ModifyACL [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::NameFormat >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::Select >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_backup/unittest >> IncrementalBackup::SimpleBackupBackupCollection-WithIncremental [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:03.898580Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:03.899211Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:03.919080Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001420/r3tmp/tmpgdpfM5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:07.520126Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.245596s 2025-03-11T11:42:07.521192Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.246688s 2025-03-11T11:42:07.575326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:594:2518], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:07.575430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:07.586276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.586652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [1:591:2516], Recipient [1:408:2403]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 1 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:07.586732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:07.802426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046644480 , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.842288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.874704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.891605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.891763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.891954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.892905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.963871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:07.964835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:07.965933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.966562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.984858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.984957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:07.992909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:08.006115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:08.018602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.046009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:08.046402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:08.047963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877760, Sender [1:599:2523], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected { TabletId: 72057594046316545 Status: OK ServerId: [1:601:2524] Leader: 1 Dead: 0 Generation: 2 VersionInfo: } 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Handle TEvClientConnected, tabletId: 72057594046316545, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269091328, Sender [1:404:2399], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimrTx.TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status: 16 StepId: 500 TxId: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:603:2526], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124996, Sender [1:591:2516], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:08.048955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:08.049046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.049081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:08.049135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.233942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285138, Sender [1:43:2090], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvConfigNotificationRequest { Config { } ItemKinds: 26 ItemKinds: 34 ItemKinds: 52 ItemKinds: 54 ItemKinds: 73 Local: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:08.234044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got new config: 2025-03-11T11:42:08.241668Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:08.241810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: [RootDataErasureManager] Stop 2025-03-11T11:42:08.241946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send TEvConfigNotificationResponse: SubscriptionId: 0 ConfigId { } 2025-03-11T11:42:08.318145Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.318345Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:08.348446Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.431181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269091328, Sender [1:404:2399], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimrTx.TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status: 17 StepId: 500 TxId: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:08.493672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:634:2542], Recipient [1:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.493751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:08.493789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.500790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:408:2403]: {TEvPlanStep step# 500 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:08.500876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:42:08.500976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 500, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:08.501139Z node 1 :FLA ... .839578Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037889 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 2500 2025-03-11T11:42:28.839843Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.839885Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851133Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851231Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715662 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851320Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851412Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851693Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [3:992:2792], Recipient [3:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851738Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851769Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851939Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269551620, Sender [3:664:2568], Recipient [3:408:2403]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChanged Source { RawX1: 664 RawX2: 12884904456 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.851972Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852038Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 664 RawX2: 12884904456 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852078Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, tablet: 72075186224037888, partId: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852197Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 664 RawX2: 12884904456 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852242Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715662:1 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852333Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715662:1 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 message: Source { RawX1: 664 RawX2: 12884904456 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852389Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715662:1, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, datashard: 72075186224037888, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852443Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852493Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715662:1, datashard: 72075186224037889, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852541Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715662:1, datashard: 72075186224037888, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852573Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:1 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:28.852727Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853269Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853310Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853348Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 281474976715662:1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853462Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [3:933:2742] msg type: 269552132 msg: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChangedResult TxId: 281474976715662 at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853523Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [3:664:2568] msg type: 269552132 msg: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChangedResult TxId: 281474976715662 at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853631Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715662 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853714Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:28.853963Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715662 datashard 72075186224037889 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854018Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854198Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [3:408:2403], Recipient [3:408:2403]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854240Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854295Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854361Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 281474976715662:1ProgressState, operation type TxCopyTable 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854406Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854455Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Set barrier, OperationId: 281474976715662:1, name: CopyTableBarrier, done: 1, blocked: 1, parts count: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854504Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 281474976715662, done: 1, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854615Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCopyTable TCopyTableBarrier operationId: 281474976715662:1 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier, msg: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCompleteBarrier { TxId: 281474976715662 Name: CopyTableBarrier }, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.854661Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:1 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:28.858887Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.858958Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 281474976715662:1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859171Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [3:408:2403], Recipient [3:408:2403]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859217Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859297Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859356Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715662:1 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859513Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859556Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715662:1 progress is 2/2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859607Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859665Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715662:1 progress is 2/2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859711Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859767Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715662, ready parts: 2/2, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859870Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [3:903:2722] message: TxId: 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:42:28.859938Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860004Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715662:0 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860041Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715662:0 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860141Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860184Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715662:1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860210Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715662:1 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860323Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:28.860358Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:28.861001Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.861113Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [3:903:2722] msg type: 271124998 msg: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 281474976715662 at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:28.861667Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [3:917:2729], Recipient [3:408:2403]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:28.861716Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:28.861745Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:29.061098Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [3:1019:2809], serverId# [3:1020:2810], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.061310Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g6v09b1t7n1b0609k6x89, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YzIwOWZiNmYtY2FlNmZjNDUtMmNkNTJkYWQtZDU3M2NjYjQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 10 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 20 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 30 } } 2025-03-11T11:42:29.236578Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g6v6q3cs1kqfjfcgxm82f, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NWFmMjA3OTMtNjlkNjUxNGYtZWJkMWExMzItMWYyMzgxYTA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 10 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 20 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 30 } } |77.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest |77.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolume2 |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ncloud-impl-ut |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ncloud-impl-ut |77.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/ncloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ncloud-impl-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableWithAlterConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableOmitFollowers >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationsTest [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationFirstClassCitizen >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-26 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-27 >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheEnd [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheMiddle >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableById >> DataShardReadIterator::TryWriteManyRows+Commit [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryWriteManyRows-Commit >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::UpsertEvWriteQueryService+isOlap-useOltpSink >> DataShardReadIteratorLatency::ReadSplitLatency [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorPageFaults::CancelPageFaultedReadThenDropTable |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_topic_reader/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_topic_reader |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_topic_reader/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_topic_reader |77.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_topic_reader/ydb-core-tx-replication-service-ut_topic_reader |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/ut/ydb-core-grpc_services-ut |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/ut/ydb-core-grpc_services-ut |77.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_services/ut/ydb-core-grpc_services-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::NameFormat [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelCreateTable >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolume2 [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolumeWithFillGeneration |77.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_volatile |77.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_volatile |78.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_volatile >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableRejects [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAndForceDrop >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableRejects [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableToDeletedPath >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix2 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix3 >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGarbageCollect [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_TwoEnabledClustersAndWriteSessionsWithDifferentPreferredCluster_SessionWithMismatchedClusterDiesAndOthersAlive [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_DisabledRemoteClusterAndWriteSessionsWithDifferentPreferredClusterAndLaterRemoteClusterEnabled_SessionWithMismatchedClusterDiesAfterPreferredClusterEnabledAndOtherSessionsAlive >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-44 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-45 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-32 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-33 |78.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-26 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-27 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-9 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-15 >> TSchemeShardTest::DropTableById [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQ >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldRetryAtFinalStage [GOOD] >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::BrokenReadLock-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-5 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-6 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-26 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-27 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableOmitFollowers [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableForBackup |78.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelCreateTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelCreateSameTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestGarbageCollect [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 11142038701509308507 SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 2 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.817385Z 1 00h01m40.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} 2025-03-11T11:42:23.821417Z 1 00h01m40.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.774884Z 1 00h03m20.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.775847Z 2 00h03m20.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.330590Z 1 00h04m20.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.330821Z 2 00h04m20.211024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.671071Z 1 00h05m00.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.672177Z 2 00h05m00.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.673222Z 3 00h05m00.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.673509Z 1 00h05m00.310512s :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [61e96c8ddf70948f] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} GroupId# 2181038080 Marker# BPP12 TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "TRestoreStrategy saw optimisticState# EBS_DISINTEGRATED GroupId# 2181038080 BlobId# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Reported ErrorReasons# [ { OrderNumber# 0 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:0:0] NodeId# 1 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 1 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:1:0] NodeId# 2 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } { OrderNumber# 2 VDiskId# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 ErrorReasons# [ "VDisk is in read-only mode", ] } ] Part situations# [ { OrderNumber# 3 Situations# PUUUUU } { OrderNumber# 4 Situations# UPUUUU } { OrderNumber# 5 Situations# UUPUUU } { OrderNumber# 6 Situations# UUUPUU } { OrderNumber# 7 Situations# UUUUPU } { OrderNumber# 0 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 1 Situations# UUUUUE } { OrderNumber# 2 Situations# UUUUUE } ] " ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} 2025-03-11T11:42:26.150003Z 1 00h06m00.311024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.150200Z 2 00h06m00.311024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.150258Z 3 00h06m00.311024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] === Putting VDisk #3 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.029513Z 1 00h07m40.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.029691Z 2 00h07m40.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.029741Z 3 00h07m40.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.029796Z 4 00h07m40.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] === Putting VDisk #4 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.382964Z 1 00h08m20.460512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.383209Z 2 00h08m20.460512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.383284Z 3 00h08m20.460512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.383347Z 4 00h08m20.460512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.383410Z 5 00h08m20.460512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] === Putting VDisk #5 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663469Z 1 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663726Z 2 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663794Z 3 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663855Z 4 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663908Z 5 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.663961Z 6 00h09m00.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] === Putting VDisk #6 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.870662Z 1 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5299:696] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.870845Z 2 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.870908Z 3 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.870973Z 4 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.871035Z 5 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.871086Z 6 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.871145Z 7 00h09m40.560512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] === Putting VDisk #0 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151055Z 2 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5306:703] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151160Z 3 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151224Z 4 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151284Z 5 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151344Z 6 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.151400Z 7 00h10m20.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] === Putting VDisk #1 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.489344Z 3 00h11m00.660512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5313:710] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.489455Z 4 00h11m00.660512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.489528Z 5 00h11m00.660512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.489595Z 6 00h11m00.660512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.489658Z 7 00h11m00.660512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] === Putting VDisk #2 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.872286Z 4 00h11m40.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5320:717] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.872363Z 5 00h11m40.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.872408Z 6 00h11m40.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.872453Z 7 00h11m40.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] === Putting VDisk #3 to normal === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.326517Z 5 00h12m20.760512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5327:724] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.326620Z 6 00h12m20.760512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.326666Z 7 00h12m20.760512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.753268Z 6 00h14m00.811536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5334:731] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.753381Z 7 00h14m00.811536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.467466Z 7 00h14m40.860512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5341:738] SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999976} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:1:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:1:0] NODATA Size# 0}} >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAndForceDrop [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAndForceDropSimultaneously >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-32 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-33 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-2 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-3 >> TSchemeShardTest::DropBlockStoreVolumeWithFillGeneration [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateWithIntermediateDirs >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestReads [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-38 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-39 >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAndForceDropSimultaneously [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithUniformPartitioning |78.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_snapshot |78.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_snapshot |78.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_snapshot >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldExcludeBackupTableFromStats [GOOD] >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldCheckQuotas >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadCleanCache [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadRestartPQRB ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldRetryAtFinalStage [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:11.533932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.615105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:11.615166Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:11.640542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.640962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.641127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.657361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.657589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.658301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.658579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.661645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.662919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.662981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.663077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:11.663151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.663208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:11.663412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.670618Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.825405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.825658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.825876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.826144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.826204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.828896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.829055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:11.829305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.829376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.829413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:11.829464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.831811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.831873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.831932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:11.833838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.833902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.833960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.834017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.836884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:11.844310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:11.844586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:11.845632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.845794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.845843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.846156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:11.846222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.846413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.846499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.849656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.849725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:11.849947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.849999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:11.850640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:11.852922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.853039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:11.853082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... EBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:2 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.515175Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=0, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.515231Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0, with borrowed parts 2025-03-11T11:42:27.525723Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:30.298630Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409546 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 70 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0096 2025-03-11T11:42:30.328672Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409547 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0055 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351011Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351254Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 2 shard idx 72057594046678944:1 data size 70 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351331Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], pathId map=Table, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351381Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 2, DataSize 70 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351538Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:2 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351606Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=0, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:42:30.351644Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0, with borrowed parts 2025-03-11T11:42:30.366162Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:33.234053Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:33.234220Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:33.234309Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:33.282109Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409546 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 70 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0036 2025-03-11T11:42:33.322564Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409547 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0025 2025-03-11T11:42:33.372649Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:33.372852Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 2 shard idx 72057594046678944:1 data size 70 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:42:33.372932Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], pathId map=Table, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:42:33.372980Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 2, DataSize 70 2025-03-11T11:42:33.373114Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 4 shard idx 72057594046678944:2 data size 0 row count 0 2025-03-11T11:42:33.373162Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], pathId map=0, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:42:33.373204Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409547 followerId=0, pathId 4: RowCount 0, DataSize 0, with borrowed parts 2025-03-11T11:42:33.384352Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:34.214839Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Bootstrap: self# [3:570:2528], attempt# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.241384Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReset: self# [3:569:2527] 2025-03-11T11:42:34.250295Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReady: self# [3:570:2528], sender# [3:569:2527] 2025-03-11T11:42:34.250398Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [3:569:2527] 2025-03-11T11:42:34.250550Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [3:570:2528], sender# [3:569:2527], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 0 Checksum: } 2025-03-11T11:42:34.250788Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvDataShard::TEvS3Upload: self# [3:570:2528], upload# { Id: 1 Status: Complete Error: (empty maybe) Parts: [6e3e0a41fdab8add833862f1bd2954c3,1d8dd09e584ce6a47582a31b591900e2,d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] } REQUEST: POST /data_00.csv?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:7676 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 49B88AC5-1361-4E89-9A7C-75DBDEA61BFD amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 459 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /data_00.csv / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.258031Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvCompleteMultipartUploadResponse: self# [3:570:2528], result# 2025-03-11T11:42:34.258310Z node 3 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [3:569:2527], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271361Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 12884904299 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271437Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710759, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271612Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 12884904299 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271727Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 281474976710759:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 442 RawX2: 12884904299 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 281474976710759 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271806Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976710759:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271849Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271881Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976710759:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:34.271925Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710759:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:34.272123Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 281474976710759:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:34.275775Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276071Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276122Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 281474976710759:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276244Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276286Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276326Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710759:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276360Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276404Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710759, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276489Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [3:130:2154] message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276552Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710759 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276600Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276638Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710759:0 2025-03-11T11:42:34.276787Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:34.283012Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:34.283105Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:42:34.286726Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:34.286788Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [3:589:2544] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestReads [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 6752257606207930684 === Trying to put and get a blob === SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #0 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #1 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #2 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #3 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #4 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #5 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Putting VDisk #6 to read-only === Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #0 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #1 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #2 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #3 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #4 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #5 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} === Restoring to normal VDisk #6 === Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] === Read all 1 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTableToDeletedPath [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyIndexedTable >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCommitLocksWhenReadWriteInOneTransaction [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCommitLocksWhenReadWriteInSeparateTransactions |78.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_move |78.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_move |78.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_move >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelCreateSameTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::MultipleColumnFamilies >> TProxyActorTest::TestCreateSemaphoreInterrupted |78.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterIndexTableDirectly [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyPrefixRightBorder-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinue+EvWrite >> KqpRm::DisonnectNodes >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateWithIntermediateDirs [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DocumentApiVersion >> TProxyActorTest::TestCreateSemaphoreInterrupted [GOOD] |78.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/table_creator/ut/ydb-library-table_creator-ut |78.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/table_creator/ut/ydb-library-table_creator-ut |78.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/table_creator/ut/ydb-library-table_creator-ut |78.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/ydb-public-lib-ydb_cli-topic-ut |78.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/ydb-public-lib-ydb_cli-topic-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithUniformPartitioning [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithSplitBoundaries |78.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/ydb-public-lib-ydb_cli-topic-ut >> TopicService::UseDoubleSlashInTopicPath [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::AlterIndexTableDirectly [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:41:44.652949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:41:44.653714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:44.741369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:44.741441Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:44.763663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:44.764153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:44.764356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.791725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:44.792006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:44.805401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.835184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.839167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.912482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.912596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.912740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:41:44.912807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:44.912854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:41:44.913109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:44.935020Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:41:45.154988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.189645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.212085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:45.212481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.212564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.246654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.246811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:41:45.247074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.247163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.247262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:45.247299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:45.257247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.257330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.257379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:45.271119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.271189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.271269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.271335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.276032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:45.281252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:45.281492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:41:45.282833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.283016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.283087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.302160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:45.302289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.302513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.302630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.309951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:45.310424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:45.322279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.322457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:45.322496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... rcentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 100500 MinPartitionsCount: 1 FastSplitSettings { SizeThreshold: 100500 RowCountThreshold: 100500 } } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409551 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 3 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 5 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 1592 DataSize: 1592 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } StoragePoolsUsage { PoolKind: "pool-kind-1" TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:37.027048Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:37.027553Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue" took 586us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:37.033402Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexByValue" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTableIndex CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableIndexVersion: 3 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateAlter Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 5 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 1592 DataSize: 1592 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } StoragePoolsUsage { PoolKind: "pool-kind-1" TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } TableIndex { Name: "indexByValue" LocalPathId: 3 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "value" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 100500 MinPartitionsCount: 1 FastSplitSettings { SizeThreshold: 100500 RowCountThreshold: 100500 } } } } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:37.035890Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue/indexImplTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:37.036426Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue/indexImplTable" took 573us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:37.037712Z node 16 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/table/indexByValue/indexImplTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710758 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 3 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "value" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 100500 MinPartitionsCount: 1 FastSplitSettings { SizeThreshold: 100500 RowCountThreshold: 100500 } } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186233409551 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 3 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 5 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 1592 DataSize: 1592 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } StoragePoolsUsage { PoolKind: "pool-kind-1" TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyIndexedTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTable >> KqpRm::NodesMembershipByExchanger |78.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kesus/proxy/ut/unittest >> TProxyActorTest::TestCreateSemaphoreInterrupted [GOOD] >> KqpRm::SnapshotSharingByExchanger >> KqpRm::NotEnoughMemory >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-27 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-28 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-45 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-46 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-27 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-28 >> TSchemeShardTest::DocumentApiVersion [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Dir >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadCommitAndStatusMsgs [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadManyUpdateTokenAndRead >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::Select [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQ [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQFail >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithSplitBoundaries [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithConfig >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldCheckQuotas [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-27 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-28 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-3 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-4 >> TopicService::RelativePath >> KqpRm::NotEnoughMemory [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-39 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-40 >> KqpRm::DisonnectNodes [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CacheHead [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckACLForGrpcWrite >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentChanges >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-33 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-34 >> DemoTx::Scenario_5 [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Many_Mixed [GOOD] >> BuildStatsHistogram::Many_Serial ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/unittest >> KqpRm::NotEnoughMemory [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:40.660863Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.661392Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001049/r3tmp/tmpExDgwp/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.661997Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001049/r3tmp/tmpExDgwp/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001049/r3tmp/tmpExDgwp/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 1533793385430645301 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.723164Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.723467Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761092Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [2:459:2099] with ResourceBroker at [2:430:2098] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761236Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [2:460:2100] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761429Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [1:458:2337] with ResourceBroker at [1:429:2318] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761529Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [1:461:2338] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761640Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761677Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761756Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.761777Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.762278Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.773775Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774019Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774131Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774482Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774597Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774678Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774722Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774803Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774904Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774927Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.774973Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.775506Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:40.775608Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.776110Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.776443Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.776746Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.776895Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.777086Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.777304Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 >> DataShardReadIteratorPageFaults::CancelPageFaultedReadThenDropTable [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorPageFaults::LocksNotLostOnPageFault >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Dir [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Table >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AggregateNoColumnNoRemaps [GOOD] >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AggregateWithFunction >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestWriteBreaksLocks [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-6 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-7 >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_OneTx ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::Select [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27202, MsgBus: 27362 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00188f/r3tmp/tmpE8P9Rw/pdisk_1.dat TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27202, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:27362 TClient is connected to server localhost:27362 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... >> TSchemeShardTest::MultipleColumnFamilies [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::MultipleColumnFamiliesWithStorage >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_OneTx [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_RemoveAll ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/unittest >> KqpRm::DisonnectNodes [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:39.083102Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:39.083748Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001091/r3tmp/tmpbsHvtd/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:39.084354Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001091/r3tmp/tmpbsHvtd/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001091/r3tmp/tmpbsHvtd/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 12406918935916357885 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:39.193864Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:39.194216Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:39.230722Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [2:459:2099] with ResourceBroker at [2:430:2098] 2025-03-11T11:42:39.230903Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [2:460:2100] 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231158Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [1:458:2337] with ResourceBroker at [1:429:2318] 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231257Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [1:461:2338] 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231374Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231425Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231517Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231539Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:39.231707Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:39.253442Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693359 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:39.253661Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:39.253743Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693359 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254357Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254506Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254645Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254710Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254829Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693359 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254930Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.254953Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:39.255027Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693359 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:39.255755Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:39.255859Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.256337Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.256667Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.256987Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:39.257137Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:39.257342Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:39.257528Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.443324Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:40.443429Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:40.443745Z node 1 :PIPE_SERVER ERROR: [72057594046578946] NodeDisconnected NodeId# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.443983Z node 1 :PIPE_SERVER ERROR: [72057594046447617] NodeDisconnected NodeId# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.444082Z node 1 :PIPE_SERVER ERROR: [72057594037932033] NodeDisconnected NodeId# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445152Z node 2 :BS_NODE ERROR: {NW42@node_warden_pipe.cpp:59} Handle(TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed) ClientId# [2:79:2073] ServerId# [1:351:2270] TabletId# 72057594037932033 PipeClientId# [2:79:2073] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445338Z node 2 :TX_PROXY WARN: actor# [2:143:2086] HANDLE TEvClientDestroyed from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445475Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445580Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Subcriber is not available for info exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445617Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Kill previous info exchanger subscriber for 'kqpexch+/dc-1' at [2:463:2102], reason: tenant updated 2025-03-11T11:42:40.445726Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.450729Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.451052Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819578Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_BreakAll >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::SimpleRange [GOOD] >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::PointJoin >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-33 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-34 >> KqpRm::NodesMembershipByExchanger [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithNamedConfig ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/unittest >> TExportToS3Tests::ShouldCheckQuotas [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.535839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.535954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:04.535999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:04.536634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.707312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:04.707362Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:04.741366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.741922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.742086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.758269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.758595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.759463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.759786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.763246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.764668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.764737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.764855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:04.764912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.764970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:04.765240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.772874Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.916205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.916455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.916681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.916907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.916974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:04.919694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.921495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.921554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.921605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:04.923267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.923322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.923377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.923434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.927080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:04.929098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:04.929289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:04.930457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.930599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.930650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.930894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:04.930961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.931140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.931227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.933998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:04.934383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:04.951569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.951704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:04.951739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 57594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.805659Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir ProgressState, opId: 281474976720762:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.805732Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976720762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806051Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976720762 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806608Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806714Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806752Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806790Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 10 2025-03-11T11:42:40.806831Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807535Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807643Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807677Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807709Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807745Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:40.807819Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976720762, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:40.811123Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:40.811406Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976720762, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.811460Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976720762, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:40.811504Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976720762, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.811893Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976720762:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976720762 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:40.812028Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976720762, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 281474976720762 at step: 5000007 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000007 State->FrontStep: 5000006 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 281474976720762 at step: 5000007 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813110Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000007, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813216Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976720762 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000007 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813284Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TRmDir HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, opId: 281474976720762:0, step: 5000007, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813441Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RmDir is done, opId: 281474976720762:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813517Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976720762:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813563Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976720762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813613Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976720762:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813653Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976720762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813739Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813834Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813910Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976720762, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:40.813970Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976720762 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814020Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976720762:0 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814060Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976720762:0 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814143Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814194Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976720762, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814239Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976720762, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 11 2025-03-11T11:42:40.814278Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976720762, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:40.815268Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.815387Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817426Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817474Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817659Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817790Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817823Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:337:2313], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.817858Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:337:2313], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, path id: 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.818580Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.818662Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.818695Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.818736Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:42:40.818777Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819213Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819270Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 3 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819292Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819315Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819340Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819393Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 281474976720762, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.819441Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [4:289:2276] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.822473Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823523Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823644Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: txId# 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823701Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Message: TxId: 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823754Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823778Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976720762 2025-03-11T11:42:40.823812Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976720762, id# 102, itemIdx# 4294967295 2025-03-11T11:42:40.825694Z node 4 :EXPORT DEBUG: TExport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:40.825803Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:40.825859Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [4:708:2648] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TPersQueueTest::TopicServiceSimpleHappyWrites [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenDisableNodeAndCreateTopic_ThenAllPartitionsAreOnOtherNode >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_BreakAll [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_BreakHalf_RemoveHalf >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_RemoveAll [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::UseLocksCache >> KqpRm::SnapshotSharingByExchanger [GOOD] >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::TestTableCreated >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-15 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-16 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentChanges [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestOooTxDoesntBreakPrecedingReadersLocks [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplit >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestOutdatedLocksRemove [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestBreakEdge [GOOD] >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestAlreadyBrokenLocks [GOOD] |78.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_BreakHalf_RemoveHalf [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/unittest >> KqpRm::NodesMembershipByExchanger [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:40.730842Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.731403Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001074/r3tmp/tmpZQ08bK/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.731945Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001074/r3tmp/tmpZQ08bK/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001074/r3tmp/tmpZQ08bK/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 18009311548484879084 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.803136Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.803463Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.829424Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [2:459:2099] with ResourceBroker at [2:430:2098] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.829587Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [2:460:2100] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.829765Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [1:458:2337] with ResourceBroker at [1:429:2318] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.829843Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [1:461:2338] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.829976Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.830009Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.830083Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.830104Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.830257Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.892303Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.892552Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.892661Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893058Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893210Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893364Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893430Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893570Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893683Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893708Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.893766Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.898562Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:40.898689Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.900837Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.901281Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.901632Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.901840Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.902117Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.902334Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:42.114367Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.114466Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.115528Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:42.438890Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix3 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix4 |78.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/unittest >> TDataShardLocksTest::MvccTestAlreadyBrokenLocks [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/unittest >> KqpRm::SnapshotSharingByExchanger [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:40.798424Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.799036Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00106d/r3tmp/tmpZeAxsK/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.799656Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00106d/r3tmp/tmpZeAxsK/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00106d/r3tmp/tmpZeAxsK/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 6577714022398384347 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:40.848845Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.849144Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:40.872707Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [2:459:2099] with ResourceBroker at [2:430:2098] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.872849Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [2:460:2100] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873018Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [1:458:2337] with ResourceBroker at [1:429:2318] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873109Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [1:461:2338] 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873215Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873248Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873326Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873366Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:40.873503Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.902514Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.902739Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.902822Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903146Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903292Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903414Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903464Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903564Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903701Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903727Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:40.903786Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693360 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:40.904437Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:40.904542Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.904982Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.905292Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.905541Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:40.905709Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.910102Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:40.910407Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073323Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073431Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073585Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) priority=0 resources={0, 100} 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073649Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073700Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Allocate resources {0, 100} for task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) from queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073742Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning in-fly task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.073786Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.000000 to 0.250000 (insert task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.075498Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 1, taskId: 1. Allocated TKqpResourcesRequest{ MemoryPool: 1, Memory: 100ExternalMemory: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:42.075700Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) priority=0 resources={0, 100} 2025-03-11T11:42:42.075786Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.075884Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Allocate resources {0, 100} for task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) from queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.075954Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning in-fly task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.076022Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.250000 to 0.500000 (insert task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.076150Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 2, taskId: 1. Allocated TKqpResourcesRequest{ MemoryPool: 1, Memory: 100ExternalMemory: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:42.076301Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:42.076537Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: alloc, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693361 AvailableComputeActors: 80 UsedMemory: 200 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 800 } ExecutionUnits: 80 2025-03-11T11:42:42.077057Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:42.398843Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399029Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099]) priority=0 resources={0, 100} 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399084Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399148Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Allocate resources {0, 100} for task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099]) from queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399208Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning in-fly task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399268Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.000000 to 0.250000 (insert task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399416Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 1, taskId: 1. Allocated TKqpResourcesRequest{ MemoryPool: 1, Memory: 100ExternalMemory: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399501Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099]) priority=0 resources={0, 100} 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399547Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399604Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Allocate resources {0, 100} for task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099]) from queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399887Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning in-fly task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:42.399965Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.250000 to 0.500000 (insert task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.400087Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 2, taskId: 2. Allocated TKqpResourcesRequest{ MemoryPool: 1, Memory: 100ExternalMemory: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:42.400266Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:42.400462Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: alloc, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693362 AvailableComputeActors: 80 UsedMemory: 200 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 800 } ExecutionUnits: 80 2025-03-11T11:42:42.400951Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:42.726614Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:42.726762Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Finish task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) (release resources {0, 100}) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.726821Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.500000 to 0.350100 (remove task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [1:458:2337])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.726862Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated real resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.000000 to 0.200200 2025-03-11T11:42:42.726930Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 1, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 100, Free Tier: 0, ExecutionUnits: 10. 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727007Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Finish task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) (release resources {0, 100}) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727077Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.350100 to 0.200200 (remove task kqp-2-1-2 (2 by [1:458:2337])) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727135Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 2, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 100, Free Tier: 0, ExecutionUnits: 10. 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727232Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727379Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: alloc, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693363 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:42.727701Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:43.050784Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request 2025-03-11T11:42:43.050932Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Finish task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099]) (release resources {0, 100}) 2025-03-11T11:42:43.050999Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.500000 to 0.350200 (remove task kqp-1-1-1 (1 by [2:459:2099])) 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051037Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated real resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.000000 to 0.200400 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051093Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 1, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 100, Free Tier: 0, ExecutionUnits: 10. 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051170Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Finish task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099]) (release resources {0, 100}) 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051230Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.350200 to 0.200400 (remove task kqp-2-2-2 (2 by [2:459:2099])) 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051278Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 2, taskId: 2. Released resources, Memory: 100, Free Tier: 0, ExecutionUnits: 10. 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051343Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051505Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: alloc, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693364 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:43.051837Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:43.359416Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule Snapshot request >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-46 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-47 >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Table [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_IndexedTable |78.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/unittest >> TDataShardLocksTest::Points_ManyTx_BreakHalf_RemoveHalf [GOOD] >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::BrokenReadLock-UseSink [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-28 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-29 >> TSchemeShardTest::MultipleColumnFamiliesWithStorage [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelModifying >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestSync [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenImmediateUpsert >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithNamedConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithUnknownNamedConfig >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWrite >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteUpdateTokenRequestWithInvalidToken_SessionClosedWithUnauthenticatedError [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteUpdateTokenRequestWithValidTokenButWithoutACL_SessionClosedWithUnauthorizedError >> KqpRm::ResourceBrokerNotEnoughResources >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQFail [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQAbort >> SplitPathTests::WithoutDatabaseShouldSuccess [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-28 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-29 ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::BrokenReadLock-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8073, MsgBus: 32562 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00186f/r3tmp/tmp21qLTF/pdisk_1.dat TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8073, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:32562 TClient is connected to server localhost:32562 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestSync [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 12653198301988222794 Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.427256Z 1 00h02m00.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8800:939] 2025-03-11T11:42:23.427792Z 2 00h02m00.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8807:946] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.880428Z 3 00h06m00.360512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8814:953] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.880600Z 2 00h06m00.360512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8807:946] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.072994Z 5 00h14m00.860512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8828:967] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.073119Z 4 00h14m00.860512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8821:960] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.041814Z 6 00h18m01.050512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8835:974] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.041944Z 5 00h18m01.050512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8828:967] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:38.226912Z 7 00h22m01.161536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8842:981] 2025-03-11T11:42:38.226994Z 6 00h22m01.161536s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8835:974] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] SEND TEvPut with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:42.542211Z 7 00h26m01.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:8842:981] TEvPutResult: TEvPutResult {Id# [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0.999988} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] === Read all 7 blob(s) === SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:0:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:1:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:2:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:3:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:4:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:5:0:0:32768:0] OK Size# 32768 RequestedSize# 32768}} SEND TEvGet with key [1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] TEvGetResult: TEvGetResult {Status# OK ResponseSz# 1 {[1:1:6:0:0:131072:0] OK Size# 131072 RequestedSize# 131072}} >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplit [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentMerge >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-4 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-5 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-34 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-35 >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotAndSplit |78.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_base_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_base_tenant |78.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_base_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_base_tenant |78.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/grpc_services/ut/unittest >> SplitPathTests::WithoutDatabaseShouldSuccess [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithUnknownNamedConfig [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAfterBackup |78.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_export/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |78.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_base_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_base_tenant >> KqpRm::ResourceBrokerNotEnoughResources [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_IndexedTable [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Pq >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-28 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-29 |78.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_column_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_column_build |78.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_column_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_column_build |78.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_column_build/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_column_build >> TSchemeShardMoveTest::Replace >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteReuseAfterCommit+UseSink |78.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/ydb-core-grpc_streaming-ut |78.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/ydb-core-grpc_streaming-ut |78.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/ydb-core-grpc_streaming-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/rm_service/ut/unittest >> KqpRm::ResourceBrokerNotEnoughResources [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:47.870552Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:47.871140Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001039/r3tmp/tmpIbwsX5/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:47.871767Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001039/r3tmp/tmpIbwsX5/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001039/r3tmp/tmpIbwsX5/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 11277011751531064281 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:42:47.939723Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:47.940033Z node 2 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: TResourceBrokerActor bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:42:47.968722Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [2:459:2099] with ResourceBroker at [2:430:2098] 2025-03-11T11:42:47.968903Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [2:460:2100] 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969096Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceManagerActor at [1:458:2337] with ResourceBroker at [1:429:2318] 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969163Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Start KqpResourceInfoExchangerActor at [1:461:2338] 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969342Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969418Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969507Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969530Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER CRIT: Failed to deliver subscription request to config dispatcher. 2025-03-11T11:42:47.969705Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:47.984445Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693367 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:47.984676Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:47.984781Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: data_center update, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693367 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 100000000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 100000000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985168Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985316Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status for exchanger, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985453Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985505Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985607Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 2 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372045444738657 } Timestamp: 1741693367 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 1000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 1000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985727Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Received tenant pool status, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqprm+/dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985750Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Don't set KqpProxySharedResources 2025-03-11T11:42:47.985825Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Send to publish resource usage for reason: tenant updated, payload: NodeId: 1 ResourceManagerActorId { RawX1: 7886758914357752171 RawX2: 9223372041149771361 } Timestamp: 1741693367 AvailableComputeActors: 100 UsedMemory: 0 TotalMemory: 100000000 Memory { Pool: 1 Available: 100000000 } ExecutionUnits: 100 2025-03-11T11:42:47.986647Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:47.986778Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.987259Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.987598Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.987902Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.988081Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /dc-1, board: kqpexch+/dc-1, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:47.988332Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:42:47.988541Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993045Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-1-2-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) priority=0 resources={0, 1000} 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993152Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-1-2-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993209Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Allocate resources {0, 1000} for task kqp-1-2-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) from queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993250Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning in-fly task kqp-1-2-1 (1 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993300Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Updated planned resource usage for queue queue_kqp_resource_manager from 0.000000 to 2.500000 (insert task kqp-1-2-1 (1 by [1:458:2337])) 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993526Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 1, taskId: 2. Allocated TKqpResourcesRequest{ MemoryPool: 1, Memory: 1000ExternalMemory: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993620Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Submitted new kqp_query task kqp-1-2-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) priority=0 resources={0, 100000} 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993668Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Assigning waiting task kqp-1-2-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) to queue queue_kqp_resource_manager 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993711Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Not enough resources to start task kqp-1-2-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993752Z node 1 :RESOURCE_BROKER DEBUG: Removing task kqp-1-2-2 (2 by [1:458:2337]) 2025-03-11T11:42:47.993854Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER NOTICE: TxId: 1, taskId: 2. Not enough memory for query, requested: 100000. TxResourcesInfo { TxId: 1, Database: , tx initially granted memory: 0B, tx total memory allocations: 1000B, tx largest successful memory allocation: 1000B, tx last failed memory allocation: 0B, tx total execution units: 0, started at: 2025-03-11T11:42:47.992956Z } >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinue+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinue-EvWrite >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::UpsertEvWriteQueryService+isOlap-useOltpSink [FAIL] >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationFirstClassCitizen [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationsCheckPropValues >> TPersQueueTest::WriteNonExistingTopic [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WriteAfterAlter >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Pq [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Solomon |78.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_sequence |78.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_sequence |78.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_sequence >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_Format_NewlineDelimited [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_Format_Concatenated [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::TryWriteManyRows-Commit [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFull >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateIndexedTableAfterBackup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreatePersQueueGroup >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldCommitLocksWhenReadWriteInSeparateTransactions [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::HandlePersistentSnapshotGoneInContinue [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::HandleMvccGoneInContinue [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_ZeroSymbol_Delimited [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_With_Base64_Transform_NewlineDelimited [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-7 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-8 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentMerge [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplitMerge >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadOneMessage |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_Format_Concatenated [GOOD] |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_With_Base64_Transform_NewlineDelimited [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-40 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-41 >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableForBackup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateFinishedInDescription >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AggregateWithFunction [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DisablePublicationsOfDropping_Solomon [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTopicOverDiskSpaceQuotas >> TSchemeShardMoveTest::Replace [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-47 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-48 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-34 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-35 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-29 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-30 >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_No_Delimiter [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_InvalidDelimiter [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-5 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-6 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-16 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-17 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> DataShardReadIterator::HandleMvccGoneInContinue [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:47.085238Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:47.085638Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:47.085881Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001677/r3tmp/tmp5sQnAp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:47.650982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.710943Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:47.760309Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.760475Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:47.775530Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:47.867311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:47.937413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:47.943130Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:47.943733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:47.944037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:48.002633Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:48.003556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:48.003785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:48.005698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.006268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.006351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.006834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:48.007030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:48.007142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:48.018607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:48.058597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.058874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:48.058997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059441Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.059986Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060178Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060227Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060337Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:48.060800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061224Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061728Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061772Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:48.061881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:48.062449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:48.062504Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:48.062538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:48.062563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:48.064479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:48.064538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.078854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.078946Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:48.078984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:48.079036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:48.079109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:48.252768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:48.252864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:48.252907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:48.253803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:48.263712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:4 ... de 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:49.652813Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.652871Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.652930Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653014Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653368Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [13:664:2568], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653412Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653469Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653505Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653540Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653576Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3500:281474976715665] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653613Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653648Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653699Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653731Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:49.653768Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666117Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 3500:281474976715665 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666243Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666297Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666347Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666403Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666479Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:281474976715665] is the new logically complete end at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666534Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:281474976715665] is the new logically incomplete end at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666608Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666668Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666698Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666727Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666758Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666911Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666943Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.666988Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667031Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667060Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667085Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667128Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667162Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667344Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667378Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667424Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667469Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667506Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667533Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667565Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667633Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667684Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667730Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.667773Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.682964Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:42:49.683172Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.683274Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:49.683400Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715665] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [13:1071:2866], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:42:49.683508Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.683973Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:42:49.684047Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.684083Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715665] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:49.684187Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715665] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [13:1071:2866], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:42:49.684249Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.686464Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [13:591:2516], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 281474976715665 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.686704Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.686849Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687039Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687130Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687204Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687311Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687379Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:8] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687452Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687492Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687523Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687555Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:49.687755Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 281474976715665 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW } 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688324Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v3500/281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688429Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[13:591:2516], 1} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688530Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[13:591:2516], 1} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 16, quota rows left# 18446744073709551614, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551599, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688804Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[13:591:2516], 1} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688919Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688957Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:49.688989Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689022Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689095Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689126Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689171Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689255Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.689515Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 |78.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut_fat |78.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut_fat |78.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/ydb-core-blobstorage-dsproxy-ut_fat ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_move/unittest >> TSchemeShardMoveTest::Replace [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:49.478926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:49.479246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.561167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:49.561228Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:49.577469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.578191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.578525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.598768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.599014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.599725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.600017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.603411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.604705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.604774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.604854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.604898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.604955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.605143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.615034Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.746658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.746914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.747173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.747397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.747447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.749999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.750145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.750350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.750411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.750451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:49.750486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:49.752641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.752703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.752740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:49.755389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.755452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.755498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.755548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.767414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:49.769989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:49.770226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:49.771373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.771520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.771573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.772012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:49.772077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.772280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.772380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.774945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:49.775965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.776000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:49.779182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.779316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.779357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... rId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:42:52.382672Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1 TxId_Deprecated: 1 TabletID: 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:42:52.384200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 3 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.384509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 14] was 1 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409547 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:42:52.387355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.387600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 16] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 5 paths, skipped 0, left 2 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 2 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 16], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 15] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 15], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 12] was 3 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 14], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 13] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 13], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.388901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 12] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:52.389272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 12] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.395667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 2025-03-11T11:42:52.395753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 tabletId 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:42:52.395943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 2025-03-11T11:42:52.395970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 tabletId 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 4 paths, skipped 0, left 1 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 12], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.397984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 tabletId 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:42:52.399665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 wait until 72075186233409546 is deleted wait until 72075186233409547 is deleted wait until 72075186233409548 is deleted 2025-03-11T11:42:52.400222Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:42:52.400312Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:42:52.400348Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409548 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409546 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409547 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:42:52.401045Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Src" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.401255Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Src" took 242us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:42:52.401443Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Src\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/Src" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: true } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.402083Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Dst" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.402319Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Dst" took 259us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:52.402777Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Dst" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Dst" PathId: 22 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000006 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Dst" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value0" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value1" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "Async" LocalPathId: 23 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalAsync State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value1" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableIndexes { Name: "Sync" LocalPathId: 25 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value0" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 2 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 5 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 22 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.403693Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:52.403855Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 175us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:42:52.404257Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 28 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 28 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 26 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Dst" PathId: 22 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000006 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 5 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 3 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithDeletesInTheMiddle [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithFirstRowPreloaded |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestTopicWriterParams_InvalidDelimiter [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateFinishedInDescription [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolume >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-35 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-36 >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTopicOverDiskSpaceQuotas [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/arrow/unittest >> KqpScanArrowFormat::AggregateWithFunction [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25470, MsgBus: 20036 2025-03-11T11:42:03.213139Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515862258829510:2265];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:03.213207Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001728/r3tmp/tmpP94X2X/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:04.875557Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:05.446393Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:05.463303Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:05.545424Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:05.750625Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:05.956853Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:05.968649Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.274994s 2025-03-11T11:42:05.968747Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.275148s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25470, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:07.283283Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:07.283316Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:07.293986Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:07.294253Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20036 2025-03-11T11:42:08.214580Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515862258829510:2265];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:08.214663Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:20036 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:08.734304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:08.954289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:09.355039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:09.509476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:09.596464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:09.807838Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515888028634783:2412], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:09.808065Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.308360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.368147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.406365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.445605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.493554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.572265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.806881Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515892323602709:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.806979Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.807368Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515892323602714:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:10.933638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.979371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:10.979651Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515892323602717:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:11.158598Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515896618570075:3479] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:15.323339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 864000000000 2025-03-11T11:42:18.071030Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693337846, txId: 281474976710675] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28588, MsgBus: 32175 2025-03-11T11:42:19.272545Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515933396141159:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:19.272607Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001728/r3tmp/tmpfTBcNd/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:19.368924Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28588, node 2 2025-03-11T11:42:19.432468Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:19.433844Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:19.452263Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:19.489225Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:19.489258Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:19.489265Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:19.489408Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32175 TClient is connected to server localhost:32175 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 Pr ... :42:31.274987Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.381315Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.452273Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.504102Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.542401Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480515960981853118:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:31.542481Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:42:31.566956Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.649698Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.751086Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515982456691750:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:31.751211Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:31.751724Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480515982456691755:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:31.756989Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:31.780397Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480515982456691757:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:31.850653Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480515982456691813:3459] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:41.060071Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693356137, txId: 281474976715671] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25750, MsgBus: 12059 2025-03-11T11:42:42.061516Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516029720722421:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:42.062138Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001728/r3tmp/tmp9rAQXy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:42.240276Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:42.291478Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:42.291585Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:42.293461Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25750, node 4 2025-03-11T11:42:42.386502Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.386528Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.386539Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:42.386718Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12059 TClient is connected to server localhost:12059 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:43.380617Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:43.390582Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:43.401151Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:43.539629Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:43.804858Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:44.120296Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:47.062299Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480516029720722421:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:47.062388Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:42:47.906903Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516051195560671:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:47.907014Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.002975Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.088519Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.182452Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.224517Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.283862Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.359666Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.463681Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516055490528487:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.463782Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.463955Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516055490528492:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.469388Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.504980Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480516055490528494:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.596673Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480516055490528551:3456] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:42:51.659063Z node 4 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693370844, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/unittest >> KqpDataIntegrityTrails::UpsertEvWriteQueryService+isOlap-useOltpSink [FAIL] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12287, MsgBus: 25772 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00187c/r3tmp/tmpaoIfD3/pdisk_1.dat TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12287, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:25772 TClient is connected to server localhost:25772 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... assertion failed at ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:133, void NKikimr::NKqp::NTestSuiteKqpDataIntegrityTrails::UpsertEvWriteQueryService(NUnitTest::TTestContext &) [isOlap = true, useOltpSink = false]: (CountSubstr(ss.Str(), "DATA_INTEGRITY TRACE: Component: Grpc") == 2) failed: (3 != 2) 0. /-S/util/system/backtrace.cpp:284: ?? @ 0x1855990B 1. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.cpp:47: RaiseError @ 0x18A218CF 2. /tmp//-S/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:133: UpsertEvWriteQueryService @ 0x1816E7BC 3. /tmp//-S/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:21: operator() @ 0x18145847 4. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__type_traits/invoke.h:150: __invoke<(lambda at /-S/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:21:1) &> @ 0x18145847 5. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__type_traits/invoke.h:225: __call<(lambda at /-S/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:21:1) &> @ 0x18145847 6. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:171: operator() @ 0x18145847 7. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:313: operator() @ 0x18145847 8. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:430: operator() @ 0x18A588F5 9. /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:989: operator() @ 0x18A588F5 10. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/utmain.cpp:525: Run @ 0x18A588F5 11. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.cpp:374: Run @ 0x18A28448 12. /tmp//-S/ydb/core/kqp/ut/data_integrity/kqp_data_integrity_trails_ut.cpp:21: Execute @ 0x181446F3 13. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.cpp:495: Execute @ 0x18A29D15 14. /tmp//-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/utmain.cpp:872: RunMain @ 0x18A52E6C 15. ??:0: ?? @ 0x7F0BBAC79D8F 16. ??:0: ?? @ 0x7F0BBAC79E3F 17. ??:0: ?? @ 0x15E38028 >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_With_Base64_Transform_Invalid_Encode [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_With_Base64_Transform [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_1KiB_No_Delimiter [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_Custom_Delimiter_Delimited [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ParallelModifying [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::PQGroupExplicitChannels >> TSchemeShardTest::CreatePersQueueGroup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreatePersQueueGroupWithKeySchema >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyTableAndConcurrentSplitMerge [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTablesForBackup >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix4 [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix5 >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolumeWithVolumeChannelsProfiles >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-29 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-30 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTopicOverDiskSpaceQuotas [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.720923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.832162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:25.832222Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:25.868827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.869349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.869520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.887165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.887410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.887961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.888215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.892019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.893796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.901070Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.043043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.043323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.043552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:26.043799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.043857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:26.049671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:26.053353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.053433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.053470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:26.057205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.057277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.057327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.057419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.061626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:26.063733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:26.063920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:26.064893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.065829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:26.068873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:26.070829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.070932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:26.070962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 1T11:42:53.990737Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.991541Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.991729Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.991782Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.991857Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.991948Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.992209Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 101 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:53.995798Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 101:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:101 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:53.995947Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 101, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:42:53.996418Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.996623Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 131 RawX2: 64424511594 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.996715Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.997217Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:53.997317Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:53.997644Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.997753Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:53.997824Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.000512Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.000583Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.000762Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.000916Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.000959Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.001004Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.001548Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.001617Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:54.001843Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.001944Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002019Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002087Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002171Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002246Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002313Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002378Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002635Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002716Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002790Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:42:54.002843Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:54.003627Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.003719Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.003767Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.003853Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:42:54.003925Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:54.004985Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.005075Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.005105Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.005138Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:42:54.005170Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:42:54.005263Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:54.014420Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.014589Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.015005Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:54.015096Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:42:54.015796Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.015973Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:54.016053Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [15:405:2371] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:42:54.029318Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreatePersQueueGroup CreatePersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 1 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 121 } MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.029870Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreatePQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.041218Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusResourceExhausted, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1', error: database size limit exceeded, limit: 1 bytes, available: 1 bytes, delta: 363 bytes, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.047699Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusResourceExhausted Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1\', error: database size limit exceeded, limit: 1 bytes, available: 1 bytes, delta: 363 bytes" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.048010Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusResourceExhausted, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1', error: database size limit exceeded, limit: 1 bytes, available: 1 bytes, delta: 363 bytes, operation: CREATE PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:42:54.048538Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:42:54.048614Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:42:54.049231Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:54.049370Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:42:54.049431Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [15:412:2378] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_Custom_Delimiter_Delimited [GOOD] |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_With_Base64_Transform [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-29 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-30 >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_OnlyDelimiters [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_SomeBinaryData [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteBrokenLock >> TVersions::Wreck1Reverse [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck0 >> DataShardReadIteratorPageFaults::LocksNotLostOnPageFault [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorState::ShouldCalculateQuota [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_EmptyInput [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_No_Base64_Transform [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenImmediateUpsert [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenSplit >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMoreMessagesThanLimit_Without_Wait_NewlineDelimited >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_1KiB_Newline_Delimiter [GOOD] |78.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_SomeBinaryData [GOOD] >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_1KiB_Newline_Delimited_With_Two_Delimiters_In_A_Row [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::PQGroupExplicitChannels [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ReadOnlyMode >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolumeWithVolumeChannelsProfiles [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions |78.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_No_Base64_Transform [GOOD] >> TableCreator::CreateTables >> TopicService::RelativePath [GOOD] |78.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicWriterTests::TestEnterMessage_1KiB_Newline_Delimited_With_Two_Delimiters_In_A_Row [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotAndSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWrites+UseSink >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteReuseAfterCommit+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteReuseAfterCommit-UseSink |78.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/table_creator/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_DisabledRemoteClusterAndWriteSessionsWithDifferentPreferredClusterAndLaterRemoteClusterEnabled_SessionWithMismatchedClusterDiesAfterPreferredClusterEnabledAndOtherSessionsAlive [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_EnabledRemotePreferredClusterAndCloseClientSessionWithEnabledRemotePreferredClusterDelaySec_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyTablesForBackup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyLockedTableForBackup >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-8 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-9 >> TSchemeShardTest::CreatePersQueueGroupWithKeySchema [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithCompactionStrategies >> TGRpcStreamingTest::SimpleEcho |78.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/ydb-core-kqp-ut-federated_query-generic_ut |78.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/ydb-core-kqp-ut-federated_query-generic_ut |78.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/ydb-core-kqp-ut-federated_query-generic_ut >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateBlockStoreVolumeWithNonReplicatedPartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterBlockStoreVolumeWithInvalidPoolKinds >> TSubDomainTest::CreateTablet ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> DataShardReadIteratorState::ShouldCalculateQuota [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:50.295192Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:50.295656Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:50.295946Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001676/r3tmp/tmpT662pG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:51.394356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:51.488088Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:51.532360Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:51.532504Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:51.547356Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:51.646086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:51.709811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:51.715304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:51.715848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:51.716268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:51.782434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:51.783624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:51.783805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:51.785806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.785931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.785998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.786434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:51.786607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:51.786730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.798753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851613Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:51.851872Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852650Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852892Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:51.852994Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853108Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:51.853654Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854536Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.854798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855382Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:51.855484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:51.857393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:51.857455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.868310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:51.868401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:51.868444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:51.868505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:51.868614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:52.054999Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055894Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055946Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.055984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:52.072480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:52.072651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.073118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.073168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.073237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:5 ... TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.984935Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TxId: 281474976715665, shard 72075186224037888, task: 1, meta: Table { TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 } TablePath: "/Root/table-1" SchemaVersion: 1 SysViewInfo: "" TableKind: 1 } Writes { Range { Ranges { KeyPoints: "\002\000\004\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" } } Columns { Column { Id: 1 Name: "key" Type: 1 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } Columns { Column { Id: 2 Name: "index" Type: 1 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } Columns { Column { Id: 3 Name: "value" Type: 1 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } } 2025-03-11T11:42:55.985075Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Table /Root/table-1, shard: 72075186224037888, task: 1, write point (Int32 : 2, Int32 : 0) 2025-03-11T11:42:55.985200Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Int32 : 2, Int32 : 0) table: [72057594046644480:2:1] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.985421Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddReadRange: (Uint64 : 281474976715663, Uint64 : 72075186224037888, Uint64 : 72057594046644480, Uint64 : 2) table: [1:997:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.985566Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Uint64 : 281474976715663, Uint64 : 72075186224037888, Uint64 : 72057594046644480, Uint64 : 2) table: [1:997:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986141Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986286Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986372Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986444Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986517Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986582Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v3500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v3501/0 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v3501/0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986703Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986772Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986804Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986832Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986863Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.986945Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v3500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v3501/0 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v3501/0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987031Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TSysLocks::GetLock: lock 281474976715663 not found 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987103Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ValidateLocks: broken lock 281474976715663 expected 2:5 found 0:0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987266Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: KqpEraseLock LockId: 281474976715663 DataShard: 72075186224037888 Generation: 2 Counter: 5 SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 HasWrites: false 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987385Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987415Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987442Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987473Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987625Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987681Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987753Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987817Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987883Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987910Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.987949Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:55.988935Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.989034Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.989122Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715665 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: LOCKS_BROKEN 2025-03-11T11:42:55.989269Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.990502Z node 13 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=ZmM5NTQ0NzEtNzhjZDNiYWUtYTJlYzMyNmEtNGUxZjdhZjU=, ActorId: [13:950:2764], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g7na31wgga4kgwnpnxmy0, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:42:55.991736Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g7na31wgga4kgwnpnxmy0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=ZmM5NTQ0NzEtNzhjZDNiYWUtYTJlYzMyNmEtNGUxZjdhZjU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992228Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [13:1002:2764], Recipient [13:872:2705]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_DATA SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 1002 RawX2: 55834577612 } TxBody: " \0018\001j3\010\001\032\'\n#\t\217\023\000\000\000\000\001\000\021\000\000\001\000\000\020\000\001\030\002 \005)\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\0010\0028\000 \003\"\006\020\0020\000@\n\220\001\000" TxId: 281474976715666 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 8 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992283Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992557Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435074, Sender [13:872:2705], Recipient [13:872:2705]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992597Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992678Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.992906Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Uint64 : 281474976715663, Uint64 : 72075186224037888, Uint64 : 72057594046644480, Uint64 : 2) table: [1:997:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993024Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993081Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993116Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993149Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993181Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993229Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v3501/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v3500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v3501/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v3501/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993285Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993324Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993352Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993381Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993408Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993481Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715666] (execute_kqp_data_tx) at 72075186224037888 set memory limit 4193448 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993649Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: KqpEraseLock LockId: 281474976715663 DataShard: 72075186224037888 Generation: 2 Counter: 5 SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 HasWrites: false 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993755Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: add locks to result: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993844Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993875Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993943Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.993979Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994048Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715666 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994172Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994221Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994289Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994354Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994412Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994480Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994511Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994610Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994681Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.994763Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> TDataShardLocksTest::UseLocksCache [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-41 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-42 >> TSchemeShardTest::ReadOnlyMode [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::PathErrors >> TSequence::CreateSequenceParallel >> TopicService::AccessRights |78.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/tx-replication-service-ut_json_change_record |78.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/tx-replication-service-ut_json_change_record |78.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/tx-replication-service-ut_json_change_record >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinue-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinueInvisibleRowSkips+EvWrite >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestQuadrupleGroups >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-6 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-7 >> TSequence::CreateSequence >> TGRpcStreamingTest::ClientDisconnects >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFull [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFromInclusive >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-35 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-36 >> TPersQueueTest::CheckACLForGrpcWrite [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckACLForGrpcRead >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateTableWithCompactionStrategies [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateSystemColumn >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-48 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-1 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/unittest >> TDataShardLocksTest::UseLocksCache [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:48.516675Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:48.516968Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:48.517146Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c10/r3tmp/tmpXIzphc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:48.846436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:48.894237Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:48.937146Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:48.937303Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:48.949153Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:49.037446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:49.124057Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:669:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.125419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:669:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:49.125993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:669:2571] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.126270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.173154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:669:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.173570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:49.175136Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:49.175560Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:672:2573] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.175769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.185404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.186034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.186253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.188943Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:703:2571] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.189427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.189504Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.190952Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.191022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.191069Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.191386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.191498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:49.191573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:704:2573] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.202687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.276572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.276838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:707:2592] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:669:2571], Recipient [1:669:2571]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277603Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277697Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.277820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:708:2593] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:672:2573], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.278908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279087Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279557Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.279696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:688:2582], Recipient [1:669:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:663:2567], serverId# [1:688:2582], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280384Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:688:2582] 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:49.280775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281190Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281367Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:49.281874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:49.282487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 720751 ... 976715663] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:58.882105Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:58.882145Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:58.882167Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:58.882190Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:58.892982Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893055Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [2500:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893123Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2500 : 281474976715662] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:935:2725], exec latency: 8 ms, propose latency: 9 ms 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 72075186224037888 {TEvReadSet step# 2500 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037888 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893251Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893461Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893490Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893526Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893603Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893734Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [2:975:2782], Recipient [2:672:2573]: {TEvReadSet step# 2500 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037888 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893775Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:42:58.893804Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:42:58.895612Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [2:61:2108], Recipient [2:672:2573]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715661 LockNode: 2 Status: STATUS_NOT_FOUND 2025-03-11T11:42:58.895844Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [2:61:2108], Recipient [2:975:2782]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715661 LockNode: 2 Status: STATUS_NOT_FOUND 2025-03-11T11:42:59.007385Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g7raj553aqkdzrm9h8nq1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjY2YmFiZjctMmIwZjM5MTYtNmMwOGE4M2EtODBmOTNhOTA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:42:59.010771Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [2:1018:2808], Recipient [2:975:2782]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.010959Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011044Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011149Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011249Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011289Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011366Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:3] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011413Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011441Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011468Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011494Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011619Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 } 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011890Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011940Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[2:1018:2808], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.011992Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1018:2808], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012077Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1018:2808], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012167Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012214Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012246Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012274Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012329Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012355Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012387Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012438Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:59.012556Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:59.013569Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1018:2808], Recipient [2:975:2782]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.013642Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:42:59.013972Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [2:1018:2808], Recipient [2:672:2573]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 999 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 999 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014135Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037889, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014194Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037889 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014273Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014303Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014330Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014356Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014403Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:6] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014433Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014459Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014485Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014510Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037889 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014615Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 999 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 999 } 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014821Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037889 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014878Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[2:1018:2808], 1} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014916Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[2:1018:2808], 1} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 997, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.014998Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[2:1018:2808], 1} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015048Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015075Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015101Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015130Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015176Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015200Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015229Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015257Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:59.015346Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:42:59.016188Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1018:2808], Recipient [2:672:2573]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.016241Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 1 } >> TSchemeShardTest::CopyLockedTableForBackup [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConfigColumnFamily >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterBlockStoreVolumeWithInvalidPoolKinds [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateDropKesus >> TSchemeShardTest::PathErrors [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ManyDirs |78.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-30 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-49 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-17 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-18 >> TSequence::CreateSequence [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateDropRecreate >> TSequence::CreateSequenceParallel [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceSequential >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPartialGetBlock >> TSchemeShardCheckProposeSize::CopyTables [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameterless >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-36 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-37 >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateSystemColumn [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConfigColumnFamily [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyAfterDropIndexes >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateDropKesus [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterKesus >> TSequence::CreateDropRecreate [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideSequenceNotAllowed >> TGRpcStreamingTest::SimpleEcho [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-30 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-31 >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameterless [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_22_9-EnableParameterizedDecimal-false >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-30 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-31 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscover >> TableCreator::CreateTables [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceSequential [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideTableThenDropSequence ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateSystemColumn [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.065966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.066045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.066393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.162841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:25.162896Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:25.182861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.183381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.183568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.194045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.194336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.195031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.195364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.198828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.200733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.207801Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.356585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.356773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.356931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.357104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.357150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:25.360701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.363697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.363761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.363800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:25.366000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.366059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.366106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.366180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.370043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:25.376656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:25.376890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.382420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.385053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.385192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.385230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... eadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.423777Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.423833Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.423896Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:03.424006Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [15:336:2315] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:03.424078Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.424149Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.424201Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.424398Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:03.426694Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:03.426780Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [15:337:2316] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.430496Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "SystemColumnInCopyAllowed" CopyFromTable: "/MyRoot/SystemColumnAllowed" } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.430886Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCopyTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/SystemColumnInCopyAllowed, opId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.431475Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: MyRoot, child name: SystemColumnInCopyAllowed, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.431567Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.431618Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:03.431689Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.431798Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:03.432019Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.432636Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:03.432704Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:03.442909Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.443214Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /MyRoot/SystemColumnInCopyAllowed 2025-03-11T11:43:03.443560Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.443638Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:03.443938Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:43:03.444066Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.444170Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.444249Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:03.444932Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.445032Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 103:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxCopyTable, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.445379Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 103:0 CreateRequest Event to Hive: 72057594037968897 msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 3 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.446523Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.446742Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.446816Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.446880Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:43:03.446957Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448301Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448393Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448426Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448463Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448502Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:03.448617Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:03.451042Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594037968897 cookie: 72057594046678944:2 msg type: 268697601 2025-03-11T11:43:03.451249Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 0, tablet: 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:43:03.451335Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByShardIdx, TxId: 103, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.451845Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvCreateTablet, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 3 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "pool-1" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452191Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvCreateTablet, Owner 72057594046678944, OwnerIdx 2, type DataShard, boot OK, tablet id 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452394Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvCreateTabletReply at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046678944 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409547 Origin: 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452469Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByShardIdx, TxId: 103, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452652Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046678944 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409547 Origin: 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452731Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 103:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452845Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 103:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046678944 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409547 Origin: 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:43:03.452969Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 103:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:03.455420Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.456504Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:03.458837Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.459085Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.459168Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCopyTable TConfigureParts operationId# 103:0 ProgressState at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.459267Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCopyTable TConfigureParts operationId# 103:0 Propose modify scheme on dstDatashard# 72075186233409547 idx# 72057594046678944:2 srcDatashard# 72075186233409546 idx# 72057594046678944:1 operationId# 103:0 seqNo# 2:2 at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:03.467083Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409547 cookie: 72057594046678944:2 msg type: 269549568 2025-03-11T11:43:03.467273Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 103:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409546 cookie: 72057594046678944:1 msg type: 269549568 2025-03-11T11:43:03.467363Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:03.467398Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 103, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186233409546 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 |78.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ut/ydb-core-security-ut |78.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ut/ydb-core-security-ut |78.3%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_locks/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |78.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ut/ydb-core-security-ut |78.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_exchange |78.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_exchange |78.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_exchange >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWrites+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWrites-UseSink >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterKesus [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateDropSolomon >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideSequenceNotAllowed [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideIndexTableNotAllowed ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/unittest >> TGRpcStreamingTest::SimpleEcho [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:59.295877Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516106607719316:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:59.296326Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c70/r3tmp/tmpyqyRyt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:00.327989Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:00.340489Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:00.340611Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:00.340914Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:00.362660Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:00.607181Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] stream accepted Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.610167Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] facade attach Name# Session actor# [1:7480516110902687010:2261] peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.610214Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] facade read Name# Session peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.614171Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] read finished Name# Session ok# true data# peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.614258Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: Received TEvReadFinished, success = 1 2025-03-11T11:43:00.614289Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] facade write Name# Session data# peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.614646Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] facade finish Name# Session peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 grpc status# (0) message# 2025-03-11T11:43:00.615559Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] write finished Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.615825Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] stream done notification Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 2025-03-11T11:43:00.615857Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] stream finished Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 grpc status# (0) message# 2025-03-11T11:43:00.615910Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002a080] deregistering request Name# Session peer# ipv6:[::1]:54190 (finish done) |78.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_ext_tenant |78.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_ext_tenant |78.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_ext_tenant >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_22_9-EnableParameterizedDecimal-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_22_9-EnableParameterizedDecimal-true ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/table_creator/ut/unittest >> TableCreator::CreateTables [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:58.311104Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516100210110701:2269];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:58.311153Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001664/r3tmp/tmp7ZktAn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:59.064893Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:59.067964Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:59.068068Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:59.073373Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:22034 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23952, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.490715Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:59.490745Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:59.490758Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:59.490922Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:59.639040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:59.746535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.749350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:03.311508Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516100210110701:2269];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:03.311609Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteBrokenLock [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartBeforePlan+UseSink >> YdbTableSplit::MergeByNoLoadAfterSplit [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideTableThenDropSequence [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideTableThenDropTable >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPartialGetBlock [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPartialGetMirror >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-9 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-49 >> TPersQueueTest::WhenDisableNodeAndCreateTopic_ThenAllPartitionsAreOnOtherNode [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterDecompressingTheData_Compressed >> TGRpcStreamingTest::ClientDisconnects [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure4Plus2Block >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteReuseAfterCommit-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitSuccess+UseSink >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideIndexTableNotAllowed [GOOD] >> TSequence::CopyTableWithSequence >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyAfterDropIndexes [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix5 [GOOD] >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestStorageLoad [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenReadIterator >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-42 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-43 >> TSequence::CreateSequenceInsideTableThenDropTable [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateSequencesWithIndexedTable >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyRestoreOnGetBlock |78.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut |78.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut |78.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/table_split_ut/unittest >> YdbTableSplit::MergeByNoLoadAfterSplit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:48.434869Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515798165887365:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:48.434923Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017b2/r3tmp/tmpYPwjPP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:49.522614Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:49.643753Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:49.675472Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:49.675622Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:49.695132Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:49.930290Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.186094s 2025-03-11T11:41:49.930407Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.186226s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21769, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.345240Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.345264Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.345275Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.345409Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25647 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:50.912863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... Triggering split by load TClient is connected to server localhost:25647 2025-03-11T11:41:53.438000Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515798165887365:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.438091Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:53.475594Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515819640724945:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:53.475719Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.392502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:54.757503Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515823935692441:2354], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.757606Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:54.777146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls request: /Root/Foo TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Foo" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693314655 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Foo" Columns { Name: "NameHash" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Name" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Versio... (TRUNCATED) Table has 1 shards TClient::Ls request: /Root/Foo TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Foo" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693314655 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Foo" Columns { Name: "NameHash" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Name" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Versio... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:41:55.051160Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659843:2388], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.051352Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.051681Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659865:2396], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.051688Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659868:2399], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052021Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659870:2401], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052070Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659869:2400], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052667Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659876:2403], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052891Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052926Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659889:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.052970Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659891:2412], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.054054Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659906:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.054156Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515828230659909:2417], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:55.056068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /Root/.metadata, operationId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.057120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710661:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.057163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /Root/.metadata/workload_manager, operationId: 281474976710661:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.057267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710661:2, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:55.057285 ... PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Foo" Columns { Name: "NameHash" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Name" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Versio... (TRUNCATED) Table has 2 shards Fast forward > 10h to trigger the merge TClient::Ls request: /Root/Foo TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Foo" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693314655 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Foo" Columns { Name: "NameHash" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Name" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Versio... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:42:59.838522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.2373 2025-03-11T11:42:59.874429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.2751 2025-03-11T11:42:59.936038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 2 2025-03-11T11:42:59.936240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.936561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TSplitMerge Propose, tableStr: /Root/Foo, tableId: , opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.937100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715658:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.939243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.939370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.940177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715658:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxSplitTablePartition, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.947405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.947488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715658:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:59.955199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TConfigureDestination ProgressState, operationId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:59.961113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037891 actor [1:7480516103108655547:11196] 2025-03-11T11:42:59.978006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.022110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:43:00.022269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037891, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:43:00.022507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037891 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.050135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TConfigureDestination operationId# 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvInitSplitMergeDestinationAck, operationId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 message# OperationCookie: 281474976715658 TabletId: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:43:00.050219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715658:0 3 -> 131 2025-03-11T11:43:00.055245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TTransferData operationId# 281474976715658:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.140070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:43:00.140236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037891 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:43:00.140308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:43:00.140342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:43:00.140645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037891 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.149917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.157904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TTransferData operationId# 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvSplitAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: OperationCookie: 281474976715658 TabletId: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:00.158259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TTransferData operationId# 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvSplitAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: OperationCookie: 281474976715658 TabletId: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:43:00.158528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715658:0 131 -> 132 2025-03-11T11:43:00.161579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.161906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.161963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TNotifySrc, operationId: 281474976715658:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.162687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2025-03-11T11:43:00.162721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658 2025-03-11T11:43:00.162740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:43:00.186289Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:43:00.188790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TNotifySrc, operationId: 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvSplitPartitioningChangedAck, from datashard: 72075186224037889, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.196282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.196730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037890 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:43:00.202125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TSplitMerge TNotifySrc, operationId: 281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvSplitPartitioningChangedAck, from datashard: 72075186224037890, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.202233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715658:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:00.202279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715658:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:00.202337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715658:0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.204916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxShardStateChanged DoExecute, datashard informs about state changing, datashardId: 72075186224037889, state: Offline, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.209280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Unable to activate 281474976715658:0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.209342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037890 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.218051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletStop: 72075186224037889 reason = ReasonStop 2025-03-11T11:43:00.218359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxShardStateChanged DoExecute, datashard informs about state changing, datashardId: 72075186224037890, state: Offline, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:00.218522Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:43:00.220191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:00.220287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:00.247107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletStop: 72075186224037890 reason = ReasonStop 2025-03-11T11:43:00.249194Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:43:00.250035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:00.250180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2025-03-11T11:43:00.250805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:43:00.250910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:43:00.255612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 TClient::Ls request: /Root/Foo TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Foo" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693314655 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 2 TablePartitionVersion: 3 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Foo" Columns { Name: "NameHash" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Name" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Versio... (TRUNCATED) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/grpc_streaming/ut/unittest >> TGRpcStreamingTest::ClientDisconnects [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:01.670551Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516114250295060:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:01.670609Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c54/r3tmp/tmpxjGwa2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:02.682443Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:02.684842Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.684919Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:02.702168Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:02.704427Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.914200Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002bc80] stream accepted Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:56588 2025-03-11T11:43:02.919301Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002bc80] facade attach Name# Session actor# [1:7480516118545262904:2260] peer# ipv6:[::1]:56588 2025-03-11T11:43:02.921993Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002bc80] stream done notification Name# Session ok# true peer# ipv6:[::1]:56588 2025-03-11T11:43:02.922105Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: Received TEvNotifiedWhenDone 2025-03-11T11:43:02.925037Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002bc80] stream finished Name# Session ok# false peer# unknown grpc status# (1) message# Request abandoned 2025-03-11T11:43:02.925079Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER DEBUG: [0x51f00002bc80] deregistering request Name# Session peer# unknown (finish done) >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_22_9-EnableParameterizedDecimal-true [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_35_6-EnableParameterizedDecimal-false ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/unittest >> ReadOnlyVDisk::TestStorageLoad [GOOD] Test command err: RandomSeed# 10562630794612337874 Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.300681Z 1 00h02m38.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.304504Z 1 00h02m38.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.308884Z 1 00h02m38.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.314632Z 1 00h02m38.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.315334Z 1 00h02m38.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.332321Z 1 00h02m38.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.545727Z 1 00h02m38.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.893053Z 1 00h02m38.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.905304Z 1 00h02m38.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:28.982731Z 1 00h02m38.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.111823Z 1 00h02m38.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.235422Z 1 00h02m39.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.237823Z 1 00h02m39.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.253884Z 1 00h02m39.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.596515Z 1 00h02m39.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.613424Z 1 00h02m39.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.713180Z 1 00h02m39.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.727993Z 1 00h02m39.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:29.914659Z 1 00h02m40.010512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.015160Z 1 00h02m40.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.017603Z 1 00h02m40.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.036911Z 1 00h02m40.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.049948Z 1 00h02m40.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.060824Z 1 00h02m40.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.200587Z 1 00h02m40.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.384673Z 1 00h02m40.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.406942Z 1 00h02m40.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.425985Z 1 00h02m40.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.453167Z 1 00h02m40.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.496907Z 1 00h02m41.010512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.577396Z 1 00h02m41.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.578713Z 1 00h02m41.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.761955Z 1 00h02m41.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.775659Z 1 00h02m41.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.975952Z 1 00h02m41.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:30.994556Z 1 00h02m41.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.031948Z 1 00h02m41.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.067275Z 1 00h02m42.010512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.425368Z 1 00h02m42.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.428751Z 1 00h02m42.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.461663Z 1 00h02m42.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.477167Z 1 00h02m42.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.537413Z 1 00h02m42.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.559395Z 1 00h02m42.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.610165Z 1 00h02m42.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.940568Z 1 00h02m43.010512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.960076Z 1 00h02m43.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.964254Z 1 00h02m43.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:31.997724Z 1 00h02m43.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.127014Z 1 00h02m43.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.144463Z 1 00h02m43.410512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.355133Z 1 00h02m43.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.373910Z 1 00h02m43.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.388328Z 1 00h02m43.710512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.470553Z 1 00h02m43.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.683684Z 1 00h02m43.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.728520Z 1 00h02m44.010512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.833660Z 1 00h02m44.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.854720Z 1 00h02m44.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.869041Z 1 00h02m44.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:32.899403Z 1 00h02m44.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.020110Z 1 00h02m44.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.055648Z 1 00h02m44.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.071721Z 1 00h02m44.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.411221Z 1 00h02m45.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.434938Z 1 00h02m45.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.451900Z 1 00h02m45.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.481737Z 1 00h02m45.510512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.582859Z 1 00h02m45.610512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.615781Z 1 00h02m45.810512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.850203Z 1 00h02m45.910512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.905532Z 1 00h02m46.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.905686Z 1 00h02m46.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:33.906350Z 1 00h02m46.110512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] Setting VDisk read-only to 1 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.715276Z 1 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.715477Z 2 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.719197Z 1 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.719425Z 2 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.724540Z 1 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.724730Z 2 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.731239Z 1 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.732033Z 2 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.733792Z 1 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.734190Z 2 00h05m16.210512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.755311Z 1 00h05m16.310512s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:35.755541Z 2 00h05m16. ... 25-03-11T11:42:46.365449Z 1 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:0:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5300:698] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365664Z 2 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:1:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5307:705] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365737Z 3 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:2:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5314:712] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365795Z 4 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:3:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5321:719] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365849Z 5 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:4:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5328:726] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365920Z 6 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:5:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5335:733] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.365977Z 7 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:6:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5342:740] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.366028Z 8 00h10m24.561024s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:46.366463Z 1 00h10m24.561024s :BS_LOAD_TEST ERROR: TabletId# 1 Generation# 4 recieved not OK, msg# TEvBlockResult {Status# ERROR ErrorReason# "Status# ERROR From# [82000000:1:0:2:0] NodeId# 3 QuorumTracker# {Erroneous# 00000111 Successful# 00000000}"} Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 0 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:0:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 1 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:1:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 2 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:2:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 3 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:3:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 4 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:4:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 5 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:5:0] Setting VDisk read-only to 0 for position 6 Invoking SetVDiskReadOnly for vdisk [82000000:1:0:6:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.701177Z 8 00h20m55.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.706138Z 8 00h20m55.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.715054Z 8 00h20m55.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.728492Z 8 00h20m55.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.730047Z 8 00h20m55.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.769911Z 8 00h20m55.152048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.789142Z 8 00h20m55.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:51.854620Z 8 00h20m55.452048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.109688Z 8 00h20m55.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.165383Z 8 00h20m55.752048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.180672Z 8 00h20m55.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.552033Z 8 00h20m56.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.553819Z 8 00h20m56.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.580319Z 8 00h20m56.152048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.640788Z 8 00h20m56.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.810421Z 8 00h20m56.452048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.077362Z 8 00h20m56.652048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.094913Z 8 00h20m56.752048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.191421Z 8 00h20m56.952048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.402743Z 8 00h20m57.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.404119Z 8 00h20m57.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.422063Z 8 00h20m57.152048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.809825Z 8 00h20m57.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.967725Z 8 00h20m57.452048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.988546Z 8 00h20m57.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.021372Z 8 00h20m57.652048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.056814Z 8 00h20m57.752048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.099433Z 8 00h20m57.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.233610Z 8 00h20m57.952048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.540152Z 8 00h20m58.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.541614Z 8 00h20m58.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.713203Z 8 00h20m58.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:54.733106Z 8 00h20m58.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.336531Z 8 00h20m58.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.350302Z 8 00h20m58.652048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.480462Z 8 00h20m58.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.502796Z 8 00h20m58.952048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.526736Z 8 00h20m59.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.528528Z 8 00h20m59.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.567943Z 8 00h20m59.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.684803Z 8 00h20m59.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.761934Z 8 00h20m59.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.804842Z 8 00h20m59.652048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.875200Z 8 00h20m59.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.083106Z 8 00h20m59.952048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.112762Z 8 00h21m00.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.115272Z 8 00h21m00.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.155788Z 8 00h21m00.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.171863Z 8 00h21m00.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.323218Z 8 00h21m00.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.339726Z 8 00h21m00.652048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.551847Z 8 00h21m00.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.608763Z 8 00h21m00.952048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.695657Z 8 00h21m01.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.696991Z 8 00h21m01.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.824347Z 8 00h21m01.152048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.844568Z 8 00h21m01.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.868904Z 8 00h21m01.352048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:56.884408Z 8 00h21m01.452048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.004425Z 8 00h21m01.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.118526Z 8 00h21m01.752048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.266673Z 8 00h21m01.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.361524Z 8 00h21m02.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.385258Z 8 00h21m02.152048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.519095Z 8 00h21m02.252048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.736411Z 8 00h21m02.452048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:57.786010Z 8 00h21m02.552048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:58.028760Z 8 00h21m02.752048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:58.045613Z 8 00h21m02.852048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:58.112248Z 8 00h21m03.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:58.112720Z 8 00h21m03.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] 2025-03-11T11:42:58.116285Z 8 00h21m03.052048s :BS_SKELETON ERROR: VDISK[82000000:_:0:7:0]: Unavailable in read-only Sender# [1:5349:747] >> TPersQueueTest::StreamReadManyUpdateTokenAndRead [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupWriteSession >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateDropSolomon [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterDropSolomon >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPartialGetMirror [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::ConsistentCopyAfterDropIndexes [GOOD] Test command err: canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "4@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "1@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "4@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "1@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "4@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "1@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "4@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "1@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } result: ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "44@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "11@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "44@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "11@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } result: ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "3@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "6@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "44@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "11@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } result: ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "2@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "5@staff" InheritanceType: 1 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "22@staff" InheritanceType: 1 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "44@staff" InheritanceType: 4 } ACE { AccessType: 0 AccessRight: 521 SID: "55@staff" InheritanceType: 5 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 32768 SID: "11@staff" InheritanceType: 0 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 6 } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@staff" InheritanceType: 7 } canonic: ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "0@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "7@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "00@staff" InheritanceType: 3 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 59391 SID: "33@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "66@staff" InheritanceType: 2 Inherited: true } ACE { AccessType: 1 AccessRight: 521 SID: "77@sta ... athType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000009 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: "Copy3" PathId: 9 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000009 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table1" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCopying Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 8 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.365601Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.365965Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table1" took 345us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:07.366471Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table1" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 8 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 8 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 2 TableSchemaVersion: 4 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 4 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 8 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.367550Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Copy1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.367912Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Copy1" took 389us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:07.368433Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Copy1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Copy1" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000007 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Copy1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "Sync" LocalPathId: 6 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 8 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.369578Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Copy2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.369879Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Copy2" took 309us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:07.370460Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Copy2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Copy2" PathId: 8 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000009 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Copy2" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 8 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.371833Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Copy3" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:07.372184Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Copy3" took 374us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:07.372680Z node 14 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Copy3" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Copy3" PathId: 9 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 105 CreateStep: 5000009 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Copy3" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableIndexes { Name: "Sync" LocalPathId: 10 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "value" SchemaVersion: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 8 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 7 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-7 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-8 >> TSequence::CreateSequencesWithIndexedTable [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateTableWithDefaultFromSequence >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyPutInvalidSize |78.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-18 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-19 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReadRangePrefix5 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:48.801709Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:48.803388Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:48.804471Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001672/r3tmp/tmp3yEPQ2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:49.378286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:49.569379Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:49.612314Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:49.612416Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:49.627192Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:49.773086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:49.876236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:49.877421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:49.882063Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:49.882455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:50.012819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:50.013674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:50.013925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:50.015809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.015913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.015978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.016364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:50.016526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:50.016636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:50.027517Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105912Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.105987Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106510Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106611Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:50.106892Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107670Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.107978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113400Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113558Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:50.113731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:50.133630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:50.133722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.145346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.145435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:50.145475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:50.145521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:50.145587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:50.332717Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:50.332786Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:50.332823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:50.333539Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:50.346697Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:50.346804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:50.347225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.347269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:50.347336Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:5 ... 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057340Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057409Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057487Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057543Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057869Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [15:877:2710], Recipient [15:877:2710]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057937Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:07.057996Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058033Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058065Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058107Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3000:281474976715664] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058143Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058181Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058211Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058247Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058285Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058440Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 3000:281474976715664 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058490Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058520Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058549Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058578Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058626Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3000:281474976715664] is the new logically complete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058671Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3000:281474976715664] is the new logically incomplete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058717Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058768Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058798Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058826Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058857Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.058971Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059002Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059042Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059086Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059117Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059144Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059171Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059201Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059372Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059408Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059446Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059485Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059520Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059573Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059612Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059653Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059697Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059747Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.059783Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.083001Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 3000} 2025-03-11T11:43:07.083186Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.083279Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:07.083394Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3000 : 281474976715664] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [15:1037:2835], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:07.083549Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.084001Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 3000} 2025-03-11T11:43:07.084064Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.084118Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:07.084167Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3000 : 281474976715664] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [15:1037:2835], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:07.084218Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:07.086240Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [15:592:2517], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3000 TxId: 281474976715664 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:07.086479Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:43:07.086624Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:07.086845Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.086935Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087005Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087072Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087126Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:4] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087201Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087235Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087265Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087296Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:07.087489Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3000 TxId: 281474976715664 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW } 2025-03-11T11:43:07.090434Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v3000/281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:43:07.090558Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[15:592:2517], 1} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:07.090661Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[15:592:2517], 1} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 18446744073709551613, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551583, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:07.094594Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[15:592:2517], 1} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:43:07.094820Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.094865Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:07.094905Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.094941Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.095014Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:07.095040Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:07.095087Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:07.095172Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:07.095463Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 |78.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPartialGetMirror [GOOD] >> TSequence::CopyTableWithSequence [GOOD] >> TSequence::AlterSequence >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxySimpleDiscover >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_35_6-EnableParameterizedDecimal-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_35_6-EnableParameterizedDecimal-true >> TSequence::CreateTableWithDefaultFromSequence [GOOD] >> TSequence::CreateTableWithDefaultFromSequenceAndIndex >> BuildStatsHistogram::Many_Serial [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterDropSolomon [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::Auth_WriteUpdateTokenRequestWithValidTokenButWithoutACL_SessionClosedWithUnauthorizedError [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithBlobsRateLimit [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithUserPayloadRateLimit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-1 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-2 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure3Plus2Block >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscover [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverMaxi >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFromInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFromNonInclusive >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-49 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-50 >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadOneMessage [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadTwoMessages_With_Limit_1 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestVPutVCollectVGetRace >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-31 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-32 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetAndRangeGetManyBlobs >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinueInvisibleRowSkips+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinueInvisibleRowSkips-EvWrite >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetMultipart >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-36 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-55 >> TSequence::CreateTableWithDefaultFromSequenceAndIndex [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-37 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-38 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyPutInvalidSize [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverSingleFailure >> TSubDomainTest::CreateTablet [GOOD] >> TSubDomainTest::CreateTabletForUnknownDomain ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::CreateAlterDropSolomon [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.311980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.312728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.402576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:25.402630Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:25.417108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.417571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.417755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.433326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.433552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.434162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.434450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.437704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.439544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.447757Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.599954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.600221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.600485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.600762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.600835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.610891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.611037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:25.611312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.611391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.611432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:25.611466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.619457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.619533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.619575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:25.622992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.623065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.623113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.623205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.628749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:25.633550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:25.633768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:25.634854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.635619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.638985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.639021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.639050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.639115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:25.639148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.639179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.641613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.641755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.641794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:10.741955Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742073Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742121Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742199Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742281Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742763Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742839Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742866Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742901Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:43:10.742935Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:10.743027Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:10.750201Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:3 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.750292Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:1 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.750324Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:4 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.750355Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:2 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.755491Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 3 TxId_Deprecated: 3 TabletID: 72075186233409548 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:43:10.757287Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 3 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.757695Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:10.758314Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.758451Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1 TxId_Deprecated: 1 TabletID: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:43:10.758686Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 4 TxId_Deprecated: 4 TabletID: 72075186233409549 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:43:10.759780Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:10.759973Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:43:10.760830Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.761141Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:10.761684Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 4 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.761879Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:10.762780Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.762966Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:10.763375Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.763466Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.763572Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:10.765596Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 2025-03-11T11:43:10.765708Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 tabletId 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:43:10.771480Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 2025-03-11T11:43:10.771539Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 tabletId 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:43:10.771724Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:4 2025-03-11T11:43:10.771755Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:4 tabletId 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:43:10.772018Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 2025-03-11T11:43:10.772103Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 tabletId 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:10.775160Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.775591Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:10.775667Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.776334Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.776486Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:10.776560Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [15:540:2494] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:43:10.777355Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Solomon" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.777663Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Solomon" took 340us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:43:10.777967Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Solomon\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/Solomon" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 wait until 72075186233409546 is deleted wait until 72075186233409547 is deleted wait until 72075186233409548 is deleted wait until 72075186233409549 is deleted 2025-03-11T11:43:10.778609Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:43:10.778713Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409547 2025-03-11T11:43:10.778778Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409548 2025-03-11T11:43:10.778832Z node 15 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvSubscribeToTabletDeletion, 72075186233409549 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409546 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409547 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409548 Deleted tabletId 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:43:10.779513Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:10.779800Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 320us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:10.780360Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 5 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::Parameters_35_6-EnableParameterizedDecimal-true [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::CreateWithWrongParameters >> GenericFederatedQuery::YdbFilterPushdown >> TSequence::AlterSequence [GOOD] >> TSequence::AlterTableSetDefaultFromSequence >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestVPutVCollectVGetRace [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestVGetNoData >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxySimpleDiscover [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxySimpleDiscoverMaxi >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure4Plus2Block [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure4Plus2Stripe ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/unittest >> TSequence::CreateTableWithDefaultFromSequenceAndIndex [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:01.586793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:01.587226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.831477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:01.831551Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:01.887672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.888215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.888370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.916900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.917142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:01.917823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.918153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.925057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.927967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.928041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.928199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.928256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:01.928300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.928521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.953694Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:02.356901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.357205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.357448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.357693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.357775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:02.367629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:02.378872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.378952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.378993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:02.383230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.383297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.383349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.383399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.396830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:02.399577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:02.399818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:02.400937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.401933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.404937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.405502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:02.421824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.426285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.426377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... peration in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.133358Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:12.133392Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.133492Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 2/4, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:12.133523Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.134584Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.134629Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 102:2 2025-03-11T11:43:12.134732Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [7:338:2317] msg type: 269552132 msg: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChangedResult TxId: 102 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135337Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [7:122:2148], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135378Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135449Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135510Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 102:2 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135817Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135956Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.135995Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:2 progress is 3/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136060Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 3/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136108Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:2 progress is 3/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136149Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 3/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136203Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 3/4, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136795Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136831Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:12.136900Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [7:341:2319] msg type: 269552132 msg: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChangedResult TxId: 102 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142067Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142127Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142410Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [7:122:2148], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142448Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142511Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142553Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142849Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142955Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.142985Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 4/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143013Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143051Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 4/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143080Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143110Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 4/4, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143190Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [7:413:2371] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143250Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143315Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143357Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143470Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143521Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:1 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143543Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:1 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143570Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143594Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:2 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143614Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:2 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143656Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143681Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:3 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143702Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:3 2025-03-11T11:43:12.143740Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:12.144422Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [7:122:2148], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCleanDroppedPaths 2025-03-11T11:43:12.144478Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvCleanDroppedPaths 2025-03-11T11:43:12.144552Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.144610Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.144691Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145505Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145543Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145647Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145670Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145717Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145760Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145811Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.145833Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.156238Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.156294Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.156407Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.158365Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.158473Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [7:413:2371] msg type: 271124998 msg: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 102 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.158654Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:12.158703Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [7:518:2469] 2025-03-11T11:43:12.158976Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [7:520:2471], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159018Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159045Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159126Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159630Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122945, Sender [7:598:2548], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/MyRoot/Table" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159694Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeScheme 2025-03-11T11:43:12.159819Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:12.160082Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table" took 232us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:43:12.160271Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table\', error: path has been deleted (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNotExist), drop stepId: 5000003, drop txId: 102" Path: "/MyRoot/Table" PathId: 2 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithFirstRowPreloaded [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithFirstRowPreloadedWithReboot >> TPersQueueTest::SchemeOperationsCheckPropValues [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceType >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::CreateWithWrongParameters [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::AlterWithWrongParameters >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-31 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-32 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> BuildStatsHistogram::Many_Serial [GOOD] Test command err: Got : 24000 2106439 49449 9 9 Expected: 24000 2106439 49449 9 9 { [2455,2599), [2798,3624), [4540,4713), [5654,7161), [8509,8794), [8936,9973), [11888,14280), [14337,14882), [15507,16365), [17368,19451), [19536,20135), [20790,21503), [21589,23243) } Got : 12816 1121048 49449 9 9 Expected: 12816 1121048 49449 9 9 Got : 24000 3547100 81694 9 9 Expected: 24000 3547100 81694 9 9 { [1012,1475), [1682,1985), [2727,3553), [3599,3992), [5397,7244), [9181,9807), [9993,10178), [12209,14029), [15089,15342), [16198,16984), [17238,18436), [21087,21876), [23701,23794) } Got : 9582 1425282 81694 9 9 Expected: 9582 1425282 81694 9 9 Got : 24000 2460139 23760 9 9 Expected: 24000 2460139 23760 9 9 { [1296,2520), [3888,4320), [5040,6840), [6912,7272), [10872,11160), [11520,12096), [12096,13824), [15192,15624), [17064,17856), [18216,19296), [19800,20160), [20736,21096), [21096,22104) } Got : 10440 1060767 23760 9 9 Expected: 10440 1060767 23760 9 9 Got : 24000 4054050 46562 9 9 Expected: 24000 4054050 46562 9 9 { [460,1518), [2300,2484), [2760,4002), [4600,5842), [6302,9752), [11178,12328), [14582,14858), [16790,18032), [18216,18446), [18722,19504), [19504,19964), [20378,20470), [21344,23506) } Got : 13570 2273213 46562 9 9 Expected: 13570 2273213 46562 9 9 Got : 24000 2106459 49449 9 9 Expected: 24000 2106459 49449 9 9 Got : 24000 2460219 23555 9 9 Expected: 24000 2460219 23555 9 9 Got : 24000 4054270 46543 9 9 Expected: 24000 4054270 46543 9 9 Got : 24000 2106439 25272 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106439 25272 38 44 { [2455,2599), [2798,3624), [4540,4713), [5654,7161), [8509,8794), [8936,9973), [11888,14280), [14337,14882), [15507,16365), [17368,19451), [19536,20135), [20790,21503), [21589,23243) } Got : 12816 1121048 25272 20 23 Expected: 12816 1121048 25272 20 23 Got : 24000 3547100 49916 64 44 Expected: 24000 3547100 49916 64 44 { [1012,1475), [1682,1985), [2727,3553), [3599,3992), [5397,7244), [9181,9807), [9993,10178), [12209,14029), [15089,15342), [16198,16984), [17238,18436), [21087,21876), [23701,23794) } Got : 9582 1425198 49916 26 17 Expected: 9582 1425198 49916 26 17 Got : 24000 2460139 13170 42 41 Expected: 24000 2460139 13170 42 41 { [1296,2520), [3888,4320), [5040,6840), [6912,7272), [10872,11160), [11520,12096), [12096,13824), [15192,15624), [17064,17856), [18216,19296), [19800,20160), [20736,21096), [21096,22104) } Got : 10440 1060798 13170 18 18 Expected: 10440 1060798 13170 18 18 Got : 24000 4054050 29361 68 43 Expected: 24000 4054050 29361 68 43 { [460,1518), [2300,2484), [2760,4002), [4600,5842), [6302,9752), [11178,12328), [14582,14858), [16790,18032), [18216,18446), [18722,19504), [19504,19964), [20378,20470), [21344,23506) } Got : 13570 2277890 29361 38 24 Expected: 13570 2277890 29361 38 24 Got : 24000 2106459 25428 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106459 25428 38 44 Got : 24000 2460219 13482 41 41 Expected: 24000 2460219 13482 41 41 Got : 24000 4054270 29970 67 43 Expected: 24000 4054270 29970 67 43 Got : 24000 2106479 25458 38 44 Expected: 24000 2106479 25458 38 44 Got : 24000 2460259 13528 42 41 Expected: 24000 2460259 13528 42 41 Got : 24000 4054290 30013 67 43 Expected: 24000 4054290 30013 67 43 1 parts: 240000 rows, 10181 pages, 7 levels: (159964, 53329) (319996, 106673) (479902, 159975) (639565, 213196) (799303, 266442) Checking BTree: Touched 0% bytes, 4 pages RowCountHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 24033 (actual 24079 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (160300, 53441) value = 48088 (actual 48136 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 72280 (actual 72327 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (321454, 107159) value = 96428 (actual 96478 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (402202, 134075) value = 120604 (actual 120651 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (482362, 160795) value = 144727 (actual 144775 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (562825, 187616) value = 168893 (actual 168936 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (642871, 214298) value = 192974 (actual 193024 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (683260, 227761) value = 205073 (actual 205115 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) DataSizeHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 2048715 (actual 2052707 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (160300, 53441) value = 4098370 (actual 4102393 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 6145924 (actual 6149966 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (321454, 107159) value = 8194622 (actual 8198636 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (402202, 134075) value = 10244365 (actual 10248317 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (482362, 160795) value = 12292389 (actual 12296360 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (562825, 187616) value = 14344066 (actual 14348128 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (642871, 214298) value = 16393002 (actual 16396983 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (683260, 227761) value = 17416844 (actual 17420850 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 1 pages RowCountHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (80065, 26696) value = 24008 (actual 24056 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (160045, 53356) value = 48012 (actual 48061 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (240238, 80087) value = 72016 (actual 72061 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (320152, 106725) value = 96035 (actual 96085 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (400354, 133459) value = 120047 (actual 120093 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (480133, 160052) value = 144053 (actual 144100 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (560080, 186701) value = 168060 (actual 168102 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (639892, 213305) value = 192073 (actual 192119 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (719776, 239933) value = 216090 (actual 216137 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) DataSizeHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (79732, 26585) value = 2038706 (actual 2042645 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (159427, 53150) value = 4076220 (actual 4080259 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (239872, 79965) value = 6113940 (actual 6117932 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (319834, 106619) value = 8152983 (actual 8156951 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (400105, 133376) value = 10190566 (actual 10194584 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (479833, 159952) value = 12228261 (actual 12232212 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (559774, 186599) value = 14265925 (actual 14269984 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (639385, 213136) value = 16304923 (actual 16308915 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (719437, 239820) value = 18342658 (actual 18346641 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) Checking Mixed: Touched 1% bytes, 51 pages RowCountHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 24033 (actual 24079 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (160300, 53441) value = 48088 (actual 48136 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 72280 (actual 72327 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (321454, 107159) value = 96428 (actual 96478 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (402202, 134075) value = 120604 (actual 120651 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (482362, 160795) value = 144727 (actual 144775 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (562825, 187616) value = 168893 (actual 168936 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (642871, 214298) value = 192974 (actual 193024 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (723403, 241142) value = 217180 (actual 217228 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) DataSizeHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 2048715 (actual 2052707 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (160300, 53441) value = 4098370 (actual 4102393 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 6145924 (actual 6149966 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (321454, 107159) value = 8194622 (actual 8198636 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (402202, 134075) value = 10244365 (actual 10248317 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (482362, 160795) value = 12292389 (actual 12296360 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (562825, 187616) value = 14344066 (actual 14348128 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (642871, 214298) value = 16393002 (actual 16396983 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (723403, 241142) value = 18443184 (actual 18447186 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) { [12965,17271), [20685,27602), [31405,43682), [58051,73731), [81074,85635), [86559,89297), [92588,112654), [134937,148111), [152568,158136), [169526,171272), [181381,184364), [188301,199001), [201179,227534) } 1 parts: 240000 rows, 10181 pages, 7 levels: (159964, 53329) (319996, 106673) (479902, 159975) (639565, 213196) (799303, 266442) Checking BTree: Touched 3% bytes, 111 pages RowCountHistogram: 6% (actual 6%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 7654 (actual 7700 - 0% error) 11% (actual 11%) key = (140245, 46756) value = 21908 (actual 21959 - 0% error) 12% (actual 12%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 37729 (actual 37776 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (291388, 97137) value = 44561 (actual 44610 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) key = (361831, 120618) value = 62406 (actual 62455 - 0% error) 6% (actual 6%) key = (462178, 154067) value = 70269 (actual 70314 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (522574, 174199) value = 83950 (actual 83996 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (647905, 215976) value = 96207 (actual 96256 - 0% error) 11% (actual 11%) key = (703270, 234431) value = 110645 (actual 110694 - 0% error) 12% (actual 12%) DataSizeHistogram: 6% (actual 6%) key = (80152, 26725) value = 650681 (actual 654673 - 0% error) 11% (actual 11%) key = (140245, 46756) value = 1862907 (actual 1866988 - 0% error) 12% (actual 12%) key = (241096, 80373) value = 3200081 (actual 3204123 - 0% error) 5% (actual 5%) key = (291388, 97137) value = 3780473 (actual 3784554 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) key = (361831, 120618) value = 5294670 (actual 5298760 - 0% error) 6% (actual 6%) key = (462178, 154067) value = 5965285 (actual 5969310 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (522574, 174199) value = 7125413 (actual 7129406 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (647905, 215976) value = 8166922 (actual 8170966 - 0% error) 11% (actual 11%) key = (703270, 234431) value = 9391370 (actual 9395383 - 0% error) 12% (actual 12%) { [12965,17271), [20685,27602), [31405,43682), [58051,73731), [81074,85635), [86559,89297), [92588,112654), [134937,148111), [152568,158136), [169526,171272), [181381,184364), [188301,199001), [201179,227534) } Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 1 pages RowCountHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (109672, 36565) value = 12716 (actual 12760 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (200011, 66678) value = 25439 (actual 25485 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (242497, 80840) value = 38151 (actual 38197 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (323278, 107767) value = 50861 (actual 50910 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (365755, 121926) value = 63568 (actual 63614 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (482191, 160738) value = 76283 (actual 76335 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (610882, 203635) value = 88992 (actual 89039 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (673702, 224575) value = 101722 (actual 101768 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (715753, 238592) value = 114435 (actual 114484 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) DataSizeHistogram: 10% (actual 10%) key = (109522, 36515) value = 1078779 (actual 1082732 - 0% error) 10% (actual 10%) key = (199786, 66603) value = 2157298 (actual 2161219 - 0% error) ... (307549, NULL) (307615, NULL) (307678, NULL) (307744, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (307810, NULL) (307876, NULL) (307939, NULL) (308005, NULL) (308065, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (308131, NULL) (308194, NULL) (308260, NULL) (308320, NULL) (308386, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (308452, NULL) (308518, NULL) (308587, NULL) (308650, NULL) (308719, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (308779, NULL) (308842, NULL) (308908, NULL) (308974, NULL) (309049, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (309115, NULL) (309181, NULL) (309247, NULL) (309319, NULL) (309385, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (309448, NULL) (309511, NULL) (309580, NULL) (309649, NULL) (309715, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (309775, NULL) (309850, NULL) (309922, NULL) (309994, NULL) (310060, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (310132, NULL) (310195, NULL) (310264, NULL) (310327, NULL) (310396, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (310465, NULL) (310534, NULL) (310594, NULL) (310660, NULL) (310726, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (310801, NULL) (310867, NULL) (310945, NULL) (311011, NULL) (311077, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (311140, NULL) (311209, NULL) (311281, NULL) (311344, NULL) (311416, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (311479, NULL) (311542, NULL) (311614, NULL) (311683, NULL) (311755, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (311821, NULL) (311890, NULL) (311956, NULL) (312034, NULL) (312100, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (312172, NULL) (312232, NULL) (312301, NULL) (312370, NULL) (312439, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (312508, NULL) (312571, NULL) (312637, NULL) (312700, NULL) (312760, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (312835, NULL) (312904, NULL) (312970, NULL) (313030, NULL) (313102, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (313174, NULL) (313240, NULL) (313300, NULL) (313366, NULL) (313429, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (313498, NULL) (313573, NULL) (313639, NULL) (313699, NULL) (313768, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (313828, NULL) (313891, NULL) (313957, NULL) (314023, NULL) (314086, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (314149, NULL) (314212, NULL) (314275, NULL) (314338, NULL) (314401, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (314464, NULL) (314530, NULL) (314590, NULL) (314656, NULL) (314719, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (314788, NULL) (314854, NULL) (314920, NULL) (314983, NULL) (315046, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (315109, NULL) (315178, NULL) (315238, NULL) (315304, NULL) (315370, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (315433, NULL) (315496, NULL) (315565, NULL) (315631, NULL) (315697, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (315766, NULL) (315826, NULL) (315889, NULL) (315952, NULL) (316024, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (316087, NULL) (316156, NULL) (316222, NULL) (316288, NULL) (316357, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (316432, NULL) (316498, NULL) (316564, NULL) (316636, NULL) (316705, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (316768, NULL) (316831, NULL) (316891, NULL) (316951, NULL) (317011, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (317080, NULL) (317143, NULL) (317218, NULL) (317287, NULL) (317356, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (317422, NULL) (317497, NULL) (317563, NULL) (317632, NULL) (317701, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (317764, NULL) (317824, NULL) (317887, NULL) (317953, NULL) (318019, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (318088, NULL) (318166, NULL) (318235, NULL) (318304, NULL) (318370, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (318442, NULL) (318511, NULL) (318574, NULL) (318640, NULL) (318703, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (318772, NULL) (318838, NULL) (318898, NULL) (318970, NULL) (319036, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (319099, NULL) (319162, NULL) (319225, NULL) (319294, NULL) (319360, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (319423, NULL) (319492, NULL) (319555, NULL) (319621, NULL) (319687, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (319753, NULL) (319828, NULL) (319900, NULL) (319963, NULL) (320035, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (320104, NULL) (320164, NULL) (320233, NULL) (320299, NULL) (320365, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (320428, NULL) (320500, NULL) (320569, NULL) (320629, NULL) (320698, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (320764, NULL) (320833, NULL) (320893, NULL) (320959, NULL) (321019, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (321085, NULL) (321151, NULL) (321214, NULL) (321277, NULL) (321352, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (321421, NULL) (321493, NULL) (321562, NULL) (321631, NULL) (321691, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (321757, NULL) (321823, NULL) (321886, NULL) (321949, NULL) (322009, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (322081, NULL) (322159, NULL) (322225, NULL) (322294, NULL) (322363, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (322429, NULL) (322498, NULL) (322564, NULL) (322642, NULL) (322711, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (322783, NULL) (322846, NULL) (322915, NULL) (322978, NULL) (323041, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (323104, NULL) (323164, NULL) (323230, NULL) (323305, NULL) (323368, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (323434, NULL) (323506, NULL) (323569, NULL) (323632, NULL) (323707, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (323776, NULL) (323851, NULL) (323917, NULL) (323986, NULL) (324052, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (324115, NULL) (324184, NULL) (324256, NULL) (324316, NULL) (324379, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (324442, NULL) (324502, NULL) (324568, NULL) (324631, NULL) (324703, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (324769, NULL) (324838, NULL) (324904, NULL) (324973, NULL) (325033, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (325105, NULL) (325174, NULL) (325234, NULL) (325297, NULL) (325363, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (325438, NULL) (325504, NULL) (325570, NULL) (325630, NULL) (325699, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (325771, NULL) (325834, NULL) (325900, NULL) (325966, NULL) (326032, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (326101, NULL) (326170, NULL) (326233, NULL) (326296, NULL) (326359, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (326434, NULL) (326497, NULL) (326563, NULL) (326632, NULL) (326701, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (326773, NULL) (326836, NULL) (326905, NULL) (326965, NULL) (327025, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (327097, NULL) (327169, NULL) (327232, NULL) (327301, NULL) (327364, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (327430, NULL) (327496, NULL) (327559, NULL) (327622, NULL) (327682, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (327742, NULL) (327811, NULL) (327871, NULL) (327934, NULL) (327997, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (328072, NULL) (328138, NULL) (328222, NULL) (328291, NULL) (328363, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (328432, NULL) (328501, NULL) (328573, NULL) (328648, NULL) (328717, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (328783, NULL) (328849, NULL) (328915, NULL) (328978, NULL) (329044, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (329119, NULL) (329185, NULL) (329248, NULL) (329317, NULL) (329383, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (329455, NULL) (329518, NULL) (329590, NULL) (329662, NULL) (329722, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (329782, NULL) (329854, NULL) (329917, NULL) (329983, NULL) (330049, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (330118, NULL) (330187, NULL) (330253, NULL) (330322, NULL) (330382, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (330454, NULL) (330520, NULL) (330595, NULL) (330673, NULL) (330739, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (330808, NULL) (330874, NULL) (330940, NULL) (331003, NULL) (331072, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (331132, NULL) (331204, NULL) (331276, NULL) (331342, NULL) (331405, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (331465, NULL) (331540, NULL) (331615, NULL) (331684, NULL) (331753, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (331816, NULL) (331891, NULL) (331960, NULL) (332026, NULL) (332086, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (332152, NULL) (332215, NULL) (332284, NULL) (332350, NULL) (332419, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (332491, NULL) (332557, NULL) (332623, NULL) (332686, NULL) (332752, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (332818, NULL) (332884, NULL) (332944, NULL) (333013, NULL) (333073, NULL) 100 rows, 100 pages, 4 levels: (333148, NULL) (333214, NULL) (333274, NULL) (333340, NULL) (333403, NULL) Checking BTree: Touched 0% bytes, 0 pages RowCountHistogram: 5% (actual 6%) key = (16984, 5669) value = 5100 (actual 6998 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (50416, 16813) value = 15100 (actual 16798 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (83701, 27908) value = 25100 (actual 26598 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (116986, 39003) value = 35100 (actual 36398 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (150319, 50114) value = 45100 (actual 46198 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (183700, 61241) value = 55100 (actual 55998 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (217081, 72368) value = 65100 (actual 65798 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (250486, 83503) value = 75100 (actual 75598 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (283771, 94598) value = 85100 (actual 85398 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) DataSizeHistogram: 5% (actual 6%) key = (16648, 5557) value = 524891 (actual 723287 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (50086, 16703) value = 1569936 (actual 1747238 - -1% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (83356, 27793) value = 2610698 (actual 2767306 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (116647, 38890) value = 3652143 (actual 3787394 - -1% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (149656, 49893) value = 4685435 (actual 4800597 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (183040, 61021) value = 5728420 (actual 5822785 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (216727, 72250) value = 6776444 (actual 6848929 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (250144, 83389) value = 7813547 (actual 7865227 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) key = (283444, 94489) value = 8853697 (actual 8884838 - 0% error) 14% (actual 14%) Checking Flat: Touched 100% bytes, 1000 pages RowCountHistogram: 10% (actual 11%) key = (33379, 11134) value = 10000 (actual 11800 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (66721, 22248) value = 20000 (actual 21600 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (100015, 33346) value = 30000 (actual 31400 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (133258, 44427) value = 40000 (actual 41200 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (166621, 55548) value = 50000 (actual 51000 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (200041, 66688) value = 60000 (actual 60800 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (233449, 77824) value = 70000 (actual 70600 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (266824, 88949) value = 80000 (actual 80400 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (300073, 100032) value = 90000 (actual 90200 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) DataSizeHistogram: 10% (actual 11%) key = (33187, NULL) value = 1041247 (actual 1229534 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (66517, NULL) value = 2082456 (actual 2249844 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (99709, NULL) value = 3123684 (actual 3270138 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (132925, NULL) value = 4164886 (actual 4290603 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (166246, NULL) value = 5206111 (actual 5311117 - -1% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (199678, NULL) value = 6247321 (actual 6331068 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (233290, NULL) value = 7288529 (actual 7350869 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (266701, NULL) value = 8329759 (actual 8371441 - 0% error) 10% (actual 9%) key = (300052, NULL) value = 9371030 (actual 9392083 - 0% error) 9% (actual 9%) Checking Mixed: Touched 0% bytes, 0 pages RowCountHistogram: 100% (actual 100%) DataSizeHistogram: 100% (actual 100%) |78.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-ut |78.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-ut |78.4%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/ut_blobstorage/ut_read_only_vdisk/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |78.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-ut >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartBeforePlan+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartBeforePlan-UseSink >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWrites-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesRestart+UseSink >> TGroupMapperTest::ReassignGroupTest3dc [GOOD] |78.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-8 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-9 >> TSchemeShardDecimalTypesInTables::AlterWithWrongParameters [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardInfoTypesTest::EmptyFamilies [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardInfoTypesTest::LostId [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardInfoTypesTest::DeduplicationOrder [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardInfoTypesTest::MultipleDeduplications [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::CreateTableWithPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-false >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestVGetNoData [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadRestartPQRB [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadRestartTablet |78.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_json_change_record/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::WriteAfterAlter [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedBeforeDataIsDecompressed_Compressed |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut/unittest >> TGroupMapperTest::ReassignGroupTest3dc [GOOD] |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestVGetNoData [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetMultipart [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetFail >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::TestTableCreated [GOOD] >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::NoMapping >> TSequence::AlterTableSetDefaultFromSequence [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::CreateTableWithPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::AlterTableAddPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-false >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenReadIterator [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenReadIteratorStream >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-43 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-44 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestQuadrupleGroups [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestSingleFailure >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-49 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-50 >> TopicService::AccessRights [GOOD] >> Cdc::UuidExchange[PqRunner] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitSuccess+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitSuccess-UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/unittest >> TSequence::AlterTableSetDefaultFromSequence [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:01.572859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.572985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:01.573600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.743959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:01.744035Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:01.770611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.770727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.770888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.792785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.793641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:01.794395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.794755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.800044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:01.801987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:01.827335Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:02.210225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.210492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.210761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.211093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.211170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.218949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.219152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:02.219434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.219495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.219547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:02.219582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:02.221940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.222024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.222093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:02.228012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.228077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.228135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.228207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.232149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:02.239117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:02.239371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:02.240490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.240649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.240713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.240979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:02.241028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.241223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.241333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.248940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:02.249300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:02.252001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.252153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:02.252190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:16.234514Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 114, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:16.234571Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244083Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269550080, Sender [7:984:2930], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransactionResult TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 114 Step: 5000014 OrderId: 114 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409549 CpuTimeUsec: 1577 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244143Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244210Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 114 Step: 5000014 OrderId: 114 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409549 CpuTimeUsec: 1577 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244255Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 114, tablet: 72075186233409549, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244374Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 114 Step: 5000014 OrderId: 114 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409549 CpuTimeUsec: 1577 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244476Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409549 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 114 Step: 5000014 OrderId: 114 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 3 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409549 CpuTimeUsec: 1577 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:16.244523Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.245973Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [7:1049:2986], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246030Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246074Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246391Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269551620, Sender [7:984:2930], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChanged Source { RawX1: 984 RawX2: 30064774002 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 114 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246441Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246588Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 984 RawX2: 30064774002 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 114 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246644Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 114, tablet: 72075186233409549, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246845Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 984 RawX2: 30064774002 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 114 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:16.246918Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 114:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247045Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 114:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 984 RawX2: 30064774002 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 114 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247132Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 114:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, datashard: 72075186233409549, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247190Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247246Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 114:0, datashard: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247297Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 114:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:16.247512Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.248325Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.248474Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 114 2025-03-11T11:43:16.248519Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.250108Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 114 2025-03-11T11:43:16.250147Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252235Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252274Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252435Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252484Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252553Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 114:0 2025-03-11T11:43:16.252694Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [7:984:2930] msg type: 269552132 msg: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSchemaChangedResult TxId: 114 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253062Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [7:122:2148], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253125Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253201Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 114:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253256Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 114:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253406Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253442Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#114:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253492Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 114 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253547Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#114:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253596Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 114 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253648Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 114, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253729Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [7:389:2357] message: TxId: 114 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253798Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 114 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253854Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 114:0 2025-03-11T11:43:16.253929Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 114:0 2025-03-11T11:43:16.254088Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:16.256586Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.256703Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Send to actor: [7:389:2357] msg type: 271124998 msg: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 114 at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.256918Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 114: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:16.256996Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 114: satisfy waiter [7:1013:2951] 2025-03-11T11:43:16.257242Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [7:1015:2953], Recipient [7:122:2148]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:16.257287Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:16.257321Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 114 TestModificationResults wait txId: 115 2025-03-11T11:43:16.258375Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [7:1058:2995], Recipient [7:122:2148]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 115 TabletId# 72057594046678944} 2025-03-11T11:43:16.258437Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:16.260670Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterTable AlterTable { Name: "Table3" Columns { Name: "value" DefaultFromSequence: "/MyRoot/seq1" } } } TxId: 115 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.260918Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/Table3, pathId: , opId: 115:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.261353Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 115:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Column 'value' is of type Bool but default expression is of type Int64, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.261547Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.264188Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 115, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Column \'value\' is of type Bool but default expression is of type Int64" TxId: 115 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:16.264394Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 115, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Column 'value' is of type Bool but default expression is of type Int64, operation: ALTER TABLE, path: /MyRoot/Table3 2025-03-11T11:43:16.264459Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 115, wait until txId: 115 >> TSubDomainTest::CreateTabletForUnknownDomain [GOOD] >> TSubDomainTest::DatashardNotRunAtAllWhenSubDomainNodesIsStopped >> TExtSubDomainTest::DeclareAndDefineWithoutNodes-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::AlterTableAddPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::AlterTableAddPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-true >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-19 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-20 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure3Plus2Block [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure3Plus2Stripe >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetFail [GOOD] |78.5%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> CompressExecutor::TestReorderedExecutor >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::SpecifyClustersExplicitly |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetFail [GOOD] >> TopicService::ThereAreGapsInTheOffsetRanges >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressRaw [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressGzip >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressGzip [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressZstd [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressRawEmptyMessage [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressGzipEmptyMessage [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressWithSynchronousExecutor [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DataReceivedCallbackReal >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-2 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-3 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure4Plus2Stripe [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyRestoreOnGetBlock [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyRestoreOnGetMirror >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-32 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-33 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-50 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-51 >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::AlterTableAddPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-true [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectOnTmpError [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectOnTmpErrorAndThenTimeout [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectOnTimeout >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectOnTimeout [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectOnTimeoutAndThenCreate [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectsAfterFailure >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMoreMessagesThanLimit_Without_Wait_NewlineDelimited [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMoreMessagesThanLimit_Without_Wait_NoDelimiter |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure4Plus2Stripe [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::ReconnectsAfterFailure [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlers >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlers [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithCommit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-38 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-39 >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithCommit [GOOD] |78.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_auditsettings |78.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_auditsettings >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-55 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-56 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestSingleFailure [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::UsesOnRetryStateDuringRetries [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_TestPolicy |78.5%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_sequence/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |78.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_auditsettings ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithCommit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:20.555099Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.555136Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.555157Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.570361Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:20.570434Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.570471Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.571811Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.009216s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.572492Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.578251Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:20.578416Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.583124Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.583152Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.583179Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.590323Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:20.590377Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.590407Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.590472Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.005980s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.591036Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.591500Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:20.591598Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.592765Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.592785Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.592808Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.602958Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: TIMEOUT. Description:
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server. Attempts done: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.603035Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.603055Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.603155Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.209024s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.620564Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.626980Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:20.627104Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.628469Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.628493Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.628511Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642422Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: TIMEOUT. Description:
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server. Attempts done: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642481Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642505Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642569Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.220164s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.650189Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.666215Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:20.666348Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.671224Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.671260Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.671294Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.672709Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.709882Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:20.759154Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.760344Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE. Description:
: Error: GRpc error: (14): 2025-03-11T11:43:20.760378Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.760401Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.760468Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.218598s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.760665Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:20.763569Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.763603Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.763627Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:20.770505Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:20.804865Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:20.805109Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.806526Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:20.910916Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.911200Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:20.911263Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:20.911314Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:20.911388Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 6 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:21.011828Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream destroy. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.012065Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:21.013456Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.013480Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.013500Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:21.022187Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:21.030230Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:21.030427Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.036665Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:21.138967Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142211Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142297Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142340Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142430Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 3). Partition stream id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142562Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 6 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:21.142990Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Committed response: { cookies { assign_id: 1 partition_cookie: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.143128Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream destroy. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.143240Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Abort session to cluster ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardPgTypesInTables::AlterTableAddPgTypeColumn-EnableTablePgTypes-true [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:24.539935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:24.620952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:24.621018Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:24.637287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:24.637920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:24.638133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.653297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:24.653596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.654365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.654728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.662957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:24.664970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.673704Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.842052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.842306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.842531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.842756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.842819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.845933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.846080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:24.846353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.846429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.846466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:24.846504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:24.850406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.850481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.850524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:24.852875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.852937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.852982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.853054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.862973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:24.865406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:24.865606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:24.866775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.866938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.866997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.867293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:24.867352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.867531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.867616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.870960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.871029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:24.871066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.871100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:24.873676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.873790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.873825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 11:43:19.875759Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: PREPARED TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 60500 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 306 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.875936Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TConfigureParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: PREPARED TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 60500 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 306 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.875999Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.876178Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186233409546, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, operationId: 102:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.876244Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:19.883327Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.883597Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.883671Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.883812Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.884081Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409546 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:19.890403Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:19.890687Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:19.891657Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.891850Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 51539609707 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.891943Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TAlterTable TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId: 102:0, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.892374Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:43:19.892597Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:19.903805Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.903921Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:19.904409Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.904503Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [12:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:19.905336Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.905428Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.906547Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.906708Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.906759Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.906824Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:43:19.906901Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:19.907052Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:19.909578Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 2831 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.909665Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.909844Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 2831 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.910029Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 OrderId: 102 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 2 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 2831 } } FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.912890Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 51539609846 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:19.912963Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913232Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 51539609846 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913322Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913479Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 307 RawX2: 51539609846 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913598Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913664Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913743Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.913812Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:19.919351Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.919656Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.920323Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.920789Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:19.920855Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921037Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921093Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921152Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921205Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921259Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921367Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [12:335:2314] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921439Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921512Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921564Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.921763Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:19.925929Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:19.925997Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [12:392:2364] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::RangeFromNonInclusive [GOOD] >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::MultipleRanges >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinueInvisibleRowSkips-EvWrite [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestSingleFailure [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:19.279117Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 1 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0015a0/r3tmp/tmpZHQXlY//vdisk_bad_0/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 1 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:19.359861Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR >> Cdc::UuidExchange[PqRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UuidExchange[YdsRunner] >> TExtSubDomainTest::DeclareAndDefineWithoutNodes-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-9 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-10 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-32 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-33 >> ApplyClusterEndpointTest::NoPorts [GOOD] >> ApplyClusterEndpointTest::PortFromCds [GOOD] >> ApplyClusterEndpointTest::PortFromDriver [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::MaxByteSizeEqualZero >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartBeforePlan-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartAfterExpectation+UseSink >> ReadSessionImplTest::ForcefulDestroyPartitionStream ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_ext_tenant/unittest >> TExtSubDomainTest::DeclareAndDefineWithoutNodes-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:18.660473Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516184961012707:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:18.660956Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001790/r3tmp/tmpVXL2DN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:19.681049Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:19.685419Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:19.705036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:19.705133Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:19.728782Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:23866 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.323056Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516184961012789:2090] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.323096Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516193550947926:2450] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.323233Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.323325Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325413Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980525:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980522:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325485Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980526:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980523:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325506Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980527:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325540Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012520:2049] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980525:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325566Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012523:2052] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980526:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325591Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012526:2055] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980527:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325631Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980525:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012520:2049], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325645Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980526:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012523:2052], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325688Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980527:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012526:2055], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325721Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980522:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325747Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325763Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980523:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325780Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325803Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325817Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.325879Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.340215Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516189255980516:2360] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:43:20.340368Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516189255980516:2360] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.357117Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480516193550947927:2451], recipient# [1:7480516193550947926:2450], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.357600Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516193550947926:2450] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.439785Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516193550947926:2450] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.443158Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516193550947926:2450] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480516193550947925:2449] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 Pa... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:20.474293Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516184961012789:2090] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:20.474331Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516184961012789:2090] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:20.474430Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516184961012789:2090] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480516193550947934:2457] 2025-03-11T11:43:20.702166Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:20.702280Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE TRACE: Create subscriber: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], path# /dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations, domainOwnerId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:20.702626Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516193550947938:2460][/dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations] Handle NKikimr::T ... HEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1/USER_0 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516197845915429:2608] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 2 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 9 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400916 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:43:21.562755Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516197845915429:2608] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 2 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 9 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400916 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 2 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.562923Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480516197845915550:2681], recipient# [1:7480516197845915549:2680], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0 TableId: [72057594046644480:2:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: RedirectLookupError Kind: KindExtSubdomain DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.562955Z node 1 :TX_PROXY INFO: Actor# [1:7480516197845915549:2680] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 128 StatusCode: ERROR Issues { message: "Default error" severity: 1 } SchemeStatus: 13 ErrorReason: "Could not resolve redirected path" TClient::Ls request: /dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.570620Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516184961012789:2090] Handle TEvNavigate describe path /dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.570795Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516197845915552:2683] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme /dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.570915Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571003Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571083Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980525:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980522:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571106Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980526:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980523:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571126Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980527:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571184Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012520:2049] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980525:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571212Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012523:2052] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980526:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571228Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516184961012526:2055] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980527:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571252Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980525:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012520:2049], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571265Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980526:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012523:2052], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571278Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516189255980527:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516184961012526:2055], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571301Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980522:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571318Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 4, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571330Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980523:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571346Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 4, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571394Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 5 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571405Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516189255980516:2360][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480516189255980524:2360], cookie# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571446Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571514Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516189255980516:2360] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 4 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400867 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571577Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480516189255980133:2115], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516189255980516:2360] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 4 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400867 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 4 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571766Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480516197845915553:2684], recipient# [1:7480516197845915552:2683], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571803Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516197845915552:2683] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.571874Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516197845915552:2683] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.572549Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516197845915552:2683] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480516197845915551:2682] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 63 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400867 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "storage-pool-number-1" } StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "storage-pool-number-2" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693400867 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "USER_0" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693400916 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046... (TRUNCATED) >> ReadSessionImplTest::ForcefulDestroyPartitionStream [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DestroyPartitionStreamRequest [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DecompressZstdEmptyMessage [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::PacksBatches_BatchABitBiggerThanLimit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-44 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-45 >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithAsyncCompression >> ReadSessionImplTest::PacksBatches_BatchABitBiggerThanLimit [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::PacksBatches_BatchesEqualToServerBatches [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::HoleBetweenOffsets [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::LOGBROKER_7702 [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckACLForGrpcRead [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckKillBalancer ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> DataShardReadIterator::ShouldReturnBrokenLockWhenReadKeyWithContinueInvisibleRowSkips-EvWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:52.703229Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:52.703573Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:52.703793Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001668/r3tmp/tmpMyNnLY/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:53.146016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:53.192656Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:53.255985Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.256129Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:53.267896Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.353833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:53.399179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:53.400524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:53.401061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:53.401339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:53.577712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:53.578544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:53.578763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:53.582843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.582957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.583059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.583522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:53.583690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:53.583805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.601289Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:53.747259Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.747678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:53.748434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:53.748711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.748934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:53.749139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.749502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:53.749559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:53.749996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750256Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750670Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750737Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:53.750994Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.751983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.754408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:53.754644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.754882Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:53.755128Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:53.755194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:53.755715Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:53.756511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:53.756912Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:53.756944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:53.761501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:53.761568Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.774758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:53.775109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:53.775407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:53.776205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:53.777217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:54.000642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.000749Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.000848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.001750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:54.007393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:54.007515Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.007881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.007929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.007980Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:5 ... ed 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.290811Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.290880Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.290948Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291312Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [15:877:2710], Recipient [15:877:2710]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291363Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291431Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291478Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291521Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291574Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3500:281474976715666] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291618Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291662Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291699Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291739Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291794Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:22.291970Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 3500:281474976715666 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292051Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292086Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292118Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292152Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292202Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:281474976715666] is the new logically complete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292259Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3500:281474976715666] is the new logically incomplete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292311Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292368Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292399Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292428Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292459Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292585Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292618Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292666Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292715Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292744Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292773Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292804Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:22.292834Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293005Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293043Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293091Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293144Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293182Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293210Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293240Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293284Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293327Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293377Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.293420Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.306931Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307097Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307194Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307313Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715666] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [15:1074:2868], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307432Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307894Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:43:22.307956Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.308033Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:22.308098Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715666] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [15:1074:2868], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:22.308169Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:22.318387Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [15:592:2517], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 10 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 281474976715666 } LockTxId: 1011121314 ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:22.318680Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.318821Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:22.318999Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319082Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319164Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319230Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319283Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:7] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319366Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319402Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319431Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319459Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:22.319636Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 10 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 281474976715666 } LockTxId: 1011121314 ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW } 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320184Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 1011121314, counter# 18446744073709551615 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320294Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v3500/281474976715666 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320372Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[15:592:2517], 10} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320482Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[15:592:2517], 10} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 16, quota rows left# 18446744073709551614, quota bytes left# 18446744073709551599, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320785Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[15:592:2517], 10} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320914Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320951Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:22.320985Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321024Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321092Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321118Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321158Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321241Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:22.321460Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitSuccess-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitFreeze+UseSink >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure3Plus2Stripe [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesRestart-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-50 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-51 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> ReadSessionImplTest::LOGBROKER_7702 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:25.237347Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.237375Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.237399Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.254208Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.255557Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.283546Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.286266Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.290221Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.290250Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.290272Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.300736Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.301391Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.301598Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.304713Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.305145Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream destroy. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:25.306530Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.306553Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.306582Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.319741Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.321962Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.322149Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.325695Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.326717Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.326998Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.329209Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.329271Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:25.335266Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.335295Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.335322Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.335691Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.350490Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.350678Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.352865Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) Message data size: 11 Compressed message data size: 31 2025-03-11T11:43:25.354015Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:25.354243Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.355502Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (5-8) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.355725Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-4) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.355892Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.355933Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.355971Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 22 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 1 SeqNo: 42 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 43 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356156Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 3). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 0 3 Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356292Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356317Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (4-4) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356345Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 22 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 3 SeqNo: 44 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 4 SeqNo: 45 MessageGroupId: "src_id_2" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:05:21.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "v1": "k1", "v": "k" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356471Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [3, 5). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 3 5 Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356523Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (5-5) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356541Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (6-6) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356557Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 22 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 5 SeqNo: 46 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 6 SeqNo: 47 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356621Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [5, 7). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 5 7 Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356678Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (7-7) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356709Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (8-8) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356729Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 22 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 7 SeqNo: 48 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..11 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 8 SeqNo: 49 MessageGroupId: "src_id_2" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:05:21.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "v1": "k1", "v": "k" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.356819Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [7, 9). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 7 9 2025-03-11T11:43:25.366894Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.366925Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.366951Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.374917Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.382717Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.382904Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.383319Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) Message data size: 10 Compressed message data size: 30 2025-03-11T11:43:25.384321Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:25.384525Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.384979Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (5-8) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385213Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-4) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385321Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385356Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385377Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385394Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (4-4) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385431Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 4, size 40 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 1 SeqNo: 42 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 43 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 3 SeqNo: 44 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 4 SeqNo: 45 MessageGroupId: "src_id_2" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:05:21.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "v1": "k1", "v": "k" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385692Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 5). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 0 5 Getting new event 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385810Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (5-5) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385831Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (6-6) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385848Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (7-7) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385869Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (8-8) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.385931Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 4, size 40 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 5 SeqNo: 46 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 6 SeqNo: 47 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 7 SeqNo: 48 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:02:03.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "k1": "v1", "k": "v" } } } Message { Data: ..10 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 8 SeqNo: 49 MessageGroupId: "src_id_2" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:05:21.000000Z Ip: "" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { "v1": "k1", "v": "k" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.386104Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [5, 9). Partition stream id: 1 GOT RANGE 5 9 2025-03-11T11:43:25.391587Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.391616Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.391640Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:25.395941Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:25.396464Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:25.396634Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.398135Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.399318Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:25.400167Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:25.405765Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (10-11) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.405923Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.406886Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.406934Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.406961Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (10-10) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.406980Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (11-11) 2025-03-11T11:43:25.407022Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 16 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:25.407054Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 16 bytes got data event: DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 1 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 10 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 11 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:25.407222Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 3). Partition stream id: 1 Got commit req { offset_ranges { assign_id: 1 end_offset: 3 } } RANGE 0 3 2025-03-11T11:43:25.407422Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [3, 12). Partition stream id: 1 Got commit req { offset_ranges { assign_id: 1 start_offset: 3 end_offset: 12 } } RANGE 3 12 >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenReadIteratorStream [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenScanQuery >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-3 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-4 >> ReadSessionImplTest::SuccessfulInit [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::SuccessfulInitAndThenTimeoutCallback [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::StopsRetryAfterFailedAttempt [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::StopsRetryAfterTimeout [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::UnpackBigBatchWithTwoPartitions >> ReadSessionImplTest::UnpackBigBatchWithTwoPartitions [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithGracefulRelease >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxySimpleDiscoverMaxi [GOOD] |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestPutGetStatusErasure3Plus2Stripe [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_EnabledRemotePreferredClusterAndCloseClientSessionWithEnabledRemotePreferredClusterDelaySec_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_NonExistentPreferredCluster_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-20 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-21 >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithGracefulRelease [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithGracefulReleaseWithCommit >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithGracefulReleaseWithCommit [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-33 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-34 |78.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxySimpleDiscoverMaxi [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestSeveralOwners >> TSourceIdTests::SourceIdStorageAdd [GOOD] >> TSourceIdTests::ProtoSourceIdStorageParseAndAdd [GOOD] >> TSourceIdTests::SourceIdStorageComplexDelete [GOOD] >> TSourceIdTests::HeartbeatEmitter [GOOD] >> TSourceIdTests::SourceIdMinSeqNo [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> ReadSessionImplTest::SimpleDataHandlersWithGracefulReleaseWithCommit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:26.707535Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.707566Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.707588Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.708136Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:26.710396Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:26.710509Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.719307Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.719344Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.719364Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.719792Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:26.722357Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: session id 2025-03-11T11:43:26.722430Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.723716Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.723739Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.723802Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.724199Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:26.724280Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.724322Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.724445Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Closing session to cluster: SessionClosed { Status: INTERNAL_ERROR Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server "" ( cluster cluster). Attempts done: 1 " } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.730824Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.730847Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.730863Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.742411Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: TIMEOUT. Description:
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server. Attempts done: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:26.742468Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.742489Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.742560Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Closing session to cluster: SessionClosed { Status: TIMEOUT Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server. Attempts done: 1 " } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.747205Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 2500, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.747255Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 2500, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.747287Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.747762Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:26.754025Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:26.790744Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 2500, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.791942Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.792360Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 2. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 2. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796408Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-50) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796693Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796735Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796766Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796798Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 3} (4-4) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796831Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 4} (5-5) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796853Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 5} (6-6) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796872Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 6} (7-7) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796889Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 7} (8-8) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796916Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 8} (9-9) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796938Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 9} (10-10) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796955Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 10} (11-11) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796973Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 11} (12-12) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.796990Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 12} (13-13) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797026Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 13} (14-14) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797061Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 14} (15-15) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797080Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 15} (16-16) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797118Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 16} (17-17) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797134Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 17} (18-18) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797151Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 18} (19-19) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797170Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 19} (20-20) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797188Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 20} (21-21) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797211Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 21} (22-22) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797228Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (23-23) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797245Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 1} (24-24) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797260Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 2} (25-25) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797278Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 3} (26-26) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797312Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 4} (27-27) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797330Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 5} (28-28) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797352Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 6} (29-29) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797398Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 7} (30-30) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797428Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 8} (31-31) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797446Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 9} (32-32) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797517Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 10} (33-33) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797538Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 11} (34-34) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797554Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 12} (35-35) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797636Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 13} (36-36) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797673Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 14} (37-37) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797700Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 15} (38-38) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797718Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 16} (39-39) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797734Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 17} (40-40) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797752Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 18} (41-41) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797768Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 19} (42-42) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797797Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 20} (43-43) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797820Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 21} (44-44) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797837Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 22} (45-45) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797870Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 23} (46-46) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797911Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 24} (47-47) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797938Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 25} (48-48) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.797953Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 26} (49-49) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.798006Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 27} (50-50) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.798071Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 50, size 5000 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:26.800951Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 2 (51-100) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801161Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 0} (51-51) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801212Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 1} (52-52) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801250Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 2} (53-53) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801271Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 3} (54-54) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801293Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 4} (55-55) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801311Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 5} (56-56) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801329Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 6} (57-57) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801348Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 7} (58-58) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801386Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 8} (59-59) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801408Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 9} (60-60) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801446Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 10} (61-61) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801465Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 11} (62-62) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801491Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 12} (63-63) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801532Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 13} (64-64) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801551Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 14} (65-65) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801566Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 15} (66-66) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801603Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 16} (67-67) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801635Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 17} (68-68) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801655Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 18} (69-69) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801672Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 19} (70-70) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801692Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 20} (71-71) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801709Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {0, 21} (72-72) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801726Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 0} (73-73) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801742Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 1} (74-74) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801759Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 2} (75-75) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801776Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 3} (76-76) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801813Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 4} (77-77) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801829Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 5} (78-78) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801846Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 6} (79-79) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801864Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 7} (80-80) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801882Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 8} (81-81) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801922Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 9} (82-82) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.801987Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 10} (83-83) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802018Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 11} (84-84) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802039Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 12} (85-85) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802055Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 13} (86-86) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802071Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 14} (87-87) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802088Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 15} (88-88) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802105Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 16} (89-89) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802124Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 17} (90-90) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802145Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 18} (91-91) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802166Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 19} (92-92) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802196Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 20} (93-93) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802212Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 21} (94-94) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802228Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 22} (95-95) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802250Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 23} (96-96) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802265Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 24} (97-97) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802283Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 25} (98-98) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802304Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 26} (99-99) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802332Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 2. Read: {1, 27} (100-100) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802442Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 50, size 5000 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:26.802627Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 2500, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.807768Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.807799Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.807835Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:26.826332Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:26.845715Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:26.845969Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.851433Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.954936Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:26.955200Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.955259Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.955299Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:26.955370Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 6 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:27.161994Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 3). Partition stream id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:27.263020Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Committed response: { cookies { assign_id: 1 partition_cookie: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:27.263176Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream destroy. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:27.263354Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:27.264718Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:27.264739Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:27.264757Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:27.265201Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:27.272101Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:27.272320Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:27.274657Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376179Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376405Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376471Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376515Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376594Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 3). Partition stream id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376691Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 6 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376880Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Committed response: { cookies { assign_id: 1 partition_cookie: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:27.376957Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream destroy. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:27.377052Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Abort session to cluster |78.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_rw |78.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_rw |78.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-ut_rw >> TPartitionTests::Batching |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TSourceIdTests::SourceIdMinSeqNo [GOOD] |78.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup |78.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup |78.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup >> Cdc::UuidExchange[YdsRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UuidExchange[TopicRunner] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-51 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-52 >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverSingleFailure [GOOD] >> TPartitionTests::Batching [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyRestoreOnGetMirror [GOOD] >> TPartitionTests::CommitOffsetRanges >> GenericFederatedQuery::YdbFilterPushdown [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-56 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-57 >> TPQTest::TestPartitionTotalQuota >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestFixedLenCodec [GOOD] >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestVarLenCodec [GOOD] >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestVarIntCodec [GOOD] >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestZigZagCodec [GOOD] >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestDeltaZigZagCodec [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-39 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-40 >> TPartitionTests::CommitOffsetRanges [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverSingleFailure [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:18.688243Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 1 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_0/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 1 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.689803Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:43:20.654615Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 2 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_1/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 2 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 2 2025-03-11T11:43:20.710545Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:1:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 2 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:43:22.379438Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 3 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_2/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 3 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 3 2025-03-11T11:43:22.451397Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:2:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 3 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:43:23.976343Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 4 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_3/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 4 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 4 2025-03-11T11:43:24.046229Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:3:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 4 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:43:26.046467Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 5 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_4/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 5 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 5 2025-03-11T11:43:26.124039Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:4:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 5 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:43:28.158492Z :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:413} PDiskId# 6 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001578/r3tmp/tmpVDTUOm//vdisk_bad_5/pdisk.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 123 PDiskId# 6 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 1 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 6 2025-03-11T11:43:28.206940Z :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[0:_:0:5:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 6 Can not be initialized! Format is incomplete. Magic sector is not present on disk. Maybe wrong PDiskKey" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR >> TPartitionTests::ChangeConfig >> TPQTabletTests::Single_PQTablet_And_Multiple_Partitions >> TPQTest::TestSeveralOwners [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestReserveBytes |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyRestoreOnGetMirror [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TTypeCodecsTest::TestDeltaZigZagCodec [GOOD] Test command err: Size: 8002 Create chunk: 0.000234s Read by index: 0.000048s Iterate: 0.000169s Size: 8256 Create chunk: 0.000198s Read by index: 0.000036s Iterate: 0.000085s Size: 8532 Create chunk: 0.000134s Read by index: 0.000037s Iterate: 0.000038s Size: 7769 Create chunk: 0.000150s Read by index: 0.000050s Iterate: 0.000043s Size: 2853 Create chunk: 0.000092s Read by index: 0.000087s Iterate: 0.000043s Size: 2419 Create chunk: 0.000096s Read by index: 0.000084s Iterate: 0.000044s Size: 2929 Create chunk: 0.000082s Read by index: 0.000096s Iterate: 0.000035s Size: 2472 Create chunk: 0.000108s Read by index: 0.000090s Iterate: 0.000044s Size: 2407 Create chunk: 0.000083s Read by index: 0.000099s Iterate: 0.000047s Size: 2061 Create chunk: 0.000129s Read by index: 0.000093s Iterate: 0.000052s >> TPartitionTests::ChangeConfig [GOOD] ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/federated_query/generic_ut/unittest >> GenericFederatedQuery::YdbFilterPushdown [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12016, MsgBus: 19034 2025-03-11T11:43:13.469612Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516165859471732:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:13.470192Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001423/r3tmp/tmppvKh7R/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:14.250562Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:14.250659Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:14.252179Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:14.280461Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12016, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:14.604663Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:14.604689Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:14.604699Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:14.604800Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19034 TClient is connected to server localhost:19034 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:15.682889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:15.718873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:18.462067Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516165859471732:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:18.492492Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:18.780139Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516187334308738:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:18.780422Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.116092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:19.348314Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516191629276156:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.348482Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.348988Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516191629276162:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.352921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:19.365177Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516191629276164:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:19.435764Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516191629276205:2407] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:21.077513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:22.045806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:22.980389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710677:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:23.648900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710680:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:24.283763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710685:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:24.891603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976715758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:24.946539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976715759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:28.174953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource, opId: 281474976710711:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Call DescribeTable. data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } table: "example_1" type_mapping_settings { date_time_format: STRING_FORMAT } CRAB Expected: data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } table: "example_1" type_mapping_settings { date_time_format: STRING_FORMAT } CRAB Actual: data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } table: "example_1" type_mapping_settings { date_time_format: STRING_FORMAT } DescribeTable result. GRpcStatusCode: 0 schema { columns { name: "filtered_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: INT32 } } } } columns { name: "data_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: STRING } } } } } error { status: SUCCESS } Call ListSplits. selects { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } from { table: "example_1" } } CRAB Expected: selects { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } from { table: "example_1" } } CRAB Actual: selects { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } from { table: "example_1" } } ListSplits result. GRpcStatusCode: 0 Call ReadSplits. splits { select { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } what { items { column { name: "data_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: STRING } } } } } items { column { name: "filtered_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: INT32 } } } } } } from { table: "example_1" } where { filter_typed { comparison { operation: EQ left_value { column: "filtered_column" } right_value { typed_value { type { type_id: INT32 } value { int32_value: 42 } } } } } } } description: "some binary description" } format: ARROW_IPC_STREAMING filtering: FILTERING_OPTIONAL CRAB Expected: splits { select { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } what { items { column { name: "data_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: STRING } } } } } items { column { name: "filtered_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: INT32 } } } } } } from { table: "example_1" } where { filter_typed { comparison { operation: EQ left_value { column: "filtered_column" } right_value { typed_value { type { type_id: INT32 } value { int32_value: 42 } } } } } } } description: "some binary description" } format: ARROW_IPC_STREAMING filtering: FILTERING_OPTIONAL CRAB Actual: splits { select { data_source_instance { kind: YDB endpoint { host: "localhost" port: 2136 } database: "pgdb" credentials { basic { username: "crab" password: "qwerty12345" } } use_tls: true protocol: NATIVE } what { items { column { name: "data_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: STRING } } } } } items { column { name: "filtered_column" type { optional_type { item { type_id: INT32 } } } } } } from { table: "example_1" } where { filter_typed { comparison { operation: EQ left_value { column: "filtered_column" } right_value { typed_value { type { type_id: INT32 } value { int32_value: 42 } } } } } } } description: "some binary description" } format: ARROW_IPC_STREAMING filtering: FILTERING_OPTIONAL ReadSplits result. GRpcStatusCode: 0 >> TPQTabletTests::Single_PQTablet_And_Multiple_Partitions [GOOD] >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingActsInSeveralBatches >> TPartitionTests::CorrectRange_Commit >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingActsInSeveralBatches [GOOD] >> TPQTabletTests::Test_Waiting_For_TEvReadSet_When_There_Are_Fewer_Senders_Than_Recipients >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitFails >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverMaxi [GOOD] >> TPQTabletTests::Test_Waiting_For_TEvReadSet_When_There_Are_Fewer_Senders_Than_Recipients [GOOD] >> TPQTabletTests::Test_Waiting_For_TEvReadSet_When_The_Number_Of_Senders_And_Recipients_Match |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TPartitionTests::CorrectRange_Commit [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadTwoMessages_With_Limit_1 [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_Read_Less_Messages_Than_Sent >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-4 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-5 >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingTxIsAborted >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-10 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-11 >> TPQTabletTests::Test_Waiting_For_TEvReadSet_When_The_Number_Of_Senders_And_Recipients_Match [GOOD] |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-51 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-52 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-33 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-34 >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterDecompressingTheData_Compressed [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestWriteStat >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::MultipleRanges [GOOD] |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TPQTabletTests::TEvReadSet_comes_before_TEvPlanStep >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingTxIsAborted [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartAfterExpectation+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartAfterExpectation-UseSink |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestProxyLongTailDiscoverMaxi [GOOD] |78.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingTxProceedAfterRollback >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-45 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-46 >> TopicService::ThereAreGapsInTheOffsetRanges [GOOD] >> Cdc::UuidExchange[TopicRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[PqRunner] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithoutConflicts+UseSink |78.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_cache >> TPQTabletTests::TEvReadSet_comes_before_TEvPlanStep [GOOD] |78.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_cache |78.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_cache >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingTxProceedAfterRollback [GOOD] >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitsInSeveralBatches >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithFirstRowPreloadedWithReboot [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsMultipleColumns >> TPQTabletTests::Read_TEvTxCommit_After_Restart >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitFreeze+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitFreeze-UseSink >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceType [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeLimit >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenScanQuery [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteWithAsyncIndex >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-34 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-21 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-35 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-22 >> TPQTabletTests::Read_TEvTxCommit_After_Restart [GOOD] |78.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateExtSubdomain >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateSubdomain >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterExtSubdomain-ExternalSchemeShard-false >> TopicService::OnePartitionAndNoGapsInTheOffsets >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::NoMapping [GOOD] >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::ProperPartitionSelected ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> DataShardReadIteratorBatchMode::MultipleRanges [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:51.176097Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:51.176442Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:51.176666Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00165e/r3tmp/tmp2KYDPn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:51.753696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:51.883455Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:51.935595Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:51.935719Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:51.951244Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.106266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:52.383039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:52.384408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:52.384916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.385229Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:52.450181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:52.450991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:52.451213Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:52.453834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:52.474598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:52.544017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.544231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:52.544358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549153Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.549978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.550890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551807Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:52.551974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:52.552035Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.552067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.552095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.563471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:52.563595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.578124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.578258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:52.578301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:52.578366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:52.578463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:52.758444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.758520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:52.758562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:52.758985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:52.759043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:52.759208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.759279Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:52.759326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:52.759362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:52.773140Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:52.773238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:52.773656Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.773697Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:52.773754Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:5 ... ssTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301600Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301637Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301678Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3000:281474976715664] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301710Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301744Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301777Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301806Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:32.301837Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302016Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 3000:281474976715664 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302065Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302096Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302125Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302155Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302201Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3000:281474976715664] is the new logically complete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302242Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [3000:281474976715664] is the new logically incomplete end at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302290Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302336Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302363Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302391Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302421Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302569Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302611Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CreateVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302646Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302687Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302716Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302741Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit DropVolatileSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302769Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302800Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302961Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:43:32.302990Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303029Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303067Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303099Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303128Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303155Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303195Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303233Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303272Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.303311Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.325475Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 3000} 2025-03-11T11:43:32.325657Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.325745Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:32.325868Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3000 : 281474976715664] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [15:1037:2835], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326005Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326463Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 3000} 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326525Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326558Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3000:281474976715664] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326606Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3000 : 281474976715664] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [15:1037:2835], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:32.326651Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:43:32.328773Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [15:592:2517], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3000 TxId: 281474976715664 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW Hints: 1 RangesSize: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329024Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329148Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329388Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329470Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329537Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329602Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329653Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:4] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329722Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329755Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329781Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:32.329811Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:32.337257Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 Columns: 4 Snapshot { Step: 3000 TxId: 281474976715664 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_ARROW Hints: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:32.337432Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v3000/281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:43:32.337901Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.337951Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:43:32.337985Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338022Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338108Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338132Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338171Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338261Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.338484Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.340104Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553236, Sender [15:1058:2854], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimr::TEvDataShard::TEvReadScanStarted 2025-03-11T11:43:32.340477Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553237, Sender [15:1058:2854], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimr::TEvDataShard::TEvReadScanFinished 2025-03-11T11:43:32.340943Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [15:664:2569], Recipient [15:664:2569]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:32.340997Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341129Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341223Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341299Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341368Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341440Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341526Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:43:32.341637Z node 15 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterSubdomain ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TPQTabletTests::Read_TEvTxCommit_After_Restart [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:31.362272Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:43:31.366694Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367007Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367061Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367136Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367172Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367232Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:31.367283Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:31.387747Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] server connected, pipe [1:177:2192], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:43:31.387874Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:31.409496Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [1:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "topic" Version: 1 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/topic" YcCloudId: "somecloud" YcFolderId: "somefolder" YdbDatabaseId: "PQ" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root/PQ" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 1 FederationAccount: "federationAccount" MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 1 Important: false } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:31.412733Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "topic" Version: 1 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/topic" YcCloudId: "somecloud" YcFolderId: "somefolder" YdbDatabaseId: "PQ" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root/PQ" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 1 FederationAccount: "federationAccount" MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 1 Important: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:31.412907Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:31.414413Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 1 actor [1:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "topic" Version: 1 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/topic" YcCloudId: "somecloud" YcFolderId: "somefolder" YdbDatabaseId: "PQ" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root/PQ" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 1 FederationAccount: "federationAccount" MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 1 Important: false } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:31.414575Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:31.414669Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:43:31.415207Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:43:31.415580Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [1:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:43:31.416466Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:43:31.416533Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'topic' partition 0 generation 2 [1:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:43:31.416587Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic topic partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.417763Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.417874Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 0 user user reinit request with generation 1 2025-03-11T11:43:31.417944Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 0 user user reinit with generation 1 done 2025-03-11T11:43:31.418132Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.418272Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:43:31.418583Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:43:31.418858Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [1:187:2200] 2025-03-11T11:43:31.419571Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:43:31.419623Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'topic' partition 1 generation 2 [1:187:2200] 2025-03-11T11:43:31.419662Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic topic partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.420009Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.420082Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 1 user user reinit request with generation 1 2025-03-11T11:43:31.420125Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 1 user user reinit with generation 1 done 2025-03-11T11:43:31.420242Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 1 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:31.420500Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:31.424957Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.425449Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:31.425941Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] server connected, pipe [1:200:2209], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:43:31.426648Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] server connected, pipe [1:203:2211], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427536Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransaction SourceActor { RawX1: 176 RawX2: 4294969487 } TxId: 67890 Data { Operations { PartitionId: 0 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Operations { PartitionId: 1 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Immediate: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427588Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] distributed transaction 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427661Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Propose TxId 67890, WriteId (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427711Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state UNKNOWN 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427748Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State UNKNOWN 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427786Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] schedule TEvProposeTransactionResult(PREPARED) 2025-03-11T11:43:31.427821Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState PREPARING 2025-03-11T11:43:31.428025Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] save tx TxId: 67890 State: PREPARED MinStep: 231 MaxStep: 30231 Operations { PartitionId: 0 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Operations { PartitionId: 1 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Kind: KIND_DATA SourceActor { RawX1: 176 RawX2: 4294969487 } Partitions { } 2025-03-11T11:43:31.428112Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:31.432017Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:43:31.432083Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state PREPARING 2025-03-11T11:43:31.432122Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State PREPARING 2025-03-11T11:43:31.432161Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:43:31.435862Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep Transactions { TxId: 67890 AckTo { RawX1: 176 RawX2: 4294969487 } } Step: 100 2025-03-11T11:43:31.435985Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:43:31.436027Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:43:31.436069Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState PLANNING 2025-03-11T11:43:31.436110Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] PlanStep 100, PlanTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:31.436284Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] save tx TxId: 67890 State: PLANNED MinStep: 231 MaxStep: 30231 Operations { PartitionId: 0 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Operations { PartitionId: 1 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Step: 100 Kind: KIND_DATA SourceActor { RawX1: 176 RawX2: 4294969487 } Partitions { } 2025-03-11T11:43:31.436395Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRIT ... UEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxsOrder: 67890 PLANNED 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.043355Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:35.043423Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] has a tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:35.043607Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.044074Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.044393Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [5:301:2287] 2025-03-11T11:43:35.051016Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:35.052677Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.053057Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062091Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062714Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062775Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062825Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [topic:0:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062869Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [topic:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:43:35.062932Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'topic' partition 0 generation 3 [5:301:2287] 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063027Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic topic partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063116Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063216Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 5 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063406Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state PLANNED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063457Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State PLANNED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063502Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State PLANNED FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063548Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxQueue.size 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063594Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] New ExecStep 100, ExecTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063669Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState CALCULATING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.063717Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from PLANNED to CALCULATING Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064102Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCalcPredicate Step 100, TxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064467Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCalcPredicateResult Step 100, TxId 67890, Partition 0, Predicate 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064521Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] Handle TEvTxCalcPredicateResult 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064562Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] Partition responses 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064607Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state CALCULATING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064651Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State CALCULATING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.064704Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State CALCULATING FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.074120Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.074262Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.074320Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from CALCULATING to CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.074567Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] save tx TxId: 67890 State: CALCULATED MinStep: 133 MaxStep: 30133 PredicatesReceived { TabletId: 22222 } PredicateRecipients: 22222 Operations { PartitionId: 0 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Step: 100 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_DATA SourceActor { RawX1: 174 RawX2: 21474838669 } Partitions { } 2025-03-11T11:43:35.074682Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083234Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083328Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083377Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083433Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State CALCULATED FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083484Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083535Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from CALCULATED to WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083588Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet to 1 receivers. Wait TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet from 1 senders. 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083644Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvReadSet to tablet 22222 2025-03-11T11:43:35.083809Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] HaveParticipantsDecision 0 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:35.091553Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:43:35.091644Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Connected to tablet 22222 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:35.103740Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] server connected, pipe [5:326:2305], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:43:35.103916Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet Step: 100 TxId: 67890 TabletSource: 22222 TabletDest: 72057594037927937 TabletProducer: 22222 ReadSet: "\010\001" Seqno: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.103995Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] Handle TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104064Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] Predicates 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104111Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104160Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104207Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State WAIT_RS FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104253Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] HaveParticipantsDecision 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104314Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104368Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from WAIT_RS to EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104408Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Received 0, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104498Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommit Step 100, TxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104577Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::CommitWriteOperations TxId: 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104834Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Connected to tablet 72057594037927937 from tablet 22222 2025-03-11T11:43:35.104902Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115285Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115465Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommitDone Step 100, TxId 67890, Partition 0 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115523Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115575Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115630Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State EXECUTING FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115671Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115723Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId: 67890 send TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult(COMPLETE) 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115778Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] complete TxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115829Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] delete partitions for TxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115879Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.115957Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from EXECUTING to EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.116192Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] save tx TxId: 67890 State: EXECUTED MinStep: 133 MaxStep: 30133 PredicatesReceived { TabletId: 22222 Predicate: true } PredicateRecipients: 22222 Operations { PartitionId: 0 Begin: 0 End: 0 Consumer: "user" Path: "/topic" } Step: 100 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_DATA SourceActor { RawX1: 174 RawX2: 21474838669 } Partitions { } 2025-03-11T11:43:35.116356Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130196Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130298Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Try execute txs with state EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130363Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, State EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130425Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 State EXECUTED FrontTxId 67890 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130480Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TPersQueue::SendEvReadSetAckToSenders 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130570Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Send TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck {TEvReadSet step# 100 txid# 67890 TabletSource# 22222 TabletDest# 72057594037927937 SetTabletConsumer# 72057594037927937 Flags# 0 Seqno# 0} 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130627Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890, NewState WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130676Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] TxId 67890 moved from EXECUTED to WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130737Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] PredicateAcks: 0/1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130776Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037927937] HaveAllRecipientsReceive 0, AllSupportivePartitionsHaveBeenDeleted 1 2025-03-11T11:43:35.130814Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 67890] PredicateAcks: 0/1 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR >> TPersQueueTest::SetupWriteSession [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::StoreNoMoreThanXSourceIDs >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TColumnShardTestReadWrite::CompactionInGranule_PKTimestamp_Reboot ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateExtSubdomain [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:36.014857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.121808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:36.121865Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:36.137166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.137592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.137774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.151508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.151727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.152366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.152622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.155415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.156652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.156711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.156793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.156854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.156894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.157092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.171118Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.308702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.308945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.309177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.309395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.309469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:36.317579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.320968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.321033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.321068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:36.322994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.323059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.323104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.323148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.326616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:36.328989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:36.329410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:36.330478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.330618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.330672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.330989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:36.331053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.331224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.331305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.333994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.334493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.336816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.336943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.336994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 26 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.692191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.692224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 26 2025-03-11T11:43:36.692269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:36.692969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.693053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.693086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.693113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.693142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.693198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:36.695076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 112:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:112 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:36.695177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 112, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 112 at step: 5000013 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000013 State->FrontStep: 5000012 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 112 at step: 5000013 2025-03-11T11:43:36.695863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000013, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.695976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 112 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000013 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.696018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropExtSubdomain TPropose, operationId: 112:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000013, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.696107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS visit path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] name: USER_0 type: EPathTypeExtSubDomain state: EPathStateDrop stepDropped: 0 droppedTxId: 112 parent: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.696139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS run path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.696172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 112:0 128 -> 134 2025-03-11T11:43:36.698133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.698290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.699552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 112:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.699606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropExtSubdomain TDeleteExternalShards, operationId: 112:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.699723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 112:0 134 -> 135 2025-03-11T11:43:36.699888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.699992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 7 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 112:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDeleteParts opId# 112:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:36.702864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 112:0 135 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:36.703566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 27 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.703660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 27 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.703712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.703742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 27 2025-03-11T11:43:36.703770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.704660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 112:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 112:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#112:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#112:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 112:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 112:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.716841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.717700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.717830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.720469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.720574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 112, wait until txId: 112 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.720946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:36.720979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 112 2025-03-11T11:43:36.721534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 112, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.721616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:36.721645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: satisfy waiter [1:648:2639] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 112 >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::SpecifyClustersExplicitly [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::StopResumeReadingData >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateSubdomain [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-40 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-41 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-52 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-53 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-57 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-58 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::CreateSubdomain [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:36.606968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.697384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:36.697449Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.712989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.724386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.725007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.725672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.726097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.731020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.732845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.740480Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.892940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.893196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.893433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.893684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.893742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:36.896913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.899066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.899141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.899206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:36.906917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.907010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.907049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.907109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.910939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:36.917993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:36.918215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.919989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.920073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.927972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.928523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:36.932855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.932999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.933041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... e TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 26 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.498741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 26 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.498780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.498810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 26 2025-03-11T11:43:37.498839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.500001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.505816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.505866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.505923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.505970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.506049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:37.509120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 112:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:112 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:37.509267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 112, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 112 at step: 5000013 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000013 State->FrontStep: 5000012 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 112 at step: 5000013 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000013, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 112 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000013 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropForceUnsafe TPropose, operationId: 112:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000013, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS visit path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] name: USER_0 type: EPathTypeSubDomain state: EPathStateDrop stepDropped: 0 droppedTxId: 112 parent: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS run path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 112:0 128 -> 130 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.510868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.515646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.516267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, path id: 7 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 112:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDeleteParts opId# 112:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#112:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#112:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 112, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 112 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 112:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 112:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 112, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 112, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 27 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 112, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:37.520376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 27 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.520459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 27 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.520487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.520531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 27 2025-03-11T11:43:37.520561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.521879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.521985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 112, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.522540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.523139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.523194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.523247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.532164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.534649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.534757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.534849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 112, wait until txId: 112 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.535247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:37.535284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 112 2025-03-11T11:43:37.535808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 112, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.535943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:37.535991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 112: satisfy waiter [1:658:2649] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 112 >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitsInSeveralBatches [GOOD] >> CompressExecutor::TestReorderedExecutor [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithAbort >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitProccesAfterRollback >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-5 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-6 >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitFails [GOOD] >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Raw] >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[PqRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[YdsRunner] |78.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitFails [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:29.249262Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:29.249368Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:29.270592Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [1:178:2193] 2025-03-11T11:43:29.271515Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 1 generation 0 [1:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000001" Value: "\010\000\020\000\030\000(\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001cclient-1" Value: "\010\000\020\002\030\003\"\014session-id-1(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001uclient-1" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\003\000\000\000session-id-1" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000001" Value: "\010\000\020\000\030\000(\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001cclient-2" Value: "\010\000\020\004\030\005\"\014session-id-2(\0000\003" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001uclient-2" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\005\000\000\000session-id-2" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001cclient-3" Value: "\010\000\020\006\030\007\"\014session-id-3(\0000\004" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001uclient-3" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\000\000\007\000\000\000session-id-3" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000001" Value: "\010\000\020\000\030\000(\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001cclient-1" Value: "\010\000\020\010\030\t\"\014session-id-2(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000001uclient-1" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\010\000\000\000\t\000\000\000session-id-2" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:29.864917Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:29.864970Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:29.884932Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:29.886533Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:0:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:29.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:29.886596Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 0 generation 0 [2:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000000" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\350\255\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000cclient" Value: "\010\000\020\001\030\001\"\007session(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000uclient" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session" StorageChannel: INLINE } Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000000" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\350\255\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000cclient" Value: "\010\002\020\001\030\001\"\007session(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000uclient" Value: "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000000" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\350\255\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000cclient" Value: "\010\004\020\001\030\001\"\007session(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000uclient" Value: "\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session" StorageChannel: INLINE } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.854421Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:30.854498Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:30.872049Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 3 [3:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:30.874536Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:3:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:30.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:30.874607Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 3 generation 0 [3:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Send change config Wait cmd write (initial) Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000003" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\320\265\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "I0000000003" Value: "\010\271`\020\262\222\004" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003cclient-1" Value: "\010\002\020\000\030\000\"\tsession-1(\0000\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003uclient-1" Value: "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000session-1" StorageChannel: INLINE } Wait commit 1 done Wait cmd write (change config) Got cmd write: CmdDeleteRange { Range { From: "m0000000003cclient-2" IncludeFrom: true To: "m0000000003cclient-2" IncludeTo: true } } CmdDeleteRange { Range { From: "m0000000003uclient-2" IncludeFrom: true To: "m0000000003uclient-2" IncludeTo: true } } CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000003" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\320\265\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003cclient-1" Value: "\010\002\020\000\030\000\"\tsession-1(\0000\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003uclient-1" Value: "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000session-1" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003cclient-3" Value: "\010\000\020\000\030\000\"\000(\0000\007" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003uclient-3" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "_config_3" Value: "\022\t\030\200\243\0058\200\200\200\005\030\000\"\027rt3.dc1--account--topic(\0020\001\272\001 /Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic\352\001\000\372\001\002\010\000\212\002\007account\220\002\001\242\002\002\010\000\252\002\016\n\010client-1@\000H\000\252\002\016\n\010client-3@\007H\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } Wait config changed Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:31.697935Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:31.698019Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:32.309487Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:32.309587Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:32.347708Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [5:175:2190] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:32.350307Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:0:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:32.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:32.350389Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 0 generation 0 [5:175:2190] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Got batch complete: 1 Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000000" Value: "\010\000\0202\030\000(\240\305\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000cclient-0" Value: "\010\000\020\001\030\001\"\02 ... SK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_COMMITTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_RECOVERY_LOG_CUTTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_GUID_PROPAGATOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got batch complete: 2 Wait batch completion Got batch complete: 1 Wait kv request Wait tx committed for tx 2 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Wait for no tx committed Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_HULL_HUGE_KEEPER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Create distr tx with id = 4 and act no: 5 Created Tx with id 7 as act# 7 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_COMMITTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_GUID_PROPAGATOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DEFRAG_SCHEDULER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got batch complete: 2 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Wait batch completion Wait kv request Got batch complete: 1 Wait batch completion Wait kv request Create distr tx with id = 8 and act no: 9 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got batch complete: 3 Wait kv request Wait immediate tx complete 10 Got propose resutl: Origin: 72057594037927937 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 10 Wait immediate tx complete 11 Got propose resutl: Origin: 72057594037927937 Status: ABORTED TxId: 11 Errors { Kind: BAD_REQUEST Reason: "incorrect offset range (gap)" } >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterSubdomain [GOOD] >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Zstd] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-11 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-12 >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterExtSubdomain-ExternalSchemeShard-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::DropPQAbort [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::ListNotCreatedDirCase >> BasicUsage::MaxByteSizeEqualZero [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TSimpleWriteSession_AutoSeqNo_BasicUsage >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-22 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-23 >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitProccesAfterRollback [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMoreMessagesThanLimit_Without_Wait_NoDelimiter [GOOD] >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMessages_Output_Base64 >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Raw] [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-46 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-47 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterSubdomain [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:37.249885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:37.349185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:37.349235Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:37.360741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:37.360848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:37.360993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.388863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:37.389565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.390219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.390632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.394798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:37.396511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.403035Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.548936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.549158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.549365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.549595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.549649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:37.552963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.555046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.555106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.555142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:37.556893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.556943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.556981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.557042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.560502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:37.562322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:37.562515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:37.563442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.563577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.563627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.563889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:37.563961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.564119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.564192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.577128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.577266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.577304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... hard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 102 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.699328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 102 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.699367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.699398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:40.699428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.706390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 175, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:40.708114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 175:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:175 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:40.708230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 175, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 175 at step: 5000076 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000076 State->FrontStep: 5000075 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 175 at step: 5000076 2025-03-11T11:43:40.710677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000076, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.710804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 175 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000076 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.710848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropForceUnsafe TPropose, operationId: 175:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000076, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.710888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS visit path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] name: USER_0 type: EPathTypeSubDomain state: EPathStateDrop stepDropped: 0 droppedTxId: 175 parent: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.710914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS run path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.711033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 175:0 128 -> 130 2025-03-11T11:43:40.711214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.711279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.711937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.715085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.715777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.715827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.715997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: 26 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 175:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDeleteParts opId# 175:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#175:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#175:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 175, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 175:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.716912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 175:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 175, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 175, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 103 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 175, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 103 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 103 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:40.717915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.718857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.719557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.725806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.725928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.728170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.728293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 175, wait until txId: 175 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.729416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:40.729453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.730847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 175, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.730945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:40.730974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: satisfy waiter [1:2457:4448] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 175 |78.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/ydb-core-kqp-runtime-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-35 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-36 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-52 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-53 |78.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/ydb-core-kqp-runtime-ut |78.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/ydb-core-kqp-runtime-ut >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Raw] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-34 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-35 >> TPQTest::TestReserveBytes [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestSourceIdDropBySourceIdCount ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_auditsettings/unittest >> TSchemeShardAuditSettings::AlterExtSubdomain-ExternalSchemeShard-false [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:36.628996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:36.629081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:36.629415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.731303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:36.731360Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:36.759683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.760221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.760390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.797148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.797471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:36.798235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.798570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.806981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:36.808957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:36.827408Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.164753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.164982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.165246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.165471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.165548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:37.176622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.186907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.186978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.187052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:37.194826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.194919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.194980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.195048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.217552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:37.237941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:37.238185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:37.239241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.239388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.239450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.239752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:37.239944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.240135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.240234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:37.247989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.248028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.248061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.248142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:37.248182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.248220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:37.259075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.259259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:37.259310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 94046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 102 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.955142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.955176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:40.955208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.957459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 175, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:40.962658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 175:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:175 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:40.962825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 175, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 175 at step: 5000076 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000076 State->FrontStep: 5000075 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 175 at step: 5000076 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000076, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 175 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000076 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropExtSubdomain TPropose, operationId: 175:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000076, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS visit path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] name: USER_0 type: EPathTypeExtSubDomain state: EPathStateDrop stepDropped: 0 droppedTxId: 175 parent: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: ExamineTreeVFS run path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 175:0 128 -> 134 2025-03-11T11:43:40.965050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.968023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.970807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 175:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.970867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropExtSubdomain TDeleteExternalShards, operationId: 175:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.970985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 175:0 134 -> 135 2025-03-11T11:43:40.971158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.971218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.974652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.974705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.974851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.974981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, path id: 26 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 175:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDeleteParts opId# 175:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 175:0 135 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 103 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 103 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 26 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 175, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.978041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 175, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 175:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 175:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#175:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#175:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 175, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 175 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 175:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 175:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 26], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.982853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.984523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.986822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.986909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 175, wait until txId: 175 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.988262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:40.988312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 175 2025-03-11T11:43:40.989603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 175, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.989706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:40.989739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 175: satisfy waiter [1:2611:4602] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 175 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TPartitionTests::ConflictingCommitProccesAfterRollback [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:32.241013Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:32.241106Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:32.268934Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 3 [1:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:32.270755Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:3:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:32.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:32.270820Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 3 generation 0 [1:178:2193] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000003" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\240\305\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003cclient" Value: "\010\000\020\001\030\001\"\007session(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003uclient" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session" StorageChannel: INLINE } Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000003" Value: "\010\000\020\n\030\000(\240\305\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "I0000000003" Value: "\010\271`\020\262\222\004" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003cclient" Value: "\010\002\020\001\030\001\"\007session(\0000\001" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000003uclient" Value: "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:43:33.349251Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:33.349348Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:34.048571Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:34.048681Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:34.645250Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:34.645334Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:34.664792Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [4:177:2192] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:34.667364Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:0:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:34.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:34.667438Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 0 generation 0 [4:177:2192] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Got batch complete: 1 Got cmd write: CmdWrite { Key: "i0000000000" Value: "\010\000\0202\030\000(\360\324\221\250\3302" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000cclient-0" Value: "\010\000\020\001\030\001\"\020session-client-0(\0000\000" StorageChannel: INLINE } CmdWrite { Key: "m0000000000uclient-0" Value: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\000\000session-client-0" StorageChannel: INLINE } Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Create distr tx with id = 0 and act no: 1 Created Tx with id 3 as act# 3 Created Tx with id 4 as act# 4 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_COMMITTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_RECOVERY_LOG_CUTTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_GUID_PROPAGATOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got batch complete: 2 Wait batch completion Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Wait kv request Got batch complete: 1 Wait batch completion Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Got batch complete: 1 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Wait batch completion Wait batch completion Got batch complete: 1 Wait kv request Wait tx committed for tx 3 Wait tx committed for tx 4 Create distr tx with id = 6 and act no: 7 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_HULL_HUGE_KEEPER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Got batch complete: 3 Wait batch completion Wait kv request Wait immediate tx complete 8 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Got propose resutl: Origin: 72057594037927937 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 8 Wait immediate tx complete 9 Got propose resutl: Origin: 72057594037927937 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 9 2025-03-11T11:43:39.724294Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:39.724404Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:39.743733Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [5:175:2190] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:39.748082Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic:0:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp from keys completed. Value 2025-03-11T11:43:39.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:43:39.748170Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--account--topic' partition 0 generation 0 [5:175:2190] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Created Tx with id 0 as act# 0 Created Tx with id 1 as act# 1 Got batch complete: 1 Wait batch completion Got batch complete: 1 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Wait batch completion Wait kv request Wait tx committed for tx 1 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Wait for no tx committed Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteShardRestartAfterExpectation-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteEarlierSnapshotNotBlocked |78.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/hive/ut/ydb-core-mind-hive-ut |78.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/hive/ut/ydb-core-mind-hive-ut |78.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/hive/ut/ydb-core-mind-hive-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::ListNotCreatedDirCase [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedBeforeDataIsDecompressed_Compressed [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterReadingTheData_Compressed >> TSchemeShardTest::ListNotCreatedIndexCase ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Raw] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.702928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:40.703797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:40.785689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:40.785761Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:40.799555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:40.800118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:40.800319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.816206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:40.816478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.817241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.817569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.821041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.822441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.822529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.822633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:40.822695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.822737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:40.823068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.832591Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.960156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.960460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.960713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.960940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.960999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.963781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:40.964033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.964092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.964133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:40.964182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.966490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.966557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.966597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:40.968584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.968638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.968683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.968763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.972646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:40.975532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.976964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.977811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.980527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.980616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:40.980968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:40.981740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:40.991388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.991720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:40.991769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... SHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.363845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.364044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409546 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:41.366352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:41.366525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:41.367231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.367371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.367423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.367550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:43:41.367690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.406058Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Bootstrap: self# [1:411:2382], attempt# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.428188Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReady: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381] FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:41.437480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.437555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:41.437864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.437956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:41.438326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.438387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:41.439783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11712 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 8B8E94B8-76C2-46BA-B179-9BFF2B76476F amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 61 content-md5: 5ZuHSMjV1bVKZhThhMGD5g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 61 2025-03-11T11:43:41.446869Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleMetadata TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: e59b8748c8d5d5b54a6614e184c183e6 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.453883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11712 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 16A65CA2-E461-4996-9B4F-6CAB0A21E614 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 357 content-md5: IxJB3qM/y2xlsv8qcwTF7g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 357 2025-03-11T11:43:41.459160Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 231241dea33fcb6c65b2ff2a7304c5ee } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.459289Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:410:2381] 2025-03-11T11:43:41.459428Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11712 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: EB74A9AA-CEA7-4D41-A3E5-11008375F30B amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 39 content-md5: GLX1nc5/cKhlAfxBHlykQA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / / 39 2025-03-11T11:43:41.465554Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 18b5f59dce7f70a86501fc411e5ca440 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.465639Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:411:2382], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:41.465851Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:41.490836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:41.493515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.493757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.493826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:41.493979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:334:2313] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.494519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.500634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:41.500711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:396:2368] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitFreeze-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitCrossConflict-UseSink >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithoutConflicts+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithConflicts+UseSink >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteWithAsyncIndex [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenLateWriteReadCommit >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData_MinWriteBatch >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Zstd] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithUserPayloadRateLimit [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestLimiterLimitsWithBlobsRateLimit >> TVersions::Wreck0 [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck0Reverse >> TSchemeShardTest::ListNotCreatedIndexCase [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathId >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithAsyncCompression [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithSyncCompression >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[YdsRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[TopicRunner] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-41 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-42 >> TCacheTest::CheckSystemViewAccess >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-58 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-59 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-6 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-7 >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Zstd] >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Zstd] [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathId [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathIdActor >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Raw] >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnSingleShardTable[Raw] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-53 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-54 >> TCacheTest::CheckSystemViewAccess [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::CookiesArePreserved >> TCacheTest::CookiesArePreserved [GOOD] |78.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/ut/ydb-services-ext_index-ut |78.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/ut/ydb-services-ext_index-ut |78.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ext_index/ut/ydb-services-ext_index-ut >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathIdActor [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathIdActorAsync >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-12 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-13 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::BackupUuidColumn[Zstd] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.156851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.156948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:45.157653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.236803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:45.236876Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:45.259309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.260142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.260378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.273618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.273865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.274807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.275121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.278486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.279806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.279913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.280034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.280091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.280134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.280435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.288212Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.426526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.426849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.427115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.427394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.427478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:45.434817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:45.439031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.439230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.439270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:45.443282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.443352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.443396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.443523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.447888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:45.458914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:45.459139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.460984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.461075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.464991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.465075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:45.465115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.465148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:45.469548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.469818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.469869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... FO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.994853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.995032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409546 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:45.998014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:45.998264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:45.998988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.999132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.999192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.999299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:43:45.999428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:46.007414Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Bootstrap: self# [1:411:2382], attempt# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:46.137854Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReady: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381] REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11124 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 2ABA7164-4F34-44AB-8640-2D53E14E4042 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 61 content-md5: 5ZuHSMjV1bVKZhThhMGD5g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 61 2025-03-11T11:43:46.146489Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleMetadata TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: e59b8748c8d5d5b54a6614e184c183e6 } FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.151941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:46.153695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11124 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 3E61618C-F474-4F8B-87A9-74001E446EA9 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 357 content-md5: IxJB3qM/y2xlsv8qcwTF7g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 357 2025-03-11T11:43:46.156467Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 231241dea33fcb6c65b2ff2a7304c5ee } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.156646Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:410:2381] 2025-03-11T11:43:46.156860Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.157387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11124 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 37C059FD-584A-4428-8AE7-611CE143952C amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 40 content-md5: LXbLDYru8NmFsYXNSXjnpQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / / 40 2025-03-11T11:43:46.160626Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 2d76cb0d8aeef0d985b185cd4978e7a5 } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.160686Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:411:2382], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:46.160839Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 20 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:46.173989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.176981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:46.177420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:46.179779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:46.179850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:396:2368] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::CookiesArePreserved [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:46.514916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:46.514976Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.727737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:46.755401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:46.763495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.764179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:46.769385Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [1:204:2194], for# user1@builtin, access# DescribeSchema 2025-03-11T11:43:46.770004Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [1:210:2200], for# user1@builtin, access# 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288809Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288890Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.393064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:47.403749Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:47.410692Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Zstd] [GOOD] >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Raw] [GOOD] >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnSingleShardTable[Raw] [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-23 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-24 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-53 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-54 >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathIdActorAsync [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_NonExistentPreferredCluster_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_EnabledRemotePreferredClusterAndRemoteClusterEnabledDelaySec_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-36 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-37 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Zstd] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:46.976992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:46.977037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:46.977109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:46.977402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.065148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:47.065212Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:47.087462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.088087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.088313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.108750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.109053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.109838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.110171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.113565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.114965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.115052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.115164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.115230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.115281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.115532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.130289Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.289198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.289292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.291762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.292160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:47.292494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.292749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.292790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:47.292847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.295078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.295144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.295183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:47.296989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.297042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.297080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.297151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.301163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:47.306947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:47.307187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:47.309044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.309247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.309368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.313725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.313782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.314822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.317500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.317652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.317702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... oard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.024602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.024647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:3435 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 5100DEDC-217A-41BB-928A-C7B91B3B14C2 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 638 content-md5: Myp3UygaBNGp6+7AMgyRnQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 638 REQUEST: PUT /data_01.csv.zst HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:3435 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: A3A30343-AF07-4815-A611-D348D391253B amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 20 content-md5: 8NOHH1ycwPXC5K+v+37u8g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_01.csv.zst / / 20 2025-03-11T11:43:48.031308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.031410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.031904Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:470:2430], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 332a7753281a04d1a9ebeec0320c919d } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032223Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:469:2429] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032358Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:470:2430], sender# [1:469:2429], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.032968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:48.033022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:43:48.033123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:3435 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: A11FC48E-0126-47D4-B9CD-7EE8B3ED9C87 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 20 content-md5: 2qFn9G0TW8wfvJ9C+A5Jbw== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / / 20 2025-03-11T11:43:48.042643Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:470:2430], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: daa167f46d135bcc1fbc9f42f80e496f } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.042733Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:470:2430], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:48.042915Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:479:2437], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: f0d3871f5c9cc0f5c2e4afaffb7eeef2 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.042964Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:479:2437], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:48.043216Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:469:2429], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.050177Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:478:2436], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.058947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.092773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.092850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.093030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.093164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.093277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 1, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.093478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:48.094721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.103719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.105937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:48.106044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:368:2336] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.106099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.106142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.106181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.106337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:48.108802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:48.108865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:451:2412] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TopicService::OnePartitionAndNoGapsInTheOffsets [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-47 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-48 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnSingleShardTable[Raw] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:47.308670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:47.309046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.398083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:47.398170Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:47.417819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.418006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.418203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.442189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.442902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.443660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.444015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.449342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.450718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.450787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.450886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.450935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.450978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.451202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.458230Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.615415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.615814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.616176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.616499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.616624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:47.620819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.623200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.623292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.623340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:47.625687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.625762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.625811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.625913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.636404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:47.638793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:47.639036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:47.640428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.640642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.640716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.641047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:47.641133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.641364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.641471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.644945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.645486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.648407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.648546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.648605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... SHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.391265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.391426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409546 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:48.393775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:48.393954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:48.394950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.395080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.395160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.395296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:43:48.395440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:48.418702Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Bootstrap: self# [1:411:2382], attempt# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.471739Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReady: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381] REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:21097 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: C3D62EE5-99C9-4C79-9814-6F42724A88EE amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 61 content-md5: 5ZuHSMjV1bVKZhThhMGD5g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 61 2025-03-11T11:43:48.479115Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleMetadata TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: e59b8748c8d5d5b54a6614e184c183e6 } REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:21097 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 3D60FDB5-5580-4BA4-A0F7-20B142DD1F0D amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 357 content-md5: csvC5nqNTZsSLy4ymlp0/Q== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 357 2025-03-11T11:43:48.486353Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 72cbc2e67a8d4d9b122f2e329a5a74fd } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.486698Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:410:2381] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.486867Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:411:2382], sender# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.488967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.489043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.489336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.489391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:48.494579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.494671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:48.495810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:21097 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: FDD65B72-EFE0-4F84-A821-9396FCF7EB27 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 11 content-md5: bj4KQf2rit2DOGLxvSlUww== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / / 11 2025-03-11T11:43:48.502196Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:411:2382], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 6e3e0a41fdab8add833862f1bd2954c3 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.502277Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:411:2382], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:48.502509Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:410:2381], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.524066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:48.547953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.550984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.551354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:48.558854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:48.558942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:396:2368] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TCacheTest::SystemView >> TCacheTest::MigrationCommon ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnMultiShardTable[Raw] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:47.161881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.245074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:47.245133Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:47.258213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.258714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.258890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.271661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.271900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.272565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.272855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.279153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.280498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.280585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.280679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:47.280739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.280784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:47.281027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.288786Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.480680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.480993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.481275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.481510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.481578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.484716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.484864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:47.485111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.485172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.485207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:47.485257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.487854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.487944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.487987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:47.489958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.490020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.490059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.490157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.494423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:47.497127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:47.497322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:47.498450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.498608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.498668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.498975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:47.499040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.499242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.499380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.501786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.501832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:47.502787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:47.505391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.505522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:47.505561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... : 638 content-md5: Myp3UygaBNGp6+7AMgyRnQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 638 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:48.548885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.548956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.549265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.549309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:48.553532Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:470:2430], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 332a7753281a04d1a9ebeec0320c919d } REQUEST: PUT /data_01.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11130 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 1BCBF410-3C1E-4220-B520-6615E4E47DC8 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 11 content-md5: jsMhyzH+cyrvZpBm0dQVGQ== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_01.csv / / 11 2025-03-11T11:43:48.555937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556451Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:469:2429] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556583Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:470:2430], sender# [1:469:2429], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556705Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:479:2437], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 8ec321cb31fe732aef669066d1d41519 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556741Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:479:2437], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:48.556958Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:478:2436], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:11130 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: C21C72B7-8757-4DCD-8F29-DCD3FCD0496F amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 11 content-md5: bj4KQf2rit2DOGLxvSlUww== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / / 11 2025-03-11T11:43:48.565806Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:470:2430], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 6e3e0a41fdab8add833862f1bd2954c3 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.565881Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:470:2430], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:48.567966Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:469:2429], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.583933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.613571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.613638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.613801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.613935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 317 RawX2: 4294969597 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.614003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 1, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.626252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.626977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409547, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 319 RawX2: 4294969598 } Origin: 72075186233409547 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10 RowsProcessed: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:2, datashard: 72075186233409547, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409547, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:48.627614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:48.634607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:368:2336] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:48.635964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:48.636010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.636045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:48.636164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:48.638278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:48.638346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:451:2412] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> Cdc::UpdatesLog[TopicRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[PqRunner] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-35 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-36 >> TCacheTest::SystemView [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::TableSchemaVersion ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::FindSubDomainPathIdActorAsync [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:25.361876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:25.362902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.363286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.454175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:25.454232Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:25.475712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.476167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.476396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.502604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.502894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.503583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.503905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.507276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:25.508630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.513871Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.660739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.660986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.661181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.661423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.661481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.664701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.664827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:25.665059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.665144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.665185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:25.665214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.668504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.668571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.668626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:25.670787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.670845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.670893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.670950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.674471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:25.676732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:25.676956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.678810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:25.681983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.682383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:25.684720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.684842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.684878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:49.215477Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 102 Step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:43:49.215582Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, shard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.215672Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:43:49.215987Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:49.216357Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:49.216477Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:49.220415Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.220821Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.220868Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221060Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221326Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221375Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221426Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [15:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221529Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221591Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221860Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.221962Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222048Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222116Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222196Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222283Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222408Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222474Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222775Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222872Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.222945Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 2025-03-11T11:43:49.223005Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:43:49.225101Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.225220Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.225271Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.225346Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:43:49.225427Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227255Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227369Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227405Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227443Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227485Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:43:49.227596Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.234371Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.236566Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.244858Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:43:49.244988Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.245698Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.245877Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:43:49.245997Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [15:512:2465] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:49.246855Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/SubDomenA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.247267Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/SubDomenA" took 449us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:49.247963Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/SubDomenA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "SubDomenA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } Children { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409547 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 247 AccountSize: 247 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.248840Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/SubDomenA/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.249135Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/SubDomenA/Topic1" took 339us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:43:49.249711Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/SubDomenA/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409547 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 1 PartitionPerTablet: 1 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 13 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 19 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409546 Status: Active } AlterVersion: 1 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409547 NextPartitionId: 1 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 247 AccountSize: 247 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:49.390990Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: FindTabletSubDomainPathId for tablet 72075186233409546 >> TCacheTest::MigrationCommon [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::MigrationDeletedPathNavigate >> TCacheTest::Recreate >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_Read_Less_Messages_Than_Sent [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenLateWriteReadCommit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::TwoAppendsMustBeVolatile+UseSink >> TCacheTest::TableSchemaVersion [GOOD] >> TopicService::MultiplePartitionsAndNoGapsInTheOffsets >> TCacheTest::Recreate [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::SysLocks >> TCacheTest::Navigate >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithConflicts+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteEarlierSnapshotNotBlocked [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenCommit+UseSink >> TCacheTest::RacyRecreateAndSync >> TCacheTest::SysLocks [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithConflicts-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-54 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-55 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::TableSchemaVersion [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:51.002699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:51.002769Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.276624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.878231Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:51.878296Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:52.006496Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:52.177801Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:52.417191Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TCacheTest::Navigate [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::PathBelongsToDomain >> ReadSessionImplTest::DataReceivedCallbackReal [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::Attributes ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::SysLocks [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:52.438167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:52.438241Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:52.612660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:52.640198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:52.641627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:52.691906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:52.705151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:43:53.122967Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:53.123038Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.200339Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 >> TCacheTest::RacyRecreateAndSync [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::RacyCreateAndSync >> TCacheTest::PathBelongsToDomain [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-7 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-8 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-59 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-60 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-42 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-43 >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteDistributedCommitCrossConflict-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex-WithRestart-UseSink >> TCacheTest::RacyCreateAndSync [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_Read_Less_Messages_Than_Sent [GOOD] Test command err: === Starting PQ server === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:42:52.519358Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516072720805741:2223];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:52.519670Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:42:52.544500Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516075476457715:2131];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:52.544561Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:42:53.008519Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:42:53.032583Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000eac/r3tmp/tmpgZpiim/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:53.618331Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:53.620718Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:53.751328Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.751445Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:53.759691Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.759789Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:53.768908Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.776517Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:42:53.789872Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.838553Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18757, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:54.114118Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000eac/r3tmp/yandexADcAiV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:54.114163Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000eac/r3tmp/yandexADcAiV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:54.114367Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000eac/r3tmp/yandexADcAiV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:54.114530Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:54.216434Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 3286 GrpcPort 18757 TClient is connected to server localhost:3286 PQClient connected to localhost:18757 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 18757 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:55.673413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.673670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.673859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.678621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.678689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.698867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:55.699009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:42:55.699197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.699238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.699257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:55.699272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:55.717955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.722140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:42:55.722207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.723828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.723870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.723891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:55.725799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.725824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.725847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.725874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.737347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:55.739420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:55.739567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:55.747945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693375786, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693375786 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.748699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7480516077015773560:2413], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:55.751542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_ ... : session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 assign: record# { Partition: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037897 Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Generation: 1 Step: 1 Session: "shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1" ClientId: "cli" PipeClient { RawX1: 7480516320575238570 RawX2: 4503621102209642 } Path: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--topic1" } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.465966Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 INITING TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.466385Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) pipe restart attempt 0 pipe creation result: OK TabletId: 72075186224037897 Generation: 1, pipe: [5:7480516320575238572:2669] 2025-03-11T11:43:49.466609Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: registered server session: shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1:1 with generation 1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.476528Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 0 event { CmdGetClientOffsetResult { Offset: 0 EndOffset: 3 SizeLag: 409 WriteTimestampEstimateMS: 1741693429439 } Cookie: 18446744073709551615 } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.476580Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 INIT DONE TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.476639Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 sending to client partition status 2025-03-11T11:43:49.477612Z :INFO: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "-". Topic: "/topic1". Partition: 0. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482501Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { start_partition_session_response { partition_session_id: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482662Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 got StartRead from client: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), readOffset# 0, commitOffset# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482712Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 Start reading TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 clientCommitOffset (empty maybe) clientReadOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482738Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) ready for read with readOffset 0 endOffset 3 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482800Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 partition ready for read: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), readOffset# 0, endOffset# 3, WTime# 0, sizeLag# 409 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482818Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1TEvPartitionReady. Aval parts: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.482871Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 performing read request: guid# f8ced724-6710b50c-28050130-bfa4e9cc, from# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), count# 3, size# 490, partitionsAsked# 1, maxTimeLag# 0ms 2025-03-11T11:43:49.483001Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 READ FROM TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1)maxCount 3 maxSize 490 maxTimeLagMs 0 readTimestampMs 0 readOffset 0 EndOffset 3 ClientCommitOffset 0 committedOffset 0 Guid f8ced724-6710b50c-28050130-bfa4e9cc 2025-03-11T11:43:49.484708Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 3 Result { Offset: 0 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 1 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693429104 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693429089 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 1 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693429129 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693429090 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 2 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 3 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693429230 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693429090 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 43 RealReadOffset: 2 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 0 } Cookie: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.484875Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset3 2025-03-11T11:43:49.484915Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 ReadOffset 3 ReadGuid f8ced724-6710b50c-28050130-bfa4e9cc has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.484989Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 read done: guid# f8ced724-6710b50c-28050130-bfa4e9cc, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), size# 484 2025-03-11T11:43:49.485016Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 response to read: guid# f8ced724-6710b50c-28050130-bfa4e9cc 2025-03-11T11:43:49.485250Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.486341Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] Got ReadResponse, serverBytesSize = 484, now ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428316 2025-03-11T11:43:49.486482Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] In ContinueReadingDataImpl, ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428316 2025-03-11T11:43:49.486717Z :DEBUG: [] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (0-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.486768Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] Returning serverBytesSize = 484 to budget 2025-03-11T11:43:49.486807Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] In ContinueReadingDataImpl, ReadSizeBudget = 484, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428316 2025-03-11T11:43:49.487019Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428800 2025-03-11T11:43:49.487467Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read_request { bytes_size: 484 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.487575Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 got read request: guid# a89fb22-9c189916-766d1541-440bb930 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490042Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (0-0) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490116Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490153Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {2, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490213Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 3, size 24 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490277Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] Returning serverBytesSize = 0 to budget 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490503Z :INFO: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490561Z :INFO: [] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:/topic1:0:1:2:0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490618Z :INFO: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 183 BytesRead: 24 MessagesRead: 3 BytesReadCompressed: 24 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490728Z :NOTICE: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Close with zero timeout " } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.490779Z :DEBUG: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] [] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:49.491356Z :NOTICE: [] [] [54f74ff3-3f546a82-8590bf96-4900cf30] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.495358Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:43:49.495390Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:43:49.495418Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:43:49.495452Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:43:49.497368Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.497983Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037898][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [5:7480516320575238570:2666] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.498030Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037898][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [5:7480516320575238570:2666] client cli disconnected session shared/cli_5_1_14214848971032291673_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.562619Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] state 'Ready' dataSize 656 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.668201Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:49.668330Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 12 shard idx 72057594046644480:4 data size 656 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:43:49.668384Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:43:49.668413Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 followerId=0, pathId 12: RowCount 2, DataSize 656 2025-03-11T11:43:49.670300Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 >> TCacheTest::Attributes [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::CheckAccess ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::PathBelongsToDomain [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:53.278454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:53.278516Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.477330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:53.508378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:43:53.874117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:53.874185Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.937559Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:53.943683Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:53.950796Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:53.971459Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Path does not belong to the specified domain: self# [2:225:2203], domain# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], path's domain# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:43:53.971782Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Path does not belong to the specified domain: self# [2:227:2205], domain# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], path's domain# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] >> TFstClassSrcIdPQTest::ProperPartitionSelected [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::DiscoverTopics ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> ReadSessionImplTest::DataReceivedCallbackReal [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:19.479058Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.479108Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.479146Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.479644Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.520801Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.521020Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.521443Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.521982Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.525834Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.529747Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.529820Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 3 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.539439Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.539473Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.539511Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.546136Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.552765Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.552962Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.558126Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.558642Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.558761Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.558833Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.558886Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 3 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.560052Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.560076Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.563042Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.563465Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.564317Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.564515Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.567680Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.568527Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.568736Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.570277Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.570341Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 3 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.573737Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.573765Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.573846Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.574411Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.575192Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.575333Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.575569Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.577220Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.577965Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.578079Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.578127Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 3 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.579287Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.579311Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.579343Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.580115Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.580806Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.580938Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.581281Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.581717Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.581958Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.582123Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.582166Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.582860Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.582889Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.582910Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.590199Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.599891Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.600104Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.602141Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.602689Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.603250Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.605990Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.606057Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.626829Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.626862Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.626889Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.630538Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.631524Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.631645Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.631912Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.632692Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.644837Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.644984Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.645042Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.646330Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.646382Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.646408Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:19.647276Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:19.649115Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:19.649493Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.650110Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.651745Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:19.652192Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.652275Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:19.652315Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 3 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:19.717040Z :ReadSession INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693399717002 2025-03-11T11:43:20.391463Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516192887781013:2234];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.391778Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.928441Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:20.935269Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516193576810842:2221];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.935666Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;act ... added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 2, current partition end offset: 3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.773769Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 5. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:43:41.773788Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:43:41.773878Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 2 2025-03-11T11:43:41.775407Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session got write response: sequence_numbers: 3 offsets: 2 already_written: false write_statistics { persist_duration_ms: 4 queued_in_partition_duration_ms: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.775455Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session: acknoledged message 1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.774653Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 3 Result { Offset: 2 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000test-message-group-id" SeqNo: 3 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693421763 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693421753 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 20 RealReadOffset: 2 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 0 } Cookie: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.774857Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 4 from offset3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.774900Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 ReadOffset 3 ReadGuid ee601820-d99d4aec-c02a4df0-9122db0b has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.775036Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 read done: guid# ee601820-d99d4aec-c02a4df0-9122db0b, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), size# 200 2025-03-11T11:43:41.775061Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 response to read: guid# ee601820-d99d4aec-c02a4df0-9122db0b 2025-03-11T11:43:41.776508Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.778453Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] [dc1] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.778812Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 0 (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:41.778877Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (2-2) GOT MESSAGE: Message { Data: "message3" Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "dc1". Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 3 MessageGroupId: "test-message-group-id" CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:43:41.753000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:43:41.763000Z Ip: "ipv6:[::1]:45654" UncompressedSize: 8 Meta: { "logtype": "unknown", "ident": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:45654" } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.779190Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] [dc1] Commit offsets [2, 3). Partition stream id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.779415Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] [dc1] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:41.779587Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read { } } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.779663Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 got read request: guid# cd8bb382-2d96e369-69437297-f99f2f92 2025-03-11T11:43:41.780121Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { commit { offset_ranges { assign_id: 1 start_offset: 2 end_offset: 3 } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.780262Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) committing to position 3 prev 2 end 3 by cookie 4 2025-03-11T11:43:41.782595Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:43:41.782635Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.782773Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user offset is set to 3 (startOffset 0) session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.782913Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:43:41.787030Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp for offset 3 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.787106Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.787192Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 4 2025-03-11T11:43:41.788421Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { Cookie: 4 } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.788525Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) commit done to position 3 endOffset 3 with cookie 4 2025-03-11T11:43:41.788589Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 replying for commits: assignId# 1, from# 4, to# 4, offset# 3 2025-03-11T11:43:41.790113Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] [dc1] Committed response: { offset_ranges { assign_id: 1 start_offset: 2 end_offset: 3 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:41.855238Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:43:41.855308Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:43:41.855875Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:43:41.855938Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:43:41.868882Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:43:41.868920Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:43:41.868951Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:43:41.868969Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: test-message-group-id|1f00e0b0-c8e81a3b-d942b2e8-c0b88c11_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:43:41.869753Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:43:41.871124Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [1:7480516283082097020:2623] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:43:41.871189Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:43:44.317437Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 5 from offset3 2025-03-11T11:43:51.775000Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--test-topic in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 6 from offset3 2025-03-11T11:43:51.859985Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:51.860078Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): dc1:test-topic:0:1:2:3 2025-03-11T11:43:51.860135Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 16611 BytesRead: 24 MessagesRead: 3 BytesReadCompressed: 24 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:51.860230Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Close with zero timeout " } 2025-03-11T11:43:51.860276Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] [dc1] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:51.860787Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [dcb98c02-6c2a89d1-d491014a-3be3ec4f] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:43:51.862852Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:43:51.862894Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:43:51.862931Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:43:51.863003Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:43:51.864634Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [1:7480516257312292737:2531] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.864671Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [1:7480516257312292737:2531] client user disconnected session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.866750Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.866796Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [1:7480516257312292740:2534] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:43:51.866850Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_1_1_12505775970067601786_v1 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::RacyCreateAndSync [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:53.545615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:53.545674Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.772307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:53.803420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:53.806167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:53.885845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 103 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:43:53.920862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:43:54.322832Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:54.322895Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:54.396434Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:54.411651Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 >> TCacheTest::CheckAccess [GOOD] |78.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_data_source |78.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_data_source |78.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_external_data_source >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeLimit [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleDisallowDefaultServiceType >> TCacheTest::WatchRoot >> TKqpScanData::EmptyColumns >> TKqpScanData::EmptyColumns [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::StopResumeReadingData [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::CreatePartitionStream [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::BrokenCompressedData [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::CommitOffsetTwiceIsError [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::DataReceivedCallback ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::CheckAccess [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:54.232417Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:54.232486Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:54.465616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:54.490803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:43:54.961690Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:54.961754Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:55.025194Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:55.038948Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:55.044265Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [2:196:2186], for# user1@builtin, access# DescribeSchema 2025-03-11T11:43:55.044771Z node 2 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [2:200:2190], for# user1@builtin, access# DescribeSchema >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-13 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-14 >> TCacheTest::WatchRoot [GOOD] >> TCacheTestWithDrops::LookupErrorUponEviction |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/unittest >> TKqpScanData::EmptyColumns [GOOD] >> TKqpScanData::UnboxedValueSize >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-54 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-55 >> TKqpScanData::UnboxedValueSize [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithAbort [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithClose >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[PqRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[YdsRunner] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-49 |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/runtime/ut/unittest >> TKqpScanData::UnboxedValueSize [GOOD] |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-37 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-38 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-48 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-1 >> BasicUsage::TSimpleWriteSession_AutoSeqNo_BasicUsage [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_AutoBatching [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_BatchingProducesContinueTokens [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::BrokenCredentialsProvider >> TPQTest::TestPartitionTotalQuota [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestPartitionPerConsumerQuota >> ReadSessionImplTest::DataReceivedCallback [GOOD] >> ReadSessionImplTest::CommonHandler >> ReadSessionImplTest::CommonHandler [GOOD] |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> ReadSessionImplTest::CommonHandler [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:19.453994Z :SpecifyClustersExplicitly INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693399453946 2025-03-11T11:43:20.103362Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516192876598879:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.103412Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00158b/r3tmp/tmpwUaMqP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642076Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:20.642024Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:20.707222Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:21.172965Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:21.173075Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:21.174046Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:21.182750Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:21.182840Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:21.193032Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:21.198258Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:21.198377Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:21.199380Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10760, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:21.566515Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00158b/r3tmp/yandexR4IlAB.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.566540Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00158b/r3tmp/yandexR4IlAB.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.566698Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00158b/r3tmp/yandexR4IlAB.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.566831Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:21.708945Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 5332 GrpcPort 10760 TClient is connected to server localhost:5332 PQClient connected to localhost:10760 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:22.188091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:25.103605Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516192876598879:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:25.103681Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:26.257413Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516218646403710:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.257548Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.257814Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516218646403727:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.262641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:26.270296Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516218646403761:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.270418Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.364748Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516218646403729:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.779337Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516218646403808:2705] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.866674Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516218646403827:2352], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:26.868278Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2ZhZTc0MTctNmJmNTE4My1mNDRmNWE1ZS1jOWFlOTJjZA==, ActorId: [1:7480516218646403688:2339], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8jzvf42xjd5xks981an5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:26.875747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:26.880727Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480516220243401578:2316], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:26.883666Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTI2MDg0YWEtNDk2Y2VjMmEtYmJkOTg2MTAtYmU5MDUyMjA=, ActorId: [2:7480516220243401546:2310], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8k3cbx1hrq8t93qrzjzt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:26.882741Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.891244Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:27.147836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:27.328233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:10760", true, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:43:27.727842Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g8m81eh7wj34fj7hh8y1g, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGU3NmNlNTMtOWUwYjI4MzMtZGQ1ZWZmZTAtNWU5NDUzOTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480516222941371529:3012] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:43:33.013403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710677:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:10760 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--test-topic, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:10760 2025-03-11T11:43:33.154236Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer MetaRequest { CmdCreateTop ... bb6dc868-1d53ce94-bf654b5d-1bcd5f8c 2025-03-11T11:43:53.876451Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 0 (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:53.876674Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:53.876760Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] [dc1] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 0 Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "dc1". Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 3 MessageGroupId: "test-message-group-id" CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:43:52.737000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:43:52.737000Z Ip: "ipv6:[::1]:50778" UncompressedSize: 8 Meta: { "logtype": "unknown", "ident": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:50778" } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:53.876954Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] Closing read session. Close timeout: 3.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:53.876996Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): dc1:test-topic:0:1:2:2 2025-03-11T11:43:53.877047Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1510 BytesRead: 24 MessagesRead: 3 BytesReadCompressed: 84 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:53.879004Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:43:53.879031Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:43:53.879059Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:43:53.879099Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:43:53.880717Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:53.880785Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): dc1:test-topic:0:1:2:2 2025-03-11T11:43:53.880827Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1513 BytesRead: 24 MessagesRead: 3 BytesReadCompressed: 84 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:53.880931Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [35455fa7-1fad8159-ae02b4c4-210d7915] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:43:53.890025Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.890087Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480516331237587546:2549] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:43:53.890158Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.890136Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480516331237587542:2545] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:53.890188Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480516331237587542:2545] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_1_17723222531592525244_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:55.988892Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.988929Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.988974Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:55.989364Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:55.989968Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:55.990183Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.994363Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: 13. Commit offset: 31 2025-03-11T11:43:55.997722Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.997758Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.997794Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:55.998183Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:55.998653Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:55.998792Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:55.999013Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000133Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000600Z :INFO: Error decompressing data: (TZLibDecompressorError) util/stream/zlib.cpp:143: inflate error(incorrect header check) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000702Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-3) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000826Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000855Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000878Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 2} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.000910Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 3, size 16 bytes DataReceived { PartitionStreamId: 1 PartitionId: 1 Message { DataDecompressionError: "(TZLibDecompressorError) util/stream/zlib.cpp:143: inflate error(incorrect header check)" Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 1 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 2 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } Message { Data: ..8 bytes.. Partition stream id: 1 Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic" Partition: 1 PartitionKey: "" Information: { Offset: 3 SeqNo: 1 MessageGroupId: "src_id" CreateTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z WriteTime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.042000Z Ip: "::1" UncompressedSize: 0 Meta: { } } } } 2025-03-11T11:43:56.002759Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.002788Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.002825Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:56.003136Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:56.003578Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:56.003687Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.003916Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.004633Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.004822Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.004933Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.004973Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:56.005039Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Commit offsets [0, 2). Partition stream id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:56.006391Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.006433Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.006463Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:56.022154Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:56.022606Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:56.034018Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:56.034511Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "TestCluster". Topic: "TestTopic". Partition: 1. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.035361Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:56.035919Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 Post function 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036126Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036226Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036284Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036333Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036521Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:56.036566Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:58.056083Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.056129Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.056171Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:58.070319Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:43:58.105543Z :INFO: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Server session id: 123-session-id-321 2025-03-11T11:43:58.108412Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.114789Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.114968Z :DEBUG: Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.115058Z :DEBUG: Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.115176Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 8 bytes >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-36 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-37 |78.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMessages_Output_Base64 [GOOD] |78.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_rtmr |78.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_rtmr |78.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_rtmr >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-8 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-9 |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-43 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-44 >> TPersQueueTest::CheckKillBalancer [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckDeleteTopic >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-55 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-56 |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithSyncCompression [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithNoCompression |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithConflicts-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithReadConflicts |78.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-60 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-61 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataStoreShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/unittest >> TTopicReaderTests::TestRun_ReadMessages_Output_Base64 [GOOD] Test command err: === Starting PQ server === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:42:58.062533Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516099895284103:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:58.062580Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:42:58.130845Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516101827908408:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:58.150106Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:42:58.595954Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e69/r3tmp/tmpxz9FRT/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:58.719019Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:42:59.097280Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:59.177668Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:59.275065Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:59.275169Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:59.275428Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:59.275475Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:59.295161Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:42:59.295327Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:59.297689Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:59.347001Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12095, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:59.580536Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.603023Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:42:59.634784Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e69/r3tmp/yandexARxSsW.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:59.634816Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e69/r3tmp/yandexARxSsW.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:59.634980Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e69/r3tmp/yandexARxSsW.tmp 2025-03-11T11:42:59.635133Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:00.069701Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 25882 GrpcPort 12095 TClient is connected to server localhost:25882 PQClient connected to localhost:12095 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 12095 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:01.415229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.415460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.415684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:01.415949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.415980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.426880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.427026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:43:01.427211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:01.427249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.427266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:01.427278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:01.430761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.430804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.430820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:01.432616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.432643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:43:01.432660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.437518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.437557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.437578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.437620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.443250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:01.450736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:01.450907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:01.464362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693381498, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.464523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693381498 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.464548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.464849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:01.464897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.465084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.465143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.474972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7480516104190252109:2444], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:01.475458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:01. ... ion: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037897 Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Generation: 1 Step: 1 Session: "shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1" ClientId: "cli" PipeClient { RawX1: 7480516356164126713 RawX2: 4503621102209628 } Path: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--topic1" } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.034079Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 INITING TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.034625Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) pipe restart attempt 0 pipe creation result: OK TabletId: 72075186224037897 Generation: 1, pipe: [5:7480516356164126715:2655] 2025-03-11T11:43:58.035164Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: registered server session: shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1:1 with generation 1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.041013Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 0 event { CmdGetClientOffsetResult { Offset: 0 EndOffset: 3 SizeLag: 409 WriteTimestampEstimateMS: 1741693438014 } Cookie: 18446744073709551615 } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.041060Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 INIT DONE TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.041114Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 sending to client partition status 2025-03-11T11:43:58.046015Z :INFO: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] Confirm partition stream create. Partition stream id: 1. Cluster: "-". Topic: "/topic1". Partition: 0. Read offset: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.046756Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { start_partition_session_response { partition_session_id: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.046897Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 got StartRead from client: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), readOffset# 0, commitOffset# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.046947Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 Start reading TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 clientCommitOffset (empty maybe) clientReadOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.046976Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) ready for read with readOffset 0 endOffset 3 2025-03-11T11:43:58.047033Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 partition ready for read: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), readOffset# 0, endOffset# 3, WTime# 0, sizeLag# 409 2025-03-11T11:43:58.047049Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1TEvPartitionReady. Aval parts: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.047096Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 performing read request: guid# 24f66447-37eba191-b05f8bdd-5ad8aad2, from# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), count# 3, size# 490, partitionsAsked# 1, maxTimeLag# 0ms 2025-03-11T11:43:58.047270Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 READ FROM TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1)maxCount 3 maxSize 490 maxTimeLagMs 0 readTimestampMs 0 readOffset 0 EndOffset 3 ClientCommitOffset 0 committedOffset 0 Guid 24f66447-37eba191-b05f8bdd-5ad8aad2 2025-03-11T11:43:58.049798Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 3 Result { Offset: 0 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 1 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693437907 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693437899 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 1 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693437913 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693437899 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 2 Data: "... 79 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source1" SeqNo: 3 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693437913 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693437899 UncompressedSize: 8 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 43 RealReadOffset: 2 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 0 } Cookie: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.050113Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset3 2025-03-11T11:43:58.050160Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 3 ReadOffset 3 ReadGuid 24f66447-37eba191-b05f8bdd-5ad8aad2 has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.050273Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 read done: guid# 24f66447-37eba191-b05f8bdd-5ad8aad2, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), size# 371 2025-03-11T11:43:58.050302Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 response to read: guid# 24f66447-37eba191-b05f8bdd-5ad8aad2 2025-03-11T11:43:58.050565Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.051378Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] Got ReadResponse, serverBytesSize = 371, now ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428429 2025-03-11T11:43:58.051565Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] In ContinueReadingDataImpl, ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428429 2025-03-11T11:43:58.052892Z :DEBUG: [] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (0-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.052959Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] Returning serverBytesSize = 371 to budget 2025-03-11T11:43:58.052995Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] In ContinueReadingDataImpl, ReadSizeBudget = 371, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428429 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053286Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 52428800 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053529Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (0-0) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053574Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053615Z :DEBUG: [] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 1} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053661Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 3, size 24 bytes 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053727Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] Returning serverBytesSize = 0 to budget 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053939Z :INFO: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053981Z :INFO: [] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:/topic1:0:1:2:0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053702Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read_request { bytes_size: 371 } } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.054027Z :INFO: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 42 BytesRead: 24 MessagesRead: 3 BytesReadCompressed: 24 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.053830Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 got read request: guid# 29cf01b4-a67aecbf-eb39e316-afa33a51 2025-03-11T11:43:58.054131Z :NOTICE: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Close with zero timeout " } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.054173Z :DEBUG: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] [] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:43:58.054934Z :NOTICE: [] [] [5c5bb815-a6e24ec2-f8568330-6a3f8cfc] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.055746Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:43:58.055768Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:43:58.055789Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:43:58.055850Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/cli session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:43:58.057795Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037898][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [5:7480516356164126713:2652] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.058155Z node 5 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.057828Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037898][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [5:7480516356164126713:2652] client cli disconnected session shared/cli_5_1_238762267978115899_v1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.097450Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:58.097475Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:58.774791Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] state 'Ready' dataSize 824 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.875613Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:58.875745Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 10 shard idx 72057594046644480:2 data size 824 row count 2 2025-03-11T11:43:58.875820Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:43:58.875850Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 followerId=0, pathId 10: RowCount 2, DataSize 824 2025-03-11T11:43:58.877387Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 |78.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_erase_rows |78.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_erase_rows |78.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_erase_rows >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenCommit+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenCommit-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-14 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-15 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet >> TCacheTestWithDrops::LookupErrorUponEviction [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReadOnlyMode >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataStoreShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsMultipleColumns [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithCompactingMiddleRows >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExists >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSourceWithProperties ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTestWithDrops::LookupErrorUponEviction [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:55.959875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:55.959938Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:56.147557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:43:56.168955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:56.170908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:56.213125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:43:56.644381Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:56.644453Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:56.701759Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[YdsRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[TopicRunner] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::RemovingReferencesFromDataSources ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataStoreShouldFailIfEntityOfAnotherTypeWithSameNameExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:02.970856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:02.970972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:02.971765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:03.064180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:03.064253Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:03.078156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:03.078666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:03.078858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.093971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:03.094237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.094940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.095273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.098532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.099877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.099956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.100056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:03.100103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.100141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:03.100344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.106872Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.258194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.258430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.258637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.258856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.258901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:03.262776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:03.265584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.265651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.265678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:03.267559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.267612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.267653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.267707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.278797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:03.285120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:03.285415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:03.286580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.286749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.286816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.287135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:03.287195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.287378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.287466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.290991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.291415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:03.294380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.294525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.294584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 03.332454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.332524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TCreateView::TPropose, opId: 101:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:44:03.332669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:03.332837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.332917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.335915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 4 2025-03-11T11:44:03.336959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:44:03.337837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.338010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.338060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.338106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:44:03.338152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.339663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:03.343247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.344233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.344455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:03.344491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.344928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.345039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:03.345082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:298:2289] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:03.345577Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/UniqueName" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.345772Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/UniqueName" took 221us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:03.346176Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/UniqueName" PathDescription { Self { Name: "UniqueName" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeView CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ViewVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ViewDescription { Name: "UniqueName" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 1 QueryText: "Some query" CapturedContext { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:03.349749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "UniqueName" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } ReplaceIfExists: true } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.350135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 102:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "UniqueName" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } ReplaceIfExists: true } 2025-03-11T11:44:03.350221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TAlterExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 102:0, path# /MyRoot/UniqueName 2025-03-11T11:44:03.350365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusNameConflict, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/UniqueName', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalDataSource, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.353174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusNameConflict Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/UniqueName\', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalDataSource" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 PathCreateTxId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.353370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusNameConflict, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/UniqueName', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeView, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypeExternalDataSource, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/UniqueName TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:03.353706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:03.353751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:03.354218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:03.354321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:03.354364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:306:2297] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-55 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-56 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSource >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-38 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-39 |78.9%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReadOnlyMode [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSourceWithProperties [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::DropExternalDataSource >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-49 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-50 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::RemovingReferencesFromDataSources [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExistsShouldFailIfFeatureFlagIsNotSet [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.023977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.024060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.024455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.112937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:04.112999Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:04.130580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.131104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.131302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.148011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.148294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.149085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.149411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.152743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.154703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.171162Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.344867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.345162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.345421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.345661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.345719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.351747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.351934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:04.352183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.352278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.352320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:04.352358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.354779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.354846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.354889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.357183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.357249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.357295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.357342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.370606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:04.372907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:04.373158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:04.374344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.374487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.374542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.374859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:04.374914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.375102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.375206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.377757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.377809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.378823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.381826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.388949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.389692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:04.391064Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:44:04.408939Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [1:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:44:04.411637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } ReplaceIfExists: true } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.412090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 101:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } ReplaceIfExists: true } 2025-03-11T11:44:04.412168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 101:0, explain: Invalid TCreateExternalDataSource request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.412209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid TCreateExternalDataSource request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.413172Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:44:04.419149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusPreconditionFailed Reason: "Invalid TCreateExternalDataSource request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.419351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusPreconditionFailed, reason: Invalid TCreateExternalDataSource request: Unsupported: feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities is off, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:04.420144Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:04.420371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:04.420410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:04.420926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.421035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:04.421172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:283:2274] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:04.421745Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.424683Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" took 2.85ms result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:04.425044Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-1 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-2 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExists [GOOD] >> TCacheTest::MigrationDeletedPathNavigate [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReadOnlyMode [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:03.977712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:03.977820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:03.977860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:03.977922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:03.977974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:03.978056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:03.978119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:03.978211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:03.978556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.066127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:04.066196Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:04.080715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.081135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.081285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.096198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.096483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.097236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.097568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.101465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.103557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.111476Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.240853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.241096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.241283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.241498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.241555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.247529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.247725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:04.248042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.248141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.248189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:04.248225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.254394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.254484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.254526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.257516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.257585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.257640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.257702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.260847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:04.270841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:04.271166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:04.272379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.272543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.272628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.272980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:04.273045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.273233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.273323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.279963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.280292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.283118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.283263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.283305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... T_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 128:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.659967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.660063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.662816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 128, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 128 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.662999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 128, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /MyRoot/SubDirBBBB 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:450:2408], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.663802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:450:2408], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: 4 2025-03-11T11:44:04.664078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 128:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.664132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 128:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.664188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 128 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.664341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 128 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:04.665237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.665355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.665401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.665440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 8 2025-03-11T11:44:04.665498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.666567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 128, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:04.669168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 128:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:128 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:04.669364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 128, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 128 at step: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000004 State->FrontStep: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 128 at step: 5000004 2025-03-11T11:44:04.671295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.672804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000004, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.672977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 128 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000004 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.673041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId# 128:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000004, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.673189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 128:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:04.673362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.673445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.673779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.675802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.675842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:450:2408], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:450:2408], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, path id: 4 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 128:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 128:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#128:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 128 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#128:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 128 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.676988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 128, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 128 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 128:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 128:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 128, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 128, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 9 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 128, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.677969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.678060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.678098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.678135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:44:04.678174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 4 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 4 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.679297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 128, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.682397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.691673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 128 TestModificationResult got TxId: 128, wait until txId: 128 >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex-WithRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex+WithRestart-UseSink >> TExternalDataSourceTest::SchemeErrors >> TExternalDataSourceTest::DropExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSourceShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::RemovingReferencesFromDataSources [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.655661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.656029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.752958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:04.753016Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:04.780536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.781034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.781213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.794646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.794903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.795663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.796030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.799484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.800974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.801043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.801134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.801202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.801248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.801464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.811786Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.953790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.954082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.954322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.954566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.954636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:04.957937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.960084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.960140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.960179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:04.961990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.962037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.962082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.962132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.965684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:04.967921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:04.968129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.969944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.972927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.973033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:04.973066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.973093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:04.975378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.975487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.975528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... thId: 1 Version: 10 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 10 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.099948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:05.101655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 104:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:104 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.101777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 104, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 104 at step: 5000005 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000005 State->FrontStep: 5000004 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 104 at step: 5000005 2025-03-11T11:44:05.102797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000005, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.102923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000005 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.102994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropExternalDataSource TPropose opId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000005 2025-03-11T11:44:05.103093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.103181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.103334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.103402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.103988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.104071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.105701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.105728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.105836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.105961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.105996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.106990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 104, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 11 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.107970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.108016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.108032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.108051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 11 2025-03-11T11:44:05.108068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.108110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.112976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.113106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.113161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.113407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:05.113459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.114015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.114129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:05.114163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:388:2379] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 2025-03-11T11:44:05.114732Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.114946Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" took 226us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:05.115096Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ReplaceExternalDataSourceIfNotExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.642797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.732288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:04.732338Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:04.752570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.753075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.753242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.765857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.766094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.766772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.767054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.769967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.771574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.780157Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.013978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.014236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.014476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.014682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.014767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.026843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.026991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:05.027232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.027303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.027347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:05.027381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.034754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.034834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.034870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:05.039967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.040034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.040072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.040136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.043678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:05.050656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.050927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:05.051976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.059014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.059064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.066831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.070097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... SHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.209469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:44:05.209519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.222860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:05.234372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.234530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TAlterExternalDataSource TPropose, operationId: 102:0HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.235637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.242365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.243367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.252615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.252664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.252831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.252926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.253983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 7 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.254996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.255981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.256051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.271987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.272333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.272547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:05.272588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.272981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.273081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:05.273111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:331:2322] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.273579Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.273749Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" took 194us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:05.274048Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 2 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_new_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::DropTableTwice ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_cache/unittest >> TCacheTest::MigrationDeletedPathNavigate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:50.921530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:50.921615Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.081596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.096883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 65543, Sender [1:173:2169], Recipient [1:69:2108]: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:43:51.097551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:69:2108] sender: [1:174:2067] recipient: [1:46:2093] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:69:2108] sender: [1:177:2067] recipient: [1:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:69:2108] sender: [1:178:2067] recipient: [1:176:2170] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:179:2171] sender: [1:180:2067] recipient: [1:176:2170] 2025-03-11T11:43:51.102293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:176:2170], Recipient [1:179:2171]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:43:51.111082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:176:2170], Recipient [1:179:2171]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:43:51.111243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:176:2170], Recipient [1:179:2171]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:51.115679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:51.116061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:51.132129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 65542, Sender [1:7238242728502259555:7369577], Recipient [1:179:2171]: TSystem::Undelivered 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateInit, processing event TEvents::TEvUndelivered 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133594Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: [RootDataErasureManager] Clear operation queue and active pipes 2025-03-11T11:43:51.133808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:51.134361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Paths, read records: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.134480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.134534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributesAlterData, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.134876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Tables, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.134941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Restore: Generation# 0, Status# 0, WakeupInterval# 604800 s, NumberDataErasureTenantsInRunning# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Columns, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ColumnsAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Shards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TablePartitions, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableShardPartitionConfigs, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ChannelsBinding, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.135968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.136919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.137094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.137211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.137267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.137309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.137510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.138819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.138944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: [RootDataErasureManager] Stop 2025-03-11T11:43:51.139393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435081, Sender [1:179:2171], Recipient [1:179:2171]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvServerlessStorageBilling 2025-03-11T11:43:51.139446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvServerlessStorageBilling 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 274399233, Sender [1:195:2171], Recipient [1:179:2171]: NKikimr::TEvTxAllocatorClient::TEvAllocateResult 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxAllocatorClient::TEvAllocateResult 2025-03-11T11:43:51.140720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:179:2171] sender: [1:210:2067] recipient: [1:24:2071] 2025-03-11T11:43:51.163008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [1:209:2188], Recipient [1:179:2171]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 101 TabletId# 72057594046678944} 2025-03-11T11:43:51.163079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:43:51.276949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "USER_0" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.277269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateSubDomain Propose, path: /Root/USER_0, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.277392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: Root, child name: USER_0, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.277579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:51.277774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:51.278034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.278103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 7205759404667894 ... 72057594046678944, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 2025-03-11T11:43:51.812616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125003, Sender [1:421:2336], Recipient [1:489:2382]: NKikimrScheme.TEvSyncTenantSchemeShard DomainSchemeShard: 72057594046678944 DomainPathId: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 SubdomainVersion: 3 UserAttributesVersion: 1 TenantHive: 18446744073709551615 TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615 TenantRootACL: "" TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615 TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:51.812679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvSyncTenantSchemeShard 2025-03-11T11:43:51.812789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvSyncTenantSchemeShard, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: DomainSchemeShard: 72057594046678944 DomainPathId: 2 TabletID: 72075186233409549 Generation: 2 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 SubdomainVersion: 3 UserAttributesVersion: 1 TenantHive: 18446744073709551615 TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615 TenantRootACL: "" TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615 TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:51.812906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxSyncTenant DoExecute, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.812958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.813085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: DoUpdateTenant no hasChanges, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], tenantLink: TSubDomainsLinks::TLink { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], Generation: 2, ActorId:[1:421:2336], EffectiveACLVersion: 0, SubdomainVersion: 3, UserAttributesVersion: 1, TenantHive: 18446744073709551615, TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615, TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615, TenantRootACL: }, subDomain->GetVersion(): 3, actualEffectiveACLVersion: 0, actualUserAttrsVersion: 1, tenantHive: 18446744073709551615, tenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.813198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxSyncTenant DoComplete, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:51.813236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 { Path: Root/USER_0/DirA TableId: [72057594046678944:3:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Params { Version: 3 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 SchemeShard: 72075186233409549 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:43:52.277342Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:52.277414Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:52.335720Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 1, wait until txId: 1 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:69:2108] sender: [2:174:2067] recipient: [2:46:2093] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:69:2108] sender: [2:177:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:69:2108] sender: [2:178:2067] recipient: [2:176:2170] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:179:2171] sender: [2:180:2067] recipient: [2:176:2170] 2025-03-11T11:43:52.390903Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:52.390991Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:179:2171] sender: [2:210:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] 2025-03-11T11:43:52.422897Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:52.432047Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:246:2067] recipient: [2:237:2212] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:246:2067] recipient: [2:237:2212] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:247:2067] recipient: [2:240:2214] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:247:2067] recipient: [2:240:2214] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:249:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:249:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:251:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:251:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [2:250:2218] sender: [2:253:2067] recipient: [2:237:2212] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [2:254:2220] sender: [2:255:2067] recipient: [2:240:2214] TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:43:52.454421Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409546 is [2:250:2218] sender: [2:288:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409547 is [2:254:2220] sender: [2:289:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestModificationResults wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:43:52.501526Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:340:2067] recipient: [2:335:2284] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:340:2067] recipient: [2:335:2284] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:342:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:342:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [2:343:2288] sender: [2:344:2067] recipient: [2:335:2284] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409548 is [2:343:2288] sender: [2:361:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 TestModificationResults wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:43:52.676562Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpUpgradeSubDomain, opId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:420:2067] recipient: [2:415:2332] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:420:2067] recipient: [2:415:2332] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:422:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:422:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [2:423:2336] sender: [2:424:2067] recipient: [2:415:2332] 2025-03-11T11:43:52.730003Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:52.730080Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409549 is [2:423:2336] sender: [2:451:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 TestModificationResults wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:43:52.774799Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Migrated path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:43:52.774910Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Migrated path id [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:43:52.775293Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD ERROR: TWait ProgressState, dependent transaction: 106, parent transaction: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:52.775467Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpUpgradeSubDomainDecision, opId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:43:52.794224Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Got TEvUpdateAck for unknown txId 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:52.794833Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Got TEvUpdateAck for unknown txId 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 TestModificationResults wait txId: 107 TestModificationResult got TxId: 107, wait until txId: 107 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 107 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 TestModificationResults wait txId: 108 2025-03-11T11:43:52.859602Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 108:0, at schemeshard: 72075186233409549 Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:555:2067] recipient: [2:552:2440] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:555:2067] recipient: [2:552:2440] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:557:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:557:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [2:559:2444] sender: [2:560:2067] recipient: [2:552:2440] Leader for TabletID 72075186233409550 is [2:559:2444] sender: [2:561:2067] recipient: [2:24:2071] TestModificationResult got TxId: 108, wait until txId: 108 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 108 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409548 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 108 2025-03-11T11:43:53.963871Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:53.963949Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:54.021597Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:54.021658Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TopicService::MultiplePartitionsAndNoGapsInTheOffsets [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::DropExternalDataSource [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:04.730876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.823271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:04.823329Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:04.851696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.852206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.852359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.893575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.893800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:04.894438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.894737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.897649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.898917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.898982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.899087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:04.899129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:04.899173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:04.899357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:04.905815Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.052962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.053161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.053396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.053447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.056998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.057129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:05.057346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.057425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.057464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:05.057496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.059903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.059962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.059998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:05.062405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.062452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.062487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.062534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.065982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:05.068003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.068194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.069793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.071795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.071846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.072677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.074933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.075059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.075105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... Id: 1 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.792344Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.792380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:44:05.792419Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.793778Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.793868Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.793908Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.793935Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.793961Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.794027Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798053Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798170Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798761Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798866Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 133 RawX2: 8589936748 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798905Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDropExternalDataSource TPropose opId# 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan: step# 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:05.798980Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.799040Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.799157Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.799198Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.799531Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.802318Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803461Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803500Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803631Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803812Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803851Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.803890Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804217Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804274Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804424Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804482Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804518Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804556Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804599Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804637Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804669Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804742Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804779Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 102, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804814Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 7 2025-03-11T11:44:05.804857Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 102, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805151Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805237Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805268Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805313Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805357Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805724Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805784Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.805854Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806214Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806284Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806309Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806335Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806360Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.806435Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.810046Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.810554Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.810647Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.810933Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:05.810976Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.811416Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.811504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:05.811539Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [2:330:2321] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:05.812025Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.812213Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" took 219us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:05.812382Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSourceShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestLimiterLimitsWithBlobsRateLimit [FAIL] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestLimiterLimitsWithUserPayloadRateLimit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-37 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-38 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::SchemeErrors [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ParallelCreateSameExternalDataSource |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ext_index/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::CreateExternalDataSourceShouldFailIfSuchEntityAlreadyExists [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.408845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:05.499728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:05.499808Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:05.512970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:05.513488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:05.513650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.527455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:05.527719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.528386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.528667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.534505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.535809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.535877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.535987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:05.536029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.536067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:05.536283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.542838Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.703978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.704204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.704391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.704624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.704681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.706792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.706969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:05.707194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.707282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.707321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:05.707359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.711700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.711790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.711827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:05.713635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.713682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.713728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.713774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.723240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:05.725526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:05.725723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:05.726828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.726950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.727001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.727345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:05.727400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.727554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.727678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.736997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:05.737272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:05.745870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.746067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:05.746109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596687Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596736Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596782Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596834Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596875Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:06.596989Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597037Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597073Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597173Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597224Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597263Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:44:06.597296Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:44:06.598235Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.598349Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.598395Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.598440Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:44:06.598485Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599571Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599672Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599711Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599808Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599839Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:06.599914Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:06.605915Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.606444Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.606691Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:06.606743Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.607192Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.607308Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:06.607348Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [2:302:2293] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:06.607840Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.608059Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" took 290us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:06.608365Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:06.611355Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_new_bucket" Auth { None { } } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.611681Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 102:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 1, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_new_bucket" Auth { None { } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:06.611788Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 102:0, path# /MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:06.611966Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeExternalDataSource, state: EPathStateNoChanges), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.619013Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusAlreadyExists Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeExternalDataSource, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 PathCreateTxId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.619229Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAlreadyExists, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypeExternalDataSource, state: EPathStateNoChanges), operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:06.619608Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:06.619657Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:06.620531Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.620664Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:06.620707Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [2:310:2301] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:06.621255Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.621463Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" took 261us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:06.621768Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/MyExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::DropTableTwice [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ParallelCreateExternalDataSource ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::SchemeErrors [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:06.794887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:06.795241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:06.888909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:06.888970Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:06.901093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:06.901170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:06.901291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.912695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:06.913342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:06.914037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.914465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.919463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.920740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.920803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.920914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:06.920962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:06.920997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:06.921183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:06.927780Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.069759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.070040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.070239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.070458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.070512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080639Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:07.080979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:07.086234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.086322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.086361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:07.091026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.091096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.091139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.091191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.101273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:07.103490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:07.103721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:07.104660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.104768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.104814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.105007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:07.105040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.105154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.105217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.107849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:07.109823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.109984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.110024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... e DataStream was not found" TxId: 125 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.159967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 125, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: (NKikimr::NExternalSource::TExternalSourceException) External source with type DataStream was not found, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 125, wait until txId: 125 TestModificationResults wait txId: 126 2025-03-11T11:44:07.162322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" } } TxId: 126 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.162630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 126:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" } 2025-03-11T11:44:07.162710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 126:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:07.162901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 126:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Authorization method isn't specified, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.165113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 126, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Authorization method isn\'t specified" TxId: 126 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.165323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 126, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Authorization method isn't specified, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 126, wait until txId: 126 TestModificationResults wait txId: 127 2025-03-11T11:44:07.167615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Auth { None { } } } } TxId: 127 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.167899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 127:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Auth { None { } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:07.167986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 127:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:07.168125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 127:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Maximum length of location must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.170343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 127, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Maximum length of location must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001" TxId: 127 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.170519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 127, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Maximum length of location must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 127, wait until txId: 127 TestModificationResults wait txId: 128 2025-03-11T11:44:07.173463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Installation: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Auth { None { } } } } TxId: 128 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.173825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 128:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource FailOnExist: false CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "MyExternalDataSource" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Installation: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Auth { None { } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:07.173933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 128:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:07.174064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 128:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Maximum length of installation must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.176196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 128, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Maximum length of installation must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001" TxId: 128 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.176397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 128, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Maximum length of installation must be less or equal equal to 1000 but got 1001, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 128, wait until txId: 128 TestModificationResults wait txId: 129 2025-03-11T11:44:07.179198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } } } TxId: 129 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.179394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] CreateNewExternalDataSource, opId 129:0, feature flag EnableReplaceIfExistsForExternalEntities 0, tx WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/DirA" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource CreateExternalDataSource { Name: "" SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Auth { None { } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:07.179472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 129:0, path# /MyRoot/DirA/ 2025-03-11T11:44:07.179582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 129:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/DirA/', error: path part shouldn't be empty, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.181854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 129, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/DirA/\', error: path part shouldn\'t be empty" TxId: 129 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.182028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 129, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/DirA/', error: path part shouldn't be empty, operation: CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/DirA/ TestModificationResult got TxId: 129, wait until txId: 129 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-9 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-10 |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-44 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-45 |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> TTopicYqlTest::DropTopicYql >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ParallelCreateExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestPartitionPerConsumerQuota [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestPQRead >> TCutHistoryRestrictions::EmptyDenyList [GOOD] >> TCutHistoryRestrictions::SameTabletInBothLists [GOOD] >> THeavyPerfTest::TTestLoadEverything |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-56 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-57 >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ParallelCreateSameExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> TExternalDataSourceTest::PreventDeletionOfDependentDataSources >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-61 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-62 >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterReadingTheData_Compressed [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedBeforeDataIsDecompressed_Uncompressed |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::ParallelCreateExternalDataSource [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.188846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.188956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:07.188997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:07.189637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:07.288664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:07.288739Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:07.304372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:07.304897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:07.305096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.320879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:07.321130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.321876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.322216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.325435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.326842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.326908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.327030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:07.327084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.327127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:07.327343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.335107Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.495152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.495467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.495723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.496006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.496068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:07.499978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:07.509345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.509450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.509494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:07.519031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.519103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.519172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.519230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.523118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:07.527660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:07.527985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.529950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.530043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.532970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.533991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:07.534032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:07.534067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:07.536918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.537070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:07.537116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... end EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:08.556325Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 126 2025-03-11T11:44:08.556889Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 124, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557024Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 125, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557073Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 124: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557113Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 124: satisfy waiter [2:341:2332] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557290Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 126, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557356Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 125: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557384Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 125: satisfy waiter [2:341:2332] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557490Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:08.557515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 126: satisfy waiter [2:341:2332] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 124 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 125 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 126 2025-03-11T11:44:08.558003Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.558210Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" took 249us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:08.558554Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource1" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.559265Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.559448Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" took 194us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:08.559698Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource2" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource2" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 4 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.560348Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.560478Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA" took 151us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:08.560864Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA" PathDescription { Self { Name: "DirA" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 124 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 6 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "MyExternalDataSource1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: "MyExternalDataSource2" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.561371Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.561549Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" took 203us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:08.561774Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 125 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource1" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.562342Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.562515Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" took 209us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:08.562745Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/DirA/MyExternalDataSource2" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyExternalDataSource2" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 126 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "MyExternalDataSource2" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 4 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-15 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-16 >> DataShardVolatile::TwoAppendsMustBeVolatile+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::TwoAppendsMustBeVolatile-UseSink >> TExternalDataSourceTest::PreventDeletionOfDependentDataSources [GOOD] |79.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberMicroSeconds >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotErase ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/unittest >> TExternalDataSourceTest::PreventDeletionOfDependentDataSources [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:08.319939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:08.320025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:08.320383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:08.417372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:08.417444Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:08.442964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:08.443527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:08.443709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.457428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:08.457665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:08.458412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.458712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.470715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:08.472792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.494679Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.684832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.685073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.685274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:08.685576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.685640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.691229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.691587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:08.692019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.692113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.692173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:08.692210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:08.703099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.703198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.703240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:08.710918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.710995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.711043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.711099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.720104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:08.722417Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:08.722656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:08.723716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.723886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.723960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.724272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:08.724331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.724507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.724593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.726941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.726996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:08.727990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:08.730736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.730866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:08.730929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684278Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684319Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684350Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684432Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684471Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate source path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684509Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 3, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684540Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 7 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684565Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.684586Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.685772Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.685863Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.686021Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.686072Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:44:09.686115Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:09.687443Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.687527Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.687557Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.687586Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.687622Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688456Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688538Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688594Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688622Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688649Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:09.688712Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:09.690649Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.692539Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.692632Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.692874Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:09.692920Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.693364Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.693480Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:09.693546Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [2:332:2323] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:44:09.695712Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.695996Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" took 322us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:09.696346Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalTable" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalTableVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalTableDescription { Name: "ExternalTable" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" DataSourcePath: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Location: "/" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false } Content: "" } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:09.699802Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpDropExternalDataSource Drop { Name: "ExternalDataSource" } } TxId: 103 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.699940Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TDropExternalDataSource Propose: opId# 103:0, path# /MyRoot/ExternalDataSource 2025-03-11T11:44:09.700005Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 103:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Other entities depend on this data source, please remove them at the beginning: /MyRoot/ExternalTable, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.702763Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 103, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Other entities depend on this data source, please remove them at the beginning: /MyRoot/ExternalTable" TxId: 103 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.702963Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 103, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Other entities depend on this data source, please remove them at the beginning: /MyRoot/ExternalTable, operation: DROP EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE, path: /MyRoot/ExternalDataSource TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:09.703305Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:09.703353Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:44:09.703881Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.704030Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:09.704070Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [2:340:2331] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:44:09.704631Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:09.704835Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" took 226us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:09.705138Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/ExternalDataSource" PathDescription { Self { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeExternalDataSource CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ExternalDataSourceVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ExternalDataSourceDescription { Name: "ExternalDataSource" PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 1 SourceType: "ObjectStorage" Location: "https://s3.cloud.net/my_bucket" Installation: "" Auth { None { } } Properties { } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> Cdc::VirtualTimestamps[TopicRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::Write[PqRunner] |79.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/cost/ydb-core-kqp-ut-cost |79.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/cost/ydb-core-kqp-ut-cost >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64Seconds >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotEraseModifiedRows >> DataShardSnapshots::MvccSnapshotLockedWritesWithReadConflicts [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWritesLimitedPerKey+UseSink >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt4Seconds |79.0%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_EnabledRemotePreferredClusterAndRemoteClusterEnabledDelaySec_SessionDiesOnlyAfterDelay [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_RemotePreferredClusterEnabledWhileSessionInitializing_SessionDiesOnlyAfterInitializationAndDelay |79.0%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/lib/ydb_cli/topic/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/cost/ydb-core-kqp-ut-cost >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenCommit-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenAbort |79.0%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_external_data_source/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_stats/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_stats |79.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_stats/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_stats |79.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_stats/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_stats >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithClose [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithCloseNotCommitted >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-39 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-40 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotErase >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-56 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-57 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-2 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-3 |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ut/ydb-core-security-ldap_auth_provider-ut |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ut/ydb-core-security-ldap_auth_provider-ut |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/ldap_auth_provider/ut/ydb-core-security-ldap_auth_provider-ut >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldErase >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberSeconds |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-result_formatter-ut |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-result_formatter-ut |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/result_formatter/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-result_formatter-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-50 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-51 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldSuccessOnShardedIndex >> BasicUsage::BrokenCredentialsProvider [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-10 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-11 |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup_collection |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup_collection |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup_collection/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_backup_collection >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleDisallowDefaultServiceType [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeMigration |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_extsubdomain |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_extsubdomain |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_extsubdomain >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-38 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-39 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-45 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-46 >> TPQCompatTest::DiscoverTopics [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::SetupLockSession >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberMicroSeconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDate32 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::BrokenCredentialsProvider [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:24.398605Z :MaxByteSizeEqualZero INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693404398567 2025-03-11T11:43:24.868559Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516211536726546:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.868634Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.935356Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516212043956205:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.935446Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:25.215179Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001512/r3tmp/tmp4Ho3FG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:25.240636Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:25.857730Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:25.901917Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:25.916518Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:25.916607Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:25.941179Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:25.944184Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:25.958734Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:25.962862Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:25.963825Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:25.965254Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 62015, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:26.186439Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001512/r3tmp/yandex8hcdDP.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:26.186465Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001512/r3tmp/yandex8hcdDP.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:26.186631Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001512/r3tmp/yandex8hcdDP.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:26.186769Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:26.292427Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 15250 GrpcPort 62015 TClient is connected to server localhost:15250 PQClient connected to localhost:62015 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:26.748683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:26.779960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:29.854704Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516211536726546:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:29.854818Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:29.939545Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480516212043956205:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:29.939623Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:30.033608Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516237813760293:2310], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.033818Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516237813760312:2314], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.033956Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.042785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:30.086302Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480516237813760316:2315], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.209012Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516237813760344:2131] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.577204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:30.601389Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516237306531405:2345], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:30.611734Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzlhNDMyN2UtOGQ3NmMxZWItZmQ0OTNjMjQtMmY4MTdiYTI=, ActorId: [1:7480516237306531363:2338], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8pvdctn6vwb265cnjap6, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:30.613708Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.611781Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480516237813760351:2319], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:30.612894Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjA2OWM2OWUtM2FlYzc3YWMtODRjOTc4NWItZDQ3ZTk4Mjg=, ActorId: [2:7480516237813760291:2309], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8pq90jsn2q4b825wwz6w, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:30.614080Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.845278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:31.020147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:62015", true, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:43:31.441179Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g8qw514fap8z3b3qjqjk9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTlmMmUzMGMtYzFmYTQ5ODMtNDU5ZTA2YTItYWIzY2ZlYmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480516241601499116:2966] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:43:36.727801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions C ... 319863Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) RequestPQRB 2025-03-11T11:44:11.322372Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [5:7480516415102095720:2490] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:11.322741Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Received partition 0 from PQRB for SourceId=src 2025-03-11T11:44:11.322758Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:44:11.326453Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [5:7480516415102095720:2490] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:11.326486Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [5:7480516415102095720:2490] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:44:11.488492Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:44:11.488546Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:44:11.488571Z node 5 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [5:7480516415102095674:2490] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:44:11.488610Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:44:11.499683Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 6, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:11.498531Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [5:7480516415102095750:2490], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:44:11.501489Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:11.501532Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.501671Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:44:11.501795Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.501864Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.506924Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.505066Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:11.505120Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.505213Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.508478Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693451508 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:11.508618Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:44:11.508852Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:11.508911Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:44:11.508995Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:44:11.509473Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:44:11.510291Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:44:11.510326Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:44:11.510355Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:44:11.510371Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:44:11.510585Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|94dfb8bc-f8c04836-2faef27f-5fedeb9e_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:44:11.511248Z node 5 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:44:11.511919Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [5:7480516415102095750:2490] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:44:11.511996Z node 6 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:44:11.539650Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Starting read session 2025-03-11T11:44:11.539713Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Starting session to cluster null (localhost:11976) 2025-03-11T11:44:11.546162Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.546222Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.546271Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] Reconnecting session to cluster null in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:44:11.547883Z :ERROR: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] Got error. Status: CLIENT_UNAUTHENTICATED. Description:
: Error: Can't get Authentication info from CredentialsProvider. ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp:451: exception during creation 2025-03-11T11:44:11.547969Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548018Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548154Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] Closing session to cluster: SessionClosed { Status: CLIENT_UNAUTHENTICATED Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server "" ( cluster null). Attempts done: 1
: Error: Can't get Authentication info from CredentialsProvider. ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp:451: exception during creation " } Get event on client 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548338Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548381Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] [null] Abort session to cluster Got close event: SessionClosed { Status: CLIENT_UNAUTHENTICATED Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server "" ( cluster null). Attempts done: 1
: Error: Can't get Authentication info from CredentialsProvider. ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/basic_usage_ut.cpp:451: exception during creation " }2025-03-11T11:44:11.548490Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548531Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548573Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Counters: { Errors: 1 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 8 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:11.548664Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [29050d3-5aa345e6-393cf66-116f33a4] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:44:12.108724Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:12.151286Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:12.206955Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:12.276278Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:12.371309Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:12.546017Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:12.809151Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:13.442020Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976720684, task: 1, CA Id [5:7480516419397063100:2514]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:13.442111Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976720685. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:44:13.442230Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [5:7480516423692030480:2516] TxId: 281474976720685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga0hpa9azfn4jg1w66v6f, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=ZjJmNjRhY2UtNDRmMjViODMtNzRiZGQ0OTgtNTg1YjJjMzc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:44:13.442468Z node 5 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=ZjJmNjRhY2UtNDRmMjViODMtNzRiZGQ0OTgtNTg1YjJjMzc=, ActorId: [5:7480516419397063164:2516], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ga0hpa9azfn4jg1w66v6f, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:44:13.445953Z node 5 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 severity: 2 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Cost Based Optimizer could not be applied to this query: couldn\'t load statistics" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } issue_code: 8001 severity: 2 } } QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2ga0x667b3qntp3mbm85s0" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 242 } >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64Seconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64NanoSeconds >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-16 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-17 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-57 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-58 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-62 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-63 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotErase [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors >> TPersQueueTest::DirectReadRestartTablet [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::EachMessageGetsExactlyOneAcknowledgementInCorrectOrder >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberSeconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberMilliSeconds >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotEraseModifiedRows [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsFromReplicatedTable >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex+WithRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex-WithRestart+UseSink >> Cdc::Write[PqRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::Write[YdsRunner] >> DistributedEraseTests::DistributedEraseTxShouldFailOnVariousErrors >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt4Seconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Microseconds >> BasicUsage::WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithNoCompression [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteAndReadAndCommitRandomMessages |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_aggregation/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut-ut_aggregation |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_aggregation/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut-ut_aggregation |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ut_aggregation/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut-ut_aggregation |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-describes_ut |79.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-describes_ut |79.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-describes_ut >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotErase [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldErase [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsCheckLimits >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-40 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-41 >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestRandomActions [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDate32 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-3 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-10 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDatetime64 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-51 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-52 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-57 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-58 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/ut/unittest >> TNodeBrokerTest::TestRandomActions [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:17.363188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:17.363265Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:17.497733Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.201659Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.229564Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.589183Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.589698Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.590182Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.590808Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.591218Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.591605Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.591994Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.920998Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.921435Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.921811Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.922222Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.974818Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.975301Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.975648Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.989674Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.990659Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:18.990999Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.005799Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.021291Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.723139Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.741345Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.786566Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.787339Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:19.940713Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host8:7: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:20.427206Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host2:1: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:20.834893Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.835496Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.836058Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.836555Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.854242Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.885870Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.887536Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:20.932935Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:42:21.448696Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:21.449247Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:21.773533Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:21.774489Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:22.507658Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:22.535982Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:22.576235Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:22.616887Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:22.617449Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:23.031635Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:23.373267Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:23.415075Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:23.429102Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:23.445049Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:42:23.456579Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host2:1: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:42:23.470499Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:42:23.485040Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:42:23.992831Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.015322Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.016041Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.016684Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.347004Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.395801Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.451684Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:24.905782Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:25.305460Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:25.348521Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:25.875788Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:25.876524Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:25.890540Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.275152Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.777504Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.793084Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.793825Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.811192Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.811879Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.812447Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.816282Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.816837Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.845527Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:26.846175Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.211358Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.239487Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.240208Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.281999Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.718024Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.718677Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.719182Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.760243Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.761718Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:27.832138Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:28.303734Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:28.727454Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:28.789486Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:29.555291Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:29.556027Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:29.908081Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.314338Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.315143Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.660489Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.992103Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.992833Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.994006Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:42:30.994607Z node 1 :NODE ... 2025-03-11T11:44:03.378375Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:03.387522Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:03.978418Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:03.980947Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:04.046844Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:04.070782Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:04.728288Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:04.831918Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.281988Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.308632Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.332789Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.335915Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.359521Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.400841Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.428296Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:05.460398Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:06.127169Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:06.298877Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:06.301681Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:06.304305Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:07.120672Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:07.837514Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:07.914680Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:07.919952Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.554143Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.559605Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.634257Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.728886Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.830243Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.870855Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1032: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.896869Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.932856Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.944940Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:08.947370Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:09.037161Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:09.093979Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:09.096713Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:09.229290Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:09.259568Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:09.332754Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host10:9: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:09.337667Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:09.435399Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:09.469233Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host6:5: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:10.829426Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:10.976786Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:10.999908Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:11.029372Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #0: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:11.087966Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #0: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:11.091889Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host10:9: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:11.119765Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host13:12: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:11.122533Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #0: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:11.147922Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host9:8: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:12.064620Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.099958Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1026: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.486910Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.546624Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1027: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.704839Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1028: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.730083Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:12.763531Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.342385Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.385726Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.388926Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.399734Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.800350Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:13.942901Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1031: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.083176Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.089315Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.097610Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.101033Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.158650Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1033: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:14.219851Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host3:2: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.294891Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host1:0: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.306033Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host3:2: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.323405Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.337162Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host12:11: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.356867Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host2:1: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.413061Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.478393Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.553286Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host1:0: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.559814Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.585054Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.623004Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host8:7: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.670526Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.691534Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Node has expired 2025-03-11T11:44:14.738556Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host1:0: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:14.741644Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot register node host15:14: ERROR_TEMP: No free node IDs 2025-03-11T11:44:15.883535Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:15.952383Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:15.960033Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:15.995867Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1025: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:17.586691Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:17.589875Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597696Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:17.610587Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:18.110818Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1029: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:18.181354Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1030: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:18.654981Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:19.133836Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:19.136553Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:19.144126Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node 2025-03-11T11:44:19.146646Z node 1 :NODE_BROKER ERROR: Cannot extend lease for node #1024: WRONG_REQUEST: Unknown node |79.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/ydb-core-kqp-ut-join |79.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/ydb-core-kqp-ut-join |79.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/join/ydb-core-kqp-ut-join >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWritesLimitedPerKey+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWritesLimitedPerKey-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-11 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-12 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldSuccessOnShardedIndex [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotEraseModifiedRows |79.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/ut/ydb-core-kqp-provider-ut |79.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/ut/ydb-core-kqp-provider-ut |79.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/provider/ut/ydb-core-kqp-provider-ut >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64NanoSeconds [GOOD] >> TVersions::Wreck0Reverse [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-39 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-40 >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLaterSnapshotBlockedThenAbort [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteAsymmetricExecute >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64MilliSeconds >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-46 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-47 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-17 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-18 >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsFromReplicatedTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64NanoSeconds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:14.786500Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:14.786874Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:14.787087Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001898/r3tmp/tmpMWaNPq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:15.182201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:15.226247Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:15.267575Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:15.267726Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:15.283123Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:15.381715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:15.423518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.423842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:15.480487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:15.480626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:15.482644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.482760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.482826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.483303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:15.483447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:15.483544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.494562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:15.533585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.533785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:15.533954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534033Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534747Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.534917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.535088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.535343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.535464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.537459Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.548679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.548819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:15.718512Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.723318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.723402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.723685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.723744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.723793Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.724084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.724238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.724986Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.725058Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.727106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:15.727507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.729814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.729865Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.730383Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:15.730457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.731990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.735949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.737777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:15.737861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.738847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:15.748106Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.748249Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.748328Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.753947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:15.760054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.945788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.953526Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.064880Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.508901Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga3c15acd87b3z17xfvqa, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Yjk1M2QwYzYtZWRlOTE0OTgtY2Y2NWZmZGUtYjBlYWE1ZjY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:16.529832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.530110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.542875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.335961Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.336008Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.336061Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.336553Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:22.336725Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.336972Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:22.337065Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.338969Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.351187Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.351337Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:22.534931Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536019Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536088Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536471Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536525Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536582Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.536860Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.537002Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:22.537648Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.537722Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:22.543615Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:22.544180Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.546224Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.546293Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.546822Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:22.546909Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.547838Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.547892Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.547955Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.548031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:22.548095Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:22.548236Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.549681Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.555372Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:22.555476Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.556229Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:22.579691Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.579813Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.579893Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.590772Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:22.618003Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.796872Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:22.813046Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.849562Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:22.995537Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gaa1d32pkppjbp4c1kfbc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=M2JmNTFhMDYtYTlhN2E1ZGEtMjkwNGRjYWQtOGI3NzlkMTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:22.996104Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:850:2686], serverId# [2:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:22.996313Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.008543Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.008676Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.012948Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:23.014077Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.025231Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.025322Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.025603Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.025678Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.025943Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.026003Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.026055Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.026113Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.026202Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:23.027025Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.027332Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.027474Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.027514Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.027551Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:23.028092Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.028168Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.028716Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:23.028941Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.029045Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.029091Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071078Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071155Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071604Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071650Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071709Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071841Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071908Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.071962Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Microseconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgDate >> DistributedEraseTests::DistributedEraseTxShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldErase >> Cdc::Write[YdsRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::Write[TopicRunner] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnSplit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-58 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-59 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberMilliSeconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberNanoSeconds |79.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/ut/ydb-core-cms-console-ut |79.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/ut/ydb-core-cms-console-ut |79.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/console/ut/ydb-core-cms-console-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:15.871151Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.871514Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:15.871722Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001882/r3tmp/tmpTerYbw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:16.290432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.343875Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:16.389349Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.389491Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:16.401809Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.494280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.552890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.553166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.613078Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.613252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.615362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.615480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.615540Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.616012Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.616179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.616283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.630642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666165Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.666635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.667924Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.669771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.683423Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.683564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.846009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.851887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.852071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.852786Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.852862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.855006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:16.855416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.857677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.857729Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.858254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:16.858345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.859848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.864001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.865658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:16.865730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.866602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:16.875235Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.875359Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.875455Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.880968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.887103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.050117Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.056774Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.153812Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.577193Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga4f83c3a91p7mk3tscdn, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzYxNWRlM2ItMTkzZGRhNDYtZTMyMTIzMGItODZhZTgzMzE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:17.583574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.583845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597860Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 24037893 2025-03-11T11:44:24.243557Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1245:3028], serverId# [2:1246:3029], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.243811Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1245:3028], serverId# [2:1246:3029], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.245213Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1250:3033], serverId# [2:1251:3034], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.245420Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1250:3033], serverId# [2:1251:3034], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.247545Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1255:3038], serverId# [2:1256:3039], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.247779Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1255:3038], serverId# [2:1256:3039], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.249957Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254140Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254239Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254454Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254520Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254578Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.254684Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.299361Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037894 actor [2:1277:3057] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.299612Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.331506Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.331671Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.333615Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.333703Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.333766Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.334116Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.334290Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.334374Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037894 persisting started state actor id [2:1294:3057] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.369852Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371164Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371289Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037894 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371391Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037894, actorId: [2:1296:3068] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371425Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371458Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037894, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371490Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.371932Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372020Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372403Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372444Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037894 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372478Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037894 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372515Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372575Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1278:3058], serverId# [2:1285:3062], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372689Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372857Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037894 txId 281474976715663 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:7 2025-03-11T11:44:24.372929Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.373382Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.385114Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.385225Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037894 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.528259Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1306:3078], serverId# [2:1308:3080], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.528836Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715663 at step 4000 at tablet 72075186224037894 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715663 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 4000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037894 } 2025-03-11T11:44:24.528892Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.529701Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.529754Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037894 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.529801Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [4000:281474976715663] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.534237Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037894 loaded tx from db 4000:281474976715663 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.534452Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037894 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.534892Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.534991Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037894 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.535408Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037894 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:24.535787Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037894 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.550951Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037894 time 3500 2025-03-11T11:44:24.551022Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.551722Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037894 step# 4000} 2025-03-11T11:44:24.551801Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.552714Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.552765Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.552810Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.552873Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [4000 : 281474976715663] from 72075186224037894 at tablet 72075186224037894 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:24.552928Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037894 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715663 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.553007Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.566943Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567050Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567111Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567473Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567745Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567815Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567875Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.568492Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037894 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 4000 2025-03-11T11:44:24.569238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715663 datashard 72075186224037894 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:24.569300Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037894 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:44:24.588355Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1335:3101], serverId# [2:1336:3102], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.588594Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1335:3101], serverId# [2:1336:3102], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.597790Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1340:3106], serverId# [2:1341:3107], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.598052Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1340:3106], serverId# [2:1341:3107], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.600356Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1345:3111], serverId# [2:1346:3112], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.600648Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037894, clientId# [2:1345:3111], serverId# [2:1346:3112], sessionId# [0:0:0] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-63 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-64 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsFromReplicatedTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:15.313635Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.314014Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:15.314234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00188d/r3tmp/tmp2TRtEk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:15.865197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:15.989303Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:16.048065Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.048226Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:16.063238Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.165266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.229003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.229276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.285053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.285191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287216Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287829Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.287916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.302492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.360708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.360926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361655Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.361883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366327Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.366915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.368919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.382466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.382592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.564537Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.583163Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.583269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.583622Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.583714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.583781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.584085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.584304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.585202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.585293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.591767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:16.592293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.598841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.598917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.599410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:16.599487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.600899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.600953Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.601014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.601084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:16.601139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.601232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.609381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.615721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:16.615816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.616723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:16.638310Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.638478Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.638589Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.648483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.663149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.843983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.847134Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.953798Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.674805Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga47qek9rn6336sg4rzhn, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmUzOGRhMWMtY2U5NTMwYzctMWM2ZDhiZGMtNDExMTk3MzY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:17.712978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.713246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.730741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 3-11T11:44:17.913204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.913243Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.913287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:17.913587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.913659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.914427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.914685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715662, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.914826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715662, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.914872Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715662, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.916761Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.916816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715662, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917527Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.917565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:23.616035Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:23.616161Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:23.616212Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00188d/r3tmp/tmpUtUjsh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:24.076353Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:24.112546Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:24.153864Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:24.154126Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:24.167194Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:24.256520Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:24.300069Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:663:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.300372Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.393823Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.393979Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.395676Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.395769Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.395832Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.396186Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.396332Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.396410Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407212Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407292Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407424Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407503Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407555Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407596Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.407636Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408250Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408364Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408451Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408496Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408541Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408584Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.408962Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.409110Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.409335Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.409413Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.411022Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.422835Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.422950Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.607891Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.608946Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609008Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609375Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609426Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609481Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609734Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.609880Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.616489Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.616599Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.617108Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:24.617570Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.619460Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.619536Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.634251Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:24.634406Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.635594Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.635673Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.635722Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.635794Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:24.635880Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.636000Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.637356Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.644422Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:24.644527Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.645202Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:24.656466Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:737:2619], serverId# [2:738:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.656628Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Rejecting erase request on datashard: tablet# 72075186224037888, error# Can't execute erase at replicated table 2025-03-11T11:44:24.656829Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:737:2619], serverId# [2:738:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/unittest >> TVersions::Wreck0Reverse [GOOD] Test command err: SmallQueue: MainQueue: {11 0f 1b}, {14 1f 1b}, {15 2f 1b}, {18 0f 1b}, {19 0f 1b}, {23 0f 1b}, {27 0f 1b} GhostQueue: 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28 0.29273 00000.000 II| FAKE_ENV: Born at 2025-03-11T11:39:20.615885Z 00000.015 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Bootstrap with config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ScanQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 AsyncQueueInFlyLimit: 262144 00000.017 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 0 00000.020 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 1 00000.020 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 2 00000.020 II| FAKE_ENV: Starting storage for BS group 3 00000.032 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:0} activating executor 00000.034 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: LSnap{1:2, on 2:1, 35b, wait} done, Waste{2:0, 0b +(0, 0b), 0 trc} 00000.036 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:2} commited cookie 2 for step 1 00000.037 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxInitSchema} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxInitSchema 00000.037 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxInitSchema} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.038 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxInitSchema} hope 1 -> done Change{2, redo 0b alter 209b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.038 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:2} Tx{1, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxInitSchema} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.039 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:3} commited cookie 1 for step 2 00000.039 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Update config MemoryLimit: 8388608 ReplacementPolicy: ThreeLeveledLRU 00000.039 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Switch replacement policy from S3FIFO to ThreeLeveledLRU 00000.039 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Switch replacement policy done from S3FIFO to ThreeLeveledLRU 00000.040 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:3} Tx{2, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.040 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:3} Tx{2, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.043 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:3} Tx{2, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{2, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.043 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:3} Tx{2, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.044 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:4} commited cookie 1 for step 3 00000.044 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:4} Tx{3, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.044 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:4} Tx{3, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.045 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:4} Tx{3, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{3, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.045 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:4} Tx{3, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.059 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:5} commited cookie 1 for step 4 00000.060 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:5} Tx{4, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.060 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:5} Tx{4, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.060 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:5} Tx{4, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{4, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.061 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:5} Tx{4, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.061 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:6} commited cookie 1 for step 5 00000.061 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:6} Tx{5, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.061 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:6} Tx{5, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.062 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:6} Tx{5, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{5, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.062 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:6} Tx{5, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.063 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:7} commited cookie 1 for step 6 00000.063 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:7} Tx{6, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.063 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:7} Tx{6, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.064 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:7} Tx{6, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{6, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.064 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:7} Tx{6, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.064 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:8} commited cookie 1 for step 7 00000.064 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:8} Tx{7, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.064 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:8} Tx{7, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.065 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:8} Tx{7, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{7, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.065 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:8} Tx{7, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.065 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:9} commited cookie 1 for step 8 00000.066 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:9} Tx{8, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.066 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:9} Tx{8, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.066 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:9} Tx{8, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{8, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.066 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:9} Tx{8, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.067 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:10} commited cookie 1 for step 9 00000.067 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:10} Tx{9, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.067 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:10} Tx{9, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.067 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:10} Tx{9, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{9, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.067 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:10} Tx{9, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.068 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:11} commited cookie 1 for step 10 00000.068 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:11} Tx{10, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.068 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:11} Tx{10, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.068 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:11} Tx{10, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{10, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.068 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:11} Tx{10, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.069 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:12} commited cookie 1 for step 11 00000.069 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:12} Tx{11, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.069 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:12} Tx{11, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.070 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:12} Tx{11, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{11, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.070 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:12} Tx{11, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.070 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} commited cookie 1 for step 12 00000.070 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} Tx{12, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.071 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} Tx{12, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.071 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} Tx{12, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{12, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.071 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:13} Tx{12, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.071 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} commited cookie 1 for step 13 00000.072 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Tx{13, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.072 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Tx{13, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.072 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Tx{13, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{13, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.072 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:14} Tx{13, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00000.073 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:15} commited cookie 1 for step 14 00000.073 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:15} Tx{14, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow 00000.073 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:15} Tx{14, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00000.073 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:15} Tx{14, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxWriteRow} hope 1 -> done Change{14, redo 102475b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 101 } -{ }, 0 gb} 00000.073 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:15} Tx{14, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxW ... aded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 5 ] 00002.540 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.540 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{196, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.540 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{196, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.541 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 100 5 ] 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 1 -> retry Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} touch new 0b, 102443b lo load (102443b in total), 0b requested for data (4194304b in total) 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 8388608b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 00002.541 D3| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} requests PageCollection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] 102443 bytes, 1 pages: [4 4] 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} postponed, 102443b, pages {1 wait, 1 load}, freshly touched 2 pages 00002.541 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Request page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] owner [10:30:2062] class Online from cache [ ] already requested [ ] to request [ 4 ] 00002.541 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Loaded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 4 ] 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.541 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{197, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.541 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 100 4 ] 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 1 -> retry Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} touch new 0b, 102443b lo load (102443b in total), 0b requested for data (4194304b in total) 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 8388608b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 00002.542 D3| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} requests PageCollection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] 102443 bytes, 1 pages: [3 4] 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} postponed, 102443b, pages {1 wait, 1 load}, freshly touched 2 pages 00002.542 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Request page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] owner [10:30:2062] class Online from cache [ ] already requested [ ] to request [ 3 ] 00002.542 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Loaded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 3 ] 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.542 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{198, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.543 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 100 3 ] 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 1 -> retry Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} touch new 0b, 102443b lo load (102443b in total), 0b requested for data (4194304b in total) 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 8388608b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 00002.543 D3| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} requests PageCollection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] 102443 bytes, 1 pages: [2 4] 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} postponed, 102443b, pages {1 wait, 1 load}, freshly touched 2 pages 00002.543 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Request page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] owner [10:30:2062] class Online from cache [ ] already requested [ ] to request [ 2 ] 00002.543 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Loaded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 2 ] 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.543 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{199, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.543 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 100 2 ] 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 1 -> retry Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} touch new 0b, 102443b lo load (102443b in total), 0b requested for data (4194304b in total) 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 8388608b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 00002.544 D3| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} requests PageCollection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] 102443 bytes, 1 pages: [1 4] 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} postponed, 102443b, pages {1 wait, 1 load}, freshly touched 2 pages 00002.544 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Request page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] owner [10:30:2062] class Online from cache [ ] already requested [ ] to request [ 1 ] 00002.544 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Loaded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 1 ] 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.544 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{200, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.544 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 1 100 ] 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} queued, type NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 1 -> retry Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} touch new 0b, 102443b lo load (102443b in total), 0b requested for data (4194304b in total) 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} took 8388608b of static mem, Memory{8388608 dyn 0} 00002.545 D3| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} requests PageCollection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] 102443 bytes, 1 pages: [0 4] 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} postponed, 102443b, pages {1 wait, 1 load}, freshly touched 2 pages 00002.545 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Request page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] owner [10:30:2062] class Online from cache [ ] already requested [ ] to request [ 0 ] 00002.545 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Loaded page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] status OK pages [ 0 ] 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} got result TEvResult{1 pages [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] ok OK}, category 1 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} hope 2 -> done Change{103, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 00002.545 DD| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} Tx{201, NKikimr::NSharedCache::NTestSuiteTSharedPageCache::TTxReadRow} release 8388608b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 00002.545 TT| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Touch page collection [1:2:103:1:12288:2546:0] pages [ 0 100 ] Counters: Active:0/0, Passive:2772, MemLimit:0 00002.546 II| FAKE_ENV: Model starts hard shutdown on level 7 of 8, left 3 actors 00002.547 II| TABLET_EXECUTOR: Leader{1:2:105} suiciding, Waste{2:0, 10249619b +(100, 48685b), 104 trc, -48685b acc} 00002.559 DD| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Unregister [10:30:2062] 00002.560 NN| TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE: Poison cache serviced 100 reqs hit {0 0b} miss {100 10244300b} 00002.560 II| FAKE_ENV: Shut order, stopping 4 BS groups 00002.561 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.0 gone, left {10109b, 104}, put {10129b, 105} 00002.568 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.1 gone, left {10298442b, 106}, put {10298442b, 106} 00002.663 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.2 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.664 II| FAKE_ENV: DS.3 gone, left {0b, 0}, put {0b, 0} 00002.664 II| FAKE_ENV: All BS storage groups are stopped 00002.664 II| FAKE_ENV: Model stopped, hosted 3 actors, spent 0.000s 00002.665 II| FAKE_ENV: Logged {Emerg 0 Alert 0 Crit 0 Error 0 Left 1841}, stopped >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDatetime64 [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::TwoAppendsMustBeVolatile-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileCommitOnBlobStorageFailure+UseSink >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestGetAndRangeGetManyBlobs [GOOD] >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestEmptyRange >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint32 >> TPersQueueTest::CheckDeleteTopic [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CheckDecompressionTasksWithoutSession ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDatetime64 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:14.204041Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:14.204347Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:14.204541Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018c3/r3tmp/tmpGYwN1j/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:14.545370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:14.602971Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:14.648559Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:14.648693Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:14.661828Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:14.748321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:14.793563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:14.793814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:14.840530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:14.840668Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842212Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:14.842955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:14.853921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899153Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899367Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:14.899674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900239Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:14.900886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.901148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:14.901262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.904031Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.914812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:14.914936Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:15.082840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.092862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.092957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.093275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.093335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.093406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.093685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.093864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.102727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.102834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:15.105185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:15.105720Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.111676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.111780Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.112325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:15.112398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.113696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.115344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.115469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.115542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:15.115619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:15.115735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.129949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.131794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:15.131887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.132701Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:15.154551Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.154699Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.154796Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.165421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:15.177564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.354377Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.358206Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.452080Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.944368Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga2s6bty4r3eewg2hbp2g, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjkwYTIzN2ItY2I1ZmMyOS04OGU4ODllMi1mNzI5ZDc1OA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:15.950941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:15.951187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:15.963718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.894965Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895064Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895120Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895198Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895350Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895628Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:25.895763Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.898704Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.910610Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:25.910737Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:26.081577Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:26.085165Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.085256Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.085547Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.085599Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:26.085680Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.090328Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.090548Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:26.092057Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.092156Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:26.092624Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:26.093036Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.094623Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.094671Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.095433Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:26.095510Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.096778Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.096830Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.096897Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.096965Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:26.097020Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.097106Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.098083Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.100081Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:26.100161Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.101011Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:26.108723Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.108836Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.108928Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.113869Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:26.119850Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.299069Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.311374Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.347858Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:26.572150Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gadfvdpgh665g3dwspj97, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NDBkZWRlMGEtZjE5Yjc4NmItNTJiM2QwNDYtNWE3MmFlNjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:26.572763Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:26.572986Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.586540Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.586690Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.595559Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:26.596813Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.614619Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.614714Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615026Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615082Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615412Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615466Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615521Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615588Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.615707Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:26.616774Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617152Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617372Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617418Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617466Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617731Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.617804Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.618513Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:26.618843Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.618987Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.619040Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.620799Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.620850Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621251Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621289Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621327Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621443Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621495Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:26.621540Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 |79.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-persqueue_public-ut |79.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-persqueue_public-ut |79.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-persqueue_public-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-41 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-42 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Seconds >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-58 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-59 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-52 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-53 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint32 |79.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-actors-ut |79.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-actors-ut |79.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-actors-ut >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsShouldSuccess >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestLimiterLimitsWithUserPayloadRateLimit [FAIL] >> TPersQueueTest::AllEqual [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::BadSids >> TTopicYqlTest::DropTopicYql [GOOD] >> TTopicYqlTest::CreateTopicYqlBackCompatibility |79.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestEmptyRange [GOOD] |79.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberNanoSeconds [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-12 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-13 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-40 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-41 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-10 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-11 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64MilliSeconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64MicroSeconds |79.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut/ydb-core-load_test-ut |79.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut/ydb-core-load_test-ut >> Cdc::Write[TopicRunner] [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdateStream >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgDate [GOOD] |79.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/dsproxy/ut_fat/unittest >> TBlobStorageProxyTest::TestEmptyRange [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldErase [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldBreakLocks |79.3%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tablet_flat/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut/ydb-core-load_test-ut >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWritesLimitedPerKey-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithPendingVolatileCommit+UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnDyNumberNanoSeconds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:16.230882Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.231217Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:16.231429Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00186a/r3tmp/tmpm2Feu1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:16.652874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.691108Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:16.739564Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.739710Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:16.755056Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.862227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.945056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.019455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.019595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.021348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.021443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.021571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.030045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.030226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.030342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.044157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.073840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074242Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074930Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.074967Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075566Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.075667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.077589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.088358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.088485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.251608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.255991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256100Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256448Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.256993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.257762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.257838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.260102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:17.260523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.262949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.263013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.263521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:17.263610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.264821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.264863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.264926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.264988Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:17.265038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.265125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.274855Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.276795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:17.276891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.277850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:17.287367Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.287498Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.287572Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.293485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:17.306714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.481026Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.484180Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.567616Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:18.122631Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga4w49rg044w65ak914j0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzAzNmU3OTEtZmIyYmIyNGMtOWJmNWZiZmQtYjc5ZDQ0MTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:18.128085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.128273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.141032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821074Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821117Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821175Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821247Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821395Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821594Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:30.821683Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.823623Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.834840Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:30.835809Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:31.021029Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.021706Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.021764Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.021980Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.022027Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.022077Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.022339Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.022500Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.023875Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.023992Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.024432Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:31.024842Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.047065Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.047135Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.048045Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:31.048134Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054455Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054531Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054609Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054679Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054729Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.054825Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.055922Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.057861Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:31.058068Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.058918Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:31.068450Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.068562Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.068645Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.087470Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:31.094811Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.257240Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.265131Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.305420Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.586045Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gajat0h3yp52wkr2qrcq9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YWQ2NTdkYjEtZjBmM2E2YWEtYjE0Yjk3OGUtOTBjMTNkYjA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:31.586690Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.586911Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.600377Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.600535Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.604766Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.605856Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.626606Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.626689Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.626920Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.626981Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.627313Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.627362Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.627416Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.627481Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.627569Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.628555Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.628911Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.629116Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.629170Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.629226Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:31.629466Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.629527Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.633971Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.634250Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 37, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.634396Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.634447Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.636498Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.636556Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.636967Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.637004Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.637043Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:31.637164Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.637225Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.637266Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-59 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-60 |79.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/ydb-core-security-certificate_check-ut |79.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/ydb-core-security-certificate_check-ut |79.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/ydb-core-security-certificate_check-ut >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::PointJoin [GOOD] >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::SqlInJoin >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex-WithRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex+WithRestart+UseSink >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithCloseNotCommitted [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithExplicitlySpecifiedPartitions >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-47 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-48 |79.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteAsymmetricExecute [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenDropTable >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnSplit [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-18 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-19 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgDate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:16.481542Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.481845Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:16.482055Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018a9/r3tmp/tmp7Wjrcy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:16.947494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:17.012603Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:17.055281Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:17.055434Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:17.068495Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:17.172341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.301159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.301294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.307215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.307321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.307394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.307788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.307933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.308043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.322516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363543Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.363873Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364683Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.364907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.365148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.365268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.367788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.378638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.378784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.552212Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.564926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.565019Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.565360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.565413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.565470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.565767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.570245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.571343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.571437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.573803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:17.583480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.594464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.594548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.595220Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:17.595322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.596926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.597332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.629475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.641250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:17.641361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.642472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:17.669883Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.670089Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.670392Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.676253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:17.682678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.854427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.857413Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.970633Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:18.671621Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ga583e98r0z7a6n8n6arr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGRjNDFhOTMtYzdlNTQ2MmQtYzAzYzhjNTctNTFjZjM3YTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:18.691093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.691381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.704836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.871710Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.871762Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.871814Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.871893Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.872048Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.872313Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.872418Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.874710Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.886565Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.886698Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:32.060327Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061017Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061075Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061266Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061315Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061383Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061657Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.061817Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:32.067666Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.067778Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:32.068287Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:32.068740Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.074806Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.074881Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.075844Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:32.075928Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077225Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077271Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077331Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077412Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077468Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.077578Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.082823Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.084903Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:32.084988Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.085814Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:32.107776Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.107887Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.107963Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.122182Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:32.133591Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.335565Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.343704Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.381689Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.731164Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gakb5f4j3wz7scf28cbxw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NDVmYmEzNDktZTQ2OGJjYS1lYTE3NmQ0OS03MTViZGI2NA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:32.731771Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:32.731996Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.744567Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.744723Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.749477Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:32.759124Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.770509Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.770588Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.770847Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.770904Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.771210Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.771256Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.771309Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.771366Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.771450Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:32.772462Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.772843Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.773038Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.773083Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.773133Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:32.773400Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.773465Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.778302Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:32.778668Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 43, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.778820Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.778869Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.780626Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.780686Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781138Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781182Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781222Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781355Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781423Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.781474Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsCheckLimits [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsAsyncIndex >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-64 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-65 >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint32 [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnTimestamp64 >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileCommitOnBlobStorageFailure+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileCommitOnBlobStorageFailure-UseSink >> TPersQueueTest::StoreNoMoreThanXSourceIDs [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupWriteSessionOnDisabledCluster >> TRtmrTest::CreateWithoutTimeCastBuckets >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedBeforeDataIsDecompressed_Uncompressed [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterDecompressingTheData_Uncompressed ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnSplit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:15.802138Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:15.802652Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:15.802921Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0018ed/r3tmp/tmpjDBFqS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:16.447336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.507325Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:16.552838Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.553027Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:16.567365Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.657048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.728038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:686:2584] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.728408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.827210Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.827419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.829378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.829492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.829559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.830002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.830195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.830293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:712:2584] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.832165Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:689:2586] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.832413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.856068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.856345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.864115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.864255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.864323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.864664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.865928Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.866003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:731:2586] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.866531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2588] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.866774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.884175Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.884314Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.885820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.894585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.894753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.895191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.895381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:16.895482Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:737:2588] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.906598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.939529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.939776Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:16.939933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:741:2615] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.939976Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940628Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:742:2616] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940654Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.940704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941091Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:743:2617] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941280Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.941953Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942625Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:676:2579], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942682Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942738Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.942893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.943070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.943328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:16.943426Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.943921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:677:2580], serverId# [1:709:2598], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:16.943974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037890 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:44:16.944584Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.946794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.946907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.963284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:16.963425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:16.964003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:16.964066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.014713Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:678:2581], serverId# [1:760:2627], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.014900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.015083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 2 ... 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:34.931446Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:34.931714Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 ack init split/merge destination OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.931794Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 not sending time cast registration request in state SplitDstReceivingSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:44:34.932568Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 ack init split/merge destination OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.932621Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 not sending time cast registration request in state SplitDstReceivingSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:44:34.939359Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 received split OpId 281474976715664 at state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:34.950537Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 starting snapshot for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.951009Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 CancelReadIterators#0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.969560Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 3, finished edge# 0, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:44:34.969676Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 3, finished edge# 0, front# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.971257Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 4, finished edge# 0, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:44:34.971308Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 4, finished edge# 0, front# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.971740Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 7, finished edge# 0, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:44:34.971780Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 7, finished edge# 0, front# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.973641Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 8, finished edge# 0, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:44:34.973682Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 8, finished edge# 0, front# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.980076Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 1001, finished edge# 0, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z 2025-03-11T11:44:34.980144Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037889, table# 1001, finished edge# 0, front# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.986371Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 snapshot complete for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.986717Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 3 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 12 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.986795Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 4 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 24 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.986833Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 7 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 36 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.986864Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 8 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 48 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987178Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 1001 snapshot size is 146 total snapshot size is 194 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987451Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 3 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 206 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987503Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 4 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 218 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987544Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 7 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 230 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987623Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 8 snapshot size is 12 total snapshot size is 242 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987798Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 BorrowSnapshot: table 1001 snapshot size is 155 total snapshot size is 397 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.988682Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Sending snapshots from src for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.988911Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending snapshot for split opId 281474976715664 from datashard 72075186224037889 to datashard 72075186224037892 size 221 2025-03-11T11:44:34.989039Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending snapshot for split opId 281474976715664 from datashard 72075186224037889 to datashard 72075186224037891 size 215 2025-03-11T11:44:34.989439Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037891, clientId# [3:1227:2944], serverId# [3:1228:2945], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.989489Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037892, clientId# [3:1226:2943], serverId# [3:1229:2946], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.989703Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 Received snapshot for split/merge TxId 281474976715664 from tabeltId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.994810Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 Received snapshot for split/merge TxId 281474976715664 from tabeltId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997024Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 ack snapshot OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997226Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997364Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037891 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997475Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997569Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037891, actorId: [3:1232:2949] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997617Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997687Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:34.997731Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:35.004654Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037891 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:35.005863Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:35.005967Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037891 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006007Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037891 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006061Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006267Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037891, clientId# [3:1227:2944], serverId# [3:1228:2945], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006648Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037891 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006841Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:35.006932Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 ack snapshot OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007068Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007166Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037892 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007248Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007343Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037892, actorId: [3:1233:2950] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007378Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007415Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007443Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.007552Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037892 for split OpId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008511Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037892 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008559Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008660Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008696Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008735Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037892 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.008774Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:35.009082Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037891 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 1500 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.009153Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037891: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.009277Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037892, clientId# [3:1226:2943], serverId# [3:1229:2946], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.009606Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037892 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 1500 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.009642Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037892: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.034729Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split to schemeshard 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:35.038703Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvSplitPartitioningChanged: opId: 281474976715664, at datashard: 72075186224037889, state: SplitSrcWaitForPartitioningChanged 2025-03-11T11:44:35.047655Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:35.047733Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 4, at: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048023Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [3:1095:2841], serverId# [3:1096:2842], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048151Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048206Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Progress tx at non-ready tablet 72075186224037889 state 5 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048445Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split partitioning changed to schemeshard 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048524Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 1 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:44:35.048587Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 |79.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Seconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Milliseconds >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotEraseModifiedRows [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotFailOnMissingRows |79.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_subscriber/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_subscriber |79.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_subscriber/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_subscriber |79.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_subscriber/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_subscriber >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithoutEnablingTx >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-59 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-60 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint32 [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnSchemeTx >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-53 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-54 |79.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/describes_ut/unittest |79.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_olap |79.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_olap |79.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_olap |79.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep |79.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep |79.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep >> TRtmrTest::CreateWithoutTimeCastBuckets [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-ModifyUser-42 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-61 >> Cdc::UpdateStream [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdateShardCount >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsShouldSuccess [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors >> KikimrProvider::TestFillAuthPropertiesNone [GOOD] >> KikimrProvider::TestFillAuthPropertiesServiceAccount [GOOD] >> KikimrProvider::TestFillAuthPropertiesMdbBasic [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/unittest >> TRtmrTest::CreateWithoutTimeCastBuckets [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:38.909744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:39.092004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:39.092062Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:39.123055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:39.123597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:39.123784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.154276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:39.154589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.155315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.155711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.162717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:39.164762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.178887Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.382543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.382828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.383054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.383341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.383428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:39.387850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:39.391162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.391250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.391292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:39.393581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.393648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.393690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.393788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.412579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:39.415061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:39.415286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:39.416407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.416548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.416616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.416911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:39.416973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.417159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.417238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.421998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.422315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:39.424849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.424970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.425006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... NFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.481513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.481542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.482220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.482265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:39.482336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 100, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:39.484921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 100:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.484981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateRTMR TConfigureParts ProgressState operationId# 100:0 at tablet72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.485017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 100:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:39.488152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.488288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.489428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 100:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.489488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateRTMR TPropose, operationId: 100:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.489558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 100 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.489708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 100 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:39.491864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 100:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:100 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 100, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 100 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 100 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 100 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateRTMR TPropose, operationId: 100:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 100:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.492944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.495749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 100:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 100:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#100:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 100 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#100:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 100 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 100, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 100 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 100:0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 100:0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 100, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 100, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:44:39.496729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 100, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.497441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.497527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.497570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.497615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:44:39.497653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.499333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 100, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.503409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.503894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 100 TestModificationResult got TxId: 100, wait until txId: 100 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.504157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:39.504199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.504651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 100, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.504759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:39.504797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: satisfy waiter [1:308:2299] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 100 2025-03-11T11:44:39.505255Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/rtmr1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:39.505448Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/rtmr1" took 217us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:44:39.505736Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/rtmr1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "rtmr1" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeRtmrVolume CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 RTMRVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } RtmrVolumeDescription { Name: "rtmr1" PathId: 2 PartitionsCount: 0 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TPersQueueTest::PreferredCluster_RemotePreferredClusterEnabledWhileSessionInitializing_SessionDiesOnlyAfterInitializationAndDelay [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::PartitionsMapping >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldBreakLocks [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithoutEnablingTx [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithoutEnablingTx-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteAndReadAndCommitRandomMessages [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteAndReadAndCommitRandomMessagesNoClusterDiscovery |79.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPQCompatTest::SetupLockSession [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::BadTopics >> TPersQueueTest::EachMessageGetsExactlyOneAcknowledgementInCorrectOrder [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Delete |79.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/provider/ut/unittest >> KikimrProvider::TestFillAuthPropertiesMdbBasic [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-13 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-14 >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIsValidationRequired_NONE [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIsValidationRequired_DOMAIN [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIsValidationRequired_TENANTS [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIsValidationRequired_TENANTS_AND_NODE_TYPES [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_RemoveItems_NONE [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_RemoveItems_DOMAIN [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_RemoveItems_TENANTS [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_RemoveItems_TENANTS_AND_NODE_TYPES [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsSameScope_NONE [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsSameScope_DOMAIN [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsSameScope_TENANTS [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsSameScope_TENANTS_AND_NODE_TYPES [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsNarrowScope_NONE [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsNarrowScope_TENANTS [GOOD] >> TModificationsValidatorTests::TestIndexAndModificationsShrink_ModifyItemsNarrowScope_TENANTS_AND_NODE_TYPES [GOOD] >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestGetUpdatesFromHttpServer >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Raw] [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64MicroSeconds [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithoutEnablingTx-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithExternalHive-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestAddConfigSubscription ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldBreakLocks [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:23.556248Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:23.556563Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:23.556762Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001801/r3tmp/tmp4rwXxF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:23.974326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:24.048715Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:24.095829Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:24.095988Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:24.108841Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:24.200175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:24.289805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:686:2584] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.290155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.351013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.351188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.353131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.353251Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.353310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.353703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.354255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.354376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:712:2584] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.356245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:689:2586] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.356453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.373204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.373448Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.378151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.378270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.378325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.378636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.379774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.379832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:731:2586] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.380361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2588] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.380591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.396405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.396513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400146Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:24.400836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:737:2588] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.414680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:741:2615] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.495868Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:742:2616] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496456Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496837Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.496933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:743:2617] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497028Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.497809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:676:2579], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498387Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498415Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.498833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:677:2580], serverId# [1:709:2598], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499782Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037890 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:24.499858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.500093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.500258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:44:24.500314Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.502362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.502449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.515966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:24.516111Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.516708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:24.516773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:24.566746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:678:2581], serverId# [1:760:2627], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:24.566920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:24.567109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 2 ... _DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.046887Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.049587Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.049732Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.049949Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.051844Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.051972Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.063208Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.074601Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.074737Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:39.240453Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241112Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241174Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241354Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241397Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241445Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241718Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.241873Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.243243Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.243323Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.243782Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:39.244206Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.245819Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.245876Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.246834Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:39.246924Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248117Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248178Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248233Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248297Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248348Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:39.248442Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.249386Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.252257Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:39.252344Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.253215Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:39.269562Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.269690Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.269765Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.275390Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:39.290379Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.523895Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.527194Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.565273Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.719874Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gatb38n6sd3r6d740pd34, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MTdiOWZkMDEtN2VmYTE5ZmItNWRhY2UzZS05MzI0ZWRlMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:39.720479Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.720700Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.741403Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.741564Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.071884Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gatwn7t4x700eg0zpfb77, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Y2ExMTE2MTAtMjVhNGIxNzItMWVlY2M1NzgtOWQ0MDM1NjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:40.074315Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715661, counter# 0 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] { items { uint64_value: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:44:40.090431Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:889:2717], serverId# [3:890:2718], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:40.091646Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.106694Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.106788Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.106862Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Waiting for PlanStep# 1501 from mediator time cast 2025-03-11T11:44:40.107704Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Notified by mediator time cast with PlanStep# 1501 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.107779Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.107933Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.107974Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 4, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.108278Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.108329Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.108384Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.108438Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.108524Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:889:2717], serverId# [3:890:2718], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:40.295169Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gav5dddyqkpfzab4j1gcv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Y2ExMTE2MTAtMjVhNGIxNzItMWVlY2M1NzgtOWQ0MDM1NjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:40.295844Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.310856Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.311014Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.356072Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Y2ExMTE2MTAtMjVhNGIxNzItMWVlY2M1NzgtOWQ0MDM1NjI=, ActorId: [3:857:2692], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gav5dddyqkpfzab4j1gcv, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:44:40.357139Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gav5dddyqkpfzab4j1gcv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Y2ExMTE2MTAtMjVhNGIxNzItMWVlY2M1NzgtOWQ0MDM1NjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:40.357558Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.358104Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:40.358177Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-11 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-12 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-41 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-42 |79.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut |79.4%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_rtmr/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut |79.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/ydb-core-statistics-service-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnUint64MicroSeconds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:30.110216Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:30.110578Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:30.110826Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017e1/r3tmp/tmpVZULXU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:30.731786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:30.806576Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:30.855774Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:30.855917Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:30.871177Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:30.979849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:31.045043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.045294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:31.147298Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:31.147465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:31.149362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.149465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.149546Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.151867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:31.152035Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:31.152142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.166687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:31.232804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.233963Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.234883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.237008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.251737Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.251903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:31.447205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:31.462849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.462929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.463220Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.463266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.463325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.463676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.463874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.464663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.464741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:31.466875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:31.467327Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.469643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.469692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.470154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:31.470223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:31.471624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.476752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.478746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:31.478828Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.479687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:31.489502Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.489611Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.489688Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.496099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:31.503154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.679428Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:31.691519Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:31.807506Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:32.439463Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gajqz0z1nx67fqgn0efq9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWEyNTU1OGQtZGJmZjZlYS02YjMwMWM1NS0yYWMwNDc2MQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:32.450454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:32.450733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:32.464011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.038110Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.038153Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.038192Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.038626Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.038810Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.039030Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.039111Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.040944Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.054531Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.054661Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:41.228486Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.229485Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.229548Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.229952Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.230008Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.230054Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.230345Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.230504Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.231181Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.231255Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.231813Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:41.232231Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.239656Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.239737Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.240318Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:41.240398Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241274Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241343Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241406Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241478Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241536Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.241656Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.247768Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.254862Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:41.254974Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.255879Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:41.277607Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.277930Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.278059Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.284881Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:41.293748Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.495022Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.499055Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.541617Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.680428Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gaw9q4gx2vcfp9nc7twmg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjgxOWNlYjYtMWQ5NmJlOTQtYTViNTkwZGMtMmMzYmE2NTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:41.691112Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:850:2686], serverId# [2:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.691442Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.706715Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.706917Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.711911Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.713161Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.724968Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725064Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725397Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725445Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725752Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725808Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725860Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.725963Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.726085Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.727395Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.727832Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.728067Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.728112Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.728220Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:41.728509Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.728588Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.729247Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.729500Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.729644Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.729690Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.792190Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.792286Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.792807Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.792859Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.792901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:41.793055Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.793125Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:41.793178Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-60 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-61 >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithExternalHive-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-false [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithExternalHive-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-true >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsAsyncIndex [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenant ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Raw] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:42.778773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:42.863414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:42.863479Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:42.895080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:42.895654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:42.895862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.934267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:42.934585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:42.935354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.935910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.941831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:42.943795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.963144Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:43.241623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.242731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.243029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:43.243270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.243375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.252817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.252993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:43.253241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.253299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.253336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:43.253388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:43.259381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.259483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.259525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:43.263124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.263195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.263234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.263316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.267175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:43.274735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:43.274953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.276946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.277047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.279673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.279728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:43.280684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:43.283445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.283582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:43.283619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ffer { Last: 0 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv?partNumber=99&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:28403 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 1C81E0F4-8457-4285-9D32-53EFE1DF200D amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 130 content-md5: rsyfbQ5vVOk4oQ1A/altew== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / partNumber=99&uploadId=1 / 130 2025-03-11T11:44:41.172911Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: aecc9f6d0e6f54e938a10d40fda96d7b } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.173161Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:3457:5421] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.173346Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:3458:5422], sender# [1:3457:5421], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 0 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv?partNumber=100&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:28403 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: BEADB26F-BCE4-47C5-B1F4-473A89628157 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 130 content-md5: Wyd1w7MZYbbZucaVvuRDAw== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / partNumber=100&uploadId=1 / 130 2025-03-11T11:44:41.177431Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: 5b2775c3b31961b6d9b9c695bee44303 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.177630Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:3457:5421] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.177728Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:3458:5422], sender# [1:3457:5421], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv?partNumber=101&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:28403 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 7453A494-C3D8-4FBC-AEBA-8545590AA8ED amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-md5: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv / partNumber=101&uploadId=1 / 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.181770Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.181842Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:3458:5422], success# 1, error# , multipart# 1, uploadId# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.187277Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvDataShard::TEvS3Upload: self# [1:3458:5422], upload# { Id: 1 Status: Complete Error: (empty maybe) Parts: [a59dd9a97cf3685e69093fb2d96653c6,bdbb215613239cb3a835fee1fe7e7ca3,cb38dbc776d5763f1926dfb22d508c87,3c430d66d07a0a4b1fa889f321fce197,43baf91083f286b60bf15e7786459cd9,90b5581bef612fa3bf9b38b336af405f,fd4869c26a12d22ee79256d778954d04,a9459bc28198b0b6bd67732c492fd740,697a3f8386ea1ff4e327de943224cb1a,614da0b4ec9464e69cd0c59909e80fbb,9b94eb3f67aa4c8a0bcbf546833ed966,fd45c3afacec641ad19e59d2b31aeba4,fd69678aecbc149601f58cf13c64d33e,90c09ab4923bc9f97f825d36e32bf362,c1586416a281a4cca2b2b4e333d9b079,f31908576272623f9f0a19bf774cde8e,6fe3b42388304d2af07c629aeb683581,7bc90eec21ca5bb3648e6a48e83c5730,8e1dda26de1af89bdffe2eefdcebea1d,14dc42d90caa1575bbfffa9dc8f21d66,92efb2368eecb32d4075c09294fde0b7,98efff5f7c7ecb42e7af65142ce05af9,6206c81807b3b9283b0173ee2c682100,616b431b91aedc9de4593321eb42ba96,9ae4762563ffdec596cc9ca4cb8913e1,946ebf2d95b4796ea2faee21f017be79,45834a9948bb4ab8b62d1894156d13ed,6ad3fe7286856927c1e00422bc8da697,ef89464d20eae46829e1bf557e4d04ce,f128e5de32097d205453080b01c94ac3,c13e650ee2cfcecfdf4f578a2e5b1c2d,fc26314711b25d20fc654cf59301b806,56f6f2c574fba86496a87a7dd5fab46c,c7951eace72cfe0f14f808173e07bc64,3d9ad3340e58b973eaf8d4f14ba3b0f9,fc41d6fdfb52389dda8b26d7a0a3a889,9974b6ae96ffd0b756acb67088e890f9,cde8a5604010abe8fccfa9492144036f,0364e048eaac35c26d48b0c5072b5255,aac5a84927124d6ae4931e2650c80d9f,eab068fe4ca35c2f3e35890bd727eb4f,bc3646bdbcbc7f97dcddf2202ea9421f,6d3f63d672eda4a4617c9e7589a68bfc,0401bade6c3031b5be872238520b993a,1c6405688f86423480173e3e316a20bd,52395f68e877cbb8d7115a247331b0a7,4b0673ac18058554d2c53bf9f99b34b2,87bc1b9e650b31e81a9ad2531e3ef9da,b29053c8cd093c8b92ad3954c42cb7be,faf1084f6b33b00e2e822d1d3c3f0083,eedec03ee8d7eda4654db7206ad0889e,be4469dd028d5519a67098055f25513f,a7afa9827ec27c565cff1ed505a06f4b,91fe8109d2ad934c4364d90c29aaba71,73b81ea00e11db12d66497d30eb48446,cce69ef69777afeab34eefa515abc7f4,4e4ac1a421353964356400b8be8e21da,32cd6083b12660bcd4062af08d89eb05,71957b9db37811c7680638b82dc6384b,a8787e692c423a2dfa07dd261e72790a,283838ab16206b27738ea6653110f833,88bf084fb3029f0d5c0705eece930d70,1ed2f9f7221f1718b81fdf2d846347dd,406706cfbc454922dcad50b9c534b8d1,dbb606c993d798974ed4f5c9ebf195ca,1a4a3868dc6fa26c6b019d237f9ea6f4,82660a3c6b576a1b3fea925f3c179a2e,d393db2749ae42e854e85eeec2ea3592,b42c92ad14ee0e5351fec7e5a045a91b,2c7af27f9dc77efbcbe71c2d7997d6e9,278aba62ab1d9e3ff16df2d82ac5f5c7,6b8380404a7e7ec95ad5f3941d5d404c,c9813b9fc1d6b5087e64849076edd0f8,160785e4dac02a91c43a497ee59eea06,db529a9ba22f60f404031cfe85e966e9,9b70af168e2d3769bd8bc4dffa3202ea,9ac39c3843b6621ace44acf430a59e06,4603ff564a46e93951f246ed18926071,66b85f35ee76a7f71f50e9aad56758de,1665c284ad04d6b893b69372bf8fc6b9,8c1c27ec88fb52f06de6e7516a392672,0a5f992db51277a05ec12f0d6459ef21,8debe3a6023155561cb0890fc05bd7fb,938ece258b7596f8eea7e82bc2b8f88c,767ca0dcf0b154fa3c818044bbfc58fd,914cc7165d994bb05824332ac120446f,ab0ece250f5959a510170ee07aa21b5d,8bf4b44d67f062026b0010a8a0b39cc0,e0aa13fa8246e68c18905d3abadfc44d,27b021b75b6a95f63ea27f7ec238c05f,673e661e4cfea1e431678dd9881c2a8c,f101b34943f1831ae8c0b46ffcb1c2d6,562b32a8142b29c1a88e507ab1981a6b,fdea4c6fc2befb44614992ca8bf34b21,b7c8ec6acc45b037978482996e910b75,aec72fbd2e171b798900b22897d00941,710ef5b5e8eba750b6acc9b32dff42a3,821c7e22ef9c22098171e7f837dcfcc8,aecc9f6d0e6f54e938a10d40fda96d7b,5b2775c3b31961b6d9b9c695bee44303,d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] } REQUEST: POST /data_00.csv?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:28403 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 83689DE5-5831-4178-BC47-3542DFB2872A amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 11529 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /data_00.csv / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.305299Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvCompleteMultipartUploadResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# CompleteMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: data_00.csv ETag: 5d8c28efc812b445ddd02900ff3ee599 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.305770Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:3457:5421], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:41.337688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:41.338004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:41.348144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:41.348825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:41.348887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:41.349577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:41.360816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:41.360894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:3443:5408] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TDatabaseResolverTests::DataStreams_Serverless >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Zstd] [GOOD] >> TDatabaseResolverTests::DataStreams_Serverless [GOOD] >> TDatabaseResolverTests::DataStreams_PermissionDenied >> TDatabaseResolverTests::DataStreams_PermissionDenied [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeMigration [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeMigrationWithDisallowDefault >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestAddConfigSubscription [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestRemoveConfigSubscription >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithPendingVolatileCommit+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithPendingVolatileCommit-UseSink >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterWithExternalHive-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-true [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-ExternalHive ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/actors/ut/unittest >> TDatabaseResolverTests::DataStreams_PermissionDenied [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:44.799355Z node 2 :FQ_DATABASE_RESOLVER ERROR: TraceId: traceId ResponseProcessor::Handle(HttpIncomingResponse): error=Error while trying to resolve managed DataStreams database with id etn021us5r9rhld1vgbh via HTTP request to: endpoint 'ydbc.ydb.cloud.yandex.net:8789', url '/ydbc/cloud-prod/database?databaseId=etn021us5r9rhld1vgbh': you have no permission to resolve database id into database endpoint. >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-48 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsAsyncIndex [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:16.391041Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:16.391317Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:16.391461Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00187e/r3tmp/tmpf4a0lK/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:16.818269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:16.875310Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:16.920515Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:16.920664Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:16.932278Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:17.024226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:17.084443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:686:2584] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.084731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.134597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.134760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.136666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.136785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.136840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.137248Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.137459Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.137555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:712:2584] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.139457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:689:2586] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.139727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.150115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.150361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.151808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.151897Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.151945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.152268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.153310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.153365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:731:2586] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.153883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2588] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.154202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.164075Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.164209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.165578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.165665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.165713Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.166190Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.166321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:17.166382Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:737:2588] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.178815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:741:2615] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222673Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.222757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223173Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:742:2616] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223682Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223855Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:743:2617] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.223938Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.224706Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:676:2579], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225267Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225590Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.225812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226567Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:677:2580], serverId# [1:709:2598], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037890 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:17.226773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.227056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.227229Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:44:17.227297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.229404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.229500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.242719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:17.242849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.243403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:17.243461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:17.288523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:678:2581], serverId# [1:760:2627], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:17.288723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:17.288899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 2 ... 80, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275068Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 5 Group: 0 Step: 2500 TxId: 281474976715667 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 14] Kind: AsyncIndex Source: Unspecified Body: 28b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275227Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 6 Group: 0 Step: 2500 TxId: 281474976715667 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 14] Kind: AsyncIndex Source: Unspecified Body: 28b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275528Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037891 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275759Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275800Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.275842Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [2500:281474976715667] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.276010Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037893 loaded tx from db 2500:281474976715667 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.276149Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.287442Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037893 step# 2500} 2025-03-11T11:44:43.287593Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.298652Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037891 step# 2500} 2025-03-11T11:44:43.298732Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.298783Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS 2 at 72075186224037891 from 72075186224037891 to 72075186224037893 txId 281474976715667 2025-03-11T11:44:43.298847Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.298898Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2500 : 281474976715667] from 72075186224037891 at tablet 72075186224037891 send result to client [3:1434:3074], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299004Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037891, records: { Order: 4 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 14] BodySize: 28 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 }, { Order: 5 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 14] BodySize: 28 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 }, { Order: 6 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 14] BodySize: 28 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] SchemaVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299059Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299257Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1434:3074] HandlePlan TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715667, shard# 72075186224037891, status# 2 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299468Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRequestChangeRecords Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299760Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send 3 change records: to# [3:1239:2957], at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.299804Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRequestChangeRecords Complete: sent# 3, forgotten# 0, left# 0, at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300264Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037893 source 72075186224037891 dest 72075186224037893 producer 72075186224037891 txId 281474976715667 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300345Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037893 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2500 txid# 281474976715667 TabletSource# 72075186224037891 TabletDest# 72075186224037893 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037891 ReadSet.Size()# 19 Seqno# 2 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300421Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300606Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300647Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.300693Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [2500:281474976715667] at 72075186224037893 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:44:43.301149Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.301461Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvChangeExchange::TEvApplyRecords: origin# 72075186224037891, generation# 1, at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.312962Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313066Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2500 : 281474976715667] from 72075186224037893 at tablet 72075186224037893 send result to client [3:1434:3074], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313160Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 72075186224037893 {TEvReadSet step# 2500 txid# 281474976715667 TabletSource# 72075186224037891 TabletDest# 72075186224037893 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037893 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313216Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313392Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1434:3074] HandlePlan TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715667, shard# 72075186224037893, status# 2 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313448Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1434:3074] Reply: txId# 281474976715667, status# OK, error# 2025-03-11T11:44:43.313605Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037891 source 72075186224037891 dest 72075186224037893 consumer 72075186224037893 txId 281474976715667 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314091Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314152Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 4, at: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314350Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037891, clientId# [3:1428:3069], serverId# [3:1429:3070], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314462Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Execute: records# 3, at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314499Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 4, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314606Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 5, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314643Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 6, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314801Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314845Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037891 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.314882Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037891 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.316201Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.316633Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.316880Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.316943Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.317009Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715668] at 72075186224037893 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:43.317306Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.317395Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.318329Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037893, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.318486Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037893, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.374544Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.374638Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715668, at: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.374894Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.374942Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.374991Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715668] at 72075186224037893 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:43.375152Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.375230Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.375284Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:44:43.376729Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377043Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377232Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377275Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377316Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715669] at 72075186224037892 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377502Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.377557Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.378203Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715669, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.378337Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037892, TxId: 281474976715669, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380301Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380346Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715669, at: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380539Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380580Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380622Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715669] at 72075186224037892 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380737Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380794Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:44:43.380838Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestModifyConfigItem >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgInt8Milliseconds [GOOD] >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgTimestamp >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnTimestamp64 [GOOD] |79.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/load_test/ut/unittest >> Cdc::UpdateShardCount [GOOD] >> Cdc::UpdateRetentionPeriod >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-19 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-20 >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestRemoveConfigSubscription [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestRemoveConfigSubscriptions >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-65 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-66 >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-ExternalHive [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnSchemeTx [GOOD] >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnDeadShard >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData_MinWriteBatch [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData[Zstd] [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:41.827999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:41.828111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:41.828217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:41.828655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:41.924733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:41.924826Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:41.939408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:41.939959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:41.940158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.954871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:41.955131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:41.955902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.956223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.961352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.962803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.962896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.963015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:41.963090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:41.963140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:41.963486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:41.971880Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:42.117424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.117739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.118039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:42.118290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.118347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:42.121704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:42.126861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.126936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.126980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:42.129366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.129428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.129476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.129565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.133668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:42.137079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:42.137295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:42.138456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.138651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.138730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.139089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:42.139166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.139389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.139508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:42.142918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:42.143529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:42.146699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.146865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:42.146911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... : } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst?partNumber=99&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:13934 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: DA5E817F-5A89-4939-BBBB-5220E782049E amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 55 content-md5: Ry5TonSXZhxkAEEJCUBcTg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / partNumber=99&uploadId=1 / 55 2025-03-11T11:44:43.718953Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3460:5424], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: 472e53a27497661c6400410909405c4e } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.719276Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:3459:5423] 2025-03-11T11:44:43.719507Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:3460:5424], sender# [1:3459:5423], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 0 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst?partNumber=100&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:13934 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 8D31ADB9-F343-49FD-B8A1-3372846D1AB3 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 55 content-md5: B5SOCmjwb1RI3tHamcoRHA== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / partNumber=100&uploadId=1 / 55 2025-03-11T11:44:43.723779Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3460:5424], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: 07948e0a68f06f5448ded1da99ca111c } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.724026Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:3459:5423] 2025-03-11T11:44:43.724129Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:3460:5424], sender# [1:3459:5423], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst?partNumber=101&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:13934 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 12219EAD-29DC-4BF8-A064-F93A4CF1BFFC amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-md5: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / partNumber=101&uploadId=1 / 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.728451Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvUploadPartResponse: self# [1:3460:5424], result# UploadPartResult { ETag: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.728529Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:3460:5424], success# 1, error# , multipart# 1, uploadId# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.740391Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvDataShard::TEvS3Upload: self# [1:3460:5424], upload# { Id: 1 Status: Complete Error: (empty maybe) Parts: [f8f51a1e4a70db44fa91cc2ab9680824,9eba675fd7f187274786dff2f47292df,921325fb6b8811df3d06a44dbe1f8523,4eeb6b90e8e61075275bd8a42f56bd69,2840a487abe8cb9502b3d9c8a8e1c942,607d8f6e3b235a360d63796efd3a51c2,ed22e08df7fb8840f7cabc779cc86885,efeff2c7731061edd9a39059cc078045,4af01cb3455932f28e3bba713dcd57c9,dc94d36ecf3b36d183d75c84b9b2fac6,e2ce425dd2bb582abcc13d0d714c3554,b71e46686939d2cdf046520dd2774281,ab731a82a161e5e044b24e895a1713d6,1df51aaec89711e13a6f95c13113e36c,b6066b2ed343831b1b0ee0076179981e,332d34d77adc2b024a33d87e07d4233f,cf0093cc99590a0e8f9c199ed6deca07,8cc923ec76224e69263ac93b7bfabd30,690d66897e0780f2dfe3614e5a659a22,7502aae0ec253663b1cbfdc8ede92ab9,7d2c6f728ee0c12097dfe5441970b946,5fc7b9b675e0a125eea67cf05f82627f,fc8c5faa99cc7f4ce7ca320f8e7adb58,8e305c5aca758683ff25407a7bbd9220,181bce9c6393e22a0ac359a7b45d8187,639677548f0a8b776a6db92f44d96505,390ff8f57cfa4c04bfbed0d7a63c90e8,3dd76756e6558fd6c8c918210f7dc136,a3f5254fdad3ded54edef910e704c151,e9186373f80dbaa55dd04d07621de277,8898b965060a431b499261ec0cd3cee3,3ed51c736e64defe04980ce328b17aa4,bb0e45971888796588c12ea1c1bec162,e2b3defa84005d3892986ca6894b811f,656c7c809c8c8485f6e91892591cd284,779c6827126f255bde25ae242bf4c8ff,8883fc9b073e683558f1231c5f2142d0,19390a0e3340bcb6ccfe866a790f05cb,305182d3e9745fba3aad1973bb1bfc93,002819d72a6dc7954ecc1bcd2bd20254,325c6bc3cdd6fd83083cf0126c606218,b86932903843b9626e80bd9ccb5d0571,b5054116537a7c467bdb488c9d67dee7,fc3a45bd17a00b147e4f9c55bc2493da,1118e2f41e8839211163250796a65dce,b403ff17c2c269a79201a03ce439dc2a,88f2692ee439cfadef1cd21d58aac8d3,e5bef12f89b101af84d52299a5867d99,ed613335180c53f69d450ef8b176a4d5,150fd7dcdc86eb38c7f821ff4698d8bc,a0c18bf08acc6ebecac04a2520efee9b,e8463d7ce8f502d1575a433c1b30a9af,f123e0fc879e2fdc2c3e2f698fc4176d,d7ab79d73e4648e0a2bf8dec3a19c019,4e74b82f6a8ea7fad8790ee7dfcdb76e,f72bb1d8aa0f5c9265bae10a3784d8e8,924b317371d16363a37962b17a2ae4bb,7214b458c7e25c791e54bd430b835a6e,e79dba1b56122372af3fe7b06ea91bda,6aae345b94d78fc7c1ed0b8697cf5e62,fd3636ed699facb5f0c12f81741cabc5,2c4a198408c3eb9577fcd339ca62c539,59fbf761f9b7574b65fa6877b167bb8c,14f9f5cfdf3a6c33c577a54429b19cb6,c6d078b3be9cd7943e8145fd982baeef,198f55ae25539fbd54a4a6075beac2d1,939123b44e362c76a151a85af0247fb7,0147f8bd741be7780cbc900b6f4b0899,43453200aeaf201420737354cd73cfe4,de26d1339779fe0c538d01d5963fd423,5c903650e719f959dc9f37ea360c6319,23607b3f36e0a2abae7f1ed8e38596f3,0db9af920c6d1cf868e470bf7a349747,aed6ac19c60d08500582eea9dadcdfee,3f4e37ddd3e2e56a725323fad4d85cf6,942b269af420b4277d025cea489dcb25,89eddc25ba615b6cf09b9cd9a11a16bb,1d8e7f0613dc1919ee90133c468380bd,8bf1e4c1266d8437c1bd85e0fca6640a,e9eabcf5b61cf257f530b156dbd77a88,411f1661ae7650d2144e8c6f8a33b28f,6706ec5b8771e555779d5cbeca41aa75,b3a33ef21a8224ddc78a52e8d7ca8357,58749d344f42c192e572eda4ee66fb01,381aeb5ee3014e2c0fd9b85bd59ce005,9aed2297cd10dce10d68de3ff1830b42,be88e095fc3a13708b714db03b1f2744,5628e81ee17fb22fc828ed1b2169578b,a1cfb563fa4af884fe02ced05c26c881,fc602b8ee2e9746fb52823f8fd1f0f28,a1de256e94c7baa9b8ab905c892d1a14,6bff895b0b5f3552ad4bdc61b0d24148,fcba1d258a8651d831767b42e010e439,bef6e3d7088e671809fe584531f96971,f0b489242271d11200dbdbc78e4ce715,372d2d6877fff7c04433e492ad4dbd45,32191cf1972dcccd59c0b5a8b53d4f23,25928b7997b97ac58f18fbbe589573e8,472e53a27497661c6400410909405c4e,07948e0a68f06f5448ded1da99ca111c,d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] } REQUEST: POST /data_00.csv.zst?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:13934 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 8AB5D072-DE77-4C61-B5E4-7F9B9771A522 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 11529 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /data_00.csv.zst / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.756139Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExternalStorage::TEvCompleteMultipartUploadResponse: self# [1:3460:5424], result# CompleteMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: data_00.csv.zst ETag: c902b621cdd1ee89b9f1c4e6c36e6e45 } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.756568Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:3459:5423], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:43.809863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:43.812536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:43.812757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:43.823901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:334:2313] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.824964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:43.825134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:43.836206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:43.836283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:3443:5408] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 |79.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/load_test/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnTimestamp64 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:34.299386Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:34.300066Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:34.300354Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017b0/r3tmp/tmp2o6Ak7/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:34.876949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:34.933319Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:34.987916Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:34.988080Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:35.003336Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:35.092654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:35.140553Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.140884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.207459Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.207624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.209410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.209509Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.209564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.210022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.210191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.210330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.222726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:35.279830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280278Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280536Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.280843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.281110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.281230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.284639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.298809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.298955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:35.472318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.491937Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:35.492057Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.492454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.492509Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.492569Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.492883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.493106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.494007Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.494103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.515819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:35.516347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.527335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.527413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.527962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:35.528067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.529746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.529800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.529874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.538247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:35.538394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.538566Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.544750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.551392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:35.551500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.552594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:35.567285Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:35.567411Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:35.567498Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:35.574196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:35.580398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.754202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.757531Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:35.880301Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.537406Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gapqcfazyaygxakthzzjz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmNkNGNlNzAtNWRlY2EzNmItMTgyZmMxMTUtYzQ2ZmI2OQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:36.561050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:36.561357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.577335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.335655Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.335696Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.335743Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.336157Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:44.336340Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.336542Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:44.336626Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.338372Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.350542Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.350658Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:44.536399Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:44.537434Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:44.537497Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.537849Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.542006Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:44.542117Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.542460Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.542635Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:44.543325Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.550236Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:44.550862Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:44.551300Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.553198Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.553256Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.553822Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:44.558993Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560139Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560203Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560265Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560336Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560391Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:44.560489Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.561878Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.564365Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:44.564442Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.565093Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:44.603259Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:44.603417Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:44.603563Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:44.641640Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:44.657419Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.882762Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:44.886464Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:44.925636Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:45.195025Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gazhg50n19pj3qx7mp4d8, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjA4NmExY2YtYmVjZGQ4YTgtZDM1MGJjNjAtYTQyZjBkMDY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:45.195758Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:850:2686], serverId# [2:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.196024Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.210744Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.210924Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.224294Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.225476Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.254777Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.254884Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255268Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255327Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255677Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255738Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255788Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255859Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.255966Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:858:2693], serverId# [2:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.257095Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.257522Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.257778Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.257829Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.257885Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:45.270394Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.270494Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.271295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.271592Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.271755Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.271817Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389013Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389105Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389590Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389642Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389684Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:45.389835Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.398449Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.398607Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestModifyConfigItem [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestRemoveConfigItem >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-54 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-55 |79.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/unittest >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenDropTable [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenCopyTable >> TCertificateAuthUtilsTest::ClientCertAuthorizationParamsMatch [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestRemoveConfigSubscriptions [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestListConfigSubscriptions >> TCertificateCheckerTest::CheckSubjectDns >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-61 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-62 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-60 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-61 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotFailOnMissingRows [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-ExternalHive ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::EraseRowsShouldFailOnVariousErrors [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:36.365160Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.365528Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:36.365746Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017c6/r3tmp/tmpXAnnLG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:37.222517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:37.291771Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:37.343825Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:37.343982Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:37.355734Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:37.472170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:37.553440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:37.553875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:37.706852Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:37.707079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709140Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709689Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:37.709973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:37.722725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761509Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:37.761617Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770584Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.770836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:37.771082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.771394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:37.771529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.778710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.790619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.790762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:37.964307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:38.000301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:38.000412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.018719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.018808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:38.018884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.019192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:38.019404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:38.020343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.020428Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:38.022805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:38.023290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:38.046155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:38.046275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.047160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:38.047263Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.048948Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.049015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.049093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.049174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:38.049236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:38.049360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.070873Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.083167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:38.083294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.084465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:38.122517Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:38.122708Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:38.122789Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:38.135442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:38.171427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.375647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:38.387991Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:38.585298Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:39.772911Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gas6y4ezmf450a0haybjq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTkzMzdjZjAtZThmOGFlZDctMzAxNTQwOGUtODE5MmUyNGQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:39.791638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.791932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:39.810561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 37968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:45.233208Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:45.290723Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:663:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.291095Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:45.424471Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:45.424637Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:45.426803Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.426931Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.426997Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.427420Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:45.427654Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:45.427771Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.441815Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:45.441938Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442075Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442191Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442243Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442293Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442375Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.442876Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443144Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443249Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443795Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.443974Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.444234Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.444360Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.448004Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.466583Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.466730Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:45.640742Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.641859Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:45.654153Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.654809Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.654871Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.654927Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.655238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.655405Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.656215Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.656309Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:45.656802Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:45.657197Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.667506Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.667604Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.668190Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:45.668279Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669169Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669218Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669270Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669366Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669424Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:45.669517Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.679666Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.682310Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:45.682407Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.683147Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:45.697994Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:737:2619], serverId# [2:738:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.698225Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.722866Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.722964Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.723362Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:737:2619], serverId# [2:738:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.725682Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:743:2625], serverId# [2:744:2626], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.725882Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.730339Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.730416Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.730767Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:743:2625], serverId# [2:744:2626], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.733141Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:748:2630], serverId# [2:749:2631], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.733307Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.733492Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.733555Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.733796Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:748:2630], serverId# [2:749:2631], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.740474Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:753:2635], serverId# [2:754:2636], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.740722Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.740950Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.741009Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.741255Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:753:2635], serverId# [2:754:2636], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.747917Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:758:2640], serverId# [2:759:2641], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.748157Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.748503Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.748568Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.748807Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:758:2640], serverId# [2:759:2641], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.755312Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:763:2645], serverId# [2:764:2646], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:45.755535Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.755764Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.755823Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:45.756137Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:763:2645], serverId# [2:764:2646], sessionId# [0:0:0] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestRemoveConfigItem [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestRemoveConfigItems |79.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/unittest >> TCertificateAuthUtilsTest::ClientCertAuthorizationParamsMatch [GOOD] |79.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_continuous_backup |79.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_continuous_backup |79.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_continuous_backup >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileCommitOnBlobStorageFailure-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileTxAbortedOnSplit >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTableCompletesQuicklyRW+VolatileTxs ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_backup/unittest >> TBackupTests::ShouldSucceedOnLargeData_MinWriteBatch [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:43:45.183860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.276029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:43:45.276090Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:45.296558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.296951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.297104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.309842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.310118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.310852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.311150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.317101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.318693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.318810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.318962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:45.319065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.319130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:45.319404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.334490Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.510194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.510489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.510753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.510962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.511032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.519490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.519635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:43:45.519861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.519936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.519974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:43:45.520022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:43:45.522237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.522315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.522355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:43:45.524385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.524439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.524473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.524545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.528357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:43:45.530333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:43:45.530533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:43:45.531558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.531706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.531759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.532021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:43:45.532095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.532287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.532378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:43:45.540994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:45.541384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:43:45.544258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.544399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:43:45.544435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.152272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.152421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409546 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 102 MinStep: 5000003 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:46.156289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 102:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:102 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:46.156444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 102, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72075186233409546 for txId: 102 at step: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:46.157206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000003, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.157332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 102 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.157394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TPropose, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, stepId: 5000003, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.157513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:44:46.157637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:46.230669Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Bootstrap: self# [1:3458:5422], attempt# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:46.270158Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvReady: self# [1:3458:5422], sender# [1:3457:5421] REQUEST: PUT /metadata.json HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:15315 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 397D5A38-301D-4932-93EF-F4FD305058A3 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 61 content-md5: 5ZuHSMjV1bVKZhThhMGD5g== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /metadata.json / / 61 2025-03-11T11:44:46.286796Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleMetadata TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: e59b8748c8d5d5b54a6614e184c183e6 } REQUEST: PUT /scheme.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:15315 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 8A45D537-2855-4D60-BCED-E2A437FD9AAB amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 357 content-md5: csvC5nqNTZsSLy4ymlp0/Q== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /scheme.pb / / 357 2025-03-11T11:44:46.301242Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 72cbc2e67a8d4d9b122f2e329a5a74fd } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.302372Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFeed: self# [1:3457:5421] 2025-03-11T11:44:46.302942Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer: self# [1:3458:5422], sender# [1:3457:5421], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvBuffer { Last: 1 Checksum: } REQUEST: PUT /data_00.csv.zst HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:15315 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 18D048A5-213C-490C-8768-AF0F8D2ED2B3 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 740 content-md5: P/a/uWmNWYxyRT1pAtAE7A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /data_00.csv.zst / / 740 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000003 State->FrontStep: 5000003 2025-03-11T11:44:46.311171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.311265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:46.311571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.311625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:46.312025Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [s3] HandleData TEvExternalStorage::TEvPutObjectResponse: self# [1:3458:5422], result# PutObjectResult { ETag: 3ff6bfb9698d598c72453d6902d004ec } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.312079Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP INFO: [Export] [s3] Finish: self# [1:3458:5422], success# 1, error# , multipart# 0, uploadId# (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:44:46.312843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.312908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.313419Z node 1 :DATASHARD_BACKUP DEBUG: [Export] [scanner] Handle TEvExportScan::TEvFinish: self# [1:3457:5421], msg# NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvExportScan::TEvFinish { Success: 1 Error: } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.353680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.353863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.355231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.355308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 102, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:44:46.355360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:44:46.355471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.383775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 102, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TBackup TProposedWaitParts, opId: 102:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet# 72057594046678944 message# Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 102 Step: 0 Generation: 2 OpResult { Success: true Explain: "" BytesProcessed: 10000 RowsProcessed: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 102:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 102:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.423886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 102:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:46.424046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Unable to make a bill: kind# TBackup, opId# 102:0, reason# domain is not a serverless db, domain# /MyRoot, domainPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], IsDomainSchemeShard: 1, ParentDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], ResourcesDomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:46.440269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.440975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 102:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#102:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 102, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 102 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 102 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 102:0 2025-03-11T11:44:46.441828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:46.451958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:46.452042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:3443:5408] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenant [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantExtSubdomain >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestListConfigSubscriptions [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestReplaceConfigSubscriptions >> TSubscriberTest::InvalidNotification |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldNotFailOnMissingRows [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:17.484660Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:17.485031Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:17.485286Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001859/r3tmp/tmpZgZWnT/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:17.946858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:18.015252Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:18.067465Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:18.067617Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:18.079320Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:18.172977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:18.229556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:686:2584] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.229860Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.343753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.343911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.345709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.345822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.345880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.346404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.346589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.346692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:712:2584] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:18.348433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:689:2586] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.348658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.367990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.368274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.369745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.369837Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.371047Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.371426Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.372593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.372670Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:731:2586] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:18.373201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2588] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.373414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.393195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.393328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.394887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.394978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.395037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.395338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.395471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:18.395542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:737:2588] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:18.406664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.472679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.472997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:741:2615] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473655Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:742:2616] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.473875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.481679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:18.481760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:743:2617] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482691Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.482931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483052Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483415Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.483575Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484091Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:676:2579], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484279Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:18.484997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.485492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:677:2580], serverId# [1:709:2598], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.485548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.485577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.485605Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037890 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:18.485654Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.486119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.486322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:44:18.486394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.488631Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.488726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.502794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:18.502935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:18.503517Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:18.503576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:18.554671Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:678:2581], serverId# [1:760:2627], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:18.554862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:18.555037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 2 ... [2000:281474976715663] at 72075186224037888 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:44:48.532494Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.532997Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533062Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2000 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 19 Seqno# 6 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533126Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533291Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533334Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533370Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [2000:281474976715663] at 72075186224037890 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:44:48.533712Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.558882Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.558982Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2000 : 281474976715663] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:1101:2846], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559084Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 72075186224037888 {TEvReadSet step# 2000 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037888 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559134Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559260Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559390Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] HandlePlan TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037888, status# 2 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559498Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559568Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2000 : 281474976715663] from 72075186224037890 at tablet 72075186224037890 send result to client [3:1101:2846], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559633Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 72075186224037890 {TEvReadSet step# 2000 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037890 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559677Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559806Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559872Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] HandlePlan TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037890, status# 2 2025-03-11T11:44:48.559918Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Reply: txId# 281474976715663, status# OK, error# 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560218Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560271Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 4, at: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560404Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560447Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560480Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560552Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.560899Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [3:1095:2841], serverId# [3:1096:2842], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:48.562369Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.562864Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.563088Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.563141Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.563202Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:48.563481Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.563577Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.570123Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037889, TxId: 281474976715666, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:48.570531Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037889, TxId: 281474976715666, Size: 70, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.570768Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037889, TxId: 281474976715666, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.570826Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037889, TxId: 281474976715666, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.590075Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.590159Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715666, at: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.590745Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.590794Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.590838Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715666] at 72075186224037889 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:48.591007Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.591090Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.591152Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:48.600936Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.601400Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.601663Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.601714Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.601768Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715667] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:48.602052Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.602140Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.602909Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715667, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:48.603184Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715667, Size: 35, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.603337Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715667, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.603393Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715667, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.766394Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.766487Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715667, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767026Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767078Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767121Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715667] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767273Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767354Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.767405Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:48.779554Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780045Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780310Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780369Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780423Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780831Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.780926Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.781823Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:48.785853Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, Size: 35, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.786154Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.786224Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.875322Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.875404Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715668, at: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.875962Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.876010Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.876054Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:48.876205Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:48.876282Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:48.876329Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestRemoveConfigItems [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestConfigureOrderConflicts >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-61 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-62 >> TSubscriberTest::InvalidNotification [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-ExternalHive [GOOD] >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTablePlanComesNotTooEarlyRW+VolatileTxs |79.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-new_schemecache_ut |79.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-new_schemecache_ut |79.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/ydb-services-persqueue_v1-ut-new_schemecache_ut >> TCertificateCheckerTest::CheckSubjectDns [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndex+WithRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndexAndVolatileCommit+UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_subscriber/unittest >> TSubscriberTest::InvalidNotification [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.506178Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:34:2065][path] Handle NKikimr::TEvStateStorage::TEvResolveReplicasList 2025-03-11T11:44:51.508747Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:38:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:3:2050] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.508863Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:39:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:6:2053] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.508934Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:40:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:9:2056] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509016Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:34:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:35:2065] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509136Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:34:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:36:2065] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509194Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER NOTICE: [main][1:34:2065][path] Set up state: owner# [1:33:2064], state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 0 Version: DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements } 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509256Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:34:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { Path: path Version: 0 }: sender# [1:37:2065] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509293Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER INFO: [main][1:34:2065][path] Ignore empty state: owner# [1:33:2064], state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 0 Version: DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements }, other state# { Deleted: 1 Strong: 0 Version: DomainId: AbandonedSchemeShards: there are 0 elements } 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509452Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:34:2065][path] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { PathId: [OwnerId: 1, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 0 }: sender# [1:33:2064] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.509502Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER ERROR: [main][1:34:2065][path] Suspicious NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvNotify { PathId: [OwnerId: 1, LocalPathId: 1] Version: 0 }: sender# [1:33:2064] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_extsubdomain/unittest >> TSchemeShardExtSubDomainTest::CreateAndAlterThenDropChangesParent-AlterDatabaseCreateHiveFirst-ExternalHive [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:39.953883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:39.954762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:39.954851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:39.954890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:39.954939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:39.954968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:39.955056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:39.955135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:39.955489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:40.045707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:40.045768Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:40.064530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:40.064664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:40.064818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.095983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:40.097859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.098637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.099057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.110830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:40.112675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.126402Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:40.414817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.415079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.415303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.415500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.415573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:40.419727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:40.426792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.426872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.426910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:40.429323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.429386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.429447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.429507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.433262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:40.443213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:40.443483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:40.444598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.444762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.444815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.445073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:40.445127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.445306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.445395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:40.452982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.453016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.453047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.453120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:40.453157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:40.453212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:40.469538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.469686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:40.469723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... shard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.289757Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [7:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:51.290109Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.290186Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDeleteParts opId# 103:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:51.290255Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 103:0 135 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:51.291574Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.291705Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.291749Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.291788Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 7 2025-03-11T11:44:51.291825Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292613Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292745Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292785Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292818Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292853Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 7 2025-03-11T11:44:51.292925Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:51.316223Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:1 hive 72075186233409546 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.316439Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:3 hive 72075186233409546 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.316475Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:2 hive 72075186233409546 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.316504Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:4 hive 72075186233409546 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317079Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317147Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 103:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317322Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317376Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317433Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317482Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317535Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317602Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317661Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317715Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.317999Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 6 2025-03-11T11:44:51.318909Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.347584Z node 7 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1 TxId_Deprecated: 1 TabletID: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:51.347928Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.348352Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:44:51.348686Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.348810Z node 7 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 3 TxId_Deprecated: 3 TabletID: 72075186234409547 2025-03-11T11:44:51.349549Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 3 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.349802Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409547 2025-03-11T11:44:51.351255Z node 7 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:44:51.351445Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.351664Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:51.352930Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.389754Z node 7 :HIVE INFO: [72075186233409546] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 4 TxId_Deprecated: 4 TabletID: 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:44:51.390483Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId_Deprecated: 4 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.390776Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:44:51.392371Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.392448Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemoveSubDomain for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.392604Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 Forgetting tablet 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:44:51.443538Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.443638Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.443744Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453104Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453195Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 tabletId 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453504Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453560Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 tabletId 72075186234409547 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453653Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 2025-03-11T11:44:51.453679Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 tabletId 72075186234409546 2025-03-11T11:44:51.454253Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.454346Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:4 tabletId 72075186234409548 2025-03-11T11:44:51.456629Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedSubDomains Complete, done PersistRemoveSubDomain for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.456776Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.462390Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:51.462473Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.488341Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.488564Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:51.488626Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [7:580:2521] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:44:51.489591Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:51.489845Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_0" took 304us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:51.490068Z node 7 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/USER_0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TOlap::CreateStore >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-14 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-15 |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/security/certificate_check/ut/unittest >> TCertificateCheckerTest::CheckSubjectDns [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestConfigureOrderConflicts [GOOD] |79.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/health_check/ut/ydb-core-health_check-ut |79.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/health_check/ut/ydb-core-health_check-ut |79.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/health_check/ut/ydb-core-health_check-ut >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetItems >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestReplaceConfigSubscriptions [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForNewSubscription >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgTimestamp [GOOD] |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-12 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-13 >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestGetUpdatesFromHttpServer [GOOD] >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxCustomFieldsAndTags |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest |79.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut/ydb-core-cms-ut |79.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut/ydb-core-cms-ut |79.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut/ydb-core-cms-ut >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetItems [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetNodeItems >> HttpRequest::Analyze >> TOlap::CreateStore [GOOD] >> TOlap::CreateDropTable >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-42 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-43 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> EraseRowsTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldEraseOnPgTimestamp [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805407Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805839Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:34.806145Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017bb/r3tmp/tmpLCH2ux/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:35.462607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:35.568609Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:35.616399Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:35.616562Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:35.631327Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:35.735211Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:35.822711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.823139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.890908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.891097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.893205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.893328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.893410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.893863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.894148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:35.894293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.906925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:35.981255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.981522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:35.981713Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.981778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.981832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982042Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982897Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.982995Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:35.983049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.983169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:35.983359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.983675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:35.983822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.986658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.998923Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:35.999088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:36.176489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:36.188486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.188601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.189006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.189233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:36.197184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.197653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:36.197870Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:36.198915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.199003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:36.201428Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:36.202312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:36.205397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:36.205479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.206194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:36.206318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.207792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.207861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.207937Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.208027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:36.208084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:36.208179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.239856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.254490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:36.254618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.255925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:36.275714Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.275856Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.275967Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.292655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:36.308660Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.502609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:36.510686Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:36.614347Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:37.856024Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gaqdccef9wydm11vk6bk4, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmRkZWNlYjYtYWVjYWQzYjMtMTZjZjY2MmYtOGQxZmE1Yzc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:37.880658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:37.880982Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:37.906696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11 ... 86224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870198Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870247Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870300Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870563Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870716Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.870977Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.871116Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.873569Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.884813Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:51.885146Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:52.053747Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:52.063558Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.063659Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.063922Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.063984Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:52.064039Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.064342Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.064522Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:52.074335Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.074492Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:52.075132Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:52.075688Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.077818Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.077920Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.078950Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:44:52.079050Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.080644Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.080700Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.080767Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.080849Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:52.080913Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.081024Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.088074Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.090774Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:44:52.090903Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.091974Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:52.102750Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.102896Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.102993Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.109725Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:52.117496Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.298494Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.307106Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.345487Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:52.722595Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gb6w4eepe8hp1m8mgmtpa, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YWI5ODVlZGUtMTc1YTgxY2ItNTk3NTI0OWUtMTFiODc5ZWE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:44:52.723256Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:52.723497Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.738705Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.738861Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.747507Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:52.748766Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.762771Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(48) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.762865Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763103Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763146Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 3, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763452Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763526Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763581Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763644Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.763743Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:858:2693], serverId# [3:859:2694], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:52.764766Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765116Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765305Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765351Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765400Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765676Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.765745Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.766707Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:52.767050Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, Size: 48, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.767183Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.767234Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715661, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769183Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769235Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715661, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769652Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769695Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769731Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:44:52.769847Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:52.774223Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:52.774349Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> Cdc::UpdateRetentionPeriod [GOOD] >> Cdc::SupportedTypes |79.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::BadSids [GOOD] >> TTopicYqlTest::CreateTopicYqlBackCompatibility [GOOD] >> TOlap::CreateDropTable [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetNodeItems [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetNodeConfig >> BasicStatistics::TwoTables |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSharedTenant >> TPersQueueTest::CheckDecompressionTasksWithoutSession [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_InitWriteSession_DefaultTopicSupportedCodecsInInitResponse >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForNewSubscription [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForNewConfigItem |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_olap/unittest >> TOlap::CreateDropTable [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:53.336705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:53.337034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:53.427192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:53.427243Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:53.451026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:53.451513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:53.451665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.485375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:53.485654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:53.486398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.486753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.495909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.497479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.497580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.497681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:53.497738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:53.497782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:53.498034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.522460Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:53.722031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.722299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.722545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:53.722782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.722854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:53.729730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:53.739212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.739311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.739355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:53.742817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.742889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.742948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.743006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.747449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:53.750156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:53.750429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:53.751736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.751900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.751966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.752292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:53.752363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.752580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.752702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.755575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.755647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:53.755871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.755913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756675Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:53.756910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:53.759829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.759966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:53.760006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... INFO: TDropOlapStore TPropose operationId# 107:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, stepId: 5000007 2025-03-11T11:44:55.787425Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 128 -> 129 2025-03-11T11:44:55.787599Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.787675Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790165Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790337Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790479Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790514Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.790551Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791005Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791063Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropOlapStore TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 ProgressState at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791138Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TDropOlapStore TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 ProgressState wait for NotifyTxCompletionResult tabletId: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791666Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791760Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791789Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791820Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:55.791853Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792266Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792335Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792360Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792388Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 107, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 9 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792417Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:55.792472Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:55.796112Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 107:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409546 cookie: 72057594046678944:1 msg type: 275382275 2025-03-11T11:44:55.796225Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 107, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:55.797213Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.797269Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 107, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:55.797382Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409546 TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.797434Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 129 -> 130 2025-03-11T11:44:55.798993Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.799111Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800078Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800247Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800298Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropOlapStore TProposedDeleteParts operationId# 107:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800385Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800522Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800561Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800623Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800657Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800698Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800740Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800786Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:0 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800817Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:0 2025-03-11T11:44:55.800967Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:55.803018Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free shard 72057594046678944:1 hive 72057594037968897 at ss 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.803510Z node 2 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] TEvDeleteTablet, msg: ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1 TxId_Deprecated: 1 TabletID: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:55.803739Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Free tablet reply, message: Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 1 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardLocalIdx: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.804488Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason shard deleted for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 Forgetting tablet 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:55.805304Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186233409546;self_id=[2:307:2294];ev=NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvTabletDead;fline=columnshard_impl.cpp:1157;event=tablet_die; 2025-03-11T11:44:55.808829Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.808900Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.808987Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.811890Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 2025-03-11T11:44:55.811972Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Close pipe to deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:1 tabletId 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:44:55.812278Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 107, wait until txId: 107 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.812590Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:44:55.812635Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.813175Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 107, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.813283Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:55.813323Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [2:645:2616] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 2025-03-11T11:44:55.814001Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/OlapStore" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.814195Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/OlapStore" took 262us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:55.814366Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/OlapStore\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/OlapStore" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.815014Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 Options { }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.815103Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe pathId 2 took 92us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:55.815185Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'\', error: path is empty" Path: "" PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest |79.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/ydb-core-actorlib_impl-ut |79.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/ydb-core-actorlib_impl-ut |79.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/ydb-core-actorlib_impl-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-61 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-62 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-66 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-67 >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestGetNodeConfig [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestAutoOrder |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> TContinuousBackupTests::Basic >> TContinuousBackupTests::TakeIncrementalBackup >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-20 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-21 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-55 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-56 >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnDeadShard [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithPendingVolatileCommit-UseSink [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ReadSessionWithExplicitlySpecifiedPartitions [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::SettingsValidation >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTableCompletesQuicklyRW+VolatileTxs [GOOD] >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTableCompletesQuicklyRW-VolatileTxs >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-62 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-63 >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-StrictAclCheck |79.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestAutoOrder [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestAutoSplit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-62 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-63 >> TPersQueueNewSchemeCacheTest::TestWriteStat1stClass >> TPersqueueControlPlaneTestSuite::SetupReadLockSessionWithDatabase >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithBlobsRateLimit [GOOD] >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithUserPayloadRateLimit ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/unittest >> DistributedEraseTests::ConditionalEraseRowsShouldFailOnDeadShard [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:33.246177Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:33.246719Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:33.246979Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017d1/r3tmp/tmpvTSA6q/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:34.120938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:34.206765Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:34.258516Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:34.258675Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:34.271336Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:34.375530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:34.507495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:686:2584] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.507851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.631687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.631867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.633787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.638129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.638260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.638777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.639047Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.639161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:712:2584] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:34.641324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:689:2586] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.641587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.672204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.672486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.678288Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.678409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.678462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.678802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.680096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.680164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:731:2586] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:34.680716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2588] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.680968Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.704869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.705008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.710730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.710822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.710869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.711237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.711407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:34.711481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:737:2588] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:44:34.722582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.804879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805134Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:741:2615] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.805843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.809967Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:742:2616] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.810943Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811004Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811080Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:743:2617] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811240Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.811962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:676:2579], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.812943Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.813024Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.813232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.813482Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:44:34.813595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.818381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:677:2580], serverId# [1:709:2598], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.818516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.818554Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.818591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037890 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:44:34.818660Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.819039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.819284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:44:34.819405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.821822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.826351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.838854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:34.838995Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:34.839636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:34.839709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:44:34.894804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:678:2581], serverId# [1:760:2627], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:34.894995Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:34.895175Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037890 txId 2 ... egularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Uint32 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527428Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Handle TEvDataShard::TEvEraseRowsRequest 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527615Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Propose tx: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037890, keys# 3, dependents# 0, dependencies# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527750Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Propose tx: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037888, keys# 3, dependents# 0, dependencies# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527823Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Propose tx: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037889, keys# 3, dependents# 2, dependencies# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528157Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528390Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared DistributedErase transaction txId 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528856Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528971Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared DistributedErase transaction txId 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.529233Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.529357Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared DistributedErase transaction txId 281474976715663 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.540908Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541016Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541177Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541242Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037890 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541316Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] HandlePropose TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037888, status# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541458Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541534Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] HandlePropose TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037889, status# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541608Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541641Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541704Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] HandlePropose TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult: txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037890, status# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541743Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Register plan: txId# 281474976715663, minStep# 1506, maxStep# 31506 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541829Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541870Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.554932Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnDetach: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.555117Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.557734Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: [DistEraser] [3:1101:2846] Reply: txId# 281474976715663, status# SHARD_UNKNOWN, error# Tx state unknown: reason# lost pipe while waiting for reply (plan), txId# 281474976715663, shard# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.557998Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Client pipe to tablet 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037889 is reset 2025-03-11T11:44:57.558061Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Client pipe to tablet 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037890 is reset 2025-03-11T11:44:57.558839Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.558894Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Conditional erase complete: cookie: 4, at: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.559043Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.559102Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.559150Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.559217Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.559774Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [3:1095:2841], serverId# [3:1096:2842], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:44:57.586878Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [3:1112:2856] 2025-03-11T11:44:57.587256Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.593530Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.595029Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.597676Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.597780Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.597856Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.598385Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.598781Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.598870Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [3:1127:2856] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:44:57.615416Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.615613Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.615780Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616195Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [3:1130:2864] 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616254Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616318Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616366Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616675Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchemaDefaults.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616892Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchemaDefaults.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.626738Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.626865Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627049Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 1505 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627099Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627214Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627430Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627510Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627560Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627615Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627777Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Start TTxProgressResendRS at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627832Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Resend RS at 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037888 to 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627884Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS 1 at 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037888 to 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628067Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Start TTxProgressResendRS at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628100Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Resend RS at 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037888 to 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628128Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS 2 at 72075186224037888 from 72075186224037888 to 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628230Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 1500 next step 1505 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628318Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628411Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037889 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 1505 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628482Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Outdated readset for 1505:281474976715662 at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628542Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628608Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 72075186224037889 {TEvReadSet step# 1505 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628850Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 consumer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.628960Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715662 2025-03-11T11:44:57.629022Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 1505 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 2 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.629059Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Outdated readset for 1505:281474976715662 at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.629098Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:44:57.629137Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 72075186224037890 {TEvReadSet step# 1505 txid# 281474976715662 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 2 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.629222Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715662 >> TContinuousBackupTests::Basic [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodesWhenTroublesWithSharedNodes >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestAutoSplit [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestValidation >> TContinuousBackupTests::TakeIncrementalBackup [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/unittest >> TContinuousBackupTests::Basic [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:58.293841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.388201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:58.388274Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:58.408456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.408945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.409126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.425807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.426100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.426793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.427113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.432792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.434728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.443264Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.570889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.571090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.571263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.571425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.571526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.575629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.575785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:58.576038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.576111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.576161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:58.576196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:58.578569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.578653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.578699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:58.580674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.580729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.580793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.580847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.584807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:58.590687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:58.590921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:58.591892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.592669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.602952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.603336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:58.605680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.605813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.605850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... : 104, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:59.481958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.482047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.482075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.482104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:59.491553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.491661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.491920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Deleted shardIdx 72057594046678944:2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.492418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.493054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.493546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.493590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.526972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 853 } } 2025-03-11T11:44:59.527034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.527322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 853 } } 2025-03-11T11:44:59.527451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72057594046678944, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409546 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 5000005 OrderId: 104 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409546 CpuTimeUsec: 853 } } FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.528643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.528704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409546, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.528861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.528923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.529025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 306 RawX2: 4294969589 } Origin: 72075186233409546 State: 2 TxId: 104 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.529110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.529158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.529195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 104:0, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.529247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:59.558891Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.559428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.559838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.559904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.560815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.561196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.561240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.561325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.561382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.561424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.578787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:44:59.578872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:724:2639] 2025-03-11T11:44:59.579358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 2 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 2025-03-11T11:44:59.580039Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.580390Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl" took 353us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:59.580580Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot/Table\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2])" Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot/Table" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 2 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.581199Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.581968Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" took 518us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:44:59.582192Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot/Table\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2])" Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot/Table" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 2 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/unittest >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithPendingVolatileCommit-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:52.309187Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:52.309616Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:52.309866Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d25/r3tmp/tmp3uTTe1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:52.812438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:52.868873Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:52.915212Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.916051Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.916216Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:52.916392Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.931140Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.024115Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.024213Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.024374Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.265855Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:53.266228Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.267000Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:42:53.267103Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:53.267473Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.267683Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:53.267811Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.268177Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.269849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:53.271236Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.271323Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.373702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:53.387320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:53.387904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.388284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.505513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.506488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.506641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.508453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.508541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.508647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.509054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.509215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.509303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.509833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.574815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.575936Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576042Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576327Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576683Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576827Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576865Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.576976Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577263Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577560Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.577978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578092Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.578241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.579490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.579544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.579578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.579622Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Prop ... 2075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324019Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324105Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324261Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037888 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324380Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324501Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [13:664:2568], Recipient [13:755:2633]: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324533Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324566Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324646Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037889 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324696Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324794Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [13:755:2633], Recipient [13:664:2568]: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324831Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324864Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.324910Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037888 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325136Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3041 : 281474976715663] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [13:981:2779], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325482Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [13:664:2568], Recipient [13:755:2633]: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325520Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325550Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325618Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037889 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.325741Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3041 : 281474976715663] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [13:981:2779], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms TEvProposeTransactionResult: TxKind: TX_KIND_DATA Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715663 TxResult: "" ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 2220 } } ComputeActorStats { Tasks { Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-1" WriteRows: 1 WriteBytes: 8 } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.326824Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.327209Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 TEvProposeTransactionResult: TxKind: TX_KIND_DATA Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715663 TxResult: "" ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 0 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 1181 } } ComputeActorStats { Tasks { Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-2" WriteRows: 1 WriteBytes: 8 } } } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.327957Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.331327Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.331610Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [13:664:2568], Recipient [13:755:2633]: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037888 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.331719Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:44:57.331803Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.338745Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:44:57.339750Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [13:755:2633], Recipient [13:664:2568]: {TEvReadSet step# 3041 txid# 281474976715663 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037889 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.339874Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:44:57.339956Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 consumer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:44:57.596048Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:44:57.596179Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715667 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:44:57.597540Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gbbzv9evjsr9pk5s6c37q, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YjAwOTBmOGItZmU2Yjk2NDAtM2EyZWZhZjgtNzJjY2ViODU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root TEvRead: ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 2025-03-11T11:44:57.601800Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [13:1105:2899], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602053Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602173Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v3041/281474976715663 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v4000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v4001/0 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v4001/0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602265Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v4001/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602397Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602567Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602651Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602727Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602789Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602856Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:7] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602925Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602954Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:44:57.602979Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:44:57.603004Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:44:57.603174Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Columns: 3 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.603688Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[13:1105:2899], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.603787Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[13:1105:2899], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 96, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242784, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.603929Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[13:1105:2899], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604041Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604075Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604103Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604128Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604173Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604192Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604224Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604296Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.604454Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:44:57.605561Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [13:1105:2899], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.605650Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 11 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 22 } } >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForNewConfigItem [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForModifiedConfigItem >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTablePlanComesNotTooEarlyRW+VolatileTxs [GOOD] >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTablePlanComesNotTooEarlyRW-VolatileTxs >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenCopyTable [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenBulkUpsert ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/unittest >> TContinuousBackupTests::TakeIncrementalBackup [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:44:58.664778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:44:58.665003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.740698Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:58.740744Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:58.774939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.775501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.775680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.814659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.814906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:58.815637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.815980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.826745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:58.828664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.846897Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:44:59.063713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.063978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.064220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.064459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.064517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:44:59.079902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.087387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.087491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.087544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:44:59.089820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.089884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.089963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.090024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.093799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:44:59.106738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:44:59.107030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.108995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.109085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.117873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.117941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:59.118797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:44:59.121227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.121334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.121369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 103:1, datashard: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.389997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 103:1 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:45:00.392427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 103:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 103:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 103:1 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:1 progress is 4/4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:1 progress is 4/4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 4/4, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:332:2311] message: TxId: 103 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 4/4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:45:00.401880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:1 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:1 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:2 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:2 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:3 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:3 2025-03-11T11:45:00.402304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:45:00.409489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:45:00.409577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [1:719:2623] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:45:00.410271Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.410548Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" took 289us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:45:00.411000Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" PathDescription { Self { Name: "IncrBackupImpl" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "IncrBackupImpl" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_incrBackupImpl_deleted" Type: "Bool" TypeId: 6 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__incremental_backup" Value: "{}" } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.411658Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.411840Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" took 184us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:45:00.412283Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" PathDescription { Self { Name: "streamImpl" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 102 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeStreamImpl Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409548 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "streamImpl" PathId: 4 TotalGroupCount: 1 PartitionPerTablet: 2 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 } TopicName: "continuousBackupImpl" TopicPath: "/MyRoot/Table/continuousBackupImpl/streamImpl" YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionKeySchema { Name: "key" TypeId: 4 } MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_REQUEST_UNITS OffloadConfig { IncrementalBackup { DstPath: "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" DstPathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 5 } } } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409547 Status: Active } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409548 NextPartitionId: 1 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.413237Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.413464Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" took 214us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:45:00.414870Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/IncrBackupImpl" PathDescription { Self { Name: "IncrBackupImpl" PathId: 5 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 103 CreateStep: 5000004 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "IncrBackupImpl" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint64" TypeId: 4 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "__ydb_incrBackupImpl_deleted" Type: "Bool" TypeId: 6 Id: 3 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 4 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__incremental_backup" Value: "{}" } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TTopicYqlTest::CreateTopicYqlBackCompatibility [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:09.505498Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515631570743332:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:09.512824Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.468132Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc4/r3tmp/tmpMXPdw1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:11.659308Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.741576Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:11.808692Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:12.162008Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:12.162152Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:12.163492Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:12.163540Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:12.182445Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:12.202498Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:12.203108Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:12.213066Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7122, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:12.633789Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc4/r3tmp/yandexS9Mmpi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.633812Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc4/r3tmp/yandexS9Mmpi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.642019Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc4/r3tmp/yandexS9Mmpi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.642205Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:12.765963Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 14871 GrpcPort 7122 TClient is connected to server localhost:14871 PQClient connected to localhost:7122 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:14.064862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:14.186050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:14.465323Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515631570743332:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:14.465385Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:20.166533Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515678815384725:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.166655Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.167941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515678815384760:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.172581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710662:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.259668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710662, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.259909Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515678815384762:2354], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710662 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.700323Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515678815384853:2788] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.728087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.867515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.893835Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515678815384870:2361], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:5:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:20.897084Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmM4NzE2MWYtODU3NDBjNzYtNjY4MjdlYjktN2VlOWVjNg==, ActorId: [1:7480515678815384721:2347], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4qv2bq8xjg76epb29jr3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:20.900084Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:21.098390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:41:21.783881Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g4s181n92sv9r8be8x8m3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmQ3MzJlYTctYjg5NDNiNjktYWQ0NDY0NS1lZDlkODU4OA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480515683110352626:3140] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:41:27.098286Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480515640160678257:2165], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.098539Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480515640160678257:2165], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /Root PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.098637Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480515640160678257:2165], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /Root PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480515640160678355:2233] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 14 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693274167 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:41:27.098728Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480515640160678257:2165], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480515640160678355:2233] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 14 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693274167 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: Root TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 14 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:41:27.098905Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480515708880156751:3353], recipient# [1:7480515708880156750:3352], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: B ... gePercent# 0 scaleThresholdSeconds# 300 totalPartitionWriteSpeed# 1048576 sourceIdCount=0 canSplit=0 Topic: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1". Partition: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423414Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommitDone Step 1741693490390, TxId 281474976720678, Partition 1 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423445Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423468Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, State EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423512Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678 State EXECUTING FrontTxId 281474976720678 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423530Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423564Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId: 281474976720678 send TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult(COMPLETE) 2025-03-11T11:44:50.423596Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] complete TxId 281474976720678 2025-03-11T11:44:50.424161Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Apply new config PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 2 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" Version: 0 LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 0 PartitionStrategy { MinPartitionCount: 2 MaxPartitionCount: 5 ScaleThresholdSeconds: 300 ScaleUpPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 90 ScaleDownPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 30 PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:50.424291Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72075186224037892] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:44:50.424437Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete partitions for TxId 281474976720678 2025-03-11T11:44:50.424475Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, NewState EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:44:50.424506Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678 moved from EXECUTING to EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:44:50.425037Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976720678] save tx TxId: 281474976720678 State: EXECUTED MinStep: 1741693490040 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 Step: 1741693490390 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_CONFIG TabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 2 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" Version: 0 LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 0 PartitionStrategy { MinPartitionCount: 2 MaxPartitionCount: 5 ScaleThresholdSeconds: 300 ScaleUpPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 90 ScaleDownPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 30 PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } } BootstrapConfig { } SourceActor { RawX1: 7480516504554366377 RawX2: 107374184612 } Partitions { Partition { PartitionId: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:44:50.428890Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471546Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471592Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471616Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, State EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471640Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678 State EXECUTED FrontTxId 281474976720678 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471670Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TPersQueue::SendEvReadSetAckToSenders 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471687Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, NewState WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471703Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678 moved from EXECUTED to WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471725Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976720678] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471731Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] HaveAllRecipientsReceive 1, AllSupportivePartitionsHaveBeenDeleted 1 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471748Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976720678] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471771Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] add an TxId 281474976720678 to the list for deletion 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471794Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, NewState DELETING 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471820Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete key for TxId 281474976720678 2025-03-11T11:44:50.471892Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) TClient::Ls request: /Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1 2025-03-11T11:44:50.493957Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:44:50.494007Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state DELETING 2025-03-11T11:44:50.494031Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976720678, State DELETING 2025-03-11T11:44:50.494057Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete TxId 281474976720678 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" PathId: 13 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976720678 CreateStep: 1741693490390 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186224037894 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" PathId: 13 TotalGroupCount: 2 PartitionPerTablet: 1 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 10... (TRUNCATED) === PATH DESCRIPTION: Name: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" PathId: 13 TotalGroupCount: 2 PartitionPerTablet: 1 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" PartitionStrategy { MinPartitionCount: 2 MaxPartitionCount: 5 ScaleThresholdSeconds: 300 ScaleUpPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 90 ScaleDownPartitionWriteSpeedThresholdPercent: 30 PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037893 KeyRange { ToBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186224037892 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active } AlterVersion: 1 BalancerTabletID: 72075186224037894 NextPartitionId: 2 2025-03-11T11:44:50.959602Z node 25 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [25:7480516581863779862:2509] TxId: 281474976720680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gb5qe96bxyy6sa0y2wdtb, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=25&id=YzFkNGE2ODItNDBmZTZjOWUtYjI3ZDdiM2UtYWE0NmViNA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. UNAVAILABLE: Failed to send EvStartKqpTasksRequest because node is unavailable: 26 2025-03-11T11:44:50.994097Z node 25 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [25:7480516581863779866:2509], TxId: 281474976720680, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gb5qe96bxyy6sa0y2wdtb. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=25&id=YzFkNGE2ODItNDBmZTZjOWUtYjI3ZDdiM2UtYWE0NmViNA==. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [25:7480516581863779862:2509], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSharedTenant [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateServerlessTenant >> THealthCheckTest::Issues100Groups100VCardListing >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-15 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-16 >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileTxAbortedOnSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileTxAbortedOnDrop >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestValidation [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestCheckConfigUpdates >> THealthCheckTest::YellowGroupIssueWhenPartialGroupStatus |79.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-13 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-14 >> TCmsTest::CollectInfo >> TCmsTest::ActionIssuePartialPermissions >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestCheckConfigUpdates [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestManageValidators >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterDecompressingTheData_Uncompressed [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterReadingTheData_Uncompressed >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimit >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesMultipleNodes >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteAndReadAndCommitRandomMessagesNoClusterDiscovery [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteEncoded >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTableCompletesQuicklyRW-VolatileTxs [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-43 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-44 >> TCmsTest::CollectInfo [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::DynamicConfig >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestManageValidators [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestDryRun >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForModifiedConfigItem [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForModifiedConfigItemScope >> TPersQueueTest::PartitionsMapping [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::MessageMetadata >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-62 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-63 >> TCmsTest::DynamicConfig [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::DisabledEvictVDisks >> TCmsTest::ActionIssuePartialPermissions [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ActionWithZeroDuration ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/unittest >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTableCompletesQuicklyRW-VolatileTxs [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:54.170930Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.171272Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:54.171453Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bb0/r3tmp/tmpNlvDdf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:54.636269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.652294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.654264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.655348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:44:54.658068Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:44:54.658139Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 step# 500 Status# 16 SEND to# [1:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:44:54.685443Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:54.689917Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Merged config: { } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732237Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvRegisterNode from [1:331:2371] HiveId: 72057594037968897 ServicedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } TabletAvailability { Type: Mediator Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Dummy Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: KeyValue Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Coordinator Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Hive Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SchemeShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: DataShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: PersQueue Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: PersQueueReadBalancer Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Kesus Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SysViewProcessor Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: ColumnShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SequenceShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: ReplicationController Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: StatisticsAggregator Priority: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732416Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxRegisterNode(1)::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732586Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732635Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732688Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732750Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732793Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.732920Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:54.733265Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:54.733320Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessBootQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.733359Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessWaitQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.733411Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue - BootQueue empty (WaitQueue: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.733570Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo NodeId 1 Location DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" 2025-03-11T11:44:54.745499Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxRegisterNode(1)::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:54.745605Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1) Ping([1:331:2371]) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.745719Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746275Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::Handle::TEvSyncTablets 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746370Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxSyncTablets([1:331:2371])::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746418Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746521Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxSyncTablets([1:331:2371])::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746734Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvStatus for Node 1: Status: 0 StartTime: 0 ResourceMaximum { Memory: 270443319296 } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746797Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(1)::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:54.746848Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747007Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 AddRegisteredDataCentersNode(1, 1) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747071Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747134Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747297Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747342Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessBootQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747372Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessWaitQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.747409Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue - BootQueue empty (WaitQueue: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.760322Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(1)::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:54.760432Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:54.842489Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 1 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:44:54.842621Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.842979Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 1000 in 0.500000s at 0.950000s 2025-03-11T11:44:54.843617Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Send from# 72057594046316545 to mediator# 72057594046382081, step# 500, txid# 1 marker# C2 2025-03-11T11:44:54.843724Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 stepId# 500 Status# 17 SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# [1:408:2403] Proxy 2025-03-11T11:44:54.844864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 500, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.846398Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# 72057594046382081 2025-03-11T11:44:54.846520Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:44:54.846575Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:44:54.846633Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:44:54.847395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:54.847490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:54.848608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:54.855916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/table-1, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.857247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.857338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:54.862734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715657, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/table-1 2025-03-11T11:44:54.867891Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvHive::TEvCreateTablet(DataShard(72057594046644480,1)) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.890145Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 2 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.890297Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Hive 72057594037968897 allocated TabletId 72075186224037888 from TabletIdIndex 65536 2025-03-11T11:44:54.890615Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for type DataShard: {} 2025-03-11T11:44:54.890719Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for object (72057594046644480,2): {} 2025-03-11T11:44:54.890808Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for profile 'default': {Memory: 1048576} 2025-03-11T11:44:54.891043Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 CreateTabletFollowers Tablet DataShard.72075186224037888.Leader.0 2025-03-11T11:44:54.891740Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute TabletId: 72075186224037888 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:44:54.891917Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::AssignTabletGroups TEvControllerSelectGroups tablet 72075186224037888 GroupParameters { StoragePoolSpecifier { Name: "/Root:test" } } ReturnAllMatchingGroups: true 2025-03-11T11:44:54.892942Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Connected to tablet 72057594037932033 from tablet 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:44:54.893290Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::Handle TEvControllerSelectGroupsResult: success Status: OK NewStyleQuerySupported: true MatchingGroups { Groups { ErasureSpecies: 0 GroupID: 2181038080 StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" AssuredResources { } CurrentResources { } PhysicalGroup: true Decommitted: false } } 2025-03-11T11:44:54.893416Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}(72075186224037888,HIVE_REASSIGN_REASON_NO,[]) 2025-03-11T11:44:54.893493Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 0 assigned to group 2181038080 2025-03-11T11:44:54.893671Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 1 assigned to group 2181038080 2025-03-11T11:44:54.893742Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 2 assigned to group 21810380 ... geResult::Execute(72075186224037888 OK) 2025-03-11T11:45:04.220894Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult::Complete(72075186224037888 OK) 2025-03-11T11:45:04.221021Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 1 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:04.221082Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus, TabletId: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:04.221120Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:45:04.221177Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::Handle::TEvInitiateDeleteStorage TabletId=72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:04.221495Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTabletResult::Execute(72075186224037888 OK) 2025-03-11T11:45:04.232850Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.234381Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715666 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:45:04.234456Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715666 step# 3500 Status# 16 SEND to# [2:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.246693Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTabletResult(72075186224037888)::Complete SideEffects {} 2025-03-11T11:45:04.321009Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 281474976715666 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:45:04.321115Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715666 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:04.321181Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715666 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.321440Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 4000 in 0.500000s at 3.950000s 2025-03-11T11:45:04.329956Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Send from# 72057594046316545 to mediator# 72057594046382081, step# 3500, txid# 281474976715666 marker# C2 2025-03-11T11:45:04.330118Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715666 stepId# 3500 Status# 17 SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# [2:408:2403] Proxy 2025-03-11T11:45:04.330795Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 3500, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:04.331536Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715666 at step 3500 at tablet 72075186224037889 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715666 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 3500 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037889 } 2025-03-11T11:45:04.331600Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.331786Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.331836Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.331887Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [3500:281474976715666] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.332097Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 3500:281474976715666 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:04.332232Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.332576Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.332665Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to DROP TABLE at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.333116Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:45:04.336650Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:45:04.336740Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337417Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# 72057594046382081 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337526Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:25] persistent tx 281474976715666 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337567Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:25] persistent tx 281474976715666 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72075186224037889 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337599Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:25] persistent tx 281474976715666 for mediator 72057594046382081 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337639Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:25] persistent tx 281474976715666 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:45:04.337953Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.338031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715666] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:04.338096Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715666 state PreOffline TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:45:04.338199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.347472Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 281474976715666, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.353997Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715666:0 2025-03-11T11:45:04.354154Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715666, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.354856Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715666 datashard 72075186224037889 state PreOffline 2025-03-11T11:45:04.354944Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.355844Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715666, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:04.356598Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.357567Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.357 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:133: Completed async execution for node #42 2025-03-11T11:45:04.357693Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.357 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:153: State is ExecutionComplete after apply async changes for node #42 2025-03-11T11:45:04.357773Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.357 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:59: Begin, root #43 2025-03-11T11:45:04.357826Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.357 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:72: Collect unused nodes for root #43, status: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:04.357878Z node 2 :KQP_YQL TRACE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.357 TRACE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:387: {0}, callable #43 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362041Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.361 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:577: Node #43 finished execution 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362201Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:594: Node #43 created 0 trackable nodes: 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362273Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:87: Finish, output #43, status: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362339Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:93: Creating finalizing transformer, output #43 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362641Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
: Info: Execution, code: 1060 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362710Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
:1:12: Info: Executing DROP TABLE 2025-03-11T11:45:04.362757Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYwMTBhODAtNDU5NmFmNTUtZjViODU1ZmYtZmYxMzg1MTE= 2025-03-11 11:45:04.362 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=118889, tid=0x00007F98BC1ACCC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
: Info: Success, code: 4 2025-03-11T11:45:04.379369Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 0 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:45:04.379653Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:45:04.383307Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:04.384828Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChangedResult datashard 72075186224037889 state Offline 2025-03-11T11:45:04.385349Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute() ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.385424Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute Tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:04.385562Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Tablet(DataShard.72075186224037889.Leader.1) VolatileState: Running -> Stopped (Node 2) 2025-03-11T11:45:04.385719Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Sending TEvStopTablet(DataShard.72075186224037889.Leader.1 gen 1) to node 2 2025-03-11T11:45:04.385867Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute() result Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 2 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-63 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-64 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-21 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-22 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-67 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-68 >> TConsoleConfigTests::TestDryRun [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNoYamlWithoutFlag >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesMultipleNodes [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesDryRun >> THealthCheckTest::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodesWhenTroublesWithSharedNodes [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit999 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-56 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-57 >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimit [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestScheduledPermissionWithNonePolicy >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-63 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-64 >> TPersQueueTest::Delete [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::FetchRequest >> TPersQueueTest::SetupWriteSessionOnDisabledCluster [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetupReadSession >> TPQCompatTest::BadTopics [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::CommitOffsets >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateServerlessTenant [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNoYamlWithoutFlag [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateServerlessTenantWrongSharedDb >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConsoleRestart >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableMode >> TCmsTest::ActionWithZeroDuration [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::CheckUnreplicatedDiskPreventsRestart >> TCmsTest::DisabledEvictVDisks [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::EmergencyDuringRollingRestart >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesDryRun [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceDevices >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndexAndVolatileCommit+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndexAndVolatileCommit-UseSink >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestScheduledPermissionWithNonePolicy [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimitForceRestartMode >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-16 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-17 >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-StrictAclCheck [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-DomainLoginOnly >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForModifiedConfigItemScope [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRemovedConfigItem >> Cdc::SupportedTypes [GOOD] >> Cdc::SplitTopicPartition_TopicAutoPartitioning >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConsoleRestart [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConsoleRestartSimplified >> TPersqueueControlPlaneTestSuite::SetupReadLockSessionWithDatabase [GOOD] >> TPersqueueControlPlaneTestSuite::SetupWriteLockSessionWithDatabase >> TCmsTest::CheckUnreplicatedDiskPreventsRestart [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::AllVDisksEvictionInRack >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableMode [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeDisconnects >> TCmsTest::EmergencyDuringRollingRestart [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::VolatileTxAbortedOnDrop [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiter+UseSink >> THealthCheckTest::Issues100Groups100VCardListing [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::GreenStatusWhenInitPending >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-14 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-15 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::EmergencyDuringRollingRestart [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:06.339597Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvGetConfigRequest { }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvGetConfigResponse { Status { Code: OK } Config { DefaultRetryTime: 300000000 DefaultPermissionDuration: 300000000 TenantLimits { DisabledNodesRatioLimit: 0 } ClusterLimits { DisabledNodesRatioLimit: 0 } InfoCollectionTimeout: 15000000 LogConfig { DefaultLevel: ENABLED TTL: 1209600000000 } SentinelConfig { Enable: true UpdateConfigInterval: 3600000000 RetryUpdateConfig: 60000000 UpdateStateInterval: 60000000 UpdateStateTimeout: 45000000 RetryChangeStatus: 10000000 ChangeStatusRetries: 5 DefaultStateLimit: 60 DataCenterRatio: 50 RoomRatio: 70 RackRatio: 90 DryRun: false EvictVDisksStatus: FAULTY GoodStateLimit: 5 } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.340111Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateConfig Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.379628Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.379802Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:02:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:06.381755Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateRequest { }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse { Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-17-17" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 17 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-10-10" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 10 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-11-11" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 11 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "2" Rack: "2" Unit: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-12-12" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 12 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "3" Rack: "3" Unit: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-13-13" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 13 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "4" Rack: "4" Unit: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-14-14" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 14 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "5" Rack: "5" Unit: "5" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-15-15" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 15 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "6" Rack: "6" Unit: "6" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-16-16" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 16 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "7" Rack: "7" Unit: "7" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120030000 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.382678Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [ConfigUpdater] Handle TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse: response# Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-17-17" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 17 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-10-10" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 10 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-11-11" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 11 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "2" Rack: "2" Unit: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-12-12" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 12 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "3" Rack: "3" Unit: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-13-13" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 13 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "4" Rack: "4" Unit: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-14-14" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 14 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "5" Rack: "5" Unit: "5" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-15-15" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 15 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "6" Rack: "6" Unit: "6" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-16-16" State: UP Timestamp: 120030000 } Timestamp: 120030000 NodeId: 16 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "7" Rack: "7" Unit: "7" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120030000 } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.382921Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Config was updated in 120.004000s 2025-03-11T11:45:06.382974Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383072Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 10, wbId# [10:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383144Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 11, wbId# [11:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383180Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 12, wbId# [12:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383208Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 13, wbId# [13:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383232Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 14, wbId# [14:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383257Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 15, wbId# [15:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383285Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 16, wbId# [16:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.383318Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 17, wbId# [17:83883506 ... 43Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:06.706650Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Running CleanupWalleTasks 2025-03-11T11:45:06.706913Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 10, wbId# [10:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.706999Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 11, wbId# [11:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707038Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 12, wbId# [12:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707066Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 13, wbId# [13:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707092Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 14, wbId# [14:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707118Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 15, wbId# [15:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707147Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 16, wbId# [16:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707180Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 17, wbId# [17:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.707383Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 10, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 10 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708186Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 13, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 13 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708294Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 14, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 14 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708414Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 15, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 15 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708532Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 16, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 16 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708600Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 17, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 17 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708666Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 11, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 11 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708726Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 12, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 12 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 240030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.708786Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] State was updated in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:06.709068Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status changed: pdiskId# 10:10, status# FAULTY, required status# ACTIVE, reason# PrevState# Normal State# Normal StateCounter# 3 StateLimit# 1, dry run# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:06.709153Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Change pdisk status: requestsSize# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:06.709356Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.709601Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Handle TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse: response# Status { Success: true } Success: true, cookie# 2 2025-03-11T11:45:06.709654Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status has been changed: pdiskId# 10:10 2025-03-11T11:45:06.727945Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:06.748130Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.748226Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:06.748288Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:04:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:06.749307Z node 10 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "10" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 10 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:06.749435Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "10" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 10 has not yet been completed" } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.749491Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Result: ERROR (reason: Evict vdisks is disabled in Sentinel (self heal)) 2025-03-11T11:45:06.749654Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.749813Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-1, owner# user, order# 1, priority# 0, body# User: "user" PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:06.774731Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions complete 2025-03-11T11:45:06.774986Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvCheckRequest { User: "user" RequestId: "user-r-1" DryRun: false AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvPermissionResponse { Status { Code: ERROR Reason: "Evict vdisks is disabled in Sentinel (self heal)" } RequestId: "user-r-1" } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.775609Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateConfig Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.788302Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateConfig Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:06.788537Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Updated config: DefaultRetryTime: 300000000 DefaultPermissionDuration: 300000000 TenantLimits { DisabledNodesRatioLimit: 0 } ClusterLimits { DisabledNodesRatioLimit: 0 } InfoCollectionTimeout: 15000000 LogConfig { DefaultLevel: ENABLED TTL: 1209600000000 } SentinelConfig { Enable: true UpdateConfigInterval: 3600000000 RetryUpdateConfig: 60000000 UpdateStateInterval: 60000000 UpdateStateTimeout: 45000000 RetryChangeStatus: 10000000 ChangeStatusRetries: 5 DefaultStateLimit: 1 DataCenterRatio: 50 RoomRatio: 70 RackRatio: 90 DryRun: false EvictVDisksStatus: FAULTY GoodStateLimit: 5 } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861236Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] UpdateState 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861306Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861402Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: Running CleanupWalleTasks 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861679Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 10, wbId# [10:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861746Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 11, wbId# [11:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861777Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 12, wbId# [12:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861807Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 13, wbId# [13:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861837Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 14, wbId# [14:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861864Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 15, wbId# [15:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861905Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 16, wbId# [16:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.861949Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 17, wbId# [17:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.862246Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 10, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 10 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.862679Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 17, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 17 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.862971Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 14, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 14 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863041Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 15, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 15 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863117Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 16, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 16 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863184Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 11, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 11 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863246Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 12, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 12 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863311Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 13, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 13 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 300030 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863362Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] State was updated in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863638Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status changed: pdiskId# 10:10, status# ACTIVE, required status# FAULTY, reason# Forced status, dry run# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863713Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Change pdisk status: requestsSize# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:06.863909Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:06.864139Z node 10 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Handle TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse: response# Status { Success: true } Success: true, cookie# 3 2025-03-11T11:45:06.864186Z node 10 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status has been changed: pdiskId# 10:10 >> THealthCheckTest::YellowGroupIssueWhenPartialGroupStatus [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::YellowGroupIssueOnYellowSpace >> TPersQueueTest::ReadRuleServiceTypeMigrationWithDisallowDefault [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadWithoutConsumerFederation >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceDevices [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceManyDevicesOnOneNode >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConsoleRestartSimplified [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestComplexYamlConfigChanges >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateServerlessTenantWrongSharedDb [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongName >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimitForceRestartMode [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimitForceRestartModeScheduled >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenBulkUpsert [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenBulkUpsertWithCdc >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-22 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-23 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-63 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-64 >> TCmsTest::AllVDisksEvictionInRack [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimit >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeDisconnects [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeScheduled >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-64 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-65 >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestComplexYamlConfigChanges [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNoYamlResend >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTablePlanComesNotTooEarlyRW-VolatileTxs [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::AllVDisksEvictionInRack [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:11.233937Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.234063Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.234241Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:02:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:11.236592Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateRequest { }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse { Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { Rack: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-26-26" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 26 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { Rack: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-27-27" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 27 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { Rack: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-28-28" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 28 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { Rack: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-29-29" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 29 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { Rack: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-30-30" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 30 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { Rack: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-31-31" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 31 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { Rack: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-32-32" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 32 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { Rack: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120027000 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.237363Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [ConfigUpdater] Handle TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse: response# Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { Rack: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-26-26" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 26 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { Rack: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-27-27" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 27 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { Rack: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-28-28" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 28 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { Rack: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-29-29" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 29 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { Rack: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-30-30" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 30 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { Rack: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-31-31" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 31 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { Rack: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-32-32" State: UP Timestamp: 120027000 } Timestamp: 120027000 NodeId: 32 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { Rack: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120027000 } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.237622Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Config was updated in 120.003000s 2025-03-11T11:45:11.237681Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:11.237873Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false DryRun: false EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.237959Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238027Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Result: DISALLOW_TEMP (reason: VDisks eviction from host 25 has not yet been completed) 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238193Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238440Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-1, owner# user, order# 1, priority# 0, body# User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 25 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238507Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Add host marker: host# 25, marker# MARKER_DISK_FAULTY 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238814Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 25, wbId# [25:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238888Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 26, wbId# [26:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238925Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 27, wbId# [27:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238963Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 28, wbId# [28:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.238995Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 29, wbId# [29:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.239020Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 30, wbId# [30:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.239068Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 31, wbId# [31:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.239097Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 32, wbId# [32:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.266080Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 25, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: ... pdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 28, wbId# [28:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.485983Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 29, wbId# [29:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.486030Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 30, wbId# [30:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.486063Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 31, wbId# [31:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.486103Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 32, wbId# [32:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:11.486386Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 25, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 25 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487043Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 31, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 31 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487270Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 32, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 32 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487478Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 29, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 29 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487558Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 30, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 30 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487631Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 26, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 26 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487738Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 27, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 27 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487801Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 28, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 28 CreateTime: 0 ChangeTime: 0 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 180027 2025-03-11T11:45:11.487857Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] State was updated in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488082Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status changed: pdiskId# 26:26, status# ACTIVE, required status# FAULTY, reason# Forced status, dry run# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488149Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status changed: pdiskId# 25:25, status# ACTIVE, required status# FAULTY, reason# Forced status, dry run# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488214Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Change pdisk status: requestsSize# 2 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488430Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488707Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488850Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Handle TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerConfigResponse: response# Status { Success: true } Status { Success: true } Success: true, cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488905Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status has been changed: pdiskId# 25:25 2025-03-11T11:45:11.488950Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [Sentinel] [Main] PDisk status has been changed: pdiskId# 26:26 2025-03-11T11:45:11.506984Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.507077Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxLogAndSend Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.528553Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.528678Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.528757Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:03:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:11.529677Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 25 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.529800Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 25 has not yet been completed" } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.529870Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Nodes Counter] Checking Node: 25, with state: Up, with limit: 0, with ratio limit: 0, locked nodes: 0, down nodes: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531037Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Ring: 0; State: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531106Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Ring: 1; State: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531129Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Ring: 2; State: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531162Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Result: ALLOW 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531378Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Accepting permission: id# user-p-1, requestId# user-r-1, owner# user 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531463Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Adding lock for Host ::1:12001 (25) (permission user-p-1 until 1970-01-01T00:13:00Z) 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531565Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531783Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store permission: id# user-p-1, validity# 1970-01-01T00:13:00.127000Z, action# Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 2025-03-11T11:45:11.531931Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-1, owner# user, order# 1, priority# 0, body# User: "user" PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.548876Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.549146Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvCheckRequest { User: "user" RequestId: "user-r-1" DryRun: false AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvPermissionResponse { Status { Code: ALLOW } RequestId: "user-r-1" Permissions { Id: "user-p-1" Action { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "25" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } Deadline: 780127000 Extentions { Type: HostInfo Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12001 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.549227Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Schedule cleanup at 1970-01-01T00:33:00.127000Z 2025-03-11T11:45:11.566099Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Adding lock for Host ::1:12001 (25) (permission user-p-1 until 1970-01-01T00:13:00Z) 2025-03-11T11:45:11.566409Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.566504Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.566573Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:03:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567288Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "26" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 26 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567388Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "26" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 26 has not yet been completed" } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567440Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: [Nodes Counter] Checking Node: 26, with state: Up, with limit: 0, with ratio limit: 0, locked nodes: 1, down nodes: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567483Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Result: ALLOW 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567608Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Accepting permission: id# user-p-2, requestId# user-r-2, owner# user 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567660Z node 25 :CMS INFO: Adding lock for Host ::1:12002 (26) (permission user-p-2 until 1970-01-01T00:13:00Z) 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567743Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567875Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store permission: id# user-p-2, validity# 1970-01-01T00:13:00.228512Z, action# Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "26" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 2025-03-11T11:45:11.567968Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-2, owner# user, order# 2, priority# 0, body# User: "user" PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:11.582839Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.583144Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvCheckRequest { User: "user" RequestId: "user-r-2" DryRun: false AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvPermissionResponse { Status { Code: ALLOW } RequestId: "user-r-2" Permissions { Id: "user-p-2" Action { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "26" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } Deadline: 780228512 Extentions { Type: HostInfo Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP NodeId: 26 InterconnectPort: 12002 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.583798Z node 25 :CMS INFO: User user is done with permissions user-p-1 2025-03-11T11:45:11.583856Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Resulting status: OK 2025-03-11T11:45:11.583932Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemovePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.584036Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reset host markers: host# 25 2025-03-11T11:45:11.584148Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Remove request: id# user-r-1, reason# permission user-p-1 was removed 2025-03-11T11:45:11.584211Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Remove permission: id# user-p-1, reason# explicit remove 2025-03-11T11:45:11.597122Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemovePermissions Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.597340Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManagePermissionRequest { User: "user" Command: DONE Permissions: "user-p-1" DryRun: false }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManagePermissionResponse { Status { Code: OK } } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.597959Z node 25 :CMS INFO: User user is done with permissions user-p-2 2025-03-11T11:45:11.598034Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: Resulting status: OK 2025-03-11T11:45:11.598105Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemovePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:11.598219Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reset host markers: host# 26 2025-03-11T11:45:11.598349Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Remove request: id# user-r-2, reason# permission user-p-2 was removed 2025-03-11T11:45:11.598403Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Remove permission: id# user-p-2, reason# explicit remove 2025-03-11T11:45:11.612868Z node 25 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemovePermissions Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:11.613136Z node 25 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManagePermissionRequest { User: "user" Command: DONE Permissions: "user-p-2" DryRun: false }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManagePermissionResponse { Status { Code: OK } } >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRemovedConfigItem [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRestartedClient >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-44 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-45 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-57 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-58 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-68 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-69 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-64 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-65 >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/unittest >> TDataShardMinStepTest::TestDropTablePlanComesNotTooEarlyRW-VolatileTxs [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:56.755202Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:56.755572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:56.755769Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bad/r3tmp/tmphhnA0P/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:57.351370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.372383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.382234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.383250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:44:57.385848Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.385943Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 step# 500 Status# 16 SEND to# [1:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.428475Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:57.439160Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Merged config: { } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.512528Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvRegisterNode from [1:331:2371] HiveId: 72057594037968897 ServicedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } TabletAvailability { Type: Mediator Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Dummy Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: KeyValue Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Coordinator Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Hive Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SchemeShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: DataShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: PersQueue Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: PersQueueReadBalancer Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: Kesus Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SysViewProcessor Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: ColumnShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: SequenceShard Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: ReplicationController Priority: 0 } TabletAvailability { Type: StatisticsAggregator Priority: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.512717Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxRegisterNode(1)::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.512882Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:57.512930Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.512979Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513028Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513065Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513200Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513515Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513575Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessBootQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513637Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessWaitQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513694Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue - BootQueue empty (WaitQueue: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.513881Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo NodeId 1 Location DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" 2025-03-11T11:44:57.526627Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxRegisterNode(1)::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.526733Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1) Ping([1:331:2371]) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.526827Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527303Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::Handle::TEvSyncTablets 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527389Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxSyncTablets([1:331:2371])::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527435Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527541Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxSyncTablets([1:331:2371])::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527760Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvStatus for Node 1: Status: 0 StartTime: 0 ResourceMaximum { Memory: 270443319296 } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527827Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(1)::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.527877Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528024Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 AddRegisteredDataCentersNode(1, 1) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528095Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessWaitQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528136Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue (0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528318Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Execute 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528362Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessBootQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528389Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle ProcessWaitQueue (size: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.528420Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 ProcessBootQueue - BootQueue empty (WaitQueue: 0) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541911Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(1)::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.541999Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxProcessBootQueue()::Complete 2025-03-11T11:44:57.613103Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 1 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:44:57.613203Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.613509Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 1000 in 0.500000s at 0.950000s 2025-03-11T11:44:57.613846Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Send from# 72057594046316545 to mediator# 72057594046382081, step# 500, txid# 1 marker# C2 2025-03-11T11:44:57.613934Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 stepId# 500 Status# 17 SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# [1:408:2403] Proxy 2025-03-11T11:44:57.614866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 500, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616210Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# 72057594046382081 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616337Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616385Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:44:57.616420Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:44:57.617099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.617171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.618241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.621086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/table-1, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.622399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.622470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:57.623296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715657, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/table-1 2025-03-11T11:44:57.627016Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvHive::TEvCreateTablet(DataShard(72057594046644480,1)) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.649563Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 2 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.649676Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Hive 72057594037968897 allocated TabletId 72075186224037888 from TabletIdIndex 65536 2025-03-11T11:44:57.649976Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for type DataShard: {} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.650065Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for object (72057594046644480,2): {} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.650151Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute; Default resources after merge for profile 'default': {Memory: 1048576} 2025-03-11T11:44:57.650347Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 CreateTabletFollowers Tablet DataShard.72075186224037888.Leader.0 2025-03-11T11:44:57.651123Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute TabletId: 72075186224037888 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:44:57.651280Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::AssignTabletGroups TEvControllerSelectGroups tablet 72075186224037888 GroupParameters { StoragePoolSpecifier { Name: "/Root:test" } } ReturnAllMatchingGroups: true 2025-03-11T11:44:57.652135Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Connected to tablet 72057594037932033 from tablet 72057594037968897 2025-03-11T11:44:57.652443Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::Handle TEvControllerSelectGroupsResult: success Status: OK NewStyleQuerySupported: true MatchingGroups { Groups { ErasureSpecies: 0 GroupID: 2181038080 StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" AssuredResources { } CurrentResources { } PhysicalGroup: true Decommitted: false } } 2025-03-11T11:44:57.652562Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}(72075186224037888,HIVE_REASSIGN_REASON_NO,[]) 2025-03-11T11:44:57.652645Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 0 assigned to group 2181038080 2025-03-11T11:44:57.652820Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 1 assigned to group 2181038080 2025-03-11T11:44:57.653001Z node 1 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxUpdateTabletGroups::Execute{88923004274496}: tablet 72075186224037888 channel 2 assigned to group 21810380 ... 03-11T11:45:13.079879Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715667 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:4 2025-03-11T11:45:13.079932Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715667 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.080188Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.080391Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.080460Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.080494Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.080533Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.091483Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.091617Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.093385Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715667 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:45:13.093484Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715667 step# 33000 Status# 16 SEND to# [2:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.161694Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 281474976715667 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:45:13.161805Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715667 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:13.161841Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715667 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.162120Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 33500 in 0.500000s at 33.450000s 2025-03-11T11:45:13.162551Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Send from# 72057594046316545 to mediator# 72057594046382081, step# 33000, txid# 281474976715667 marker# C2 2025-03-11T11:45:13.162638Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715667 stepId# 33000 Status# 17 SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# [2:408:2403] Proxy 2025-03-11T11:45:13.163164Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 33000, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:13.163968Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715667 at step 33000 at tablet 72075186224037889 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715667 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 33000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037889 } 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164213Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164264Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164309Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [33000:281474976715667] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164529Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 33000:281474976715667 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164668Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164885Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.164968Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to DROP TABLE at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.165451Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:45:13.172016Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 33000} 2025-03-11T11:45:13.172117Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.172865Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# 72057594046382081 2025-03-11T11:45:13.172971Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:54] persistent tx 281474976715667 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173032Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:54] persistent tx 281474976715667 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72075186224037889 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173066Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:54] persistent tx 281474976715667 for mediator 72057594046382081 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173106Z node 2 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:54] persistent tx 281474976715667 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173506Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173592Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [33000 : 281474976715667] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173657Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715667 state PreOffline TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:45:13.173789Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.174733Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: All parts have reached barrier, tx: 281474976715667, done: 0, blocked: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.178264Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715667 datashard 72075186224037889 state PreOffline 2025-03-11T11:45:13.178376Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.179130Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715667:0 2025-03-11T11:45:13.179249Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715667, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.180513Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715667, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:13.181216Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182445Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:133: Completed async execution for node #42 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182586Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:153: State is ExecutionComplete after apply async changes for node #42 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182682Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:59: Begin, root #43 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182751Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:72: Collect unused nodes for root #43, status: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182822Z node 2 :KQP_YQL TRACE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 TRACE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:387: {0}, callable #43 2025-03-11T11:45:13.182919Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:577: Node #43 finished execution 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183008Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.182 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:594: Node #43 created 0 trackable nodes: 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183084Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.183 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:87: Finish, output #43, status: Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183158Z node 2 :KQP_YQL INFO: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.183 INFO ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [core exec] yql_execution.cpp:93: Creating finalizing transformer, output #43 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183411Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.183 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
: Info: Execution, code: 1060 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183496Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.183 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
:1:12: Info: Executing DROP TABLE 2025-03-11T11:45:13.183561Z node 2 :KQP_YQL NOTICE: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTFiNWUwOTAtNDBkZmZjZjUtZWNlOThhYTMtODcyMGI2MGE= 2025-03-11 11:45:13.183 NOTE ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_minstep(pid=119231, tid=0x00007F7ADF073CC0) [common provider] yql_provider_gateway.cpp:21:
: Info: Success, code: 4 2025-03-11T11:45:13.200669Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 0 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:45:13.200962Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:45:13.203148Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:13.204307Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChangedResult datashard 72075186224037889 state Offline 2025-03-11T11:45:13.204844Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute() ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 2 TxId_Deprecated: 2 TabletID: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.204907Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute Tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:13.211444Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Tablet(DataShard.72075186224037889.Leader.1) VolatileState: Running -> Stopped (Node 2) 2025-03-11T11:45:13.211694Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 Sending TEvStopTablet(DataShard.72075186224037889.Leader.1 gen 1) to node 2 2025-03-11T11:45:13.211870Z node 2 :HIVE DEBUG: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet::Execute() result Status: OK Origin: 72057594037968897 TxId_Deprecated: 2 ShardOwnerId: 72057594046644480 ShardLocalIdx: 2 >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNoYamlResend [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestSubscribeAfterConfigApply >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongName [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongNameExtSubdomain |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestOutdatedState >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimit [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimitForceRestartMode >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceManyDevicesOnOneNode [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit999 [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit995 >> TPersqueueControlPlaneTestSuite::SetupWriteLockSessionWithDatabase [GOOD] |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestSubscribeAfterConfigApply [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestConnectAndDisconnect >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-17 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-18 |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceManyDevicesOnOneNode [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_InitWriteSession_DefaultTopicSupportedCodecsInInitResponse [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_WriteMessageWithDefaultCodecs_MessagesAreAcknowledged >> HttpRequest::Analyze [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormat >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::SettingsValidation [GOOD] >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ClosesAfterFailedConnectionToCds ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/console/ut/unittest >> TConsoleInMemoryConfigSubscriptionTests::TestSubscribeAfterConfigApply [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:46.740190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:46.740255Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:46.860028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:49.191034Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:49.191142Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:49.243246Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:50.450203Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:50.450276Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:50.509829Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:52.004299Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:52.004374Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:52.131327Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:53.662026Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:53.662112Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:53.710220Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:55.102957Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:55.103036Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:55.179207Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:56.649796Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:56.649883Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:56.702538Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:58.205707Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:58.205787Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:58.251275Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:59.588272Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:59.588359Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:59.679427Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:00.859019Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:00.859102Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:00.904864Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:02.393542Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:02.393636Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:02.487738Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:03.822658Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:03.822724Z node 12 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:03.888304Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:05.716529Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:05.716624Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:05.768227Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:06.957643Z node 14 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:06.957730Z node 14 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:07.028299Z node 14 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682791Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682904Z node 16 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:08.768509Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:10.504959Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:10.505054Z node 18 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:10.564552Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:12.295848Z node 20 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:12.295922Z node 20 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:12.355526Z node 20 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:14.136137Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:14.136233Z node 22 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:14.183582Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:15.572959Z node 23 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:45:15.573042Z node 23 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:15.621980Z node 23 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:45:16.161091Z node 23 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC26@console_interaction.cpp:129} failed to parse config obtained from Console ErrorReason# ydb/library/yaml_config/yaml_config_parser.cpp:1268: Condition violated: `config.HasDomainsConfig()' Yaml# --- metadata: kind: MainConfig cluster: "" version: 1 config: log_config: cluster_name: cluster1 allowed_labels: test: type: enum values: ? true selector_config: [] >> TInterconnectTest::TestConnectAndDisconnect [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventPreSerialized >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRestartedClient [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForTimeoutedNotificationResponse >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormat [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheckOnNew ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/unittest >> TPersqueueControlPlaneTestSuite::SetupWriteLockSessionWithDatabase [GOOD] Test command err: === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:45:00.458493Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516625166478895:2082];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.458567Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.553121Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516625774179320:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.971804Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c05/r3tmp/tmpRjqF9V/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:01.005874Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:01.006355Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:45:01.579320Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:01.717885Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.718016Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:01.734110Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:01.735597Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.736263Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:01.736768Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.757383Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.793947Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27185, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:02.068156Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:02.210667Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c05/r3tmp/yandexFGZH2p.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.210697Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c05/r3tmp/yandexFGZH2p.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.210869Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c05/r3tmp/yandexFGZH2p.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.211065Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:02.453066Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 8449 GrpcPort 27185 TClient is connected to server localhost:8449 PQClient connected to localhost:27185 === TenantModeEnabled() = 1 === Init PQ - start server on port 27185 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:03.893634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.893925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.894198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:45:03.895709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.895803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:45:03.900858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:45:03.904057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.904117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.904138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:45:03.907890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.907931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.907967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.908021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.912511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:45:03.912929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.912950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:45:03.912973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.914930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:45:03.915074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693503963, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693503963 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.918933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.919003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7480516633756414163:2414], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:45:03.921850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOpe ... Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 11 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837365Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 11 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837376Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837390Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837406Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] was 2 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837625Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 12 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837671Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 12 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837678Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837688Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837698Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] was 4 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837738Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:14.837750Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, to actorId: [3:7480516683005304877:2371] 2025-03-11T11:45:14.842064Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:45:14.844525Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 Create topic result: 1 === EnablePQLogs === CreateChannel === NewStub === InitializeWritePQService === InitializeWritePQService start iteration === InitializeWritePQService create streamingWriter === InitializeWritePQService Write 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960292Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960324Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 1 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960784Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: grpc read done: success: 1 data: init_request { topic: "Root/acc/topic1" message_group_id: "12345678" } 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960868Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 1 topic: "Root/acc/topic1" message_group_id: "12345678" from ipv6:[::1]:57362 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960882Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=1 sessionId= userAgent="pqv1 server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:57362 proto=v1 topic=Root/acc/topic1 durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.960891Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962737Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962874Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND ProducerId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962889Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` (Hash, Topic, ProducerId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962916Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND ProducerId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962947Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480516683005305124:2382] (SourceId=12345678, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.962964Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:45:14.963591Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037889 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037889, NodeId 3, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:14.963663Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'acc/topic1' owner 12345678 2025-03-11T11:45:14.964049Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.965597Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:45:14.965614Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:45:14.965750Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 closed cookie: 1 sessionId: 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.965763Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: 12345678|820079e1-9fa0a334-77604157-a11e3480_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:14.966003Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037889 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison Finish: 0 === InitializeWritePQService done === PersQueueClient === InitializePQ completed 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983130Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983158Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983519Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: grpc read done: success: 1 data: init_request { topic: "topic1" message_group_id: "12345678" } 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983617Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 2 topic: "topic1" message_group_id: "12345678" from ipv6:[::1]:57362 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983636Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=2 sessionId= userAgent="pqv1 server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:57362 proto=v1 topic=topic1 durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.983648Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984612Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984755Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND ProducerId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984766Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` (Hash, Topic, ProducerId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984780Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND ProducerId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984814Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480516683005305135:2388] (SourceId=12345678, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.984832Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 2 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:45:14.985380Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037889 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037889, NodeId 3, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:14.985587Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'acc/topic1' owner 12345678 2025-03-11T11:45:14.986224Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 2 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 2025-03-11T11:45:14.992309Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:45:14.992336Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:45:14.992367Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:45:14.992385Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 12345678|8c4b354c-35504a91-71588b45-d9bd2776_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:14.993207Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037889 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:45:15.525815Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480516687300272440:2392], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:45:15.526709Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NTQ2NjBjZjQtYjM5OTVlMzAtZmJhNzgyOGUtZmMxNDg2NzY=, ActorId: [3:7480516687300272438:2391], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gbxqcdhng70e916317hak, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:45:15.527086Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventPreSerialized [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventUpToMebibytes >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheckOnNew [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheckOnOld >> TCmsTest::TestOutdatedState [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestSetResetMarkers >> TInterconnectTest::TestNotifyUndelivered |79.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventUpToMebibytes [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventsThroughSubChannels ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> HttpRequest::Analyze [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:58.640490Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:44:58.640863Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:58.640957Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00163c/r3tmp/tmplSgAXw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:59.239699Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29857, node 1 2025-03-11T11:44:59.678457Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:44:59.678521Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:44:59.678554Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:44:59.679051Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:44:59.683304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:44:59.805573Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:59.805733Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:59.827674Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:10432 2025-03-11T11:45:00.518184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:04.602801Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: Subscribed for config changes on node 2 2025-03-11T11:45:04.687787Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:04.687910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:04.733420Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:04.739060Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:05.237096Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.237685Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.238397Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.238564Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.238656Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.238891Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.239014Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.239126Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.239225Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:05.485970Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:05.486093Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:05.505100Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:05.812092Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:05.917445Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:45:05.917557Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:05.970613Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:05.970850Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971093Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded BaseStatistics: schemeshard count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971167Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ColumnStatistics: column count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971227Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ScheduleTraversals: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971288Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalOperations: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971349Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalTables: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971425Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:05.971877Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] Subscribed for config changes 2025-03-11T11:45:06.038796Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ResolveSA(), StatisticsAggregatorId=72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:06.038919Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id: [2:1868:2598], at schemeshard: 72075186224037897, StatisticsAggregatorId: 72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:06.047263Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1876:2605] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.075248Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623] 2025-03-11T11:45:06.075516Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectSchemeShard, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623], schemeshard id = 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:06.086774Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Execute: database# /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:45:06.130599Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:45:06.130672Z node 2 :STATISTICS NOTICE: Table _statistics updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:45:06.130748Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Full table path:/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics 2025-03-11T11:45:06.151995Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976720657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:06.182482Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976720657 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72075186224037897 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:45:06.182668Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976720657 2025-03-11T11:45:06.615822Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:06.983334Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Request: create. Transaction completed: 281474976720657. Doublechecking... 2025-03-11T11:45:07.094746Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:45:08.312313Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2230:3066], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:08.312478Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:08.336544Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:08.722645Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.722894Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723238Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723398Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723526Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723632Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723730Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723843Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.723950Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.724057Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.724152Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.724258Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;self_id=[2:2376:2885];tablet_id=72075186224037899;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.781706Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;self_id=[2:2390:2889];tablet_id=72075186224037900;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.781812Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;self_id=[2:2390:2889];tablet_id=72075186224037900;process= ... RN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.910737Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037901;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.920217Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.927136Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.933813Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.945578Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037902;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.961329Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037905;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.968914Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037904;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.975009Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037907;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.983356Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037906;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.990594Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037908;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715659;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715659; 2025-03-11T11:45:11.343735Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:3059:3171], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.343912Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:11.367945Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterColumnTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:12.139909Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.140489Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037901;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.141805Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.142323Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037902;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.142758Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037904;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.143528Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037905;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.144013Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.144903Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037907;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.145335Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037906;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.146314Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037908;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715660;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715660; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.238339Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:3834:3234], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:13.238523Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:13.256574Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterColumnTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:13.355931Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.356586Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.357083Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037901;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.357559Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037902;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.358365Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.359238Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037904;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.359756Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037905;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.361209Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037908;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.361696Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037907;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.362257Z node 2 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037906;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715661;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715661; waiting actualization: 0/0.000021s 2025-03-11T11:45:15.568047Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:4138:4289] 2025-03-11T11:45:15.571314Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxAnalyze::Execute. ReplyToActorId [1:4135:3322] , Record { OperationId: "\000\000\000\000\026hH\013\351\023(\356Ny\267\257" Tables { PathId { OwnerId: 72075186224037897 LocalId: 4 } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:15.571405Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxAnalyze::Execute. Create new force traversal operation, OperationId=hH (Ny 2025-03-11T11:45:15.571450Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxAnalyze::Execute. Create new force traversal table, OperationId=hH (Ny , PathId [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 4] Answer: 'Analyze sent. OperationId: 00000005k8905yj4s8xs77kdxf' FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TTxWriteIndex destructor withno CompleteReady flag;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheckOnOld [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheck >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimitForceRestartMode [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimitForceRestartModeScheduled >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent220BytesPreSerialized >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-15 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-16 >> TInterconnectTest::TestNotifyUndelivered [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestNotifyUndeliveredOnMissedActor >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventsThroughSubChannels [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongNameExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongPool >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheck [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent220BytesPreSerialized [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizes >> Cdc::SplitTopicPartition_TopicAutoPartitioning [GOOD] >> Cdc::ShouldDeliverChangesOnSplitMerge >> TInterconnectTest::TestManyEvents >> TInterconnectTest::TestNotifyUndeliveredOnMissedActor [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestPreSerializedBlobEventUpToMebibytes >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithUserPayloadRateLimit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiter+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiter-UseSink >> TestProtocols::TestConnectProtocol >> TInterconnectTest::TestPreSerializedBlobEventUpToMebibytes [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestPingPongThroughSubChannel >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizes [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizesPreSerialized |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventsThroughSubChannels [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::OldFormatSuppressVersionCheck [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:17.517591Z node 4 :INTERCONNECT WARN: Handshake [4:20:2056] [node 3] ICH09 Neither CompatibilityInfo nor VersionTag of the peer can be validated, accepting by default 2025-03-11T11:45:17.831921Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT WARN: Handshake [5:18:2057] [node 6] ICH09 Neither CompatibilityInfo nor VersionTag of the peer can be validated, accepting by default 2025-03-11T11:45:18.357137Z node 8 :INTERCONNECT WARN: Handshake [8:20:2056] [node 7] ICH09 Neither CompatibilityInfo nor VersionTag of the peer can be validated, accepting by default 2025-03-11T11:45:18.362628Z node 7 :INTERCONNECT WARN: Handshake [7:18:2057] [node 8] ICH09 Neither CompatibilityInfo nor VersionTag of the peer can be validated, accepting by default >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizesPreSerialized [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizesPreSerializedAndRaw >> TestProtocols::TestConnectProtocol [GOOD] >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPCollected >> TInterconnectTest::TestPingPongThroughSubChannel [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-DomainLoginOnly [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck >> TCmsTest::TestSetResetMarkers [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestProcessingQueue >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-23 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-24 >> THealthCheckTest::GreenStatusWhenInitPending [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::IgnoreOtherGenerations >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPCollected [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestTraceIdPassThrough >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-65 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-66 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-64 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-65 >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizesPreSerializedAndRaw [GOOD] |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestPingPongThroughSubChannel [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::YellowGroupIssueOnYellowSpace [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::YellowIssueReadyVDisksOnFaultyPDisks >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent220Bytes >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForTimeoutedNotificationResponse [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRestartedServer >> TInterconnectTest::TestManyEvents [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestCrossConnect >> TInterconnectTest::TestTraceIdPassThrough [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/unittest >> TPersQueueCommonTest::TestWriteWithRateLimiterWithUserPayloadRateLimit [GOOD] Test command err: === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:45:00.318886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516626182164319:2206];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.319233Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.398788Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516625291235789:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.399884Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.894122Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:45:00.924892Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c1a/r3tmp/tmpXKulQK/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:01.397011Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:01.414574Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:01.570397Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:01.621467Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.621584Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:01.635624Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.635704Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:01.660077Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:01.660214Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:01.663036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31066, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:02.029960Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c1a/r3tmp/yandexc9CZ9j.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.029995Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c1a/r3tmp/yandexc9CZ9j.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.030173Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c1a/r3tmp/yandexc9CZ9j.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:02.030313Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:02.188937Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 63655 GrpcPort 31066 TClient is connected to server localhost:63655 PQClient connected to localhost:31066 === TenantModeEnabled() = 1 === Init PQ - start server on port 31066 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:03.477100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.477305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.477500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:45:03.477729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.477784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:45:03.484646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:03.490833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.490900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.490920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:45:03.494787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.494857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.494886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.494917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.500276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:45:03.500661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.500676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:45:03.500695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.506949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:45:03.507102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:45:03.514991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693503557, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693503557 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.515930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.518867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.518902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7480516630477132156:2401], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:45:03.519340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TO ... tesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:16.843648Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0" topic: "PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic" 2025-03-11T11:45:16.845039Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write 1 messages with Id from 1 to 1 2025-03-11T11:45:16.846171Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:45:16.846211Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Send 1 message(s) (0 left), first sequence number is 1 2025-03-11T11:45:16.848857Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 10000 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:16.852773Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 22 sessionId: 1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854287Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037899 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::NPQ::TEvPartitionWriter::TEvWriteRequest 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854514Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854543Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client message batch for topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854622Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854681Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037899 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854822Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:45:16.854839Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client message batch for topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:45:16.855426Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client PART message topic: PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic partition: 0 SourceId: '\0001236' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 0 messageNo: 1 size: 511961 2025-03-11T11:45:16.855979Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client PART message topic: PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic partition: 0 SourceId: '\0001236' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 1 messageNo: 1 size: 511961 2025-03-11T11:45:16.856200Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client PART message topic: PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic partition: 0 SourceId: '\0001236' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 2 messageNo: 1 size: 176151 2025-03-11T11:45:16.856221Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] got client message topic: PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic partition: 0 SourceId: '\0001236' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 2 messageNo: 1 size 176151 offset: -1 2025-03-11T11:45:16.856529Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Send write quota request. Topic: "PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic". Partition: 0. Amount: 1200088. Cookie: 7 2025-03-11T11:45:17.335412Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516699196611707:2632], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:45:17.337152Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2E1Y2MxOC0zNzJjMDBlNy0yNzk4NjNiZS03Nzk5MjBlMA==, ActorId: [1:7480516699196611705:2631], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gbzfgb5ab5ta5a9v8exnr, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:45:17.337505Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:17.617707Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Got quota. Topic: "PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic". Partition: 0: Cookie: 7 2025-03-11T11:45:17.617910Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\0001236' seqNo 1 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:45:17.617952Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\0001236' seqNo 1 partNo 1 2025-03-11T11:45:17.617985Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\0001236' seqNo 1 partNo 2 2025-03-11T11:45:17.657015Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 part blob complete sourceId '\0001236' seqNo 1 partNo 2 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 6 PartNo 0 PackedSize 1200285 count 1 nextOffset 7 batches 3 2025-03-11T11:45:17.658368Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic' partition 0 compactOffset 6,1 HeadOffset 6 endOffset 6 curOffset 7 d0000000000_00000000000000000006_00000_0000000001_00002| size 1200275 WTime 1741693517656 2025-03-11T11:45:17.659704Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:45:17.659770Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 0 offset 6 partNo 0 count 1 size 1200275 2025-03-11T11:45:17.706838Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 0 offset 6 count 1 size 1200275 actorID [1:7480516686311709343:2562] 2025-03-11T11:45:17.706947Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 1200088 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:17.706981Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:17.707045Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0001236', Topic: 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 6 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:45:17.707079Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:17.707100Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0001236', Topic: 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 1, Offset: 6 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:45:17.707132Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:17.707151Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0001236', Topic: 'PQ/account3/folder1/folder2/topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 2, Offset: 6 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:45:17.708798Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:17.708853Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037899' partition 0 offset 6 size 1200275 2025-03-11T11:45:17.708892Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037899 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:45:17.711026Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session got write response: sequence_numbers: 1 offsets: 6 already_written: false write_statistics { persist_duration_ms: 88 queued_in_partition_duration_ms: 761 throttled_on_partition_duration_ms: 761 } 2025-03-11T11:45:17.711073Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: acknoledged message 1 2025-03-11T11:45:17.753532Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:45:17.753590Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:45:17.754022Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:45:17.754057Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [1236] SessionId [1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:45:17.758069Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 22 sessionId: 1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:45:17.758089Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 22 sessionId: 1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:45:17.758108Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 22 sessionId: 1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:45:17.758116Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 22 sessionId: 1236|f244956-da01a808-5db98888-da295ec3_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:17.758657Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037899 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:45:17.759444Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899] server disconnected, pipe [1:7480516694901644396:2629] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:17.759495Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037899, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. DURATION 3.001363s 2025-03-11T11:45:18.365685Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516703491579037:2640], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:45:18.366351Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDc0MDY1YTctYWVjM2JiY2ItMmU4Nzg3Yy04MjMyY2ZmYg==, ActorId: [1:7480516703491579035:2639], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gc0g4ft94q3gax4ymwajq, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:45:18.366704Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEventDifferentSizesPreSerializedAndRaw [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestTenantRatioLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ActionIssue >> TInterconnectTest::TestBlobEvent220Bytes [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestAddressResolve >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-58 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-59 >> TestProtocols::TestResolveProtocol >> TInterconnectTest::TestSimplePingPong >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-45 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-46 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-65 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-66 |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestTraceIdPassThrough [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestAddressResolve [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::OldNbs >> TInterconnectTest::TestSimplePingPong [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestSubscribeByFlag >> TestProtocols::TestResolveProtocol [GOOD] >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPCollectedVerySlow >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-69 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-70 >> TInterconnectTest::TestSubscribeByFlag [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestReconnect >> TCmsTest::TestProcessingQueue [GOOD] >> TActorActivity::Basic [GOOD] >> ActorBootstrapped::TestBootstrapped [GOOD] >> ActorBootstrapped::TestBootstrappedParent >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongPool [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongPoolExtSubdomain >> ActorBootstrapped::TestBootstrappedParent [GOOD] >> TActorTracker::Basic >> TInterconnectTest::TestReconnect [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestSubscribeAndUnsubsribeByEvent >> TInterconnectTest::OldNbs [GOOD] >> TActorTracker::Basic [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartMode >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeScheduledDisconnects ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::TestProcessingQueue [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:16.072699Z node 1 :CMS ERROR: [InfoCollector] Couldn't get base config 2025-03-11T11:45:16.203659Z node 1 :CMS ERROR: [InfoCollector] Couldn't get base config 2025-03-11T11:45:16.220313Z node 1 :CMS ERROR: [InfoCollector] Couldn't get base config 2025-03-11T11:45:16.269670Z node 1 :CMS ERROR: [InfoCollector] Couldn't get base config 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577161Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 17:17 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577231Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 18:18 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577261Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 19:19 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577286Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 20:20 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577311Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 21:21 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577335Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 22:22 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577357Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 23:23 2025-03-11T11:45:20.577379Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 24:24 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TActorTracker::Basic [GOOD] Test command err: ASYNC_DESTROYER >> TInterconnectTest::TestSubscribeAndUnsubsribeByEvent [GOOD] |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::OldNbs [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateRequestUnknownNode ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestSubscribeAndUnsubsribeByEvent [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:22.008523Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP77 @201 (null) -> PendingActivation 2025-03-11T11:45:22.008642Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP01 ready to work 2025-03-11T11:45:22.008853Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP77 @201 (null) -> PendingActivation 2025-03-11T11:45:22.008898Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP01 ready to work 2025-03-11T11:45:22.009032Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP77 @99 PendingActivation -> PendingNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:45:22.010606Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP02 configured for host ::1:23718 2025-03-11T11:45:22.010792Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP77 @483 PendingNodeInfo -> PendingConnection 2025-03-11T11:45:22.011360Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH01 starting outgoing handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.011539Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICR04 Host: ::1, RESOLVED address 2025-03-11T11:45:22.017690Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH05 connected to peer 2025-03-11T11:45:22.018532Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICListener: [0:0:0] ICL04 Accepted from: ::1:34490 2025-03-11T11:45:22.019106Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:21:2057] [node 0] ICH02 starting incoming handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.022863Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH07 SendExBlock ExRequest Protocol: 2 ProgramPID: 130503 ProgramStartTime: 1965493258006 Serial: 4111672802 ReceiverNodeId: 6 SenderActorId: "[5:4111672802:0]" SenderHostName: "::1" ReceiverHostName: "::1" UUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" ClusterUUIDs { ClusterUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" AcceptUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" } RequestModernFrame: true RequestAuthOnly: false RequestExtendedTraceFmt: true RequestExternalDataChannel: true HandshakeId: "\363*\260D>\237\341h\261\261\371\241{\t\275~6\331\205s\306\245\335\367\177\274\246\237\341h\261\261\371\241{\t\275~6\331\205s\306\245\335\367\177\274\246 PendingNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:45:22.025827Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP02 configured for host ::1:27229 2025-03-11T11:45:22.025912Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP17 incoming handshake (actor [6:21:2057]) 2025-03-11T11:45:22.025971Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP77 @483 PendingNodeInfo -> PendingConnection 2025-03-11T11:45:22.026034Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP07 issued incoming handshake reply 2025-03-11T11:45:22.026109Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP08 No active sessions, becoming PendingConnection 2025-03-11T11:45:22.026165Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP77 @220 PendingConnection -> PendingConnection 2025-03-11T11:45:22.026637Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:21:2057] [node 5] ICH07 SendExBlock ExReply Success { Protocol: 2 ProgramPID: 130503 ProgramStartTime: 1965515046048 Serial: 1211151622 SenderActorId: "[6:1211151622:0]" ClusterUUIDs { ClusterUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" AcceptUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" } StartEncryption: false UseModernFrame: true AuthOnly: false UseExtendedTraceFmt: true UseExternalDataChannel: true UseXxhash: true UseXdcShuffle: true } 2025-03-11T11:45:22.027732Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH07 ReceiveExBlock ExReply Success { Protocol: 2 ProgramPID: 130503 ProgramStartTime: 1965515046048 Serial: 1211151622 SenderActorId: "[6:1211151622:0]" ClusterUUIDs { ClusterUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" AcceptUUID: "Cluster for process with id: 130503" } StartEncryption: false UseModernFrame: true AuthOnly: false UseExtendedTraceFmt: true UseExternalDataChannel: true UseXxhash: true UseXdcShuffle: true } 2025-03-11T11:45:22.027824Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT WARN: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH09 Neither CompatibilityInfo nor VersionTag of the peer can be validated, accepting by default 2025-03-11T11:45:22.028029Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICR04 Host: ::1, RESOLVED address 2025-03-11T11:45:22.029178Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:19:2057] [node 6] ICH07 SendExBlock ExternalDataChannelParams HandshakeId: "\363*\260D>\237\341h\261\261\371\241{\t\275~6\331\205s\306\245\335\367\177\274\246 StateWork 2025-03-11T11:45:22.029967Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP22 created new session: [5:23:2048] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030036Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS09 handshake done sender: [5:19:2057] self: [5:4111672802:0] peer: [6:1211151622:0] socket: 24 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030084Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS10 traffic start 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030169Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS11 registering socket in PollerActor 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030230Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030272Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS06 rewind SendQueue size# 0 LastConfirmed# 0 NextSerial# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030308Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030370Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS04 subscribe for session state for [5:17:2056] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030449Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICListener: [0:0:0] ICL04 Accepted from: ::1:34506 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030808Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:25:2058] [node 0] ICH02 starting incoming handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030925Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS01 InputSession created 2025-03-11T11:45:22.030996Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.031065Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.031868Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Handshake [6:21:2057] [node 5] ICH04 handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032057Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP19 incoming handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032097Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP111 dropped incoming handshake: [6:21:2057] poison: false 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032128Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP77 @350 PendingConnection -> StateWork 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032213Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP22 created new session: [6:26:2048] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032246Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS09 handshake done sender: [6:21:2057] self: [6:1211151622:0] peer: [5:4111672802:0] socket: 25 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032282Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS10 traffic start 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032331Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS11 registering socket in PollerActor 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032359Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032381Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS06 rewind SendQueue size# 0 LastConfirmed# 0 NextSerial# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032418Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032447Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032494Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032552Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS01 InputSession created 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032632Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032671Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:24:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032702Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032740Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032789Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032818Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032852Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032876Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032898Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032915Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032939Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032960Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.032987Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033001Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033025Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033040Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033103Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS02 send event from: [5:17:2056] to: [6:18:2056] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033246Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS22 outgoing packet Serial# 1 Confirm# 0 DataSize# 84 InflightDataAmount# 84 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033318Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033419Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:27:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.033455Z node 6 ... DEBUG: Handshake [5:28:2058] [node 6] ICH01 starting outgoing handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.035993Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS07 socket disconnect 25 reason# EndOfStream 2025-03-11T11:45:22.036042Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS25 shutdown socket, reason# EndOfStream 2025-03-11T11:45:22.036141Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS15 start handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.036655Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:29:2059] [node 5] ICH01 starting outgoing handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.036781Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICR04 Host: ::1, RESOLVED address 2025-03-11T11:45:22.036835Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICR04 Host: ::1, RESOLVED address 2025-03-11T11:45:22.037660Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICListener: [0:0:0] ICL04 Accepted from: ::1:45726 2025-03-11T11:45:22.038145Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:29:2059] [node 5] ICH05 connected to peer 2025-03-11T11:45:22.038296Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:29:2059] [node 5] ICH07 SendExBlock ExRequest HandshakeId: "\017\017\363Va\037\342\237\3105\331\321\254\353g\376\370\3171\032\325\002\230\311\3542\271E\333\374\010\370" 2025-03-11T11:45:22.038665Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:28:2058] [node 6] ICH05 connected to peer 2025-03-11T11:45:22.038755Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:28:2058] [node 6] ICH07 SendExBlock ExRequest HandshakeId: "\257\363)r\371\255\002|L\222\317%\025\201%\335\311\323\234`\236\360UQ\237\031\262\337e\342\317\337" 2025-03-11T11:45:22.039179Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:32:2059] [node 0] ICH02 starting incoming handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.039274Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICListener: [0:0:0] ICL04 Accepted from: ::1:34516 2025-03-11T11:45:22.039782Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:33:2060] [node 0] ICH02 starting incoming handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040528Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP09 (actor [5:32:2059]) from: [6:1211151622:0] for: [5:4111672802:0] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040602Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS08 incoming handshake Self# [6:1211151622:0] Peer# [5:4111672802:0] Counter# 1 LastInputSerial# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040649Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP06 reply for incoming handshake (actor [5:32:2059]) is held 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040702Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP09 (actor [6:33:2060]) from: [5:4111672802:0] for: [6:1211151622:0] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040752Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS08 incoming handshake Self# [5:4111672802:0] Peer# [6:1211151622:0] Counter# 1 LastInputSerial# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.040799Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP07 issued incoming handshake reply 2025-03-11T11:45:22.042798Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICR04 Host: ::1, RESOLVED address 2025-03-11T11:45:22.043901Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [5:28:2058] [node 6] ICH07 SendExBlock ExternalDataChannelParams HandshakeId: "\257\363)r\371\255\002|L\222\317%\025\201%\335\311\323\234`\236\360UQ\237\031\262\337e\342\317\337" 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044056Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Handshake [5:28:2058] [node 6] ICH04 handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044330Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP20 outgoing handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044387Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP111 dropped incoming handshake: [5:32:2059] poison: true 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044454Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP052 dropped outgoing handshake: [5:28:2058] poison: false 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044515Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP77 @350 StateWork -> StateWork 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044578Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS09 handshake done sender: [5:28:2058] self: [5:4111672802:0] peer: [6:1211151622:0] socket: 29 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044625Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS10 traffic start 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044700Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS11 registering socket in PollerActor 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044752Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044799Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS06 rewind SendQueue size# 1 LastConfirmed# 1 NextSerial# 2 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044884Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.044962Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: ICListener: [0:0:0] ICL04 Accepted from: ::1:34522 2025-03-11T11:45:22.045452Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Handshake [6:36:2061] [node 0] ICH02 starting incoming handshake 2025-03-11T11:45:22.046153Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS01 InputSession created 2025-03-11T11:45:22.046869Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.046961Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.047920Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Handshake [6:33:2060] [node 5] ICH04 handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048157Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT NOTICE: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP25 outgoing handshake failed, temporary: 0 explanation: outgoing handshake Peer# ::1(::1:27229) Socket error# connection unexpectedly closed state# ReceiveResponse processed# 0 remain# 52 incoming: [6:33:2060] held: no 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048213Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP052 dropped outgoing handshake: [6:29:2059] poison: false 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048254Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP28 other handshake is still going on 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048373Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048436Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048487Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP19 incoming handshake succeeded 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048533Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP111 dropped incoming handshake: [6:33:2060] poison: false 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048606Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [6:9:2048] [node 5] ICP77 @350 StateWork -> StateWork 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048656Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS09 handshake done sender: [6:33:2060] self: [6:1211151622:0] peer: [5:4111672802:0] socket: 31 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048702Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS10 traffic start 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048801Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS11 registering socket in PollerActor 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048843Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048884Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: OutputChannel 0 [node 5] ICOCH98 Dropping confirmed messages 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048938Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS24 exit InflightDataAmount: 0 bytes droppedDataAmount: 84 bytes dropped 1 packets 2025-03-11T11:45:22.048993Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS06 rewind SendQueue size# 0 LastConfirmed# 1 NextSerial# 2 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049028Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049093Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS01 InputSession created 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049234Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049330Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# 106 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049414Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049508Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049540Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049570Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049608Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049707Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049748Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049803Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049834Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049871Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049944Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.049982Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050015Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [6:37:2048] [node 5] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050127Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS02 send event from: [6:18:2056] to: [5:17:2056] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050231Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS22 outgoing packet Serial# 2 Confirm# 2 DataSize# 84 InflightDataAmount# 84 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050307Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050341Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050366Z node 6 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [6:26:2048] [node 5] ICS23 confirm count: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050462Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS02 ReceiveData called 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050505Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# 106 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050598Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: InputSession [5:35:2048] [node 6] ICIS12 Read recvres# -11 num# 1 err# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050674Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 2 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050708Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: OutputChannel 0 [node 6] ICOCH98 Dropping confirmed messages 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050772Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS24 exit InflightDataAmount: 0 bytes droppedDataAmount: 84 bytes dropped 1 packets 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050820Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS23 confirm count: 2 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050890Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS01 socket: 29 reason# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.050957Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT INFO: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP30 unregister session Session# [5:23:2048] VirtualId# [5:4111672802:0] 2025-03-11T11:45:22.051021Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT DEBUG: Proxy [5:1:2048] [node 6] ICP77 @201 StateWork -> PendingActivation 2025-03-11T11:45:22.051067Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION INFO: Session [5:23:2048] [node 6] ICS25 shutdown socket, reason# 2025-03-11T11:45:22.051168Z node 5 :INTERCONNECT_SESSION DEBUG: OutputChannel 0 [node 6] ICOCH89 Notyfying about Undelivered messages! NotYetConfirmed size: 0, Queue size: 0 >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPCollectedVerySlow [GOOD] >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPRequest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-18 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-19 >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndexAndVolatileCommit-UseSink [GOOD] >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPRequest [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteThenBulkUpsertWithCdc [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLostPlanThenDrop >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesOk >> TCmsTest::ActionIssue [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeDisconnects |79.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TestProtocols::TestHTTPRequest [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::MessageMetadata [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::LOGBROKER_7820 >> TClusterInfoTest::DeviceId [GOOD] >> TClusterInfoTest::FillInfo [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::CollectInfo >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit995 [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit905 >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartMode [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateStorageTwoRings >> TCmsTest::TestKeepAvailableModeScheduledDisconnects [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestLoadLog >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-16 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-17 |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::ActionIssue [GOOD] >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxCustomFieldsAndTags [GOOD] >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxCustomFieldsOnly >> TCmsTest::StateRequest >> TCmsTest::StateRequestUnknownNode [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateStorageAvailabilityMode >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantWrongPoolExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantAlreadyExists ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_snapshot/unittest >> DataShardSnapshots::LockedWriteWithAsyncIndexAndVolatileCommit-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:54.390697Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:54.391167Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:54.391389Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d15/r3tmp/tmpWcI7n0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:55.002180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.058203Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:55.107068Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:55.107800Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:55.107935Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:55.108097Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:55.120649Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:55.211920Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.212001Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.212186Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.476987Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:55.477108Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.477739Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:42:55.477821Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:55.478171Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.478370Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:55.478463Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:55.478738Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:55.480203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:55.481213Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:42:55.481294Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:55.527491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:55.528483Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:55.528935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.529254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:55.646347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.647189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.647312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649186Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649537Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:55.649744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.657948Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.768786Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769178Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:42:55.769821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778497Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.778868Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779243Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779445Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:55.779521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:55.780844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:55.780932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:55.780993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:55.781036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Prop ... ablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:45:21.450205Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 4, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:45:21.450913Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 278593539, Sender [13:832:2691], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRemoveRecords { Records [2,3,4] } 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451031Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Complete: removed# 3, left# 0, at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451155Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435091, Sender [13:664:2568], Recipient [13:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRemoveChangeRecords 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451201Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Execute: records# 3, at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451230Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 2, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451318Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 3, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451360Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 4, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:21.451721Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Complete: removed# 3, left# 0, at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:45:21.714418Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [13:1077:2890]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:45:22.491786Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:22.491933Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715671 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:22.493306Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gc3tp07kn282extb6gweg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=ZjU0OTU0NzItNzkyYTM1ZWYtYzJlNGQzZmYtM2M1MmRlMDg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root TEvRead: ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 4 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false 2025-03-11T11:45:22.496405Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [13:1705:3412], Recipient [13:795:2662]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 4 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false RangesSize: 3 2025-03-11T11:45:22.496753Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037889, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.496861Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037889 CompleteEdge# v8001/281474976715670 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:45:22.496952Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v9000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497064Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497285Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497359Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497442Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497513Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497581Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:4] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497653Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497688Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497720Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497751Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:22.497973Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 4 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false } 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498478Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[13:1705:3412], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498595Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[13:1705:3412], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 32765, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 3, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498735Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[13:1705:3412], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498865Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498901Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498931Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:22.498963Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:22.499021Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:22.499046Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:22.499089Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:45:22.499165Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:22.499400Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:45:22.500945Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [13:1705:3412], Recipient [13:795:2662]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:22.501048Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 11 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 21 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:23.123916Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:23.124045Z node 13 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [13:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715672 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:23.125611Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715672. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gc4jm6t4k7arpkmv4frb2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=ODE0NGExZGQtN2E1ZTZiMjYtNWU3MTRlNzctNDliOThlODY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root TEvRead: ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 7 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false 2025-03-11T11:45:23.129037Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [13:1736:3437], Recipient [13:1077:2890]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 7 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false RangesSize: 3 2025-03-11T11:45:23.129454Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037891, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:45:23.129557Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037891 CompleteEdge# v8001/281474976715670 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:45:23.129652Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v9000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:45:23.129799Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037891 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130062Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130156Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130234Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130307Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037891 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130382Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:4] at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130458Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130495Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130524Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130553Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037891 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:23.130761Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 7 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false } 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131275Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 Complete read# {[13:1736:3437], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131411Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 read iterator# {[13:1736:3437], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 32765, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 3, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131574Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 read iterator# {[13:1736:3437], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131717Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131754Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131787Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037891 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131821Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037891 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131886Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131914Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:45:23.131957Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037891 has finished 2025-03-11T11:45:23.132037Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:45:23.132254Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:45:23.133537Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [13:1736:3437], Recipient [13:1077:2890]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:23.133640Z node 13 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037891 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 10 } items { uint32_value: 110 } }, { items { uint32_value: 20 } items { uint32_value: 210 } } |79.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/ut/ydb-core-driver_lib-run-ut >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimit >> TCmsTest::TestLoadLog [GOOD] |79.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/ut/ydb-core-driver_lib-run-ut >> TCmsTest::TestLogOperationsRollback |79.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_continuous_backup/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPQCompatTest::CommitOffsets [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestTwoOrMoreDisksFromGroupAtTheSameRequestBlock42 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::WhenTheTopicIsDeletedAfterReadingTheData_Uncompressed [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesOk [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateStorageTwoRings [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::LongProducerAndLongMessageGroupId >> TTopicYqlTest::CreateAndAlterTopicYql >> TCmsTest::SysTabletsNode >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesReject >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-49 |79.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_erase_rows/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestNotificationForRestartedServer [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeDisconnects [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestAddSubscriptionIdempotency >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeScheduled >> TCmsTenatsTest::CollectInfo [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::RequestRestartServices >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-66 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-65 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-66 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-67 >> TCmsTest::StateRequest [GOOD] >> Cdc::ShouldDeliverChangesOnSplitMerge [GOOD] >> TPersQueueNewSchemeCacheTest::TestWriteStat1stClass [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateRequestNode >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestamps >> TPersQueueNewSchemeCacheTest::TestWriteStat1stClassTopicAPI >> TCmsTest::WalleTasks >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiter-UseSink [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::TWriteSession_WriteEncoded [GOOD] >> CompressExecutor::TestExecutorMemUsage >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-46 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-66 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-47 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-59 [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiter+UseSink >> TCmsTest::StateStorageAvailabilityMode [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-60 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-67 >> TCmsTest::StateStorageLockedNodes >> TCmsTest::SysTabletsNode [GOOD] |79.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_minstep/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |79.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/driver_lib/run/ut/ydb-core-driver_lib-run-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-70 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-71 >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesReject [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesPartial >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimit [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimitForceRestartMode |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::SysTabletsNode [GOOD] |79.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_login |79.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_login |79.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_login/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_login >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeScheduledDisconnects >> TCmsTest::TestTwoOrMoreDisksFromGroupAtTheSameRequestBlock42 [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestTwoOrMoreDisksFromGroupAtTheSameRequestMirror3dc >> THealthCheckTest::IgnoreOtherGenerations [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::IgnoreServerlessWhenNotSpecific >> THealthCheckTest::YellowIssueReadyVDisksOnFaultyPDisks [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::TestTabletIsDead >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAdministerTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant >> TCmsTest::StateRequestNode [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::StateRequestUnknownMultipleNodes >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestAddSubscriptionIdempotency [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConfigNotificationRetries >> TPersQueueTest::FetchRequest [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::EventBatching >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantAlreadyExists [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantAlreadyExistsExtSubdomain >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-19 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-20 >> TCmsTenatsTest::RequestRestartServices [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesRejectSecond >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesPartial [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesNoUser |79.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-checkpoint_storage-ut |79.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-checkpoint_storage-ut |79.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-checkpoint_storage-ut >> TCmsTest::StateStorageLockedNodes [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeScheduledDisconnects [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimitForceRestartMode [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterLimitForceRestartModeScheduled >> TCmsTest::StateRequestUnknownMultipleNodes [GOOD] |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::TestForceRestartModeScheduledDisconnects [GOOD] |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTenatsTest::RequestRestartServices [GOOD] |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::StateStorageLockedNodes [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-17 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-18 >> TCmsTest::TestTwoOrMoreDisksFromGroupAtTheSameRequestMirror3dc [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::VDisksEviction >> TCmsTest::TestLogOperationsRollback [GOOD] |79.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::StateRequestUnknownMultipleNodes [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadWithoutConsumerFederation [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::ReadWithoutConsumerFirstClassCitizen |79.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut_bscontroller |79.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut_bscontroller |79.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/bscontroller/ut_bscontroller/ydb-core-mind-bscontroller-ut_bscontroller |79.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_background_cleaning/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_background_cleaning >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ClosesAfterFailedConnectionToCds [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesNoUser [GOOD] |79.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_background_cleaning/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_background_cleaning |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_background_cleaning/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_background_cleaning |79.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::TestLogOperationsRollback [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-49 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-50 >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesRejectSecond [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesWrongHost >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLostPlanThenDrop [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLostPlanThenSplit >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceBrokenDevices |79.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesNoUser [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimitForceRestartModeScheduled >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestNoneTenantPolicy >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit905 [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit800 >> TDowntimeTest::AddDowntime [GOOD] >> TDowntimeTest::HasUpcomingDowntime [GOOD] >> TDowntimeTest::CleanupOldSegments [GOOD] |79.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut |79.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-storagepoolmon-ut |79.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut |79.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-storagepoolmon-ut |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-storagepoolmon-ut >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-67 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-68 >> TMaintenanceApiTest::ManyActionGroupsWithSingleAction >> TCmsTest::WalleTasks [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::WalleTasksWithNodeLimit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-66 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-67 >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_WriteMessageWithDefaultCodecs_MessagesAreAcknowledged [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_WriteMessageWithNonDefaultCodecThatHasToBeConfiguredAdditionally_SessionClosedWithBadRequestError |79.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TDowntimeTest::CleanupOldSegments [GOOD] |79.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-ydb-ut |79.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-ydb-ut |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-ydb-ut >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateTenantAlreadyExistsExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSubSubDomain >> TCmsTest::VDisksEviction [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManagePermissions ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> PersQueueSdkReadSessionTest::ClosesAfterFailedConnectionToCds [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:19.039848Z :TestReorderedExecutor INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693399039815 2025-03-11T11:43:19.650912Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516192243150743:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:19.651149Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:19.690500Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516192567230058:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:19.690527Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001571/r3tmp/tmpBywira/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:20.002450Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:20.046557Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:20.749850Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.757200Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:20.778962Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:20.779067Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:20.779868Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:20.779924Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:20.804087Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:20.804283Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:20.811353Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:20.855067Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17236, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:20.919617Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:43:20.934389Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:43:21.190829Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001571/r3tmp/yandexdZFWfy.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.190863Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001571/r3tmp/yandexdZFWfy.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.191025Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001571/r3tmp/yandexdZFWfy.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:21.191175Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:21.307388Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 31726 GrpcPort 17236 TClient is connected to server localhost:31726 PQClient connected to localhost:17236 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:21.942582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:24.572072Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516192243150743:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.572144Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.693970Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480516192567230058:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.694032Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:26.242358Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516222632001470:2316], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.242464Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516222632001448:2313], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.242660Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.245259Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516222307922726:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.245384Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.246397Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516222307922739:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.270307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:26.270957Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516222307922770:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.271035Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.287467Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516222632001478:2127] txid# 281474976715657, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.299899Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516222307922741:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.300279Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480516222632001477:2317], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.388948Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516222307922825:2705] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.402544Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516222632001505:2133] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.683766Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516222307922844:2352], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:26.685710Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTM1ZWQ2M2QtNTIzNTlkNWQtYTc1OGI1N2EtNWUzNDU5Y2Y=, ActorId: [1:7480516222307922717:2340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8jzt91zwwr288bkzanjb, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:26.692883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:26.695556Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:26.720661Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480516222632001512:2321], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cl ... _CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516750991233383:2505] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Received partition 0 from PQRB for SourceId=src 2025-03-11T11:45:30.090143Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516750991233383:2505] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:45:30.092787Z node 13 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [13:7480516755286200737:2505] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:30.092822Z node 13 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [13:7480516755286200737:2505] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:45:30.300589Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516750991233383:2505] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:45:30.300659Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516750991233383:2505] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:45:30.300687Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516750991233383:2505] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:45:30.300731Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:45:30.306865Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [13:7480516755286200768:2505], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:45:30.308715Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 14, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:30.311917Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:45:30.311991Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.312116Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:45:30.312281Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.312371Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.314037Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:45:30.314085Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.314211Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.314878Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 2025-03-11T11:45:30.322161Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693530322 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:30.322347Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:45:30.322623Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:30.322677Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:45:30.322727Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:45:30.323208Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:45:30.323271Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:45:30.326340Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:45:30.326365Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:45:30.326399Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:45:30.326421Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|3932f068-2d7273d3-8923d58a-75a01a5_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:30.327179Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:45:30.330582Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [13:7480516755286200768:2505] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:30.330661Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:45:30.404146Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Starting read session 2025-03-11T11:45:30.404212Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Starting cluster discovery 2025-03-11T11:45:30.404470Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Cluster discovery request failed. Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE. Issues: "
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25927
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:25927. " 2025-03-11T11:45:30.404512Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Restart cluster discovery in 0.005575s 2025-03-11T11:45:30.413989Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Starting cluster discovery 2025-03-11T11:45:30.414422Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Cluster discovery request failed. Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE. Issues: "
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25927
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:25927. " 2025-03-11T11:45:30.414491Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Restart cluster discovery in 0.011935s 2025-03-11T11:45:30.430175Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Starting cluster discovery 2025-03-11T11:45:30.430466Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Cluster discovery request failed. Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE. Issues: "
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25927
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:25927. " 2025-03-11T11:45:30.430503Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Restart cluster discovery in 0.031221s 2025-03-11T11:45:30.466088Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Starting cluster discovery 2025-03-11T11:45:30.466457Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Issues: "
: Error: Failed to discover clusters
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25927
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:25927. " } 2025-03-11T11:45:30.466716Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } SessionClosed { Status: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Issues: "
: Error: Failed to discover clusters
: Error: GRpc error: (14): failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:25927
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:25927. " } 2025-03-11T11:45:30.466864Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:30.466992Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [5c5b7fe3-b79aecad-c35379f7-c26b7ec9] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:45:31.545988Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:31.586023Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:31.644776Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:31.706202Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:31.774903Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:31.858838Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976715688. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:31.858982Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [13:7480516759581168165:2524] TxId: 281474976715688. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gccysdkddc2kjwah4f2n0, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=MzZkZDI5OWItOTM5MmUwMGEtMWY0NGU4NS1hZWRlYjUzNQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:31.859283Z node 13 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=MzZkZDI5OWItOTM5MmUwMGEtMWY0NGU4NS1hZWRlYjUzNQ==, ActorId: [13:7480516759581168114:2524], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gccysdkddc2kjwah4f2n0, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:31.860584Z node 13 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 severity: 2 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Cost Based Optimizer could not be applied to this query: couldn\'t load statistics" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } issue_code: 8001 severity: 2 } } QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gcdgjcv653bgahp7pqysy" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 373 } 2025-03-11T11:45:31.968929Z node 13 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715687, task: 1, CA Id [13:7480516759581168144:2531]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 >> TPQTest::TestPQRead [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestPQSmallRead >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-47 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-48 >> TDowntimeTest::SetIgnoredDowntimeGap >> TDowntimeTest::SetIgnoredDowntimeGap [GOOD] >> TMaintenanceApiTest::CompositeActionGroupSameStorageGroup >> TCmsTest::RequestReplaceBrokenDevices [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::PermissionDuration >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-67 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-68 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-60 [FAIL] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::VDisksEviction [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:33.261279Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:33.261399Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxUpdateDowntimes Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:33.261557Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Timestamp: 1970-01-01T00:02:00Z 2025-03-11T11:45:33.263944Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateRequest { }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse { Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-18-18" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 18 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-19-19" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 19 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "2" Rack: "2" Unit: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-20-20" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 20 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "3" Rack: "3" Unit: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-21-21" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 21 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "4" Rack: "4" Unit: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-22-22" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 22 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "5" Rack: "5" Unit: "5" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-23-23" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 23 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "6" Rack: "6" Unit: "6" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-24-24" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 24 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "7" Rack: "7" Unit: "7" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120028512 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.264862Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [ConfigUpdater] Handle TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse: response# Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-18-18" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 18 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-19-19" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 19 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "2" Rack: "2" Unit: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-20-20" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 20 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "3" Rack: "3" Unit: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-21-21" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 21 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "4" Rack: "4" Unit: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-22-22" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 22 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "5" Rack: "5" Unit: "5" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-23-23" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 23 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "6" Rack: "6" Unit: "6" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-24-24" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 24 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "7" Rack: "7" Unit: "7" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120028512 } Timestamp: 120028512 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120028512 } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265174Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Config was updated in 120.003512s 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265254Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265519Z node 18 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false DryRun: false EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265604Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265680Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Result: DISALLOW_TEMP (reason: VDisks eviction from host 18 has not yet been completed) 2025-03-11T11:45:33.265878Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:33.290489Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-1, owner# user, order# 1, priority# 0, body# User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 18 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:33.290593Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Add host marker: host# 18, marker# MARKER_DISK_FAULTY 2025-03-11T11:45:33.291018Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 18, wbId# [18:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.291095Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 19, wbId# [19:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.291132Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 20, wbId# [20:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.291168Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 21, wbId# [21:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.291204Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 22, wbId# [22:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-1 ... ices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120541048 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.789522Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [ConfigUpdater] Handle TEvCms::TEvClusterStateResponse: response# Status { Code: OK } State { Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-0-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-18-18" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 18 InterconnectPort: 12001 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "1" Rack: "1" Unit: "1" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-1-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-19-19" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 19 InterconnectPort: 12002 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "2" Rack: "2" Unit: "2" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-2-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-20-20" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 20 InterconnectPort: 12003 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "3" Rack: "3" Unit: "3" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-3-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-21-21" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 21 InterconnectPort: 12004 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "4" Rack: "4" Unit: "4" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-4-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-22-22" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 22 InterconnectPort: 12005 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "5" Rack: "5" Unit: "5" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-5-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-23-23" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 23 InterconnectPort: 12006 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "6" Rack: "6" Unit: "6" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-6-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-24-24" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 24 InterconnectPort: 12007 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "7" Rack: "7" Unit: "7" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Hosts { Name: "::1" State: UP Services { Name: "storage" State: UP Version: "-1" Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-0-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-1-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-2-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "vdisk-3-1-0-7-0" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Devices { Name: "pdisk-25-25" State: UP Timestamp: 120541048 } Timestamp: 120541048 NodeId: 25 InterconnectPort: 12008 Location { DataCenter: "1" Module: "8" Rack: "8" Unit: "8" } StartTimeSeconds: 0 } Timestamp: 120541048 } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.789949Z node 18 :CMS INFO: Check request: User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false DryRun: false EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:33.790058Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Checking action: Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 2025-03-11T11:45:33.790132Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Result: DISALLOW_TEMP (reason: VDisks eviction from host 18 has not yet been completed) 2025-03-11T11:45:33.790336Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:33.790582Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Store request: id# user-r-3, owner# user, order# 3, priority# 0, body# User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 Issue { Type: GENERIC Message: "VDisks eviction from host 18 has not yet been completed" } } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false Reason: "" TenantPolicy: DEFAULT AvailabilityMode: MODE_MAX_AVAILABILITY EvictVDisks: true 2025-03-11T11:45:33.790648Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Add host marker: host# 18, marker# MARKER_DISK_FAULTY 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791035Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Config was updated in 0.100000s 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791106Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] Start StateUpdater 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791252Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 18, wbId# [18:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791319Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 19, wbId# [19:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791371Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 20, wbId# [20:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791428Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 21, wbId# [21:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791468Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 22, wbId# [22:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791500Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 23, wbId# [23:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791534Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 24, wbId# [24:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791567Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Request pdisks state: nodeId# 25, wbId# [25:8388350642965737326:1634689637] 2025-03-11T11:45:33.791829Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 18, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 18 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.792630Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 21, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 21 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.792737Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 22, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 22 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.792834Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 23, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 23 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.792940Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 24, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 24 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.793044Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 19, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 19 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.793135Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 20, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 20 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.793209Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [StateUpdater] Handle TEvWhiteboard::TEvPDiskStateResponse: nodeId# 25, response# PDiskStateInfo { PDiskId: 25 CreateTime: 120442560 ChangeTime: 120442560 Path: "/pdisk.data" Guid: 1 AvailableSize: 107374182400 TotalSize: 214748364800 State: Normal } ResponseTime: 120541 2025-03-11T11:45:33.793269Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: [Sentinel] [Main] State was updated in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:33.816409Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxStorePermissions complete 2025-03-11T11:45:33.816770Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvPermissionRequest { User: "user" Actions { Type: RESTART_SERVICES Host: "18" Services: "storage" Duration: 600000000 } PartialPermissionAllowed: false Schedule: false DryRun: false EvictVDisks: true }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvPermissionResponse { Status { Code: DISALLOW_TEMP Reason: "VDisks eviction from host 18 has not yet been completed" } RequestId: "user-r-3" Deadline: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.817636Z node 18 :CMS INFO: User user removes request user-r-3 2025-03-11T11:45:33.817707Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: Resulting status: OK 2025-03-11T11:45:33.817789Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemoveRequest Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:33.817841Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reset host markers: host# 18 2025-03-11T11:45:33.818053Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Remove request: id# user-r-3, reason# explicit remove 2025-03-11T11:45:33.842269Z node 18 :CMS DEBUG: TTxRemoveRequest Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:33.842574Z node 18 :CMS NOTICE: [AuditLog] [CMS tablet] Reply: request# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManageRequestRequest { User: "user" Command: REJECT RequestId: "user-r-3" DryRun: false }, response# NKikimr::NCms::TEvCms::TEvManageRequestResponse { Status { Code: OK } } >> THealthCheckTest::IgnoreServerlessWhenNotSpecific [GOOD] |79.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_restore_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_restore_scan >> THealthCheckTest::HealthCheckConfigUpdate >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-71 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 |79.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_restore_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_restore_scan |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_restore_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_incremental_restore_scan >> TCmsTest::RequestRestartServicesWrongHost [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RestartNodeInDownState >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestNoneTenantPolicy [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestDefaultTenantPolicyWithSingleTenantHost |79.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_dst_creator/ydb-core-tx-replication-controller-ut_dst_creator |79.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_dst_creator/ydb-core-tx-replication-controller-ut_dst_creator |79.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_dst_creator/ydb-core-tx-replication-controller-ut_dst_creator >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailWhileSentinelIsDisabled >> TCmsTest::ManageRequestsWrong >> TMaintenanceApiTest::ManyActionGroupsWithSingleAction [GOOD] >> TMaintenanceApiTest::SingleCompositeActionGroup >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiter+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiter-UseSink |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestClusterRatioLimitForceRestartModeScheduled [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManagePermissions [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManagePermissionWrongRequest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-20 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-21 >> TCmsTest::ScheduledEmergencyDuringRollingRestart >> TCmsTest::PermissionDuration [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::RacyStartCollecting >> TMaintenanceApiTest::CompositeActionGroupSameStorageGroup [GOOD] >> TMaintenanceApiTest::ActionReason |80.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/ydb-core-kqp-ut-spilling |80.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/ydb-core-kqp-ut-spilling |80.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/ydb-core-kqp-ut-spilling >> TCmsTest::RestartNodeInDownState [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest |80.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/ydb-services-ydb-backup_ut |80.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/ydb-services-ydb-backup_ut |80.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/ydb-services-ydb-backup_ut >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestDefaultTenantPolicyWithSingleTenantHost [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestLimitsWithDownNode |80.0%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/driver_lib/run/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::SetupReadSession [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestBigMessage >> TCmsTest::ManageRequestsWrong [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManageRequestsDry >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailWhileSentinelIsDisabled [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailOnUnsupportedAction >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestamps [GOOD] >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsMultiplePartitions >> TCmsTest::ManagePermissionWrongRequest [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManageRequests >> TMaintenanceApiTest::ActionReason [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ScheduledEmergencyDuringRollingRestart [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ScheduledWalleRequestDuringRollingRestart >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-18 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-19 >> TCmsTest::WalleTasksWithNodeLimit [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::WalleTasksDifferentPriorities >> TCmsTest::RacyStartCollecting [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::PriorityRange >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-StrictAclCheck |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TMaintenanceApiTest::ActionReason [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest [GOOD] >> TMaintenanceApiTest::SingleCompositeActionGroup [GOOD] >> TMaintenanceApiTest::SimplifiedMirror3DC >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestLimitsWithDownNode [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestScheduledPermissionWithDefaultPolicy >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailOnUnsupportedAction [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailOnMultipleActions >> TCmsTest::ManageRequestsDry [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::Notifications |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-50 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-51 >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSubSubDomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSubSubDomainExtSubdomain >> TSubDomainTest::DatashardNotRunAtAllWhenSubDomainNodesIsStopped [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ManageRequests [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::EnableCMSRequestPrioritiesFeatureFlag >> TMaintenanceApiTest::SimplifiedMirror3DC [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::ScheduledWalleRequestDuringRollingRestart [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest2 >> TCmsTest::WalleTasksDifferentPriorities [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::PriorityRange [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-67 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-68 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-68 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-69 |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TMaintenanceApiTest::SimplifiedMirror3DC [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestCrossConnect [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestManyEventsWithReconnect |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::WalleTasksDifferentPriorities [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-68 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-69 >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteLostPlanThenSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedOutOfOrderFollowerConsistency >> TCmsTest::Notifications [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::Mirror3dcPermissions >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailOnMultipleActions [GOOD] >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestScheduledPermissionWithDefaultPolicy [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::PriorityRange [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:39.630882Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 17:17 2025-03-11T11:45:39.630964Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 18:18 2025-03-11T11:45:39.630988Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 19:19 2025-03-11T11:45:39.631010Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 20:20 2025-03-11T11:45:39.631036Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 21:21 2025-03-11T11:45:39.631056Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 22:22 2025-03-11T11:45:39.631077Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 23:23 2025-03-11T11:45:39.631100Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 24:24 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640585Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 17:17 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640674Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 18:18 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640701Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 19:19 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640724Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 20:20 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640746Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 21:21 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640768Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 22:22 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640789Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 23:23 2025-03-11T11:45:39.640810Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 24:24 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690152Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 17:17 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690233Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 18:18 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690269Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 19:19 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690306Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 20:20 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690329Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 21:21 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690351Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 22:22 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690373Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 23:23 2025-03-11T11:45:39.690396Z node 17 :CMS ERROR: Cannot update state for unknown PDisk 24:24 >> THealthCheckTest::HealthCheckConfigUpdate [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-48 [FAIL] >> TCmsTest::EnableCMSRequestPrioritiesFeatureFlag [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestManyEventsWithReconnect [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestEventWithPayloadSerialization ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_base_tenant/unittest >> TSubDomainTest::DatashardNotRunAtAllWhenSubDomainNodesIsStopped [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:00.438616Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516107625205039:2212];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:00.438846Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:00.587259Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516109396309130:2093];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:00.587353Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012f3/r3tmp/tmpWKH6Av/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:01.628389Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:01.953952Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:01.954511Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:02.642562Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:02.650329Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:02.787182Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.787308Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:02.789001Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.789090Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:02.790005Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.790055Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:02.794804Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 3 Cookie 3 2025-03-11T11:43:02.796586Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.798340Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:02.803684Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:02.805048Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:14974 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.722949Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516107625205122:2142] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.723025Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516120510107501:2468] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.723165Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.723255Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncRequest: sender# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.724971Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172593:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172590:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725015Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172594:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172591:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725052Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172595:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172592:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725097Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516103330237469:2059] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172595:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725138Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172595:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516103330237469:2059], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725168Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172592:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725206Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Sync is in progress: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 1, faulires# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725228Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516103330237463:2053] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172593:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725245Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_REPLICA DEBUG: [1:7480516103330237466:2056] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionRequest { Path: /dc-1 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172594:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725282Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172593:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516103330237463:2053], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725297Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [replica][1:7480516111920172594:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516103330237466:2056], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725315Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172590:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725338Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Sync is done: cookie# 1, size# 3, half# 1, successes# 2, faulires# 0, partial# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725373Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Handle NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvSyncVersionResponse { Version: 2 Partial: 0 }: sender# [1:7480516111920172591:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725391Z node 1 :SCHEME_BOARD_SUBSCRIBER DEBUG: [main][1:7480516111920172582:2230][/dc-1] Unexpected sync response: sender# [1:7480516111920172591:2230], cookie# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:03.725443Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.731604Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /dc-1 PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516111920172582:2230] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:43:03.731741Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516111920172582:2230] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 1 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1 TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 1 IsSync: true Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.736733Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480516120510107502:2469], recipient# [1:7480516120510107501:2468], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1 TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.736829Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516120510107501:2468] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:43:03.951651Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516120510107501:2468] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ShowPrivateTable: true } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.960502Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.960644Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [1:7480516111920172442:2155], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516116215140186:2458] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:43:03.960727Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [1:7480516120510107513:2475], recipient# [1:7480516120510107512:2301], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion ... nInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.198692Z node 8 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [8:7480516193987958765:2105], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [8:7480516198282926396:2310] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.198770Z node 8 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [8:7480516193987958765:2105], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.198857Z node 8 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [8:7480516193987958765:2105], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [8:7480516219757762953:2346] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.198967Z node 8 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [8:7480516799578348647:2695], recipient# [8:7480516799578348645:2685], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.199056Z node 8 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [8:7480516799578348648:2696], recipient# [8:7480516799578348646:2686], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1/USER_0 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/USER_0/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.325587Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.325772Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516191487190570:2435] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.325877Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516801372549248:3689], recipient# [7:7480516801372549247:2726], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.378496Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.378658Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516191487190570:2435] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.378761Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516801372549250:3690], recipient# [7:7480516801372549249:2727], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.721737Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.721944Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516217256994809:2768] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.722052Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516801372549255:3691], recipient# [7:7480516801372549254:2728], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.330678Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.330979Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516191487190570:2435] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.331263Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516805667516559:3695], recipient# [7:7480516805667516558:2729], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.380732Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.380902Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516187192222814:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516191487190570:2435] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.381003Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516805667516561:3696], recipient# [7:7480516805667516560:2730], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /dc-1 DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::VDisksEvictionShouldFailOnMultipleActions [GOOD] |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTenatsTest::TestScheduledPermissionWithDefaultPolicy [GOOD] >> TInterconnectTest::TestEventWithPayloadSerialization [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::TestTabletIsDead [GOOD] >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest2 [GOOD] |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::EnableCMSRequestPrioritiesFeatureFlag [GOOD] >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit800 [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/health_check/ut/unittest >> THealthCheckTest::HealthCheckConfigUpdate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:08.985312Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:08.985877Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.985970Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.986863Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:08.987228Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.987577Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194c/r3tmp/tmpbVrPXr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:09.427254Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30754, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:61104 2025-03-11T11:45:09.838726Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:09.838796Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:09.838828Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:09.839169Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:17.940279Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [3:691:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:17.940724Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:17.940947Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:17.941634Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [4:688:2351], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:17.942092Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:17.942136Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194c/r3tmp/tmpuIs7of/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:18.314995Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20705, node 3 TClient is connected to server localhost:24123 2025-03-11T11:45:18.759518Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:18.759586Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:18.759622Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:18.759948Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration self_check_result: GOOD issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-f489" status: YELLOW message: "Database has compute issues" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" type: "DATABASE" level: 1 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" status: YELLOW message: "Compute is overloaded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-3" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-4" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-3" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-4" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 4 host: "::1" port: 12002 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } location { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.303794Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [5:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.304269Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.304688Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.305561Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [6:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.306097Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.306142Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194c/r3tmp/tmpWIpyQf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:27.691790Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27563, node 5 TClient is connected to server localhost:14658 2025-03-11T11:45:28.159203Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.159311Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.159361Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.159742Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration self_check_result: GOOD issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-f489" status: YELLOW message: "Database has compute issues" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" type: "DATABASE" level: 1 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" status: YELLOW message: "Compute is overloaded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-5" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-6" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-5" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-6" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 6 host: "::1" port: 12002 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } location { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.979847Z node 7 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [7:450:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:33.980242Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:33.980517Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194c/r3tmp/tmpkj803d/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:34.634985Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28650, node 7 TClient is connected to server localhost:12606 2025-03-11T11:45:35.249875Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:35.249994Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:35.250047Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:35.250586Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:41.885443Z node 9 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [9:450:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:41.885867Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:41.886031Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194c/r3tmp/tmp11KuaS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:42.619913Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14483, node 9 TClient is connected to server localhost:9457 2025-03-11T11:45:43.441468Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.441542Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.441591Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.442330Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration |80.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::SamePriorityRequest2 [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/unittest >> TInterconnectTest::TestEventWithPayloadSerialization [GOOD] Test command err: Starting iteration 0 Starting iteration 1 Starting iteration 2 Starting iteration 3 Starting iteration 4 Starting iteration 5 Starting iteration 6 Starting iteration 7 Starting iteration 8 Starting iteration 9 Starting iteration 10 Starting iteration 11 Starting iteration 12 Starting iteration 13 Starting iteration 14 Starting iteration 15 Starting iteration 16 Starting iteration 17 Starting iteration 18 Starting iteration 19 Starting iteration 20 Starting iteration 21 Starting iteration 22 Starting iteration 23 Starting iteration 24 Starting iteration 25 Starting iteration 26 Starting iteration 27 Starting iteration 28 Starting iteration 29 Starting iteration 30 Starting iteration 31 Starting iteration 32 Starting iteration 33 Starting iteration 34 Starting iteration 35 Starting iteration 36 Starting iteration 37 Starting iteration 38 Starting iteration 39 Starting iteration 40 Starting iteration 41 Starting iteration 42 Starting iteration 43 Starting iteration 44 Starting iteration 45 Starting iteration 46 Starting iteration 47 Starting iteration 48 Starting iteration 49 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 7 0 15 0 31 0 63 0 127 0 255 0 511 0 1023 0 2047 0 4095 0 8191 0 16383 0 32767 0 65535 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 7 1 15 1 31 1 63 1 127 1 255 1 511 1 1023 1 2047 1 4095 1 8191 1 16383 1 32767 1 65535 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 7 3 15 3 31 3 63 3 127 3 255 3 511 3 1023 3 2047 3 4095 3 8191 3 16383 3 32767 3 65535 7 0 7 1 7 3 7 7 7 15 7 31 7 63 7 127 7 255 7 511 7 1023 7 2047 7 4095 7 8191 7 16383 7 32767 7 65535 15 0 15 1 15 3 15 7 15 15 15 31 15 63 15 127 15 255 15 511 15 1023 15 2047 15 4095 15 8191 15 16383 15 32767 15 65535 31 0 31 1 31 3 31 7 31 15 31 31 31 63 31 127 31 255 31 511 31 1023 31 2047 31 4095 31 8191 31 16383 31 32767 31 65535 63 0 63 1 63 3 63 7 63 15 63 31 63 63 63 127 63 255 63 511 63 1023 63 2047 63 4095 63 8191 63 16383 63 32767 63 65535 127 0 127 1 127 3 127 7 127 15 127 31 127 63 127 127 127 255 127 511 127 1023 127 2047 127 4095 127 8191 127 16383 127 32767 127 65535 255 0 255 1 255 3 255 7 255 15 255 31 255 63 255 127 255 255 255 511 255 1023 255 2047 255 4095 255 8191 255 16383 255 32767 255 65535 511 0 511 1 511 3 511 7 511 15 511 31 511 63 511 127 511 255 511 511 511 1023 511 2047 511 4095 511 8191 511 16383 511 32767 511 65535 1023 0 1023 1 1023 3 1023 7 1023 15 1023 31 1023 63 1023 127 1023 255 1023 511 1023 1023 1023 2047 1023 4095 1023 8191 1023 16383 1023 32767 1023 65535 2047 0 2047 1 2047 3 2047 7 2047 15 2047 31 2047 63 2047 127 2047 255 2047 511 2047 1023 2047 2047 2047 4095 2047 8191 2047 16383 2047 32767 2047 65535 4095 0 4095 1 4095 3 4095 7 4095 15 4095 31 4095 63 4095 127 4095 255 4095 511 4095 1023 4095 2047 4095 4095 4095 8191 4095 16383 4095 32767 4095 65535 8191 0 8191 1 8191 3 8191 7 8191 15 8191 31 8191 63 8191 127 8191 255 8191 511 8191 1023 8191 2047 8191 4095 8191 8191 8191 16383 8191 32767 8191 65535 16383 0 16383 1 16383 3 16383 7 16383 15 16383 31 16383 63 16383 127 16383 255 16383 511 16383 1023 16383 2047 16383 4095 16383 8191 16383 16383 16383 32767 16383 65535 32767 0 32767 1 32767 3 32767 7 32767 15 32767 31 32767 63 32767 127 32767 255 32767 511 32767 1023 32767 2047 32767 4095 32767 8191 32767 16383 32767 32767 32767 65535 65535 0 65535 1 65535 3 65535 7 65535 15 65535 31 65535 63 65535 127 65535 255 65535 511 65535 1023 65535 2047 65535 4095 65535 8191 65535 16383 65535 32767 65535 65535 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-21 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-22 |80.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/ydb-services-dynamic_config-ut |80.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/ydb-services-dynamic_config-ut |80.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/ydb-services-dynamic_config-ut >> TTopicYqlTest::CreateAndAlterTopicYql [GOOD] >> TTopicYqlTest::BadRequests |80.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/health_check/ut/unittest >> THealthCheckTest::TestTabletIsDead [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:09.587685Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:09.588284Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.588350Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.589226Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:09.589556Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:09.589930Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpV8cfVE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:10.016160Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15981, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:23704 2025-03-11T11:45:10.459791Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:10.459850Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:10.459879Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:10.460146Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:18.465507Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [3:691:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:18.466072Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:18.466352Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:18.467141Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [4:688:2351], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:18.467637Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:18.467692Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpe7okpL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:18.825340Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14014, node 3 TClient is connected to server localhost:26164 2025-03-11T11:45:19.252563Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:19.252624Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:19.252666Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:19.252998Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration self_check_result: DEGRADED issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-70fb" status: YELLOW message: "Database has multiple issues" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-5321" type: "DATABASE" level: 1 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" status: YELLOW message: "Compute is overloaded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-3" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-4" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-3" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-4" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 4 host: "::1" port: 12002 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-5321" status: YELLOW message: "Storage degraded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-595f-ab18" type: "STORAGE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-595f-ab18" status: YELLOW message: "Pool degraded" location { storage { pool { name: "/Root:test" } } database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-ef3e-2147483648" type: "STORAGE_POOL" level: 3 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-99d2-3-2147483648-3-55-0-55" status: YELLOW message: "VDisks have space issue" location { storage { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { name: "/Root:test" group { vdisk { id: "2147483648-3-55-0-55" id: "2147483648-3-56-0-56" id: "2147483648-3-57-0-57" } } } } database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-42" reason: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-43" reason: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-44" type: "VDISK" level: 5 listed: 3 count: 3 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-42" status: YELLOW message: "Available size is less than 12%" location { storage { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "3-42" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpe7okpL/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-43" status: YELLOW message: "Available size is less than 12%" location { storage { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "3-43" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpe7okpL/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-e463-3-3-44" status: YELLOW message: "Available size is less than 12%" location { storage { node { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "3-44" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpe7okpL/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-ef3e-2147483648" status: YELLOW message: "Group degraded" location { storage { pool { name: "/Root:test" group { id: "2147483648" } } } database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-99d2-3-2147483648-3-55-0-55" type: "STORAGE_GROUP" level: 4 } location { id: 3 host: "::1" port: 12001 } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.630520Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [5:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.631087Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.631611Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.632649Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [6:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:27.633249Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:27.633296Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmp1aYwBh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:27.969835Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26263, node 5 TClient is connected to server localhost:19596 2025-03-11T11:45:28.426829Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.426928Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.426981Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:28.427460Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration self_check_result: DEGRADED issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-70fb" status: YELLOW message: "Database has multiple issues" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-5321" type: "DATABASE" level: 1 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" status: YELLOW message: "Compute is overloaded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-5" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-6" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-5" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-6" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 6 host: "::1" port: 12002 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-5321" status: YELLOW message: "Storage degraded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-595f-ab18" type: "STORAGE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-595f-ab18" status: YELLOW message: "Pool degraded" location { storage { pool { name: "/Root:test" } } database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-ef3e-2147483648" type: "STORAGE_POOL" level: 3 } issue_log { id: "RED-a594-5-5-42" status: RED message: "PDisk state is FAULTY" location { storage { node { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "5-42" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmp1aYwBh/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "RED-a594-5-5-43" status: RED message: "PDisk state is FAULTY" location { storage { node { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "5-43" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmp1aYwBh/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "RED-a594-5-5-44" status: RED message: "PDisk state is FAULTY" location { storage { node { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } pool { group { vdisk { pdisk { id: "5-44" path: "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmp1aYwBh/pdisk_1.dat" } } } } } } type: "PDISK" level: 6 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-ef3e-2147483648" status: YELLOW message: "Group degraded" location { storage { pool { name: "/Root:test" group { id: "2147483648" } } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "STORAGE_GROUP" level: 4 } location { id: 5 host: "::1" port: 12001 } 2025-03-11T11:45:38.123600Z node 7 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [7:354:2216], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:38.123810Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:38.123915Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:38.124946Z node 8 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [8:772:2355], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:38.125292Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:38.125555Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00193c/r3tmp/tmpkhordC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:38.569460Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18003, node 7 TClient is connected to server localhost:7981 2025-03-11T11:45:43.459929Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.460036Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.460094Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:43.460610Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:43.479609Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:43.479827Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:43.535999Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 9 Cookie 9 2025-03-11T11:45:43.536831Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:43.749173Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 9 2025-03-11T11:45:43.750394Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected self_check_result: EMERGENCY issue_log { id: "RED-9a33-f489" status: RED message: "Database has compute issues" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "RED-9a33-6fa7" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" type: "DATABASE" level: 1 } issue_log { id: "RED-9a33-6fa7" status: RED message: "Compute has issues with tablets" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "RED-9a33-e5e3-PersQueue" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-1ba8" status: YELLOW message: "Compute is overloaded" location { database { name: "/Root" } } reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-7" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-8" reason: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-9" type: "COMPUTE" level: 2 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-7" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 7 host: "::1" port: 12001 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-8" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 8 host: "::1" port: 12002 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "YELLOW-9a33-e9e2-9" status: YELLOW message: "LoadAverage above 100%" location { compute { node { id: 9 host: "::1" port: 12003 } } database { name: "/Root" } } type: "LOAD_AVERAGE" level: 4 } issue_log { id: "RED-9a33-e5e3-PersQueue" status: RED message: "Tablets are dead" location { compute { tablet { type: "PersQueue" id: "72075186224037888" count: 1 } } database { name: "/Root" } node { } } type: "TABLET" level: 4 } location { id: 7 host: "::1" port: 12001 } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/health_check/ut/unittest >> THealthCheckTest::ShardsLimit800 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:04.769285Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:04.769723Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:04.769843Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194d/r3tmp/tmpqX4rjW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:05.256113Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64721, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:27285 2025-03-11T11:45:05.802238Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:05.802305Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:05.802349Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:05.803101Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:13.875106Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [3:691:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:13.875711Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.876008Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.876963Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [4:688:2351], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:13.877537Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:13.877589Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194d/r3tmp/tmpZfDiof/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:14.309083Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16657, node 3 TClient is connected to server localhost:8949 2025-03-11T11:45:14.791881Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:14.791964Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:14.792009Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:14.792376Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:22.864903Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [5:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:22.865399Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:22.865854Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:22.866823Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [6:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:22.867538Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:22.867589Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194d/r3tmp/tmpBAUvEc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:23.233287Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24485, node 5 TClient is connected to server localhost:11893 2025-03-11T11:45:23.555564Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:23.555637Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:23.555668Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:23.556005Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:32.151838Z node 7 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [7:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:32.152353Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:32.152573Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:32.153624Z node 8 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [8:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:32.154220Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:32.154331Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194d/r3tmp/tmpIIJNYH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:32.573837Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10651, node 7 TClient is connected to server localhost:6351 2025-03-11T11:45:33.002562Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:33.002635Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:33.002679Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:33.003914Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:43.072969Z node 9 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [9:693:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:43.073770Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:43.074102Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:43.075327Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [10:690:2352], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:43.075971Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:43.076138Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00194d/r3tmp/tmptopEmB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:43.656535Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10440, node 9 TClient is connected to server localhost:63601 2025-03-11T11:45:44.249279Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:44.249342Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:44.249372Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:44.250618Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration >> IncrementalRestoreScan::Empty >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiter-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart+UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-19 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-20 >> DstCreator::WithSyncIndexAndIntermediateDir >> TConsoleTests::TestCreateSubSubDomainExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestAuthorization >> TPQCompatTest::LongProducerAndLongMessageGroupId [GOOD] >> TPQCompatTest::ReadWriteSessions >> TCmsTest::Mirror3dcPermissions [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewQueryText |80.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut_ycsb/ydb-core-load_test-ut_ycsb |80.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut_ycsb/ydb-core-load_test-ut_ycsb |80.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/actorlib_impl/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |80.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/load_test/ut_ycsb/ydb-core-load_test-ut_ycsb >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsMultiplePartitions [GOOD] >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsVolatileOutOfOrder |80.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-vdisk-skeleton-ut |80.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-vdisk-skeleton-ut |80.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/blobstorage/vdisk/skeleton/ut/ydb-core-blobstorage-vdisk-skeleton-ut |80.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_view |80.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_view |80.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_view |80.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/ut/unittest >> TCmsTest::Mirror3dcPermissions [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTable >> BackupRestore::RestoreTablePartitioningSettings >> TPersQueueTest::EventBatching [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DisableWrongSettings >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBlobDepot [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBackupCollection [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeInvalid [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobal >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-51 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-52 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-68 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-69 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-69 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-70 >> CompressExecutor::TestExecutorMemUsage [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_TestPolicy [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_TestBrokenPolicy >> TPersQueueTest::LOGBROKER_7820 [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::InflightLimit >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-69 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-70 |80.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator_client-ut |80.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator_client-ut |80.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator_client-ut >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeInvalid [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypePersQueueGroup >> IncrementalRestoreScan::Empty [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-StrictAclCheck [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly >> DstCreator::WithSyncIndexAndIntermediateDir [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> CompressExecutor::TestExecutorMemUsage [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:25.445978Z :WriteAndReadSomeMessagesWithAsyncCompression INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693405445937 2025-03-11T11:43:26.245862Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516220547642521:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:26.246109Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00150b/r3tmp/tmpqNVicl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:26.669196Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:26.686979Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:26.804318Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:27.273418Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:27.326471Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:27.329145Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:27.329215Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:27.330780Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:27.330839Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:27.338473Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:27.338587Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:27.343305Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19263, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:27.480825Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:43:27.762663Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00150b/r3tmp/yandexxmbBHu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:27.762694Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00150b/r3tmp/yandexxmbBHu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:27.762854Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00150b/r3tmp/yandexxmbBHu.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:27.762980Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:27.902101Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 14887 GrpcPort 19263 TClient is connected to server localhost:14887 PQClient connected to localhost:19263 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:28.609071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:31.218268Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480516220547642521:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:31.218346Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:32.184053Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516246317446453:2310], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:32.184439Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:32.188634Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516246317446486:2314], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:32.203804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976720657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:32.272658Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480516246317446491:2315], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976720657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:32.351582Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516246317446521:2132] txid# 281474976720658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:33.000601Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516246368363427:2345], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:33.002557Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTU4Y2RlM2UtNThiMjZiNjktMmE4MDBjYmItZjA2MDM5NDY=, ActorId: [1:7480516246368363376:2336], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8s1g1x9bz2bc1646aw7v, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:33.007551Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:33.011084Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480516246317446528:2320], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:43:33.012815Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZTk3YjFjNmUtOWFjNzM4NDgtYzVmODlhYTItYjNjYTdhZWU=, ActorId: [2:7480516246317446451:2309], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g8rsf7js72ca1eg0agmp3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:43:33.013232Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:33.014876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:33.256925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:33.496570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:19263", true, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:43:34.089037Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g8tbha696k3j6a1aegmrh, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjQ2ZGY3NjYtY2IyNTY2OTYtOWRmMTQ4OWEtNDBlMDM4NGY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480516254958298442:2990] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:43:40.424913Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710678:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:19263 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:43:40.527522Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--test-topic, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:19263 MetaRequest { CmdCreateTopic { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" NumPartitions: 1 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 8388608 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 20000000 BurstSize: 20000000 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } LocalDC: true ReadRules: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 ConsumerFormatVersions: 0 ConsumerCodecs { } Co ... st { topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "test-message-group-id" preferred_cluster: "dc1" } 2025-03-11T11:45:50.594065Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 3 topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "test-message-group-id" preferred_cluster: "dc1" from ipv6:[::1]:60308 2025-03-11T11:45:50.594104Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=3 sessionId= userAgent="pqv1 server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:60308 proto=v1 topic=test-topic durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:45:50.594123Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:45:50.596360Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:45:50.596564Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND SourceId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:45:50.596581Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64;DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` (Hash, Topic, SourceId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:45:50.596597Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND SourceId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:45:50.596619Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516839970945437:2592] (SourceId=test-message-group-id, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) StartKqpSession 2025-03-11T11:45:50.601018Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516839970945437:2592] (SourceId=test-message-group-id, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Select from the table 2025-03-11T11:45:50.850925Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976710699. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037891 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:50.851071Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [13:7480516839970945450:2594] TxId: 281474976710699. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gd0091kgaejp3w43z03j7, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YmE2NDhmZDUtOWRlYjE1MTYtMTIwNTBkOWUtMjYyMjJjYzM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037891 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:50.851333Z node 13 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YmE2NDhmZDUtOWRlYjE1MTYtMTIwNTBkOWUtMjYyMjJjYzM=, ActorId: [13:7480516839970945438:2594], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gd0091kgaejp3w43z03j7, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:50.853253Z node 13 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER INFO: TPartitionChooser [13:7480516839970945437:2592] (SourceId=test-message-group-id, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyError: kqp error Marker# PQ50 : Response { SessionId: "ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YmE2NDhmZDUtOWRlYjE1MTYtMTIwNTBkOWUtMjYyMjJjYzM=" QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037891 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd00p4znrv644b4rx9x28" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 8 2025-03-11T11:45:50.853393Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 error cookie: 3 reason: kqp error Marker# PQ50 : Response { SessionId: "ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YmE2NDhmZDUtOWRlYjE1MTYtMTIwNTBkOWUtMjYyMjJjYzM=" QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037891 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd00p4znrv644b4rx9x28" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 8 sessionId: 2025-03-11T11:45:50.853784Z node 13 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: is DEAD Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:45:50.857519Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Got error. Status: UNAVAILABLE, Description:
: Error: kqp error Marker# PQ50 : Response { SessionId: "ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YmE2NDhmZDUtOWRlYjE1MTYtMTIwNTBkOWUtMjYyMjJjYzM=" QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037891 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd00p4znrv644b4rx9x28" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 8 , code: 500001 2025-03-11T11:45:50.857558Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session will restart in 2.000000s 2025-03-11T11:45:50.857690Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session: Do CDS request 2025-03-11T11:45:50.857727Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Do schedule cds request after 2000 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:51.070033Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976710701. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037888 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.070207Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [13:7480516839970945494:2584] TxId: 281474976710701. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gczm08017qas44d6k3m3q, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YTM2ODdiMjMtYzFkOTg5Y2UtOTg3ZjI3ZDMtYThkNWQ5M2Y=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037888 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.070492Z node 13 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YTM2ODdiMjMtYzFkOTg5Y2UtOTg3ZjI3ZDMtYThkNWQ5M2Y=, ActorId: [13:7480516839970945416:2584], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gczm08017qas44d6k3m3q, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:51.072110Z node 13 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 severity: 2 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Cost Based Optimizer could not be applied to this query: couldn\'t load statistics" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } issue_code: 8001 severity: 2 } } QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037888 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd08jej593xdhgg3efe4f" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 430 } 2025-03-11T11:45:51.494477Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976710703. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.494644Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [13:7480516844265912883:2597] TxId: 281474976710703. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gd0nxeg5xtm3v690pmvns, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YWYxNTFkOTItY2Y0OGZlNzAtZDdkMWViNTQtZDFmYTIyNTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.494899Z node 13 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=YWYxNTFkOTItY2Y0OGZlNzAtZDdkMWViNTQtZDFmYTIyNTY=, ActorId: [13:7480516844265912880:2597], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gd0nxeg5xtm3v690pmvns, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:51.496504Z node 13 :PQ_METACACHE ERROR: Got error trying to perform request: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd0nxeg5xtm3v6an1abkh" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:51.589993Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:45:51.590079Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:45:51.590155Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:45:51.591015Z :WARNING: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session: could not confirm all writes in time or session aborted, perform hard shutdown 2025-03-11T11:45:51.591073Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|15715324-7a3b5087-6639a359-dff85516_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:45:51.641847Z node 14 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976720685. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.642025Z node 14 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [14:7480516843102197457:2485] TxId: 281474976720685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gd0ry4fdfmwbwrh0q5fc1, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=14&id=NTQ2MzU5MTUtNTA0ZjQ2MmQtNjNjYTI4MWEtNDQyZDI1YmQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.642271Z node 14 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=14&id=NTQ2MzU5MTUtNTA0ZjQ2MmQtNjNjYTI4MWEtNDQyZDI1YmQ=, ActorId: [14:7480516843102197454:2485], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gd0ry4fdfmwbwrh0q5fc1, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:51.643322Z node 14 :PQ_METACACHE ERROR: Got error trying to perform request: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd0s64dr7kh613nb9b2qv" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:51.785237Z node 14 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976720686. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.785387Z node 14 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [14:7480516843102197487:2477] TxId: 281474976720686. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gd07j8h1vn7jxe2hpdzs5, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=14&id=NDU1OGUzZTgtYWU2ZjJhMWEtY2I1M2M4ZmUtN2Q3YmEyNmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:45:51.785677Z node 14 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=14&id=NDU1OGUzZTgtYWU2ZjJhMWEtY2I1M2M4ZmUtN2Q3YmEyNmU=, ActorId: [14:7480516838807230141:2477], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gd07j8h1vn7jxe2hpdzs5, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:51.787401Z node 14 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 severity: 2 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Cost Based Optimizer could not be applied to this query: couldn\'t load statistics" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } issue_code: 8001 severity: 2 } } QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gd0z399704myhbke79dee" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 489 } |80.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_compaction |80.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_compaction |80.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_compaction >> TPersQueueTest::ReadWithoutConsumerFirstClassCitizen [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestAuthorization [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestAuthorizationExtSubdomain >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-22 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-23 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_dst_creator/unittest >> DstCreator::WithSyncIndexAndIntermediateDir [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:51.057227Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516842775857243:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:51.057696Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0010f1/r3tmp/tmpMFXEtP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:51.824520Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:51.838253Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:51.838363Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:51.840829Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:15755 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13052, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:52.391751Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:52.391779Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:52.391786Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:52.391939Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15755 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:53.119958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:53.150300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693553551 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyCo... (TRUNCATED) TClient::Ls request: /Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693553187 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693553551 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:45:53.656739Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:45:53.656876Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:45:53.656900Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Get table profiles 2025-03-11T11:45:53.661290Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse 2025-03-11T11:45:56.058193Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516842775857243:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:56.060562Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:56.076373Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693553551, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:56.076858Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvAllocateTxIdResult 2025-03-11T11:45:56.079699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:56.114657Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710659} 2025-03-11T11:45:56.114704Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Subscribe tx: txId# 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:45:56.237032Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:45:56.238509Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 20 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/Dir/Replicated" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Replicated" PathId: 6 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693556260 ParentPathId: 5 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Replicated" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 0 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 StorageConfig { SysLog { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Log { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Data { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } } } } TableIndexes { Name: "index_by_value" LocalPathId: 7 Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady KeyCol ... ionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 StorageConfig { SysLog { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Log { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Data { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186224037905 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 7 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 19 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } PathId: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 } 2025-03-11T11:45:56.265839Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 2] Success: dstPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] TClient::Ls request: /Root/Dir/Replicated/index_by_value TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "index_by_value" PathId: 7 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTableIndex CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693556260 ParentPathId: 6 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableIndexVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 8 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693556260 ParentPathId: 7 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { ... (TRUNCATED) TClient::Ls request: /Root/Dir/Replicated/index_by_value/indexImplTable TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 8 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693556260 ParentPathId: 7 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } ... (TRUNCATED) Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "indexImplTable" PathId: 8 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693556260 ParentPathId: 7 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeSyncIndexImplTable Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "indexImplTable" Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "value" KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyColumnIds: 1 KeyColumnIds: 2 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } ColumnFamilies { Id: 0 StorageConfig { SysLog { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Log { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } Data { PreferredPoolKind: "test" } } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false ReplicationConfig { Mode: REPLICATION_MODE_READ_ONLY ConsistencyLevel: CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ROW } IsRestore: false } TablePartitions { EndOfRangeKeyPrefix: "" IsPoint: false IsInclusive: false DatashardId: 72075186224037905 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 7 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 19 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } UserAttributes { Key: "__async_replica" Value: "true" } } Path: "/Root/Dir/Replicated/index_by_value/indexImplTable" ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_incremental_restore_scan/unittest >> IncrementalRestoreScan::Empty [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:55.736344Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.736681Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:55.736852Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0013d9/r3tmp/tmp4QGy1x/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:56.310834Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [TIncrementalRestoreScan][1337][OwnerId: 1, LocalPathId: 2][OwnerId: 3, LocalPathId: 4][1:595:2519] Exhausted 2025-03-11T11:45:56.310981Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [TIncrementalRestoreScan][1337][OwnerId: 1, LocalPathId: 2][OwnerId: 3, LocalPathId: 4][1:595:2519] Handle TEvIncrementalRestoreScan::TEvFinished NKikimr::NDataShard::TEvIncrementalRestoreScan::TEvFinished 2025-03-11T11:45:56.311024Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [TIncrementalRestoreScan][1337][OwnerId: 1, LocalPathId: 2][OwnerId: 3, LocalPathId: 4][1:595:2519] Finish 0 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-20 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-21 >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewQueryText [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewReferenceTable |80.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_encrypted_storage |80.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_encrypted_storage |80.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/ydb-core-tx-tx_proxy-ut_encrypted_storage >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedOutOfOrderFollowerConsistency [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteRSNotAckedBeforeCommit >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeInvalid [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypePersQueueGroup [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeRtmrVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeKesus [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeFileStore [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeReplication [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeResourcePool [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::ReadWithoutConsumerFirstClassCitizen [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:11.493847Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515640199848090:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.523055Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.528306Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515640598810403:2266];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.528343Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:12.343992Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:12.452304Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ca1/r3tmp/tmpFXdSR9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:12.630469Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:12.686001Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.520291Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:13.520396Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:13.534520Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:13.534597Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:13.541827Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:13.552139Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:13.562554Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:13.642368Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.649122Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18610, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.698916Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.914614Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:13.917133Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:14.038098Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ca1/r3tmp/yandexpVoV08.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.038125Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ca1/r3tmp/yandexpVoV08.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.038302Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ca1/r3tmp/yandexpVoV08.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.038427Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:14.228953Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 11857 GrpcPort 18610 TClient is connected to server localhost:11857 PQClient connected to localhost:18610 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:15.201204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:15.476028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:16.482290Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515640199848090:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:16.482371Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:16.530134Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515640598810403:2266];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:16.530183Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:20.299152Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515679253516306:2321], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.299268Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515679253516317:2324], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.299332Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.315063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.370451Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515679253516320:2325], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:20.530205Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515679253516347:2187] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:21.014109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:21.020009Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515678854554742:2351], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:21.021790Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDU1ZTI4NGQtNjVmZDgyNDMtNDk3MWZhMWEtNGY3YjMwYzY=, ActorId: [1:7480515678854554692:2344], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4r5n9wk4w15c1kw1th6r, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:21.017022Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480515679253516354:2329], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:21.022035Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NWNmMmRhYzQtMTk2YmZkNjUtYWY5OTdiNjEtNTdlZGQwMmI=, ActorId: [2:7480515679253516296:2320], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4r17f2z1x8v6kjgxvjs1, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:21.024085Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:21.025640Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:21.220573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:21.429265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:41:21.941145Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g ... tQuotaTimeMs: 0 } Cookie: 38 } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.118768Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset40 2025-03-11T11:45:55.118817Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2) EndOffset 40 ReadOffset 40 ReadGuid 6671c65b-69492a1a-a17591ba-c7a6a699 has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.118954Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 partition ready for read: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2), readOffset# 38, endOffset# 40, WTime# 1741693554640, sizeLag# 372 2025-03-11T11:45:55.118979Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1TEvPartitionReady. Aval parts: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119037Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 read done: guid# a9a5d859-c89ddf20-f8232ffc-ffabc209, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2), size# 522 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119070Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 response to read: guid# a9a5d859-c89ddf20-f8232ffc-ffabc209 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119347Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119484Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 read done: guid# 6671c65b-69492a1a-a17591ba-c7a6a699, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2), size# 352 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119509Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 response to read: guid# 6671c65b-69492a1a-a17591ba-c7a6a699 2025-03-11T11:45:55.119621Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 Bytes readed: 352 Offset: 38 from session 2 Offset: 39 from session 2 Bytes readed: 522 Offset: 35 from session 2 Offset: 36 from session 2 Offset: 37 from session 2 2025-03-11T11:45:55.174573Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { commit_offset_request { commit_offsets { partition_session_id: 2 offsets { end: 39 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.174647Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 closed with error: reason# can't commit when reading without a consumer 2025-03-11T11:45:55.175017Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:55.175429Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read_request { bytes_size: 400 } } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.175514Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 got read request: guid# a83048ac-202b2b8f-4d9c5087-4ad59ac3 2025-03-11T11:45:55.175569Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 performing read request: guid# b3e28e73-e3326127-8153a639-a5627b56, from# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2), count# 2, size# 168, partitionsAsked# 1, maxTimeLag# 0ms 2025-03-11T11:45:55.175983Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 READ FROM TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2)maxCount 2 maxSize 168 maxTimeLagMs 0 readTimestampMs 0 readOffset 38 EndOffset 40 ClientCommitOffset 0 committedOffset 0 Guid b3e28e73-e3326127-8153a639-a5627b56 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177419Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177475Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177563Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177616Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195958:2614] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177640Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177660Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195957:2613] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177677Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177697Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195956:2612] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177715Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177736Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195955:2611] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177754Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177773Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195954:2610] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177856Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177878Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177919Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177938Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.177957Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_2_10639226683916239202_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.178051Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] read cookie 34 Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 1 user $without_consumer offset 38 count 2 size 168 endOffset 40 max time lag 0ms effective offset 38 2025-03-11T11:45:55.178105Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] read cookie 34 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 38, current partition end offset: 40 2025-03-11T11:45:55.178180Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 34. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:45:55.178210Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:45:55.178352Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 1 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 38 2025-03-11T11:45:55.182530Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 40 Result { Offset: 38 Data: "... 94 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 40 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693554697 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693554684 UncompressedSize: 6 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 39 Data: "... 94 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 41 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693554721 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693554719 UncompressedSize: 6 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 40 RealReadOffset: 39 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 0 } Cookie: 38 } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.182811Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset40 2025-03-11T11:45:55.182873Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2) EndOffset 40 ReadOffset 40 ReadGuid b3e28e73-e3326127-8153a639-a5627b56 has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.183055Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 read done: guid# b3e28e73-e3326127-8153a639-a5627b56, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 1(assignId:2), size# 352 2025-03-11T11:45:55.183107Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 response to read: guid# b3e28e73-e3326127-8153a639-a5627b56 2025-03-11T11:45:55.183398Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 Bytes readed: 352 Offset: 38 from session 2 Offset: 39 from session 2 2025-03-11T11:45:55.190406Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { commit_offset_request { commit_offsets { partition_session_id: 2 offsets { end: 39 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:45:55.190449Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 closed with error: reason# can't commit when reading without a consumer 2025-03-11T11:45:55.190745Z node 24 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192170Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192249Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195945:2605] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192278Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192301Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195944:2604] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192320Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192341Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195943:2608] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192361Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192384Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195947:2607] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192405Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192428Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [24:7480516855281195946:2606] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192491Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192518Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192539Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192559Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.192577Z node 25 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _24_1_13853857414373531373_v1 >> TPersQueueTest::Codecs_WriteMessageWithNonDefaultCodecThatHasToBeConfiguredAdditionally_SessionClosedWithBadRequestError [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::CreateTopicWithMeteringMode |80.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeResourcePool [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTable >> BackupRestore::RestoreTablePartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreIndexTablePartitioningSettings >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeDir [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExtSubDomain [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeColumnStore [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeColumnTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeCdcStream |80.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/ut/ydb-core-viewer-ut |80.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/ut/ydb-core-viewer-ut |80.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/viewer/ut/ydb-core-viewer-ut >> TPersQueueNewSchemeCacheTest::TestWriteStat1stClassTopicAPI [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::BadSids [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:06.919481Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:41:06.920214Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:41:11.713708Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:41:11.713784Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:41:12.760338Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480515643906929798:2212];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:12.760385Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.146167Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480515645690474763:2222];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.311913Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:13.336286Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc5/r3tmp/tmpgFuXPn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:13.464356Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:13.942464Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:14.174800Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:14.179657Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:14.184264Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:14.186836Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:14.186902Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:14.190239Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 4 Cookie 4 2025-03-11T11:41:14.191844Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:14.234556Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3113, node 3 2025-03-11T11:41:14.300439Z node 3 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:14.300550Z node 3 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:14.561823Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc5/r3tmp/yandexcScToE.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.561943Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc5/r3tmp/yandexcScToE.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.574042Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cc5/r3tmp/yandexcScToE.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:14.574222Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:14.653518Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 12887 GrpcPort 3113 TClient is connected to server localhost:12887 PQClient connected to localhost:3113 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 3113 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:15.181616Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.185908Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.186167Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:15.186407Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.186474Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.192651Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.192821Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:41:15.193023Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.193085Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.193100Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:15.193116Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:15.198258Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.198291Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:41:15.198338Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.199072Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.199106Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.199124Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:15.203057Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.203129Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.203179Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.203212Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:15.223278Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:15.230750Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:15.230894Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239183Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693275280, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239331Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693275280 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239365Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239645Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239677Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239837Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:15.239889Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.242368Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:15.242416Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:15.242599Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 720 ... 1:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Select from the table 2025-03-11T11:44:51.012813Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) RequestPQRB 2025-03-11T11:44:51.019170Z node 22 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037894][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [21:7480516584143407972:2537] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.030028Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Received partition 4 from PQRB for SourceId=base64:aa 2025-03-11T11:44:51.030077Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:44:51.032836Z node 22 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037894][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [21:7480516584143407972:2537] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.032876Z node 22 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037894][rt3.dc1--topic1] pipe [21:7480516584143407972:2537] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:44:51.077055Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:44:51.077120Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=4, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:44:51.077150Z node 21 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [21:7480516579848440661:2537] (SourceId=base64:aa, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:44:51.077200Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 5 sessionId: partition: 4 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:44:51.079629Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037893 (partition=4) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037893, NodeId 21, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.079692Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] server connected, pipe [21:7480516584143407988:2537], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:44:51.079923Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.079965Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080115Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 generated for partition 4 topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' owner base64:aa 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080254Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080325Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 4 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080743Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080771Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.080862Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 4 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.081023Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 5 partition: 4 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.082174Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693491082 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:44:51.082335Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0" topic: "topic1" cluster: "dc1" partition_id: 4 supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:44:51.082594Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write 1 messages with Id from 1 to 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.082699Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 18446744073709551 ms 2025-03-11T11:44:51.083524Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:44:51.083606Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Send 1 message(s) (0 left), first sequence number is 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.086459Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.086773Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037893 (partition=4) Received event: NKikimr::NPQ::TEvPartitionWriter::TEvWriteRequest 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087147Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087185Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087314Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 4 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087386Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037893 (partition=4) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087716Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.087742Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.088217Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] got client message topic: rt3.dc1--topic1 partition: 4 SourceId: '\0base64:aa' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 0 messageNo: 1 size 92 offset: -1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.088506Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 part blob processing sourceId '\0base64:aa' seqNo 1 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.206278Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 part blob complete sourceId '\0base64:aa' seqNo 1 partNo 0 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 169 count 1 nextOffset 1 batches 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.207149Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 compactOffset 0,1 HeadOffset 0 endOffset 0 curOffset 1 d0000000004_00000000000000000000_00000_0000000001_00000| size 157 WTime 1741693491206 2025-03-11T11:44:51.207919Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:44:51.208021Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 4 offset 0 partNo 0 count 1 size 157 2025-03-11T11:44:51.222773Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 4 offset 0 count 1 size 157 actorID [21:7480516571258505586:2470] 2025-03-11T11:44:51.222925Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 102 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.222979Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 4 2025-03-11T11:44:51.223047Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0base64:aa', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1', Partition: 4, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 0 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:44:51.223264Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.223298Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 user user send read request for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 1 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.223397Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 4 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.223564Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037893 (partition=4) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:44:51.224026Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 user user offset 0 count 1 size 1024000 endOffset 1 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.224058Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.224103Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 0. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:44:51.224126Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:44:51.224194Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 4 user user readTimeStamp done, result 1741693491086 queuesize 0 startOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:44:51.226756Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session got write response: sequence_numbers: 1 offsets: 0 already_written: false partition_id: 4 write_statistics { persist_duration_ms: 15 queued_in_partition_duration_ms: 120 } 2025-03-11T11:44:51.226822Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: acknoledged message 1 2025-03-11T11:44:51.226030Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037893' partition 4 offset 0 size 157 2025-03-11T11:44:51.285989Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:44:51.286112Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:44:51.286822Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:44:51.286893Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [base64:aa] SessionId [base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:44:51.295687Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:44:51.295725Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:44:51.295773Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:44:51.295800Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: base64:aa|fd21a763-12df0574-7c1ed9dc-a2f992da_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:44:51.296795Z node 21 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037893 (partition=4) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:44:51.298759Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893] server disconnected, pipe [21:7480516584143407988:2537] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:44:51.298826Z node 21 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037893, Partition: 4, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart-UseSink >> TPQTest::TestPQSmallRead [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSubDomain [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSolomonVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTableIndex >> TPQTest::TestPQReadAhead >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreTablePartitioningSettings >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-52 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-53 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-70 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-71 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-70 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-71 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/new_schemecache_ut/unittest >> TPersQueueNewSchemeCacheTest::TestWriteStat1stClassTopicAPI [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:59.777990Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516621617229582:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:44:59.778037Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:44:59.866392Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516621942887840:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.191786Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:45:00.243117Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c11/r3tmp/tmplz27Gp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:00.251027Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.883831Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:00.890491Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:00.892758Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:00.892860Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:00.896557Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:00.896627Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:00.898844Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:00.906127Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:00.908055Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13386, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:01.093784Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c11/r3tmp/yandexZYhX3c.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:01.093815Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c11/r3tmp/yandexZYhX3c.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:01.094047Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c11/r3tmp/yandexZYhX3c.tmp 2025-03-11T11:45:01.094175Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:01.148261Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 24110 GrpcPort 13386 TClient is connected to server localhost:24110 PQClient connected to localhost:13386 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:01.603184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:01.708959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:04.782043Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516621617229582:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:04.782147Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:04.845999Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480516621942887840:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:04.846081Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:05.010663Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516643092067146:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.010808Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.011033Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516647387034477:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.018368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715662:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:05.026811Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516647387034514:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.026985Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.043232Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516647387034482:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715662 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.278140Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516647387034558:2756] txid# 281474976715663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.307198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:05.456882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:05.493911Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480516647387034569:2351], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:5:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:5:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:45:05.496026Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjNhOTgxZTgtMzkyNjUyNDgtYjU1MGRlYjEtNzhlZWJlYzQ=, ActorId: [1:7480516643092067142:2338], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gbkf1basx1tcw4xpr57ya, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:45:05.517044Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 5 column: 17 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 5 column: 17 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:05.632862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:45:06.016421Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gbm7j8mf7x72kw8n2sdhz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzMyNTMwMWYtMTgxZTMzNzEtYmEzY2JkOWMtN2E5ZDhmOTE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480516651682002332:3107] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:45:12.390264Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [1:7480516625912197134:2129], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:12.390557Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: HandleNotify: self# [1:7480516625912197134:2129], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /Root PathId: Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:12.390663Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: ResolveCacheItem: self# [1:7480516625912197134:2129], notify# NKikimr::NSchemeBoard::NInternalEvents::TEvSyncResponse { Path: /Root PathId: Partial: 0 }, by path# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [1:7480516625912197483:2351] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 14 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693501695 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, by pathId# nullptr 2025-03-11T11:45:12.390767Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE ... 03-11T11:45:59.872181Z node 8 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.872201Z node 8 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869717Z node 7 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037895] server disconnected, pipe [7:7480516878541534639:2550] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869735Z node 7 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037895] Destroy direct read session some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869750Z node 7 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037895] server disconnected, pipe [7:7480516878541534638:2549] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869790Z node 7 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869867Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869884Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.869917Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: some@random@consumer_7_1_17223077591509080778_v1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.882395Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.882556Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516839886826858:2711] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.882686Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516878541534674:4298], recipient# [7:7480516878541534673:2567], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.339093Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.339246Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516814117022689:2434] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.339332Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516882836501979:4306], recipient# [7:7480516882836501978:2568], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.390549Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvResolveKeySet: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown PartitionsCount: 0 DomainInfo From: (Utf8 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 },{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown PartitionsCount: 0 DomainInfo From: (Utf8 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.390681Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TResolve: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516844181794402:2849] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 16 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 3 TableKind: 1 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693551633 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 1 }, entry# { TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown PartitionsCount: 0 DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.390751Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TResolve: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516844181794273:2769] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 16 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 3 TableKind: 1 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693551199 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 1 }, entry# { TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown PartitionsCount: 0 DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.391129Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516882836501982:4307], recipient# [7:7480516882836501981:2524], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 ResultSet [{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 12] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 2 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Utf8 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 },{ TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] Access: 1 SyncVersion: false Status: OkData Kind: KindRegularTable PartitionsCount: 1 DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 2 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } From: (Utf8 : NULL) IncFrom: 1 To: () IncTo: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.392385Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.392521Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516814117022678:2432] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 27 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusSuccess Kind: 2 TableKind: 0 Created: 1 CreateStep: 1741693545494 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: Root TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.392737Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516882836501985:4308], recipient# [7:7480516882836501984:2569], result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 2 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.618927Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySet: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.619172Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: FillEntry for TNavigate: self# [7:7480516809822054912:2127], cacheItem# { Subscriber: { Subscriber: [7:7480516814117022689:2434] DomainOwnerId: 72057594046644480 Type: 2 SyncCookie: 0 } Filled: 1 Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Kind: 0 TableKind: 0 Created: 0 CreateStep: 0 PathId: DomainId: IsPrivatePath: 0 IsVirtual: 0 SchemaVersion: 0 }, entry# { Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Unknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }, props# { Cookie: 0 IsSync: false Partial: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.619303Z node 7 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE DEBUG: Send result: self# [7:7480516882836502015:4323], recipient# [7:7480516882836502014:2574], result# { ErrorCount: 1 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations TableId: [18446744073709551615:18446744073709551615:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo }] } >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobal [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalAsync >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-69 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-70 >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeDir >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypePersQueueGroup [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeKesus >> TConsoleTests::TestAuthorizationExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestAttributes |80.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/ydb-services-metadata-secret-ut |80.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/ydb-services-metadata-secret-ut |80.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/ydb-services-metadata-secret-ut >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes+EnabledSpilling >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes-EnabledSpilling >> TPersQueueTest::TestBigMessage [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetMeteringMode >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxCustomFieldsOnly [GOOD] >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxTags >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-23 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsVolatileOutOfOrder [GOOD] >> Cdc::SequentialSplitMerge >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-21 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-22 >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewReferenceTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewToDifferentDatabase >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeDir [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBlockStoreVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExtSubDomain [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeColumnStore [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeColumnTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeCdcStream >> BackupRestore::RestoreIndexTablePartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreTableSplitBoundaries >> TTopicYqlTest::BadRequests [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSubDomain [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeRtmrVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSolomonVolume [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTableIndex >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeKesus [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeFileStore [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeReplication |80.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_transfer |80.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_transfer |80.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_transfer >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTableIndex [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSequence >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalAsync [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalUnique [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree >> TConsoleTests::TestAttributes [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestAttributesExtSubdomain >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreTablePartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTablePartitioningSettings >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-71 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-53 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-54 >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-71 [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeCdcStream [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-70 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-71 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TTopicYqlTest::BadRequests [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:55.248628Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515572752680199:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.248721Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.603908Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515573511582055:2217];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.755110Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.798648Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ce7/r3tmp/tmpj5m2CB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:59.175826Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.794792Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:00.189861Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.262698Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515572752680199:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.262785Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.470793Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515573511582055:2217];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.472763Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.208555Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.600608Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:02.219418Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:02.635002Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.294353Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.633131Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.322792Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.687716Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.777153Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:05.798039Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:05.874730Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:05.874797Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:06.115289Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:06.139314Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:06.397132Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:06.397166Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:06.483814Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2324, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:07.468188Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:07.623612Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.619975Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.649288Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.039221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.040363Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.111499Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:10.276685Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ce7/r3tmp/yandexOQIUKM.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:10.276711Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ce7/r3tmp/yandexOQIUKM.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:10.277491Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ce7/r3tmp/yandexOQIUKM.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:10.277606Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:11.218198Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 26495 GrpcPort 2324 TClient is connected to server localhost:26495 PQClient connected to localhost:2324 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:12.849597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:12.977465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:17.678598Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515667241961894:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.678795Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.679258Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515667241961923:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.683944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710662:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:17.718108Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515667241961925:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710662 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.815155Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515667241962008:2817] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.575647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.579107Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480515672295830177:2341], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:18.580368Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTVhMTQyMTYtNzMyNWYzMDctNDE3ZDQzOTctNmVhYTk3Mzk=, ActorId: [2:7480515672295830129:2334], ActorState: Execu ... TxId: 281474976715678 State: CALCULATED MinStep: 1741693565717 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 Step: 1741693565899 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_CONFIG TabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" Version: 0 LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 0 ReadRuleGenerations: 0 AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c2" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } } BootstrapConfig { } SourceActor { RawX1: 7480516840573369612 RawX2: 107374184593 } Partitions { Partition { PartitionId: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:05.888321Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898343Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898402Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898435Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, State CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898474Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 State CALCULATED FrontTxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898508Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, NewState WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898542Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 moved from CALCULATED to WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898624Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet to 0 receivers. Wait TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet from 0 senders. 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898678Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] HaveParticipantsDecision 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898766Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, NewState EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898810Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 moved from WAIT_RS to EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.898834Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 0, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.899004Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommit Step 1741693565899, TxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.899813Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904394Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904628Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommitDone Step 1741693565899, TxId 281474976715678, Partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904667Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904696Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, State EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904741Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 State EXECUTING FrontTxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904764Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904802Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId: 281474976715678 send TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult(COMPLETE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904839Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] complete TxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.905406Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Apply new config PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" Version: 0 LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 0 ReadRuleGenerations: 0 AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c2" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:05.905625Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72075186224037892] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:05.905777Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete partitions for TxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.905818Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, NewState EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.905860Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 moved from EXECUTING to EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.906464Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715678] save tx TxId: 281474976715678 State: EXECUTED MinStep: 1741693565717 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 Step: 1741693565899 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_CONFIG TabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" Version: 0 LocalDC: true RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true Producer: "legacy" Ident: "legacy" Topic: "topic1" DC: "dc1" FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--legacy--topic1" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 0 ReadRuleGenerations: 0 AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c1" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } Consumers { Name: "c2" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } ServiceType: "data-streams" Version: 0 Generation: 0 } } BootstrapConfig { } SourceActor { RawX1: 7480516840573369612 RawX2: 107374184593 } Partitions { Partition { PartitionId: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:05.906784Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924262Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924303Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924324Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, State EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924350Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 State EXECUTED FrontTxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924375Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TPersQueue::SendEvReadSetAckToSenders 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924397Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, NewState WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924421Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678 moved from EXECUTED to WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924450Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715678] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924459Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] HaveAllRecipientsReceive 1, AllSupportivePartitionsHaveBeenDeleted 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924473Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715678] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924488Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] add an TxId 281474976715678 to the list for deletion 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924512Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, NewState DELETING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924549Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete key for TxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:05.924608Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.929745Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.929788Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state DELETING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.929813Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715678, State DELETING 2025-03-11T11:46:05.929842Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete TxId 281474976715678 2025-03-11T11:46:07.021569Z node 25 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [25:7480516913587815849:2532] TxId: 281474976715682. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdg1affgzc87dscthctxs, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=25&id=NmZjYjk1MTQtOTNlYTAzM2UtZDIwODFhMWItMzk4NzM0YzI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. UNAVAILABLE: Failed to send EvStartKqpTasksRequest because node is unavailable: 26 2025-03-11T11:46:07.021715Z node 25 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [25:7480516913587815853:2532], TxId: 281474976715682, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=25&id=NmZjYjk1MTQtOTNlYTAzM2UtZDIwODFhMWItMzk4NzM0YzI=. TraceId : 01jp2gdg1affgzc87dscthctxs. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [25:7480516913587815849:2532], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedWriteRSNotAckedBeforeCommit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartBeforePrepare+UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalDataSource [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:02.478498Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516890247959368:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:02.478571Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5e/r3tmp/tmp0ZEWXa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:02.925139Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:02.925212Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:02.935239Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:02.970114Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8425, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:03.023348Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:46:03.023371Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:46:03.156933Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.156955Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.156962Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.157059Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2618 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:03.461711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:06.718393Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516907427829606:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.718492Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.010559Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.010596Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.010635Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] 2025-03-11T11:46:07.075375Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" 2025-03-11T11:46:07.075427Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:07.075825Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:07.075915Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:07.076086Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:07.076280Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:07.076324Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.076502Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:07.077938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:07.087076Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.087160Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722796926:2637] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516911722796925:2344] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.278827Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516911722797085:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.278898Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.327106Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.327144Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.327169Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328617Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateCdcStream CreateCdcStream { TableName: "table" StreamDescription { Name: "a" Mode: ECdcStreamModeUpdate Format: ECdcStreamFormatJson VirtualTimestamps: false AwsRegion: "" } } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328634Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328681Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328840Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328887Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710659 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328907Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710659 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.328987Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:07.333571Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710659} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.333627Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797097:2757] txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480516911722797096:2356] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710659 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:07.427539Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][1:7480516911722797270:2363] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:4:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.498141Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516890247959368:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:07.498223Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:07.515415Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516911722797377:2373], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.515495Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.524526Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.524555Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] TxId# 281474976710660 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:07.524590Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710660 SEND to# [1:7480516911722797389:2966] 2025-03-11T11:46:07.526855Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516911722797389:2966] txid# 281474976710660 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateCdcStream CreateCdcStream { TableName: "table" StreamDescription { Name: "b" Mode: ECdcStreamModeUpdate Format: ECdcStreamFormatJson VirtualTimestamps: false AwsRegion: "" } } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" PeerName: "" 2025- ... tate: Subscribed WaitTxId: 281474976715766 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.776485Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:09.819706Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516920312734160:2495] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:09.822159Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516920312734160:2495] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.822188Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516920312734160:2495] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.833570Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516920312734160:2495] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976710664 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_CREATE_CHANGEFEEDS ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:6892" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "table" destination_path: "/Root/table" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693569 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.837171Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037896:1][1:7480516920312734188:2497] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:17:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.858126Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:09.858154Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976715766 2025-03-11T11:46:09.858257Z node 1 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Allocate txId: info# { Id: 281474976710664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/table' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] State: CreateChangefeed SubState: AllocateTxId WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.860887Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:09.860975Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:09.860988Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnAllocateResult: txId# 281474976715767, id# 281474976710664 2025-03-11T11:46:09.861031Z node 1 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: CreateConsumers propose: info# { Id: 281474976710664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/table' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] State: CreateChangefeed SubState: Proposed WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' }, txId# 281474976715767 2025-03-11T11:46:09.861363Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:09.861960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715767:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.864744Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:09.864766Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnModifyResult: txId# 281474976715767, status# StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:46:09.864845Z node 1 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Wait for completion: info# { Id: 281474976710664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/table' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 11] State: CreateChangefeed SubState: Subscribed WaitTxId: 281474976715767 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.868631Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:09.907324Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:09.907357Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976715767 2025-03-11T11:46:09.908763Z node 1 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:10.653965Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516924607701688:2510] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:10.655722Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516924607701688:2510] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.655750Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516924607701688:2510] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.656957Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [1:7480516924607701688:2510] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976710664 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_DONE ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:6892" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "table" destination_path: "/Root/table" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693569 } EndTime { seconds: 1741693569 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.665001Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516890247959600:2140] Handle TEvNavigate describe path /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:10.665041Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516924607701694:4882] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:10.665195Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516924607701694:4882] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:10.665273Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516924607701694:4882] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/Root/table" Options { ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.666341Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516924607701694:4882] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480516924607701692:2511] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 20 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "table" PathId: 11 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976715760 CreateStep: 1741693569455 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 4 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 0 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } } TableSchemaVersion: 4 IsBackup: false CdcStreams { Name: "a" Mode: ECdcStreamModeUpdate PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 14 } State: ECdcStreamStateReady SchemaVersion: 1 Format: ECdcStreamFormatJson VirtualTimestamps: false AwsRegion: "" ResolvedTimestampsIntervalMs: 0 } CdcStreams { Name: "b" Mode: ECdcStreamModeUpdate PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 16 } State: ECdcStreamStateReady SchemaVersion: 1 Format: ECdcStreamFormatJson VirtualTimestamps: false AwsRegion: "" ResolvedTimestampsIntervalMs: 0 } CdcStreams { Name: "c" Mode: ECdcStreamModeUpdate PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 12 } State: ECdcStreamStateReady SchemaVersion: 1 Format: ECdcStreamFormatJson VirtualTimestamps: false AwsRegion: "" ResolvedTimestampsIntervalMs: 0 } IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 9 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 8 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 11 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 >> TPersQueueTest::DisableWrongSettings [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DisableDeduplication >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertNoLocksArbiterRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiterRestart+UseSink >> TPQCompatTest::ReadWriteSessions [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_TestBrokenPolicy [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_RetryOnTargetCluster |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-22 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-23 |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/unittest |80.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_order |80.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_order |80.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_order |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/dynamic_config/ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeCdcStream [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBlobDepot [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBackupCollection [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreTableSplitBoundaries [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::ImportDataShouldHandleErrors >> Cdc::SequentialSplitMerge [GOOD] >> Cdc::ShouldBreakLocksOnConcurrentSchemeTx >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTableIndex [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSequence >> TSchemeShardViewTest::EmptyQueryText ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPQCompatTest::ReadWriteSessions [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:55.425435Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515570454706213:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.433269Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.992939Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf6/r3tmp/tmpISPVlQ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:02.363345Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.386765Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.388616Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.390704Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.649639Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:08.670796Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:08.672924Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:08.672956Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:08.773793Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:08.784936Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:08.837668Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21090, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:11.203441Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515570454706213:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.255686Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.256145Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:11.270383Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.335737Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515604814444855:2295];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.336540Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.336563Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.351567Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:11.362636Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf6/r3tmp/yandexpltlGR.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.362664Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf6/r3tmp/yandexpltlGR.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.362820Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf6/r3tmp/yandexpltlGR.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.362932Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:11.500287Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 30685 GrpcPort 21090 TClient is connected to server localhost:30685 PQClient connected to localhost:21090 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:12.439597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:12.560461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:17.571952Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515667558199420:2319], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.572062Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515667558199439:2323], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.572130Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.582114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:17.616171Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515667558199443:2324], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.755323Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515667558199470:2186] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.567221Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515664943987827:2355], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:18.567958Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480515667558199477:2328], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:18.568353Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MWRhOTBjZDgtZTI5MWIzMTQtMTkxODhhZmEtZjk2NWRjZTk=, ActorId: [2:7480515667558199418:2318], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4nby5vxydwzyxkn2eab8, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:18.570627Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.634659Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWUxMGY0NmYtYjUxYjhlZDktMzYxNzhjMWQtYjllMTg3MDg=, ActorId: [1:7480515664943987782:2348], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4nhr1ck62hhf350hpfs0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:18.635320Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.638969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:18.884870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.193602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:41:19.968620Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g4q5pamj4x6fy7mwv7kma, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzVlYWYyZjgtZThiM2EyYzAtYzRkYzhhYTYtMzU3MzBiZDc=, CurrentExecu ... PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 6 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190091Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer session grpc read done: success# 1, data# { init_request { topics_read_settings { path: "account/topic2-mirrored-from-dc2" } consumer: "user" } } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190337Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 read init: from# ipv6:[::1]:42214, request# { init_request { topics_read_settings { path: "account/topic2-mirrored-from-dc2" } consumer: "user" } } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190833Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 auth for : user 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190871Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Handle describe topics 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190890Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: SendSchemeCacheRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:12.190961Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: send request for 1 topics, got 1 requests infly 2025-03-11T11:46:12.191976Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Handle SchemeCache response: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 12 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/LbCommunal/account/topic2-mirrored-from-dc2 TableId: [72057594046644480:18:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpList RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: true Status: Ok Kind: KindTopic DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.192142Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Got describe topics SC response 2025-03-11T11:46:12.192192Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 Handle describe topics response 2025-03-11T11:46:12.192434Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 auth is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:46:12.192591Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 auth ok: topics# 1, initDone# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.193966Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 register session: topic# rt3.dc2--account--topic2 ===Got response: status: SUCCESS init_response { session_id: "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.201844Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896] Destroy direct read session shared/user_27_5_4576892776044443582_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.202432Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] pipe [27:7480516935376854890:2631] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.202762Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer "user" register session for pipe [27:7480516935376854890:2631] session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.202851Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user register readable partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.202956Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user family created family=1 (Status=Free, Partitions=[0]) 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203256Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user register reading session ReadingSession "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" (Sender=[27:7480516935376854887:2631], Pipe=[27:7480516935376854890:2631], Partitions=[], ActiveFamilyCount=0) 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203330Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user rebalancing was scheduled 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203437Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user balancing. Sessions=1, Families=1, UnradableFamilies=1 [1 (0), ], RequireBalancing=0 [] 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203540Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user balancing family=1 (Status=Free, Partitions=[0]) for ReadingSession "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" (Sender=[27:7480516935376854887:2631], Pipe=[27:7480516935376854890:2631], Partitions=[], ActiveFamilyCount=0) 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203658Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user family 1 status Active partitions [0] session "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" sender [27:7480516935376854887:2631] lock partition 0 for ReadingSession "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" (Sender=[27:7480516935376854887:2631], Pipe=[27:7480516935376854890:2631], Partitions=[], ActiveFamilyCount=1) generation 1 step 3 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203757Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user start rebalancing. familyCount=1, sessionCount=1, desiredFamilyCount=1, allowPlusOne=0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.203812Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] consumer user balancing duration: 0.000329s 2025-03-11T11:46:12.204988Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 assign: record# { Partition: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037898 Topic: "topic2-mirrored-from-dc2" Generation: 1 Step: 3 Session: "shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1" ClientId: "user" PipeClient { RawX1: 7480516935376854890 RawX2: 4503715591490119 } Path: "/Root/LbCommunal/account/topic2-mirrored-from-dc2" } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.205130Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 INITING TopicId: Topic topic2-mirrored-from-dc2 in dc dc2 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) 2025-03-11T11:46:12.206619Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 TopicId: Topic topic2-mirrored-from-dc2 in dc dc2 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) pipe restart attempt 0 pipe creation result: OK TabletId: 72075186224037898 Generation: 1, pipe: [27:7480516935376854893:2634] 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207037Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896] server disconnected, pipe [27:7480516935376854885:2630] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207626Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898] server connected, pipe [27:7480516935376854893:2634], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207726Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'topic2-mirrored-from-dc2' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207774Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc2--account--topic2' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207836Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898] Created session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 on pipe: [27:7480516935376854893:2634] 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207956Z node 28 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_27_5_4576892776044443582_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.207994Z node 28 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: registered server session: shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1:1 with generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.208161Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc2--account--topic2' partition 0 user user session is set to 0 (startOffset 0) session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.208407Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:46:12.217861Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.218876Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'topic2-mirrored-from-dc2' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:12.220006Z node 28 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleGetTopicsResult 2025-03-11T11:46:12.220544Z node 28 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Updated topics list with : 4 topics 2025-03-11T11:46:12.220559Z node 28 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Metacache: reset 2025-03-11T11:46:12.222774Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 TopicId: Topic topic2-mirrored-from-dc2 in dc dc2 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 0 event { CmdGetClientOffsetResult { Offset: 0 EndOffset: 0 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693572081 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693572081 SizeLag: 0 WriteTimestampEstimateMS: 0 } Cookie: 18446744073709551615 } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.222857Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 INIT DONE TopicId: Topic topic2-mirrored-from-dc2 in dc dc2 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 0 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.222966Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 sending to client partition status ===Got response: status: SUCCESS start_partition_session_request { partition_session { partition_session_id: 1 path: "account/topic2-mirrored-from-dc2" } partition_offsets { } } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.229266Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.229301Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:46:12.229328Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:46:12.229366Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 6 consumer shared/user session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:46:12.234968Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] pipe [27:7480516935376854890:2631] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.235023Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037899][topic2-mirrored-from-dc2] pipe [27:7480516935376854890:2631] client user disconnected session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.242147Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898] Destroy direct read session shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.242207Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037898] server disconnected, pipe [27:7480516935376854893:2634] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:12.242368Z node 28 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_27_6_3243781855174600479_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.258827Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Check version rescan 2025-03-11T11:46:12.279106Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Got config version: 4 2025-03-11T11:46:12.295011Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleGetTopicsResult 2025-03-11T11:46:12.309884Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleGetTopicsResult 2025-03-11T11:46:12.310374Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Updated topics list with : 4 topics 2025-03-11T11:46:12.310387Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Metacache: reset 2025-03-11T11:46:12.473359Z node 28 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleClustersUpdate 2025-03-11T11:46:12.473383Z node 28 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleClustersUpdate LocalCluster !LocalCluster.empty() 2025-03-11T11:46:12.687643Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleClustersUpdate 2025-03-11T11:46:12.687674Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: HandleClustersUpdate LocalCluster !LocalCluster.empty() 2025-03-11T11:46:13.310104Z node 27 :PQ_METACACHE DEBUG: Check version rescan ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeBackupCollection [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:04.413562Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516899355357857:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:04.414242Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpc6dV9S/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:05.085340Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:05.126262Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:05.126369Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:05.148313Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26905, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.594858Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.594888Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.594898Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.595743Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3251 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:05.876369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114605" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir"Create directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114605/dir" in databaseWrite ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir/permissions.pb"Remove directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114605/dir"2025-03-11T11:46:06.130530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114605" in database2025-03-11T11:46:06.168716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:06.195624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir"Restore empty directory "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir" to "/Root/dir"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir" to "/Root/dir"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpEcF3NI/dir/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:06.279732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:46:09.594913Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516921152615980:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:09.594989Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmp24lUL5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:09.791790Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:09.822366Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:09.822442Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:09.825444Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31302, node 4 2025-03-11T11:46:09.954227Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:09.954254Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:09.954263Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:09.954421Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24201 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:10.166909Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:12.763421Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516934037518882:2337], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.763557Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.049593Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:13.316274Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516938332486359:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.316459Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.634094Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][4:7480516938332486537:2359] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:4:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.710439Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516938332486648:2369], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.710536Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.771157Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][4:7480516938332486822:2381] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:6:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.796142Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516938332486928:2391], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.796206Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.934530Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][4:7480516938332487110:2403] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:8:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } GetChangefeedAndTopicDescriptions: Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table"Copy tables: { src: "/Root/table", dst: "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614/table" }Backup table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614/table" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table"Describe table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614/table"Write scheme into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/scheme.pb"Describe table "/Root/table"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a"Write changefeed into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a/changefeed_description.pb"Write topic into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a/topic_description.pb"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b"Write changefeed into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b/changefeed_description.pb"Write topic into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b/topic_description.pb"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c"Write changefeed into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c/changefeed_description.pb"Write topic into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c/topic_description.pb"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/permissions.pb"Read table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614/table"Write data into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/data_00.csv"Drop table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614/table"2025-03-11T11:46:14.595492Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480516921152615980:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:14.595590Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114614" in database2025-03-11T11:46:14.644163Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037895 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.656641Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:14.729569Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516942627454946:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:14.729647Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:14.741830Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715668:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772831Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772882Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772906Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772932Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772961Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.772982Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037894 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784337Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,5) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784445Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784503Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,4) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784558Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,6) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784625Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,3) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:14.784661Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,7) wasn't found Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/" to "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:14.816173Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:14.857633Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/data_00.csv"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c"Read changefeed from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c/changefeed_description.pb"Read topic from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c/topic_description.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:15.007663Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037896:1][4:7480516946922422816:2482] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:13:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } Created "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/c"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a"Read changefeed from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a/changefeed_description.pb"Read topic from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a/topic_description.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:15.112775Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037896:1][4:7480516946922423074:2497] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:15:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } Created "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/a"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b"Read changefeed from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b/changefeed_description.pb"Read topic from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b/topic_description.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:15.222425Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037896:1][4:7480516946922423340:2515] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:17:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } Created "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/b"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be6/r3tmp/tmpLjBmNs/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:15.251319Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewToDifferentDatabase [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeInvalid [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobal >> TConsoleTests::TestAttributesExtSubdomain [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestDatabaseQuotas |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator_client/ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTablePartitioningSettings [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreTableSplitBoundaries >> TSchemeShardViewTest::EmptyQueryText [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSequence [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeView >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] |80.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-partition_stats-ut |80.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-partition_stats-ut |80.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/ydb-core-sys_view-partition_stats-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_view/unittest >> TSchemeShardViewTest::EmptyQueryText [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:18.189837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:46:18.190304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:18.283832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:18.283897Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:18.298961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:18.299525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:18.299757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.319285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:18.319557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.320434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.320752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.324179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.325608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.325681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.325780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:18.325842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.325915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:18.326143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.333848Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.489820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.490091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.490311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.490539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.490607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.493687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.493910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:46:18.494114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.494193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.494237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:46:18.494277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:46:18.496646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.496718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.496783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:46:18.499088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.499148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.499199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.499253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.503269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:18.505463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:18.505663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:46:18.506765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.506912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.506976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.507263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:18.507338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.507528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.507612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.510970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.511335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:18.513815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.513968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.514008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.514046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:46:18.514089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.514202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.517216Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.517727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.518395Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:46:18.535822Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [1:273:2264]) 2025-03-11T11:46:18.538633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateView CreateView { Name: "MyView" QueryText: "" } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.538893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateView Propose, path: /MyRoot/MyView, opId: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.538958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [72057594046678944] TCreateView Propose, path: /MyRoot/MyView, opId: 101:0, viewDescription: Name: "MyView" QueryText: "" 2025-03-11T11:46:18.539070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: MyRoot, child name: MyView, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.539164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.539219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.540249Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:268:2259] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:18.545549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.545693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE VIEW, path: /MyRoot/MyView 2025-03-11T11:46:18.545875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.545938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TCreateView::TPropose, opId: 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:18.545988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.546082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 101 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:18.547275Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 101:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:101 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 101, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TCreateView::TPropose, opId: 101:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:46:18.548826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:18.549013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.549086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.551739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 4 2025-03-11T11:46:18.552746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 2 2025-03-11T11:46:18.553533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.553646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.553686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.553727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 4 2025-03-11T11:46:18.553767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.554945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.558096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:18.559011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardCompactionQueueTest::EnqueueEmptyShard [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardCompactionQueueTest::EnqueueSinglePartedShard [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardCompactionQueueTest::EnqueueSinglePartedShardWhenEnabled [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldNotCompactBackups >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-54 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-71 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/unittest >> TSchemeshardCompactionQueueTest::EnqueueSinglePartedShardWhenEnabled [GOOD] |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:53.987625Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516852182253154:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:53.987698Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000ca3/r3tmp/tmpbD6oPK/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:54.745356Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:54.745456Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:54.820955Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:54.829915Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26279, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.126934Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.126958Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.126966Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.127107Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28843 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:55.915230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:58.984920Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516852182253154:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:58.985026Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:59.076185Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516877952057994:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.076329Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.427218Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516856477220680:2140] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.427257Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516856477220680:2140] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.427300Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516856477220680:2140] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] 2025-03-11T11:45:59.641324Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateIndexedTable CreateIndexedTable { TableDescription { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Uint32" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } IndexDescription { Name: "value_idx" KeyColumnNames: "Value" Type: EIndexTypeGlobal State: EIndexStateReady } } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:59.641392Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.641737Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:45:59.641803Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:59.641961Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.642105Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:59.642149Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.642307Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:59.644814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:59.660036Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.660098Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516877952058030:2643] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516877952058029:2345] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:00.004812Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516856477220680:2140] Handle TEvNavigate describe path /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:00.004879Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516882247025551:2818] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:00.005203Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516882247025551:2818] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:00.005330Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516882247025551:2818] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/Root" Options { ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.006182Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516882247025551:2818] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480516882247025549:2358] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 65 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693556022 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } StoragePools { Name: "hdd" Kind: "hdd" } StoragePools { Name: "hdd1" Kind: "hdd1" } StoragePools { Name: "hdd2" Kind: "hdd2" } StoragePools { Name: "ssd" Kind: "ssd" } PathsInside: 3 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 2 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/Root" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:00.026032Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } },{ Path: Root/table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.026067Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [0] Allocate txId 2025-03-11T11:46:00.026452Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516856477220680:2140] Handle TEvAllocateTxId 2025-03-11T11:46:00.026612Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [281474976710659] TEvTxUserProxy::TEvAllocateTxIdResult 2025-03-11T11:46:00.026635Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [281474976710659] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:00.027094Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [281474976710659] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.027123Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [CreateExport] [1:7480516882247025554:2360] [281474976710659] Send request: schemeShardId# 7205759404 ... etStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037896 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:17.681407Z node 7 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:17.681431Z node 7 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976715762 2025-03-11T11:46:17.682737Z node 7 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:18.167819Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [7:7480516961354043754:2424] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:18.168318Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [7:7480516961354043754:2424] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.168358Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [7:7480516961354043754:2424] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:18.169109Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [7:7480516961354043754:2424] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976710661 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_DONE ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:10011" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "table" destination_path: "/Root/table" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693576 } EndTime { seconds: 1741693577 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.177942Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [7:7480516931289269201:2136] Handle TEvNavigate describe path /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:18.177983Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [7:7480516961354043760:4589] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:18.178212Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [7:7480516961354043760:4589] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.178302Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [7:7480516961354043760:4589] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/Root/table" Options { ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.179844Z node 7 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [7:7480516961354043760:4589] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [7:7480516961354043758:2425] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 20 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "table" PathId: 8 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976715760 CreateStep: 1741693577029 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "String" TypeId: 4097 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 0 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } } TableIndexes { Name: "value_idx" LocalPathId: 9 Type: EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree State: EIndexStateReady KeyColumnNames: "Value" SchemaVersion: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 DataSize: 0 IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } } } IndexImplTableDescriptions { PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 KeepEraseMarkers: false MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { SizeToSplit: 2147483648 MinPartitionsCount: 1 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: false } } } } VectorIndexKmeansTreeDescription { Settings { settings { metric: SIMILARITY_INNER_PRODUCT vector_type: VECTOR_TYPE_FLOAT vector_dimension: 768 } clusters: 80 levels: 2 } } } TableSchemaVersion: 3 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 6 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 |80.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_encrypted_storage/unittest >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartBeforePrepare+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartBeforePrepare-UseSink >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-23 [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 >> TTransferTests::Create_Disabled >> KqpExtractPredicateLookup::SqlInJoin [GOOD] >> KqpKv::BulkUpsert >> TTransferTests::Create >> TConsoleTests::TestDatabaseQuotas [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestDatabaseQuotasBadOverallQuota >> TTransferTests::Create_Disabled [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateSequential >> TPersQueueTest::TestWriteStat [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestWriteSessionsConflicts >> BackupRestore::ImportDataShouldHandleErrors [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewDependentOnAnotherView >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeSequence [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeView >> TTransferTests::Create [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateInParallel >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobal [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalAsync >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiterRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateSequential [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateWithoutCredentials >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiterRestart-UseSink >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeView [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTransfer [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateWithoutCredentials [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateWrongConfig >> Cdc::ShouldBreakLocksOnConcurrentSchemeTx [GOOD] >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsContinueAfterMerge >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] >> TConsoleTests::TestDatabaseQuotasBadOverallQuota [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateWrongConfig [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateInParallel [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::CreateDropRecreate >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreTableSplitBoundaries [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTableSplitBoundaries ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTransfer [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:53.526737Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516852518193104:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:53.526877Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cc4/r3tmp/tmpr2A0Ud/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:54.297706Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:54.313722Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:54.313820Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:54.328173Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16806, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:54.894639Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:54.894661Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:54.894669Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:54.894783Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15064 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:55.373329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:58.530581Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516852518193104:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:58.530681Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:58.730619Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516873993030568:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:58.730747Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.034481Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.034521Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.034578Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] 2025-03-11T11:45:59.165449Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:59.165512Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.165864Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:45:59.166159Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:59.166349Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.166471Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:59.166517Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.166649Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:59.168194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:59.180174Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.180252Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287997895:2651] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516878287997894:2345] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.400940Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516878287998032:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.401037Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.401392Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516878287998037:2355], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.401771Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.401792Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.401825Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] 2025-03-11T11:45:59.404945Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool ModifyACL { Name: "default" DiffACL: "\n!\010\000\022\035\010\001\020\201\004\032\024all-users@well-known \003\n\031\010\000\022\025\010\001\020\201\004\032\014root@builtin \003" NewOwner: "metadata@system" } Internal: true CreateResourcePool { Name: "default" Properties { Properties { key: "concurrent_query_limit" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "database_load_cpu_threshold" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_cancel_after_seconds" value: "0" } Properties { key: "query_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_memory_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "queue_size" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "resource_weight" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "total_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } } } } } UserToken: "\n\017metadata@system\022\000" DatabaseName: "/Root" 2025-03-11T11:45:59.405003Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.405024Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408004Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408104Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408304Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408489Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710659 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408536Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710659 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.408678Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:59.410214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:59.415536Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710659} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.415593Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516878287998040:2765] txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480516878287998039:2356] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710659 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:45:59.443809Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516878287998039:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:45:59.530386Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516852518193218:2124] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:59.530420Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:748 ... TEvExternalStorage::TEvHeadObjectResponse: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], result# No response body. REQUEST: HEAD /test_bucket/view/create_view.sql HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18238 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6AB6BBE7-289B-4946-9B60-53503D569F64 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=test_key/20250311/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;content-type;host;x-amz-api-version;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=f77902c0b393bae689242d62d9007b792215a8ee298d56fc0be0d8572c60fcd4 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 x-amz-date: 20250311T114624Z S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /test_bucket/view/create_view.sql / 165 2025-03-11T11:46:24.189687Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvHeadObjectResponse: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], result# HeadObjectResult { ETag: 54623f53d68141118383b3390c4965d5 ContentLength: 165 } REQUEST: GET /test_bucket/view/create_view.sql HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18238 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 0A3AC38F-C3F4-4EF8-BBC2-D0B3532BB046 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=test_key/20250311/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;content-type;host;range;x-amz-api-version;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=7d2374f3b2077bbadc78b87136e9fe00902ffbf924f855a85e2f40807dd24004 content-type: application/xml range: bytes=0-164 user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 x-amz-date: 20250311T114624Z S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /test_bucket/view/create_view.sql / 165 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193724Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: HandleScheme TEvExternalStorage::TEvGetObjectResponse: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], result# 54623f53d68141118383b3390c4965d5 REQUEST: HEAD /test_bucket/view/permissions.pb HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18238 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: AE229155-3653-42B2-A788-95A5E16222A7 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=test_key/20250311/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;content-type;host;x-amz-api-version;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=8f55d92e9f06d6216a30eeb0a5410fc6aa6b785327bdd6f389283702d38b9ff4 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 x-amz-date: 20250311T114624Z 2025-03-11T11:46:24.236649Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: HandlePermissions TEvExternalStorage::TEvHeadObjectResponse: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], result# No response body. REQUEST: GET /test_bucket?prefix=view HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18238 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: FA37494D-D880-431C-A137-4E873869CDD9 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=test_key/20250311/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=amz-sdk-invocation-id;amz-sdk-request;content-type;host;x-amz-api-version;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=45dd6b0aa9b1523a4d9cc62d48a982d838280999477808a44a5976e82d4a0fd6 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 x-amz-date: 20250311T114624Z S3_MOCK::HttpServeList: view 2025-03-11T11:46:24.282032Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: HandleChangefeeds TEvExternalStorage::TEvListObjectResponse: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], result# ListObjectsResult { } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.282081Z node 10 :IMPORT INFO: Reply: self# [10:7480516983476641979:2197], success# 1, error# 2025-03-11T11:46:24.282201Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.282222Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeResult: id# 281474976715664, itemIdx# 0, success# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.318838Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.360095Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476641994:2371] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:24.362054Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor HandleCompileResponse, self: [10:7480516983476641988:2821], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:46:24.362128Z node 10 :IMPORT INFO: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [10:7480516983476641988:2821], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:46:24.362381Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [10:7480516983476641988:2821], status: SUCCESS, prepared query: "WorkingDir: \"/Root\" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateView FailedOnAlreadyExists: false CreateView { Name: \"view\" QueryText: \"SELECT 1 AS Key UNION SELECT 2 AS Key UNION SELECT 3 AS Key\" CapturedContext { PathPrefix: \"/Root\" SyntaxVersion: 1 AnsiLexer: false PgParser: false Pragmas: \"AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections\" Pragmas: \"AnsiLike\" Pragmas: \"FlexibleTypes\" Pragmas: \"AnsiCurrentRow\" Pragmas: \"WarnOnAnsiAliasShadowing\" Pragmas: \"AnsiOptionalAs\" Pragmas: \"EmitAggApply\" } }" 2025-03-11T11:46:24.362715Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.362754Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeQueryPreparation: id# 281474976715664, itemIdx# 0, status# SUCCESS, error# 2025-03-11T11:46:24.363037Z node 10 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Allocate txId: info# { Id: 281474976715664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/view' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: AllocateTxId WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.363778Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476641994:2371] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.363803Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476641994:2371] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:24.366757Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.366926Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.366941Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnAllocateResult: txId# 281474976710758, id# 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:46:24.367014Z node 10 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: ExecutePreparedQuery: info# { Id: 281474976715664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/view' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Proposed WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' }, txId# 281474976710758 2025-03-11T11:46:24.367094Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.368848Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476641994:2371] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976715664 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_PREPARING ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:18238" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "view" destination_path: "/Root/view" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693584 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.370669Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.370688Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnModifyResult: txId# 281474976710758, status# StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:46:24.370864Z node 10 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Wait for completion: info# { Id: 281474976715664 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 1 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/view' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Subscribed WaitTxId: 281474976710758 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.378086Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480516962001804157:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:24.378198Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:24.381532Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.415218Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.415258Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710758 2025-03-11T11:46:24.421200Z node 10 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.784164Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476642064:2373] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:24.790192Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476642064:2373] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:24.790243Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476642064:2373] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:24.799089Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [10:7480516983476642064:2373] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976715664 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_DONE ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:18238" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "view" destination_path: "/Root/view" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693584 } EndTime { seconds: 1741693584 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:25.031926Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [10:7480516962001804384:2137] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.031963Z node 10 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [10:7480516962001804384:2137] TxId# 281474976715665 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.032455Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ge1da8f3k3cj2v7xma21k, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=NDA4Y2E0ZDktYzM2ZTA4Y2MtYzA1Zjc1ZGUtYzMzYjZiMmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/console/ut/unittest >> TConsoleTests::TestDatabaseQuotasBadOverallQuota [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:45.203652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:44:45.203735Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:45.345434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:46.824710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 2025-03-11T11:44:47.000307Z node 2 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.000858Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.001544Z node 2 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 17195654251456825819 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.017140Z node 2 :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[80000000:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:44:47.085828Z node 5 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.086669Z node 5 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.086942Z node 5 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 3098126909865374756 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.152655Z node 3 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.153256Z node 3 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.155879Z node 3 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 15020612781473504715 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.159054Z node 3 :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[80000001:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpB5kqvk/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:44:47.278600Z node 6 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:44:47.279140Z node 6 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't o ... ksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.687066Z node 155 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.687564Z node 155 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.687798Z node 155 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 7680785887646570713 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.694680Z node 155 :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[80000000:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:46:20.788607Z node 162 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.789121Z node 162 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.789352Z node 162 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 12436013454147554916 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:21.055763Z node 154 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:21.055879Z node 154 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:21.173516Z node 154 :STATISTICS WARN: [72075186233409554] TTxInit::Complete. EnableColumnStatistics=false 2025-03-11T11:46:21.266505Z node 156 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_blockdevice_async.cpp:920} Warning# got EIoResult::FileOpenError from IoContext->Setup PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:21.267149Z node 156 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD39@blobstorage_pdisk_impl.cpp:2744} BlockDevice initialization error Details# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:21.267507Z node 156 :BS_PDISK CRIT: {BPD01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:290} PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized Config: {TPDiskConfg Path# "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat" ExpectedPath# "" ExpectedSerial# "" PDiskGuid# 6732277055550926270 PDiskId# 1000 PDiskCategory# {Type# DEVICE_TYPE_ROT Kind# 0} MetadataOnly# 0 StartOwnerRound# 2 SectorMap# true EnableSectorEncryption # 0 ChunkSize# 134217728 SectorSize# 4096 StatisticsUpdateIntervalMs# 1000 SchedulerCfg# {TPDiskSchedulerConfig BytesSchedulerWeight# 1 LogWeight# 1 FreshWeight# 2 CompWeight# 7 SyncLogWeight# 15 HugeWeight# 2 FastReadWeight# 1 OtherReadWeight# 1 LoadWeight# 2 LowReadWeight# 1 MaxChunkReadsPerCycle# 16 MaxChunkReadsDurationPerCycleMs# 0.25 MaxChunkWritesPerCycle# 8 MaxChunkWritesDurationPerCycleMs# 1} MinLogChunksTotal# 4 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerMultiplier# 5 MaxLogChunksPerOwnerDivisor# 4 SortFreeChunksPerItems# 100 GetDriveDataSwitch# DoNotTouch WriteCacheSwitch# DoNotTouch DriveModelSeekTimeNs# 8000000 DriveModelSpeedBps# 127000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMin# 135000000 DriveModelSpeedBpsMax# 200000000 DriveModelBulkWrieBlockSize# 2097152 DriveModelTrimSpeedBps# 0 ReorderingMs# 50 DeviceInFlight# 4 CostLimitNs# 50000000 BufferPoolBufferSizeBytes# 524288 BufferPoolBufferCount# 256 MaxQueuedCompletionActions# 128 ExpectedSlotCount# 0 ReserveLogChunksMultiplier# 56 InsaneLogChunksMultiplier# 40 RedLogChunksMultiplier# 30 OrangeLogChunksMultiplier# 20 WarningLogChunksMultiplier# 4 YellowLogChunksMultiplier# 4 MaxMetadataMegabytes# 32 SpaceColorBorder# GREEN CompletionThreadsCount# 1 UseNoopScheduler# false} PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:46:21.274960Z node 156 :BS_LOCALRECOVERY CRIT: VDISK[80000001:_:0:0:0]: LocalRecovery FINISHED: {RecoveryDuration# INPROGRESS RecoveredLogStartLsn# 0 SuccessfulRecovery# false EmptyLogoBlobsDb# true EmptyBlocksDb# true EmptyBarriersDb# true EmptySyncLog# true EmptySyncer# true EmptyHuge# true LogRecLogoBlob# 0 LogRecBlock# 0 LogRecGC# 0 LogRecSyncLogIdx# 0 LogRecLogoBlobsDB# 0 LogRecBlocksDB# 0 LogRecBarriersDB# 0 LogRecCutLog# 0 LogRecLocalSyncData# 0 LogRecSyncerState# 0 LogRecHandoffDel# 0 LogRecHugeBlobAllocChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobFreeChunk# 0 LogRecHugeBlobEntryPoint# 0 LogRecHugeLogoBlob# 0 LogRecLogoBlobOpt# 0 LogRecPhantomBlob# 0 LogRecAnubisOsirisPut# 0 LogRecAddBulkSst# 0 LogoBlobFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshApply# 0 LogoBlobsBatchFreshSkip#0 LogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 LogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobSyncLogSkip# 0 BlockFreshApply# 0 BlockFreshSkip# 0 BlocksBatchFreshApply# 0 BlocksBatchFreshSkip# 0 BlockSyncLogApply# 0 BlockSyncLogSkip# 0 BarrierFreshApply# 0 BarrierFreshSkip# 0 BarriersBatchFreshApply# 0 BarriersBatchFreshSkip# 0 BarrierSyncLogApply# 0 BarrierSyncLogSkip# 0 GCBarrierFreshApply# 0 GCBarrierFreshSkip# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshApply# 0 GCLogoBlobFreshSkip# 0 GCSyncLogApply# 0 GCSyncLogSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobSyncData# 0 TryPutBlockSyncData# 0 TryPutBarrierSyncData# 0 HandoffDelFreshApply# 0 HandoffDelFreshSkip# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobAllocChunkSkip# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkApply# 0 HugeBlobFreeChunkSkip# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapApply# 0 HugeLogoBlobToHeapSkip# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericApply# 0 HugeSlotsDelGenericSkip# 0 TryPutLogoBlobPhantom# 0 RecoveryLogDiapason# [18446744073709551615 0] StartingPoints# {} ReadLogReplies# {}} reason# Yard::Init failed, errorReason# "PDisk is in StateError, reason# PDiskId# 1000 bootstrapped to the StateError, reason# Can't open file "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000caf/r3tmp/tmpKt2t5O/pdisk_1.dat": unknown reason, errno# 0. Can not be initialized" status# CORRUPTED;VDISK LOCAL RECOVERY FAILURE DUE TO LOGICAL ERROR 2025-03-11T11:46:24.505325Z node 163 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:24.505602Z node 163 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:24.584349Z node 163 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046578944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/unittest >> TTransferTests::CreateWrongConfig [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:23.205642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:46:23.206053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:23.323770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:23.323839Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:23.340575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:23.341075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:23.341243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.361110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:23.361449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.362117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.362425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.377331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.378884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.378968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.379097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:23.379154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:23.379204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:23.379466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.396630Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:46:23.546746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.546978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.547209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.547522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.547582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:46:23.550772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:46:23.553089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.553147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.553186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:46:23.555064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.555115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.555164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.555209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.558241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:23.563042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:23.563290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:46:23.564390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.564566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.564633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.564936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:23.564991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.565169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.565268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.571910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572214Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.572432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:23.575179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.575331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.575371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... dy parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.672610Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:27.675230Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:27.675443Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:46:27.676607Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.676768Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 17179871339 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.676828Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.677143Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:27.677225Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.677428Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.677525Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.680207Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.680275Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:27.680498Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.680552Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [4:206:2208], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.680996Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681077Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681229Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681278Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681332Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681373Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681422Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681478Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681521Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681565Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681645Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681697Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:27.681740Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682470Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682602Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682653Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682705Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682755Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.682905Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:27.686836Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:27.687478Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:27.688422Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [4:273:2264], Recipient [4:123:2149]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 101 TabletId# 72057594046678944} 2025-03-11T11:46:27.688481Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:27.691381Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTransfer Replication { Name: "Transfer" Config { Specific { Targets { SrcPath: "/MyRoot1/Table" DstPath: "/MyRoot2/Table" } } } } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.691655Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TCreateReplication Propose: opId# 101:0, path# /MyRoot/Transfer 2025-03-11T11:46:27.691758Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Wrong transfer configuration, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.691991Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.692250Z node 4 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [4:269:2260] Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:46:27.713090Z node 4 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [4:269:2260] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [4:274:2265]) 2025-03-11T11:46:27.714084Z node 4 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [4:269:2260] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:27.717866Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Wrong transfer configuration" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.718082Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Wrong transfer configuration, operation: CREATE TRANSFER, path: /MyRoot/Transfer 2025-03-11T11:46:27.718152Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.718975Z node 4 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:27.719258Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:46:27.719312Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:46:27.719806Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [4:286:2277], Recipient [4:123:2149]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:27.719876Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:27.719920Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720041Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124996, Sender [4:283:2274], Recipient [4:123:2149]: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 101 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720084Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720166Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720277Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720321Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [4:284:2275] 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720571Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [4:286:2277], Recipient [4:123:2149]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720613Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:27.720662Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:46:27.721034Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122945, Sender [4:287:2278], Recipient [4:123:2149]: NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:27.721095Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:27.721210Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:27.721442Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Transfer" took 204us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:46:27.721628Z node 4 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Transfer\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |80.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/tx-replication-controller-ut_stream_creator |80.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/tx-replication-controller-ut_stream_creator |80.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/tx-replication-controller-ut_stream_creator >> TTransferTests::CreateDropRecreate [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::ConsistencyLevel >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] |80.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNonConflictingWrites+EvWrite |80.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-StrictAclCheck >> TPQTest::TestSourceIdDropBySourceIdCount [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestSetClientOffset >> TTransferTests::ConsistencyLevel [GOOD] >> TTransferTests::Alter >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeView [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTransfer [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeReplication [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalTable >> Viewer::SelectStringWithBase64Encoding >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedTimeoutSplit >> TTransferTests::Alter [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DisableDeduplication [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartBeforePrepare-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPrepare+UseSink >> BackupRestore::RestoreViewDependentOnAnotherView [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreKesusResources >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithoutFilterNoDepends ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeTransfer [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:02.136964Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516892450439388:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:02.137012Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmp5JnVnB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:02.894972Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:02.895150Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:02.904326Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:02.945012Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29956, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:02.998088Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:46:02.998123Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:46:03.145545Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.145575Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.145583Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.145714Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31208 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:03.477285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:06.325836Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516909630309402:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.326065Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.648142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:06.891838Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516909630309565:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.891933Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.892109Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516909630309570:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.895788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:06.924838Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516909630309572:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.987507Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516909630309648:2806] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:07.150003Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516892450439388:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:07.150365Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:07.235701Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdfxa448b7edvrrq0q60p, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2YwN2MwZTQtZGIwMTcyMzctNDMzNDBkMTMtNDI4MTFlNzM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:07.472646Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdg9f1jcwer2pey9z2934, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2YwN2MwZTQtZGIwMTcyMzctNDMzNDBkMTMtNDI4MTFlNzM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table"Copy tables: { src: "/Root/table", dst: "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607/table" }Backup table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607/table" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table"Describe table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607/table"Write scheme into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/scheme.pb"Describe table "/Root/table"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/permissions.pb"Read table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607/table"Write data into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/data_00.csv"Drop table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607/table"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114607" in database2025-03-11T11:46:08.395501Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:08.413828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710668:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/" to "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:08.544078Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:08.615499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710670:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/data_00.csv"2025-03-11T11:46:08.803207Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdhnzcrwjphj3698xeat9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGFmYmZlNGEtODJlY2NlZjAtZjYzMzAzZi1mMTQyZDk5NA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpQlvm5u/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:08.838773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:08.964197Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710673. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdhv1by55748ng6j5e7nk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2YwN2MwZTQtZGIwMTcyMzctNDMzNDBkMTMtNDI4MTFlNzM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:10.911075Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516923592644473:2081];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:10.911698Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpV424vH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:11.079750Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:11.103332Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:11.103404Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:11.114687Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10025, node 4 2025-03-11T11:46:11.382179Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:11.382202Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:11.382212Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:11.382365Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17515 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateN ... c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table"Copy tables: { src: "/Root/table", dst: "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621/table" }2025-03-11T11:46:21.960360Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSequence, opId: 281474976715665:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621/table" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table"Describe table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621/table"Write scheme into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/scheme.pb"Describe table "/Root/table"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/permissions.pb"Read table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621/table"Write data into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/data_00.csv"Drop table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621/table"2025-03-11T11:46:22.445001Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropSequence, opId: 281474976715668:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114621" in database2025-03-11T11:46:22.552812Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:22.564843Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:22.629765Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropSequence, opId: 281474976715670:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/" to "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:22.709386Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found Resolved db base path: "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:22.742239Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[7:7480516953411197611:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:22.742318Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:22.852713Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/data_00.csv"2025-03-11T11:46:23.190628Z node 7 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715672. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdzmw44nbyy7ddkjzkvyv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=7&id=ODkyNTMxNzUtZGUwOWYwMDEtYTg1NGM3OGUtMzM5YjQzNDE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmptzpHgV/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:23.236412Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:23.478028Z node 7 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715674. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gdzy661gdznq15p14f7em, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=7&id=NTIyMjBjYWEtMjhmMThjYTUtZWFmNGJhNWQtMWE2NTk1ZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:25.330311Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480516987253445338:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:25.330375Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpWA6Qhq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:25.592218Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:25.657236Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.657343Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:25.663268Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5170, node 10 2025-03-11T11:46:25.949208Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:25.949233Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:25.949242Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:25.949410Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30942 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:26.446792Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:29.581075Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517004433315609:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:29.581082Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517004433315601:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:29.581177Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:29.584788Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:29.609902Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517004433315615:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:29.704957Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517004433315688:2680] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:29.986775Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ge6975nc2kq7fyv0gtfmr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=MmYzYmEzNDUtNGVkNGUxZGUtODZiNGVmYmMtMmU5MGI2YTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114629" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view"Backup view "/Root/view" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view"Write view into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view/create_view.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114629" in database2025-03-11T11:46:30.200707Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:30.331267Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480516987253445338:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:30.331362Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view"Restore view "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view" to "/Root/view"Read view from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view/create_view.sql"Created "/Root/view"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view" to "/Root/view"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c32/r3tmp/tmpvgMaaO/view/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:30.496652Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:30.688798Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ge6zk0w4qz9cte1z1fm70, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=MmYzYmEzNDUtNGVkNGUxZGUtODZiNGVmYmMtMmU5MGI2YTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> KqpKv::BulkUpsert [GOOD] >> KqpKv::ReadRows_Decimal >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalAsync [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalUnique [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/unittest >> TTransferTests::Alter [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:23.888972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:23.889030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:23.889097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:46:23.889393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:23.958187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:23.958245Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:23.972364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:23.972854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:23.973043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.992753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:23.993044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:23.993732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:23.994072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.003068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.004498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.004563Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.004799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:24.004846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:24.004887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:24.005135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.019790Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:46:24.145321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.145532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.145756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:46:24.146021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.146078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:46:24.155616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:46:24.160266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.160347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.160390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:46:24.163136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.163215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.163268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.163336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.175583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:24.186864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:24.187123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.188956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.189079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.192985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:24.193391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:24.196137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.196280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:24.196342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 11T11:46:32.662811Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:46:32.662906Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Ack tablet strongly msg opId: 103:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670353Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670436Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Ack coordinator stepId#5000003 first txId#103 countTxs#1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670508Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Ack mediator stepId#5000003 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670557Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Activate send for 103:0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670851Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [5:122:2148], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670894Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:32.670973Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.671028Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.671320Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.671372Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [5:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672034Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672094Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 103:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672222Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672269Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672312Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672364Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672404Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672461Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672516Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672575Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672612Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672787Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672842Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 103, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:32.672882Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 103, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673520Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 274137603, Sender [5:205:2207], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimrSchemeBoard.TEvUpdateAck { Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] Version: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673571Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event NSchemeBoard::NSchemeshardEvents::TEvUpdateAck 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673685Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673797Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673849Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673942Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:46:32.673994Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:46:32.674093Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:32.674139Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.677721Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.678396Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.678455Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 103, wait until txId: 103 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.678721Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:46:32.678777Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679299Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [5:437:2392], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679359Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679406Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679523Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124996, Sender [5:398:2353], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679583Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679668Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 103, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679787Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:46:32.679830Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [5:435:2390] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680041Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [5:437:2392], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680082Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680122Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Server pipe is reset, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680524Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122945, Sender [5:438:2393], Recipient [5:122:2148]: NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680580Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDescribeScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680691Z node 5 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.680969Z node 5 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Transfer" took 280us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:46:32.681314Z node 5 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/Transfer" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Transfer" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeTransfer CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 ReplicationVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } ReplicationDescription { Name: "Transfer" Config { SrcConnectionParams { StaticCredentials { User: "user" } } ConsistencySettings { Row { } } TransferSpecific { Targets { SrcPath: "/MyRoot1/Table" DstPath: "/MyRoot2/Table" } } } PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Version: 2 ControllerId: 72075186233409546 State { Done { FailoverMode: FAILOVER_MODE_FORCE } } } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:46:32.682139Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271122432, Sender [5:439:2394], Recipient [5:122:2148]: {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 104 TabletId# 72057594046678944} 2025-03-11T11:46:32.682199Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvModifySchemeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:32.684631Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterTransfer AlterReplication { Name: "Transfer" State { StandBy { } } } } TxId: 104 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.684840Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [72057594046678944] TAlterReplication Propose: opId# 104:0, path# /MyRoot/Transfer, pathId# 2025-03-11T11:46:32.684948Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 104:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Cannot switch state, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.685186Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnExecute at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.687949Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 104, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Cannot switch state" TxId: 104 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:32.688118Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 104, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Cannot switch state, operation: ALTER TRANSFER, no path 2025-03-11T11:46:32.688173Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration >> TFqYdbTest::ShouldStatusToIssuesProcessEmptyIssues [GOOD] >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGenerationAndTransact >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGeneration >> TFqYdbTest::ShouldStatusToIssuesProcessExceptions [GOOD] |80.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_monitoring |80.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_monitoring |80.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/ydb-core-tx-scheme_board-ut_monitoring |80.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TPQTest::TestPQReadAhead [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestUnprotectedReadsThenWriteVisibility |80.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTableSplitBoundaries [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTableDecimalSplitBoundaries |80.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNonConflictingWrites+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNonConflictingWrites-EvWrite >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertBrokenLockArbiterRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertDependenciesShardsRestart+UseSink >> TPersQueueTest::CreateTopicWithMeteringMode [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::DefaultMeteringMode >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration [GOOD] >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGeneration [GOOD] >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGenerationAndTransact [GOOD] |80.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TFqYdbTest::ShouldStatusToIssuesProcessEmptyIssues [GOOD] >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsContinueAfterMerge [GOOD] |80.4%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TFqYdbTest::ShouldStatusToIssuesProcessExceptions [GOOD] |80.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TPQTest::TestPQReadAhead [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:102:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:102:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:106:2138] sender: [1:107:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.377980Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:30.378109Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:148:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:148:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [1:152:2173] sender: [1:153:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:106:2138] sender: [1:178:2057] recipient: [1:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:30.445124Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:30.478850Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 1 actor [1:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 ImportantClientId: "important_user" LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 102400 BurstSize: 102400 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 1 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } ReadRuleGenerations: 1 ReadRuleGenerations: 1 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 1 Important: false } Consumers { Name: "important_user" Generation: 1 Important: true } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.479995Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [1:184:2197] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.482504Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [1:184:2197] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:30.492722Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|459d9a24-b1c7bf5e-d8733e91-d0c5cb8d_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user1" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 2147483647 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [1:176:2191] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to CLIENT_SCHEME_CACHE_LOOKUP Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user2" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 2147483647 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [1:176:2191] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_COMMITTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_RECOVERY_LOG_CUTTER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_SYNCER_GUID_PROPAGATOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to KEYVALUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to CLIENT_SCHEME_CACHE_LOOKUP Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem ... tured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 3 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [61:176:2191] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [61:253:2254] sender: [61:356:2057] recipient: [61:14:2061] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.280285Z node 61 :PERSQUEUE WARN: PQ Cache (L2). Same blob insertion. Tablet '72057594037927937' partition 0 offset 12 size 7877895 Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [62:102:2057] recipient: [62:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [62:102:2057] recipient: [62:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [62:106:2138] sender: [62:107:2057] recipient: [62:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.924894Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:32.924985Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [62:148:2057] recipient: [62:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [62:148:2057] recipient: [62:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [62:152:2173] sender: [62:153:2057] recipient: [62:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [62:106:2138] sender: [62:178:2057] recipient: [62:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:32.959361Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:32.960280Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 62 actor [62:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 ImportantClientId: "aaa" LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 62 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 62 ReadRuleGenerations: 62 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 62 Important: false } Consumers { Name: "aaa" Generation: 62 Important: true } 2025-03-11T11:46:32.960866Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [62:184:2197] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.963689Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [62:184:2197] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:46:32.966507Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [62:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.968741Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [62:185:2198] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:33.020396Z node 62 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|fb86bf4b-39fa03b4-97232d34-faf3a03f_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_ANS_ACTOR Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 1 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 2 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 3 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 4 Count: 10 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 1 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 2 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 3 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [62:176:2191] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [63:102:2057] recipient: [63:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [63:102:2057] recipient: [63:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [63:106:2138] sender: [63:107:2057] recipient: [63:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.356927Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:34.356995Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [63:148:2057] recipient: [63:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [63:148:2057] recipient: [63:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [63:152:2173] sender: [63:153:2057] recipient: [63:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [63:106:2138] sender: [63:178:2057] recipient: [63:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:34.379688Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:34.380706Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 63 actor [63:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 ImportantClientId: "aaa" LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 63 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 63 ReadRuleGenerations: 63 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 63 Important: false } Consumers { Name: "aaa" Generation: 63 Important: true } 2025-03-11T11:46:34.381458Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [63:184:2197] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.384630Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [63:184:2197] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:46:34.388131Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [63:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.390553Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [63:185:2198] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:34.432442Z node 63 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|6c965adf-9e70559-5a223ed0-679edb35_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_ANS_ACTOR Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 1 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 2 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 3 Count: 1 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 4 Count: 10 Bytes: 104857600 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 0 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 1 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 2 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] Send read request: PartitionRequest { Partition: 0 CmdRead { ClientId: "user" SessionId: "" Offset: 3 Count: 2147483647 Bytes: 102400 } Cookie: 123 } via pipe: [63:176:2191] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 4338, msgbus: 6854 2025-03-11T11:42:23.246416Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515948264608151:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:23.246462Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a99/r3tmp/tmpmM2HA6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:23.767365Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:23.767476Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:23.771280Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:23.778448Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4338, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:23.847835Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:42:23.847954Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:42:23.957834Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.957866Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.957921Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.958094Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6854 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.306611Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.306703Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576220:2462] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.307187Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576220:2462] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.350111Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576220:2462] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:24.379668Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576220:2462] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515952559576219:2461] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:24.410143Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.410174Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.410292Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.529178Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.529271Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.529291Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.529360Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:24.532521Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.532706Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:24.532796Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.532955Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.533799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:24.536869Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.536928Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576226:2467] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515952559576225:2466] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:24.626870Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.626907Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.627033Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629199Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629261Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629278Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629332Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629648Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629748Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:24.629788Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.631532Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.632158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:24.641225Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.641284Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515952559576268:2505] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515952559576267:2504] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:26.786341Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515961149510944:2336], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:26.786417Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515961149510956:2339], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:26.786487Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /dc-1, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:26.789788Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515948264608409:2133] Handl ... wd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:36938" 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587185Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587213Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587268Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587622Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587743Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587807Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.587971Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.600656Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710661} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.600734Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102855:2601] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102854:2335] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.680417Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.680461Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] TxId# 281474976710662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.680511Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684112Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\022\010\001\022\016\032\014ordinaryuser\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\014ordinaryuser \000" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:36948" 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684207Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684234Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684296Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684676Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684792Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:25.684860Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.685075Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.685565Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:25.693350Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710662} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.693433Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102875:2615] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102874:2348] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.769861Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.769929Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] TxId# 281474976710663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.769978Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] 2025-03-11T11:46:25.772721Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:36968" 2025-03-11T11:46:25.772796Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.772821Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.772876Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:25.773220Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.773330Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710663 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:25.773387Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710663 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.773540Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.790691Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710663} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.790766Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102908:2634] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102907:2350] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710663 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.920106Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.920160Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] TxId# 281474976710664 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.920227Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710664 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928155Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { RemoveUser { User: "targetuser" MissingOk: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014ordinaryuser\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\334\003eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc4NSwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTg1LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.f2S31na18i3rwxeuc96SKIHm2jfw2TC5qZ7srK7hj1niKSeopYqZRLbNH4vGYI3_GRBEV_p0CbM6UzDpCjSIl6hY7M1MPjY10vsITvCe-Qmas_WoOfDhKf8hhBqG8JpeMa7F8A7TlQZx_3r0eSg2peCJt7wE3Cpw_G7Vn3k0NoTToVRXwriSrAfdMsAfOXfqk6nGa5-XkvNP6zcUKhm8yMhy97BjSTq8q22U76bDYPnQLTSlsL7wO7B9itJy3PH2RX60CsKC5vSRYju5kZ5iawx4iNeZZ-m1kpt5qrc0b_qS-VTbUb-OyNIPQM9_rYnm_C6ppdJDuGtT_z0rKfLktw\"\005Login*\210\001eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc4NSwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTg1LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.**" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:36994" 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928273Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928306Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928497Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928528Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928579Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928881Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:25.928907Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664, Access denied for ordinaryuser, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:46:25.929012Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:25.929042Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516989120102936:2646] txid# 281474976710664 SEND to# [59:7480516989120102935:2362] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:25.929423Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=MjI3OTBjMzgtNzUyMjkxNWQtMzllYzQzZTEtNThhODIwNjM=, ActorId: [59:7480516989120102926:2362], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ge2ep0ey28ptt5g5djcwx, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:25.929854Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:25.929874Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516967645265526:2112] TxId# 281474976710665 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 31920, msgbus: 14595 2025-03-11T11:42:23.288412Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515949951090915:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:23.288516Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a97/r3tmp/tmpaL8jfm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:23.830198Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:23.848258Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:23.848376Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:23.858461Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31920, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:23.962021Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.962044Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.962052Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:23.962202Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14595 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.240311Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.240390Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058939:2436] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.241600Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058939:2436] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.305927Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058939:2436] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:24.326969Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058939:2436] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515954246058938:2435] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:24.356500Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.356534Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.356634Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455196Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455291Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455315Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455376Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455661Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455789Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455848Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.455967Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.456726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:24.462120Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.462177Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246058964:2447] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515954246058963:2446] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:24.503110Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.503141Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.503173Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.505781Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.505850Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.505868Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.505948Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:24.506237Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.506348Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:24.506408Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.506559Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.507021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:24.522167Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.522222Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059002:2481] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515954246059001:2480] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.588364Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.588391Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.588424Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515949951091157:2123] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515954246059023:2491] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.590811Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954246059023:2491] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\033\010\001\022\027\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\n#\010\000\022\037\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \000\n\"\010\000\022\036\010\001\020\200\010\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:56262" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.590876Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: ... 07757Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638823934:2530] txid# 281474976710660 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.709252Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:17.714138Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638823934:2530] txid# 281474976710660 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710660} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.714218Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638823934:2530] txid# 281474976710660 SEND to# [59:7480516955638823933:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710660 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.741304Z node 59 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [59:7480516955638823933:2343], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:17.818116Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.818167Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] TxId# 281474976710661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.818236Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.821413Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool ModifyACL { Name: "default" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003\n!\010\000\022\035\010\001\020\201\004\032\024all-users@well-known \003\n\031\010\000\022\025\010\001\020\201\004\032\014root@builtin \003" NewOwner: "metadata@system" } Internal: true CreateResourcePool { Name: "default" Properties { Properties { key: "concurrent_query_limit" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "database_load_cpu_threshold" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_cancel_after_seconds" value: "0" } Properties { key: "query_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_memory_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "queue_size" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "resource_weight" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "total_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } } } } } UserToken: "\n\017metadata@system\022\000" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.821494Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.821519Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.821723Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.821755Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:17.822509Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:17.822620Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.822879Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.823075Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:17.823140Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.823327Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.826835Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 Status StatusAlreadyExists HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAlreadyExists txid# 281474976710661 Reason# Check failed: path: '/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.826991Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:17.827032Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824010:2583] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516955638823933:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.842798Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.842822Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] TxId# 281474976710662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.842855Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.844617Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:54006" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.844658Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.844674Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.844709Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.844939Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.845010Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:17.845064Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.845183Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.852062Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710662} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.852118Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824034:2595] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516955638824033:2336] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.916467Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.916507Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] TxId# 281474976710663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.916560Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919009Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { RemoveUser { User: "targetuser" MissingOk: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\024ordinaryuser@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\024ordinaryuser@builtin\"\007Builtin*\027ordi****ltin (32520BBF)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:54024" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919090Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919112Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919311Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919342Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919387Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919649Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919684Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663, Access denied for ordinaryuser@builtin, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919775Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser@builtin" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:17.919811Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516955638824067:2609] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516955638824066:2353] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.920107Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=YzM1NjE5ZjAtYTRmZDVmNmItNGRmNjUzYTUtMmYzOWI0MjU=, ActorId: [59:7480516955638824052:2353], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gdtnecn9gatafevbkenyp, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:17.920383Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.920412Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934163986744:2112] TxId# 281474976710664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 2263, msgbus: 29212 2025-03-11T11:42:23.610473Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515950000139056:2213];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:23.616943Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a8d/r3tmp/tmpCwlmAF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:24.196175Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.196314Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:24.198673Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:24.205923Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2263, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.426543Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.426580Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.426600Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.426732Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29212 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.777157Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.777233Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106968:2455] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.777557Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106968:2455] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.857082Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106968:2455] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:24.868898Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106968:2455] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515954295106967:2454] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:24.909620Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.909660Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:24.909768Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] 2025-03-11T11:42:24.991756Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:24.991841Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.991864Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.991921Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:24.992294Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:24.992424Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:24.992475Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.992620Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.993433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:24.996678Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:24.996738Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954295106979:2462] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515954295106978:2461] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.044998Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.045030Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.045062Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.047413Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.047492Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.047508Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.047564Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.047798Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.051319Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:25.051481Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.051810Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.052747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.060729Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.060955Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074318:2501] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958590074317:2500] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134186Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134217Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134262Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950000139130:2113] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515958590074336:2511] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.136988Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074336:2511] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\026\010\001\022\022\032\020db_admin@builtin\n\036\010\000\022\032\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\020db_admin@builtin \000" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:47740" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.137040Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958590074336:2511] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap, UserSID: root ... e 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:28.196198Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.196434Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715660 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:28.196509Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715660 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.196696Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:28.201472Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 Status StatusAlreadyExists HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAlreadyExists txid# 281474976715660 Reason# Check failed: path: '/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.201673Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:28.201725Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749515:2581] txid# 281474976715660 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749436:2342] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715660 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.222954Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.222991Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] TxId# 281474976715661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.223039Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225266Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "ordinaryuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:49890" 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225330Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225347Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225387Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225631Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225716Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225757Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.225877Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:28.235763Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715661} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.235833Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749541:2593] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749540:2335] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.416302Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.416342Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] TxId# 281474976715662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.416387Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] 2025-03-11T11:46:28.418676Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\022\010\001\022\016\032\014ordinaryuser\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\014ordinaryuser \000" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:49894" 2025-03-11T11:46:28.418778Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:28.418799Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:28.418848Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:28.419249Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.419365Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:28.419441Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.419586Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:28.420120Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:28.424411Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715662} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.424486Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749561:2607] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749560:2348] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.515456Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.515512Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] TxId# 281474976715663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.515565Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518365Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014ordinaryuser\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\334\003eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc4OCwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTg4LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.C6FT4OpGNt4ispRj2t4FHtagfRNLttI7Fn1_DYlU0-muSvTEugtHbYh7MDy3VcHujU6lSkuXZG4qgPMNfOb8XJzyJYC0D9aAcnaaK1fvSyjgiGoR7HAuKsfwfigS9cKq2Xb0G8s9G0rqIugur6tologRe3PnmtUXTJZdTXlTjacz2XpI-OI_WwVBuK2bM55AxwIh4CsBUwf-sS1TNfjKlBsMnk_3vxoRr1PU61pYfxpIkzsTgOVvt0NWTGHmzImrQpW3J9LcsBfHsTxgMvPR3KY5zSkaLf5OqYrNnzsRy72r3sipVdZiA6q26oGbKuDUndvt8INz_vxehDKw7_Jybg\"\005Login*\210\001eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc4OCwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTg4LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.**" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:49912" 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518438Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518466Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518616Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518640Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518686Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518937Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:28.518965Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663, Access denied for ordinaryuser, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:46:28.519066Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:28.519101Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480517003253749597:2625] txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480517003253749596:2354] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:28.519964Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=Y2RjZTU1NzQtMTBlOWZlMGYtOGUyZDcyZGEtMmIzMzNiYjc=, ActorId: [59:7480517003253749582:2354], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ge507a1pwd5fxezjh0g7h, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:28.520349Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:28.520374Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516977483944918:2112] TxId# 281474976715664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-54 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 22201, msgbus: 19540 2025-03-11T11:42:24.044458Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515955063685541:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:24.044497Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a72/r3tmp/tmpLN6oJa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:24.746759Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.746878Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:24.758535Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.766270Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22201, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.055333Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.055362Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.055371Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.055505Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19540 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.377639Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.377731Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653614:2450] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.378222Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653614:2450] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.481497Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653614:2450] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:25.501652Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653614:2450] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515959358653613:2449] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:25.528619Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.528651Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.528762Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.630867Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.630952Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.630980Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.631058Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.631511Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.631653Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.631717Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.631907Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.632690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:25.640130Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.640202Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653625:2457] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515959358653624:2456] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.726183Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.726222Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.726303Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.728847Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.728899Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.728914Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.728985Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.729313Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.729431Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:25.729477Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.729609Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.730107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.743279Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.743338Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653670:2498] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515959358653669:2497] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.816479Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.816522Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.816574Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515955063685787:2114] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515959358653688:2508] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.819132Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515959358653688:2508] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\033\010\001\022\027\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\n#\010\000\022\037\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \000\n\"\010\000\022\036\010\001\020\200\010\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:44350" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.819200Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: ... che 2025-03-11T11:46:18.130059Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] txid# 281474976710660 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.130214Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710660 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:18.130271Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] txid# 281474976710660 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710660 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.130417Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] txid# 281474976710660 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:18.131861Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:18.141917Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] txid# 281474976710660 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710660} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.141988Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905124:2539] txid# 281474976710660 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905123:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710660 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.176419Z node 59 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [59:7480516959780905123:2343], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.233315Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.233350Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] TxId# 281474976710661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.233418Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.236589Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool ModifyACL { Name: "default" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003\n#\010\000\022\037\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \003\n!\010\000\022\035\010\001\020\201\004\032\024all-users@well-known \003\n\031\010\000\022\025\010\001\020\201\004\032\014root@builtin \003" NewOwner: "metadata@system" } Internal: true CreateResourcePool { Name: "default" Properties { Properties { key: "concurrent_query_limit" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "database_load_cpu_threshold" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_cancel_after_seconds" value: "0" } Properties { key: "query_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_memory_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "queue_size" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "resource_weight" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "total_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } } } } } UserToken: "\n\017metadata@system\022\000" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" 2025-03-11T11:46:18.236656Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.236684Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.237425Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:18.237513Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:18.237703Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.237844Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:18.239051Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.239254Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:18.244609Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 Status StatusAlreadyExists HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAlreadyExists txid# 281474976710661 Reason# Check failed: path: '/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.244756Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.244794Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905190:2585] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905123:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.270443Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.270477Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] TxId# 281474976710662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.270522Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273169Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:47580" 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273234Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273259Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273310Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273634Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273750Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:18.273811Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.274067Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:18.283210Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710662} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.283278Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905214:2596] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905213:2336] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.352939Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.352982Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] TxId# 281474976710663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.353038Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] 2025-03-11T11:46:18.355898Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { RemoveUser { User: "targetuser" MissingOk: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\025cluster_admin@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\"\007Builtin*\027clus****ltin (2AB0E265)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:47590" 2025-03-11T11:46:18.355983Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: cluster_admin@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356011Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: cluster_admin@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356070Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356409Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356486Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663, Access denied for cluster_admin@builtin on path /dc-1, with access AlterSchema 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356609Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Access denied for cluster_admin@builtin on path /dc-1" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:18.356642Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516959780905247:2610] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516959780905246:2353] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:18.375274Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=Y2FlNjU0Y2MtN2M0M2U3MDMtNjcxNTU1ZDktNTI1OTg5Nzc=, ActorId: [59:7480516959780905232:2353], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gdv2yav3dv0srcshyfrnt, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:18.375870Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:18.375909Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934011100464:2112] TxId# 281474976710664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 26879, msgbus: 25180 2025-03-11T11:42:23.895743Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515950099833188:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:23.895813Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a7c/r3tmp/tmp2Tc2vF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:24.535613Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:24.545274Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.545345Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:24.552748Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26879, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.714224Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.714245Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.714253Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.714376Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25180 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.978381Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.978434Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954394801247:2451] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.978773Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954394801247:2451] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.037240Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954394801247:2451] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:25.061590Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515954394801247:2451] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515954394801246:2450] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134778Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134817Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.134919Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.249610Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.249694Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.249718Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.249772Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.250154Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.250302Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.250351Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.250485Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.251254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.255381Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.255435Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768551:2458] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515958689768550:2457] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:25.283038Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.283072Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.283102Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.285633Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.285688Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.285703Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286021Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286278Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286370Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286410Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286546Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.287107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.289711Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.289750Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958689768592:2492] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958689768591:2491] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:27.476832Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515967279703281:2339], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.476941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515967279703270:2336], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.477089Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /dc-1, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.477397Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:27.477416Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515950099833421:2114] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11 ... strator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409068Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409126Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409510Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409651Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409724Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.409884Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.421068Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710661} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.421148Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922396:2582] txid# 281474976710661 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922395:2334] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.546078Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[59:7480516934676084909:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:17.546189Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:17.581350Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.581391Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] TxId# 281474976710662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.581449Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.584644Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\022\010\001\022\016\032\014ordinaryuser\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\014ordinaryuser \000" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:42176" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.584735Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.584762Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.584828Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.585209Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.585322Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:17.585368Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.585521Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.586271Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:17.593006Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710662} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.593086Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922418:2597] txid# 281474976710662 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922417:2348] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.646494Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.646534Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] TxId# 281474976710663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.646583Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649115Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:42200" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649177Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649204Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649262Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649577Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649669Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710663 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649722Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710663 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.649853Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:17.663524Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710663} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.663607Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922451:2616] txid# 281474976710663 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922450:2350] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710663 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.726351Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.726411Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] TxId# 281474976710664 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.726468Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710664 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729261Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { RemoveUser { User: "targetuser" MissingOk: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014ordinaryuser\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\334\003eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc3NywiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTc3LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.syuapj2YJoXoF0UUIiU0rSucIB3xnDT7ebjI2OWYzg3PkCauy2lYa7VQ2dDf9-r-0J45WwwP_1CYbgkWnaUJsI3QUC0bdUqtbuDVy3PQWpAWHnPq6ZzDhv452nW3pcg1bH4SrVLh4zAh4CCy8TvwgUyu-Dhnie4FZVvdxOa0YfZnU_fWdJ65tsfeQBvmovOUKsPv5_IKGp7-pUrQ2Ztm4RI0Xvwh5J94a5o29iZ5z-E7kRFcK_x8a__tezvYBAvQ1FVJUClULOATM6m7i5Ot48hc69Tizq9yoJFWp3PdBoLsV4iVnRvp18QqjzisDQXTZtDbSNQoBpUwt85xSKk4Tg\"\005Login*\210\001eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc3NywiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTc3LCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.**" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:42226" 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729358Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729387Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729532Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729570Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729614Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729867Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:17.729917Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664, Access denied for ordinaryuser, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:46:17.730010Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:17.730046Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516956150922482:2628] txid# 281474976710664 SEND to# [59:7480516956150922481:2362] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:17.730367Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=ZTc4YjE5MC1hNzU0ZGMxZC0yZmFiYzdhOC05ZTFhYmVhMQ==, ActorId: [59:7480516956150922472:2362], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gdtfedy3q48q2c3j6gbw3, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:17.730667Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:17.730697Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516934676085095:2110] TxId# 281474976710665 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-LocalUser-CreateUser-24 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 6538, msgbus: 23677 2025-03-11T11:42:23.987309Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515949144979835:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:23.987504Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a8c/r3tmp/tmpGnv37w/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:24.597627Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.597750Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:24.607884Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.641765Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6538, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:24.889962Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.889988Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.889995Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:24.890106Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23677 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.181833Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.181917Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914963:2446] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.182233Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914963:2446] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.227023Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914963:2446] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:25.251936Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914963:2446] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515957734914962:2445] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286793Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286820Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.286921Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.379680Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.379772Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.379799Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.379855Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.380163Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.380305Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.380359Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.380495Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.381226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.387378Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.387440Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734914970:2452] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515957734914969:2451] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:25.406419Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.406450Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.406479Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.408822Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.408872Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.408889Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.408935Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.409202Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.409281Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:25.409319Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.409452Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.410387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.413016Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.413090Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915015:2490] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515957734915014:2489] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.466456Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.466480Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.466524Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953439947143:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515957734915033:2500] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.468847Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515957734915033:2500] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\001\022\026\032\024ordinaryuser@builtin\n\"\010\000\022\036\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\024ordinaryuser@builtin \000\n!\010\000\022\035\010\001\020\200\010\032\024ordinaryuser@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:37950" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.468898Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Acto ... e 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:12.723059Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.723254Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715660 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:12.723314Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715660 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.723455Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:12.727098Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 Status StatusAlreadyExists HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAlreadyExists txid# 281474976715660 Reason# Check failed: path: '/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.727262Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:12.727302Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846141:2581] txid# 281474976715660 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846061:2342] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715660 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.746541Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:12.746572Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] TxId# 281474976715661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:12.746620Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] 2025-03-11T11:46:12.749813Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "ordinaryuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:53882" 2025-03-11T11:46:12.749916Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.749944Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.750166Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:12.750504Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.750794Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:12.750863Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.751035Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:12.760507Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715661} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.760571Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846165:2593] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846164:2335] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.917102Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:12.917135Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] TxId# 281474976715662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:12.917186Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] 2025-03-11T11:46:12.919921Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\022\010\001\022\016\032\014ordinaryuser\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\014ordinaryuser \000" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:53894" 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920012Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920037Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920101Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920446Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920567Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920628Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.920794Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:12.921386Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:12.928166Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715662} 2025-03-11T11:46:12.928243Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846185:2607] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846184:2348] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:13.002202Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:13.002250Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] TxId# 281474976715663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:13.002310Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005193Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014ordinaryuser\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\334\003eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc3MiwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTcyLCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.nlNX8c1eIqv2xQUleWGOfCAU1ib0ovwb1LbiGgdYgZO-Cp73BtTsnAGpy1BuvYMHFI09fV4hxsIgFEAI-iJsKPt-RErqToSG54uwWzONOhRtlRHgA-N6uMRejAYgEiF7FNPcmmBHHmiPgeVjPhnnORj3Af_As5LpkvoIgGjLMn1fvXEhzM6uIom55Fdk5pjXCXuG4K1oBr7cHMRIwlQ0dvU2xxQUSXOveOoLe1gTwrNoVyhS60dsLRy_oWnbZ8TGbvxlO61DLrx8JZmHgczhJDk8OofpxeLa2wGJdh6hRv1Jel8KlaDJjeeCKHR2HoUWrMSaXqx5foYTzwpdLPAxDA\"\005Login*\210\001eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiXC9kYy0xIl0sImV4cCI6MTc0MTczNjc3MiwiaWF0IjoxNzQxNjkzNTcyLCJzdWIiOiJvcmRpbmFyeXVzZXIifQ.**" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:53936" 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005284Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005311Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005486Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005516Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005573Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005857Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:13.005884Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663, Access denied for ordinaryuser, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:46:13.010000Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:13.010068Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516934835846226:2630] txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480516934835846225:2354] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:13.010658Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=YWQyMDBmZTItYTkyNTczZTAtNWNlZWY2MWYtMmY1ZDczNTE=, ActorId: [59:7480516934835846211:2354], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gdnvkbz5v2k8395papezx, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:13.017907Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:13.017953Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516913361008715:2112] TxId# 281474976715664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-72 [GOOD] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 8861, msgbus: 32477 2025-03-11T11:41:49.136924Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515802049613230:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:49.136975Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ab6/r3tmp/tmpMJqr9A/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:50.023350Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.023448Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:50.029084Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.030525Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8861, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.382488Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.382511Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.382521Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.382721Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32477 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.670240Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.670308Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581284:2447] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.670677Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581284:2447] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.729749Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581284:2447] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:41:50.758188Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581284:2447] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515806344581283:2446] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:50.787947Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.788004Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.788127Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] 2025-03-11T11:41:50.942271Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:50.942367Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.942389Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.942446Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:50.942927Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.943179Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:41:50.943251Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.943411Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.944265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.948002Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.948079Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581292:2454] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515806344581291:2453] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.978437Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.978463Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.978493Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] 2025-03-11T11:41:50.980934Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:50.980990Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981006Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981097Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981363Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981477Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981537Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.981680Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.990143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.999439Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.999499Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806344581337:2495] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515806344581336:2494] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:41:51.096615Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:51.096642Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:51.096690Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802049613498:2139] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515810639548651:2505] 2025-03-11T11:41:51.098922Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515810639548651:2505] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\033\010\001\022\027\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\n#\010\000\022\037\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \000\n\"\010\000\022\036\010\001\020\200\010\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:39782" 2025-03-11T11:41:51.099001Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: A ... 65322Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912815:2536] txid# 281474976715660 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:42.366911Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:42.382023Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912815:2536] txid# 281474976715660 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715660} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.382112Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912815:2536] txid# 281474976715660 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912814:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715660 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.444802Z node 59 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [59:7480516804792912814:2343], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.498451Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.498488Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] TxId# 281474976715661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.498548Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] 2025-03-11T11:45:42.501775Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool ModifyACL { Name: "default" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003\n!\010\000\022\035\010\001\020\201\004\032\024all-users@well-known \003\n\031\010\000\022\025\010\001\020\201\004\032\014root@builtin \003" NewOwner: "metadata@system" } Internal: true CreateResourcePool { Name: "default" Properties { Properties { key: "concurrent_query_limit" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "database_load_cpu_threshold" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_cancel_after_seconds" value: "0" } Properties { key: "query_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "query_memory_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "queue_size" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "resource_weight" value: "-1" } Properties { key: "total_cpu_limit_percent_per_node" value: "-1" } } } } } UserToken: "\n\017metadata@system\022\000" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" 2025-03-11T11:45:42.501853Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:42.501880Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 Bootstrap, UserSID: metadata@system IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.502631Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.502665Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: metadata@system CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:45:42.503497Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:45:42.503604Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:42.503820Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.504020Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715661 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:42.504085Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715661 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.504254Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:42.508609Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 Status StatusAlreadyExists HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAlreadyExists txid# 281474976715661 Reason# Check failed: path: '/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.509006Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/dc-1/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.509057Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912892:2590] txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912814:2343] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715661 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.531821Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.531853Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] TxId# 281474976715662 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.531904Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] 2025-03-11T11:45:42.534760Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { CreateUser { User: "targetuser" Password: "passwd" CanLogin: true IsHashedPassword: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:39360" 2025-03-11T11:45:42.534838Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:42.534865Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:42.534940Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:42.535305Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.535424Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715662 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:42.535487Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715662 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.535669Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:42.546257Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715662} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.546329Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912916:2602] txid# 281474976715662 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912915:2336] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715662 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.653885Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.653945Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] TxId# 281474976715663 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.653997Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] 2025-03-11T11:45:42.656844Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/dc-1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterLogin AlterLogin { RemoveUser { User: "targetuser" MissingOk: false } } } } UserToken: "\n\024ordinaryuser@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\024ordinaryuser@builtin\"\007Builtin*\027ordi****ltin (32520BBF)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:39374" 2025-03-11T11:45:42.656920Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:42.656945Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 Bootstrap, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657110Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, ResultSet size: 1 ResultSet error count: 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657138Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 HandleResolveDatabase, UserSID: ordinaryuser@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 IsClusterAdministrator: 0 IsDatabaseAdministrator: 0 DatabaseOwner: root@builtin 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657191Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657468Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657496Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663, Access denied for ordinaryuser@builtin, attempt to manage user 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657603Z node 59 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663, issues: { message: "Access denied for ordinaryuser@builtin" issue_code: 200000 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:45:42.657642Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516804792912949:2616] txid# 281474976715663 SEND to# [59:7480516804792912948:2353] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus Status# 5} 2025-03-11T11:45:42.658621Z node 59 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=59&id=YTI1MDAyOGItNzg1ZmUxMzYtMjkzMWZkMTEtMzlhM2Y3Y2Y=, ActorId: [59:7480516804792912934:2353], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gcr6x542zyn4edzzyxjtq, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:45:42.659326Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:42.659351Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516783318075428:2110] TxId# 281474976715664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-Auth-LocalUser-ModifyUser-48 [FAIL] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 19658, msgbus: 8683 2025-03-11T11:41:49.274437Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515802362599358:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:49.274669Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aa5/r3tmp/tmpoJyYpN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:50.127453Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.127544Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:50.136125Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.168110Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19658, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.191614Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.191722Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.362081Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.362103Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.362110Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:50.362255Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8683 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.607621Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.607705Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567196:2451] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.608151Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567196:2451] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.648635Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567196:2451] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:41:50.670386Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567196:2451] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515806657567195:2450] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:50.698094Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.698128Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.698264Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] 2025-03-11T11:41:50.799547Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:50.799653Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.799678Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.799755Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:50.800069Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.800211Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:41:50.800263Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.800435Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.806239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.821376Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.821455Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567204:2458] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515806657567203:2457] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:50.857007Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.857037Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.857069Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] 2025-03-11T11:41:50.859577Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:50.859627Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.859643Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:50.859698Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:50.859991Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:50.860092Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:41:50.860137Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.860278Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:50.860790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:50.863148Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.863202Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567247:2497] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515806657567246:2496] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:41:50.915496Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.915529Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:50.915563Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515802362599372:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515806657567268:2507] 2025-03-11T11:41:50.918141Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515806657567268:2507] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\033\010\001\022\027\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\n#\010\000\022\037\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \000\n\"\010\000\022\036\010\001\020\200\010\032\025cluster_admin@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\0 ... ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:45:37.881572Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126531:2434] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [59:7480516783430126530:2433] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:37.890451Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:37.890485Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:37.890588Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] 2025-03-11T11:45:37.893349Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:37.893432Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:37.893458Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:37.893523Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:37.893858Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:37.898122Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:45:37.898230Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:37.898455Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:37.899295Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:37.907430Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:45:37.907508Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126553:2442] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [59:7480516783430126552:2441] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:37.950640Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:37.950673Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] TxId# 281474976715658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:37.950713Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516779135158671:2109] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953265Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953343Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953366Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953440Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953758Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:37.953868Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:37.954325Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:37.954515Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:37.955052Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:37.959904Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715658} 2025-03-11T11:45:37.959977Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516783430126596:2481] txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# [59:7480516783430126595:2480] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:45:41.818064Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[59:7480516779135158699:2262];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:41.818153Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:43.594836Z node 59 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2gcknxemeff4ccshmgwj69", Request deadline has expired for 0.614906s seconds assertion failed at ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq_ut.cpp:256, void NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(const TTestEnv &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &): (sessionResult.IsSuccess())
: Error: GRpc error: (4): Deadline Exceeded
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:15868 TBackTrace::Capture()+28 (0x181A179C) NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(char const*, TBasicString> const&, bool)+592 (0x1865F000) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::TTestEnv const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&)+2039 (0x17D77117) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect_RootDB(NUnitTest::TTestContext&, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase)+1849 (0x17D8D509) std::__y1::__bind_return, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase>, std::__y1::tuple, __is_valid_bind_return, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase>, std::__y1::tuple>::value>::type std::__y1::__bind const&, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase const&>::operator()[abi:fe190000](NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+588 (0x17DCA89C) std::__y1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()()+280 (0x17DBAF78) TColoredProcessor::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+534 (0x18696046) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+505 (0x18665B79) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TCurrentTest::Execute()+1204 (0x17DB9E24) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+2438 (0x18667446) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+5213 (0x186905BD) ??+0 (0x7F884D3C8D90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7F884D3C8E40) _start+41 (0x15C61029) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect-RootDB-NoAuth-BuiltinUser-DropUser-60 [FAIL] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 26102, msgbus: 18700 2025-03-11T11:41:50.442439Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515809262076128:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:50.442486Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aa3/r3tmp/tmpHEWlEx/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:51.275598Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:51.275692Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:51.311570Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26102, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:51.669779Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:51.679128Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:51.680097Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.680108Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.680116Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:41:51.680259Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:51.702726Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /dc-1 Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:51.702773Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:18700 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:52.058628Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:52.058688Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011480:2455] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:41:52.059027Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011480:2455] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:52.143129Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011480:2455] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:41:52.159603Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011480:2455] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515817852011479:2454] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:52.198347Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.198385Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.198568Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] 2025-03-11T11:41:52.380448Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:52.380545Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:52.380571Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:52.380640Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:52.381058Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:52.381269Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:41:52.381355Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:52.381532Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:52.382956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:52.385673Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:41:52.385772Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011488:2462] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515817852011487:2461] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:52.418281Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.418314Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.418384Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] 2025-03-11T11:41:52.420917Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:41:52.420980Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:41:52.420998Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:52.421053Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:41:52.421362Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:41:52.421455Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:41:52.421496Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:41:52.421696Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:41:52.425059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:52.428211Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:41:52.428262Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011528:2498] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515817852011527:2497] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:41:52.511570Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.511608Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:41:52.511691Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515809262076390:2134] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710659 SEND to# [1:7480515817852011546:2508] 2025-03-11T11:41:52.514344Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515817852011546:2508] txid# 281474976710659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\033\010\001\022\027\032\025cluster_admin@builtin\n#\010\ ... nType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:29.485634Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.485657Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.485707Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:29.487115Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:29.487241Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:45:29.487314Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.487503Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:29.488129Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:29.491585Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.491642Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462701:2435] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [59:7480516747284462700:2434] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:29.514505Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:29.514538Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] TxId# 281474976715658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:29.514580Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] 2025-03-11T11:45:29.517334Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:45:29.517421Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.517446Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.517506Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:29.518099Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:29.518220Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:29.518278Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.518454Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:29.518993Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:29.524351Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715658} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.524415Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462741:2471] txid# 281474976715658 SEND to# [59:7480516747284462740:2470] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.556720Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:29.556759Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] TxId# 281474976715659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:45:29.556807Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [59:7480516742989494739:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715659 SEND to# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] 2025-03-11T11:45:29.559832Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\026\010\001\022\022\032\020db_admin@builtin\n\036\010\000\022\032\010\001\020\200\200\002\032\020db_admin@builtin \000\n\035\010\000\022\031\010\001\020\200\010\032\020db_admin@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "/dc-1" RequestType: "" PeerName: "ipv6:[::1]:48640" 2025-03-11T11:45:29.559911Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.559934Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:45:29.559988Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:45:29.560301Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:29.560399Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715659 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:45:29.560450Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715659 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.560584Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:45:29.561094Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:29.566990Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976715659} 2025-03-11T11:45:29.567053Z node 59 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [59:7480516747284462759:2481] txid# 281474976715659 SEND to# [59:7480516747284462758:2318] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715659 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:45:33.786042Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[59:7480516742989494671:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:33.786140Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:34.845504Z node 59 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2gcbfc69q6cte2ssxtgjsm", Request deadline has expired for 0.266579s seconds assertion failed at ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq_ut.cpp:256, void NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(const TTestEnv &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &): (sessionResult.IsSuccess())
: Error: GRpc error: (4): Deadline Exceeded
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:2039 TBackTrace::Capture()+28 (0x181A179C) NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(char const*, TBasicString> const&, bool)+592 (0x1865F000) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::TTestEnv const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&)+2039 (0x17D77117) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::AlterLoginProtect_RootDB(NUnitTest::TTestContext&, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase)+2789 (0x17D8D8B5) std::__y1::__bind_return, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase>, std::__y1::tuple, __is_valid_bind_return, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase>, std::__y1::tuple>::value>::type std::__y1::__bind const&, NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TAlterLoginTestCase const&>::operator()[abi:fe190000](NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+588 (0x17DCA89C) std::__y1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()()+280 (0x17DBAF78) TColoredProcessor::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+534 (0x18696046) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+505 (0x18665B79) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAccess::TCurrentTest::Execute()+1204 (0x17DB9E24) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+2438 (0x18667446) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+5213 (0x186905BD) ??+0 (0x7FA46023FD90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7FA46023FE40) _start+41 (0x15C61029) >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedTimeoutSplit [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit-UseSink >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalDataSource |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::RestoreKesusResources [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreReplicationWithoutSecret |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline [GOOD] |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest >> TMonitoringTests::ValidActorId |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest >> TMonitoringTests::ValidActorId [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldNotCompactBackups [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldNotCompactBorrowed |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:32.881579Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:32.926677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:32.926731Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:32.938532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:32.939052Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:32.939383Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:32.984388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:32.995036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:32.995264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997603Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:32.997790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:33.084816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124331Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124551Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124697Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124772Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.124992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125623Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125739Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.125996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.126046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:33.128790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\000\030\000(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:33.128862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:33.128949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129411Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:33.129986Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:33.130023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:33.130077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:33.130103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:33.143774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.143846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:33.143875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:33.143922Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:33.143988Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:33.144839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:33.153925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154299Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154567Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:33.154960Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155091Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155384Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:33.155460Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... 437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 146] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:149] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 149] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:40.267917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268012Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 128 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:341:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 99} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:452:2394]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 50 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268539Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 9437186 source 9437184 dest 9437186 producer 9437184 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 9437186 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 50 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Filled readset for [1000005:152] from=9437184 to=9437186origin=9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268780Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.268985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 131 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:341:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 100} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269104Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269134Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 154 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:452:2394]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269277Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000005:152] at 9437186 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:40.269572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:152] at tablet 9437186 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270355Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:152] at 9437186: {NSelectRow: 0, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 1, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 0, SelectRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 5, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270439Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270776Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270872Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270969Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:40.270998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437186 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.271484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:40.272886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.272929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.272956Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.273546Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300656Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:40.300999Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_exchange/unittest >> Cdc::ResolvedTimestampsContinueAfterMerge [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:17.585729Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516180626618245:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:17.585792Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001084/r3tmp/tmpBoLCWa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:18.335315Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:18.340540Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:18.340623Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:18.347871Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6499, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.509552Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:18.509579Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:18.509592Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:43:18.509755Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:18.608448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:18.651359Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:18.679401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:7480516184921586166:2309] 2025-03-11T11:43:18.679677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:18.714946Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:18.715050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:18.716878Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.716934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.716957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.717330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:18.717370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:43:18.717404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:7480516184921586180:2309] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.724332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:7480516184921586184:2310] 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788701Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.788714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.790214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:7480516184921586163:2302], serverId# [1:7480516184921586182:2310], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:43:18.790801Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.791165Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976710657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.791230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976710657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.794665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.794767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:43:18.795478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.797348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:7480516184921586198:2319], serverId# [1:7480516184921586199:2320], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976710657 at step 1741693398844 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693398844 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.802828Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1741693398844:281474976710657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.803083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1741693398844:281474976710657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.803231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.803334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.803375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:43:18.805858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:43:18.806440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 1741693398843 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807706Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1741693398851 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1741693398844} 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807837Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807860Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1741693398844 : 281474976710657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:7480516184921585964:2194], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807967Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976710657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.807998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.811843Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [ChangeSender][72075186224037888:1][1:7480516184921586184:2310][Inactive] Handle NKikimrChangeExchange.TEvActivateSender 2025-03-11T11:43:18.813507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976710657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:43:18.813570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.824469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.824636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.824755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976710658 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:43:18.824792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Check scheme tx, proposed scheme version# 2 current version# 1 expected version# 2 at tablet# 72075186224037888 txId# 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:43:18.824800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976710658 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.826448Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:43:18.911589Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:43:18.912579Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] Registered with mediator time cast 2025-03-11T11:43:18.912830Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913042Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913168Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913187Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913295Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913333Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72075186224037889] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:18.913368Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72075186224037889] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:43:18.914397Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] server connected, pipe [1:7480516184921586284:2312], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:43:18.914423Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ ... ssageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.136447Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxActivateChangeSenderAck Complete: origin# 72075186224037893, at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:46:37.138852Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxActivateChangeSenderAck Complete: origin# 72075186224037893, at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:37.141071Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 ack split partitioning changed to schemeshard 281474976715660 2025-03-11T11:46:37.141218Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 0 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.143383Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037891 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:46:37.146778Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 ack split partitioning changed to schemeshard 281474976715660 2025-03-11T11:46:37.146851Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037892 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 0 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.147952Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037891 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:37.148159Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037892 Initiating switch from PreOffline to Offline state 2025-03-11T11:46:37.150571Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037892 Reporting state Offline to schemeshard 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:37.152009Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChangedResult datashard 72075186224037891 state Offline 2025-03-11T11:46:37.152547Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvStateChangedResult datashard 72075186224037892 state Offline 2025-03-11T11:46:37.164345Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletStop: 72075186224037891 reason = ReasonStop 2025-03-11T11:46:37.165679Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:46:37.168240Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletStop: 72075186224037892 reason = ReasonStop 2025-03-11T11:46:37.170982Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: OnTabletDead: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:37.174517Z node 24 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 24, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:37.174830Z node 24 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 24, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:37.197992Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] server connected, pipe [24:1264:2643], now have 1 active actors on pipe ... release register requests ... wait for merge tx notification 2025-03-11T11:46:37.223985Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.224114Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.224608Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:46:37.226147Z node 24 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ... wait for final heartbeat >>>>> GetRecords path=/Root/Table/Stream partitionId=0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.229370Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.229484Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.230462Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 user $without_consumer offset 0 count 10000 size 26214400 endOffset 2 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.230585Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:37.230728Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 0. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:46:37.230818Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:46:37.231532Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.243090Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.243368Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.243660Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.243777Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.243970Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.244327Z node 24 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [CdcChangeSenderPartition][72075186224037893:1][0][72075186224037889][24:1315:3039] Handle NKikimr::NPQ::TEvPartitionWriter::TEvInitResult { SessionId: TxId: Success { OwnerCookie: 72075186224037893|c71eab54-ecab91f8-303eb28a-d1335753_0 SourceIdInfo: SourceId: "\00072075186224037893" SeqNo: 0 Offset: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 0 Explicit: true State: STATE_REGISTERED } } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.244528Z node 24 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037893:1][24:1312:3039] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.244753Z node 24 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [CdcChangeSenderPartition][72075186224037893:1][0][72075186224037889][24:1315:3039] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchange::TEvRecords { Records [{ Order: 1 Group: 0 Step: 6000 TxId: 0 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcHeartbeat Source: Unspecified Body: 0b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 0 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }] } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245096Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245133Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245232Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245349Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245378Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245466Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message topic: Table/Stream/streamImpl partition: 0 SourceId: '\00072075186224037893' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 0 messageNo: 1 size 26 offset: -1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245688Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 process heartbeat sourceId '\00072075186224037893' version v6000/0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.245839Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 emit heartbeat v6000/0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.247016Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\00072075186224037889' seqNo 0 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.248095Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 part blob complete sourceId '\00072075186224037889' seqNo 0 partNo 0 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 2 PartNo 0 PackedSize 107 count 1 nextOffset 3 batches 1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.249484Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 compactOffset 2,1 HeadOffset 0 endOffset 2 curOffset 3 d0000000000_00000000000000000002_00000_0000000001_00000| size 93 WTime 6505 2025-03-11T11:46:37.249923Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:46:37.250154Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 0 offset 2 partNo 0 count 1 size 93 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251743Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 0 offset 2 count 1 size 93 actorID [24:1284:3019] 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251994Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037889' partition 0 offset 2 size 93 2025-03-11T11:46:37.263422Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 44 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.263680Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.263879Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\00072075186224037893', Topic: 'Table/Stream/streamImpl', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 2 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:46:37.264407Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.264839Z node 24 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [CdcChangeSenderPartition][72075186224037893:1][0][72075186224037889][24:1315:3039] Handle NKikimrClient.TResponse { SessionId: TxId: Success { Response: Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK PartitionResponse { CmdWriteResult { AlreadyWritten: false SourceId: "\00072075186224037893" SeqNo: 1 Offset: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 6505 PartitionQuotedTimeMs: 0 TotalTimeInPartitionQueueMs: 0 WriteTimeMs: 0 TopicQuotedTimeMs: 0 WrittenInTx: false } Cookie: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.265035Z node 24 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE DEBUG: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037893:1][24:1312:3039] Handle NKikimr::NChangeExchange::TEvChangeExchangePrivate::TEvReady { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.265281Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Execute: records# 1, at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:37.265382Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: RemoveChangeRecord: order: 1, at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:37.276770Z node 24 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxRemoveChangeRecords Complete: removed# 1, left# 0, at tablet# 72075186224037893 >>>>> GetRecords path=/Root/Table/Stream partitionId=0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725176Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'streamImpl' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725257Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889] got client message batch for topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725444Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 1 Topic 'Table/Stream/streamImpl' partition 0 user $without_consumer offset 0 count 10000 size 26214400 endOffset 3 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725496Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 1 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 3 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725568Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037889, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 1. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725608Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:46:37.725779Z node 24 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'streamImpl' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree [GOOD] |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest >> TMonitoringTests::ValidActorId [GOOD] |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-StrictAclCheck [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly >> TMonitoringTests::InvalidActorId |80.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest |80.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration [GOOD] |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest |80.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGeneration [GOOD] >> TMonitoringTests::InvalidActorId [GOOD] |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest |80.6%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckSameGenerationAndTransact [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SetMeteringMode [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TClusterTrackerTest |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/unittest >> TMonitoringTests::InvalidActorId [GOOD] >> StreamCreator::WithResolvedTimestamps >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPrepare+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPrepare-UseSink |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest |80.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNonConflictingWrites-EvWrite [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::TestAllIndexTypes-EIndexTypeGlobalVectorKmeansTree [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:52.050829Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516849120413286:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:52.050878Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpNdsIPi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:53.137156Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:53.139968Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:53.151721Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:53.151823Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:53.159339Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7621, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:53.376126Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:53.376178Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:53.376188Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:53.376371Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3311 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:53.794782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:57.051451Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516849120413286:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:57.051507Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:57.138488Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516870595250639:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:57.138601Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:57.139217Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516870595250651:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:57.142768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:57.185482Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516870595250653:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:45:57.283637Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516870595250731:2685] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114557" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view"Backup view "/Root/view" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view"Write view into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view/create_view.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114557" in database2025-03-11T11:45:57.974364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view"Restore view "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view" to "/Root/view"Read view from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view/create_view.sql"Created "/Root/view"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view" to "/Root/view"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmp1GKlgj/view/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:45:58.116532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:45:59.929491Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516877592940694:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:59.929540Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpQWHnPs/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:00.286198Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:00.315933Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:00.316009Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:00.325412Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18074, node 4 2025-03-11T11:46:00.397817Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:00.397853Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:00.397861Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:00.398033Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10680 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:00.659333Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:04.151153Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516899067778209:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:04.151254Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:04.151671Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516899067778220:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:04.158618Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:04.198086Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480516899067778223:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:04.258416Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480516899067778294:2668] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:04.314283Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:04.723322Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gddm11ea ... rActor] ActorId: [13:7480517014473255889:2397], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.363218Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/" to "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:31.488065Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 13, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:31.498903Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 13, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:31.560168Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table/data_00.csv"Restore index "byValue" on "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:31.720485Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976715758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:31.812180Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976715759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpF4E6OF/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:32.097996Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:46:34.175729Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[16:7480517027559529474:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:34.175829Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmptaIWuA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:34.348157Z node 16 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:34.382614Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.382719Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:34.386257Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28819, node 16 2025-03-11T11:46:34.430174Z node 16 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.430205Z node 16 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.430213Z node 16 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.430372Z node 16 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12585 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:34.641382Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:38.689409Z node 16 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [16:7480517044739399705:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:38.689576Z node 16 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:38.719855Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table"Copy tables: { src: "/Root/table", dst: "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638/table" }2025-03-11T11:46:39.176372Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[16:7480517027559529474:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:39.176452Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Backup table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638/table" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table"Describe table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638/table"Write scheme into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/scheme.pb"Describe table "/Root/table"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/permissions.pb"Read table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638/table"Write data into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/data_00.csv"Drop table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638/table"2025-03-11T11:46:39.488945Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:39.489412Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:39.489857Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638" in database2025-03-11T11:46:39.521394Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:39.578312Z node 16 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [16:7480517049034368086:2404], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:39.578427Z node 16 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/" to "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:39.656697Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found Resolved db base path: "/Root"2025-03-11T11:46:39.664998Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:39.665043Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:39.716103Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/data_00.csv"Restore index "byValue" on "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:39.904564Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976710758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:40.008927Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:40.121128Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976710760:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:40.455448Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976710761:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:40.534559Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037898 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:40.534604Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 16, TabletId: 72075186224037897 not found Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cb7/r3tmp/tmpgOD034/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:40.695696Z node 16 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldCreateCheckpoint >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetOldSmallState >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotRegisterPrevGeneration >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteNoCheckpoints >> PartitionStats::Collector |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest >> PartitionStats::CollectorOverload [GOOD] >> PartitionStats::Collector [GOOD] |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest >> KqpKv::ReadRows_Decimal [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestWriteSessionsConflicts [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadRuleServiceTypePassword >> StreamCreator::Basic >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayRS1 >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayData1 >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline_oo8 >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPointsAndRanges |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> PartitionStats::CollectorOverload [GOOD] |80.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/unittest >> PartitionStats::Collector [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS >> DataShardTxOrder::DelayData >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableImmediateWriteBlock >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterStuckRW ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNonConflictingWrites-EvWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:34.025709Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:34.026101Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:34.026351Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001369/r3tmp/tmpL6Ok68/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:34.392176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:34.455475Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:34.496634Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.496790Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:34.509481Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.595157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:34.630470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:34.631647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:34.632110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.632424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:34.670205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:34.670923Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:34.671083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:34.672553Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.672609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.672669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.673053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:34.673198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:34.673285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:34.684106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:34.715862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:34.716750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717243Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717384Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.717939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718239Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718638Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718717Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718770Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.718841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719143Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719399Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:34.719417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:34.720967Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:34.721016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.731838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.731945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:34.731984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:34.732024Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:34.732094Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:34.885546Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.885609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.885652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886298Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:34.886469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:34.892814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:34.892948Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:34.893460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:34.893521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:34.893614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:3 ... 2025-03-11T11:46:43.330672Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, waiting for 2 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1087:2879], CA [2:1088:2880], 2025-03-11T11:46:43.330891Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1087:2879], task: 6, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 404 Tasks { TaskId: 6 StageId: 5 CpuTimeUs: 176 FinishTimeMs: 1741693603330 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 119 BuildCpuTimeUs: 57 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 CreateTimeMs: 1741693603319 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:46:43.330949Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:1087:2879] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.331027Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Waiting for: CA [2:1088:2880], 2025-03-11T11:46:43.331063Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, waiting for 1 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1088:2880], 2025-03-11T11:46:43.331318Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1088:2880], task: 7, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 470 DurationUs: 2000 Tasks { TaskId: 7 StageId: 6 CpuTimeUs: 190 FinishTimeMs: 1741693603331 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ResultRows: 2 ResultBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 146 BuildCpuTimeUs: 44 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 StartTimeMs: 1741693603329 CreateTimeMs: 1741693603319 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:46:43.331380Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:1088:2880] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.334920Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Full stats: { CpuTimeUs: 12467 DurationUs: 1741693601282265 Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-1" ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 AffectedPartitions: 1 } Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-2" ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 AffectedPartitions: 1 } ExecuterCpuTimeUs: 8535 StartTimeMs: 2049 FinishTimeMs: 1741693603331 Stages { StageId: 5 StageGuid: "cd674934-ae82fe82-aefb837-4daa54e6" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")))))\n)\n" ComputeActors { CpuTimeUs: 404 Tasks { TaskId: 6 StageId: 5 CpuTimeUs: 176 FinishTimeMs: 1741693603330 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 119 BuildCpuTimeUs: 57 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 CreateTimeMs: 1741693603319 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageGuid: "281f0222-8a4dfab0-1923d415-75f80131" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (block \'(\n (let $2 (lambda \'($3) (Member $3 \'\"key\") (Member $3 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) $2)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageId: 3 StageGuid: "e6a93690-67565021-4d9d4e47-5f123777" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (WideTop (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\") \'(\'(\'0 (Bool \'true)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageId: 2 StageGuid: "d027a0dd-b30aa04-28579f0b-accd9343" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (block \'(\n (let $2 (lambda \'($3) (Member $3 \'\"key\") (Member $3 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) $2)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageId: 4 StageGuid: "7c0230fb-9fe79dfa-c5f40c2f-b2b97135" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1 $2) (block \'(\n (let $3 (lambda \'($6 $7) (AsStruct \'(\'\"key\" $6) \'(\'\"value\" $7))))\n (let $4 (Sort (Extend (NarrowMap (ToFlow $1) $3) (NarrowMap (ToFlow $2) $3)) (Bool \'true) (lambda \'($8) (Member $8 \'\"key\"))))\n (let $5 (lambda \'($9) (Member $9 \'\"key\") (Member $9 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap $4 $5)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageId: 6 StageGuid: "805933ba-e41cdc7c-dbc8f75d-5977463f" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (NarrowMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) (lambda \'($2 $3) (AsStruct \'(\'\"key\" $2) \'(\'\"value\" $3)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } Stages { StageId: 1 StageGuid: "3e299a35-e1fd3c6a-6eaa49da-4d213655" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (WideTop (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\") \'(\'(\'0 (Bool \'true)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693603325 } TxPlansWithStats: "{\"Node Type\":\"Phase\",\"PlanNodeId\":17,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet\",\"PlanNodeId\":16,\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":14}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":15,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":14,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":12}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":13,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Merge\",\"PlanNodeId\":12,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Sort-Union\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"InternalOperatorId\":1}],\"Name\":\"Sort\",\"SortBy\":\"row.key\"},{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":10},{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":5}],\"Name\":\"Union\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":11,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":10,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Top\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":8}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Top\",\"TopBy\":\"row.key\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":9,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":8,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":6}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":7,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Operators\":[{\"E-Cost\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Rows\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Size\":\"No estimate\",\"Inputs\":[],\"Name\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Path\":\"\\/Root\\/table-1\",\"ReadColumns\":[\"key\",\"value\"],\"ReadLimit\":\"1001\",\"ReadRange\":[\"key (3)\"],\"Scan\":\"Sequential\",\"Table\":\"table-1\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":6,\"StageGuid\":\"\",\"Tables\":[\"table-1\"]}],\"StageGuid\":\"281f0222-8a4dfab0-1923d415-75f80131\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":0,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"3e299a35-e1fd3c6a-6eaa49da-4d213655\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":1,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"},{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":5,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Top\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":3}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Top\",\"TopBy\":\"row.key\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":4,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":3,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":1}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":2,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Operators\":[{\"E-Cost\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Rows\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Size\":\"No estimate\",\"Inputs\":[],\"Name\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Path\":\"\\/Root\\/table-2\",\"ReadColumns\":[\"key\",\"value\"],\"ReadLimit\":\"1001\",\"ReadRange\":[\"key (4)\"],\"Scan\":\"Sequential\",\"Table\":\"table-2\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":1,\"StageGuid\":\"\",\"Tables\":[\"table-2\"]}],\"StageGuid\":\"d027a0dd-b30aa04-28579f0b-accd9343\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":2,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"e6a93690-67565021-4d9d4e47-5f123777\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":3,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"7c0230fb-9fe79dfa-c5f40c2f-b2b97135\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":4,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"SortColumns\":[\"key (Asc)\"],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"cd674934-ae82fe82-aefb837-4daa54e6\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"ComputeNodes\":[{\"CpuTimeUs\":404,\"Tasks\":[{\"ComputeTimeUs\":119,\"FinishTimeMs\":1741693603330,\"Host\":\"ghrun-w6mn3gtde4\",\"InputBytes\":7,\"InputRows\":2,\"NodeId\":2,\"OutputBytes\":7,\"OutputRows\":2,\"TaskId\":6}]}],\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":5,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"805933ba-e41cdc7c-dbc8f75d-5977463f\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693603325,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":6,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}" StatConvertBytes: 3892 Extra { type_url: "type.googleapis.com/NKqpProto.TKqpExecutionExtraStats" value: "\010\002\022\013\010\207\003\020\223\010\030\334\036 \007" } } 2025-03-11T11:46:43.335038Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:46:43.335113Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1076:2857] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gek337vxtam9y37ks0w2y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTM1MGQ3MmEtYmZiM2U1YjktOWIwNTgzNGUtMzFiNzI3ODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.003932s ReadRows: 2 ReadBytes: 16 ru: 2 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 2 } }, { items { uint32_value: 4 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } |80.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardSnapshotReadNoEarlyReply >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderLockLost >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo8_dirty >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init_oo8 >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomDotRanges_DelayRS >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReads >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreIndexTableDecimalSplitBoundaries [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewQueryText >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderRestartLocksReorderedWithoutBarrier >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayRS1 [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReadSetAck >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestUnprotectedReadsThenWriteVisibility [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8 >> TPQTest::TestSetClientOffset [GOOD] >> TPQTest::TestReadSubscription >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeExternalDataSource [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeResourcePool [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:36.297766Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.298148Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:36.298381Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001335/r3tmp/tmpirzioy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:36.727592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:36.783249Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:36.826839Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:36.826966Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:36.838547Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:36.925167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:36.964079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:36.965160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:36.965582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:36.965954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:37.013573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:37.014477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:37.014621Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:37.016364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.016456Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.016522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.016886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:37.017032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:37.017137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.028004Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:37.062848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063766Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063894Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:37.063983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064288Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.064992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065300Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065389Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:37.065585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:37.067430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:37.067484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.078321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.078420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:37.078463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:37.078507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:37.078594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237021Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237128Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237551Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:37.237847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:37.251899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:3 ... actorId: [2:1184:2936] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.402840Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.402897Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.402937Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403178Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1024:2821], Recipient [2:1024:2821]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403221Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403416Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553157, Sender [2:1024:2821], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSplitTransferSnapshotAck TabletId: 72075186224037892 OperationCookie: 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403479Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037892 for split OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403912Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877763, Sender [2:1179:2931], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed { TabletId: 72075186224037892 ClientId: [2:1179:2931] ServerId: [2:1181:2933] } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403951Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404163Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270976, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1024:2821]: {TEvRegisterTabletResult TabletId# 72075186224037892 Entry# 2000} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404197Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037892 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404288Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404588Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404640Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404699Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404745Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037892 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404785Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404822Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037892 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404871Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405061Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [2:1181:2933], Recipient [2:1024:2821]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405104Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405156Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037892, clientId# [2:1179:2931], serverId# [2:1181:2933], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405506Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270978, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1024:2821]: NKikimr::TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult{ CoordinatorId# 72057594046316545 LastReadStep# 0 NextReadStep# 2000 ReadStep# 2000 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405552Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405597Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037892 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405652Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037892: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405729Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037892 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:45.416713Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037893 ack snapshot OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.416831Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.416927Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037893 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417001Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417053Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037893, actorId: [2:1188:2940] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417093Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417127Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417154Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417356Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553157, Sender [2:1031:2823], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSplitTransferSnapshotAck TabletId: 72075186224037893 OperationCookie: 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417412Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037893 for split OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417697Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1031:2823], Recipient [2:1031:2823]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417728Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417938Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877763, Sender [2:1180:2932], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed { TabletId: 72075186224037893 ClientId: [2:1180:2932] ServerId: [2:1182:2934] } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.417968Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418366Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270976, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1031:2823]: {TEvRegisterTabletResult TabletId# 72075186224037893 Entry# 2000} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418401Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418431Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037893 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418462Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418575Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418606Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418639Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418667Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037893 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418693Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418722Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037893 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418758Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418822Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [2:1182:2934], Recipient [2:1031:2823]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418875Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.418915Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1180:2932], serverId# [2:1182:2934], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.419238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270978, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1031:2823]: NKikimr::TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult{ CoordinatorId# 72057594046316545 LastReadStep# 0 NextReadStep# 2000 ReadStep# 2000 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.419263Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult 2025-03-11T11:46:45.419285Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037893 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.419315Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037893: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:46:45.419349Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037893 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431331Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split to schemeshard 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.433618Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553158, Sender [2:408:2403], Recipient [2:761:2636] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.433691Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvSplitPartitioningChanged: opId: 281474976715665, at datashard: 72075186224037889, state: SplitSrcWaitForPartitioningChanged 2025-03-11T11:46:45.438459Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split partitioning changed to schemeshard 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:46:45.438555Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 1 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.439233Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268828683, Sender [2:746:2627], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied 2025-03-11T11:46:45.990981Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [2:975:2679], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_DATA SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 975 RawX2: 8589937271 } TxBody: " \0008\000`\200\200\200\005j\324\006\010\001\022\225\006\010\001\022\024\n\022\t\317\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\021w\n\000\000\002\000\000\000\032\256\002\010\240\215\006\022\207\002\037\002\022KqpEffect\005\205\006\213\000\205\002\206\205\004\207\203\004?\004\014key\024valueh%kqp%tx_result_binding_0_1\204\214\002\030Inputs(Parameters\034Program\013?\000)\251\000?\n\014Arg\000\002)\211\002?\016\204\214\002(KqpEffects\000)\211\010?\032\213\010\203\010\203\010\203\005@\203\010\204?\006\210\203\004\203\004\203\0144KqpUpsertRows\000\013?&\003?\036\177\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\003? \004\003?\"\000\003?$\002\017)\211\002?(?\010 Iterator\000)\211\004?\010?\n\203\004\030Member\000?\026\003?@\000\002\004\000\006\010\002?.\003\203\004\004\003\203\004\002\003\003?0\000\r\010\000\n\001/\032\0369\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@i\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?q\000\000\000\000\ 2025-03-11T11:46:45.991059Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.991165Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Rejecting data TxId 281474976715663 because datashard 72075186224037888: is in a pre/offline state assuming this is due to a finished split (wrong shard state) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.991660Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715664, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:45.992155Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715665, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayRS1 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.080238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.184427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.184490Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.195088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.195652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:129:2152] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.196105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.207997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.260946Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.262274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.264333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.264455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.264610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.265100Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.265539Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.265633Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:195:2152] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.356042Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:214:2212] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.396888Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397689Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.397915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:210:2209], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:208:2208], serverId# [1:210:2209], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401672Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.401850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404517Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404605Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404689Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.404773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.422939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423024Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:220:2218], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423888Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:219:2217], serverId# [1:220:2218], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424098Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.424537Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.429879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430691Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430737Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.430833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431080Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431132Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431200Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.431597Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... 2025-03-11T11:46:46.587727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.587806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:4] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.587869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 4] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.587958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 4 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588288Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:6] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 6] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 6 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:7] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 7] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.588989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:8] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 8] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:9] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 9] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589367Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589504Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589535Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:14] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589584Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 14 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:10] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589909Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 10] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.589984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:12] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 12] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590496Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:13] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 13] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:5] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 5] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.590813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591033Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 4 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 4 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 6 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591331Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 6 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 7 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 8 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 9 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591827Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591860Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591888Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 10 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.591985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.592009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 12 2025-03-11T11:46:46.592073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.592097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:46.592134Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 5 expect 7 2 5 4 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - actual 7 2 5 4 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - interm - 2 5 4 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldCreateCheckpoint [GOOD] >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldCreateGetCheckpoints >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteNoCheckpoints [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsWithCompactingMiddleRows [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsEmptyTable >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteNoCheckpoints2 >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotRegisterPrevGeneration [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotCreateCheckpointWhenUnregistered >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetOldSmallState [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetOldBigState >> StreamCreator::WithResolvedTimestamps [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestUnprotectedReadsThenWriteVisibility [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:41.623014Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:41.623413Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:41.623474Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:41.624310Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:41.624529Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:41.624771Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00132c/r3tmp/tmpUynBuU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:42.056345Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:42.243612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:42.362824Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:42.362956Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:42.367519Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:42.367611Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:42.385742Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:46:42.386729Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:42.387161Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:42.743551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:42.872958Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [2:1252:2377], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:42.886555Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [2:1252:2377], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:42.887172Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:1278:2389] 2025-03-11T11:46:42.887481Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:42.945211Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [2:1252:2377], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:42.959661Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:42.961985Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:42.963953Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:42.964050Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:42.964138Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:42.964619Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:42.965008Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:42.965141Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:1302:2389] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:42.970861Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:43.010586Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.010856Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011028Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:1306:2406] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011071Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011124Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011162Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011468Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1278:2389], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011527Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:43.011888Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012020Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012145Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012206Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012265Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012300Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012346Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012376Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:43.012427Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.079237Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1310:2407], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.079318Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.079382Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1262:2771], serverId# [2:1310:2407], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.079841Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:839:2467], Recipient [2:1310:2407] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.079898Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080023Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080279Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080351Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080486Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080538Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080587Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080695Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.080741Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081047Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081090Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081125Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081159Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081230Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081268Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081329Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081365Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:43.081394Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:43.087893Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.087996Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:43.088033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:43.088103Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:43.088199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:43.090957Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [2:1311:2408], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:43.091027Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:43.364380Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1345:2417], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.364443Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.364481Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1342:2795], serverId# [2:1345:2417], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.366400Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:1055:2617], Recipient [2:1345:2417] 2025-03-11T11:46:43.366463Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:43.366628Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:43.366673Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] ... :2453], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605410Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1708:2453], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605475Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605498Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605521Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605545Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605589Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605610Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605633Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605668Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.605757Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.606868Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1708:2453], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.606949Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.726160Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2genqbe2c2nyhxp986v1pt, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDJkZmRkZjAtOTg3ZTg4YS1lNGQyNjUyOS03MTRiY2E5NQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:45.728436Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [2:1726:2454], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715662 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.728786Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.728867Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.728956Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.728994Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729031Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729065Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729112Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:7] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729154Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729191Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729216Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729350Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715662 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729609Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715662, counter# 18446744073709551612 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729656Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729698Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[2:1726:2454], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729747Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1726:2454], 0} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 1000, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729814Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1726:2454], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729872Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729923Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729956Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.729986Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.730033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.730053Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.730082Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:45.730121Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.730235Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.731093Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1726:2454], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.731146Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.878295Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2genvn11hn7e0m8h6mehcc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTkxY2NmNmMtOTE4NzI0N2QtMzk4M2ZiODEtMTNmYWM4N2M=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:45.880855Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [2:1750:2455], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715666 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881136Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881210Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881299Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881341Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881396Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881431Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881484Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:8] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881530Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881552Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881586Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881612Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.881737Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 2500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715666 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882063Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715666, counter# 1 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882117Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882174Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[2:1750:2455], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882221Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1750:2455], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882324Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1750:2455], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882397Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882432Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882454Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:8] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882479Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:8] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882527Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882549Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882576Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:8] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882613Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.882709Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:45.883979Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1750:2455], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.884050Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.885040Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [2:238:2130], Recipient [2:1278:2389]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715666 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_SUBSCRIBED { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertDependenciesShardsRestart+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertDependenciesShardsRestart-UseSink >> StreamCreator::Basic [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetOldBigState [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetIncrementSmallState ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::TestAllSchemeObjectTypes-EPathTypeResourcePool [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:57.078344Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516868261895512:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:57.078396Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpYfx78x/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:57.881572Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:57.882337Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:57.893009Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:57.919803Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17881, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:58.269852Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:58.269882Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:58.269906Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:58.270046Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29261 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:58.580368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:01.459759Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516885441765777:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:01.459841Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:01.460170Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516885441765789:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:01.463557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:01.515543Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516885441765791:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:01.586953Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516885441765865:2689] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:02.081289Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516868261895512:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:02.081407Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114602" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic"Backup topic "/Root/topic" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic"Write topic into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic/create_topic.pb"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114602" in database2025-03-11T11:46:02.393144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:02.449030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:02.473754Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:02.473784Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:02.473797Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:46:02.479716Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:02.479780Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:46:02.479807Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,3) wasn't found Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic"Restore topic "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic" to "/Root/topic"Read topic from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic/create_topic.pb"Created "/Root/topic"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic" to "/Root/topic"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpBRpxep/topic/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:02.621425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:46:04.740139Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516901215486302:2080];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:04.785293Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpv9F3bu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:05.076240Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:05.111197Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:05.111302Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:05.125093Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 63032, node 4 2025-03-11T11:46:05.431279Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.431304Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.431311Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.431465Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11977 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:05.904096Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:06.035766Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateKesus, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmptGyMU3/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114606" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmptGyMU3/kesus"Backup coordination node "/Root/kesus" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmptGyMU3/kesus"Write coordination node into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmptGyMU3/kesus/create_coordination_node.pb"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmptGyMU3/kesus/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114606" in database2025-03-11T11:46:06.303407Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:06.324317Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part ... :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:38.048553Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517022892887162:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:38.048652Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable"Backup external table "/Root/externalTable" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable"Write external table into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable/create_external_table.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable/permissions.pb"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource"Backup external data source "/Root/externalDataSource" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource"Write external data source into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114638" in database2025-03-11T11:46:38.279252Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource"Restore external data source "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource" to "/Root/externalDataSource"Read external data source from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"2025-03-11T11:46:38.469011Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/externalDataSource"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource" to "/Root/externalDataSource"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalDataSource/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:38.515131Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable"Restore external table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable" to "/Root/externalTable"Read external table from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable/create_external_table.sql"2025-03-11T11:46:38.554704Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalTable, opId: 281474976715668:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/externalTable"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable" to "/Root/externalTable"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDL0sOj/externalTable/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:38.578797Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:46:40.450030Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[13:7480517052053533044:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:40.450096Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpDEl0DJ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:40.710121Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12564, node 13 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852182Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852210Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852222Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852396Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852470Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:40.852569Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:40.868197Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:16937 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:41.217464Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:45.237785Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517073528370599:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.237883Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.238323Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517073528370611:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.243569Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:45.275356Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [13:7480517073528370613:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.376196Z node 13 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [13:7480517073528370683:2691] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.432332Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:45.451771Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[13:7480517052053533044:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:45.451854Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114645" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource"Backup external data source "/Root/externalDataSource" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource"Write external data source into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114645" in database2025-03-11T11:46:45.609985Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource"Restore external data source "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource" to "/Root/externalDataSource"Read external data source from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"2025-03-11T11:46:45.788063Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/externalDataSource"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource" to "/Root/externalDataSource"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c79/r3tmp/tmpe828lj/externalDataSource/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:45.851966Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteNoCheckpoints2 [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteCheckpoints ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest >> StreamCreator::WithResolvedTimestamps [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:43.711427Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517065823551551:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:43.711570Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001316/r3tmp/tmpOoKL7m/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:44.230700Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:44.231223Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:44.233365Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:44.287313Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:3293 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1749, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:44.600761Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:44.600802Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:44.600812Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:44.600978Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3293 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:45.305155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:45.325879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605449 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) TClient::Ls request: /Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693605344 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605449 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 1844... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.480642Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.480827Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.480853Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Get table profiles 2025-03-11T11:46:45.481671Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:47.320341Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693605449, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.320872Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvAllocateTxIdResult 2025-03-11T11:46:47.322763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:47.324260Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710659} 2025-03-11T11:46:47.324287Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Subscribe tx: txId# 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:46:47.359959Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:46:47.359992Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: dstPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.365723Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NController::TEvPrivate::TEvAllowCreateStream 2025-03-11T11:46:47.456427Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][1:7480517083003421663:2345] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:5:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.508181Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvAlterTableResponse { Result: { status: SUCCESS, issues: } } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.508207Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: issues# 2025-03-11T11:46:47.528010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table 2025-03-11T11:46:47.550860Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvAlterTopicResponse { Result: { status: SUCCESS, issues: } } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.550891Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: issues# TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605449 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyC... (TRUNCATED) >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartPlannedCommitShouldSucceed+EvWrite >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8_dirty >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxTags [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotCreateCheckpointWhenUnregistered [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotCreateCheckpointTwice ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/unittest >> StreamCreator::Basic [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:44.552812Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517070123280841:2201];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:44.553323Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012f5/r3tmp/tmpFxwQmy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:44.993340Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:44.993489Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:44.995510Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.047919Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:2791 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28469, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332108Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332142Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332166Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332354Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2791 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:45.773645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:45.804322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605918 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" Key... (TRUNCATED) TClient::Ls request: /Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 1741693605848 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 3 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605918 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 1844... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:46:45.986918Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.987024Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: entry# { Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: false ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.987036Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Get table profiles 2025-03-11T11:46:45.987763Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConfigsDispatcher::TEvGetConfigResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:47.866756Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693605918, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.867055Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::TEvTxUserProxy::TEvAllocateTxIdResult 2025-03-11T11:46:47.868616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:47.869742Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710659} 2025-03-11T11:46:47.869753Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Subscribe tx: txId# 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:46:47.904306Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult TxId: 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:46:47.904359Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [DstCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: dstPathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.904963Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::NController::TEvPrivate::TEvAllowCreateStream 2025-03-11T11:46:47.990998Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037888:1][1:7480517083008183501:2345] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:5:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.021960Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvAlterTableResponse { Result: { status: SUCCESS, issues: } } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.022023Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: issues# 2025-03-11T11:46:48.040308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.056713Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvAlterTopicResponse { Result: { status: SUCCESS, issues: } } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.056758Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [StreamCreator][rid 1][tid 1] Success: issues# TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693605918 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 3 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: true } Table { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" KeyC... (TRUNCATED) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/opt/unittest >> KqpKv::ReadRows_Decimal [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1320, MsgBus: 61357 2025-03-11T11:39:48.823669Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515284027477133:2154];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:48.824171Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019d3/r3tmp/tmpPgmaVA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:39:50.226194Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:39:51.061246Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:39:51.179740Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:39:51.180436Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:39:51.223012Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1320, node 1 2025-03-11T11:39:53.852251Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515284027477133:2154];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:39:53.852407Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:39:53.866257Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:53.866284Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:53.866558Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:39:53.868479Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:61357 2025-03-11T11:40:05.635241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:40:05.635563Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:61357 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:40:14.989266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.017486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.231753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.469779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:15.639888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:40:16.991671Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515404286563177:2428], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:16.991794Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.419160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.498436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.549828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.588263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.634430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.695795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.771451Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515408581530984:2478], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.771533Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.771924Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515408581530989:2481], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.776600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:17.792412Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515408581530991:2482], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:40:17.880782Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515408581531046:3505] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:40:19.813757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:19.916203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.118744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.242225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710674:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.347390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.433594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710676:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.518792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710677:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.593863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710678:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.690829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710679:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:20.789467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710680:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29960, MsgBus: 7753 2025-03-11T11:40:32.242233Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515473623533059:2191];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:32.242428Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019d3/r3tmp/tmpDPgKGk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:32.554407Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:32.559025Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:32.559112Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:32.560935Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29960, node 2 2025-03-11T11:40:32.778493Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.778521Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:40:32.77852 ... "E-Size":"No estimate","ReadRanges":["Key (-∞, +∞)"],"Name":"TableFullScan","Inputs":[],"Path":"\/Root\/PgKey","ReadRangesPointPrefixLen":"0","E-Rows":"No estimate","Table":"PgKey","ReadColumns":["Key"],"E-Cost":"No estimate"}],"Node Type":"TableFullScan"}],"Node Type":"Collect"}],"Node Type":"UnionAll","PlanNodeType":"Connection"}],"Node Type":"Collect"}],"Node Type":"Precompute_0","Parent Relationship":"InitPlan","PlanNodeType":"Materialize"}],"Node Type":"Query","Stats":{"ResourcePoolId":"default"},"PlanNodeType":"Query"},"meta":{"version":"0.2","type":"query"},"tables":[{"name":"\/Root\/PgComplexKey","reads":[{"lookup_by":["Fk","Key"],"columns":["Fk","Key","Value"],"type":"Lookup"}]},{"name":"\/Root\/PgKey","reads":[{"columns":["Key"],"scan_by":["Key (-∞, +∞)"],"type":"FullScan"}]}],"SimplifiedPlan":{"PlanNodeId":0,"Plans":[{"PlanNodeId":1,"Plans":[{"PlanNodeId":2,"Plans":[{"PlanNodeId":4,"Plans":[{"PlanNodeId":5,"Operators":[{"E-Rows":"No estimate","Columns":["Fk","Key","Value"],"E-Size":"No estimate","E-Cost":"No estimate","Name":"TableLookup","Table":"PgComplexKey","LookupKeyColumns":["Fk","Key"]}],"Node Type":"TableLookup","PlanNodeType":"Connection"}],"Operators":[{"TopBy":"[row.Key,row.Fk]","Name":"Top","Limit":"1001"}],"Node Type":"Top"}],"Operators":[{"Name":"TopSort","Limit":"1001","TopSortBy":"[row.Key,row.Fk]"}],"Node Type":"TopSort"}],"Node Type":"ResultSet_1","PlanNodeType":"ResultSet"}],"Node Type":"Query","OptimizerStats":{"EquiJoinsCount":0,"JoinsCount":2},"PlanNodeType":"Query"}} Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 5871, MsgBus: 23685 2025-03-11T11:46:23.291330Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[20:7480516981729620745:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:23.291447Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019d3/r3tmp/tmpNpEqKz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:23.701289Z node 20 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:23.726396Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:23.726558Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:23.728303Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5871, node 20 2025-03-11T11:46:23.850906Z node 20 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:23.850944Z node 20 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:23.850963Z node 20 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:23.851217Z node 20 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23685 TClient is connected to server localhost:23685 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:25.132371Z node 20 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:28.291459Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[20:7480516981729620745:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:28.291601Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:31.546135Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [20:7480517016089359789:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.546353Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.595816Z node 20 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:31.824997Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [20:7480517016089359899:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.825212Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.827336Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [20:7480517016089359904:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.834672Z node 20 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:31.857752Z node 20 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [20:7480517016089359906:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:31.934377Z node 20 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [20:7480517016089359958:2416] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1416, MsgBus: 22370 2025-03-11T11:46:33.945329Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[21:7480517024600027476:2136];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0019d3/r3tmp/tmpqnwZ7F/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:34.108915Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:46:34.242502Z node 21 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:34.297116Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:34.297301Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:34.302325Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1416, node 21 2025-03-11T11:46:34.403033Z node 21 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.403080Z node 21 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.403102Z node 21 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:34.403381Z node 21 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22370 TClient is connected to server localhost:22370 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:35.858606Z node 21 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:38.944759Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[21:7480517024600027476:2136];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:38.944857Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:41.783473Z node 21 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [21:7480517058959766439:2337], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:41.783651Z node 21 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:42.060582Z node 21 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:42.414321Z node 21 :RPC_REQUEST ERROR: TReadRowsRPC ReplyWithError: Type mismatch, got type Uint64 for column Key22, but expected Decimal(22,9) 2025-03-11T11:46:42.439969Z node 21 :RPC_REQUEST ERROR: TReadRowsRPC ReplyWithError: Type mismatch, got type Decimal(35,10) for column Key22, but expected Decimal(22,9) >> TPersQueueTest::InflightLimit [GOOD] |80.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetIncrementSmallState [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetIncrementBigState >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithoutFilterNoDepends [GOOD] >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithSpaceCheckDependsOnVDiskSpaceStatus >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayData >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableImmediateWriteBlock [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableSingleShardImmediate >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestLateKqpScanAfterColumnDrop+UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/cms/console/ut/unittest >> TNetClassifierUpdaterTest::TestFiltrationByNetboxTags [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:44:42.344014Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516548545974596:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:44:42.352844Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpYA4gga/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:43.066995Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:43.087365Z node 1 :HTTP ERROR: (#26,[::1]:24768) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:43.089029Z node 1 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:43.092321Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:43.092468Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:43.098736Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:48.552017Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516571813795793:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:44:48.669911Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmp2Eswj7/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:48.984088Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:48.992437Z node 2 :HTTP ERROR: (#28,[::1]:17379) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:48.998222Z node 2 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:48.999302Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:48.999383Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:49.007242Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpPOrjC1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:54.624841Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:44:54.629291Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:54.659425Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:54.659532Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:54.660742Z node 3 :HTTP ERROR: (#26,[::1]:24656) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:54.665704Z node 3 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:54.667887Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:44:58.484899Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516615867720469:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:44:58.484977Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpIrvgkC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:44:58.717350Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:44:58.735258Z node 4 :HTTP ERROR: (#28,[::1]:5350) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:58.735674Z node 4 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:44:58.746751Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:44:58.746855Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:44:58.750925Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:03.329666Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480516635673877960:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmp86mJnd/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:03.453773Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:45:03.517575Z node 5 :HTTP ERROR: (#30,[::1]:27879) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:03.518107Z node 5 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:03.529235Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:03.548872Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:03.548960Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:03.555463Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:08.654474Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480516660166405261:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:08.654530Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpOPLck8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:08.928897Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:08.955148Z node 6 :HTTP ERROR: (#32,[::1]:62114) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:08.957017Z node 6 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:08.997732Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:08.997848Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:09.001992Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:12.839558Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480516674088577848:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:12.839960Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmppWSCdw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:12.998803Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:13.014897Z node 7 :HTTP ERROR: (#34,[::1]:62686) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:13.015923Z node 7 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:13.029149Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:13.029236Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:13.030908Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:17.074322Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[8:7480516695984570529:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:17.074424Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpMKbM4s/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:17.194712Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:17.221254Z node 8 :HTTP ERROR: (#36,[::1]:7502) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:17.222334Z node 8 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:17.224585Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:17.224683Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:17.226478Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:21.130552Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[9:7480516715865579734:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:21.130657Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpOoNQk4/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:21.278781Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:21.307013Z node 9 :HTTP ERROR: (#38,[::1]:27115) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:21.307549Z node 9 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:21.308126Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:21.308216Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:21.311076Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:25.586382Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480516732492597600:2068];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:25.586473Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpbqxwIM/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:25.800511Z node 10 :HTTP ERROR: (#26,[::1]:29295) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:25.801509Z node 10 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:25.802641Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:25.802726Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:25.804608Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Conne ... scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpgXAxdo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:47.766506Z node 14 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:47.812202Z node 14 :HTTP ERROR: (#34,[::1]:19130) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:47.818028Z node 14 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:47.820916Z node 14 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(14, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:47.821012Z node 14 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(14, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:47.823568Z node 14 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(14, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:54.886279Z node 15 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[15:7480516855219869477:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:54.886340Z node 15 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmp2gS9G0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:55.265120Z node 15 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:55.287627Z node 15 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(15, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:55.287738Z node 15 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(15, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:55.288196Z node 15 :HTTP ERROR: (#36,[::1]:27671) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:55.290802Z node 15 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:45:55.291863Z node 15 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(15, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:00.629578Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[16:7480516883644755491:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:00.629664Z node 16 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpcdAjV8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:00.817518Z node 16 :HTTP ERROR: (#38,[::1]:19801) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:00.823019Z node 16 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:00.823637Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:00.823734Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:00.827213Z node 16 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(16, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:00.837420Z node 16 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:06.550372Z node 17 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[17:7480516907412578778:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:06.580770Z node 17 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpBIsTW5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:06.844398Z node 17 :HTTP ERROR: (#26,[::1]:16428) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:06.848335Z node 17 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(17, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:06.848460Z node 17 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(17, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:06.865473Z node 17 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:06.865847Z node 17 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:06.869025Z node 17 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(17, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:13.154948Z node 18 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[18:7480516936948653047:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:13.155649Z node 18 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpsJhUl3/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:13.568085Z node 18 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:13.597200Z node 18 :HTTP ERROR: (#28,[::1]:1464) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:13.600901Z node 18 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:13.603641Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:13.603764Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:13.605649Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:19.203290Z node 19 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[19:7480516964080525853:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:19.203360Z node 19 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpiJU7q6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:19.388565Z node 19 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:19.389140Z node 19 :HTTP ERROR: (#30,[::1]:3314) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:19.392047Z node 19 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:19.419905Z node 19 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(19, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:19.420023Z node 19 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(19, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:19.421743Z node 19 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(19, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.115362Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[20:7480516991086010379:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpUtviqW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:25.214201Z node 20 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:46:25.374892Z node 20 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:25.411756Z node 20 :HTTP ERROR: (#32,[::1]:17078) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:25.414339Z node 20 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:25.415167Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:25.415284Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:25.416825Z node 20 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(20, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:31.611062Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[21:7480517016671004605:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmp6C7Wbc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:31.669606Z node 21 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:46:31.862329Z node 21 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:31.892377Z node 21 :HTTP ERROR: (#34,[::1]:23273) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:31.893012Z node 21 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:31.894039Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:31.894164Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:31.896081Z node 21 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(21, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.662183Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[22:7480517040736743141:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:37.662250Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmpd9VoCo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:37.818512Z node 22 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:37.852257Z node 22 :HTTP ERROR: (#36,[::1]:1561) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:37.852810Z node 22 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:37.853681Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:37.853775Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:37.855272Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.665981Z node 23 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[23:7480517065490445275:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:43.668208Z node 23 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000cd7/r3tmp/tmprfqbYk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:43.855504Z node 23 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:43.880738Z node 23 :HTTP ERROR: (#38,[::1]:8567) connection closed with error: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:43.890476Z node 23 :CMS_CONFIGS ERROR: NetClassifierUpdater failed to get subnets: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:46:43.910411Z node 23 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(23, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:43.910547Z node 23 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(23, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:43.912513Z node 23 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(23, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldSaveGetIncrementBigState [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldNotGetNonExistendState >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteCheckpoints [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteGraph >> DataShardScan::ScanFollowedByUpdate >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartNoUndeterminedImmediate >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardSnapshotReadNoEarlyReply [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLock+EvWrite >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReads [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterStuckRW [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::InflightLimit [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:41:03.601420Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515606857144639:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.601710Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.335306Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515611368007710:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.699228Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515606857144639:2279];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.699280Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.699299Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd5/r3tmp/tmp1ktrAh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:10.339072Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.339101Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.247793Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:11.344043Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515611368007710:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.344314Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.344338Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.489529Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.502969Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.816664Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.816754Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.834655Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.834725Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.847797Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:11.847929Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.849883Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23708, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:12.018623Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:12.018652Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:12.249582Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:12.308728Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd5/r3tmp/yandexbiIetC.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.308752Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd5/r3tmp/yandexbiIetC.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.308909Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd5/r3tmp/yandexbiIetC.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:12.309020Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:12.586470Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 3274 GrpcPort 23708 TClient is connected to server localhost:3274 PQClient connected to localhost:23708 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:13.857228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:14.011663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:18.978745Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515671281655031:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.978865Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.982081Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515671281655055:2357], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:18.991454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710662:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:19.030314Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480515671281655057:2358], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710662 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.118643Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480515675576622434:2782] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.833594Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480515675792517583:2324], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:19.834304Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YWM3Y2FkZWEtZjU1MzNjNzktMzJmZDMzMzMtODU5MjhjMmI=, ActorId: [2:7480515675792517534:2316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4qdd9wg0zb1833c31ze5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:19.836642Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.838040Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480515675576622444:2364], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:41:19.839818Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmJiYTE0YjYtYWIyYjk3ZDYtZjVmMDViMmQtNzM4NjJlMDY=, ActorId: [1:7480515671281655012:2350], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2g4pppchmknerhgphkjehf, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:41:19.848810Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:41:19.851976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.025462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:20.304323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:41:20.921576Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2g4r ... :46:36.800986Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 Start reading TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 4 readOffset 0 committedOffset 0 clientCommitOffset (empty maybe) clientReadOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801042Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) ready for read with readOffset 0 endOffset 4 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801133Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 partition ready for read: partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), readOffset# 0, endOffset# 4, WTime# 1741693593264, sizeLag# 82536 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801152Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1TEvPartitionReady. Aval parts: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801340Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read_request { bytes_size: 1048576 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801448Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 got read request: guid# 8cc7c6dd-c67cb3a-bc9285df-e4e64691 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801496Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 performing read request: guid# d8b01aa6-586f5703-8a26df72-4f9a284e, from# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), count# 4, size# 99043, partitionsAsked# 1, maxTimeLag# 0ms 2025-03-11T11:46:36.801590Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 READ FROM TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1)maxCount 4 maxSize 99043 maxTimeLagMs 0 readTimestampMs 0 readOffset 0 EndOffset 4 ClientCommitOffset 0 committedOffset 0 Guid d8b01aa6-586f5703-8a26df72-4f9a284e 2025-03-11T11:46:36.802511Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:46:36.802598Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:46:40.343257Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 2 Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 user $without_consumer offset 0 count 4 size 99043 endOffset 4 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:40.343335Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 2 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 4 2025-03-11T11:46:40.343472Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 2. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:46:40.343506Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:46:40.344063Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:40.345522Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 4 Result { Offset: 0 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593264 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593255 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 1 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 3 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593280 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593277 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 2 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 4 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593409 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593387 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 3 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 5 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593458 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593452 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 88 RealReadOffset: 3 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 3544 } Cookie: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:40.345867Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset4 2025-03-11T11:46:40.345940Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 4 ReadOffset 4 ReadGuid 3801927f-4041ee3c-ee2c903b-a83c5e17 has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:46:40.346199Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 read done: guid# 3801927f-4041ee3c-ee2c903b-a83c5e17, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), size# 82614 2025-03-11T11:46:40.346237Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 response to read: guid# 3801927f-4041ee3c-ee2c903b-a83c5e17 2025-03-11T11:46:40.346559Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 Bytes readed: 82614 Offset: 0 from session 1 Offset: 1 from session 1 Offset: 2 from session 1 Offset: 3 from session 1 2025-03-11T11:46:40.349106Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:46:40.349133Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:46:40.349157Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:46:40.349201Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:46:40.386987Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:40.387048Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [27:7480517034500546282:2579] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:40.387220Z node 28 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _27_2_8530324279485157740_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:42.632136Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--topic1] TPersQueueReadBalancer::HandleWakeup 2025-03-11T11:46:42.632236Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--topic1] Send TEvPersQueue::TEvStatus TabletId: 72075186224037892 Cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:42.634297Z node 26 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 1048584 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 10240 BurstSize: 10240 TotalPartitions: 1 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } 2025-03-11T11:46:42.647720Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--topic1] Send TEvPeriodicTopicStats PathId: 13 Generation: 1 StatsReportRound: 1 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:42.648441Z node 25 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--topic1] ProcessPendingStats. PendingUpdates size 1 2025-03-11T11:46:44.351622Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 3 Topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 user $without_consumer offset 0 count 4 size 99043 endOffset 4 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:46:44.351739Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 3 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 4 2025-03-11T11:46:44.351986Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 3. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:46:44.352048Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:46:44.352299Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:44.354542Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) initDone 1 event { CmdReadResult { MaxOffset: 4 Result { Offset: 0 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 2 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593264 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593255 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 1 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 3 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593280 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593277 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 2 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 4 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593409 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593387 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } Result { Offset: 3 Data: "... 20570 bytes ..." SourceId: "\000source" SeqNo: 5 WriteTimestampMS: 1741693593458 CreateTimestampMS: 1741693593452 UncompressedSize: 20480 PartitionKey: "" ExplicitHash: "" } BlobsFromDisk: 0 BlobsFromCache: 0 SizeLag: 88 RealReadOffset: 3 WaitQuotaTimeMs: 7548 } Cookie: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:44.355000Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) wait data in partition inited, cookie 1 from offset4 2025-03-11T11:46:44.355084Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 after read state TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1) EndOffset 4 ReadOffset 4 ReadGuid d8b01aa6-586f5703-8a26df72-4f9a284e has messages 1 2025-03-11T11:46:44.355361Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 read done: guid# d8b01aa6-586f5703-8a26df72-4f9a284e, partition# TopicId: Topic rt3.dc1--topic1 in dc dc1 in database: Root, partition 0(assignId:1), size# 82614 2025-03-11T11:46:44.355404Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 response to read: guid# d8b01aa6-586f5703-8a26df72-4f9a284e 2025-03-11T11:46:44.355862Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 Process answer. Aval parts: 0 Bytes readed: 82614 Offset: 0 from session 1 Offset: 1 from session 1 Offset: 2 from session 1 Offset: 3 from session 1 2025-03-11T11:46:44.363160Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:46:44.363211Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:46:44.363254Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 closed 2025-03-11T11:46:44.363973Z node 27 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:46:44.368180Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 2025-03-11T11:46:44.368267Z node 28 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [27:7480517034500546285:2581] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:46:44.368353Z node 28 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: _27_3_7402700096126666415_v1 >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldCreateGetCheckpoints [GOOD] >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldGetCheckpointsEmpty >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init_oo8 [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldNotGetNonExistendState [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline_oo8 [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotCreateCheckpointTwice [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotPendingCheckpointWithoutCreation >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldDeleteGraph [GOOD] >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldGetMultipleStates >> TPQTest::TestReadSubscription [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderLockLost [GOOD] >> TxOrderInternals::OperationOrder [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNoBarrierRestartImmediateLongTail ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReads [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:48.951891Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.952185Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.952371Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012e5/r3tmp/tmp016gVl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:49.324690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.363420Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:49.403120Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.403242Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:49.414907Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.509825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.546743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:49.547783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:49.548258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.548582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.595244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.596102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.596218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.597859Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.597961Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.598040Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.598399Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.598519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.598610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.599066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.634942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635134Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636114Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636147Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636171Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636717Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.636950Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.637381Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.638416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.638453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.638475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.638531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:49.638588Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.641024Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:49.641102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.793975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.794030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.794062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795138Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795190Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.795438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:49.800094Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.800184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.800610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.800666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.800723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:4 ... \022\024\n\022\t\255\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\276\n\000\000\001\000\000\000\032\256\002\010\240\215\006\022\207\002\037\002\022KqpEffect\005\205\006\213\000\205\002\206\205\004\207\203\004?\004\014key\024valueh%kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0\204\214\002\030Inputs(Parameters\034Program\013?\000)\251\000?\n\014Arg\000\002)\211\002?\016\204\214\002(KqpEffects\000)\211\010?\032\213\010\203\010\203\010\203\005@\203\010\204?\006\210\203\004\203\004\203\0144KqpUpsertRows\000\013?&\003?\036\177\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\003? \004\003?\"\000\003?$\002\017)\211\002?(?\010 Iterator\000)\211\004?\010?\n\203\004\030Member\000?\026\003?@\000\002\004\000\006\010\002?.\003\203\004\004\003\203\004\002\003\003?0\000\r\010\000\n\001/\032\0369\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?i\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?q\000\000\000\0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.105611Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:51.105708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435074, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:51.105734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:51.105791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106134Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TxId: 281474976715664, shard 72075186224037888, task: 1, meta: Table { TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 } TablePath: "/Root/table-1" SchemaVersion: 1 SysViewInfo: "" TableKind: 1 } Writes { Range { Ranges { KeyPoints: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\004\000\000\000" } } Columns { Column { Id: 1 Name: "key" Type: 2 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } Columns { Column { Id: 2 Name: "value" Type: 2 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Table /Root/table-1, shard: 72075186224037888, task: 1, write point (Uint32 : 4) 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Uint32 : 4) table: [72057594046644480:2:1] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106583Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106617Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v2000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v2500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106770Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v2000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v2500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.106911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715664] (execute_kqp_data_tx) at 72075186224037888 set memory limit 4191926 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: add locks to result: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107135Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107353Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.107436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 has finished ... blocked commit for tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.218126Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gev344vyecxrqmawgf931, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTk5NzFiOGItODBmYzU1NGQtZTYyZWNiYWEtNDMwNGYxZjY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:51.219940Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [1:961:2775], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v2000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v2500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v2500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:7] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220611Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220650Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220673Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.220812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221104Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:51.221325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.298863Z node 1 :TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST DEBUG: Actor# [1:24:2071] HANDLE NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast.TEvGranularUpdate Mediator: 72057594046382081 Bucket: 0 SubscriptionId: 1 LatestStep: 3000 2025-03-11T11:46:51.298970Z node 1 :TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST DEBUG: Actor# [1:24:2071] HANDLE {TEvUpdate Mediator# 72057594046382081 Bucket# 0 TimeBarrier# 3000} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715664] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715664 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1000 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:7] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.443992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[1:961:2775], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.444040Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:961:2775], 0} sends rowCount# 4, bytes# 128, quota rows left# 997, quota bytes left# 5242752, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.444182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:961:2775], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:51.446511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [1:961:2775], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.446598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 3 } }, { items { uint32_value: 4 } items { uint32_value: 4 } } >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo8_dirty [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterStuckRW [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:48.033663Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.033979Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.034146Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012f0/r3tmp/tmpfUnwlw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:48.352719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.393575Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:48.435444Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.435548Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:48.446756Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.529486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.564803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:48.565869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:48.566899Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.567219Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:48.625070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:48.625928Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:48.626064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:48.627725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.627833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.627891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.628271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:48.628404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:48.628483Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:48.640592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:48.682662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.682894Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.683914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684216Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.684987Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685872Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685940Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:48.685980Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:48.686010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:48.688021Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:48.688077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.700519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.700595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:48.700642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:48.700705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:48.700794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854878Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:48.854970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:48.855014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:48.855041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:48.855067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:48.858577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.858629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:48.858879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.858911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.858945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:4 ... de 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.634619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [1:61:2108], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715663 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_NOT_FOUND 2025-03-11T11:46:50.634742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [1:61:2108], Recipient [1:753:2632]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715663 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_NOT_FOUND 2025-03-11T11:46:50.646726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.646939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:753:2632]: {TEvReadSet step# 3022 txid# 281474976715664 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037888 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:50.646992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:50.647045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037888 consumer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715664 2025-03-11T11:46:50.647137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:50.647222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:753:2632], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvReadSet step# 3022 txid# 281474976715664 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037889 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:50.647253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:50.647283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037889 consumer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715664 ... performing the first select 2025-03-11T11:46:51.368099Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2getxj2z2ct7tngtmxj658, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjAzYWZhMzItNDUwZTE4NDQtYjg2NDBhNzItY2QyZDIyNzg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [1:1087:2875], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715665 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [1:1089:2876], Recipient [1:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 3 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715665 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375551Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375772Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:5] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375898Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375930Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375956Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.375981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715665 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715665, counter# 1 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v4000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[1:1087:2875], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376579Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1087:2875], 0} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 1000, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376672Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1087:2875], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.376989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037889, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037889 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377515Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:5] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377633Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037889 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.377849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 3 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715665 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Acquired lock# 281474976715665, counter# 1 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037889 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v4000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378171Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[1:1089:2876], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[1:1089:2876], 0} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 1000, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[1:1089:2876], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:51.378921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [1:61:2108], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715665 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_SUBSCRIBED 2025-03-11T11:46:51.379055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [1:61:2108], Recipient [1:753:2632]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715665 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_SUBSCRIBED 2025-03-11T11:46:51.379939Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [1:1087:2875], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.379985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.380881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [1:1089:2876], Recipient [1:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:51.380915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init_oo8 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:46.248285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:46.292177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:46.292245Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:46.302773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:46.303276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.303562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.347916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.357787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.358009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.359624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.359700Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.359769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.360121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.360210Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.360286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:46.425351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468554Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468590Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.468871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469025Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469390Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469901Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.472676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.472742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.472819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.472964Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473019Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473080Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473156Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473239Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473754Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.473863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486315Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487207Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 2 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487400Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [2:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [2:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [2:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487673Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [2:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 2 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 2 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493278Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [2:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [2:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [2:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [2:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [2:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493527Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [2:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 2:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [2:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [2:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493715Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [2:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [2:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [2:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [2:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493831Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [2:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493865Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [2:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [2:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493968Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [2:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.494007Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [2:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.494051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [2:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.494079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [2:1 ... ient [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:131] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 131] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779314Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779428Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:134] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 134] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779493Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779512Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:137] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 137] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779928Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:140] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.779963Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 140] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:143] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 143] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:146] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 146] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:149] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780584Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 149] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [6:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [6 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.780773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 116 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 38} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781136Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 116 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 119 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 39} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 119 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 122 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 40} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 122 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781580Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.781868Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.793957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794228Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 125 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 41} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 125 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 128 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794747Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 131 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794912Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.794968Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795087Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795256Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 6 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.795313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_RetryOnTargetCluster [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_SwitchBackToLocalCluster ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ForceOnlineBetweenOnline_oo8 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:44.972695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.019025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.019085Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.037525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.038085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.038393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.084291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.095380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.095627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.097317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.097393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.097455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.097829Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.097971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.098060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.166665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226649Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226761Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226799Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.226877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227797Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.227904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.228001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.228054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.228113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.230908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.230988Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231878Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231951Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.232020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.232049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.232081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.232114Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.232144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245273Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246327Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246539Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.246576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255356Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255583Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.255982Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256052Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256080Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256101Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256163Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.256438Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... [1000005:154] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 154] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940150Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 100} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 97} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:134] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 134] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940713Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:137] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 137] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940855Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940927Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:140] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.940991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 140] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941089Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941104Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941136Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941153Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:143] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 143] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941212Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941300Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:146] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 146] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:149] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941473Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 149] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.941744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 151 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 98} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942091Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 151 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 99} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942441Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 100} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 154 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942909Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.942954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943100Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 |80.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> TxOrderInternals::OperationOrder [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewQueryText [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewReferenceTable >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldGetCheckpointsEmpty [GOOD] |80.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/dread_cache_service/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-dread_cache_service-ut |80.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/dread_cache_service/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-dread_cache_service-ut |80.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_transfer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldDeleteGraph >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly [FAIL] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck |80.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_collector |80.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_collector ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/persqueue/ut/unittest >> TPQTest::TestReadSubscription [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:102:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:102:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:106:2138] sender: [1:107:2057] recipient: [1:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:43:28.711078Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:28.711166Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:148:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:148:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [1:152:2173] sender: [1:153:2057] recipient: [1:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:106:2138] sender: [1:178:2057] recipient: [1:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:28.735468Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:28.759188Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 1 actor [1:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 1 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 1 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 1 Important: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:28.760211Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [1:184:2197] 2025-03-11T11:43:28.763030Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [1:184:2197] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:43:28.765137Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [1:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:43:28.766982Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [1:185:2198] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:28.774626Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|32704e04-23a0fb9d-f98f280-f5fbbe4e_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 2025-03-11T11:43:28.775186Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner2|9364b6c5-a440860e-58ab782c-4b717445_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner2 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:28.791298Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|aac37143-46bea553-87907a85-f271d0b3_1 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:102:2057] recipient: [2:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:102:2057] recipient: [2:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:106:2138] sender: [2:107:2057] recipient: [2:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:43:29.624043Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:29.624129Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:148:2057] recipient: [2:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:148:2057] recipient: [2:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [2:152:2173] sender: [2:153:2057] recipient: [2:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:106:2138] sender: [2:176:2057] recipient: [2:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:29.661824Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:29.662913Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 2 actor [2:174:2189] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 2 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 2 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 2 Important: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.663596Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:182:2195] 2025-03-11T11:43:29.673433Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [2:182:2195] 2025-03-11T11:43:29.680986Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [2:183:2196] 2025-03-11T11:43:29.682861Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [2:183:2196] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:29.696064Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|1519c831-967bdbb8-111c65db-23c79416_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 2025-03-11T11:43:29.696548Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner2|5679e7c8-e40f1a03-4a36e375-5c7069b_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner2 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:29.739726Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|f1513d21-a9a7bda8-aa928952-f6a393c4_1 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:102:2057] recipient: [3:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:102:2057] recipient: [3:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:106:2138] sender: [3:107:2057] recipient: [3:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.425817Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:30.425934Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:148:2057] recipient: [3:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:148:2057] recipient: [3:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [3:152:2173] sender: [3:153:2057] recipient: [3:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:106:2138] sender: [3:176:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:30.474345Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:30.475327Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 3 actor [3:174:2189] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 3 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } ReadRuleGenerations: 3 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 3 Important: false } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.476141Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [3:182:2195] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.489760Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [3:182:2195] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.491652Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [3:183:2196] 2025-03-11T11:43:30.494439Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [3:183:2196] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:30.506280Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|3c2f94a7-5b432454-7322cb1a-d4a014a3_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 2025-03-11T11:43:30.506790Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner2|b034434e-a4d27181-ea5fffdd-b01c1d66_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner2 Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:43:30.534145Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie owner1|4e0c1a27-c34c963-7ee2de5a-2206c96d_1 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner owner1 Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:102:2057] recipient: [4:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:102:2057] recipient: [4:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:106:2138] sender: [4:107:2057] recipient: [4:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:43:31.191990Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:43:31.192116Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:148:2057] recipient: [4:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:148:2057] recipient: [4:146:2169] Leade ... CTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to CLIENT_SCHEME_CACHE_LOOKUP Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:50.573065Z node 102 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|8a950ca3-18b90278-b32deaf5-979194ac_1 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:50.584546Z node 102 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|2a57a27b-fad25350-3b0c3697-8c58824e_2 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [103:102:2057] recipient: [103:100:2134] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [103:102:2057] recipient: [103:100:2134] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [103:106:2138] sender: [103:107:2057] recipient: [103:100:2134] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.238162Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:51.238240Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] doesn't have tx writes info Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [103:148:2057] recipient: [103:146:2169] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [0:0:0] sender: [103:148:2057] recipient: [103:146:2169] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927938 is [103:152:2173] sender: [103:153:2057] recipient: [103:146:2169] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [103:106:2138] sender: [103:178:2057] recipient: [103:14:2061] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:51.261185Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037927937] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:46:51.263083Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937] Config applied version 103 actor [103:176:2191] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 100 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 172800 ImportantClientId: "user1" LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 PartitionIds: 1 PartitionIds: 2 PartitionIds: 3 PartitionIds: 4 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Version: 103 LocalDC: true Topic: "topic" TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 } ReadRuleGenerations: 103 ReadRuleGenerations: 103 MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_RESERVED_CAPACITY AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 3 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 4 } Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 Generation: 103 Important: false } Consumers { Name: "user1" Generation: 103 Important: true } 2025-03-11T11:46:51.264126Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [103:184:2197] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.266926Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 0 generation 2 [103:184:2197] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:46:51.269179Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [103:185:2198] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.272412Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 1 generation 2 [103:185:2198] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:51.274660Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [103:186:2199] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.276977Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 2 generation 2 [103:186:2199] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:51.279869Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 3 [103:187:2200] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.282075Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 3, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 3 generation 2 [103:187:2200] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase 2025-03-11T11:46:51.284229Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 4, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 4 [103:188:2201] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.285566Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037927937, Partition: 4, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' partition 4 generation 2 [103:188:2201] Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:51.301033Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|b5ec6104-62588012-af5f3024-14618c80_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to NKikimr::NPQ::TPartitionQuoterBase Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to SS_PROXY_REQUEST Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_GROUP_PROXY_MON Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to CLIENT_SCHEME_CACHE_LOOKUP Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to EXT_COUNTERS_UPDATER_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to DS_PROXY_NODE_MON_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PDISK_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_QUEUE_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_DISK_SPACE_TRACKER Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_ASYNC_LEVEL_INDEX Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to PERSQUEUE_PARTITION_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:52.314929Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|4ec4531f-819f16c8-cdb5765f-a96e1038_1 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:46:52.326713Z node 103 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie default|be972754-c8f0ab60-ac3fa3af-6bf500fa_2 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--asdfgs--topic' owner default Captured TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup to BS_PROXY_PUT_ACTOR |80.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/scheme_board/ut_monitoring/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |80.7%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/sys_view/partition_stats/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |80.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/dread_cache_service/ut/ydb-core-persqueue-dread_cache_service-ut |80.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_change_collector |80.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_stream_creator/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPrepare-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPlan ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.212609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.259983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.260047Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.271413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.271990Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.272301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.318759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.329407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.329646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.331352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.331427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.331488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.331932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.332113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.423907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489337Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489515Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489560Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.489841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490549Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.490856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.493616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\000\030\000(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.493711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.493801Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494650Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494952Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.494981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.508156Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.508259Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.508296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.508365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.508442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509099Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.509637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518621Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518679Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518770Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.518944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519007Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519078Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519558Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519701Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519803Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... CE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701408Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701424Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701572Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701593Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701629Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701652Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701675Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701699Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701718Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701744Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701774Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701803Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.701831Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702079Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [2:98:2133], Recipient [2:233:2226]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000016 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702107Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702184Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702210Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702229Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702260Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702350Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 45 at step 1000016 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 45 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 8589936725 } } Step: 1000016 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702379Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702551Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:233:2226], Recipient [2:233:2226]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702575Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702610Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702632Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702647Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702677Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000016:45] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702696Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702714Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702729Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702746Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.702760Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703180Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000016:45 keys extracted: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703207Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703229Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703251Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703271Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703326Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703378Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703401Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703419Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703468Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703487Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703504Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000016:45] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703526Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703539Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703552Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703566Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703593Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703606Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703628Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703646Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703661Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703673Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703693Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703711Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703729Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703741Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703799Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703818Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703862Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703878Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703889Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.703901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704140Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000016:45] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704183Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000016:45] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 2, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 2, SelectRowBytes: 16, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704214Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704230Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704244Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704265Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704384Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704401Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704436Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704456Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704473Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704486Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704501Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704518Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704533Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704551Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.704567Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721425Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721497Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721560Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721603Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721663Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [2:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:52.721745Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722088Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722160Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722232Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722280Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [2:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:52.722328Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo8_dirty [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:46.220125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:46.264209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:46.264284Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:46.274901Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:46.275409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.275735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.323213Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.335409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.335661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.337731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.337831Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.337905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.338310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.338401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.338470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:46.406519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439807Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.439909Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440108Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440158Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440693Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.440962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.441010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447058Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\001J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447176Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447423Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447706Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447872Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.447932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:46.469645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470229Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470496Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.470798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.474752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.474823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475146Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475265Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475797Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475928Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.475958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.476005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.476070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.476109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.476157Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... aitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.803689Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.803710Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.803730Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.803749Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804232Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000016:45] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804290Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000016:45] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 2, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 2, SelectRowBytes: 16, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804335Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804357Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804382Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804403Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804585Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804622Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804664Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804696Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804744Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804761Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804779Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804809Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804832Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804862Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.804901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805181Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:342:2309], Recipient [2:342:2309]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805220Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805285Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805315Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805341Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805389Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000016:45] in PlanQueue unit at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805420Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805486Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805512Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805547Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.805572Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806205Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437185 loaded tx from db 1000016:45 keys extracted: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806246Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806286Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806309Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806338Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806374Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806410Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806439Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806460Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806511Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically complete end at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806548Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806609Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000016:45] at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806641Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806671Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806697Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806712Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806750Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806770Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806788Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806812Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806830Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806842Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806854Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806942Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806964Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806977Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.806996Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807028Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807043Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807067Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807080Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807093Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807371Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000016:45] at tablet 9437185 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807406Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000016:45] at 9437185: {NSelectRow: 2, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 2, SelectRowBytes: 16, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807453Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807475Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807493Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807514Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807680Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807700Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807728Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807750Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807783Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807802Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807829Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807874Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807895Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807913Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.807930Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.824736Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.824822Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.824920Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.824976Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825044Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [2:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825100Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825459Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825501Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825531Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825554Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825586Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [2:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:52.825612Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotPendingCheckpointWithoutCreation [GOOD] >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotPendingCheckpointGenerationChanged |80.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_errors/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_errors |80.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_errors/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_errors |80.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_errors/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_errors >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderRestartLocksReorderedWithoutBarrier [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit+UseSink >> DataShardScan::ScanFollowedByUpdate [GOOD] |80.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_external_blobs |80.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_external_blobs |80.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_external_blobs >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init >> DataShardTxOrder::ReadWriteReorder >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::ExtBlobsEmptyTable [GOOD] >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::NotExtBlobs >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot_Dirty >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLock-EvWrite >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableSingleShardImmediate [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadPriority ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardScan::ScanFollowedByUpdate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:52.178291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:52.221033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:52.221121Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:52.238890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:52.239421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.239770Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:52.285330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.302974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.303172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304439Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304476Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:52.304900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:52.370700Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419228Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419380Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419729Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.419778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420265Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420580Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.420686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nK\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\n \000Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423807Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423950Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.423988Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424019Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424665Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.424746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.437731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.437803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.437837Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.437923Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.438874Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:52.439005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.439045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.439084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.439112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.442603Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.442674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.442871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.442910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.442966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443130Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443280Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443496Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443580Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443683Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443817Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.443905Z node 1 :TX_D ... essageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 9437184, TxId: 36, MessageQuota: 10 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 9437184, TxId: 36, Size: 22, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 9437186, TxId: 36, MessageQuota: 10 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 9437186, TxId: 36, Size: 22, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 9437185, TxId: 36, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.549948Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 9437185, TxId: 36, MessageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 9437184, TxId: 36, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 9437184, TxId: 36, MessageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550503Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 9437186, TxId: 36, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 9437186, TxId: 36, MessageQuota: 9 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 36, at: 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.550935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 36, at: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 36, at: 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551173Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:344:2311], Recipient [1:344:2311]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000006:36] at 9437185 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437185 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [1000006:36] at 9437185 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437185 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551504Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551936Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.551997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:452:2394]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552253Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000006:36] at 9437186 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437186 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [1000006:36] at 9437186 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437186 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437186 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437186 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437186 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437186 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437186 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552737Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437186 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437186 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552817Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437186 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552938Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:232:2225]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552963Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.552998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553041Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000006:36] at 9437184 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437184 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553080Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [1000006:36] at 9437184 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553117Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437184 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553186Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000006:36] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000006:36] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553416Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000006:36] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000006:36] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553503Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.553544Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.571799Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.571856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.571903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000006:36] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.571991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000006 : 36] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 4 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572251Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000006:36] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572331Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000006 : 36] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 4 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000006:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000006 : 36] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 4 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:54.572569Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8_dirty [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableWriteConflict >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartPlannedCommitShouldSucceed+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartPlannedCommitShouldSucceed-EvWrite >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderReadOnlyAllowed+EvWrite |80.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/unittest >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldNotGetNonExistendState [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableSingleShardImmediate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:48.255638Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.255928Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.256069Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012f2/r3tmp/tmpehLyOG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:48.614118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.652921Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:48.692147Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:48.692819Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.692903Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:48.692998Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:48.704516Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.787999Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.788071Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:48.788236Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.936242Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 2 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:48.936326Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:48.936932Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:48.937065Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:48.937425Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:48.937619Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:48.937732Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:48.938149Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.939920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.941223Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:46:48.941295Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:48.978465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:48.979763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:48.980606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:48.981074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:670:2571] 2025-03-11T11:46:48.981475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.024848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.025252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:49.025698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:672:2573] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.025920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.035739Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.036405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.036529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.038362Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.038438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.038506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.038839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.039149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.039230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:703:2571] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.039688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.039767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041111Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041175Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041625Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.041688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:704:2573] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.052660Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.089699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.089879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:707:2592] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:670:2571], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090558Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090588Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090640Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:708:2593] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090751Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.090985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:672:2573], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091535Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.091762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:49.092174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:687:2581], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.092214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.092252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:664:2567], serverId# [1:687:2581], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.092295Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 202 ... 25-03-11T11:46:55.088982Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089023Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1000/281474976715657 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089080Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089121Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089139Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089154Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089174Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089219Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1000/281474976715657 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089269Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715660] (execute_kqp_data_tx) at 72075186224037888 set memory limit 4191926 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089444Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: add locks to result: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089512Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089548Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089580Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089607Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089672Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089695Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089723Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089749Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089792Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089813Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.089834Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:55.100731Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.100823Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715660] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.100880Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715660 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:55.101003Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103141Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103219Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715661 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103321Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715661 SEND to# [2:855:2690] DataReq marker# P0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103485Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:855:2690] Cookie# 0 txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE TDataReq marker# P1 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103744Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:855:2690] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDataReq marker# P3b ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.103950Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:855:2690] txid# 281474976715661 HANDLE EvResolveKeySetResult TDataReq marker# P3 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104025Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:855:2690] txid# 281474976715661 SEND TEvProposeTransaction to datashard 72075186224037888 with read table request affected shards 1 followers disallowed marker# P4b 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104316Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [2:855:2690], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 855 RawX2: 8589937282 } TxBody: " \0018\001B8\n\014\010\200\202\224\204\200\200\200\200\001\020\002\022\t\010\001\022\003key\030\002\022\013\010\002\022\005value\030\002\032\016\n\006\001\000\000\000\000\200\022\000\030\001 \001 \001H\001R\022\tW\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\202\n\000\000\002\000\000\000" TxId: 281474976715661 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 8 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104370Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104483Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104669Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddReadRange: [(Uint32 : NULL) ; ()] table: [72057594046644480:2:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104782Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104837Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104905Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104949Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.104984Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105036Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1500/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v1500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v1500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105093Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105135Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105162Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105186Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105209Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105237Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105267Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105283Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105304Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105340Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Requested stream clearance from [2:855:2690] for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105368Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105418Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105498Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Got clearance request, shard: 72075186224037888, txid: 281474976715661 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105552Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Collected all clerance requests, txid: 281474976715661 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105583Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Send stream clearance, shard: 72075186224037888, txid: 281474976715661, cleared: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105684Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287942, Sender [2:855:2690], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearancePending TxId: 281474976715661 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105726Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearancePending 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105852Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287940, Sender [2:855:2690], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearanceResponse TxId: 281474976715661 Cleared: true 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105881Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:55.105979Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106004Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106075Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106113Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106157Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106199Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106244Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106280Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106315Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106348Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106378Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106591Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715661] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106613Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106646Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106684Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106719Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.106774Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:55.107243Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:861:2695], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:46:55.107286Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor >> DataShardTxOrder::ReadWriteReorder [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8_dirty [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:49.878876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:49.970287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:49.970354Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:49.983429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:49.984018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:129:2152] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.984358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.995843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.039059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.039624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:50.041236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.041319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.041422Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.041760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.042082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:50.042152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:195:2152] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:50.111451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.151666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.151881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:214:2212] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152084Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152377Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152902Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.152970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.153009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.153097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:210:2209], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.153153Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.153203Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:208:2208], serverId# [1:210:2209], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\001J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160337Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160390Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160567Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160882Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160949Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.160983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161175Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.161206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178227Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:220:2218], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.178955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:219:2217], serverId# [1:220:2218], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.179436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183257Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183583Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:50.183870Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184069Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184289Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:50.184472Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... ncy: 1 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 125 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 41} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736340Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 49 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736605Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 50 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:128] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 128] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736789Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:131] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736938Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 131] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.736972Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737136Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:134] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 134] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:137] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 137] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737617Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:140] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 140] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:143] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 143] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.737942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738031Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:146] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 146] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738132Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:149] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 149] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738797Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.738905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 125 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 41} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 125 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739336Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739367Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739445Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739568Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739612Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 128 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 131 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.739942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740150Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:55.740195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldGetMultipleStates [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestLateKqpScanAfterColumnDrop+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestLateKqpScanAfterColumnDrop-UseSink >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ReadWriteReorder [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:55.544565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.589640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:55.589694Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.600003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:55.600536Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.600871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.646082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.655946Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.656164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.657723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.657796Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.657841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.658211Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.658292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.658361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:55.730607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.774705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.774904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775078Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775615Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775898Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776113Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783298Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\n\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783761Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783825Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.783905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.784505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.801363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.801439Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.801479Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.801547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:55.801653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802535Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.802869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.806920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807640Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.807839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808101Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808171Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808553Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.808601Z node 1 :TX_DATASH ... WaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437185 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437185 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836116Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437185 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836445Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:12] at tablet 9437185 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:12] at 9437185: {NSelectRow: 1, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 1, SelectRowBytes: 8, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437185 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836622Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.836994Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:232:2225]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000005:12] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837558Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837580Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.837636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000005:12 keys extracted: 3 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838497Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838551Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838569Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838633Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000005:12] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000005:12] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838749Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000005:12] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838780Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838799Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838953Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.838980Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839075Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839140Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839590Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:12] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839649Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:12] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 3, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 3, SelectRowBytes: 24, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839693Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839947Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.839972Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:12] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:12] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:12] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840130Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.840192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000005 txid# 12} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000005} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:12] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859817Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 12] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:56.859867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000005 txid# 12} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000005} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:12] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 12] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:56.860616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestImmediateQueueThenSplit+UseSink >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotPendingCheckpointGenerationChanged [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLock+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::DelayData [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8 [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartNoUndeterminedImmediate [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartDuringWaitingRead ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:51.874463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:51.922661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:51.922713Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:51.932029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:51.932523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:129:2152] 2025-03-11T11:46:51.932853Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:51.943459Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:51.987402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:51.988006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:51.989716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:51.989800Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:51.989858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:51.990287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:51.990662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:51.990738Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:195:2152] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:52.052769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081012Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:214:2212] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.081914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082355Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:210:2209], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.082585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:208:2208], serverId# [1:210:2209], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\000\030\000(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085774Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.085866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.086405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.106521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.106589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:52.106625Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:52.106685Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:52.106768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:220:2218], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:219:2217], serverId# [1:220:2218], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107567Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107706Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:52.107884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.111732Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.111802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112099Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112400Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112827Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112890Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:52.112969Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.113006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.113053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:52.113100Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... y candidate operation [1000005:152] at 9437186 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464242Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:152] at tablet 9437186 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:152] at 9437186: {NSelectRow: 0, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 1, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 0, SelectRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 5, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464964Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:57.464985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465239Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437186 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:233:2226], Recipient [1:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 100} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 154 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465825Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 110 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 36} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 110 2025-03-11T11:46:57.465974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 113 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 37} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466025Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 113 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466094Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 116 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 38} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466132Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466158Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 116 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 119 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 39} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466267Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 119 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 122 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 40} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 122 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 125 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 41} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466567Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 125 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466684Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 128 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 131 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.466929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467035Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467104Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467280Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.467556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485543Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485608Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:57.485991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:454:2396], Recipient [1:233:2226]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:57.486034Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:57.486065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayData1 [GOOD] |80.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest |80.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_trace |80.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_trace |80.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_trace |80.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldDeleteGraph [GOOD] >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldDeleteMarkedCheckpoints |80.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLock+EvWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:48.344414Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.344626Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.344748Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012ef/r3tmp/tmp7HMBK2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:48.691042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:48.733149Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:48.770935Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.771065Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:48.783011Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:48.876208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.196820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.484384Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:827:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.484527Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:837:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.484610Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.490167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.657305Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:841:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.755483Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:901:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:50.166194Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gesg99ybydhta3hz678nz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjgxNDU3ZTktOTViMWQ2OGItOGM4M2EyNzktNjYxMTJkZWQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:50.247967Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2get6b6347c1mpmc7pk8q6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2UxNzU3MmMtYTE4N2JkZjUtYzdhOWQyYjUtYTE4ZjllZmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... waiting for at least 2 blocked commits ... blocked commit for tablet 72075186224037888 ... blocked commit for tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:51.067746Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2getyqb1txc6pkpnx9wb2r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NmM0M2QwOTctYTU1Zjk2MzgtMTZmMDQwNmItNDMxYzg5MDE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:51.159141Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gev22dsrm4t7f6bp12mgy, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzFhMDI5MzItZTM2NzgwNjItYjNiZDNiNjYtOTgzNWQzNDA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... shards are ready for read-only immediate transactions ... waiting for at least 2 blocked commits ... blocked commit for tablet 72075186224037888 ... blocked commit for tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:46:55.131155Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.131286Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:55.131339Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012ef/r3tmp/tmp0kU7mA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:55.409154Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:55.445312Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.484311Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.484484Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:55.497302Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.588379Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:55.898773Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.177049Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:828:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.177146Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:838:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.177219Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.190350Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.364143Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:842:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.408735Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:902:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.478883Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf01f3gznph42p4944ed3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZTNjZmE0NzAtYzQyMzg2NWMtMTczNTAyOGEtMzQ5ZGE4NGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:56.553786Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf0bm472wehx7q60gn6c8, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzFmOGU2MDItYjBjYjcyZGQtZWU2Zjg5MTktNzNjZWY2ZGQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.198467Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf0ks9gj9wy8j6w4gf9m0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Njg0OGRlMmYtMjZhOTU4NzAtYTc0NjZmNTEtNDNkNGM2ZGM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:46:57.578150Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1bm9r0m29v1tcjg1m69, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=N2Y1NDM5ZDctZGE0YjIzNzctZDgwZmI5MDAtZjc3NmRlZA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.701423Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1dvfm3asa6veahd3v4n, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Njg0OGRlMmYtMjZhOTU4NzAtYTc0NjZmNTEtNDNkNGM2ZGM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.800965Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1haaaw2w6tv7m8v7wzd, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Njg0OGRlMmYtMjZhOTU4NzAtYTc0NjZmNTEtNDNkNGM2ZGM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.899016Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Njg0OGRlMmYtMjZhOTU4NzAtYTc0NjZmNTEtNDNkNGM2ZGM=, ActorId: [2:973:2777], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf1md1dqfsan6pfjd487v, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: tx has deferred effects, but locks are broken ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::DelayData [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.288355Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.327252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.327330Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.341404Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.341976Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.342293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.392231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.403760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405124Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405173Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.405556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.472301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548654Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.548854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549108Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549441Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549724Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549859Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.549952Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.550001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.552763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nK\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\n \000Z\006\010\002\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.552827Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.552906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553158Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553818Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.553848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.554458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.554530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.554565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.567965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568172Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568451Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.568484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578483Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578581Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578799Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.578880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579178Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.579569Z node 1 :TX_D ... e 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:506] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051671Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:506] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051690Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:506] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.051753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:506] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:506] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 1, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 1, SelectRowBytes: 81, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:506] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:506] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052612Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:506] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:506] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:506] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:506] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.052944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000005:507] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:232:2225]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Return cached ready operation [1000005:507] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053715Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053737Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:58.053758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000005:507 keys extracted: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054621Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000005:507] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000005:507] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000005:507] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054936Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.054996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055025Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055101Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055138Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055156Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:507] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:507] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 0, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 1, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 0, SelectRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 11, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055693Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055930Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:58.055973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:507] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056028Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:507] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:507] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056146Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056196Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:58.056234Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.076805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000005 txid# 506 txid# 507} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.076920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000005} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077075Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077147Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 506] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077446Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077512Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 507] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.077559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_oo8 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:47.716143Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:47.767079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:47.767137Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:47.780265Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:47.780809Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.781133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:47.829966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:47.839733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:47.839979Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:47.841659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.841740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.841796Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.843059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:47.843152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:47.843244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:47.905910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:47.949629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.949942Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950058Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950645Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950796Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950912Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:47.950981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.951010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:47.951046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.951133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:47.951180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:47.951233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.953924Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.953997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954078Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954959Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:47.954989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:47.955025Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:47.955053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967190Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967277Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:47.967978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968207Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968313Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:47.968429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:47.971921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.971992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972220Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972483Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972873Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972930Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:47.972958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973047Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973098Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:47.973202Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... 7184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:131] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 131] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.186929Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:134] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 134] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187163Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187300Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:137] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 137] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187399Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187549Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:140] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 140] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:143] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 143] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187951Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:146] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.187981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 146] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188026Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188153Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:149] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 149] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188267Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188445Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:46:58.188671Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 116 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 38} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.222046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.222503Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 116 2025-03-11T11:46:58.222974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 119 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 39} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 119 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 122 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 40} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223728Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 122 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 143 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 47} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 143 2025-03-11T11:46:58.223977Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 125 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 41} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 125 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224111Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 146 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 48} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224382Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 146 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224568Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224706Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224730Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 128 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 42} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.224867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 128 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 131 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 43} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225448Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 131 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 134 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 44} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 134 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225668Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 137 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 45} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 137 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:453:2395], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 140 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 46} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.225869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 140 |80.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-ut_with_sdk |80.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-ut_with_sdk |80.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/ut_with_sdk/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-ut_with_sdk |80.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/ydb-core-ydb_convert-ut |80.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/ydb-core-ydb_convert-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_ReproducerDelayData1 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.076049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.147335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.147414Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.162392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.162720Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.231148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.245991Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.247752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.247842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.247901Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.248276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.248370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.248467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.322350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368415Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.368888Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369579Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369878Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.369985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.370123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.370183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.370238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nK\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\n \000Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382812Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.382862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383566Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.383648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.398948Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399100Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399959Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.400126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.400189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.400238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.400276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.407824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.407911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408176Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408503Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408808Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408931Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.408956Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409092Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409204Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409279Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.409321Z node 1 :TX_D ... eady operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.562507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.562576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:506] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.562657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 506] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.562750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 506 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.562802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:507] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 507] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563213Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 507 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:508] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 508] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 508 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:509] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 509] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 509 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.563910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:510] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 510] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 510 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:511] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 511] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 511 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:512] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 512] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564732Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 512 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564912Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.564947Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:516] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 516 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565228Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:514] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565315Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 514] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 4 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 514 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565503Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565530Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:515] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 515] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:46:58.565602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:58.578474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 506 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.578558Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.578619Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 506 2025-03-11T11:46:58.578937Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 507 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 507 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 508 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 508 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 509 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579470Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 509 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 510 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 510 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 511 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579863Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.579886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 511 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580069Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 512 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 512 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 514 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580287Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:46:58.580311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 514 expect 5 6 - 6 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - actual 5 6 - 6 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - interm 5 6 - 6 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |80.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/ydb-core-ydb_convert-ut |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest |80.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/ydb-core-mind-address_classification-ut |80.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/ydb-core-mind-address_classification-ut |80.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/ydb-core-mind-address_classification-ut >> Viewer::SelectStringWithBase64Encoding [GOOD] >> Viewer::SelectStringWithNoBase64Encoding >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNoBarrierRestartImmediateLongTail [GOOD] |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit+UseSink [GOOD] >> Secret::Deactivated |80.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/ut/ydb-services-ydb-ut |80.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/ut/ydb-services-ydb-ut |80.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/ut/ydb-services-ydb-ut >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::DeleteNothing >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKey >> DataShardVolatile::UpsertDependenciesShardsRestart-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::NotCachingAbortingDeletes+UseSink >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReadSetAck [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init [GOOD] |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderNoBarrierRestartImmediateLongTail [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:48.968462Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.968811Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.969001Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012e7/r3tmp/tmpVMIY6R/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:49.356057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.396758Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:49.437333Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.437480Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:49.450943Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.541092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:49.576363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:49.577277Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:49.577741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.578166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.621098Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.621848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.622000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.623514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.623594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.623658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.623984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.624102Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:49.624200Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.635105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.688569Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.688803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:49.688955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.689911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690026Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690613Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690779Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.690896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691476Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.691916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.692001Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:49.692040Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.692077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.692109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.692138Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.694094Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:49.694157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.705197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.705306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:49.705346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:49.705421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:49.705507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:49.860695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.860741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:49.860768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861248Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:49.861522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:49.877913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.878008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:49.878405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.878453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:49.878502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:4 ... 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Stage [0,0] AST: ( (return (lambda '($1) $1)) ) 2025-03-11T11:47:00.469988Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: Create result channelId: 1 from task: 1 with index: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470179Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976715671. Shard resolve complete, resolved shards: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470243Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolved, success: 1, failed: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470307Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards on nodes: node 2: [72075186224037888] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470377Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470433Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 1, readonly: true, 1 scan tasks on 1 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470709Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Collect channels updates for task: 1 at actor [2:1248:2998] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470774Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Sending channels info to compute actor: [2:1248:2998], channels: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470824Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 1, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470876Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Waiting for: CA [2:1248:2998], 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470922Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: WaitResolveState, waiting for 1 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1248:2998], 2025-03-11T11:47:00.470964Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: WaitResolveState, immediate tx, become ExecuteState 2025-03-11T11:47:00.471749Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1248:2998], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_EXECUTING, stats: { } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.471816Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Waiting for: CA [2:1248:2998], 2025-03-11T11:47:00.471876Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, waiting for 1 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1248:2998], 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472069Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [2:1250:2998], Recipient [2:1169:2949]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472201Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472268Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v4031/281474976715667 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v2000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdge# v2000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472321Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v5000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472383Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472486Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472528Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472569Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472608Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472658Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:3] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472715Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472741Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472764Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472786Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:00.472876Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473070Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[2:1250:2998], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473121Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1250:2998], 0} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 32766, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473188Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[2:1250:2998], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473240Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473261Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473278Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473329Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473344Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473361Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473394Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.473954Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [2:1250:2998], Recipient [2:1169:2949]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.474011Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.474616Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1248:2998], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 835 DurationUs: 1000 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 172 FinishTimeMs: 1741693620474 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 5 Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-1" ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 AffectedPartitions: 1 } IngressRows: 1 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 5 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 63 BuildCpuTimeUs: 109 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 StartTimeMs: 1741693620473 CreateTimeMs: 1741693620471 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.474717Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:1248:2998] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.474845Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:00.474894Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1244:2998] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf44k97vpa7wepdf05rha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjBkYWFmYzUtNGRlOGJhNTItZGMwYjJiNWEtMjUyOTdhM2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000835s ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 { items { uint32_value: 7 } items { uint32_value: 4 } } >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKey |80.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest |81.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/unittest >> TStateStorageTest::ShouldGetMultipleStates [GOOD] |80.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_bsvolume |81.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_bsvolume |81.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_bsvolume >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLock-EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLockOutOfOrder ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestPlannedHalfOverloadedSplit+UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:49.840708Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:49.841082Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:49.841290Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012e4/r3tmp/tmpK4aNGh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:50.232234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:50.278189Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:50.321102Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.321232Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:50.333090Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.415316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:50.450791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:50.451851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:50.452334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.452594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:50.490221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.491062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.491215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:50.493979Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:50.505982Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529751Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.529791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530228Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530514Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530549Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.530893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531385Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.531735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.532440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.533997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:50.534056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.544859Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.544965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:50.545000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:50.545061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:50.545147Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698151Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698615Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698820Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:50.698958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:50.699002Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:50.708291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:46:50.708372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:50.708659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.708707Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:50.708754Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:5 ... 86224037892 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503465Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503552Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037892, actorId: [2:1197:2934] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503594Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503644Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503684Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503909Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553157, Sender [2:1041:2820], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSplitTransferSnapshotAck TabletId: 72075186224037892 OperationCookie: 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.503999Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037892 for split OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504442Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877763, Sender [2:1192:2929], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed { TabletId: 72075186224037892 ClientId: [2:1192:2929] ServerId: [2:1194:2931] } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504487Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504607Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1041:2820], Recipient [2:1041:2820]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504640Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504905Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270976, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1041:2820]: {TEvRegisterTabletResult TabletId# 72075186224037892 Entry# 2000} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504940Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult 2025-03-11T11:47:00.504990Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037892 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505037Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505400Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [2:1194:2931], Recipient [2:1041:2820]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505440Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505496Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037892, clientId# [2:1192:2929], serverId# [2:1194:2931], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505633Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505681Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037892 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505729Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505777Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037892 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505817Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505864Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037892 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.505948Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:00.506350Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270978, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1041:2820]: NKikimr::TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult{ CoordinatorId# 72057594046316545 LastReadStep# 0 NextReadStep# 2000 ReadStep# 2000 } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.506409Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult 2025-03-11T11:47:00.506480Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037892 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.506556Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037892: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.506643Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037892 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:00.517835Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037893 ack snapshot OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518006Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state Ready tabletId 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518116Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037893 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518194Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender killed: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518254Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037893, actorId: [2:1201:2938] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518284Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518321Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518351Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518548Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553157, Sender [2:1043:2822], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvSplitTransferSnapshotAck TabletId: 72075186224037893 OperationCookie: 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518604Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Received snapshot Ack from dst 72075186224037893 for split OpId 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518903Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1043:2822], Recipient [2:1043:2822]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.518939Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519203Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877763, Sender [2:1193:2930], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed { TabletId: 72075186224037893 ClientId: [2:1193:2930] ServerId: [2:1195:2932] } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519235Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519539Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270976, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1043:2822]: {TEvRegisterTabletResult TabletId# 72075186224037893 Entry# 2000} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519572Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519601Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037893 time 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519635Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519813Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519849Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037893 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519887Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519917Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037893 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519965Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.519995Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037893 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520037Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037893 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520117Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877764, Sender [2:1195:2932], Recipient [2:1043:2822]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520148Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerDisconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520183Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server disconnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037893, clientId# [2:1193:2930], serverId# [2:1195:2932], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520441Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270978, Sender [2:24:2071], Recipient [2:1043:2822]: NKikimr::TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult{ CoordinatorId# 72057594046316545 LastReadStep# 0 NextReadStep# 2000 ReadStep# 2000 } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520489Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520521Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037893 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520564Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037893: waitStep# 2000 readStep# 2000 observedStep# 2000 2025-03-11T11:47:00.520609Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: CheckMediatorStateRestored at 72075186224037893 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v2000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:00.531434Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split to schemeshard 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.534969Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553158, Sender [2:408:2403], Recipient [2:761:2636] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.535057Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvSplitPartitioningChanged: opId: 281474976715665, at datashard: 72075186224037889, state: SplitSrcWaitForPartitioningChanged 2025-03-11T11:47:00.536884Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 ack split partitioning changed to schemeshard 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:00.536954Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 in PreOffline state HasSharedBobs: 1 SchemaOperations: [ ] OutReadSets count: 0 ChangesQueue size: 0 ChangeExchangeSplit: 1 siblings to be activated: wait to activation from: 2025-03-11T11:47:00.537432Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268828683, Sender [2:746:2627], Recipient [2:753:2632]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied 2025-03-11T11:47:01.105947Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 278003712, Sender [2:992:2679], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrDataEvents.TEvWrite Operations { Type: OPERATION_UPSERT TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } ColumnIds: 1 ColumnIds: 2 PayloadIndex: 0 PayloadFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC } TxId: 281474976715663 TxMode: MODE_VOLATILE_PREPARE Locks { SendingShards: 72075186224037888 SendingShards: 72075186224037889 ReceivingShards: 72075186224037888 ReceivingShards: 72075186224037889 Op: Commit } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.106032Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Handle TTxWrite: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:01.106162Z node 2 :GLOBAL WARN: fline=events.h:101;event=ev_write_error;status=STATUS_WRONG_SHARD_STATE;details=Rejecting data TxId 281474976715663 because datashard 72075186224037888: is in a pre/offline state assuming this is due to a finished split (wrong shard state);tx_id=281474976715663; 2025-03-11T11:47:01.106213Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Rejecting data TxId 281474976715663 because datashard 72075186224037888: is in a pre/offline state assuming this is due to a finished split (wrong shard state) 2025-03-11T11:47:01.106628Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715664, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.107051Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715665, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartPlannedCommitShouldSucceed-EvWrite [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ImmediateBetweenOnline_Init [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:55.510805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.561875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:55.562020Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.579811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:55.580417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.580727Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.635208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.647453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.647664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.649264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.649348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.649403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.649841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.649965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.650037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:55.714790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748291Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748540Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748837Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.748975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749042Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.749250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\000\030\000(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755423Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755490Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755691Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.755940Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756216Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756263Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.756412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.769476Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.769542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.769573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.769652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:55.769725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775257Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775922Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.775953Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776227Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776247Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776415Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.776570Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... d event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 49} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074363Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 151 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletProducer# 9437185 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 98 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074477Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletProducer# 9437185 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 99 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074543Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletProducer# 9437185 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 100 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:149] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 149] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 2 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 97} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.074916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:151] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 151] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075156Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437184 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075321Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS 50 at 9437184 from 9437184 to 9437186 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075581Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:154] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 154] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075846Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 151 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 98} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.075916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 151 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 99} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076308Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:452:2394]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 50 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 9437186 source 9437184 dest 9437186 producer 9437184 txId 152 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076471Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 9437186 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletProducer# 9437184 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 50 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Filled readset for [1000005:152] from=9437184 to=9437186origin=9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076605Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 154 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 100} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.076788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 154 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:232:2225], Recipient [1:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 149 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 97} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 149 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:452:2394]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077370Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000005:152] at 9437186 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.077587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000005:152] at tablet 9437186 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000005:152] at 9437186: {NSelectRow: 0, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 1, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 0, SelectRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 5, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078354Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078590Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000005:152] at 9437186 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078693Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000005:152] at 9437186 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078788Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000005:152] at 9437186 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437186 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078882Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437186 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:02.078909Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.094391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.094454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000005:152] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:02.094520Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000005 : 152] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [1:98:2133], exec latency: 1 ms, propose latency: 3 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:02.094591Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.094705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:47:02.095072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [1:452:2394], Recipient [1:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000005 txid# 152 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 50} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.095120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:02.095170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 152 |81.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/core-tx-replication-service-ut_transfer_writer >> BackupRestore::RestoreReplicationWithoutSecret [GOOD] >> BackupRestore::RestoreExternalDataSourceWithoutSecret >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderReadOnlyAllowed+EvWrite [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderReadOnlyAllowed-EvWrite |81.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/core-tx-replication-service-ut_transfer_writer |81.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/core-tx-replication-service-ut_transfer_writer >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::ExtBlobsMultipleColumns >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestLateKqpScanAfterColumnDrop-UseSink [GOOD] |81.0%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_topic_splitmerge |81.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_topic_splitmerge |81.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_topic_splitmerge ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::UncommittedReadSetAck [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:53.069101Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.069688Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:53.069763Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:53.070625Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.070887Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:53.071192Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012e3/r3tmp/tmpCwNvLe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:53.507606Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:53.688771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:53.798954Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:53.799114Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:53.804065Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:53.804163Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:53.820604Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:46:53.821054Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:53.821339Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.136746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:54.228884Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [2:1255:2377], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:54.235238Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [2:1255:2377], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:54.235765Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:1280:2389] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.236061Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.291349Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [2:1255:2377], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.305851Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.306240Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.308224Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.308325Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.308397Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.308818Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.309172Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.309295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:1304:2389] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.319076Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358397Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358616Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358768Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:1308:2406] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358814Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358852Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:54.358886Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359135Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:1280:2389], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359208Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359514Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359623Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359787Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359835Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359902Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359947Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.359983Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.360013Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.360055Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.408485Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1312:2407], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.408548Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.408610Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1263:2773], serverId# [2:1312:2407], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409001Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:839:2467], Recipient [2:1312:2407] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409047Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409157Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409385Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409581Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409698Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409741Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409790Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409917Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.409957Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410379Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410444Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410481Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410514Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410577Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410614Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410664Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410724Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.410752Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.417281Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.417342Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.417378Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.417470Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:54.417567Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:54.418132Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [2:1313:2408], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:54.418202Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.720346Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:1346:2417], Recipient [2:1280:2389]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.720411Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.720452Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1343:2796], serverId# [2:1346:2417], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.721401Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:1055:2617], Recipient [2:1346:2417] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.721491Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:54.721675Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.721724Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] ... ing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:00.929475Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037890 dest 72075186224037889 consumer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:00.970752Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:2302:2585], Recipient [2:2183:2543]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.970819Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.970863Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [1:2177:3332], serverId# [2:2302:2585], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.971901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:2303:2586], Recipient [2:2183:2543]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.971950Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.972007Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [2:2175:2541], serverId# [2:2303:2586], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.972228Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [2:2058:2513], Recipient [2:2183:2543]: {TEvReadSet step# 2524 txid# 281474976715667 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.972281Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:00.972340Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715667 2025-03-11T11:47:00.972424Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2524 txid# 281474976715667 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973004Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973345Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [2:2058:2513], Recipient [2:2183:2543]: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973386Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973421Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973508Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.973881Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [2:2058:2513], Recipient [2:2183:2543]: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 3 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975246Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975286Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975349Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 3 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975535Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [1:2116:3286], Recipient [2:2302:2585] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975569Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975605Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715668 2025-03-11T11:47:00.975674Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2525 txid# 281474976715668 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 1 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.976131Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:00.976593Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [1:2116:3286], Recipient [2:2302:2585] 2025-03-11T11:47:01.006015Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:01.006126Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:01.006233Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007005Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [1:2116:3286], Recipient [2:2302:2585] 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007049Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007104Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037890 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 producer 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007164Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037890 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 2 Seqno# 3 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007289Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [2675 : 281474976715669] from 72075186224037890 at tablet 72075186224037890 send result to client [1:2254:3350], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:01.007723Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015321Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015460Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [2:2058:2513]: {TEvReadSet step# 2524 txid# 281474976715667 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037890 Flags# 0 Seqno# 1} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015503Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015536Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715667 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015614Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015671Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Reply at 72075186224037890 {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037888 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015724Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [2:2058:2513]: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037890 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037890 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 3} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015935Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:01.015990Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037890 dest 72075186224037888 producer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:01.016079Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037888 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037890 TabletDest# 72075186224037888 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037890 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 3} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.016131Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Outdated readset for 2675:281474976715669 at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:01.016212Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:01.023785Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.023939Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS Reply at 72075186224037890 {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037889 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037889 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 7} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024240Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024428Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [2:2058:2513]: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037888 TabletDest# 72075186224037890 SetTabletConsumer# 72075186224037890 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024473Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024520Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037888 source 72075186224037888 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024662Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [1:2116:3286] 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715668 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024895Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [1:2116:3286] 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024923Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:47:01.024961Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037890 dest 72075186224037889 producer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715669 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 72075186224037889 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 2675 txid# 281474976715669 TabletSource# 72075186224037890 TabletDest# 72075186224037889 SetTabletProducer# 72075186224037890 ReadSet.Size()# 0 Seqno# 0 Flags# 3} 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Outdated readset for 2675:281474976715669 at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [2:2183:2543], Recipient [1:2116:3286] 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025216Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:47:01.025261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 72075186224037889 source 72075186224037889 dest 72075186224037890 consumer 72075186224037890 txId 281474976715669 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/unittest >> TStorageServiceTest::ShouldNotPendingCheckpointGenerationChanged [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:46.402143Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: Successfully bootstrapped TStorageProxy [1:7480517074568803421:2048] with connection to localhost:1731:local 2025-03-11T11:46:46.402631Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:47.231011Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] Graph registered 2025-03-11T11:46:47.231047Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:47.231406Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.16] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:47.449583Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE WARN: [graph_graphich.16] Failed to register graph:
: Warning: Table: local/TStorageServiceTestShouldNotRegisterPrevGeneration/coordinators_sync, pk: graph_graphich, current generation: 17, expected/new generation: 16, operation: RegisterCheck, code: 400130 2025-03-11T11:46:47.449630Z node 1 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.16] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:48.707985Z node 2 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: Successfully bootstrapped TStorageProxy [2:7480517088729325119:2048] with connection to localhost:1731:local 2025-03-11T11:46:48.708106Z node 2 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvCreateCheckpointRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:49.419666Z node 2 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE WARN: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Failed to create checkpoint:
: Warning: Table: local/TStorageServiceTestShouldNotCreateCheckpointWhenUnregistered/coordinators_sync, pk: graph_graphich, current generation: 0, expected/new generation: 17, operation: Check, code: 400130 2025-03-11T11:46:49.419706Z node 2 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvCreateCheckpointResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:50.327026Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: Successfully bootstrapped TStorageProxy [3:7480517090420444841:2048] with connection to localhost:1731:local 2025-03-11T11:46:50.327101Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:50.524768Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] Graph registered 2025-03-11T11:46:50.524801Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:50.525160Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvCreateCheckpointRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:51.884362Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Checkpoint created 2025-03-11T11:46:51.884401Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvCreateCheckpointResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:51.884723Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvCreateCheckpointRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:52.102891Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE WARN: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Failed to create checkpoint:
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 2025-03-11T11:46:52.102927Z node 3 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvCreateCheckpointResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:53.244408Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: Successfully bootstrapped TStorageProxy [4:7480517105673287135:2048] with connection to localhost:1731:local 2025-03-11T11:46:53.244491Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:53.461380Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] Graph registered 2025-03-11T11:46:53.461417Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:53.462330Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvSetCheckpointPendingCommitStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:53.768228Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE WARN: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Failed to set 'PendingCommit' status:
: Warning: Failed to select checkpoint '17:1', code: 400080 2025-03-11T11:46:53.768290Z node 4 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvSetCheckpointPendingCommitStatusResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:55.187965Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: Successfully bootstrapped TStorageProxy [5:7480517113241271727:2048] with connection to localhost:1731:local 2025-03-11T11:46:55.188091Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:55.452984Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] Graph registered 2025-03-11T11:46:55.453027Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:55.453329Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvCreateCheckpointRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:57.112597Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Checkpoint created 2025-03-11T11:46:57.112637Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvCreateCheckpointResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:57.115263Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.18] Got TEvRegisterCoordinatorRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:57.578096Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE INFO: [graph_graphich.18] Graph registered 2025-03-11T11:46:57.578139Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.18] Send TEvRegisterCoordinatorResponse 2025-03-11T11:46:57.589965Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Got TEvSetCheckpointPendingCommitStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:46:57.876073Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE WARN: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Failed to set 'PendingCommit' status:
: Warning: Table: local/TStorageServiceTestShouldNotPendingCheckpointGenerationChanged/coordinators_sync, pk: graph_graphich, current generation: 18, expected/new generation: 17, operation: Check, code: 400130 2025-03-11T11:46:57.876121Z node 5 :STREAMS_STORAGE_SERVICE DEBUG: [graph_graphich.17] [17:1] Send TEvSetCheckpointPendingCommitStatusResponse >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::WithCompaction >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestReadTableWriteConflict [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSecondaryClearanceAfterShardRestartRace >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewReferenceTable [GOOD] >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewDependentOnAnotherView |81.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest |81.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestImmediateQueueThenSplit+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestImmediateQueueThenSplit-UseSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartPlannedCommitShouldSucceed-EvWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:52.755855Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:52.756236Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:52.756477Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012dd/r3tmp/tmpQPD4sH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:53.134479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:53.179634Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:53.220352Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:53.220470Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:53.232044Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:53.315883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:53.656560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ===== UPSERT initial rows 2025-03-11T11:46:53.970941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:827:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.971061Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:837:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.971129Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.980993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:54.177717Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:841:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.273377Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:901:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.710183Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gexwgdf5xhwjmwsmzvbjf, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Zjc0M2I0MWQtYjkyZWZiMzItNjhmODBhYTctOTUyNGRjMmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:54.806738Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2geymvb8zbq6d54p1n8zve, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmRkOTdiY2QtYWE3NDFlNGYtMWIzYTZkNDItZDYyM2QwODI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ===== Begin SELECT 2025-03-11T11:46:55.245528Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2geyqp9stq5949432g3sap, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTQxMWU4ZjMtMTBjZmNmMjAtZjk5MmM3MTktYTMyZTdlMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 1 } } ===== UPSERT and commit ... waiting for commit read sets 2025-03-11T11:46:55.341288Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gez50bg2cmxysv6jyqenw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTQxMWU4ZjMtMTBjZmNmMjAtZjk5MmM3MTktYTMyZTdlMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... captured readset ... captured readset ===== restarting tablet 2025-03-11T11:46:55.518567Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: SelfId: [1:1030:2770], Table: `/Root/table-1` ([72057594046644480:2:1]), SessionActorId: [1:965:2770]TEvDeliveryProblem was received from tablet: 72075186224037888 ===== Waiting for commit response ===== Last SELECT 2025-03-11T11:46:55.822792Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gezhn39nhs9whfdmnqenq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDI1ZDhhMmUtNjQwMDM5ZmMtOTEzNGIyNjEtYjUxZTYxNTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.032464Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.032611Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:00.032673Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012dd/r3tmp/tmpbFE1vB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:00.568196Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.625746Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:00.666246Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.666384Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:00.679267Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.785161Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.179729Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ===== UPSERT initial rows 2025-03-11T11:47:01.512446Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:828:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.512561Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:838:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.512643Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.524220Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.714415Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:842:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.753855Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:902:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.838738Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf586cb692c6xbrz4gthq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzdlZmZlNDMtYmU3NDI3OTAtMWQ4Y2RmODAtZmEwZDE4YzA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:01.933385Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5k86eyz4f4pcm2ck35t, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTczODIwMmEtZDc3ZDk1NDctNzc0YWJmODctYjRmZjVhYmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ===== Begin SELECT 2025-03-11T11:47:02.304170Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5p2cw566kp9tdwbfa5z, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzAyN2ZiNmYtZmEwZGYxNjgtYzJlMGZjNDYtNzY2ZGJhYmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 1 } } ===== UPSERT and commit ... waiting for commit read sets 2025-03-11T11:47:02.469184Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf61ndh9p6df2a7rx60pp, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzAyN2ZiNmYtZmEwZGYxNjgtYzJlMGZjNDYtNzY2ZGJhYmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... captured readset ... captured readset ===== restarting tablet ===== Waiting for commit response ===== Last SELECT 2025-03-11T11:47:02.985639Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf6h7efxxkphjjzq7e0hr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmVkMDUzZWEtYzFjMmU3Yy02NTZmMmJjMi04NzM1NTlkYg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceWriteImmediateOnShard >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelectViaReadActors |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestLateKqpScanAfterColumnDrop-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:53.954133Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.954408Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:53.954595Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012da/r3tmp/tmpMK0Vzn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:54.312935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:54.352447Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER INFO: Updated table service config: ComputeActorsCount: 10000 ChannelBufferSize: 8388608 MkqlLightProgramMemoryLimit: 1048576 MkqlHeavyProgramMemoryLimit: 31457280 QueryMemoryLimit: 32212254720 PublishStatisticsIntervalSec: 2 MaxTotalChannelBuffersSize: 2147483648 MinChannelBufferSize: 2048 2025-03-11T11:46:54.352538Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated table service config. 2025-03-11T11:46:54.352582Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated YQL logs priority to current level: 7 2025-03-11T11:46:54.352772Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Updated table service config. 2025-03-11T11:46:54.352914Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:54.394807Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:54.395910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.396053Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:54.396215Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:46:54.407686Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.487888Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.487954Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.488104Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:640:2548] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.628071Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value1" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value2" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:46:54.628168Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.628782Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:54.628874Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:54.629215Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.629419Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:54.629518Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:54.629784Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.631285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:54.632291Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:46:54.632376Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:640:2548] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:54.675309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:665:2569]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:54.676376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:665:2569]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:54.676793Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:665:2569] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.677029Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.726374Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:665:2569]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.727152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.727250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.728836Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.728921Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.728975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.729334Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.729462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.729543Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:681:2569] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.742383Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.773945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774251Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:683:2579] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774353Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:665:2569], Recipient [1:665:2569]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.774965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775057Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:672:2573], Recipient [1:665:2569]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775540Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:672:2573], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.775976Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:672:2573] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776409Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776554Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776588Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.776672Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777058Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777121Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777238Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.777270Z node 1 :TX_DATASH ... rocessing event TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChangedResult 2025-03-11T11:47:03.311610Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715663 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:03.311675Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 --- resending captured proposals --- waiting for result 2025-03-11T11:47:03.312855Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553206, Sender [2:888:2718], Recipient [2:665:2569]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvKqpScan TxId: 281474976715662 ScanId: 2 LocalPathId: 2 TablePath: "/Root/table-1" SchemaVersion: 1 ColumnTags: 3 ColumnTypes: 2 Ranges { From: "\001\000\000\000\000\200" To: "" FromInclusive: true ToInclusive: false } Snapshot { Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715661 } Generation: 1 ItemsLimit: 0 Reverse: false DataFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC StatsMode: DQ_STATS_MODE_NONE ColumnTypeInfos { } LockNodeId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.312972Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Table '/Root/table-1' schema version changed at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313110Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: SelfId: [2:888:2718]. Got EvScanError scan state: , status: ABORTED, reason:
: Error: Table '/Root/table-1' scheme changed., code: 2028 , tablet id: 72075186224037888, actor_id: [2:665:2569] 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313165Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [2:888:2718]. Enqueue for resolve 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313229Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_scan_compute_manager.h:345;event=scanner_finished;tablet_id=72075186224037888;stop_shard=1; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313278Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_scan_compute_manager.h:92;event=stop_scanner;actor_id=NO_VALUE_OPTIONAL;message=;final_flag=1; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313361Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [2:888:2718]. Sending TEvResolveKeySet update for table '/Root/table-1', range: [(Uint32 : NULL) ; ()), attempt #1 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313557Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [2:888:2718]. Received TEvResolveKeySetResult update for table '/Root/table-1' 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313597Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:888:2718]. Resolve request failed for table '/Root/table-1', ErrorCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313681Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: kqp_scan_compute_actor.cpp:167 :TEvTerminateFromFetcher: [2:888:2718]/[2:886:2716] 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313770Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:886:2716], TxId: 281474976715662, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==. TraceId : 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. InternalError: SCHEME_ERROR KIKIMR_SCHEME_MISMATCH: {
: Error: Table '/Root/table-1' scheme changed., code: 2028 }. 2025-03-11T11:47:03.313971Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715662, task: 1. pass away 2025-03-11T11:47:03.314068Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715662;task_id=1;success=0;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FAILURE }; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.316277Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715662, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 0, Free Tier: 1048576, ExecutionUnits: 1. 2025-03-11T11:47:03.316447Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_scan_fetcher_actor.cpp:99;event=TEvTerminateFromCompute;sender=[2:886:2716];info={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FAILURE }; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.316519Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_scan_compute_manager.h:281;event=abort_all_scanners;error_message=Send abort execution from compute actor, message: {
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FAILURE }; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.316852Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:881:2690] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:886:2716], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FAILURE, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 298749 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 296636 Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-1" } ComputeCpuTimeUs: 15 BuildCpuTimeUs: 296621 Sources { IngressName: "CS" Ingress { } } HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 CreateTimeMs: 1741693622500 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.316996Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:886:2716] 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317094Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:881:2690] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. task: 1, does not have the CA id yet or is already complete 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317173Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:881:2690] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. aborting compute actor execution, message: {
: Error: Terminate execution }, compute actor: [2:887:2717], task: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317318Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:881:2690] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317415Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [2:887:2717], TxId: 281474976715662, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646735 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317490Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:887:2717], TxId: 281474976715662, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:881:2690], status: SCHEME_ERROR, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317611Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715662, task: 2. pass away 2025-03-11T11:47:03.317709Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715662;task_id=2;success=0;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FAILURE }; 2025-03-11T11:47:03.320772Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715662, taskId: 2. Released resources, Memory: 0, Free Tier: 1048576, ExecutionUnits: 1. 2025-03-11T11:47:03.320956Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Schedule publish at 1970-01-01T00:00:04.000000Z, after 1.550000s 2025-03-11T11:47:03.321130Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, ActorId: [2:855:2690], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:47:03.321564Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:03.321615Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715664 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322134Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 2000, txId: 281474976715661] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322218Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322261Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] TxId# 0 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322359Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 0 reqId# [2:923:2749] SnapshotReq marker# P0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322677Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715664. Resolved key sets: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322904Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:03.322961Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323016Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:922:2690] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323118Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:922:2690] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323190Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:922:2690] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5m54qr730ggn3p1aza0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323253Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:926:2749] txid# 0 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TResolveTablesActor marker# P1 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323593Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:926:2749] txid# 0 HANDLE EvResolveKeySetResult TResolveTablesActor marker# P2 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323690Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 3, sender: [2:592:2517], selfId: [2:57:2104], source: [2:855:2690] 2025-03-11T11:47:03.323850Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [2:923:2749] SEND TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest to datashard 72075186224037888 marker# P3 2025-03-11T11:47:03.324590Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Session closed, sessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2ZmYTIzNTktZGJjMmY2Y2ItZDFmMDJmMS1iYTQ3OTExMA==, workerId: [2:855:2690], local sessions count: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:03.324724Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553190, Sender [2:923:2749], Recipient [2:665:2569]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest OwnerId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2 Step: 2000 TxId: 281474976715661 Response { QueryIssues { message: "Table \'/Root/table-1\' scheme changed." issue_code: 2028 severity: 1 } QueryIssues { message: "Query invalidated on scheme/internal error during Scan execution" issue_code: 2019 severity: 1 } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: ABORTED ConsumedRu: 511 >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelect >> DataShardVolatile::DistributedUpsertRestartAfterPlan [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::CompactedVolatileChangesCommit >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadPriority [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartDuringWaitingRead [GOOD] >> CellsFromTupleTest::CellsFromTupleSuccess [GOOD] >> CellsFromTupleTest::CellsFromTupleSuccessPg >> CellsFromTupleTest::CellsFromTupleSuccessPg [GOOD] >> CellsFromTupleTest::CellsFromTupleFails [GOOD] >> CellsFromTupleTest::CellsFromTupleFailsPg [GOOD] >> CompressionTests::Zstd [GOOD] >> CompressionTests::Unsupported [GOOD] >> ConvertMiniKQLTypeToYdbTypeTest::DecimalType [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleInt32 [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleTzDate [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleTzDateTime [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleTzTimeStamp [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleInt32TypeMissmatch [GOOD] >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleUuid [GOOD] >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedUpsert |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/unittest >> ConvertYdbValueToMiniKQLValueTest::SimpleUuid [GOOD] |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/ydb_convert/ut/unittest >> ConvertMiniKQLTypeToYdbTypeTest::DecimalType [GOOD] >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck [FAIL] |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/unittest |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/mind/address_classification/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestShardRestartDuringWaitingRead [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:55.210176Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.210490Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:55.210670Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012d6/r3tmp/tmpqfQf8u/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:55.584770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:55.634498Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.674201Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.674326Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:55.685939Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.770930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.148503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.430431Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:922:2734], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.430590Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:932:2739], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.430669Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.436998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.605729Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:936:2742], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.680992Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:997:2784] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:57.044082Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf09bftx4ammn8w51wky2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjVjMDMxZDktYTJiZDViYTItZTY0OTRmZGYtMTJjNzk1NWU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.145452Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf0xdb0sxx3rh3112y5kq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZWNkZGY0YmUtZDhlODRkZWMtZTg5Y2NkNzctNzVlOGZjNjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.581961Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf10r8z2zzp32132pkyjx, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjhkYmZiOTAtMjI5MjhkZS1hZGI0MTIwOS05ZTE3ZmExZg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 1 } } ... waiting for commit read sets 2025-03-11T11:46:57.729137Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1e261p4bj0cbz5tetap, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjhkYmZiOTAtMjI5MjhkZS1hZGI0MTIwOS05ZTE3ZmExZg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... sending immediate upsert ... waiting for immediate propose 2025-03-11T11:46:57.837000Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1jnexd6kjmm7r0qm1fj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJlODIzZS1iZWU0ZmZiZC1kZGJiNDA1OC1kZmViYzcy, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... immediate upsert is blocked 2025-03-11T11:46:57.840526Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [1:1172:2840] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1jnexd6kjmm7r0qm1fj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJlODIzZS1iZWU0ZmZiZC1kZGJiNDA1OC1kZmViYzcy, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. OVERLOADED: [WRONG_SHARD_STATE] Rejecting immediate tx 281474976715665 because datashard 72075186224037889 is restarting; 2025-03-11T11:46:57.851245Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJlODIzZS1iZWU0ZmZiZC1kZGJiNDA1OC1kZmViYzcy, ActorId: [1:1067:2840], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf1jnexd6kjmm7r0qm1fj, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:57.855629Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjhkYmZiOTAtMjI5MjhkZS1hZGI0MTIwOS05ZTE3ZmExZg==, ActorId: [1:1069:2842], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf1e261p4bj0cbz5tetap, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:46:57.857017Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1jnexd6kjmm7r0qm1fj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJlODIzZS1iZWU0ZmZiZC1kZGJiNDA1OC1kZmViYzcy, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:57.870129Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1e261p4bj0cbz5tetap, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjhkYmZiOTAtMjI5MjhkZS1hZGI0MTIwOS05ZTE3ZmExZg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:46:58.274704Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf1ws4rtjcv8m6tgy1a15, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzM0MTVlMmUtMjllNDZjNy02YWM5Yjg5Mi05ZGE1YTcxMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:02.413227Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:02.413378Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:02.413445Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012d6/r3tmp/tmpTLTQnV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:02.774806Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:02.825698Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:02.867872Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.868013Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:02.880620Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.968417Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:03.284946Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:03.577794Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:830:2682], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.579311Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:841:2687], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.579456Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.585690Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:03.763091Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:844:2690], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.805337Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:904:2731] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.979794Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf78r0zbjkhkgg6evv0vh, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2MwNjk3ZWYtYmExYjU1N2MtYmQwOTEwODUtNDY4MTQwMTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:04.084581Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf7ny0c8se0cryd48xbak, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTYyMjIxNDctYzFmOTllYTktOTI2MjQ0ZDgtNTk2Mjk5Zjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... waiting for readsets 2025-03-11T11:47:04.863707Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715664, task: 1, CA Id [2:1001:2810]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037888, NotDelivered: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.864238Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NGJiNDEyYmYtNjFkODlhZTMtYTFhYjRiZDUtNmFhNDk4ODE=, ActorId: [2:958:2772], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf7s8fx4amdcykqcxbva7, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 10 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 30 } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadPriority [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:59.155385Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:59.155766Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:59.155997Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012a5/r3tmp/tmpbwLQnj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:59.493568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:59.503307Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:46:59.503377Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 step# 500 Status# 16 SEND to# [1:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:46:59.539395Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:59.580094Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.580211Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:59.591873Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.669708Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 1 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:46:59.669819Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:59.670101Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 1000 in 0.500000s at 0.950000s 2025-03-11T11:46:59.670543Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Send from# 72057594046316545 to mediator# 72057594046382081, step# 500, txid# 1 marker# C2 2025-03-11T11:46:59.670622Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 1 stepId# 500 Status# 17 SEND EvProposeTransactionStatus to# [1:408:2403] Proxy 2025-03-11T11:46:59.672793Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE EvMediatorQueueConfirmations MediatorId# 72057594046382081 2025-03-11T11:46:59.672898Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 removed=1 2025-03-11T11:46:59.672951Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 for mediator 72057594046382081 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:46:59.672994Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: at tablet# 72057594046316545 [2:8] persistent tx 1 acknowledged 2025-03-11T11:46:59.679463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:59.728456Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:654:2562], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:59.729649Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:654:2562], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:59.730767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:663:2568] 2025-03-11T11:46:59.731059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:59.791056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:654:2562], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:59.791857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:59.791993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:59.793854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.793971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.794045Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.794456Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:59.794593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:59.794763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:679:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:46:59.795234Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825414Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:681:2578] 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825668Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:59.825725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826351Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:663:2568], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826755Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.826985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827092Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:670:2572], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:660:2566], serverId# [1:670:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:670:2572] 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.827917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828215Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828568Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828683Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828766Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828801Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:59.828824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:59.830064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.830132Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:59.830168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:59.830232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:59.830311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:59.832337Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvProposeTransaction marker# C0 2025-03-11T11:46:59.832400Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 txid# 281474976715657 step# 1000 Status# 16 SEND to# [1:408:2403] Proxy marker# C1 2025-03-11T11:46:59.832695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:682:2579], Recipient [1:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:46:59.832740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:46:59.998349Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Transaction 281474976715657 has been planned 2025-03-11T11:46:59.998466Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715657 for mediator 72057594046382081 tablet 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:59.998514Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: Planned transaction 281474976715657 for ... 000 2025-03-11T11:47:04.667493Z node 1 :TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST DEBUG: Actor# [1:24:2071] HANDLE {TEvUpdate Mediator# 72057594046382081 Bucket# 0 TimeBarrier# 4000} 2025-03-11T11:47:04.667583Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 270270977, Sender [1:24:2071], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: {TEvNotifyPlanStep TabletId# 72075186224037888 PlanStep# 4000} 2025-03-11T11:47:04.667626Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvNotifyPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:04.667669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Notified by mediator time cast with PlanStep# 4000 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.667726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.668490Z node 1 :TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST DEBUG: Actor# [1:24:2071] HANDLE NKikimrTxMediatorTimecast.TEvGranularUpdate Mediator: 72057594046382081 Bucket: 1 SubscriptionId: 2 LatestStep: 4000 2025-03-11T11:47:04.668664Z node 1 :TX_MEDIATOR_TIMECAST DEBUG: Actor# [1:24:2071] HANDLE {TEvUpdate Mediator# 72057594046382081 Bucket# 1 TimeBarrier# 4000} 2025-03-11T11:47:04.802519Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf8axe55dpxpdf1d1m2vh, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzYwMjYzMTItMzc0MDRiZTQtZDlmZjNjNjItMjg4OGQ4ZWI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [1:1413:3097], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715683 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804695Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804786Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.804994Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:2] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805295Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 3500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715683 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715683, counter# 18446744073709551612 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v3500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805673Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[1:1413:3097], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805731Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1413:3097], 0} sends rowCount# 5, bytes# 160, quota rows left# 996, quota bytes left# 5242720, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.805824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1413:3097], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806165Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:2] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:2] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:2] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806377Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.806491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.807559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [1:1413:3097], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.807628Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 3 } }, { items { uint32_value: 5 } items { uint32_value: 5 } }, { items { uint32_value: 7 } items { uint32_value: 7 } }, { items { uint32_value: 9 } items { uint32_value: 9 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:04.958637Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046316545 HANDLE TEvAcquireReadStep 2025-03-11T11:47:04.958754Z node 1 :TX_COORDINATOR TRACE: Coordinator# 72057594046316545 scheduling step 4500 in 0.499900s at 4.450000s 2025-03-11T11:47:04.959859Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715686. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf8fe7kpgw6ekxqae687m, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2UzYjMwNGUtOGYzYjJiZWUtOGM1MDQ3YTgtZTU5MjNlYWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:04.961694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [1:1437:3114], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715686 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966116Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966240Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:3] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966615Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.966797Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 4000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } LockTxId: 281474976715686 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false LockNodeId: 1 TotalRowsLimit: 1001 LockMode: OPTIMISTIC } 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967111Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715686, counter# 0 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037888 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v4000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967213Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[1:1437:3114], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1437:3114], 0} sends rowCount# 6, bytes# 192, quota rows left# 995, quota bytes left# 5242688, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967331Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[1:1437:3114], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967472Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:3] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:3] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967582Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:3] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.967741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:04.968086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 275709965, Sender [1:61:2108], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: NKikimrLongTxService.TEvLockStatus LockId: 281474976715686 LockNode: 1 Status: STATUS_SUBSCRIBED 2025-03-11T11:47:04.969050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [1:1437:3114], Recipient [1:1354:3057]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:04.969114Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 3 } }, { items { uint32_value: 5 } items { uint32_value: 5 } }, { items { uint32_value: 7 } items { uint32_value: 7 } }, { items { uint32_value: 9 } items { uint32_value: 9 } }, { items { uint32_value: 11 } items { uint32_value: 11 } } >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::Simple >> YdbS3Internal::TestS3Listing >> YdbYqlClient::DiscoveryLocationOverride >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::DeleteNothing [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::DeleteSingleRow >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKey [GOOD] >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKeyWithImages |81.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/ydb-core-wrappers-ut |81.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/ydb-core-wrappers-ut |81.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/ydb-core-wrappers-ut >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKey [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::UpsertWithoutIndexedValue >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertCsvBug |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeUnorderedPartitions >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyHosts |81.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithOnePartition >> TPersQueueTest::TClusterTrackerTest [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::SrcIdCompatibility >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldDeleteMarkedCheckpoints [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSecondaryClearanceAfterShardRestartRace [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLockOutOfOrder [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeUnorderedPartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargePartitions2 >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderReadOnlyAllowed-EvWrite [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithOnePartition [GOOD] >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestImmediateQueueThenSplit-UseSink [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithManyPartition >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongPartition |81.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_cdc_stream |81.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_cdc_stream |81.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_cdc_stream >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceWriteImmediateOnShard [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSecondaryClearanceAfterShardRestartRace [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:59.554383Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:59.554802Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:59.555022Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001292/r3tmp/tmpCFoEwF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:00.173613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.259037Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:00.327154Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:00.328105Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.328255Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:00.328424Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:00.342071Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.434502Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.434593Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.434781Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:639:2547] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.691194Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 2 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:00.691301Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.691938Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:47:00.692098Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:47:00.692492Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.692732Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:47:00.692862Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.693228Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.695920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.697100Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.697193Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:639:2547] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.750048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:00.751346Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:00.752275Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:00.752824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:670:2571] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.753163Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.809076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.809508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:00.810009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:672:2573] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.810258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.818838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:656:2563], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.819570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.819694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.821620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.821711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.821782Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.822209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.822452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.822563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:703:2571] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.823023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.823115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.824542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.824609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.824657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.824945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.825076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.825155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:704:2573] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.838893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912728Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912868Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:707:2592] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:00.912995Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913305Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:670:2571], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:708:2593] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:00.913726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:672:2573], Recipient [1:672:2573]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918533Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918669Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918875Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.918970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919082Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919206Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:687:2581], Recipient [1:670:2571]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919792Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:664:2567], serverId# [1:687:2581], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.919851Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 202 ... "ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==" } RequestContext { key: "TraceId" value: "01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2" } EnableSpilling: false DisableMetering: true 2025-03-11T11:47:10.351788Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. State: WaitResolveState, Executing KQP transaction on shard: 72075186224037888, tasks: [1], lockTxId: (empty maybe), locks: , immediate: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.351923Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ExecuteDatashardTransaction traceId.verbosity: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352044Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 1, readonly: 0, datashardTxs: 1, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352133Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER TRACE: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Updating channels after the creation of compute actors 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352197Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: WaitResolveState, datashard 72075186224037888 not finished yet: Executing 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352272Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: WaitResolveState, waiting for 0 compute actor(s) and 1 datashard(s): DS 72075186224037888 (Executing), 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352324Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: WaitResolveState, immediate tx, become ExecuteState 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352805Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [2:971:2780], Recipient [2:925:2746]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352860Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.352914Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:970:2779], serverId# [2:971:2780], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353087Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [2:967:2763], Recipient [2:925:2746]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_DATA SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 967 RawX2: 8589937355 } TxBody: " \0018\000`\200\200\200\005j\246\006\010\001\022\225\006\010\001\022\024\n\022\t\307\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\313\n\000\000\002\000\000\000\032\256\002\010\240\215\006\022\207\002\037\002\022KqpEffect\005\205\006\213\000\205\002\206\205\004\207\203\004?\004\014key\024valueh%kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0\204\214\002\030Inputs(Parameters\034Program\013?\000)\251\000?\n\014Arg\000\002)\211\002?\016\204\214\002(KqpEffects\000)\211\010?\032\213\010\203\010\203\010\203\005@\203\010\204?\006\210\203\004\203\004\203\0144KqpUpsertRows\000\013?&\003?\036\177\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\003? \004\003?\"\000\003?$\002\017)\211\002?(?\010 Iterator\000)\211\004?\010?\n\203\004\030Member\000?\026\003?@\000\002\004\000\006\010\002?.\003\203\004\004\003\203\004\002\003\003?0\000\r\010\000\n\001/\032\0369\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?i\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?q\000\000\000\0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353122Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353259Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435074, Sender [2:925:2746], Recipient [2:925:2746]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353292Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvDelayedProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353378Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353804Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TxId: 281474976715662, shard 72075186224037888, task: 1, meta: Table { TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 } TablePath: "/Root/table-1" SchemaVersion: 1 SysViewInfo: "" TableKind: 1 } Writes { Range { Ranges { KeyPoints: "\001\000\004\000\000\000\004\000\000\000" } } Columns { Column { Id: 1 Name: "key" Type: 2 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } Columns { Column { Id: 2 Name: "value" Type: 2 } MaxValueSizeBytes: 4 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.353882Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Table /Root/table-1, shard: 72075186224037888, task: 1, write point (Uint32 : 4) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddWriteRange: (Uint32 : 4) table: [72057594046644480:2:1] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354389Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354455Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354499Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354537Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354575Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354626Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2000/281474976715661 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v1500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v1500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354697Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354741Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354767Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354810Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354839Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354912Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2000/281474976715661 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v1500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v1500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:10.354977Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715662] (execute_kqp_data_tx) at 72075186224037888 set memory limit 4191926 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355245Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: add locks to result: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355330Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355364Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteKqpDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355407Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355445Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355517Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355573Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355617Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355655Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355706Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355732Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:10.355761Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:10.368222Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:10.368308Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715662] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:10.368395Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715662 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:47:10.368517Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:10.368896Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Got propose result, shard: 72075186224037888, status: COMPLETE, error: 2025-03-11T11:47:10.369104Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.369163Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER TRACE: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Terminate, become ZombieState 2025-03-11T11:47:10.369222Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:967:2763] TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdqx19e8xmv4syb7cyg2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmM5YTNmYzUtMzcyNTVlYjgtMzRlMzVkMGYtMzkwZWJjNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithOnePartition [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:10.289697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:10.290438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392922Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:10.413399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.413977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.414175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.454621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.454873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.455631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.455960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.459480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.460976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.461052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.461141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.461205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.461249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.461490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.468726Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.608627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.608942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.609229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.609503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.609608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.612484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.612686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:10.612954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.613020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.613083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:10.613135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:10.615655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.615730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.615779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:10.618232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.618315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.618360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.618422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.626841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:10.638822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:10.639143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:10.640411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.640586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.640644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.640971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:10.641045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.641261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.641348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.644986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.645327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:10.647715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.647846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.647887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.222457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:730:2058] recipient: [1:101:2136] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:733:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:734:2058] recipient: [1:732:2647] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:735:2648] sender: [1:736:2058] recipient: [1:732:2647] 2025-03-11T11:47:11.293842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294467Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:11.294649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:11.295058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:11.316262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:11.318102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:11.318340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:11.318454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:11.318491Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:11.318696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Paths, read records: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: MyRoot, child name: USER_1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], parent name: USER_1, child name: Topic1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributesAlterData, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.320235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:11.320557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Tables, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.320656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Restore: Generation# 0, Status# 0, WakeupInterval# 604800 s, NumberDataErasureTenantsInRunning# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:11.320903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Columns, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ColumnsAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Shards, read records: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TablePartitions, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableShardPartitionConfigs, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.321742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ChannelsBinding, read records: 14, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.322014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:11.322493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.322667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.323239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.323352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.323663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.323815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.323951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.324242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.324363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.324704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.325033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.325271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.325348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.325413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.333209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.333316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.334689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:11.334769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:11.334833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:11.337564Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:735:2648] sender: [1:794:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:11.415336Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:11.415808Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" took 462us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:11.416817Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 1 ChildPartitionIds: 2 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "\177" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { ToBound: "\177" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestSnapshotReadAfterBrokenLockOutOfOrder [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:59.166723Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:59.167009Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:59.167186Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012ac/r3tmp/tmpo6fwME/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:59.601818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:59.663687Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:59.715711Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.715845Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:59.728393Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:59.818948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.181239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.458142Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:827:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.458286Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:837:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.458369Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.463742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.640411Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:841:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.776419Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:901:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.130491Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf4785vam7brbrdk6s7r0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTUxOWJkZWMtNGYwNmMyOGItOTkxNzljYjEtM2U5YTdmNDg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:01.230858Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf4x38g6wn5sk2ejqy8y2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzY3NDMyNmYtYWMwYWE5NWQtYWQ3ZWM2ODctZjZhYjgwNDc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:01.885619Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf56sdcqhmvjec8x7hazb, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzliYzg2MDItNjdjZDJjNzctMTRiYjg3YzMtMzk2ZDYzY2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:02.273707Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5xm8hcsxk6gmysvfv3n, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjY5NzA1MWItM2VlMWU2MWEtZTdmNjgyNTYtZGMzMTRiYjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:02.366408Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf60g1ywrp1p95krkyfha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzliYzg2MDItNjdjZDJjNzctMTRiYjg3YzMtMzk2ZDYzY2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:02.485146Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf63c90t2nctexks671td, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzliYzg2MDItNjdjZDJjNzctMTRiYjg3YzMtMzk2ZDYzY2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:02.556461Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzliYzg2MDItNjdjZDJjNzctMTRiYjg3YzMtMzk2ZDYzY2E=, ActorId: [1:964:2779], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf66rbwz0f26yh5xx0xgq, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: tx has deferred effects, but locks are broken 2025-03-11T11:47:02.570795Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf66rbwz0f26yh5xx0xgq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzliYzg2MDItNjdjZDJjNzctMTRiYjg3YzMtMzk2ZDYzY2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:06.776830Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.776954Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:06.776997Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012ac/r3tmp/tmpXIHHbd/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:07.065212Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.097707Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:07.135586Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:07.135749Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:07.148188Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:07.248478Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.572112Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.865800Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:828:2680], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.869000Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:838:2685], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.869172Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.887713Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:08.081927Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:842:2688], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.125290Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:902:2729] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.262284Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfber3whxtx74rnbqtn2t, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDYxZjhhMmMtNTY2OWI4NmItYWZmMmRjNjgtNDFiNDdkMjE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:08.441061Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfbvse7evbw0b871gtrbg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YWEwMDgwZTEtZTFjMmQ5OTYtODQzMTU3ZGYtMmYyN2E1MTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... performing the first select 2025-03-11T11:47:09.224518Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfc844zckqmerqs4djshc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjgwZGRhYjAtODdmMDczMTktMWY5YjVhZDQtOTQ0YjEzMGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.709197Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfct24n5de19en5gv1q1s, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZGRjYzkxZDItZmIyNDRlY2QtYjg3NDA2OTctNzFmM2I0MWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 2 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } ... waiting for commit read sets 2025-03-11T11:47:09.824539Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd8ye5bx5tza0m7zdy00, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZGRjYzkxZDItZmIyNDRlY2QtYjg3NDA2OTctNzFmM2I0MWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... captured readset ... captured readset ... performing an upsert 2025-03-11T11:47:10.249667Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdp62sgfxtp713mrdaax, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZGEwY2M3MWUtZTY2YzMxN2MtOTFjZDhmNzYtZTk0NjhjNDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... performing the second select 2025-03-11T11:47:10.377351Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdsrc731xwzzyys4efmv, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjgwZGRhYjAtODdmMDczMTktMWY5YjVhZDQtOTQ0YjEzMGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... performing the third select 2025-03-11T11:47:10.486291Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdxe5ntq4r98aye88649, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjgwZGRhYjAtODdmMDczMTktMWY5YjVhZDQtOTQ0YjEzMGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... performing the last upsert and commit 2025-03-11T11:47:10.578100Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjgwZGRhYjAtODdmMDczMTktMWY5YjVhZDQtOTQ0YjEzMGE=, ActorId: [2:965:2779], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gfe0t9egaxrwm4tezc1e1, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: tx has deferred effects, but locks are broken 2025-03-11T11:47:10.590738Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715669. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe0t9egaxrwm4tezc1e1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjgwZGRhYjAtODdmMDczMTktMWY5YjVhZDQtOTQ0YjEzMGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/unittest >> SchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant-DomainLoginOnly-StrictAclCheck [FAIL] Test command err: Starting YDB, grpc: 5126, msgbus: 24523 2025-03-11T11:42:24.287766Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515953961169492:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:42:24.287959Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a6a/r3tmp/tmpW50xpP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:24.874477Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:24.884173Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:24.884300Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:24.894195Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5126, node 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.014329Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.014359Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.014367Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:42:25.014502Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24523 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.354330Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Handle TEvNavigate describe path dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.354390Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137391:2446] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme dc-1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.354691Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137391:2446] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.400539Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137391:2446] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "dc-1" Options { ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true ReturnRangeKey: true } 2025-03-11T11:42:25.417001Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137391:2446] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480515958256137390:2445] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 2 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "dc-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/dc-1" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:42:25.448370Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.448398Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] TxId# 281474976710657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.448499Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.554441Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "dc-1" StoragePools { Name: "" Kind: "tenant-db" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1:test" Kind: "test" } } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.554529Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.554569Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.554634Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.554913Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.555038Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# false 2025-03-11T11:42:25.555128Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.555278Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.556001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.558754Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710657} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.558808Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137399:2453] txid# 281474976710657 SEND to# [1:7480515958256137398:2452] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710657 Status# 53} waiting... 2025-03-11T11:42:25.580649Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.580679Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:25.580707Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] 2025-03-11T11:42:25.582923Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpModifyACL ModifyACL { Name: "dc-1" DiffACL: "\n\032\010\000\022\026\010\001\020\377\377\003\032\014root@builtin \003" } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" PeerName: "" 2025-03-11T11:42:25.582973Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin CheckAdministrator: 1 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.582988Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: root@builtin IsClusterAdministrator: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:25.583042Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:25.583366Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:25.583493Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:25.583545Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.583713Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:25.584153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:25.590574Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusSuccess HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusSuccess txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:42:25.590630Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480515958256137441:2491] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480515958256137440:2490] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 48} 2025-03-11T11:42:27.987660Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515966846072127:2336], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.987755Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480515966846072132:2339], DatabaseId: /dc-1, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.987809Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /dc-1, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:42:27.988241Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:27.988276Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480515953961169574:2115] TxId# 281474976710659 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T1 ... InitTenantSchemeShardResult operationId: 281474976710660:1 at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.034191Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710660:1 Got OK TEvInitTenantSchemeShardResult from schemeshard tablet: 72075186224037891 shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2 at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.034237Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710660:1 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037029Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037288Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037325Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037368Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710660:1, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037410Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710660 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037634Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710660 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:56.040388Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710660:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710660 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:56.040597Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710660, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044110Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693616089, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044284Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710660 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693616089 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044316Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute operation part is already done, operationId: 281474976710660:0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044376Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710660:1, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044801Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710660:1 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:56.044878Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710660:1, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.045024Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 7 2025-03-11T11:46:56.045130Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: DoUpdateTenant no hasChanges, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], tenantLink: TSubDomainsLinks::TLink { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], Generation: 1, ActorId:[60:7480517119403391894:2298], EffectiveACLVersion: 1, SubdomainVersion: 3, UserAttributesVersion: 1, TenantHive: 72075186224037888, TenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, TenantStatisticsAggregator: 18446744073709551615, TenantGraphShard: 18446744073709551615, TenantRootACL: }, subDomain->GetVersion(): 3, actualEffectiveACLVersion: 1, actualUserAttrsVersion: 1, tenantHive: 72075186224037888, tenantSysViewProcessor: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.048767Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.048814Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710660, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049113Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049142Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [59:7480517113908091712:2369], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710660, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049217Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049267Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TSyncHive, operationId 281474976710660:1, ProgressState, NeedSyncHive: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049299Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710660:1 240 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050413Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050533Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050559Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050591Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710660, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 6 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050618Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 8 2025-03-11T11:46:56.050716Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710660, ready parts: 1/2, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053228Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053277Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710660:1 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053480Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710660:1 progress is 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053508Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710660 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053552Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710660:1 progress is 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053575Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710660 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053598Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710660, ready parts: 2/2, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053675Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [59:7480517118203059348:2324] message: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053720Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710660 ready parts: 2/2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053764Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710660:0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053783Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710660:0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.053988Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 7 2025-03-11T11:46:56.054016Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710660:1 2025-03-11T11:46:56.054026Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710660:1 2025-03-11T11:46:56.054095Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 6 2025-03-11T11:46:56.054580Z node 59 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976710660 TEST create admin clusteradmin 2025-03-11T11:46:56.072923Z node 59 :GRPC_PROXY_NO_CONNECT_ACCESS DEBUG: Skip check permission connect db, user is a admin, database: /dc-1, user: root@builtin, from ip: ipv6:[::1]:33530 2025-03-11T11:46:59.242081Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[59:7480517113908091092:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:59.242216Z node 59 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:00.610082Z node 60 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[60:7480517119403391548:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:00.610216Z node 60 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/tenant-db/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:01.188630Z node 59 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 60 2025-03-11T11:47:01.189154Z node 59 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(60, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:01.196878Z node 60 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:02.386316Z node 59 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2gezy8e2aeh54w6f5gtqzk", Request deadline has expired for 1.317369s seconds assertion failed at ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/schemereq_ut.cpp:256, void NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(const TTestEnv &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &): (sessionResult.IsSuccess())
: Error: GRpc error: (4): Deadline Exceeded
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:2427 TBackTrace::Capture()+28 (0x181A179C) NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(char const*, TBasicString> const&, bool)+592 (0x1865F000) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::CreateLocalUser(NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::TTestEnv const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&, TBasicString> const&)+2039 (0x17D77117) void NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::ClusterAdminCanAuthOnNonEmptyTenant(NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+3067 (0x17DF244B) std::__y1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()()+280 (0x17DCC3D8) TColoredProcessor::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+534 (0x18696046) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+505 (0x18665B79) NKikimr::NTxProxyUT::NTestSuiteSchemeReqAdminAccessInTenant::TCurrentTest::Execute()+1275 (0x17DCB58B) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+2438 (0x18667446) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+5213 (0x186905BD) ??+0 (0x7F9C33682D90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7F9C33682E40) _start+41 (0x15C61029) >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargePartitions2 [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::UpsertWithoutIndexedValue [GOOD] >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::DeleteNothing ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestOutOfOrderReadOnlyAllowed-EvWrite [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:59.844632Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:59.844988Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:59.845190Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012a1/r3tmp/tmpmomdGg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:00.242223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.294262Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:00.342020Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.342534Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:00.354306Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.446842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:00.529993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:00.531387Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:00.531866Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.532208Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.601087Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.602928Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.603126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.605269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.605376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.605450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.605870Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.614268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:00.614444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.625421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.667891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668278Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668385Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.668725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669399Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669497Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.669974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670443Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670505Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:00.670960Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671004Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671127Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671243Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:00.671271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:00.673422Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:47:00.673478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.684570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.684674Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:00.684720Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:00.684785Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:47:00.684904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850089Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850631Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850801Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:00.850904Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:00.858427Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.858512Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:00.858847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.858900Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:00.858964Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:0 ... , 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111247Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, waiting for 2 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1050:2846], CA [2:1051:2847], 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111494Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1050:2846], task: 6, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 421 Tasks { TaskId: 6 StageId: 5 CpuTimeUs: 181 FinishTimeMs: 1741693631110 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 120 BuildCpuTimeUs: 61 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 CreateTimeMs: 1741693631099 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111557Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:1050:2846] 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111637Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Waiting for: CA [2:1051:2847], 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111672Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, waiting for 1 compute actor(s) and 0 datashard(s): CA [2:1051:2847], 2025-03-11T11:47:11.111944Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [2:1051:2847], task: 7, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 445 DurationUs: 1000 Tasks { TaskId: 7 StageId: 6 CpuTimeUs: 197 FinishTimeMs: 1741693631111 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ResultRows: 2 ResultBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 128 BuildCpuTimeUs: 69 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 StartTimeMs: 1741693631110 CreateTimeMs: 1741693631100 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.112019Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [2:1051:2847] 2025-03-11T11:47:11.115808Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Full stats: { CpuTimeUs: 13313 DurationUs: 1741693629102951 Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-1" ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 AffectedPartitions: 1 } Tables { TablePath: "/Root/table-2" ReadRows: 1 ReadBytes: 8 AffectedPartitions: 1 } ExecuterCpuTimeUs: 9120 StartTimeMs: 2009 FinishTimeMs: 1741693631112 Stages { StageId: 5 StageGuid: "248b6963-22c2316-4d92d6fd-c8d67260" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")))))\n)\n" ComputeActors { CpuTimeUs: 421 Tasks { TaskId: 6 StageId: 5 CpuTimeUs: 181 FinishTimeMs: 1741693631110 InputRows: 2 InputBytes: 7 OutputRows: 2 OutputBytes: 7 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 120 BuildCpuTimeUs: 61 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 2 CreateTimeMs: 1741693631099 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageGuid: "2968d10b-fbdec1e3-d72b1e7c-52e1ff87" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (block \'(\n (let $2 (lambda \'($3) (Member $3 \'\"key\") (Member $3 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) $2)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageId: 3 StageGuid: "19c57bbe-9ae0e47c-bd269e23-24caceaa" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (WideTop (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\") \'(\'(\'0 (Bool \'true)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageId: 2 StageGuid: "782cd95e-62e99db5-8425f888-3afdd972" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (block \'(\n (let $2 (lambda \'($3) (Member $3 \'\"key\") (Member $3 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) $2)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageId: 4 StageGuid: "203a90a7-ca214663-2edffde0-a5f20183" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1 $2) (block \'(\n (let $3 (lambda \'($6 $7) (AsStruct \'(\'\"key\" $6) \'(\'\"value\" $7))))\n (let $4 (Sort (Extend (NarrowMap (ToFlow $1) $3) (NarrowMap (ToFlow $2) $3)) (Bool \'true) (lambda \'($8) (Member $8 \'\"key\"))))\n (let $5 (lambda \'($9) (Member $9 \'\"key\") (Member $9 \'\"value\")))\n (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap $4 $5)))\n))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageId: 6 StageGuid: "28a6dbd9-64ceca93-b80ce8a8-48d3c40" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (NarrowMap (Take (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\")) (lambda \'($2 $3) (AsStruct \'(\'\"key\" $2) \'(\'\"value\" $3)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } Stages { StageId: 1 StageGuid: "5735ec35-3a8a474d-b7a4b1b1-10843dca" Program: "(\n(return (lambda \'($1) (FromFlow (WideTop (ToFlow $1) (Uint64 \'\"1001\") \'(\'(\'0 (Bool \'true)))))))\n)\n" BaseTimeMs: 1741693631106 } TxPlansWithStats: "{\"Node Type\":\"Phase\",\"PlanNodeId\":17,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet\",\"PlanNodeId\":16,\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":14}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":15,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":14,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":12}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":13,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Merge\",\"PlanNodeId\":12,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Sort-Union\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"InternalOperatorId\":1}],\"Name\":\"Sort\",\"SortBy\":\"row.key\"},{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":10},{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":5}],\"Name\":\"Union\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":11,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":10,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Top\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":8}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Top\",\"TopBy\":\"row.key\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":9,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":8,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":6}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":7,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Operators\":[{\"E-Cost\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Rows\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Size\":\"No estimate\",\"Inputs\":[],\"Name\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Path\":\"\\/Root\\/table-1\",\"ReadColumns\":[\"key\",\"value\"],\"ReadLimit\":\"1001\",\"ReadRange\":[\"key (3)\"],\"Scan\":\"Sequential\",\"Table\":\"table-1\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":6,\"StageGuid\":\"\",\"Tables\":[\"table-1\"]}],\"StageGuid\":\"2968d10b-fbdec1e3-d72b1e7c-52e1ff87\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":0,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"5735ec35-3a8a474d-b7a4b1b1-10843dca\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":1,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"},{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":5,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Top\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":3}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Top\",\"TopBy\":\"row.key\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":4,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"UnionAll\",\"PlanNodeId\":3,\"PlanNodeType\":\"Connection\",\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"Limit\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[{\"ExternalPlanNodeId\":1}],\"Limit\":\"1001\",\"Name\":\"Limit\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":2,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Operators\":[{\"E-Cost\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Rows\":\"No estimate\",\"E-Size\":\"No estimate\",\"Inputs\":[],\"Name\":\"TablePointLookup\",\"Path\":\"\\/Root\\/table-2\",\"ReadColumns\":[\"key\",\"value\"],\"ReadLimit\":\"1001\",\"ReadRange\":[\"key (4)\"],\"Scan\":\"Sequential\",\"Table\":\"table-2\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":1,\"StageGuid\":\"\",\"Tables\":[\"table-2\"]}],\"StageGuid\":\"782cd95e-62e99db5-8425f888-3afdd972\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":2,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"19c57bbe-9ae0e47c-bd269e23-24caceaa\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":3,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"203a90a7-ca214663-2edffde0-a5f20183\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":4,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"SortColumns\":[\"key (Asc)\"],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"248b6963-22c2316-4d92d6fd-c8d67260\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"ComputeNodes\":[{\"CpuTimeUs\":421,\"Tasks\":[{\"ComputeTimeUs\":120,\"FinishTimeMs\":1741693631110,\"Host\":\"ghrun-w6mn3gtde4\",\"InputBytes\":7,\"InputRows\":2,\"NodeId\":2,\"OutputBytes\":7,\"OutputRows\":2,\"TaskId\":6}]}],\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":5,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"28a6dbd9-64ceca93-b80ce8a8-48d3c40\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693631106,\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":6,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}" StatConvertBytes: 3892 Extra { type_url: "type.googleapis.com/NKqpProto.TKqpExecutionExtraStats" value: "\010\002\022\013\010\245\003\020\260\010\030\341 \007" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.115924Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:11.115990Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1039:2823] TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5ac357p5zdn4b611fe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0NTYwOTktOWYxNjgyM2EtZTNiZjIzMWQtM2NjOTRmYTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.004193s ReadRows: 2 ReadBytes: 16 ru: 2 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 2 } }, { items { uint32_value: 4 } items { uint32_value: 2 } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardOutOfOrder::TestImmediateQueueThenSplit-UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:01.633702Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.634230Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:01.634458Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00127d/r3tmp/tmpImS6q1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:02.021672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:02.067714Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:02.108410Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.108510Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:02.120054Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.209993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:02.254210Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:02.255419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:02.255910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:02.256205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:02.306054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.306877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.307046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:02.308973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.309073Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.309133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.309574Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.309711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:02.309815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:02.322596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382220Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382487Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382649Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:02.382805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383556Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383684Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:02.383963Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384031Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384122Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384199Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384328Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384368Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.384940Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385123Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385202Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385353Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385789Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:02.385994Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:02.386032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:02.386066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:02.386096Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:02.388627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:47:02.388696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.402614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.402718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:02.402764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:02.402827Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:47:02.402934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:02.576217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.576282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:02.576325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:02.576795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:47:02.576880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:02.577006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:02.577079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:02.577129Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:02.577183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:02.593017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:02.593130Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:02.593548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.593604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:02.593663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:0 ... because datashard 72075186224037888: is in a pre/offline state assuming this is due to a finished split (wrong shard state); 2025-03-11T11:47:10.971539Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1030:2732] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. task: 1, does not have the CA id yet or is already complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.971575Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1030:2732] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shutdown immediately - nothing to wait 2025-03-11T11:47:10.971640Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1030:2732] TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.972588Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdcy7t94m4xdf351sakz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWM5MjM1NGYtZjdkNTAwZWYtZWUxYzcxZWItMzU3ZGRlOWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.972632Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdcy7t94m4xdf351sakz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWM5MjM1NGYtZjdkNTAwZWYtZWUxYzcxZWItMzU3ZGRlOWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:10.972677Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1145:2719] TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdcy7t94m4xdf351sakz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWM5MjM1NGYtZjdkNTAwZWYtZWUxYzcxZWItMzU3ZGRlOWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.972738Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1145:2719] TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdcy7t94m4xdf351sakz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWM5MjM1NGYtZjdkNTAwZWYtZWUxYzcxZWItMzU3ZGRlOWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.972805Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1145:2719] TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdcy7t94m4xdf351sakz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWM5MjM1NGYtZjdkNTAwZWYtZWUxYzcxZWItMzU3ZGRlOWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.973053Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, ActorId: [2:897:2732], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:47:10.973670Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715678. Resolved key sets: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.975363Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd011czswpy8wkrm4bz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI2ZDIxMTQtZTAxZTZhMjItNGY5MTUwNjktNDA5NGRmOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.975419Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd011czswpy8wkrm4bz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI2ZDIxMTQtZTAxZTZhMjItNGY5MTUwNjktNDA5NGRmOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:10.975463Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1150:2721] TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd011czswpy8wkrm4bz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI2ZDIxMTQtZTAxZTZhMjItNGY5MTUwNjktNDA5NGRmOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.975531Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1150:2721] TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd011czswpy8wkrm4bz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI2ZDIxMTQtZTAxZTZhMjItNGY5MTUwNjktNDA5NGRmOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.975582Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1150:2721] TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd011czswpy8wkrm4bz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI2ZDIxMTQtZTAxZTZhMjItNGY5MTUwNjktNDA5NGRmOGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976147Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715679. Resolved key sets: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976553Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0fm2wq0599r1m786b, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzk4ODhkOGItNWU2MGE3YzYtODUxMGE4NGQtNDkzMTMzMmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976593Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0fm2wq0599r1m786b, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzk4ODhkOGItNWU2MGE3YzYtODUxMGE4NGQtNDkzMTMzMmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976635Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1156:2725] TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0fm2wq0599r1m786b, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzk4ODhkOGItNWU2MGE3YzYtODUxMGE4NGQtNDkzMTMzMmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976695Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1156:2725] TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0fm2wq0599r1m786b, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzk4ODhkOGItNWU2MGE3YzYtODUxMGE4NGQtNDkzMTMzMmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.976735Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1156:2725] TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0fm2wq0599r1m786b, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzk4ODhkOGItNWU2MGE3YzYtODUxMGE4NGQtNDkzMTMzMmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977056Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715680. Resolved key sets: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977415Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0ejxs7rqg4gst7kk2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDU0NGNiOTMtZjFiOWU0MWUtOTcwZGJlMzItODdjYzUyZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977454Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0ejxs7rqg4gst7kk2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDU0NGNiOTMtZjFiOWU0MWUtOTcwZGJlMzItODdjYzUyZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977494Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1160:2727] TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0ejxs7rqg4gst7kk2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDU0NGNiOTMtZjFiOWU0MWUtOTcwZGJlMzItODdjYzUyZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977546Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1160:2727] TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0ejxs7rqg4gst7kk2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDU0NGNiOTMtZjFiOWU0MWUtOTcwZGJlMzItODdjYzUyZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977584Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1160:2727] TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd0ejxs7rqg4gst7kk2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDU0NGNiOTMtZjFiOWU0MWUtOTcwZGJlMzItODdjYzUyZWM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977619Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715681. Resolved key sets: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977829Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.977879Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: true, 0 scan tasks on 0 nodes, localComputeTasks: 0, snapshot: {0, 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:10.978127Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [2:1164:2732] TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Total tasks: 0, readonly: 1, datashardTxs: 0, evWriteTxs: 0, topicTxs: 0, volatile: 0, immediate: 1, pending compute tasks0, useFollowers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.978185Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1164:2732] TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.978225Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [2:1164:2732] TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdd27zqsnf018pw54wtq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmQzNDkzMmEtNjMzYjJmNDItOTNhZDUwMTQtZDQ3OTcxYzU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.000000s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelectViaReadActors [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/unittest >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceWriteImmediateOnShard [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:09.289399Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.289839Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:09.290112Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001312/r3tmp/tmpPzpGlk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:09.720879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:09.767847Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:09.807797Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.807943Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.821721Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.920573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongPartition [GOOD] >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithSpaceCheckDependsOnVDiskSpaceStatus [GOOD] >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithSpaceCheckDependsOnUsage ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargePartitions2 [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.072732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.072833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:10.072872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:10.072905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:10.072974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:10.073012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:10.073084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:10.073163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:10.073472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.156018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:10.156091Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:10.175964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.176523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.176723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.190703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.190973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.191850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.192208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.195516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.196928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.196996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.197109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:10.197152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.197189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:10.197420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.204762Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.378916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.379221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.379496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.379719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.379791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.386955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.387111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:10.387367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.387429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.387483Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:10.387516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:10.389750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.389833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.389873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.392282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.397578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:10.399990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:10.400289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:10.401316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.401469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.401520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.401793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:10.401846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.402048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.402167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.404527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.404588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.404828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.404873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.404974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405136Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:10.405549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:10.408182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.408323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.408367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... iber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:13.078446Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.078864Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.078910Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:13.078952Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.115126Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 200, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.115295Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 105 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 200 MediatorID: 72075186233409547 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.115379Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 200, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.115436Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169114Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 105, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169322Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 105 Step: 200 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169407Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 105 Step: 200 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169462Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 105:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, shard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169502Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169672Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 105:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169843Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:13.180341Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181076Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181138Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181458Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181507Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181765Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181825Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 105:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:13.181978Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182018Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182107Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182155Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182202Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182262Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182296Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182449Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182497Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 105, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.182535Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.183648Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.183769Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.183815Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.183869Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.183913Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:13.184016Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.184062Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [2:406:2372] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.195189Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.195305Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:13.195347Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:678:2598] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.203631Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.203923Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" took 324us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:13.204644Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 5 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" ToBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\375" } Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 4 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\375" ToBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 4 } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" ToBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 ParentPartitionIds: 2 } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 5 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 5 NextPartitionId: 5 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive KeyRange { FromBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" ToBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\375" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive KeyRange { FromBound: "\177\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\375" ToBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 GroupId: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { ToBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 GroupId: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 ParentPartitionIds: 2 KeyRange { FromBound: "?\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\376" ToBound: "\277\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\374" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 5 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:12.965852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:12.966320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.068264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:13.068318Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:13.111012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.111601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.111804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.155376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.155653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.156310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.156608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.159571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.160997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.161063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.161154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.161215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.161260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.161481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.169793Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.290628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.290864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.291111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.291350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.291416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.294456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.294627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:13.294896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.294950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.295009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:13.295039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.297589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.297706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.297793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:13.300161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.300222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.300261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.300312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.303947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:13.306847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:13.307056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:13.307868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.307980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.308026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.308572Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:13.308631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.308781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.308874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.314847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.314916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.315804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.318260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.318410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.318487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 57594046678944 message# TabletId: 72075186233409548 TxId: 104 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:13.632580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult CollectPQConfigChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:47:13.632632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.635499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.635818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:13.635869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.636331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.636392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:13.636448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.675862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 150, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.676027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 150 MediatorID: 72075186233409547 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.676092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 150, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.676229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.737707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.737941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 150 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 150 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, shard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:13.741414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.742986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.743030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.743197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:13.743245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 104, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.743275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 2025-03-11T11:47:13.743302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:47:13.744662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.744781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.744815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.744866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:13.744901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.745878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [1:401:2369] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.750357Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.753126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:13.753219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:13.753283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [1:538:2473] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 7 SplitBoundary: "W" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.766206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 7 SplitBoundary: "W" } } } TxId: 105 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.766485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.766670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 105:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Splitting partition does not exists: 7, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.769209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 105, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Splitting partition does not exists: 7" TxId: 105 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.769401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 105, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Splitting partition does not exists: 7, operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.769706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:13.769747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:13.770202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.770310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:13.770365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [1:634:2558] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 |81.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/ydb-core-kqp-executer_actor-ut >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertToSameKeyWithImages [GOOD] >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertModifyDelete |81.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/ydb-core-kqp-executer_actor-ut |81.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/ydb-core-kqp-executer_actor-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/unittest >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelectViaReadActors [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:08.524515Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.524898Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:08.525157Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00131b/r3tmp/tmpTH5CzT/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:08.969671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:09.043889Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:09.095744Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.095884Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.111445Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.227117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:11.600344Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:938:2779], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.600498Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:949:2784], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.600595Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:11.607546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:11.728182Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:11.932941Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:952:2787], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.118259Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:1016:2831] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.680221Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gff3da93rpzzy276es09d, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWQzMTM2YTUtZTljMzZlMGMtYjkzOTc3OGItOTYwNWM2YTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.959530Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfg6e5td94v5548khhnbz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODEwOTYzMjYtOGJhM2ZlMGItNzBmMjg1YTUtY2E1NjUzOGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:13.232168Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfger3de67a4r7zt6rsa1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWQyMjU1Y2MtZDgzMGE4NmItYjQzZTA2MTEtMjYxYTFhMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithManyPartition [GOOD] >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelect [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::DeleteSingleRow [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::IndexedPrimaryKeyDeleteSingleRow >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitTwoPartitions >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongBoundary >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargePartitions >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::CreateTopicWithOnePartition >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedUpsert [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::DiscoveryLocationOverride [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::DeleteTableWithDeletedIndex ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithManyPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:12.994817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:12.995147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.143078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:13.143143Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:13.175812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.175932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.176080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.230317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.238549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.239371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.239862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.246088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:13.247938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.274973Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.458046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.458282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.458497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.458777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.458829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.467615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.467776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:13.467988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.468112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.468184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:13.468219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.476449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.476535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.476603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:13.482376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.482456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.482500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.482568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.487035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:13.491541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:13.491759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:13.492894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.493047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.493094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.493405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:13.493471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.493991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.494131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.499678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.499745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.499997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.500831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:13.508358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.508522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.508566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... y Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 5 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 3 ChildPartitionIds: 4 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\177" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 5 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 5 NextPartitionId: 5 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 3 GroupId: 4 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\177" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 4 GroupId: 5 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 1 KeyRange { FromBound: "\177" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 5 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.438124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:751:2058] recipient: [1:101:2136] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:754:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:755:2058] recipient: [1:753:2662] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:756:2663] sender: [1:757:2058] recipient: [1:753:2662] 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:14.530070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:14.530139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:14.530485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.548582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.554407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.554650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.554806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:14.554844Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:14.554955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:14.555785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Paths, read records: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.555879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: MyRoot, child name: USER_1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.555936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], parent name: USER_1, child name: Topic1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributesAlterData, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Tables, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Restore: Generation# 0, Status# 0, WakeupInterval# 604800 s, NumberDataErasureTenantsInRunning# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:14.556971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Columns, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ColumnsAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Shards, read records: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TablePartitions, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableShardPartitionConfigs, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.557766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ChannelsBinding, read records: 14, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.562120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:14.562566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.562716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563653Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.563979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.564917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.583946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |81.2%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeInactivePartitions >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewDependentOnAnotherView [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/unittest >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedSelect [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:09.286306Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.286704Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:09.286927Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012fd/r3tmp/tmpT7fQdh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:09.729948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:09.770952Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:09.815563Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.815719Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.827532Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.923522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:12.403275Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:938:2779], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.403456Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:949:2784], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.403567Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.452481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:12.506598Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:12.727174Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:952:2787], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:12.937750Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:1016:2831] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:13.594778Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gffw02x0v5rs4dbmff98n, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZThiNjA3NmYtNzZjOWZmNDYtN2Y4NzI4OWItYmI5YTI3YmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:13.738040Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfh2xafwhn28594s9gt0t, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZWNkNTU0MWQtNjJiNThjMzUtNTA0OTY4My1lNjJjOTg4Nw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:14.567782Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfhfb2ff4evsee65xhhdk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjNkNzEyYjgtZmY5ZDY2ZjAtZmJkNjZiNGItZGEyMGFjNWU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root |81.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ycloud-impl-ut |81.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ycloud-impl-ut >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyHosts [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBaseDn >> TPersQueueTest::DefaultMeteringMode [GOOD] |81.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/checkpoint_storage/ut/unittest >> TCheckpointStorageTest::ShouldDeleteMarkedCheckpoints [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::Simple [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::SyncIndexShouldSucceed |81.2%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_proxy/ut_schemereq/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |81.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/ydb-library-ycloud-impl-ut >> YdbS3Internal::TestS3Listing [GOOD] >> YdbS3Internal::TestAccessCheck >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::Boot >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongBoundary [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::NotCachingAbortingDeletes+UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::NotCachingAbortingDeletes-UseSink >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitTwoPartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitInactivePartition |81.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/unittest >> TDataShardTrace::TestTraceDistributedUpsert [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:10.395049Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.395591Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:10.395926Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012fa/r3tmp/tmpKhYJGL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:10.943663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:11.033270Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:11.078016Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:11.078155Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:11.091208Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:11.184703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.133228Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:938:2779], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.133378Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:949:2784], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.133471Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.160021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.211215Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:14.417644Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:952:2787], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.549784Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:1016:2831] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.085632Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfhj9d9d5pfxvdbxdtc8y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTIyMjM3OGMtYjQyZjBiODUtNjQ1ZmNhZTgtOTFiNmVkMWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargePartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeNotAdjacentRangePartitions |81.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::CreateTopicWithOnePartition [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::DisableSplitMerge ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitWithWrongBoundary [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:15.971955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:15.972270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.064080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:16.064148Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:16.076927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.077065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.077247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.088636Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.090645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.091368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.091860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.098013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.099970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.107214Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.228895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.229121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.229344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.229590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.229660Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.231930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.232079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:16.232307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.232429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.232476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:16.232507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.234259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.234335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.234377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:16.236140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.236203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.236241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.236301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.240312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:16.242289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:16.242509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:16.243509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.243646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.243694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.243983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:16.244040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.244239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.244329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.246993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.247414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.249937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.250069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.250108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... chemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.615833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 105, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary is empty, operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:16.616192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:16.616250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:16.616693Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.616780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:16.616816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [1:635:2559] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\001" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:16.619774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\001" } } } TxId: 106 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.620000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.620236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 106:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: '01' <= '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54', at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.629175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 106, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: \'01\' <= \'55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54\'" TxId: 106 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.629398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 106, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: '01' <= '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54', operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:16.629761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:16.629804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:47:16.630291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.630395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:16.630439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [1:642:2566] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:47:16.633421Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } } } TxId: 107 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.633676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.633917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 107:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54' <= '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54', at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.641316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 107, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: \'55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54\' <= \'55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54\'" TxId: 107 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.641533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 107, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary less or equals FromBound of partition: '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54' <= '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54', operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 107, wait until txId: 107 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 107 2025-03-11T11:47:16.641902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:16.641949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 107 2025-03-11T11:47:16.642370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 107, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.642468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:16.642502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [1:649:2573] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\255" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 108 2025-03-11T11:47:16.645497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\255" } } } TxId: 108 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.645728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 108:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.648883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 108:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: 'AD' >= 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' (FromBound is '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54'), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.651479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 108, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: \'AD\' >= \'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9\' (FromBound is \'55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54\')" TxId: 108 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.651658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 108, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: 'AD' >= 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' (FromBound is '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54'), operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 108, wait until txId: 108 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 108 2025-03-11T11:47:16.652022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:16.652074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 108 2025-03-11T11:47:16.652576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 108, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.652671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:16.652709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: satisfy waiter [1:656:2580] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 108 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 109 2025-03-11T11:47:16.655755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } } TxId: 109 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.655996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 109:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.656264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 109:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' >= 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' (FromBound is '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54'), at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.658716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 109, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: \'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9\' >= \'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9\' (FromBound is \'55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54\')" TxId: 109 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.658895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 109, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Split boundary greate or equals ToBound of partition: 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' >= 'AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA A9' (FromBound is '55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 54'), operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 109, wait until txId: 109 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 109 2025-03-11T11:47:16.659289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 109: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:16.659334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 109 2025-03-11T11:47:16.659799Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 109, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.659909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 109: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:16.659942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 109: satisfy waiter [1:663:2587] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 109 >> TS3WrapperTests::CompleteUnknownUpload >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertCsvBug [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertCSV_DataShard ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestoreS3::RestoreViewDependentOnAnotherView [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:04.054262Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516898909538164:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:04.054945Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bfe/r3tmp/tmptANFRw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:04.851333Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:04.910686Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:04.910793Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:04.937290Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1720, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:05.298506Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.298537Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.298544Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:05.298661Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:9459 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:05.785111Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:08.694055Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516916089408281:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:08.694281Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:08.985403Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516898909538238:2112] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:08.985443Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516898909538238:2112] TxId# 281474976710658 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:08.985503Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516898909538238:2112] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] 2025-03-11T11:46:09.025008Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516898909538164:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:09.025074Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:09.044313Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" PartitionConfig { PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 10 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: true } } } Temporary: false } } } UserToken: "" DatabaseName: "" 2025-03-11T11:46:09.044378Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:09.044742Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:46:09.044809Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:46:09.044947Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:09.045124Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976710658 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:46:09.045166Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976710658 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:46:09.045290Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:09.046570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.052430Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976710658} 2025-03-11T11:46:09.052498Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516916089408305:2624] txid# 281474976710658 SEND to# [1:7480516916089408304:2344] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976710658 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:46:09.196370Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:7480516898909538238:2112] Handle TEvNavigate describe path /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:09.196441Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516920384375746:2741] HANDLE EvNavigateScheme /Root/table 2025-03-11T11:46:09.196710Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516920384375746:2741] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TDescribeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:46:09.196826Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516920384375746:2741] SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest NKikimrSchemeOp.TDescribePath Path: "/Root/table" Options { ShowPrivateTable: false } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.198077Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:7480516920384375746:2741] Handle TEvDescribeSchemeResult Forward to# [1:7480516920384375744:2350] Cookie: 0 TEvDescribeSchemeResult: NKikimrScheme.TEvDescribeSchemeResult PreSerializedData size# 20 Record# Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/table" PathDescription { Self { Name: "table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693569182 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "table" Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Value" Type: "Utf8" TypeId: 4608 Id: 2 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } KeyColumnNames: "Key" KeyColumnIds: 1 PartitionConfig { CompactionPolicy { InMemSizeToSnapshot: 4194304 InMemStepsToSnapshot: 300 InMemForceStepsToSnapshot: 500 InMemForceSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 InMemCompactionBrokerQueue: 0 ReadAheadHiThreshold: 67108864 ReadAheadLoThreshold: 16777216 MinDataPageSize: 7168 SnapBrokerQueue: 0 Generation { GenerationId: 0 SizeToCompact: 0 CountToCompact: 8 ForceCountToCompact: 8 ForceSizeToCompact: 134217728 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: true BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen1" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 0 UpliftPartSize: 0 } Generation { GenerationId: 1 SizeToCompact: 41943040 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 536870912 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen2" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 8388608 UpliftPartSize: 8388608 } Generation { GenerationId: 2 SizeToCompact: 419430400 CountToCompact: 5 ForceCountToCompact: 16 ForceSizeToCompact: 17179869184 CompactionBrokerQueue: 4294967295 KeepInCache: false BackgroundCompactionPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } ResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen3" ExtraCompactionPercent: 10 ExtraCompactionMinSize: 16384 ExtraCompactionExpPercent: 110 ExtraCompactionExpMaxSize: 83886080 UpliftPartSize: 83886080 } BackupBrokerQueue: 1 DefaultTaskPriority: 5 BackgroundSnapshotPolicy { Threshold: 101 PriorityBase: 100 TimeFactor: 1 ResourceBrokerTask: "background_compaction" } InMemResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" SnapshotResourceBrokerTask: "compaction_gen0" BackupResourceBrokerTask: "scan" LogOverheadSizeToSnapshot: 16777216 LogOverheadCountToSnapshot: 500 DroppedRowsPercentToCompact: 50 MinBTreeIndexNodeSize: 7168 MinBTreeIndexNodeKeys: 6 } PartitioningPolicy { MinPartitionsCount: 10 SplitByLoadSettings { Enabled: true } } } TableSchemaVersion: 1 IsBackup: false IsRestore: false } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 0 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 StoragePools { } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false } TabletMetrics { CPU: 0 Memory: 0 Network: 0 Storage: 0 ReadThroughput: 0 WriteThroughput: 0 ReadIops: 0 WriteIops: 0 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 1 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQ ... 18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 x-amz-date: 20250311T114714Z S3_MOCK::HttpServeList: baseView 2025-03-11T11:47:14.387301Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.387428Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: HandleChangefeeds TEvExternalStorage::TEvListObjectResponse: self# [22:7480517196576350362:2196], result# ListObjectsResult { } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.387493Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: Reply: self# [22:7480517196576350362:2196], success# 1, error# 2025-03-11T11:47:14.387618Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.387638Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeResult: id# 281474976715666, itemIdx# 0, success# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:14.405614Z node 22 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [22:7480517200871317713:2389], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:1: Error: At function: RemoveSystemMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject, At function: KiReadTable!
:2:1: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/baseView]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:47:14.408120Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor HandleCompileResponse, self: [22:7480517200871317709:2950], status: SCHEME_ERROR 2025-03-11T11:47:14.408232Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317709:2950], status: SCHEME_ERROR 2025-03-11T11:47:14.408245Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317709:2950], status: SCHEME_ERROR, error: {
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030 subissue: {
:2:1: Error: At function: RemoveSystemMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject, At function: KiReadTable! subissue: {
:2:1: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/baseView]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.410110Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.410160Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeQueryPreparation: id# 281474976715666, itemIdx# 1, status# SCHEME_ERROR, error# {
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030 subissue: {
:2:1: Error: At function: RemoveSystemMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject, At function: KiReadTable! subissue: {
:2:1: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/baseView]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.411914Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.412850Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.428862Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor HandleCompileResponse, self: [22:7480517200871317715:2955], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:14.428929Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317715:2955], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:14.429132Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317715:2955], status: SUCCESS, prepared query: "WorkingDir: \"/Root\" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateView FailedOnAlreadyExists: false CreateView { Name: \"baseView\" QueryText: \"SELECT 1 AS Key\" CapturedContext { PathPrefix: \"/Root\" SyntaxVersion: 1 AnsiLexer: false PgParser: false Pragmas: \"AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections\" Pragmas: \"AnsiLike\" Pragmas: \"FlexibleTypes\" Pragmas: \"AnsiCurrentRow\" Pragmas: \"WarnOnAnsiAliasShadowing\" Pragmas: \"AnsiOptionalAs\" Pragmas: \"EmitAggApply\" } }" 2025-03-11T11:47:14.429294Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.429340Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeQueryPreparation: id# 281474976715666, itemIdx# 0, status# SUCCESS, error# 2025-03-11T11:47:14.429510Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Allocate txId: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/baseView' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: AllocateTxId WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.431904Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.432067Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.432097Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnAllocateResult: txId# 281474976710758, id# 281474976715666 2025-03-11T11:47:14.432174Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: ExecutePreparedQuery: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/baseView' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Proposed WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' }, txId# 281474976710758 2025-03-11T11:47:14.432294Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.435621Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.435658Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnModifyResult: txId# 281474976710758, status# StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:47:14.435832Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Wait for completion: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 0 DstPathName: '/Root/baseView' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9] State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Subscribed WaitTxId: 281474976710758 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.438459Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.449523Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.449561Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710758 2025-03-11T11:47:14.449689Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: retry view creation: id# 281474976715666, retried items# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:14.451292Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490107Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor HandleCompileResponse, self: [22:7480517200871317764:2996], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490173Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317764:2996], status: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490376Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TSchemeQueryExecutor Reply, self: [22:7480517200871317764:2996], status: SUCCESS, prepared query: "WorkingDir: \"/Root\" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateView FailedOnAlreadyExists: false CreateView { Name: \"dependentView\" QueryText: \"SELECT * FROM `/Root/baseView`\" CapturedContext { PathPrefix: \"/Root\" SyntaxVersion: 1 AnsiLexer: false PgParser: false Pragmas: \"AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections\" Pragmas: \"AnsiLike\" Pragmas: \"FlexibleTypes\" Pragmas: \"AnsiCurrentRow\" Pragmas: \"WarnOnAnsiAliasShadowing\" Pragmas: \"AnsiOptionalAs\" Pragmas: \"EmitAggApply\" } }" 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490560Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490580Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnSchemeQueryPreparation: id# 281474976715666, itemIdx# 1, status# SUCCESS, error# 2025-03-11T11:47:14.490713Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Allocate txId: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 1 DstPathName: '/Root/dependentView' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: AllocateTxId WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.493757Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.493947Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.493992Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnAllocateResult: txId# 281474976710759, id# 281474976715666 2025-03-11T11:47:14.494049Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: ExecutePreparedQuery: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 1 DstPathName: '/Root/dependentView' DstPathId: State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Proposed WaitTxId: 0 Issue: '' }, txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:47:14.494152Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.497587Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.497627Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnModifyResult: txId# 281474976710759, status# StatusAccepted 2025-03-11T11:47:14.497848Z node 22 :IMPORT INFO: TImport::TTxProgress: Wait for completion: info# { Id: 281474976715666 Uid: '' Kind: S3 DomainPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] UserSID: '(empty maybe)' State: Waiting Issue: '' Items: 2 }, item# { Idx: 1 DstPathName: '/Root/dependentView' DstPathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 10] State: CreateSchemeObject SubState: Subscribed WaitTxId: 281474976710759 Issue: '' } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.500147Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.519656Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoExecute 2025-03-11T11:47:14.519695Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: OnNotifyResult: txId# 281474976710759 2025-03-11T11:47:14.522435Z node 22 :IMPORT DEBUG: TImport::TTxProgress: DoComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:14.527576Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [22:7480517200871317808:2394] [0] Resolve database: name# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:14.528210Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [22:7480517200871317808:2394] [0] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: request# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: /Root DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root TableId: [72057594046644480:1:0] RequestType: ByPath Operation: OpPath RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: false SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindPath DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.528264Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [22:7480517200871317808:2394] [0] Send request: schemeShardId# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.529241Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: [GetImport] [22:7480517200871317808:2394] [0] Handle TEvImport::TEvGetImportResponse: record# Entry { Id: 281474976715666 Status: SUCCESS Progress: PROGRESS_DONE ImportFromS3Settings { endpoint: "localhost:8016" scheme: HTTP bucket: "test_bucket" items { source_prefix: "baseView" destination_path: "/Root/baseView" } items { source_prefix: "dependentView" destination_path: "/Root/dependentView" } } StartTime { seconds: 1741693633 } EndTime { seconds: 1741693634 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.675370Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [22:7480517157921643162:2113] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:14.675408Z node 22 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [22:7480517157921643162:2113] TxId# 281474976715667 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:14.676169Z node 22 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfhzec2bmefbf2gdawa6h, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=22&id=ZTIyNzkzM2MtYWRiMDgyNzMtMWIyYzE1OWQtYWI2N2QzMGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::Boot [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::CreateTopicWithManyPartition >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitInactivePartition [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::CompleteUnknownUpload [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeNotAdjacentRangePartitions [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::VirtualTimestamps >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeInactivePartitions [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::EnableSplitMerge >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldNotCompactBorrowed [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldHandleCompactionTimeouts |81.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::SplitInactivePartition [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:15.804906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:15.805802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:15.890776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:15.890842Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:15.911065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:15.911651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:15.911842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.935125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:15.935389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:15.936117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.936494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.940169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.941635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.941701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.941816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:15.941861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:15.941922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:15.942198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:15.953371Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.111637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.111886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.112170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.112431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.112488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.122601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.123623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:16.124466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.125300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.125384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:16.125429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.129337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.129431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.129497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:16.136222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.136310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.136361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.136419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.152644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:16.156585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:16.156866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.158944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.163972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.164007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.164085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:16.164131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.164188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.173929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.174095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.174145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 2057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.171134Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.171252Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.171443Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72075186233409546 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186233409548 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 105 MinStep: 151 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:18.178877Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 105:0 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409548 cookie: 72057594046678944:3 msg type: 269550082 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179016Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 105:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72075186233409546 cookie: 0:105 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179130Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 105, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179498Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 105, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179709Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: TabletId: 72075186233409548 TxId: 105 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179814Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# TabletId: 72075186233409548 TxId: 105 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179882Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult CollectPQConfigChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:47:18.179949Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.187362Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.187716Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:18.187771Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.188254Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.188315Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:18.188366Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.235614Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 200, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.235793Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 105 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 200 MediatorID: 72075186233409547 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.235861Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 200, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.235919Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274145Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 105, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 105 Step: 200 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274463Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 105 Step: 200 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274523Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 105:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, shard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274568Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274770Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 105:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:18.274981Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.277882Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.278673Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.278729Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279054Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279102Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279508Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279588Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 105:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279703Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279747Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279794Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279834Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279874Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279923Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.279966Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.280014Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.280167Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:18.280236Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 105, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.280275Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.280945Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281109Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281151Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281198Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281282Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.281325Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [2:406:2372] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.304071Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.304224Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:18.304292Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:670:2592] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "W" } TestModificationResults wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:18.330073Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "W" } } } TxId: 106 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.330336Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.330562Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 106:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid partition status: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.338914Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 106, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Invalid partition status: 2" TxId: 106 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.339138Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 106, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Invalid partition status: 2, operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:18.339504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:18.339550Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:47:18.340090Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.340234Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:18.340280Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [2:761:2671] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::MargeNotAdjacentRangePartitions [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.227874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.228212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.347075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:16.347138Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:16.367474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.367587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.367733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.379620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.380270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.381025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.381351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.386008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.387708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.395208Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.524386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.524648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.524894Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.525113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.525167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.528809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.528946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:16.529150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.529245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.529290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:16.529321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.533545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.533624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.533670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:16.535728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.535800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.535839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.535887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.546048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:16.548340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:16.548566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:16.549605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.549741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.549792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.550105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:16.550166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.550321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.550409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552733Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.556284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.556408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.556447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... essage# TabletId: 72075186233409548 TxId: 104 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:18.542908Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionAttachResult CollectPQConfigChanged: false 2025-03-11T11:47:18.542956Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.544431Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResult got TxId: 104, wait until txId: 104 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.544692Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:18.544737Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.545147Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.545191Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:18.545230Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 104, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.585279Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 150, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.585448Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 104 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 150 MediatorID: 72075186233409547 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.585520Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, step: 150, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.585637Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 can't persist state: ShardsInProgress is not empty, remain: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.618589Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 104, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.618756Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 150 2025-03-11T11:47:18.618828Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult triggers early, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 message# Origin: 72075186233409548 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 104 Step: 150 2025-03-11T11:47:18.618887Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectPQConfigChanged accept TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult, operationId: 104:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, shard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: Propose, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.618931Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 104:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:47:18.619089Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 104:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:18.619271Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.619330Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.621823Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622333Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622383Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622584Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622762Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622804Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:18.622843Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623243Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 104:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623290Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 104:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623402Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623438Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623481Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#104:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623511Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623549Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 104, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623592Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 104 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623630Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 104:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623673Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 104:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623798Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623844Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 104, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623878Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 2025-03-11T11:47:18.623908Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 104, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 2 2025-03-11T11:47:18.624713Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.624806Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.624846Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.624890Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:18.624928Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625370Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625430Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625454Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625480Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625505Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625563Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 104, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.625603Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, to actorId: [2:406:2372] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.631132Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.631526Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 104 2025-03-11T11:47:18.631635Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:18.631676Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 104: satisfy waiter [2:545:2479] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 104 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Merge { Partition: 0 AdjacentPartition: 2 } TestModificationResults wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.641659Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } } Merge { Partition: 0 AdjacentPartition: 2 } } } TxId: 105 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.641850Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.642183Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 105:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: You cannot merge non-contiguous partitions, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.644246Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 105, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "You cannot merge non-contiguous partitions" TxId: 105 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.644408Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 105, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: You cannot merge non-contiguous partitions, operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.644679Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:18.644731Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:18.645091Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.645176Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:18.645211Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:641:2564] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::CompleteUnknownUpload [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:18.577207Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 1205D7BD-4CB0-486B-8C90-6735BDA33FA3, request# CompleteMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: uploadId MultipartUpload: { Parts: [ETag] } } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key?uploadId=uploadId HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23956 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: EC83D352-5351-4292-8E23-8D7FBA97D370 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 207 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key / uploadId=uploadId 2025-03-11T11:47:18.589460Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 1205D7BD-4CB0-486B-8C90-6735BDA33FA3, response# ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::DefaultMeteringMode [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:53.410913Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515565540284141:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:53.410999Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:53.870182Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515562091614469:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:53.885843Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.258750Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf7/r3tmp/tmpHvjITr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:55.316684Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:40:55.406868Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.522874Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.525245Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.934022Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:57.528812Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.413961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515565540284141:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.414044Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.535855Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.855546Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515562091614469:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.855596Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.553105Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.861177Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.554539Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.608234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.608262Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.770695Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:01.395856Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.558581Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.980477Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:02.009324Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:02.409439Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:02.563999Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.417910Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.426353Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.426380Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.632422Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:03.632915Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:03.672261Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:03.672631Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:03.880248Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:03.951713Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:04.014883Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:04.580763Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.104551s 2025-03-11T11:41:04.581176Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.104986s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28137, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:06.724332Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf7/r3tmp/yandexlgATmi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:06.724354Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf7/r3tmp/yandexlgATmi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:06.765947Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cf7/r3tmp/yandexlgATmi.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:06.766396Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:10.477185Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 7501 GrpcPort 28137 TClient is connected to server localhost:7501 PQClient connected to localhost:28137 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:12.109240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:12.287792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:15.074065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:41:15.074103Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:17.171897Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515665170830018:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.172017Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480515665170829986:2330], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.172097Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.240982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976720657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:17.326600Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480515665170830023:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976720657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:41:17.435451Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480515665170830052:2195] txid# 281474976720658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 9], type: EP ... 2025-03-11T11:47:13.431794Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'PQ/ttt' partition 0 generation 1 [30:7480517194893869646:2341] 2025-03-11T11:47:13.431867Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic PQ/ttt partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.431933Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432515Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvPQ::TEvProposePartitionConfigResult Step 1741693633442, TxId 281474976715672, Partition 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432562Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] Handle TEvProposePartitionConfigResult 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432610Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] Partition responses 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432648Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state CALCULATING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432687Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, State CALCULATING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432729Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 State CALCULATING FrontTxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432763Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432810Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.432856Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 moved from CALCULATING to CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.433428Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] save tx TxId: 281474976715672 State: CALCULATED MinStep: 1741693633232 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 Step: 1741693633442 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_CONFIG TabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "ttt" Version: 0 RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/ttt" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_REQUEST_UNITS AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } } BootstrapConfig { } SourceActor { RawX1: 7480517121497130864 RawX2: 124554053777 } Partitions { Partition { PartitionId: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:13.433644Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.442858Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.442911Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.442949Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, State CALCULATED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443004Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 State CALCULATED FrontTxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443044Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443097Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 moved from CALCULATED to WAIT_RS 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443201Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet to 0 receivers. Wait TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet from 0 senders. 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443268Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] HaveParticipantsDecision 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443370Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443411Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 moved from WAIT_RS to EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443443Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 0, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.443539Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommit Step 1741693633442, TxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.444070Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:47:13.447863Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 0 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448057Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvPQ::TEvTxCommitDone Step 1741693633442, TxId 281474976715672, Partition 0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448107Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448163Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, State EXECUTING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448206Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 State EXECUTING FrontTxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448236Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Received 1, Expected 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448282Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId: 281474976715672 send TEvPersQueue::TEvProposeTransactionResult(COMPLETE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448324Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] complete TxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448810Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Apply new config PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "ttt" Version: 0 RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/ttt" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_REQUEST_UNITS AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:47:13.448899Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72075186224037892] metering mode METERING_MODE_REQUEST_UNITS 2025-03-11T11:47:13.449056Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete partitions for TxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.449096Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.449133Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 moved from EXECUTING to EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.449632Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] save tx TxId: 281474976715672 State: EXECUTED MinStep: 1741693633232 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 Step: 1741693633442 Predicate: true Kind: KIND_CONFIG TabletConfig { PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 2147483647 LifetimeSeconds: 86400 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 1382400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1048576 BurstSize: 1048576 TotalPartitions: 1 ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } ExplicitChannelProfiles { PoolKind: "test" } SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "ttt" Version: 0 RequireAuthWrite: true RequireAuthRead: true FormatVersion: 0 Codecs { } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/ttt" YcCloudId: "" YcFolderId: "" YdbDatabaseId: "" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Partitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } MeteringMode: METERING_MODE_REQUEST_UNITS AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 Status: Active CreateVersion: 1 TabletId: 0 } } BootstrapConfig { } SourceActor { RawX1: 7480517121497130864 RawX2: 124554053777 } Partitions { Partition { PartitionId: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:13.451768Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.464902Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.464983Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465020Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, State EXECUTED 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465061Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 State EXECUTED FrontTxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465100Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TPersQueue::SendEvReadSetAckToSenders 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465146Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465179Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672 moved from EXECUTED to WAIT_RS_ACKS 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465235Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465259Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] HaveAllRecipientsReceive 1, AllSupportivePartitionsHaveBeenDeleted 1 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465290Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [TxId: 281474976715672] PredicateAcks: 0/0 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465318Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] add an TxId 281474976715672 to the list for deletion 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465358Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, NewState DELETING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465411Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete key for TxId 281474976715672 2025-03-11T11:47:13.465523Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Send TEvKeyValue::TEvRequest (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.471881Z node 29 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: new Describe topic request 2025-03-11T11:47:13.471985Z node 29 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: TDescribeTopicActor for request operation_params { } path: "/Root/PQ/ttt" 2025-03-11T11:47:13.472070Z node 29 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Describe topic actor for path /Root/PQ/ttt 2025-03-11T11:47:13.472658Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Handle TEvKeyValue::TEvResponse (WRITE_TX_COOKIE) 2025-03-11T11:47:13.472705Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Try execute txs with state DELETING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.472738Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] TxId 281474976715672, State DELETING 2025-03-11T11:47:13.472778Z node 30 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] delete TxId 281474976715672 >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::NotExtBlobs [GOOD] |81.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TCdcStreamTests::Basic >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortUnknownUpload >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::ExtBlobsMultipleColumns [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::MultipartUpload >> DataShardVolatile::CompactedVolatileChangesCommit [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::CompactedVolatileChangesAbort |81.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortUnknownUpload [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::MultipartUpload [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::DisableSplitMerge [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::CreateTopicWithManyPartition [GOOD] >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertModifyDelete [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::VirtualTimestamps [GOOD] ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortUnknownUpload [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:20.548848Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# FFE9FB53-7C32-4A06-A80F-949A7C73B273, request# AbortMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: uploadId } REQUEST: DELETE /TEST/key?uploadId=uploadId HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:30474 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 03A244F2-EBB9-42A8-8A95-7A55058F1582 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 6 / /TEST/key / uploadId=uploadId 2025-03-11T11:47:20.566265Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# FFE9FB53-7C32-4A06-A80F-949A7C73B273, response# ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::MultipartUpload [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:20.629775Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# A9F4ACD5-1E66-4997-85B1-8D588B3E7F88, request# CreateMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key?uploads HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1915 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 9A1E8E0E-7041-473B-BF68-362E01525D2E amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key / uploads= 2025-03-11T11:47:20.641591Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# A9F4ACD5-1E66-4997-85B1-8D588B3E7F88, response# CreateMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: TEST/key UploadId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.641959Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 64C3C437-7B7C-4186-84BA-A4F3E7309F79, request# UploadPart { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: 1 PartNumber: 1 } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key?partNumber=1&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1915 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6F23DD68-FC18-4F05-A9C4-89493C2AF797 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / partNumber=1&uploadId=1 / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:20.654639Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 64C3C437-7B7C-4186-84BA-A4F3E7309F79, response# UploadPartResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.655574Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 84B47A48-8CE8-4F92-8060-DBB69E4EB277, request# CompleteMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: 1 MultipartUpload: { Parts: [841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc] } } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1915 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: D0782E80-35BB-4754-952F-E7DB2168C622 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 235 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.663574Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 84B47A48-8CE8-4F92-8060-DBB69E4EB277, response# CompleteMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: TEST/key ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.666144Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# C744A1DA-A475-420D-9FFB-F1CFAE5588C5, request# GetObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key Range: bytes=0-3 } REQUEST: GET /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:1915 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6AAE4718-9060-4F1F-A104-C73FC8AA34C1 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml range: bytes=0-3 user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /TEST/key / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:20.671035Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# C744A1DA-A475-420D-9FFB-F1CFAE5588C5, response# GetObjectResult { } >> TCdcStreamTests::ResolvedTimestamps >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::DeleteNothing [GOOD] >> Secret::Deactivated [GOOD] >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::DeleteSingleRow >> TS3WrapperTests::CopyPartUpload |81.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::DisableSplitMerge [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.552748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.553033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.639132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:16.639187Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:16.653529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.653999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.654170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.666722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.666947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.667547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.667865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.670843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672365Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:16.672597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.679381Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.810037Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.810271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.810491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.810707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.810765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:16.813850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.816009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.816073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.816109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:16.818153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.818217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.818258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.818303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.822232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:16.824492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:16.824721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:16.825804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.825971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.826026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.826292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:16.826342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.826548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.826644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829866Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.829989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:16.830026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:16.830061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:16.838880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.839033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.839074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... arts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762124Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762158Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762199Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762242Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762284Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762317Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762441Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762483Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 105, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.762520Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767251Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767706Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767748Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767790Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767833Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:19.767926Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.774102Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:19.782393Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:19.782451Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:19.782873Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:19.782969Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:19.783028Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:752:2664] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:20.478371Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.478636Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe pathId 3 took 283us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:20.479270Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 1 ChildPartitionIds: 2 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "\010" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\010" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { ToBound: "\010" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { FromBound: "\010" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.562631Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.562894Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" took 298us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:20.563503Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 Status: Inactive ChildPartitionIds: 1 ChildPartitionIds: 2 } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "\010" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\010" } Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Inactive } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { ToBound: "\010" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active ParentPartitionIds: 0 KeyRange { FromBound: "\010" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >>>>> Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: DISABLED } } TestModificationResults wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:20.566683Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_1" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup AlterPersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { } PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: DISABLED } } } } TxId: 106 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.566866Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterPQ Propose, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1, pathId: , opId: 106:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.567003Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 106:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Can`t disable auto partitioning., at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.570568Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 106, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Can`t disable auto partitioning." TxId: 106 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.570733Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 106, database: /MyRoot/USER_1, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Can`t disable auto partitioning., operation: ALTER PERSISTENT QUEUE, path: /MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1 TestModificationResult got TxId: 106, wait until txId: 106 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 106 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571057Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571098Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 106 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571585Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 106, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571683Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571718Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 106: satisfy waiter [2:767:2678] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 106 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::ExtBlobsMultipleColumns [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:07.378703Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.379085Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:07.379308Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000efd/r3tmp/tmpMgQpK1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:07.778114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.846312Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:07.892176Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:07.892332Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:07.904872Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:08.007303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:08.535704Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:751:2626], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.535889Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:740:2621], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.536351Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.542217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:08.741048Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:754:2629], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.832642Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:828:2672] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.339195Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfc3n7n4t31frf7t2bm2z, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWU5NmY1ZmEtYzZjY2RhNDktODY5NGUyM2MtYjQ2NDAzMmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.432394Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfcxa4k62kaq9rjg5m4kb, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzQyMTQ2YmMtOTAzODJmZDEtZTY3MmY5ZGMtMjQ4ODJmZDY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.515039Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfczx0mat8nmxvqydhh7e, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2MxYmU1NDItZmU3ZmJmOWItN2UyZGNlNTYtZWMzNWRmMWQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.597515Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd2gf45w58qmq4vhr7wc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzM5MGFkMzQtZTlkNmZkZmYtN2RmODRhMTYtNTE2YTJlNw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.680285Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd526fs5jrdt2q90fa6j, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWRkNDI0NTUtZjhlODA4M2MtOGNmZDQwODItMmM1N2NiZGQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.765160Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd7n697cbwkx67q7rd3x, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmNkNTlmNGMtZDYzYzFkOTctYjY5NTZhM2QtYTg5YWE3ZjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.844949Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdaacr32x086dv5z8763, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjMzYWQzNmYtZTg1ZTYyNTktOGY5ZThhOGYtZGExMjlkMWI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.936261Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdct5fp7p7vcsy2scg51, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODFmZmM3YmItN2VkNDkxMzUtYTQzZGRjYWEtYzI1NWEzNGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.015648Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdfn7mkdxvx8y5771n5w, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmFlNGJjMzktZjllOTc4MTktODkwMjk2OTctMjMzYWFhODY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.101009Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715669. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdj470bwpq0myz1a0gvy, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWJjMGRiZGMtOWQyZTg4MDUtMTc0MDc4ODktODZkNTRmOWU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.216617Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715670. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdmt1ae0y8p0kn3787aa, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjQzM2NlYjEtODk3YTBiODAtNjcyNThiNzMtMThiM2I0NDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.379161Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdry45bjj9235q8x8ksr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTcxNTU5YjktMjFhNzc2ZTktMThkOTc2NDEtNTIyNjBhNTE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.460377Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715672. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdxg8gkawetebrzdps6h, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGQzYmJkMTktNGE3M2IzM2QtZjcxMzY2MGItNWJmNTE2OTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.541722Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715673. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe0160f240vhpngbvzba, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODM4M2EyZTQtNzljOGQ2ZGQtMzdiNDgyYzgtN2QwZDBlMmQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.622940Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715674. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe2k83br4d208vyagshb, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzViNmIxZmMtN2Q2YzgxN2EtMjUyZjAyOWYtOWVlNmQwYjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.703884Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715675. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe549kjh9fpv2mnryaeg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGM5YTNhMDAtN2M0NDRiZmEtOTk3YTY2MzEtZDFjZjU1MjE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.784939Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715676. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe7n0ybc8ct3k23se0n1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTM4NmQxYzYtYmQxNzViYWQtZDU2NWZiNTItYzQxYWUxMDE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.899452Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfea6d3sjghn3mnhbqrar, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmU0NDU4My03Y2ZlZWY4Ni03ZGM1MTI5MS03ODk5NTJhZQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.070885Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfedre4rktf7ehbmyexc6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2ZmNmFlZjYtNmJhOTBiNGYtZTkxMzU4OTQtMjBiNGFhMjE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.192686Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfek8233e6q5b99fjb01a, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWU0NTliZC1hZjdhM2I0Ny1iOTZmNGQ0MS1kMGNhYzZlNQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.342873Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfeq327rkrhpqgkre3gmx, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTAxZmZmYy1jODlhZGRjOC0yNjFmZjUwNi0yMzg3NjE5, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.427332Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfevm07vf9x1c72sxvsa1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjhkZDVkMS1lMmY0YWQ5NS1iMDVkMzk2YS05MDc2NTcyNQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.519562Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715682. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfey81wa7y4ew3asj524v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NmE2NTBhNWMtNmU1OWNkOWItZmRmZGNjMWUtYTMwOTFiOWI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.606088Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715683. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gff1767px0g2sya5schzj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODYxMjIzMDQtYjdiOTllY2QtYTUxMDQ0OTQtMTJmYWVlZjg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.774817Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715684. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gff3v7fxmthdz5qmbsxqk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2FjZGRhOWMtNWQyYzMzNWUtOWUzYWVmMzItOTgxOTA2MTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.854722Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gff9324c7zrp2b83qy6q7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTZhNTYxNjUtZTAzNmFlMzctY2E0YzU0YjctODI5MjEwMzM= ... 66Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715725. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfm1q2fsa73mpbbzfr2mb, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzVmZDIxZWQtZDI3NjgwNDEtMTJiYjFiZjEtZmQxNDZmMmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:16.811239Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715726. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfm443yp1vzfc8trmwjk0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWZjNmNhNzItZGUxMWNhOGQtZDI5NGFlODktM2QwYjY0NDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:16.909761Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715727. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfm6g4wqmdf8d5z7k02wh, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmViZTg3OTQtNWJmMzFlNmEtYTMxMzgxZWYtYjNiYWViYjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:16.984382Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715728. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfm9j8g724amdz60yz5jj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzRhNTY4OGQtOGY1OWZjZmMtN2RlNDk5MmUtYmM1OWQyODY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.061658Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715729. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmbx8z0b28376y3zs3z7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzdlMTBkYjQtNjFlYjM2MGUtZGQ1YWUyNmEtZTg4MGE1NGQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.138489Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715730. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmea36sbx30s40ry014c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGQ0MmU4MDEtZDFiMWQ5MTEtMjQzZDc2MTAtZTI4NDM2ZmY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.213659Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715731. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmgqfvpq66p2ttfqfab0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjU5NDJmZjQtNzFiMDFlNTEtNTdiOGNhNjEtNzc0ZGQ4Mjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.291784Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715732. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmk21nds3bxe1y95rshn, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjgwNzE5YWMtMWIwODQyYzAtMWNjNjZkNy0yOTg2MjJkMg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.392832Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715733. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmng5b5mw31ndjaxszcg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjhhNjA0NTYtNTczNDc0ODMtZjNmOWVhYTUtNWNhMmRiMmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.481251Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715734. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmrt0k6pj0tz41dsb5hc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWM0MDU2ZTItM2Q2M2YwMWYtZTliMjc1ZjEtZmUwZjAyZTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.563589Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715735. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmvf9865b4w5b8s2qak3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmNjNmYyOGEtNzI0YWIyODQtZTczOTc2MTItMmU0YzcwY2Q=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.760609Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715736. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfmy5fskj9zbmza9g7yzy, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2VjOTgzODktYzNhNWIxYmQtMjY5NzIyNTYtM2I1ODY3ZDk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.844855Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715737. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfn45dgsk9xfvkc3cbc3r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjZjYmI2MDEtODQ2YjY1N2MtYTk2NmMyNjItZGY5NzA1Mjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.920367Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715738. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfn6s5xqd77e25tpf2z7h, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTZkOTlmNjgtOWE5MWVlZGUtZTc1OGE3MGMtM2Q4YjFlOGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:17.994893Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715739. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfn949ccavt2jg0gqsbgg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDZlOTg4OTQtZDI2NjkyMGUtYTRlZDAwYTktYzUzYzFmMzY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.074915Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715740. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnbf0pa5kf5xtd4j71h1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTk5MWU4OTQtMTNmNmE1MzItNmMzNzc3Y2ItNzkzN2RjY2Q=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.155646Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715741. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfndz95sqy2kcr7n3bzrs, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDg3ZmY2NzMtNDg1N2Y2MjItMmE1NDY4MGYtYjkzM2Y1MTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.235208Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715742. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnggeq9kzzkbtvraxf4g, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDUwNDMyY2QtYWRmNmNmN2UtYzIxYjg0ZjUtY2MzMjQ3NmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.315857Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715743. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnk07fz3417s1r0kw169, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGJiZTE2NWQtMjlmODMwYTktZmYwYjc0NWItZjM3Y2QxZjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.427779Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715744. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnnh8b2tkrhvkt9vc6es, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDVhMmUwOC04NDU1ZDZjNS1jZGU4NzM4NS0yMmM5NjQ4OQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.503559Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715745. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfns1e0596y9tyke26cnm, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGY2YjNlZDItMzNiZjNlODQtY2Q3ZGNhZWUtODZiM2RhM2I=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.578819Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715746. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnvcddb40ht76xc92pa0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MmM4NDNjNjEtODk2M2ViYTEtZjY4NmI0YmEtZTQ4MDQyMGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.655972Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715747. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnxq897asb15kj1gman2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTgwZGI1MzQtNzdmNWUzZTUtMzM5NDc0MDQtNDA5MzExM2Q=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.732956Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715748. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp0454zy25aednz2cj75, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODhkNWM0ODYtNmI2OGMxZDEtYTBiZmY2MDQtZDM1MTNjZDU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.809376Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715749. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp2ha3etevg3zjyyp5bj, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzhiMTIzZDEtOTgzMjMzODMtNjgyMzZlYjMtM2RmMmUzZjQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.884620Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715750. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp4y3ybbvv6d3a834ec6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjgzMGE0MGEtODY3ZTk3ZjQtNWIwY2VjNGEtYmE0NzFhZWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.958968Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715751. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp79dzxr2xwq4hjmvw20, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTEyOGYzZDUtY2NkMzM5OTAtZjU2YTRhYjctYWIxYTZhMQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.035524Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715752. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp9kaensrgwc4km1m5pw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjdkNmViMjYtODEzMGRhYjEtZjIyOTVmMjAtODRhODc5YjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.137246Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715753. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpc0fvjk3c7pcctcetvw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzE5ZWJlYS04ZTM4ZGVlNS04MDVjYjAzNS0zMDU3YWNhNA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.207592Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715754. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpf51tp7hkxbg7dpem2d, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGEyYzE5YjMtY2MyN2NkODItYzQ4NTJmNS02ZmI2NjE4NA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.277020Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715755. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfphccr5fw8e072htedc9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGRlMDg0ZDctYmNkNTM3MGUtN2RlZDQ4N2UtZmE0YmUwYTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.347823Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715756. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpkh4sqxm0w5v8j91df7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjExOWI1NDQtM2FhYmFmODctYTdkMzc4YjMtOTM0NTk0YmQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.420013Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715757. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpnr7czrdd3jme8h2qn0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjM1YWU1OTYtMTQ3N2E2YzQtYWUyYzUyYjAtYmRlZThhY2Y=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.495094Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715758. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpr13x6ed0aanz1fs28k, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2E3YTU3NmYtZDBlODdjODktMTcyYjg0ODQtZWVkNjRjODQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.560393Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715759. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfptb9ymbyqvnyq5f8x49, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDY3MGU3NjMtOGIwYWM4MC04ZGQ2OTBhMS1hZWRkYmE2MA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.728269Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715760. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpx2ftcj54vhwxa44fw5, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjY4NDAyNDUtZmQ0ZjExNjEtYTYwZjUxOC1kNWYyMTdkYw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::CreateTopicWithManyPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786317Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:17.786840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.876925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:17.876984Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:17.907133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.907723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.907943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.934405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.934707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.935433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.935795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.943217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.944887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.944967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.945090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.945146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:17.945189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.945428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.954929Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.305549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.305808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.310447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.310862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.310950Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:18.327736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.331456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.331533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.331575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:18.337404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.337482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.337543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.337609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.341643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:18.355768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:18.356039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:18.357337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.357512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.357590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.357926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:18.357995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.358232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.358369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.372970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.373996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.374032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.374122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:18.374169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:18.374205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:18.385862Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.386095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:18.386148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 678944 is [2:123:2149] sender: [2:640:2058] recipient: [2:15:2062] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:123:2149] sender: [2:641:2058] recipient: [2:639:2560] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:642:2561] sender: [2:643:2058] recipient: [2:639:2560] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571306Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571419Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571466Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571505Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571540Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571571Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571633Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.571716Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:20.572021Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.591643Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.593127Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.593306Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.593387Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:20.593424Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:20.593628Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.594572Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Paths, read records: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.594656Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: MyRoot, child name: USER_1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.594696Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], parent name: USER_1, child name: Topic1, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.594771Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.594845Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributesAlterData, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595051Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595314Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Tables, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595390Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Restore: Generation# 0, Status# 0, WakeupInterval# 604800 s, NumberDataErasureTenantsInRunning# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595586Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Columns, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595670Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ColumnsAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595807Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Shards, read records: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595852Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595883Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595903Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.595922Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596020Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TablePartitions, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596090Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableShardPartitionConfigs, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596328Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ChannelsBinding, read records: 14, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596503Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596853Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.596985Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.597377Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.597448Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.597668Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.597756Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.597847Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.598033Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.598117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.598322Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.598581Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.598963Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.599036Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.599082Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.607949Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.608057Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.608378Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.608447Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.608495Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.610378Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [2:642:2561] sender: [2:702:2058] recipient: [2:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.669589Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.669934Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" took 374us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:20.670619Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1024 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } AlterVersion: 1 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 1 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 1024 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TS3WrapperTests::CopyPartUpload [GOOD] |81.3%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> Viewer::SelectStringWithNoBase64Encoding [FAIL] >> Viewer::ServerlessNodesPage |81.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest |81.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::IndexedPrimaryKeyDeleteSingleRow [GOOD] >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::ImplicitlyUpdateCoveredColumn >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBaseDn [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBindDn >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::EnableSplitMerge [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::Basic [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::Attributes ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/metadata/secret/ut/unittest >> Secret::Deactivated [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:06.075412Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:321:2363], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001878/r3tmp/tmp8WKqGo/pdisk_1.dat TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25941, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:64242 2025-03-11T11:47:07.118900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.180736Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:07.189840Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:07.190130Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:07.190172Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:07.197201Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:07.233198Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:07.233377Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:07.254552Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected Initialization finished REQUEST=CREATE OBJECT secret1 (TYPE SECRET) WITH value = `100`;EXPECTATION=0;WAITING=1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.553794Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:686:2576], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.558034Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } REQUEST=CREATE OBJECT secret1 (TYPE SECRET) WITH value = `100`;RESULT=
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
:1:50: Error: Executing CREATE OBJECT SECRET
: Error: metadata provider service is disabled ;EXPECTATION=0 FINISHED_REQUEST=CREATE OBJECT secret1 (TYPE SECRET) WITH value = `100`;EXPECTATION=0;WAITING=1 E0311 11:47:21.547514913 173747 backup_poller.cc:113] run_poller: UNKNOWN:Timer list shutdown {created_time:"2025-03-11T11:47:21.547299071+00:00"} ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::CopyPartUpload [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:21.883488Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 3FECD254-DAD9-4D8B-B9E5-8A7802018D7E, request# PutObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23354 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 1E2C13FD-A192-4FF4-AAF4-7FC29D21FDE5 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:21.904339Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 3FECD254-DAD9-4D8B-B9E5-8A7802018D7E, response# PutObjectResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } 2025-03-11T11:47:21.905130Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 6486385B-F0AB-4C3D-A488-7C3B5E71E631, request# CreateMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key1 } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key1?uploads HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23354 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: AA090828-F814-47AC-98D3-798B51E7684C amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key1 / uploads= 2025-03-11T11:47:21.919306Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 6486385B-F0AB-4C3D-A488-7C3B5E71E631, response# CreateMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: TEST/key1 UploadId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:21.919951Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# FBC7FDF6-CEF4-4785-ABBC-12C6181171A4, request# UploadPartCopy { Bucket: TEST Key: key1 UploadId: 1 PartNumber: 1 } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key1?partNumber=1&uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23354 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 3C8CA40E-765A-43DB-AC97-A37007743D23 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-copy-source: /TEST/key x-amz-copy-source-range: bytes=1-2 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key1 / partNumber=1&uploadId=1 / 0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.927312Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# FBC7FDF6-CEF4-4785-ABBC-12C6181171A4, response# UploadPartCopyResult { } 2025-03-11T11:47:21.929792Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 0F5A982C-CDEF-4708-A0F4-FC5D15815E0A, request# CompleteMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key1 UploadId: 1 MultipartUpload: { Parts: [afc7e8a98f75755e513d9d5ead888e1d] } } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key1?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23354 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6A0A742F-C4C4-4826-A89A-020A01E1B3C0 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 235 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key1 / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.949371Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 0F5A982C-CDEF-4708-A0F4-FC5D15815E0A, response# CompleteMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: TEST/key1 ETag: afc7e8a98f75755e513d9d5ead888e1d } 2025-03-11T11:47:21.949858Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# A8CB9765-7E0E-42DE-8A22-B23902C99050, request# GetObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key1 Range: bytes=0-1 } REQUEST: GET /TEST/key1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:23354 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 38DFAC6F-F3FC-4866-8A25-BA2D3CF28B36 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml range: bytes=0-1 user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /TEST/key1 / 2 2025-03-11T11:47:21.970582Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# A8CB9765-7E0E-42DE-8A22-B23902C99050, response# GetObjectResult { } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/unittest >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::UpsertModifyDelete [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:05.437413Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:05.437755Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:05.438000Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001174/r3tmp/tmpaeOakA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:05.829792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:05.885752Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:05.889120Z node 1 :TABLET_SAUSAGECACHE NOTICE: Update config MemoryLimit: 33554432 2025-03-11T11:47:05.924877Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:05.925036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:05.937019Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:06.031925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:06.084176Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.084513Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.144543Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.144738Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.146857Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.146976Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.147049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.147506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.147686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.147806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.159222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.198577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.198955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199115Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199200Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199264Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.199937Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.200986Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.203394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.218632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.218776Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.380518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.386916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.387032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.387425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.387506Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.387572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.387954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.388161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.391501Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.391632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.393997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:06.394485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.396941Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.397038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.397511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:06.397587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403193Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403326Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.411998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.419637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:06.419744Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.420678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:06.446604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.446811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715658 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:06.446876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Check scheme tx, proposed scheme version# 2 current version# 1 expected version# 2 at tablet# 72075186224037888 txId# 281474976715658 2025-03-11T11:47:06.446918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715658 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.447482Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.473847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.754844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715658 at step 1500 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715658 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1500 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.754955Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755413Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1500:281474976715658] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755597Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1500:281474976715658 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.755987Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.756743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.832250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1500} 2025-03-11T11:47:06.832357Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.832408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.832475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tab ... :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.494992Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.495899Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:19.495983Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497168Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497214Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497287Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497361Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497420Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.497509Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.506913Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.509105Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:19.509198Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.510203Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:19.519116Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.519244Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715658 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:19.519288Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Check scheme tx, proposed scheme version# 2 current version# 1 expected version# 2 at tablet# 72075186224037888 txId# 281474976715658 2025-03-11T11:47:19.519327Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715658 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.520056Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.714579Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.971503Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715658 at step 1500 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715658 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1500 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:19.971578Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.972494Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.972554Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.972601Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1500:281474976715658] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.972790Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1500:281474976715658 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.972924Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:19.973162Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:19.976992Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018504Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1500} 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018613Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018659Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018709Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018791Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1500 : 281474976715658] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018851Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715658 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.018947Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.021013Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715658 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:20.021100Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.028539Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:884:2722], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.028644Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:894:2727], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.028715Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.033812Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:20.039787Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.246324Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.249194Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:898:2730], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.279475Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:954:2767] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.358507Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqatcakvf129mqzvge57, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YmI3YTBjYzktOGRiOTQwNDUtNDA5ZmMxZDUtNDA3YzNkZGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.359076Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:981:2785], serverId# [3:982:2786], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.359283Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.360546Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 1 Group: 1741693640360466 Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 34b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.371481Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.371660Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037888, records: { Order: 1 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 34 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.371726Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.437164Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqnq4dzqaw0v7cw6aqbc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MzFmNTVmZTItOTE3NDJmNzYtODQwNTE4NmEtNmI0NmM5MTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.437583Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.438358Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 2 Group: 1741693640438271 Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 50b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.449675Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.449825Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037888, records: { Order: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 50 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.449875Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.517599Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqr55f7zmpskz0pjahbb, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NDNiY2RkMjQtMmNjYTlhNWUtNzA2ODBlZTgtNTYyNDViYzg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.517941Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.519050Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 3 Group: 1741693640518951 Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 34b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.542457Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.542589Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037888, records: { Order: 3 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 34 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:47:20.542636Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:20.544238Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:1020:2817], serverId# [3:1021:2818], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.553559Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:1022:2819], serverId# [3:1023:2820], sessionId# [0:0:0] |81.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/ydb-services-cms-ut |81.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator-ut |81.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/ydb-services-cms-ut |81.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/ydb-services-cms-ut |81.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator-ut |81.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/ydb-core-tx-tx_allocator-ut |81.4%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_trace/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |81.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_upload_rows |81.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_upload_rows |81.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_upload_rows >> TCdcStreamTests::ResolvedTimestamps [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::RetentionPeriod ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/unittest >> TSchemeShardTopicSplitMergeTest::EnableSplitMerge [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:16.867788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.021273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:17.021330Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:17.052221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.052371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.052592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.071722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.072671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.073517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.073978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.079614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:17.081761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.098841Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:17.257269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.257553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.257834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.258126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.258199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.261550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.261749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:17.262014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.262128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.262184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:17.262225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:17.264975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.265034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.265069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:17.267741Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.267814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.267859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.267919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.274450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:17.280350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:17.280663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:17.281977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.282947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.291861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.291931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292708Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.292959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:17.293003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:17.293047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:17.296180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.296346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:17.296407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... AT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NPQState::TPropose operationId# 105:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult CollectPQConfigChanged: true 2025-03-11T11:47:21.497185Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 105:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:21.497376Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:21.500481Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501146Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501189Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501416Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501453Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [2:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501809Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 105:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.501855Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 105:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502003Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502043Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502083Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#105:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502120Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502160Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 105, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502206Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 105 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502246Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502285Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 105:0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502434Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502481Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 105, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.502544Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 105, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503232Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503315Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503347Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503392Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503436Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:21.503520Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 105, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.514019Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 105 TestModificationResult got TxId: 105, wait until txId: 105 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 105 2025-03-11T11:47:21.523050Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:47:21.523117Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:21.523611Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 105, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.523811Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:21.523852Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 105: satisfy waiter [2:762:2672] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 105 2025-03-11T11:47:22.219562Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:22.219853Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe pathId 3 took 324us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:22.220538Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:22.309105Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: true ReturnPartitionConfig: true BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: true ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:22.309413Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" took 350us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:22.310090Z node 2 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/USER_1/Topic1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 104 CreateStep: 150 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 PQVersion: 2 } ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 } PersQueueGroup { Name: "Topic1" PathId: 3 TotalGroupCount: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } Status: Active } AlterVersion: 2 BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 NextPartitionId: 3 Allocate { Name: "Topic1" AlterVersion: 2 TotalGroupCount: 3 NextPartitionId: 3 PartitionPerTablet: 7 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 3600 } YdbDatabasePath: "/MyRoot" PartitionStrategy { PartitionStrategyType: CAN_SPLIT_AND_MERGE } } Partitions { PartitionId: 1 GroupId: 2 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" ToBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 2 GroupId: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { FromBound: "\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\252\251" } } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 GroupId: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409548 OwnerId: 72057594046678944 ShardId: 3 Status: Active KeyRange { ToBound: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT" } } BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409549 BalancerOwnerId: 72057594046678944 BalancerShardId: 4 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72075186233409546 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72075186233409547 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } PathsInside: 1 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 4 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 3 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >>>>> Verify partition 0 >>>>> Verify partition 1 >>>>> Verify partition 2 >> YdbYqlClient::DeleteTableWithDeletedIndex [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::CreateTableWithUniformPartitions >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadRuleServiceTypePassword [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadPartitionByGroupId |81.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |81.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::WithCompaction [GOOD] |81.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::Attributes [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DocApi >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::SyncIndexShouldSucceed [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::Timeout |81.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest |81.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest >> TCdcStreamTests::RetentionPeriod [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::TopicPartitions |81.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest |81.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest >> YdbS3Internal::TestAccessCheck [GOOD] >> YdbScripting::BasicV0 |81.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_scan |81.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_scan |81.5%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_topic_splitmerge/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |81.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_kqp_scan >> TCdcStreamTests::DocApi [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DocApiNegative ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_external_blobs/unittest >> ExternalBlobsMultipleChannels::WithCompaction [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:07.712632Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.712913Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:07.713059Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000eeb/r3tmp/tmpkt9ube/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:08.165857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:08.230343Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:08.271810Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:08.271960Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:08.287330Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:08.379812Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:08.849403Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:751:2626], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.849550Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:740:2621], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.850061Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:08.855888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:09.038798Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:754:2629], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.140717Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:828:2672] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:09.625580Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfcdf7v4wvjhzsxqt7jkd, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTIxM2EzMGEtNjRkYWE0MjAtODZmMzEzNTMtOGZhZGY4YjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.762300Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd727e8bkbam6w8xfbvc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTg2NGM0NS01MzY1ZjIzNC0xYThmMTY4YS0yZDFkYTY1Ng==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.884750Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdagcwd9ppy29hzmqxq0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGY0MDU3M2EtMTY4OGQxMjktNjA4NWRmZWEtNTk2YTkwOGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.966124Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdecd186zbatqzfgpc32, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjgxNTQ4OWYtZjFmNDNjMGMtMTdhMmIxZjEtYTk1ZTFlNGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.056186Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdgx4423jsysd6pdrjsn, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGEwOTkwMTMtYWYwMWRjZDUtYjYxMTYzZGYtMTk4ZTkyYjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.156480Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdkr621tys0v81x3bqha, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjNkMzM3M2MtMmFmNjA0OTktMjk1MjcxNzAtNTA4OWQ1N2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.253290Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdpy6tqvjxhmnatgs2d0, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTc4YzFjMDctMmIxOGIyYzgtMzQwYmYyMmUtZTg4ZGQ0Zg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.394564Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdt44x6644z06796v451, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTYwYWM1OGEtOTc1YzlhYjctODIxYjhiOGMtNDlhYmZkYTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.514591Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfdyd75heqk94wxfsw2c6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWI0ZGZmYjgtN2I1OTJlOGYtNDQ0OWI5ZWItMWI3NzM1MmU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.619915Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715669. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe260ns09bc0gfqpec41, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjQxNGJlZjYtZjk1Yjc3YjMtYTQ1ZGE3Y2QtODM1MmFkMDY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.752183Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715670. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe5e3x1d48z268sagyfs, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTM5OTEwZDYtODBjZTQ3NTktNzA0YzBiNGMtNzNhNGYw, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.859907Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe9g3fxvbp763w3zsdxz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTliNDYxNmYtMTMyZGM0MjEtNTc4ZjQzNDctNzU3NTExNWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.979515Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715672. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfecvchaqq07h25ype3rs, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWVmZmI2MDctMWY4MDkyYjctNjdiMDY1NjktZWFlZDZlNw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.085943Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715673. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfegk1xzp8qet7d15wdch, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjU0MDJjNzItNmY2ZjhmMDMtZWNkYjlmOTYtYjJjYTI3OTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.307859Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715674. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfem1ecqrkveh9kx1v267, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmM3ZGVmNTEtODNmMjYxYzEtNGRkNmVjNzktMzAyN2YyNGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.426544Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715675. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfetwb9y0qd5zx9y9xkx6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGMwMjNkNDYtZDlhYTYyNjUtODViN2FiMmMtZjMxY2RiOTU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.769736Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715676. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfeyz3v8f6gn0m9s9s929, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJiMTZjMDgtYTA4NTRlMGUtZGM5OTFkZGYtNDVhZjNkNTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.950870Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715677. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gff9cbm2pt6kj1csbd9df, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjNlZmZiODEtZDlmZjI3MzgtZDBkMjFkZmYtZjljNmJjYmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.223192Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715678. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfff2byyfveaptbrc625y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTNhYjY2MjMtODIwYzdmMjAtZGI0MTE1MmYtZDI4NDVhZTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.376858Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715679. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gffqh4rwb06wsnjba1b26, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGFlNGRkZmEtNzllMTUwMTktNzNlMDRhODAtZmVjZGRiNDY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.483731Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715680. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gffwb0yn26cyekhs60636, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTkzYzdmZDItMjY4OWU2YTEtM2JhMWVkNWEtYzI4MmJhNDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.582607Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715681. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gffzpfqhkt6c4j77q651a, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzEwNjRkMTUtOTYxZDA0MzQtYzQwMjlhNTgtMTRhZWViZmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.759738Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715682. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfg2v4d918zc23wra6wc7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZWNmMDc1MWItNzkwY2ZmYWMtNTlmYjAxODktZTc2MjVmMDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:12.944158Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715683. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfg8854jxz3xx3w9n4938, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjE3NmM0ZGItMjg0OWFlNi1hOTY0ZGVlOC1iNDE5MDkyZA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:13.110586Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715684. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfge512qvtqe2pq8ydrc1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTMyNTVkYTUtZmJlMzY5YTItNzIyYjZjNWEtY2RhNDIzMDk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:13.234276Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715685. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfgkb5x5atsq13krvs5xe, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDczNTE2ZGUtZWExY2YzMzgtZDhiZDY3YjMtOWM3NzRmMDI= ... tNTcyYTVkZDk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.796867Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715726. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp1c7g177a69km033ewc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjI0OTQwY2MtZGM4NTg5My1jNDk5NTI5Zi1jODAxZDg4ZQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:18.940126Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715727. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp4yfkvwd6n3kapzrsdr, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGYxMjhjNTgtYWI3OGY3MjQtYTFhMjdjYjUtY2NlMTNiM2Y=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.109491Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715728. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfp9j7b651wfdapkvghze, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Yzk5OWU0MjItYjQ2OWIzMGMtNmFkZmI4OS1hMjdmMzZhNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.268844Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715729. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpen2yd2n55pqwykx41r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Nzk0NzdlNTgtN2I2MTU3NmEtNTAyZTYwZmItMWYxZDViYg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.399246Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715730. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpkn5ekpjmdy0k97vm1w, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Mzc5ODAzYjEtZTM3MTU3MTUtODUwNjZiMmEtZTY3OTFj, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.636333Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715731. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpqq6mf6fn8dshpwwf5f, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTRlYzk0OTMtMjVmZjhiZS1mYzYxMDRiYi0yYWIzYjEyYQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:19.919654Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715732. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfpz97c8022rej1j0d8hz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2NhZjJjNjMtNGY1MDRjMWUtNjBlZDVkYjctYzAzYjBkYWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.237214Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715733. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfq801ke5gp93rryj9z34, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTllMmQ2NGMtNGVhZjEwMGYtOTJjYWNmZTgtZWM1NjlmY2M=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.443528Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715734. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqjafsmqae5babpkgqy9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTI2MGIxNTctYWRjMzExMzQtMjMxNTNlNmYtN2EyNzY5MTM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.538626Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715735. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqrb5wt71sg46r9ew4t2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NmI5N2VjMDktNjUwOWIwZWItNDI2OGVhNjctOWQwYzRlNzQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.634191Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715736. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqve2mn21t7zjkbwwfs7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmJlMjkyZTYtMjRjNjU2OGItNDYyMTIxMTAtNDE0YzFiZmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.723628Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715737. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfqyd6hxgbq3k5a9xhfry, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzI3NDllNmEtOTI1ZDhhNGYtYzYzODcwY2MtYTVhZTI4MmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.815067Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715738. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfr161s8zqgkbwfc5x37f, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2E4NTUwNzItYTc5NTVlLTk0ZDkwNzI0LTk4MDM3Yzg5, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:20.900788Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715739. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfr43acavvb5spc3ef9px, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTA4NTg5MGQtYmI0MmVhYWUtMWVkNjZjMC1lZTZlM2EwMA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.010841Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715740. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfr6pft2q666fvahdygmf, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGU3MDFkOGEtM2UzNWYzYjItOTFkM2YzNDctMzQ3Y2Q5Mg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.095860Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715741. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfra6cbdn0zwssm4qe6vk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDM1NzE2NTctODUxNTNhMWQtODZlMzQyNWEtZjM2MWI3NTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.179579Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715742. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrct8msj20ja5hax64kc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjcxNjM4NTItOGE4MjIzOGUtZDQ3NDFjMTAtZmNkNzc0OTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.262482Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715743. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrfedq2p6mpm4js8mvws, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzgxNWMxMWQtY2ViNjJiZGItOGQ4MWIwZDEtNTE2YjU3ODE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.348768Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715744. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrhy65e2gfwcfb4qrc77, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGNlMTU3ZDktNTAxMWQ3NTQtOWY4ZDgwOTMtNmU3Yjc5OTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.435187Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715745. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrmm480p4fwv5aw6mdbt, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Mzc5NjJlNDgtNTEzNTY1MGQtYmFhZjMxYTgtNjIwZmI3MTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.543114Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715746. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrqc10tjeh8836e2pqnt, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTJiZWE1ZTMtZTEzYTgxOGEtODBkNDBmYTMtMzU0Nzc5ZjM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.625326Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715747. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrtp6d0gywbja1bxhxm1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjQ3YzZjYTMtZGY4ZWM4OGEtOGU2MjIyMzQtNmIyZmJkYw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.723952Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715748. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfrxdbc89ba36kwr6mjbs, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmQxYzY0OGQtMzkwOTEzMGEtNzljMzhhYzgtM2U0NDQxNjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:21.940267Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715749. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfs0cahckx0vggx265zx1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWE0YWNlYjItMjlhZTUyOTItZTc0MjgxN2ItMTEyNWQ2ZTA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.250190Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715750. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfs769xcnv4xcygtys7nz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjUxOTgxMzUtMTQxMTNkNi04NzFjZjkzMC05NDA3NGViNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.362854Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715751. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfsheagrhh3h5mmzmq3q3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjFiOGQwZGEtYmQ3OWI5MWEtMzg1ODE5NTAtM2RkYzIwZDA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.453983Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715752. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfsmb3skkawg2zrcgfsy5, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWI2MTZmMGEtMzEyNDEwZjEtMTAwMTAyNTktZTY2NDliY2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.600990Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715753. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfsqedths85xt8netyxn2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTg5N2U4Yy03MTNjZTZjNS00YjA2NDk0YS0xZDRkMTRkNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.692385Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715754. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfsvt0yz6nchgeby65f5t, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTNmMGYyYi04YTZiZjY0MC0yMDhlMzNmNS1mMWYzZGY4ZA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:22.796259Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715755. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfsypbswq5x3r3jq5zmc9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDI1MGRkNS01NmEzMDhiOS00YTMzZTM1MS1lZmMzNGIxMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.019961Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715756. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gft1x900b78ahh82edrp7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmM2MDdiNGEtOWVkOTdiYTEtOTBjNGY5ZDktZWI0ZTgwZWY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.139402Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715757. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gft9206272jazq9erf72y, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2YyNzRhNC1kZWMyYzkxYS02NGJiY2ZmZi0xN2VmZjJmMQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.250205Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715758. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gftcm6x4eepgtfrbw5r1a, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjJhZDM0Ni0yY2IzZmM0MC1iYWI1ZWZlNy01Y2NmYTEwYg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.333618Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715759. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gftg12jafn001xzt2xn19, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTdmZjMxNTAtYTkwZTBmZmQtYTE3MDNiZDMtNWEwYzUzMTE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.356880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 100:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:23.812004Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715760. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gftvz4anhzwa6hd95tmep, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGE5YWQxMDgtN2M3NDc5ZWUtYjVmZWM3OTQtYzk2OGVmYTc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::ZigZag_oo [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:55.941013Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.984603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:55.984653Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.993093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:55.993500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.993722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:56.037167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.048911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.049133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051152Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051207Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051656Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051745Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:56.051819Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:56.113182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.165816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166027Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166135Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166212Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166249Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166847Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.166958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167003Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167070Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167117Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167324Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:56.167378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\004\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170231Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170319Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170683Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.170765Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171064Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171250Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171315Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.171372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.185369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.185452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:56.185495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:56.185555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:56.185634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186192Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186240Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186590Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:56.186693Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191495Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191546Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191589Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191668Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:56.191974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192000Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192022Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192176Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192205Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:56.192379Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... E: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189181Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189210Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189564Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189611Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189663Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189711Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189758Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189784Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189816Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189872Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189941Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:24.189992Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190036Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190335Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [6:98:2133], Recipient [6:345:2312]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000016 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437185} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190377Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190486Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190521Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190555Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190595Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190757Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 45 at step 1000016 at tablet 9437185 { Transactions { TxId: 45 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 25769805909 } } Step: 1000016 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437185 } 2025-03-11T11:47:24.190790Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191044Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [6:345:2312], Recipient [6:345:2312]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191086Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191140Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191180Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191210Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191244Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000016:45] in PlanQueue unit at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191278Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191316Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191353Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191387Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:47:24.191423Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192293Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437185 loaded tx from db 1000016:45 keys extracted: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192343Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192375Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192405Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192438Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192482Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192511Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit FinalizeDataTxPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192538Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192564Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192622Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically complete end at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192659Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000016:45] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192696Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000016:45] at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192743Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192774Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192804Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192837Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192895Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192922Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit BuildDataTxOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192951Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.192983Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193018Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193046Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193074Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193101Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193135Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193169Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit PrepareDataTxInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193196Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193225Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193258Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193285Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193308Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193333Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193735Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000016:45] at tablet 9437185 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193797Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000016:45] at 9437185: {NSelectRow: 2, NSelectRange: 0, NUpdateRow: 0, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 2, SelectRowBytes: 16, SelectRangeRows: 0, SelectRangeBytes: 0, UpdateRowBytes: 0, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193849Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193876Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193933Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.193965Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194191Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194227Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194260Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000016:45] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194291Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194334Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000016:45] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194361Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194389Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000016:45] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194474Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194505Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194538Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:24.194570Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.212853Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.212953Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437185 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.213037Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.213093Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.213181Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [6:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:24.213250Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:47:24.213993Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAck TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016 txid# 45} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.214039Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 9437184 step# 1000016} 2025-03-11T11:47:24.214083Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:47:24.214115Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000016:45] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:24.214168Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000016 : 45] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [6:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:24.214205Z node 6 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 |81.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/unittest |81.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest |81.5%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortMultipartUpload |81.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TCdcStreamTests::DocApiNegative [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::Negative >> TCdcStreamTests::TopicPartitions [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::ReplicationAttribute >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortMultipartUpload [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBindDn [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBindPassword >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::ImplicitlyUpdateCoveredColumn [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadObject >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertCSV_DataShard [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertMixed >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadObject [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_read_iterator/unittest >> ReadIteratorExternalBlobs::NotExtBlobs [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:40:53.065726Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:40:53.066203Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:53.066429Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00165c/r3tmp/tmpVICIDX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:53.529449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:53.617746Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:40:53.725135Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.726097Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:40:53.739070Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:40:53.861648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:40:54.041790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:40:54.043043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:40:54.043617Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.043919Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:54.170306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:54.174781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:54.177406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:54.186592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.186719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.186798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.188010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:54.188648Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:40:54.189294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:40:54.202913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:40:54.261675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.261877Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262159Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.262961Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263158Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263637Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263734Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263782Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.263883Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264408Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.264698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265565Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265684Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:54.265989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.266026Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.266050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.268907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:40:54.268968Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.283097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.283777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:40:54.284360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:40:54.284405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:40:54.285020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:40:54.491749Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.491815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:40:54.491850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:40:54.492419Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:40:54.492462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:40:54.492616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.492661Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:40:54.492700Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:40:54.493521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:40:54.510766Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:40:54.511545Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:54.513214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.513256Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:40:54.513962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:40:5 ... WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:53.956588Z node 17 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [17:742:2623], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.956747Z node 17 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [17:752:2628], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.956895Z node 17 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:53.965712Z node 17 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:54.149489Z node 17 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [17:756:2631], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.185362Z node 17 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [17:830:2674] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.452750Z node 17 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gexw12n9f0ejr5p0nvtb6, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=17&id=MTY5YzFkNC00ZjVhZWI0Yi1jNDY5YWNlOS04MDgzNWM1OQ==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:00.698235Z node 18 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [18:311:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:00.698471Z node 18 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:00.698771Z node 18 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00165c/r3tmp/tmp1gNWTX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:01.250096Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.289366Z node 18 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:01.332343Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:01.332543Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:01.347483Z node 18 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(18, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:01.465083Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.858637Z node 18 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [18:737:2620], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.858817Z node 18 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [18:747:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.858972Z node 18 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:01.867868Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:02.052465Z node 18 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [18:751:2628], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:02.089291Z node 18 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [18:825:2671] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:03.175951Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf5jz4dv99ab3v0b30ts2, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=YjI0ZTYxYzktZDI1MWMzMS0xYmM2NDhlZi04NjU2Y2QyMw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:04.122309Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf7041v58y08td2rxpxmx, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=ZmZiMDNlYWMtM2E5ODhkZTUtNzBiODYyNDYtOTY0YTczYjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:05.182617Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf7xn9mpkhnkye3nf3wwk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=NDhmYjM5NjEtOWE2MTA5YzYtMjQ0MTIyMTQtYzM0MmEwYzM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:06.061574Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf8yd46cp3134f2efksdy, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=Zjc0ZDM4MS04YjVhNTM5Yy02N2I5M2YwYy05YmQ4OTEyOA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:06.940811Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf9qjdvww9v7f5kjjs58n, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=YzhiZTcyYjMtOWJhMGMwNDMtNjFkMTU0ODktZDRiN2EzNDY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:07.695390Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfak39vd5bf85phrarmk7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=NTgyMmQ5NTgtZTg3ZmFhZjEtYjdlMjdmZWYtZmMyZTA5ZGI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:08.653129Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfbb69cxbfdnhwrxhbwzc, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=ZjY4ZTQyMTktMTNkMmE3ZWYtYWI3MzE0YzktYjkwZjkyY2I=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:09.434777Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfc90222xp4qq7mjbb6c7, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=MjYxYzNkZGYtNGQzZGUwMmUtMjEyNTczNmMtM2ZjNWUzZDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:10.415604Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715668. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfd236tycy37yssybcecw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=OTg1Y2EwNmMtNWIyMGQxOTUtMzY3ZTM1MTktMzk0MjY4NTM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:11.364338Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715669. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfe082cex04pvd40gbj53, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=OTdiNTVhNjMtOGNmY2VmNDMtZDE0ODYyODYtYzlmZDhkZGU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root ... waiting for stats after upsert 2025-03-11T11:47:13.863441Z node 18 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:13.863542Z node 18 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Captured TEvDataShard::TEvPeriodicTableStats DatashardId: 72075186224037888 TableLocalId: 2 Generation: 1 Round: 0 TableStats { DataSize: 10487312 RowCount: 10 IndexSize: 0 InMemSize: 10487312 LastAccessTime: 1543 LastUpdateTime: 1543 ImmediateTxCompleted: 10 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 10 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 0 RangeReadRows: 0 SearchHeight: 1 LastFullCompactionTs: 0 HasLoanedParts: false ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false LocksAcquired: 0 LocksWholeShard: 0 LocksBroken: 0 } TabletMetrics { CPU: 11313 Memory: 17425448 } ShardState: 2 UserTablePartOwners: 72075186224037888 NodeId: 18 StartTime: 450 TableOwnerId: 72057594046644480 FollowerId: 0 ... waiting for stats after compaction Captured TEvDataShard::TEvPeriodicTableStats DatashardId: 72075186224037888 TableLocalId: 2 Generation: 1 Round: 1 TableStats { DataSize: 10487312 RowCount: 10 IndexSize: 0 InMemSize: 10487312 LastAccessTime: 1543 LastUpdateTime: 1543 ImmediateTxCompleted: 10 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 10 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 0 RangeReadRows: 0 SearchHeight: 1 LastFullCompactionTs: 20 HasLoanedParts: false ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false LocksAcquired: 0 LocksWholeShard: 0 LocksBroken: 0 } TabletMetrics { CPU: 4043 Memory: 124932 Storage: 10486554 } ShardState: 2 UserTablePartOwners: 72075186224037888 NodeId: 18 StartTime: 450 TableOwnerId: 72057594046644480 FollowerId: 0 Captured TEvDataShard::TEvPeriodicTableStats DatashardId: 72075186224037888 TableLocalId: 2 Generation: 1 Round: 2 TableStats { DataSize: 10486220 RowCount: 10 IndexSize: 0 InMemSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 1543 LastUpdateTime: 1543 ImmediateTxCompleted: 10 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 10 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 SearchHeight: 1 LastFullCompactionTs: 20 HasLoanedParts: false Channels { Channel: 1 DataSize: 10486220 IndexSize: 0 } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false LocksAcquired: 0 LocksWholeShard: 0 LocksBroken: 0 } TabletMetrics { CPU: 4043 Memory: 124932 Storage: 10486554 } ShardState: 2 UserTablePartOwners: 72075186224037888 NodeId: 18 StartTime: 450 TableOwnerId: 72057594046644480 FollowerId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:19.036137Z node 18 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715670. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfnvsfsryr0749pvymh9p, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=18&id=OGY0ODdmODUtODc3MjE1ZjMtZDVlOTg0MS04ODA1MzEzYw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> TS3WrapperTests::GetObject |81.5%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::GetUnknownObject ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::AbortMultipartUpload [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:28.535267Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# E9A4D868-5E1B-46D1-9657-4F5FF3FCD455, request# CreateMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: POST /TEST/key?uploads HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:7965 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 4A57316D-788C-44E7-8F92-AAD2C5B863A0 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 0 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 4 / /TEST/key / uploads= 2025-03-11T11:47:28.542012Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# E9A4D868-5E1B-46D1-9657-4F5FF3FCD455, response# CreateMultipartUploadResult { Bucket: Key: TEST/key UploadId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.542737Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# ABA21BBF-235D-419D-B028-38D34DACB081, request# AbortMultipartUpload { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: 1 } REQUEST: DELETE /TEST/key?uploadId=1 HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:7965 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: B2C6C2FA-8E47-407A-9C59-1D1F524D78DD amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeAction: 6 / /TEST/key / uploadId=1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.546667Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# ABA21BBF-235D-419D-B028-38D34DACB081, response# AbortMultipartUploadResult { } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.547017Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 4A74279C-5DE1-4E4B-A63E-E75272F27041, request# HeadObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: HEAD /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:7965 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: BE0271FA-E5E4-4D05-9693-6F899D2BE28F amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 2025-03-11T11:47:28.550691Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 4A74279C-5DE1-4E4B-A63E-E75272F27041, response# No response body. >> TS3WrapperTests::GetUnknownObject [GOOD] |81.5%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/executer_actor/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadUnknownObject >> TS3WrapperTests::GetObject [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::PutObject >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::DeleteSingleRow [GOOD] ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadObject [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:28.950255Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# ED9CA551-B6E9-45E4-BB7E-316BF00F59EE, request# PutObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:27211 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 7369C3FD-553B-4679-825F-3FE7A1BCC77B amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:28.979306Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# ED9CA551-B6E9-45E4-BB7E-316BF00F59EE, response# PutObjectResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.982288Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# D770462A-82F3-4DAF-AFEF-98FCBA8F8E41, request# HeadObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: HEAD /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:27211 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 66B91A87-5115-4541-8CAF-20F3BBD8AFB6 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /TEST/key / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:28.993362Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# D770462A-82F3-4DAF-AFEF-98FCBA8F8E41, response# HeadObjectResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc ContentLength: 4 } >> TS3WrapperTests::UploadUnknownPart >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadUnknownObject [GOOD] >> TS3WrapperTests::UploadUnknownPart [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::Negative [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DisableProtoSourceIdInfo >> TS3WrapperTests::PutObject [GOOD] ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::GetUnknownObject [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:29.755440Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 66182CAC-DA3B-4A07-9C31-F2AC486664DA, request# GetObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key Range: bytes=0-3 } REQUEST: GET /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:25946 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 3A466455-30A5-451B-8805-76FF6BAE4490 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml range: bytes=0-3 user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 2025-03-11T11:47:29.764144Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 66182CAC-DA3B-4A07-9C31-F2AC486664DA, response# No response body. ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/unittest >> AsyncIndexChangeCollector::ImplicitlyUpdateCoveredColumn [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:05.634115Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:05.634511Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:05.634751Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001184/r3tmp/tmpMR5qlt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:06.053487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:06.118796Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:06.167745Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:06.167891Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:06.185199Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:06.280999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:06.337816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:675:2576] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.340464Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.391438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:677:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.391675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.401285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.401447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.403789Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.404174Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.404298Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:708:2576] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.404981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.405108Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.406738Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.406830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.406880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.407180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.407303Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:06.407373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:709:2578] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.418628Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.460627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.460835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:06.460973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:712:2597] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461050Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461396Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461549Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:713:2598] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461583Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.461629Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462243Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462790Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462927Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.462971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:668:2572], serverId# [1:693:2587], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463191Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463213Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463402Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.463757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.464361Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:670:2573], serverId# [1:698:2591], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.464462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.464596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:06.464653Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.466476Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.466573Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.483015Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.483162Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.483758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.483817Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:06.655364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:737:2616], serverId# [1:740:2619], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.655841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:738:2617], serverId# [1:741:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:06.665309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037889 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037889 } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.665398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.665881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.668168Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.668349Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.668392Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.668453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.668733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.669985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670312Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670510Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670623Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670732Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:06.670798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037889 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:06.672957Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037889 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T ... 37889 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:27.777661Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.780270Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:27.780345Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.780486Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037889 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.780547Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.781000Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.781045Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:27.781090Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.781352Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.781497Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:27.782577Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.782654Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:27.783041Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:27.783410Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.784757Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037889 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:27.784864Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787118Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787187Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787253Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787304Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787364Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787451Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [4:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787524Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037889 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.787649Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.789370Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.789461Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.790712Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.790762Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791001Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791040Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791089Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791155Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [4:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791211Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:27.791285Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.795074Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037889 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:27.795172Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.795689Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037889 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:27.796039Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:27.797157Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:27.797217Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.808130Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:785:2656], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:27.808248Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:795:2661], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:27.808351Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:27.814805Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:27.822972Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.823123Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:27.996733Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:27.996872Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.000340Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:799:2664], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.042013Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:877:2711] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.160906Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfyxyc5vmtrgrz7tb1d1a, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZWJjNzViZTMtNWE0OTRhMWEtYmY4NzdiNzUtZTNjNGM2YWQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:28.161591Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [4:942:2743], serverId# [4:943:2744], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:28.161839Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.163505Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 1 Group: 1741693648163400 Step: 1500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: AsyncIndex Source: Unspecified Body: 42b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.174844Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.175036Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037889, records: { Order: 1 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 42 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.175120Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.270646Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfz9mc9a445s7j5k8qbh1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGE0MzhlMWYtNjZlNTY5NC0yNGE4NzRhZS1jMTMyOGE1Yg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:28.271122Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.272347Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 2 Group: 1741693648272211 Step: 1500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: AsyncIndex Source: Unspecified Body: 28b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.272567Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 3 Group: 1741693648272211 Step: 1500 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: AsyncIndex Source: Unspecified Body: 42b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.283862Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.284091Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037889, records: { Order: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 28 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 }, { Order: 3 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 42 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.284151Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:28.289170Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [4:979:2776], serverId# [4:980:2777], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:28.295869Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [4:981:2778], serverId# [4:982:2779], sessionId# [0:0:0] ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::GetObject [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:29.792577Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 4D265257-FC6B-4728-AE88-E7727441705E, request# PutObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18375 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 2A6C8240-9482-4189-AE85-E82081F70F69 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:29.808404Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 4D265257-FC6B-4728-AE88-E7727441705E, response# PutObjectResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } 2025-03-11T11:47:29.810273Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# EB34D4BD-45DF-4D49-8C46-F1D48A51B804, request# GetObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key Range: bytes=0-3 } REQUEST: GET /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:18375 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6D85D088-B337-4B5D-8CAA-5C169404CB26 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml range: bytes=0-3 user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 S3_MOCK::HttpServeRead: /TEST/key / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:29.814952Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# EB34D4BD-45DF-4D49-8C46-F1D48A51B804, response# GetObjectResult { } >> TCdcStreamTests::ReplicationAttribute [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::RebootSchemeShard ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::HeadUnknownObject [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:30.069790Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# BF04A950-12DE-4BA1-813C-164EDEA934BB, request# HeadObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: HEAD /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:7589 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 7039B08C-7AE7-4536-B737-7E5DB8B11F3D amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-type: application/xml user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-api-version: 2006-03-01 2025-03-11T11:47:30.074534Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# BF04A950-12DE-4BA1-813C-164EDEA934BB, response# No response body. ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::PutObject [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:30.190522Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 3DB62E88-6ACF-4772-A70B-CE2D2DA821CA, request# PutObject { Bucket: TEST Key: key } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:8795 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: 6088B2FB-DE38-41C0-8A1B-577FC9044441 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:30.195188Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 3DB62E88-6ACF-4772-A70B-CE2D2DA821CA, response# PutObjectResult { ETag: 841a2d689ad86bd1611447453c22c6fc } >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataSplitThenPublish >> DataShardVolatile::NotCachingAbortingDeletes-UseSink [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::GracefulShardRestartNoEarlyReadSetAck ------- [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest >> TS3WrapperTests::UploadUnknownPart [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:30.203949Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Request: uuid# 58AFAC15-7F56-4D25-95E7-10D6E86CA87D, request# UploadPart { Bucket: TEST Key: key UploadId: uploadId PartNumber: 1 } REQUEST: PUT /TEST/key?partNumber=1&uploadId=uploadId HTTP/1.1 HEADERS: Host: localhost:8963 Accept: */* Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: h2c HTTP2-Settings: AAMAAABkAAQAoAAAAAIAAAAA amz-sdk-invocation-id: AF693CCF-383B-446A-B886-EE15A6316177 amz-sdk-request: attempt=1 content-length: 4 content-md5: hBotaJrYa9FhFEdFPCLG/A== content-type: binary/octet-stream user-agent: aws-sdk-cpp/1.11.37 Linux/5.15.0-124-generic x86_64 Clang/18.1.8 S3_MOCK::HttpServeWrite: /TEST/key / partNumber=1&uploadId=uploadId / 4 2025-03-11T11:47:30.212664Z node 1 :S3_WRAPPER NOTICE: Response: uuid# 58AFAC15-7F56-4D25-95E7-10D6E86CA87D, response# >> YdbYqlClient::CreateTableWithUniformPartitions [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::CreateTableWithUniformPartitionsAndAutoPartitioning >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRows ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_change_collector/unittest >> CdcStreamChangeCollector::DeleteSingleRow [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:06.360359Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.360733Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:06.360935Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001146/r3tmp/tmpzSPrtf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:06.774264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:06.829078Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:06.868837Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:06.868998Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:06.881435Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:06.964515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.025763Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:675:2576] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.026110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.069044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:677:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.069230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.078048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.078226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.080074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.080170Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.080230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.080677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.080910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.081014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:708:2576] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.081644Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.081742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083150Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:07.083803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:709:2578] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.094961Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124090Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:712:2597] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124570Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.124985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125040Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:713:2598] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125097Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.125643Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126166Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126276Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126450Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:668:2572], serverId# [1:693:2587], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126581Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126609Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.126794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127036Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127144Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127646Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:670:2573], serverId# [1:698:2591], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127742Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127892Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:07.127945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.129606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.129710Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.140467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.140564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:07.141016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.141071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:07.310569Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:737:2616], serverId# [1:740:2619], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.311006Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:738:2617], serverId# [1:741:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:07.315659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037889 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037889 } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.315743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316372Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316417Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316771Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.316927Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317146Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317177Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317548Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:07.317627Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037889 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:07.319925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037889 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T ... :47:28.307292Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.307360Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.307425Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.307742Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.307922Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.308460Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.308547Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.309133Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:28.309668Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.322739Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.322840Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.323959Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:28.324064Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.324860Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.324912Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.324980Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.325066Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [4:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:28.325136Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.325261Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.326957Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.329071Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:28.329162Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.330038Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:28.341956Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.342121Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715658 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:28.342178Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Check scheme tx, proposed scheme version# 2 current version# 1 expected version# 2 at tablet# 72075186224037888 txId# 281474976715658 2025-03-11T11:47:28.342214Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715658 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.343205Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.367577Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.610405Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715658 at step 1500 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715658 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1500 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.610475Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.612940Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.613039Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.613108Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1500:281474976715658] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.613389Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1500:281474976715658 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.613586Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:28.613964Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.615075Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660563Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1500} 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660677Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660722Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660768Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660846Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1500 : 281474976715658] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [4:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:28.660911Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715658 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:28.661008Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.663045Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715658 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:28.663126Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.670397Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:884:2722], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.670493Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:894:2727], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.670565Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.675450Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:28.682616Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.845485Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.848780Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:898:2730], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.886796Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:954:2767] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:28.990836Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfzrwcz08qhxpe7dq8sb9, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=NWIzZWVmZDQtODc3OGE0MjEtNjdkMmQzOGUtZDhmNGY0YWU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:28.991503Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [4:981:2785], serverId# [4:982:2786], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:28.991736Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:28.993386Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 1 Group: 1741693648993265 Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 34b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.006618Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.006805Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037888, records: { Order: 1 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 34 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:47:29.006873Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.100835Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gg03k4t1bx1zsdnnft5cx, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTExZjg3NmYtNDVkNDg2NTItMTZiY2I1MWQtZmVkNjQ4NWQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:29.101304Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.102483Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: PersistChangeRecord: record: { Order: 2 Group: 1741693649102376 Step: 2000 TxId: 18446744073709551615 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] Kind: CdcDataChange Source: Unspecified Body: 34b TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 LockId: 0 LockOffset: 0 }, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.115692Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.115843Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: EnqueueChangeRecords: at tablet: 72075186224037888, records: { Order: 2 PathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] BodySize: 34 TableId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] SchemaVersion: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:47:29.115890Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:29.117763Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [4:1005:2805], serverId# [4:1006:2806], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:29.128880Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [4:1007:2807], serverId# [4:1008:2808], sessionId# [0:0:0] >> TCdcStreamTests::DisableProtoSourceIdInfo [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::CreateStream >> TAccessServiceTest::PassRequestId >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataPublishThenSplit >> BackupRestore::RestoreExternalDataSourceWithoutSecret [GOOD] |81.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/replication-controller-ut_target_discoverer |81.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/replication-controller-ut_target_discoverer |81.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/replication-controller-ut_target_discoverer |81.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRows >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::ShouldRejectOnChangeQueueOverflow |81.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestZeroRange >> TCdcStreamTests::RebootSchemeShard [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnIndexTableNegative >> KqpScan::RemoteShardScan >> YdbScripting::BasicV0 [GOOD] >> YdbScripting::BasicV1 >> TTxLocatorTest::TestZeroRange [GOOD] >> TTxLocatorTest::Boot >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplit10 >> KqpScan::ScanRetryRead ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/unittest >> BackupRestore::RestoreExternalDataSourceWithoutSecret [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:53.829515Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516852189826754:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:53.829804Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpETD3D1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:54.557396Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:54.566140Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:54.575731Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:54.648654Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9511, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:55.078135Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.078173Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.078181Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:55.078296Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:55.106726Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:45:55.106793Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 TClient is connected to server localhost:20095 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:45:55.690736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:45:58.762664Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516873664664122:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:58.762797Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:58.834047Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516852189826754:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:45:58.834152Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:45:59.129727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table"Copy tables: { src: "/Root/table", dst: "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559/table" }Backup table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559/table" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table"Describe table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559/table"Write scheme into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/scheme.pb"Describe table "/Root/table"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/permissions.pb"Read table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559/table"Write data into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/data_00.csv"Drop table "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559/table"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114559" in database2025-03-11T11:45:59.967313Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:45:59.978559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfully2025-03-11T11:46:00.006357Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516882254599322:2389], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.006426Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:00.052293Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found Restore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table"Read scheme from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/scheme.pb"Restore table "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table" to "/Root/table"2025-03-11T11:46:00.093717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Created "/Root/table"Read data from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/data_00.csv"Restore ACL "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table" to "/Root/table"Read ACL from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmp3p9UcG/table/permissions.pb"2025-03-11T11:46:00.240584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Restore completed successfully 2025-03-11T11:46:02.237730Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480516889480721732:2138];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:02.237794Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpIl7kn8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:02.721435Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:02.787379Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:02.787468Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:02.790383Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8614, node 4 2025-03-11T11:46:03.022468Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.022496Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.022504Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:03.022636Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26093 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:03.342550Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:06.680795Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516906660591941:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.680904Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.718507Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:06.858051Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480516906660592193:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.858164Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:06.879752Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpA ... propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710789:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:01.396736Z node 19 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=19&id=ZmU2NTZkOWItMzg2NWYwOWItMjRjMDVkNGMtZGZjZmIxYw==, ActorId: [19:7480517121740359575:3145], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gf0m0b39a9dk0nw9wd3q4, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:47:01.399267Z node 19 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710803. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gf0m0b39a9dk0nw9wd3q4, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=19&id=ZmU2NTZkOWItMzg2NWYwOWItMjRjMDVkNGMtZGZjZmIxYw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Restore failed: [ {
: Info: path: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpcR348s/replication } {
: Error: Secret "secret" does not exist or you do not have access permissions } ]Cleanup 2025-03-11T11:47:04.084383Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[22:7480517158900432282:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:04.084456Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpJWcQHo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:04.422983Z node 22 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:04.535373Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:04.535489Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:04.539265Z node 22 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(22, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30586, node 22 2025-03-11T11:47:04.825767Z node 22 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:04.825798Z node 22 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:04.825809Z node 22 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:04.825991Z node 22 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25763 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:05.444213Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:09.085200Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[22:7480517158900432282:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:09.085294Z node 22 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:10.485766Z node 22 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [22:7480517184670237017:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.485950Z node 22 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [22:7480517184670237025:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.486075Z node 22 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.493211Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:10.536067Z node 22 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [22:7480517184670237031:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.600149Z node 22 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [22:7480517184670237109:2694] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.636387Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:12.889671Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:13.618299Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710670:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.506334Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:15.488787Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710678:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:16.190640Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710683:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:16.967969Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976715758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:17.151131Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976715759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:19.382359Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:19.382400Z node 22 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:21.149410Z node 22 :KQP_SLOW_LOG WARN: TraceId: "01jp2gfe09aatbaq004ma7y85v", SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=22&id=MTIwZWYxMWUtZGIwZWU0NmUtNDE5Y2U3MzItODA3ZjJhOGM=, Slow query, duration: 10.675238s, status: STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED, user: UNAUTHENTICATED, results: 0b, text: "CREATE OBJECT `secret` (TYPE SECRET) WITH (value = 'secret');", parameters: 0b 2025-03-11T11:47:21.392816Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExternalDataSource, opId: 281474976710711:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup "/Root" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/"Create temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114721" in databaseProcess "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource"Backup external data source "/Root/externalDataSource" to "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource"Write external data source into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"Write ACL into "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource/permissions.pb"Remove temporary directory "/Root/~backup_20250311T114721" in database2025-03-11T11:47:21.715209Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710715:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Backup completed successfullyRestore "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/" to "/Root"Resolved db base path: "/Root"Restore folder "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/" to "/Root"Process "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource"Restore external data source "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource" to "/Root/externalDataSource"Read external data source from "/home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource/create_external_data_source.sql"Check existence of the secret "secret"2025-03-11T11:47:24.900613Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710736:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:25.742837Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710741:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:26.831493Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710750:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:27.834336Z node 22 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710757:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:29.936223Z node 22 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=22&id=NGUxZjUwNjktMzMzZWZlYWEtY2NhZGUyZTUtNDE4ZjNiYmM=, ActorId: [22:7480517244799782375:2910], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gfw2f0dcqmyhe6repfy3r, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:47:29.941105Z node 22 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710768. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfw2f0dcqmyhe6repfy3r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=22&id=NGUxZjUwNjktMzMzZWZlYWEtY2NhZGUyZTUtNDE4ZjNiYmM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root Restore failed: [ {
: Info: path: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c87/r3tmp/tmpMpiNlJ/externalDataSource } {
: Error: Secret "secret" does not exist or you do not have access permissions } ]Cleanup >> TTxLocatorTest::Boot [GOOD] |81.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestZeroRange [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:33.162531Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:33.163034Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:33.164348Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:33.166146Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.166705Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:33.178801Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.178930Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.179018Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.179122Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:33.179231Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.179336Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:33.179479Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:33.180177Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#0 2025-03-11T11:47:33.180780Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.180859Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.181003Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:33.181055Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 0 expected SUCCESS |81.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/ydb-core-kqp-ut-pg |81.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/ydb-core-kqp-ut-pg |81.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/ydb-core-kqp-ut-pg >> TCdcStreamTests::CreateStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::AlterStream >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceAdapter >> DataShardVolatile::CompactedVolatileChangesAbort [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthSettingsWithEmptyBindPassword [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthWithEmptyPassword >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnIndexTableNegative [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnIndexTable |81.6%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceTransitional >> TTxLocatorTest::TestImposibleSize ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::Boot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:33.886846Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:33.887453Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:33.888307Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:33.893144Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.893875Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:33.914751Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.914946Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.915042Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.915169Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:33.915297Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:33.915414Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:33.915571Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 >> TTxLocatorTest::TestWithReboot >> TTxLocatorTest::TestImposibleSize [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::Timeout [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::RetryOperationSync |81.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TTxLocatorTest::TestWithReboot [GOOD] >> TServiceAccountServiceTest::Get >> TServiceAccountServiceTest::Get [GOOD] >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAllByPieces ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestImposibleSize [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:34.868150Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:34.868544Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:34.869126Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:34.870786Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.871430Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:34.884257Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.884458Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.884582Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.884700Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:34.884871Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.885009Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:34.885164Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:34.886100Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#281474976710656 2025-03-11T11:47:34.886319Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 0 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:34.891256Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR ERROR: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult status# IMPOSIBLE expected IMPOSIBLE 2025-03-11T11:47:34.892012Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:73:2107] requested range size#123456 2025-03-11T11:47:34.892695Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.892789Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.892964Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 123456 2025-03-11T11:47:34.893021Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:73:2107] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 123456 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:34.893502Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:77:2111] requested range size#281474976587200 2025-03-11T11:47:34.893695Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 0 Reserved from# 123456 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:34.893762Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR ERROR: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:77:2111] TEvAllocateResult status# IMPOSIBLE expected IMPOSIBLE 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894274Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:80:2114] requested range size#246912 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894654Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894718Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894792Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 123456 Reserved to# 370368 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894826Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:80:2114] TEvAllocateResult from# 123456 to# 370368 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:34.895124Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:84:2118] requested range size#281474976340288 2025-03-11T11:47:34.895229Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 0 Reserved from# 370368 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:34.895267Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR ERROR: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:84:2118] TEvAllocateResult status# IMPOSIBLE expected IMPOSIBLE >> TAccessServiceTest::Authenticate >> TAccessServiceTest::PassRequestId [GOOD] >> TUserAccountServiceTest::Get >> TTxLocatorTest::TestSignificantRequestWhenRunReserveTx >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAll >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderService >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAllByPieces [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::AlterStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropStream >> TTxLocatorTest::TestSignificantRequestWhenRunReserveTx [GOOD] >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAll [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestWithReboot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:34.953097Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:34.953580Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:34.954395Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:34.956005Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.956548Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967279Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967411Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967504Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967599Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967712Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967813Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:34.967957Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:34.969453Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:79:2114] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.970088Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:81:2116] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.970611Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:85:2120] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.970843Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:83:2118] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.971295Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:87:2122] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.971749Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.971989Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972163Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972262Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:71:2106] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972556Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972698Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972751Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.972877Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:73:2108] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973034Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:75:2110] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973186Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973409Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973542Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973632Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:77:2112] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973808Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973855Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:79:2114] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 100000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.973992Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974081Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974170Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 100000 Reserved to# 200000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974195Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:81:2116] TEvAllocateResult from# 100000 to# 200000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974324Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 200000 Reserved to# 300000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974355Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:85:2120] TEvAllocateResult from# 200000 to# 300000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974458Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974554Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 300000 Reserved to# 400000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974579Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:83:2118] TEvAllocateResult from# 300000 to# 400000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974671Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974774Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974830Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 400000 Reserved to# 500000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974854Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:87:2122] TEvAllocateResult from# 400000 to# 500000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.974987Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975054Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975098Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 500000 Reserved to# 600000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975119Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult from# 500000 to# 600000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975278Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975329Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 600000 Reserved to# 700000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975352Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:71:2106] TEvAllocateResult from# 600000 to# 700000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975451Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975496Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 700000 Reserved to# 800000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975517Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:73:2108] TEvAllocateResult from# 700000 to# 800000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975656Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975728Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 800000 Reserved to# 900000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975762Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:75:2110] TEvAllocateResult from# 800000 to# 900000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975840Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.975939Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:34.976000Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 900000 Reserved to# 1000000 2025-03-11T11:47:34.976029Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:77:2112] TEvAllocateResult from# 900000 to# 1000000 expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:34.980658Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN NOTICE: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Type: TxAllocator, EReason: ReasonPill, SuggestedGeneration: 0, KnownGeneration: 2 Marker# TSYS31 2025-03-11T11:47:34.981846Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleStateStorageInfoResolve, KnownGeneration: 2 Promote Marker# TSYS16 2025-03-11T11:47:34.982940Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TabletId# 72057594046447617 TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry, LastBlobID: [72057594046447617:2:12:0:0:71:0] Snap: 2:1 for 72057594046447617 Marker# TRRH04 2025-03-11T11:47:34.983029Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:2:12:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:2:12:1:24576:76:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:34.983278Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:34.983343Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:34.983384Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:34.983426Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:2:4:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:2:4:1:24576:76:0],] for 720575940 ... OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.396791Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9000000 Reserved to# 9100000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.396827Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:632:2563] TEvAllocateResult from# 9000000 to# 9100000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.396952Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9100000 Reserved to# 9200000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.396980Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:614:2545] TEvAllocateResult from# 9100000 to# 9200000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397098Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:7:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397222Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9200000 Reserved to# 9300000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397248Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:616:2547] TEvAllocateResult from# 9200000 to# 9300000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397352Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:8:1:24576:75:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397425Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9300000 Reserved to# 9400000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397447Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:618:2549] TEvAllocateResult from# 9300000 to# 9400000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397534Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:8:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397574Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:9:1:24576:78:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397634Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9400000 Reserved to# 9500000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397666Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:620:2551] TEvAllocateResult from# 9400000 to# 9500000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397767Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:9:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397852Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9500000 Reserved to# 9600000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397876Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:622:2553] TEvAllocateResult from# 9500000 to# 9600000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.397986Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:10:1:24576:78:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398020Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9600000 Reserved to# 9700000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398040Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:624:2555] TEvAllocateResult from# 9600000 to# 9700000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398272Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9700000 Reserved to# 9800000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398360Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:626:2557] TEvAllocateResult from# 9700000 to# 9800000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398624Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:10:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398679Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:11:1:24576:72:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398747Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9800000 Reserved to# 9900000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398776Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:628:2559] TEvAllocateResult from# 9800000 to# 9900000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398937Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:11:11:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.398994Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9900000 Reserved to# 10000000 2025-03-11T11:47:35.399016Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:630:2561] TEvAllocateResult from# 9900000 to# 10000000 expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:35.403510Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN NOTICE: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Type: TxAllocator, EReason: ReasonPill, SuggestedGeneration: 0, KnownGeneration: 11 Marker# TSYS31 2025-03-11T11:47:35.405120Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleStateStorageInfoResolve, KnownGeneration: 11 Promote Marker# TSYS16 2025-03-11T11:47:35.405807Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TabletId# 72057594046447617 TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessKeyEntry, LastBlobID: [72057594046447617:11:11:0:0:71:0] Snap: 11:1 for 72057594046447617 Marker# TRRH04 2025-03-11T11:47:35.405870Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:11:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:11:1:24576:72:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406060Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:1:0:0:42:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:1:1:28672:1483:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406108Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:2:0:0:69:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:2:1:24576:76:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406159Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:3:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:3:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406207Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:4:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:4:1:24576:75:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406244Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:5:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:5:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406327Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:6:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:6:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406364Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:7:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:7:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406397Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:8:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:8:1:24576:75:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406431Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:9:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:9:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406485Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::ProcessLogEntry - TabletID: 72057594046447617, id [72057594046447617:11:10:0:0:71:0], refs: [[72057594046447617:11:10:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406608Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TabletId# 72057594046447617 TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - Process generation 11 from 1 with 11 steps Marker# TRRH09 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406644Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:1:1:28672:1483:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406674Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:2:1:24576:76:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406695Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:3:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406737Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:4:1:24576:75:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406777Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - NOT A TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:5:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406810Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:6:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:6:1:24576:78:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406845Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:7:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:7:1:24576:78:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406886Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:8:1:24576:75:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:8:1:24576:75:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406919Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:9:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:9:1:24576:78:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406946Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:10:1:24576:78:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:10:1:24576:78:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.406971Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: TTabletReqRebuildHistoryGraph::BuildHistory - THE TAIL - References: [[72057594046447617:11:11:1:24576:72:0],] for 72057594046447617, Gc+: [[72057594046447617:11:11:1:24576:72:0],] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.407223Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:12:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:35.408441Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:12:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.411764Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:35.412002Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.412779Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 12, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:35.412847Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:12:1:1:28672:1639:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.412899Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:12:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.412994Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 12:0 Marker# TSYS28 >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRows [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRowsDropColumnRace |81.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAllByPieces [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.003875Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:36.004352Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:36.005181Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:36.006925Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.007496Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018126Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018259Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018364Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018457Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018563Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018669Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.018806Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:36.019524Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.020085Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.020167Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.020314Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.020379Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 8796093022207 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.024179Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:74:2108] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.024753Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.024868Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.024979Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8796093022207 Reserved to# 17592186044414 2025-03-11T11:47:36.025024Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:74:2108] TEvAllocateResult from# 8796093022207 to# 17592186044414 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.025448Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:78:2112] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.025873Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.025980Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.026063Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 17592186044414 Reserved to# 26388279066621 2025-03-11T11:47:36.026103Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:78:2112] TEvAllocateResult from# 17592186044414 to# 26388279066621 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.026481Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:82:2116] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.026871Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.026931Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.027049Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 26388279066621 Reserved to# 35184372088828 2025-03-11T11:47:36.027090Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:82:2116] TEvAllocateResult from# 26388279066621 to# 35184372088828 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.027471Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:86:2120] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.027836Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.027899Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.028015Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 35184372088828 Reserved to# 43980465111035 2025-03-11T11:47:36.028088Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:86:2120] TEvAllocateResult from# 35184372088828 to# 43980465111035 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.028545Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:90:2124] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.028858Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.028972Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.029080Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 43980465111035 Reserved to# 52776558133242 2025-03-11T11:47:36.029134Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:90:2124] TEvAllocateResult from# 43980465111035 to# 52776558133242 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.029580Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:94:2128] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.029974Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.030055Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.030189Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 52776558133242 Reserved to# 61572651155449 2025-03-11T11:47:36.030233Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:94:2128] TEvAllocateResult from# 52776558133242 to# 61572651155449 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.030720Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:98:2132] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.031106Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.031217Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.031297Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 61572651155449 Reserved to# 70368744177656 2025-03-11T11:47:36.031330Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:98:2132] TEvAllocateResult from# 61572651155449 to# 70368744177656 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.031814Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:102:2136] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.032188Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.032240Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.032325Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 70368744177656 Reserved to# 79164837199863 2025-03-11T11:47:36.032378Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:102:2136] TEvAllocateResult from# 70368744177656 to# 79164837199863 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.032859Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:106:2140] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.033194Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.033264Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.033346Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 79164837199863 Reserved to# 87960930222070 2025-03-11T11:47:36.033380Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:106:2140] TEvAllocateResult from# 79164837199863 to# 87960930222070 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.033846Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:110:2144] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.034260Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:13:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.034338Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:13:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.034432Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 87960930222070 Reserved to# 96757023244277 2025-03-11T11:47:36.034467Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:110:2144] TEvAllocateResult from# 87960930222070 to# 96757023244277 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.035030Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:114:2148] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.035334Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:14:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.035411Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:14:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFla ... e 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:150:2184] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.046590Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:23:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.046655Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:23:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.046740Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 175921860444140 Reserved to# 184717953466347 2025-03-11T11:47:36.046782Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:150:2184] TEvAllocateResult from# 175921860444140 to# 184717953466347 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.047442Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:154:2188] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.047750Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:24:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.047819Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:24:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.047922Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 184717953466347 Reserved to# 193514046488554 2025-03-11T11:47:36.047959Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:154:2188] TEvAllocateResult from# 184717953466347 to# 193514046488554 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.048672Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:158:2192] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.049006Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:25:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.049079Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:25:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.049147Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 193514046488554 Reserved to# 202310139510761 2025-03-11T11:47:36.049181Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:158:2192] TEvAllocateResult from# 193514046488554 to# 202310139510761 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.049928Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:162:2196] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050275Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:26:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050347Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:26:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050437Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 202310139510761 Reserved to# 211106232532968 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050485Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:162:2196] TEvAllocateResult from# 202310139510761 to# 211106232532968 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051154Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:166:2200] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051482Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:27:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051554Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:27:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051656Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 211106232532968 Reserved to# 219902325555175 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051723Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:166:2200] TEvAllocateResult from# 211106232532968 to# 219902325555175 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052505Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:170:2204] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052862Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:28:1:24576:75:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052940Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:28:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053017Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 219902325555175 Reserved to# 228698418577382 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053053Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:170:2204] TEvAllocateResult from# 219902325555175 to# 228698418577382 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053757Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:174:2208] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054194Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:29:1:24576:73:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054264Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:29:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054348Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 228698418577382 Reserved to# 237494511599589 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054390Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:174:2208] TEvAllocateResult from# 228698418577382 to# 237494511599589 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055129Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:178:2212] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055447Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:30:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055529Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:30:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055615Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 237494511599589 Reserved to# 246290604621796 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055668Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:178:2212] TEvAllocateResult from# 237494511599589 to# 246290604621796 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.056439Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:182:2216] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.056810Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:31:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.056864Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:31:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.056942Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 246290604621796 Reserved to# 255086697644003 2025-03-11T11:47:36.056983Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:182:2216] TEvAllocateResult from# 246290604621796 to# 255086697644003 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.057777Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:186:2220] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.058163Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:32:1:24576:75:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.058233Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:32:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.058329Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 255086697644003 Reserved to# 263882790666210 2025-03-11T11:47:36.058368Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:186:2220] TEvAllocateResult from# 255086697644003 to# 263882790666210 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.059162Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:190:2224] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.059558Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:33:1:24576:77:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.059647Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:33:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.059753Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 263882790666210 Reserved to# 272678883688417 2025-03-11T11:47:36.059794Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:190:2224] TEvAllocateResult from# 263882790666210 to# 272678883688417 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.060686Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:194:2228] requested range size#8796093022207 2025-03-11T11:47:36.061033Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:34:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.061101Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:34:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.061216Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 272678883688417 Reserved to# 281474976710624 2025-03-11T11:47:36.061262Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:194:2228] TEvAllocateResult from# 272678883688417 to# 281474976710624 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.062201Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:198:2232] requested range size#31 2025-03-11T11:47:36.062544Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:35:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.062648Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:35:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.062766Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 281474976710624 Reserved to# 281474976710655 2025-03-11T11:47:36.062802Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:198:2232] TEvAllocateResult from# 281474976710624 to# 281474976710655 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.063652Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:202:2236] requested range size#1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.063774Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 0 Reserved from# 281474976710655 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.063816Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR ERROR: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:202:2236] TEvAllocateResult status# IMPOSIBLE expected IMPOSIBLE ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestSignificantRequestWhenRunReserveTx [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.186297Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:36.186838Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:36.187776Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:36.189508Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.190007Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:36.200574Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.200685Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.200761Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.200849Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:36.200951Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.201057Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.201212Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:36.202667Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:79:2114] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.203249Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:81:2116] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.207145Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:85:2120] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.207529Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:83:2118] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.208013Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:87:2122] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.208479Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.208734Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.208913Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209013Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:71:2106] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209282Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209422Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:4:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209472Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209628Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:73:2108] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209784Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:75:2110] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.209993Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:5:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210194Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210322Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:6:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210416Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:77:2112] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210592Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210639Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:79:2114] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210759Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210839Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:7:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210924Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 100000 Reserved to# 200000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.210955Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:81:2116] TEvAllocateResult from# 100000 to# 200000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211079Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 200000 Reserved to# 300000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211110Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:85:2120] TEvAllocateResult from# 200000 to# 300000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211220Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211324Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 300000 Reserved to# 400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211349Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:83:2118] TEvAllocateResult from# 300000 to# 400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211437Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:8:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211526Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:1:24576:74:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211593Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 400000 Reserved to# 500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211618Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:87:2122] TEvAllocateResult from# 400000 to# 500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211742Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:9:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211797Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211840Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 500000 Reserved to# 600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211860Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult from# 500000 to# 600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.211976Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:10:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212027Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 600000 Reserved to# 700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212053Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:71:2106] TEvAllocateResult from# 600000 to# 700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212128Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212159Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 700000 Reserved to# 800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212178Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:73:2108] TEvAllocateResult from# 700000 to# 800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212278Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:11:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212349Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 800000 Reserved to# 900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212380Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:75:2110] TEvAllocateResult from# 800000 to# 900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212480Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212569Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:12:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212621Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 900000 Reserved to# 1000000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.212655Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:77:2112] TEvAllocateResult from# 900000 to# 1000000 expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.220127Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:112:2146] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.220674Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:128:2162] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221035Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:110:2144] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221280Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:114:2148] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221446Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:13:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221640Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:13:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221767Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:116:2150] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.221981Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:14:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.222070Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:14:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.222190Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:118:2152] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.222659Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate ... 000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.289937Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:90:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290088Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:90:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290192Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8300000 Reserved to# 8400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290218Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:396:2430] TEvAllocateResult from# 8300000 to# 8400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290322Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:91:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290399Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8400000 Reserved to# 8500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290439Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:398:2432] TEvAllocateResult from# 8400000 to# 8500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290535Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8500000 Reserved to# 8600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290560Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:400:2434] TEvAllocateResult from# 8500000 to# 8600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290661Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:91:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290781Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:92:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290849Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8600000 Reserved to# 8700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290874Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:402:2436] TEvAllocateResult from# 8600000 to# 8700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.290963Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:92:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291008Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8700000 Reserved to# 8800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291029Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:404:2438] TEvAllocateResult from# 8700000 to# 8800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291159Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8800000 Reserved to# 8900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291191Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:406:2440] TEvAllocateResult from# 8800000 to# 8900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291303Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 8900000 Reserved to# 9000000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.291331Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:408:2442] TEvAllocateResult from# 8900000 to# 9000000 expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.295778Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:438:2472] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.296255Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:440:2474] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.296782Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:442:2476] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.296929Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:93:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297087Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:93:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297238Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:444:2478] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297611Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:446:2480] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297745Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:94:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297877Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:94:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.297960Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:448:2482] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.298347Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:430:2464] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.298491Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:95:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.298757Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:432:2466] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299005Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:95:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299061Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:96:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299291Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:96:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299458Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:434:2468] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299621Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:97:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299797Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:97:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.299986Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9000000 Reserved to# 9100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300021Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:438:2472] TEvAllocateResult from# 9000000 to# 9100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300155Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:436:2470] requested range size#100000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300318Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:98:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300576Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9100000 Reserved to# 9200000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300610Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:440:2474] TEvAllocateResult from# 9100000 to# 9200000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300676Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:98:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300723Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:99:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300876Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9200000 Reserved to# 9300000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300915Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:442:2476] TEvAllocateResult from# 9200000 to# 9300000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.300965Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:99:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301107Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9300000 Reserved to# 9400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301136Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:444:2478] TEvAllocateResult from# 9300000 to# 9400000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301196Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:100:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301334Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9400000 Reserved to# 9500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301360Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:446:2480] TEvAllocateResult from# 9400000 to# 9500000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301469Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9500000 Reserved to# 9600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301495Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:448:2482] TEvAllocateResult from# 9500000 to# 9600000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301545Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:100:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301592Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:101:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301698Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9600000 Reserved to# 9700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301737Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:430:2464] TEvAllocateResult from# 9600000 to# 9700000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301789Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:101:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301949Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9700000 Reserved to# 9800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.301978Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:432:2466] TEvAllocateResult from# 9700000 to# 9800000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302022Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:102:1:24576:76:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302119Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9800000 Reserved to# 9900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302157Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:434:2468] TEvAllocateResult from# 9800000 to# 9900000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302223Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:102:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302340Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 9900000 Reserved to# 10000000 2025-03-11T11:47:36.302376Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:436:2470] TEvAllocateResult from# 9900000 to# 10000000 expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS expected SUCCESS >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnIndexTable [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnBuildingIndexTable >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TAccessServiceTest::PassRequestId [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:32.102946Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517275797552042:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:32.103002Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd7/r3tmp/tmpNAE9VJ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:32.548197Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:32.549245Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:32.549325Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:32.552118Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:23030 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:32.886461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:32.935586Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08]{trololo} Connect to grpc://localhost:30256 2025-03-11T11:47:32.936925Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08]{trololo} Request AuthenticateRequest { iam_token: "**** (717F937C)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:32.946329Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08]{trololo} Response AuthenticateResponse { subject { user_account { id: "1234" } } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/unittest >> TTxLocatorTest::TestAllocateAll [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.238071Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 LockedInitializationPath Marker# TSYS32 2025-03-11T11:47:36.238500Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 HandleFindLatestLogEntry, NODATA Promote Marker# TSYS19 2025-03-11T11:47:36.239228Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 TTablet::WriteZeroEntry. logid# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:0:0] Marker# TSYS01 2025-03-11T11:47:36.240913Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:0:0:0:20:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.241414Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254026Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:1:28672:35:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254146Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:1:0:0:42:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254225Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:1:8192:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254313Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Tablet: 72057594046447617 GcCollect 0 channel, tablet:gen:step => 2:0 Marker# TSYS28 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254418Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:2:0:0:71:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254526Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxSchema Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.254660Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN INFO: Tablet: 72057594046447617 Active! Generation: 2, Type: TxAllocator started in 0msec Marker# TSYS24 2025-03-11T11:47:36.255308Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:69:2104] requested range size#281474976710655 2025-03-11T11:47:36.255752Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:1:24576:70:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.255841Z node 1 :TABLET_MAIN DEBUG: Put Result: TEvPutResult {Id# [72057594046447617:2:3:0:0:69:0] Status# OK StatusFlags# { Valid } ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.255972Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 1 Reserved from# 0 Reserved to# 281474976710655 2025-03-11T11:47:36.256029Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:69:2104] TEvAllocateResult from# 0 to# 281474976710655 expected SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:36.262846Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 HANDLE TEvAllocate Sender# [1:74:2108] requested range size#1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.263064Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR DEBUG: tablet# 72057594046447617 TTxReserve Complete Successed# 0 Reserved from# 281474976710655 Reserved to# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.263107Z node 1 :TX_ALLOCATOR ERROR: tablet# 72057594046447617 Send to Sender# [1:74:2108] TEvAllocateResult status# IMPOSIBLE expected IMPOSIBLE >> YdbTableBulkUpsertOlap::UpsertMixed [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::AlterTableAddIndex >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::ShouldRejectOnChangeQueueOverflow [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::ShouldRejectOnChangeQueueOverflowAndRetry >> YdbYqlClient::CreateTableWithUniformPartitionsAndAutoPartitioning [GOOD] |81.7%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TServiceAccountServiceTest::IssueToken [GOOD] >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceAdapter [GOOD] >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceTransitional [GOOD] >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTestSyncOperation >> TGRpcCmsTest::AlterRemoveTest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRows [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowData |81.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataSplitThenPublish [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::UploadRowsToReplicatedTable >> TCdcStreamTests::StreamOnBuildingIndexTable [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanEnabled >> TPersQueueTest::SrcIdCompatibility [GOOD] >> TGRpcCmsTest::DescribeOptionsTest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceAdapter [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:34.380516Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517287724868830:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:34.381854Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cad/r3tmp/tmpAil9fb/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:34.848087Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:34.848198Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:34.849584Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:34.894626Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:15918 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:35.205647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:35.476474Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700004a008] Connect to grpc://localhost:15877 2025-03-11T11:47:35.477297Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700004a008] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.568723Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700004a008] Response ListFoldersResponse { result { cloud_id: "cloud_from_old_service" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.571177Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [517000069808] Connect to grpc://localhost:15787 2025-03-11T11:47:35.571978Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [517000069808] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.596563Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [517000069808] Response ResolveFoldersResponse { resolved_folders { cloud_id: "cloud_from_new_service" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.602188Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [517000069808] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.604847Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [517000069808] Status 5 Not Found 2025-03-11T11:47:35.605456Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700004a008] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.611599Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700004a008] Status 5 Not Found >> TSchemeShardTest::ManyDirs [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardTest::NestedDirs >> TargetDiscoverer::SystemObjects >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataPublishThenSplit [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataAlterSplitThenPublish ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderServiceTransitional [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:34.768123Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517285185012983:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:34.768454Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c85/r3tmp/tmpRiHMto/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:35.297359Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:35.302881Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.302972Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.304349Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:2011 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:35.634106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:35.672756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:35.674374Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Connect to grpc://localhost:12178 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719582Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.781504Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 14 failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:47:35.786175Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.786845Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 14 failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:47:36.790180Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.801300Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 5 Not Found 2025-03-11T11:47:36.802210Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ListFoldersRequest { id: "i_am_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.812092Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Response ListFoldersResponse { result { cloud_id: "response_cloud_id" } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::DisableDeduplication [GOOD] Test command err: === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:41:06.803774Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515618218124850:2129];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:06.803821Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.129041Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cb6/r3tmp/tmpzreENo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:11.254145Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.616077Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:11.652845Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.656363Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.663191Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1505, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:11.884573Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515618218124850:2129];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.884861Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.950219Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cb6/r3tmp/yandexgQPUTF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.950247Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cb6/r3tmp/yandexgQPUTF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.950427Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cb6/r3tmp/yandexgQPUTF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.950565Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:12.074579Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 7660 GrpcPort 1505 TClient is connected to server localhost:7660 PQClient connected to localhost:1505 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 1505 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:13.290274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.290533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.293640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:13.293910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.293962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.294671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.294787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:41:13.294931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.294999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.295018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:13.295033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:13.295720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.295744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.295762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:13.296120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.296141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.296169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.296194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313431Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313452Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976710657 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:41:13.313921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976710657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1741693273362, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976710657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1741693273362 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.315969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7480515639692961791:2245], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976710657, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976710657:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976710657:0 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976710657:0 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976710657, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.316997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976710657, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:41:13.339478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAc ... :Pointer &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:715:1 #7 0x197bd98d in __union<2UL, const grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:715:1 #8 0x197bd98d in construct_at >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, const std::__y1::in_place_index_t<2UL> &, const grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer &, std::__y1::__variant_detail::__union<(std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1, 0UL, int, TBasicString >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer> *> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__memory/construct_at.h:41:46 #9 0x197bd98d in __construct_at >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, const std::__y1::in_place_index_t<2UL> &, const grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer &, std::__y1::__variant_detail::__union<(std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1, 0UL, int, TBasicString >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer> *> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__memory/construct_at.h:49:10 #10 0x197bd98d in operator() &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:825:13 #11 0x197bd98d in __invoke<(lambda at /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:824:11), const std::__y1::__variant_detail::__alt<2UL, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer> &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__type_traits/invoke.h:150:25 #12 0x197bd98d in decltype(auto) std::__y1::__variant_detail::__visitation::__base::__dispatcher<2ul>::__dispatch[abi:fe190000]>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::__generic_construct[abi:fe190000]>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&>(std::__y1::__variant_detail::__ctor>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>&, std::__y1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)::'lambda'(std::__y1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&)&&, std::__y1::__variant_detail::__base<(std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1, int, TBasicString>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer> const&>(std::__y1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> const&, std::__y1::__variant_detail::__base<(std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1, int, TBasicString>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer> const&) /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:540:14 #13 0x197b90e8 in __visit_alt_at<(lambda at /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:824:11), const std::__y1::__variant_detail::__copy_constructor >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:502:12 #14 0x197b90e8 in __generic_construct >, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, (std::__y1::__variant_detail::_Trait)1> &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:822:7 #15 0x197b90e8 in __copy_constructor /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:897:1 #16 0x197b90e8 in __assignment /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:909:28 #17 0x197b90e8 in __move_assignment /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:995:1 #18 0x197b90e8 in __copy_assignment /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:1025:1 #19 0x197b90e8 in __impl /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:1045:25 #20 0x197b90e8 in variant /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/variant:1192:35 #21 0x197b90e8 in grpc_core::AVL>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Rebalance(TBasicString>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>, std::__y1::shared_ptr>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Node> const&, std::__y1::shared_ptr>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Node> const&) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/avl/avl.h:252:30 #22 0x197b820a in grpc_core::AVL>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::AddKey(std::__y1::shared_ptr>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Node> const&, TBasicString>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/avl/avl.h:265:14 #23 0x197b81d9 in grpc_core::AVL>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::AddKey(std::__y1::shared_ptr>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Node> const&, TBasicString>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/avl/avl.h:266:24 #24 0x197b00e7 in grpc_core::AVL>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>>::Add(TBasicString>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>) const /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/avl/avl.h:36:16 #25 0x197afaca in grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Set(std::__y1::basic_string_view>, std::__y1::variant>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer>) const /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.cc:158:28 #26 0x197af195 in grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Set(std::__y1::basic_string_view>, grpc_core::ChannelArgs::Pointer) const /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.cc:150:10 #27 0x19819706 in grpc_core::Channel::Create(char const*, grpc_core::ChannelArgs, grpc_channel_stack_type, grpc_transport*) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/channel.cc:218:19 #28 0x19b9fdf1 in CreateChannel /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/client/chttp2_connector.cc:323:10 #29 0x19b9fdf1 in grpc_channel_create /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/client/chttp2_connector.cc:365:14 #30 0x1a403d80 in grpc::(anonymous namespace)::InsecureChannelCredentialsImpl::CreateChannelWithInterceptors(TBasicString> const&, grpc::ChannelArguments const&, std::__y1::vector>, std::__y1::allocator>>>) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/cpp/client/insecure_credentials.cc:55:13 #31 0x1a403b5b in grpc::(anonymous namespace)::InsecureChannelCredentialsImpl::CreateChannelImpl(TBasicString> const&, grpc::ChannelArguments const&) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/cpp/client/insecure_credentials.cc:40:12 #32 0x1a3fc314 in grpc::CreateCustomChannel(TBasicString> const&, std::__y1::shared_ptr const&, grpc::ChannelArguments const&) /-S/contrib/libs/grpc/src/cpp/client/create_channel.cc:50:25 #33 0x18351ee6 in NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TDirectReadTestSetup::Connect(NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::TPersQueueV1TestServer&) /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:824:23 #34 0x1804dc82 in NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TDirectReadTestSetup::TDirectReadTestSetup(NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::TPersQueueV1TestServer&) /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:806:13 #35 0x1805df53 in NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TTestCaseDirectReadNotCached::Execute_(NUnitTest::TTestContext&) /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:1157:30 #36 0x18330ba7 in operator() /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:134:1 #37 0x18330ba7 in __invoke<(lambda at /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:134:1) &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__type_traits/invoke.h:150:25 #38 0x18330ba7 in __call<(lambda at /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:134:1) &> /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__type_traits/invoke.h:225:5 #39 0x18330ba7 in operator() /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:171:12 #40 0x18330ba7 in std::__y1::__function::__func, void ()>::operator()() /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:313:10 #41 0x18dc3855 in operator() /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:430:12 #42 0x18dc3855 in operator() /-S/contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxx/include/__functional/function.h:989:10 #43 0x18dc3855 in TColoredProcessor::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool) /-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/utmain.cpp:525:20 #44 0x18d933a8 in NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool) /-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.cpp:374:18 #45 0x1832fb53 in NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TCurrentTest::Execute() /-S/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/persqueue_ut.cpp:134:1 #46 0x18d94c75 in NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute() /-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.cpp:495:19 #47 0x18dbddcc in NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**) /-S/library/cpp/testing/unittest/utmain.cpp:872:44 #48 0x7fd5488a8d8f (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x29d8f) (BuildId: 490fef8403240c91833978d494d39e537409b92e) SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 6101541 byte(s) leaked in 1600 allocation(s). >> TargetDiscoverer::Transfer >> TCdcStreamTests::DropStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::AlterStreamImplShouldFail >> YdbScripting::BasicV1 [GOOD] >> YdbScripting::MultiResults ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/ut/unittest >> YdbYqlClient::CreateTableWithUniformPartitionsAndAutoPartitioning [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:08.758692Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517173548362657:2249];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:08.759043Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e71/r3tmp/tmpL6a9TN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:09.498757Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:09.521379Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.521500Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.533880Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 32301, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:09.814458Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.814481Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.814502Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.814605Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3845 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:10.254571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:10.290701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:13.737491Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517173548362657:2249];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:13.737555Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:16.478790Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517208447167707:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:16.478849Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e71/r3tmp/tmpGscb2X/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:16.735917Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17123, node 4 2025-03-11T11:47:16.854774Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:16.854793Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:16.854798Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:16.854906Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:16.858767Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:16.858859Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:16.862688Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:19713 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:17.192146Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:21.482051Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517208447167707:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:21.482218Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:21.656878Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:22.104263Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:22.194469Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e71/r3tmp/tmpSaZ3Te/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:24.546785Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:24.672098Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:24.726366Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:24.726508Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:24.734477Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20611, node 7 2025-03-11T11:47:24.835554Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:24.835580Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:24.835588Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:24.835743Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32675 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:25.114259Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:29.677331Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:31.898969Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517272223081170:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:31.900080Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e71/r3tmp/tmpUxvFvA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:32.231523Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:32.274875Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:32.274978Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:32.279735Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22371, node 10 2025-03-11T11:47:32.430645Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:32.430670Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:32.430678Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:32.430831Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25595 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:32.811560Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:36.187764Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TargetDiscoverer::IndexedTable >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes-EnabledSpilling [GOOD] >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthWithEmptyPassword [GOOD] >> TAccessServiceTest::Authenticate [GOOD] >> TUserAccountServiceTest::Get [GOOD] >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderService [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanEnabled [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanDisabled >> TargetDiscoverer::Dirs >> TCdcStreamTests::AlterStreamImplShouldFail [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropStreamImplShouldFail ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/unittest >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes-EnabledSpilling [GOOD] Test command err: cwd: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001255/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/test-results/unittest/testing_out_stuff/chunk4 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18686, MsgBus: 17332 2025-03-11T11:46:06.071786Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516906180319453:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:06.072432Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001255/r3tmp/tmprIxFu2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:06.907821Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:06.918066Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:06.925997Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:06.985844Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18686, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:07.068352Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:07.068385Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:07.068392Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:07.068503Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17332 TClient is connected to server localhost:17332 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:07.759962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:07.796107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:08.082286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:08.293119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:08.411828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:10.455069Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516923360190263:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.455237Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.782963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.832440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.895734Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.988346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:11.035610Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516906180319453:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:11.035676Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:11.036228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:11.105106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:11.169930Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516927655158081:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:11.170013Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:11.170345Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516927655158086:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:11.174534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:11.192367Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516927655158088:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:11.301701Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516927655158143:3447] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:21.914420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:21.914455Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ( (let $1 (KqpTable '"/Root/KeyValue" '"72057594046644480:6" '"" '1)) (let $2 (KqpRowsSourceSettings $1 '('"Key" '"Value") '() (Void) '())) (let $3 (OptionalType (DataType 'Uint64))) (let $4 (OptionalType (DataType 'String))) (let $5 '('('"_logical_id" '779) '('"_id" '"29493b20-8d41e33f-f1ef2a9c-2e005b90") '('"_wide_channels" (StructType '('"Key" $3) '('"Value" $4))))) (let $6 (DqPhyStage '((DqSource (DataSource '"KqpReadRangesSource") $2)) (lambda '($17) (block '( (let $18 (lambda '($19) (Member $19 '"Key") (Member $19 '"Value"))) (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (ToFlow $17) $18))) ))) $5)) (let $7 '('1)) (let $8 (DqCnHashShuffle (TDqOutput $6 '0) $7)) (let $9 (StructType '('"t1.Key" $3) '('"t1.Value" $4) '('"t2.Key" $3) '('"t2.Value" $4))) (let $10 '('('"_logical_id" '677) '('"_id" '"65e00c04-15a14a27-a67781d4-c2785dbf") '('"_wide_channels" $9))) (let $11 (DqPhyStage '($8) (lambda '($20) (block '( (let $21 '('0 '0 '1 '1)) (let $22 '('0 '2 '1 '3)) (let $23 (GraceSelfJoinCore (ToFlow $20) 'Full $7 $7 $21 $22 '('"t1.Value") '('"t2.Value") '())) (return (FromFlow (WideSort $23 '('('1 (Bool 'true)))))) ))) $10)) (let $12 (DqCnMerge (TDqOutput $11 '0) '('('1 '"Asc")))) (let $13 (DqPhyStage '($12) (lambda '($24) (FromFlow (NarrowMap (ToFlow $24) (lambda '($25 $26 $27 $28) (AsStruct '('"t1.Key" $25) '('"t1.Value" $26) '('"t2.Key" $27) '('"t2.Value" $28)))))) '('('"_logical_id" '689) '('"_id" '"c5220953-7dd4a2ee-91cb50a8-69b97c0a")))) (let $14 '($6 $11 $13)) (let $15 '('"t1.Key" '"t1.Value" '"t2.Key" '"t2.Value")) (let $16 (DqCnResult (TDqOutput $13 '0) $15)) (return (KqpPhysicalQuery '((KqpPhysicalTx $14 '($16) '() '('('"type" '"generic")))) '((KqpTxResultBinding (ListType $9) '0 '0)) '('('"type" '"query")))) ) ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TUserAccountServiceTest::Get [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.307688Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517293209393358:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.308109Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c98/r3tmp/tmp3C1I8x/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.896098Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:37.082756Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:37.082884Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:37.085053Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:19204 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:37.231800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TAccessServiceTest::Authenticate [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.158190Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517294460132200:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.158253Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c99/r3tmp/tmpqbWUy7/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.738358Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:36.755577Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.755670Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.758475Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:8088 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:37.064885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:37.167315Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Connect to grpc://localhost:11939 2025-03-11T11:47:37.168550Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request AuthenticateRequest { iam_token: "**** (047D44F1)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.230828Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 7 Permission Denied 2025-03-11T11:47:37.231630Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request AuthenticateRequest { iam_token: "**** (342498C1)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.233708Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Response AuthenticateResponse { subject { user_account { id: "1234" } } } >> TargetDiscoverer::Negative >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRowsDropColumnRace [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRowsLocks ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/ut/unittest >> TGRpcLdapAuthentication::LdapAuthWithEmptyPassword [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:10.080983Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517183222781768:2274];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:10.081033Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e58/r3tmp/tmpVCiqYr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:10.804032Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.804173Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:10.819789Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.874596Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11389, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:11.035305Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:11.035328Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:11.350223Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:11.546811Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:11.546836Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:11.546844Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:11.546977Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2376 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:12.548466Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:16.995864Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517207650909390:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:16.995937Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e58/r3tmp/tmpMulrBu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:17.190853Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:17.225186Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:17.225261Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:17.231493Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4765, node 4 2025-03-11T11:47:17.518662Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:17.518686Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:17.518695Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:17.518843Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26396 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:17.902207Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:23.399872Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517239227417693:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:23.400023Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e58/r3tmp/tmp4Gu8zW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:23.726881Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:23.758524Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:23.758623Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:23.762819Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24320, node 7 2025-03-11T11:47:23.930681Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:23.930708Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:23.930715Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:23.930865Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14926 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:24.326062Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:29.229172Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517262625800996:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:29.229232Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e58/r3tmp/tmpYQBgfb/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:29.516044Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10801, node 10 2025-03-11T11:47:29.609439Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:29.609587Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:29.657453Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:29.683845Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:29.683870Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:29.683880Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:29.684025Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29070 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:30.042750Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:34.907536Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[13:7480517284550706395:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:34.907653Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e58/r3tmp/tmpRy67cq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:35.109444Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25842, node 13 2025-03-11T11:47:35.222842Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.222976Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.245459Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.306195Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:35.306219Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:35.306228Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:35.306389Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20508 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:35.688109Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> FolderServiceTest::TFolderService [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.444878Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517295517971017:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.445522Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c8c/r3tmp/tmpDNnBWW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.928808Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.928943Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.930613Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.962501Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:28506 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:37.268120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:37.287531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:37.289042Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Connect to grpc://localhost:22704 2025-03-11T11:47:37.309827Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.358201Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 14 failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:47:37.359940Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.360597Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 14 failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:47:38.361306Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.362159Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 14 failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused 2025-03-11T11:47:39.366260Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_not_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.380222Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Status 5 Not Found 2025-03-11T11:47:39.381069Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Request ResolveFoldersRequest { folder_ids: "i_am_exists" } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.389795Z node 1 :GRPC_CLIENT DEBUG: [51700007be08] Response ResolveFoldersResponse { resolved_folders { cloud_id: "response_cloud_id" } } >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes+EnabledSpilling [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionBulkUpsert >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanDisabled [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanProgress >> KqpPg::NoTableQuery+useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::SrcIdCompatibility [GOOD] Test command err: === Start server === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:40:59.173962Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515591065392139:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.223062Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.045808Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515589584043402:2222];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd9/r3tmp/tmpKVniOz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:41:04.960703Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:05.661735Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515591065392139:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.716073Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515589584043402:2222];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.741326Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.741608Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:06.848715Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:06.859340Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:07.857508Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:07.862464Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.851767Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:08.874852Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:09.865104Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:09.878631Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.449737Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:10.451920Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:41:11.228091Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.260307Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.260338Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.280961Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.281047Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.286632Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.286698Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:11.298499Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:11.298648Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.318737Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:11.424369Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:11.474240Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3927, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:11.631159Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:11.640093Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:41:11.750385Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd9/r3tmp/yandex2FCOLN.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.750410Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd9/r3tmp/yandex2FCOLN.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.750571Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001cd9/r3tmp/yandex2FCOLN.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:11.750696Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:11.945405Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 23843 GrpcPort 3927 TClient is connected to server localhost:23843 PQClient connected to localhost:3927 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 3927 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:13.599509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.599726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.599929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:13.600131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.600169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.610902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.611062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:41:13.611267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.611319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.611339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:13.611358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:41:13.614075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.614100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976710657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:41:13.614139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.619782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.619827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.619848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:13.623447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.623488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.623523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:13.623548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976710657 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:41:13.631931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976710657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:41:13.634112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976710657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 720 ... id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) StartKqpSession 2025-03-11T11:47:35.289352Z node 27 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [27:7480517290308649096:2767] (SourceId=test-src-id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Select from the table 2025-03-11T11:47:35.304363Z node 27 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [27:7480517290308649096:2767] (SourceId=test-src-id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:47:35.319656Z node 27 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [27:7480517290308649096:2767] (SourceId=test-src-id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:35.319720Z node 27 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [27:7480517290308649096:2767] (SourceId=test-src-id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=7, SeqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.319752Z node 27 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [27:7480517290308649096:2767] (SourceId=test-src-id-compat2, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:47:35.319802Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 5 sessionId: partition: 7 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321455Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037910 (partition=7) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037910, NodeId 27, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321521Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] server connected, pipe [27:7480517290308649123:2767], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321576Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321609Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321741Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 generated for partition 7 topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' owner test-src-id-compat2 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321880Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.321973Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition: 7 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.322189Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.322216Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.322307Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition: 7 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.322481Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 5 partition: 7 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.326463Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693655326 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.326637Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0" topic: "account/topic100" cluster: "dc1" partition_id: 7 supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:47:35.327027Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write 1 messages with Id from 1 to 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.327688Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:47:35.327763Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Send 1 message(s) (0 left), first sequence number is 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.330149Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.330546Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037910 (partition=7) Received event: NKikimr::NPQ::TEvPartitionWriter::TEvWriteRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331009Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331052Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331149Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition: 7 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331237Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037910 (partition=7) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331494Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331517Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331588Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] got client message topic: rt3.dc1--account--topic100 partition: 7 SourceId: '\0test-src-id-compat2' SeqNo: 1 partNo : 0 messageNo: 1 size 102 offset: -1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.331846Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 part blob processing sourceId '\0test-src-id-compat2' seqNo 1 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.333211Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 part blob complete sourceId '\0test-src-id-compat2' seqNo 1 partNo 0 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 189 count 1 nextOffset 1 batches 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.334389Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 compactOffset 0,1 HeadOffset 0 endOffset 0 curOffset 1 d0000000007_00000000000000000000_00000_0000000001_00000| size 177 WTime 1741693655333 2025-03-11T11:47:35.334657Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:47:35.334797Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 7 offset 0 partNo 0 count 1 size 177 2025-03-11T11:47:35.349264Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 7 offset 0 count 1 size 177 actorID [27:7480517268833810967:2505] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350222Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 122 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350300Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 7 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350372Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-src-id-compat2', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100', Partition: 7, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 0 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350654Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350690Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 user user send read request for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 1 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350811Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100Counters. CacheSize 531 CachedBlobs 3 2025-03-11T11:47:35.350852Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition: 7 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351036Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037910 (partition=7) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351562Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 user user offset 0 count 1 size 1024000 endOffset 1 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351623Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351671Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 0. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351697Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:47:35.351781Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Topic 'rt3.dc1--account--topic100' partition 7 user user readTimeStamp done, result 1741693655331 queuesize 0 startOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.354226Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037910' partition 7 offset 0 size 177 2025-03-11T11:47:35.357145Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session got write response: sequence_numbers: 1 offsets: 0 already_written: false partition_id: 7 write_statistics { persist_duration_ms: 16 queued_in_partition_duration_ms: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.357235Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: acknoledged message 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.357597Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:35.357681Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:47:35.357786Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.358506Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.358577Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [test-src-id-compat2] SessionId [test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:47:35.363563Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.363612Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:47:35.363666Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:47:35.363699Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 5 sessionId: test-src-id-compat2|fef370f-d67ceca7-5bef673c-b2aa5682_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:47:35.365003Z node 27 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037910 (partition=7) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:47:35.366538Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910] server disconnected, pipe [27:7480517290308649123:2767] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:47:35.366615Z node 27 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037910, Partition: 7, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. >> KqpPg::JoinWithQueryService+StreamLookup >> TSchemeShardTest::NestedDirs [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropStreamImplShouldFail [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::CopyTableShouldNotCopyStream ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/unittest >> DataShardVolatile::CompactedVolatileChangesAbort [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:51.267602Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:51.267939Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:51.268135Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bf2/r3tmp/tmpIw4qqI/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:52.004779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:52.091434Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:52.151039Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.151785Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.151938Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:52.152084Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.167441Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.368228Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.368303Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.368464Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:643:2551] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.612409Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:52.612526Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:52.613109Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:42:52.613197Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:52.613545Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:52.613741Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 1000 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:52.613850Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:52.615782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:52.616356Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.616901Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:42:52.616977Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:52.655784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:52.657053Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:52.657620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:668:2572] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.658620Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:52.740233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:52.741055Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:52.741180Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:52.742893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.742981Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.743038Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.743394Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:52.743560Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:52.743647Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:684:2572] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.754425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:52.815924Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816158Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:686:2582] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:668:2572], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.816903Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817438Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817694Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817801Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:52.817871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818455Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:675:2576], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818553Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:664:2569], serverId# [1:675:2576], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:675:2576] 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.818821Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819120Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819418Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819797Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819906Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:52.819944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:52.820004Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:52.820039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:52.820095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:52.820169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:52.820198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:52.821916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:687:2583], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:42:52.821971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:52.834104Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Compl ... nnected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [26:971:2787], serverId# [26:972:2788], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.522366Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] connected with status OK role: Leader [26:971:2787] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.522503Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] send queued [26:971:2787] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.522622Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] push event to server [26:971:2787] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.522778Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] shutdown pipe due to pending shutdown request [26:971:2787] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.522889Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] notify reset [26:971:2787] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.523256Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553210, Sender [26:970:2786], Recipient [26:695:2583]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvCompactTable PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 LocalId: 2 } CompactBorrowed: false 2025-03-11T11:47:32.523490Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:21} Tx{28, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxCompactTable} queued, type NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxCompactTable 2025-03-11T11:47:32.523668Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:21} Tx{28, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxCompactTable} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.523867Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TCompactionLogic PrepareForceCompaction for 72075186224037888 table 1001, mode Full, forced state None, forced mode Full 2025-03-11T11:47:32.524115Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Started background compaction# 1 of 72075186224037888 tableId# 2 localTid# 1001, requested from [26:970:2786], partsCount# 0, memtableSize# 656, memtableWaste# 3952, memtableRows# 2 2025-03-11T11:47:32.524329Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:21} Tx{28, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxCompactTable} hope 1 -> done Change{16, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.524534Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:21} Tx{28, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxCompactTable} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.524950Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TGenCompactionStrategy PrepareCompaction for 72075186224037888: task 1, edge 9223372036854775807/0, generation 0 2025-03-11T11:47:32.525070Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{72075186224037888:1:21} starting compaction 2025-03-11T11:47:32.525648Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{72075186224037888:1:22} starting Scan{1 on 1001, Compact{72075186224037888.1.21, eph 1}} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.525873Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{72075186224037888:1:22} started compaction 1 2025-03-11T11:47:32.526055Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TGenCompactionStrategy PrepareCompaction for 72075186224037888 started compaction 1 generation 0 ... blocking NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut from TABLET_REQ_WRITE_LOG to BS_PROXY_ACTOR 2025-03-11T11:47:32.530589Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR INFO: Leader{72075186224037888:1:22} Compact 1 on TGenCompactionParams{1001: gen 0 epoch +inf, 0 parts} step 21, product {tx status + 1 parts epoch 2} done 2025-03-11T11:47:32.531057Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TGenCompactionStrategy CompactionFinished for 72075186224037888: compaction 1, generation 0 2025-03-11T11:47:32.531250Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TGenCompactionStrategy CheckGeneration for 72075186224037888 generation 1, state Free, final id 0, final level 0 2025-03-11T11:47:32.531345Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: TGenCompactionStrategy CheckGeneration for 72075186224037888 generation 3, state Free, final id 0, final level 0 2025-03-11T11:47:32.531992Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: CompactionComplete of tablet# 72075186224037888, table# 1001, finished edge# 1, ts 1970-01-01T00:00:01.510630Z 2025-03-11T11:47:32.532255Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:23} Tx{29, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxPersistFullCompactionTs} queued, type NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxPersistFullCompactionTs 2025-03-11T11:47:32.532482Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:23} Tx{29, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxPersistFullCompactionTs} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.532654Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037888, table# 1001, finished edge# 1, front# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:32.532820Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: ReplyCompactionWaiters of tablet# 72075186224037888, table# 1001 sending TEvCompactTableResult to# [26:970:2786]pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.533922Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:23} Tx{29, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxPersistFullCompactionTs} hope 1 -> done Change{17, redo 83b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 27 } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.534125Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:23} Tx{29, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxPersistFullCompactionTs} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} ... blocking NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut from TABLET_REQ_WRITE_LOG to BS_PROXY_ACTOR ... blocking NKikimr::TEvBlobStorage::TEvPut from TABLET_REQ_WRITE_LOG to BS_PROXY_ACTOR ========= Starting an immediate read ========= 2025-03-11T11:47:32.832008Z node 26 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gg3j06810cy5ffh8txh1x, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=26&id=MTY3M2YxMTAtMTIyYWZhM2MtNjk5NjQ4NDYtYWNhNDdhOTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:32.834087Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] send [26:908:2732] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.834218Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037888] push event to server [26:908:2732] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.834666Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [26:996:2794], Recipient [26:695:2583]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false KeysSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:32.834979Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:24} Tx{30, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} queued, type NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline 2025-03-11T11:47:32.835152Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:24} Tx{30, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.835418Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:32.835553Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v1511/281474976715662 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v{min} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.835665Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v1511/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:32.835822Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836027Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836139Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836250Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836342Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836446Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:5] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836542Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836581Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836611Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836641Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:32.836908Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false } 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837242Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837305Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837414Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837503Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837570Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837599Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837653Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837761Z node 26 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:32.837972Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:24} Tx{30, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} hope 1 -> done Change{18, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.838146Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037888:1:24} Tx{30, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.906913Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:21} commited cookie 8 for step 20 2025-03-11T11:47:32.941478Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:22} commited cookie 8 for step 21 2025-03-11T11:47:32.965419Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72057594046316545:2:18} Tx{20, NKikimr::NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep} queued, type NKikimr::NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:32.965632Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72057594046316545:2:18} Tx{20, NKikimr::NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.966271Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72057594046316545:2:18} Tx{20, NKikimr::NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep} hope 1 -> done Change{12, redo 134b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ 2 } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.966460Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72057594046316545:2:18} Tx{20, NKikimr::NFlatTxCoordinator::TTxCoordinator::TTxPlanStep} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:32.967203Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72057594046316545:2:19} commited cookie 1 for step 18 2025-03-11T11:47:32.967462Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72057594046382081] send [26:528:2473] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.967563Z node 26 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72057594046382081] push event to server [26:528:2473] 2025-03-11T11:47:32.996114Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:23} commited cookie 8 for step 22 2025-03-11T11:47:33.036332Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:24} commited cookie 8 for step 23 2025-03-11T11:47:33.074954Z node 26 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:25} commited cookie 8 for step 24 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TServiceAccountServiceTest::IssueToken [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:32.958754Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517279269711321:2127];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:32.958810Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ccb/r3tmp/tmp4whOwg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:33.628892Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:33.633317Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:33.633434Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:33.636346Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:16885 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:34.081829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:34.107019Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ccb/r3tmp/tmpMxzMRV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:37.684385Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:37.692896Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:37.716763Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:37.716868Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:37.721266Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:24866 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:37.930131Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:37.937261Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> Viewer::ServerlessNodesPage [GOOD] >> Viewer::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodes >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::UploadRowsToReplicatedTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/unittest >> KqpScanSpilling::SpillingInRuntimeNodes+EnabledSpilling [GOOD] Test command err: cwd: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001269/ydb/core/kqp/ut/spilling/test-results/unittest/testing_out_stuff/chunk3 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 2812, MsgBus: 61920 2025-03-11T11:46:05.487182Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516903868139951:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:05.487626Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001269/r3tmp/tmp3II4Cg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:46:06.030856Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:06.030950Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:06.062781Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:06.063909Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2812, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:06.138799Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:06.138821Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:06.138833Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:06.138967Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:61920 TClient is connected to server localhost:61920 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:06.842725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:06.873981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:07.025657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:07.236309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:07.326984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:09.448633Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516921048010770:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.448765Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:09.821347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.863544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.904820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:09.971837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.008774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.087329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.154344Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516925342978581:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.154447Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.154746Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516925342978586:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.159242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:10.175548Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516925342978588:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.276273Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516925342978644:3450] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:10.478485Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516903868139951:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:10.478553Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:21.002442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:21.002476Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ( (let $1 (KqpTable '"/Root/KeyValue" '"72057594046644480:6" '"" '1)) (let $2 (KqpRowsSourceSettings $1 '('"Key" '"Value") '() (Void) '())) (let $3 (OptionalType (DataType 'Uint64))) (let $4 (OptionalType (DataType 'String))) (let $5 '('('"_logical_id" '779) '('"_id" '"7402c7c2-8c5a6daf-a6f34-6876967b") '('"_wide_channels" (StructType '('"Key" $3) '('"Value" $4))))) (let $6 (DqPhyStage '((DqSource (DataSource '"KqpReadRangesSource") $2)) (lambda '($17) (block '( (let $18 (lambda '($19) (Member $19 '"Key") (Member $19 '"Value"))) (return (FromFlow (ExpandMap (ToFlow $17) $18))) ))) $5)) (let $7 '('1)) (let $8 (DqCnHashShuffle (TDqOutput $6 '0) $7)) (let $9 (StructType '('"t1.Key" $3) '('"t1.Value" $4) '('"t2.Key" $3) '('"t2.Value" $4))) (let $10 '('('"_logical_id" '677) '('"_id" '"38e83481-b94fc0bb-6f4ddbeb-303d4048") '('"_wide_channels" $9))) (let $11 (DqPhyStage '($8) (lambda '($20) (block '( (let $21 '('0 '0 '1 '1)) (let $22 '('0 '2 '1 '3)) (let $23 (GraceSelfJoinCore (ToFlow $20) 'Full $7 $7 $21 $22 '('"t1.Value") '('"t2.Value") '())) (return (FromFlow (WideSort $23 '('('1 (Bool 'true)))))) ))) $10)) (let $12 (DqCnMerge (TDqOutput $11 '0) '('('1 '"Asc")))) (let $13 (DqPhyStage '($12) (lambda '($24) (FromFlow (NarrowMap (ToFlow $24) (lambda '($25 $26 $27 $28) (AsStruct '('"t1.Key" $25) '('"t1.Value" $26) '('"t2.Key" $27) '('"t2.Value" $28)))))) '('('"_logical_id" '689) '('"_id" '"d96adf62-6c8fa643-573ee92f-cf2dcd76")))) (let $14 '($6 $11 $13)) (let $15 '('"t1.Key" '"t1.Value" '"t2.Key" '"t2.Value")) (let $16 (DqCnResult (TDqOutput $13 '0) $15)) (return (KqpPhysicalQuery '((KqpPhysicalTx $14 '($16) '() '('('"type" '"generic")))) '((KqpTxResultBinding (ListType $9) '0 '0)) '('('"type" '"query")))) ) >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Simple+useSink >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::ShouldRejectOnChangeQueueOverflowAndRetry [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::BulkUpsertDuringAddIndexRaceCorruption >> KqpPg::ReadPgArray >> KqpPg::EmptyQuery+useSink >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::InitialScanProgress [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::WithoutPqTransactions >> TargetDiscoverer::SystemObjects [GOOD] >> KqpPg::ReadPgArray [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableArrayInsert+useSink >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::RetryOperationSync [GOOD] >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::RetryOperation >> KqpPg::CreateTableSerialColumns+useSink >> KqpPg::CreateTableBulkUpsertAndRead >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionInsert-useSink >> TGRpcCmsTest::DescribeOptionsTest [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/unittest >> TServiceAccountServiceTest::Get [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:34.550735Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517287154887000:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:34.554578Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c93/r3tmp/tmpIFq8uy/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:35.193465Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:35.214006Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.214088Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.218390Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:2830 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:35.571220Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:39.009995Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517302876247683:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c93/r3tmp/tmpCe320Z/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:39.150459Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.315396Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:39.365588Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:39.365677Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:39.375647Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:23447 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:39.727445Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:39.740796Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::UploadRowsToReplicatedTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.016512Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.016809Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:35.016958Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aef/r3tmp/tmp0Ox91N/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:35.410787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:35.468081Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:35.517111Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.517261Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.531183Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.619627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:35.660523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:35.661681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:35.662183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.662449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.716311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.717265Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.717422Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719301Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719368Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.719962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.734488Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.798741Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799014Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799182Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799242Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799285Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:35.799650Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800065Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800299Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800526Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800578Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800862Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.800920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801028Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801079Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801522Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801657Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.801871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802292Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802337Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802376Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802475Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802517Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:35.802576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:35.804601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:47:35.804671Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.817430Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.817521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:35.817562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:35.817658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:47:35.817736Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:35.992467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.992539Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.992595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993089Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993270Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993314Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:35.993355Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998460Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998852Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998902Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:3 ... t 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:38.217811Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218138Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218198Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218274Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218302Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:38.218360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:38.230222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:38.230284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:38.230317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3000:281474976715667] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:38.230369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3000 : 281474976715667] from 72075186224037890 at tablet 72075186224037890 send result to client [1:1114:2908], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:38.230425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:42.344102Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:306:2349], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.344245Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:42.344299Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001aef/r3tmp/tmpcQEE2M/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:42.713470Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.779022Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:42.819624Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.819751Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.835092Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.936661Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.962996Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:663:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.963227Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:43.061096Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:43.061198Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:43.062793Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.062876Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.062937Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.063266Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:43.063407Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:43.063495Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074230Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074315Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074418Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074506Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074550Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074587Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:43.074639Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075007Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075108Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075190Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075232Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075272Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075320Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075709Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:661:2566], serverId# [2:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.075901Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.076097Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.076174Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.078353Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.089348Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.089488Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:43.253494Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:701:2591], serverId# [2:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.254531Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.254588Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.254935Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.254983Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.255029Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.255273Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.255410Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.256019Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.256086Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.256529Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.256923Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.275135Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.275207Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.275781Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.275870Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.276795Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.276849Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.276899Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.276969Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [2:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:43.277033Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.277131Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.282675Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.285172Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:43.285263Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.286040Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:43.291847Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [2:737:2619], serverId# [2:738:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.292003Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD NOTICE: Rejecting bulk upsert request on datashard: tablet# 72075186224037888, error# Can't execute bulk upsert at replicated table >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowData [GOOD] >> TargetDiscoverer::Transfer [GOOD] >> DataShardVolatile::GracefulShardRestartNoEarlyReadSetAck [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::CopyTableShouldNotCopyStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::MoveTableShouldFail |81.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::IndexedTable [GOOD] >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTest [GOOD] |81.8%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TGRpcCmsTest::AlterRemoveTest [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Simple+useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::SystemObjects [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:39.707234Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517307785816644:2198];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.722658Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00134d/r3tmp/tmpPevxad/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.345492Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.345664Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.351184Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.352273Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:27606 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11061, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664539Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664578Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664587Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664709Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27606 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.162773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.197093Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.368264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.374143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.452095Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { name: Root, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661218, tx_id: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.452121Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:41.480507Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvListDirectoryResponse { Result: { children [{ name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661344, tx_id: 281474976710658 } }, { name: export-100500, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661407, tx_id: 281474976710659 } }, { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } }] } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.480546Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Listing succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:43.510426Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661344, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.510473Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe table succeeded: path# /Root/Table 2025-03-11T11:47:43.510520Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Table, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Table, kind# Table >> YdbYqlClient::AlterTableAddIndex [GOOD] >> YdbYqlClient::AlterTableAddIndexAsyncOp ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::DescribeOptionsTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:39.915825Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517307494378016:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.915965Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001740/r3tmp/tmp4NGSYo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.677382Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:40.685596Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.685685Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.694926Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12272, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:40.947727Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.947749Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.947755Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.948624Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:65362 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.281065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient is connected to server localhost:65362 2025-03-11T11:47:41.544605Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) is now locking 2025-03-11T11:47:41.544624Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) is now locked by parent 2025-03-11T11:47:41.549417Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) is now active 2025-03-11T11:47:41.627110Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285140, Sender [1:7480517316084313270:2315], Recipient [1:7480517311789345652:2197]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvDescribeTenantOptionsRequest { Request { } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.627198Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvDescribeTenantOptionsRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.629852Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvDescribeTenantOptionsResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.DescribeDatabaseOptionsResult] { storage_units { kind: "hdd2" labels { key: "disk_type" value: "ROT" } labels { key: "erasure" value: "none" } } storage_units { kind: "hdd" labels { key: "disk_type" value: "ROT" } labels { key: "erasure" value: "none" } } storage_units { kind: "hdd1" labels { key: "disk_type" value: "ROT" } labels { key: "erasure" value: "none" } } storage_units { kind: "ssd" labels { key: "disk_type" value: "ROT" } labels { key: "erasure" value: "none" } } storage_units { kind: "test" labels { key: "disk_type" value: "ROT" } labels { key: "erasure" value: "none" } } availability_zones { name: "dc-1" labels { key: "collocation" value: "disabled" } labels { key: "fixed_data_center" value: "DC-1" } } availability_zones { name: "any" labels { key: "any_data_center" value: "true" } labels { key: "collocation" value: "disabled" } } computational_units { kind: "slot" labels { key: "slot_type" value: "default" } labels { key: "type" value: "dynamic_slot" } allowed_availability_zones: "any" allowed_availability_zones: "dc-1" } } } } } |81.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::Negative [GOOD] |81.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/ydb-core-kqp-ut-service |81.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/ydb-core-kqp-ut-service ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::Transfer [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:39.921469Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517308891460472:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.930353Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001330/r3tmp/tmpnaXT0Y/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.632319Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:40.659784Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.659886Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.663270Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:3703 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18015, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.098305Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.098332Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.098340Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.098475Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3703 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.671949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.862150Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { name: Topic, owner: root@builtin, type: Topic, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661806, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.862183Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path succeeded: path# /Root/Topic 2025-03-11T11:47:41.890502Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTopicResponse { Result: { status: SUCCESS, issues: } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.890525Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe topic succeeded: path# /Root/Topic 2025-03-11T11:47:41.890669Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Topic, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Table, kind# Transfer >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::WithoutPqTransactions [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::WithPqTransactions >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTestSyncOperation [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowData [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.170580Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.170928Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.171148Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ac8/r3tmp/tmpyKtkjL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.661257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.706845Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:36.756174Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.756310Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.768144Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.868327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.926972Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.927329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.975033Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.975197Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.977167Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.977266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.977325Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.977746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.977913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.989028Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:37.024604Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.024856Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:37.024984Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.025039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.025077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:37.025118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.025651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.025782Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.027965Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028217Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028385Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028605Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.028881Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.029059Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.031259Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.042601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.042748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:37.210655Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.230598Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.230718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.231160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.231251Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.231795Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.232187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.232389Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.233424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.233521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.234118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:37.234702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.237453Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.237528Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.239364Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:37.239465Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241327Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241393Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241447Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241538Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [1:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241600Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.241703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.247307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.249740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:37.249835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.251705Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:37.264804Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.264947Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.265051Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.272187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:37.279652Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.461519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.465067Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.555666Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.995874Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gg85ddta8446yf2zms0hm, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWUxOTFiMGYtNWY3NTE0LTYzMmNhMjdmLTM1MTZkOGI3, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:38.016071Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:850:2686], serverId# [1:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:38.016383Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:38.029424Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47: ... aChangedResult 2025-03-11T11:47:44.409564Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715664 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:44.409630Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412034Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [2:939:2765], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCAN SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 939 RawX2: 8589937357 } TxBody: " \0018\001B8\n\014\010\200\202\224\204\200\200\200\200\001\020\002\022\t\010\001\022\003key\030\002\022\013\010\002\022\005value\030\002\032\016\n\006\001\000\000\000\000\200\022\000\030\001 \001 \001H\001R\022\t\253\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\021\315\n\000\000\002\000\000\000" TxId: 281474976715665 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 8 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412100Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412217Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412469Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: -- AddReadRange: [(Uint32 : NULL) ; ()] table: [72057594046644480:2:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412580Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412647Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412699Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckDataTx 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412748Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412781Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412833Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v2000/281474976715664 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v1500/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v1500/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412898Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412940Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412966Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:44.412990Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413015Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413045Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413072Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit MakeScanSnapshot 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413097Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413120Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413171Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Requested stream clearance from [2:939:2765] for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413209Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413411Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287942, Sender [2:939:2765], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearancePending TxId: 281474976715665 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413458Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearancePending 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413561Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287940, Sender [2:939:2765], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearanceResponse TxId: 281474976715665 Cleared: true 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413605Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413693Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413727Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413794Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413847Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413924Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:44.413968Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414023Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414069Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414112Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414156Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414200Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414488Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414528Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414572Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414618Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:44.414662Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.415254Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:945:2770], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:47:44.415300Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:47:44.415559Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.415618Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.415863Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715665, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:44.416284Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877763, Sender [2:932:2758], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed { TabletId: 72057594046644480 ClientId: [2:932:2758] ServerId: [2:934:2760] } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.416324Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientDestroyed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.416765Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715665, Size: 36, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.416900Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715665, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.416956Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037888, TxId: 281474976715665, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419277Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419333Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715665, at: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419527Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:663:2568], Recipient [2:663:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419565Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419627Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419666Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 1 active planned 0 immediate 1 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419711Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419747Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419787Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419843Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419877Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419909Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419940Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:44.419994Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715665 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420068Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420106Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420147Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420187Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420239Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420264Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420295Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420333Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420366Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420397Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420426Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420515Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420564Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715665] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:44.420620Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 >> TargetDiscoverer::Dirs [GOOD] >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataAlterSplitThenPublish [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::AlterRemoveTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:39.494722Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517308257566399:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.494776Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00174f/r3tmp/tmpKMxcUX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.531116Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:40.534066Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537206Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537288Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.543948Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10277, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:40.854352Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.854371Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.854378Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.854526Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8942 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.422207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.596810Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285120, Sender [1:7480517316847501759:2315], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.596854Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.596869Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.596881Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.596998Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant: Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.597145Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 (txid = 1741693661596731) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.598016Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 to database state=CREATING_POOLS coordinators=3 mediators=3 planresolution=10 timecastbucketspermediator=2 issue= txid=1741693661596731 subdomainversion=1 confirmedsubdomain=0 attrs= generation=1 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED isExternalSubDomain=1 isExternalHive=1 isExternalSysViewProcessor=1 isExternalStatisticsAggregator=1 areResourcesShared=0 sharedDomainId= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.598171Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd to database kind=hdd config=BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } allocatednumgroups=0 state=NOT_ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.607081Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.608068Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantResponse { Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661596731&action=1" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.608204Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.608272Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.608446Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.610100Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:41.610218Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DefineStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615382Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 6 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615451Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615778Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [1:7480517316847501764:2203], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615797Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615815Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615826Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615918Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.615939Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=ALLOCATED allocatednumgroups=1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.616025Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update subdomain version in database for /Root/users/user-1 subdomainversion=2 2025-03-11T11:47:41.622982Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517316847501778:2317], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661596731&action=1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.623014Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.623277Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661596731&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.629324Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:41.629375Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.629385Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.629393Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.634194Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to CREATING_SUBDOMAIN 2025-03-11T11:47:41.634224Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=CREATING_SUBDOMAIN txid=1741693661596731 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.638584Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.643888Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.644023Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.644039Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) create subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:41.648975Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain creation cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "users/user-1" ExternalSchemeShard: true ExternalHive: true ExternalSysViewProcessor: true ExternalStatisticsAggregator: true GraphShard: true } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.651049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.661140Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710658 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:41.661254Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.667953Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.700018Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.700754Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/users/user-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "user-1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693661715 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.700766Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:41.700848Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NCon ... 3661825495&action=2" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.837118Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.837163Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.837863Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/users/user-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "user-1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693661715 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateAlter Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 2 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 2 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 Hive: 72075186224037888 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 10 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.837876Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) drop subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:41.838029Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain drop cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root/users" OperationType: ESchemeOpForceDropExtSubDomain Drop { Name: "user-1" } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.838818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Dropping path id [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] by tx: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.839104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpForceDropExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.847598Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710660 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.847640Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849173Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517316847501987:2326], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849196Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849380Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849435Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849445Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849614Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849682Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435076, Sender [1:7480517316847501868:2203], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849698Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849715Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Ignoring ready subdomain for tenant /Root/users/user-1 in REMOVING_SUBDOMAIN state 2025-03-11T11:47:41.849925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Dropping path id [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] by tx: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.854603Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866807Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866828Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866891Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866956Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435077, Sender [1:7480517316847501949:2203], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866981Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.866996Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.867005Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.867034Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Execute /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.867051Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_UNITS txid=1741693661825495 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.867124Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661825495 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871534Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Complete /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871614Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvAlterTenant: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871661Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871847Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517312552534058:2212], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871868Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871890Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871898Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871923Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to REMOVING_POOLS 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871942Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_POOLS txid=1741693661825495 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.873847Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.873941Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.873986Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.874112Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.874673Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true StoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" Geometry { } VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 2 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } ScopeId { X1: 72057594046644480 X2: 3 } ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 13 2025-03-11T11:47:41.874772Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DeleteStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883172Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 14 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883279Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435081, Sender [1:7480517316847502035:2203], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883315Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883344Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883355Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883388Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=DELETED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.883408Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=DELETED allocatednumgroups=0 2025-03-11T11:47:41.901967Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902011Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902036Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902046Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902119Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone for tenant /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693661825495 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902129Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661825495 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902138Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove tenant /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661825495 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902146Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd from database 2025-03-11T11:47:41.902231Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant removal info for /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693661825495 code=SUCCESS errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.908805Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517316847502054:2328], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.908832Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.908979Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.911222Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.911296Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.966297Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517316847502059:2330], Recipient [1:7480517312552534141:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.966326Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.966499Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661825495&action=2" ready: true status: SUCCESS } } >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_SwitchBackToLocalCluster [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_SeqNoShift ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::IndexedTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:40.143967Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517311517352035:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.150045Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00131c/r3tmp/tmpqhNeAr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.821519Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.821614Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.824428Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.920798Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:14201 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4636, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.252503Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.252530Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.252543Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.252717Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14201 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.721488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.743527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:42.397773Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { name: Root, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693661778, tx_id: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.397817Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:42.413613Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvListDirectoryResponse { Result: { children [{ name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693662191, tx_id: 281474976710658 } }, { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } }] } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.413643Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Listing succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:44.559502Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693662191, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.559550Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe table succeeded: path# /Root/Table 2025-03-11T11:47:44.559603Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Table, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Table, kind# Table 2025-03-11T11:47:44.559731Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Table/Index, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Table/Index/indexImplTable, kind# IndexTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:37.809737Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517296676403982:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:37.809797Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001765/r3tmp/tmpMzWuYa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:38.483998Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:38.494877Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:38.494982Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:38.500836Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27045, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:38.620774Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.620817Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.620825Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.620968Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3338 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:39.281085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438206Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285120, Sender [1:7480517305266339372:2314], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438249Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438264Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438279Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438386Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant: Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" 2025-03-11T11:47:39.438510Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 (txid = 1741693659435124) 2025-03-11T11:47:39.439089Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 to database state=CREATING_POOLS coordinators=3 mediators=3 planresolution=10 timecastbucketspermediator=2 issue= txid=1741693659435124 subdomainversion=1 confirmedsubdomain=0 attrs= generation=1 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED isExternalSubDomain=1 isExternalHive=1 isExternalSysViewProcessor=1 isExternalStatisticsAggregator=1 areResourcesShared=0 sharedDomainId= 2025-03-11T11:47:39.439277Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd to database kind=hdd config=BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } allocatednumgroups=0 state=NOT_ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:39.450244Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:39.451214Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantResponse { Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693659435124&action=1" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.451357Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.451433Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:39.451556Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.452209Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:39.452330Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DefineStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462465Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 6 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462532Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462645Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [1:7480517305266339377:2199], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462667Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462681Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462690Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462739Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462759Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=ALLOCATED allocatednumgroups=1 2025-03-11T11:47:39.462845Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update subdomain version in database for /Root/users/user-1 subdomainversion=2 2025-03-11T11:47:39.465181Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517305266339382:2315], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693659435124&action=1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.465204Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:39.465442Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693659435124&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.472887Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:39.472925Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.472934Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.472941Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.472994Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to CREATING_SUBDOMAIN 2025-03-11T11:47:39.473019Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=CREATING_SUBDOMAIN txid=1741693659435124 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:39.477186Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:39.477328Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:39.477367Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:39.477378Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) create subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:39.501752Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain creation cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "users/user-1" ExternalSchemeShard: true ExternalHive: true ExternalSysViewProcessor: true ExternalStatisticsAggregator: true GraphShard: true } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:39.522062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:39.544411Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710658 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:39.544487Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:39.551767Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517305266339429:2318], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693659435124&action=1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.551809Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:39.551992Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693659435124&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.578092Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:39.595317Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:39.596168Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/users/user-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "user-1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693659622 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 720575 ... 1693661238841&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.259383Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.259594Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.260418Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.306275Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found - using supplied 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:41.314831Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:41.314855Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:41.314901Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315645Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435077, Sender [1:7480517313856274596:2199], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315674Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315691Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315701Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315748Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Execute /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315773Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_UNITS txid=1741693661238841 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.315863Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661238841 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.319615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Got DeleteTabletReply with Forward response from Hive 72075186224037888 to Hive 72057594037968897 shardIdx 72057594046644480:1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.328073Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517313856274653:2392], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.328111Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.328268Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334444Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Complete /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334527Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvAlterTenant: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334548Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334748Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517300971371648:2196], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334761Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334783Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334798Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334833Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to REMOVING_POOLS 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334860Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_POOLS txid=1741693661238841 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334435Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037897 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334469Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334479Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334488Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037894 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334498Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334511Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334537Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037895 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334554Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.334564Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037896 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.358740Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:41.369533Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.369601Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.369641Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.369845Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.371305Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true StoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" Geometry { } VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 2 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } ScopeId { X1: 72057594046644480 X2: 3 } ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 13 2025-03-11T11:47:41.371409Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DeleteStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377239Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 14 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377380Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435081, Sender [1:7480517313856274701:2199], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377415Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377429Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377438Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377483Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=DELETED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.377502Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=DELETED allocatednumgroups=0 2025-03-11T11:47:41.420375Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517313856274716:2395], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.420409Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.420608Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421242Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421267Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421275Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421282Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421379Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone for tenant /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693661238841 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421391Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661238841 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421409Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove tenant /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693661238841 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421420Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd from database 2025-03-11T11:47:41.421504Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant removal info for /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693661238841 code=SUCCESS errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.430831Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.430980Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.474229Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517313856274723:2397], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.474276Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.474436Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661238841&action=2" ready: true status: SUCCESS } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.477438Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517313856274726:2399], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.477477Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.477638Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: NOT_FOUND issues { message: "Unknown tenant /Root/users/user-1" severity: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.483230Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285123, Sender [1:7480517313856274729:2400], Recipient [1:7480517300971371760:2199]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsRequest { Request { } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.483270Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.483465Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.ListDatabasesResult] { } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.489314Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:41.489585Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected |81.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/ydb/backup_ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpPg::NoTableQuery+useSink [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::MoveTableShouldFail [GOOD] >> KqpPg::NoTableQuery-useSink >> TCdcStreamTests::CheckSchemeLimits |81.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/tx_allocator/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |81.8%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/ycloud/impl/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> YdbScripting::MultiResults [GOOD] |81.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/ydb-core-kqp-ut-service |81.8%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::InvalidCredentials ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::Negative [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.983337Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517314416122419:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.983896Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001304/r3tmp/tmpVhUeW0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:42.563321Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:42.581825Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.582201Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.586782Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:10500 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17160, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.094516Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.094554Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.094561Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.094720Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10500 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:43.671276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:43.745851Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues: {
: Error: Path not found } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.745908Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER ERROR: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path failed: path# /Root/Table, status# SCHEME_ERROR, issues# {
: Error: Path not found } >> TargetDiscoverer::Basic >> KqpScan::ScanRetryRead [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanRetryReadRanges >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplit10 [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplitThenMerge >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRowsLocks [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::SimpleTenantsTestSyncOperation [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:39.109102Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517305341257062:2206];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.109159Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001750/r3tmp/tmpvktsUO/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.121522Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:40.138369Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.149349Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.149449Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.154864Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.327389Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC07@impl.h:2150} ProcessControllerEvent event processing took too much time Type# 268637706 Duration# 0.137630s 2025-03-11T11:47:40.327466Z node 1 :BS_CONTROLLER ERROR: {BSC00@bsc.cpp:574} StateWork event processing took too much time Type# 2146435078 Duration# 0.137725s TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 65513, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537309Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537326Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537334Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.537428Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8477 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:40.989243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103006Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285120, Sender [1:7480517313931192286:2314], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest { Request { operation_params { operation_mode: SYNC } path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103045Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103058Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103071Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103176Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant: Request { operation_params { operation_mode: SYNC } path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103299Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 (txid = 1741693661102391) 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103771Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 to database state=CREATING_POOLS coordinators=3 mediators=3 planresolution=10 timecastbucketspermediator=2 issue= txid=1741693661102391 subdomainversion=1 confirmedsubdomain=0 attrs= generation=1 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED isExternalSubDomain=1 isExternalHive=1 isExternalSysViewProcessor=1 isExternalStatisticsAggregator=1 areResourcesShared=0 sharedDomainId= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.103975Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd to database kind=hdd config=BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } allocatednumgroups=0 state=NOT_ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.118491Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.119295Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantResponse { Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661102391&action=1" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.119450Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.119547Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.119694Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120105Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120299Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DefineStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120543Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285139, Sender [1:7480517313931192286:2314], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvNotifyOperationCompletionRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661102391&action=1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120584Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvNotifyOperationCompletionRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120850Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add subscription to /Root/users/user-1 for [1:7480517313931192286:2314] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120943Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvNotifyOperationCompletionResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693661102391&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.131997Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 6 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132044Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132097Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [1:7480517313931192291:2203], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132108Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132118Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132122Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132152Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132165Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=ALLOCATED allocatednumgroups=1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.132207Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update subdomain version in database for /Root/users/user-1 subdomainversion=2 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144102Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144130Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144146Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144151Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144190Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to CREATING_SUBDOMAIN 2025-03-11T11:47:41.144205Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=CREATING_SUBDOMAIN txid=1741693661102391 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:41.148255Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.148385Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:41.148415Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:41.148425Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) create subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:41.152010Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain creation cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "users/user-1" ExternalSchemeShard: true ExternalHive: true ExternalSysViewProcessor: true ExternalStatisticsAggregator: true GraphShard: true } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:41.153671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.158713Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710658 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:41.158821Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.165081Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.187615Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:41.188235Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/users/user-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "user-1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693661211 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } PathsInside: 0 ... sourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.048128Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) drop subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:42.048280Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain drop cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root/users" OperationType: ESchemeOpForceDropExtSubDomain Drop { Name: "user-1" } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:42.051072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Dropping path id [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] by tx: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:42.051429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpForceDropExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.053826Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710660 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.053883Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:42.054270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Dropping path id [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] by tx: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:42.058242Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:42.081845Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:47:42.081870Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:42.081950Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082026Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435077, Sender [1:7480517318226160146:2203], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082047Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082064Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082072Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082117Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Execute /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082147Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_UNITS txid=1741693662042723 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082210Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693662042723 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.082485Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found - using supplied 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.086989Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Complete /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087087Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvAlterTenant: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087103Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087300Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517305341257287:2208], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087317Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087332Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087343Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087368Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to REMOVING_POOLS 2025-03-11T11:47:42.087390Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_POOLS txid=1741693662042723 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.096102Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.096177Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.096212Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:42.096356Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.096906Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true StoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" Geometry { } VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 2 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } ScopeId { X1: 72057594046644480 X2: 3 } ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 13 2025-03-11T11:47:42.097053Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DeleteStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 ItemConfigGeneration: 3 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.103982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Got DeleteTabletReply with Forward response from Hive 72075186224037888 to Hive 72057594037968897 shardIdx 72057594046644480:1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.108674Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.108715Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037894 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.108726Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037897 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.108748Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113771Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 14 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113874Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435081, Sender [1:7480517318226160228:2203], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113921Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113932Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113942Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113975Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=DELETED 2025-03-11T11:47:42.113999Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=DELETED allocatednumgroups=0 2025-03-11T11:47:42.117689Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037895 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.117725Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.117740Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.154786Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.246406Z node 3 :BS_PROXY_PUT ERROR: [03bff903504d8b5b] Result# TEvPutResult {Id# [72075186224037888:1:19:0:0:127:0] Status# ERROR StatusFlags# { } ErrorReason# "Request got Poison" ApproximateFreeSpaceShare# 0} GroupId# 2181038081 Marker# BPP12 2025-03-11T11:47:42.253869Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:42.270942Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.270966Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.270974Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271071Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone for tenant /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693662042723 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271084Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693662042723 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271101Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove tenant /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693662042723 issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271111Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd from database 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271199Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant removal info for /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693662042723 code=SUCCESS errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:42.288733Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.294523Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send /Root/users/user-1 notification to [1:7480517318226160126:2377]: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693662042723&action=2" ready: true status: SUCCESS } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.294650Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:42.298695Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517318226160288:2383], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.298728Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:42.298932Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: NOT_FOUND issues { message: "Unknown tenant /Root/users/user-1" severity: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.322782Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:42.322836Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult retrying for 72075186224037890 because of ERROR 2025-03-11T11:47:42.322869Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult retrying for 72075186224037894 because of ERROR 2025-03-11T11:47:42.323460Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285123, Sender [1:7480517318226160291:2384], Recipient [1:7480517309636224710:2203]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsRequest { Request { } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.323492Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:42.323674Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvListTenantsResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.ListDatabasesResult] { } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.331277Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:42.350347Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:42.350548Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::Dirs [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.467155Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517316112758805:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.467198Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001308/r3tmp/tmpDNWyqk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:41.969131Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.969253Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:41.970891Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.998066Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:29422 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10602, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.574464Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:42.574489Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:42.574495Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:42.574646Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29422 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:43.200939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:43.231402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:43.246565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.251393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:43.479971Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { name: Root, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693663262, tx_id: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.480001Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:43.494812Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvListDirectoryResponse { Result: { children [{ name: Dir, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693663290, tx_id: 281474976710658 } }, { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } }] } } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.494842Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Listing succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:43.514595Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvListDirectoryResponse { Result: { children [{ name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693663367, tx_id: 281474976710659 } }] } } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.514618Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Listing succeeded: path# /Root/Dir 2025-03-11T11:47:45.986533Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693663367, tx_id: 281474976710659 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:45.986571Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe table succeeded: path# /Root/Dir/Table 2025-03-11T11:47:45.986604Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Dir/Table, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Dir/Table, kind# Table |81.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_data_erasure |81.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_data_erasure |81.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_data_erasure |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::AuthTokenTest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadShadowRowsShadowDataAlterSplitThenPublish [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.946130Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.946400Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:35.946587Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001abb/r3tmp/tmpSsVPTw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.381442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.443595Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:36.490398Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.490516Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.503063Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.594372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.668859Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:47:36.670529Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:47:36.671290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:664:2568] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.671739Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.721332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:655:2562], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.722403Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.722540Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724178Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724759Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724905Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.724996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:680:2568] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.736895Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.775802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776012Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776137Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776224Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776262Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776511Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776563Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:36.776916Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777252Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777317Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777367Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777410Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777489Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:671:2572], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777667Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:661:2566], serverId# [1:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777805Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:671:2572] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:36.777971Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778223Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778395Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778454Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778908Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:36.778975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779021Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779188Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779218Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:36.779245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:36.781246Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:683:2579], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:47:36.781316Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.792681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.792768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:47:36.792810Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:47:36.792864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:47:36.792956Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.964803Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:703:2593], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.964864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.964934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:701:2591], serverId# [1:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:561:2491], Recipient [1:664:2568]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000 MediatorId# 72057594046382081 TabletID 72075186224037888} 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965536Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965575Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:47:36.965610Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978183Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:664:2568], Recipient [1:664:2568]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978869Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:36.978954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:3 ... 46.009197Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037889, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078127Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078207Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715668, at: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078794Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:956:2778], Recipient [2:956:2778]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078844Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078908Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078945Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.078984Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079014Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079054Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079109Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079155Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079201Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079229Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079441Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079478Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079522Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079555Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079593Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079618Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079647Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079688Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079714Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079749Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037889 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079786Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.097997Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098084Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098121Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098194Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715668] from 72075186224037889 at tablet 72075186224037889 send result to client [2:1148:2941], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098253Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098687Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287940, Sender [2:1148:2941], Recipient [2:961:2780]: NKikimrTx.TEvStreamClearanceResponse TxId: 281474976715668 Cleared: true 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098734Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvStreamClearanceResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098806Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037890 step# 3500} 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098856Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.098885Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099038Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:961:2780], Recipient [2:961:2780]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099067Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099120Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099153Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099188Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 for WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099216Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099247Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Got stream clearance for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099279Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099312Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit WaitForStreamClearance 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099339Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099370Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099597Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 is Continue 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099625Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099652Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099679Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 out-of-order limits exceeded 2025-03-11T11:47:46.099716Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.100540Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435082, Sender [2:1169:2960], Recipient [2:961:2780]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:47:46.100584Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvRegisterScanActor 2025-03-11T11:47:46.100829Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got quota for read table scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.101557Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send response data ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, Size: 54, Rows: 0, PendingAcks: 1, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.103332Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got stream data ack ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, PendingAcks: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.103384Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Finish scan ShardId: 72075186224037890, TxId: 281474976715668, MessageQuota: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.174920Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: FullScan complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.174982Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found op: cookie: 281474976715668, at: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175437Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [2:961:2780], Recipient [2:961:2780]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175482Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175545Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175581Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175617Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 for ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175647Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175679Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: ReadTable scan complete for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 error: , IsFatalError: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175718Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175762Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit ReadTableScan 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175793Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175819Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.175997Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176032Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176057Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176083Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176113Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176133Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176155Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176179Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037890 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176201Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176227Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037890 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:46.176252Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.187384Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.187455Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:46.187491Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [3500:281474976715668] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:47:46.187550Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [3500 : 281474976715668] from 72075186224037890 at tablet 72075186224037890 send result to client [2:1148:2941], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:46.187595Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 >> TGRpcCmsTest::DisabledTxTest >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::WithPqTransactions [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::AlterStream ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/unittest >> TSchemeShardTest::NestedDirs [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055576Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055831Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:42:27.055964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:42:27.056350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:27.139859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:42:27.139933Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:27.156449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:27.156936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:27.157135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.175394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:27.175673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.176486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.176864Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.180321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.181743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.181805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.181935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:27.181991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.182036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:27.182275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.201885Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.369787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.370081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.370323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.370560Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.370624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373640Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:42:27.373827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:42:27.376067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.376132Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.376176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:42:27.378320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.378377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.378424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.378494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.386029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:42:27.388495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:42:27.388744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.390944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.393541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.393594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:42:27.393810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.393881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394425Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:27.394646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:42:27.397542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.397689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:42:27.397736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... _TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 134, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219531Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219559Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 127: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219774Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 135, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219843Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 136, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219921Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 128: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219946Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 128: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220162Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 137, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220230Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 129: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220257Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 129: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220412Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 138, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220511Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 130: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220538Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 130: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220671Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 139, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220784Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 131: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220825Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 131: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.220954Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 140, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226293Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 132: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226348Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 132: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226556Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 141, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226615Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 133: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226647Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 133: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226706Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 134: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226732Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 134: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226933Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 142, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.226986Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 135: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227012Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 135: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227065Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 136: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227121Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 136: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227343Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 143, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227408Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 137: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227435Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 137: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227538Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 144, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227635Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 138: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227667Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 138: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227847Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 139: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.227891Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 139: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228102Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 140: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228132Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 140: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228253Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 141: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228279Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 141: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228443Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 142: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228506Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 142: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228707Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 143: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228742Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 143: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228917Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 144: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:47:42.228949Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 144: satisfy waiter [15:1074:3065] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 145 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 146 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 147 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 148 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 149 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 150 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 151 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 152 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 153 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 154 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 124 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 125 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 126 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 127 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 128 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 129 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 130 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 131 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 132 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 133 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 134 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 135 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 136 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 137 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 138 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 139 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 140 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 141 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 142 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 143 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 144 TestModificationResults wait txId: 155 2025-03-11T11:47:42.244111Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31" OperationType: ESchemeOpMkDir MkDir { Name: "fail" } } TxId: 155 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.244965Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/fail, operationId: 155:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.245260Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 155:1, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/fail', error: paths depth limit exceeded, limit: 32, depth: 33, delta: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.271478Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 155, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/fail\', error: paths depth limit exceeded, limit: 32, depth: 33, delta: 0" TxId: 155 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.272055Z node 15 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 155, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Check failed: path: '/MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/fail', error: paths depth limit exceeded, limit: 32, depth: 33, delta: 0, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /MyRoot/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/fail TestModificationResult got TxId: 155, wait until txId: 155 2025-03-11T11:47:42.273733Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:42.278448Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 4.7ms result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:47:42.279204Z node 15 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 6 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 6 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "1" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 124 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" ChildrenExist: true } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 31 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> BasicStatistics::TwoTables [GOOD] >> KqpPg::JoinWithQueryService+StreamLookup [GOOD] >> KqpPg::Insert_Serial+useSink >> KqpScan::RemoteShardScan [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplit ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/ut/unittest >> YdbScripting::MultiResults [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:08.210884Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517174929693562:2083];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:08.226089Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e66/r3tmp/tmpHuxMHn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:09.198967Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:09.201713Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.201803Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.211311Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5618, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478636Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478662Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478672Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478838Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12347 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:09.837432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:13.110518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:13.159386Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517174929693562:2083];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:13.159455Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:14.324385Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517200699500464:2440], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.324516Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.324907Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517200699500476:2443], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.329341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.381008Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517200699500478:2444], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.481443Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517200699500601:4285] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.160905Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfhrh6q3b09t9ezypj3zm, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZWJhNTJkYzItZmFlOTJjMDktNmNiOWNhNzItYTc0YzgxMTA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:17.517970Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517212654662736:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:17.526389Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e66/r3tmp/tmpFtCgNk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:18.193973Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19238, node 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.417135Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:18.417227Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:18.610161Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.610186Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.610196Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.610362Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:18.725215Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:29923 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:18.991626Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:22.134224Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:22.920042Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517212654662736:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:22.983518Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:23.231404Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517238424469536:2439], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:23.231414Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517238424469547:2442], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:23.231490Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:23.236631Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:23.267585Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480517238424469550:2443], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:23.347276Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517238424469625:4169] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:23.488131Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gftex0262abe1wej3s62r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=NmMzZWMwOTQtNWMyM2MwMzctYTk5OTY4MWUtYjk0ZGU1M2E=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:23.557552Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:29923 2025-03-11T11:47:26.518339Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517251009824465:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:26.520780Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e66/r3tmp/tmpfHSOgL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11: ... ent is connected to server localhost:23219 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:34.421877Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:37.644791Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517300562250795:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.644912Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.772272Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:37.894764Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517300562250966:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.897970Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.899752Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517300562250971:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.903864Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:37.938711Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517300562250973:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.047232Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517304857218340:2797] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.155859Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gg5fd08be9q989x52kkg3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=OTYwMTk1OTEtMzIzYWY2ZDEtNWY2NzEyMWYtZTRlNzM3ZDk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:38.295901Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gg91y8tcnm0z7rebpmttk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=NWM0ODNlMmMtNzJiMTU5NmItNThmNWFjZWEtMzI4Y2I4MGM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:38.303654Z node 10 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693658320, txId: 281474976710662] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:40.358746Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[13:7480517312203603578:2176];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.387198Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e66/r3tmp/tmpz7z276/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.628004Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664825Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:40.664926Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:40.669721Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5339, node 13 2025-03-11T11:47:40.873093Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.873121Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.873129Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:40.873297Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12971 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.219603Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:44.374075Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517329383473704:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.374208Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.791909Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:44.997715Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517329383473906:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.997910Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.998395Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517329383473911:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:45.002970Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:45.047273Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [13:7480517329383473913:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:45.151614Z node 13 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [13:7480517333678441282:2796] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:45.228535Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggc47etwff3fs8sayz863, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=NDhjZGYxOS1iM2E4NWM5ZS01YWVmYTM5Mi0zMzdmNzE1Nw==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:45.342029Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[13:7480517312203603578:2176];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:45.342110Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:45.358448Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggc47etwff3fs8sayz863, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=N2QyOTk0YTktZDlkOGI1ZmQtY2Q4ZDFkZjItNTNjODljMTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:45.450262Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggc47etwff3fs8sayz863, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=ZjM5OTYxODEtZDQyMjlkODktMjBiNGM5YzMtNTQzYTMxODE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:45.766166Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggc47etwff3fs8sayz863, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=MWFlZjRlNjEtNTI1NzIxM2YtODA1ZGI0YTUtOGExODViZTI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root >> TGRpcCmsTest::RemoveWithAnotherTokenTest |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest >> KqpPg::EmptyQuery+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::EmptyQuery-useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::TestUploadRowsLocks [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:35.182013Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:35.182521Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:35.182776Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ada/r3tmp/tmpUInZpg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:35.628073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:35.677311Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:35.726736Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.726869Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:35.741375Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:35.838736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:35.902711Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:677:2577] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.903046Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.954623Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.954915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.956708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.956841Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.956910Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:35.957295Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.957772Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:684:2579] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.958008Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.966972Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.967072Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:715:2577] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.968109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.968209Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.969651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:35.969723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:35.969775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:35.971101Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.971473Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.971521Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:723:2579] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.973672Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037891 actor [1:688:2581] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.973871Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.983593Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.983732Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985085Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985579Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.985839Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037891 persisting started state actor id [1:742:2581] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:35.987338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [1:691:2583] 2025-03-11T11:47:35.987537Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.996382Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.996517Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.997778Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:35.997845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:35.997884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998189Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:35.998371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037890 persisting started state actor id [1:751:2583] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.009510Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050432Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050760Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:756:2619] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050814Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.050887Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051412Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051585Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:757:2620] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051656Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051678Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051749Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051825Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037891 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037891, actorId: [1:758:2621] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051915Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037891, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.051932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052141Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052248Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052344Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037890 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052492Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037890, actorId: [1:759:2622] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052532Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037890, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.052599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053236Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053607Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:669:2571], serverId# [1:712:2595], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.053830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054020Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054294Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054401Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054844Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054880Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054909Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054947Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.054996Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037891 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037891 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.055104Z node 1 :TX_DA ... node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:45.865395Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [3:682:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:45.865450Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.865501Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:45.865575Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866023Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866156Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866293Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866341Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866393Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866448Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866535Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:660:2565], serverId# [3:671:2572], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:45.866802Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.867038Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:45.867166Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.869682Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.882628Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:45.882795Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:46.056708Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:701:2591], serverId# [3:703:2593], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057461Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057527Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057728Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057780Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057835Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.058134Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.058306Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.059817Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.059910Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037888 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.060397Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037888 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T11:47:46.060887Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.072851Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvRegisterTabletResult at 72075186224037888 time 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.072957Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.074120Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Sending '{TEvPlanStepAccepted TabletId# 72075186224037888 step# 1000} 2025-03-11T11:47:46.074215Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.075726Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.075787Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.075849Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Change sender activated: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.075935Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000 : 281474976715657] from 72075186224037888 at tablet 72075186224037888 send result to client [3:408:2403], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:47:46.077662Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: 72075186224037888 Sending notify to schemeshard 72057594046644480 txId 281474976715657 state Ready TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:46.077791Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.079084Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.081357Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChangedResult 281474976715657 datashard 72075186224037888 state Ready 2025-03-11T11:47:46.081452Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Got TEvSchemaChangedResult from SS at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.082798Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Got TEvMediatorTimecast::TEvSubscribeReadStepResult at 72075186224037888 coordinator 72057594046316545 last step 0 next step 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:46.093660Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:735:2617], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.093786Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:745:2622], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.093870Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.105662Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:46.116963Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.298259Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.302516Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:749:2625], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.391648Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:823:2668] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.863296Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gggsb6g01wdjvm85tvqah, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NTk4YmMwM2MtZGY1ZTk1MTUtZDYzOTUwNTktNWU3YzRhNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:46.868578Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [3:850:2686], serverId# [3:851:2687], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:46.868810Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.882734Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:46.882884Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.082174Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gghjj26kkr6yhxxekmymg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=OWMyNGE3YTItZjkxMDI5M2ItNmUwMmM0YTctY2MyOTEwNDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:47.084437Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 Acquired lock# 281474976715661, counter# 0 for [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] { items { uint32_value: 300 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:47.090624Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(36) Execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.102371Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(36) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.102489Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.102567Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Waiting for PlanStep# 1501 from mediator time cast 2025-03-11T11:47:47.103307Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Notified by mediator time cast with PlanStep# 1501 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.103376Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.183294Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gghs03g7vtxfx2f0by4av, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=OWMyNGE3YTItZjkxMDI5M2ItNmUwMmM0YTctY2MyOTEwNDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:47.183971Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.196499Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.196678Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.206865Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=OWMyNGE3YTItZjkxMDI5M2ItNmUwMmM0YTctY2MyOTEwNDQ=, ActorId: [3:857:2692], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gghs03g7vtxfx2f0by4av, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:47:47.207904Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gghs03g7vtxfx2f0by4av, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=OWMyNGE3YTItZjkxMDI5M2ItNmUwMmM0YTctY2MyOTEwNDQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:47.208340Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.208844Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:47.208910Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/unittest >> DataShardVolatile::GracefulShardRestartNoEarlyReadSetAck [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:42:51.969448Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:42:51.969765Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:42:51.970238Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000be8/r3tmp/tmp220Svm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:42:52.514039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:52.583323Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:42:52.635064Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.635736Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.635866Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:42:52.635988Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:42:52.651169Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:42:52.853198Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.853272Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:52.853457Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:59:2106] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:643:2551] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.156925Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value2" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:42:53.157036Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.157676Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:42:53.157786Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:42:53.158176Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.158388Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 1000 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:42:53.158508Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.160436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:42:53.161045Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.161685Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.161777Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:643:2551] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:591:2516] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:42:53.218762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:42:53.220026Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:42:53.220577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:668:2572] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.220878Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.301816Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:659:2566], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.302723Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.302911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.304879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.304975Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.305044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.305462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.305635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:42:53.305769Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:684:2572] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.316739Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.353618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.353861Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354060Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:686:2582] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354114Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354157Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354224Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354493Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:668:2572], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354550Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.354989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355109Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355210Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355258Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355359Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186224037888 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355485Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.355997Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:675:2576], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:664:2569], serverId# [1:675:2576], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:408:2403], Recipient [1:675:2576] 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356322Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356445Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356786Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356884Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356936Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:53.356998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357056Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357386Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357425Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357502Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357552Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357586Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357642Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.357712Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:281474976715657] at 72075186224037888 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:42:53.359310Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269746185, Sender [1:687:2583], Recipient [1:668:2572]: NKikimr::TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvWatchNotifyUpdated 2025-03-11T11:42:53.359371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:42 ... p: 1545 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1000 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1000 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971600Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:21} Tx{33, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} queued, type NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971652Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:21} Tx{33, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971777Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037889, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971841Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037889 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971920Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971948Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.971979Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972009Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972058Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:7] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972099Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972126Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972154Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972183Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037889 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972300Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 1 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 1545 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1000 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1000 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972577Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037889 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v1545/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972624Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[28:1100:2882], 1} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972663Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[28:1100:2882], 1} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972735Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[28:1100:2882], 1} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972791Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972820Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972851Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:7] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972881Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:7] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972932Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972957Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.972982Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:7] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:43.973013Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:43.973107Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:21} Tx{33, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} hope 1 -> done Change{16, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.973169Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037889:1:21} Tx{33, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.973208Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975238Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] ::Bootstrap [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975370Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] lookup [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975487Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037889] send [28:953:2765] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975522Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037889] push event to server [28:953:2765] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975683Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] queue send [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975797Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [28:1100:2882], Recipient [28:703:2588]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975849Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975899Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] forward result local node, try to connect [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.975947Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890]::SendEvent [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976221Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [28:1104:2886], Recipient [28:1056:2854]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976264Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976305Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037890, clientId# [28:1103:2885], serverId# [28:1104:2886], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976354Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] connected with status OK role: Leader [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976397Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] send queued [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976427Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] push event to server [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976676Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [28:1100:2882], Recipient [28:1056:2854]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 2 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 1545 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 999 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 999 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976796Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037890:2:4} Tx{13, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} queued, type NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976853Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037890:2:4} Tx{13, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} took 4194304b of static mem, Memory{4194304 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.976945Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037890, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977015Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 72075186224037890 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977091Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977122Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977154Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977190Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 72075186224037890 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977254Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:1] at 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977304Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977331Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977360Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977389Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 72075186224037890 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977511Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 2 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 1 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 Snapshot { Step: 1545 TxId: 18446744073709551615 } ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 999 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 999 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977752Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: PromoteImmediatePostExecuteEdges at 72075186224037890 promoting UnprotectedReadEdge to v1545/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977798Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 Complete read# {[28:1100:2882], 2} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.977839Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 read iterator# {[28:1100:2882], 2} sends rowCount# 1, bytes# 32, quota rows left# 998, quota bytes left# 5242848, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981157Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 read iterator# {[28:1100:2882], 2} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981235Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981266Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981292Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 72075186224037890 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981319Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 72075186224037890 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981368Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981386Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981414Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:1] at 72075186224037890 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981444Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981565Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037890:2:4} Tx{13, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} hope 1 -> done Change{17, redo 0b alter 0b annex 0, ~{ } -{ }, 0 gb} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981618Z node 28 :TABLET_EXECUTOR DEBUG: Leader{72075186224037890:2:4} Tx{13, NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TTxReadViaPipeline} release 4194304b of static, Memory{0 dyn 0} 2025-03-11T11:47:43.981651Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037890 2025-03-11T11:47:43.982394Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] send [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.982435Z node 28 :PIPE_CLIENT DEBUG: TClient[72075186224037890] push event to server [28:1103:2885] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.982573Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [28:1100:2882], Recipient [28:1056:2854]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.982617Z node 28 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037890 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 2 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 1 } }, { items { uint32_value: 11 } items { uint32_value: 111 } }, { items { uint32_value: 21 } items { uint32_value: 21 } } |81.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/wrappers/ut/unittest |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TransferWriter::Write_ColumnTable |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_bsvolume/unittest >> KqpPg::CreateTableSerialColumns+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateTableSerialColumns-useSink |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest |81.9%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest >> TCdcStreamTests::CheckSchemeLimits [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::MeteringServerless >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::AlterStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::DropStream |82.0%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/service/ut/unittest >> BasicStatistics::TwoTables [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:45:01.436137Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:45:01.436527Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:45:01.436631Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001623/r3tmp/tmpDVxMtq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:45:01.999512Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7125, node 1 2025-03-11T11:45:02.604581Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:02.604642Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:02.604676Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:45:02.604901Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:45:02.615825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:02.748259Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:02.748405Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:02.775384Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:24896 2025-03-11T11:45:03.595423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:07.778284Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: Subscribed for config changes on node 2 2025-03-11T11:45:07.830484Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:07.830620Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:07.876619Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:45:07.879898Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:08.143109Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.143722Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.144376Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.144539Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.144656Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.144903Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.145034Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.145141Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.145247Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:45:08.344240Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:45:08.344355Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:45:08.358462Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:45:08.545830Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:45:08.644841Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:45:08.644940Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:08.681871Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682101Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682325Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded BaseStatistics: schemeshard count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682449Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ColumnStatistics: column count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682511Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ScheduleTraversals: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682604Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalOperations: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682665Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalTables: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:45:08.682719Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:08.683160Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] Subscribed for config changes 2025-03-11T11:45:08.715711Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ResolveSA(), StatisticsAggregatorId=72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:08.715801Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id: [2:1868:2598], at schemeshard: 72075186224037897, StatisticsAggregatorId: 72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:08.721395Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1876:2605] 2025-03-11T11:45:08.730035Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623] 2025-03-11T11:45:08.730252Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectSchemeShard, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623], schemeshard id = 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:08.734648Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Execute: database# /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:45:08.760560Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:45:08.760621Z node 2 :STATISTICS NOTICE: Table _statistics updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:45:08.760703Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Full table path:/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics 2025-03-11T11:45:08.775788Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976720657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:08.790356Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976720657 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72075186224037897 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:45:08.790506Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976720657 2025-03-11T11:45:09.008628Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Complete 2025-03-11T11:45:09.242138Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Request: create. Transaction completed: 281474976720657. Doublechecking... 2025-03-11T11:45:09.350658Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:45:10.500248Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2230:3066], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.500414Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.520835Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:45:10.804521Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2368:3101], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.804842Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.806387Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 1 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2373:3105]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:45:10.806598Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:45:10.806708Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id = [1:2375:3107] 2025-03-11T11:45:10.806794Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: SyncNode(), pipe client id = [1:2375:3107] 2025-03-11T11:45:10.807542Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:2376:2873] 2025-03-11T11:45:10.807922Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvClientConnected, node id = 1, client id = [1:2375:3107], server id = [2:2376:2873], tablet id = 72075186224037894, status = OK 2025-03-11T11:45:10.808126Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectNode, pipe server id = [2:2376:2873], node id = 1, have schemeshards count = 0, need schemeshards count = 1 2025-03-11T11:45:10.808194Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] SendStatisticsToNode(), node id = 1, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:45:10.808444Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:45:10.808541Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 1, ReplyToActorId = [1:2373:3105], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:45:10.831773Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2380:3111], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.831937Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.832472Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2385:3116], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:45:10.840345Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:45:11.046788Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvFastPropagateCheck 2025-03-11T11:45:11.046867Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] PropagateFastStatistics(), node count = 0, schemeshard count = 0 2025-03-11T11:45:11.163050Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvRequestTimeout, pipe client id = [1:2375:3107], schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:45:11.603992Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorA ... estsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.452639Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 119 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.452687Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 119, ReplyToActorId = [2:6683:4770], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.202105Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] PropagateStatistics(), node count = 2, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.202737Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.203036Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 2 2025-03-11T11:47:37.238203Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: SendBaseStatsToSA(), path count: 3, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:47:37.238328Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Schedule next SendBaseStatsToSA in 189.000000s, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:47:37.238854Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxSchemeShardStats::Execute: schemeshard id# 72075186224037897, stats size# 73 2025-03-11T11:47:37.263502Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxSchemeShardStats::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:37.859241Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 120 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:6716:4786]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.859567Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 120 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.859621Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 120, ReplyToActorId = [2:6716:4786], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:38.610793Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal 2025-03-11T11:47:38.610901Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. No force traversals. 2025-03-11T11:47:38.610964Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] IsColumnTable. Path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 5] is data table. 2025-03-11T11:47:38.611022Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. Skip traversal for datashard table [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 5] 2025-03-11T11:47:38.611435Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:47:38.676843Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DELETE FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id; 2025-03-11T11:47:38.706953Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:6741:4807], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.707094Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:6750:4812], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.707352Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root/Database, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:38.752819Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976720658:2, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:47:38.890213Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:6755:4815], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976720658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.123400Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:6851:4861] txid# 281474976720659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/Database/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.702589Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 121 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:6880:4876]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:39.702892Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 121 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:39.702958Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 121, ReplyToActorId = [2:6880:4876], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.120901Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjNiYTU3NGQtYTkzMDBmZDEtOTU3YzRjLTQzMGJmZDI=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.121011Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjNiYTU3NGQtYTkzMDBmZDEtOTU3YzRjLTQzMGJmZDI=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.130957Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.147390Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete schedule traversal for path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 5] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.147454Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete. No ActorId to send reply. 2025-03-11T11:47:41.676812Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 122 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:6915:4896]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.677141Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 122 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.677183Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 122, ReplyToActorId = [2:6915:4896], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.053671Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 123 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:6956:4918]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.054002Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 123 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.054056Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 123, ReplyToActorId = [2:6956:4918], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.770975Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvPropagateTimeout 2025-03-11T11:47:43.771164Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal 2025-03-11T11:47:43.771203Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. No force traversals. 2025-03-11T11:47:43.771248Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] IsColumnTable. Path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 3] is data table. 2025-03-11T11:47:43.771285Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. Skip traversal for datashard table [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.771700Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:47:43.775658Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DELETE FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id; 2025-03-11T11:47:43.794319Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzc5OTAxYWEtOWMyMTU0OTUtNTNhYWMyOTctOWE0NWQzY2M=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:43.794399Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Mzc5OTAxYWEtOWMyMTU0OTUtNTNhYWMyOTctOWE0NWQzY2M=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:43.794896Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:43.813492Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete schedule traversal for path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.813566Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete. No ActorId to send reply. 2025-03-11T11:47:44.408547Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 124 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:7022:4958]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:44.408934Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 124 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:44.408978Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 124, ReplyToActorId = [2:7022:4958], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:45.785283Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 125 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:7065:4982]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:45.785663Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 125 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:45.785719Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 125, ReplyToActorId = [2:7065:4982], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475079Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] PropagateStatistics(), node count = 2, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475323Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475365Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. No force traversals. 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475411Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] IsColumnTable. Path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 4] is data table. 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475449Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] ScheduleNextTraversal. Skip traversal for datashard table [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:47:46.475785Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:47:46.487784Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DELETE FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id; 2025-03-11T11:47:46.488282Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.492427Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 2 2025-03-11T11:47:46.505459Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2EyMmYzZDAtNGRiNzg2YmEtYzJiNzFhNWEtYTAwMTIxM2M=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:46.505556Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Y2EyMmYzZDAtNGRiNzg2YmEtYzJiNzFhNWEtYTAwMTIxM2M=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:47:46.506112Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:46.521724Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete schedule traversal for path [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 4] 2025-03-11T11:47:46.521791Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxFinishTraversal::Complete. No ActorId to send reply. 2025-03-11T11:47:47.096122Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 126 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:7126:5017]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:47.096531Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 126 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:47.096586Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 126, ReplyToActorId = [2:7126:5017], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:47:47.097456Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 127 ], ReplyToActorId[ [2:7128:5019]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:47.104422Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 127 ] 2025-03-11T11:47:47.104505Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 127, ReplyToActorId = [2:7128:5019], StatRequests.size() = 1 >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsBasic >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Simple+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Simple-useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithWorkloadManager >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::BulkUpsertDuringAddIndexRaceCorruption [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ReadDatashardAndColumnshard >> KqpQueryService::Write >> KqpPg::NoTableQuery-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::PgCreateTable >> KqpService::Shutdown >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapInsert >> KqpQueryService::ExecStats >> TargetDiscoverer::InvalidCredentials [GOOD] |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest |82.0%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/wrappers/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TargetDiscoverer::Basic [GOOD] >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsProfile >> KqpQueryService::Followers >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldHandleCompactionTimeouts [GOOD] |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::RetryOperation [GOOD] |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::DropStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::RacyAlterStreamAndRestart ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/unittest >> TTxDataShardUploadRows::BulkUpsertDuringAddIndexRaceCorruption [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:36.154367Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.154747Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.154991Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ab8/r3tmp/tmpXQ5lVf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.623221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.674638Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:36.715954Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.716087Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.728878Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.821578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:36.871462Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [1:675:2576] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.871762Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.926088Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:677:2578] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.926320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.935784Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.935992Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.937709Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.937806Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.937865Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.938295Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.938493Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.938572Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [1:708:2576] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.939016Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.939093Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940456Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940512Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:36.940978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:709:2578] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.952366Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.982698Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.982926Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983054Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [1:712:2597] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983101Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983139Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983463Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983500Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983606Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983725Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037889, actorId: [1:713:2598] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983752Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037889, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:36.983799Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.984283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.984429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.984924Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.984985Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985131Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985190Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985311Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:668:2572], serverId# [1:693:2587], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985360Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985384Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037889 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985436Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985601Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985843Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:36.985970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.986478Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:670:2573], serverId# [1:698:2591], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.986571Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.986728Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037889 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:2 2025-03-11T11:47:36.986791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.988688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.988768Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:36.999708Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:36.999849Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:37.000387Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:37.000484Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037889 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:37.165428Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037889, clientId# [1:737:2616], serverId# [1:740:2619], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.166095Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:738:2617], serverId# [1:741:2620], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:37.171651Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037889 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037889 } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.171754Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:37.182398Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:37.182466Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.182635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:37.182677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.182767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183091Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037889 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183266Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037889 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183468Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183499Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:37.183913Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Trying to CREATE TABLE at 72075186224037889 tableId# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] schema version# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:37.186169Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Send registration request to time cast Ready tabletId 72075186224037889 mediators count is 1 coordinators count is 1 buckets per mediator 2 2025-03-11T ... an for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290221Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit DirectOp 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290251Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit DirectOp 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290289Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v6000/281474976710759 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v3000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v3000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290432Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290467Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit DirectOp 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290509Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:5] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290543Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290598Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290620Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.290639Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:50.301631Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TTxDirectBase(36) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:50.301713Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:5] at 72075186224037888 on unit DirectOp 2025-03-11T11:47:50.301780Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 ... bulk upsert finished with status SCHEME_ERROR 2025-03-11T11:47:50.530330Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:50.530417Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715662 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:50.531239Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggmx2as09jmb11x89d48t, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NzNhMjVlNi00OGE2ZWUzNS01ZTA1YzljOC1jYjg2ZjJmOA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536122Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [3:1109:2907], Recipient [3:668:2572]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 3 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536334Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037888, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536407Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037888 CompleteEdge# v8000/0 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v8000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v8000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536455Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v8000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536526Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037888 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536656Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536701Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536746Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536781Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037888 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536839Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:6] at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536900Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536928Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536950Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.536976Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037888 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537135Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 2 SchemaVersion: 3 } Columns: 1 Columns: 2 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 1001 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false TotalRowsLimit: 1001 } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537391Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 Complete read# {[3:1109:2907], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537446Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[3:1109:2907], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 999, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537576Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 read iterator# {[3:1109:2907], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537652Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537683Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537712Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:6] at 72075186224037888 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537739Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:6] at 72075186224037888 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537784Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537812Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537837Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:6] at 72075186224037888 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:50.537884Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:50.538018Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:50.540046Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [3:1109:2907], Recipient [3:668:2572]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.540115Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037888 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 2 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 4 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.687631Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:59:2106] Handle TEvExecuteKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:50.687720Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:59:2106] TxId# 281474976715663 ProcessProposeKqpTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:50.688640Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggn4j753aakxw82069s7r, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MWFhZTZhZDctNDczY2QxMWEtOTUzNDA2ZWItZDY1OTYxYzE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:50.732524Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553215, Sender [3:1140:2932], Recipient [3:905:2737]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvRead ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 8 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false RangesSize: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.732757Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline execute: at tablet# 72075186224037889, FollowerId 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.732820Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: GetMvccTxVersion at 72075186224037889 CompleteEdge# v6000/281474976710759 IncompleteEdge# v{min} UnprotectedReadEdge# v{min} ImmediateWriteEdge# v5000/18446744073709551615 ImmediateWriteEdgeReplied# v5000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:50.732872Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 changed HEAD read to non-repeatable v8000/18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:50.732938Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733038Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733101Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CheckRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733148Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733181Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733238Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [0:4] at 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733282Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733305Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733330Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733352Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733450Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Execute read# 1, request: { ReadId: 0 TableId { OwnerId: 72057594046644480 TableId: 8 SchemaVersion: 2 } Columns: 2 Columns: 1 ResultFormat: FORMAT_CELLVEC MaxRows: 32767 MaxBytes: 5242880 Reverse: false } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733762Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 Complete read# {[3:1140:2932], 0} after executionsCount# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733824Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[3:1140:2932], 0} sends rowCount# 2, bytes# 64, quota rows left# 32765, quota bytes left# 5242816, hasUnreadQueries# 0, total queries# 1, firstUnprocessed# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.733994Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 read iterator# {[3:1140:2932], 0} finished in read 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734065Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734089Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit ExecuteRead 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734112Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:4] at 72075186224037889 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734135Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:4] at 72075186224037889 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734177Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734196Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734218Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [0:4] at 72075186224037889 has finished 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734253Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Execute with status# Executed at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:50.734357Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TTxReadViaPipeline(69) Complete: at tablet# 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:50.735969Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553219, Sender [3:1140:2932], Recipient [3:905:2737]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvReadCancel ReadId: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.736028Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: 72075186224037889 ReadCancel: { ReadId: 0 } { items { uint32_value: 1 } items { uint32_value: 2 } }, { items { uint32_value: 3 } items { uint32_value: 4 } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::InvalidCredentials [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:47.587816Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517342937225699:2130];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:47.589017Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0012aa/r3tmp/tmp7Ewcp5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:48.107140Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:48.125799Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:48.125882Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:48.131016Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:6754 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20769, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:48.462320Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.462350Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.462359Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.462479Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6754 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:48.889404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:48.917906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.309765Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { status: CLIENT_UNAUTHENTICATED, issues: {
: Error: Can't get Authentication info from CredentialsProvider. ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/credentials/login/login.cpp:217: Cannot find user: user } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.309842Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER ERROR: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path failed: path# /Root, status# CLIENT_UNAUTHENTICATED, issues# {
: Error: Can't get Authentication info from CredentialsProvider. ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/types/credentials/login/login.cpp:217: Cannot find user: user } >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch3Cycles ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/unittest >> TargetDiscoverer::Basic [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:47.866411Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517341602443213:2270];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:47.871902Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001297/r3tmp/tmpBsKcJ6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:48.354531Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:48.372900Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:48.373386Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:48.375844Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:25408 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26123, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:48.682654Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.682677Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.682685Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:48.682834Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25408 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:49.148676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.170433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:49.203979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.460124Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribePathResponse { Result: { name: Root, owner: root@builtin, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693669205, tx_id: 1 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.460155Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe path succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:49.471232Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvListDirectoryResponse { Result: { children [{ name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693669338, tx_id: 281474976710658 } }, { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } }] } } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.471263Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Listing succeeded: path# /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:51.314085Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER TRACE: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Handle NKikimr::NReplication::TEvYdbProxy::TEvDescribeTableResponse { Result: { name: Table, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693669338, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.314137Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER DEBUG: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Describe table succeeded: path# /Root/Table 2025-03-11T11:47:51.314166Z node 1 :REPLICATION_CONTROLLER INFO: [TargetDiscoverer][rid 1] Add target: srcPath# /Root/Table, dstPath# /Root/Replicated/Table, kind# Table ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_compaction/unittest >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCompactionTest::SchemeshardShouldHandleCompactionTimeouts [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104860Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.104971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:46:20.105030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:46:20.105118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:46:20.105419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:20.186739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:20.186827Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:20.200167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:20.200578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:20.200752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.217941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:20.218223Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:20.219363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.219721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.223328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.224709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.224816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.224942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:20.224994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:20.225034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:20.225234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.232325Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:46:20.357202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.357446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.357673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:46:20.357919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.358003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.360783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.360899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:46:20.361047Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.361091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.361124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:46:20.361148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:46:20.362943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.362996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.363038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:46:20.364788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.364821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.364857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.364886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.367610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:46:20.369066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:46:20.369249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:46:20.369971Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.370644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372872Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372902Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:20.372968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:46:20.373032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:46:20.373088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:20.373114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:46:20.375060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.375144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:46:20.375170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... EvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.298801Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.582501Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.582574Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.582659Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.582695Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.896745Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.896829Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.896934Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.896969Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:49.980833Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435073, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:312:2299]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvCleanupTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:49.980915Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvCleanupTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981011Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: No cleanup at 72075186233409546 outdated step 5000002 last cleanup 0 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981082Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186233409546 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981120Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981157Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 72075186233409546 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981191Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981351Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:312:2299]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:47:49.981650Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TEvPeriodicTableStats from datashard 72075186233409546, FollowerId 0, tableId 2 2025-03-11T11:47:49.982144Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553162, Sender [3:312:2299], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvPeriodicTableStats DatashardId: 72075186233409546 TableLocalId: 2 Generation: 2 Round: 7 TableStats { DataSize: 13940 RowCount: 100 IndexSize: 102 InMemSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 SearchHeight: 1 LastFullCompactionTs: 80 HasLoanedParts: false Channels { Channel: 1 DataSize: 13940 IndexSize: 102 } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false LocksAcquired: 0 LocksWholeShard: 0 LocksBroken: 0 } TabletMetrics { CPU: 188 Memory: 124216 Storage: 14156 GroupWriteThroughput { GroupID: 0 Channel: 0 Throughput: 263 } GroupWriteThroughput { GroupID: 0 Channel: 1 Throughput: 444 } GroupWriteIops { GroupID: 0 Channel: 0 Iops: 1 } } ShardState: 2 UserTablePartOwners: 72075186233409546 NodeId: 3 StartTime: 42 TableOwnerId: 72057594046678944 FollowerId: 2025-03-11T11:47:49.982198Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvPeriodicTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:49.982254Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409546 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] state 'Ready' dataSize 13940 rowCount 100 cpuUsage 0.0188 2025-03-11T11:47:49.982379Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046678944 from shard 72075186233409546 followerId 0 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] raw table stats: DataSize: 13940 RowCount: 100 IndexSize: 102 InMemSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTime: 0 ImmediateTxCompleted: 0 PlannedTxCompleted: 1 TxRejectedByOverload: 0 TxRejectedBySpace: 0 TxCompleteLagMsec: 0 InFlightTxCount: 0 RowUpdates: 0 RowDeletes: 0 RowReads: 0 RangeReads: 0 PartCount: 1 RangeReadRows: 0 SearchHeight: 1 LastFullCompactionTs: 80 HasLoanedParts: false Channels { Channel: 1 DataSize: 13940 IndexSize: 102 } ByKeyFilterSize: 0 HasSchemaChanges: false LocksAcquired: 0 LocksWholeShard: 0 LocksBroken: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:49.982423Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Will delay TTxStoreTableStats on# 0.100000s, queue# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:49.985051Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435080, Sender [3:1062:3006], Recipient [3:312:2299]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvAsyncTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024267Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435090, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024358Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024394Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024471Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Will execute TTxStoreStats, queue# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024510Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Will delay TTxStoreTableStats on# 0.000000s, queue# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024622Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: PersistSingleStats for pathId 2 shard idx 72057594046678944:1 data size 13940 row count 100 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024705Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046678944:1 followerId=0, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], pathId map=Simple, is column=0, is olap=0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024757Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186233409546 followerId=0, pathId 2: RowCount 100, DataSize 13940 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024833Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: [BackgroundCompaction] [Update] Updated shard# 72057594046678944:1 with partCount# 1, rowCount# 100, searchHeight# 1, lastFullCompaction# 1970-01-01T00:01:20.000000Z at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:50.024970Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: TSideEffects ApplyOnComplete at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:50.038290Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435090, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:50.038384Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPersistTableStats 2025-03-11T11:47:50.038422Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046678944, queue size# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:50.263554Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.263623Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.263703Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.263735Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.543582Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.543657Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.543751Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.543781Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.816628Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.816717Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.816817Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:50.816862Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.110978Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.111049Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.111125Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.111154Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.398341Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.398436Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.398557Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.398593Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.429965Z node 3 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:312:2299]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvPeriodicWakeup 2025-03-11T11:47:51.687652Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.687729Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.687826Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [3:122:2148], Recipient [3:122:2148]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:51.687864Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime >> YdbYqlClient::AlterTableAddIndexAsyncOp [GOOD] >> KqpPg::EmptyQuery-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DuplicatedColumns+useSink >> TGRpcCmsTest::DisabledTxTest [GOOD] |82.0%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpPg::Insert_Serial+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::Insert_Serial-useSink >> TestDataErasure::SimpleDataErasureTest >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadPartitionByGroupId [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadPartitionStatus ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/ut/unittest >> YdbTableBulkUpsert::RetryOperation [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:08.246627Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517175739604151:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:08.246844Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e67/r3tmp/tmpKcIy7v/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:09.061097Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.061221Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:09.072676Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:09.134776Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 61776, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478818Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:09.478887Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:09.562580Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.562615Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.562629Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:09.562803Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28471 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:09.853477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:13.178447Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517175739604151:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:13.178546Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:13.507274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 SUCCESS 3 rows in 0.025904s 2025-03-11T11:47:14.405637Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517201509410829:2440], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.405709Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517201509410834:2443], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.405755Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.410926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:14.440950Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517201509410843:2444], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:14.502765Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517201509410932:4227] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.333781Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfhv38e9gv1nve1nqvnxg, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjQzMTYzZWEtM2QwZTZmNjItNTJhYzZhOS1kOGI5NDk0, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root SUCCESS count returned 3 rows test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e67/r3tmp/tmp7HiZyM/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:17.644134Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:18.073653Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:18.211402Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:18.211495Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:18.219484Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7520, node 4 2025-03-11T11:47:18.678329Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.678352Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.678359Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:18.678497Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12140 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:19.251258Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:22.955807Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Error: Bulk upsert to table '/Root/ui8'Only async-indexed tables are supported by BulkUpsert
: Error: Bulk upsert to table '/Root/ui8/Value_index/indexImplTable'unknown table 2025-03-11T11:47:25.847570Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517247422832934:2118];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:25.913306Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e67/r3tmp/tmpolA0to/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:27.088544Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:27.111357Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:27.147999Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:27.148117Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:27.195912Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4327, node 7 2025-03-11T11:47:27.610668Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:27.610694Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:27.610705Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:27.610867Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29130 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:28.231701Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 7205759404664 ... ongTx ydb://long-tx/read-only timed out, duration: 0 sec 4096 usec
: Error: Bulk upsert to table '/Root/ui32'longTx ydb://long-tx/read-only timed out, duration: 0 sec 8192 usec
: Error: Bulk upsert to table '/Root/ui32'Deadline exceeded 16384 usec
: Error: Bulk upsert to table '/Root/ui32'longTx ydb://long-tx/read-only timed out, duration: 0 sec 32768 usec 2025-03-11T11:47:35.938313Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517289014465185:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:35.938403Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e67/r3tmp/tmp6aRWNp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:36.257245Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:36.340238Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:36.340341Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:36.354757Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14334, node 10 2025-03-11T11:47:36.658833Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:36.658858Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:36.658868Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:36.659018Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3800 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:37.111575Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:40.938662Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517289014465185:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.938756Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.260541Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Injecting ABORTED 10 times Result: ABORTED Injecting ABORTED 6 times Result: ABORTED Injecting ABORTED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting ABORTED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting ABORTED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 10 times Result: OVERLOADED Injecting OVERLOADED 6 times Result: OVERLOADED Injecting OVERLOADED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 10 times Result: CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 6 times Result: CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 10 times Result: UNAVAILABLE Injecting UNAVAILABLE 6 times Result: UNAVAILABLE Injecting UNAVAILABLE 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 10 times Result: BAD_SESSION Injecting BAD_SESSION 6 times Result: BAD_SESSION Injecting BAD_SESSION 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 10 times Result: SESSION_BUSY Injecting SESSION_BUSY 6 times Result: SESSION_BUSY Injecting SESSION_BUSY 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 10 times Result: NOT_FOUND Injecting NOT_FOUND 6 times Result: NOT_FOUND Injecting NOT_FOUND 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 10 times Result: UNDETERMINED Injecting UNDETERMINED 6 times Result: UNDETERMINED Injecting UNDETERMINED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 10 times Result: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 6 times Result: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 0 times Result: SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:44.906162Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[13:7480517329745360337:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:44.910017Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e67/r3tmp/tmpFFGgfa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:45.310345Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:45.361745Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:45.361869Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:45.367083Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30097, node 13 2025-03-11T11:47:45.490993Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.491025Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.491035Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.491243Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24581 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:46.057701Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.544534Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Injecting ABORTED 10 times Result: ABORTED Injecting ABORTED 6 times Result: ABORTED Injecting ABORTED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting ABORTED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting ABORTED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 10 times Result: OVERLOADED Injecting OVERLOADED 6 times Result: OVERLOADED Injecting OVERLOADED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 3 times 2025-03-11T11:47:49.902562Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[13:7480517329745360337:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:49.902655Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Result: SUCCESS Injecting OVERLOADED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 10 times Result: CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 6 times Result: CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting CLIENT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 10 times Result: UNAVAILABLE Injecting UNAVAILABLE 6 times Result: UNAVAILABLE Injecting UNAVAILABLE 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNAVAILABLE 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 10 times Result: BAD_SESSION Injecting BAD_SESSION 6 times Result: BAD_SESSION Injecting BAD_SESSION 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting BAD_SESSION 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 10 times Result: SESSION_BUSY Injecting SESSION_BUSY 6 times Result: SESSION_BUSY Injecting SESSION_BUSY 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting SESSION_BUSY 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 10 times Result: NOT_FOUND Injecting NOT_FOUND 6 times Result: NOT_FOUND Injecting NOT_FOUND 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting NOT_FOUND 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 10 times Result: UNDETERMINED Injecting UNDETERMINED 6 times Result: UNDETERMINED Injecting UNDETERMINED 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting UNDETERMINED 0 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 10 times Result: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 6 times Result: TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 5 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 3 times Result: SUCCESS Injecting TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE 0 times Result: SUCCESS >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureRun3Cycles |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::DisabledTxTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:48.970589Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517344100048092:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:49.000482Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00171f/r3tmp/tmpMn6zYN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:49.489232Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:49.540588Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:49.540696Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 32277, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:49.546154Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:49.616431Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.616464Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.616479Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.616634Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:4182 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:50.028893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:50.195995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateSubDomain, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:50.262141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 |82.0%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/ydb/ut/unittest >> YdbYqlClient::AlterTableAddIndexAsyncOp [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:09.938169Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517180059258664:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:09.938211Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e51/r3tmp/tmpUWA5lX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:10.612192Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.612288Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:10.626762Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.627105Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 63757, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:10.874372Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.874392Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.874399Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.874529Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26115 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:11.794301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:14.942038Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517180059258664:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:14.942114Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:15.670922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:15.954888Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517205829063491:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.954995Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.955334Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517205829063506:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:15.960102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:16.004730Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517205829063508:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:16.113387Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517210124030894:2836] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:16.519837Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gfkbd6g68phd2ywmz8xhd, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTNhN2I4MWEtZTI1N2M3NzktZWYzMTdmNjQtZWU1NTU1N2I=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:16.535999Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693636557, txId: 281474976710661] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:16.614346Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:16.615471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 BAD_REQUEST 2025-03-11T11:47:16.891811Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:16.903943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:47:17.098944Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:19.717524Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517221742335153:2077];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:19.717630Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e51/r3tmp/tmp9miGCe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:20.588873Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:20.610821Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:20.610940Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:20.614542Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10772, node 4 2025-03-11T11:47:20.829974Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:20.830006Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:20.830014Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:20.830154Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7580 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:21.151677Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:24.717684Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517221742335153:2077];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:24.717768Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:25.234756Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:25.293277Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [4:7480517247512140083:2341] 2025-03-11T11:47:25.293525Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:25.331693Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:25.331793Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334370Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334438Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334486Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334772Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334831Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:25.334858Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [4:7480517247512140109:2341] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340035Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340084Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340159Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340188Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [4:7480517247512140112:2342] 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340198Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:25.340233Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sen ... 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:39.191476Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:42.989455Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517321803224669:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:42.989585Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.029165Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517304623354417:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:43.029234Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:43.050010Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.214000Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517326098192138:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.214140Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.214814Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517326098192143:2355], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.219870Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.265790Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517326098192145:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.375474Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517326098192220:2824] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.563436Z node 10 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggdz8c52tw64bkjbr8fza, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=ZmIxNWYyOTctZGVjMzhmNTEtZjc3YjNjZDEtYTI0ZTlkYjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:43.684620Z node 10 :TX_PROXY WARN: [AlterTableAddIndex [10:7480517326098192283:2372] TxId# 281474976715663] Access check failed 2025-03-11T11:47:43.738696Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976710758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.908235Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976710759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:44.177532Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: [AlterTableAddIndex [10:7480517330393159959:2390] TxId# 281474976715665] Unable to navigate: Root/WrongPath status: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:47:44.367282Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 10, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:46.382350Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[13:7480517338095591484:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:46.382443Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000e51/r3tmp/tmpTtduHN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:46.661147Z node 13 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:46.728416Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:46.728563Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:46.732121Z node 13 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(13, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26392, node 13 2025-03-11T11:47:46.877525Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.877553Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.877564Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.877741Z node 13 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:61181 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:47.256033Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:51.030074Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517359570429037:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.030208Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.048678Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.170123Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517359570429206:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.170275Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.170637Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [13:7480517359570429211:2354], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.175103Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.204269Z node 13 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [13:7480517359570429213:2355], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.283648Z node 13 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [13:7480517359570429288:2822] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.382833Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[13:7480517338095591484:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.382942Z node 13 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.398999Z node 13 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggnr0deknc4waegwtpz21, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=13&id=NGJmMzlmNjgtOTlmNDdlYjYtN2FmYjQ2Y2UtNDZiNmNjZWI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:47:51.491050Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpInitiateBuildIndexImplTable, opId: 281474976715758:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.629971Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpFinalizeBuildIndexMainTable, opId: 281474976715759:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.732458Z node 13 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 |82.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::AuthTokenTest [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::RacyAlterStreamAndRestart [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::MeteringServerless >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapComplex-withOltpSink >> KqpQueryService::CreateAndDropTopic >> KqpPg::CreateTableSerialColumns-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropIndex >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Simple-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Serial-useSink >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictWrite >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch [GOOD] >> TGRpcCmsTest::RemoveWithAnotherTokenTest [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeLiteralAsTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::AuthTokenTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:48.647886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517346859347593:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:48.648072Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001733/r3tmp/tmpsmAlaK/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:49.222578Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:49.225714Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:49.225819Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:49.238005Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64189, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:49.539240Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.539271Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.539286Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.539404Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24647 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:50.048909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:50.137477Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285120, Sender [1:7480517355449282826:2314], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.137534Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.137551Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.137574Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.137708Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant: Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.139477Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 (txid = 1741693670139259) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.140103Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 to database state=CREATING_POOLS coordinators=3 mediators=3 planresolution=10 timecastbucketspermediator=2 issue= txid=1741693670139259 subdomainversion=1 confirmedsubdomain=0 attrs= generation=1 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED isExternalSubDomain=1 isExternalHive=1 isExternalSysViewProcessor=1 isExternalStatisticsAggregator=1 areResourcesShared=0 sharedDomainId= 2025-03-11T11:47:50.140354Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd to database kind=hdd config=BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } allocatednumgroups=0 state=NOT_ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:50.149479Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:50.150561Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantResponse { Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693670139259&action=1" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.150700Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.150768Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:50.150908Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.157837Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:50.158037Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DefineStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.159945Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517355449282835:2315], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693670139259&action=1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.159993Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.160238Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693670139259&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164537Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 6 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164609Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164680Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [1:7480517355449282831:2193], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164696Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164708Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164721Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164778Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164806Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=ALLOCATED allocatednumgroups=1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.164863Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update subdomain version in database for /Root/users/user-1 subdomainversion=2 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172461Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172514Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172524Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172531Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172629Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to CREATING_SUBDOMAIN 2025-03-11T11:47:50.172654Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=CREATING_SUBDOMAIN txid=1741693670139259 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:50.177364Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.177565Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.177610Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:50.177632Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) create subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:50.186182Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain creation cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "users/user-1" ExternalSchemeShard: true ExternalHive: true ExternalSysViewProcessor: true ExternalStatisticsAggregator: true GraphShard: true } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.188960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:50.195669Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710658 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:50.195732Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:50.201442Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:50.219116Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517355449282918:2318], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693670139259&action=1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.223939Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.224176Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693670139259&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.224262Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:47:50.224865Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/Root/users/user-1" PathDescription { Self { Name: "user-1" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeExtSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693670248 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoCh ... SlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.903030Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.934330Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283378:2382], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.934371Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.934419Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.934513Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.934524Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.935277Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.960743Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283398:2383], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.960775Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.960815Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.960897Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.960907Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.970508Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.980647Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283415:2384], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.980672Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.980711Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.981084Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.981101Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.981589Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.989582Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283427:2385], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.989624Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.989665Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.990234Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.990247Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.990923Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993096Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976710659 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993119Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993172Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993254Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435076, Sender [1:7480517355449282934:2193], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993271Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainReady 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993297Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993306Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993506Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateConfirmedSubdomain for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to 2 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993538Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=RUNNING txid=1741693670139259 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:50.993611Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update database for /Root/users/user-1 confirmedsubdomain=2 2025-03-11T11:47:50.995408Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283440:2386], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.995449Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.995507Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.995899Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.995913Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:50.996507Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: PENDING_RESOURCES required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.996679Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateConfirmedSubdomain complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.996692Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:50.999752Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285122, Sender [1:7480517355449283444:2387], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" } UserToken: "\n\014root@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\014root@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (B6C6F477)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:50.999779Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:50.999813Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvGetTenantState: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.999912Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517346859347804:2200], Recipient [1:7480517351154315210:2193]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:50.999924Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:51.000545Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetTenantStatusResponse: Response { operation { ready: true status: SUCCESS result { [type.googleapis.com/Ydb.Cms.GetDatabaseStatusResult] { path: "/Root/users/user-1" state: RUNNING required_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } allocated_resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } generation: 1 } } } } TClient is connected to server localhost:24647 TClient::Ls request: /Root/users/user-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root/users/user-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72075186224037897 PathType: EPathTypeSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 3 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72075186224037897 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 3 ProcessingParams { Version: 3 PlanReso... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.344807Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:51.345365Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected >> KqpQueryService::DdlUser >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryPure >> KqpQueryService::AlterTempTable >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ValidateScript ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:52.383813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.383916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:52.383958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384234Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:52.384837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:52.469688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:52.469758Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:52.482008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:52.482541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:52.482713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.497225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:52.497523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.498296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.498607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.502114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:52.503837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.510319Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:52.674766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.675004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.675219Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.675515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.675591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:52.684781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:52.688758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.688837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.688881Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:52.697949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.698027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.698096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.698165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.706148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:52.713340Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:52.713635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:52.714757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.714909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.714973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.715292Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:52.715353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.715559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.715644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:52.722763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.722943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.722989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 11:47:54.449770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvTenantDataErasureResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:54.449849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.449951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] in# 59 ms, next wakeup# 599.941000s, rate# 0, in queue# 0 tenants, running# 1 tenants at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.451855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedSendRequestToBSC# false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.467944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553241, Sender [1:638:2554], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvForceDataCleanupResult DataCleanupGeneration: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409550 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:54.468012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvForceDataCleanupResult 2025-03-11T11:47:54.468766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Execute at schemestard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:54.468852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure is completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2], datashard# 72075186233409550, shardIdx# 72075186233409546:5 in# 61 ms, next wakeup in# 14.939000s, rate# 1, in queue# 0 shards, running# 1 shards at schemeshard 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:54.470899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409546, NeedResponseComplete# false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.485991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553241, Sender [1:636:2553], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvForceDataCleanupResult DataCleanupGeneration: 1 TabletId: 72075186233409549 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:54.486062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvForceDataCleanupResult 2025-03-11T11:47:54.486122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Execute at schemestard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:54.486192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure is completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2], datashard# 72075186233409549, shardIdx# 72075186233409546:4 in# 63 ms, next wakeup in# 14.937000s, rate# 1, in queue# 0 shards, running# 0 shards at schemeshard 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:54.486263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Data erasure in shards is completed. Send response to root schemeshard 2025-03-11T11:47:54.486289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.488838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409546, NeedResponseComplete# true 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:1905:3573], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125514, Sender [1:454:2407], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvTenantDataErasureResponse PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 2 } Generation: 1 Status: COMPLETED 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvTenantDataErasureResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] in# 64 ms, next wakeup# 599.936000s, rate# 0, in queue# 0 tenants, running# 0 tenants at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.489711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Data erasure in tenants is completed. Send request to BS controller 2025-03-11T11:47:54.490017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877760, Sender [1:1904:3572], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Status: OK ServerId: [1:1905:3573] Leader: 1 Dead: 0 Generation: 3 VersionInfo: } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.490059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:54.490090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Handle TEvClientConnected, tabletId: 72057594046678944, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedSendRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877760, Sender [1:1909:3577], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected { TabletId: 72057594037932033 Status: OK ServerId: [1:1910:3578] Leader: 1 Dead: 0 Generation: 2 VersionInfo: } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Handle TEvClientConnected, tabletId: 72057594037932033, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.492981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: false Progress10k: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493189Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:54.493361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:55.339580Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:55.339667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:55.339721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:55.339871Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.339935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: false Progress10k: 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:55.340491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: true Progress10k: 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Data shred in BSC is completed 2025-03-11T11:47:55.642993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 1, duration# 2 s 2025-03-11T11:47:55.648436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# false 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649145Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:1989:3657], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125519, Sender [1:273:2264], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649387Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvDataErasureInfoRequest, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/cms/ut/unittest >> TGRpcCmsTest::RemoveWithAnotherTokenTest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:49.481394Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517348644225189:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:49.481467Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00171d/r3tmp/tmp1VnvFc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:50.102449Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:50.132500Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:50.132639Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:50.140238Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15995, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:50.367371Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.367392Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.367404Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.367524Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:1594 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:50.787654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient is connected to server localhost:1594 2025-03-11T11:47:51.039412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.100500Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285120, Sender [1:7480517357234160556:2314], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest { Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "\n\016user-1@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\016user-1@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (E3DE7296)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.100569Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:51.100587Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.100607Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.100758Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant: Request { path: "/Root/users/user-1" resources { storage_units { unit_kind: "hdd" count: 1 } } } UserToken: "\n\016user-1@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\016user-1@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (E3DE7296)" 2025-03-11T11:47:51.101025Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 (txid = 1741693671100848) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.101556Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant /Root/users/user-1 to database state=CREATING_POOLS coordinators=3 mediators=3 planresolution=10 timecastbucketspermediator=2 issue= txid=1741693671100848 subdomainversion=1 confirmedsubdomain=0 attrs= generation=1 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED isExternalSubDomain=1 isExternalHive=1 isExternalSysViewProcessor=1 isExternalStatisticsAggregator=1 areResourcesShared=0 sharedDomainId= 2025-03-11T11:47:51.101770Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd to database kind=hdd config=BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } allocatednumgroups=0 state=NOT_ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:51.106531Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxCreateTenant Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:51.107657Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvCreateTenantResponse { Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693671100848&action=1" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.107867Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.107948Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:51.108142Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.108714Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:51.108856Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DefineStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115688Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 6 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115756Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115825Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435079, Sender [1:7480517357234160561:2195], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115848Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolAllocated 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115865Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115873Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115927Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=ALLOCATED 2025-03-11T11:47:51.115954Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=ALLOCATED allocatednumgroups=1 2025-03-11T11:47:51.116014Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update subdomain version in database for /Root/users/user-1 subdomainversion=2 2025-03-11T11:47:51.119706Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:51.119738Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.119745Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.121159Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.121322Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to CREATING_SUBDOMAIN 2025-03-11T11:47:51.121354Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=CREATING_SUBDOMAIN txid=1741693671100848 errorcode=STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED issue= 2025-03-11T11:47:51.124763Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517357234160573:2315], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693671100848&action=1" } UserToken: "\n\016user-1@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\016user-1@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (E3DE7296)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.124800Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:51.125098Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693671100848&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.127901Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:51.134101Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:51.134195Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1)::Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:51.134208Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubDomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) create subdomain 2025-03-11T11:47:51.156657Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send subdomain creation cmd: NKikimrTxUserProxy.TEvProposeTransaction Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "users/user-1" ExternalSchemeShard: true ExternalHive: true ExternalSysViewProcessor: true ExternalStatisticsAggregator: true GraphShard: true } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 UserToken: "\n\016user-1@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\016user-1@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (E3DE7296)" DatabaseName: "Root" 2025-03-11T11:47:51.158611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715659:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:51.163923Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976715659 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 2025-03-11T11:47:51.163979Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976715659 2025-03-11T11:47:51.172860Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976715659 2025-03-11T11:47:51.188226Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517357234160646:2318], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693671100848&action=1" } UserToken: "\n\016user-1@builtin\022\030\022\026\n\024all-users@well-known\032\016user-1@builtin\"\007Builtin*\017**** (E3DE7296)" } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.188271Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:51.188415Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693671100848&action=1" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:51.194588Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976715659 2025-03-11T11:47:51.195019Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got describe ... 0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.711043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Mark as Dropping path id [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] by tx: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:47:52.711942Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got propose result: Status: 53 TxId: 281474976715663 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:52.712018Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) send notification request: NKikimrScheme.TEvNotifyTxCompletion TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719867Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517361529128491:2384], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.719902Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:52.720533Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.721654Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionRegistered: TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:47:52.764389Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found - using supplied 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775006Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) got TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult: TxId: 281474976715663 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775035Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) done 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775100Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TSubdomainManip(/Root/users/user-1) reply with NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775197Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435077, Sender [1:7480517361529128480:2195], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775219Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvSubdomainRemoved 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775237Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775252Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775297Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Execute /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775323Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_UNITS txid=1741693672677982 errorcode=UNAUTHORIZED issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.775402Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693672677982 issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780461Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveComputationalUnits Complete /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780568Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvAlterTenant: TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780607Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780848Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273154052, Sender [1:7480517348644225519:2194], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimrTenantSlotBroker.TTenantState TenantName: "/Root/users/user-1" 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780877Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTenantSlotBroker::TEvTenantState 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780899Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780910Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780944Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState for tenant /Root/users/user-1 to REMOVING_POOLS 2025-03-11T11:47:52.780967Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update tenant state in database for /Root/users/user-1 state=REMOVING_POOLS txid=1741693672677982 errorcode=UNAUTHORIZED issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.783224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Got DeleteTabletReply with Forward response from Hive 72075186224037888 to Hive 72057594037968897 shardIdx 72057594046644480:1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.784503Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.784540Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037894 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.784555Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.784592Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.793697Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037895 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.791447Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdateTenantState complete for /Root/users/user-1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.791509Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.791553Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:47:52.791684Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) read pool state: Request { Command { ReadStoragePool { BoxId: 999 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.792606Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got read response: Status { Success: true StoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 Name: "/Root/users/user-1:hdd" ErasureSpecies: "none" Geometry { } VDiskKind: "Default" Kind: "hdd" NumGroups: 1 PDiskFilter { Property { Type: ROT } } ScopeId { X1: 72057594046644480 X2: 3 } ItemConfigGeneration: 2 } } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 10 2025-03-11T11:47:52.792698Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) send pool request: Request { Command { DeleteStoragePool { BoxId: 999 StoragePoolId: 4 ItemConfigGeneration: 2 } } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794657Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517361529128552:2386], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794686Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794827Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794858Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037896 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794872Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037897 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794885Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.794886Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800221Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TPoolManip(/Root/users/user-1:hdd) got config response: Status { Success: true } Success: true ConfigTxSeqNo: 11 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800325Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435081, Sender [1:7480517361529128558:2195], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TTenantsManager::TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800361Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvPoolDeleted 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800376Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800387Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800427Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState for pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd of /Root/users/user-1 state=DELETED 2025-03-11T11:47:52.800451Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Update pool state in database for /Root/users/user-1:hdd state=DELETED allocatednumgroups=0 2025-03-11T11:47:52.821907Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxBlockStorageResult Complete status was NO_GROUP for TabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:52.836188Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:52.851709Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517361529128592:2392], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.851762Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:52.851905Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.882870Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxUpdatePoolState complete for /Root/users/user-1:hdd 2025-03-11T11:47:52.882907Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) enqueue tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.882922Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.882929Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) starts new tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.882987Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone for tenant /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693672677982 2025-03-11T11:47:52.883007Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove computational units of /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693672677982 issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.883026Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove tenant /Root/users/user-1 from database txid=1741693672677982 issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.883034Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Remove pool /Root/users/user-1:hdd from database 2025-03-11T11:47:52.883110Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Add tenant removal info for /Root/users/user-1 txid=1741693672677982 code=SUCCESS errorcode=UNAUTHORIZED issue=AccessDenied: Access denied for request 2025-03-11T11:47:52.898879Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS DEBUG: TTxRemoveTenantDone Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:52.898958Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: TTxProcessor(tenants) completed tx 2025-03-11T11:47:52.909087Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, received event# 273285131, Sender [1:7480517361529128599:2394], Recipient [1:7480517348644225633:2195]: NKikimr::NConsole::TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest { Request { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" } UserToken: "" } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.909124Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:52.909328Z node 1 :CMS_TENANTS TRACE: Send TEvConsole::TEvGetOperationResponse: Response { operation { id: "ydb://cmsrequest/5?tenant=/Root/users/user-1&cmstid=72057594037936131&txid=1741693672677982&action=2" ready: true status: SUCCESS } } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.915078Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxStatus(status=2 node=Connected) - killing node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:52.915269Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connected -> Disconnected >> KqpPg::DuplicatedColumns+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DuplicatedColumns-useSink >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionBulkUpsert [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionInsert+useSink >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::MeteringServerless [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::MeteringDedicated >> KqpQueryService::Write [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::CancelScriptExecution >> KqpService::SwitchCache-UseCache >> KqpQueryService::ExecStats [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::DmlNoTx |82.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TestDataErasure::SimpleDataErasureTest [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsBasic [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsFull >> KqpQueryService::ReadDatashardAndColumnshard [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ReadManyRanges >> KqpPg::Insert_Serial-useSink [GOOD] >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch3Cycles [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanRetryReadRanges [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultText+useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScript >> Viewer::StorageGroupOutputWithSpaceCheckDependsOnUsage [GOOD] >> Viewer::SharedDoesntShowExclusiveNodes ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TestDataErasure::SimpleDataErasureTest [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269850Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:54.269969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:54.270048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.270362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.355873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:54.355935Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:54.372937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.373424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.373581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.388429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.388704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.389343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.389608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.395840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397289Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397545Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.397810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.405878Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.557154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.557364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.557546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.557805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.557865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:54.560888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:54.563135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.563194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.563250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:54.565291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.565348Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.565407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.565460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.569261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:54.574704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:54.575009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.576998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.577082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.584986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:54.585026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.585060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:54.587793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.587949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.587992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.439869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.439998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877760, Sender [1:1982:3650], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Status: OK ServerId: [1:1983:3651] Leader: 1 Dead: 0 Generation: 3 VersionInfo: } 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Handle TEvClientConnected, tabletId: 72057594046678944, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125514, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvTenantDataErasureResponse PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Generation: 1 Status: COMPLETED 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvTenantDataErasureResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] in# 62 ms, next wakeup# 599.938000s, rate# 0, in queue# 0 tenants, running# 0 tenants at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.440401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Data erasure in tenants is completed. Send request to BS controller 2025-03-11T11:47:57.444443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedSendRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:57.444508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.444951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877760, Sender [1:1987:3655], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected { TabletId: 72057594037932033 Status: OK ServerId: [1:1988:3656] Leader: 1 Dead: 0 Generation: 2 VersionInfo: } 2025-03-11T11:47:57.444995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Handle TEvClientConnected, tabletId: 72057594037932033, status: OK, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: false Progress10k: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 0 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:57.445485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856503Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:454:2407], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.856820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:57.899611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:57.899686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:57.899740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.899987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: false Progress10k: 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:57.900256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213174Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:454:2407], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.213668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.247596Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.247687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.247738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 1 Completed: true Progress10k: 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Data shred in BSC is completed 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleDataErasureWakeup: Interval# 0.937000s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.248268Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 1, duration# 2 s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.262316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# false 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:2011:3679], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125519, Sender [1:273:2264], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:58.263388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvDataErasureInfoRequest, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |82.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut |82.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/controller/ut_target_discoverer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithUnspecifiedMode >> KqpService::Shutdown [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropIndex [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplitThenMerge [GOOD] >> KqpService::SessionBusyRetryOperationSync >> KqpScan::ScanPg >> KqpPg::CreateUniqPgColumn+useSink |82.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_upload_rows/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpQueryService::CreateAndDropTopic [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CreateAndAlterTopic >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Serial-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefault+useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsProfile [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithCancelAfter ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/unittest >> KqpScan::ScanRetryReadRanges [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.254158Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.254754Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.254813Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.255869Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.256324Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.256767Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c4a/r3tmp/tmpmHftLU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:41.871297Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:42.085743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.211259Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.211477Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219111Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.219211Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.251704Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:47:42.252287Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.252698Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.602505Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.424933Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:1399:2835], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.425059Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:1410:2840], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.425139Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.431915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:43.928860Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:1413:2843], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:44.093986Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:1543:2914] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:45.184034Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gge5xdxt8b2e02ccetgm1, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmVjNTVhYjItMzJjMTU1NTYtYzFlMDQxYTItMWU5MTMxN2Y=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root -- nodeId: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:45.949377Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggfy59dgesvvtj2zzjndk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDRkMjJjOTAtMWQ1Nzk3ZGQtM2U0ZTI3OTgtOTZiN2ZkNDI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root -- EvScan [1:1618:2967] -> [2:1574:2437] -- EvScanData from [2:1622:2444]: pass 2025-03-11T11:47:46.603039Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggfy59dgesvvtj2zzjndk, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDRkMjJjOTAtMWQ1Nzk3ZGQtM2U0ZTI3OTgtOTZiN2ZkNDI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root -- EvStreamData: {"ResultSet":{"columns":[{"name":"column0","type":{"optional_type":{"item":{"type_id":4}}}}],"rows":[{"items":[{"uint64_value":596400}]}]},"SeqNo":1,"QueryResultIndex":0,"ChannelId":1} 2025-03-11T11:47:46.606710Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 2000, txId: 281474976715661] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:54.600934Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [3:691:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.601514Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:54.601790Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:54.602650Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [4:688:2351], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.603251Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:54.603308Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c4a/r3tmp/tmp57zeLm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:54.959808Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:55.142456Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.243422Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.243559Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:55.248249Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.248369Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:55.262280Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 4 Cookie 4 2025-03-11T11:47:55.262916Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.263347Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.557293Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.108179Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:1398:2834], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.108306Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:1408:2839], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.108387Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.117308Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.568606Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:1412:2842], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.666309Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:1540:2911] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:57.373452Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggtja34k71fjfwhecrp43, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWQwNmJmODItMzliMmYzNC1jNmFmMGIwNy00ZjY0YjRlNg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root -- nodeId: 4 2025-03-11T11:47:58.103963Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvtq5b29dbdvbfgre4kq, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MzFjY2Q0NDEtMmRkNTE2NjMtN2Q4NTY4YWYtOTA4ZDgyNmE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root -- EvScan [3:1617:2965] -> [4:1571:2437] -- EvScanData from [4:1621:2445]: pass -- EvStreamData: {"ResultSet":{"columns":[{"name":"key","type":{"optional_type":{"item":{"type_id":2}}}},{"name":"value","type":{"optional_type":{"item":{"type_id":2}}}}],"rows":[{"items":[{"uint32_value":2},{"uint32_value":22}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":21},{"uint32_value":2121}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":22},{"uint32_value":2222}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":23},{"uint32_value":2323}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":24},{"uint32_value":2424}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":25},{"uint32_value":2525}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":26},{"uint32_value":2626}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":27},{"uint32_value":2727}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":28},{"uint32_value":2828}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":29},{"uint32_value":2929}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":40},{"uint32_value":4040}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":41},{"uint32_value":4141}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":42},{"uint32_value":4242}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":43},{"uint32_value":4343}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":44},{"uint32_value":4444}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":45},{"uint32_value":4545}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":46},{"uint32_value":4646}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":47},{"uint32_value":4747}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":48},{"uint32_value":4848}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":49},{"uint32_value":4949}]},{"items":[{"uint32_value":50},{"uint32_value":5050}]}]},"SeqNo":1,"QueryResultIndex":0,"ChannelId":2} -- EvStreamData: {"ResultSet":{"columns":[{"name":"key","type":{"optional_type":{"item":{"type_id":2}}}},{"name":"value","type":{"optional_type":{"item":{"type_id":2}}}}]},"SeqNo":2,"QueryResultIndex":0,"ChannelId":2} 2025-03-11T11:47:58.116932Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 2000, txId: 281474976715661] shutting down |82.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/cms/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/ydb-core-keyvalue-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureManualLaunch3Cycles [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336765Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:53.336976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:53.337028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:53.337087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:53.337390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:53.426868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:53.426923Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:53.442030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:53.442163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:53.442318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.453701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:53.454344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:53.455025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.455361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.459672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.460954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.461027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.461119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:53.461157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:53.461193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:53.461405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.468021Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:53.590080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.590277Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.590481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:53.590691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.590744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593455Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:53.593610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:53.596009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.596067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.596119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:53.598116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.598169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.598218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.598266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.602751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:53.605125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:53.605351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:53.606529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.606662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.606736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.606997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:53.607046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.607207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.607293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:53.609974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:53.610468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:53.612883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.613000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:53.613036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... ing# 1 shards at schemeshard 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081651Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553241, Sender [1:1015:2861], Recipient [1:833:2717]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvForceDataCleanupResult DataCleanupGeneration: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409555 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvForceDataCleanupResult 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081719Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Execute at schemestard: 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081760Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure is completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409551, LocalPathId: 2], datashard# 72075186233409555, shardIdx# 72075186233409551:5 in# 66 ms, next wakeup in# 10.801000s, rate# 1, in queue# 0 shards, running# 0 shards at schemeshard 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Data erasure in shards is completed. Send response to root schemeshard 2025-03-11T11:47:58.081824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:47:58.084590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409551, NeedResponseComplete# false 2025-03-11T11:47:58.084995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409551, NeedResponseComplete# true 2025-03-11T11:47:58.085200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125514, Sender [1:833:2717], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvTenantDataErasureResponse PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Generation: 3 Status: COMPLETED 2025-03-11T11:47:58.085235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvTenantDataErasureResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:58.085283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.085331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] in# 68 ms, next wakeup# 595.799000s, rate# 0, in queue# 0 tenants, running# 0 tenants at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.085401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Data erasure in tenants is completed. Send request to BS controller 2025-03-11T11:47:58.086878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedSendRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:58.086926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: false Progress10k: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 0 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:58.087510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.520997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.521077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.521175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.521206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.531822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:458:2410]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.531898Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.531968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:833:2717]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.531994Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.532058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:833:2717], Recipient [1:833:2717]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.532086Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.532161Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:458:2410], Recipient [1:458:2410]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.532210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.564806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: false Progress10k: 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 5000 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:47:58.565956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.850518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.850600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.850702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.850737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:458:2410]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:833:2717]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:833:2717], Recipient [1:833:2717]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.861990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.862073Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:458:2410], Recipient [1:458:2410]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.862100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: true Progress10k: 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902643Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Data shred in BSC is completed 2025-03-11T11:47:58.902782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 3, duration# 2 s 2025-03-11T11:47:58.907629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# false 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908394Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:3575:4932], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125519, Sender [1:2780:4293], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvDataErasureInfoRequest, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithWorkloadManager [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExplainScript >> KqpScan::ScanDuringSplit [GOOD] >> KqpScan::ScanAfterSplitSlowMetaRead >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteCollectMeta |82.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> Viewer::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodes [GOOD] >> Viewer::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodesCheckTable >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureRun3Cycles [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictWrite [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::AllowRead >> TransferWriter::Write_ColumnTable [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::AlterTempTable [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CTASWithoutPerStatement >> KqpPg::DuplicatedColumns-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_NoReorder+useSink >> KqpQueryService::DdlUser [GOOD] |82.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-slow |82.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-slow >> KqpQueryService::StreamExecuteQueryPure >> KqpQueryService::Followers [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ReturnAndCloseSameTime |82.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_object_storage_listing >> KqpQueryService::DdlTx >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapInsert [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeRealTable+LongRow >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryPure [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ValidateScript [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/unittest >> TestDataErasure::DataErasureRun3Cycles [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629690Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:54.629880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:54.631507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:54.631597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.632017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.719757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:54.719819Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:54.733376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.733873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.734064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.758522Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.758830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.759558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.759868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.763607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:54.765526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.773044Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.907857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.908090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.908293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.908587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.908682Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.911689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.911886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:54.912130Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.912227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.912275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:54.912312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:54.914683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.914749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.914814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:54.916852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.916925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.916992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.917040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.921049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:54.923388Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:54.923615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:54.924803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.924963Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925749Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.928937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929054Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:54.932184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.932329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:54.932375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... hard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409551, NeedResponseComplete# false 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269553241, Sender [1:1011:2858], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvForceDataCleanupResult DataCleanupGeneration: 3 TabletId: 72075186233409555 Status: OK 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvForceDataCleanupResult 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Execute at schemestard: 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure is completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72075186233409551, LocalPathId: 2], datashard# 72075186233409555, shardIdx# 72075186233409551:5 in# 62 ms, next wakeup in# 8.938000s, rate# 1, in queue# 0 shards, running# 0 shards at schemeshard 72075186233409551 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Data erasure in shards is completed. Send response to root schemeshard 2025-03-11T11:48:01.020600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [TenantDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:48:01.022756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureShard Complete at schemestard: 72075186233409551, NeedResponseComplete# true 2025-03-11T11:48:01.023001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125514, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvTenantDataErasureResponse PathId { OwnerId: 72057594046678944 LocalId: 3 } Generation: 3 Status: COMPLETED 2025-03-11T11:48:01.023041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvTenantDataErasureResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:01.023100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.023172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] [Finished] Data erasure completed for pathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] in# 63 ms, next wakeup# 593.937000s, rate# 0, in queue# 0 tenants, running# 0 tenants at schemeshard 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.023409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Data erasure in tenants is completed. Send request to BS controller 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureTenant Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedSendRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: false Progress10k: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025694Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 0 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:48:01.025803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:454:2407], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.468892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.503711Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:48:01.503786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:48:01.503823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: false Progress10k: 5000 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Progress data shred in BSC 5000 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# true 2025-03-11T11:48:01.504458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleRequestToBSC: Interval# 1.000000s 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853375Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853444Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125000, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:834:2716], Recipient [1:834:2716]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:289:2273], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271124999, Sender [1:454:2407], Recipient [1:454:2407]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.853791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvMeasureSelfResponseTime 2025-03-11T11:48:01.888956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125517, Sender [0:0:0], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::NSchemeShard::TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889029Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvWakeupToRunDataErasureBSC 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] SendRequestToBSC: Generation# 3 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 268637738, Sender [1:297:2279], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrBlobStorage.TEvControllerShredResponse CurrentGeneration: 3 Completed: true Progress10k: 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvBlobStorage::TEvControllerShredResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvControllerShredResponse, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Execute at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC: Data shred in BSC is completed 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889480Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: [RootDataErasureManager] ScheduleDataErasureWakeup: Interval# 0.936000s 2025-03-11T11:48:01.889509Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Complete: Generation# 3, duration# 2 s 2025-03-11T11:48:01.892374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCompleteDataErasureBSC Complete at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, NeedScheduleRequestToBSC# false 2025-03-11T11:48:01.892982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:3593:4949], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:48:01.893039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:48:01.893072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: Pipe server connected, at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:01.893210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 271125519, Sender [1:273:2264], Recipient [1:289:2273]: NKikimrScheme.TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:48:01.893243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvSchemeShard::TEvDataErasureInfoRequest 2025-03-11T11:48:01.893281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvDataErasureInfoRequest, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 |82.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_object_storage_listing >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultText+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::DmlNoTx [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::MeteringDedicated [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithUnspecifiedMode [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeLiteralAsTable [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefault+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ReadManyRanges [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryPgTableSelect >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapComplex-withOltpSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapDelete >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::CancelScriptExecution [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::TestTruncatedByRows >> KqpQueryService::Ddl_Dml >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultText-useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithTimeout >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefault-useSink |82.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/persqueue/ut/slow/ydb-core-persqueue-ut-slow >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapInteractive+withOltpSink >> KqpQueryService::ReadManyRangesAndPoints >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::EmptyNextFetchToken >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteRetryQuery |82.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_object_storage_listing >> KqpQueryService::CTASWithoutPerStatement [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CheckIsolationLevelFroPerStatementMode >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsFull [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsNone >> KqpQueryService::CreateAndAlterTopic [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CreateOrDropTopicOverTable ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/unittest >> TCdcStreamWithInitialScanTests::MeteringDedicated [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083747Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.083952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.084040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:20.084353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.170896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:20.170962Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:20.210997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.211497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.211681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.256911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.257177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.257928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.258241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.261549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.262958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.263020Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.263140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.263202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.263241Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.263446Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.271259Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.414380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.414627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.414867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.415146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.415200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.417926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.418117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:20.418328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.418395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.418451Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:20.418492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:20.420933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.421001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.421038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:20.423045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.423094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.423156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.423207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.434329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:20.438098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:20.438344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:20.439488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.439659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.439710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.440011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:20.440070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.440283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.440376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.443598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.443657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.443859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.443905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444478Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.444735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:20.450076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.450304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.450358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 8173Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715657:0 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.848220Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.848377Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715657:0 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.848404Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.848451Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715657, ready parts: 2/3, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:59.849232Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, msg: Owner: 72075186233409546 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.849422Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, msg: Owner: 72075186233409546 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.849516Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, txId: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.849608Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, txId: 281474976715657, pathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 3], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:59.849694Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851180Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, msg: Owner: 72075186233409546 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851294Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, msg: Owner: 72075186233409546 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851329Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, txId: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851374Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, txId: 281474976715657, pathId: [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851417Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2] was 6 2025-03-11T11:47:59.851497Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715657, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:59.857881Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.858464Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, cookie: 281474976715657 2025-03-11T11:47:59.872397Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409552 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 250 OrderId: 281474976715657 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72075186233409547 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409552 CpuTimeUsec: 1409 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.872488Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715657, tablet: 72075186233409552, partId: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:59.872663Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409552 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 250 OrderId: 281474976715657 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72075186233409547 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409552 CpuTimeUsec: 1409 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.872833Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: HandleReply TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransactionResult Ignore message: tablet# 72075186233409546, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186233409552 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 250 OrderId: 281474976715657 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72075186233409547 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186233409552 CpuTimeUsec: 1409 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.874746Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, message: Source { RawX1: 756 RawX2: 81604381269 } Origin: 72075186233409552 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.874862Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715657, tablet: 72075186233409552, partId: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875165Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546, message: Source { RawX1: 756 RawX2: 81604381269 } Origin: 72075186233409552 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875272Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715657:1 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875441Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715657:1 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72075186233409546 message: Source { RawX1: 756 RawX2: 81604381269 } Origin: 72075186233409552 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715657 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875555Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715657:1, shardIdx: 72075186233409546:4, datashard: 72075186233409552, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875634Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875706Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715657:1, datashard: 72075186233409552, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.875779Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715657:1 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:59.883144Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.885657Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886323Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886399Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72075186233409546] TDone opId# 281474976715657:1 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886638Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715657:1 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886713Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886798Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715657:1 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886863Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.886940Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715657, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887018Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887091Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715657:0 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887156Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715657:0 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887282Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887343Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715657:1 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887368Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715657:1 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887458Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2] was 5 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887493Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715657:2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887534Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715657:2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.887588Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:48:02.538805Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:48:02.539268Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72075186233409546 describe pathId 4 took 498us result status StatusNameConflict 2025-03-11T11:48:02.539561Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusNameConflict Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl\', error: path is not a common path (id: [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 4], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" Path: "/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl" PathId: 4 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 4 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "streamImpl" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72075186233409546 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 106 CreateStep: 200 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeStreamImpl ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409554 } } PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:48:04.862526Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 2025-03-11T11:48:04.863025Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72075186233409546 describe pathId 4 took 498us result status StatusNameConflict 2025-03-11T11:48:04.863276Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusNameConflict Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl\', error: path is not a common path (id: [OwnerId: 72075186233409546, LocalPathId: 4], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" Path: "/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl" PathId: 4 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot/Shared/Table/Stream/streamImpl" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 4 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "streamImpl" PathId: 4 SchemeshardId: 72075186233409546 PathType: EPathTypePersQueueGroup CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 106 CreateStep: 200 ParentPathId: 3 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeStreamImpl ChildrenExist: false BalancerTabletID: 72075186233409554 } } PathOwnerId: 72075186233409546, at schemeshard: 72075186233409546 >> KqpService::SessionBusyRetryOperationSync [GOOD] >> KqpService::SwitchCache+UseCache >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteCollectMeta [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecStatsPlan >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_NoReorder+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTablePg >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryPgTableSelect [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryScalar >> KqpQueryService::DdlTx [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::AllowRead [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::Ddl >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithParameters >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeRealTable+LongRow [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::StreamExecuteQueryPure [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExplainScript [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScript [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateUniqPgColumn+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeRealTable-LongRow >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictAlter >> KqpQueryService::DdlWithExplicitTransaction >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecution >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_BadTransactions >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteRetryQuery [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefault-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ReadManyRangesAndPoints [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultText-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Simple+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateUniqPgColumn-useSink >> KqpQueryService::Explain >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteMultiScript >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultAndCast+useSink >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Simple-useSink >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNull+useSink |82.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_volatile/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.2%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/unittest >> TransferWriter::Write_ColumnTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:50.276393Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517355924047320:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:50.276467Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001848/r3tmp/tmpsercKz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:50.842689Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:50.857019Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:50.857131Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:50.860805Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:4442 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9412, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:51.374632Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.374659Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.374670Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.379098Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:4442 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:52.163691Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.341170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.039798Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040039Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040290Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040406Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040528Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040660Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040766Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.040875Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.041008Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.041134Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.041278Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.041376Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;self_id=[1:7480517364513982910:2318];tablet_id=72075186224037903;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101045Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101147Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101390Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101513Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101669Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.101807Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.102206Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.107783Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.108008Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.108157Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.108337Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.108493Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[1:7480517364513982948:2322];tablet_id=72075186224037889;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178274Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178339Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178469Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178620Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178753Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.178911Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.179044Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.179143Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.179289Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;self_id=[1:7480517364513982912:2319];tablet_id=72075186224037949;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Sync ... -11T11:47:55.432231Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037920;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.436754Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037941;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.438658Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.441755Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037913;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.444694Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037907;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.448568Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037951;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.453197Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037936;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.455298Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037923;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.459049Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037925;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.462996Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037911;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.466057Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037937;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.476291Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037935;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.477530Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037945;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.483631Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037915;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.492886Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037921;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.495992Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.501843Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037905;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.502410Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037943;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.509412Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.509467Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037939;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.516392Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037909;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.517158Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.523268Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037919;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.527942Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037934;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.529792Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037931;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.534381Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.534435Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037902;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.542735Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037949;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.547113Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.547821Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037950;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.552483Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037948;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.553234Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037901;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.561417Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037933;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.563679Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037917;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.569566Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.575227Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037947;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.576812Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037929;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.585277Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037922;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.587670Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037912;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.590962Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517355924047320:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.598066Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037927;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.605130Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient::Ls request: /Root/Table TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Table" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeColumnTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710658 CreateStep: 1741693675253 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 4 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 4 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 ColumnTableVersion: 1 ColumnTableSchemaVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } TableStats { DataSize: 0 RowCount: 0 IndexSize: 0 LastAccessTime: 0 LastUpdateTi... (TRUNCATED) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.636298Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] GetTableScheme: worker# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:55.636353Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] Handshake: worker# [1:7480517364513982516:2296] 2025-03-11T11:47:55.636667Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] Handle TEvTxProxySchemeCache::TEvNavigateKeySetResult: result# { ErrorCount: 0 DatabaseName: DomainOwnerId: 0 Instant: 0 ResultSet [{ Path: Root/Table TableId: [72057594046644480:2:1] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTable RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: Ok Kind: KindColumnTable DomainInfo { DomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] ResourcesDomainKey: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] Params { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } ServerlessComputeResourcesMode: (empty maybe) Users: [] Groups: [] } }] } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.636729Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] CompileTransferLambda: worker# [1:7480517364513982516:2296] 2025-03-11T11:48:00.038512Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] Handle TEvPurecalcCompileResponse: result# 2025-03-11T11:48:00.658676Z node 1 :REPLICATION_SERVICE DEBUG: [TransferWriter][1:7480517377398887165:3793] Handle TEvents::TEvCompleted: worker# [1:7480517364513982516:2296] status# 400000 >> KqpPg::TableArrayInsert+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableArrayInsert-useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::ReadManyRangesAndPoints [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9856, MsgBus: 24263 2025-03-11T11:47:51.434504Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517359464904428:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.434561Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ea/r3tmp/tmpoZvwam/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:51.997755Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:52.002586Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.002689Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.005543Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9856, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.311234Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.311258Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.311266Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.311387Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24263 TClient is connected to server localhost:24263 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:53.093412Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.118298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.218351Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517376644774276:2330], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.218527Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517376644774284:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.218644Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.224191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.238123Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517376644774290:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.314087Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517376644774341:2339] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.649642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.797852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.969482Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.969732Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970049Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970179Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970294Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970435Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970554Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970669Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970794Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.970909Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.971057Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.971191Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517376644774605:2355];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.971851Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.971924Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.972191Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.972316Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.972449Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.972574Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.972696Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.973158Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.973287Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.973393Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.973543Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.973807Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517376644774579:2350];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.986143Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03- ... 36658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.435424Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.486526Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037898;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976710664;tx_id=281474976710664;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710664; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22383, MsgBus: 1689 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ea/r3tmp/tmpY5OqXQ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:59.487701Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.493730Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:59.520964Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:59.521060Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:59.523847Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22383, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.647571Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.647593Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.647599Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.647706Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:1689 TClient is connected to server localhost:1689 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:00.237213Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.244586Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.545532Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517408583997374:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.545617Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.585380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.796988Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517408583997939:2378], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.797060Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.797091Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517408583997944:2381], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.800460Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.812766Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517408583997946:2382], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.892997Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517408583997997:2694] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 1652, MsgBus: 26891 2025-03-11T11:48:06.212375Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517423964627744:2087];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:06.213540Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ea/r3tmp/tmpu2sNCm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:06.356149Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:06.373241Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:06.373328Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:06.375051Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1652, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:06.526565Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:06.526590Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:06.526598Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:06.526730Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26891 TClient is connected to server localhost:26891 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:07.188327Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.212015Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.355284Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517441144497540:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.355384Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.383374Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.560832Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517441144497979:2369], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.560921Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.561069Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517441144497984:2372], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.565142Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.577106Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517441144497986:2373], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.668917Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517441144498037:2615] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.213492Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517423964627744:2087];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:11.213683Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; |82.2%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_data_erasure/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapInteractive+withOltpSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapInteractive-withOltpSink >> KqpScan::ScanPg [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecStatsPlan [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecStatsAst |82.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/ydb-core-statistics-database-ut >> KqpPg::CreateTableBulkUpsertAndRead [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CopyTableSerialColumns+useSink |82.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/ydb-core-statistics-database-ut |82.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/ydb-core-statistics-database-ut |82.2%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpQueryService::ClosedSessionRemovedWhileActiveWithQuery >> KqpQueryService::CreateOrDropTopicOverTable [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/unittest >> KqpScan::ScanPg [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:41.311147Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.311855Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.311927Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.312948Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:41.313333Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:41.313735Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c31/r3tmp/tmpGf5vKe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:41.817492Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:42.014310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.133148Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:42.140614Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.141770Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.143292Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:42.144103Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:236:2128] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:42.151538Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.151656Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:42.152740Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976720656 RangeEnd# 281474976725656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:42.167228Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:47:42.167759Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.168199Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.507110Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:42.507202Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:42.507474Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:1228:2742] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.625513Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 1 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:42.625624Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:42.626439Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:47:42.626547Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:47:42.626957Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:42.627344Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:47:42.627600Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:47:42.629779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:42.630327Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:42.634203Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:47:42.634309Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1228:2742] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:1137:2684] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:47:42.790195Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:1279:2389] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.790582Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.874459Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.874955Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.876979Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.877068Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.877137Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.877645Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.878174Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.878343Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:1303:2389] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.892798Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947352Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947629Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947772Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 72075186224037888, actorId: [2:1306:2406] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947820Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947879Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 72075186224037888, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:42.947919Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948353Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948509Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948686Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948728Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948771Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 72075186224037888 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:47:42.948820Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.012417Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1263:2772], serverId# [2:1310:2407], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.012945Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.013198Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 72075186224037888 txId 281474976715657 ssId 72057594046644480 seqNo 2:1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.013294Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 281474976715657 at tablet 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.017360Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Discovered subdomain [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] state, outOfSpace = 0 at datashard 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.031152Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.031300Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 72075186224037888 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:47:43.230751Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /Root, board: kqpexch+/Root, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.231048Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /Root, board: kqpexch+/Root, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.231196Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.278629Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info from subscriber, serving tenant: /Root, board: kqpexch+/Root, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.278898Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get board info update from subscriber, serving tenant: /Root, board: kqpexch+/Root, with size: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.279067Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.279433Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: Get resources info from node: 2 2025-03-11T11:47:43.297177Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 72075186224037888, clientId# [1:1340:2793], serverId# [2:1343:2417], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:47:43.304976Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 281474976715657 at step 1000 at tablet 72075186224037888 { Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 0 RawX2: 0 } } Step: 1000 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72075186224037888 } 2025-03-11T11:47:43.305083Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.305696Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.305759Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.305837Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000:281474976715657] in PlanQueue unit at 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:43.306232Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 72075186224037888 loaded tx from db 1000:281474976715657 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:43.306415Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 72075186224037888 (dry run) active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025 ... xId: 281474976715664, task: 1. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908877Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [3:1639:2973], TxId: 281474976715664, task: 1. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=. TraceId : 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:47:58.908965Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715664, task: 1. pass away 2025-03-11T11:47:58.909056Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715664;task_id=1;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:47:58.909182Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715664, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 0, Free Tier: 1048576, ExecutionUnits: 1. 2025-03-11T11:47:58.909404Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [3:1636:2934] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [3:1639:2973], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 2263 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 644 FinishTimeMs: 1741693678908 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 6 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 6 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 73 BuildCpuTimeUs: 571 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 3 CreateTimeMs: 1741693678905 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.909478Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [3:1639:2973] 2025-03-11T11:47:58.910427Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [3:1636:2934] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Full stats: { CpuTimeUs: 4149 DurationUs: 1741693676953079 ExecuterCpuTimeUs: 1886 StartTimeMs: 1956 FinishTimeMs: 1741693678909 Stages { StageGuid: "5fd8b6f6-9aa2e5b2-6db13ede-ab50be71" Program: "(\n(declare %kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0 (ListType (StructType \'(\'\"column0\" (OptionalType (DataType \'Uint64))))))\n(return (lambda \'() (Iterator %kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0)))\n)\n" ComputeActors { CpuTimeUs: 2263 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 644 FinishTimeMs: 1741693678908 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 6 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 6 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 73 BuildCpuTimeUs: 571 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 3 CreateTimeMs: 1741693678905 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } BaseTimeMs: 1741693678906 } TxPlansWithStats: "{\"Node Type\":\"Phase\",\"PlanNodeId\":8,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet_1\",\"PlanNodeId\":7,\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\",\"Plans\":[{\"CTE Name\":\"precompute_0_0\",\"Node Type\":\"ConstantExpr\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[],\"Iterator\":\"precompute_0_0\",\"Name\":\"Iterator\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":6,\"StageGuid\":\"5fd8b6f6-9aa2e5b2-6db13ede-ab50be71\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693678906,\"ComputeNodes\":[{\"CpuTimeUs\":2263,\"Tasks\":[{\"ComputeTimeUs\":73,\"FinishTimeMs\":1741693678908,\"Host\":\"ghrun-w6mn3gtde4\",\"NodeId\":3,\"OutputBytes\":6,\"OutputRows\":1,\"ResultBytes\":6,\"ResultRows\":1,\"TaskId\":1}]}],\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":0,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}" StatConvertBytes: 685 Extra { type_url: "type.googleapis.com/NKqpProto.TKqpExecutionExtraStats" value: "\022\013\010\327\021\020\327\021\030\327\021 \001" } } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.910492Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [3:1636:2934] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:47:58.910538Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER TRACE: ActorId: [3:1636:2934] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Terminate, become ZombieState 2025-03-11T11:47:58.910595Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [3:1636:2934] TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ggvwr6v0m4kg0zkktd3h3, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWFlMDczNGEtYzEzYmNmZDctOWM3ZWQzZDUtMzEyMTNiMjI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.002263s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:58.911516Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 2000, txId: 281474976715661] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:58.911634Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:206:2172] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:58.911675Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:206:2172] TxId# 0 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:58.911812Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [3:206:2172] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 0 reqId# [3:1641:2974] SnapshotReq marker# P0 2025-03-11T11:47:58.912884Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [3:1643:2974] txid# 0 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TResolveTablesActor marker# P1 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:58.913107Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [3:1643:2974] txid# 0 HANDLE EvResolveKeySetResult TResolveTablesActor marker# P2 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:58.913202Z node 3 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [3:1641:2974] SEND TEvDiscardVolatileSnapshotRequest to datashard 72075186224037888 marker# P3 2025-03-11T11:48:07.793038Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [5:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.793659Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.794255Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.795379Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [6:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.796124Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.796182Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c31/r3tmp/tmpahFIxP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:08.197911Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:08.355412Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.470525Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.470708Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:08.474858Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.474990Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:08.493468Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 6 Cookie 6 2025-03-11T11:48:08.494227Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.494700Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.848039Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:09.595993Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:1395:2831], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.596114Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:1406:2836], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.596208Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.603178Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.247165Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:1409:2839], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.346418Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:1537:2908] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.944499Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715660. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gh7qs4r43cstj8baghzqw, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=ZTJmMzk4NDAtNGU5NTM0MDYtZTQ0NGJhYTctMzdlNWZiZTQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:48:11.828125Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gh9350wathf5b2mmezr8v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=YTcxMzNiNmMtNmYzM2JiZTQtZmZmYzlmZTctZTc1NTg5Mjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:48:12.835559Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715663. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gh9350wathf5b2mmezr8v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=YTcxMzNiNmMtNmYzM2JiZTQtZmZmYzlmZTctZTc1NTg5Mjk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:48:12.839742Z node 5 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 2000, txId: 281474976715661] shutting down >> KqpQueryService::DdlWithExplicitTransaction [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::SessionFromPoolError >> KqpQueryService::CheckIsolationLevelFroPerStatementMode [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::AlterTable_DropNotNull_WithSetFamily_Valid >> TPersQueueTest::TestReadPartitionStatus [GOOD] >> TPersQueueTest::TxCounters >> KqpQueryService::Ddl_Dml [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryScalar [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::CreateOrDropTopicOverTable [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10156, MsgBus: 25287 2025-03-11T11:47:55.500729Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517374570927996:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.500794Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016cc/r3tmp/tmp0IWkcZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:55.904408Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10156, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:56.009236Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:56.027983Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:56.035030Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:56.106488Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.106511Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.106520Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.106654Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25287 TClient is connected to server localhost:25287 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:56.687519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:56.706397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.145695Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391750797615:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.145873Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.145963Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391750797627:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.155759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.166795Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391750797633:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.227410Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517391750797685:2338] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Topic created 2025-03-11T11:47:59.686755Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517391750797856:2428] txid# 281474976715661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TempTopic\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.736964Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517391750797871:2436] txid# 281474976715662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TempTopic\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.737226Z node 1 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976715662, ProxyStatus: ExecComplete, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TempTopic', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.737389Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGRlMTAzNGMtYTQ4Zjk5NDgtZmY2MTYwYjUtMTE2MWNmYjY=, ActorId: [1:7480517391750797596:2329], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggy37css90r944thhebka, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: GENERIC_ERROR:
: Error: Scheme operation failed, status: ExecComplete, reason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TempTopic', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges) Scheme entry: { name: .metadata, owner: metadata@system, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693679208, tx_id: 281474976715658 } } Scheme entry: { name: TempTopic, owner: root@builtin, type: Topic, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693679649, tx_id: 281474976715660 } } Scheme entry: { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.801923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.808985Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:59.810011Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:47:59.810070Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found Topic dropped Scheme entry: { name: .metadata, owner: metadata@system, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693679208, tx_id: 281474976715658 } } Scheme entry: { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.838908Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517391750797942:2487] txid# 281474976715665, issues: { message: "Path does not exist" issue_code: 200200 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.854693Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517391750797950:2491] txid# 281474976715666, issues: { message: "Path does not exist" issue_code: 200200 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.855125Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGRlMTAzNGMtYTQ4Zjk5NDgtZmY2MTYwYjUtMTE2MWNmYjY=, ActorId: [1:7480517391750797596:2329], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggy75bydasrfv4d2096rd, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: SCHEME_ERROR:
: Error: Path does not exist, code: 2003
: Error: Query invalidated on scheme/internal error during Scheme execution, code: 2019 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23023, MsgBus: 23063 2025-03-11T11:48:00.783958Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517396693333327:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016cc/r3tmp/tmpebKwPZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:00.812895Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:00.897404Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:00.913296Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:00.913388Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:00.914803Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23023, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:00.978204Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.978229Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.978236Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.978350Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23063 TClient is connected to server localhost:23063 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:01.449373Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.472470Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.657968Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD ... lechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.405617Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517446826281590:3447] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.728765Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517425351442903:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.728857Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:13.771132Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.908697Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517451121249276:3726] txid# 281474976710672, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TmpTable\', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.909071Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976710672, ProxyStatus: ExecError, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup 2025-03-11T11:48:13.909238Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWQ3YmViZjItOTBjNDc1YjQtODE2ZTM5YWYtZjk5YmU4OTg=, ActorId: [3:7480517451121249258:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghby24e9967khv7se8n2k, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: GENERIC_ERROR:
: Error: Scheme operation failed, status: ExecError, reason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup Scheme entry: { name: .metadata, owner: metadata@system, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692389, tx_id: 281474976710668 } } Scheme entry: { name: BatchUpload, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689232, tx_id: 281474976710661 } } Scheme entry: { name: EightShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688917, tx_id: 281474976710659 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join1, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692263, tx_id: 281474976710666 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692340, tx_id: 281474976710667 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692081, tx_id: 281474976710662 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692130, tx_id: 281474976710663 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValueLargePartition, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692172, tx_id: 281474976710664 } } Scheme entry: { name: Logs, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689029, tx_id: 281474976710660 } } Scheme entry: { name: Test, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692200, tx_id: 281474976710665 } } Scheme entry: { name: TmpTable, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693693845, tx_id: 281474976710671 } } Scheme entry: { name: TwoShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688749, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } Scheme entry: { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.955182Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517451121249298:3738] txid# 281474976710674, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TmpTable\', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.955399Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976710674, ProxyStatus: ExecError, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup 2025-03-11T11:48:13.955559Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWQ3YmViZjItOTBjNDc1YjQtODE2ZTM5YWYtZjk5YmU4OTg=, ActorId: [3:7480517451121249258:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghbzb7t1zvz1x9d03gn0s, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: GENERIC_ERROR:
: Error: Scheme operation failed, status: ExecError, reason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: unexpected path type (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges), expected types: EPathTypePersQueueGroup Scheme entry: { name: .metadata, owner: metadata@system, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692389, tx_id: 281474976710668 } } Scheme entry: { name: BatchUpload, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689232, tx_id: 281474976710661 } } Scheme entry: { name: EightShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688917, tx_id: 281474976710659 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join1, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692263, tx_id: 281474976710666 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692340, tx_id: 281474976710667 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692081, tx_id: 281474976710662 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692130, tx_id: 281474976710663 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValueLargePartition, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692172, tx_id: 281474976710664 } } Scheme entry: { name: Logs, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689029, tx_id: 281474976710660 } } Scheme entry: { name: Test, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692200, tx_id: 281474976710665 } } Scheme entry: { name: TmpTable, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693693845, tx_id: 281474976710671 } } Scheme entry: { name: TwoShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688749, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } Scheme entry: { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } } Query failed, status: GENERIC_ERROR:
: Error: Scheme operation failed, status: ExecError, reason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.022961Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517455416216638:3770] txid# 281474976710676, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TmpTable\', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.023202Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976710676, ProxyStatus: ExecError, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.023343Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWQ3YmViZjItOTBjNDc1YjQtODE2ZTM5YWYtZjk5YmU4OTg=, ActorId: [3:7480517451121249258:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghc1edzrxd8ca8e92btk0, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:14.055339Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517455416216653:3777] txid# 281474976710678, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TmpTable\', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.062728Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976710678, ProxyStatus: ExecError, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.062939Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWQ3YmViZjItOTBjNDc1YjQtODE2ZTM5YWYtZjk5YmU4OTg=, ActorId: [3:7480517451121249258:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghc2ffk49cfbvfv4kggwn, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: GENERIC_ERROR:
: Error: Scheme operation failed, status: ExecError, reason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TmpTable', error: path is not a topic (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) Scheme entry: { name: .metadata, owner: metadata@system, type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692389, tx_id: 281474976710668 } } Scheme entry: { name: BatchUpload, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689232, tx_id: 281474976710661 } } Scheme entry: { name: EightShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688917, tx_id: 281474976710659 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join1, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692263, tx_id: 281474976710666 } } Scheme entry: { name: Join2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692340, tx_id: 281474976710667 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692081, tx_id: 281474976710662 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValue2, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692130, tx_id: 281474976710663 } } Scheme entry: { name: KeyValueLargePartition, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692172, tx_id: 281474976710664 } } Scheme entry: { name: Logs, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693689029, tx_id: 281474976710660 } } Scheme entry: { name: Test, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693692200, tx_id: 281474976710665 } } Scheme entry: { name: TmpTable, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693693845, tx_id: 281474976710671 } } Scheme entry: { name: TwoShard, owner: root@builtin, type: Table, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 1741693688749, tx_id: 281474976710658 } } Scheme entry: { name: .sys, owner: , type: Directory, size_bytes: 0, created_at: { plan_step: 0, tx_id: 0 } } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.110441Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710680:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictAlter [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictDrop >> KqpQueryService::Explain [GOOD] |82.2%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/service/ut_transfer_writer/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::EmptyNextFetchToken [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::DdlWithExplicitTransaction [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26976, MsgBus: 23635 2025-03-11T11:47:56.568478Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517378654014466:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.568527Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c7/r3tmp/tmpU7bXdr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:57.009833Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.010227Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:57.010438Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:57.013140Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26976, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.127556Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.127587Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.127594Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.127731Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23635 TClient is connected to server localhost:23635 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:57.692920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.708177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.723361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.871018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.040355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.122511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.050889Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395833885419:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.051018Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.434905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.482551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.508692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.608188Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.682295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.748954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.818684Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395833885938:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.818784Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.820131Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395833885943:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.824153Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.835514Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395833885945:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.907203Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517395833885998:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.570034Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517378654014466:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.570113Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:02.078494Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517404423820878:3672] txid# 281474976710672, issues: { message: "User already exists" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:02.088789Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjlhNWJhYjktNjY2NWZmMWMtMTcyYjcxYjUtODRjZjFhN2I=, ActorId: [1:7480517404423820872:2496], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh0c62etc0625zeap0ett, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:02.191014Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517404423820941:3712] txid# 281474976710676, issues: { message: "User not found" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:02.191197Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTdmOTg0NWQtZjdhY2QxNjktYmVkMmY4NzEtZDllMTBlMjc=, ActorId: [1:7480517404423820935:2505], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh0g3fxbar67ffbmbedx4, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:02.210752Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517404423820957:3719] txid# 281474976710678, issues: { message: "User not found" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:02.211216Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjU2YmNmNmUtYWY3YWI5YzItYzc0ZDFkYmYtNjE5OGUxM2U=, ActorId: [1:7480517404423820951:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh0gp7z63sjvttfh8jw7j, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30607, MsgBus: 21268 2025-03-11T11:48:03.163320Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517411453823344:2206];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.195080Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c7/r3tmp/tmpsAFoMz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:03.273060Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30607, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:03.302693Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:03.302872Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:03.313844Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:03.381945Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.381977Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.381985Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.382112Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21268 TClient is connected to server localhost:21268 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true ... ror: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.100177Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.100522Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517428633694674:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.104927Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.118882Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517428633694676:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.211952Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517428633694732:3441] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.162011Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517411453823344:2206];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.185610Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.683273Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NDdmYzQxYWEtNWFkMjY5OWEtNjAzMjEwY2QtZDI0N2NlMWE=, ActorId: [2:7480517432928662288:2490], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh6tm33hnerh0rjj8tnnz, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Scheme operations cannot be executed inside transaction Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 24604, MsgBus: 15150 2025-03-11T11:48:09.474166Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517437501781299:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:09.474224Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c7/r3tmp/tmpPt48OF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:09.604183Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:09.623432Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:09.623516Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:09.626110Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24604, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:09.678422Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.678448Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.678456Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.678568Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15150 TClient is connected to server localhost:15150 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.177166Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.183950Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.191374Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.248241Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.455360Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.582547Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.790918Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517450386684928:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.790991Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.847053Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.893973Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.941828Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.018801Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.058906Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.115754Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.209363Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517454681652742:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.209471Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.209542Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517454681652747:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.214691Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.230568Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517454681652749:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.308674Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517454681652805:3439] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.477138Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517437501781299:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.477266Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.806678Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YjZkODc0NGItNDc5NzUxOWEtNzJmNjI5ZjAtNmE1NjY0YmI=, ActorId: [3:7480517458976620365:2491], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghcsq2e25d4rs4wa5m8g9, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Scheme operations cannot be executed inside transaction 2025-03-11T11:48:14.854145Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Njc0YzQwMGEtNDlmODE5NjktMWUyOWMzZTItZmM0MDY5MmU=, ActorId: [3:7480517458976620390:2500], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghcv2a3955tj27v9n21kc, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Scheme operations cannot be executed inside transaction 2025-03-11T11:48:14.899616Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.067826Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517463271587809:2521], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Optimization, code: 1070
:7:17: Error: Queries with mixed data and scheme operations are not supported. Use separate queries for different types of operations., code: 2009 2025-03-11T11:48:15.070118Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MzkxMTk3YTYtOTNhN2U3MjgtYjYwN2Q4MC05YWI5Yjll, ActorId: [3:7480517458976620510:2519], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghd0j3f3cbvbnnrz76acv, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ParseScript >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNull+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNull-useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsNone [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTablePg [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTablePgMultiple ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::ExecuteQueryScalar [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12517, MsgBus: 18947 2025-03-11T11:47:56.835225Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517378464785634:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.842680Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c1/r3tmp/tmpLgIbdt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:57.452115Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.452188Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:57.453730Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.499630Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12517, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.520189Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:57.520508Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:47:57.657180Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.657201Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.657207Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.657329Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18947 TClient is connected to server localhost:18947 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:58.355911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.394791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.588120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.767743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.852712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.866512Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395644656549:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.866671Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.237928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.293221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.344197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.422550Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.464629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.556204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.661157Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399939624367:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.661244Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.661631Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399939624372:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.666246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.690669Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399939624374:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.749680Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517399939624428:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.886946Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517378464785634:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.887035Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10930, MsgBus: 3665 2025-03-11T11:48:04.010152Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517409215516806:2086];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.013010Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c1/r3tmp/tmp7vOEGH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:04.211302Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10930, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:04.266030Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:04.266127Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:04.286077Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:04.342576Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.342607Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.342620Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.342737Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3665 TClient is connected to server localhost:3665 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:04.811728Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.756800Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517426395386598:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.756902Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.783756Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.891321Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517426395386704:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.891413Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.891741Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517426395386709:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.897330Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.908324Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517426395386711:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.990568Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517426395386762:2393] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 15332, MsgBus: 15830 2025-03-11T11:48:09.180278Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517435160899708:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:09.181003Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c1/r3tmp/tmpGf5mcB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:09.356681Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:09.360719Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:09.360827Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:09.365067Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15332, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:09.419206Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.419227Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.419236Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:09.419554Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15830 TClient is connected to server localhost:15830 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:09.924859Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.938443Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.031083Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.270662Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.379259Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:13.638638Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517452340770648:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.638726Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.709020Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.788724Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.847353Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.920776Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.986684Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.086444Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.152644Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456635738460:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.152735Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.152936Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456635738465:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.164039Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.180911Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517435160899708:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.181360Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456635738467:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.181395Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.240491Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517456635738523:3445] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapDelete [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapRWQueries ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::Ddl_Dml [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 64030, MsgBus: 13436 2025-03-11T11:47:51.832800Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517356917269935:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.833363Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d9/r3tmp/tmpVPVyTH/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:52.344037Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:52.355472Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.355779Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.358144Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64030, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.477835Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.477856Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.477863Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.478027Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13436 TClient is connected to server localhost:13436 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:53.209435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.236598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.394854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.565667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.634751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.368025Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517374097140757:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.368150Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.682402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.750207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.781706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.806604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.834462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.883172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.992592Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517374097141279:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.992686Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.995094Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517374097141284:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.999904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.014261Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517374097141286:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.080940Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517378392108636:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.835252Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517356917269935:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.853882Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28521, MsgBus: 25932 2025-03-11T11:47:58.621137Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517388352033705:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:58.628747Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d9/r3tmp/tmpnlRHoV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:58.794039Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:58.811792Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.811871Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:58.813332Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28521, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:58.930483Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.930515Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.930526Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.930659Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25932 TClient is connected to server localhost:25932 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:59.485272Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.496744Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.507949Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.597256Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.821847Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.916044Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCre ... WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.725616Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517435380914889:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.729800Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:09.740206Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517435380914891:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.811477Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517435380914946:3450] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.245249Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.664470Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976715674:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.690901Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YWY3OWMwMmUtYmU5MTQ5NGMtZjlkZjExYWEtNzFjNjIxYzg=, ActorId: [3:7480517443970849883:2503], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh9cyby9q1gpak2zdb4d5, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:11.798390Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_SERVICE WARN: queryId in recompile request and queryId in cache are different, queryId in request: {Cluster: db, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, UserSid: , Text: \n UPSERT INTO TestDdlDml2 (Key, Value1) VALUES (1, \"1\");\n SELECT * FROM TestDdlDml2;\n UPSERT INTO TestDdlDml2 (Key, Value1) VALUES (2, \"2\");\n SELECT * FROM TestDdlDml2;\n CREATE TABLE TestDdlDml33 (\n Key Uint64,\n PRIMARY KEY (Key)\n );\n , Settings: {DocumentApiRestricted: 1, IsInternalCall: 0, QueryType: QUERY_TYPE_SQL_GENERIC_CONCURRENT_QUERY}, QueryParameterTypes: , GUCSettings: { "guc_settings": { "session_settings": { "ydb_database":"Root" }, "settings": { "ydb_database":"Root" }, "rollback_settings": { } } }}, queryId in cache: {Cluster: db, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, UserSid: , Text: \n UPSERT INTO TestDdlDml2 (Key, Value1, Value2) VALUES (1, \"1\", \"1\");\n SELECT * FROM TestDdlDml2;\n ALTER TABLE TestDdlDml2 DROP COLUMN Value2;\n , Settings: {DocumentApiRestricted: 1, IsInternalCall: 0, QueryType: QUERY_TYPE_SQL_GENERIC_CONCURRENT_QUERY}, QueryParameterTypes: , GUCSettings: { "guc_settings": { "session_settings": { "ydb_database":"Root" }, "settings": { "ydb_database":"Root" }, "rollback_settings": { } } }} 2025-03-11T11:48:12.059266Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715681:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.280704Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715685:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.624479Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517448265817718:2587], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:11:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:11:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestDdlDml5]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:12.626012Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ODY4ZDJlMTctYTEzYWZmZTUtZWM3YTU3ZjItZDFjN2NkYzk=, ActorId: [3:7480517448265817588:2563], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghaamdkvqc5df17q2wdrs, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:12.773517Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715690:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.930928Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715691:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.501480Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517452560785323:4209] txid# 281474976715697, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TestDdl1\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 19], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.501659Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976715697, ProxyStatus: ExecComplete, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TestDdl1', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 19], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:13.501829Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YzJlMWZiN2UtYzU3ZGI1MjMtNzhjODg4MWUtYmFkMmY0OTE=, ActorId: [3:7480517452560785310:2643], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghbh5d9bk4p6y19vm92bs, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:13.548681Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517452560785349:4222] txid# 281474976715699, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TestDdl2\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 20], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.549008Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976715699, ProxyStatus: ExecComplete, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TestDdl2', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 20], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:13.549136Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=YTBlYzE0NzUtZTA1YjJhZmItNGRmODE2YTQtNDM4YjcyZTk=, ActorId: [3:7480517452560785336:2650], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghbje2br4nsp2nc6myyvt, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:13.923983Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715704:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.083839Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517456855752832:4325] txid# 281474976715705, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TestDdl2\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 20], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.084201Z node 3 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976715705, ProxyStatus: ExecComplete, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TestDdl2', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 20], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.084335Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=M2I5YjdmNzMtYWZmMDE0YjgtMjgyMTEzZGYtZWI4MzIwZGY=, ActorId: [3:7480517452560785425:2676], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghbvn1a0yk4ecq669h3n1, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:14.231170Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517456855752888:2714], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:2:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestDdl4]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:14.232632Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MTEyMDY4MzUtZDE2NGY2YWItZmYxNjQ1ODktNzBmZjYyNmY=, ActorId: [3:7480517456855752885:2712], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghc8a1w3e39d1hxq2eefg, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:14.475162Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715712:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.192748Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Get parsing result with error, self: [3:7480517461150720438:2766], owner: [3:7480517435380914322:2395], statement id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:15.193263Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=N2RiMmU2ZmItMjRiMjhiYmQtOWQ0YzYwMTItMjUxMmY0NDU=, ActorId: [3:7480517461150720436:2765], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghd6bctsbn8nthd6b0xdj, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:15.457006Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517461150720487:2784], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:29: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:3:44: Error: Failed to convert type: Struct<'Key':Int32,'Value':String> to Struct<'Key':Uint64?,'Value':Uint64?>
:3:44: Error: Failed to convert 'Value': String to Optional
:3:44: Error: Failed to convert input columns types to scheme types, code: 2031 2025-03-11T11:48:15.458629Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MTFlYjY5ODUtMTA3OWFiYjItZWU5MzA3M2YtNWJjMzRjNGY=, ActorId: [3:7480517461150720468:2777], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghdb78h5wzbsyz5sjh0w4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:15.553442Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715722:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.699629Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517461150720609:2808], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:8:29: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:8:44: Error: Failed to convert type: Struct<'Key':Int32,'Value':String> to Struct<'Key':Uint64?,'Value':Uint64?>
:8:44: Error: Failed to convert 'Value': String to Optional
:8:44: Error: Failed to convert input columns types to scheme types, code: 2031 2025-03-11T11:48:15.701714Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=M2FkZmI2ODYtYTBjODFkZWEtN2FlMzBlZmMtNTA1NGE3NWQ=, ActorId: [3:7480517461150720515:2793], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghdh2b5z2w4cy9dptrf9a, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultAndCast+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultAndCast-useSink >> KqpScan::ScanAfterSplitSlowMetaRead [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_BadTransactions [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_DisableSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::Explain [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 6865, MsgBus: 5844 2025-03-11T11:47:56.423806Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517378467339415:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.423871Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c9/r3tmp/tmpLINhyp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:57.106637Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:57.112900Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.112998Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:57.117075Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6865, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.342876Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.342900Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.342907Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.343055Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5844 TClient is connected to server localhost:5844 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:58.033769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.049481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.074016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.277108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.475680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.585101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.603484Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517395647210368:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.603650Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.899974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.932240Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.966396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.005077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.041001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.113125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.171408Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399942178176:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.171494Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.171774Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399942178181:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.176148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.188117Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399942178183:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.257286Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517399942178235:3448] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.424363Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517378467339415:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.424448Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30240, MsgBus: 7915 2025-03-11T11:48:04.570145Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517415310609509:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.570216Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c9/r3tmp/tmpSBFOy1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:04.692083Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30240, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:04.724438Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:04.724529Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:04.728553Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:04.777731Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.777758Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.777767Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.777921Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7915 TClient is connected to server localhost:7915 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:05.323191Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.348286Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.442579Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.653484Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.753081Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable ...
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.189482Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.223827Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.270315Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.327678Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.396411Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.459645Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.532612Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.615521Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517432490480987:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.615612Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.615830Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517432490480992:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.619906Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.634595Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517432490480994:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.708356Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517432490481048:3443] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:09.574046Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517415310609509:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:09.574090Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23699, MsgBus: 25335 2025-03-11T11:48:10.965920Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517440203651723:2190];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.965975Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c9/r3tmp/tmpBsroaP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:11.111373Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:11.141800Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:11.141885Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:11.145413Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23699, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:11.225255Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:11.225283Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:11.225292Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:11.225403Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25335 TClient is connected to server localhost:25335 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.889223Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.896005Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.906438Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.004686Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.435456Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.560525Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:14.797962Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517457383522542:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.798083Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.856170Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.904983Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.944684Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.989980Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.019535Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.063852Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.127192Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517461678490352:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.127288Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.128211Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517461678490357:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.132226Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.150244Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517461678490359:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.208685Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517461678490412:3442] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.966301Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517440203651723:2190];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.966390Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::EmptyNextFetchToken [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 6967, MsgBus: 5312 2025-03-11T11:47:51.516814Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517358156562412:2198];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.516872Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016e4/r3tmp/tmpnMLzXR/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:52.150928Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.151028Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.156714Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.178499Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6967, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.326394Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.326417Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.326422Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.326528Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5312 TClient is connected to server localhost:5312 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:53.086321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.119838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:53.137075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.328788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.496621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.584383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:55.344835Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375336433222:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.344940Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.655633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.723794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.757969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.789663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.837063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.897942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.950522Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375336433737:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.950700Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.951676Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375336433743:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.956092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.967805Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375336433745:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.041622Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517379631401093:3445] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.528042Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517358156562412:2198];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.528121Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 6313, MsgBus: 28723 2025-03-11T11:47:58.216874Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517390071369788:2266];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:58.216922Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016e4/r3tmp/tmpGRuVAp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:58.359287Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:58.373612Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:58.373693Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:58.376430Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6313, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:58.451888Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.451918Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.451926Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:58.452028Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28723 TClient is connected to server localhost:28723 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.958969Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.966739Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.044743Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.139833Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.288418Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 202 ... uboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.783161Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.875473Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517402956273740:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.875563Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.875799Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517402956273745:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.879548Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.896904Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517402956273747:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.988271Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517402956273802:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.090965Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.092860Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.094405Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.215077Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517390071369788:2266];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.215158Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7023, MsgBus: 28735 2025-03-11T11:48:07.123373Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517425942525591:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.123455Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016e4/r3tmp/tmpOIK8fm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:07.246648Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7023, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:07.267868Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:07.267956Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:07.269606Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:07.306373Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.306395Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.306403Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.306517Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28735 TClient is connected to server localhost:28735 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:07.827111Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.849178Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.935250Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.160107Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.258290Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.499346Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517438827429235:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.499455Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.548677Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.591560Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.643667Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.698965Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.773209Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.898661Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:10.975131Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517438827429751:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.975221Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.975572Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517438827429756:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:10.981555Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.002340Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517438827429758:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.092572Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517443122397109:3447] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.124730Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517425942525591:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.124825Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:13.056164Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.057635Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.059132Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:16.382905Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693696414, txId: 281474976715707] shutting down >> KqpQueryService::Ddl [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CreateTempTable >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecutionOnLongQuery >> Viewer::SharedDoesntShowExclusiveNodes [GOOD] >> Viewer::SimpleFeatureFlags >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithParameters [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithForgetAfter ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptStatsNone [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 6775, MsgBus: 61471 2025-03-11T11:47:50.944134Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517355010749395:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:50.944539Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016fe/r3tmp/tmpGqX4jW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:51.385714Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:51.427491Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:51.427610Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:51.429455Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6775, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:51.484988Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.485011Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.485021Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.485161Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:61471 TClient is connected to server localhost:61471 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:52.129092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.158515Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.349280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.526262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.621645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:54.329473Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517372190620191:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.329569Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.634339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.664123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.732165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.798491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.835543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.869010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925084Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517372190620707:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925134Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.925636Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517372190620712:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.929546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.944938Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517372190620714:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.013031Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517376485588066:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.935998Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517355010749395:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.936056Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.056405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.067727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.069536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3137, MsgBus: 1929 2025-03-11T11:47:58.978940Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517390564722419:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:58.979320Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016fe/r3tmp/tmpNm4HrY/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:59.150020Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:59.166321Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:59.166378Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:59.167775Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3137, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:59.213425Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.213447Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.213456Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.213604Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:1929 TClient is connected to server localhost:1929 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:59.719225Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.754575Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.854423Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself ... undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.225172Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.304237Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517412039561174:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.304326Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.304554Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517412039561179:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.309592Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.327784Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517412039561181:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.389009Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517412039561236:3444] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.994701Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517390564722419:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.994794Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.687747Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.690337Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.692300Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28387, MsgBus: 27431 2025-03-11T11:48:07.659713Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517429015338249:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016fe/r3tmp/tmpaFJgj7/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:07.717317Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.799270Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:07.812905Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:07.813003Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:07.818364Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28387, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:07.962498Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.962540Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.962548Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.962704Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27431 TClient is connected to server localhost:27431 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:08.569140Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.577995Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.589708Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.695610Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.849355Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.963776Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.501038Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517450490176326:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.501158Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.539372Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.596901Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.657924Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517429015338249:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.657997Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.691355Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.759108Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.796514Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.839931Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.918245Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517450490176843:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.918361Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.918646Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517450490176848:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.922116Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.934911Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517450490176850:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.993748Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517450490176904:3445] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.133362Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.142855Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.144448Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OltpUpsert >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictWriteExplicitPrepare ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/unittest >> KqpScan::ScanAfterSplitSlowMetaRead [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:47:40.308947Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:696:2412], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:40.309486Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.309547Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.310433Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:693:2354], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:40.310766Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:40.311057Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5d/r3tmp/tmpTsc1Rf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:40.860410Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:41.060684Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.174880Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:41.179419Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.179589Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:41.181090Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:41.181771Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [2:236:2128] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:41.190857Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.190993Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:41.191823Z node 2 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976720656 RangeEnd# 281474976725656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 2025-03-11T11:47:41.231733Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:47:41.232404Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.232872Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.565648Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] Handle TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:41.565728Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] TxId# 281474976715657 ProcessProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:47:41.565960Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:206:2172] Cookie# 0 userReqId# "" txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:1229:2743] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.721527Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap EvSchemeRequest record: Transaction { ModifyScheme { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "table-1" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "Uint32" FamilyName: "" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "key" UniformPartitionsCount: 7 } } } ExecTimeoutPeriod: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:47:41.721633Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 Bootstrap, UserSID: CheckAdministrator: 0 CheckDatabaseAdministrator: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:41.722431Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P6 2025-03-11T11:47:41.722555Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 TEvNavigateKeySet requested from SchemeCache 2025-03-11T11:47:41.723033Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult TFlatSchemeReq marker# P5 ErrorCount# 0 2025-03-11T11:47:41.723234Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] HANDLE EvNavigateKeySetResult, txid# 281474976715657 shardToRequest# 72057594046644480 DomainKey# [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] DomainInfo.Params# Version: 1 PlanResolution: 500 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 RedirectRequired# true 2025-03-11T11:47:41.723362Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# 72057594046644480 shardToRequest {TEvModifySchemeTransaction txid# 281474976715657 TabletId# 72057594046644480} 2025-03-11T11:47:41.725713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:41.726308Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 HANDLE EvClientConnected 2025-03-11T11:47:41.735335Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 Status StatusAccepted HANDLE {TEvModifySchemeTransactionResult Status# StatusAccepted txid# 281474976715657} 2025-03-11T11:47:41.735445Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Actor# [1:1229:2743] txid# 281474976715657 SEND to# [1:1137:2684] Source {TEvProposeTransactionStatus txid# 281474976715657 Status# 53} 2025-03-11T11:47:41.896110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037889 actor [1:1307:2802] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.896377Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.939467Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037894 actor [1:1312:2805] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.939767Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.962773Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037892 actor [1:1314:2806] 2025-03-11T11:47:41.963058Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.973186Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.974066Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.975993Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:41.976103Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:41.976181Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037889 2025-03-11T11:47:41.976635Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.977280Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.977358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037889 persisting started state actor id [1:1405:2802] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:41.989704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.990599Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.992214Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:47:41.992296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:47:41.992350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037894 2025-03-11T11:47:41.992680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:41.993043Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:41.993112Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037894 persisting started state actor id [1:1414:2805] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.034754Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.034891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.036352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:42.036429Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:42.036518Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037892 2025-03-11T11:47:42.036822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.036951Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.037011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037892 persisting started state actor id [1:1434:2806] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.053291Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037888 actor [2:1412:2398] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.053516Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.116004Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037891 actor [2:1418:2399] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.116259Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.129390Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037893 actor [2:1425:2401] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.129672Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.183424Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.183648Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.185192Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.185275Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.185344Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037888 2025-03-11T11:47:42.185745Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.186198Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.186271Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037888 persisting started state actor id [2:1493:2398] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.189736Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 72075186224037890 actor [2:1426:2402] 2025-03-11T11:47:42.190029Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.201683Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.202240Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.203870Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:42.203946Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:42.204010Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 72075186224037891 2025-03-11T11:47:42.204378Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.204769Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.204855Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 72075186224037891 persisting started state actor id [2:1502:2399] in generation 1 2025-03-11T11:47:42.208768Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:42.209088Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:42.210699Z node 2 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: Q ... d=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Poll inputs 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002080Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Poll sources 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002148Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Resume execution, run status: Finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002200Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. ProcessOutputsState.Inflight: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002254Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Do not drain channelId: 1, finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002326Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Tasks execution finished, waiting for chunk delivery in output channelId: 1, seqNo: [1] 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002689Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Send TEvStreamData to [5:1639:2972], seqNo: 1, nRows: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:17.002964Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [5:1976:3163], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_EXECUTING, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 670 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 246 FinishTimeMs: 1741693697001 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 6 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 6 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 62 BuildCpuTimeUs: 184 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 5 CreateTimeMs: 1741693697000 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003102Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Waiting for: CA [5:1976:3163], ... response 271646822 NKikimr::NKqp::TEvKqpExecuter::TEvStreamData NKikimrKqp.TEvExecuterStreamData ResultSet { columns { name: "column0" type { optional_type { item { type_id: UINT64 } } } } rows { items { uint64_value: 596400 } } } SeqNo: 1 QueryResultIndex: 0 ChannelId: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003487Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715667, send ack to channelId: 1, seqNo: 1, enough: 0, freeSpace: 100, to: [5:1977:3163] 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003567Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Received channel data ack for channelId: 1, seqNo: 1, lastSentSeqNo: 1, freeSpace: 100, early finish: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003617Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. PeerState, peerState:(freeSpace:100;inFlightBytes:0;inFlightCount:0;), sentSeqNo: 1, ackSeqNo: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003646Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Resume compute actor 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003732Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. CA StateFunc 271646922 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003784Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Poll inputs 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003820Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Poll sources 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003854Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Resume execution, run status: Finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003882Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. ProcessOutputsState.Inflight: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003912Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE TRACE: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Do not drain channelId: 1, finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003966Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Tasks execution finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.003999Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: SelfId: [5:1976:3163], TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=. TraceId : 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : . }. Compute state finished. All channels and sinks finished 2025-03-11T11:48:17.004092Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715667, task: 1. pass away 2025-03-11T11:48:17.004191Z node 5 :KQP_COMPUTE DEBUG: fline=kqp_compute_actor_factory.cpp:66;problem=finish_compute_actor;tx_id=281474976715667;task_id=1;success=1;message={
: Error: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED }; 2025-03-11T11:48:17.004324Z node 5 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER DEBUG: TxId: 281474976715667, taskId: 1. Released resources, Memory: 0, Free Tier: 1048576, ExecutionUnits: 1. 2025-03-11T11:48:17.004549Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ActorState: ExecuteState, got execution state from compute actor: [5:1976:3163], task: 1, state: COMPUTE_STATE_FINISHED, stats: { CpuTimeUs: 2266 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 250 FinishTimeMs: 1741693697003 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 6 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 6 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 66 BuildCpuTimeUs: 184 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 5 CreateTimeMs: 1741693697000 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.004623Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Compute actor has finished execution: [5:1976:3163] 2025-03-11T11:48:17.005573Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER INFO: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Full stats: { CpuTimeUs: 4681 DurationUs: 1741693693470685 ExecuterCpuTimeUs: 2415 StartTimeMs: 3534 FinishTimeMs: 1741693697004 Stages { StageGuid: "398f3c-a1480a49-9ea4ea8b-c73f12e4" Program: "(\n(declare %kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0 (ListType (StructType \'(\'\"column0\" (OptionalType (DataType \'Uint64))))))\n(return (lambda \'() (Iterator %kqp%tx_result_binding_0_0)))\n)\n" ComputeActors { CpuTimeUs: 2266 Tasks { TaskId: 1 CpuTimeUs: 250 FinishTimeMs: 1741693697003 OutputRows: 1 OutputBytes: 6 ResultRows: 1 ResultBytes: 6 ComputeCpuTimeUs: 66 BuildCpuTimeUs: 184 HostName: "ghrun-w6mn3gtde4" NodeId: 5 CreateTimeMs: 1741693697000 } MaxMemoryUsage: 1048576 } BaseTimeMs: 1741693697001 } TxPlansWithStats: "{\"Node Type\":\"Phase\",\"PlanNodeId\":8,\"Plans\":[{\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet_1\",\"PlanNodeId\":7,\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\",\"Plans\":[{\"CTE Name\":\"precompute_0_0\",\"Node Type\":\"ConstantExpr\",\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[],\"Iterator\":\"precompute_0_0\",\"Name\":\"Iterator\"}],\"PlanNodeId\":6,\"StageGuid\":\"398f3c-a1480a49-9ea4ea8b-c73f12e4\",\"Stats\":{\"BaseTimeMs\":1741693697001,\"ComputeNodes\":[{\"CpuTimeUs\":2266,\"Tasks\":[{\"ComputeTimeUs\":66,\"FinishTimeMs\":1741693697003,\"Host\":\"ghrun-w6mn3gtde4\",\"NodeId\":5,\"OutputBytes\":6,\"OutputRows\":1,\"ResultBytes\":6,\"ResultRows\":1,\"TaskId\":1}]}],\"FinishedTasks\":0,\"PhysicalStageId\":0,\"StageDurationUs\":0,\"Tasks\":0,\"UseLlvm\":\"undefined\"}}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}],\"StageGuid\":\"\"}" StatConvertBytes: 683 Extra { type_url: "type.googleapis.com/NKqpProto.TKqpExecutionExtraStats" value: "\022\013\010\332\021\020\332\021\030\332\021 \001" } } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.005648Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. terminate execution. 2025-03-11T11:48:17.005693Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER TRACE: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Terminate, become ZombieState 2025-03-11T11:48:17.005739Z node 5 :KQP_EXECUTER DEBUG: ActorId: [5:1973:2972] TxId: 281474976715667. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghbsqbsw310etv1hd9e6c, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=NDA3OWVjMGMtYzY0OGFlZjQtMzk3MDU2MjAtMTI3MzBkMTk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Resource usage for last stat interval: ComputeTime: 0.002266s ReadRows: 0 ReadBytes: 0 ru: 1 rate limiter was not found force flag: 1 ... response 271646721 NKikimr::NKqp::NPrivateEvents::TEvQueryResponse NKikimrKqp.TEvQueryResponse Response { TxMeta { } QueryDiagnostics: "" } YdbStatus: SUCCESS ConsumedRu: 929 >> KqpPg::CreateUniqPgColumn-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateUniqComplexPgColumn+useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithCancelAfter [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithCancelAfterAndTimeout >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteMultiScript [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptPg |82.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/unittest >> KqpQueryService::ExecStatsAst [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CopyTableSerialColumns+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CopyTableSerialColumns-useSink |82.3%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/unittest |82.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/ydb-core-tx-replication-ydb_proxy-ut |82.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/ydb-core-tx-replication-ydb_proxy-ut >> KqpQueryService::AlterTable_DropNotNull_WithSetFamily_Valid [GOOD] |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/unittest |82.3%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_kqp_scan/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/ydb-core-tx-replication-ydb_proxy-ut >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapInteractive-withOltpSink [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ClosedSessionRemovedWhileActiveWithQuery [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CloseSessionsWithLoad ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.399764Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.451549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.451603Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.461382Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.461970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:129:2152] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.462304Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.474481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.519423Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.520094Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.521911Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.522017Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.522081Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.522508Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.522822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.522893Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:195:2152] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.589175Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651525Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:214:2212] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651588Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651624Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651659Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651920Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.651969Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652237Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652342Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652457Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652630Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652663Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652702Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652793Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:210:2209], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652855Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.652917Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:208:2208], serverId# [1:210:2209], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.655848Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.655907Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.655995Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656154Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656283Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656369Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656442Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656832Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.656934Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.657010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.657047Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.657083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.657119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.657148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.673918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674057Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674118Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674201Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674776Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:220:2218], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674842Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.674891Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:219:2217], serverId# [1:220:2218], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675074Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:129:2152]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675119Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675272Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675397Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.675449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.679641Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.679732Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:129:2152], Recipient [1:129:2152]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680148Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680194Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680233Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680329Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680390Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680496Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680535Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680775Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680830Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680894Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.680978Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681149Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681221Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.681265Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... 025-03-11T11:48:20.444977Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445162Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445194Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:24] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445235Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 24] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445267Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445461Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445489Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:25] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445532Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 25] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445562Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445762Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445791Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:26] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445836Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 26] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.445869Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446230Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446275Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:27] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446325Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 27] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446365Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446580Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446612Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:28] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446653Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 28] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446688Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446821Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446851Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:29] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446895Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 29] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.446926Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447147Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447178Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:30] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447219Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 30] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447248Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447379Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447409Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:31] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447451Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 31] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447483Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447647Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447675Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:32] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447720Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 32] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447750Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447924Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.447955Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:33] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448001Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 33] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448034Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448209Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448242Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:34] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448282Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 34] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448315Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448527Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448557Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:35] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448603Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 35] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448635Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448822Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448877Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448922Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 36] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.448955Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449160Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449192Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:37] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449236Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 37] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449268Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449550Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 36 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 32} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449600Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449639Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 36 2025-03-11T11:48:20.449851Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450014Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450060Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 5 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450154Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450188Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450219Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 7 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450343Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450379Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450411Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 8 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450521Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450556Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450586Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 9 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450649Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450682Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450713Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 10 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450801Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450833Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450864Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 12 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450952Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:232:2225], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 13 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 9} 2025-03-11T11:48:20.450983Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:20.451040Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 13 expect 30 25 31 31 28 19 31 29 28 27 28 29 28 31 27 29 26 29 13 18 29 31 27 10 30 27 - 5 - - - - actual 30 25 31 31 28 19 31 29 28 27 28 29 28 31 27 29 26 29 13 18 29 31 27 10 30 27 - 5 - - - - interm 3 - 6 6 5 5 3 2 3 6 5 6 0 1 6 4 5 0 6 4 - 0 - - 4 - - 5 - - - - ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::ExecStatsAst [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27984, MsgBus: 8261 2025-03-11T11:48:01.619706Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517402584712506:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.619897Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b7/r3tmp/tmpqhEjq2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:02.107649Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:02.107721Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:02.111031Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:02.111906Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27984, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:02.232508Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.232527Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.232536Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.232625Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8261 TClient is connected to server localhost:8261 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:02.902336Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:02.919100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:02.926581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:03.077091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:03.272080Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:03.378378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.151762Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517419764583456:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.151863Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.597248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.637261Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.681549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.755481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.799131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.893243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.952899Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517419764583972:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.952986Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.953325Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517419764583977:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.959931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.978646Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517419764583979:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:06.074648Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517424059551331:3449] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:06.622355Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517402584712506:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:06.622409Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3854, MsgBus: 2255 2025-03-11T11:48:08.296247Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517432287048250:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.296306Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b7/r3tmp/tmpY8SoEn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:08.465551Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:08.483442Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.483526Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:08.487017Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3854, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:08.574346Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.574374Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.574380Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.574477Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2255 TClient is connected to server localhost:2255 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:09.279438Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.286617Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.306186Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:09.387982Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.558423Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025 ... pId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.993642Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.092824Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517449466919719:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.092913Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.093145Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517449466919724:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.101835Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.117200Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517449466919726:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.177000Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517449466919781:3443] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.297993Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517432287048250:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:13.298064Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13835, MsgBus: 25116 2025-03-11T11:48:14.526706Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517457108900588:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.526750Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b7/r3tmp/tmpgRJc4h/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:14.671462Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:14.694417Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:14.694499Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:14.695618Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13835, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:14.801439Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.801481Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.801491Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.801636Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25116 TClient is connected to server localhost:25116 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:15.453643Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:15.473137Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.568340Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:15.775969Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:15.865311Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.697011Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517474288771534:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:18.697216Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:18.772579Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:18.827201Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:18.887409Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:18.961207Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.059191Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.135617Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.195183Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478583739352:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.195271Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.195406Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478583739357:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.200177Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.217151Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478583739359:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.266708Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517478583739412:3444] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.531403Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517457108900588:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.531465Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:20.530907Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517482878707002:2496], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject, At function: SqlProjectItem
:1:8: Error: At function: Member
:1:8: Error: Member not found: test_ast_column 2025-03-11T11:48:20.531370Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZDE5ODhjYTUtOTZjODEyMDEtN2UyNjc4MWUtOTg1YTMwOGE=, ActorId: [3:7480517482878707000:2495], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghjc60frrfstm7kkhn8ax, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:20.641517Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [3:7480517482878707034:2501], TxId: 281474976715672, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2ghje124ckn6yt6gzanp1k. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Nzg0YmMzYTYtMzY1YWI4NDEtMWVmMTU5ZDgtNDIzMzY3NDk=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED DEFAULT_ERROR: {
: Error: Terminate was called, reason(43):
:1:8: Failed to unwrap empty optional }. 2025-03-11T11:48:20.643713Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=Nzg0YmMzYTYtMzY1YWI4NDEtMWVmMTU5ZDgtNDIzMzY3NDk=, ActorId: [3:7480517482878707019:2501], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghje124ckn6yt6gzanp1k, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/unittest >> KqpQueryService::SessionFromPoolError [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::SessionFromPoolSuccess >> TKeyValueTest::TestWriteReadPatchRead ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::AlterTable_DropNotNull_WithSetFamily_Valid [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26431, MsgBus: 22482 2025-03-11T11:47:56.818534Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517382011012217:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.821971Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c3/r3tmp/tmpqANBWa/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:57.280409Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:57.295673Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.295789Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:57.297413Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26431, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.374707Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.374741Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.374747Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.375083Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22482 TClient is connected to server localhost:22482 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:57.907805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.922081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.445599Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399190881924:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.445692Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.446045Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399190881936:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.449846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.464491Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517399190881938:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.542346Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517399190881989:2334] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.844631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.039403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.079135Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849531:2479] txid# 281474976710664, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.090504Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849538:2484] txid# 281474976710665, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/M2IzNDY5MWEtZGNjMzZjZWUtYjhkNjVjOTEtYjlhMGI5ZGE=\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.112276Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:01.132637Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849598:2531] txid# 281474976710667, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.134594Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849605:2536] txid# 281474976710668, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/M2IzNDY5MWEtZGNjMzZjZWUtYjhkNjVjOTEtYjlhMGI5ZGE=\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.136742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.428919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.550595Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849782:2642] txid# 281474976710674, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.552855Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403485849789:2647] txid# 281474976710675, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/M2IzNDY5MWEtZGNjMzZjZWUtYjhkNjVjOTEtYjlhMGI5ZGE=\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.586374Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:01.599889Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517403485849843:2409], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:21: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:21: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/Temp]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:01.600891Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWFmNWU4MDMtNjBkMWMxMzgtYzk0NmFmMmQtNjgzODBlMGI=, ActorId: [1:7480517403485849841:2408], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggzxjbvgp43nd99k4wge1, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:01.633773Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517403485849853:2414], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/Temp]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:01.634985Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGY4MDAwNDUtY2E3OTk1ZjUtNmIzMDViMWEtOGU4MTc5YzQ=, ActorId: [1:7480517403485849851:2413], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggzyncmpdqt20xpqqjtdp, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:01.810075Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517382011012217:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.810150Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22152, MsgBus: 19448 2025-03-11T11:48:02.557188Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517408098217276:2087];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:02.557652Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c3/r3tmp/tmpnnnKq7/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:02.658583Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:02.668536Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:02.668609Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:02.674939Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22152, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:02.846354Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.846377Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.846384Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:02.846496Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19448 TClient is connected to server localhost:19448 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: ... 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.640148Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.717551Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.751252Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.790792Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.840007Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.958582Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517445467519633:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.958754Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.959142Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517445467519638:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.965004Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.987410Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517445467519640:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.059027Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517449762486991:3443] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.532068Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517428287648253:2130];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.532147Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:13.710141Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.819446Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:13.896374Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.610705Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710677:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.824919Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710680:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.920138Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710682:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.069761Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710684:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.301368Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710687:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.510826Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710689:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29498, MsgBus: 21339 2025-03-11T11:48:16.564772Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517467765227298:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:16.564857Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016c3/r3tmp/tmpjAOuKj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:16.692313Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:16.732602Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:16.732698Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29498, node 4 2025-03-11T11:48:16.746512Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:16.831232Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:16.831263Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:16.831271Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:16.831405Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21339 TClient is connected to server localhost:21339 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:17.450471Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.722149Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517484945097135:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.722221Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517484945097152:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.722276Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.727787Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:20.740774Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480517484945097156:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.832596Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517484945097207:2335] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.933265Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.253333Z node 4 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [4:7480517489240064651:2357], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:30: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:2:84: Error: Failed to convert type: Struct<'id':Int32,'val1':Null,'val2':Int32> to Struct<'id':Int32,'val1':Int32,'val2':Int32?>
:2:84: Error: Failed to convert 'val1': Null to Int32
:2:84: Error: Failed to convert input columns types to scheme types, code: 2031 2025-03-11T11:48:21.255489Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=MzM3N2MzZGYtNDBkNDJkYjUtOGNmOWY4NGQtNmM1MzBjY2I=, ActorId: [4:7480517489240064649:2356], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghk2h5xzevajyjkf8qtr4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:21.340427Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.451986Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.567168Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517467765227298:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:21.567236Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; |82.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-proxy_service-ut >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataOnEmptyTablet |82.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-proxy_service-ut |82.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-proxy_service-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_HtapInteractive-withOltpSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 32168, MsgBus: 32661 2025-03-11T11:47:55.248614Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517374462335759:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.248741Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d1/r3tmp/tmpWBEk6N/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:55.630462Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:55.651475Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.651568Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:55.669200Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 32168, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:55.745419Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.745447Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.745451Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.745564Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32661 TClient is connected to server localhost:32661 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:56.388758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:56.418775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.486634Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517387347238312:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.486767Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.823166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003116Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003342Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003607Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003734Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003847Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.003949Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004041Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004155Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004265Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004357Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004474Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.004610Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[1:7480517387347238484:2345];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.021608Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.021685Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.021934Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022107Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022221Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022334Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022458Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022571Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022682Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022780Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022876Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.022966Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;self_id=[1:7480517387347238466:2340];tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.098715Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.098780Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.098995Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.099122Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.099225Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.099319Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;self_id=[1:7480517387347238470:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037897;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.099402Z node 1 :TX_COLU ... nished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.511069Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.511890Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.511953Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512157Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512193Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512349Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512389Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512582Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512618Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512745Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.512778Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517115Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517195Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517304Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=2; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517340Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517527Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=4; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517558Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517668Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=6; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517722Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517821Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.517854Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.524649Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.524776Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.525723Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.525790Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526044Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526084Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526250Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526287Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526497Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526538Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526678Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.526714Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.576393Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.581024Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.584554Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.589759Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.593314Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.597768Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.601859Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037891;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.605965Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.616371Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.619890Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.627945Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.725713Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478835920079:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.725817Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.726237Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478835920084:2418], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.732239Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.748341Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517478835920086:2419], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.802916Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517478835920137:2674] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.415699Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976710666;tx_id=281474976710666;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710666; 2025-03-11T11:48:21.109313Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976710671;tx_id=281474976710671;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710671; >> Viewer::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodesCheckTable [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTablePgMultiple [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTableIfExists |82.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_subdomain |82.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_subdomain |82.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_subdomain >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultAndCast-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultBool+useSink >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomDotRanges_DelayRS [GOOD] >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Simple >> TKeyValueTest::TestWriteReadPatchRead [GOOD] >> TKeyValueTest::TestWriteReadDeleteWithRestartsThenResponseOkWithNewApi |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ParseScript [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ListScriptExecutions |82.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithTimeout [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtlAndForgetAfter |82.4%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapRWQueries [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictDrop [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNull-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNullButNull+useSink >> KqpQueryService::CreateTempTable [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::DdlCache >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_DisableSink [GOOD] |82.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Delete |82.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-workload_service-ut |82.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-workload_service-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomDotRanges_DelayRS [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:46.252164Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:46.298407Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:46.298475Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:46.311777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:46.312282Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.312580Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.359235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.382611Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.382823Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.384435Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.384519Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.384592Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.385011Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.385110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:46.385185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:46.442245Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486547Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.486783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487005Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.487062Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488232Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488365Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488437Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488494Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488541Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488670Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488716Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488838Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488892Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.488950Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.491726Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.491834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.491918Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492165Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492269Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492306Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492350Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492391Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492696Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492746Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492824Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492886Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492925Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.492966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493004Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.493033Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.510761Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.510826Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:46.510865Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:46.510924Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511007Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511577Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511622Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511825Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511962Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.511999Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.512039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:46.512076Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.516738Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:46.516822Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517044Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517083Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517179Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517225Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517368Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517434Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517486Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517564Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517717Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517749Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517787Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.517834Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.518982Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519068Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519110Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519187Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519296Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:46.519378Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... 06606Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.106842Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.106877Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:23] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.106921Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 23] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.106955Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107131Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107168Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:24] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107215Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 24] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107248Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107449Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107484Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:25] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107530Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 25] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107564Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107785Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107820Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:26] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107866Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 26] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.107897Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108067Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108098Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:27] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108146Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 27] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108179Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108379Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108418Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:28] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108463Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 28] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108496Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108663Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108693Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:29] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108736Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 29] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108768Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108959Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.108991Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:30] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109039Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 30] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109072Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109208Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109650Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:31] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109710Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 31] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.109753Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110045Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110085Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:32] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110134Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 32] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110171Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110418Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110453Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:33] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110501Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 33] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110538Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110780Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110813Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:34] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110861Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 34] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.110897Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111072Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111108Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:35] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111152Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 35] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111184Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111397Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111430Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111476Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 36] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111509Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111681Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111714Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:37] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111757Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 37] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:25.111786Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112093Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 36 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 32} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112141Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112178Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 36 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112315Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112352Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112382Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 5 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112470Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112504Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112535Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 7 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112620Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112649Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112679Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 8 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112764Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112795Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112825Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 9 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112928Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112963Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.112990Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 10 2025-03-11T11:48:25.113077Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:231:2224], Recipient [32:340:2308]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:48:25.113108Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:25.113136Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 12 expect 30 29 4 31 30 27 30 31 31 26 22 28 17 30 20 28 20 30 6 30 28 30 30 30 14 30 30 26 - 12 - - actual 30 29 4 31 30 27 30 31 31 26 22 28 17 30 20 28 20 30 6 30 28 30 30 30 14 30 30 26 - 12 - - interm 1 4 4 5 6 - 6 4 3 - - - 6 5 5 2 3 4 6 - - 6 4 6 - 6 - - - - - - >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeRealTable-LongRow [GOOD] |82.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/client/ut/ydb-core-client-ut |82.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/workload_service/ut/ydb-core-kqp-workload_service-ut |82.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/ut/ydb-core-client-ut |82.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/client/ut/ydb-core-client-ut >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictWriteExplicitPrepare [GOOD] >> KqpDocumentApi::Scripting >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionInsert+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableSelect+useSink |82.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest |82.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> StatisticsSaveLoad::ForbidAccess ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_DisableSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 32201, MsgBus: 13846 2025-03-11T11:48:03.288820Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517409017849789:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.288863Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b3/r3tmp/tmp8otRBX/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:03.701415Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:03.725783Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:03.726120Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 32201, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:03.740826Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:03.856964Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.856987Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.856994Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.857123Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13846 TClient is connected to server localhost:13846 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:04.557459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.593099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.602666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.820344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.997657Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.085583Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.183100Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517426197720724:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.183234Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.567825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.614603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.664200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.713824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.758645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.796883Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.858252Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517426197721236:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.858441Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.859024Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517426197721241:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.862909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.876248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.876617Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517426197721243:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.975399Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517426197721299:3444] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.289040Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517409017849789:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.289106Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17989, MsgBus: 5402 2025-03-11T11:48:10.319299Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517438783963659:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.319339Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b3/r3tmp/tmpzx5hv5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.649784Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.682998Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.683120Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.685596Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17989, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:10.878563Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.878597Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.878606Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.878735Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5402 TClient is connected to server localhost:5402 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.639120Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.656535Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.031578Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517460258800802:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.031846Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access ... e 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.866828Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.866851Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.866883Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.866908Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.868053Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.868109Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.868828Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.868892Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869084Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869115Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869270Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869299Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869461Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869488Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869590Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.869615Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875186Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875261Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875490Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875525Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875693Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875731Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875942Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.875973Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.876120Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.876149Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.999543Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.004640Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.012366Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037898;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.019990Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037900;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.027188Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.029295Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.034006Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037891;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.041211Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037897;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.043879Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037894;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.050127Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.056415Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037899;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.061774Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037895;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.073460Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037903;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.077092Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037901;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.088778Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037902;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.091321Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037896;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976710658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976710658; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.126958Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517506911796644:2441], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.127063Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.127489Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517506911796649:2444], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.132411Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.147188Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517506911796651:2445], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.218436Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517506911796702:2736] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.362511Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [3:7480517506911796726:2440] TxId: 281474976710661. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2ghpx22zgczygg41kw08nh, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=M2Q2MDRhMTItMmZmYmU0ZTktYjQxMTFkYzYtOWFhNTFlZjQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Data manipulation queries do not support column shard tables. 2025-03-11T11:48:25.374864Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=M2Q2MDRhMTItMmZmYmU0ZTktYjQxMTFkYzYtOWFhNTFlZjQ=, ActorId: [3:7480517506911796642:2440], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghpx22zgczygg41kw08nh, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecutionOnLongQuery [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecutionRace >> KqpPg::CopyTableSerialColumns-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateIndex >> KqpPg::TypeCoercionInsert-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::V1CreateTable |82.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_object_storage_listing/unittest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpDocumentApi::RestrictDrop [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16723, MsgBus: 6804 2025-03-11T11:47:55.986271Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517376420819404:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.986331Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016cb/r3tmp/tmpMgFvJc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:56.352468Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:56.361930Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:56.362099Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:56.380535Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16723, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:56.443167Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.443217Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.443234Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:56.443395Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6804 TClient is connected to server localhost:6804 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:57.078730Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.094611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.102265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.243476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.387930Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.479064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.252667Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517393600690362:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.252783Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.585487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.651974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.686763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.727980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.759264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.828968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.894134Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517393600690873:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.894219Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.898242Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517393600690878:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.903312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.916196Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517393600690881:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.026731Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517397895658233:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.987162Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517376420819404:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:00.987230Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.170775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.244526Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517402190625857:2499], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:25: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:2:25: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:48:01.246386Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTQwM2NiYjEtN2M5NzgzZjktYTc4ZjFlZmQtN2EyZTk5N2E=, ActorId: [1:7480517402190625788:2489], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggzht728cg8350472mvtt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:25: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:2:25: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4532, MsgBus: 13245 2025-03-11T11:48:02.478485Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517405377273567:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:02.651947Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016cb/r3tmp/tmpWtZNGp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:02.791215Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:02.819402Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:02.819502Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:02.821414Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4532, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:03.014638Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.014663Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.014672Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.014789Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13245 TClient is connected to server localhost:13245 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025 ... e: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.092168Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.143917Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.212179Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.274024Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517459311076128:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.274128Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.274379Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517459311076133:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.278919Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.293704Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517459311076135:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.353252Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517459311076188:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.852502Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517437836237509:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.852563Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.922088Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:61: Error: At function: KiAlterTable!
:2:61: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:48:16.044816Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4391, MsgBus: 25666 2025-03-11T11:48:17.157880Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517472245813324:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:17.157945Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016cb/r3tmp/tmplFPycg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:17.392948Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:17.395067Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:17.395201Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:17.400263Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4391, node 4 2025-03-11T11:48:17.557800Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.557825Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.557836Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.558004Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25666 TClient is connected to server localhost:25666 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:18.528455Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.553863Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.652731Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:19.059887Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:19.200872Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.161703Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517472245813324:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:22.161789Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:22.654854Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517493720651594:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:22.654939Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:22.742194Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.797517Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.858891Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.924546Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.008023Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.097373Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.230088Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517498015619413:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.230316Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.231321Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517498015619418:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.237429Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.266812Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480517498015619420:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.341426Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517498015619475:3454] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.461505Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:24: Error: At function: KiDropTable!
:2:24: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 >> YdbProxy::MakeDirectory >> KqpService::SwitchCache-UseCache [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::DescribePath >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithForgetAfter [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateUniqComplexPgColumn+useSink [GOOD] |82.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/ydb-core-kqp-ut-yql >> KqpService::ToDictCache+UseCache >> KqpPg::CreateUniqComplexPgColumn-useSink >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtl >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OltpUpsert [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::ReadTopic >> Viewer::SimpleFeatureFlags [GOOD] >> KqpProxy::PingNotExistedSession >> KqpQueryService::SessionFromPoolSuccess [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultBool+useSink [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::CreateTopic >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OltpUpdate >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultBool-useSink >> KqpQueryService::SeveralCTAS |82.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/ydb-core-kqp-ut-yql ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OlapRWQueries [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25633, MsgBus: 29897 2025-03-11T11:47:51.733451Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517358798395754:2200];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.736847Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d3/r3tmp/tmpRMj6G8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:52.218878Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:52.223070Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.223160Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.225706Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25633, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.445703Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.445730Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.445735Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.445844Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29897 TClient is connected to server localhost:29897 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:53.188910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:55.287555Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375978265463:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.287689Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.679319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateColumnTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.856709Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.856931Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857175Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857333Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857470Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857646Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857741Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.857836Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.858063Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.858193Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.858319Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.858446Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;self_id=[1:7480517375978265618:2336];tablet_id=72075186224037888;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.861785Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.861853Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862191Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862350Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862450Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862585Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862682Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862800Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.862947Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.863068Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.863154Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.863285Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037893;self_id=[1:7480517375978265635:2342];tablet_id=72075186224037893;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.892624Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893028Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893346Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893482Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893618Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893732Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.893834Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037892;self_id=[1:7480517375978265637:2343];tablet_id=72075186224037892;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11; ... 6224037888;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.473798Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.473876Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474375Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474515Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474633Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474746Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474858Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.474982Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.475103Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.475243Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.475376Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.475486Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;self_id=[3:7480517494464622757:2338];tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.530517Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.530596Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.530722Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=2; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.530757Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.530994Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=4; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531033Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531155Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=6; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531212Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531307Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531342Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531390Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.531422Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532325Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532386Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532662Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532705Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532920Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.532967Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533268Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533316Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533479Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533510Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533692Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517472989785526:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.533732Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.561015Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715658; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.564781Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715658; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.579408Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=0;tx_id=281474976715658;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715658; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.602365Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517494464622862:2360], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.602504Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.602767Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517494464622867:2363], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.608091Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.628591Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517494464622869:2364], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.729473Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517494464622921:2441] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.670565Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037890;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976715665;tx_id=281474976715665;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715665; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.670565Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037888;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976715665;tx_id=281474976715665;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715665; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.671016Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;self_id=[3:7480517494464622722:2337];ev=NKikimr::TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck;tablet_id=72075186224037889;local_tx_no=14;method=execute;tx_info=;fline=primary.h:138;event=ack_tablet_duplication;wait=72075186224037888;receive=72075186224037890; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.671553Z node 3 :TX_COLUMNSHARD_TX WARN: tablet_id=72075186224037889;tx_state=TTxProgressTx::Execute;tx_current=281474976715665;tx_id=281474976715665;fline=tx_controller.cpp:211;event=finished_tx;tx_id=281474976715665; |82.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/ydb-core-kqp-ut-yql ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::FlowControllOnHugeRealTable-LongRow [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23816, MsgBus: 19233 2025-03-11T11:47:55.282738Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:322:2364], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.283061Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.283256Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d2/r3tmp/tmpI5dt4k/pdisk_1.dat TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23816, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:55.774728Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:55.775053Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.775107Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.775144Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.779246Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:55.815108Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.815225Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:55.826719Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:19233 TClient is connected to server localhost:19233 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:56.154150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:56.224070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:56.602516Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.113343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:57.474147Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.366242Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:1812:3407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.366446Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:58.387218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.604658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.875579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.170040Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.445401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.838006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.191001Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2396:3856], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.191164Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.191678Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2401:3861], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.197411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.379887Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:2403:3863], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.438603Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:2466:3907] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4056, MsgBus: 9020 2025-03-11T11:48:03.256837Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517410580481234:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d2/r3tmp/tmpc6A6qi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:03.389695Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.452795Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:03.482054Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:03.482147Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:03.483996Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4056, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:03.643594Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.643628Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.643636Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:03.643754Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:9020 TClient is connected to server localhost:9020 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:04.147084Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.162642Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.172600Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.286409Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.409554Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.474032Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:06.895881Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] Actor ... boperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:06.986566Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.028219Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.071772Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.104838Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.188118Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.251102Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517427760352548:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.251267Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.251702Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517427760352553:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.255302Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.272171Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517427760352555:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:07.335141Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517427760352608:3441] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:08.253190Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517410580481234:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.253261Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.559986Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 10 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17275, MsgBus: 11964 2025-03-11T11:48:10.067930Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517438982751263:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d2/r3tmp/tmpeQMUJS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.136945Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.221750Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.263657Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.263766Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.267288Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17275, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:10.406555Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.406573Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.406582Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.406695Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11964 TClient is connected to server localhost:11964 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.113955Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.123722Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.241590Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.453835Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.543780Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:14.563928Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456162622071:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.564003Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.602124Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.648328Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.716569Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.792859Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.864745Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.910680Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.970865Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456162622586:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.970957Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.971091Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456162622591:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.974720Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.987579Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456162622593:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.052232Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517438982751263:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.052287Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.059616Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517460457589943:3448] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:16.198809Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.210369Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:25.210406Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 121 >> YdbProxy::ListDirectory >> KqpPg::DropTableIfExists [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropTableIfExists_GenericQuery >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptPg [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecution [GOOD] |82.4%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_base/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/viewer/ut/unittest >> Viewer::SimpleFeatureFlags [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:38.974185Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:325:2368], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:38.974564Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:38.974688Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17813, node 1 TClient is connected to server localhost:62473 2025-03-11T11:46:48.063904Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [2:335:2377], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:48.064405Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:48.064606Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11555, node 2 TClient is connected to server localhost:30725 2025-03-11T11:46:58.383842Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [3:182:2228], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:46:58.384748Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:46:58.384884Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30059, node 3 TClient is connected to server localhost:17066 2025-03-11T11:47:10.588934Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [4:324:2367], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.589335Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:10.589462Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 61640, node 4 TClient is connected to server localhost:9877 2025-03-11T11:47:24.526236Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [5:335:2377], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:24.526667Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:24.526871Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17806, node 5 TClient is connected to server localhost:3406 2025-03-11T11:47:39.728424Z node 6 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [6:182:2228], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:39.729048Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:39.729303Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31513, node 6 TClient is connected to server localhost:4458 2025-03-11T11:47:55.272554Z node 7 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [7:320:2363], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.273207Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.273343Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8573, node 7 TClient is connected to server localhost:26502 2025-03-11T11:48:12.139283Z node 8 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [8:536:2426], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.139958Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:12.140188Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:48:12.929688Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:13.125060Z node 8 :BS_NODE WARN: {NW89@node_warden_pdisk.cpp:106} Can't write new MockDevicesConfig to file Path# /Berkanavt/kikimr/testing/mock_devices.txt 2025-03-11T11:48:13.171006Z node 8 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:422} Magic sector is present on disk, now going to format device PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:48:14.127497Z node 8 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:362} Device formatting done PDiskId# 1000 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14927, node 8 TClient is connected to server localhost:20723 2025-03-11T11:48:14.884497Z node 8 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.884650Z node 8 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.884741Z node 8 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:14.885836Z node 8 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:19.749711Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[11:7480517480390697624:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.749813Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:48:20.119520Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:20.119732Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:20.124576Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:20.137346Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21668, node 11 2025-03-11T11:48:20.191733Z node 11 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:20.197536Z node 11 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:20.318852Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.318888Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.318906Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.319148Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10001 2025-03-11T11:48:24.755627Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[11:7480517480390697624:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.755734Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNullButNull+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNullButNull-useSink |82.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/datastreams/ut/ydb-services-datastreams-ut |82.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/datastreams/ut/ydb-services-datastreams-ut |82.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/datastreams/ut/ydb-services-datastreams-ut |82.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut-inside_ydb_ut |82.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut-inside_ydb_ut |82.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/http_proxy/ut/inside_ydb_ut/ydb-core-http_proxy-ut-inside_ydb_ut >> KqpDocumentApi::Scripting [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::AlterTable_DropNotNull_Valid >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::CreateAndWait |82.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/client/server/ut/ydb-core-client-server-ut |82.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/client/server/ut/ydb-core-client-server-ut |82.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/server/ut/ydb-core-client-server-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptPg [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3018, MsgBus: 8999 2025-03-11T11:47:59.545572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517391671403858:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:59.545725Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bb/r3tmp/tmpXYwMSr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:00.024103Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:00.024246Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:00.026087Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:00.056144Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3018, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:00.174111Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.174141Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.174149Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.174285Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8999 TClient is connected to server localhost:8999 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:00.781148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.796022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:00.811462Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.962618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.182213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.302632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:03.856093Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517408851274645:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.856185Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.240818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.290192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.336803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.376181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.430237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.477326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.538416Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517413146242455:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.538525Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.538975Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517413146242460:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.543141Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517391671403858:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.543215Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.544064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.554614Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517413146242462:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.648382Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517413146242520:3450] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.845237Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.847402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.848854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.500526Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693688532, txId: 281474976710700] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9517, MsgBus: 32412 2025-03-11T11:48:10.382282Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517439149281693:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.382329Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bb/r3tmp/tmpGTn84M/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.597136Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.638315Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.638412Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.644146Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9517, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:10.776117Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.776147Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.776156Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.776290Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32412 TClient is connected to server localhost:32412 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.367335Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11 ... 15.423935Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.501366Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517460624120457:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.501490Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.501817Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517460624120462:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.506581Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.520965Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517460624120464:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.585034Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517460624120518:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:16.811392Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:16.815138Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:16.816916Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.807841Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693699837, txId: 281474976710703] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:48:20.151623Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693700187, txId: 281474976710706] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28109, MsgBus: 21958 2025-03-11T11:48:21.375602Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517488903138433:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bb/r3tmp/tmpHf4b3y/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:21.511583Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:21.713718Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:21.713825Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:21.714722Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:21.716345Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28109, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:21.890509Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.890537Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.890547Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.890693Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21958 TClient is connected to server localhost:21958 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:22.644652Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.653469Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.674750Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.819975Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:23.087250Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:23.190693Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:26.382045Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517488903138433:2159];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:26.382176Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:26.735436Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517510377976579:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:26.735555Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:26.938591Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.008754Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.078779Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.152886Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.205510Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.300497Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.407755Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517514672944401:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.407914Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.410177Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517514672944406:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.416803Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.445428Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517514672944408:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.538612Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517514672944465:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.088313Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.090368Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.093016Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.679367Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693712703, txId: 281474976710707] shutting down >> YdbProxy::DescribePath [GOOD] >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::SchemeLimitsRejectsWithIndexedTables >> YdbProxy::DescribeTable >> TPersQueueTest::TxCounters [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::DdlCache [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecution [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18512, MsgBus: 63042 2025-03-11T11:47:51.178182Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517356806531870:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.178221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016fb/r3tmp/tmpxHQNeQ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:51.761675Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:51.798067Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:51.798171Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:51.801672Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18512, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:51.902326Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.902349Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.902355Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.902499Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:63042 TClient is connected to server localhost:63042 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:52.623772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.652484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:52.666463Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.835554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.035457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.148525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:55.068053Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517373986402827:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.068264Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.439045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.476181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.555946Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.597102Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.635852Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.710566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.764298Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517373986403348:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.764403Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.764646Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517373986403353:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.768238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.778038Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517373986403355:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.869646Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517373986403408:3445] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.178783Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517356806531870:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.178856Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:57.097732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.099247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.100372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.584933Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693679621, txId: 281474976710701] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:47:59.612529Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391166273998:2775], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: another_pool_id, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.612635Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE ERROR: [WorkloadService] [TPoolResolverActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391166273997:2774], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: another_pool_id, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDExNGU5NjYtNTE2NWU4OWItYTgwN2M3ODktMmIzNTQ5ZDE=, Failed to fetch pool info NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.612737Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolResolverActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391166273997:2774], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: another_pool_id, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDExNGU5NjYtNTE2NWU4OWItYTgwN2M3ODktMmIzNTQ5ZDE=, Failed to resolve pool, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Failed to resolve pool id another_pool_id subissue: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.612829Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Reply continue error NOT_FOUND to [1:7480517391166273993:2772]: {
: Error: Failed to resolve pool id another_pool_id subissue: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.612912Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDExNGU5NjYtNTE2NWU4OWItYTgwN2M3ODktMmIzNTQ5ZDE=, ActorId: [1:7480517391166273993:2772], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ggxzae54g5zhjnzd83afr, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed during adding/waiting in workload pool 2025-03-11T11:47:59.613154Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Reply cleanup error NOT_FOUND to [1:7480517391166273993:2772]: Pool another_pool_id not found 2025-03-11T11:47:59.613753Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517391166273996:2773], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: another_pool_id, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:59.613806Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool another_pool_id, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool another_pool_id not found or you don't have access permissions } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13363, MsgBus: 16840 2025-03-11T11:48:01.267040Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517400752502013:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.274044Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERR ... D WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:05.985953Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517417932373477:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.986069Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.986430Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517417932373482:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.990946Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:06.015051Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517417932373484:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:06.117423Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517422227340838:3452] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:06.269551Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517400752502013:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:06.269643Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.354171Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.355411Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.357280Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29283, MsgBus: 10881 2025-03-11T11:48:10.291458Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517439347459675:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.291497Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016fb/r3tmp/tmpyMT62d/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.497562Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.527211Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.527307Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.532966Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29283, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:10.594460Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.594488Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.594498Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.594624Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10881 TClient is connected to server localhost:10881 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.164394Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.177405Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.188277Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.329869Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.513234Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.623570Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:14.328628Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456527330633:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.328719Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.397605Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.448309Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.534352Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.585066Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.628130Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.702384Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.773520Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456527331148:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.773620Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.773782Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456527331153:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.778733Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.793493Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517456527331155:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.893072Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517456527331211:3448] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.293443Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517439347459675:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.293507Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:16.007643Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:16.009483Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:16.014888Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.481034Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:25.481077Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> KqpPg::CreateIndex [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateNotNullPgColumn >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::CreateAndWait [GOOD] |82.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-federated_topic-ut |82.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-federated_topic-ut |82.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/ydb-public-sdk-cpp-src-client-federated_topic-ut >> YdbProxy::MakeDirectory [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::OAuthToken >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::DeleteAndRestart >> YdbProxy::ListDirectory [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::DropTopic >> THeavyPerfTest::TTestLoadEverything [GOOD] >> THiveImplTest::BootQueueSpeed ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::DdlCache [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19618, MsgBus: 2955 2025-03-11T11:48:09.915533Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517434145260094:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:09.915572Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016af/r3tmp/tmpfcmrfB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.486176Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.499458Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.499564Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.523184Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19618, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:10.626408Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.626431Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.626441Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.626544Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2955 TClient is connected to server localhost:2955 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.552828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.577676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.594725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.784488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.168164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:12.348996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:14.625875Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517455620098315:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.626018Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.916410Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517434145260094:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:14.916476Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.022903Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.086438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.131422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.182267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.228586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.272099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.338067Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517459915066123:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.338185Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.344781Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517459915066128:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.354225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.365355Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517459915066130:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.453198Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517459915066186:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:16.857569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:17.207290Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517468505001226:3764] txid# 281474976710674, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TestDdl_0\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.210051Z node 1 :KQP_GATEWAY ERROR: Unexpected error on scheme request, TxId: 281474976710674, ProxyStatus: ExecComplete, SchemeShardReason: Check failed: path: '/Root/TestDdl_0', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.210272Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDY1MzJjMi1jMjYyYTUwZC1lY2Y5MTVlMC02ZDRjNGJiYw==, ActorId: [1:7480517468505001214:2520], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghf4y9reqzeqakwpcr8m0, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:17.299113Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517468505001269:3795] txid# 281474976710676, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/TestDdl_0\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 16], type: EPathTypeTable, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.430066Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037919 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:17.456030Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517468505001364:2545], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:2:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestDdl_0]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:17.457608Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmQxMDA5YTItZDFjODYxMDMtZTBiMjUxNWItNjNhMTAzNDE=, ActorId: [1:7480517468505001357:2544], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghfcp5ss3ygasgfk8vp2d, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:17.491307Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517468505001381:2549], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:29: Error: At function: KiDropTable!
:2:29: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestDdl_0]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:17.491930Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGZlNTU2OTItNWQyMjRkMS1iNzIxMWZiNy1hMzA5NGEyYw==, ActorId: [1:7480517468505001379:2548], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghfdzch03rp3e1h05fcpc, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:17.516192Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517468505001395:3876] txid# 281474976710679, issues: { message: "Path does not exist" issue_code: 200200 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:17.563410Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517468505001401:2557], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:2:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/TestDdl_0]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:17.563673Z ... 76710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.480916Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517500714170685:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.586724Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517500714170737:2345] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.642860Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710661, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.653383Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710662, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.659692Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.937758Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517500714170973:2471] txid# 281474976710665, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/MzM1NjU1ZWYtZGIzZDI3ODQtNjNhY2M0ZDItZWIyNmI0Ng==\', error: path is temporary (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.940052Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzM1NjU1ZWYtZGIzZDI3ODQtNjNhY2M0ZDItZWIyNmI0Ng==, ActorId: [2:7480517500714170638:2329], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghppd620fgn7yd431mspc, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:48:24.987310Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710668:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.004234Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:25.015664Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpRmDir, opId: 281474976710669:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.023701Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517500714171021:2370], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/Temp]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:25.025589Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjMyNWY0YjEtMjBmZWU2N2YtODViYjgxODItMjdiNTJkNzM=, ActorId: [2:7480517500714171018:2369], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghprebhw6dw07dn02vrqd, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8796, MsgBus: 30575 2025-03-11T11:48:27.400132Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517513967741240:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016af/r3tmp/tmpeCmlGo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:27.523102Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:27.675405Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:27.722802Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:27.722900Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:27.728330Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8796, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:27.941271Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:27.941294Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:27.941302Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:27.941430Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30575 TClient is connected to server localhost:30575 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:28.614971Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:28.626800Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.639348Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:28.751235Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:29.011608Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:29.112043Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:32.334072Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517535442579314:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.334218Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.350145Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517513967741240:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.350212Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.407368Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.461555Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.531685Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.584500Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.675418Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.738484Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.845817Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517535442579838:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.845978Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.846405Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517535442579843:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.852032Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.873570Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517535442579845:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.933439Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517535442579900:3456] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.708003Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:34.924455Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 3, TabletId: 72075186224037919 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:34.939633Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/unittest >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::CreateAndWait [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:36.345842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:36.346051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:48:36.346414Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.444697Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:36.444764Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:36.472804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.472920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.473454Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.504312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.505341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.506098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.506513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.519320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.520791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.520884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.521017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.521069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.521116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.521314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.540170Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.688890Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.689182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.689438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.689725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.689794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.693492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.693681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:48:36.693992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.694079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.694117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:48:36.694152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.697448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.697526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.697571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:48:36.699911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.699978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.700023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.700096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.710602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:48:36.718712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:48:36.718960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720706Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.720910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.721018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725807Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:36.725982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726176Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.726453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.728996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.729129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.729164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... : TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000003 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.858875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861374Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861714Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.861764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862512Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862758Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 5 2025-03-11T11:48:36.862811Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.863448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.863566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.863612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.863649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:48:36.863685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864540Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.864787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.869389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.870010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 100, wait until txId: 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 100 2025-03-11T11:48:36.870310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:48:36.870377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 100 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.870479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:48:36.870506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 100, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:330:2321] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 100: satisfy waiter [1:330:2321] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 100 2025-03-11T11:48:36.871938Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/dir/USER_0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.872353Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/dir/USER_0" took 255us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:48:36.872784Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/dir/USER_0" PathDescription { Self { Name: "USER_0" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 0 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 0 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1/users/tenant-1:hdd" Kind: "hdd" } StoragePools { Name: "/dc-1/users/tenant-1:hdd-1" Kind: "hdd-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 3 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { } } } PathId: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.873368Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/dir" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.873581Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/dir" took 199us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:48:36.873993Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot/dir" PathDescription { Self { Name: "dir" PathId: 2 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 100 CreateStep: 5000002 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 5 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 5 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 4 } ChildrenExist: true } Children { Name: "USER_0" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeSubDomain CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 101 CreateStep: 5000003 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateCreate Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 2 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } PathId: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> YdbProxy::CreateTopic [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::DescribeConsumer >> TStoragePoolsQuotasTest::QuoteNonexistentPool-IsExternalSubdomain-false >> KqpWorkloadServiceSubscriptions::TestResourcePoolSubscriptionAfterDrop |82.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sample_k/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sample_k |82.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sample_k/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sample_k |82.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sample_k/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sample_k >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::SchemeLimitsRejectsWithIndexedTables [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/unittest >> TPersQueueTest::TxCounters [GOOD] Test command err: === Server->StartServer(false); 2025-03-11T11:40:54.019140Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480515566717105491:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:54.019188Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:54.163056Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480515569574408194:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:54.199716Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:40:55.514580Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:40:55.519217Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d07/r3tmp/tmpLH9e0k/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:40:56.289718Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:56.337172Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:57.338154Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:58.343474Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.022524Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480515566717105491:2076];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.022591Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.142383Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515569574408194:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.142735Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.209772Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:40:59.348613Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.186534Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.356563Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:00.926133Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:01.022088Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.830908Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:03.830936Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.626639Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:41:04.860575Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:04.870541Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:41:05.789522Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:05.806650Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:05.818145Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:41:05.818212Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:41:05.911427Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:41:05.998471Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:41:06.021208Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22020, node 1 2025-03-11T11:41:08.433007Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d07/r3tmp/yandexdYiJsF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:08.433033Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d07/r3tmp/yandexdYiJsF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:08.446656Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d07/r3tmp/yandexdYiJsF.tmp 2025-03-11T11:41:08.447493Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:41:09.941236Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 14414 GrpcPort 22020 2025-03-11T11:41:11.194673Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515616819048763:2300];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.194719Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480515616819048764:2301];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.194749Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:41:11.194780Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; TClient is connected to server localhost:14414 PQClient connected to localhost:22020 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 22020 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:41:12.472018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976710657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.472197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.472401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:41:12.472585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976710657:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.472627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.486185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976710657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976710657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.494148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976710657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2025-03-11T11:41:12.494356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.494410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.494424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:41:12.494437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:41:12.507206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.507259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 281474976710657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.507284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976710657:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:41:12.509254Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.509294Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.509328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976710657:0, at tablet# 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:41:12.509353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsRe ... ateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND ProducerId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:48:34.009609Z node 32 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [32:7480517545082838331:2487] (SourceId=123, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:48:34.009656Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 2 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.011067Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 32, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.011419Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'topic' owner 123 2025-03-11T11:48:34.012188Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 2 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 2025-03-11T11:48:34.048480Z node 32 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: new Describe partition request 2025-03-11T11:48:34.048763Z node 32 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: TDescribePartitionActor for request path: "/Root/topic" include_location: true 2025-03-11T11:48:34.048872Z node 32 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: TDescribePartitionActor[32:7480517545082838337:2490]: Bootstrap 2025-03-11T11:48:34.055661Z node 32 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: DescribeTopicImpl [32:7480517545082838337:2490]: Request location 2025-03-11T11:48:34.058105Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][topic] pipe [32:7480517545082838346:2491] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.061468Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][topic] addPartitionToResponse tabletId 72075186224037892, partitionId 0, NodeId 32, Generation 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.061606Z node 32 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: DescribeTopicImpl [32:7480517545082838337:2490]: Got location 2025-03-11T11:48:34.062556Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][topic] pipe [32:7480517545082838346:2491] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.062605Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][topic] pipe [32:7480517545082838346:2491] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:48:34.067681Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:48:34.067718Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:48:34.067781Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:48:34.067817Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: 123|96cf82bf-96684112-77477e69-c33ad903_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:48:34.069153Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:48:34.076517Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:48:34.076764Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 3 2025-03-11T11:48:34.077316Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: grpc read done: success: 1 data: init_request { path: "topic" producer_id: "123" partition_with_generation { generation: 1 } } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.077512Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 3 path: "topic" producer_id: "123" partition_with_generation { generation: 1 } from ipv6:[::1]:35090 2025-03-11T11:48:34.077542Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=3 sessionId= userAgent="topic server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:35090 proto=topic topic=topic durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:48:34.077557Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:48:34.077608Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session to partition: 0, generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079258Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079549Z node 32 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND ProducerId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079570Z node 32 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` (Hash, Topic, ProducerId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079601Z node 32 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint64; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `//Root/.metadata/TopicPartitionsMapping` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND ProducerId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079624Z node 32 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [32:7480517545082838353:2493] (SourceId=123, PreferedPartition=0) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=0 2025-03-11T11:48:34.079645Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 3 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.081003Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 32, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.081352Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'topic' owner 123 2025-03-11T11:48:34.082094Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 3 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 2025-03-11T11:48:34.094379Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.099170Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.100314Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 32, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.102013Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.102458Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.112151Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=32&id=MjYzZTE5ZC1iNGIxMTIzYi1hYmVmYWEzZC1lZTRjYWY5Mw== TxId: 01jp2ghz9hcahdxx5hq64kh1sn WriteId: {32, 281474976710672} 2025-03-11T11:48:34.130315Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: {0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000}, State: StateInit] bootstrapping {0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000} [32:7480517545082838366:2495] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.167426Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [topic:{0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000}:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:48:34.167518Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: {0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000}, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'topic' partition {0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000} generation 1 [32:7480517545082838366:2495] 2025-03-11T11:48:34.168148Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie 123|1d659a9-5c05542d-11705a51-e0125116_0 generated for partition {0, {32, 281474976710672}, 100000} topic 'topic' owner 123 2025-03-11T11:48:34.170971Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.171045Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.171078Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.171112Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.194193Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.206240Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.206305Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.206335Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:48:34.209400Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE WARN: PQ Cache (L2). Same blob insertion. Tablet '72075186224037892' partition 100000 offset 0 size 20958 2025-03-11T11:48:34.301471Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:48:34.301515Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:48:34.301594Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:48:34.301620Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 3 sessionId: 123|c29ee844-d87765e4-ba9e71b8-fda2fd3_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:48:34.303055Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:48:34.303113Z node 32 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison Counters: ================================
name=api.grpc.topic.stream_write.bytes: 20796
name=api.grpc.topic.stream_write.messages: 4
name=api.grpc.topic.stream_write.uncommitted_bytes: 20796
name=api.grpc.topic.stream_write.uncommitted_messages: 4
name=topic.write.bytes: 20796
name=topic.write.discarded_bytes: 0
name=topic.write.discarded_messages: 0
name=topic.write.messages: 4
name=topic.write.uncommitted_bytes: 20796
name=topic.write.uncommitted_messages: 4
name=topic.write.uncompressed_bytes: 16
    bin=100: 0
    bin=1000: 0
    bin=10000: 0
    bin=180000: 0
    bin=200: 0
    bin=2000: 3
    bin=30000: 0
    bin=500: 0
    bin=5000: 1
    bin=60000: 0
    bin=999999: 0
    bin=1024: 1
    bin=10240: 2
    bin=102400: 0
    bin=1048576: 0
    bin=10485760: 0
    bin=20480: 1
    bin=204800: 0
    bin=2097152: 0
    bin=5120: 0
    bin=51200: 0
    bin=524288: 0
    bin=5242880: 0
    bin=67108864: 0
    bin=99999999: 0
    bin=0: 4
    bin=1: 0
    bin=10: 0
    bin=100: 0
    bin=1000: 0
    bin=10000: 0
    bin=20: 0
    bin=2500: 0
    bin=5: 0
    bin=50: 0
    bin=500: 0
    bin=5000: 0
    bin=999999: 0
2025-03-11T11:48:34.418372Z node 32 :PERSQUEUE WARN: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Unknown transaction 281474976710673 >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::DeleteAndRestart [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/unittest >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::SchemeLimitsRejectsWithIndexedTables [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.854729Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:48:36.854826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:36.854868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:48:36.854907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:36.854974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:36.855009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:36.855071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:36.855172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:48:36.855533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.948704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:36.948767Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:36.961809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.962325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.962488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.976416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.976688Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:36.977395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.977722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.980995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:36.982899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:36.990548Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:37.152032Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.152265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.152531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.152761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.152833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.155750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.155981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:48:37.156181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.156245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.156284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:48:37.156319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:48:37.158792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.158853Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.158893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:48:37.161405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.161461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.161507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.161557Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.166227Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:48:37.168735Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:48:37.169018Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:48:37.170207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.170372Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.170450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.170920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:37.170981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.171180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.171543Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174559Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174842Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.174954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.175304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:37.177972Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.178135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:37.178187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 604 RawX2: 4294969841 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976048Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 107, tablet: 72075186233409549, partId: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 107:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 604 RawX2: 4294969841 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976309Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:2 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 604 RawX2: 4294969841 } Origin: 72075186233409549 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 107:2, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:4, datashard: 72075186233409549, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 107:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 107:2, datashard: 72075186233409549, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.976477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:2 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 597 RawX2: 4294969836 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 107, tablet: 72075186233409548, partId: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977202Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, message: Source { RawX1: 597 RawX2: 4294969836 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 107:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046678944 message: Source { RawX1: 597 RawX2: 4294969836 } Origin: 72075186233409548 State: 2 TxId: 107 Step: 0 Generation: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 107:0, shardIdx: 72057594046678944:3, datashard: 72075186233409548, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 107:0, datashard: 72075186233409548, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.977404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 107:0 129 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:38.984837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:48:38.984935Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:48:38.990692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:48:38.990875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 107 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991232Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078053Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 107:2 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:2 progress is 2/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 2/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 2/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 107:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:39.078985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#107:0 progress is 3/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079092Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 107, ready parts: 3/3, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079209Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:481:2431] message: TxId: 107 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079270Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 107 ready parts: 3/3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:0 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079361Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:0 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079528Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:1 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:1 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079593Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 107:2 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 107:2 2025-03-11T11:48:39.079699Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6] was 3 2025-03-11T11:48:39.083154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:39.083229Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 107: satisfy waiter [1:537:2487] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 107 TestModificationResults wait txId: 108 2025-03-11T11:48:39.091692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot/USER_0" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateIndexedTable CreateIndexedTable { TableDescription { Name: "Table7" Columns { Name: "RowId" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "Value0" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Value1" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Value2" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Value3" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Value4" Type: "Utf8" } KeyColumnNames: "RowId" } IndexDescription { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue0" KeyColumnNames: "Value0" } IndexDescription { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue1" KeyColumnNames: "Value1" } IndexDescription { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue2" KeyColumnNames: "Value2" } IndexDescription { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue3" KeyColumnNames: "Value3" } IndexDescription { Name: "UserDefinedIndexByValue4" KeyColumnNames: "Value4" } } } TxId: 108 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.092307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTableIndex construct operation table path: /MyRoot/USER_0/Table7 domain path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] domain path: /MyRoot/USER_0 shardsToCreate: 6 GetShardsInside: 4 MaxShards: 7 2025-03-11T11:48:39.092424Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TReject Propose, opId: 108:0, explain: indexes count has reached maximum value in the table, children limit for dir in domain: 4, intention to create new children: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.092482Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 108:1, propose status:StatusResourceExhausted, reason: indexes count has reached maximum value in the table, children limit for dir in domain: 4, intention to create new children: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.106940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 108, response: Status: StatusResourceExhausted Reason: "indexes count has reached maximum value in the table, children limit for dir in domain: 4, intention to create new children: 5" TxId: 108 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.107169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 108, database: /MyRoot/USER_0, subject: , status: StatusResourceExhausted, reason: indexes count has reached maximum value in the table, children limit for dir in domain: 4, intention to create new children: 5, operation: CREATE TABLE WITH INDEXES, path: /MyRoot/USER_0/Table7 TestModificationResult got TxId: 108, wait until txId: 108 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 108 2025-03-11T11:48:39.107664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:48:39.107715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 108 2025-03-11T11:48:39.108299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 108, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.108411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:39.108450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 108: satisfy waiter [1:727:2648] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 108 >> KqpProxy::PingNotExistedSession [GOOD] >> ScriptExecutionsTest::AttemptToUpdateDeletedLease >> TStoragePoolsQuotasTest::QuoteNonexistentPool-IsExternalSubdomain-false [GOOD] >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/unittest >> TSchemeShardSubDomainTest::DeleteAndRestart [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:48:38.511857Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.511954Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512046Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:48:38.512569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:38.615027Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:38.615105Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:38.633530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:38.633646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:38.633797Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.653150Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:38.658247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.658973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.659427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.674777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676256Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676553Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:38.676775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.690760Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:38.876638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.876870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.877128Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.877343Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.877399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:48:38.885836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:48:38.891049Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.891126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.891166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:48:38.893568Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.893632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.893685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.893744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.897854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:48:38.912761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:48:38.912979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914399Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914718Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.914892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.915002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.926602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.926668Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:38.926874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.926928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927197Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927305Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927337Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:38.927642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:38.931392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.931527Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.931586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 678944 is [1:555:2487] sender: [1:615:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:39.383406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.383525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:39.383561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:613:2533] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 2025-03-11T11:48:39.384135Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.384378Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_0" took 227us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:48:39.384548Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/USER_0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.385738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:555:2487] sender: [1:619:2058] recipient: [1:101:2136] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:555:2487] sender: [1:622:2058] recipient: [1:621:2538] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:555:2487] sender: [1:623:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:624:2539] sender: [1:625:2058] recipient: [1:621:2538] 2025-03-11T11:48:39.472987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473252Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:48:39.473751Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:39.531964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:39.533367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:39.533575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:39.533703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:39.533738Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:39.538598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:39.539481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Paths, read records: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.539603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.539705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for UserAttributesAlterData, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540170Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Tables, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [RootDataErasureManager] Restore: Generation# 0, Status# 0, WakeupInterval# 604800 s, NumberDataErasureTenantsInRunning# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Columns, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ColumnsAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Shards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TablePartitions, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.540885Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableShardPartitionConfigs, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.541103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ChannelsBinding, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.541373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexes, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.541523Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TableIndexKeys, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.541859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusInfos, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.541969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for KesusAlters, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for TxShards, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardToDelete, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for BackupSettings, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for ShardBackupStatus, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for CompletedBackup, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.542933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit for Publications, read records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.543159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IndexBuild , records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.543308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotTables: snapshots: 0 tables: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.543368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: SnapshotSteps: snapshots: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.543413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: LongLocks: records: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.562858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.562938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.563248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:39.563300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:39.563355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:39.570980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:624:2539] sender: [1:682:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:39.626931Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.627172Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/USER_0" took 250us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:48:39.627335Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/USER_0\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1])" Path: "/MyRoot/USER_0" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.627950Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: false }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:39.628137Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot" took 201us result status StatusSuccess 2025-03-11T11:48:39.628483Z node 1 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusSuccess Path: "/MyRoot" PathDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 7 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 7 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 5 SubDomainVersion: 1 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046678944 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } PathsInside: 0 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 0 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 0 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 SecurityState { Audience: "/MyRoot" } } } PathId: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> KqpPg::DropTableIfExists_GenericQuery [GOOD] >> KqpPg::EquiJoin+useSink >> KqpQueryService::SeveralCTAS [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultBool-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_SerialNotNull+useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_subdomain/unittest >> TStoragePoolsQuotasTest::QuoteNonexistentPool-IsExternalSubdomain-false [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:125:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903350Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903534Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:48:39.903887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:40.055839Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:40.055896Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:40.077410Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.077958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:40.078127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.098067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.098332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.099039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.099333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.107825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109363Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109398Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.109591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.118269Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:123:2149] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.272082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.272308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.272539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.272780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.272832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279377Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279673Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:48:40.279757Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:48:40.288415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.288517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.288565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:48:40.291875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.291952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.291997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.292061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.299710Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:48:40.302324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:48:40.302562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:48:40.303995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.304165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.304215Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.304705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:40.304828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.305045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.305166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307689Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307993Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308098Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308160Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308297Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308453Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308665Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:40.311473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.311629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.311670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... :40.360670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.361828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.361873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.361931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.361976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.362135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 101 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:48:40.364186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 101:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:101 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:48:40.364327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 101, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 101 at step: 5000002 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000002 State->FrontStep: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 101 at step: 5000002 2025-03-11T11:48:40.364664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000002, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.364889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 101 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000002 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.364939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.365273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 101:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:48:40.365330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 101:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.365502Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.365577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.365628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.367920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.367973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368126Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368238Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, path id: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368581Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 101:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#101:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 101, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 101 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368905Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 101:0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.368952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 101:0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 101, publications: 2, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 101, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369782Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.369962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2025-03-11T11:48:40.370011Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.370932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.370998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.371024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.371052Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2025-03-11T11:48:40.371078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.371164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 101, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.375549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.376021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 101 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 TestModificationResults wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:48:40.379063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { PlanResolution: 50 Coordinators: 1 Mediators: 1 Name: "SomeDatabase" TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 DatabaseQuotas { storage_quotas { unit_kind: "nonexistent_storage_kind" data_size_hard_quota: 1 } } } } TxId: 102 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.379493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: /MyRoot/SomeDatabase, opId: 102:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.379717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 102:1, propose status:StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Malformed subdomain request: cannot set storage quotas of the following kinds: nonexistent_storage_kind, because no storage pool in the subdomain /MyRoot/SomeDatabase has the specified kinds. Existing storage kinds are: pool-kind-1, pool-kind-2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.382641Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 102, response: Status: StatusInvalidParameter Reason: "Malformed subdomain request: cannot set storage quotas of the following kinds: nonexistent_storage_kind, because no storage pool in the subdomain /MyRoot/SomeDatabase has the specified kinds. Existing storage kinds are: pool-kind-1, pool-kind-2" TxId: 102 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.382835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 102, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusInvalidParameter, reason: Malformed subdomain request: cannot set storage quotas of the following kinds: nonexistent_storage_kind, because no storage pool in the subdomain /MyRoot/SomeDatabase has the specified kinds. Existing storage kinds are: pool-kind-1, pool-kind-2, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: /MyRoot/SomeDatabase TestModificationResult got TxId: 102, wait until txId: 102 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 101 2025-03-11T11:48:40.383144Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:48:40.383287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 101 TestWaitNotification wait txId: 102 2025-03-11T11:48:40.383413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: send EvNotifyTxCompletion 2025-03-11T11:48:40.383435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber, SendToSchemeshard, txId 102 2025-03-11T11:48:40.383916Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 101, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 101: satisfy waiter [1:312:2303] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384311Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 102, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 102: satisfy waiter [1:312:2303] TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 101 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 102 >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Simple [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::AlterTable_DropNotNull_Valid [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::AlterCdcTopic >> TCdcStreamTests::MeteringServerless [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::MeteringDedicated >> YdbProxy::DescribeTable [GOOD] >> TFlatTest::Mix_DML_DDL |82.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_followers/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_followers |82.5%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_followers/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_followers |82.5%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_followers/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_followers >> RetryPolicy::TWriteSession_SeqNoShift [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLockMax >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ForgetScriptExecutionRace [GOOD] >> RetryPolicy::RetryWithBatching >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::InvalidFetchToken |82.6%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> YdbProxy::OAuthToken [GOOD] |82.5%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/ydb-tests-fq-pq_async_io-ut |82.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/ydb-tests-fq-pq_async_io-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::SeveralCTAS [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25049, MsgBus: 22186 2025-03-11T11:48:16.289771Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517468097891487:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:16.291601Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a9/r3tmp/tmpCNSohf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:16.798928Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:16.829068Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:16.829588Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:16.831513Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25049, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:17.018085Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.018111Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.018118Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:17.018291Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22186 TClient is connected to server localhost:22186 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:17.813354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:17.861327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.043676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.283301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.413207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.647795Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517485277762414:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.647884Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:21.055713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.117003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.240200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.285085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.297994Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517468097891487:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:21.298053Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:21.330087Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.395140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.467849Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517489572730232:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:21.467944Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:21.468394Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517489572730237:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:21.472634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:21.491935Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517489572730239:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:21.578375Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517489572730296:3456] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23566, MsgBus: 65487 2025-03-11T11:48:23.919063Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517496162187787:2191];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.980804Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a9/r3tmp/tmpOu79dG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:24.141266Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:24.146761Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:24.146835Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:24.148610Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23566, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:24.358461Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:24.358489Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:24.358498Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:24.358616Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:65487 TClient is connected to server localhost:65487 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:25.212260Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:25.226986Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.236849Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:25.341651Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:25.530501Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:25.623739Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:28.751754Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517517637025921:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:28.751851Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:28.774119Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.832941Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.884850Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.902913Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517496162187787:2191];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:28.902982Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:28.940083Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.994032Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.070403Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.163205Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517521931993735:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.163314Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.163736Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517521931993740:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.168428Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.179460Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517521931993743:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.259398Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517521931993797:3451] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 2860, MsgBus: 32241 2025-03-11T11:48:32.889135Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517535017294259:2091];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a9/r3tmp/tmpwzw0Fv/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:33.059747Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:33.147037Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:33.166715Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:33.166804Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:33.171295Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2860, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:33.362446Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.362482Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.362496Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.362628Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32241 TClient is connected to server localhost:32241 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:34.283854Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:37.874950Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517535017294259:2091];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:37.875028Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:38.166991Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517560787098639:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.167104Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.167495Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517560787098651:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.172620Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:38.200113Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517560787098653:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.305358Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517560787098705:2341] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.566321Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710661, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:38.584567Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:38.935234Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517560787098993:2511] txid# 281474976710665, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.948364Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517560787099000:2516] txid# 281474976710666, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/M2Q0Mjk4NTctMTM1YWM3NzAtZjU0ZDZkNmYtMTk5YWY0ODQ=\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.951540Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.184450Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517565082066488:2632] txid# 281474976710670, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.189674Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517565082066495:2637] txid# 281474976710671, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.tmp/sessions/M2Q0Mjk4NTctMTM1YWM3NzAtZjU0ZDZkNmYtMTk5YWY0ODQ=\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeDir, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.196969Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> YdbProxy::DropTopic [GOOD] >> TFlatTest::CrossRW ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/viewer/ut/unittest >> Viewer::ServerlessWithExclusiveNodesCheckTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:32.925323Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517017923566721:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:32.925422Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:46:33.340243Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:33.359084Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.359191Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21211, node 1 2025-03-11T11:46:33.394083Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:33.581942Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:33.581974Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:33.581990Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:33.582666Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23809 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:34.203333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:34.232440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:34.234835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:36.796989Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517035103436612:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.797193Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.799026Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517035103436624:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.804610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:36.815902Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517035103436626:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:36.896490Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517035103436678:2359] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:37.926052Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517017923566721:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:37.926139Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:46:40.778456Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517052968064008:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:40.778524Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:46:40.903614Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64156, node 2 2025-03-11T11:46:40.965235Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:40.965422Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:40.991110Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:46:41.046796Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:41.046827Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:41.046837Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:41.047221Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31262 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:46:41.396721Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:41.419224Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:46:41.425788Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:44.983979Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517070147933884:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:44.984068Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517070147933892:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:44.984133Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:46:44.992323Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:46:45.009941Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517070147933898:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.096813Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517074442901245:2356] txid# 281474976715662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:46:47.012029Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517082185606662:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:46:47.017005Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:46:47.147353Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:47.168267Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:46:47.168386Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:46:47.170544Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14628, node 3 2025-03-11T11:46:47.235552Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:47.235580Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:47.235589Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:46:47.235743Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2485 WaitRootIs ... emeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:02.297289Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:06.150042Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480517143101181811:2125];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:06.150175Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:06.975986Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517164576018930:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.976152Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.976490Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517164576018942:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:06.982634Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:07.006185Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480517164576018944:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:07.073153Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480517168870986291:2363] txid# 281474976715662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:10.158338Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[6:7480517182751497491:2127];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:10.158488Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:47:10.478830Z node 6 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:10.497796Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:10.498024Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:10.503780Z node 6 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(6, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9143, node 6 2025-03-11T11:47:10.694703Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.694729Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.694738Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:10.694927Z node 6 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32473 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:11.260908Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:11.308712Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:11.319380Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:11.337394Z node 6 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:15.157078Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[6:7480517182751497491:2127];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:15.157204Z node 6 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; (TSystemError) (Error 11: Resource temporarily unavailable) util/network/socket.cpp:910: can not read from socket input stream 2025-03-11T11:47:36.021343Z node 7 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [7:462:2425], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:36.021964Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:36.022065Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:47:36.882910Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:37.071907Z node 7 :BS_NODE WARN: {NW89@node_warden_pdisk.cpp:106} Can't write new MockDevicesConfig to file Path# /Berkanavt/kikimr/testing/mock_devices.txt 2025-03-11T11:47:37.118113Z node 7 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:422} Magic sector is present on disk, now going to format device PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:38.354833Z node 7 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:362} Device formatting done PDiskId# 1000 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12535, node 7 TClient is connected to server localhost:10345 2025-03-11T11:47:38.982579Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.982698Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.982781Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:38.983723Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:54.663810Z node 9 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [9:537:2426], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.664373Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:47:54.664587Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:47:55.169145Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:55.341278Z node 9 :BS_NODE WARN: {NW89@node_warden_pdisk.cpp:106} Can't write new MockDevicesConfig to file Path# /Berkanavt/kikimr/testing/mock_devices.txt 2025-03-11T11:47:55.379946Z node 9 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:422} Magic sector is present on disk, now going to format device PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:47:56.403712Z node 9 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:362} Device formatting done PDiskId# 1000 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3390, node 9 TClient is connected to server localhost:12107 2025-03-11T11:47:57.397844Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.397977Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.398066Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.399044Z node 9 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:15.605839Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [12:613:2427], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.606161Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.606619Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # SectorMap:test-client[:2000] 2025-03-11T11:48:16.237123Z node 12 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:16.398263Z node 12 :BS_NODE WARN: {NW89@node_warden_pdisk.cpp:106} Can't write new MockDevicesConfig to file Path# /Berkanavt/kikimr/testing/mock_devices.txt 2025-03-11T11:48:16.434780Z node 12 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:422} Magic sector is present on disk, now going to format device PDiskId# 1000 2025-03-11T11:48:17.640308Z node 12 :BS_PDISK WARN: {BSP01@blobstorage_pdisk_actor.cpp:362} Device formatting done PDiskId# 1000 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25425, node 12 TClient is connected to server localhost:16233 2025-03-11T11:48:18.582944Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:18.583079Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:18.583191Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:18.584481Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration >> TLocksTest::GoodDupLock >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultTextNotNullButNull-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultNegativeCase+useSink >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot_Dirty [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::DescribeConsumer [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:54.668420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:54.710951Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:54.711018Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:54.722743Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:54.723318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.723658Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.770106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.781387Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.781633Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.783507Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.783595Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.783655Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.784107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.784212Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:54.784298Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:54.852332Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895009Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895337Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895377Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895420Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895699Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.895750Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896032Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896160Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896230Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896284Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896384Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896431Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896474Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896524Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.896753Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.899616Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.899677Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.899781Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.899966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900039Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900106Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900155Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900195Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900255Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900293Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900628Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900682Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900722Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900758Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900831Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900864Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900927Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.900989Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.901019Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.913461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.913531Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:54.913562Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:54.913636Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:54.913735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914339Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914405Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914452Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914672Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914714Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914858Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914896Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914935Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:54.914966Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:54.918954Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919028Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919241Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919341Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919400Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919537Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919584Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919680Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919715Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:54.919983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920145Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920176Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920260Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920318Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920352Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:54.920429Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... s 2025-03-11T11:48:40.626782Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.626947Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.626998Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:24] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627042Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 24] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627078Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627246Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627281Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:25] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627324Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 25] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627360Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627509Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627545Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:26] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627590Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 26] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627622Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627829Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627861Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:27] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627902Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 27] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.627936Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628121Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628155Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:28] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628198Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 28] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628232Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628429Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628462Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:29] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628507Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 29] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628538Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628691Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628726Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:30] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628771Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 30] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628809Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.628985Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629034Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:31] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629079Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 31] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629112Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629262Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629296Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:32] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629341Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 32] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629375Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629542Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629579Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:33] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629624Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 33] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629659Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629847Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.629881Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:34] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630153Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 34] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630195Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630444Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630481Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:35] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630525Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 35] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630557Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630714Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630747Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630787Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 36] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630818Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.630982Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631026Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:37] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631065Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 37] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631100Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631422Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631479Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631524Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 5 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631672Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 6 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631705Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631738Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 6 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631834Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631868Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631899Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 7 2025-03-11T11:48:40.631989Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632023Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632053Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 8 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632137Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632166Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632198Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 9 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632293Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632329Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632361Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 10 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632457Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632489Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632520Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 12 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632604Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 13 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 9} 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632637Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:40.632667Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 13 expect 28 30 22 25 29 15 28 19 29 23 13 26 29 28 28 17 23 29 23 17 29 13 17 17 - 13 13 - 8 - - - actual 28 30 22 25 29 15 28 19 29 23 13 26 29 28 28 17 23 29 23 17 29 13 17 17 - 13 13 - 8 - - - interm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Simple [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:29.628488Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.628863Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:29.629016Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a9f/r3tmp/tmpMb1XKp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:30.139797Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5234, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:30.717631Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:30.717701Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:30.717755Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:30.718050Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:30.738200Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:30.868408Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:30.868567Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:30.894893Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:6689 2025-03-11T11:48:31.592920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:36.276133Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: Subscribed for config changes on node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.331781Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:36.331922Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:36.381825Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:36.384486Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:36.691294Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.693761Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695067Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695269Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695389Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695723Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695862Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.695968Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.696052Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:36.963368Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:36.963496Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:36.987806Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:37.510387Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:37.631010Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:48:37.631146Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:37.690889Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691124Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691364Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded BaseStatistics: schemeshard count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691431Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ColumnStatistics: column count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691503Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ScheduleTraversals: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691571Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalOperations: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691631Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalTables: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:37.691692Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:37.692166Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] Subscribed for config changes 2025-03-11T11:48:37.749446Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ResolveSA(), StatisticsAggregatorId=72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:37.749596Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id: [2:1868:2598], at schemeshard: 72075186224037897, StatisticsAggregatorId: 72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:37.765193Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1876:2605] 2025-03-11T11:48:37.790066Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623] 2025-03-11T11:48:37.790404Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectSchemeShard, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623], schemeshard id = 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:37.796192Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Execute: database# /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:37.820250Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:37.820322Z node 2 :STATISTICS NOTICE: Table _statistics updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:37.820428Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Full table path:/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics 2025-03-11T11:48:37.837730Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976720657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:37.846032Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976720657 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72075186224037897 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.846225Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976720657 2025-03-11T11:48:38.088933Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:38.309829Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Request: create. Transaction completed: 281474976720657. Doublechecking... 2025-03-11T11:48:38.406687Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:48:39.355219Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:48:39.355880Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:39.375583Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $stat_type AS Uint32; DECLARE $column_tags AS List; DECLARE $data AS List; UPSERT INTO `.metadata/_statistics` (owner_id, local_path_id, stat_type, column_tag, data) VALUES ($owner_id, $local_path_id, $stat_type, $column_tags[0], $data[0]), ($owner_id, $local_path_id, $stat_type, $column_tags[1], $data[1]); 2025-03-11T11:48:39.380382Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2249:3079], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.380521Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2265:3085], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.380632Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root/Database, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.388550Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:2, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:39.449975Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:2270:3088], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.874790Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:2363:3120] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/Database/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.204042Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 1 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2385:3132]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.204315Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.204433Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id = [1:2387:3134] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.204530Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: SyncNode(), pipe client id = [1:2387:3134] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.205184Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:2388:2842] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.205503Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvClientConnected, node id = 1, client id = [1:2387:3134], server id = [2:2388:2842], tablet id = 72075186224037894, status = OK 2025-03-11T11:48:40.205713Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectNode, pipe server id = [2:2388:2842], node id = 1, have schemeshards count = 0, need schemeshards count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.205792Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] SendStatisticsToNode(), node id = 1, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.206090Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.206165Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 1, ReplyToActorId = [1:2385:3132], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384224Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTJmNjNjZDUtODQyZTZkNS1mYWUwMmNkZS1hZTgzNjg4MA==, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:40.384319Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTJmNjNjZDUtODQyZTZkNS1mYWUwMmNkZS1hZTgzNjg4MA==, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:40.385429Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:40.388307Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $stat_type AS Uint32; DECLARE $column_tag AS Uint32; SELECT data FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id AND stat_type = $stat_type AND column_tag = $column_tag; 2025-03-11T11:48:40.460425Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 2 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2416:3155]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.460771Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 2 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.460826Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 2, ReplyToActorId = [1:2416:3155], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:40.602803Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGU5ZjM4YWMtOTZiNTY1YmItNjM2Mjg0MzgtNWE2N2ExMmI=, TxId: 01jp2gj5zk5rvznrzzr2z54nta 2025-03-11T11:48:40.602995Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGU5ZjM4YWMtOTZiNTY1YmItNjM2Mjg0MzgtNWE2N2ExMmI=, TxId: 01jp2gj5zk5rvznrzzr2z54nta 2025-03-11T11:48:40.608837Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:40.616258Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $stat_type AS Uint32; DECLARE $column_tag AS Uint32; SELECT data FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id AND stat_type = $stat_type AND column_tag = $column_tag; 2025-03-11T11:48:40.641592Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjA1NjY4NDctMmY1MTkxNDUtM2U2NzFlYTYtZTJkMzEyYzE=, TxId: 01jp2gj619a9ym1zvq40jjq717 2025-03-11T11:48:40.641709Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjA1NjY4NDctMmY1MTkxNDUtM2U2NzFlYTYtZTJkMzEyYzE=, TxId: 01jp2gj619a9ym1zvq40jjq717 |82.6%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/persqueue_v1/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |82.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/tests/fq/pq_async_io/ut/ydb-tests-fq-pq_async_io-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/unittest >> YdbProxy::DescribeTable [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:30.900422Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517524265105076:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:30.913919Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001871/r3tmp/tmpexhMq4/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:31.659537Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:31.660398Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:31.660506Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:31.671276Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:64976 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12729, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:32.230874Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.230907Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.230914Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.231030Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:64976 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:33.006206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:36.366420Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517552292801619:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.497542Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001871/r3tmp/tmpO8olvd/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:36.713706Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:36.713790Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:36.715061Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:36.730211Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:22012 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11019, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:37.208065Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:37.208091Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:37.208099Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:37.208228Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22012 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:37.702079Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:37.707606Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:41.349247Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517552292801619:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:41.349336Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:41.628066Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpService::SwitchCache+UseCache [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::ReadTopic [GOOD] >> YdbProxy::ReadNonExistentTopic >> KqpScripting::StreamScanQuery >> KqpWorkloadServiceSubscriptions::TestResourcePoolSubscriptionAfterDrop [GOOD] >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestCreateWorkloadSerivceTables ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/unittest >> YdbProxy::OAuthToken [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:31.613286Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517529425910715:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.613815Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185c/r3tmp/tmplYDtWe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:32.384093Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:32.386453Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:32.386527Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:32.395702Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:20962 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5006, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:32.942565Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.942590Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.942614Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.942736Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20962 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:33.726610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:37.655743Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517558078701012:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:37.655797Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185c/r3tmp/tmpuSeFRq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:38.002969Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:38.049540Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:38.058070Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:38.063857Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:12769 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4977, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.693751Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.693783Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.693792Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.695701Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12769 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:39.135451Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:39.143993Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.185072Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_OltpUpdate [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_Oltp_Replace+UseSink >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLock0 >> KqpPg::CreateNotNullPgColumn [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateSequence ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/unittest >> YdbProxy::DropTopic [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:33.409410Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517539460195548:2197];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:33.409561Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001844/r3tmp/tmpPVnYWe/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:33.968662Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:33.996745Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:33.996815Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:33.999271Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:20470 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25716, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.270233Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.270267Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.270275Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.270404Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20470 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:34.806070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:34.854247Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:38.007037Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517556253704288:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:38.118558Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001844/r3tmp/tmpBr5dd6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:38.374757Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:38.378193Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:38.378296Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:38.380763Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:28018 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29701, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.822664Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.822696Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.822714Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:38.822842Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28018 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:39.314092Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:39.334411Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.519012Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.559566Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517564843639519:2400] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Path does not exist" issue_code: 200200 severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.568833Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:39.568866Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 2, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:48:39.568914Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:48:39.568967Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Delete [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateUniqComplexPgColumn-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateTempTable >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::TestTruncatedByRows [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::TestTruncatedBySize ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/unittest >> YdbProxy::DescribeConsumer [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:32.786849Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517535589549912:2247];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.786902Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185a/r3tmp/tmpsEvsj1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:33.710383Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:33.710529Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:33.760393Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:33.766103Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:21532 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11902, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.418837Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.418860Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.418878Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.418995Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21532 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:34.996162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:35.020659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:35.078792Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517548474452214:2297] txid# 281474976710658, issues: { message: "Invalid retention period: specified: 31536000s, min: 1s, max: 2678400s" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.763428Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517561309669725:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185a/r3tmp/tmpOvglJo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:38.870173Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:38.949224Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:38.991790Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:38.995124Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:39.009047Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:62365 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27025, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:39.430453Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:39.430476Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:39.430483Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:39.430594Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62365 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:39.955224Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:39.963031Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtl [GOOD] >> KqpYql::EvaluateExpr1 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpService::SwitchCache+UseCache [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9085, MsgBus: 24001 2025-03-11T11:47:51.498652Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517360175930062:2270];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.498790Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016de/r3tmp/tmpoWBKF2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:51.959103Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:51.979162Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:51.979259Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.004907Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9085, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.149384Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.149401Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.149406Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.149516Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24001 TClient is connected to server localhost:24001 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:52.821034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.862116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.047124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.236162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.317628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:55.102313Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517377355800796:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.102456Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.442574Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.488873Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.533114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.568044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.595014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.637584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.689348Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517377355801306:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.689468Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.689703Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517377355801311:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.714034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:55.723199Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517377355801313:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.823781Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517377355801369:3449] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.506033Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517360175930062:2270];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.506138Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8675, MsgBus: 12255 2025-03-11T11:48:00.344829Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517395446112029:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:00.344876Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016de/r3tmp/tmpMwL6kl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:00.479609Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:00.491023Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:00.491112Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:00.492005Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8675, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:00.529824Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.529852Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.529864Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.530015Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:12255 TClient is connected to server localhost:12255 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:01.016821Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.022509Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.033378Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.125423Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.376815Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.465933Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateT ... 5-03-11T11:48:06.223692Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NDdlNmIzMzktYTU3MDE0Y2QtMWJjMTU1MmYtMmQwMTY0ZGI=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918618:2551], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4eedmfpc8zk5vzeggrk, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 48 2025-03-11T11:48:06.225604Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NDdlNmIzMzktYTU3MDE0Y2QtMWJjMTU1MmYtMmQwMTY0ZGI=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918618:2551], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4eedmfpc8zk5vzeggrk, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 49 2025-03-11T11:48:06.340294Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ4ZDdkNzYtYzFkYjkwMDEtYTBhMDA3ZGUtOWI1YzAzMTc=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918675:2563], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4j31gd0rzgexrzzjent, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 52 2025-03-11T11:48:06.340374Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ4ZDdkNzYtYzFkYjkwMDEtYTBhMDA3ZGUtOWI1YzAzMTc=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918675:2563], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4j31gd0rzgexrzzjent, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 53 2025-03-11T11:48:06.340407Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ4ZDdkNzYtYzFkYjkwMDEtYTBhMDA3ZGUtOWI1YzAzMTc=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918675:2563], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4j31gd0rzgexrzzjent, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 54 2025-03-11T11:48:06.340435Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ4ZDdkNzYtYzFkYjkwMDEtYTBhMDA3ZGUtOWI1YzAzMTc=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918675:2563], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4j31gd0rzgexrzzjent, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 55 2025-03-11T11:48:06.456554Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzE4ZGViYWEtYTg1MmQ4MWUtYzc1OGE1NjktOGQ5NDUxMw==, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918722:2576], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4nq3yss0tca9pddb94v, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 58 2025-03-11T11:48:06.462582Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzE4ZGViYWEtYTg1MmQ4MWUtYzc1OGE1NjktOGQ5NDUxMw==, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918722:2576], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4nq3yss0tca9pddb94v, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 59 2025-03-11T11:48:06.465694Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzE4ZGViYWEtYTg1MmQ4MWUtYzc1OGE1NjktOGQ5NDUxMw==, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918722:2576], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4nq3yss0tca9pddb94v, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 60 2025-03-11T11:48:06.614341Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmI4ZWU3ZDItMTNmNDQ0NGYtODZlZGViNWMtZDlmYTBiNjk=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918756:2586], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4tnbhr5ye3c1mrvqess, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 63 2025-03-11T11:48:06.614426Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmI4ZWU3ZDItMTNmNDQ0NGYtODZlZGViNWMtZDlmYTBiNjk=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918756:2586], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4tnbhr5ye3c1mrvqess, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 64 2025-03-11T11:48:06.733915Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzA2NDRmYjEtMWRmNTZkODUtZDdiYTg5M2EtM2U1ODRhMjI=, ActorId: [2:7480517421215918811:2595], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gh4yc8z72g4n00rczvst2, Reply query error, msg: Pending previous query completion proxyRequestId: 67 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18782, MsgBus: 16391 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016de/r3tmp/tmpRHGYHW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:08.183012Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:08.204881Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:08.223813Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:08.223905Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:08.228020Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18782, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:08.278441Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.278466Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.278473Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:08.278602Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16391 TClient is connected to server localhost:16391 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:08.818561Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.826541Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:08.839864Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:08.910925Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.087318Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:09.157937Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.587206Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517446299311837:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.587306Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.641612Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.680294Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.754629Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.793037Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.837593Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.900039Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.980097Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517446299312354:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.980182Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.980547Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517446299312359:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:11.984148Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:12.005518Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517446299312361:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:12.091408Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517450594279712:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.315931Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.182061Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:23.182095Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded took: 29.627530s took: 29.635461s took: 29.639659s took: 29.643892s took: 29.645984s took: 29.648755s took: 29.650538s took: 29.659645s took: 29.672217s took: 29.676226s ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> StatisticsSaveLoad::Delete [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:32.112339Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:32.112658Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.112786Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a6f/r3tmp/tmpubH2M1/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:32.662521Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5789, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:33.227899Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.227974Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.228031Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.228317Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:33.240819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:33.387431Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:33.387586Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:33.407128Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:7688 2025-03-11T11:48:34.370705Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:38.805547Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: Subscribed for config changes on node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.878635Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:38.878785Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:38.930538Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.933301Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:39.276289Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.277028Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.277879Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289062Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289188Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289475Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289585Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289703Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.289774Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:39.567674Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:39.567804Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:39.591833Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:39.838480Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:39.908524Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:48:39.908689Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:40.042725Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.042995Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043256Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded BaseStatistics: schemeshard count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043331Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ColumnStatistics: column count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043450Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ScheduleTraversals: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043533Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalOperations: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043600Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalTables: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:40.043658Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.044615Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] Subscribed for config changes 2025-03-11T11:48:40.114787Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ResolveSA(), StatisticsAggregatorId=72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:40.114930Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id: [2:1868:2598], at schemeshard: 72075186224037897, StatisticsAggregatorId: 72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:40.136869Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1876:2605] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.161159Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.161422Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectSchemeShard, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623], schemeshard id = 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:40.177706Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Execute: database# /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:40.210991Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:40.211090Z node 2 :STATISTICS NOTICE: Table _statistics updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:40.211199Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Full table path:/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics 2025-03-11T11:48:40.243256Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976720657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:40.266360Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976720657 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72075186224037897 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.266579Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976720657 2025-03-11T11:48:40.492771Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:40.703646Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Request: create. Transaction completed: 281474976720657. Doublechecking... 2025-03-11T11:48:40.817189Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:48:41.659221Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:48:41.659823Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:41.683508Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $stat_type AS Uint32; DECLARE $column_tags AS List; DECLARE $data AS List; UPSERT INTO `.metadata/_statistics` (owner_id, local_path_id, stat_type, column_tag, data) VALUES ($owner_id, $local_path_id, $stat_type, $column_tags[0], $data[0]), ($owner_id, $local_path_id, $stat_type, $column_tags[1], $data[1]); 2025-03-11T11:48:41.689827Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2249:3079], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:41.690009Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2265:3085], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:41.690137Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root/Database, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:41.701426Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:2, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:41.783055Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:2270:3088], DatabaseId: /Root/Database, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:42.139413Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:2360:3117] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/Database/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72075186224037897, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:42.595151Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 1 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2382:3129]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.595431Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.595569Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id = [1:2384:3131] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.595661Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: SyncNode(), pipe client id = [1:2384:3131] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.596237Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:2385:2842] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.596707Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvClientConnected, node id = 1, client id = [1:2384:3131], server id = [2:2385:2842], tablet id = 72075186224037894, status = OK 2025-03-11T11:48:42.596938Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectNode, pipe server id = [2:2385:2842], node id = 1, have schemeshards count = 0, need schemeshards count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:42.597055Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] SendStatisticsToNode(), node id = 1, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:42.597359Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:42.597451Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 1, ReplyToActorId = [1:2382:3129], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:42.886650Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjY4MDIwYjYtNzVmOTViYjgtZGZkNzJlYjEtZTU4ZDYzZDM=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:42.886757Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjY4MDIwYjYtNzVmOTViYjgtZGZkNzJlYjEtZTU4ZDYzZDM=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:42.888099Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:42.900458Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DELETE FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id; 2025-03-11T11:48:42.960185Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 2 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2413:3152]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.960425Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 2 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:42.960480Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 2, ReplyToActorId = [1:2413:3152], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:43.192766Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTY0NzQ5NjItNDcxNGIwNTUtN2U0MTg1NmMtZGIyM2U0M2E=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:43.192868Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTY0NzQ5NjItNDcxNGIwNTUtN2U0MTg1NmMtZGIyM2U0M2E=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:43.198282Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] Bootstrap. Database: /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:43.203543Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] RunDataQuery: DECLARE $owner_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $local_path_id AS Uint64; DECLARE $stat_type AS Uint32; DECLARE $column_tag AS Uint32; SELECT data FROM `.metadata/_statistics` WHERE owner_id = $owner_id AND local_path_id = $local_path_id AND stat_type = $stat_type AND column_tag = $column_tag; 2025-03-11T11:48:43.280791Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 3 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2445:3168]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:43.281051Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 3 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:43.281117Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 3, ReplyToActorId = [1:2445:3168], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:43.578636Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TQueryBase] TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjgxODgzMDQtYzUxYTNkNDItNjNiOTlhYzktNDkzMzc2NGY=, TxId: 01jp2gj8wvanphae6df1ve8ff8 2025-03-11T11:48:43.578831Z node 1 :STATISTICS WARN: [TQueryBase] Finish with BAD_REQUEST, Issues: {
: Error: No data }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjgxODgzMDQtYzUxYTNkNDItNjNiOTlhYzktNDkzMzc2NGY=, TxId: 01jp2gj8wvanphae6df1ve8ff8 >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionCloseWaitsForWrites >> KqpYql::TableConcat |82.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/ydb-core-ymq-actor-yc_search_ut |82.6%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/ydb-core-ymq-actor-yc_search_ut >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ListScriptExecutions [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::Tcl |82.6%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/ymq/actor/yc_search_ut/ydb-core-ymq-actor-yc_search_ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPoints_DelayRS_Reboot_Dirty [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:55.707804Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:55.754085Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:55.754143Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:55.763688Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:55.764330Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.764654Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.803876Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.825315Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.825581Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.827421Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.827551Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.827612Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.828077Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.828185Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:55.828281Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:55.901226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945378Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945707Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945751Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945798Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.945854Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947268Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947347Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947632Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947721Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947794Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947933Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.947983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948133Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948261Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948323Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.948379Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951186Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nI\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\010Z\006\010\010\030\001(\001J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951256Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951491Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951555Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951618Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951751Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.951791Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952125Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952184Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952256Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952336Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952407Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.952469Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.965687Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.965756Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:55.965802Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:55.965867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:55.965972Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966534Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966587Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966634Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966813Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966845Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966958Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.966998Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.967048Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:55.967086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.976944Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977031Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977244Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977290Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977345Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977390Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977449Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977498Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977542Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977596Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977639Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977681Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977718Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977922Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:55.977970Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978010Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978037Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978061Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978163Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978200Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978248Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978307Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978348Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978388Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:55.978432Z node 1 :TX_DATA ... ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245323Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245558Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245596Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:24] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245642Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 24] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245677Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.245882Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.254619Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:25] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.254731Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 25] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.254799Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255108Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255144Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:26] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255192Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 26] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255228Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255374Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255408Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:27] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255454Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 27] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255487Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255699Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255738Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:28] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255787Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 28] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.255824Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256021Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256057Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:29] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256107Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 29] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256147Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256349Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256390Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:30] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256438Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 30] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256476Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256656Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256692Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:31] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256740Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 31] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.256778Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257004Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257065Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:32] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257115Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 32] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257153Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257395Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257435Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:33] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257480Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 33] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257516Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257678Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257709Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:34] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257754Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 34] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.257787Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258199Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258249Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:35] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258314Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 35] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258357Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258522Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258557Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:36] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258603Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 36] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258636Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258770Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258802Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:37] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258847Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 37] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [32:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms 2025-03-11T11:48:43.258883Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259215Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 5 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 2} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259266Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259308Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 5 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259446Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 6 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 3} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259481Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259510Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 6 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259596Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 7 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 4} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259628Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259662Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 7 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259751Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 8 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 5} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259783Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259813Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 8 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259900Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 9 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 6} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259931Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.259964Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 9 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260050Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 10 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 7} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260085Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260115Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 10 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260203Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 12 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 8} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260237Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260267Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 12 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260358Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [32:801:2727], Recipient [32:342:2310]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 13 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 9} 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260390Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:48:43.260420Z node 32 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 13 expect 28 27 18 29 23 28 27 26 29 22 29 17 26 26 16 25 27 27 16 18 27 16 26 - 3 18 13 - - - - - actual 28 27 18 29 23 28 27 26 29 22 29 17 26 26 16 25 27 27 16 18 27 16 26 - 3 18 13 - - - - - interm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithCancelAfterAndTimeout [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionNoAvailableDatabase >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtl [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 14479, MsgBus: 30412 2025-03-11T11:48:10.160645Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517439049494394:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:10.160900Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ae/r3tmp/tmpntgcKm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:10.690508Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:10.696222Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:10.696312Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:10.721628Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14479, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:10.793018Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.793035Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.793039Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:10.793141Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30412 TClient is connected to server localhost:30412 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:11.445242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.462695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:11.479033Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.644430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.836847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:11.921109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:13.754641Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517451934398058:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:13.754774Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.127275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.164471Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.218858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.268385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.344436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.425385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.498766Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517456229365877:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.498891Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.499080Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517456229365882:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.502655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.514866Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517456229365884:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:14.585358Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517456229365937:3448] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:15.162075Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517439049494394:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.162186Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.765833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.767439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:15.768692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:18.726905Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693698752, txId: 281474976710703] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 5682, MsgBus: 1495 2025-03-11T11:48:19.612637Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517481068809853:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.612699Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ae/r3tmp/tmpmZJiDY/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:19.832825Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:19.832941Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:19.839707Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:19.864168Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5682, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014075Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014106Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014116Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014278Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:1495 TClient is connected to server localhost:1495 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.830535Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48: ... SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.746432Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.747746Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.474744Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionOperationQueryActor] TraceId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZTE5NDhlZTQtZDUyNjc4ZGUtOGM1OTRlN2EtNmI3YWJhNjA=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:29.530230Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TCheckLeaseStatusQueryActor] TraceId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODgwMmUyOWItZjBmYjUxODItNDk5YTZkYzktYzhhNDA2MTY=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:29.689018Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, reply NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: No such execution } 2025-03-11T11:48:29.722798Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TCheckLeaseStatusQueryActor] TraceId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OGFhNTNlNC1hM2U4NDk0My1kOGViYjM0OS1kZGZlOTI0, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:29.722936Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TCancelScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, check lease failed 2025-03-11T11:48:30.081125Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionResultQueryActor] TraceId: 3b033c58-d129f687-b28ea903-963492ee, State: Get results info, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: Script execution not found }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjRhYTA1NmItMmE2ZjQ0ZTItNTRmMzYyMzItODA0ZTAzZmE=, TxId: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26102, MsgBus: 30024 2025-03-11T11:48:31.451184Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517531064957968:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ae/r3tmp/tmpSSGiPU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:31.467936Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.585103Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:31.619144Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:31.619243Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:31.621488Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26102, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:31.721956Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.721988Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.721998Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.722151Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30024 TClient is connected to server localhost:30024 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:32.307411Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:32.315713Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.336241Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:32.442104Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:32.693536Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:32.790854Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:36.376014Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517531064957968:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.376113Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.835305Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517552539796083:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:36.835435Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:36.909714Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:36.993991Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.046248Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.134468Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.206814Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.309560Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.455043Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517556834763906:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.455142Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.455558Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517556834763911:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.460233Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.495573Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.497063Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517556834763913:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.594145Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517556834763972:3465] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.298336Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.300396Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.302615Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:42.739152Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693722755, txId: 281474976715704] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:48:43.175887Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693723203, txId: 281474976715707] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:48:43.219348Z node 3 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionResultQueryActor] TraceId: 3464fcc6-c9cb97de-ced5db88-ca68803, State: Get results info, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: Results are expired }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZTliM2IwN2ItNjU5ZGU1MTktOTI1OTc0YjktYjNiNGQ2NTA=, TxId: >> THiveImplTest::BootQueueSpeed [GOOD] >> THiveImplTest::BalancerSpeedAndDistribution >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionWriteInHandlers >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest >> BasicUsage::RetryDiscoveryWithCancel >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest >> TFlatTest::Mix_DML_DDL [GOOD] >> TFlatTest::OutOfDiskSpace [GOOD] >> TFlatTest::CrossRW [GOOD] >> TFlatTest::GetTabletCounters >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> StatisticsSaveLoad::ForbidAccess [GOOD] >> TKeyValueTest::TestWriteReadDeleteWithRestartsThenResponseOkWithNewApi [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::BasicWriteSession ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithCancelAfterAndTimeout [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19048, MsgBus: 7828 2025-03-11T11:47:52.047570Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517362128799630:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:52.048043Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d7/r3tmp/tmpm1RbbR/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:52.744845Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:52.752127Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:52.752214Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:52.766828Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19048, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:52.965854Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.965904Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.965912Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:52.966031Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7828 TClient is connected to server localhost:7828 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:53.685059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.723108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:53.739206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:53.900786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:54.110060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:54.197769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:55.925997Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517375013703282:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:55.926167Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.299313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.332727Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.361536Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.395443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.425384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.466589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.561219Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517379308671096:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.561320Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.565558Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517379308671101:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.570498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:56.591892Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517379308671103:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:56.689416Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517379308671158:3455] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:57.048228Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517362128799630:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:57.048311Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:47:57.899867Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.901319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:57.907597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 24683, MsgBus: 17826 2025-03-11T11:48:01.021355Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517403768506270:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.021397Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d7/r3tmp/tmp1QzMvQ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:01.277145Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:01.280160Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:01.280238Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:01.282490Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24683, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:01.361141Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:01.361163Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:01.361172Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:01.361293Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17826 TClient is connected to server localhost:17826 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:02.079370Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:02.112638Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, a ... rt proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:26.891638Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517509835873588:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:26.891747Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:26.892188Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517509835873593:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:26.907336Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:26.929848Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480517509835873595:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.021096Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517514130840950:3465] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:28.617250Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.619327Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:28.625754Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:29.127165Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGJiN2JlZTAtNDM0NWY3ZmEtODFiNmZkM2ItMjEyOGIyM2I=, ActorId: [4:7480517522720776124:2514], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghta2emecgj25sxakn33t, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7446, MsgBus: 13146 2025-03-11T11:48:32.606890Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480517535614436417:2256];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016d7/r3tmp/tmpgxVrMZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:32.724781Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.870826Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:32.907778Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:32.907887Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:32.910514Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7446, node 5 2025-03-11T11:48:33.042674Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.042704Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.042717Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.042900Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13146 TClient is connected to server localhost:13146 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:33.966682Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:33.979002Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:34.003073Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:34.171103Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:34.508602Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:34.693656Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:37.594754Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480517535614436417:2256];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:37.594850Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:39.584361Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517565679209072:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.584477Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:39.716757Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.797331Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.873520Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.939459Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.022913Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.124840Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307193Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517569974176905:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.307353Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.308122Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517569974176910:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.318224Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.355030Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480517569974176912:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.452000Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480517569974176970:3472] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:42.300144Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:42.302898Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:42.305149Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:43.330165Z node 5 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=YzE4Y2RhZGUtNjNiMTNkMTEtMmMyZjUwNTYtZDg4NjIyYzA=, ActorId: [5:7480517582859079497:2523], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gj7nk6x9b92q50dvs03q3, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'/Root/PQ/\', Marker# PQ17" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'Root/PQ\', Marker# PQ150" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' has no balancer, Marker# PQ193" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'/Root/PQ/\', Marker# PQ17" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'Root/PQ\', Marker# PQ150" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' has no balancer, Marker# PQ193" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/unittest >> TKeyValueTest::TestWriteReadDeleteWithRestartsThenResponseOkWithNewApi [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:53:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:53:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:56:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:73:2057] recipient: [2:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:53:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:53:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:56:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:73:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:75:2057] recipient: [3:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:78:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:79:2057] recipient: [3:77:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:80:2110] sender: [3:81:2057] recipient: [3:77:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[3:80:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:80:2110] sender: [3:134:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:53:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:53:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:56:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:73:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvExecuteTransaction ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:75:2057] recipient: [4:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:78:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:79:2057] recipient: [4:77:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:80:2110] sender: [4:81:2057] recipient: [4:77:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[4:80:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:80:2110] sender: [4:134:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [5:53:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [5:53:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:56:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:73:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvIntermediate ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:76:2057] recipient: [5:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:79:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:80:2057] recipient: [5:78:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:81:2110] sender: [5:82:2057] recipient: [5:78:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[5:81:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:81:2110] sender: [5:135:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [6:53:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [6:53:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:56:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:73:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:79:2057] recipient: [6:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:82:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:83:2057] recipient: [6:81:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:84:2113] sender: [6:85:2057] recipient: [6:81:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[6:84:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:84:2113] sender: [6:138:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [7:53:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [7:53:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:56:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:73:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvRead ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:79:2057] recipient: [7:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:82:2057] recipient: [7:81:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:83:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:84:2113] sender: [7:85:2057] recipient: [7:81:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[7:84:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:84:2113] sender: [7:138:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [8:53:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [8:53:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:56:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:73:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvNotify ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:80:2057] recipient: [8:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:83:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:84:2057] recipient: [8:82:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:85:2113] sender: [8:86:2057] recipient: [8:82:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[8:85:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:85:2113] sender: [8:103:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [9:53:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [9:53:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:56:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:73:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:82:2057] recipient: [9:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:85:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:86:2057] recipient: [9:84:2114] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:87:2115] sender: [9:88:2057] recipient: [9:84:2114] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[9:87:2115] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:87:2115] sender: [9:141:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [10:53:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [10:53:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:56:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:73:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvExecuteTransaction ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:82:2057] recipient: [10:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:85:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:86:2057] recipient: [10:84:2114] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:87:2115] sender: [10:88:2057] recipient: [10:84:2114] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[10:87:2115] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:87:2115] sender: [10:141:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [11:53:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [11:53:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:56:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:73:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvIntermediate ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:83:2057] recipient: [11:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:86:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:87:2057] recipient: [11:85:2114] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:88:2115] sender: [11:89:2057] recipient: [11:85:2114] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[11:88:2115] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:88:2115] sender: [11:142:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [12:53:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [12:53:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:56:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:73:2057] recipient: [12:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [12:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCollect ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:84:2057] recipient: [12:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:86:2057] recipient: [12:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:88:2057] recipient: [12:87:2115] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:89:2116] sender: [12:90:2057] recipient: [12:87:2115] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [12:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [12:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[12:89:2116] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:89:2116] sender: [12:109:2057] recipient: [12:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [13:53:2057] recipient: [13:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [13:53:2057] recipient: [13:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:55:2096] sender: [13:56:2057] recipient: [13:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:55:2096] sender: [13:73:2057] recipient: [13:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [13:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCompleteGC ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:55:2096] sender: [13:85:2057] recipient: [13:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:55:2096] sender: [13:88:2057] recipient: [13:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:55:2096] sender: [13:89:2057] recipient: [13:87:2116] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:90:2117] sender: [13:91:2057] recipient: [13:87:2116] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [13:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [13:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[13:90:2117] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [13:90:2117] sender: [13:110:2057] recipient: [13:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [14:53:2057] recipient: [14:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [14:53:2057] recipient: [14:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:55:2096] sender: [14:56:2057] recipient: [14:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:55:2096] sender: [14:73:2057] recipient: [14:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [14:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:55:2096] sender: [14:88:2057] recipient: [14:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:55:2096] sender: [14:91:2057] recipient: [14:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:55:2096] sender: [14:92:2057] recipient: [14:90:2119] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:93:2120] sender: [14:94:2057] recipient: [14:90:2119] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [14:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [14:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[14:93:2120] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [14:93:2120] sender: [14:147:2057] recipient: [14:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [15:53:2057] recipient: [15:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [15:53:2057] recipient: [15:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:55:2096] sender: [15:56:2057] recipient: [15:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:55:2096] sender: [15:73:2057] recipient: [15:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [15:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvRead ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:55:2096] sender: [15:88:2057] recipient: [15:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:55:2096] sender: [15:91:2057] recipient: [15:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:55:2096] sender: [15:92:2057] recipient: [15:90:2119] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:93:2120] sender: [15:94:2057] recipient: [15:90:2119] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [15:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [15:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[15:93:2120] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [15:93:2120] sender: [15:147:2057] recipient: [15:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [16:53:2057] recipient: [16:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [16:53:2057] recipient: [16:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [16:55:2096] sender: [16:56:2057] recipient: [16:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [16:55:2096] sender: [16:73:2057] recipient: [16:14:2061] >> YdbProxy::ReadNonExistentTopic [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_SerialNotNull+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_SerialNotNull-useSink >> ScriptExecutionsTest::AttemptToUpdateDeletedLease [GOOD] |82.6%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ru_calculator/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ru_calculator |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ru_calculator/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ru_calculator |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_ru_calculator/ydb-core-tx-schemeshard-ut_ru_calculator ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/statistics/database/ut/unittest >> StatisticsSaveLoad::ForbidAccess [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:33.293332Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [1:252:2217], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:48:33.293758Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:33.293886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001a61/r3tmp/tmpdb326H/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:33.934837Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21179, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.442307Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.442384Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.442429Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.442646Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:34.445165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:34.581748Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:34.581944Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:34.602504Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:27146 2025-03-11T11:48:35.402166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateExtSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.467624Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: Subscribed for config changes on node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.510367Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:40.510522Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:40.555551Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:40.558348Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:40.836044Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.836630Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.837330Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.837494Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.837612Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.837839Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.842460Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.842802Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:40.842968Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 THive::TTxCreateTablet::Execute CreateTablet Postponed 2025-03-11T11:48:41.068120Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:41.068256Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:41.085916Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72075186224037888 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:41.378620Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:41.435094Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] OnActivateExecutor 2025-03-11T11:48:41.435259Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:41.471781Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInitSchema::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472010Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472245Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded BaseStatistics: schemeshard count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472331Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ColumnStatistics: column count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472418Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ScheduleTraversals: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472494Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalOperations: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472557Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] Loaded ForceTraversalTables: table count# 0 2025-03-11T11:48:41.472613Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:41.473110Z node 2 :STATISTICS INFO: [72075186224037894] Subscribed for config changes 2025-03-11T11:48:41.515565Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ResolveSA(), StatisticsAggregatorId=72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:41.515709Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id: [2:1868:2598], at schemeshard: 72075186224037897, StatisticsAggregatorId: 72075186224037894, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:41.528611Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1876:2605] 2025-03-11T11:48:41.547779Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623] 2025-03-11T11:48:41.548026Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectSchemeShard, pipe server id = [2:1914:2623], schemeshard id = 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:41.555686Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Execute: database# /Root/Database 2025-03-11T11:48:41.601193Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:41.601261Z node 2 :STATISTICS NOTICE: Table _statistics updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:41.601363Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Full table path:/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics 2025-03-11T11:48:41.629632Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976720657:1, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:41.650081Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976720657 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72075186224037897 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:48:41.650245Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976720657 2025-03-11T11:48:41.921325Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] TTxConfigure::Complete 2025-03-11T11:48:42.177056Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Request: create. Transaction completed: 281474976720657. Doublechecking... 2025-03-11T11:48:42.268927Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: Table _statistics updater. Column diff is empty, finishing 2025-03-11T11:48:43.639336Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2231:3066], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:43.639532Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:43.664200Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72075186224037897 2025-03-11T11:48:44.733237Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2536:3116], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:44.733460Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:44.848864Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 1 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2541:3120]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:44.849138Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:44.849273Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ConnectToSA(), pipe client id = [1:2543:3122] 2025-03-11T11:48:44.849354Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: SyncNode(), pipe client id = [1:2543:3122] 2025-03-11T11:48:44.850093Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvServerConnected, pipe server id = [2:2544:2991] 2025-03-11T11:48:44.850413Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvClientConnected, node id = 1, client id = [1:2543:3122], server id = [2:2544:2991], tablet id = 72075186224037894, status = OK 2025-03-11T11:48:44.850617Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvConnectNode, pipe server id = [2:2544:2991], node id = 1, have schemeshards count = 0, need schemeshards count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:44.850707Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] SendStatisticsToNode(), node id = 1, schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:44.850979Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvPropagateStatistics, node id = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:44.851074Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 1, ReplyToActorId = [1:2541:3120], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:44.871565Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2548:3126], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:44.871786Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:44.872359Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:2553:3131], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:44.879992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.062640Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] EvFastPropagateCheck 2025-03-11T11:48:45.062742Z node 2 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [72075186224037894] PropagateFastStatistics(), node count = 0, schemeshard count = 0 2025-03-11T11:48:45.162472Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: EvRequestTimeout, pipe client id = [1:2543:3122], schemeshard count = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:45.667190Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:2555:3133], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:45.836307Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:2673:3206] txid# 281474976715661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:45.849276Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvGetStatistics] RequestId[ 2 ], ReplyToActorId[ [1:2696:3222]], StatType[ 0 ], StatRequestsCount[ 1 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:45.849477Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: [TStatService::TEvNavigateKeySetResult] RequestId[ 2 ] 2025-03-11T11:48:45.849535Z node 1 :STATISTICS DEBUG: ReplySuccess(), request id = 2, ReplyToActorId = [1:2696:3222], StatRequests.size() = 1 2025-03-11T11:48:46.032425Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715662. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gja1va8080tgm6nhy1n2v, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTU2ODVkNTEtZWMzYjc3ODYtMzk0Zjc0OWQtYzExNWM3ZTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root 2025-03-11T11:48:46.330727Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [1:2773:3253], for# user@builtin, access# DescribeSchema 2025-03-11T11:48:46.330820Z node 1 :TX_PROXY_SCHEME_CACHE WARN: Access denied: self# [1:2773:3253], for# user@builtin, access# DescribeSchema 2025-03-11T11:48:46.380673Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:2763:3249], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:17: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:2:17: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/Database/.metadata/_statistics]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:46.382454Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTMwYTk2ZjctNDM1MjMwNTUtNmVjNWUyODctZGQ5OGZiOWY=, ActorId: [1:2754:3241], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjbjffnrk6gm05f6xrppt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: >> BasicUsage::GetAllStartPartitionSessions >> BasicUsage::SelectDatabaseByHash [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::SelectDatabase [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/ut/unittest >> TFlatTest::OutOfDiskSpace [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:42.750564Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517578496708951:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:42.755181Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea7/r3tmp/tmpVBr8vc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:43.523450Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:43.523797Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:43.543826Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:43.637092Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TClient is connected to server localhost:14037 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:44.241996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.296763Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.583288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... proxy error code: Unknown error:
: Error: Resolve failed for table: /dc-1/Table, error: column 'value' not exist, code: 200400 2025-03-11T11:48:44.625524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.657662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.694192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... proxy error code: Unknown error:
:5:24: Error: At function: AsList
:5:32: Error: At function: SetResult
:4:27: Error: At function: SelectRow
:4:27: Error: Mismatch of key columns count for table [/dc-1/Table], expected: 2, but got 1., code: 2028 >> BasicUsage::WaitEventBlocksBeforeDiscovery |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut/ydb-core-tx-sequenceshard-ut |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut/ydb-core-tx-sequenceshard-ut |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/sequenceshard/ut/ydb-core-tx-sequenceshard-ut |82.7%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::SelectDatabase [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/proxy_service/ut/unittest >> ScriptExecutionsTest::AttemptToUpdateDeletedLease [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:33.610282Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517539123407629:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:33.614036Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017bc/r3tmp/tmp4MLANz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:34.472015Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:34.520062Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:34.520162Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:34.533965Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5645, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:34.994461Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.994483Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.994492Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:34.994599Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30241 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:35.596282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:38.582110Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517539123407629:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:38.582209Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:38.728449Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated YQL logs priority to current level: 4 2025-03-11T11:48:38.730029Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY INFO: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: /Root, empty 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735009Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Received ping session request, request_id: 2, sender: [1:7480517547713343166:2318], trace_id: 01jp2gj1829hjhnyaknnnc2t2n 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735291Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 2 timeout: 5.000000s actor id: [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735347Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Subscribed for config changes. 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735404Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735456Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735498Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated table service config. 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735546Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated YQL logs priority to current level: 4 2025-03-11T11:48:38.735591Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY INFO: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: /Root, empty 2025-03-11T11:48:38.744309Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.744392Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Session not found, targetId: [2:8678280833929343339:121] requestId: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:38.746823Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:38.746913Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: TraceId: "01jp2gj1829hjhnyaknnnc2t2n", Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 2, sender: [1:7480517547713343166:2318], selfId: [1:7480517539123407852:2281], source: [1:7480517539123407852:2281] 2025-03-11T11:48:40.818180Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517570251326572:2093];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0017bc/r3tmp/tmp0Eu8cI/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:40.936695Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:41.065002Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:41.094282Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:41.094371Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:41.098054Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:61746 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24890, node 4 2025-03-11T11:48:41.390523Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.390545Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.390551Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.390668Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:41.495888Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:41.505527Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.039271Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated YQL logs priority to current level: 4 2025-03-11T11:48:45.040336Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY INFO: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: /dc-1, empty 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047077Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Subscribed for config changes. 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047124Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated table service config. 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047154Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Updated YQL logs priority to current level: 4 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047210Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY INFO: Cannot start publishing usage, tenants: /dc-1, empty 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047267Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047383Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:45.048713Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:45.048759Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052688Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_executions updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052701Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY NOTICE: Table script_executions updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052752Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_executions updater. Full table path:/dc-1/.metadata/script_executions 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052944Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_execution_leases updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052953Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY NOTICE: Table script_execution_leases updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:45.052981Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_execution_leases updater. Full table path:/dc-1/.metadata/script_execution_leases 2025-03-11T11:48:45.053038Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table result_sets updater. Describe result: PathErrorUnknown 2025-03-11T11:48:45.053060Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY NOTICE: Table result_sets updater. Creating table 2025-03-11T11:48:45.053079Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table result_sets updater. Full table path:/dc-1/.metadata/result_sets 2025-03-11T11:48:45.059885Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.062058Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.063480Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.079347Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_executions updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710658 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3 } 2025-03-11T11:48:45.079450Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_executions updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976710658 2025-03-11T11:48:45.079928Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table result_sets updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710660 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShardTabletId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 4 } 2025-03-11T11:48:45.079949Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table result_sets updater. Subscribe on create table tx: 281474976710660 2025-03-11T11:48:45.082026Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Table script_execution_leases updater. TEvProposeTransactionStatus: { Status: 53 TxId: 281474976710659 SchemeShardStatus: 1 SchemeShar ... raceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, RunDataQuery: -- TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor::OnRunQuery DECLARE $database AS Text; DECLARE $execution_id AS Text; SELECT operation_status, finalization_status, meta, customer_supplied_id, user_token, script_sinks, script_secret_names FROM `.metadata/script_executions` WHERE database = $database AND execution_id = $execution_id AND (expire_at > CurrentUtcTimestamp() OR expire_at IS NULL); SELECT lease_generation FROM `.metadata/script_execution_leases` WHERE database = $database AND execution_id = $execution_id AND (expire_at > CurrentUtcTimestamp() OR expire_at IS NULL); 2025-03-11T11:48:49.752241Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Ctx: { TraceId: , Database: /dc-1, DatabaseId: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. TEvQueryRequest, set timer for: 300.000000s timeout: 0.000000s cancelAfter: 0.000000s. Send request to target, requestId: 20, targetId: [4:7480517608906033492:2445] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.752278Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 20 timeout: 300.000000s actor id: [4:7480517608906033494:2688] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.765395Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 20, sender: [4:7480517608906033493:2446], selfId: [4:7480517570251326515:2065], source: [4:7480517608906033492:2445] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.766217Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get operation info, TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, TxId: 01jp2gjeyrf5qn8xmnwtaqa1y4 2025-03-11T11:48:49.766881Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get operation info, RunDataQuery: -- TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor::FinishScriptExecution DECLARE $database AS Text; DECLARE $execution_id AS Text; DECLARE $operation_status AS Int32; DECLARE $execution_status AS Int32; DECLARE $finalization_status AS Int32; DECLARE $issues AS JsonDocument; DECLARE $plan AS JsonDocument; DECLARE $stats AS JsonDocument; DECLARE $ast AS Optional; DECLARE $ast_compressed AS Optional; DECLARE $ast_compression_method AS Optional; DECLARE $operation_ttl AS Interval; DECLARE $customer_supplied_id AS Text; DECLARE $user_token AS Text; DECLARE $script_sinks AS Optional; DECLARE $script_secret_names AS Optional; DECLARE $applicate_script_external_effect_required AS Bool; UPDATE `.metadata/script_executions` SET operation_status = $operation_status, execution_status = $execution_status, finalization_status = IF($applicate_script_external_effect_required, $finalization_status, NULL), issues = $issues, plan = $plan, end_ts = CurrentUtcTimestamp(), stats = $stats, ast = $ast, ast_compressed = $ast_compressed, ast_compression_method = $ast_compression_method, expire_at = IF($operation_ttl > CAST(0 AS Interval), CurrentUtcTimestamp() + $operation_ttl, NULL), customer_supplied_id = IF($applicate_script_external_effect_required, $customer_supplied_id, NULL), user_token = IF($applicate_script_external_effect_required, $user_token, NULL), script_sinks = IF($applicate_script_external_effect_required, $script_sinks, NULL), script_secret_names = IF($applicate_script_external_effect_required, $script_secret_names, NULL) WHERE database = $database AND execution_id = $execution_id; DELETE FROM `.metadata/script_execution_leases` WHERE database = $database AND execution_id = $execution_id; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.767552Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Ctx: { TraceId: , Database: /dc-1, DatabaseId: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. TEvQueryRequest, set timer for: 300.000000s timeout: 0.000000s cancelAfter: 0.000000s. Send request to target, requestId: 21, targetId: [4:7480517608906033492:2445] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.767590Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 21 timeout: 300.000000s actor id: [4:7480517608906033515:2693] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.795128Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 21, sender: [4:7480517608906033514:2452], selfId: [4:7480517570251326515:2065], source: [4:7480517608906033492:2445] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.795650Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Update final status, TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:49.795745Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TSaveScriptFinalStatusActor] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Update final status, Finish with SUCCESS, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:49.795817Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [ScriptExecutions] Finish script execution operation. ExecutionId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382. UNAVAILABLE. Issues: {
: Error: Lease expired } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.796896Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [ScriptExecutions] [TCheckLeaseStatusActor] ExecutionId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, successfully finalized script execution operation 2025-03-11T11:48:49.796928Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [ScriptExecutions] [TCheckLeaseStatusActor] ExecutionId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, reply success 2025-03-11T11:48:49.797680Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Session closed, sessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODJkMjk2YWYtOWYxZDZiNDYtYjg1MDhlMDMtODNkZmE0ZTY=, workerId: [4:7480517608906033492:2445], local sessions count: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:49.814027Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjf0n5b7cmymb7eh5de7v, Database: /dc-1, DatabaseId: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=Mzk2OWEyOTktYTNmODQ5ZTAtNjUzZDdhMWUtY2ZhZWVjOTU=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. TEvQueryRequest, set timer for: 300.000000s timeout: 0.000000s cancelAfter: 0.000000s. Send request to target, requestId: 22, targetId: [4:7480517596021131320:2362] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.814090Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 22 timeout: 300.000000s actor id: [4:7480517608906033538:2701] 2025-03-11T11:48:49.931663Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:51.121523Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: TraceId: "01jp2gjf0n5b7cmymb7eh5de7v", Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 22, sender: [4:7480517608906033537:2457], selfId: [4:7480517570251326515:2065], source: [4:7480517596021131320:2362] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.126648Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, Bootstrap. Database: /dc-1 2025-03-11T11:48:51.126870Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Request has 18445002379978.424764s seconds to be completed 2025-03-11T11:48:51.129009Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Created new session, sessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, workerId: [4:7480517617495968205:2473], database: /dc-1, longSession: 1, local sessions count: 2 2025-03-11T11:48:51.129181Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Received create session request, trace_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:51.129818Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, RunDataQuery: -- TScriptLeaseUpdater::OnRunQuery DECLARE $database AS Text; DECLARE $execution_id AS Text; SELECT lease_deadline FROM `.metadata/script_execution_leases` WHERE database = $database AND execution_id = $execution_id AND (expire_at > CurrentUtcTimestamp() OR expire_at IS NULL); 2025-03-11T11:48:51.130074Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Unexpected whiteboard info: pool size is smaller than user pool id, pool size: 0, user pool id: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:51.130297Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Ctx: { TraceId: , Database: /dc-1, DatabaseId: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. TEvQueryRequest, set timer for: 300.000000s timeout: 0.000000s cancelAfter: 0.000000s. Send request to target, requestId: 24, targetId: [4:7480517617495968205:2473] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.130331Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 24 timeout: 300.000000s actor id: [4:7480517617495968207:2744] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.450781Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 24, sender: [4:7480517617495968206:2474], selfId: [4:7480517570251326515:2065], source: [4:7480517617495968205:2473] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.451613Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get lease info, TEvDataQueryResult SUCCESS, Issues: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, TxId: 01jp2gjgke06zpnmrj3gjhwr8q 2025-03-11T11:48:51.451745Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get lease info, Finish with BAD_REQUEST, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, TxId: 01jp2gjgke06zpnmrj3gjhwr8q 2025-03-11T11:48:51.451784Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get lease info, Rollback transaction: 01jp2gjgke06zpnmrj3gjhwr8q 2025-03-11T11:48:51.452180Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Ctx: { TraceId: , Database: /dc-1, DatabaseId: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. TEvQueryRequest, set timer for: 600.000000s timeout: 0.000000s cancelAfter: 0.000000s. Send request to target, requestId: 25, targetId: [4:7480517617495968205:2473] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.452211Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Scheduled timeout timer for requestId: 25 timeout: 600.000000s actor id: [4:7480517617495968233:2756] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.454424Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Forwarded response to sender actor, requestId: 25, sender: [4:7480517617495968232:2481], selfId: [4:7480517570251326515:2065], source: [4:7480517617495968205:2473] 2025-03-11T11:48:51.454833Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: [TQueryBase] [TScriptLeaseUpdater] TraceId: 551700ac-873c72af-c9b09b26-e8920382, State: Get lease info, RollbackTransactionResult: SUCCESS. Issues: 2025-03-11T11:48:51.455732Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Session closed, sessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTg3MDNmODQtOGJjZTcxNjYtMmZjZTVkM2EtZmE4ODFmNGE=, workerId: [4:7480517617495968205:2473], local sessions count: 1 2025-03-11T11:48:51.463283Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY DEBUG: Session closed, sessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=Mzk2OWEyOTktYTNmODQ5ZTAtNjUzZDdhMWUtY2ZhZWVjOTU=, workerId: [4:7480517596021131320:2362], local sessions count: 0 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/replication/ydb_proxy/ut/unittest >> YdbProxy::ReadNonExistentTopic [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:31.985266Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517530346972985:2192];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.987833Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185d/r3tmp/tmpn5GsQV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:32.746700Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:32.772816Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:32.772904Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:32.780764Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:9512 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6898, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:33.418621Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.418648Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.418656Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:33.418773Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:9512 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:34.132178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:34.465645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:36.986363Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517530346972985:2192];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.986490Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.999547Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517551821810234:2365], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.001742Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.003660Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517551821810272:2370], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.003720Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517551821810273:2371], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.008959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.028070Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517556116777575:2456] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.038581Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517556116777572:2372], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.038886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.039054Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517556116777573:2373], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.109151Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517556116777621:2486] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.133164Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517556116777639:2494] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:38.503323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710670:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.144535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.866364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710680:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.675356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710687:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:41.251474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710690:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:44.810175Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517588077525986:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00185d/r3tmp/tmpSnjEsA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:45.005119Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:45.221818Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:45.235628Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:45.235744Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:45.239074Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:15059 TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26267, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:45.774499Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.774523Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.774534Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.774684Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15059 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:46.387009Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-generic-actors-ut >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConfigNotificationRetries [GOOD] >> TConsoleConfigSubscriptionTests::TestConfigSubscriptionsCleanup |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-generic-actors-ut |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/generic/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-generic-actors-ut >> BasicUsage::PropagateSessionClosed >> KqpQueryService::AlterCdcTopic [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultNegativeCase+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultNegativeCase-useSink |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-splitter-ut |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-splitter-ut |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/columnshard/splitter/ut/ydb-core-tx-columnshard-splitter-ut |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_reassign/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_reassign |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_reassign/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_reassign |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_reassign/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_reassign >> TFlatTest::GetTabletCounters [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest >> KqpPg::EquiJoin+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::EquiJoin-useSink >> THiveImplTest::BalancerSpeedAndDistribution [GOOD] >> THiveImplTest::TestShortTabletTypes [GOOD] >> THiveImplTest::TestStDev [GOOD] >> THiveTest::TestBlockCreateTablet >> KqpPg::CreateSequence [FAIL] >> KqpPg::AlterSequence |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel |82.7%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel |82.7%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest >> BasicUsage::FallbackToSingleDb >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::AlterCdcTopic [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 18659, MsgBus: 15707 2025-03-11T11:48:20.546657Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517482582561321:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:20.547048Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a0/r3tmp/tmpCJ3DbZ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:21.038778Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:21.057261Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:21.057378Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:21.064821Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18659, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:21.246179Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.246201Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.246207Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:21.246318Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15707 TClient is connected to server localhost:15707 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:22.016911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.031245Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.050236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.232828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.437366Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.545205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:24.633804Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499762432276:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.633946Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.076670Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.135226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.226320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.275537Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.331569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.378314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.467883Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517504057400090:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.467955Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.468337Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517504057400095:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.472501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.490577Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517504057400097:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.535215Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517482582561321:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.535275Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.573587Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517504057400155:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.294438Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.473799Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517512647335112:2502], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:25: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:3:25: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:48:27.474071Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDBlYzY3MTYtOWU3ZDFiYy1lNDU2OGYxYS1hMzIwZWYyNQ==, ActorId: [1:7480517512647335014:2492], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghs43dnrr5sf918kcezf5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:25: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:3:25: Error: Document API table cannot be modified from YQL query: /Root/DocumentApiTest, code: 2008 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3336, MsgBus: 10926 2025-03-11T11:48:28.711984Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517515835272655:2137];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:28.720821Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a0/r3tmp/tmpk8zOE2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:28.914244Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:28.927419Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:28.927503Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:28.931311Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3336, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:28.994420Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:28.994451Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:28.994459Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:28.994566Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10926 TClient is connected to server localhost:10926 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2 ... 1T11:48:40.532332Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.550166Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517570079670413:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.616888Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517570079670464:2335] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:40.657339Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.680806Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517548604833439:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:40.680862Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:40.934091Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517570079670616:2358], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:30: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:2:65: Error: Failed to convert type: Struct<'id':Int32,'val':Null> to Struct<'id':Int32,'val':Int32>
:2:65: Error: Failed to convert 'val': Null to Int32
:2:65: Error: Failed to convert input columns types to scheme types, code: 2031 2025-03-11T11:48:40.935964Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NzgyNTljMGQtNWNhZDAwNWItMWM4YmI1ZDktYTQzN2FjNDc=, ActorId: [3:7480517570079670614:2357], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gj6aj2m93brv6nfkqze6x, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:40.982555Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9134, MsgBus: 26013 2025-03-11T11:48:42.304804Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517575759918819:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:42.305210Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a0/r3tmp/tmpdAHj3W/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:42.632634Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:42.656451Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:42.656550Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:42.663272Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9134, node 4 2025-03-11T11:48:42.798498Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:42.798526Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:42.798535Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:42.798666Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26013 TClient is connected to server localhost:26013 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:44.033849Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.050207Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.133841Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.436488Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.633532Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.311985Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517575759918819:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.312066Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.594448Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517605824691545:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.594539Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.684239Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.765514Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.845664Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.945068Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.043844Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.265543Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.446797Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517610119659386:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.446874Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.447556Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [4:7480517610119659391:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.458914Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.502884Z node 4 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [4:7480517610119659393:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.598056Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517610119659454:3477] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.122482Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.334556Z node 4 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037919:1][4:7480517623004561796:2524] Failed entry at 'ResolveCdcStream': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:17:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpList RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.535458Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.665723Z node 4 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [4:7480517623004561975:3908] txid# 281474976710674, issues: { message: "Cannot change partition count. Use split/merge instead" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.674603Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YWRkY2RhMjItNTFkNzNhMGItODJhOGEwNDQtYzgyNDgyNGY=, ActorId: [4:7480517623004561879:2540], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjjqc7e8bvtrsz6cn62fv, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: Query failed, status: BAD_REQUEST:
: Error: Cannot change partition count. Use split/merge instead, code: 2017 >> KqpScripting::StreamScanQuery [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::SyncExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueries >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName >> KqpPg::CreateTempTable [FAIL] >> KqpPg::CreateTempTableSerial >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/ut/unittest >> TFlatTest::GetTabletCounters [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:43.586654Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517583338775238:2132];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:43.586712Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea5/r3tmp/tmpSGpPPk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:44.618585Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:44.620093Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.620221Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:44.638617Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.640615Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TClient is connected to server localhost:17866 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:45.301879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.334419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.340707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.122782Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517608673606387:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea5/r3tmp/tmpwcKxVP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:49.295524Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.493453Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:49.525838Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:49.533537Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:49.535461Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:22626 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:50.035630Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.047054Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.062593Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.068235Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... TClient::Ls request: /dc-1/Dir/TableOld TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "TableOld" PathId: 3 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeTable CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 281474976710659 CreateStep: 1741693730217 ParentPathId: 2 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 3 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 3 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 0 TableSchemaVersion: 1 TablePartitionVersion: 1 } ChildrenExist: false } Table { Name: "TableOld" Columns { Name: "unused004" Type: "Float" TypeId: 33 Id: 7 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name: "Key" Type: "Uint32" TypeId: 2 Id: 1 NotNull: false IsBuildInProgress: false } Columns { Name... (TRUNCATED) >> KqpYql::EvaluateExpr1 [GOOD] >> KqpYql::Discard >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'/Root/PQ/\', Marker# PQ17" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' has no balancer, Marker# PQ193" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "empty topic in GetReadSessionsInfo request" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_Oltp_Replace+UseSink [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::InvalidFetchToken [GOOD] >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGenerationAndTransact >> KqpYql::TableConcat [GOOD] >> KqpYql::TableNameConflict ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "path \'Root/PQ\' has unknown/invalid root prefix \'Root\', Marker# PQ14" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--topic2, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'Root/PQ\' describe error, Status# LookupError, Marker# PQ1" ErrorCode: ERROR } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName >> THiveTest::TestBlockCreateTablet [GOOD] >> THiveTest::DrainWithHiveRestart >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] |82.7%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/ut/ydb-core-graph-shard-ut |82.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/ut/ydb-core-graph-shard-ut |82.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/shard/ut/ydb-core-graph-shard-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::TableSink_Oltp_Replace+UseSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4024, MsgBus: 2273 2025-03-11T11:48:20.001569Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517482552210159:2234];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:20.004424Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a3/r3tmp/tmp5RUtN0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:20.462356Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:20.480826Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:20.480937Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:20.482725Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4024, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:20.586397Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.586427Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.586441Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.586564Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2273 TClient is connected to server localhost:2273 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:21.413072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:21.434475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.139495Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499732079836:2332], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.139587Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.661423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.911121Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499732079940:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.911200Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.911621Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499732079945:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.915768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.925880Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499732079947:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.002059Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517482552210159:2234];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.002133Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:25.023932Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517504027047295:2399] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.688939Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517504027047395:2376], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:29: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:2:29: Error: Missing key column in input: Col1 for table: /Root/DataShard, code: 2029 2025-03-11T11:48:25.690716Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWVkNjAzOTItZTc2YzliZmMtZmU2YjA4ZTktNDAzNDk3ZWU=, ActorId: [1:7480517504027047393:2375], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2ghqdte9dv0zk0vxm1bh3s, ReplyQueryCompileError, status PRECONDITION_FAILED remove tx with tx_id: WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16584, MsgBus: 24731 2025-03-11T11:48:31.850177Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517531107371697:2057];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.850262Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a3/r3tmp/tmp1pta91/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:32.161390Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:32.267374Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:32.267469Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:32.275086Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16584, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:32.472397Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.472422Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.472430Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:32.472559Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24731 TClient is connected to server localhost:24731 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:33.422571Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:36.850153Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517531107371697:2057];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.850223Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:37.234932Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517556877176150:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.235028Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.250891Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.364163Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517556877176252:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.364310Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.364795Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517556877176257:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.369604Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:37.396973Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517556877176259:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:37.497336Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517556877176310:2399] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 WAIT_INDEXATION: 0 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20171, MsgBus: 32203 2025-03-11T11:48:45.216645Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517592042706783:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:45.216689Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a3/r3tmp/tmpKcJVv9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:45.518215Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20171, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:45.610748Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:45.610868Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:45.643120Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:45.762697Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.762723Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.762731Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.762882Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32203 TClient is connected to server localhost:32203 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:46.769722Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.218112Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517592042706783:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:50.218192Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.078092Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517626402445834:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.078231Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.121648Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.700958Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.232209Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517630697414542:2448], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.232314Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.242094Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517630697414547:2451], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.247682Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.275304Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517630697414549:2452], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.381327Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517630697414626:3303] txid# 281474976715661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::InvalidFetchToken [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16812, MsgBus: 25553 2025-03-11T11:48:19.402457Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517478511308563:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:19.402601Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a7/r3tmp/tmpcWZb06/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:19.897582Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:19.902839Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:19.902945Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16812, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:19.905862Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014683Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014706Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014712Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:20.014814Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25553 TClient is connected to server localhost:25553 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:20.700753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.717221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.736638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:20.940899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:21.194843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:21.333138Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:23.754253Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517495691179377:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.754360Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.043464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.080588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.121650Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.167631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.213231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.303253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.402113Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517478511308563:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.402288Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:24.408245Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499986147196:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.408317Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.408558Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499986147201:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.412538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:24.437512Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517499986147203:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:24.494703Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517499986147258:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:25.796837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.800314Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:25.803358Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:27.049080Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.085819Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.158953Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.175846Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.196665Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.240974Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.264016Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.287125Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.326083Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.350943Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.371709Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.428758Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.449364Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 55f42b78-d6624f5b-89d51764-5eb84690, reply PRECONDITION_FAILED, issues: {
: Error: Operation is still running } 2025-03-11T11:48:27.480573Z node 1 ... e pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.258527Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517543640572495:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.266103Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:34.283643Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517543640572497:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.360833Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517543640572552:3448] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:34.947037Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517522165733856:2183];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:34.947108Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:35.649154Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:35.663812Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:35.665408Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:40.763243Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionOperationQueryActor] TraceId: 60a90f07-1208308b-2594841f-35b50803, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjE0MzQ0YWMtODEwMmYwZjgtY2I0MTg0MTAtODc3NmRhNjQ=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:40.838195Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TCheckLeaseStatusQueryActor] TraceId: 60a90f07-1208308b-2594841f-35b50803, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YzU5NWVhNDMtNGU4ZWRmM2QtYzkwZTBhYS1iODFiOTM0Yw==, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:48:40.872089Z node 2 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 60a90f07-1208308b-2594841f-35b50803, reply NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: No such execution } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3651, MsgBus: 4275 2025-03-11T11:48:42.872239Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517579324458737:2214];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a7/r3tmp/tmp58kBiz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:42.986018Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:43.076661Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:43.097695Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:43.097834Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:43.103071Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3651, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:43.270413Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:43.270450Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:43.270460Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:43.270913Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:4275 TClient is connected to server localhost:4275 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:44.233821Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.240860Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:44.249404Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.335706Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.612462Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.787513Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.850086Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517579324458737:2214];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.850203Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.557644Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517605094264113:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.557778Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.692787Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:48.806050Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:48.916399Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.004243Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.113671Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.268773Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.446903Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517609389231939:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.447022Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.448580Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517609389231944:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.455112Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.486654Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517609389231946:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.574559Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517609389232012:3472] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.832752Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.835232Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.837678Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] >> KqpService::ToDictCache+UseCache [GOOD] >> KqpService::ToDictCache-UseCache >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Simple-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_NoReorder-useSink >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_SerialNotNull-useSink [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'Root/PQ\', Marker# PQ150" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' is not created, Marker# PQ94" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.222126Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240068Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240461Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240511Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240555Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240612Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240688Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.240765Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.241562Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:258:2250], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.241720Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.273024Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.279214Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.279398Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.280297Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.280480Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.280960Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.281316Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [3:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.288239Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.288364Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [3:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.288447Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.288503Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.289559Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:269:2258], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.432676Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.449923Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450360Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450412Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450451Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450496Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450541Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.450598Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.458325Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [3:402:2357], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.458507Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.458774Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.462310Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.462470Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.463312Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config applied version 2 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.463444Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.463848Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.464203Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [3:410:2363] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.468129Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.468232Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 0 generation 2 [3:410:2363] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.468295Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.468347Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.469341Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [3:413:2365], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.513106Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532371Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532798Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532856Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532895Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532939Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.532998Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.533073Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.533757Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:462:2402], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.533883Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.534126Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.543865Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.544052Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.544987Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 3 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.545138Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.545606Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.545829Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [3:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.550050Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.550147Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [3:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.550213Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 b ... 38] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.596576Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.596642Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:01.596688Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.596747Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.596808Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.597517Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:462:2402], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.597643Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.597841Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 7(current 0) received from actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 7 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.608900Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 7 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.609074Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.609803Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 7 actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 7 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.609990Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.610439Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.610648Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [4:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.612658Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:01.612739Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [4:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.612793Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.612846Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.613653Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:473:2410], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.673384Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:01.677493Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:01.677918Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.677989Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.678033Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:01.678093Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.678165Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.678237Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.679045Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:522:2447], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.679162Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.679372Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 8(current 0) received from actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.683160Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.683336Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.684234Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 8 actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:01.684381Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.684815Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.685085Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [4:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.687315Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:01.687398Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [4:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.687481Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.687535Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.688416Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:533:2455], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.691065Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [4:541:2458], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.691206Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:542:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.691311Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:543:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.702490Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:548:2463], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:01.782872Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:01.787650Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:01.788146Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.788212Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.788382Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.789728Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:01.789798Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:01.795612Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.796216Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.796598Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [4:605:2508] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.798960Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.806694Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807146Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807582Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807852Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807907Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807953Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:01.807999Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:01.808060Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [4:605:2508] 2025-03-11T11:49:01.808126Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.808174Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:01.809145Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [4:542:2459] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:01.809246Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [4:541:2458] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetPartitionLocationsResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionLocation { Partition: 1 Host: "::1" HostId: 4 ErrorCode: OK } PartitionLocation { Partition: 2 ErrorCode: INITIALIZING ErrorReason: "Tablet for that partition is not running" } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionLocation { Partition: 0 Host: "::1" HostId: 4 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' is not created, Marker# PQ94" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.003827Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.014928Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015312Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015372Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015420Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015477Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015538Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.015598Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.016350Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:258:2250], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.016491Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.083112Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.086559Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.086734Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.087708Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.087872Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.088331Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.088696Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.111619Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.111751Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.111837Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.111901Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.113023Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:269:2258], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.335827Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.350984Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351398Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351452Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351501Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351543Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351620Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.351682Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.352492Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [2:404:2359], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.352564Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.352763Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.356186Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.356365Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.357348Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.357514Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.357999Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.358265Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:412:2365] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.360538Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.360609Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 0 generation 2 [2:412:2365] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.360673Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.360726Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.378853Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [2:415:2367], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.455035Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:48:59.476363Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:48:59.476829Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.476890Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.476940Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:48:59.476985Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.477033Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.477094Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:48:59.477865Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [2:464:2404], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:48:59.478050Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.478249Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.489436Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.489599Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:48:59.490553Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 3 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.490722Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.491222Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:48:59.491478Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [2:472:2410] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.493617Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:48:59.493697Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [2:472:2410] 2025-03-11T11:48:59.493763Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.493819Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Proc ... EBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.237215Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:02.237264Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.237312Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.237372Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.238029Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:463:2403], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.238139Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.238327Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 11(current 0) received from actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.240867Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.241033Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.241703Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 11 actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.241827Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.242276Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.242481Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [4:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.244515Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.244589Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [4:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.244650Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.244697Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.245483Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:474:2411], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.266732Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:02.271900Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272288Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272352Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272398Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272440Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272490Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.272552Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.273356Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:523:2448], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.273430Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.273616Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 12(current 0) received from actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.276132Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.276249Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.276722Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 12 actor [4:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.276817Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.277127Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.277302Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [4:531:2454] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.279279Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.279358Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [4:531:2454] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.279422Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.279477Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.280352Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:534:2456], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.281645Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [4:540:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.281769Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [4:541:2460], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.282131Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:542:2460], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.295159Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [4:550:2467], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.326298Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:02.328694Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329061Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329112Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329286Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329785Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329831Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.329948Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.330334Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.330539Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [4:607:2512] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.332616Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.333976Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334290Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334602Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334838Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334886Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334934Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.334981Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.335031Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [4:607:2512] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.335094Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.335158Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.336084Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [4:541:2460] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:02.336159Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [4:540:2459] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetPartitionOffsetsResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionResult { Partition: 1 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 ErrorCode: OK WriteTimestampEstimateMS: 0 } PartitionResult { Partition: 2 ErrorCode: INITIALIZING ErrorReason: "partition is not ready yet" } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 ErrorCode: OK WriteTimestampEstimateMS: 0 } ErrorCode: OK } } } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'Root/PQ\' describe error, Status# LookupError, Marker# PQ1" ErrorCode: ERROR } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "TopicRequest must have Topic field." ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple partition 2 in TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic2\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataOnEmptyTablet [GOOD] >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataOnEmptyTabletResetGeneration |82.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_build_index/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_build_index |82.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_build_index/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_build_index |82.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_build_index/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_build_index >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataOnEmptyTabletResetGeneration [GOOD] >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataWithMockDisk >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond [GOOD] >> KqpPg::AlterSequence [FAIL] >> KqpPg::AlterColumnSetDefaultFromSequence >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::TestTruncatedBySize [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/unittest >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_SerialNotNull-useSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 24946, MsgBus: 28539 2025-03-11T11:47:45.890829Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517333397025275:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:45.891700Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bf4/r3tmp/tmp57M15y/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:46.456172Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:46.497944Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:46.498071Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24946, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:46.502440Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:47:46.562556Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.562580Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.562588Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:46.562741Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28539 TClient is connected to server localhost:28539 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:47.170529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.518084Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517350576894965:2330], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.518239Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.522411Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517350576894977:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.528579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:49.546962Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517350576894979:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.630055Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517350576895030:2337] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:49.735225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 63223, MsgBus: 20435 2025-03-11T11:47:50.890341Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517354920774341:2194];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bf4/r3tmp/tmpeLV9An/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:50.978365Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:47:51.060419Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:51.073664Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:51.073764Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:51.075419Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 63223, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:51.139864Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.139887Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.139895Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:51.140016Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20435 TClient is connected to server localhost:20435 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:51.572479Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:51.579028Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.260210Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517372100644019:2329], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.260287Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517372100644032:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.260344Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.265182Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:54.276577Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517372100644057:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.332408Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517372100644108:2333] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:54.351571Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25499, MsgBus: 22530 2025-03-11T11:47:55.606383Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517373893276017:2087];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.621697Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bf4/r3tmp/tmp2nLh17/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:55.732060Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:55.755812Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:55.755918Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:55.757418Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25499, node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:55.820056Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.820082Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.820091Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:55.820227Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22530 TClient is connected to server localhost:22530 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPath ... 897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:41.795888Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:41.801176Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12820, node 10 2025-03-11T11:48:41.926637Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.926666Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.926680Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:41.926864Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11930 TClient is connected to server localhost:11930 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:42.963784Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:42.978924Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:46.615159Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517574238240558:2069];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:46.615271Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.350359Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517604303012287:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.350570Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.354432Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517604303012299:2337], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.362143Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:48.408661Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517604303012301:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.466420Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517604303012352:2345] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:48.536073Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:48.849532Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.089812Z node 10 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [10:7480517604303012590:2366], status: BAD_REQUEST, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:1:1: Error: Missing not null column in input: c. All not null columns should be initialized, code: 2032 2025-03-11T11:48:49.090462Z node 10 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=NzI2OTg3ZDQtODkxNGFlZmItMzE1ODBhNTctMzhmNTExMTQ=, ActorId: [10:7480517604303012588:2365], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gje6ad8a4e1khx1ntdac2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status BAD_REQUEST remove tx with tx_id: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25291, MsgBus: 21227 2025-03-11T11:48:52.559605Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[11:7480517621125550582:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.559668Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000bf4/r3tmp/tmpIeGBLz/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:52.998462Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:53.006427Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:53.006590Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:53.013137Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25291, node 11 2025-03-11T11:48:53.141559Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:53.141593Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:53.141607Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:53.141809Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21227 TClient is connected to server localhost:21227 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:54.259635Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:57.560637Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[11:7480517621125550582:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.560753Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.067911Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517655485289606:2336], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.068067Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.069681Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517655485289640:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.086765Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.137246Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [11:7480517655485289642:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.215454Z node 11 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [11:7480517655485289693:2347] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.300289Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.639233Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.823426Z node 11 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [11:7480517655485289936:2367], status: BAD_REQUEST, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiWriteTable!
:1:1: Error: Missing not null column in input: c. All not null columns should be initialized, code: 2032 2025-03-11T11:49:00.826321Z node 11 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=11&id=MjlhYWI4MmUtODVjNmU3MjQtMmVkMTI5NDctNTNkNmY0ZTY=, ActorId: [11:7480517655485289934:2366], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjsqpaz69pn6mzrdqqmr5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status BAD_REQUEST remove tx with tx_id: |82.8%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sequence |82.8%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sequence |82.8%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_sequence/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_sequence ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 130 ErrorReason: "Timeout while waiting for response, may be just slow, Marker# PQ16" ErrorCode: ERROR } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.602803Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:02.609368Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:02.609803Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.609865Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.609933Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:02.609998Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.610058Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.610123Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.610892Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:259:2251], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.611068Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.655661Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.659679Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.659878Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.660855Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.661036Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.661509Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.661983Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.664634Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.664729Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.664801Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.664864Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.666078Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:270:2259], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.743693Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:02.748442Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:02.748919Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.748980Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.749028Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:02.749069Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.749122Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.749201Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:02.749970Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:404:2359], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.750096Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.750315Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.753523Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.753710Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:02.754693Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.754831Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.755286Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:02.755526Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [2:412:2365] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.757840Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.758321Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [2:412:2365] 2025-03-11T11:49:02.758399Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.758466Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:02.759472Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:415:2367], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.760837Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:421:2370], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.761467Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.761624Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:423:2371], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:02.762025Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.762341Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [2:421:2370] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:02.762725Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server disconnected, pipe [2:423:2371] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:03.692710Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:03.696920Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697333Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697401Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697450Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697532Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697591Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:03.697666Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:03.698407Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:259:2251], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.698547Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:03.698773Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.701693Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.701940Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:03.702749Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 3 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 L ... txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 6 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.852609Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.853024Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.853317Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:531:2454] 2025-03-11T11:49:03.855568Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:03.855662Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [3:531:2454] 2025-03-11T11:49:03.855742Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.855806Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.856691Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:534:2456], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.858261Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:541:2460], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.858350Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:540:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.858576Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.858814Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.858870Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:542:2460], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.859163Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.870953Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:550:2467], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:03.898539Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:03.907790Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:03.908252Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:03.908325Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.908496Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.909542Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:03.909618Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:03.909766Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.910273Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.910637Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:607:2512] 2025-03-11T11:49:03.912825Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.914637Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915028Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915422Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915763Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915822Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915868Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915916Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:03.915976Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [3:607:2512] 2025-03-11T11:49:03.916050Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.916123Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:03.917169Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [3:541:2460] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:03.917267Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [3:540:2459] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetPartitionStatusResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 Status: STATUS_OK LastInitDurationSeconds: 0 CreationTimestamp: 0 GapCount: 0 GapSize: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerDay: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerDay: 0 ReadBytesQuota: 0 WriteBytesQuota: 50000000 PartitionSize: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 LastWriteTimestampMs: 38 WriteLagMs: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerDay: 0 SourceIdCount: 0 SourceIdRetentionPeriodSec: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 AggregatedCounters { Values: 38 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 50000000 Values: 0 Values: 9223372036854775807 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 } Generation: 2 Cookie: 1 ScaleStatus: NORMAL } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionResult { Partition: 1 Status: STATUS_OK LastInitDurationSeconds: 0 CreationTimestamp: 0 GapCount: 0 GapSize: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerDay: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerDay: 0 ReadBytesQuota: 0 WriteBytesQuota: 50000000 PartitionSize: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 LastWriteTimestampMs: 77 WriteLagMs: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerDay: 0 SourceIdCount: 0 SourceIdRetentionPeriodSec: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 AggregatedCounters { Values: 77 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 50000000 Values: 0 Values: 9223372036854775807 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 } Generation: 2 Cookie: 1 ScaleStatus: NORMAL } PartitionResult { Partition: 2 Status: STATUS_OK LastInitDurationSeconds: 0 CreationTimestamp: 0 GapCount: 0 GapSize: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerDay: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerDay: 0 ReadBytesQuota: 0 WriteBytesQuota: 50000000 PartitionSize: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 LastWriteTimestampMs: 91 WriteLagMs: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerDay: 0 SourceIdCount: 0 SourceIdRetentionPeriodSec: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 AggregatedCounters { Values: 91 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 50000000 Values: 0 Values: 9223372036854775807 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 } Generation: 2 Cookie: 1 ScaleStatus: NORMAL } ErrorCode: OK } } } >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGenerationAndTransact [GOOD] >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtlAndForgetAfter [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::Tcl [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::TestTruncatedBySize [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4754, MsgBus: 13954 2025-03-11T11:47:56.988142Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517381729225887:2201];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:56.988935Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bf/r3tmp/tmpd70QtV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:57.526033Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:57.526163Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:57.526729Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:57.529252Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4754, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:57.658430Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.658452Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.658459Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:57.658577Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13954 TClient is connected to server localhost:13954 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:58.295236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.339817Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:58.352391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.522151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.733825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:58.894221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.787983Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517398909096702:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:00.788113Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.245615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.286603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.371589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.406034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.489521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.549000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.614398Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517403204064521:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.614474Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.614705Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517403204064526:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.618526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.627763Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517403204064528:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.684679Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517403204064581:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:01.971477Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517381729225887:2201];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:01.971555Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30786, MsgBus: 24752 2025-03-11T11:48:04.095185Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517413779128329:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:04.095315Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bf/r3tmp/tmpTDXwql/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:04.286159Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:04.291924Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:04.292022Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:04.293703Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30786, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:04.430479Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.430504Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.430512Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:04.430629Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24752 TClient is connected to server localhost:24752 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:04.954666Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:04.966908Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.979278Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.042770Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:05.241844Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting.. ... idx:1798|>,<|idx:1799|>,<|idx:1800|>,<|idx:1801|>,<|idx:1802|>,<|idx:1803|>,<|idx:1804|>,<|idx:1805|>,<|idx:1806|>,<|idx:1807|>,<|idx:1808|>,<|idx:1809|>,<|idx:1810|>,<|idx:1811|>,<|idx:1812|>,<|idx:1813|>,<|idx:1814|>,<|idx:1815|>,<|idx:1816|>,<|idx:1817|>,<|idx:1818|>,<|idx:1819|>,<|idx:1820|>,<|idx:1821|>,<|idx:1822|>,<|idx:1823|>,<|idx:1824|>,<|idx:1825|>,<|idx:1826|>,<|idx:1827|>,<|idx:1828|>,<|idx:1829|>,<|idx:1830|>,<|idx:1831|>,<|idx:1832|>,<|idx:1833|>,<|idx:1834|>,<|idx:1835|>,<|idx:1836|>,<|idx:1837|>,<|idx:1838|>,<|idx:1839|>,<|idx:1840|>,<|idx:1841|>,<|idx:1842|>,<|idx:1843|>,<|idx:1844|>,<|idx:1845|>,<|idx:1846|>,<|idx:1847|>,<|idx:1848|>,<|idx:1849|>,<|idx:1850|>,<|idx:1851|>,<|idx:1852|>,<|idx:1853|>,<|idx:1854|>,<|idx:1855|>,<|idx:1856|>,<|idx:1857|>,<|idx:1858|>,<|idx:1859|>,<|idx:1860|>,<|idx:1861|>,<|idx:1862|>,<|idx:1863|>,<|idx:1864|>,<|idx:1865|>,<|idx:1866|>,<|idx:1867|>,<|idx:1868|>,<|idx:1869|>,<|idx:1870|>,<|idx:1871|>,<|idx:1872|>,<|idx:1873|>,<|idx:1874|>,<|idx:1875|>,<|idx:1876|>,<|idx:1877|>,<|idx:1878|>,<|idx:1879|>,<|idx:1880|>,<|idx:1881|>,<|idx:1882|>,<|idx:1883|>,<|idx:1884|>,<|idx:1885|>,<|idx:1886|>,<|idx:1887|>,<|idx:1888|>,<|idx:1889|>,<|idx:1890|>,<|idx:1891|>,<|idx:1892|>,<|idx:1893|>,<|idx:1894|>,<|idx:1895|>,<|idx:1896|>,<|idx:1897|>,<|idx:1898|>,<|idx:1899|>,<|idx:1900|>,<|idx:1901|>,<|idx:1902|>,<|idx:1903|>,<|idx:1904|>,<|idx:1905|>,<|idx:1906|>,<|idx:1907|>,<|idx:1908|>,<|idx:1909|>,<|idx:1910|>,<|idx:1911|>,<|idx:1912|>,<|idx:1913|>,<|idx:1914|>,<|idx:1915|>,<|idx:1916|>,<|idx:1917|>,<|idx:1918|>,<|idx:1919|>,<|idx:1920|>,<|idx:1921|>,<|idx:1922|>,<|idx:1923|>,<|idx:1924|>,<|idx:1925|>,<|idx:1926|>,<|idx:1927|>,<|idx:1928|>,<|idx:1929|>,<|idx:1930|>,<|idx:1931|>,<|idx:1932|>,<|idx:1933|>,<|idx:1934|>,<|idx:1935|>,<|idx:1936|>,<|idx:1937|>,<|idx:1938|>,<|idx:1939|>,<|idx:1940|>,<|idx:1941|>,<|idx:1942|>,<|idx:1943|>,<|idx:1944|>,<|idx:1945|>,<|idx:1946|>,<|idx:1947|>,<|idx:1948|>,<|idx:1949|>,<|idx:1950|>,<|idx:1951|>,<|idx:1952|>,<|idx:1953|>,<|idx:1954|>,<|idx:1955|>,<|idx:1956|>,<|idx:1957|>,<|idx:1958|>,<|idx:1959|>,<|idx:1960|>,<|idx:1961|>,<|idx:1962|>,<|idx:1963|>,<|idx:1964|>,<|idx:1965|>,<|idx:1966|>,<|idx:1967|>,<|idx:1968|>,<|idx:1969|>,<|idx:1970|>,<|idx:1971|>,<|idx:1972|>,<|idx:1973|>,<|idx:1974|>,<|idx:1975|>,<|idx:1976|>,<|idx:1977|>,<|idx:1978|>,<|idx:1979|>,<|idx:1980|>,<|idx:1981|>,<|idx:1982|>,<|idx:1983|>,<|idx:1984|>,<|idx:1985|>,<|idx:1986|>,<|idx:1987|>,<|idx:1988|>,<|idx:1989|>,<|idx:1990|>,<|idx:1991|>,<|idx:1992|>,<|idx:1993|>,<|idx:1994|>,<|idx:1995|>,<|idx:1996|>,<|idx:1997|>,<|idx:1998|>,<|idx:1999|>]);", parameters: 0b 2025-03-11T11:48:44.605328Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693724568, txId: 281474976716210] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10928, MsgBus: 17164 2025-03-11T11:48:46.227010Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517593245244399:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:46.227802Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bf/r3tmp/tmph3sVJO/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:46.374450Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:46.396103Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:46.396220Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:46.399223Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10928, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:46.510099Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.510123Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.510133Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.510295Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17164 TClient is connected to server localhost:17164 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:47.275794Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.291151Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:47.302233Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.496890Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.881321Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:48.046936Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.231509Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517593245244399:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:51.231595Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.531721Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517619015049956:2411], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.531851Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.619461Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.673386Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.749146Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.847137Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.891917Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.985716Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.293077Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517623310017794:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.293181Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.293568Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517623310017799:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.301416Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.318780Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517623310017801:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.393934Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517623310017868:3465] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.667238Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:55.669229Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:55.675193Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:01.357975Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:01.358008Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:03.304708Z node 3 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693743307, txId: 281474976715749] shutting down ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::ExecuteScriptWithResultsTtlAndForgetAfter [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19059, MsgBus: 6691 2025-03-11T11:48:00.046041Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517398181427436:2085];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:00.052888Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b9/r3tmp/tmpf7Oaam/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:00.537691Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:00.548749Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:00.548843Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:00.553962Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19059, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:00.681153Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.681178Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.681185Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:00.681319Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6691 TClient is connected to server localhost:6691 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:01.410397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.432221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.439642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.606926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:01.764267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:01.839263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:03.956166Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517411066331084:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.956281Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.409014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.495103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.529279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.568056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.615816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.659491Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.719120Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517415361298897:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.719214Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.719537Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517415361298902:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.724415Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:04.736381Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517415361298904:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.838859Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517415361298960:3456] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:05.046507Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517398181427436:2085];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:05.046577Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13090, MsgBus: 28460 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b9/r3tmp/tmpeSlXhr/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:06.997424Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:07.026097Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:07.030726Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:07.030821Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:07.033202Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13090, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:07.133082Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.133106Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.133115Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:07.133229Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28460 TClient is connected to server localhost:28460 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:07.597543Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.625000Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.705354Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:07.902392Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:07.987161Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:10.534365Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517438261 ... 3476] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:35.234406Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:35.236822Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:35.247214Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:39.923896Z node 4 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693719948, txId: 281474976710713] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:48:39.947057Z node 4 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionResultQueryActor] TraceId: 1005a133-896047f7-82ce8bee-6c7f485, State: Get results info, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: Results are expired }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YWQ5OGNhMzMtMmI0ZThlMmQtMTJlOTMwYmQtZTkyNzI0ZGQ=, TxId: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 61051, MsgBus: 8145 2025-03-11T11:48:43.508956Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[5:7480517583697754947:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:43.509321Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016b9/r3tmp/tmpJT4GaQ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:43.975372Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:44.038740Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.038860Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:44.039991Z node 5 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(5, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 61051, node 5 2025-03-11T11:48:44.173232Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:44.173263Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:44.173275Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:44.173439Z node 5 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8145 TClient is connected to server localhost:8145 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:44.896449Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.914457Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.003982Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.265279Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.391937Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:48.509626Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[5:7480517583697754947:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.509722Z node 5 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.071792Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517609467560367:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.071920Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:49.164440Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.373796Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.493448Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.611771Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.730907Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.967038Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.126630Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517613762528201:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.126755Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.127455Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [5:7480517613762528206:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.133394Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.157707Z node 5 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [5:7480517613762528208:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:50.253854Z node 5 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [5:7480517613762528271:3474] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.742450Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.745212Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.749369Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:58.962413Z node 5 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:58.962451Z node 5 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:59.996077Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionOperationQueryActor] TraceId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=ZTUwMTliY2MtYTA0Mzg4NTUtMWZiYTY2NTItZTBjYjhlMTU=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.193862Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TCheckLeaseStatusQueryActor] TraceId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=OGRlYzM0MmItZjUyN2MyNzUtZTFmMzQwNGYtYjk1YmZjNTY=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.783403Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TForgetScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, reply NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: No such execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.842198Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TCheckLeaseStatusQueryActor] TraceId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: No such execution }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=OTQ1YjY2MjQtN2EyMTA1MjItMjllNzMzZTYtZGNjNGZkMGM=, TxId: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.842347Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [ScriptExecutions] [TCancelScriptExecutionOperationActor] ExecutionId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, check lease failed 2025-03-11T11:49:03.420840Z node 5 :KQP_PROXY WARN: [TQueryBase] [TGetScriptExecutionResultQueryActor] TraceId: 33997e33-6fb49169-6e7c6b57-85097f01, State: Get results info, Finish with NOT_FOUND, Issues: {
: Error: Script execution not found }, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=5&id=OTMyOTVjMzEtZjM4ODVkNzItZmJiZjg1ZDItM2JiMmMzMTU=, TxId: >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionCloseWaitsForWrites [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionCloseIgnoresWrites >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNextGeneration >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest >> KqpScripting::SyncExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueries [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGeneration >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration2 >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultNegativeCase-useSink [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' is not created, Marker# PQ94" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.610374Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:04.615542Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:04.615921Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.615979Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.616030Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:04.616093Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.616143Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.616204Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.616895Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:258:2250], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:04.617029Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.636129Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.643568Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.643755Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.644761Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.644938Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.645441Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.645776Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.648263Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:04.648361Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:266:2256] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.648431Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.648489Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.649552Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:269:2258], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:04.803575Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:04.830965Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831477Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831562Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831606Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831644Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831718Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.831780Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.832528Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [2:403:2358], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:04.832586Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.832769Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.836203Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.836365Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.837301Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.837449Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.837925Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.838148Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:411:2364] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.840079Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:04.840146Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 0 generation 2 [2:411:2364] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.840201Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.840247Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.841025Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [2:414:2366], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:04.896341Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:04.926636Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:04.929664Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.929740Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.929786Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:04.929832Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.931002Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.931101Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:04.936259Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [2:463:2403], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:04.937352Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.938420Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.952905Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.953614Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:04.955677Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 3 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.955858Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.956918Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:04.957775Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [2:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.962453Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:04.962848Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [2:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:04.963068Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:04.963127Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Proc ... edTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.753811Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:06.753877Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:06.754605Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:522:2447], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.754731Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:06.754932Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 8(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.764046Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.764220Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:06.765285Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 8 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 8 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.765507Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766291Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766550Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.768841Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:06.768919Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [3:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.768981Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.769035Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.782422Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:533:2455], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.784287Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:539:2458], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.784625Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.784810Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:540:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.785170Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.785283Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:541:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.785531Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.797172Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:549:2466], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:06.902369Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:06.906943Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:06.907426Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:06.907487Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.907646Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.908959Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:06.909037Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:06.909192Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.909764Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910154Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:606:2511] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.912511Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.914247Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.914624Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915026Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915287Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915338Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915380Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915420Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915483Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [3:606:2511] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915563Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915618Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.916570Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [3:540:2459] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:06.916634Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [3:539:2458] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetPartitionStatusResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 Status: STATUS_OK LastInitDurationSeconds: 0 CreationTimestamp: 0 GapCount: 0 GapSize: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerDay: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerDay: 0 ReadBytesQuota: 0 WriteBytesQuota: 50000000 PartitionSize: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 LastWriteTimestampMs: 38 WriteLagMs: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerDay: 0 SourceIdCount: 0 SourceIdRetentionPeriodSec: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 AggregatedCounters { Values: 38 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 50000000 Values: 0 Values: 9223372036854775807 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 } Generation: 2 Cookie: 1 ScaleStatus: NORMAL } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionResult { Partition: 1 Status: STATUS_OK LastInitDurationSeconds: 0 CreationTimestamp: 0 GapCount: 0 GapSize: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgWriteSpeedPerDay: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgReadSpeedPerDay: 0 ReadBytesQuota: 0 WriteBytesQuota: 50000000 PartitionSize: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 LastWriteTimestampMs: 77 WriteLagMs: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerSec: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerMin: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerHour: 0 AvgQuotaSpeedPerDay: 0 SourceIdCount: 0 SourceIdRetentionPeriodSec: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 AggregatedCounters { Values: 77 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 50000000 Values: 0 Values: 9223372036854775807 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 1 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 Values: 0 } Generation: 2 Cookie: 1 ScaleStatus: NORMAL } PartitionResult { Partition: 2 Status: STATUS_UNKNOWN } ErrorCode: OK } } } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionWriteInHandlers [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryServiceScripts::Tcl [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3314, MsgBus: 21466 2025-03-11T11:48:18.029588Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517471008333385:2193];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:18.029717Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a8/r3tmp/tmpRV7EW8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:18.865547Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:18.865668Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:18.870618Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:18.897666Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3314, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:19.110522Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:19.110556Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:19.110564Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:19.110699Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21466 TClient is connected to server localhost:21466 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:19.781709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:19.804474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.820613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.036370Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.222419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:20.319095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:22.395753Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517492483171501:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:22.395867Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:22.762106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.800784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.853341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.902837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:22.949759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.027440Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.030544Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517471008333385:2193];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.030752Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.134218Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517496778139317:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.134299Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.134477Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517496778139322:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.138783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.156361Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517496778139324:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:23.218848Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517496778139381:3452] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8370, MsgBus: 29304 2025-03-11T11:48:26.066995Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517508951771097:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:26.067029Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a8/r3tmp/tmpgHCM0P/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:26.304876Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:26.338847Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:26.338923Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:26.343056Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8370, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:26.430487Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:26.430513Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:26.430519Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:26.430629Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29304 TClient is connected to server localhost:29304 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:27.112185Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:27.152370Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:27.242472Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:27.441355Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:27.622633Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateT ... aseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:30.865862Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517526131642625:3452] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:31.068873Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517508951771097:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.069067Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:32.638162Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.650553Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:32.652297Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:41.214124Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:41.214154Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8031, MsgBus: 29972 2025-03-11T11:48:47.574079Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517598699918053:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.651168Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a8/r3tmp/tmpPL2MWw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:47.841821Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:47.858243Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:47.858337Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:47.861597Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8031, node 3 2025-03-11T11:48:48.126607Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.126637Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.126648Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.126826Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29972 TClient is connected to server localhost:29972 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:49.657121Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.670772Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.678196Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.832102Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.303060Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.661328Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:52.522212Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517598699918053:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.522286Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.237376Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517637354625367:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.237490Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.303845Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.387573Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.508567Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.675617Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.790444Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.986589Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:57.130948Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517641649593208:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:57.131066Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:57.131368Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517641649593213:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:57.157544Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:57.205853Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517641649593215:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:57.265305Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517641649593274:3481] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.673182Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:59.688966Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710672:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:59.703546Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710673:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.672899Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517654534495810:2542], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:13: Error: At function: Commit!
:3:13: Error: COMMIT not supported inside YDB query, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:49:00.675113Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MjAyNzM4OWMtZDk2NTU0ZWQtNTBmNzYyNmMtNzZjMDg4M2M=, ActorId: [3:7480517654534495807:2541], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjrmc1dyb70eqmyyb2bs0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.822692Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:02.822722Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:03.647070Z node 3 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [3:7480517667419398566:2848], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:13: Error: At function: Commit!
:3:13: Error: ROLLBACK not supported inside YDB query, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:49:03.648373Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NjgwMWE2ZTgtYWRhMGJmZGMtZDZlOTQ5OGQtYjA4NTIwZDI=, ActorId: [3:7480517667419398562:2847], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjwec6e8nh0xd86mcnk65, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: >> KqpYql::TableNameConflict [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionNoAvailableDatabase [GOOD] >> KqpYql::Discard [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionSwitchDatabases >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::SyncExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueries [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 63788, MsgBus: 31147 2025-03-11T11:48:44.991915Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517587985581588:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:44.992491Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c03/r3tmp/tmpPUrfan/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:45.975390Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:45.995440Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:45.995541Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:46.006459Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:46.010117Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 63788, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:46.362471Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.362506Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.362524Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:46.362672Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31147 TClient is connected to server localhost:31147 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:47.253777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.304792Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.570899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:47.896459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:48.065134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.977554Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517587985581588:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.977654Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.492064Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517622345321605:2413], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.492250Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.090395Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.181800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.234156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.274723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.319764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.363271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.428754Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517626640289439:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.428854Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.429379Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517626640289444:2469], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.435206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.447782Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517626640289446:2470], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.521194Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517626640289500:3459] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.060522Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693736020, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 14916, MsgBus: 10834 2025-03-11T11:48:57.178426Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517642802381518:2257];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.178477Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001c03/r3tmp/tmpoMzVon/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:57.465981Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:57.476137Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:57.476232Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:57.483919Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14916, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:57.706569Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.706594Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.706602Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.706760Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:10834 TClient is connected to server localhost:10834 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:58.729919Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.765563Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.901035Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:59.523419Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:59.752817Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.182212Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517642802381518:2257];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:02.219424Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:03.172653Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517668572186869:2409], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.172803Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.257986Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.306640Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.380438Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.470528Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.546541Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.638894Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.871627Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517668572187396:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.871741Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.872256Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517668572187401:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.877093Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.898182Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517668572187403:2465], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:04.000573Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517668572187459:3466] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionWriteInHandlers [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:48.304945Z :WriteSessionWriteInHandlers INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693728304901 2025-03-11T11:48:48.912452Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517603828679239:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.996286Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de6/r3tmp/tmpqQMWIj/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:49.571143Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517606721865148:2221];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.571516Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.571608Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:49.576226Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:50.094186Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:50.452026Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:50.452136Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:50.464509Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:50.464602Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:50.466574Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:50.479390Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:50.482466Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:50.485130Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:50.592806Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11431, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:51.196623Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de6/r3tmp/yandexmj98xV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:51.196672Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de6/r3tmp/yandexmj98xV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:51.196882Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de6/r3tmp/yandexmj98xV.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:51.197110Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:51.322286Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 22474 GrpcPort 11431 TClient is connected to server localhost:22474 PQClient connected to localhost:11431 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:51.838791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:53.878130Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517603828679239:2079];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.878216Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.078291Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517606721865148:2221];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.078357Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.835531Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517633893451360:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.835665Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.842179Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517633893451395:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.850142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:55.893764Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517633893451398:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.970816Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517633893451488:2708] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.474576Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517633893451498:2353], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:56.476491Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTFhMDVmNDItZDMyYTFhNTMtMThmNmMyNTQtOTQwNGE4NzI=, ActorId: [1:7480517633893451358:2340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjmwm9qxvz0211j0exwxq, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:56.478645Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.491080Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.501061Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517636786636415:2319], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:56.502197Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTljNjEwMzEtYzUxMmU3MC05ZDI1N2FlZC1kMWM1MjE1Zg==, ActorId: [2:7480517636786636374:2312], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjnenbaxx0s7y8r6ktnq2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:56.502621Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.788264Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:57.090236Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:11431", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:48:57.823955Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjpbk0kbz04b038cxrqpp, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWUxZjg0MjItMTI2MmQ2ZS1jNjA4NjE3Zi1jMjg3YzU0OA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480517642483386512:3018] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:49:04.685642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710682:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:11431 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt ... 22 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.629037Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.638027Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0src_id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 0 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:06.642119Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037892' partition 0 offset 0 size 177 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658181Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658256Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user send read request for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 1 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658394Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658694Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user offset 0 count 1 size 1024000 endOffset 1 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658723Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658771Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 0. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658795Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:49:06.658861Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp done, result 1741693746589 queuesize 0 startOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.662400Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::IEventHandle 2025-03-11T11:49:06.665022Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: OnReadDone gRpcStatusCode: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.665711Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session got write response: acks { seq_no: 1 written { } } write_statistics { persisting_time { nanos: 30000000 } min_queue_wait_time { nanos: 8000000 } max_queue_wait_time { nanos: 8000000 } partition_quota_wait_time { } topic_quota_wait_time { } } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.665773Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] OnAck: seqNo=1, txId=? 2025-03-11T11:49:06.665813Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: acknoledged message 1 === Inside AcksHandler 2025-03-11T11:49:06.666231Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write 1 messages with Id from 2 to 2 === Inside ReadyToAcceptHandler 2025-03-11T11:49:06.666793Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:49:06.666832Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Send 1 message(s) (0 left), first sequence number is 2 === AcksHandler has written a message, closing the session 2025-03-11T11:49:06.667870Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0 grpc read done: success: 1 data: write_request[data omitted] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.668227Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::NPQ::TEvPartitionWriter::TEvWriteRequest 2025-03-11T11:49:06.670869Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:06.670906Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.670986Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 2 requestId: cookie: 2 2025-03-11T11:49:06.678720Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::IEventHandle 2025-03-11T11:49:06.683782Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:06.683829Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.683891Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic partition: 0 SourceId: '\0src_id' SeqNo: 2 partNo : 0 messageNo: 3 size 107 offset: -1 2025-03-11T11:49:06.684096Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\0src_id' seqNo 2 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766223Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 part blob complete sourceId '\0src_id' seqNo 2 partNo 0 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 1 PartNo 0 PackedSize 181 count 1 nextOffset 2 batches 1 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766757Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 compactOffset 1,1 HeadOffset 0 endOffset 1 curOffset 2 d0000000000_00000000000000000001_00000_0000000001_00000| size 169 WTime 1741693746765 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766903Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:49:06.766959Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 0 offset 1 partNo 0 count 1 size 169 2025-03-11T11:49:06.822234Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 0 offset 1 count 1 size 169 actorID [2:7480517675441342770:2436] 2025-03-11T11:49:06.822360Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 114 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.822409Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.822457Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0src_id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 2, partNo: 0, Offset: 1 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:06.822670Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 3 requestId: cookie: 2 2025-03-11T11:49:06.824711Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037892' partition 0 offset 1 size 169 2025-03-11T11:49:06.893680Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::IEventHandle 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910070Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: OnReadDone gRpcStatusCode: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910289Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session got write response: acks { seq_no: 2 written { offset: 1 } } write_statistics { persisting_time { nanos: 56000000 } min_queue_wait_time { nanos: 81000000 } max_queue_wait_time { nanos: 81000000 } partition_quota_wait_time { } topic_quota_wait_time { } } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910329Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] OnAck: seqNo=2, txId=? 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910365Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: acknoledged message 2 === Inside AcksHandler === Inside SessionClosedHandler 2025-03-11T11:49:06.910915Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write 1 messages with Id from 3 to 3 === SessionClosedHandler has 'written' a message 2025-03-11T11:49:06.911035Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: close. Timeout 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:06.911071Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:06.911111Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:06.911519Z :WARNING: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: could not confirm all writes in time or session aborted, perform hard shutdown 2025-03-11T11:49:06.911546Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:06.914938Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:06.914965Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915039Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915064Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|d4e3ae85-3a7a7e1a-5235ffeb-ee9e327f_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:06.915893Z node 1 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:49:06.918200Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [1:7480517681138093228:2552] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:06.918304Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:49:07.735408Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [1:7480517685433060605:2560] TxId: 281474976710694. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gk00mb3sbcaqnnb27pw2j, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWU3Y2JiZTQtZDkyNWZiYmQtMjczMzQ0MjYtM2JjYWMyZTg=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. UNAVAILABLE: Failed to send EvStartKqpTasksRequest because node is unavailable: 2 2025-03-11T11:49:07.736140Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517685433060613:2568], TxId: 281474976710694, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWU3Y2JiZTQtZDkyNWZiYmQtMjczMzQ0MjYtM2JjYWMyZTg=. TraceId : 01jp2gk00mb3sbcaqnnb27pw2j. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [1:7480517685433060605:2560], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:07.736502Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517685433060614:2569], TxId: 281474976710694, task: 4. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWU3Y2JiZTQtZDkyNWZiYmQtMjczMzQ0MjYtM2JjYWMyZTg=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2gk00mb3sbcaqnnb27pw2j. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [1:7480517685433060605:2560], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/unittest >> KqpPg::InsertValuesFromTableWithDefaultNegativeCase-useSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 64867, MsgBus: 21528 2025-03-11T11:47:42.672361Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517321850548718:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:42.672437Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c7f/r3tmp/tmpdqxFKI/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:43.195858Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:43.203470Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:43.203578Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:43.222309Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 64867, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:43.414616Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.414639Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.414646Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:43.414783Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21528 TClient is connected to server localhost:21528 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:44.371218Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:44.405748Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:46.685282Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517339030418572:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.685441Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.725408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:46.906297Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517339030418680:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.906373Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.924784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:46.990338Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517339030418761:2355], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.990461Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.991104Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517339030418766:2358], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:46.995662Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:47.018934Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517339030418768:2359], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:47.081309Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517343325386115:2449] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:47.675084Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517321850548718:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:47.675224Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 29096, MsgBus: 6850 2025-03-11T11:47:48.803981Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517345346396772:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:48.804024Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c7f/r3tmp/tmpwyFhLM/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:48.988974Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:49.010445Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:49.010547Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:49.011967Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29096, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:49.081561Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.081581Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.081589Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.081699Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6850 TClient is connected to server localhost:6850 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:49.708332Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:49.727322Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:52.358920Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517362526266603:2333], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.358981Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517362526266596:2330], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.359246Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.364294Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:52.380272Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517362526266625:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.480721Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517362526266676:2333] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.539065Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 Trying to start YDB, gRP ... Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.965579Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:44.969808Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.995816Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 31842, node 10 2025-03-11T11:48:45.202725Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.202777Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.202794Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:45.202987Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29544 TClient is connected to server localhost:29544 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:46.293423Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.444752Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517584300465699:2219];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.444846Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.997835Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517618660204559:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.998585Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [10:7480517618660204571:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.005754Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:53.006224Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.032785Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517618660204573:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.098581Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517622955171920:2350] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:53.239596Z node 10 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [10:7480517622955171929:2346], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiCreateTable!
:1:1: Error: Failed to parse default expr for typename int4, error reason: Error while converting text to binary: yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_terminator.cpp:47: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "text" 2025-03-11T11:48:53.242226Z node 10 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=10&id=NjE0YTc1Yi05MzY4NDE2ZC1lNmQ1MDUyMS1hNGUxYTRjNw==, ActorId: [10:7480517618660204557:2337], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjbkheszypn8dgvmb555q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiCreateTable!
:1:1: Error: Failed to parse default expr for typename int4, error reason: Error while converting text to binary: yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_terminator.cpp:47: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "text" Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12437, MsgBus: 25938 2025-03-11T11:48:55.706000Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[11:7480517634725451035:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c7f/r3tmp/tmpfLyhTg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:55.841709Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.066755Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:56.115396Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.115541Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.120935Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12437, node 11 2025-03-11T11:48:56.370698Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:56.370732Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:56.370748Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:56.370929Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25938 TClient is connected to server localhost:25938 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:57.947045Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:57.964789Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.646287Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[11:7480517634725451035:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.646383Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:06.137857Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517681970091822:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.138087Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.142610Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517681970091849:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.154460Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.176078Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [11:7480517681970091851:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.289937Z node 11 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [11:7480517681970091902:2357] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.339140Z node 11 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [11:7480517681970091911:2350], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiCreateTable!
:1:1: Error: Failed to parse default expr for typename int4, error reason: Error while converting text to binary: yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_terminator.cpp:47: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "text" 2025-03-11T11:49:06.341801Z node 11 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=11&id=MTIxM2JlOTAtYTIwNjcwYWMtYzVhODZiYmYtZTg0ZmI3M2U=, ActorId: [11:7480517681970091814:2341], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjq0aeghry56bsvqaerds, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:1:1: Error: At function: KiCreateTable!
:1:1: Error: Failed to parse default expr for typename int4, error reason: Error while converting text to binary: yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_terminator.cpp:47: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "text" >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest >> THiveTest::DrainWithHiveRestart [GOOD] >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveForwarding >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBalancerDescribeResultFailureWhenTopicsAreGivenExplicitly [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNextGeneration [GOOD] >> KqpPg::EquiJoin-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::ExplainColumnsReorder >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGeneration [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateTempTableSerial [FAIL] >> KqpPg::DropSequence >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailsOnBadRootStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic >> TLocksTest::GoodDupLock [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::CK_Range_GoodLock ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::TableNameConflict [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3340, MsgBus: 17676 2025-03-11T11:48:47.370463Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517599846700687:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.370981Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bdd/r3tmp/tmpnnuTKt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:48.313321Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:48.405411Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.405527Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:48.427899Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.429317Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3340, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:48.754517Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.754541Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.754549Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:48.754715Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17676 TClient is connected to server localhost:17676 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:50.240573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.293922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.314055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.968877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.814280Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:52.016743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:52.358169Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517599846700687:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.358239Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.747398Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517634206440713:2415], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.747515Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.264055Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.316378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.383723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.471308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.517464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.666929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.797623Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517638501408541:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.797928Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.798805Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517638501408546:2471], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.809975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.833642Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517638501408549:2472], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:56.917774Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517638501408605:3471] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 }
: Error: Table intent determination, code: 1040
:3:27: Error: CONCAT is not supported on Kikimr clusters. Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11605, MsgBus: 30907 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bdd/r3tmp/tmprj0Zua/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:01.224730Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:49:01.313556Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:01.349034Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:01.349154Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:01.351839Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11605, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:01.506708Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:01.506746Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:01.506758Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:01.506908Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30907 TClient is connected to server localhost:30907 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:02.145002Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.151171Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:02.162063Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.251483Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:02.447961Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.540747Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:05.755556Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517677441712266:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.755684Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.816275Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.864078Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.918726Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.964852Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.028989Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.160203Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.290169Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517681736680084:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.290294Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.290581Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517681736680089:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.295008Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.311395Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517681736680091:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.381600Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517681736680146:3455] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 }
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:12:30: Error: At function: KiCreateTable!
:12:30: Error: Table name conflict: db.[/Root/Test] is used to reference multiple tables. >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::Discard [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 14395, MsgBus: 24936 2025-03-11T11:48:46.760205Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517592873536786:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:46.760653Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001be6/r3tmp/tmpPTu97X/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:47.587016Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:47.594423Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:47.594579Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:47.604286Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14395, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:47.882983Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:47.883009Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:47.883016Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:47.883137Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24936 TClient is connected to server localhost:24936 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:49.224376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.278320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.300841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.739120Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.291834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.485379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.740622Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517592873536786:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:51.740712Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.084372Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517627233276803:2412], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.084503Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.594333Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.648863Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.732969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.774991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.820353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.889344Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.955905Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517627233277324:2464], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.956016Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.956315Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517627233277329:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:54.961830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:54.979909Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517627233277331:2468], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.048339Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517631528244681:3459] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8580, MsgBus: 15673 2025-03-11T11:48:58.334233Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517645971498434:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.445724Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001be6/r3tmp/tmpz8nbNS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:58.670201Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:58.725301Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:58.725429Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:58.735395Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8580, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:58.994879Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:58.994906Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:58.994917Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:58.995053Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15673 TClient is connected to server localhost:15673 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:00.398637Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.464785Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:00.647275Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:01.054541Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:01.182365Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:03.288988Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517645971498434:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:03.289109Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:05.394115Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517676036271116:2412], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.394263Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.510165Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.555424Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.617966Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.679007Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.741804Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.837416Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.924481Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517676036271636:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.924577Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.925021Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517676036271641:2466], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.929853Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.948083Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517676036271643:2467], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.008829Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517680331239002:3458] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.330030Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517688921173879:2503], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
:2:13: Error: DISCARD not supported in YDB queries, code: 2008 2025-03-11T11:49:08.332263Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjUxNjA0NGMtMjA2OTI5ZjItMWNkNWJhOWUtNDFiNGUyMTA=, ActorId: [2:7480517688921173872:2499], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gk0z83cawan0hassrxfre, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLock0 [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLock1 >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_NoReorder-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Serial+useSink >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration2 [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableSelect+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableSelect-useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "path \'Root/PQ\' has unknown/invalid root prefix \'Root\', Marker# PQ14" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--topic2, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'Root/PQ\' describe error, Status# LookupError, Marker# PQ1" ErrorCode: ERROR } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple partition 2 in TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic2\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionStatusMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 130 ErrorReason: "Timeout while waiting for response, may be just slow, Marker# PQ16" ErrorCode: ERROR } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.714363Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:09.735933Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736324Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736379Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736448Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736500Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736572Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.736659Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:09.737471Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:257:2249], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.737609Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.767273Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.775428Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.775652Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.776748Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.776983Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:09.777487Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:09.777865Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:265:2255] 2025-03-11T11:49:09.783073Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:09.783207Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:265:2255] 2025-03-11T11:49:09.783268Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.783317Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.784281Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:268:2257], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.868631Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873151Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873534Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873617Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873662Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873727Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873786Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.873861Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:09.874598Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:401:2356], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.874727Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.874933Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.877804Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.877975Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:09.878911Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:09.879053Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:09.879485Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:09.879784Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [2:409:2362] 2025-03-11T11:49:09.882158Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:09.882240Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [2:409:2362] 2025-03-11T11:49:09.882307Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.882361Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:09.883263Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:412:2364], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.884660Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:418:2367], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.885093Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:420:2368], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:09.885593Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [2:418:2367] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:09.886048Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server disconnected, pipe [2:420:2368] destroyed Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "path \'Root/PQ\' has unknown/invalid root prefix \'Root\', Marker# PQ14" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--topic2, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } |82.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/ut/ydb-core-tx-mediator-ut |82.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/ut/ydb-core-tx-mediator-ut |82.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/mediator/ut/ydb-core-tx-mediator-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedPartition [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "path \'Root/PQ\' has unknown/invalid root prefix \'Root\', Marker# PQ14" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'Root/PQ\' describe error, Status# LookupError, Marker# PQ1" ErrorCode: ERROR } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple partition 2 in TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic2\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } |82.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGenerationAndTransact [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst >> BasicUsage::GetAllStartPartitionSessions [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::PreferredDatabaseNoFallback >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout >> BasicUsage::BasicWriteSession [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::CloseWriteSessionImmediately >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesFirst [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveForwarding [GOOD] >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveDrain >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailsOnZeroBalancerTabletIdInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyReplies >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNotOkStatusInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyReplies [GOOD] |82.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNextGeneration [GOOD] |82.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/ut/ydb-core-tx-time_cast-ut |82.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/ut/ydb-core-tx-time_cast-ut |82.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/time_cast/ut/ydb-core-tx-time_cast-ut >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesTimeout [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyReplies [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 130 ErrorReason: "Timeout while waiting for response, may be just slow, Marker# PQ16" ErrorCode: ERROR } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' is not created, Marker# PQ94" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetTopicMetadataMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 130 ErrorReason: "Timeout while waiting for response, may be just slow, Marker# PQ16" ErrorCode: ERROR } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.176994Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:14.182892Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183304Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183368Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183417Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183480Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183531Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.183602Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.184325Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:259:2251], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.184482Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.205546Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.209136Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.209381Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.210430Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.210646Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.211114Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.211480Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.214200Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:14.214316Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.214386Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.214446Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.215378Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:270:2259], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.272958Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:14.276828Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277169Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277226Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277304Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277379Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277434Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.277498Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.278245Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [2:403:2358], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.278374Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.278572Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.281310Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.281495Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.282403Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.282541Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.282983Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.283237Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [2:411:2364] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.285516Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:14.285594Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [2:411:2364] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.285654Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.285710Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.286642Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [2:414:2366], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.306956Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312130Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312550Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312613Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312657Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312715Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312768Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.312840Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:14.313615Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:463:2403], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.313758Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.313997Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.317289Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.317464Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:14.318322Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 3 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:14.318468Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.318890Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:14.319138Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [2:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.321298Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:14.321381Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [2:471:2409] 2025-03-11T11:49:14.321468Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.321537Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:14.322600Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:474:2411], now have 1 active actors on pipe REQUEST MetaRequest { CmdGetReadSessionsInfo { ClientId: "client_id" Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" } } Ticket: "client_id@builtin" 2025-03-11T11:49:14.332779Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:483:2414], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.333379Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [2:486:2415], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.333691Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:487:2415], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:14.334685Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [2:483:2414] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:14.335340Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [2:486:2415] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:14.335440Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server disconnected, pipe [2:487:2415] destroyed RESULT Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetReadSessionsInfoResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 2 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 ErrorCode: INITIALIZING ErrorReason: "tablet for partition is not running" } PartitionResult { Partition: 1 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 2 ErrorCode: OK } PartitionResult { Partition: 2 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 2 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } } } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--topic2, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLockMax [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::Range_CorrectDot >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetReadSessionsInfoMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_AnswerDoesNotArrive [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:13.777645Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782386Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782761Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782813Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782851Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782921Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.782983Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.783045Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.783724Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [1:260:2252], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:13.783832Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.800088Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.806587Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.806785Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.807740Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.807908Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.808407Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.808802Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [1:268:2258] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.811956Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:13.812045Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [1:268:2258] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.812105Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.812167Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.813031Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [1:271:2260], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:13.904104Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:13.907504Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:13.907839Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.907891Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.907943Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:13.907983Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.908042Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.908104Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.908777Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [1:405:2360], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:13.908855Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.909041Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.911731Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.911859Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928137] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.912748Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137] Config applied version 2 actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.912861Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.913193Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.913445Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [1:413:2366] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.915557Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:13.915631Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 0 generation 2 [1:413:2366] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.915685Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.915746Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.916518Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [1:416:2368], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:13.938206Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:13.942719Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943066Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943122Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943165Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943233Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943276Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943335Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:13.943970Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [1:465:2405], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:13.944115Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.944296Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.946773Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.946905Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:13.947750Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 3 actor [1:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:13.947855Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.948200Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:13.948412Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [1:473:2411] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.950391Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:13.950456Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [1:473:2411] 2025-03-11T11:49:13.950504Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.950550Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:13.951293Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [1:476:2413], ... SQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.600184Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 11(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.611353Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.611552Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.612410Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 11 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 11 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.612613Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.613177Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.613479Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [3:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.615987Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:15.616170Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [3:470:2408] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.616246Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.616311Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.623150Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:473:2410], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.696499Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707110Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707458Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707527Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707573Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707618Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707675Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.707742Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:15.708474Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:522:2447], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.708549Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.708757Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 12(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.715336Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.715522Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.716239Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 12 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 12 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:15.716404Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.716809Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.717011Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.723586Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:15.723701Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [3:530:2453] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.723765Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.723819Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.724712Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:533:2455], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.726769Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:542:2458], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.727276Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server connected, pipe [3:544:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.727374Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:545:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.727441Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:546:2459], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.739117Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:560:2470], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:15.783288Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:15.786278Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:15.786693Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:15.786753Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.786914Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.787537Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:15.787600Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:15.787730Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.788119Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.788340Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:617:2515] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.793110Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.794649Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795032Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795348Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795573Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795619Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795664Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795702Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795763Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [3:617:2515] 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795822Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.795871Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:15.796865Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [3:542:2458] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:15.796937Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928137] server disconnected, pipe [3:544:2459] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:15.797010Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [3:545:2459] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetReadSessionsInfoResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionResult { Partition: 0 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } PartitionResult { Partition: 1 ClientOffset: 0 StartOffset: 0 EndOffset: 0 TimeLag: 0 TabletNode: "::1" ClientReadOffset: 0 ReadTimeLag: 0 TabletNodeId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } PartitionResult { Partition: 2 ErrorCode: INITIALIZING ErrorReason: "tablet for partition is not running" } ErrorCode: OK } } } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::SuccessfullyPassesResponsesFromTablets [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond |82.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldRegisterCheckNewGeneration [GOOD] |82.9%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TRegisterCheckTest::ShouldNotRegisterCheckPrevGeneration2 [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'/Root/PQ/\', Marker# PQ17" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'Root/PQ\', Marker# PQ150" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' has no balancer, Marker# PQ193" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "TopicRequest must have Topic field." ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::HandlesPipeDisconnection_DisconnectionComesSecond [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveDrain [GOOD] >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveMigration >> BasicUsage::FallbackToSingleDb [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::FallbackToSingleDbAfterBadRequest |82.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/ut/ydb-core-graph-ut |82.9%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/ut/ydb-core-graph-ut |82.9%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/graph/ut/ydb-core-graph-ut >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnFailedGetAllTopicsRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessage >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithSameNameAndSameParams >> KqpPg::AlterColumnSetDefaultFromSequence [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateTableIfNotExists_GenericQuery >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnNoBalancerInGetNodeRequest [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionOffsetsMetaRequestTest::FailesOnNotATopic [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 130 ErrorReason: "Timeout while waiting for response, may be just slow, Marker# PQ16" ErrorCode: ERROR } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.449295Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:16.453688Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454149Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454209Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454266Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454317Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454361Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.454423Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:16.455116Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:259:2251], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.455270Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.475983Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 1(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.479600Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.479807Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.480727Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 1 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 1 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.480898Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:16.481407Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:16.481766Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:16.484342Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:16.484440Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic1' partition 0 generation 2 [2:267:2257] 2025-03-11T11:49:16.484499Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic1 partitition 0 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.484553Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.485635Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:270:2259], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.549957Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553367Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553740Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553833Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553879Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553939Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.553998Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.554064Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:16.554849Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:405:2360], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.554964Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.555163Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 2(current 0) received from actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.558036Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.558219Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:16.559122Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 2 actor [2:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 2 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:16.559257Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:16.559680Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:16.559897Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [2:413:2366] 2025-03-11T11:49:16.561989Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:16.562066Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [2:413:2366] 2025-03-11T11:49:16.562129Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.562179Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.563093Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:416:2368], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.564898Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [2:424:2371], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.565208Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [2:426:2372], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:16.565382Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [2:424:2371] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:16.565792Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server disconnected, pipe [2:426:2372] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:17.345944Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:17.350632Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351038Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351094Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351135Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351177Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351235Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.351302Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.352011Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:257:2249], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.352146Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.352348Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config update version 3(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.355161Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.355349Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928037] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.356066Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037] Config applied version 3 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 0 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic1" Version: 3 Partitions { PartitionId: 0 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.356214Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.356630Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.356840Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928037, Partition: 0, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 0 [3:265:2255] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.359397Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic1:0:Initializer] Initializing c ... xId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.462060Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:17.462101Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.462152Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.462213Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.462999Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:461:2401], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.463069Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.463259Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config update version 5(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 5 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.466274Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 5 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.466414Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928138] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.467264Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138] Config applied version 5 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 1 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 5 Partitions { PartitionId: 1 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.467406Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.467823Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.468083Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 1 [3:469:2407] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.470335Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:1:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:17.470411Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 1 generation 2 [3:469:2407] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.470487Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 1 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.470565Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138, Partition: 1, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.471413Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:472:2409], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.492259Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:17.502398Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:17.502824Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.502879Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.502925Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] no config, start with empty partitions and default config 2025-03-11T11:49:17.502973Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.503023Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.503112Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.503886Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:521:2446], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.504020Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvPersQueue::TEvUpdateConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.504244Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config update version 6(current 0) received from actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 6 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.507543Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Apply new config CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 6 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.507695Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.508676Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Config applied version 6 actor [3:98:2133] txId 12345 config: CacheSize: 10485760 PartitionConfig { MaxCountInPartition: 20000000 MaxSizeInPartition: 104857600 LifetimeSeconds: 0 LowWatermark: 6291456 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 3600 MaxWriteInflightSize: 90000000 } PartitionIds: 2 TopicName: "rt3.dc1--topic2" Version: 6 Partitions { PartitionId: 2 } AllPartitions { PartitionId: 2 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.508849Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.509323Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.509587Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:529:2452] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.511806Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:17.511878Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 2 [3:529:2452] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.511939Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.511990Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.512922Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:532:2454], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.514837Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server connected, pipe [3:540:2457], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.514953Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server connected, pipe [3:541:2458], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.515073Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:542:2458], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.526914Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] server connected, pipe [3:547:2462], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:17.574591Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo 2025-03-11T11:49:17.587277Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Transactions request. From tx_00000000000000000000, To tx_18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:17.587861Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.587931Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] PlanStep 0, PlanTxId 0, ExecStep 0, ExecTxId 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.588106Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139] Txs.size=0, PlannedTxs.size=0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.589236Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE NOTICE: [PQ: 72057594037928139] disable metering: reason# billing is not enabled in BillingMeteringConfig 2025-03-11T11:49:17.589322Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139] doesn't have tx writes info 2025-03-11T11:49:17.589465Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitConfigStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.594226Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInternalFieldsStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.594622Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] bootstrapping 2 [3:604:2507] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.597387Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDiskStatusStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.603958Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitMetaStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.604533Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitInfoRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.604982Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataRangeStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605415Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitDataStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605493Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Start initializing step TInitEndWriteTimestampStep 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605556Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:TInitEndWriteTimestampStep] Initializing EndWriteTimestamp skipped because already initialized. 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605599Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [rt3.dc1--topic2:2:Initializer] Initializing completed. 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605674Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] init complete for topic 'rt3.dc1--topic2' partition 2 generation 3 [3:604:2507] 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605746Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateInit] SYNC INIT topic rt3.dc1--topic2 partitition 2 so 0 endOffset 0 Head Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 0 count 0 nextOffset 0 batches 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.605834Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928139, Partition: 2, State: StateIdle] Process pending events. Count 0 2025-03-11T11:49:17.611334Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928138] server disconnected, pipe [3:541:2458] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:17.611730Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72057594037928037] server disconnected, pipe [3:540:2457] destroyed RESPONSE Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetPartitionLocationsResult { TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic1" PartitionLocation { Partition: 0 Host: "::1" HostId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } TopicResult { Topic: "rt3.dc1--topic2" PartitionLocation { Partition: 1 Host: "::1" HostId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } PartitionLocation { Partition: 2 Host: "::1" HostId: 3 ErrorCode: OK } ErrorCode: OK } } } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--topic2, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Serial+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Serial-useSink >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrl >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamInIncorrectDb >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestPing >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnEmptyTopicName [GOOD] >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName >> KqpPg::ExplainColumnsReorder [GOOD] |82.9%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/ut/ydb-core-client-minikql_compile-ut |83.0%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/ut/ydb-core-client-minikql_compile-ut |83.0%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/client/minikql_compile/ut/ydb-core-client-minikql_compile-ut |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueue |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPointsAndRanges [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DropSequence [FAIL] >> KqpPg::DeleteWithQueryService+useSink >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveMigration [GOOD] >> THiveTest::TestCheckSubHiveMigrationManyTablets ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/server/ut/unittest >> TMessageBusServerPersQueueGetPartitionLocationsMetaRequestTest::FailsOnDuplicatedTopicName [GOOD] Test command err: Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "no path \'/Root/PQ/\', Marker# PQ17" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\' has no balancer, Marker# PQ193" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "TopicRequest must have Topic field." ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } Assert failed: Check response: { Status: 128 ErrorReason: "multiple TopicRequest for topic \'rt3.dc1--topic1\'" ErrorCode: BAD_REQUEST } >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestCreateCleanWithRetry >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestSimpleCreateClean >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageEmptyQueueUrl ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/unittest >> KqpPg::ExplainColumnsReorder [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8068, MsgBus: 4941 2025-03-11T11:47:44.229628Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517326843046853:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:44.229727Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5a/r3tmp/tmpphAUZl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:44.854038Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:44.857278Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:44.857373Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:44.862025Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8068, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:45.022381Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.022409Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.022418Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.022574Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:4941 TClient is connected to server localhost:4941 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:45.715685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:45.762105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:48.132915Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517344022916714:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.132915Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517344022916706:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.133070Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.137083Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:48.153404Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517344022916720:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.213330Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517344022916771:2338] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17505, MsgBus: 15491 2025-03-11T11:47:49.149497Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517351755782393:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:49.149561Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5a/r3tmp/tmp2X2geC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:49.275330Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:49.289186Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:49.289304Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:49.296790Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17505, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:49.378477Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.378500Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.378508Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:49.378641Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:15491 TClient is connected to server localhost:15491 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:49.852303Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:52.532208Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517364640684924:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.532334Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.532834Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517364640684936:2334], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.537515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:52.568148Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517364640684938:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:52.627298Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517364640684990:2333] txid# 281474976715659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10360, MsgBus: 17858 2025-03-11T11:47:53.462237Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517369385596608:2145];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:53.463873Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5a/r3tmp/tmp4FtN49/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:53.682412Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:53.683111Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:53.683201Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:53.686338Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10360, node 3 2025-03-11T11:47:53.780908Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:53.780931Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:53.780939Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:53.781074Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17858 TClient is connected to server localhost:17858 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 Schemes ... you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.841272Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:52.886120Z node 10 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [10:7480517621176911670:2367], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:52.976876Z node 10 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [10:7480517621176911723:2466] txid# 281474976715661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7360, MsgBus: 2988 2025-03-11T11:48:56.344416Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[11:7480517635942315040:2190];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.354208Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5a/r3tmp/tmpcyrquB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:56.752998Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.753183Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.757516Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:56.809747Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7360, node 11 2025-03-11T11:48:57.058790Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.058822Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.058846Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:57.059091Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2988 TClient is connected to server localhost:2988 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:58.617595Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.628130Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:01.346732Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[11:7480517635942315040:2190];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:01.346845Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:05.560602Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517674597021252:2338], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.560747Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.589121Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.684366Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.823563Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517674597021427:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.823730Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.829642Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517674597021432:2359], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.836849Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710660:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.870067Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [11:7480517674597021434:2360], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710660 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.943520Z node 11 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [11:7480517674597021486:2456] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.804546Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TCleanupTablesActor] ActorId: [12:323:2366], Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Retry LookupError for table .metadata/workload_manager/delayed_requests } 2025-03-11T11:49:17.805040Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:49:17.805361Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/workload_manager/classifiers/resource_pool_classifiers;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c5a/r3tmp/tmpzJJ8aL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:18.248764Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:18.317090Z node 12 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:18.358806Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:18.359043Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:18.371524Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:18.474743Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [12:642:2550], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:18.474959Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [12:652:2555], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:18.475098Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:18.487246Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:18.632984Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [12:656:2558], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:18.712243Z node 12 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [12:728:2599] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } PreparedQuery: "fda3406e-6102fad8-921c4393-4b360be" QueryAst: "(\n(let $1 (PgType \'int4))\n(let $2 \'(\'(\'\"_logical_id\" \'218) \'(\'\"_id\" \'\"9e43957a-e1ed03b8-db4a0d88-ad0be3ac\") \'(\'\"_partition_mode\" \'\"single\")))\n(let $3 (DqPhyStage \'() (lambda \'() (Iterator (AsList (AsStruct \'(\'\"x\" (PgConst \'1 $1)) \'(\'\"y\" (PgConst \'2 $1)))))) $2))\n(let $4 (DqCnResult (TDqOutput $3 \'\"0\") \'(\'\"y\" \'\"x\")))\n(return (KqpPhysicalQuery \'((KqpPhysicalTx \'($3) \'($4) \'() \'(\'(\'\"type\" \'\"generic\")))) \'((KqpTxResultBinding (ListType (StructType \'(\'\"x\" $1) \'(\'\"y\" $1))) \'\"0\" \'\"0\")) \'(\'(\'\"type\" \'\"query\"))))\n)\n" QueryPlan: "{\"Plan\":{\"Plans\":[{\"PlanNodeId\":2,\"Plans\":[{\"PlanNodeId\":1,\"Operators\":[{\"Inputs\":[],\"Iterator\":\"[{x: \\\"1\\\",y: \\\"2\\\"}]\",\"Name\":\"Iterator\"}],\"Node Type\":\"ConstantExpr\"}],\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet\",\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\"}],\"Node Type\":\"Query\",\"Stats\":{\"ResourcePoolId\":\"default\"},\"PlanNodeType\":\"Query\"},\"meta\":{\"version\":\"0.2\",\"type\":\"query\"},\"tables\":[],\"SimplifiedPlan\":{\"PlanNodeId\":0,\"Plans\":[{\"PlanNodeId\":1,\"Node Type\":\"ResultSet\",\"PlanNodeType\":\"ResultSet\"}],\"Node Type\":\"Query\",\"OptimizerStats\":{\"EquiJoinsCount\":0,\"JoinsCount\":0},\"PlanNodeType\":\"Query\"}}" YdbResults { columns { name: "y" type { pg_type { oid: 23 } } } columns { name: "x" type { pg_type { oid: 23 } } } } QueryDiagnostics: "" >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::MissingAction >> RetryPolicy::RetryWithBatching [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::DifferentContentTypes >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::UnauthorizedGetShardIteratorRequest >> KqpQueryService::CloseSessionsWithLoad [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::ClosedSessionRemovedFromPool >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestCreateWorkloadSerivceTables [GOOD] >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestPoolStateFetcherActor |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageStoragePoolMonTest::SizeClassCalcTest [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestReservedResourcesMetering |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest >> TBlobStorageStoragePoolMonTest::SizeClassCalcTest [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CreateTableIfNotExists_GenericQuery [GOOD] >> KqpPg::AlterColumnSetDefaultFromSequenceWithSchemaname >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithSameNameAndSameParams [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessage [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamInIncorrectDb [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestPing [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionCloseIgnoresWrites [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessage >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamWithInvalidName >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithSameNameAndDifferentParams >> DataStreams::TestNonChargeableUser ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_order/unittest >> DataShardTxOrder::RandomPointsAndRanges [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:46:45.007675Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828672, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvBoot 2025-03-11T11:46:45.053367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:46:45.053434Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:46:45.068030Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInit, received event# 268828673, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvRestored 2025-03-11T11:46:45.068557Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: TDataShard::OnActivateExecutor: tablet 9437184 actor [1:130:2153] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.068879Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.117086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateInactive, received event# 268828684, Sender [1:107:2139], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerSyncComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.159461Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.159704Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161286Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecords: QueueSize: 0, at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161358Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadLockChangeRecords at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadChangeRecordCommits at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInit::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.161833Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Execute 2025-03-11T11:46:45.168222Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: DataShard 9437184 persisting started state actor id [1:197:2153] in generation 2 2025-03-11T11:46:45.239719Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TDataShard::TTxInitRestored::Complete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.277692Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Switched to work state WaitScheme tabletId 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.277932Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme: missing processing params 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278049Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Change sender created: at tablet: 9437184, actorId: [1:212:2210] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278086Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Trying to activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278126Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: Cannot activate change sender: at tablet: 9437184, state: WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278161Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278375Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278433Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278740Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278850Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxCheckInReadSets::Complete found 0 read sets to remove in 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278914Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.278973Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279021Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279067Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279107Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279142Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD INFO: No tx to execute at 9437184 TxInFly 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279173Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279338Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:208:2207], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279389Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.279440Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:206:2206], serverId# [1:208:2207], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282299Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269549568, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimrTxDataShard.TEvProposeTransaction TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } TxBody: "\nK\n\006table1\020\r\032\t\n\003key\030\002 \"\032\014\n\005value\030\200$ 8\032\n\n\004uint\030\002 9(\":\n \000Z\006\010\010\030\001(\000J\014/Root/table1" TxId: 1 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 4200 ProcessingParams { } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282371Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvDataShard::TEvProposeTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282458Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282617Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282686Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Propose scheme transaction at tablet 9437184 txId 1 ssId 4200 seqNo 0:0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282748Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Prepared scheme transaction txId 1 at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282796Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282840Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit CheckSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282895Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.282930Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283239Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayCompleteNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283297Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283333Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283373Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283444Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [0:1] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283480Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [0:1] at 9437184 executing on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283515Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [0:1] at 9437184 to execution unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283561Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [0:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.283594Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [0:1] at 9437184 is not ready to execute on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.302835Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProposeTransactionBase::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.302922Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit StoreSchemeTx 2025-03-11T11:46:45.302964Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [0:1] at 9437184 on unit FinishPropose 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303023Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Propose transaction complete txid 1 at tablet 9437184 send to client, exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 1 ms, status: PREPARED 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303105Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: 9437184 not sending time cast registration request in state WaitScheme 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303664Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269877761, Sender [1:218:2216], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303720Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303783Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Server connected at leader tablet# 9437184, clientId# [1:217:2215], serverId# [1:218:2216], sessionId# [0:0:0] 2025-03-11T11:46:45.303974Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287424, Sender [1:98:2133], Recipient [1:130:2153]: {TEvPlanStep step# 1000001 MediatorId# 0 TabletID 9437184} 2025-03-11T11:46:45.304012Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvPlanStep 2025-03-11T11:46:45.304177Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.304226Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.304267Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit WaitForPlan 2025-03-11T11:46:45.304320Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309254Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Planned transaction txId 1 at step 1000001 at tablet 9437184 { Transactions { TxId: 1 AckTo { RawX1: 98 RawX2: 4294969429 } } Step: 1000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 9437184 } 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309343Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309576Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [1:130:2153], Recipient [1:130:2153]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309614Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309676Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309735Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309777Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309815Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready operation [1000001:1] in PlanQueue unit at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309867Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309945Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.309983Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit PlanQueue 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310018Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310051Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310235Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: LoadTxDetails at 9437184 loaded tx from db 1000001:1 keys extracted: 0 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310271Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310309Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadTxDetails 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310335Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310406Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310481Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000001:1] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310516Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000001:1] at 9437184 executing on unit ProtectSchemeEchoes 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310559Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000001:1] at 9437184 to execution unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310602Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000001:1] at 9437184 on unit BuildAndWaitDependencies 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310666Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically complete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310703Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Operation [1000001:1] is the new logically incomplete end at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310733Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Activated operation [1000001:1] at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:46:45.310771Z node 1 :TX_D ... tus for [1000004:403] at 9437185 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874435Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437185 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874462Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000004:403] at 9437185 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874498Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874774Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437185 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874801Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437185 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874826Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000004:403] at 9437185 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874852Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437185 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874883Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437185 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874904Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437185 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874929Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437185 has finished 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874957Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437185 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.874995Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:49:16.875019Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437185 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.875045Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:49:16.897481Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.897551Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:402] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.897616Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 402] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [4:98:2133], exec latency: 3 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:16.897685Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 402 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 399} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.897720Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898019Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898055Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:403] at 9437186 on unit StoreAndSendOutRS 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898093Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send RS 400 at 9437186 from 9437186 to 9437184 txId 403 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898164Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898203Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898236Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898264Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:403] at 9437186 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898318Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 403] from 9437186 at tablet 9437186 send result to client [4:98:2133], exec latency: 0 ms, propose latency: 2 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898377Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437186 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.898418Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899297Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [4:455:2397], Recipient [4:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 402 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 399} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899371Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899415Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 402 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899881Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287425, Sender [4:455:2397], Recipient [4:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437186 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletProducer# 9437186 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 400 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899934Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSet 2025-03-11T11:49:16.899976Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS at 9437184 source 9437186 dest 9437184 producer 9437186 txId 403 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900074Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Execute at 9437184 got read set: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437186 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletProducer# 9437186 ReadSet.Size()# 7 Seqno# 400 Flags# 0} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900132Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Filled readset for [1000004:403] from=9437186 to=9437184origin=9437186 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900222Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxReadSet::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900334Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [4:455:2397], Recipient [4:344:2311]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437185 TabletDest# 9437186 SetTabletConsumer# 9437186 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900375Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:49:16.900411Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437185 source 9437185 dest 9437186 consumer 9437186 txId 403 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901060Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 2146435072, Sender [4:232:2225], Recipient [4:232:2225]: NKikimr::NDataShard::TDataShard::TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901116Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvPrivate::TEvProgressTransaction 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901181Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Execute at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901230Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 active 1 active planned 1 immediate 0 planned 1 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901303Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Found ready candidate operation [1000004:403] at 9437184 for LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901342Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437184 on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901392Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901433Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437184 executing on unit LoadAndWaitInRS 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901470Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000004:403] at 9437184 to execution unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:49:16.901508Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437184 on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:49:16.902966Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Executed operation [1000004:403] at tablet 9437184 with status COMPLETE 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903036Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Datashard execution counters for [1000004:403] at 9437184: {NSelectRow: 1, NSelectRange: 1, NUpdateRow: 3, NEraseRow: 0, SelectRowRows: 1, SelectRowBytes: 8, SelectRangeRows: 45, SelectRangeBytes: 360, UpdateRowBytes: 21, EraseRowBytes: 0, SelectRangeDeletedRowSkips: 0, InvisibleRowSkips: 0} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903105Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437184 is ExecutedNoMoreRestarts 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903139Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437184 executing on unit ExecuteDataTx 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903175Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000004:403] at 9437184 to execution unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903212Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903514Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437184 is DelayComplete 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903553Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437184 executing on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903591Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Add [1000004:403] at 9437184 to execution unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903625Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Trying to execute [1000004:403] at 9437184 on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903672Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution status for [1000004:403] at 9437184 is Executed 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903703Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Advance execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437184 executing on unit CompletedOperations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903734Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Execution plan for [1000004:403] at 9437184 has finished 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903771Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: GetNextActiveOp at 9437184 (dry run) active 0 active planned 0 immediate 0 planned 0 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903803Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Check candidate unit PlanQueue at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903839Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: TPlanQueueUnit at 9437184 has no attached operations 2025-03-11T11:49:16.903878Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Unit PlanQueue has no ready operations at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.937338Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437185 2025-03-11T11:49:16.937417Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:403] at 9437185 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.937499Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 403] from 9437185 at tablet 9437185 send result to client [4:98:2133], exec latency: 3 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:16.937582Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437185 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437185 SetTabletConsumer# 9437185 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.937629Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437185 2025-03-11T11:49:16.938396Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [4:344:2311], Recipient [4:232:2225]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437184 TabletDest# 9437185 SetTabletConsumer# 9437185 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.938458Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:49:16.938503Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437184 source 9437184 dest 9437185 consumer 9437185 txId 403 2025-03-11T11:49:16.973811Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: TTxProgressTransaction::Complete at 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.973920Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: Complete execution for [1000004:403] at 9437184 on unit CompleteOperation 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974006Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Complete [1000004 : 403] from 9437184 at tablet 9437184 send result to client [4:98:2133], exec latency: 3 ms, propose latency: 5 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974093Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Send delayed Ack RS Ack at 9437184 {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437186 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974142Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: [CdcStreamHeartbeat] Emit heartbeats: at tablet# 9437184 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974544Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, received event# 269287938, Sender [4:232:2225], Recipient [4:455:2397]: {TEvReadSet step# 1000004 txid# 403 TabletSource# 9437186 TabletDest# 9437184 SetTabletConsumer# 9437184 Flags# 0 Seqno# 400} 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974599Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD TRACE: StateWork, processing event TEvTxProcessing::TEvReadSetAck 2025-03-11T11:49:16.974642Z node 4 :TX_DATASHARD DEBUG: Receive RS Ack at 9437186 source 9437186 dest 9437184 consumer 9437184 txId 403 |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestUpdateStorage >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsStreamWithSingleShard >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrl [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestBadJson |83.0%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueue [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/persqueue_public/ut/with_offset_ranges_mode_ut/unittest >> RetryPolicy::RetryWithBatching [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:22.467330Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.467362Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.470606Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:43:22.471173Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:22.471229Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.471268Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.472725Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.005948s 2025-03-11T11:43:22.482382Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:22.482433Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.482461Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.482523Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.006198s 2025-03-11T11:43:22.483837Z :ERROR: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Got error. Status: INTERNAL_ERROR. Description: 2025-03-11T11:43:22.483877Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.483906Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:43:22.483969Z :DEBUG: [db] [sessionid] [cluster] Reconnecting session to cluster cluster in 0.007575s 2025-03-11T11:43:22.518282Z :TWriteSession_TestPolicy INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693402518243 2025-03-11T11:43:23.480004Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480516205653258589:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:23.480222Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.073743Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480516208001835758:2223];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.074100Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:43:24.077591Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00153c/r3tmp/tmp1Uatbh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:43:24.239552Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.558038Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:43:24.947811Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:24.947924Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:24.948940Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:43:24.948992Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:43:24.961025Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:43:24.961163Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:43:24.962875Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:43:24.967768Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16764, node 1 2025-03-11T11:43:25.167885Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.167911Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:43:25.318516Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00153c/r3tmp/yandexv8RfYc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:25.318546Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00153c/r3tmp/yandexv8RfYc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:25.318724Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00153c/r3tmp/yandexv8RfYc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:43:25.318856Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:43:25.454188Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 11833 GrpcPort 16764 TClient is connected to server localhost:11833 PQClient connected to localhost:16764 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:43:26.041804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:26.147295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:43:28.486240Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480516205653258589:2280];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:28.486292Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:28.574010Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480516208001835758:2223];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:43:28.574085Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:43:29.669732Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516233771639711:2315], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.669737Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516231423063212:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.669860Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516231423063193:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.670054Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.674006Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480516233771639678:2311], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.674147Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.687566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:43:29.694491Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480516231423063251:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.694566Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.706284Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516233771639717:2126] txid# 281474976715657, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.736291Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480516233771639716:2316], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.735850Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480516231423063222:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.827472Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480516231423063307:2707] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:29.836278Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480516233771639744:2132] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:43:30.017125Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480516233771639751:2320], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: E ... --test-topic' partition 0 part blob processing sourceId '\0test-message-group-id' seqNo 10 partNo 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.896279Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 part blob complete sourceId '\0test-message-group-id' seqNo 10 partNo 0 FormedBlobsCount 0 NewHead: Offset 0 PartNo 0 PackedSize 1612 count 10 nextOffset 10 batches 1 2025-03-11T11:49:18.897946Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Add new write blob: topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 compactOffset 0,10 HeadOffset 0 endOffset 0 curOffset 10 d0000000000_00000000000000000000_00000_0000000010_00000| size 1208 WTime 1741693758895 2025-03-11T11:49:18.898222Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough write request to KV 2025-03-11T11:49:18.898343Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: CacheProxy. Passthrough blob. Partition 0 offset 0 partNo 0 count 10 size 1208 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907459Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Caching head blob in L1. Partition 0 offset 0 count 10 size 1208 actorID [17:7480517726224140381:2656] 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907632Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::HandleWriteResponse writeNewSize# 1230 WriteNewSizeFromSupportivePartitions# 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907700Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907779Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 1, partNo: 0, Offset: 0 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907814Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907850Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 2, partNo: 0, Offset: 1 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907871Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907907Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 3, partNo: 0, Offset: 2 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907931Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.907962Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 4, partNo: 0, Offset: 3 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908227Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908260Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 5, partNo: 0, Offset: 4 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908283Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908317Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 6, partNo: 0, Offset: 5 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908360Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908629Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 7, partNo: 0, Offset: 6 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908661Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908694Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 8, partNo: 0, Offset: 7 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908717Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908756Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 9, partNo: 0, Offset: 8 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908780Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyWrite. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.908813Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Answering for message sourceid: '\0test-message-group-id', Topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic', Partition: 0, SeqNo: 10, partNo: 0, Offset: 9 is stored on disk 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909058Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 0 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909106Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user send read request for offset 0 initiated queuesize 0 startOffset 0 ReadingTimestamp 1 rrg 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909211Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 1 requestId: cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909320Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NKikimr::TEvPersQueue::TEvResponse 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909344Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user offset 0 count 1 size 1024000 endOffset 10 max time lag 0ms effective offset 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909407Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] read cookie 0 added 0 blobs, size 0 count 0 last offset 0, current partition end offset: 10 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909661Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Reading cookie 0. All data is from uncompacted head. 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909686Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: FormAnswer for 0 blobs 2025-03-11T11:49:18.909764Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 user user readTimeStamp done, result 1741693758891 queuesize 0 startOffset 0 2025-03-11T11:49:18.911931Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session got write response: sequence_numbers: 1 sequence_numbers: 2 sequence_numbers: 3 sequence_numbers: 4 sequence_numbers: 5 sequence_numbers: 6 sequence_numbers: 7 sequence_numbers: 8 sequence_numbers: 9 sequence_numbers: 10 offsets: 0 offsets: 1 offsets: 2 offsets: 3 offsets: 4 offsets: 5 offsets: 6 offsets: 7 offsets: 8 offsets: 9 already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false already_written: false write_statistics { persist_duration_ms: 13 queued_in_partition_duration_ms: 4 } 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912076Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 1 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912137Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 2 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912175Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 3 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912200Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 4 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912232Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 5 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912461Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 6 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912482Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 7 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912523Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 8 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912560Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 9 2025-03-11T11:49:18.912607Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: acknoledged message 10 2025-03-11T11:49:18.913114Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:18.913178Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:18.913410Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:18.914042Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:18.914103Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [test-message-group-id] SessionId [test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:18.914093Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: PQ Cache (L2). Adding blob. Tablet '72075186224037892' partition 0 offset 0 size 1208 2025-03-11T11:49:18.953171Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 7 sessionId: test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:18.953230Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 7 sessionId: test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:18.953300Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 7 sessionId: test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:18.953336Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 7 sessionId: test-message-group-id|4300acac-bc68be6a-892e4e86-208055c0_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:18.955625Z node 17 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:49:18.959926Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [17:7480517730519107936:2684] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:18.959983Z node 17 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. >> KqpPg::InsertFromSelect_Serial-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_ColumnOrder+useSink >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrlOfNotExistingQueue >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithBadQueueName ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::WriteSessionCloseIgnoresWrites [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:46.883272Z :WriteSessionCloseWaitsForWrites INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693726883235 2025-03-11T11:48:47.654125Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517600193333788:2100];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.666640Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:47.709304Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517597603755926:2142];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.121749Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.122117Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:48.137028Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001e02/r3tmp/tmpuTyswG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:48.671353Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:48.901710Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.901848Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:48.911053Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.911149Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:48.924119Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.924349Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:48.925608Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:48.974235Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25760, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:49.088067Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:49.088169Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:49.421356Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001e02/r3tmp/yandexKCNnbS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:49.421392Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001e02/r3tmp/yandexKCNnbS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:49.421565Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001e02/r3tmp/yandexKCNnbS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:49.421701Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:49.628905Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 9890 GrpcPort 25760 TClient is connected to server localhost:9890 PQClient connected to localhost:25760 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:50.851882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:52.650928Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517600193333788:2100];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.650982Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.709859Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517597603755926:2142];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.709960Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.272803Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517631963494548:2314], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.273005Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.277534Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517631963494575:2317], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.324137Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:55.377872Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517631963494577:2318], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.517270Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517631963494607:2137] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.984791Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517631963494614:2323], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:55.986219Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzkzYzYxOGYtODk5NmU3NTMtZGY4MTg2NDAtNzM0OGM2MDE=, ActorId: [2:7480517631963494546:2313], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjm9a67tm7snfbrmswhdh, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:55.988788Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.986901Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517634553073288:2349], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:48:55.988513Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTQ5YzZhZDMtNjhjZDJlNzgtNTE4NGVhZjctNjljZTVhYWE=, ActorId: [1:7480517634553073238:2341], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjmh6f4s1g6d4bcvfhy5v, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:48:55.988976Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:55.998986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.314257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.613212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:25760", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:48:57.412389Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjnwmaxgz9rayf8xjj9ee, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWRhZjhlN2MtOWNiYTc0NDYtNjU0NTZkMTgtM2YwNDcxOWE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480517643143008321:3023] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:49:03.746100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710678:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:25760 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.94 ... YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037892 Status: Active } AlterVersion: 1 BalancerTabletID: 72075186224037893 NextPartitionId: 1 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 12 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 6 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } Path: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--test-topic" name rt3.dc1--test-topic version1 CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:22137 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--test-topic, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC 2025-03-11T11:49:20.560211Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:22137 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:21.065501Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--test-topic, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:22137 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:21.576720Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetTopicMetadataResult { TopicInfo { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" NumPartitions: 1 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 8388608 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 20000000 BurstSize: 20000000 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } Version: 1 LocalDC: true Codecs { Ids: 0 Ids: 1 Ids: 2 Codecs: "raw" Codecs: "gzip" Codecs: "lzop" } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--test-topic" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } Version: 0 Important: false } } ErrorCode: OK } } } === Topic created, have version: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:21.594026Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:49:21.594723Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: Do CDS request 2025-03-11T11:49:21.594770Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Start write session. Will connect to endpoint: localhost:22137 2025-03-11T11:49:21.605122Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: send init request: init_request { topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" } 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608332Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608366Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 1 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608652Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: grpc read done: success: 1 data: init_request { topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" } 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608722Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 1 topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" from ipv6:[::1]:36382 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608738Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=1 sessionId= userAgent="pqv1 server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:36382 proto=v1 topic=test-topic durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.608748Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:49:21.610383Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:49:21.610523Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND SourceId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:49:21.610577Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64;DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` (Hash, Topic, SourceId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:49:21.613534Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND SourceId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:49:21.613575Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) StartKqpSession 2025-03-11T11:49:21.616392Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Select from the table 2025-03-11T11:49:21.800859Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) RequestPQRB 2025-03-11T11:49:21.802405Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517744404931699:2509] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:21.802554Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Received partition 0 from PQRB for SourceId=src 2025-03-11T11:49:21.802593Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:49:21.807931Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517744404931699:2509] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:21.807969Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517744404931699:2509] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:49:21.937421Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:49:21.937468Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:21.937484Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517744404931656:2509] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:49:21.937517Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:21.938613Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [3:7480517744404931721:2509], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:21.939562Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 4, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:21.939976Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:21.940014Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.940099Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:49:21.940226Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.940280Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.941114Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:21.941140Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.941205Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.941633Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 2025-03-11T11:49:21.942489Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693761942 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:21.942587Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:49:21.942743Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:21.942776Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:21.942806Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:21.943154Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:21.943185Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:21.947086Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:21.947114Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:21.947141Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:21.947156Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|c5623c9a-2562dc2-2b10d099-aabd0f6a_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:21.947830Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:49:21.948544Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517744404931721:2509] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:21.948596Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. Session was created >>> Ready to answer: ok 2025-03-11T11:49:22.019981Z :ERROR: [/Root] OnFederationDiscovery: Got error. Status: UNAVAILABLE. Description: 2025-03-11T11:49:23.649702Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:23.649732Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageEmptyQueueUrl [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DeleteWithQueryService+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::DeleteWithQueryService-useSink >> BasicUsage::PropagateSessionClosed [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::ReadMirrored >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsOfAnauthorizedUser >> DataStreams::TestUpdateStream >> DataStreams::TestControlPlaneAndMeteringData >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageFifoQueue >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::MissingAction [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::CloseWriteSessionImmediately [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetShardIterator >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::DifferentContentTypes [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::PutRecordsWithLongExplicitHashKey >> TCheckGenerationTest::ShouldRollbackTransactionWhenCheckFails >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestPutRecords >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStream >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::UnauthorizedGetShardIteratorRequest [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableArrayInsert-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::Returning+useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::CloseWriteSessionImmediately [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:49.842038Z :BasicWriteSession INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693729842006 2025-03-11T11:48:51.297713Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517616603665780:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:51.297765Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:51.578759Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517615140158727:2093];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:51.578837Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.001399Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de5/r3tmp/tmpRMF4Qo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:52.046062Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:52.481583Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.638066Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:52.667296Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:52.683984Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:52.684082Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:52.690739Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:52.690802Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:52.704777Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:52.704915Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:52.707131Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15124, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:53.136547Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de5/r3tmp/yandexIzG1eS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:53.136570Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de5/r3tmp/yandexIzG1eS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:53.136762Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001de5/r3tmp/yandexIzG1eS.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:53.136869Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:53.286502Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 23427 GrpcPort 15124 TClient is connected to server localhost:23427 PQClient connected to localhost:15124 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:54.165222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:56.298081Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517616603665780:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.298155Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.568434Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517615140158727:2093];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.568535Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:59.805747Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: TraceId: "01jp2gjkjc4r6p7bfg09r8f95d", Request deadline has expired for 0.380828s seconds 2025-03-11T11:48:59.918065Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517650963405220:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.918254Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.924580Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517650963405250:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.929378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:59.976470Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517650963405252:2354], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.071812Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517655258372624:2714] txid# 281474976715662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.647857Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517655258372635:2358], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:00.649412Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmViZjEwMzktZmJiYmMwNjctYzdiYmEzZjAtZTZiZGQ4NzY=, ActorId: [1:7480517650963405217:2347], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjrv62pv7cb10mkj52gsw, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:00.648299Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517653794864719:2322], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:00.649601Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDliODIyMGYtZGE2N2EyNzUtYTU1OTM2MjktZjliMGIzNDk=, ActorId: [2:7480517653794864671:2316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjs23emy0qf9ghnmmvj51, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:00.651722Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.652321Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.658912Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.950740Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:01.305181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:15124", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:49:01.924026Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715666. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjtfq09yccvcwr2as4yvz, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWVhMTM5OTctOWRjZThjM2EtM2VkOTM0ODgtYmE0YTYxNGE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480517663848307664:3030] 2025-03-11T11:49:07.666025Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:07.666055Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:49:08.385008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but p ... 1--test-topic" PathId: 13 TotalGroupCount: 1 PartitionPerTablet: 5 PQTabletConfig { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 8388608 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 20000000 BurstSize: 20000000 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } LocalDC: true ReadRules: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 ConsumerFormatVersions: 0 ConsumerCodecs { } Codecs { Ids: 0 Ids: 1 Ids: 2 Codecs: "raw" Codecs: "gzip" Codecs: "lzop" } ReadRuleVersions: 0 YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" } Partitions { PartitionId: 0 TabletId: 72075186224037892 Status: Active } AlterVersion: 1 BalancerTabletID: 72075186224037893 NextPartitionId: 1 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } DomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } PathsInside: 12 PathsLimit: 10000 ShardsInside: 6 ShardsLimit: 200000 ResourcesDomainKey { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } DiskSpaceUsage { Tables { TotalSize: 0 DataSize: 0 IndexSize: 0 } Topics { ReserveSize: 0 AccountSize: 0 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 } } PQPartitionsInside: 1 PQPartitionsLimit: 1000000 } } Path: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--test-topic" name rt3.dc1--test-topic version1 CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:9816 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.542092Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 128 ErrorReason: "the following topics are not created: rt3.dc1--test-topic, Marker# PQ95" ErrorCode: UNKNOWN_TOPIC CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:9816 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:27.046824Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE INFO: proxy answer CallPersQueueGRPC response: Status: 1 ErrorCode: OK MetaResponse { CmdGetTopicMetadataResult { TopicInfo { Topic: "rt3.dc1--test-topic" NumPartitions: 1 Config { PartitionConfig { LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 8388608 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 20000000 BurstSize: 20000000 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } Version: 1 LocalDC: true Codecs { Ids: 0 Ids: 1 Ids: 2 Codecs: "raw" Codecs: "gzip" Codecs: "lzop" } TopicPath: "/Root/PQ/rt3.dc1--test-topic" YdbDatabasePath: "/Root" Consumers { Name: "user" ReadFromTimestampsMs: 0 FormatVersion: 0 Codec { } Version: 0 Important: false } } ErrorCode: OK } } } === Topic created, have version: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:27.060006Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:49:27.063884Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: Do CDS request 2025-03-11T11:49:27.063929Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Start write session. Will connect to endpoint: localhost:9816 2025-03-11T11:49:27.070804Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session: send init request: init_request { topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" } 2025-03-11T11:49:27.072687Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:49:27.072719Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 1 2025-03-11T11:49:27.073036Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: grpc read done: success: 1 data: init_request { topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" } 2025-03-11T11:49:27.073142Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session request cookie: 1 topic: "test-topic" message_group_id: "src" from ipv6:[::1]:58910 2025-03-11T11:49:27.073156Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: write session: cookie=1 sessionId= userAgent="pqv1 server" ip=ipv6:[::1]:58910 proto=v1 topic=test-topic durationSec=0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.073167Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: init check schema 2025-03-11T11:49:27.074559Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: describe result for acl check 2025-03-11T11:49:27.074672Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper SelectQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; SELECT Partition, CreateTime, AccessTime, SeqNo FROM `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` WHERE Hash == $Hash AND Topic == $Topic AND SourceId == $SourceId; 2025-03-11T11:49:27.074683Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64;DECLARE $SeqNo AS Uint64; UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` (Hash, Topic, SourceId, CreateTime, AccessTime, Partition, SeqNo) VALUES ($Hash, $Topic, $SourceId, $CreateTime, $AccessTime, $Partition, $SeqNo); 2025-03-11T11:49:27.074691Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TTableHelper UpdateAccessTimeQuery: --!syntax_v1 DECLARE $SourceId AS Utf8; DECLARE $Topic AS Utf8; DECLARE $Hash AS Uint32; DECLARE $Partition AS Uint32; DECLARE $CreateTime AS Uint64; DECLARE $AccessTime AS Uint64; UPDATE `/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2` SET AccessTime = $AccessTime WHERE Hash = $Hash AND Topic = $Topic AND SourceId = $SourceId AND Partition = $Partition; 2025-03-11T11:49:27.074709Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) StartKqpSession 2025-03-11T11:49:27.076922Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Select from the table 2025-03-11T11:49:27.325166Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) RequestPQRB 2025-03-11T11:49:27.325968Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517769580104764:2514] connected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:27.326112Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Received partition 0 from PQRB for SourceId=src 2025-03-11T11:49:27.326131Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Update the table 2025-03-11T11:49:27.355115Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517769580104764:2514] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:27.355143Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517769580104764:2514] disconnected no session 2025-03-11T11:49:27.551718Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:49:27.551766Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:27.551785Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517769580104706:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:49:27.551815Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:27.553770Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 4, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:27.569368Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.567826Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [3:7480517769580104788:2514], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:27.567898Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:27.567927Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.567992Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:49:27.568059Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.568090Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.568961Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:27.568986Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.569053Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:27.570392Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693767570 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:27.570502Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:49:27.572541Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:27.572594Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:27.572627Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:27.573096Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:27.573137Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:27.577031Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517769580104788:2514] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:27.577097Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:49:27.575414Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:27.575451Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:27.575488Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:27.575503Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|30a105f2-58e088cd-e77d3457-bf4f07d9_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:27.576343Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison Session was created >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestWithWrongRegion >> KqpService::ToDictCache-UseCache [GOOD] >> TCheckGenerationTest::ShouldRollbackTransactionWhenCheckFails [GOOD] >> TCheckGenerationTest::ShouldRollbackTransactionWhenCheckFails2 >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsStreamWithSingleShard [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecords1MBMessagesOneByOneByTS >> TCheckGenerationTest::ShouldRollbackTransactionWhenCheckFails2 [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestUpdateStorage [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestStreamTimeRetention >> DataStreams::TestNonChargeableUser [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutEmptyMessage >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamWithInvalidName [GOOD] >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyBulkUpsert ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpService::ToDictCache-UseCache [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 23464, MsgBus: 17075 2025-03-11T11:47:58.495788Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517386901324388:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:58.496192Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bd/r3tmp/tmptd8OCD/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:59.072289Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:59.074094Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:59.074205Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:59.079895Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23464, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:59.218318Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.218347Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.218355Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:59.218512Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17075 TClient is connected to server localhost:17075 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:59.896501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:59.930158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:59.941122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.115203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.309062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:00.405677Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:02.781735Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517404081195223:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:02.781872Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.140208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.181228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.220290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.264626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.346320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.391861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.486021Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517386901324388:2199];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.486101Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:03.488153Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517408376163035:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.488235Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.488782Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517408376163040:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.492999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:03.505868Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517408376163042:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:03.579081Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517408376163098:3447] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:04.853837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:14.067231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:14.067269Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded took: 24.977006s took: 24.995381s took: 25.005704s took: 25.001904s took: 25.007460s took: 25.003293s took: 25.004008s took: 25.021557s took: 25.022265s took: 25.017181s Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27662, MsgBus: 17380 2025-03-11T11:48:31.439138Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517528709422762:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bd/r3tmp/tmpN3dVND/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:31.549694Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:31.710552Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:31.736687Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:31.737035Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:31.744143Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27662, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:31.912983Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.913012Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.913021Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:31.913191Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17380 TClient is connected to server localhost:17380 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:32.613271Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:36.397290Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517528709422762:2220];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:36.397415Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base ... ok: 1.412184s took: 1.414585s took: 1.178077s took: 1.177925s took: 1.182253s took: 1.186197s took: 1.426870s took: 1.434321s took: 1.451228s took: 1.490020s 2025-03-11T11:48:46.626289Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:48:46.626323Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded took: 1.451808s took: 1.454666s took: 1.454788s took: 1.454812s took: 1.388077s took: 1.393514s took: 1.394183s took: 1.397940s took: 2.293895s took: 2.294248s took: 2.296559s took: 2.314316s took: 1.733519s took: 1.740985s took: 1.742628s took: 1.748311s took: 1.745035s took: 1.746307s took: 1.748636s took: 1.749668s took: 1.988130s took: 1.989002s took: 1.992563s took: 1.994450s took: 1.405839s took: 1.411285s took: 1.413768s took: 1.416755s took: 2.003568s took: 2.006716s took: 2.010949s took: 2.017237s took: 1.350498s took: 1.397477s took: 1.400270s took: 1.398789s Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10679, MsgBus: 14131 2025-03-11T11:49:03.034222Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517668944896030:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:03.034386Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016bd/r3tmp/tmpypBz4G/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:03.379520Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:03.405797Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:03.405962Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:03.411547Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10679, node 3 2025-03-11T11:49:03.614630Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:03.614660Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:03.614678Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:03.614841Z node 3 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:14131 TClient is connected to server localhost:14131 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:04.497453Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:04.506681Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:08.038036Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[3:7480517668944896030:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:08.038127Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:08.581374Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733199:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.581454Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733198:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.581577Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733180:2339], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.581616Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733191:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.582060Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.583497Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733226:2353], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.583576Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733228:2355], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.583625Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.587251Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710658:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:08.591163Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733211:2319] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.591473Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733239:2324] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.593072Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733238:2323] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.603109Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733207:2351], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.603110Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733234:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.603192Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733205:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.603220Z node 3 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [3:7480517690419733204:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710658 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.659601Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733289:2366] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.687226Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733309:2376] txid# 281474976710664, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.687545Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733308:2375] txid# 281474976710663, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:08.697555Z node 3 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [3:7480517690419733324:2387] txid# 281474976710665, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } took: 5.387021s took: 5.391067s took: 5.398426s took: 5.403925s took: 1.834906s took: 1.845957s took: 1.865988s took: 2.063286s took: 1.569315s took: 1.571557s took: 1.572105s took: 1.572567s took: 1.320292s took: 1.328584s took: 1.331983s took: 1.342457s took: 1.705103s took: 1.717787s took: 1.721952s took: 1.727248s took: 1.299659s took: 1.300029s took: 1.300460s took: 1.303257s 2025-03-11T11:49:18.357910Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:18.357949Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded took: 1.350927s took: 1.355235s took: 1.361098s took: 1.367823s took: 1.476685s took: 1.482370s took: 1.484830s took: 1.486062s took: 1.304398s took: 1.311594s took: 1.309943s took: 1.311252s took: 1.139381s took: 1.139780s took: 1.139186s took: 1.140490s took: 1.185641s took: 1.185868s took: 1.186533s took: 1.186881s took: 1.155350s took: 1.157184s took: 1.157981s took: 1.158145s took: 1.190251s took: 1.193193s took: 1.193289s took: 1.193420s took: 1.258531s took: 1.264751s took: 1.266116s took: 1.268556s took: 1.202496s took: 1.216213s took: 1.216391s took: 1.217324s took: 1.367741s took: 1.369547s took: 1.369928s took: 1.373588s >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestBadJson [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamWithDifferentRetentions >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithSameNameAndDifferentParams [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessage [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestConsumersEmptyNames >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_ColumnOrder+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_ColumnOrder-useSink >> DataStreams::TestUpdateStream [GOOD] >> DataStreams::Test_AutoPartitioning_Describe >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsOfAnauthorizedUser [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsWithRead >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithWrongBody >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrlOfNotExistingQueue [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::FallbackToSingleDbAfterBadRequest [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::MeteringDedicated [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::ChangeOwner >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessageWithAttributes >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithBadQueueName [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetShardIterator [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsWithoutPermission >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestPoolStateFetcherActor [GOOD] >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestCleanupOnServiceRestart >> DataStreams::TestControlPlaneAndMeteringData [GOOD] >> DataStreams::ChangeBetweenRetentionModes >> KqpPragma::Auth >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStream [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStreamWithEnforceFlag >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrlWithIAM >> DataStreams::TestReservedResourcesMetering [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestReservedStorageMetering >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithEmptyName ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::FallbackToSingleDbAfterBadRequest [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:56.752652Z :FallbackToSingleDb INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693736752619 2025-03-11T11:48:57.440152Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517642352941753:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.440206Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.662071Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517640380833874:2140];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.989516Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:57.991250Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d2a/r3tmp/tmpw5ww9I/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:58.161211Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.454095Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.955879Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:58.955960Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:58.962526Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:58.962605Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:58.971503Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:58.987168Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:58.994483Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:59.035970Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3568, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:59.418038Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:59.506368Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.550978Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:59.563450Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:59.626685Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d2a/r3tmp/yandexV2Aupc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:59.626713Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d2a/r3tmp/yandexV2Aupc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:59.626896Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d2a/r3tmp/yandexV2Aupc.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:59.626994Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:59.834122Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 2768 GrpcPort 3568 TClient is connected to server localhost:2768 PQClient connected to localhost:3568 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:00.711335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.442330Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517642352941753:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:02.442385Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:02.654928Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517640380833874:2140];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:02.654980Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:05.902365Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517676712681189:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.902519Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.903140Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517676712681201:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.907442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:05.918007Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517676712681235:2352], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.918400Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:05.965954Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517676712681203:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.502052Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517681007648579:2697] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.600860Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517679035539817:2321], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:06.602136Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTI1NDBlODQtNzllZGRkNGYtMjZjYTkxZmItNTVlNDdmOTM=, ActorId: [2:7480517679035539776:2315], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjyts6xk0s5z7jgw0wd3q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:06.604560Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:06.614855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:06.616830Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517681007648597:2359], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:06.618480Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDlhMTY0ZmQtZjY5MzU1ZTMtZGI2ZWU4NDctMjc2NTdkZQ==, ActorId: [1:7480517676712681186:2344], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjyps802n57dekzang6z7, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:06.618890Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:07.208808Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:07.620304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:07.736765Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:748051768 ... urceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) HandleUpdate PartitionPersisted=0 Status=SUCCESS 2025-03-11T11:49:31.700283Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517789453119668:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) ReplyResult: Partition=0, SeqNo=(NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:31.700301Z node 3 :PQ_PARTITION_CHOOSER DEBUG: TPartitionChooser [3:7480517789453119668:2514] (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:49:31.700328Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:31.701789Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [3:7480517789453119730:2514], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:31.702606Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 4, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:31.705013Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.705845Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693771705 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:31.705981Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:49:31.702782Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:31.702834Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.702927Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:49:31.703022Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.703067Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.704577Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:31.704605Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.704688Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.706330Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:31.706376Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:31.706423Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:31.706825Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:31.706865Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0] Write session: destroy PORTS 31034 16520 2025-03-11T11:49:31.710173Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:31.710204Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:31.710234Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:31.710250Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|f3ea4c85-93d9dba2-42cc8e16-496bce12_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:31.713182Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:49:31.713830Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517789453119730:2514] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:31.713907Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. Session was created >>> Ready to answer: ok 2025-03-11T11:49:32.726799Z :INFO: [/Root] OnFederationDiscovery fall back to single mode, database=/Root 2025-03-11T11:49:32.726912Z :INFO: [/Root] [] [d71de683-3f51afc1-7694f84c-1a6f598f] Open read subsessions to databases: { name: , endpoint: localhost:16520, path: /Root } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.727103Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Starting read session 2025-03-11T11:49:32.727141Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Starting single session 2025-03-11T11:49:32.727645Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 524288, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:32.727761Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 524288, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:32.727838Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] Reconnecting session to cluster in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728176Z :ERROR: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] Got error. Status: CLIENT_CALL_UNIMPLEMENTED. Description:
: Error: GRpc error: (12):
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:16520
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:16520. 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728232Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 524288, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728269Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 524288, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728398Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] Closing session to cluster: SessionClosed { Status: CLIENT_CALL_UNIMPLEMENTED Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server "localhost:16520" ( cluster ). Attempts done: 1
: Error: GRpc error: (12):
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:16520
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:16520. " } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728714Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728747Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] [] Abort session to cluster Got new read session event: SessionClosed { Status: CLIENT_CALL_UNIMPLEMENTED Issues: "
: Error: Failed to establish connection to server "localhost:16520" ( cluster ). Attempts done: 1
: Error: GRpc error: (12):
: Error: Grpc error response on endpoint localhost:16520
: Error: Endpoint list is empty for database /Root, cluster endpoint localhost:16520. " } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728858Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728891Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728926Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Counters: { Errors: 1 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728961Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:32.728984Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:49:32.729020Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Counters: { Errors: 1 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.729051Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:32.729089Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:49:32.729127Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Counters: { Errors: 1 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 2 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:32.729193Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [2d94bbc2-17bd8dd9-f72f474b-ba563fbf] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:49:33.108616Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:33.143187Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:33.177063Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:33.212788Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:33.282477Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:33.282566Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976715689. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:49:33.282675Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [3:7480517798043054428:2534] TxId: 281474976715689. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gkrxx80d34dapymmhc53x, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MjE1MzczMTItZWQ5ZmNlZjUtY2EyY2U3MTAtOWUyYjQxYzA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:49:33.282938Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MjE1MzczMTItZWQ5ZmNlZjUtY2EyY2U3MTAtOWUyYjQxYzA=, ActorId: [3:7480517793748087094:2534], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gkrxx80d34dapymmhc53x, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:33.284379Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 severity: 2 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Cost Based Optimizer could not be applied to this query: couldn\'t load statistics" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } issue_code: 8001 severity: 2 } } QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gksa67c8pg6bgpv5qmhws" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 257 } 2025-03-11T11:49:33.425827Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE WARN: TxId: 281474976715688, task: 1, CA Id [3:7480517798043054421:2540]. Got EvDeliveryProblem, TabletId: 72075186224037890, NotDelivered: 1 >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageFifoQueue [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::ChangeOwner [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropIndexWithStream >> KqpPg::AlterColumnSetDefaultFromSequenceWithSchemaname [GOOD] >> KqpPg::CheckPgAutoParams+useSink >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::PutRecordsWithLongExplicitHashKey [GOOD] |83.1%| [TS] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/unittest >> TCheckGenerationTest::ShouldRollbackTransactionWhenCheckFails2 [GOOD] |83.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/script_execution/py3test >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestPutRecords [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageWithAttributes |83.1%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/tests/functional/ttl/py3test >> KqpPg::DeleteWithQueryService-useSink [GOOD] >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLock1 [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::PutRecordsWithIncorrectHashKey >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::DoubleCreateStream >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestWithWrongRegion [GOOD] >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyBulkUpsert [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutEmptyMessage [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestListStreamConsumers >> KqpYql::RefSelect |83.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/ut/ydb-core-public_http-ut |83.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/ut/ydb-core-public_http-ut |83.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/public_http/ut/ydb-core-public_http-ut >> KqpQueryService::ClosedSessionRemovedFromPool [GOOD] >> KqpQueryService::CloseConnection >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestWithIAM >> TLocksTest::CK_Range_GoodLock [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropIndexWithStream [GOOD] >> TCdcStreamTests::DropTableWithIndexWithStream >> KqpScripting::LimitOnShard >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptClientTimeoutBruteForce ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyBulkUpsert [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25597, MsgBus: 62154 2025-03-11T11:49:33.181658Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517794761908583:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:33.181724Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bc6/r3tmp/tmpjRF59T/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:33.638252Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:33.654390Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:33.654695Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:33.662246Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25597, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:33.737182Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.737213Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.737227Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.737421Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62154 TClient is connected to server localhost:62154 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:34.301960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:34.322364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.416598Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517807646811116:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.416740Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.729876Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.882822Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517807646811226:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.882919Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.883285Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517807646811231:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.888783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.910288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.910964Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517807646811233:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.978364Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517807646811285:2401] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> KqpScripting::EndOfQueryCommit |83.1%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsWithRead [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsCornerCases ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/ut/unittest >> TLocksTest::Range_BrokenLock1 [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:45.238333Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517592187777057:2266];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:45.238395Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpbCHJjp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:45.940369Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:45.967308Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:45.967424Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:45.971296Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:7562 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:46.325460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:46.341577Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:46.350569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:46.356448Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:46.509813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:46.593530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.838152Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517606558738188:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpOEbiCo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:50.002707Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:50.196416Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:50.233858Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:50.238118Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:50.251618Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:21488 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:51.123729Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.131709Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.147620Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:51.152517Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.228473Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:51.297639Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:54.783958Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517630405151554:2214];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpagghwP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:54.889383Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.985413Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:55.014240Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:55.014343Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:55.016613Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:27074 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:55.246814Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:55.255487Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:55.281778Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:55.375569Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:55.454078Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:59.608608Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517651903311617:2213];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpNkieSF/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:59.804705Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.046611Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:00.097745Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:00.097878Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:00.100910Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:6113 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 ... ecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:23211 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.118184Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.166243Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:17.171128Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.311948Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.392340Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:21.962012Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[8:7480517744184080017:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:21.962082Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpFl3Px9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:22.149334Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:22.164414Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:22.164568Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:22.166761Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:18675 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:22.414370Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.438953Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.520325Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.599841Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:26.736219Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[9:7480517767863797717:2081];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:26.737485Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpfwXqW2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:26.866538Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:26.901315Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:26.901450Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:26.904126Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:27471 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:27.153823Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.175278Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:27.181400Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.301173Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.389163Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:31.853070Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517788533868045:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:31.853154Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea3/r3tmp/tmpYKKhNV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:32.081206Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:32.081310Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:32.083075Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:32.103331Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:13101 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.460418Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.484326Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:32.491734Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.588067Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.665072Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> DataStreams::ChangeBetweenRetentionModes [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestCreateExistingStream >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsWithoutPermission [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsWithCount ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/ut/unittest >> TLocksTest::CK_Range_GoodLock [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:44.158031Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517584860710753:2230];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:44.158908Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpYo9BvG/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:44.666396Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:44.703110Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.703221Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:44.711023Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:8841 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:45.308771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.360286Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.392475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:45.398722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.658780Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.756061Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:49.111543Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517607138325434:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpwqTD7F/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:49.205507Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.374289Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:49.432044Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:49.432153Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:49.435646Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:29010 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:50.144447Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.167252Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.194244Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.204092Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.365151Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.480437Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:55.482477Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517632644480161:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.482523Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpeefui2/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:55.810759Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:55.851410Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:55.851517Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:55.859372Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:21922 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:56.172683Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:56.186814Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:56.202333Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:56.207283Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:56.338545Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:56.475044Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:01.168828Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517659217439078:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:01.173982Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpSPJgEB/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:01.416430Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:01.419104Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:01.419201Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:01.420553Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:15775 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 S ... e: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:17.415678Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.423987Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.437192Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:17.445782Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.536539Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:17.673252Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:21.487241Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[8:7480517745654703863:2070];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:21.487488Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmp8qtpHU/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:21.810866Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:21.836046Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:21.836181Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:21.839704Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:9272 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:22.223519Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.239707Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.265720Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.354663Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.427433Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:26.919329Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[9:7480517768159040012:2139];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:26.951295Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpDO3LqC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:27.128203Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:27.160020Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:27.160136Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:27.163682Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:5553 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.508289Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.550863Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:27.559772Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.692810Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.773571Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.713845Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517792205368227:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:32.713989Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea4/r3tmp/tmpL2aGI6/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:32.879528Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:32.904095Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:32.904197Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:32.907805Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:15890 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:33.263453Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.299461Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:33.393357Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.467469Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateStreamWithDifferentRetentions [GOOD] >> DataStreams::Test_AutoPartitioning_Describe [GOOD] >> DataStreams::Test_Crreate_AutoPartitioning_Disabled >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStreamWithEnforceFlag [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStreamWithEnforceFlagFalse >> TCdcStreamTests::DropTableWithIndexWithStream [GOOD] >> KqpPg::Returning+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::Returning-useSink >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestConsumersEmptyNames [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithWrongBody [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCVList+useSink >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStream >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumers >> DataStreams::TestStreamTimeRetention [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestUnsupported >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithWrongAttribute >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessageWithAttributes [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptScanCancelation >> KqpPragma::Auth [GOOD] >> KqpPragma::MatchRecognizeWithTimeOrderRecoverer >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueUrlWithIAM [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithEmptyName [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_ColumnOrder-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_NotOneSize+useSink >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptOperationTmeoutBruteForce >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessageWithAttemptId ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/unittest >> TCdcStreamTests::DropTableWithIndexWithStream [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:113:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:123:2058] recipient: [1:107:2139] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768784Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2025-03-11T11:47:20.768991Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: [RootDataErasureManager] Created: Timeout# 600, Rate# 0, InflightLimit# 10, DataErasureInterval# 604800.000000s, DataErasureBSCInterval# 600.000000s, CurrentWakeupInterval# 604800.000000s, IsManualStartup# false 2025-03-11T11:47:20.769298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.857774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2025-03-11T11:47:20.857849Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:20.879067Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.879228Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.879423Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.902554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.904338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:20.905002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.905360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.913481Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.914926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.915010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.915105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2025-03-11T11:47:20.915163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:20.915199Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2025-03-11T11:47:20.915408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:20.927000Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:122:2148] sender: [1:238:2058] recipient: [1:15:2062] 2025-03-11T11:47:21.057168Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.057589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.057845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.058112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:1, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.058165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.062893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.063030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2025-03-11T11:47:21.063278Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.063342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.063378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2025-03-11T11:47:21.063427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2025-03-11T11:47:21.070987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.071077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId# 1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.071117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2025-03-11T11:47:21.075722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.075815Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.075878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.075953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.080117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2025-03-11T11:47:21.082725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2025-03-11T11:47:21.082945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084329Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 132 RawX2: 4294969451 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet# 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.084932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.085042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087565Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:205:2207], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087904Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:47:21.087967Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0 ProgressState 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088210Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088275Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088386Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2025-03-11T11:47:21.088533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2025-03-11T11:47:21.091243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.091441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:47:21.091484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, co ... 0Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.379428Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.379454Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.380700Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.380765Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.380789Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381383Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381492Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 18446744073709551615 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381524Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381559Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 103, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4], version: 18446744073709551615 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381597Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.381730Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 3/5, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:49:40.383543Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:2, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.383656Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 103:2 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384250Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 4 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384536Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:2 progress is 4/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384625Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 4/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384706Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:2 progress is 4/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384779Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 4/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.384856Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 4/5, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387122Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 103:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387208Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TDropTable TProposedDeletePart operationId: 103:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387605Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove table for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 4 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387763Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 5/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387795Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 5/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387841Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#103:0 progress is 5/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387866Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 5/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387896Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 103, ready parts: 5/5, is published: true 2025-03-11T11:49:40.387995Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [19:376:2344] message: TxId: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388110Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 103 ready parts: 5/5 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388243Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:0 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388296Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:0 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388453Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388552Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:1 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388586Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:1 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388626Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388653Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:2 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388678Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:2 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388724Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 3 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388757Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:3 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388785Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:3 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388820Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388845Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 103:4 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388870Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 103:4 2025-03-11T11:49:40.388927Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6] was 1 2025-03-11T11:49:40.389792Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Execute, 1 paths in candidate queue, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.389922Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 6], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.390090Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2025-03-11T11:49:40.390183Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxCleanDroppedPaths: PersistRemovePath for PathId# [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 5], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.390228Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2025-03-11T11:49:40.391491Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.391629Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.391699Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.391739Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.391783Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.394424Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.394804Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: got EvNotifyTxCompletionResult 2025-03-11T11:49:40.394896Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: tests -- TTxNotificationSubscriber for txId 103: satisfy waiter [19:757:2661] 2025-03-11T11:49:40.395259Z node 19 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxCleanDroppedPaths Complete, done PersistRemovePath for 2 paths, skipped 0, left 0 candidates, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestWaitNotification: OK eventTxId 103 2025-03-11T11:49:40.395866Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.396272Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream" took 410us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:49:40.396543Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4])" Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.397249Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoExecute, record: Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream/streamImpl" Options { ReturnPartitioningInfo: false ReturnPartitionConfig: false BackupInfo: false ReturnBoundaries: false ShowPrivateTable: true }, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2025-03-11T11:49:40.397585Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE INFO: Tablet 72057594046678944 describe path "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream/streamImpl" took 368us result status StatusPathDoesNotExist 2025-03-11T11:49:40.397781Z node 19 :SCHEMESHARD_DESCRIBE DEBUG: TTxDescribeScheme DoComplete, result: Status: StatusPathDoesNotExist Reason: "Check failed: path: \'/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream/streamImpl\', error: path hasn\'t been resolved, nearest resolved path: \'/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable\' (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 4])" Path: "/MyRoot/Table/Index/indexImplTable/Stream/streamImpl" PathId: 18446744073709551615 LastExistedPrefixPath: "/MyRoot" LastExistedPrefixPathId: 1 LastExistedPrefixDescription { Self { Name: "MyRoot" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 5000001 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty ChildrenExist: false } } PathOwnerId: 18446744073709551615, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 >> TColumnShardTestReadWrite::CompactionInGranule_PKTimestamp_Reboot [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueAttributes |83.1%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/ut/ydb-core-kqp-gateway-ut |83.1%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/ut/ydb-core-kqp-gateway-ut |83.1%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/ydb/ut/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithAllAttributes |83.1%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/gateway/ut/ydb-core-kqp-gateway-ut >> DataStreams::TestListStreamConsumers [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestListShards1Shard |83.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest >> TLocksTest::Range_CorrectDot [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSendMessageWithAttributes [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::DoubleCreateStream [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::PutRecordsWithIncorrectHashKey [GOOD] >> KqpYql::RefSelect [GOOD] >> KqpYql::PgIntPrimaryKey >> KqpScripting::SelectNullType >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSetQueueAttributes >> DataStreams::TestReservedStorageMetering [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestReservedConsumersMetering >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestGetRecords |83.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::ListShards >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestWithIAM [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestCreateExistingStream [GOOD] >> DataStreams::ListStreamsValidation >> KqpScripting::LimitOnShard [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::NoAstSizeLimit >> DataStreams::TestDeleteStreamWithEnforceFlagFalse [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecords1MBMessagesOneByOneBySeqNo >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestNoAuthorization >> KqpScripting::EndOfQueryCommit [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::ExecuteYqlScriptPg ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/client/ut/unittest >> TLocksTest::Range_CorrectDot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:43.021302Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517582051060381:2215];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmpktP2aq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:43.465468Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:43.932785Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:44.001777Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:44.006287Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:44.008704Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:22869 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:44.610685Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.645924Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:44.664112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:44.669166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.047768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:45.152473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:49.195002Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517609640636718:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:49.195049Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmpBEubwL/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:49.554520Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:49.602832Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:49.602925Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:49.608782Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:18050 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:50.059285Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.066427Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.082963Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.092512Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:50.271707Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:50.428436Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:57.243418Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517640341126133:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmp4Yfixi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:57.380604Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:57.527497Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:57.566348Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:57.566449Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:57.567814Z node 3 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(3, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:21271 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:57.972216Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:57.978494Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:57.994263Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:57.999093Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.125880Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.258729Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:03.083060Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517669117902698:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:03.083777Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmpXZOGGA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:03.514328Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:03.552032Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:03.552119Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:03.555407Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:8628 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 S ... (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:22.472578Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:15682 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:22.761732Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.782868Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.852482Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.908106Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.491282Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[8:7480517772986152874:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:27.491337Z node 8 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmpl0qbV5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:27.696643Z node 8 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:27.709708Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:27.709815Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:27.714461Z node 8 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(8, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:5138 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:27.967222Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.974516Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.996816Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:28.005021Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:28.172838Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:28.232390Z node 8 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.971537Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[9:7480517791206663233:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:32.971594Z node 9 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmptnHmRE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:33.115794Z node 9 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:33.144049Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:33.144166Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:33.147899Z node 9 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(9, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:62207 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:33.440175Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.467037Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.550138Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.634304Z node 9 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:38.202612Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517819886697711:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:38.202691Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//dc-1/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ea6/r3tmp/tmpA84X43/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:38.376920Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:38.415717Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:38.415861Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:38.417862Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:24461 WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1'... TClient::Ls request: dc-1 TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "dc-1" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'dc-1' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:38.799087Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:38.822701Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:38.916974Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:38.996386Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> DataStreams::TestPutRecordsCornerCases [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutRecords >> BasicUsage::ReadMirrored [GOOD] >> DataStreams::Test_Crreate_AutoPartitioning_Disabled [GOOD] >> KqpYql::FlexibleTypes >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestCleanupOnServiceRestart [GOOD] >> KqpWorkloadServiceTables::TestLeaseExpiration >> DataStreams::TestUnsupported [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::Test_Crreate_AutoPartitioning_Disabled [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:29.298678Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517778676955920:2276];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:29.300204Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00166b/r3tmp/tmptqWaCP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:29.731412Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:29.750802Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.750921Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:29.757149Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 29843, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:29.893015Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.893046Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.893055Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.893189Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27555 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:30.206208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:30.364819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:27555 2025-03-11T11:49:30.562847Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:31.060633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:31.456794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:34.610108Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517799573840433:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:34.610785Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00166b/r3tmp/tmpJY3ZRi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:34.852365Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3690, node 4 2025-03-11T11:49:34.947824Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:34.947930Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:34.962708Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:34.962734Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:34.962744Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:34.962883Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:49:34.997635Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:30025 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:35.304242Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:35.399075Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:30025 2025-03-11T11:49:35.691273Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000000" } ALTER_SCHEME: { Name: "test-topic" Split { Partition: 1 SplitBoundary: "a" } } 2025-03-11T11:49:37.113565Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 107:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:38.423533Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:38.665138Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:38.864853Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.270369Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:41.251908Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517831003922191:2205];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:41.251986Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/00166b/r3tmp/tmpTROZ8t/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:41.523921Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:41.567484Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:41.567589Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:41.571567Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4049, node 7 2025-03-11T11:49:41.704031Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.704061Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.704071Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.704240Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30454 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:42.116874Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:42.221795Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:30454 2025-03-11T11:49:42.519616Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::ReadMirrored [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:54.693885Z :PropagateSessionClosed INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693734693850 2025-03-11T11:48:55.484387Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517631817255527:2270];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.484444Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.541045Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517632833663289:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.541147Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.084033Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d47/r3tmp/tmpmHzi0W/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:56.161186Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:56.616126Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.636597Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:56.847822Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:56.872115Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.872223Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.878906Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.879001Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.893871Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:56.894036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.895719Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17533, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:57.450734Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d47/r3tmp/yandexOZmKXY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:57.450762Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d47/r3tmp/yandexOZmKXY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:57.450959Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d47/r3tmp/yandexOZmKXY.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:57.451124Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:57.600060Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 28228 GrpcPort 17533 TClient is connected to server localhost:28228 PQClient connected to localhost:17533 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:58.228678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:00.490064Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517631817255527:2270];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.490144Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.527458Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517632833663289:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:00.527527Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:02.103171Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662898434672:2313], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.103270Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662898434697:2316], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.103346Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.110588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976720657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:02.184612Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662898434701:2317], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976720657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.296299Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517662898434729:2133] txid# 281474976720658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.731604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:02.740876Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517661882027518:2348], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:02.741216Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGJlZWUzZmQtYzBhNmM3MGUtODk4M2YzOTAtOWVjNTYzZDQ=, ActorId: [1:7480517661882027430:2340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjv1f6czy1arctc0mk96q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.741597Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.737558Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517662898434744:2321], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:02.738205Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTRjYmU1MTUtNGY1ZWEyMzMtOTZlY2Q3OGUtOTBmM2I1NzA=, ActorId: [2:7480517662898434670:2312], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjv0b6nvyddr30af5brr4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:02.740639Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.119720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.346159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:17533", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:49:03.862505Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976710664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjwdv4k86q7zrvdbs3ts8, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NjYyNjYyZDUtZTMyZDJkNzctNWNmYTk4MTItOGU5ZGQxMmQ=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480517666176995241:3001] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:49:10.606492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710678:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... PQ Client: create topic: rt3.dc1--test-topic with 1 partitions CallPersQueueGRPC request to localhost:17533 MetaRequest { CmdGetTopicMetadata { Topic: "rt3.dc1 ... = 1568 to budget 2025-03-11T11:49:44.786808Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] [] In ContinueReadingDataImpl, ReadSizeBudget = 1568, ReadSizeServerDelta = 8387040 2025-03-11T11:49:44.787035Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] [] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 0, ReadSizeServerDelta = 8388608 2025-03-11T11:49:44.787108Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.787154Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.787197Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 1} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.787238Z :DEBUG: [/Root] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 2} (4-4) >>> event from dataHandler: DataReceived { Partition session id: 1 Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 Database name: dc3 Database path: /Root Database id: account-dc3 Message { Data: ..130 bytes.. Information: { Offset: 1 ProducerId: "src_id" SeqNo: 2 CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.738000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.763000Z MessageGroupId: "src_id" Meta: { "ident": "unknown", "logtype": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:43820", "_ip": "ipv6:[::1]:43820" } MessageMeta: { } } Partition session id: 1 Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 Database name: dc3 Database path: /Root Database id: account-dc3 } Message { Data: ..240 bytes.. Information: { Offset: 2 ProducerId: "src_id" SeqNo: 3 CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.738000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.764000Z MessageGroupId: "src_id" Meta: { "ident": "unknown", "_ip": "ipv6:[::1]:43820", "logtype": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:43820" } MessageMeta: { } } Partition session id: 1 Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 Database name: dc3 Database path: /Root Database id: account-dc3 } Message { Data: ..350 bytes.. Information: { Offset: 3 ProducerId: "src_id" SeqNo: 4 CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.738000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.764000Z MessageGroupId: "src_id" Meta: { "ident": "unknown", "_ip": "ipv6:[::1]:43820", "logtype": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:43820" } MessageMeta: { } } Partition session id: 1 Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 Database name: dc3 Database path: /Root Database id: account-dc3 } Message { Data: ..460 bytes.. Information: { Offset: 4 ProducerId: "src_id" SeqNo: 5 CreateTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.738000Z WriteTime: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.764000Z MessageGroupId: "src_id" Meta: { "ident": "unknown", "_ip": "ipv6:[::1]:43820", "logtype": "unknown", "server": "ipv6:[::1]:43820" } MessageMeta: { } } Partition session id: 1 Topic: "test-topic" Partition: 0 Database name: dc3 Database path: /Root Database id: account-dc3 } } >>> get 4 messages in this event 2025-03-11T11:49:44.788283Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] [] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 4, size 1180 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:44.788356Z :DEBUG: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] [] Returning serverBytesSize = 0 to budget 2025-03-11T11:49:44.789051Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 grpc read done: success# 1, data# { read_request { bytes_size: 1568 } } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.789230Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 got read request: guid# 6903bac3-375b285f-f93fef9b-61101740 2025-03-11T11:49:44.840458Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:44.840555Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:44.841108Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete >>> Writes to test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3 successful 2025-03-11T11:49:44.841172Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:44.841347Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Closing read session. Close timeout: 18446744073709.551615s 2025-03-11T11:49:44.841414Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:3:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc2:0:2:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3:0:1:4:0 2025-03-11T11:49:44.841473Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 502 BytesRead: 3600 MessagesRead: 15 BytesReadCompressed: 3600 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842009Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842066Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:3:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc2:0:2:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3:0:1:4:0 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842111Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 503 BytesRead: 3600 MessagesRead: 15 BytesReadCompressed: 3600 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842149Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842192Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:3:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc2:0:2:4:0 -:test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3:0:1:4:0 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842299Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 503 BytesRead: 3600 MessagesRead: 15 BytesReadCompressed: 3600 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.842396Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [325035a1-fb31bd23-d49d548c-9c76d67a] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.843339Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:44.843371Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.843403Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.843421Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 4 sessionId: src_id|f2a0f828-a6e3878d-b3af482c-52274c5d_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844030Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037896 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844381Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517843579513302:2615] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844446Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844581Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844604Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844629Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.844688Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846352Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037897][rt3.dc1--test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3] pipe [3:7480517843579513167:2599] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846381Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037897][rt3.dc1--test-topic-mirrored-from-dc3] pipe [3:7480517843579513167:2599] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846069Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846108Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517843579513181:2606] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846137Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037894] Destroy direct read session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846158Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037894] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517843579513179:2605] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846181Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896] Destroy direct read session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846200Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037896] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517843579513175:2603] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846217Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846238Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846255Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846460Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517843579513168:2599] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846483Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517843579513168:2599] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846554Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037895][rt3.dc1--test-topic-mirrored-from-dc2] pipe [3:7480517843579513169:2599] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:44.846571Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037895][rt3.dc1--test-topic-mirrored-from-dc2] pipe [3:7480517843579513169:2599] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_1_17152495277711307048_v1 2025-03-11T11:49:45.707541Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [3:7480517847874480670:2621] TxId: 281474976710706. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm54364dcc9xy46jhbnn0, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWU4YmNiZmMtOGE3ZDE5OWMtMWQ0NTBjZjUtZTY5MWQ0MGM=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. UNAVAILABLE: Failed to send EvStartKqpTasksRequest because node is unavailable: 4 2025-03-11T11:49:45.707695Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [3:7480517847874480678:2631], TxId: 281474976710706, task: 4. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWU4YmNiZmMtOGE3ZDE5OWMtMWQ0NTBjZjUtZTY5MWQ0MGM=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2gm54364dcc9xy46jhbnn0. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [3:7480517847874480670:2621], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.707696Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [3:7480517847874480676:2630], TxId: 281474976710706, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm54364dcc9xy46jhbnn0. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=ZWU4YmNiZmMtOGE3ZDE5OWMtMWQ0NTBjZjUtZTY5MWQ0MGM=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [3:7480517847874480670:2621], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } >> KqpYql::InsertCVList+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCVList-useSink >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptMixed >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumers [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStream [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithWrongAttribute [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/ut_rw/unittest >> TColumnShardTestReadWrite::CompactionInGranule_PKTimestamp_Reboot [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:43:37.379844Z node 1 :BLOB_CACHE NOTICE: MaxCacheDataSize: 20971520 InFlightDataSize: 0 2025-03-11T11:43:37.483567Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:102;event=initialize_shard;step=OnActivateExecutor; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.508415Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];fline=columnshard.cpp:120;event=initialize_shard;step=initialize_tiring_finished; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.508753Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518020Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:90;event=normalization_start;last_saved_id=0; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518255Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518505Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518618Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518723Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518827Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.518941Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519047Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519174Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519293Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519400Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.519510Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:138:2170];tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxInitSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:11;event=normalizer_register;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568353Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete at tablet 9437184 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568541Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=columnshard__init.cpp:137;step=TTxUpdateSchema.Execute_Start;details=normalizers_count=11;current_normalizer=CLASS_NAME=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568592Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=1;type=Granules; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568793Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:127;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.568951Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Granules;id=1; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569030Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569074Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=2;type=Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569165Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=chunks.cpp:139;normalizer=TChunksNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569229Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=Chunks;id=2; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569270Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569298Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=4;type=TablesCleaner; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569483Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=normalizer.cpp:123;normalizer=TGranulesNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569584Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=TablesCleaner;id=4; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569627Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569655Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=6;type=CleanGranuleId; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569740Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=clean_granule.cpp:133;normalizer=TCleanGranuleIdNormalizer;message=0 chunks found; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569789Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanGranuleId;id=6; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569833Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569862Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=8;type=CleanInsertionDedup; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569952Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=CleanInsertionDedup;id=8; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.569988Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570047Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=9;type=GCCountersNormalizer; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570120Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=GCCountersNormalizer;id=9; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570156Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570208Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=10;type=RestorePortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570641Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TablesLoadingTime=68; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570722Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetLoadingTime=35; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570801Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;TableVersionssLoadingTime=40; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.570875Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=common_data.cpp:29;SchemaPresetVersionsLoadingTime=36; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571063Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestorePortionFromChunks;id=10; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571117Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571153Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=11;type=SyncPortionFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571341Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncPortionFromChunks;id=11; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571386Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571419Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=13;type=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571562Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=SyncMinSnapshotFromChunks;id=13; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571627Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571662Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=15;type=RestoreV1Chunks_V2; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571838Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV1Chunks_V2;id=15; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571897Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:42;event=normalizer_switched;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.571948Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD NOTICE: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:154;event=normalizer_init;last=0;seq_id=16;type=RestoreV2Chunks; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.572095Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:62;event=normalizer_finished;description=CLASS_NAME=RestoreV2Chunks;id=16; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.572136Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD WARN: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=abstract.cpp:45;event=normalization_finished; 2025-03-11T11:43:37.572177Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: tablet_id=9437184;process=TTxUpdateSchema::Execute;fline=columnshard__init.cpp:157;step=TTxUpdateSchema.Execute_Finish; ... 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ob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2696];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:25;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2688];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:26;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2688];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:27;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2688];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:28;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2688];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:29;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2688];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:30;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2680];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:31;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2680];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:32;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:2672];;column_id:5;chunk_idx:33;blob_range:[NO_BLOB:0:9448];;;;switched=(portion_id:61;path_id:1;records_count:25002;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=10;tx_id=10;);schema_version:1;level:0;column_size:2586528;index_size:28;meta:((produced=SPLIT_COMPACTED;)););(portion_id:57;path_id:1;records_count:25002;min_schema_snapshot:(plan_step=10;tx_id=10;);schema_version:1;level:0;column_size:2167032;index_size:28;meta:((produced=INSERTED;)););; 2025-03-11T11:49:40.324257Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD INFO: event_type=NKikimr::NBlobCache::TEvBlobCache::TEvReadBlobRangeResult;tablet_id=9437184;parent_id=[1:11487:13114];fline=general_compaction.cpp:135;event=blobs_created;appended=1;switched=2; 2025-03-11T11:49:40.326730Z node 1 :TX_COLUMNSHARD DEBUG: tablet_id=9437184;self_id=[1:11487:13114];ev=NKikimr::NColumnShard::TEvPrivate::TEvWriteIndex;fline=columnshard__write_index.cpp:50;event=TEvWriteIndex;count=1; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=write_controller.h:65;event=IWriteController aborted;reason=TTxWriteDraft aborted before complete; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=compacted_blob_constructor.cpp:47;event=TCompactedWriteController::DoAbort;reason=TTxWriteDraft aborted before complete; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=abstract.cpp:105;event=AbortEmergency;reason=TCompactedWriteController destructed with WriteIndexEv and WriteIndexEv->IndexChanges;prev_reason=; FALLBACK_ACTOR_LOGGING;priority=WARN;component=332;fline=manager.cpp:51;message=aborted data locks manager; ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestUnsupported [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:27.270475Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517771384034769:2208];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:27.279041Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001690/r3tmp/tmp6L91IN/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:28.017857Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:28.017992Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:28.028321Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:28.030820Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8882, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:28.340426Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.340455Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.340462Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.340580Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:21241 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:28.666096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:28.791203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:21241 2025-03-11T11:49:29.031017Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:29.479320Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:33.017103Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517796743068733:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:33.018133Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001690/r3tmp/tmpRns6wh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:33.180659Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:33.218153Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:33.218224Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:33.221531Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27983, node 4 2025-03-11T11:49:33.430668Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.430689Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.430701Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:33.430842Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27862 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:33.697246Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.771338Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:27862 2025-03-11T11:49:33.991528Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:34.159572Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:34.261662Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "16" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "17" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "18" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "19" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "20" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "21" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "22" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "23" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "24" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "25" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "26" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "27" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "28" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "29" shard_id: "shard-000000" } encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "30" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "31" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "32" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "33" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "34" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "35" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "36" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "37" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "38" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "39" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "40" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "41" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "42" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "43" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "44" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "45" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "46" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "47" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "48" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "49" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "50" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "51" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "52" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "53" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "54" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "55" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "56" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "57" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "58" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "59" shard_id: "shard-000000" } encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "60" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "61" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "62" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "63" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "64" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "65" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "66" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "67" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "68" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "69" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "70" ... 00" } records { sequence_number: "71" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "72" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "73" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "74" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "75" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "76" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "77" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "78" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "79" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "80" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "81" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "82" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "83" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "84" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "85" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "86" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "87" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "88" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "89" shard_id: "shard-000000" } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.394663Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE WARN: PQ Cache (L2). Same blob insertion. Tablet '72075186224037888' partition 0 offset 0 size 2991 encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "90" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "91" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "92" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "93" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "94" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "95" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "96" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "97" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "98" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "99" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "100" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "101" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "102" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "103" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "104" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "105" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "106" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "107" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "108" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "109" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "110" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "111" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "112" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "113" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "114" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "115" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "116" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "117" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "118" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "119" shard_id: "shard-000000" } 2025-03-11T11:49:38.017555Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[4:7480517796743068733:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:38.017643Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "120" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "121" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "122" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "123" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "124" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "125" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "126" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "127" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "128" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "129" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "130" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "131" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "132" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "133" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "134" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "135" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "136" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "137" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "138" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "139" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "140" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "141" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "142" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "143" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "144" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "145" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "146" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "147" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "148" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "149" shard_id: "shard-000000" } Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693774116-2","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693774,"finish":1741693774},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693774}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693774223-3","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693774,"finish":1741693774},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693774}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693774317-4","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693774,"finish":1741693775},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693775}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693775353-5","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693775,"finish":1741693776},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693776}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693776383-6","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693776,"finish":1741693777},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693777}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693777405-7","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693777,"finish":1741693778},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestStreamTimeRetention","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693778}' 2025-03-11T11:49:42.104531Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517835696658391:2215];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:42.104777Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001690/r3tmp/tmpb3tpjR/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:42.485124Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:42.525305Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:42.525397Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:42.532652Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6576, node 7 2025-03-11T11:49:42.748975Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.749004Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.749015Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.749198Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2711 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:43.203484Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.299702Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:2711 2025-03-11T11:49:43.618445Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumersWithMaxResults >> DataStreams::TestListShards1Shard [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::WaitEventBlocksBeforeDiscovery [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::SimpleHandlers >> KqpPragma::MatchRecognizeWithTimeOrderRecoverer [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStreamWithConsumer >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataWithMockDisk [GOOD] |83.2%| [TA] $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithTags >> KqpYql::EvaluateIf >> KqpScripting::ScanQuery >> KqpPg::TableSelect-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::TableInsert+useSink >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptScanCancelation [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptScanClientOperationTimeoutBruteForce >> KqpScripting::NoAstSizeLimit [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithAllAttributes [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestReceiveMessageWithAttemptId [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/keyvalue/ut/unittest >> TKeyValueTest::TestCleanUpDataWithMockDisk [GOOD] Test command err: Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:53:2057] recipient: [1:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:53:2057] recipient: [1:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:55:2096] sender: [1:56:2057] recipient: [1:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [1:55:2096] sender: [1:73:2057] recipient: [1:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:53:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [2:53:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:56:2057] recipient: [2:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:73:2057] recipient: [2:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [2:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:75:2057] recipient: [2:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:78:2057] recipient: [2:77:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:55:2096] sender: [2:79:2057] recipient: [2:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:80:2110] sender: [2:81:2057] recipient: [2:77:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [2:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [2:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[2:80:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [2:80:2110] sender: [2:134:2057] recipient: [2:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:53:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [3:53:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:56:2057] recipient: [3:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:73:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvAcquireLock ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:75:2057] recipient: [3:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:78:2057] recipient: [3:77:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:55:2096] sender: [3:79:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:80:2110] sender: [3:81:2057] recipient: [3:77:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [3:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[3:80:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [3:80:2110] sender: [3:134:2057] recipient: [3:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:53:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [4:53:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:56:2057] recipient: [4:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:73:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvIntermediate ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:76:2057] recipient: [4:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:78:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:55:2096] sender: [4:80:2057] recipient: [4:79:2109] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:81:2110] sender: [4:82:2057] recipient: [4:79:2109] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [4:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[4:81:2110] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [4:81:2110] sender: [4:135:2057] recipient: [4:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [5:53:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [5:53:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:56:2057] recipient: [5:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:73:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:79:2057] recipient: [5:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:82:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:55:2096] sender: [5:83:2057] recipient: [5:81:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:84:2113] sender: [5:85:2057] recipient: [5:81:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [5:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[5:84:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [5:84:2113] sender: [5:138:2057] recipient: [5:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [6:53:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [6:53:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:56:2057] recipient: [6:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:73:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCleanUpDataRequest ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:79:2057] recipient: [6:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:81:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:55:2096] sender: [6:83:2057] recipient: [6:82:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:84:2113] sender: [6:85:2057] recipient: [6:82:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [6:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[6:84:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [6:84:2113] sender: [6:138:2057] recipient: [6:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [7:53:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [7:53:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:56:2057] recipient: [7:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:73:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvForceTabletDataCleanup ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:79:2057] recipient: [7:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:82:2057] recipient: [7:81:2112] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:55:2096] sender: [7:83:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:84:2113] sender: [7:85:2057] recipient: [7:81:2112] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [7:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[7:84:2113] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [7:84:2113] sender: [7:138:2057] recipient: [7:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [8:53:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [8:53:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:56:2057] recipient: [8:51:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:73:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:84:2057] recipient: [8:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:87:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:55:2096] sender: [8:88:2057] recipient: [8:86:2116] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:89:2117] sender: [8:90:2057] recipient: [8:86:2116] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [8:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[8:89:2117] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [8:89:2117] sender: [8:143:2057] recipient: [8:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [9:53:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [9:53:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:56:2057] recipient: [9:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:73:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:88:2057] recipient: [9:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:91:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:55:2096] sender: [9:92:2057] recipient: [9:90:2120] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:93:2121] sender: [9:94:2057] recipient: [9:90:2120] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [9:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[9:93:2121] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [9:93:2121] sender: [9:147:2057] recipient: [9:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [10:53:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [10:53:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:56:2057] recipient: [10:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:73:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCleanUpDataRequest ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:88:2057] recipient: [10:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:91:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:55:2096] sender: [10:92:2057] recipient: [10:90:2120] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:93:2121] sender: [10:94:2057] recipient: [10:90:2120] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [10:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[10:93:2121] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [10:93:2121] sender: [10:147:2057] recipient: [10:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [11:53:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [11:53:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:56:2057] recipient: [11:50:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:73:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:90:2057] recipient: [11:36:2083] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:93:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:55:2096] sender: [11:94:2057] recipient: [11:92:2122] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:95:2123] sender: [11:96:2057] recipient: [11:92:2122] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [11:55:2096]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[11:95:2123] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [11:95:2123] sender: [11:149:2057] recipient: [11:14:2061] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [12:53:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [12:53:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:56:2057] recipient: [12:49:2094] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [12:55:2096] sender: [12:73:2057] recipient: [12:1 ... etID 72057594037927937 is [35:98:2124] sender: [35:152:2057] recipient: [35:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [36:55:2057] recipient: [36:53:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [36:55:2057] recipient: [36:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:57:2098] sender: [36:58:2057] recipient: [36:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:57:2098] sender: [36:75:2057] recipient: [36:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [36:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvIntermediate ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:57:2098] sender: [36:94:2057] recipient: [36:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:57:2098] sender: [36:96:2057] recipient: [36:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:57:2098] sender: [36:98:2057] recipient: [36:97:2123] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:99:2124] sender: [36:100:2057] recipient: [36:97:2123] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [36:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [36:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[36:99:2124] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [36:99:2124] sender: [36:153:2057] recipient: [36:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [37:55:2057] recipient: [37:53:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [37:55:2057] recipient: [37:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:57:2098] sender: [37:58:2057] recipient: [37:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:57:2098] sender: [37:75:2057] recipient: [37:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [37:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:57:2098] sender: [37:97:2057] recipient: [37:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:57:2098] sender: [37:100:2057] recipient: [37:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:57:2098] sender: [37:101:2057] recipient: [37:99:2126] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:102:2127] sender: [37:103:2057] recipient: [37:99:2126] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [37:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [37:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[37:102:2127] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [37:102:2127] sender: [37:156:2057] recipient: [37:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [38:55:2057] recipient: [38:53:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [38:55:2057] recipient: [38:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:57:2098] sender: [38:58:2057] recipient: [38:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:57:2098] sender: [38:75:2057] recipient: [38:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [38:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvExecuteTransaction ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:57:2098] sender: [38:97:2057] recipient: [38:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:57:2098] sender: [38:100:2057] recipient: [38:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:57:2098] sender: [38:101:2057] recipient: [38:99:2126] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:102:2127] sender: [38:103:2057] recipient: [38:99:2126] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [38:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [38:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[38:102:2127] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [38:102:2127] sender: [38:156:2057] recipient: [38:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [39:55:2057] recipient: [39:52:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [39:55:2057] recipient: [39:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:57:2098] sender: [39:58:2057] recipient: [39:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:57:2098] sender: [39:75:2057] recipient: [39:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [39:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvIntermediate ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:57:2098] sender: [39:98:2057] recipient: [39:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:57:2098] sender: [39:100:2057] recipient: [39:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:57:2098] sender: [39:102:2057] recipient: [39:101:2126] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:103:2127] sender: [39:104:2057] recipient: [39:101:2126] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [39:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [39:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[39:103:2127] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [39:103:2127] sender: [39:157:2057] recipient: [39:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [40:55:2057] recipient: [40:52:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [40:55:2057] recipient: [40:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:57:2098] sender: [40:58:2057] recipient: [40:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:57:2098] sender: [40:75:2057] recipient: [40:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [40:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCollect ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:57:2098] sender: [40:99:2057] recipient: [40:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:57:2098] sender: [40:102:2057] recipient: [40:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:57:2098] sender: [40:103:2057] recipient: [40:101:2127] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:104:2128] sender: [40:105:2057] recipient: [40:101:2127] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [40:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [40:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[40:104:2128] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [40:104:2128] sender: [40:124:2057] recipient: [40:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [41:55:2057] recipient: [41:51:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [41:55:2057] recipient: [41:51:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:57:2098] sender: [41:58:2057] recipient: [41:51:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:57:2098] sender: [41:75:2057] recipient: [41:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [41:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCompleteGC ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:57:2098] sender: [41:100:2057] recipient: [41:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:57:2098] sender: [41:103:2057] recipient: [41:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:57:2098] sender: [41:104:2057] recipient: [41:102:2128] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:105:2129] sender: [41:106:2057] recipient: [41:102:2128] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [41:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [41:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[41:105:2129] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [41:105:2129] sender: [41:125:2057] recipient: [41:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [42:55:2057] recipient: [42:53:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [42:55:2057] recipient: [42:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:57:2098] sender: [42:58:2057] recipient: [42:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:57:2098] sender: [42:75:2057] recipient: [42:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [42:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvTabletPipe::TEvServerConnected ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:57:2098] sender: [42:103:2057] recipient: [42:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:57:2098] sender: [42:106:2057] recipient: [42:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:57:2098] sender: [42:107:2057] recipient: [42:105:2131] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:108:2132] sender: [42:109:2057] recipient: [42:105:2131] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [42:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [42:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[42:108:2132] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [42:108:2132] sender: [42:162:2057] recipient: [42:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [43:55:2057] recipient: [43:51:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [43:55:2057] recipient: [43:51:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:57:2098] sender: [43:58:2057] recipient: [43:51:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:57:2098] sender: [43:75:2057] recipient: [43:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [43:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvCleanUpDataRequest ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:57:2098] sender: [43:103:2057] recipient: [43:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:57:2098] sender: [43:106:2057] recipient: [43:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:57:2098] sender: [43:107:2057] recipient: [43:105:2131] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:108:2132] sender: [43:109:2057] recipient: [43:105:2131] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [43:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [43:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[43:108:2132] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [43:108:2132] sender: [43:162:2057] recipient: [43:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [44:55:2057] recipient: [44:52:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [44:55:2057] recipient: [44:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:57:2098] sender: [44:58:2057] recipient: [44:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:57:2098] sender: [44:75:2057] recipient: [44:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [44:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvKeyValue::TEvForceTabletDataCleanup ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:57:2098] sender: [44:103:2057] recipient: [44:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:57:2098] sender: [44:106:2057] recipient: [44:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:57:2098] sender: [44:107:2057] recipient: [44:105:2131] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:108:2132] sender: [44:109:2057] recipient: [44:105:2131] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [44:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [44:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[44:108:2132] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [44:108:2132] sender: [44:162:2057] recipient: [44:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [45:55:2057] recipient: [45:53:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [45:55:2057] recipient: [45:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:57:2098] sender: [45:58:2057] recipient: [45:53:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:57:2098] sender: [45:75:2057] recipient: [45:17:2064] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [45:57:2098]) on event NKikimr::TEvTablet::TEvFollowerGcApplied ! Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:57:2098] sender: [45:108:2057] recipient: [45:39:2086] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:57:2098] sender: [45:111:2057] recipient: [45:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:57:2098] sender: [45:112:2057] recipient: [45:110:2135] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:113:2136] sender: [45:114:2057] recipient: [45:110:2135] !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [45:57:2098]) rebooted! !Reboot 72057594037927937 (actor [45:57:2098]) tablet resolver refreshed! new actor is[45:113:2136] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [45:113:2136] sender: [45:167:2057] recipient: [45:17:2064] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [46:55:2057] recipient: [46:52:2096] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [0:0:0] sender: [46:55:2057] recipient: [46:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [46:57:2098] sender: [46:58:2057] recipient: [46:52:2096] Leader for TabletID 72057594037927937 is [46:57:2098] sender: [46:75:2057] recipient: [46:17:2064] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestListShards1Shard [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:27.055991Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517769280578639:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:27.058602Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001699/r3tmp/tmpxwnDyS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:27.644518Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:27.654116Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:27.654214Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:27.664572Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 6774, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:28.173191Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.173218Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.173231Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:28.173419Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7337 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:28.489988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:28.646323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:7337 2025-03-11T11:49:28.895558Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:28.910663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:29.545249Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "16" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "17" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "18" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "19" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "20" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "21" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "22" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "23" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "24" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "25" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "26" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "27" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "28" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "29" shard_id: "shard-000000" } 2025-03-11T11:49:29.676775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:29.830409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:29.867230Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:29.867306Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:29.867320Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:29.878505Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:29.878579Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,3) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:29.878608Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693769322-1","schema":"yds.resources.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":0,"reserved_storage_bytes":90596966400},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693769322-2","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693769756-3","schema":"yds.resources.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":0,"reserved_storage_bytes":90596966400},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693769756-4","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"reserved_resources-root-72075186224037890-1741693769762-5","schema":"yds.resources.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":0,"reserved_storage_bytes":90596966400},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037890","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037890-1741693769762-6","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037890","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693769322-1","schema":"yds.resources.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":0,"reserved_storage_bytes":90596966400},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693769322-2","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestNonChargeableUser","id":"reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693769756-3","schema":"yds.resources.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":0,"reserved_storage_bytes":90596966400},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693769,"finish":1741693769},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestNonChargeableUser","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693769}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder ... n { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:39.012236Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.114293Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:26225 2025-03-11T11:49:39.391872Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... WARNING: All log messages before y_absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR E0000 00:00:1741693779.689837 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.690026 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.724084 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.724225 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.736718 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.736893 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.744290 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.744432 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn 2025-03-11T11:49:39.790366Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.899004Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 E0000 00:00:1741693779.989732 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693779.989855 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn 2025-03-11T11:49:40.001232Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 E0000 00:00:1741693780.148767 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693780.148902 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn 2025-03-11T11:49:40.162947Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 E0000 00:00:1741693780.278054 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693780.282606 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693780.316258 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693780.316405 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn 2025-03-11T11:49:40.364880Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:40.398005Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037892 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.401373Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.401416Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.401426Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.401433Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.401446Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.410304Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,5) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:40.410406Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found E0000 00:00:1741693780.435417 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693780.435536 230888 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn 2025-03-11T11:49:43.985054Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517839484350916:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:43.991866Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001699/r3tmp/tmpjYqvQm/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:44.288246Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:44.319579Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:44.319677Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:44.323999Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5134, node 10 2025-03-11T11:49:44.426494Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.426517Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.426525Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:44.426690Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20554 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:44.766959Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:44.867094Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:20554 2025-03-11T11:49:45.156791Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... E0000 00:00:1741693785.369099 233784 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693785.387897 233784 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693785.402234 233784 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693785.416134 233784 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn E0000 00:00:1741693785.424860 233784 message_lite.cc:131] Can't parse message of type "NKikimrPQ.TYdsNextToken" because it is missing required fields: CreationTimestamp, MaxResults, AlreadyRead, StreamArn >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestGetQueueAttributes [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestCreateCleanWithRetry [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestCreateCleanManyTables |83.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-row_dispatcher-format_handler-ut |83.2%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-row_dispatcher-format_handler-ut >> KqpQueryService::CloseConnection [GOOD] >> KqpPragma::ResetPerQuery >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_NotOneSize+useSink [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::BillingRecordsForJsonApi >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestSimpleCreateClean [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_NotOneSize-useSink >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestReboot >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestListQueues >> KqpYql::TestUuidPrimaryKeyPrefixSearch ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpPragma::MatchRecognizeWithTimeOrderRecoverer [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10399, MsgBus: 2467 2025-03-11T11:49:35.337962Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517804821430944:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:35.338159Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bc1/r3tmp/tmpuBadEc/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:35.926796Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:35.926941Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:35.933477Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:35.936209Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10399, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:36.108936Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.108957Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.108965Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.109099Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2467 TClient is connected to server localhost:2467 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:36.772349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:36.829015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:37.028121Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:37.202208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:37.284958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.247055Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517822001301698:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:39.247207Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:39.677579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.715332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.774687Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.818922Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.857473Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.894464Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.946519Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517822001302210:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:39.946629Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:39.946850Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517822001302215:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:39.950775Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.966601Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517822001302217:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:40.037838Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517826296269566:3446] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:40.334760Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517804821430944:2267];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:40.334831Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:41.202115Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517830591237133:2494], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Pre type annotation, code: 1020
:2:34: Error: Pragma auth not supported inside Kikimr query., code: 2016 2025-03-11T11:49:41.203644Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2IxNWNmZTUtYjhlNDI5ZGMtNmQ3NjYxMzQtNGQxMTE3NQ==, ActorId: [1:7480517830591237125:2489], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm1447w32qaag648qjpkh, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28766, MsgBus: 31116 2025-03-11T11:49:42.120831Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517834672121527:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:42.120886Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bc1/r3tmp/tmpuqw0pq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:42.320601Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:42.332094Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:42.332174Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:42.334272Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28766, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:42.386431Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.386459Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.386469Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.386600Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31116 TClient is connected to server localhost:31116 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:42.928697Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:42.954929Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.062270Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.274453Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.359985Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:45.868598Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517847557025167:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.868699Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.929825Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:45.969143Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.012627Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.050921Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.096855Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.165326Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.230277Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517851851992982:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.230357Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.230508Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517851851992987:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.234065Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.248056Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517851851992989:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.320834Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517851851993042:3439] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.120927Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517834672121527:2063];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.136547Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.730794Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:48.930604Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693788968, txId: 281474976710675] shutting down >> DataStreams::ListStreamsValidation [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::NoAstSizeLimit [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20328, MsgBus: 30197 2025-03-11T11:49:39.075364Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517821968529984:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:39.075554Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bb6/r3tmp/tmpA794Vx/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:39.496412Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:39.513657Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:39.513795Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:39.535670Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20328, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:39.612929Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.612965Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.612989Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.613113Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:30197 TClient is connected to server localhost:30197 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:40.232630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.268021Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.417177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.562918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.633573Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:42.634164Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517834853433502:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.634324Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.003828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.045879Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.095221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.185472Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.233633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.297504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.397674Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517839148401320:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.397908Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.398356Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517839148401325:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.403339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.416802Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517839148401327:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.490870Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517839148401381:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.071698Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517821968529984:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:44.071799Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.069467Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693785097, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 25677, MsgBus: 4186 2025-03-11T11:49:45.983648Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517850103558523:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.989576Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bb6/r3tmp/tmpPBuL4b/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:46.214723Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 25677, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:46.240071Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:46.240163Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:46.248665Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:46.332716Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.332741Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.332748Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.332865Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:4186 TClient is connected to server localhost:4186 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.749064Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.756976Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.462842Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517867283428211:2330], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.462920Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.474834Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.558276Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517867283428330:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.558344Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.596567Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517867283428340:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.596636Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.596709Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517867283428345:2348], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.600212Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.615674Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517867283428347:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.680059Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517867283428398:2397] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestDeleteQueue >> KqpScripting::SelectNullType [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestSetQueueAttributes [GOOD] >> KqpYql::PgIntPrimaryKey [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::ExecuteYqlScriptPg [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamDdlAndDml >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::ListShards [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestPutRecords [GOOD] >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKey >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestRequestNoAuthorization [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestTagQueue >> KqpScripting::ScriptValidate |83.2%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/columnshard/engines/ut/unittest >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::ListShardsEmptyFields >> KqpPg::Returning-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCV+useSink >> KqpPg::SelectIndex+useSink >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestGetRecords [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestUnauthorizedPutRecords >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptClientTimeoutBruteForce [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptClientOperationTimeoutBruteForce >> KqpYql::FlexibleTypes [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCVList-useSink [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestGetRecordsCbor >> KqpPg::CheckPgAutoParams+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpYql::FromBytes >> KqpPg::CheckPgAutoParams-useSink |83.2%| [TA] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_cdc_stream/test-results/unittest/{meta.json ... results_accumulator.log} |83.2%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/fq/libs/row_dispatcher/format_handler/ut/ydb-core-fq-libs-row_dispatcher-format_handler-ut ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/service/unittest >> KqpQueryService::CloseConnection [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 13752, MsgBus: 28074 2025-03-11T11:48:15.071095Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517463658817226:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:15.072003Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ad/r3tmp/tmpv2LEra/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:15.472487Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:15.486512Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:15.486638Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:15.489732Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 13752, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:15.658442Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:15.658470Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:15.658484Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:15.658596Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28074 TClient is connected to server localhost:28074 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:16.360335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:16.377526Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:16.521378Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:16.738143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:16.842518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:18.623037Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517476543720751:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:18.623180Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.271459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.332205Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.380726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.445230Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.488723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.551595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.639807Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517480838688572:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.639885Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.640097Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517480838688577:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.644981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:19.661772Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517480838688579:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:19.767223Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517480838688635:3450] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:48:20.072226Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517463658817226:2203];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:20.137363Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 21669, MsgBus: 18636 2025-03-11T11:48:23.244039Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517496806465970:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:23.244095Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016ad/r3tmp/tmpowKPoE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:23.392684Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:23.403688Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:23.403774Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:23.405343Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 21669, node 2 2025-03-11T11:48:23.504110Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:23.504138Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:23.504147Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:48:23.504266Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18636 TClient is connected to server localhost:18636 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:23.968726Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:23.973919Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:23.989603Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:24.119796Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:24.398037Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:24.487069Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCre ... /session/3?node_id=4&id=NWE0ZjAyYzAtODcyNjkzYWItMjQ5NzFmZjgtZDU2MmYxYjc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ABORTED: {
: Error: Client lost } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.951723Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541352:2574], TxId: 281474976710680, task: 5. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=NWE0ZjAyYzAtODcyNjkzYWItMjQ5NzFmZjgtZDU2MmYxYjc=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2gm6sfbv0sz9vct8z3mfqy. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517854205541342:2568], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.020300Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:47.020697Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [4:7480517858500508715:2584] TxId: 281474976710682. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ABORTED: {
: Error: Client lost } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.020875Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500508722:2587], TxId: 281474976710682, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500508715:2584], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.024352Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500508723:2588], TxId: 281474976710682, task: 3. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500508715:2584], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.024730Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500508724:2589], TxId: 281474976710682, task: 4. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500508715:2584], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.024979Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500508721:2586], TxId: 281474976710682, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500508715:2584], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.025197Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500508725:2590], TxId: 281474976710682, task: 5. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500508715:2584], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.026695Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541351:2573], TxId: 281474976710680, task: 4. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=NWE0ZjAyYzAtODcyNjkzYWItMjQ5NzFmZjgtZDU2MmYxYjc=. TraceId : 01jp2gm6sfbv0sz9vct8z3mfqy. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517854205541342:2568], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.027036Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YTBjZmU1YWUtZDg1MTc2M2ItMjFlMTA0NDktYTMzZDljMmI=, ActorId: [4:7480517854205541416:2584], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm6vp5at5d5xwv7419r9z, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:47.028409Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=NWE0ZjAyYzAtODcyNjkzYWItMjQ5NzFmZjgtZDU2MmYxYjc=, ActorId: [4:7480517854205541339:2568], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm6sfbv0sz9vct8z3mfqy, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:47.089754Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:47.210111Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:47.250319Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:47.610795Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:47.611322Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [4:7480517858500509213:2706] TxId: 281474976710699. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm7dfb2gt1ftmdcjwc7zv, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGUzNTkzNTUtMjQ2OGFmNDAtM2RjOTY5MjQtOGExN2MwODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ABORTED: {
: Error: Client lost } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.636396Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [4:7480517858500509213:2706] TxId: 281474976710699. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm7dfb2gt1ftmdcjwc7zv, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGUzNTkzNTUtMjQ2OGFmNDAtM2RjOTY5MjQtOGExN2MwODk=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Unexpected event while waiting for shutdown: NYql::NDq::TEvDqCompute::TEvChannelData 2025-03-11T11:49:47.637572Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517858500509223:2712], TxId: 281474976710699, task: 5. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm7dfb2gt1ftmdcjwc7zv. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGUzNTkzNTUtMjQ2OGFmNDAtM2RjOTY5MjQtOGExN2MwODk=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517858500509213:2706], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.639588Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZGUzNTkzNTUtMjQ2OGFmNDAtM2RjOTY5MjQtOGExN2MwODk=, ActorId: [4:7480517858500509210:2706], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm7dfb2gt1ftmdcjwc7zv, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:47.815915Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=, ActorId: [4:7480517854205541210:2540], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:47.831288Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541240:2544], TxId: 281474976710673, task: 3. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle undelivered TEvState event, abort execution 2025-03-11T11:49:47.843315Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541242:2546], TxId: 281474976710673, task: 5. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=. TraceId : 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle undelivered TEvState event, abort execution 2025-03-11T11:49:47.843400Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541238:2542], TxId: 281474976710673, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle undelivered TEvState event, abort execution 2025-03-11T11:49:47.843693Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541239:2543], TxId: 281474976710673, task: 2. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle undelivered TEvState event, abort execution 2025-03-11T11:49:47.843767Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517854205541241:2545], TxId: 281474976710673, task: 4. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gm6n68vdchy2faajv9gxz. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=YjI2YmI1MzEtNmEzOTJhYS1jOGI0OTFiLTkyNjNmMjc=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle undelivered TEvState event, abort execution 2025-03-11T11:49:48.243220Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [4:7480517862795476960:2819] TxId: 281474976710715. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm80z3a0eh01tc2fktqrg, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZjNkMzc1MWItNWI2ZmFhYmMtNTI1NjJjNWYtNjkwN2VhYWE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ABORTED: {
: Error: Client lost } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.243372Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517862795476967:2822], TxId: 281474976710715, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZjNkMzc1MWItNWI2ZmFhYmMtNTI1NjJjNWYtNjkwN2VhYWE=. CustomerSuppliedId : . TraceId : 01jp2gm80z3a0eh01tc2fktqrg. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517862795476960:2819], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.243801Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517862795476970:2825], TxId: 281474976710715, task: 5. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZjNkMzc1MWItNWI2ZmFhYmMtNTI1NjJjNWYtNjkwN2VhYWE=. TraceId : 01jp2gm80z3a0eh01tc2fktqrg. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517862795476960:2819], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.244353Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ZjNkMzc1MWItNWI2ZmFhYmMtNTI1NjJjNWYtNjkwN2VhYWE=, ActorId: [4:7480517862795476957:2819], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm80z3a0eh01tc2fktqrg, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.245126Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:48.666852Z node 4 :RPC_REQUEST WARN: Client lost 2025-03-11T11:49:48.667482Z node 4 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [4:7480517862795477250:2893] TxId: 281474976710725. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm8e213bj1k44dvd5cgdc, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODkxNGNjYmItNmJiMGVlODUtNzViYWFjNi05ZGE5ZmVmMg==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. ABORTED: {
: Error: Client lost } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.731260Z node 4 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [4:7480517862795477261:2899], TxId: 281474976710725, task: 5. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODkxNGNjYmItNmJiMGVlODUtNzViYWFjNi05ZGE5ZmVmMg==. TraceId : 01jp2gm8e213bj1k44dvd5cgdc. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [4:7480517862795477250:2893], status: ABORTED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.732920Z node 4 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=4&id=ODkxNGNjYmItNmJiMGVlODUtNzViYWFjNi05ZGE5ZmVmMg==, ActorId: [4:7480517862795477247:2893], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8e213bj1k44dvd5cgdc, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::ExecuteYqlScriptPg [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3095, MsgBus: 22971 2025-03-11T11:49:39.262757Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517820549759638:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:39.263347Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ba9/r3tmp/tmpIQmU39/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:39.658980Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:39.663165Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:39.663287Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:39.666461Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3095, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:39.737209Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.737239Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.737247Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:39.737380Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22971 TClient is connected to server localhost:22971 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:40.293332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.317057Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.472056Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.658901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:40.751519Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:42.609600Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517833434663165:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.609764Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.151108Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.238246Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.293488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.364856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.454172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.546112Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.651905Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517837729630991:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.652004Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.652288Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517837729630996:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.656479Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.671077Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517837729630998:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.735973Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517837729631052:3461] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:44.291333Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517820549759638:2202];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:44.291715Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.059201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:45.770914Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693785797, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9174, MsgBus: 29580 2025-03-11T11:49:46.545321Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517853065383742:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:46.545371Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ba9/r3tmp/tmp4rq4Vp/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:46.679838Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:46.683485Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:46.683556Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:46.687288Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9174, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:46.740629Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.740649Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.740657Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.740777Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:29580 TClient is connected to server localhost:29580 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:47.205947Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.223732Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.307758Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.512922Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.586021Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:50.178539Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517870245254667:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.178627Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.230169Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.274195Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.324801Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.375108Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.452692Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.550680Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.646162Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517870245255191:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.646427Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.646987Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517870245255196:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.651551Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.683839Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517870245255198:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.741000Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517870245255253:3448] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:51.550287Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517853065383742:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:51.550355Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::ListStreamsValidation [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:29.360961Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517780346162842:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:29.362278Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001660/r3tmp/tmp6D23xC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:29.815036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.815159Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:29.819634Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.850122Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 1587, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:29.898827Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:29.898857Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:29.921616Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.921638Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.921645Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.921782Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16216 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:30.263191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:30.384356Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:16216 2025-03-11T11:49:30.667072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.892217Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:33.120281Z node 1 :CHANGE_EXCHANGE WARN: [CdcChangeSenderMain][72075186224037890:1][1:7480517797526033674:2369] Failed entry at 'ResolveTopic': entry# { Path: TableId: [72057594046644480:6:0] RequestType: ByTableId Operation: OpTopic RedirectRequired: true ShowPrivatePath: true SyncVersion: false Status: PathErrorUnknown Kind: KindUnknown DomainInfo } 2025-03-11T11:49:33.375504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:33.625488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657426Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037900 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657447Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037894 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657458Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037908 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657471Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037903 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657484Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037897 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657496Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037905 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.657510Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037906 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661248Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037901 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661266Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037893 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661278Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037896 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661288Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037907 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661300Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037899 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661310Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037904 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661321Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037902 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661333Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037898 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.661387Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037895 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.678821Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,19) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.678882Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,7) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.678910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,13) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.678960Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,10) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679016Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,16) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679054Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,21) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679088Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,18) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679124Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,15) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679161Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,12) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679224Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,6) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679262Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,9) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679287Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,20) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679321Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,17) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:33.679360Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,14) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:35.417565Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517805060439792:2144];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:35.420484Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001660/r3tmp/tmpBEloQi/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:35.562507Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:35.591571Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:35.591661Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:35.595574Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 18160, node 4 2025-03-11T11:49:35.685804Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.685836Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.685845Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.686009Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24877 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:35.920206Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:35.993496Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:24877 2025-03-11T11:49:36.195485Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:36.210815Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.548396Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.692120Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.853984Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:40.508807Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517826474000640:2078];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:40.510000Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001660/r3tmp/tmpCirtRu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:40.719300Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:40.766214Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:40.766315Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:40.772680Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22009, node 7 2025-03-11T11:49:40.887546Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:40.887573Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:40.887602Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:40.887774Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13927 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:41.236411Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:41.324626Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:13927 2025-03-11T11:49:41.601312Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:41.989831Z node 7 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [7:7480517830768970081:3447] txid# 281474976710661, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/stream_TestCreateExistingStream\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], type: EPathTypePersQueueGroup, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.890269Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517848663392116:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.890338Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001660/r3tmp/tmpkbI7tP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:46.182912Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:46.227837Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:46.227954Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:46.231860Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23742, node 10 2025-03-11T11:49:46.324434Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.324461Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.324468Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:46.324593Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27593 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:46.668236Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.786516Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:27593 2025-03-11T11:49:47.140853Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.155163Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 >> DataStreams::TestReservedConsumersMetering [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::PgIntPrimaryKey [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 19689, MsgBus: 5270 2025-03-11T11:49:38.098014Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517818351564526:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:38.103839Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bba/r3tmp/tmpas0WZA/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:38.541466Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:38.542135Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:38.542215Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:38.547245Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 19689, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:38.694598Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:38.694622Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:38.694630Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:38.694908Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5270 TClient is connected to server localhost:5270 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:39.396114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.413755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:39.433618Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.575578Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.746244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:39.818342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:41.842729Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517831236468187:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:41.842867Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.309762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.382458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.422888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.464570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.542649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.603571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.668630Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517835531436001:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.668728Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.668894Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517835531436006:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.680038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.695989Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517835531436008:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:42.771302Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517835531436064:3454] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:43.096726Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517818351564526:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:43.096883Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout;
: Error: Optimization, code: 1070
:4:20: Error: RefSelect mode isn't supported by provider: kikimr Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22541, MsgBus: 24151 2025-03-11T11:49:44.945210Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517845828769429:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:44.945254Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001bba/r3tmp/tmpw399mt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:45.170960Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22541, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:45.203933Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:45.204033Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:45.206067Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:45.296270Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.296298Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.296307Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.296452Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:24151 TClient is connected to server localhost:24151 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:45.905590Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:45.913497Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:48.770768Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517863008639268:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.770864Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.795487Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:48.854678Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517863008639370:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.854842Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.855597Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517863008639375:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.861079Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:48.872796Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517863008639377:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.936656Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517863008639428:2391] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.945780Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517845828769429:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:49.945958Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestPutRecords [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:29.382289Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517778193209609:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:29.382332Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001673/r3tmp/tmpVXchaS/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:29.872672Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.872751Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:29.878664Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.934633Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9009, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:30.078853Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:30.078881Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:30.078907Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:30.079027Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17720 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:30.548058Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:30.686595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:17720 2025-03-11T11:49:30.903608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:30.932652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:34.640632Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517802767377489:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:34.640711Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001673/r3tmp/tmp8JcQ2y/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:34.848377Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:34.870751Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:34.870829Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:34.876563Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 2372, node 4 2025-03-11T11:49:35.029125Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.029152Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.029159Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:35.029325Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22355 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:35.314744Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:35.475092Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:22355 2025-03-11T11:49:35.716785Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:36.007276Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 encryption_type: NONE sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000000" } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.107568Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:36.196007Z :INFO: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] Starting read session 2025-03-11T11:49:36.196107Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] Starting session to cluster null (localhost:2372) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.206114Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] [null] In Reconnect, ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:36.206196Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] [null] New values: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:36.207232Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] [null] Reconnecting session to cluster null in 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:36.221363Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] [null] Successfully connected. Initializing session 2025-03-11T11:49:36.221553Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: new grpc connection 2025-03-11T11:49:36.221617Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: new session created cookie 1 2025-03-11T11:49:36.242273Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer session grpc read done: success# 1, data# { init_request { topics_read_settings { topic: "/Root/stream_TestPutRecordsWithRead" } read_only_original: true consumer: "user1" read_params { max_read_size: 104857600 } } } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.242633Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 read init: from# ipv6:[::1]:37250, request# { init_request { topics_read_settings { topic: "/Root/stream_TestPutRecordsWithRead" } read_only_original: true consumer: "user1" read_params { max_read_size: 104857600 } } } 2025-03-11T11:49:36.242845Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 auth for : user1 2025-03-11T11:49:36.246785Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 Handle describe topics response 2025-03-11T11:49:36.246951Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 auth is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:36.247070Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 auth ok: topics# 1, initDone# 0 2025-03-11T11:49:36.248609Z node 4 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_4_1_12212412600108271698_v1 register session: topic# /Root/stream_TestPutRecordsWithRead 2025-03-11T11:49:36.249537Z :INFO: [/Root/] [/Root/] [2da3951c-460eb439-78678e30-3ca63213] [null] Server session id: user1_4_1_1221241260010 ... ] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946322Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 3 (0-2) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946336Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 4 (0-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946424Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 3 (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946429Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 0 (0-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946517Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 3. Read: {0, 0} (0-0) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.946575Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 3. Read: {1, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.962747Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 3. Read: {2, 0} (2-2) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.962824Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 3, size 1049088 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:42.963343Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 4. Read: {0, 0} (0-0) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.963386Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 4. Read: {1, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.963411Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:42.963550Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 3. Read: {3, 0} (3-3) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.963572Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 1, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:42.964046Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {0, 0} (0-0) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.964078Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 0. Read: {1, 0} (1-1) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.964103Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 2, size 0 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:43.713713Z :INFO: [/Root/] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:3:5:3:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:4:4:1:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:0:3:1:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:1:2:4:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:2:1:0:0 2025-03-11T11:49:43.713795Z :INFO: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1002 BytesRead: 5243395 MessagesRead: 13 BytesReadCompressed: 5243395 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.006252Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[7:7480517826630234871:2075];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.006353Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.516095Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] After sending read request: ReadSizeBudget = 52428800, ReadSizeServerDelta = 0 2025-03-11T11:49:45.516262Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (5-5) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.516380Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (6-6) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.516419Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (7-7) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.516449Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Decompression task done. Partition/PartitionSessionId: 1 (8-8) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.519302Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {0, 0} (5-5) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.521309Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {1, 0} (6-6) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.524615Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {2, 0} (7-7) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.525589Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] Take Data. Partition 1. Read: {3, 0} (8-8) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.525651Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] The application data is transferred to the client. Number of messages 4, size 4194304 bytes 2025-03-11T11:49:45.527736Z :INFO: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:45.527819Z :INFO: [/Root/] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:3:5:3:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:4:4:1:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:0:3:1:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:1:2:8:0 null:stream_TestPutRecordsCornerCases:2:1:0:0 2025-03-11T11:49:45.527864Z :INFO: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 2816 BytesRead: 9437699 MessagesRead: 17 BytesReadCompressed: 9437699 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.527981Z :NOTICE: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Close with zero timeout " } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.528027Z :DEBUG: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] [null] Abort session to cluster 2025-03-11T11:49:45.528569Z :NOTICE: [/Root/] [/Root/] [9296c6e4-9711c9cb-67076fec-a779e02d] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.532072Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_7_1_14164567266191904638_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:45.532117Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_7_1_14164567266191904638_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:45.532167Z node 7 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer user1 session user1_7_1_14164567266191904638_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:47.020078Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517855222485871:2073];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.020132Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001673/r3tmp/tmp6RSlpo/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:47.321923Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:47.363589Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:47.363680Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:47.368096Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 23844, node 10 2025-03-11T11:49:47.450105Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.450141Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.450151Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.450358Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:3331 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:47.884453Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:48.131308Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:3331 2025-03-11T11:49:48.493103Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:48.936845Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480
: Error: Access for stream /Root/stream_TestPutRecords is denied for subject user2@builtin, code: 500018 2025-03-11T11:49:49.139739Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 PutRecordsResponse = encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000002" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } PutRecord response = encryption_type: NONE sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000004" |83.3%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest |83.2%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_range_ops/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_range_ops |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_range_ops/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_range_ops |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_range_ops/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_range_ops ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestReservedConsumersMetering [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:25.449452Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517764565998058:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:25.451003Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0016a2/r3tmp/tmpqEmSsE/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:25.963713Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:25.963822Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:25.967979Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:26.044072Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17110, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:26.076424Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.076453Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.246741Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:26.246769Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:26.246781Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:26.246903Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:19296 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:26.605376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:26.701117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:19296 2025-03-11T11:49:26.923133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:27.456281Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "0" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000001" } encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "1" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000001" } encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "4" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "8" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "2" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "5" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000001" } 2025-03-11T11:49:30.426535Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517764565998058:2211];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:30.426648Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "16" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "17" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "16" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "16" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "6" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "17" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "9" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "10" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "12" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000007" } records { sequence_number: "18" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "11" shard_id: "shard-000005" } records { sequence_number: "3" shard_id: "shard-000003" } records { sequence_number: "17" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000008" } records { sequence_number: "13" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "7" shard_id: "shard-000006" } records { sequence_number: "14" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "18" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "18" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "19" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "19" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { sequence_number: "15" shard_id: "shard-000000" } records { sequence_number: "19" shard_id: "shard-000001" } encryption_type: NONE records { sequence_number: "20" shard_id: "shard-000001" } records { sequence_number: "20" shard_id: "shard-000009" } records { sequence_number: "20" shard_id: "shard-000004" } records { seq ... lder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693787499-170","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693787},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693787}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693787499-171","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693787},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693787}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693787499-172","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":0,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693787},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693787}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"put_units-root-72075186224037888-1741693787572-173","schema":"yds.events.puts.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"put_events","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693788},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693788}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693787572-174","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693788},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693788}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693787572-175","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":56320,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693788},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693788}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693787572-176","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693787,"finish":1741693788},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693788}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"put_units-root-72075186224037888-1741693788630-177","schema":"yds.events.puts.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"put_events","start":1741693788,"finish":1741693789},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693789}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693788630-178","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"second","start":1741693788,"finish":1741693789},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693789}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693788630-179","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":56320,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693788,"finish":1741693789},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693789}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693788630-180","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693788,"finish":1741693789},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693789}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"put_units-root-72075186224037888-1741693789686-181","schema":"yds.events.puts.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"put_events","start":1741693789,"finish":1741693790},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693790}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693789686-182","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"second","start":1741693789,"finish":1741693790},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693790}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693789686-183","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":56320,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693789,"finish":1741693790},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693790}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693789686-184","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693789,"finish":1741693790},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693790}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"put_units-root-72075186224037888-1741693790719-185","schema":"yds.events.puts.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"put_events","start":1741693790,"finish":1741693791},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693791}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693790719-186","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"second","start":1741693790,"finish":1741693791},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693791}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693790719-187","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":56320,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693790,"finish":1741693791},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693791}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693790719-188","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693790,"finish":1741693791},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693791}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"put_units-root-72075186224037888-1741693791747-189","schema":"yds.events.puts.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":1,"unit":"put_events","start":1741693791,"finish":1741693793},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693793}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693791747-190","schema":"yds.throughput.reserved.v1","tags":{"reserved_throughput_bps":1048576,"reserved_consumers_count":2},"usage":{"quantity":2,"unit":"second","start":1741693791,"finish":1741693793},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693793}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"yds.reserved_resources-root-72075186224037888-1741693791747-191","schema":"yds.storage.reserved.v1","tags":{},"usage":{"quantity":112640,"unit":"mbyte*second","start":1741693791,"finish":1741693793},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"v1","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693793}' Got line from metering file data: '{"cloud_id":"somecloud","folder_id":"somefolder","resource_id":"/Root/stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","id":"used_storage-root-72075186224037888-1741693791747-192","schema":"ydb.serverless.v1","tags":{"ydb_size":0},"usage":{"quantity":2,"unit":"byte*second","start":1741693791,"finish":1741693793},"labels":{"datastreams_stream_name":"stream_TestReservedConsumersMetering","ydb_database":"root"},"version":"1.0.0","source_id":"72075186224037888","source_wt":1741693793}' ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::InsertCVList-useSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22877, MsgBus: 16125 2025-03-11T11:49:41.320698Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517830045062888:2081];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:41.320764Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ba8/r3tmp/tmpNNG7rI/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:41.943481Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:41.948363Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:41.948519Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:41.956867Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22877, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:42.111655Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.111679Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.111691Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:42.111859Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16125 TClient is connected to server localhost:16125 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:43.024260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.074964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.082762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:43.256858Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.443745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:43.563821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:45.568636Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517847224933821:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.568778Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:45.965976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.014614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.067987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.148552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.200722Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.239371Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.293867Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517851519901629:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.293981Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.294248Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517851519901634:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.298990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.310243Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517851519901636:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.321999Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517830045062888:2081];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:46.322082Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:46.381950Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517851519901691:3448] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.478262Z node 1 :GLOBAL WARN: fline=events.h:101;event=ev_write_error;status=STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION;details=Operation is aborting because an duplicate key;tx_id=3; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.478523Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Prepare transaction failed. txid 3 at tablet 72075186224037914 errors: Status: STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Issues: { message: "Operation is aborting because an duplicate key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.479967Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Errors while proposing transaction txid 3 at tablet 72075186224037914 Status: STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Issues: { message: "Operation is aborting because an duplicate key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.480262Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517855814869329:2505], Table: `/Root/Test` ([72057594046644480:9:1]), SessionActorId: [1:7480517855814869296:2505]Got CONSTRAINT VIOLATION for table. ShardID=72075186224037914, Sink=[1:7480517855814869329:2505].{
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.492361Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517855814869322:2505], SessionActorId: [1:7480517855814869296:2505], statusCode=PRECONDITION_FAILED. Issue=
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key . sessionActorId=[1:7480517855814869296:2505]. isRollback=0 2025-03-11T11:49:47.492654Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTQ4MmEzYWMtMTQ1ZDNlMTYtOTA4NWQ2OTUtODliYzVlOA==, ActorId: [1:7480517855814869296:2505], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm75qbrws0jmq9e5dzzff, got TEvKqpBuffer::TEvError in ExecuteState, status: PRECONDITION_FAILED send to: [1:7480517855814869323:2505] from: [1:7480517855814869322:2505] 2025-03-11T11:49:47.492741Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [1:7480517855814869323:2505] TxId: 281474976710671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gm75qbrws0jmq9e5dzzff, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTQ4MmEzYWMtMTQ1ZDNlMTYtOTA4NWQ2OTUtODliYzVlOA==, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. PRECONDITION_FAILED: {
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012 subissue: {
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key } } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.493697Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTQ4MmEzYWMtMTQ1ZDNlMTYtOTA4NWQ2OTUtODliYzVlOA==, ActorId: [1:7480517855814869296:2505], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm75qbrws0jmq9e5dzzff, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 11258, MsgBus: 18143 2025-03-11T11:49:48.564158Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517862279995266:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:48.564269Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001ba8/r3tmp/tmpAusT9S/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:48.724336Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:48.761059Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:48.761187Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:48.763952Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 11258, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:48.833558Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.833584Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.833592Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.833709Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18143 TClient is connected to server localhost:18143 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:49.372970Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.394175Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.477642Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.669618Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.756711Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.232256Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517879459866209:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.232376Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.303514Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.355244Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.399632Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.436904Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.472226Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.519888Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.615502Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517879459866721:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.615615Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.615997Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517879459866726:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.620550Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.644619Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517879459866728:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.700910Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517879459866785:3441] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.569552Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517862279995266:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:53.569617Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:54.117525Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480517888049801717:2503], TxId: 281474976710672, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gmdgpew4d5t0h72shg3fc. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ5YTExMmUtZmJjNzU0MTctYTQxZDNmMTMtMmIxMDllYWU=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Duplicated keys found., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:49:54.117908Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480517888049801719:2504], TxId: 281474976710672, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ5YTExMmUtZmJjNzU0MTctYTQxZDNmMTMtMmIxMDllYWU=. TraceId : 01jp2gmdgpew4d5t0h72shg3fc. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:7480517888049801714:2494], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.118387Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjQ5YTExMmUtZmJjNzU0MTctYTQxZDNmMTMtMmIxMDllYWU=, ActorId: [2:7480517883754834353:2494], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmdgpew4d5t0h72shg3fc, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
: Error: Duplicated keys found., code: 2012 >> KqpYql::EvaluateIf [GOOD] >> KqpYql::EvaluateFor >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumersWithMaxResults [GOOD] |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-solomon-actors-ut |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-solomon-actors-ut |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/yql/providers/solomon/actors/ut/ydb-library-yql-providers-solomon-actors-ut >> KqpYql::ScriptUdf >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueries >> KqpYql::NonStrictDml >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStreamWithConsumer [GOOD] |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/ut/ydb-services-rate_limiter-ut |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/ut/ydb-services-rate_limiter-ut |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/services/rate_limiter/ut/ydb-services-rate_limiter-ut >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyDisabled >> KqpYql::TableUseBeforeCreate >> KqpScripting::ScanQuery [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptMixed [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::ScanQueryDisable >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptLeadingEmptyScan >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptData >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumersWithToken >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStreamWithConsumerWithFlag >> KqpPragma::ResetPerQuery [GOOD] >> KqpPragma::Warning >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestCreateQueueWithTags [GOOD] >> KqpYql::TableRange >> KqpYql::TestUuidPrimaryKeyPrefixSearch [GOOD] >> KqpYql::EvaluateExprPgNull |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_rs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_rs |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_rs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_rs |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_rs/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_rs >> KqpScripting::StreamDdlAndDml [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestDeleteMessage |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_column_stats/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_column_stats |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_column_stats/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_column_stats |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_column_stats/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_column_stats |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/view/ydb-core-kqp-ut-view |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/view/ydb-core-kqp-ut-view |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/kqp/ut/view/ydb-core-kqp-ut-view |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel_unstable/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel_unstable |83.3%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel_unstable/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel_unstable |83.3%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/cms/ut_sentinel_unstable/ydb-core-cms-ut_sentinel_unstable >> DataStreams::TestGetRecords1MBMessagesOneByOneBySeqNo [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::TestUuidPrimaryKeyPrefixSearch [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 10100, MsgBus: 6691 2025-03-11T11:49:51.775119Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517872922496970:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:51.775228Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b7b/r3tmp/tmpjMeE1C/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:52.350030Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:52.353876Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:52.353980Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:52.357985Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 10100, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:52.569579Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.569604Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.569611Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.569713Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6691 TClient is connected to server localhost:6691 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:53.286022Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.308099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.517673Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517890102366814:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.517870Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.826119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.013544Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517894397334214:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.013649Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.013906Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517894397334219:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.017664Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.033246Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517894397334221:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.118483Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517894397334274:2400] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.775892Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517872922496970:2066];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:56.776019Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> KqpScripting::ScriptValidate [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::ScriptStats >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptOperationTmeoutBruteForce [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptPg >> KqpYql::InsertCV+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCV-useSink >> BasicUsage::PreferredDatabaseNoFallback [GOOD] >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKey [GOOD] >> KqpYql::FromBytes [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::StreamDdlAndDml [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17540, MsgBus: 7843 2025-03-11T11:49:45.028289Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517847311600010:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:45.028345Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b9c/r3tmp/tmpeY66E9/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:45.540874Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:45.540994Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:45.543315Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:45.566587Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17540, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:45.645191Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.645214Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.645222Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:45.645319Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:7843 TClient is connected to server localhost:7843 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:46.335064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.360937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:46.384104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.574129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.769961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.849243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:48.648229Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517860196503680:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:48.648339Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.018349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.050737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.076484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.142312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.169970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.242180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.342083Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517864491471500:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.342181Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.342274Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517864491471505:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.348081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.367697Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517864491471507:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:49.460485Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517864491471562:3455] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:50.029789Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517847311600010:2058];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:50.029914Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:51.013531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:51.433369Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693791460, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 15228, MsgBus: 18929 2025-03-11T11:49:52.388262Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517878718446132:2067];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:52.388329Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b9c/r3tmp/tmpIsKhQC/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:52.558761Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:52.558822Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:52.559239Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:52.559838Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 15228, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:52.662021Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.662041Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.662049Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.662163Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18929 TClient is connected to server localhost:18929 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:53.215938Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.222612Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.237386Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.319621Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.498546Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.590990Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.873439Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517891603349759:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.873572Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.990995Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.068273Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.132050Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.198282Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.265768Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.347119Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.417801Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517895898317570:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.417918Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.418025Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517895898317575:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.424590Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.443912Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517895898317577:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.500536Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517895898317632:3441] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.388757Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517878718446132:2067];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:57.388843Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:57.842515Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715671:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.420433Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693798453, txId: 281474976715673] shutting down >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_NotOneSize-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::InsertNoTargetColumns_Alter+useSink ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/services/datastreams/ut/unittest >> DataStreams::TestGetRecords1MBMessagesOneByOneBySeqNo [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:49:30.837884Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517784743090927:2210];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:30.846679Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0015db/r3tmp/tmpr2v6nn/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:31.288772Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:31.288899Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:31.294572Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:31.346906Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 14752, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:31.395840Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.395898Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:31.501724Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:31.501749Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:31.501760Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:31.501886Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:63563 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:31.790953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:31.892674Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:63563 2025-03-11T11:49:32.067094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:32.335859Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:32.381007Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.381038Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.381054Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.381089Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 1, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.391864Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.391971Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,4) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.392008Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,3) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:32.392216Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:35.704850Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[4:7480517806533527912:2212];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0015db/r3tmp/tmpm4Zgdq/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:35.812999Z node 4 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:49:36.009820Z node 4 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:36.063808Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:36.063946Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:36.068062Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(4, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30354, node 4 2025-03-11T11:49:36.223319Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.223353Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.223362Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:36.223536Z node 4 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:13556 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:36.624434Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:36.778080Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:13556 2025-03-11T11:49:37.055490Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:37.077862Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:37.310641Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:37.401573Z node 4 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:37.424716Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.424757Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.427244Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.427285Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 4, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.438439Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,2) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.438528Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,4) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.438579Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,3) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:37.438611Z node 4 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 THive::TTxDeleteTablet tablet (72057594046644480,1) wasn't found 2025-03-11T11:49:41.151582Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[7:7480517829660831802:2107];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:41.152565Z node 7 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0015db/r3tmp/tmptcUTMu/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:41.354888Z node 7 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5697, node 7 2025-03-11T11:49:41.477952Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:41.478074Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:41.510526Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(7, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:41.554684Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.554709Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.554719Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:41.554887Z node 7 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:63925 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:41.846274Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:41.965845Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:63925 2025-03-11T11:49:42.223392Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:42.504425Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.613397Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.704070Z node 7 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpDropPersQueueGroup, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:42.735549Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037889 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:42.735582Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037891 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:42.735591Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037890 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:42.735606Z node 7 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvLocal::TEvTabletStatus from node 7, TabletId: 72075186224037888 not found 2025-03-11T11:49:46.774925Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[10:7480517852128830720:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:46.779758Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/0015db/r3tmp/tmp7ifls8/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:46.984666Z node 10 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:47.031235Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:47.031351Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:47.035168Z node 10 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(10, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22851, node 10 2025-03-11T11:49:47.149565Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.149596Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.149607Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:47.149777Z node 10 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:25279 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:47.469387Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:47.580675Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpModifyACL, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 TClient is connected to server localhost:25279 2025-03-11T11:49:47.821667Z node 10 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterUserAttributes, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:51.248939Z node 10 :PERSQUEUE WARN: PQ Cache (L2). Same blob insertion. Tablet '72075186224037888' partition 0 offset 0 size 131352 2025-03-11T11:49:51.725641Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[10:7480517852128830720:2209];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:51.725756Z node 10 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:55.456364Z node 10 :PERSQUEUE WARN: PQ Cache (L2). Same blob insertion. Tablet '72075186224037888' partition 0 offset 4 size 131352 >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::ListShardsEmptyFields [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestListQueues [GOOD] |83.3%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_local_kmeans/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_local_kmeans |83.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_local_kmeans/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_local_kmeans |83.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_local_kmeans/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_local_kmeans >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestTagQueue [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::PreferredDatabaseNoFallback [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:52.854000Z :GetAllStartPartitionSessions INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693732853954 2025-03-11T11:48:53.320686Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517625861461835:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.320786Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.375880Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517624656745373:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.379864Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:48:53.629444Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:53.638327Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001dd2/r3tmp/tmpkxmy2a/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:54.381207Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.434620Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:54.449541Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:54.449656Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:54.455980Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:54.456052Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:54.459734Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:54.467910Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:54.469444Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5088, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:54.522516Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:54.538072Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:54.567762Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:48:54.800111Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001dd2/r3tmp/yandexO53Ypl.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:54.800137Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001dd2/r3tmp/yandexO53Ypl.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:54.800333Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001dd2/r3tmp/yandexO53Ypl.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:54.800466Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:54.887488Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 13451 GrpcPort 5088 TClient is connected to server localhost:13451 PQClient connected to localhost:5088 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:55.460060Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:48:58.329007Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517625861461835:2074];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.329119Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.370233Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517624656745373:2071];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:48:58.370303Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:48:59.304724Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517650426549485:2314], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.306174Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517650426549476:2311], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.306290Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.331367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710657:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:48:59.438266Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517650426549490:2315], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710657 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:48:59.535084Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517650426549522:2133] txid# 281474976710658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.182294Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517650426549529:2321], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:00.182295Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517651631266744:2347], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:00.182573Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjUwMTdlZjItNDE5NTllYjMtZTRhNzE3YzItZWM0N2IxZGM=, ActorId: [2:7480517650426549474:2310], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjr8w7k7r0095gy0pm2a1, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:00.184089Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjkwODZjMS1iYzNkYjg3Ny1mOTMwMDliZi0zODQ3YjkzZA==, ActorId: [1:7480517651631266703:2340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjrnf9j9v1hs0dywbrfhp, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:00.184761Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.185413Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:00.194484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.395315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:00.596070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:5088", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:49:01.029119Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715664. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gjspw9a0s2tps46m0tkqd, Database: , DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmEzYmU3OWMtMzczOGUxYjktYzZlOTc3YTctMzM3MmEwODY=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7480517660221201798:3038] === CheckClustersList. Ok 2025-03-11T11:49:07.068520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715675:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 ... (SourceId=src, PreferedPartition=(NULL)) Start idle 2025-03-11T11:49:26.534925Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: ProceedPartition. session cookie: 1 sessionId: partition: 0 expectedGeneration: (NULL) 2025-03-11T11:49:26.535804Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server connected, pipe [3:7480517768027425943:2507], now have 1 active actors on pipe 2025-03-11T11:49:26.535952Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) TEvClientConnected Status OK, TabletId: 72075186224037892, NodeId 4, Generation: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:26.536397Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:26.536439Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.536549Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE INFO: new Cookie src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 generated for partition 0 topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' owner src 2025-03-11T11:49:26.536668Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::ReplyOwnerOk. Partition: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.536729Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.537183Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Handle TEvRequest topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' requestId: 2025-03-11T11:49:26.537206Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] got client message batch for topic 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition 0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.537291Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: Answer ok topic: 'rt3.dc1--test-topic' partition: 0 messageNo: 0 requestId: cookie: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.537545Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session inited cookie: 1 partition: 0 MaxSeqNo: 0 sessionId: src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 2025-03-11T11:49:26.538217Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1741693766538 BytesWritten: 0 MessagesWritten: 0 BytesWrittenCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.538338Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [] Write session established. Init response: session_id: "src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0" topic: "test-topic" cluster: "dc1" supported_codecs: CODEC_RAW supported_codecs: CODEC_GZIP supported_codecs: CODEC_LZOP 2025-03-11T11:49:26.538609Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:49:26.538659Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:26.538710Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:26.539209Z :INFO: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:26.539265Z :DEBUG: [] MessageGroupId [src] SessionId [src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:26.540452Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:49:26.540472Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:49:26.540499Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:49:26.541572Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517768027425943:2507] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:49:26.541604Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:49:26.540518Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 1 sessionId: src|a627160c-2f494d6c-225b6826-945d62e5_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:49:26.541238Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison ====TYdbPqTestRetryPolicy() ====ExpectBreakDown === Session was created, waiting for retries >>> Ready to answer: ok ====CreateRetryState ====CreateRetryState Initialized Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:26.608705Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:28.609590Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:28.950459Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:28.950493Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:30.610350Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s === In the next federation discovery response dc2 will be available Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:32.612373Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:34.616881Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:36.622192Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:38.626073Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:40.630141Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:42.633102Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:44.639908Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:46.643480Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:48.646139Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:50.649127Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:52.653239Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:54.654800Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:54.903672Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] TPersQueueReadBalancer::HandleWakeup 2025-03-11T11:49:54.903776Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] Send TEvPersQueue::TEvStatus TabletId: 72075186224037892 Cookie: 1 2025-03-11T11:49:54.905799Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] Topic PartitionStatus PartitionSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 ReserveSize: 0 PartitionConfig{ LifetimeSeconds: 86400 LowWatermark: 8388608 SourceIdLifetimeSeconds: 86400 WriteSpeedInBytesPerSecond: 20000000 BurstSize: 20000000 TotalPartitions: 1 SourceIdMaxCounts: 6000000 } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.910798Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] Send TEvPeriodicTopicStats PathId: 13 Generation: 1 StatsReportRound: 1 DataSize: 0 UsedReserveSize: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:54.911375Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] ProcessPendingStats. PendingUpdates size 1 Test retry state: get retry delay 2025-03-11T11:49:56.658060Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [] [] Retry to update federation state in 2.000000s === Waiting for repair >>> Ready to answer: ok === Closing the session 2025-03-11T11:49:58.670919Z :INFO: [/Root] [] [] Start federated write session to database 'dc2' (previous was ) FederationState: { Status: SUCCESS SelfLocation: "fancy_datacenter" DbInfos: [ { name: "dc1" path: "/Root" id: "account-dc1" endpoint: "localhost:12379" location: "dc1" status: AVAILABLE weight: 1000 } { name: "dc2" path: "/Root" id: "account-dc2" endpoint: "localhost:12379" location: "dc2" status: AVAILABLE weight: 500 } { name: "dc3" path: "/Root" id: "account-dc3" endpoint: "localhost:12379" location: "dc3" status: AVAILABLE weight: 500 } ] } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.701054Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: try to update token 2025-03-11T11:49:58.702020Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Start write session. Will connect to nodeId: 0 2025-03-11T11:49:58.706752Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: close. Timeout 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:49:58.706819Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:49:58.706891Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:49:58.707085Z :INFO: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:49:58.707169Z :DEBUG: [/Root] TraceId [] SessionId [] MessageGroupId [src_id] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:49:59.283763Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [3:7480517909761348519:2836] TxId: 281474976715739. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gmj5ke2f5fk9gtxa4wy65, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NzZkNTRkYzUtZjAwYzJhMTItMTUzODUzZGUtMzNkYzViNjA=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. UNAVAILABLE: Failed to send EvStartKqpTasksRequest because node is unavailable: 4 2025-03-11T11:49:59.284595Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [3:7480517909761348530:2849], TxId: 281474976715739, task: 2. Ctx: { CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NzZkNTRkYzUtZjAwYzJhMTItMTUzODUzZGUtMzNkYzViNjA=. TraceId : 01jp2gmj5ke2f5fk9gtxa4wy65. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [3:7480517909761348519:2836], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.284961Z node 3 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [3:7480517909761348531:2850], TxId: 281474976715739, task: 4. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gmj5ke2f5fk9gtxa4wy65. CustomerSuppliedId : . SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=NzZkNTRkYzUtZjAwYzJhMTItMTUzODUzZGUtMzNkYzViNjA=. CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. Handle abort execution event from: [3:7480517909761348519:2836], status: UNAVAILABLE, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.675849Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: [ShardsResolver] TxId: 281474976715740. Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:49:59.676019Z node 3 :KQP_EXECUTER WARN: ActorId: [3:7480517909761348539:2851] TxId: 281474976715740. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gmk1hb9g6t4w6y1k7wwq2, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MTkzMDU3OGEtYjQzN2I5ZDQtZTQ3MTdjZjMtZDBiZmJmN2U=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. Shards nodes resolve failed, status: UNAVAILABLE, issues:
: Error: Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries. 2025-03-11T11:49:59.676318Z node 3 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=3&id=MTkzMDU3OGEtYjQzN2I5ZDQtZTQ3MTdjZjMtZDBiZmJmN2U=, ActorId: [3:7480517909761348536:2851], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmk1hb9g6t4w6y1k7wwq2, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:59.678079Z node 3 :PQ_METACACHE ERROR: Got error trying to perform request: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Failed to resolve tablet: 72075186224037890 after several retries." severity: 1 } TxMeta { id: "01jp2gmk1hb9g6t4w6y3ccgwgf" } } YdbStatus: UNAVAILABLE ConsumedRu: 1 } >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestUnauthorizedPutRecords [GOOD] >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestPurgeQueue ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKey [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 27527, MsgBus: 62292 2025-03-11T11:49:53.255265Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517881315663635:2272];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:53.255416Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b7a/r3tmp/tmpL9geHW/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:53.742281Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:53.747925Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:53.748036Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:53.794052Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 27527, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:53.850632Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:53.850657Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:53.850671Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:53.850786Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62292 TClient is connected to server localhost:62292 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:54.535754Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:54.554827Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:56.839434Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517894200565972:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.839563Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.137707Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:57.270392Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517898495533372:2340], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.270482Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.270889Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517898495533377:2343], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.276039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:57.291681Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:57.294675Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517898495533379:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.355639Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517898495533432:2400] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.271011Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517881315663635:2272];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.271118Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.920330Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517902790500927:2399], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
:3:25: Error: Invalid value "invalid-uuid" for type Uuid 2025-03-11T11:49:58.920667Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjZhYjZhNTYtZTE0NDJiYjEtNWFkMGI3N2MtZDViMzE0ZmI=, ActorId: [1:7480517894200565945:2328], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmjfz8w5ty557j5b8wzhq, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: |83.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/library/query_actor/ut/ydb-library-query_actor-ut >> KqpPg::SelectIndex+useSink [GOOD] >> KqpPg::SelectIndex-useSink >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::SchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTestCreateCleanManyTables [GOOD] >> TSchemeshardBackgroundCleaningTest::CreateTableInTemp |83.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/library/query_actor/ut/ydb-library-query_actor-ut |83.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/library/query_actor/ut/ydb-library-query_actor-ut |83.4%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/blobstorage/storagepoolmon/ut/unittest >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::ListShardsExclusiveStartShardId ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::FromBytes [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 4925, MsgBus: 16030 2025-03-11T11:49:47.603964Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517856146209490:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.604158Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b92/r3tmp/tmpS17DfM/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:48.381528Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:48.381644Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:48.385668Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 4925, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:48.451482Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:48.470464Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:48.470500Z node 1 :GRPC_SERVER WARN: SchemeBoardDelete /Root Strong=0 2025-03-11T11:49:48.549187Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.549217Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.549232Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:48.549415Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16030 TClient is connected to server localhost:16030 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:49.186561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.204917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:49.216384Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.389786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.582360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:49.709921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:51.896516Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517873326080446:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:51.896616Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.261496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.295611Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.331709Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.376824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.449352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.499331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.588517Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517877621048257:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.588617Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.588803Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517877621048262:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.592672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.603959Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517856146209490:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:52.604080Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:52.609167Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517877621048264:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.697287Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517877621048320:3453] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 22164, MsgBus: 20521 2025-03-11T11:49:54.946872Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517885292366177:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:54.946937Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b92/r3tmp/tmpzbUhML/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:55.048261Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:55.083604Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:55.083701Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:55.087048Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 22164, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:55.147969Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:55.147996Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:55.148005Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:55.148133Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20521 TClient is connected to server localhost:20521 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.684658Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.712255Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.811112Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:56.089471Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:56.166029Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:58.682145Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517902472237133:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.682255Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.781086Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.839271Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.885373Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.926182Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.985053Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:59.077068Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:59.200692Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517906767204951:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.200768Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.201171Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517906767204956:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.205070Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:59.242121Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517906767204958:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.314202Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517906767205013:3449] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.946107Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517885292366177:2065];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:59.946174Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestUntagQueue >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestGetRecordsCbor [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestWrongStream ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/pg/unittest >> KqpPg::DeleteWithQueryService-useSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16471, MsgBus: 23518 2025-03-11T11:47:44.555829Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517326788520977:2262];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:44.556093Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c69/r3tmp/tmpP8Bdqf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:45.042728Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:45.067211Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:45.067326Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:45.069327Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16471, node 1 2025-03-11T11:47:45.197940Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.197960Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.197968Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:45.198096Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:23518 TClient is connected to server localhost:23518 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:46.054426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:46.075702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:48.424745Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517343968390626:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.424880Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.470672Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:48.618365Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517343968390765:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.618467Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.618939Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517343968390770:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.623633Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:48.637969Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517343968390772:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:48.725805Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517343968390824:2421] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 1 1 1 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30702, MsgBus: 2638 2025-03-11T11:47:50.183672Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517356034458282:2062];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:50.183733Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c69/r3tmp/tmppFVBvw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:50.319355Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:47:50.349852Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:47:50.349976Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:47:50.354899Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30702, node 2 2025-03-11T11:47:50.422434Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.422460Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.422468Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:47:50.422591Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:2638 TClient is connected to server localhost:2638 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:47:50.881494Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:47:50.887626Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:53.595263Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517368919360823:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.595329Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.648924Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:53.713192Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517368919360956:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.713266Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.713469Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517368919360961:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.718268Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:47:53.730552Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517368919360963:2345], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:47:53.829746Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517368919361014:2412] txid# 281474976715660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 1 1 1 Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9041, MsgBus: 26746 2025-03-11T11:47:55.412430Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[3:7480517374933273068:2141];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:47:55.413285Z node 3 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c69/r3tmp/tmpjTL0bP/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:47:55.552837Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profile ... -11T11:49:20.620421Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[11:7480517739489816644:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:20.620526Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c69/r3tmp/tmpkJ2Ucf/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:20.835722Z node 11 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:20.872614Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:20.872759Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:20.878639Z node 11 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(11, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8834, node 11 2025-03-11T11:49:20.969700Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:20.969744Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:20.969759Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:20.970013Z node 11 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:17068 TClient is connected to server localhost:17068 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:22.207943Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:22.216006Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:25.620846Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[11:7480517739489816644:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:25.620975Z node 11 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:26.764965Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517765259621090:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.765105Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.790672Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:26.957508Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517765259621194:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.957629Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.958086Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [11:7480517765259621199:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:26.963353Z node 11 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:26.980457Z node 11 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [11:7480517765259621201:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:27.055640Z node 11 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [11:7480517769554588549:2403] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 16476, MsgBus: 8216 2025-03-11T11:49:28.887408Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[12:7480517775512430453:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:28.887514Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/000c69/r3tmp/tmpx59ssg/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:29.099248Z node 12 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:29.118215Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:29.118379Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:29.123540Z node 12 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(12, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 16476, node 12 2025-03-11T11:49:29.222746Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.222785Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.222802Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:29.223023Z node 12 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:8216 TClient is connected to server localhost:8216 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:30.284036Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:33.887567Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[12:7480517775512430453:2060];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:33.887687Z node 12 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:35.487119Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [12:7480517805577202198:2335], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.495643Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.501358Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:35.619363Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [12:7480517805577202303:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.619493Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.619893Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [12:7480517805577202309:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.626746Z node 12 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710659:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:35.653044Z node 12 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [12:7480517805577202311:2350], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710659 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:35.744645Z node 12 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [12:7480517805577202362:2403] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } |83.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/ut/ydb-core-tx-long_tx_service-ut >> KqpYql::ColumnNameConflict >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyDisabled [GOOD] |83.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/ut/ydb-core-tx-long_tx_service-ut |83.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/long_tx_service/ut/ydb-core-tx-long_tx_service-ut >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptScan >> KqpYql::EvaluateFor [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecords1MBMessagesOneByOneByTS [GOOD] >> DataStreams::TestGetRecordsStreamWithMultipleShards >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::GoodRequestGetRecordsLongStreamName >> KqpScripting::QueryStats >> TestYmqHttpProxy::BillingRecordsForJsonApi [GOOD] >> KqpYql::EvaluateExpr2 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::UuidPrimaryKeyDisabled [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 17834, MsgBus: 16322 2025-03-11T11:49:58.243350Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517904470178493:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.243886Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b5b/r3tmp/tmp6JRYLt/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:58.748611Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:58.748683Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:58.752325Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:58.771988Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 17834, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:58.931579Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.931605Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.931610Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.931702Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:16322 TClient is connected to server localhost:16322 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:59.890331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.912442Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.179048Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517921650048190:2331], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.179169Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.643925Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517921650048213:2309] txid# 281474976710658, issues: { message: "Uuid as primary key is forbiden by configuration: key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.678192Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517921650048221:2337], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.678257Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.706449Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517921650048228:2317] txid# 281474976710659, issues: { message: "Uuid as primary key is forbiden by configuration: key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.741096Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517921650048236:2342], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.741192Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.774079Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517921650048243:2325] txid# 281474976710660, issues: { message: "Uuid as primary key is forbiden by configuration: val" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.794199Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517921650048251:2347], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.794292Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.816821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.994280Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517921650048340:2356], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.994354Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.229757Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517904470178493:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; |83.4%| [LD] {default-linux-x86_64, release, asan} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_init/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_init |83.4%| [LD] {RESULT} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_init/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_init |83.4%| [LD] {BAZEL_UPLOAD, SKIPPED} $(B)/ydb/core/tx/datashard/ut_init/ydb-core-tx-datashard-ut_init >> KqpYql::UpdateBadType >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueries [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptSeveralQueriesComplex >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestChangeMessageVisibility >> KqpYql::NonStrictDml [GOOD] >> KqpYql::JsonNumberPrecision ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::EvaluateFor [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30414, MsgBus: 32201 2025-03-11T11:49:50.607560Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517870946030131:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:50.624374Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b88/r3tmp/tmpURBiXh/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:51.139809Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:51.144485Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:51.144601Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:51.146959Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30414, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:51.263256Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.263293Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.263301Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.266077Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32201 TClient is connected to server localhost:32201 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:51.920474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:51.970943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:51.986843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.159110Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.357567Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.466369Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:54.331674Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517888125900929:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.331832Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.726892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.778185Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.858262Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.931579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.971744Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.007521Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.058182Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517892420868743:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.058304Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.058732Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517892420868748:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.063825Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.076309Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517892420868750:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.155813Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517892420868804:3449] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.602221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517870946030131:2207];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:55.602338Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 12847, MsgBus: 11348 2025-03-11T11:49:57.562206Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517899368815465:2215];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b88/r3tmp/tmphSXldl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:57.602238Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2025-03-11T11:49:57.683438Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:57.700858Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:57.700949Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:57.702879Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 12847, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:57.802545Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:57.802571Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:57.802578Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:57.802737Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:11348 TClient is connected to server localhost:11348 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:58.329044Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:58.345009Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.363710Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:58.477774Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:58.718514Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.857990Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.456696Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517916548686235:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:01.456811Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:01.511576Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.575608Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.621036Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.675107Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.738194Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.840217Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.920905Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517916548686753:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:01.920995Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:01.921213Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517916548686758:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:01.926518Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:01.963528Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517916548686760:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.064732Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517920843654114:3450] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.546284Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517899368815465:2215];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:02.546369Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> KqpYql::BinaryJsonOffsetBound >> KqpYql::TableUseBeforeCreate [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptScanWriteCancelAfterBruteForced >> KqpYql::EvaluateExprPgNull [GOOD] >> KqpYql::EvaluateExprYsonAndType >> KqpYql::TableRange [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestListStreamConsumersWithToken [GOOD] >> KqpYql::ScriptUdf [GOOD] >> KqpYql::SelectNoAsciiValue >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptLeadingEmptyScan [GOOD] >> BasicUsage::SimpleHandlers [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::ScanQueryDisable [GOOD] >> KqpPragma::Warning [GOOD] >> KqpYql::InsertCV-useSink [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptData [GOOD] >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptEmptyResults >> KqpScripting::UnsafeTimestampCast >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::CreateDeleteStreamWithConsumerWithFlag [GOOD] >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::TestCounters ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::TableUseBeforeCreate [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8733, MsgBus: 5808 2025-03-11T11:49:58.209969Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517904644476278:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.210034Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b5c/r3tmp/tmpBVSMkk/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:58.922828Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:58.922973Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:58.923346Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:58.938247Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8733, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:59.211412Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.211435Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.211442Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.211569Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:5808 TClient is connected to server localhost:5808 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:50:00.193556Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.223389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:00.234599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.407225Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.712346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.892845Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:03.188625Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517926119314555:2408], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.188769Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.212457Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517904644476278:2059];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.226251Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.647129Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.694430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.737429Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.780385Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.873497Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.925113Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.039408Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517930414282375:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.039486Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.039910Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517930414282380:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.044156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.062248Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517930414282382:2463], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.159545Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517930414282439:3457] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 }
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:13: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:13: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/NewTable]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptPg [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::TableRange [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 5081, MsgBus: 18317 2025-03-11T11:49:59.199322Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517910055969970:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:59.594716Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b4c/r3tmp/tmp0d9JF5/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:59.902534Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:59.902633Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:59.916416Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:59.936476Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 5081, node 1 2025-03-11T11:50:00.050374Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:00.050408Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:00.050414Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:00.050520Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:18317 TClient is connected to server localhost:18317 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:50:00.912504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.936992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:00.953104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.153091Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.385600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.462325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.476207Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517927235840763:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.476332Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.825771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.863439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.905253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.992123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.050165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.124833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.182912Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517910055969970:2204];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:04.183000Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:04.192447Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517931530808579:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.192532Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.192877Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517931530808584:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.198075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.210599Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517931530808586:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.283389Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517931530808640:3444] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 }
: Error: Table intent determination, code: 1040
:3:27: Error: RANGE is not supported on Kikimr clusters. ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptLeadingEmptyScan [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 30052, MsgBus: 28776 2025-03-11T11:49:48.796069Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517860603294119:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:48.796270Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b8a/r3tmp/tmpx6z7sw/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:49.223230Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:49.240975Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:49.241067Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:49.243389Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 30052, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:49.406110Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:49.406132Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:49.406145Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:49.406310Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:28776 TClient is connected to server localhost:28776 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:50.086165Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:50.109089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:50.124487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:50.380929Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:50.689271Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:50.804044Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.862357Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517877783165084:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:52.862710Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.200888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.248105Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.287901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.362014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.398561Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.440539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.498364Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517882078132892:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.498438Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.498581Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517882078132897:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.502778Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:53.521493Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517882078132899:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.598035Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517882078132953:3451] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:53.794017Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517860603294119:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:53.794090Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:55.646260Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693795639, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:56.105783Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693796115, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:56.950359Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693796962, txId: 281474976710677] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 7528, MsgBus: 22786 2025-03-11T11:49:58.226575Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517906110288911:2137];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.230193Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b8a/r3tmp/tmpKrn3PV/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:58.427466Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:58.430918Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:58.431014Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:58.436086Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 7528, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:58.602118Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.602142Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.602151Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.602274Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22786 TClient is connected to server localhost:22786 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:59.457518Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.485130Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.583643Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.867854Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.003556Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.695134Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517923290159788:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.695216Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.743890Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.786646Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.828504Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.896373Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.945775Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.997231Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.098017Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517927585127593:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.098132Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.099855Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517927585127598:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.104338Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.131777Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517927585127600:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.203880Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517927585127656:3442] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.245368Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517906110288911:2137];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.245625Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:05.151484Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693805166, txId: 281474976715671] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:50:05.835669Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693805859, txId: 281474976715673] shutting down >> TestKinesisHttpProxy::BadRequestUnknownMethod ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::ScanQueryDisable [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20840, MsgBus: 22389 2025-03-11T11:49:50.602221Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517871054750829:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:50.602670Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b86/r3tmp/tmp6pn1zl/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:51.078911Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:51.097156Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:51.097273Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:51.103137Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20840, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:51.314453Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.314474Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.314481Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:51.314582Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:22389 TClient is connected to server localhost:22389 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:51.970834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:51.995001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.105720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.303368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.373409Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:54.166186Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517888234621654:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.166339Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.527546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.564683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.607426Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.683066Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.726966Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.797949Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.883735Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517888234622176:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.883798Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.883925Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517888234622181:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:54.887654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:54.899158Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517888234622183:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.003644Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517888234622239:3455] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.586356Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517871054750829:2196];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:55.586513Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:57.129997Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693797137, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8348, MsgBus: 32110 2025-03-11T11:49:58.243093Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517905453973064:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.243210Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b86/r3tmp/tmp0RxW31/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:58.429746Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:58.433792Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:58.433994Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:58.437460Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8348, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:58.661031Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.661064Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.661074Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:58.661197Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:32110 TClient is connected to server localhost:32110 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:59.655004Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.664727Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:59.718932Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.823691Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:59.987523Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.089555Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.601719Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517922633843991:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.601815Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:02.646207Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.732416Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.777229Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.818023Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.865130Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.951084Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.023965Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517926928811807:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.024110Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.024866Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517926928811812:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.030751Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.057185Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517926928811814:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.113390Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517926928811870:3449] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.258070Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517905453973064:2072];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.258250Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:05.593090Z node 2 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693805600, txId: 281474976715671] shutting down >> KqpPragma::OrderedColumns ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/public/sdk/cpp/src/client/federated_topic/ut/unittest >> BasicUsage::SimpleHandlers [GOOD] Test command err: 2025-03-11T11:48:53.734005Z :WaitEventBlocksBeforeDiscovery INFO: Random seed for debugging is 1741693733733956 test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d38/r3tmp/tmpynUmus/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:48:55.244985Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:55.283463Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: : Created 2025-03-11T11:48:55.365942Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.426051Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=incorrect path status: LookupError; 2025-03-11T11:48:55.983800Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:48:56.091983Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.092085Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.106761Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.106840Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:48:56.122326Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:48:56.122543Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2025-03-11T11:48:56.133973Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8306, node 1 2025-03-11T11:48:56.514880Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d38/r3tmp/yandexcGrP7H.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:56.514914Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d38/r3tmp/yandexcGrP7H.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:56.515079Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001d38/r3tmp/yandexcGrP7H.tmp 2025-03-11T11:48:56.515210Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2025-03-11T11:48:56.656798Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 15499 GrpcPort 8306 TClient is connected to server localhost:15499 PQClient connected to localhost:8306 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:48:57.550488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:02.466708Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517663898925308:2341], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.467026Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662597969355:2312], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.466852Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.467125Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.466956Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517663898925321:2344], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.467573Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662597969380:2315], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.478263Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710661:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:02.508119Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517663898925375:2349], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.508194Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.531637Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517662597969385:2127] txid# 281474976715657, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exists but creating right now (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateCreate)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.569236Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517662597969384:2316], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.568726Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517663898925339:2346], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710661 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.637047Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517663898925421:2697] txid# 281474976710662, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:02.651020Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517662597969414:2134] txid# 281474976715658, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.159551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.167051Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517663898925432:2352], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:03.168905Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzYyZDkyODYtYmE1Y2RmMGQtOThhZmY2ZGMtMjVhNjRjM2Q=, ActorId: [1:7480517663898925304:2339], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjvb083qs9063s4zp7q71, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:03.177747Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7480517662597969421:2321], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2025-03-11T11:49:03.179293Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NDgyZTA5ZGMtNmYzYTNjOTktNmRkNDVhOGYtNTk5NmE0YmU=, ActorId: [2:7480517662597969353:2311], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gjv9a7vhj2m9dn3x9ckqm, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2025-03-11T11:49:03.186556Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.187029Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:03.406785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:03.622783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost:8306", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, false, 1000); 2025-03-11T11:49:04.257767Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER E ... 073709.551615s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.238112Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.238174Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1339 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.238853Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Closing read session. Close timeout: 18446744073709.551615s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.238889Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.238925Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1319 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242059Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Closing read session. Close timeout: 18446744073709.551615s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242120Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:1:299:0 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242163Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1310 BytesRead: 4936800 MessagesRead: 300 BytesReadCompressed: 4936800 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242505Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0] Write session: close. Timeout = 0 ms 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242558Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0] Write session will now close 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242602Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0] Write session: aborting 2025-03-11T11:50:04.241050Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 2 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_2_16596795994254449301_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.241095Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_2_16596795994254449301_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.241135Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_2_16596795994254449301_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.241168Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 2 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_2_16596795994254449301_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242180Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17614766474018918482_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242192Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17614766474018918482_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242213Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17614766474018918482_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.242231Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 1 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_1_17614766474018918482_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:50:04.244800Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: session cookie 3 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 grpc read done: success# 0, data# { } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.244826Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.244846Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.244883Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY INFO: session cookie 3 consumer shared/user session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243178Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721883:2538] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243222Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721883:2538] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_2_16596795994254449301_v1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243285Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] consumer user rebalancing was scheduled 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243326Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721881:2537] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243342Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721881:2537] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_1_17614766474018918482_v1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243384Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] consumer user balancing. Sessions=1, Families=1, UnradableFamilies=0 [], RequireBalancing=0 [] 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243417Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] consumer user start rebalancing. familyCount=1, sessionCount=1, desiredFamilyCount=1, allowPlusOne=0 2025-03-11T11:50:04.243445Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER DEBUG: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] consumer user balancing duration: 0.000038s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246373Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER INFO: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721878:2539] disconnected; active server actors: 1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246409Z node 4 :PERSQUEUE_READ_BALANCER NOTICE: [72075186224037893][rt3.dc1--test-topic] pipe [3:7480517922106721878:2539] client user disconnected session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246561Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] Destroy direct read session shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246602Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517922106721891:2549] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246657Z node 3 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache: server session deregistered: shared/user_3_3_5037253245397022424_v1 2025-03-11T11:50:04.246964Z :INFO: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0] Write session: gracefully shut down, all writes complete 2025-03-11T11:50:04.247018Z :DEBUG: [/Root] MessageGroupId [src_id] SessionId [src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0] Write session: destroy 2025-03-11T11:50:04.252961Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0 grpc read done: success: 0 data: 2025-03-11T11:50:04.252991Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0 grpc read failed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.253024Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0 grpc closed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.253041Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY INFO: session v1 cookie: 2 sessionId: src_id|51f3d713-e3599c82-2ffbe4b5-4ab237b2_0 is DEAD 2025-03-11T11:50:04.253822Z node 3 :PQ_WRITE_PROXY DEBUG: TPartitionWriter 72075186224037892 (partition=0) Received event: NActors::TEvents::TEvPoison 2025-03-11T11:50:04.254852Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892] server disconnected, pipe [3:7480517926401689227:2542] destroyed 2025-03-11T11:50:04.254910Z node 3 :PERSQUEUE DEBUG: [PQ: 72075186224037892, Partition: 0, State: StateIdle] TPartition::DropOwner. 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269460Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269557Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269613Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1371 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269663Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269689Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269718Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1349 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269742Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269780Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:1:299:0 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269811Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1338 BytesRead: 4936800 MessagesRead: 300 BytesReadCompressed: 4936800 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269842Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269875Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): -:test-topic:0:1:299:0 2025-03-11T11:50:04.269940Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1338 BytesRead: 4936800 MessagesRead: 300 BytesReadCompressed: 4936800 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.270041Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [e1c7f04d-534dea4f-545babda-566899d6] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271092Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271125Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271156Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1351 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271211Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [19d0265b-8a22b525-89e89c9f-e9c579d2] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271671Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Closing read session. Close timeout: 0.000000s 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271704Z :INFO: [/Root] Read/commit by partition streams (cluster:topic:partition:stream-id:read-offset:committed-offset): 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271736Z :INFO: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Counters: { Errors: 0 CurrentSessionLifetimeMs: 1373 BytesRead: 0 MessagesRead: 0 BytesReadCompressed: 0 BytesInflightUncompressed: 0 BytesInflightCompressed: 0 BytesInflightTotal: 0 MessagesInflight: 0 } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271784Z :NOTICE: [/Root] [/Root] [9d8b65f1-e52da9cf-c9de8d27-6e2ccad7] Aborting read session. Description: SessionClosed { Status: ABORTED Issues: "
: Error: Aborted " } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.650319Z node 3 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:50:05.650349Z node 3 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpYql::InsertCV-useSink [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 3451, MsgBus: 6681 2025-03-11T11:49:54.100522Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517888254190691:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:54.100708Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b6b/r3tmp/tmpPaLxRJ/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:54.605217Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:54.605310Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:54.611371Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2025-03-11T11:49:54.616770Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 3451, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:54.750393Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:54.750419Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:54.750426Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:54.750555Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:6681 TClient is connected to server localhost:6681 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:55.516746Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.539257Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.563884Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.740212Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:56.006127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:56.127592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:57.913659Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517901139094331:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:57.913814Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.356901Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.392456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.439360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.499508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.539342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.598802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.664362Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517905434062145:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.664445Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.664656Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517905434062150:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.668595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:58.686825Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517905434062152:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:58.749737Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517905434062205:3449] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:59.098068Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517888254190691:2064];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:59.098144Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:00.143592Z node 1 :GLOBAL WARN: fline=events.h:101;event=ev_write_error;status=STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION;details=Operation is aborting because an duplicate key;tx_id=3; 2025-03-11T11:50:00.143757Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Prepare transaction failed. txid 3 at tablet 72075186224037914 errors: Status: STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Issues: { message: "Operation is aborting because an duplicate key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:00.143897Z node 1 :TX_DATASHARD ERROR: Errors while proposing transaction txid 3 at tablet 72075186224037914 Status: STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Issues: { message: "Operation is aborting because an duplicate key" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:00.144064Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517914023997148:2503], Table: `/Root/Test` ([72057594046644480:9:1]), SessionActorId: [1:7480517914023997109:2503]Got CONSTRAINT VIOLATION for table. ShardID=72075186224037914, Sink=[1:7480517914023997148:2503].{
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key } 2025-03-11T11:50:00.153828Z node 1 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [1:7480517914023997141:2503], SessionActorId: [1:7480517914023997109:2503], statusCode=PRECONDITION_FAILED. Issue=
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key . sessionActorId=[1:7480517914023997109:2503]. isRollback=0 2025-03-11T11:50:00.154126Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODVjMDk4MDItNjRjZWEyYTgtOTZlMmMxMjctOGIzY2VhMzE=, ActorId: [1:7480517914023997109:2503], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmkkb770g3694fn3504wz, got TEvKqpBuffer::TEvError in ExecuteState, status: PRECONDITION_FAILED send to: [1:7480517914023997142:2503] from: [1:7480517914023997141:2503] 2025-03-11T11:50:00.154197Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: ActorId: [1:7480517914023997142:2503] TxId: 281474976710671. Ctx: { TraceId: 01jp2gmkkb770g3694fn3504wz, Database: /Root, DatabaseId: /Root, SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODVjMDk4MDItNjRjZWEyYTgtOTZlMmMxMjctOGIzY2VhMzE=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: default}. PRECONDITION_FAILED: {
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012 subissue: {
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key } } 2025-03-11T11:50:00.155048Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODVjMDk4MDItNjRjZWEyYTgtOTZlMmMxMjctOGIzY2VhMzE=, ActorId: [1:7480517914023997109:2503], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmkkb770g3694fn3504wz, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
: Error: Constraint violated. Table: `/Root/Test`., code: 2012
: Error: Operation is aborting because an duplicate key Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 9871, MsgBus: 63750 2025-03-11T11:50:01.117485Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517916529623027:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:01.117639Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b6b/r3tmp/tmpxFqz0C/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:50:01.329831Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:50:01.343861Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:50:01.343947Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:50:01.345264Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 9871, node 2 2025-03-11T11:50:01.433920Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.433949Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.433957Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.434076Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:63750 TClient is connected to server localhost:63750 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:50:01.995554Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.011686Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:02.025002Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.111054Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.282020Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.402380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:04.711224Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517929414526537:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.711338Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.822632Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.920674Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.970317Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.052283Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.087725Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.168938Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.214994Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517933709494354:2456], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.215098Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.215314Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517933709494359:2459], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.219542Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.230663Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517933709494361:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.296942Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517933709494416:3442] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:06.118689Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517916529623027:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:06.138891Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:06.654822Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480517938004462034:2503], TxId: 281474976710672, task: 1. Ctx: { TraceId : 01jp2gmss48cac48eb5shrrxgp. SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzNjZGNmNjItOGQwYzA3MGMtZWEyNWMyZjktNTJmNWU1YmY=. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. PoolId : default. Database : /Root. }. InternalError: PRECONDITION_FAILED KIKIMR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: {
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 }. 2025-03-11T11:50:06.655345Z node 2 :KQP_COMPUTE ERROR: SelfId: [2:7480517938004462036:2504], TxId: 281474976710672, task: 2. Ctx: { SessionId : ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzNjZGNmNjItOGQwYzA3MGMtZWEyNWMyZjktNTJmNWU1YmY=. TraceId : 01jp2gmss48cac48eb5shrrxgp. CustomerSuppliedId : . CurrentExecutionId : . DatabaseId : /Root. Database : /Root. PoolId : default. }. Handle abort execution event from: [2:7480517938004462031:2494], status: PRECONDITION_FAILED, reason: {
: Error: Terminate execution } 2025-03-11T11:50:06.655751Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzNjZGNmNjItOGQwYzA3MGMtZWEyNWMyZjktNTJmNWU1YmY=, ActorId: [2:7480517938004461985:2494], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmss48cac48eb5shrrxgp, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
: Error: Conflict with existing key., code: 2012 ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpPragma::Warning [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20225, MsgBus: 31446 2025-03-11T11:49:51.629197Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517872241260082:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:51.629244Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b7c/r3tmp/tmp68jy1m/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:52.175965Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:52.198577Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:52.198687Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:52.200084Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20225, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:52.295839Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.295864Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.295878Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:52.296014Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:31446 TClient is connected to server localhost:31446 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:52.968939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:52.985582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:52.992809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.210118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.412590Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:53.482347Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:55.214918Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517889421131057:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.215044Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.555947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.594367Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.633070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.677823Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.725428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.806585Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.941401Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517889421131576:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.941465Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517889421131581:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.941475Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:55.946068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.959507Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710668, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:55.959782Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517889421131583:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.020525Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517893716098934:3456] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:56.630004Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517872241260082:2061];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:56.630282Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:57.799614Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7480517898011066591:2503], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:2:13: Error: At function: RemovePrefixMembers, At function: PersistableRepr, At function: SqlProject
:2:50: Error: At function: AssumeColumnOrderPartial
:2:20: Error: At function: Aggregate /lib/yql/aggregate.yqls:648:18: Error: At function: AggregationTraits /lib/yql/aggregate.yqls:60:31: Error: At function: AggrCountInit
:2:20: Error: At function: PersistableRepr
:2:26: Error: At function: Member
:2:26: Error: Member not found: _yql_partition_id 2025-03-11T11:49:57.801600Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODBhNDllN2YtNDQ1NzNjYzMtZTllNmQ1N2UtYjY4ZTIxMTU=, ActorId: [1:7480517898011066486:2489], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmhc7ce4hxgr0em5hdg3r, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 20421, MsgBus: 20230 2025-03-11T11:49:58.783647Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517902513203129:2198];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:58.784185Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b7c/r3tmp/tmpM3ezu0/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:59.076857Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:59.106024Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:59.106133Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:59.111839Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 20421, node 2 2025-03-11T11:49:59.315674Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.315697Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.315713Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:59.315853Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:20230 TClient is connected to server localhost:20230 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:50:00.191622Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.213092Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976710657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:00.241344Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.349761Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.623735Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:00.806165Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:03.539146Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517923988041235:2407], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.539249Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:03.699810Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.763166Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517902513203129:2198];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.763229Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:50:03.778991Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.831875Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:03.917103Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.043908Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.176374Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271602Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517928283009055:2458], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271696Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.271972Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517928283009060:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.276451Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.291354Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517928283009062:2462], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.364539Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517928283009118:3454] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestDeleteMessage [GOOD] ------- [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/kqp/ut/yql/unittest >> KqpScripting::StreamExecuteYqlScriptPg [GOOD] Test command err: Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 26760, MsgBus: 27832 2025-03-11T11:49:42.727918Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7480517837248000859:2258];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:42.727964Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b9d/r3tmp/tmphVrfRR/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:49:43.254835Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:43.260250Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:49:43.260353Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:49:43.262476Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 26760, node 1 2025-03-11T11:49:43.430730Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:43.430756Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:43.430772Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:49:43.430919Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:27832 TClient is connected to server localhost:27832 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:49:44.229608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976710657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:44.280743Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:44.484755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:44.690242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:44.823291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:49:46.699190Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517854427871625:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:46.699540Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.002923Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.049097Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.123926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.185786Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.231652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.273353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976710667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.339327Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517858722839438:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.339419Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.339642Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [1:7480517858722839443:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.343551Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976710668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:49:47.356762Z node 1 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [1:7480517858722839445:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976710668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.431294Z node 1 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [1:7480517858722839498:3450] txid# 281474976710669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:49:47.726242Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7480517837248000859:2258];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:49:47.726412Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2025-03-11T11:49:48.683604Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDRjNjEyNi0xOTE2NDUzZi1mOGFmNTg0ZC1iZDEzNWU2Mg==, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807056:2489], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8e748tce8rgn71db71a, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.686197Z node 1 :KQP_PROXY ERROR: Unknown sender for proxy response, requestId: 5 2025-03-11T11:49:48.699514Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTcxMjY2NTktZWIxNjIyZDAtZTBmYzBiNWEtNzM4MTBmMDk=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807070:2495], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8ge0adge69syv4d8tpq, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.728625Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGY2M2MzMDctMmI4MTUwMDAtMThjYzBhYTAtMmRiMzNjMDY=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807079:2499], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8h79q07qxahn0wzwj51, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.767518Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTcwODg2M2YtOGVhYTBlYWUtOGMwNzQ5MDgtMThlYTA5MmI=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807109:2504], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8je970y90mdp3ke7va4, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.837463Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDZmN2M0OTAtNTM3NjFmMDgtZDg3OTcxYzktNjRkNGZjZjg=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807118:2508], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8kb03wnqk8z0w3wyy4a, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.895986Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTNkZDUwYmYtNWIzNTkwODQtOTBjZDg3ODEtNzhkYzY4ZmU=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807139:2518], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8ngb77wcdrnnjh5kdry, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:48.963588Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWM1NWIzZGMtMzU1MDJiNzUtNWU3MTkzZjAtYjc1ZmZiMjY=, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807162:2524], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8qcaq5yawgp7rgttnaj, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:49.041782Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=M2FjN2IxZGEtODFhMjE2YjMtNDg2YWIyMmItZjNkMDRkOQ==, ActorId: [1:7480517863017807183:2530], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8sc0yvmf55mhs5w03k6, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:49.055888Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693789038, txId: 281474976710671] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:49.055895Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693789038, txId: 281474976710673] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:49.062248Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693789038, txId: 281474976710672] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:49.113036Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTMxMTJlYWYtZjgxNTA3NjgtZjY5ODhlOTItOGZhNjI5Njc=, ActorId: [1:7480517867312774726:2566], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8w205tntk492kwm22vj, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:49.195767Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTc3M2Q1YWMtZGI0OTU2MDAtYzQ1MjgzMDctM2E5OTg1MWQ=, ActorId: [1:7480517867312774748:2572], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gm8y35f814xk2jbw1gfp9, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:49.236531Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693789234, txId: 281474976710678] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:49.294914Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693789234, txId: 281474976710677] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:49.299836Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb: ... jYtZjdlZGJiNDItZjkyOTgxYWU=, ActorId: [1:7480517901672519250:3638], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmh4pc9dj8baa0ynds9zw, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:57.833977Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693797844, txId: 281474976710797] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:57.977637Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWZiZWRhY2ItNzFlNmFlNjctZjNkYjdlNWYtOTE3MzU0YzA=, ActorId: [1:7480517901672519320:3648], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmhccbc21w2y417t4k1dg, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:57.994394Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693798019, txId: 281474976710799] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:58.199897Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693798229, txId: 281474976710801] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:58.220971Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZThjMzExNjctN2Y0NzYwY2EtNTM5Mjg1MzEtY2MyMzEyMw==, ActorId: [1:7480517901672519508:3677], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmhk6etxm77e7krcbqy0v, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:58.246006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2025-03-11T11:49:58.246059Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:49:58.444727Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTQ1NDljMDAtNTMzMzk0MTItYTk1YWM3MWUtYWJjOGMxNzQ=, ActorId: [1:7480517905967486926:3695], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmhtm78c6rw9hz5shyz4t, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:58.553838Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693798502, txId: 281474976710803] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:58.722324Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MTc3ODQ1MS04YjcxODAzYi0zYWE2NDZkYS03ZWRkOTQzOA==, ActorId: [1:7480517905967487012:3713], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmj2jd5j5bv68gg2nxbz3, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:58.867238Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693798894, txId: 281474976710805] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:58.963186Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWEwNTgzNzMtNTRjZTQ1MDctYWY3MDYxYTItZDlmMGE5MmE=, ActorId: [1:7480517905967487055:3723], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmjaj0dhrbbnd9jfybxk7, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:59.044415Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693799048, txId: 281474976710807] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:59.200423Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzQ2ZGUwYzctMTU1Nzg2NjEtMzVlZjI3YmYtYTI1NjJlMg==, ActorId: [1:7480517905967487167:3743], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmjj0anfttr2vyw7fgaq3, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:59.383425Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693799335, txId: 281474976710809] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:59.437606Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzIyMzFmZTAtZjY1NWNlZjUtMWY3ZmNjZDQtNDNjOWE4MzU=, ActorId: [1:7480517910262454572:3761], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01jp2gmjsb03dzfqc7zn0092am, Create QueryResponse for error on request, msg: 2025-03-11T11:49:59.662283Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693799657, txId: 281474976710811] shutting down 2025-03-11T11:49:59.662283Z node 1 :KQP_RESOURCE_MANAGER WARN: KqpSnapshotManager: discarding snapshot; our snapshot: [step: 1741693799657, txId: 281474976710812] shutting down Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 8343, MsgBus: 26135 2025-03-11T11:50:01.025921Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7480517910753169363:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:01.027527Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/liii/001b9d/r3tmp/tmpiJxV3f/pdisk_1.dat 2025-03-11T11:50:01.236848Z node 2 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2025-03-11T11:50:01.249385Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2025-03-11T11:50:01.249451Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2025-03-11T11:50:01.251049Z node 2 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 8343, node 2 2025-03-11T11:50:01.314502Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.314533Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.314544Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2025-03-11T11:50:01.314675Z node 2 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:26135 TClient is connected to server localhost:26135 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } ChildrenExist: false } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 Pl... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2025-03-11T11:50:01.834721Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.863726Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:01.985860Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.217057Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... 2025-03-11T11:50:02.402380Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:04.954020Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517927933040178:2406], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:04.954110Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.044829Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.124127Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.162267Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.202870Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715665:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.243258Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715666:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.289274Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateTable, opId: 281474976715667:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.383588Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517932228007996:2457], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.383693Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [Service] Failed to fetch pool default, DatabaseId: /Root, status: NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.383926Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolFetcherActor] ActorId: [2:7480517932228008001:2460], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Failed to fetch pool info, NOT_FOUND, issues: {
: Error: Resource pool default not found or you don't have access permissions } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.387926Z node 2 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Operation part proposed ok, but propose itself is undo unsafe, suboperation type: ESchemeOpCreateResourcePool, opId: 281474976715668:3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2025-03-11T11:50:05.405868Z node 2 :KQP_WORKLOAD_SERVICE WARN: [WorkloadService] [TPoolCreatorActor] ActorId: [2:7480517932228008003:2461], DatabaseId: /Root, PoolId: default, Scheduled retry for error: {
: Error: Transaction 281474976715668 completed, doublechecking } 2025-03-11T11:50:05.480436Z node 2 :TX_PROXY ERROR: Actor# [2:7480517932228008058:3449] txid# 281474976715669, issues: { message: "Check failed: path: \'/Root/.metadata/workload_manager/pools/default\', error: path exist, request accepts it (id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 15], type: EPathTypeResourcePool, state: EPathStateNoChanges)" severity: 1 } 2025-03-11T11:50:06.025590Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7480517910753169363:2195];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2025-03-11T11:50:06.025666Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:69;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; >> TestYmqHttpProxy::TestDeleteQueue [GOOD] |83.5%| [TM] {asan, default-linux-x86_64, release} ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_index/unittest